FUNDAMENTALS OF LAND SURVEYING GRADES 9‐12 This semester course, geared toward the students with interests in engineering, construction, and/or mathematics, will introduce them to the technical and profitable career of the land surveyor. Students will learn basic land surveying principles, the use and care of instruments and tools, and finally how to use collected fieldwork to solve basic problems and/or generate maps. Emphasis will be placed on performing horizontal, vertical and angular measurement, setting up and running a basic traverse, and solving practical real‐world surveying problems such as laying out a baseball diamond, staking out a foundation, or transferring an elevation. This course is taught from a hands‐on, problem solving approach and is open to all students who have completed the prerequisite. Much of the fieldwork in this course will be collected by the student on school grounds.
Prerequisite: Algebra or Geometry Credit: 0.5
Waterford Public Schools Technology Education Curriculum