Now in its sixth year, residents and special guests from all over the City of Alexandria interacted with volunteers who’ve created hands on STEAM activities inspired by the spirit of the spooky season!
View the activity highlights on page 11!
Photo: Zohreh Khoshnamak
November is upon us another busy month and time of the year. We soon will be into the Fall 2022 holiday season beginning with Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. Even though the holiday season is fast approaching, our projects and contract work continue throughout the property and season. The following significant project and contract updates are provided for your information.
• Building 3 Balcony Restoration: Begin November; completion date October 2023
• Building 3 4 garage waffle ceiling repair and driveway concrete waterproof repair: Repairs on schedule with completion early November
• Building 2 Loading Dock and garage work: Repair completed last month
• Building 2 Expansion Joint Repairs: Expansion Joint hump lowering modification and two asphalt hump removal completed last month
• Gazebo Renovation: anticipate November completion
I’m pleased to announce that the Board of Directors appointed Stephen Allenbach to fill a Board vacancy. He has served Watergate as a member of the Budget Committee since 2015. Congratulations Steve, and welcome as a member of the Board! We look forward to the added talent you bring to the Board.
The Board also appointed Alex Davila as Board liaison to the Communications Committee. This committee plays an important role in identifying and recommending to the Board and Management more effective and efficient communication forums and strategies for Watergate. The Association seeks additional members to this important committee members willing to invest their time, energy and contributions as we look for ways to improve communications throughout the WAL community.
More than a century ago, at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, a temporary cessation of hostilities (armistice) was declared between the Allied nations and Germany. An armistice agreement signed in a railroad car outside Compiegne, France that morning ended the fighting of the First World War.
In the U.S., that day became known as “Armistice Day,” a day on which the veterans of World War I would be forever honored. In June 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower extended the recognition and honor of that day to all American veterans by approving legislation that changed
Armistice Day” to
Veterans Day.
As Veterans Day approaches, on behalf of the Association I want to thank the numerous owners and residents, management and staff of Watergate at Landmark who are veterans for their honorable and selfless service to our nation. My appreciation also extends to my veteran colleagues at Watergate, both past and present.
November is also the month in which we celebrate Thanksgiving. We have much for which to be thankful, most especially: the freedoms we often take for granted in these United States of America; and the rights we have such as Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!
Beyond that grand scale, there is much to appreciate within the world of Watergate: the noticeable improvements made to our beautiful grounds and facilities; our conscientious staff and employees; our General Manager who is committed to taking Watergate to the next level of excellence; our numerous unpaid volunteers who freely donate their time and energy; and our diverse population with various age groups and ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. My thanks go to all who have made Watergate such a desirable place to live a place that values its people and promotes strong community relationships.
Watergate’s lobbies, mail shelves and, at times, stairwells have been dumped on of late, literally and figuratively, by Amazon contract and regular delivery drivers. Many packages that used to be delivered to unit doors are now left piled up on the floor thus creating an unsightly and hazardous environment in our lobbies and mailroom area. The practice often leads to reports of pilfered and missing packages even though the area is in full view of our video cameras.
The purpose of this article is to inform our residents what the Board, Management, and staff are doing, and what you can do to help mitigate this untenable situation. We don’t pretend to have all the answers but short of banning Amazon from the property, these tips might help reduce this bad practice on the part of this company.
For information, this is not unique to our community or even our area. In fact, this appears to be a common practice nationwide in condominiums and apartments, even in Canada. We contacted our sister condominiums to see if they were having similar problems and they are equally frustrated with Amazon. A quick search of “Amazon’s Q&A” section reveals a plethora of negative comments regarding delivery issues. It also includes a section on their blog from the drivers themselves. When asked why they dump packages, the most frequent response from drivers and independent contractors cites minimum wages and the high number of deliveries they must complete within limited time frames.
Our process currently involves the following:
• Front Gate Patrol Service Officers collect each Amazon Driver’s ID (DL or Amazon ID) and, in turn, we provide a FOB to access all residential buildings. The primary reason we collect the ID is to ensure the FOB is returned.
• Drivers are provided instructions to park in the designated delivery spaces or the loading dock if the delivery spaces are full.
• Drivers are instructed to deliver packages to unit doors.
• The time of arrival and vehicle license plate numbers are recorded.
• Drivers who park in violation can be immobilized (except for fire lanes).
• Those who fail to follow the officer’s instructions are reported to Amazon via the following email: amzl address info@amazon.com
• A dozen Amazon drivers associated with “dumping” have already been permanently banned from Watergate property.
ing Amazon drivers to ensure they are delivering to unit doors.
• Management meets with Amazon supervisors periodically whenever there are egregious offenses. This has produced some results but unfortunately, they are not permanent.
• A more prominent sign will soon be displayed in the lobby advising Amazon and other delivery drivers to deliver packages to individual units.
• In your Amazon personal profile, ensure that you have provided Amazon with your unit number and specific delivery instructions to deliver packages to your unit door. This is extremely important because drivers will take a photograph of the delivery and ask for your review. Take the time to fill out the review as it only takes a few seconds.
• If you have been notified by Amazon that your package has been delivered and it is not at your front door, immediately contact Amazon on their website and respond accordingly. Some examples are: request a refund, send replacement item, etc.
• If you still do not get satisfaction regarding your delivery, you are encouraged to report the incident to Amazon Customer Service at: 1 888 280 4331.
• Lastly, if you see an errant driver dumping packages in the lobby, take a photo and send it to Management or better yet, use the lobby red phone and call it in immediately so that we can take appropriate action.
There is a serious problem concerning illegally parked cars in our fire lanes, community roadways and building driveways. It blocks the WAL Shuttle from picking up residents, prevents emergency service vehicles from assisting residents in need and present a potential safety hazard for other drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.
To discourage this practice, unoccupied vehicles observed parked in areas designated as "No Parking" or "Fire Lane”
will have a self adhesive violation notice placed on the windshield. Your license plate number will be recorded. Repeat offenders risk immobilization, towing and/or having a parking violation fee assessed to the unit associated with the vehicle.
When motorists park their vehicles appropriately, it allows the fire lanes and no parking zones to be available for emergencies, pickups, drop offs, etc.
Thursday, November 3 Conference Rm. 2 and Virtual • 7:30 p.m. The World to Come by Dara Horn
A million dollar Chagall is stolen from a museum during a singles' cocktail hour. The unlikely thief, former child prodigy Benjamin Ziskind, is convinced that the painting once hung in his parents' living room. This work of art opens a door through which we discover his family's startling history from an orphanage in Soviet Russia where Chagall taught to suburban New Jersey and the jungles of Vietnam. Email dpmullens@comcast.net for details.
Starting in December, the WAL Book Club will only meet virtually. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir will be discussed at the December 1 meeting.
Saturday, November 5 (Rain date: November 6) Upper Terrace /Meadow 11 a.m. 2 p.m.
The Pet Committee will offer mini sessions with WAL's own pet photographer Gerry! Ten minute time slots are available and photos will be shot near the Upper Terrace (where you will meet for your session). To reserve your time, please send an email to FeaturedPet@WatergateAtLandmark.com.
Saturday, November 19 Terrace Lounge 6:30 11 p.m.
The last party was such a hit, we had to do it again! Come dance the night away! Bring your snacks and beverage of choice to the Community Dance Party hosted by the Youth Committee. For details or to help out, please send an email to khoshnamak@gmail.com.
December 1 - 14, 2022
Drop Off Location: Bldg. Lobby Christmas Tree
Our community is partnering with the C.L.A.P. organization (Childhood Literacy Adds Potential), a non profit 501c(3) organization dedicated to increasing literacy among underserved children. C.L.A.P. was founded by two WAL residents. Please consider donating gently used or new children’s books to be distributed to those in need. Tax receipts available for donations.
Thursday, December 1
Lobbies of Buildings 1 4 • 7 p.m.
Get into the holiday spirit! Join your neighbors to decorate your lobby Christmas tree. You can bring a dessert to share while decorating. Please call the Activities Office at 703 370 7092 to volunteer or show up at the event!
Thursday, December 8
Pick up Starts at 11:15 a.m.• Tickets: $12 (Shuttle Only)
Celebrate the holidays with the A&E Committee by enjoying a German cuisine with neighbors! Located in Old Town Alexandria, the restaurant describes itself as a “homey all day eatery and bar” that uses fresh, locally sourced organic produce. Must purchase lunch on your own. Ticket for the Shuttle Bus is non refundable.
Saturday, December 10
Terrace Lounge • 6 9 p.m.
Experience holiday traditions from Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Yalda and more at this event sponsored by the Youth Committee. Don’t forget to participate in our non perishable food drive. If you have questions about the event or a talent/winter holiday tradition you’d like to share, contact the Activities Office or send a email to dcjess@gmail.com
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Terrace Lounge • 7 9 p.m. • Tickets: $55 Dress: Cocktail Attire, Jacket and Tie
Say “Bye” to 2022 and “Hello” to 2023!
Join your neighbors on New Years Eve in the Terrace Lounge for heavy appetizers, music and conversation. The Social Committee will greet you at the door with a glass of “bubbly.” As always, please bring your own beverage to drink during the evening.
For two hours, L&M catering will serve delicious food. We will have great music from Bob Smith on the piano accompanied by Robert Vetter. He has been asked to play show tunes so think about any song requests you would like to make! After the gathering ends, you can have time to head out to another New Year’s Eve party! Or, head back to your homes (not driving is nice) and watch the “ ball” drop from your favorite chair. You may even stay and continue chatting until the Terrace Lounge closes at 11 p.m.
Thursday, May 25 - Sunday, June 3, 2023
Refundable Deposit of $250 until February 17, 2023 Prices Vary Based on Occupancy and Room Location
Sail from Baltimore, MD, to the Bahamas and Bermuda for nine days of fun with neighbors! The Social Committee has arranged a round trip bus transportation (optional, additional cost) to the port of call. Port charges and taxes are included. Insurance, excursions and beverages are extra. Please consider this as you plan to attend.
To reserve your trip, call Annie Alvarez (Stirling Cruises Travel Agent) by email (annie@cruiserewards.com) or by phone (305 459 1770). You may also contact Paul Sonnhalter by email (paul.sonnhalter39@gmail.com) or by phone (703 869 3253).
Session Ends on December 31, 2022!
Call 703 370 7092 to purchase your class today!
Buy a class pass and use it to attend any of the fitness classes offered at Watergate at Landmark!
10 Classes: $95 * 20 Classes: $179 * 30 Classes: $209 Unlimited Classes: $229 *Less than $4/class!*
Drop-In Rate: $10 per class
Pilates • 10:30 a.m. • Terrace Lounge
Tone/Balance/Stretch • 12:15 p.m. • Terrace Lounge
Aqua Zumba • 4 p.m. • Indoor Pool
Gentle Yoga • 9 a.m. • Terrace Lounge
Don’t keep a great thing to yourself! Refer a friend, family member or neighbor to join Pro Fit’s Group Exercise Program! If they commit to a class pass and mention you as a referral, they receive 35% OFF the price of their class pass AND you get two FREE classes!
The Fall Group Exercise Class Schedule will run through December 31, 2022. You may join classes at any time; however, classes purchased must be used before the current session ends.
Heimdall (which is the God of Dawn in Norse mythology, for those of you who aren't Scandinavian) is a 2 year old puppy who is inquisitive and adventurous. Whilst on weekends he travels with me to the mountains, the beaches or anywhere in between, on weekdays he often comes to work with me and wanders his way around Capitol Hill.
I got him from a shelter the day after my United Airlines® flight ran out of fuel in a storm and made an emergency landing in Richmond. I realized life is too short to not have a dog!
Heimdall loves to play with other dogs, cry after a failed pursuit of a
squirrel, and eat overpriced sushi. He, above all, considers being featured as the Pet of the Month at this beautiful community the highest honor of his lifetime.
To have your story considered for publication, send an email to FeaturedPet@watergateatlandmark.com or drop by as a guest at the next Pet Committee meeting held on the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. Ideas to include are the type, breed, how the pet came to live with you, unique characteristics, special purposes or a sentimental/funny story. Please submit stories written from your perspective and not your pet’ s.
It’s only one time a year the pool goes to the dogs...at the Annual Doggy Swim! Forty six families attended this event sponsored by the Pet Committee, up from 20 families who came in 2021. As these families mingled and interacted with the vendors present, the dogs splashed in the pool. The sunny skies and temperate weather just added to the fun spirit of the day. A few families walked away with special prizes and raffles too!
Thank you so much to all who volunteered to make this event a success. Also, the following businesses sponsored this year’s Doggy Swim:
• Susan Day, Jobin Realty
• Dawn Marie’s Visage
• Silver Diner, Alexandria
• Pet Supplies Plus, Franconia
• Frolick Dogs
• Compassionate Animal Care
• Polka Pooch Luxury Mobile Grooming
• Sacred Grove Animal Communication
Pictured Left: Attendees and their dogs had lots of fun at the Doggy Swim event.
Photos: Bridget Jaspart.
There are a lot of reasons why we don’t allow ourselves to take the vacation that we need to recharge and take care of ourselves.
Maybe you are uncomfortable with the thought of vacationing alone.
Maybe you are overwhelmed at the thought of planning a trip and concerned about the travel arrangements.
Well, have you thought about going on a cruise but are hesitant because you are not sure what it is involved? Then put your mind at ease; your Social Committee has you covered!
The Social Committee is planning a cruise to Bermuda and the Bahamas from Thursday, May 25 to Saturday, June 3, 2023. For this cruise, your Social Committee has:
• Planned your nine night cruise out of Baltimore, MD on Royal Caribbean’s Vision of the Seas. Cruise departs from Baltimore on Thursday, May 25 and returns on Saturday, June 3.
• Arranged round trip bus transportation from WAL to the Port of Baltimore for a nominal fee. All you have to do is be in your building lobby at the appointed time. How easy is that?
• Arranged for reserved seating at 6 p.m. in the dining room for our WAL group. Don’t worry about eating alone; you will be with WAL friends at dinner!
• Engaged a knowledgeable Travel Agent (Annie Alvarez Stirling Cruises) who is holding several cabins for us with fully refundable deposits until the final payment date of February 17, 2023.
What could be more fun than joining a group of WAL neighbors and friends cruising together?
Cabin pricing is based on double occupancy and may vary depending on when your ticket is purchased. Inside, Ocean View, Balcony and Junior Suites are still available. The deposit is $250 per person, which is fully refundable until the final payment date of February 17, 2023. Fare includes port charges & tax, entertainment, meals, coffee, tea, juice.
Even if you are not quite sure what will be going on in your life in May 2023, you should book NOW while there is still availability and you can cancel without penalty until February 17, 2023!
For details, contact Annie Alvarez (Travel Agent, Stirling Cruises) by email (annie@cruiserewards.com) or by phone (305 459 1770). You may also reach out to Paul Sonnhalter, your Social Committee representative, by email (paul.sonnhalter39@gmail.com) or by phone (703 869 3253). Paul has a fairly comprehensive overview of what to expect on the ship, and he would be happy to e mail that information to you!
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! Join your WAL neighbors and friends for a vacation full of fun!
You deserve it after all, right?
Once again, we dragged our luggage which seemed to be getting heavier by the minute up the stairs, across the tracks and down the other side where we waited 30 seconds for the next train. I was very impressed by the British Underground; it was so clean, with no trash or a speck of graffiti anywhere. And it’s so punctual, with a clock that ticked off the seconds until the train arrived: three, two, one. Another train arrived and the doors slid open, “Mind the gap,” said a disembodied voice.
In our frazzled state of mindlessness, that did it. We cracked up simultaneously knowing that the other was thinking of the GAP store as in “who’s minding the store.” I yanked in my suitcase just seconds before the door slid shut. This train had available seats, which we gratefully took. Looking around, the first thing I noticed was that everyone was looking at us. I felt that Lindsey noticed it too because she was very quiet. Then I
noticed that we were the only people on the train in color. Everyone else was in black and white, like an old TV. They wore black overcoats and black shoes like a uniform and had pasty white complexions. I glanced at Lindsey with her rosy, red cherub cheeks peeking over her flamingo pink, white and aqua ski parka. Then
“Clapton on Common” was announced along with “Mind the gap” as we exited. I was ready to sleep on my luggage. I pulled out Mrs. Ward’s address once we got out on the street. Where do we go? Lindsey flagged a taxi and we showed the driver the address. We brought our luggage around to the back of the cab to put them in the trunk, but the driver couldn’t figure out what we were doing. The big black taxi had such weird doors. Two doors opened from the center outward with the seats facing each other. The driver took our luggage, opened the funny doors and beckoned us in followed by our bags. “Oh,” we said stupidly. We were catching on.
I looked down at myself and saw my teal green and maroon parka and knew I had a red face from the snappy cold air. Totally self conscious at this point, I smiled at the pasty face across from me, but she didn’t smile back. Clearing my throat, I decided to stare at my gloved hands the rest of the way. Suddenly I realized we’d better pay attention to the stops before we missed it and I told Lindsey to “start looking.”
The taxi drove two blocks and pulled to the curb. He opened the dual doors and said, “That’ll be five pounds, Miss.” Fortunately, I had changed some dollars to pounds at the airport, but I still had to read the money before forking it over.
Standing on the street as the cab sped off, we didn’t know which way to go; we still weren’t at Mrs. Ward’s Guest House. (To be continued)
Tai Chi 8 AM TL
Mahjong 11 AM CR
Seniors 2 PM TL/VI
A&E 5 PM CF2
Covenants 7PM VI
Tai Chi 9 AM TL Tone/Balance/Stretch 12:15 PM TL
Bridge 2 PM CR Building Redecoration 11 AM CF1
Tai Chi 8 AM TL Pet 7:30 PM VI Watergate Book Club 7:30 PM CF2/VI
Tai Chi 9 AM TL Knit and Stitch 10 AM CF2
Elections 4 PM CF2
Recreation 5 PM VI/CF1 Youth 6 PM VI Infrastructure 7 PM VI
Tai Chi 8 AM TL
Yoga 9 AM CR
Intro. to Pickleball 11 AM RC
Scrapbook Club 2 PM CF1/VI Robotics Club 3 PM CF1
Pilates 10:30 AM TL Tai Chi 8 AM TL Mahjong 11 AM CR Social 6 PM CF2
Tai Chi 9 AM TL Landscape 11 AM CF2
Tone/Balance/Stretch 12:15 PM TL
Bridge - 2 PM - CR
PRC - 7 PM - VI
Tai Chi 8 AM TL Reasonable Accommodations 4 PM CF1 Communications 7: 30 PM VI
Tai Chi 9 AM TL Knit and Stitch 10 AM CF2
Aqua Zumba 4 PM IP
Tai Chi 8 AM TL Yoga 9 AM CR Intro. to Pickleball 11 AM RC Robotics Club 3 PM CF1
13 14
Pilates 10:30 AM
Tai Chi 9 AM TL
Tone/Balance/Stretch 12:15 PM TL Bridge 2 PM CR
Tai Chi 8 AM TL
Tai Chi 9 AM TL Knit and Stitch 10 AM CF2
Aqua Zumba 4 PM IP
Tai Chi 8 AM TL Yoga 9 AM CR Robotics Club 3 PM CF1 Community Dance Party 6:30 PM TL
Pilates10:30 AM
Budget 7PM VI
Tai Chi -
AM -
Tai Chi - 9 AM - TL
Tai Chi - 8 AM -
Tai Chi 9 AM TL Knit and Stitch10 AM CF2
No Shuttle Service Fitness Ctr.: 4 AM
Pool: 10 AM 10
Club (FOB
Aqua Zumba 4 PM IP
Tai Chi - 8 AM - TL Yoga - 9 AM - CR Robotics Club 3 PM CF1