watermark Your LGBTQ Life.
issue 24.20 • oCtober 5 - oCtober 18, 2017
The new fall season brings back Will & Grace Grace,, and a plethora of LGBTQ characters, to the small screen ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT HIRES NEW LGBT COMMUNITY LIAISON
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Orlando United Assistance Center is a central hub for resources, support and community-building for all of Central Florida in the wake of the Pulse tragedy. Survivors, families & partners, but also friends, first-responders, allies... Everyone. We're here for YOU.
Connect with community resources to help address basic needs
Funding for mental health counseling to help you move forward
Assistance with legal or immigration issues
An advocate to plan for a stable, healthy YOU
OrlandoUnitedAssistanceCenter.org www.OrlandoUnitedAssistanceCenter.org Sponsored by Central Florida Cares Health System, Inc. and the State of Florida Department of Children and Families
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watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
9/29/2017 10:39:47 AM
dePartments 6 // mail 7 // PuBlisher’s desk 8 // OrlandO news 15 // tamPa Bay news 19 // state news 20 // natiOn & wOrld news 31 // talkinG POints 59 // cOmmunity calendar 61 // tamPa Bay Out+aBOut 63 // OrlandO Out+aBOut 64 // tamPa Bay marketPlace 65 // weddinG Bells/ annOuncements 66 // OrlandO marketPlace
unfortunately the President of the united states does not speak for the American people anymore. His message was so insensitive, tone deaf and quite frankly disgusting. —StAte ReP. cARLOS GUiLLeRMO SMith SPeAkiNG ABOUt PReSiDeNt tRUMP’S tWeetS cRiticiziNG the MAYOR Of SAN JUAN, PUeRtO RicO.
On the cOVer
QTV: Will and Grace and Jack and Karen return to a fall television season filled with LGBTQ characters who are redefining what it means to be diverse. Photo courtesy NBC/Universal
scan Qr cOde fOr
cOme Out Busch Gardens:
The one and only Kori Stevens presents a day of roller coasters, exotic animals and big gay fun at the annual LGBTQ event at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay.
watermark i ssue 24 .20 //Oct OBer 5 - Oct OBer 18, 2017
cOmmunity liaisOn
PumP the Brakes
BOOk Of JOshua
kinG’s cOurt
PAGE Orlando Police Chief John Mina appointed Sergeant Grace Peek as the agency’s new LGBT community liaison.
PAGE The 165-mile SMART Ride from Miami to Key West will continue, but at a later date thanks to Hurricane Irma.
read it online! In addition to a Web site with daily LGBTQ updates, a digital version of each issue of the publication is made available on WatermarkOnline.com
Central Florida actor Joshua Roth takes on the titular character in the Footlight Theatre’s production of Jeffrey.
New film Battle of the Sexes looks at tennis legend Billie Jean King’s struggle with her sexuality and women’s rights.
give us a folloW on tWitter and instagram at @WatermarKonline and be sure to liKe us on faCebooK. watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
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9:01 AM
St. Petersburg Home to the 2017 IGLTA World Conference and Florida’s largest Pride celebration. Scored a perfect 100 on HRC’s Municipal Equality Index two years in a row.
feedBack “Texas Assistant Attorney General Jeff Mateer might be interested in knowing that bestiality is already legal in 18 states and American territories, and texas is one of them. What does tHAt say about texas?” —GReG hiGhfiLL
watermarkOnline.cOm on trump nominee saying transgender Children shoW “satan’s plan”:
“I just love it when people think they know and/or can speak for supernatural creatures they can’t even prove exist. They also believe that such proclamations give their words a “higher” authority. Texas Assistant Attorney General Jeff Mateer might be interested in knowing that bestiality is already legal in 18 states and American territories, and Texas is one of them. What does THAT say about Texas? None of this is in any way linked to gay people or marriage equality.” — GREG HIGHFILL
361 days of sunshine every year is only the beginning. St. Pete also shines through its charming, bungalow-lined neighborhoods, original craft brew pubs, world-class restaurants led by award-winning chefs and a cultural fabric as diverse as its offerings. Come for a weekend. Stay for a lifetime. Your sunshine is here.
on one million moms boyCotting the ROSEANNE reboot over a gender-fluid CharaCter:
“Million moms? They must be using Trump’s formula for counting crowds.” —TODD KACHINSKI |KOTTMEIER
watermark’s faceBOOk on hugh hefner Championing gay rights pre-stoneWall:
#sunshinestpete 6
stpete.org/LGBT watermark Your LGBTQ life.
“Calling him a pioneer for straight sexual liberation is a bit like calling Jeffrey Dahmer a pioneer for necrophilia. The magazine might have ultimately had a positive effect in some ways, but the man himself was driven by his own sexual desires and prurience. There are lots of accounts, from lots of women over decades,
about how interminably creepy he was and the only reason he got to live that life was his vast wealth, built by showing horny men pictures of pretty girls with big bare titties.”
on transgender teen being murdered and the states not pursuing hate Crime Charges:
“Monsters! I hope they all get life. She was too young to leave this world.” —CARRIE SPRINGMEYER
on Chelsea manning saying she Was denied entry to Canada:
“A jail cell would work.” —STEVEN RESATAR
on a study saying ChroniC diarrhea is among the top hiv/ aids symptoms:
“That has been for most from day one of AZT.” —RON FORD
on aaron Carter going into rehab:
“He’s getting the help he needs, try not bashing him. It takes a lot of balls to publicly admit that you’re an addict. Best of luck Aaron.” —BRIAN FLAKE
“That’s so sad. I wish him best of luck to better health and therapy!” —JOHNNY TYR
“Did you ever care about him before he said he had sex with one guy? Didn’t think so. #Users” —ED CARTER
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
on adult film star mattheW rush being arrested on drug Charges:
“I hope he gets help.”
“Meth will FU up!” —ROB ROBINSON
on a Judge reJeCting a Couple’s argument for refusing lgbtQ Customers:
“So with just a tiny bit of Googling, I came across their VIMEO page which has them carving pumpkins... which is a pagan holiday. So they can celebrate witches and ghosts and carve pagan symbols, but the hypocrites can’t make a video for a gay wedding. They can BITE ME!” —DAVID EDWARD
on publisher riCK Claggett talKing about aging in his publisher’s desK Column:
“Thanks for the realness as usual Rick, and btw, I’ll be right there with you in the metal mouth category.” —DAVID BROWN
“I’ve liked Air Supply since I was ten too. #Twinsies” —JASON LECLERC
on parliament house selling off part of their land to pay debts:
“I don’t understand why they don’t make money. Place was packed over Labor Day and the drinks were expensive and everyone was buying.” —KEVIN CAMPBELL
“So where are people supposed to park now?” —HEN RY MAYS
“As I understand it the parking lot is being sold and then leased back to the PH for parking.” —DOUG BOWSER
rick Claggett publisher
N JUNe 11th, 2016, i WAS OUt
celebrating the birthday of a co-worker and friend. We had plans to have dinner, see a movie and possibly hit a local hot spot to end the festivities. We had a friend with us who spent every Saturday night at Pulse and we were prepared for him to drag us older fellows out there.
The restaurant was crowded so the wait for the table was over an hour. This changed the course of the evening. We missed our movie and had to settle for a later, more obscure film called The Lobster. The birthday boy was ecstatic because we ended up seeing the movie he wanted to see anyway. The movie let out around 11:00 p.m. and our young friend, the partier, started putting out feelers to see who would go to Pulse. This aging queen was ready for pajamas and a couch, so
watermark staff
that’s what we did. We sat in my living room and turned on And the Band Played On. Not the most celebratory show you can watch on your birthday, but we thought it would be nice for our young friend to see it. He didn’t last the whole movie. About 1:30 a.m. he headed home. Except he didn’t. He decided to join his friends at his favorite club. By the time he arrived, the streets were already shut down and he wasn’t able to get close. He texted us that shots were fired at
Pulse and he was coming back to my house. Here we are, almost a year and a half later, reliving that night as Las Vegas begins the long and seemingly unbearable road to recovery. Our hearts go out to Las Vegas, now burdened with the dubious honor of hosting the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Our hearts break for them. We know what they are going through and what is ahead of them. Our wounds reopen, some never healing in the first place. What is to become of us? Let’s continue to show love, let’s continue to heal and let’s continue to fight. Make the debate happen. No person should be able to shoot hundreds of others. Keep talking, eventually someone will listen. My original intention for this space was to shed some light on the changes happening here at Watermark. For a few months now, I have been asked about the direction of our staff. I’d like to answer that question, but before I do I’d like to let you know where we are now. Watermark currently has a staff of 10, including our founder and guiding light. Tom Dyer is still a big part of my life as a mentor and a friend. The very talented Jake Stevens heads our art department. He oversees the overall look of all things Watermark and provides guidance to our creative assistant, Jason Donnelly. Jason helps create client advertisements and collateral materials. Danny Garcia heads our sales team made up of Sam Callahan, Dillan Ramirez and Debbie Reeves. Jeremy Williams is technically our entire editorial department at the moment. We use a number of very talented freelancers, but Jeremy is the only editorial staff member at this time. As owner and publisher, I fill in where needed. Kathleen Harper is our gal Friday. As office
Sales Director: danny Garcia ext. 108 • danny@Watermarkonline.com
Founder and Guiding Light: tom dyer • tom@Watermarkonline.com Owner & Publisher: rick claggett • ext. 110 • rick@Watermarkonline.com Office Manager: Kathleen harper • ext. 100 • Kathleen@Watermarkonline.com Staff Writer: Jeremy Williams • ext. 106 • Jeremy@Watermarkonline.com Art Director: Jake Stevens • ext. 109 • Jake@Watermarkonline.com
Senior Orlando Account Manager: Sam callahan ext. 103 • Sam@Watermarkonline.com Orlando Account Manager: dillan ramirez ext. 105 • dillan@Watermarkonline.com
Creative Assistant: Jason donnelly • ext. 102 • adProduction@Watermarkonline.com
Tampa Bay Account Manager: debbie reeves ext. 301 • debbie@Watermarkonline.com
Proofreading: ed blaisdell
Nat’l Ad Representative: rivendell Media inc. • 212-242-6863
watermark Your LGBTQ life.
manager, she has her hands in everything and keeps this place running smoothly. We truly are a family here. We celebrate each other’s victories and hold each other up in the hard times. We laugh at and with each other, and we argue. I love them all for who they are and for their commitment to Watermark and this community. It’s time to redefine and expand this family. I will take on the role of managing editor. Jeremy will take charge of all Orlando coverage and newcomer Ryan Williams-Jent will head our Tampa Bay desk. Kathleen will be promoted to business manager. These changes will leave room for
Let’s continue to show love, let’s continue to heal and let’s continue to fight. Make the debate happen.
us to hire an online/social media staffer that will handle some of the administrative duties as well. Look for our ad in this issue if you’d like to apply. We are introducing a new page in this issue to give you a more in-depth look at the people behind Watermark. We will begin with our youngest team member, Dillan Ramirez. Flip to the last page to see who we feature in each issue. Also in this issue we take a look at what’s LGBTQ in TV-land, celebrate five years of gay Busch Gardens, check in on Joshua Roth’s performance in Jeffrey, meet the new OPD LGBT liaison and note some changed to the SMART Ride. We strive to bring you a variety of stories, your stories. I hope you enjoy this latest issue.
OrlandO Office 414 N. Ferncreek Ave. Orlando, FL 32803 TEL: 407-481-2243 FAX: 407-481-2246
tamPa Bay Office TEL: 813-655-9890 FAX: 813-849-2986
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
cOntriButOrs ScOttie cAMPBeLL
is a longtime activist as a member the LGBT community. His work has resulted in a thriving community in the Lake Ivanhoe region and his wit has melted at least a few Orlando candles. Page 23
lives in Gulfport, Fla., and has worked as a freelance writer for several local publications. He is a founding member of St. Pete Pride and active politically in Tampa Bay. Page 25
is a student and activist at the University of Central Florida. She spent a semester languishing in the glory of Watermark internship. Page 35
saBrina amBra, scOttie camPBell, krista ditucci, miGuel fuller, diVine Grace kirk hartlaGe, samuel JOhnsOn, JasOn leclerc, stePhen miller, maia mOnet, daVid mOran, GreG stemm, dr. steVe yacOVelli, michael wanZie, ryan williams-Jent
PhOtOGraPhy Brian Becnel, nick cardellO, anGie fOlks, Bruce hardin, Julie milfOrd, traVis mOOre, chris stePhensOn, lee VanderGrift, tinkerfluff
distriButiOn lVnlif2 distriButinG, lisa JOrdan, Jill Bates, ken carraway CONTENTS of WATERMARK are protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the publisher. Unsolicited article submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Although WATERMARK is supported by many fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles, advertising, or listing in WATERMARK is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons or members of such organizations. WATERMARK is published every second Thursday. Subscription rate is $55 (1st class) and $26 (standard mail). The official views of WATERMARK are expressed only in editorials. Opinions offered in signed columns, letters and articles are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the newspaper’s owner or management. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. WATERMARK is not responsible for damages due to typographical errors, except for the cost of replacing ads created by WATERMARK that have such errors.
Watermark publishing group inc.
central florida news
Orlando Police Department appoints new LGBT Police/ Community Liaison Jeremy Williams
RLANDO | Chief John Mina of the Orlando Police Department appointed Sergeant Grace Peek as the agency’s new LGBT police/ community liaison. Peek takes over for Lieutenant Jim Young who was appointed to the position upon its creation in 2014. Peek has been acting as Young’s assistant over the last year. “Lt. Young is still around,” Peek says. “He isn’t going anywhere. He stepped into a new position within the department so I had been taking over some of the meetings and trainings that go with being the liaison to the LGBT community to help him free up time for his new role.” Mina officially announced Peek as the new LGBT liaison Sept. 21. “I will still run things by Lt. Young. I mean, he’s a lieutenant and I’m a sergeant so it just works that way anyways,” Peek says, laughing. “He’s great and has been there for me and helped me get integrated into the community. He has been around and has been an amazing asset between the department and the community. I’ve really learned a lot from him, and I continue to learn a lot from him, to this day.” Peek has been an officer with the OPD for more than 18 years. She has worked in various sections of patrol, in the Drug Enforcement Division, OPD’s Emergency Response Team and currently serves on the Critical Incident Stress Management Team. Peek has also been named Officer of the Year, but that comes as no surprise for an officer who consistency wants to know what she can do to help. “Lt. Young was my patrol supervisor and I was always asking, ‘Hey, what can I do? I want to help and do whatever I can,’” Peek says. “I think what I really did was I just bugged him into giving me the position because I really wanted to be involved in the community, and being the LGBT liaison seemed like a perfect fit to me being an out lesbian in the department. I think it just became my job to relieve him of those duties of representing the department when it comes to our community.” Peek has stepped up her involvement in the LGBTQ community over the last year, especially after the tragic events at Pulse in June 2016. She has served on several community boards and is a member of the OnePULSE Foundation Memorial task force. Peek is also the one you are most likely to see driving the Orlando United/ Pulse tribute patrol car, but Peek says the importance of the position is much more than just driving the car and attending events. “We have a very large LGBT community within Orlando. In fact, it kind of surprised me just how large Continued on pg. 11 | uu |
Getting in there:
Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy helps sort donations for the Puerto Rico hurricane relief drive. Photo by Jeremy Williams
Helping Hands Pulse survivors, families join LGBTQ groups and politicians to send support, supplies to Puerto Rico Jeremy Williams
RLANDO | As the sun was coming up on the east coast of the United States Sept. 30, the responses by the president in Washington, D.C., and the people of Orlando to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria on the island of Puerto Rico could not have been more different. “The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump,” the commander-in-chief tweeted. ”Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 Federal workers now on Island doing a fantastic job.”
watermark Your LGBTQ life.
While Trump was tweeting, the organization CASA (Coordinadora de Apoyo, Solidaridad y Ayuda) was coordinating with local LGBTQ groups and political leaders to gather supplies for the people of Puerto Rico at the Acacia Network - Centro Borinqueño on Econlockhatchee Trail in Orlando. State Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith helped to gather Pulse survivors, families and members of the entire Pulse-affected community for help with the event, #OrlandoUnited for Puerto Rico. “The whole inspiration behind this event was to get a group of Pulse survivors, Pulse moms and first responders together to send Puerto Rico a message that we are still there for them,” Smith says. “Orlando grieved with Puerto Rico last year after Pulse, and since then our community has had a very special bond with the island.”
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Smith was joined by many other Florida politicians including Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy, former Congresswoman Gwen Graham, State Rep. Victor Torres, State Rep. Amy Mercado and State Rep. John Cortes, just to name a few. Also there were community leaders from the GLBT Center of Central Florida and Equality Florida. “This is our way of paying it forward and standing in solidarity with them at the moment when they need it the most, and the response has been incredible,” Smith says. The event, which started at noon and lasted until 7:00 p.m., saw hundreds of cars make their way to the drop-off point bringing everything from bottled water and canned foods to diapers and cleaning supplies. “People are bringing toiletries. They are bringing food, diapers, flashlights and batteries. Things folks take for granted here,” says Equality Florida’s Senior Policy Director Hannah Willard. “People here just went through Hurricane Irma so we know the drill, we know what needs to be prepped and ready, and the folks in Puerto Rico are in need of our tangible support more than ever.” More than a hundred pallets of bottle water covered the parking
Continued on pg. 11 | uu |
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watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
central florida news | uu | New OPD Liaison from pg.8
our community is here,” Peek says. “I think it’s important for everyone, not just gays and lesbians, to have a voice within their community. I think my role is to be a voice in the community when it comes to the specific problems that LGBT people deal with. Sometimes our problems are a little bit different, or how we see or perceive things might be a little bit different. So I think it was good that OPD created this position.” Peek grew up in Tennessee and spent 27 years serving in the United States Navy: 14 years active duty and 13 years in the Naval Reserves. While many might find it difficult to serve in either the military or on a police force as an openly out member of the LGBTQ community, Peek says that she has been lucky enough in both careers to be surrounded by caring people who looked out for her.
Sergeant Grace Peek
“I’ve only had two jobs my entire life—the military and working as an officer with the OPD—so I don’t have a lot of civilian experience to compare to it, ”she says. “When I first went into the Navy you could not be out. You could be separated from the military if they found out you were gay or lesbian. As the years went by it kind of relaxed a bit. ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ came around, but honestly I never really had any problems with it in the military. I’ve been gay all my life
and I’ve never really hid anything but I never had any issues. “I’m probably one of the fortunate ones because I know there were a lot of them that did have problems,” Peeks continued. “I think I got lucky with my commanders and bosses because they didn’t really care. As long as you did your job, they were there for you. I was not out the way I am now; obviously, now I am very out. Then when I came into the police department, I never had any problems. I’ve never had anyone openly say anything negative to me.” Peek is only a few years away from serving 20 years as an OPD officer, and with two decades under her police belt she may start looking at retiring. Until then she is enjoying her time in the community spotlight. “I don’t know if it’s just that the community really came together after Pulse, I mean it was probably inevitable, but when I look at this community I just see all good, positive things coming,” Peek says.
| uu | Helping Hands from pg.8
lot, with hundreds more boxes sprawled out along the lawn behind the community center. Dozens of volunteers sorted the supplies, inside and out of the center, including Murphy and Willard who were seen side-by-side with the volunteers sorting and organizing. The Center’s communications director Terry DeCarlo spent several hours directing the traffic pouring into the parking lot and helping empty the cars. “#OrlandoUnited for Puerto Rico has become a local movement of people who want to do something to help the humanitarian crisis on the island. I couldn’t be more proud of the character of our city and our community at this time,” Smith says. Pulse survivor Angel Colon is Puerto Rican and has family and friends still living on the island. He was in attendance at the event and was moved by the response from the
people of Orlando. “This reminds me of all the love and support that we got after everything that happened on June 12,” Colon says. “Our family, our friends, they need all the help we can get to them.” Most volunteers were not trying to give the president or his tweets any attention. The focus needed to be on the people of Puerto Rico. Smith took just a moment to comment about Trump’s tweets and to offer a message to those who were upset and offended by the comments. “Unfortunately the President of the United States does not speak for the American people anymore. [Trump’s] message was so insensitive, tone deaf and quite frankly disgusting,” Smith says. “What my message is right now is to folks who are on their computers, reading the president’s tweets, if they are angry about his treatment of Puerto Ricans come out and volunteer. Come out and donate supplies, that is how we continue to resist. By helping others and by sending love.”
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1220 Edgewater Dr., Orlando, FL 32804 www.balanceorlando.com 407-704-8867 Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
What is TRUVADA for PrEP?
Who should not take TRUVADA for PrEP?
TRUVADA for PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a prescription medicine that is used together with safer sex practices to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 through sex. This use is only for HIV-negative adults who are at high risk of getting HIV-1. To help determine your risk of getting HIV-1, talk openly with your healthcare provider about your sexual health. Ask your healthcare provider if you have questions about how to prevent getting HIV. Always practice safer sex and use condoms to lower the chance of sexual contact with body fluids. Never reuse or share needles or other items that have body fluids on them.
Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP if you: ® Already have HIV-1 infection or if you do not know your HIV-1 status. If you are HIV-1 positive, you need to take other medicines with TRUVADA to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. ® Also take certain medicines to treat hepatitis B infection.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION What is the most important information I should know about TRUVADA for PrEP? Before taking TRUVADA for PrEP: ® You must be HIV-negative before you start taking TRUVADA for PrEP. You must get tested to make sure that you do not already have HIV-1. Do not take TRUVADA to reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 unless you are confirmed to be HIV-negative. ® Many HIV-1 tests can miss HIV-1 infection in a person who has recently become infected. If you have flu-like symptoms, you could have recently become infected with HIV-1. Tell your healthcare provider if you had a flu-like illness within the last month before starting or at any time while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Symptoms of new HIV-1 infection include tiredness, fever, joint or muscle aches, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, night sweats, and/or enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or groin. While taking TRUVADA for PrEP: ® You must continue to use safer sex practices. Just taking TRUVADA for PrEP may not keep you from getting HIV-1. ® You must stay HIV-negative to keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP: ® Get tested for HIV-1 at least every 3 months. ® If you think you were exposed to HIV-1, tell your healthcare provider right away. ® To further help reduce your risk of getting HIV-1: ® Know your HIV status and the HIV status of your partners. ® Get tested for other sexually transmitted infections. Other infections make it easier for HIV to infect you. ® Get information and support to help reduce risky sexual behavior, such as having fewer sex partners. ® Do not miss any doses of TRUVADA. Missing doses may increase your risk of getting HIV-1 infection. ® If you do become HIV-1 positive, you need more medicine than TRUVADA alone to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. TRUVADA can cause serious side effects: ® Worsening of hepatitis B (HBV) infection. TRUVADA is not approved to treat HBV. If you have HBV and stop taking TRUVADA, your HBV may suddenly get worse. Do not stop taking TRUVADA without first talking to your healthcare provider, as they will need to monitor your health.
What are the other possible side effects of TRUVADA for PrEP? Serious side effects of TRUVADA may also include: ® Kidney problems, including kidney failure. Your healthcare provider may do blood tests to check your kidneys before and during treatment with TRUVADA. If you develop kidney problems, your healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking TRUVADA. ® Too much lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious but rare medical emergency that can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: weakness or being more tired than usual, unusual muscle pain, being short of breath or fast breathing, stomach pain with nausea and vomiting, cold or blue hands and feet, feel dizzy or lightheaded, or a fast or abnormal heartbeat. ® Severe liver problems, which in rare cases can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow, dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored stools, loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, or stomach-area pain. ® Bone problems, including bone pain, softening, or thinning, which may lead to fractures. Your healthcare provider may do tests to check your bones. Common side effects in people taking TRUVADA for PrEP are stomach-area (abdomen) pain, headache, and decreased weight. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not go away.
What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking TRUVADA for PrEP? ® All your health problems. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider if you have or have had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis. ® If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TRUVADA can harm your unborn baby. If you become pregnant while taking TRUVADA for PrEP, talk to your healthcare provider to decide if you should keep taking TRUVADA. ® If you are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed. If you become HIV-positive, HIV can be passed to the baby in breast milk. ® All the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. TRUVADA may interact with other medicines. Keep a list of all your medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. ® If you take certain other medicines with TRUVADA, your healthcare provider may need to check you more often or change your dose. These medicines include certain medicines to treat hepatitis C (HCV) infection. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.FDA.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Please see Important Facts about TRUVADA for PrEP including important warnings on the following page.
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
I’m courageous, not careless. I know who I am. And I make choices that fit my life. TRUVADA for PrEP™ is a once-daily prescription medicine that can help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 when taken every day and used together with safer sex practices. ® TRUVADA for PrEP is only for adults who are at high risk of getting HIV through sex. ® You must be HIV-negative before you start taking TRUVADA for PrEP.
Ask your doctor about your risk of getting HIV-1 infection and if TRUVADA for PrEP may be right for you. Learn more at truvada.com
watermark Your LGBTQ life.
9/13/17 2:54 PM
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
This is only a brief summary of important information about taking TRUVADA for PrEPTM (pre-exposure prophylaxis) to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection. This does not replace talking to your healthcare provider about your medicine.
(tru-VAH-dah) MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT TRUVADA FOR PrEP Before starting TRUVADA for PrEP: • You must be HIV-1 negative. You must get tested to make sure that you do not already have HIV-1. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 unless you are confirmed to be HIV-1 negative. • Many HIV-1 tests can miss HIV-1 infection in a person who has recently become infected. Symptoms of new HIV-1 infection include flu-like symptoms, tiredness, fever, joint or muscle aches, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, night sweats, and/or enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or groin. Tell your healthcare provider if you have had a flu-like illness within the last month before starting TRUVADA for PrEP. While taking TRUVADA for PrEP: • You must continue to use safer sex practices. Just taking TRUVADA for PrEP may not keep you from getting HIV-1. • You must stay HIV-negative to keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Get tested for HIV-1 at least every 3 months while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you think you were exposed to HIV-1 or have a flu-like illness while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. • If you do become HIV-1 positive, you need more medicine than TRUVADA alone to treat HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. • See the “How To Further Reduce Your Risk” section for more information. TRUVADA may cause serious side effects, including: • Worsening of hepatitis B (HBV) infection. TRUVADA is not approved to treat HBV. If you have HBV, your HBV may suddenly get worse if you stop taking TRUVADA. Do not stop taking TRUVADA without first talking to your healthcare provider, as they will need to check your health regularly for several months.
ABOUT TRUVADA FOR PrEP TRUVADA for PrEP is a prescription medicine used together with safer sex practices to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 through sex. This use is only for HIV-negative adults who are at high risk of getting HIV-1. • To help determine your risk of getting HIV-1, talk openly with your healthcare provider about your sexual health. Do NOT take TRUVADA for PrEP if you: • Already have HIV-1 infection or if you do not know your HIV-1 status. • Take certain medicines to treat hepatitis B infection.
HOW TO TAKE TRUVADA FOR PrEP • Take 1 tablet once a day, every day, not just when you think you have been exposed to HIV-1. • Do not miss any doses. Missing doses may increase your risk of getting HIV-1 infection. • Use TRUVADA for PrEP together with condoms and safer sex practices. • Get tested for HIV-1 at least every 3 months. You must stay HIV-negative to keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP.
POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF TRUVADA FOR PrEP TRUVADA can cause serious side effects, including: • Those in the “Most Important Information About TRUVADA for PrEP” section. • New or worse kidney problems, including kidney failure. • Too much lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious but rare medical emergency that can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: weakness or being more tired than usual, unusual muscle pain, being short of breath or fast breathing, stomach pain with nausea and vomiting, cold or blue hands and feet, feel dizzy or lightheaded, or a fast or abnormal heartbeat. • Severe liver problems, which in rare cases can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get these symptoms: skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow, dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored stools, loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, or stomach-area pain. • Bone problems. Common side effects in people taking TRUVADA for PrEP include stomach-area (abdomen) pain, headache, and decreased weight. These are not all the possible side effects of TRUVADA. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any new symptoms while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Your healthcare provider will need to do tests to monitor your health before and during treatment with TRUVADA for PrEP.
BEFORE TAKING TRUVADA FOR PrEP Tell your healthcare provider if you: • Have or have had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis. • Have any other medical conditions. • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. • Are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed. If you become HIV-positive, HIV can pass to the baby in breast milk. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take: • Keep a list that includes all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements, and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist. • Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist about medicines that should not be taken with TRUVADA for PrEP.
HOW TO FURTHER REDUCE YOUR RISK • Know your HIV status and the HIV status of your partners. • Get tested for other sexually transmitted infections. Other infections make it easier for HIV to infect you. • Get information and support to help reduce risky sexual behavior, such as having fewer sex partners. • Do not share needles or personal items that can have blood or body fluids on them.
GET MORE INFORMATION • This is only a brief summary of important information about TRUVADA for PrEP. Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist to learn more, including how to prevent HIV infection. • Go to start.truvada.com or call 1-800-GILEAD-5 • If you need help paying for your medicine, visit start.truvada.com for program information.
TRUVADA FOR PREP, the TRUVADA FOR PREP Logo, the TRUVADA Blue Pill Design, TRUVADA, GILEAD, and the GILEAD Logo are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc., or its related companies. All other marks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. Version date: April 2017 © 2017 Gilead Sciences, Inc. All rights reserved. TVDC0159 07/17
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9/13/17 2:54 PM
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
tampa bay news
League of Women Voters hold forum for St. Petersburg City Council candidates Samuel Johnson READY, SET, PAUSE: The SMART
Ride’s two-day, 165-mile bike ride from Miami to Key West benefiting HIV/AIDS charities has been postponed following Hurricane Irma.
Photo courtesy the SMART Ride
Bike Delay 14th Annual SMART Ride hits pause in Hurricane Irma’s wake Ryan Williams-Jent
AMPA BAY | The SMART Ride (Southern Most AIDS/HIV Ride), the second largest HIV/ AIDS bicycle ride in the country and the only one of its size to donate 100% of funds raised to AIDS/HIV research, will ride again this year— albeit later than normal. The not-for-profit organization, which in its 13 years has distributed over $8.5 million to local HIV/AIDS charities like the Metro Wellness & Community Centers in Tampa Bay, was forced to postpone its 14th annual trek following the destruction caused by Hurricane Irma. The two-day, 165-mile bike ride from Miami to Key West was originally scheduled to begin this year in late November, and local organizers and participants have been eagerly fundraising for much of 2017. This year marks only the second time the organization was forced to postpone its trip, having last done so for Hurricane Wilma in 2005. “Irma, a storm that packed winds of up to 180 miles, approached the mainland of the United States on
Saturday, Sept. 9 and entered around Cudjoe sound in the Florida Keys,” the organization’s announcement read. “The storm was unprecedented in size and power. As a result of the storm, the Keys has had to hit the ‘Pause Button.’” “The pause button means SMART Ride 14 needs to be postponed,” it continued, noting that the “honest answer” as to when the ride would now take place was “we just don’t know.” Organizers insisted they’re working as quickly as possible to determine a new date for the ride, with a goal of rescheduling the event for the first quarter of 2018. The SMART Ride cited several factors in its decision, noting that popular resorts in the area aren’t scheduled to reopen until after January 2018, and that over 10,000 FEMA workers are currently (or will be) working in the area. “All agencies felt that the decision to postpone was the right decision for each of you and for respecting the Keys recovery,” the SMART Ride wrote. For participants who had already booked hotels or airfare, SMART Ride organizers advised they were
working with local establishments and partners to the best of their ability, and urged participants to be patient. They further insisted that riders continue to train and raise awareness on the road by their presence, but also “re-start [their] fundraising as soon as it’s appropriate.” “The need remains great for those affected by HIV and AIDS,” they urged. “Our agencies are counting on you to meet not only the needs before the storm, but the unprecedented, across-the-state need that has risen. Remember, many of [our] clients… have a hard time day-to-day. They all just experienced losses of food, shelter and more. WE can make their lives better.” James Keane, Director of LGBTQ Programs and Development at Metro Wellness & Community Centers, echoed the sentiment. He stated Metro “remains grateful for the efforts of The SMART Ride while we wish all those affected in the Keys the best with returning to pre-Irma normal as quickly as possible. We also look forward to returning to the Keys with the ride when an appropriate date is set so that we may support the area through our tourism dollars.” The SMART Ride noted on Twitter that hurricanes and HIV “only care about one thing: causing havoc. Funding is always needed to help those affected by them.” More information about the SMART Ride, including ways you that you can help, can be found at thesmartride.org.
watermark Your LGBTQ life.
T. PETERSBURG | St. Petersburg City Council candidates discussed a variety of city specific issues. The overarching tone was, generally speaking, vague on details but full of amiable rhetoric. Whether it was talk on the Rays, the pier or Pride celebrations, there wasn’t any tangible fringe politicking. The League of Women Voters organized this public event which took place in the council chambers at city hall Sept. 25. It’s the third forum following the August primaries. All six candidates were present: Barclay Harless and Brandi Gabbard of District 2, Jerick Johnston and incumbent Darden Rice of District 4, Gina Driscoll and Justin Bean of District 6. The few dozen citizens who attended the event witnessed a subdued forum; the rules didn’t allow for debate. However, partisan politics and ideology were gurgling just below the surface as candidates fielded questions. Looming in the minds of constituents in particular districts is the fallout from Hurricane Irma. Although Irma didn’t impact St. Petersburg as ferociously as it did other areas of Florida, it did propel certain lingering issues to the top of the priority list for the candidates. This led to talking points like infrastructure, water and waste management, shoreline protection, job creation, education and early childhood development, which were echoed by all candidates. Yet, preventing the militarization of the St. Petersburg Police Department was not unanimous. The question posed to the candidates: “Does the St. Petersburg Police Department need to employ military gear, weapons and tactics to keep the city safe?” Bean left the door open. “When you say military gear, I’m not sure what you are referring to. I will do whatever I can to support them,” he said. One of the few instances afforded the candidates to elaborate their distinct vision of rebuilding St Petersburg came during the topic of Tropicana Field. This is the Rays baseball stadium which sits on an 85-acre piece of prime St. Pete real estate. Almost perfunctorily, they one by one extolled the Rays but conceded that it’s a real possibility that the Rays are not staying at Tropicana Field. Rice was perhaps the most candid on the topic. “Realistically, let’s just be honest, it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen,” she said. But the question remains: what to do with the vacant land after the Rays move? The points they all agree on, without fleshing out the minutiae, are job creation, affordable housing, a culturally sensitive redevelopment of a historic part of the city that was dismantled for the creation of Tropicana Field and stimulating small business growth. Almost anachronistic to the sentiment of small business growth is the idea floated by all the candidates of building a large convention center on the future parcel of land now
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Continued on pg. 17 | uu |
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watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
tampa bay news
aarOn carter cancels flOrida aPPearances, checks intO rehaB and tells fans: ‘i’ll see yOu sOOn’ Ryan Williams-Jent
t. PeteRSBURG | Aaron Carter, who recently came out as bisexual, canceled his scheduled performances at Southern Nights Orlando on Sept. 22 and Southern Nights Tampa on Sept. 23. The canceled performances followed his appearance at Hamburger Mary’s in Brandon just days after his coming out, where he thanked the LGBTQ community for all of the love and support he’d received. “Unfortunately due to health-related issues,” Southern Nights Orlando announced via Facebook just before Carter’s impending performance, “Aaron Carter will not be appearing with us at Southern Nights Orlando.” Southern Nights Tampa’s page echoed the announcement. “Aaron has decided to enter a facility to improve his health and work on his overall wellness,” Carter’s
representative told Entertainment Tonight. “He is going to do this privately and focus all his attention on being the best person and performer possible. He is grateful for the support and love from his fans and looks forward to coming back stronger than ever before.” The confirmation from Carter’s representative followed unearthed reports that St. Petersburg police had rushed to Carter’s home after speculated drug usage. The 29-year-old singer appeared on the daytime talk show The Doctors the week prior to get tested for HIV, discuss his health issues and his ongoing battles with drug abuse. The test revealed Carter tested negative for HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis, but a subsequent drug test revealed that he tested positive for marijuana, benzodiazepines (Xanax) and opiates (hydrocodone). Carter addressed fans as his “loved ones” via Twitter, coinciding with the
reports of his rehabilitation. He noted that only he could change his life, elaborating that “I would like to tell all of you that I will be disappearing for a while to work on myself. I would also like to announce that I am releasing a gift to you on Oct. 27.” The singer subsequently plugged a new version of his classic “I Want Candy,” and noted that four weeks after that release, the first single from his upcoming album will drop. “I’ll see you soon, looking amazing and ready to play all my new songs LIVE,” Carter continued. “Most importantly my stressors haven’t subsided with family and this year has been crazy and I need some time off from all of it. Going to get strong. And deal with my stress conditions and get better.” “It’s time to say goodbye,” Carter concluded. “I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure and a stress free life.”
| uu | League of Women Voters from pg.15 occupied by Tropicana Field. Of course, these are the grains of political pixie dust which may or may not come to fruition. The one-word answers given by each candidate during one of lightning rounds raised some eyebrows. When questioned whether they support the Defend Our Democracy Ordinance, which would ban Super PAC money and limit other money from St. Petersburg elections, Rice and Driscoll were the only candidates to agree with the ordinance. However, Harless used a portion of his closing remarks to condemn money in politics. Another moment where all candidates invoked special speaking time was when St. Pete Pride came up. They love it. They rode in it. They go every year. They support it. Each took the time to recount their experiences about Pride. Driscoll emotionally told of her first time ever riding in the parade. It was on the Watermark float. “I was quite proud to be on the Watermark float” Driscoll said. “It is a publication that has for several years served a resource and a beacon for the LGBT community here and in Orlando. As the float came around the Vinoy, the sea of people were just happy and proud. I had tears in my eyes. I don’t think there’s ever been a moment where I have been so proud to be in this city.” Residents can vote for the city council candidates in and outside their districts in the general election Nov. 7. Postal mail-in ballots are scheduled to be sent Oct. 3.
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watermark Your LGBTQ life.
PRP Skin Rejuvenation | Laser Hair Removal | Laser Tattoo Removal Cellulite Treatments | Chemical Peels | Photo Rejuvenation Acne Treatments | Fraxel Skin Resurfacing | PRP Hair Restoration Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
state news
flOrida lGBta demOcratic caucus-edOrsed annette taddeO wins miami-area state senate seat Wire and Staff Reports
iAMi | In a race viewed as a litmus test of President Donald Trump and Florida Democrats’ ability to make gains in local and statewide elections next year, Miami businesswoman Annette Taddeo coasted to victory Sept. 26 in a race to replace a disgraced former state senator. The Colombia-born Democrat, who has never held public office, defeated former state Rep. Jose Felix Diaz, a Republican who stepped down from his House seat to run for the Senate. While Taddeo trailed Diaz in mail-in ballots, she made up the difference on Election Day and in early voting, winning by a decisive 3.7 percentage-point margin, according to results posted on the Miami-Dade County elections office website. “I told you it was a people-powered [campaign]. I meant it. It really was,” Taddeo told The News Service of Florida in a telephone interview after winning. Taddeo, 50, said she was excited and humbled by the win. “I’m up for the challenge and just ready to start. I’m ready to go to Tallahassee,” she said. Taddeo’s victory in Senate District 40 is certain to bolster the hopes of Democrats, who have been outnumbered by a 24-15 margin in the state Senate, as they combat Republicans in local and statewide races next year. Taddeo ran unsuccessfully twice for Congress, most recently last year, and was U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist’s running mate in his failed 2014 attempt to recapture his old job as governor. The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus, representing Florida’s LGBTQ community, endorsed Taddeo in August. Taddeo is a pro-equality candidate who came out in support of same-sex marriage when she ran in 2014. “We’re excited the Florida Senate is turning a bit more blue tonight,” said Terry Fleming, president of the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus in a statement. “Our members phone banked and walked the district for Annette, and we’re thrilled there’s another voice for fairness and
equality in Tallahassee. We can’t wait to begin working with Senator Taddeo on a progressive agenda for the Sunshine State.” Florida Democratic Party Chairman Stephen Bittel called Taddeo’s triumph “a win for all of Florida.” “Annette will head to Tallahassee ready to fight for higher paying jobs, affordable health care and fully funded public schools. Democrats across the state are energized and mobilizing to flip Florida blue. After nearly 20 years of harmful GOP policies, voters are ready for a better deal,” he said in a statement. Taddeo will replace former state Sen. Frank Artiles, a Republican who resigned after a profanity-laced and racially tinged outburst at a private club near the Capitol in the midst of this spring’s legislative session. She was outgunned financially by Diaz, who had the backing of GOP Senate leaders. The abbreviated contest carried a whopping price tag of more than $2 million, including spending by the candidates and political committees affiliated with the Senate hopefuls. With all precincts reporting election night, Taddeo captured 50.95 percent of the vote, while Diaz received 47.21 percent and no-party candidate Christian “He-Man” Schlaerth got 1.84 percent, the elections office website said. Of more than 27,000 mail-in ballots, Diaz wound up with a more than 2,000-ballot lead over Taddeo, according to the elections office website. But Taddeo—who nailed down the endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden—more than compensated for the mail-in ballot edge, capturing more than double the number of votes garnered by Diaz in early voting and topping the Republican by more than 2,000 votes cast on Election Day. Taddeo’s supporters launched a massive get-out-the-vote effort, especially in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, which knocked out power to much of the district and left many households in the dark even as early voting began two weeks ago. The abbreviated and heated contest was characteristic of Miami-Dade’s brand of rough-and-tumble politics.
Supporters of Diaz painted Taddeo as a communist sympathizer, while Taddeo and her backers portrayed Diaz as a lobbyist “insider” and repeatedly tied the Republican to Trump. Diaz once appeared on Trump’s television show, The Apprentice, and endorsed the president. The swing district is almost evenly split between Democrats, Republicans and independents, with Democratic having a slight voter-registration edge. Hispanics make up 69 percent of the district’s voting-age population, whites another 20 percent and blacks comprise about 7 percent, according to the latest Census data. The Democratic-leaning district supported Hillary Clinton last year by more than 17 percentage points over Trump. While many of the district’s older Cuban-American voters continue to support Trump, the president remains unpopular with younger Cuban-Americans and other Latinos, such as those from Taddeo’s country of origin, Colombia. Many Hispanic voters are especially unhappy about Trump’s decision to undo an Obama-era policy that would protect from deportation undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children, known as “Dreamers.” National Democrats celebrated Taddeo’s victory, pointing to it as an indictment of Trump. “This crucial win tonight is a great representation of Democrats’ winning momentum and increased engagement in the Trump era,” Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Executive Director Jessica Post said in a statement. Florida Democrats had asked Scott to postpone the election for two weeks after Hurricane Irma wiped out power to much of the region. Scott refused. The Florida Democratic Party asked Gov. Rick Scott to extend voting hours for two hours at three polling places in the Richmond Heights area of the district—a Democratic stronghold—because voters were unable to access the precincts early in the day because of a shooting in the area. The governor refused the request.
watermark Your LGBTQ life.
adult film star matthew rush arrested On druG charGes Jeremy Williams
iLtON MANORS | Gay adult film star Matthew Rush was arrested on drug related charges in Wilton Manors, Fla. Sept. 19. Rush, whose legal name is Gregory Grove, was charged with possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia, according to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office. Rush, who was a physical trainer and professional bodybuilder, was best known for his many appearances in pornographic films throughout the 2000s. He also appeared in several non-porn films including 2006’s Another Gay Movie and the made-for-TV film Third Man Out. This is not Rush’s first run-in with the Broward County Sheriff’s Office. Earlier this year he was arrested on a domestic battery charge, but the charges were later dropped. Rush is currently being held at the Broward County Jail awaiting trial.
aids healthcare fOundatiOn sends helP tO PuertO ricO John McDonald of South Florida Gay News
iAMi | A plane carrying resources to Puerto Rico took off from a Miami airfield Sept. 29. Loaded with generators, the cargo plane was chartered by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. AHF, the world’s largest organization serving people living with HIV/AIDS, owns a clinic in San Juan, the Puerto Rican capital city. “Having been in constant, but challenging communication with our staff in Puerto Rico, as well as continually monitoring the situation since Hurricane Irma initially hit the island, I was very aware of how frustratingly slow the response by relief organizations has been, while the needs of the people continue to rise,” said Michael Kahane, AHF Southern Bureau Chief in a news release. AHF chartered a cargo plane and loaded 50 generators intended to power health care facilities in Puerto Rico. AHF, Kahane said, is collaborating with the San Juan Mayor’s office to assist health departments and hospitals on the island. Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico in early September followed by Hurricane Maria last week. “It’s disheartening to know that weeks have passed since these hurricanes devastated Puerto Rico and basic resources have still not been provided to a community that is in such dire need,” Kahane said. Brock Long, spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), called the situation in Puerto Rico a “complex event.”
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
nation+world news
in other news White House distances Trump from Roy Moore’s anti-gay views President Trump may have said on Twitter Roy Moore “sounds like a really great guy,” but White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was busy distancing Trump from the U.S. Senate candidate over his anti-gay views Sept. 28. Sanders said Trump doesn’t share the views of Moore, who’s said homosexual conduct should be illegal and called on Alabama to ignore the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage. Moore won an Alabama Republican primary Sept. 26 to run for an open seat in the U.S. Senate. Moore will face Democratic challenger Doug Jones Dec. 12.
LGBTQ groups protest potential California textbooks LGBTQ rights groups told a California state commission Sept. 27 that they object to several of the textbooks that could be recommended for use in schools, saying the books don’t include enough information about the contributions of LGBTQ Americans. The state Department of Education is preparing to update textbook recommendations for the first time since California became the first state to require teaching about the contributions of LGBTQ people. A coalition of LGBTQ rights groups said the books should not merely include a “token reference” but integrate the contributions of LGBTQ people throughout history.
gay rights trailblazer honored in Philadelphia A psychiatrist considered a trailblazer in the gay rights movement for appearing in a mask before his colleagues at a 1972 convention to announce his homosexuality is being honored in Philadelphia. Dr. John E. Fryer’s actions are credited with paving the way for the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders a year after his speech. A historical marker about Fryer was unveiled in the Gayborhood and across the street from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, which houses Fryer’s archives. Appearing as Dr. H. Anonymous, Fryer wore a mask, big curly wig and used a voice-distorting microphone in his address in Dallas.
Gay lawyer spearheads Panama same-sex marriage efforts Iván Chanis Barahona, a gay Panamanian lawyer, is working on behalf of a gay couple legally married in the U.K. who are seeking formal recognition of their marriage in Panama. He is also among the lawyers who is litigating a second lawsuit challenging the provision of Panamanian law that bans same-sex couples from marrying. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in both lawsuits over the summer. They have been combined into one case. Chanis said he remains optimistic, even though it remains unclear when the Supreme Court will release its decision.
No hate crime charges in missouri transgender teen’s grisly killing Wire Report
OUSTON, Mo. | Authorities say her eyes were gouged out and her genitals stabbed, but deny the death of transgender teenager whose burned remains were found near the mobile home of one of her alleged killers in rural southern Missouri, her bones discarded in a chicken coop, was a hate crime. The remains of 17-year-old Ally Lee Steinfeld were found in the town of Cabool Sept. 14. Twenty-four-year-old Briana Calderas and two 18-year-olds, Andrew
Vrba and Isis Schauer, were charged with first-degree murder and other counts. A fourth suspect is charged with abandonment of a corpse and tampering with evidence. All four are jailed without bond. Steinfeld had been missing for weeks, and initial news reports referred to her as a male, in part because missing-person posters distributed by the family used Steinfeld’s birth name – Joseph Matthew Steinfeld Jr. – as did police documents. Steinfeld’s mother, Amber Steinfeld, still refers to her child as Joey, but said the teen identified as female to
family and to friends on social media. She said her child was “loving and kind-hearted.” Steinfeld was engaged to a woman until they broke up in August, Amber Steinfeld said, and soon after began dating Calderas. She said Steinfeld and the two 18-year-old suspects were all living at Calderas’ mobile home. She said that Steinfeld was upbeat before she disappeared, telling relatives that she loved them and was happy. Authorities aren’t saying what led to the killing. But both Sheriff James Sigman and prosecutor Parke Stevens Jr. insist the crime was not motivated by Steinfeld’s gender identity. “I would say murder in the first-degree is all that matters,” Stevens said. “That is a hate crime in itself.” An attorney for the three suspects, Michael Jacobs, said Sept. 26 that it was too early to comment.
Mormon leader reaffirms faith’s opposition to same-sex marriage Wire Report
ALT LAKE CITY | A top Mormon leader reaffirmed the religion’s opposition to same-sex marriage Sept. 30 during a church conference — and reminded followers watching around the world that children should be raised in families led by a married man and woman no matter what becomes the norm in a “declining world.” The speech by Dallin H. Oaks, a member of a top governing body called the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, followed a push in recent years by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to uphold theological opposition
to gay marriage amid widespread social acceptance while trying to foster an empathetic stance toward LGBT people. Oaks acknowledged that this belief can put Mormons at odds with family and friends and doesn’t match current laws, including the recent legalization of gay marriage in the United States. But he told members of the nearly 16-million member faith watching around the world that the religion’s 1995 document detailing the doctrine — “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” — isn’t a policy statement that will be changed. After the Utah-based Mormon church received backlash in 2008 for helping lead the fight for California’s
Proposition 8 constitutional ban on gay marriage, religious leaders spent several years carefully developing a more empathetic LGBT tone. That was interrupted in 2015 when the church adopted new rules banning children living with gay parents from being baptized until age 18 and clarifying that people in same-sex relationships are apostates. A year ago, church leaders updated a website created in 2012 to let members know that attraction to people of the same sex is not a sin or a measure of their faithfulness and may never go away. But the church reminded members that having gay sex violates fundamental doctrinal beliefs that will not change.
because it has long been a center of gay life in the German capital. About 60 guests packed into Schoeneberg town hall’s “Golden Room” to witness the marriage of Karl Kreile and his partner of 38 years, Bodo Mende. Kreile, 59, said it was an “incredible honor” to be the first same-sex couple to marry in Germany, noting that he and Mende, 60, had been campaigning for gay rights for decades. Chancellor Angela Merkel long opposed same-sex marriages, only agreeing to a free vote in Parliament on the matter in June, shortly before national elections. The bill, which enjoyed strong
public support, passed by a wide margin, with 393 lawmakers voting in favor of marriage equality and 226 – including Merkel – voting against. Some hurdles remain, including the fact that women can’t automatically recognize motherhood of a lesbian partner’s child, and the software used to record marriages doesn’t currently allow for two entries with the same sex. Still, those attending the ceremony said Germany’s decision to allow same-sex marriages was a big step. “The state has recognized that if two people want to stand by each other then that’s a marriage,” said Ulrich Kessler, a guest who has known the couple for more than 20 years.
Germany celebrates 1st same-sex weddings after law change Wire Report
ERLIN | Germany celebrated its first same-sex weddings Oct. 1, after a new law came into force putting gay and lesbian couples on an equal legal footing with heterosexual couples. Town halls in Berlin, Hamburg and elsewhere opened their doors to mark the event, made possible by a surprise vote in Parliament three months earlier. Gordon Holland, a registrar in Berlin’s Schoeneberg district, said it was appropriate to hold the first same-sex wedding in the country there
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Photo by Jess regan
Scottie Campbell
The Tender
activist King & Queens
om would tell it
like she told all of her best stories, barely getting the words out through her laughter and sometimes joyful tears. She and Dad had been to see Carrie. Someone in their party grabbed someone’s arm just prior to Carrie’s hand reaching out of the grave causing that first someone to scream, which made the audience scream, all before the scream Brian De Palma intended but, not to worry, they all screamed then, too.
So I might have connected who the author was when I bought my first Stephen King book when I was 11, but I’m fairly certain it was the cover that drew me in. A silver front with a faceless boy’s head floating on it. The store was B. Dalton Bookstore in the Marquette Mall. That small mall and the McDonald’s down the street were our family’s touchstones to civilization while stationed in the frigid Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Can I tell you about the smell of that book? I cannot, because it smelled like nothing else. The scent of those dull, off-white, pulp pages can only be described in intangibles: raw potential and adventure; that whole store smelled that way. The book, as King fans probably guessed, was The Shining and I devoured it. There is of course the delicious tale of Jack Torrance going mad in an isolated location, but I was equally fascinated by the detailed history King
gave of the Overlook Hotel. I don’t dislike the Stanley Kubrick film as much as King purportedly does, but it’s always pissed me off that the hero of the book, a black man, is killed in that adaptation. What the actual fuck, Stanley? Regardless, as is the case with even the best adaptations of his work, reading Stephen King is a rich experience that will never completely translate to screens, big or small. As a Constant Reader (as King calls his fans), I was surprised to recently run across articles critical of King’s treatment of gay and lesbian characters. These discussions are surfacing because of the blockbuster success of the recent adaptation of It. Fans wondered if bully Patrick Hockstetter would give gang leader Henry Bowers a hand job as he did in the book. Would a minor plotline with a gay couple being harassed be included? Ironically, there are those who took issue with both of these elements of It since Hockstetter is an animal-torturing psychopath who murdered his baby brother and the couple is portrayed as being flamboyant. Now the lavender hammer would come crashing down on filmdom if the scenes are excluded, as they were in the 1990 television adaptation. The criticisms take the form of online chatter like reviews on horror sites and Goodreads, to bloggers like “GhoulieJoe” who posits King’s gay characters “can be quantified into five types: the Mannish Lesbian, the Trauma Victim, the Weakling, the Predator, and the Well-Adjusted” in a surprisingly thorough post. There are also learned essays like those from respected film critic Robin Wood who almost seems to assume King’s homophobic tone is a given. Complaints include characters who have chosen to be lesbian due to abusive relationships, gay men being described as small in stature and easily frightened or effeminate, and bisexual characters who are
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evil. Perhaps I’ve lived a more colorful life than I realize; I’ve known all these people. GhoulieJoe does allow that King’s treatment of gays has shown growth over his 40-plus years on best seller lists. She cites the second book of the Bill Hodges Trilogy, Finders Keepers, when King describes a waiter from gay
likes dick. A cursory look at his Twitter will tell you where the man himself stands. Hell, he was calling Mike Pence on his homophobia before most of us knew who the now vice president was. And, not for nothing, his daughter is lesbian. One thing has always been true about King’s
line, as much as it turns me on to be 50, it turns me on even more to know Stephen King is 70 and still going strong. Two recent major movie releases, a Netflix movie release, and three television series based on his work are among is current projects. Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Night’s has a Shining-themed
man’s perspective: “Longish dark blond hair, clean and tied back at the nape so his elegant cheekbones show.” Herein lies the flaw in these criticisms: as the storyteller, King is writing from the point of view of the characters, not himself. When It’s Officer Gardener comments “This man—if you want to call him a man…” it is no more King’s personal opinion than Jack Torrance noting the way another character’s limp penis floats in a bath means King
work: he writes for thinkers. Does Patrick Hockstetter masturbating a guy make him gay? Is Pennywise in his head? Does the act mean all psychopaths are a bit gay? Like all good literature, Stephen King’s work helped expanded my worldview by presenting questions like that through quirky, flawed, human characters. He was also writing about homosexual proclivities when few other mainstream authors were. To riff on a John Denver
house -- albeit based on the aforementioned Kubrick film). And he’s currently on tour promoting a newly released collaboration with his son, Owen, Sleeping Beauties (with a sold out stop in Sarasota October 6). My pre-ordered copy has arrived and it’s all I can do to not put aside my Orlando Museum of Art Book Club selection and dive into it.
Hell, he was calling Mike Pence on his homophobia before most of us knew who the now vice president was.
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Greg stemm
POsitiVe liVinG
What is family? AM hONOReD tO Be the
chairman of the new Equality Florida Family Values Potluck Picnic on Sunday, October 15 from 2 to 6 pm at Pavilion Seven on Gulfport Beach. The event is on the last day of Come Out St. Pete, our big new LGBTQ celebration in the Sunshine City that not only coincides with National Coming Out Day on October 11, but also is running in collaboration with the Tampa Gay and Lesbian Film Festival that week.
Working on this event has me thinking about my own coming out experience and how that traumatic event for me contributed to my own perspectives about family. While I was sitting in the heat and the dark in the six-day power outage after Irma, I had a lot of time to think about things. I asked myself the question…what does family mean to a 56-year-old single only child with a slightly homophobic 82-year-old father in Ohio and very little else in the way of blood kin, living the life of a Quaker gay activist in St. Petersburg, Florida? I was born in the corn fields surrounding Columbus, Ohio. People up there take green bean casseroles to everything, get drunk on hayrides and have an uncle who cooks meth in his basement. But our household was akin to Leave it to Beaver. My parents had a great relationship and were both at every event I was part of in school. As far
as parents and children go, we had an amazing relationship. By the time I was in high school I thought of them as friends as well as parents. Like many gay men, I had a special relationship with my mother. My family was Quaker. Equality is one of their big things. The entire time I was growing up my parents preached to me that we judge people by what’s in their hearts not the color of their skin. They taught me everyone was equal under the eyes of God. They taught me not to judge. Repeatedly my parents told me there was nothing I couldn’t bring to them that we wouldn’t deal with together as a family. Yet from a pretty early age I knew I was “different” and I would think, “Yeah, except for the one thing I really need to talk to you about.” Fear kept me in the closet until my 25th birthday when I came out to them in a hotel room on Clearwater Beach. Suddenly these beautiful wonderful folks who had raised me so well turned into absolute monsters. They said every possible stereotypical thing parents of an only child (the male namesake) who have just found out that child is gay could say. In the span of 25 minutes they took a sledgehammer to a relationship that had taken 25 years to build. Honestly, if my mother had not been battling breast cancer at the time, I would have completely written them off and never spoken to either of them again. She passed away just a couple of years later…going to her grave (according to my father) thinking that me being gay was some sort of “phase” I was going through. Over the years since then my Dad has come to a grudging acceptance of me being gay. But he has flat out told me that he would never validate any relationship I have with a man. Fortunately there are much better coming out stories than mine, full of love and acceptance instead of judgment and betrayal. I’ve come to believe that my father
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does love me. But he loves me in spite of who I am and not because of who I am. That for me has become an important benchmark about who I really think of as family. I have many families of choice who fit that bill nicely. I recently told an 80-year-old straight Quaker woman friend
most challenging times in my life. Members of AA, my Gulfport community and in fact, you, gentle reader, have all become families of choice for me…loving me because and not in spite of who I am. In some ways I’m grateful to my parents. If they hadn’t reacted so dreadfully to me
out and hug him and tell him he is among “family” whether he knows it or not. When I work on a project tackling the issue of homelessness among LGBTQ youth, I have to wonder if my parents might have thrown me out of the house if I had come out to them before I was on my own,
of mine that it occurred to me if I do ever get married I wouldn’t have any family at the ceremony. With all earnest in her heart, she looked me square in the eyes and said “What are you talking about, Friend? You have us.” Indeed I am blessed that my spiritual fellowship is a loving and supportive family who has seen me through some of the
being gay I probably would not have become such an outspoken activist. I might not have had the once-in-alifetime experience of starting a gay pride celebration and I might not even be sharing my writing with you. When I think of that poor lonely teenager in a closed-minded household wondering if he is all alone, I just want to reach
and I start to think of those kids as little brothers and sisters of my own. Whatever and whomever you consider family in your life I hope you’ll come out to celebrate them here in Gulfport on October 15. Love is what makes a family, not social constructs!
When I think of that poor lonely teenager in a closed minded household wondering if he is all alone I just want to reach out and hug him and tell him he is among “family” whether he knows it or not.
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Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
by Perry brass sPecIAL tO WATERMARK FrOM tHe LGbt HIstOrY PrOJect
stOnewall REBELLION It wasn’t Judy!
ANY thiNGS hAve
been said and written about “Stonewall,” the historic confrontation in June 1969 after a police raid at the Stonewall Inn, a Mafia-run gay bar on Christopher Street in New York City’s Greenwich Village that ignited the Gay Revolution—and an incredible change in attitudes and feelings about queer people throughout the world.
Among them, it happened on the night of a full moon, so a lot of the craziness on the streets can be blamed on that—not true. Another rumor is that it was all sparked by the death—and funeral, at Frank E. Campbell’s mortuary, uptown on Madison Avenue and 83rd, around the corner from the Metropolitan Museum—of gay icon Judy Garland. The “girls” were just so discombobulated by grief that they let go of all restraint and started breaking windows, uprooting parking meters (remember them?), throwing 40-pound garbage cans through the windows and even biting cops on the legs. Again, no! The Judy Garland Myth, I’ve always felt, was the most pernicious of them all. Basically, it said that it took Garland’s death to make LGBT people angry enough to fight back. That was not true; we had been fighting back all along. There were numerous instances of us doing so against huge
odds. Just a few were the melee at Cooper Donuts in L.A. in 1959; a 1965 action by San Francisco’s groundbreaking gay-friendly Council on Religion and the Homosexual when the cops tried to close down a drag ball the council sponsored to raise funds; also in 1965, the racially mixed “sit-in” at Dewey’s, an all-night coffee shop in Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Square, after its management refused service to “masculine women and feminine men”; the famous and really brutal Compton’s Cafeteria riots in San Francisco in 1966; and the “Sip-in” in Julius’, an ostensibly straight bar in Greenwich Village, that same year. People who were at Stonewall (and I was around the corner at another bar both nights, but came out for it on the second night) have all emphatically denied any Garland connection—including Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, a reliable witness; the late Jerry Hoose, who was later in the Gay Liberation Front; and David Carter in his well-researched book “Stonewall: the Riots that Sparked the Gay Revolution.” I can certainly say that, in my own youth, in that period, Garland was as far away from my mind as Uranus. Like most kids on their own in New York (I was 21 then), we were mostly centered on trying to survive in what was a much more contentious city. I describe New York in that period as a place of endless “class, race and ethnic resentment,” as well as knife-to-the-throat homophobia (police entrapment; regular violence and harassment on the streets; and at work, intimidation and even blackmail) that was only slightly moderated by having enough money—i.e. those often-talked- about “rich queens”—that you could float along in some bubble above street level. Power did not come from
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the streets then as we later felt, when gay groups joined other identity groups and seriously organized. What the Judy Myth did was make many older, “bourgeois” gay men, lesbians and their allies feel comfortable. If what happened at Stonewall was outside their comfort zone—and for many it was—they could feel all gooey and happy knowing
kids and trans people.” Trivializing us was a constant in that period: If queers did it, it had to be stupid, worthless or shallow. It could not come from any deeper feelings, and it certainly could not be born out of rage, anger, passion or honesty. It was certain we had none of these. We were the “decorative” elements of society that could be wiped
that the “girls” were driven to this by some of the feelings they had: sadness over the death of Mickey Rooney’s girlfriend in those sweet 1930s musicals from their youth. As Mark Segal, publisher of PGN, said in a recent column about the Judy Myth: “It trivializes the riot and our actions, especially those of the street
away when mainstream power decided our presence was no longer worth it. So blaming a truly violent event of people standing up to the brute might of the New York City Police Department— with all its riot gear, tear gas, horses, squad cars, night sticks and guns—on the death, of all people, Judy Garland … well, you could
certainly gloat about that around cocktails on the Upper East Side. You could do a great, superior “Tsk, tsk” about it. But it was a lie. Judy in her casket at Frank E. Campbell’s had nothing to do with Stonewall. We did. Perry Brass’s 19 books include fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short stories and bestsellers like “The
basically, it said that it took Garland’s death to make LGbt people angry enough to fight back. That was not true. Manly Art of Seduction” and “King of Angels, A Novel About Childhood’s End and Sexual Awakening in Kennedy Era Savannah, Georgia.” His work often deals with the heartfelt feelings that came from his roots in New York’s Gay Liberation Front directly after the Stonewall uprising. He is a founding coordinator of the Rainbow Book Fair. More info at www.perrybrass.com.
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Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
talking points He is who he is and he has enough attention and he has his twitter account and he has ways to get his message across. there’s nothing that I’m going to say to him that’s going to change him.
lena Waithe, Kate mCKinnon taKe home emmy aWards
he 69th PRiMetiMe eMMY AWARDS WAS fiLLeD with historic wins and LGBTQ representation Sept. 17. Along with a repeat win by Kate McKinnon as Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for Saturday Night Live and the lesbian-themed “San Junipero,” from the sci-fi Netflix series Black Mirror,, receiving awards for Outstanding Television Movie and Outstanding Writing in a Limited Series or Movie, Lena Waithe made history for winning an Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series for co-writing the episode “Thanksgiving” on Master of None with the show’s co-creator, Aziz Ansari. She is the first black woman to receive the honor. “Thanksgiving” tells the story of how Waithe’s character Denise comes to terms with her sexuality and coming out in a black family over a series of family Thanksgivings. Waithe thanked her girlfriend while accepting the award and gave a special shout out to her “LGBTQIA family.” “I see each and every one of you,” Waithe said.
23% of
gordon thomson, DYNASTY’s adam Carrington, Comes out as gay
ORDON thOMSON, kNOWN fOR PLAYiNG the devious Adam Carrington on the iconic soap opera Dynasty, has publicly come out as gay at 72 years old. In a profile with The Daily Beast’s Tim Teeman, Thomson spoke at length about his sexuality for the first time. “It’s not something I’ve ever announced,” Thomson told Teeman. “I’m assuming that people know, and now that I’m my age that’s fine. I don’t go out of my way because it’s my generation, I think. I’m probably as homophobic as any gay man alive because of my background.” The actor, who was born in Ottawa, said that his generation’s attitude towards homosexuality is what kept him closeted.
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fans petition Warner bros. to maKe Wonder Woman biseXual
ONDER WOMAN fANS WANt the UPcOMiNG SeQUeL to honor canon and make the Amazonian warrior princess bisexual. Writer Greg Rucka confirmed that the Amazons of Themyscira engage in same-sex relationships in the comics. Gianna Collier-Pitts, GLAAD Campus Ambassador at New York University, penned the petition. “We are made to feel invisible and in doing so we begin to see ourselves as invisible,” the petition reads. “Making Wonder Woman canonically bisexual on the big screen would make her the first openly LGBTQ superhero of any gender from either DC or Marvel’s cinematic universes.” Gal Gadot has also given her support for Diana to be bisexual.
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one million moms boyCotts ROSEANNE reboot over gender-fluid CharaCter
Ne MiLLiON MOMS iS OUtRAGeD that Roseanne is including a gender-fluid character. In the reboot, Darlene (Sarah Gilbert) and David (Johnny Galecki) have a nine-year-old son, Mark (Ames McNamara). The character is described as “gender creative” who “displays qualities of both male and female young child traits.” The organization has accused the sitcom of pushing a “transgender agenda” with Mark’s inclusion in the show and has set up a boycott petition. “DNA proves a female is female and a male is male,” the group writes in a statement. “ABC is glorifying gender dysphoria and using a child to promote this mental disorder.” Roseanne premieres in 2018 on ABC.
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CELEBRATE Please Join Us as We Honor
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in-depth: television
The new fall season brings back Will & Grace Grace,, and a plethora of LGBTQ characters, to the small screen
Anna Johnson
t the 2017 PRiMetiMe eMMY
Awards, Lena Waithe became the first black woman to win the award for Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series.
The Emmy was awarded for an episode of Netflix’s show Master of None. She co-wrote the season two episode titled “Thanksgiving” with show co-creator Aziz Ansari, which chronicled her experience
coming out as a lesbian to her family. An episode of the Netflix series Black Mirror that focused on the romance between two women—one of them a woman of color—won
watermark Your LGBTQ life.
for Outstanding Writing in a Limited Series, Movie or Drama. The episode titled “San Junipero” also took home the Emmy for Outstanding Television Movie. Kate McKinnon, who is openly gay, won an Emmy for her performance on Saturday Night Live for the second year in a row. Awards do not represent a people as a whole. Visibility and support, however, have been proven to change the lives of people in the LGBTQ
community, especially when it comes to TV. GLAAD, an American media monitoring association that focuses on the LGBTQ community, compiles an annual report about the LGBTQ representation on television. The 2016 report found that 43 of the 895 series regular characters expected to appear on scripted broadcast television in 2017 were identified as gay, lesbian,
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young love: Aisha Dee (L) and Nikohl Boosheri play love interests Kat and Adena in Freeform’s The Bold Type.
toasting diversity: Pete Gardner (L) and David Hull not only tackle sexual stereotypes, but age stereotypes as well in the CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
Photo courtesy freeform
Photo courtesy The CW
making herstory: Lena Waithe (R) Makes Emmy history as the first black woman to win in comedy writing for the “Thanksgiving” episode of Netflix’s Master of None. Photo Courtesy CBS
| uu | LGBTQ TV from pg.35 bisexual, transgender and queer. That is 4.8 percent, and it is the highest number that GLAAD has ever reported. Within that percentage are shows like Modern Family, American Horror Story and even Game of Thrones. Will & Grace, a show that is considered a pioneer of gay representation in the 1990s on TV, is back for a new season on NBC. Many LGBTQ people are realizing this growth in characters like them on their own screens. Shane Howell is an acting student at Florida State University who hopes to be on TV
one day. He identifies as gay and is hopeful both for himself and for acceptance in the industry, especially with the increase he sees in LGBTQ characters. “I think that there’s been better representation in the last couple years,” Howell says. “It’s also becoming more popular for people who are in the LGBTQ community to play gay characters, which is great.” Howell grew up watching TV, and seeing gay characters not only made him want to act, but gave him confidence to be who he is. Rollins College assistant professor of critical media and culture studies, Steve Schoen,
girl power: Gugu Mbatha-Raw (L) and Mackenzie Davis have an unbreakbale bond in the Emmy Award-winning “San Junipero” episode of Netflix’s Black Mirror. Photo Courtesy Netflix
teaches a course on media representations of gender and sexuality. Schoen, who has a doctoral degree in media studies, says that representation is more important than many people realize. “Almost everything that we know about the world that isn’t from a direct experience is shaped by the media,” he says. “The stories that we see about people not only influence social attitudes, but they can also affect how we feel about ourselves.” The return of Will & Grace has been met with excitement by many members of the LGBTQ community. LGBTQ gathering spaces across the country hosted
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McKinnon Winnin’: Saturday Night Live’s Kate McKinnon takes home her second consecutive trophy at this year’s Primetime Emmy Awards. Photo Courtesy CBS
watch parties for the premiere of the encore season Sep. 28, including locally. Viewing parties took place across Central Florida and Tampa Bay at places like Stonewall Bar, the Parliament House, Hamburger Mary’s Pub House and Southern Nights to name just a few, as well as in the living rooms of LGBTQIA people across the country. In 2012, then Vice President Joe Biden went on Meet the Press to announce his complete support for same-sex marriage. This was during a time when then President Barack Obama still described himself as “evolving” on the issue. Biden cited the sitcom that had then been off-air
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for six years as one of his main influences on his opinion. “I take a look at when things really begin to change, is when the social culture changes,” he said. “I think Will & Grace probably did more to educate the American public than almost anything anybody’s ever done so far.” Will & Grace opened the door for more TV shows than ever before to feature LGBTQ characters. There are the shows coming back or currently in production with the same prominent
Continued on pg. 41 | uu |
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| uu | LGBTQ TV from pg.39 characters – shows like Modern Family, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and How to Get Away With Murder. These shows are not only critical successes with multiple Emmy, Screen Actor Guild and Golden Globe nominations and wins, but they are also big commercial hits with huge, rabid fanbases. This season of FX’s American Horror Story subtitled Cult stars Sarah Paulson and Allison Pill as a married couple. AHS has had LGBTQ characters in previous seasons as well, ranging from Denis O’Hare’s trans woman Liz Taylor in Hotel to Paulson’s Lana Winters in Asylum. The new season of CBS’s Star Trek: Discovery features Anthony Rapp and Wilson Cruz as the series’ first ever gay couple. Rapp talked about how important the pairing is on CBS News. “It’s the first time two human beings were born themselves and in love with each other as the same gender,” he said. “Even that he’s Latino and I’m white. We are also colleagues. It’s part of the fabric of it.” CBS’s show The Good Fight, a successor to The Good Wife, just aired its first season. Rose Leslie, of Game of Thrones fame, plays Maia, a woman in a stable relationship with her partner Amy. Leslie is one of three actresses, one of whom is a woman of color, who lead the show. The Bold Type, currently airing on Freeform, has a character named Adena El-Amin, a lesbian hijab-wearing Muslim who is proud of her sexuality, played by Nikohl Boosheri. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, which airs on The CW, will be returning for its third season. In season one, the character Darryl, played by Pete Gardener sings the triumphant bisexual coming out anthem “Getting Bi.” In season two, Darryl is in a relationship with another series regular, the buff gym rat White Josh. They’re still together at the end of the season and are sure to come back for season three. These shows don’t just carry a cult following with small audiences. All of these shows, and more, are watched by enough viewers to be on major networks and make enough money to stay in production. The television-viewing
My LGBTQIA family, I see each and every one of you. The things that make us different, those are our superpowers. Every day you walk out the door and put on your imaginary cape and go out there and conquer the world, because the world would not be as beautiful as it is if we weren’t in it. — Emmy-winning writer Lena Waithe
audience will also get a plethora of new LGBTQ characters coming to the small screen in 2018. ABC is rebooting the ‘90s sitcom Roseanne, which is set to feature Darlene and David’s (played by Sarah Gilbert and Johnny Galecki, respectively) nine-year-old son, Mark. He is described as “gender creative” who “displays qualities of both male and female young child traits.” The cable network Spike (set to become the Paramount Network on Jan. 18, 2018) announced they will debut a
modern day retelling of the 1988 cult film Heathers with a gay twist. In the remake, the Heathers will include a black lesbian, a plus-size woman and the leader-of-the-pack will identify as gender-queer. AHS creator Ryan Murphy will return with a new season of American Crime Story featuring Paulson and taking on the topic of Hurricane Katrina. The two are also collaborating on a One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest prequel for Netflix expected sometime in 2018.
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LGBTQ talent is appearing all over broadcast, cable and streaming television—in front of and behind the camera—and the mass American viewing audience, not just LGBTQ people, is to thank for that. Americans do love their TV. A June 2016 study conducted by Nielsen found that at least 50 percent of Americans now have a subscription to a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu. That same study says that, on average, Americans are watching just over five hours of both live and
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streaming television per day. Americans’ TV habits coupled with Biden’s comments reveal that people are influenced by what they see on their TV screens. Audiences can form opinions on groups of people because of characters that belong to those groups. Rachel Silverman, who has a doctorate degree in communication, is an associate professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. She
Continued on pg. 43 | uu |
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Get YOUR chAiNSAWS: (L-R) Jasmine Mathews, Melanie field and brendan Scannell are the new “Heathers” in Paramount Network’s series reboot of the 1980s cult classic film. Photo courteSy ParaMount netWorK
BOLDLY GOiNG: anthony rapp (L) and Wilson cruz portray the first gay couple onboard a starship in the CBS All Access series Star Trek: Discovery. Photo courteSy cbS
POLiticAL ScARefeSt: Sarah Paulson (L) and alison Pill play progressive moms in the politically-charged season of Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story: Cult. Photo courteSy fx
POWeRfUL LeADS: rose leslie
plays a strong woman in a stable same-sex relationship in CBS All Access’ The Good Fight.
NOt WiLL & GRAce: Julie Klausner (L) and billy eichner play hilarious, and self-centered, BFFs in the Hulu original series Difficult People. Photo courteSy hulu
Photo courteSy cbS
| uu | LGBTQ TV from pg.41 teaches a course about gender and sexuality in which students learn about the intersection of pop culture and media in the LGBT community. “People often don’t want to admit it, but people learn about others who are different from themselves through television,” Silverman says. “When you grow up in a community where everyone else is like you, oftentimes your knowledge of other people is from TV shows.” For the LGBTQ community, this can have far-reaching effects. A study conducted this year by the University of Southern
California Annenburg researched the effect of a transgender character’s appearance on one episode of the USA show Royal Pains. They surveyed a group of people who regularly watched the show. It is not clear how many of those viewers are members of the LGBTQ community. The study concludes that viewers had overall more positive attitudes toward transgender people after watching the episode. It also goes on to say that the fictional storyline influenced these people more than actual events. Many people, including Silverman, say that a breakthrough for transgender
people on television came with Netflix’s Orange is the New Black and Laverne Cox’s character Sophia Burset. Cox is a transgender actress of color who plays Sophia, a transgender woman. She’s been a supporting role on the show for all five seasons. Cox later starred in the new CBS show Doubt as a trans character. While the show only lasted one season, this was the first time in American television history that a transgender actor had a series regular role on broadcast television. Another example is Amazon’s Transparent. The program is about a retired college professor’s
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transition into becoming a woman and her new life. The show first aired in 2014, a year after OITNB began. It won a Golden Globe award for best series in 2015, the first TV show centered on a transgender person to do so. These shows are innovative in that they not only show thoroughly thought-out transgender characters, but also don’t align with TV’s typical portrayal of LGBTQ people. Schoen says “when it comes to gay people, often what we see are young, professional, white cisgender couples who are ‘hot’ by conventional media standards.” Silverman says that there will
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continue to be shows like this as long as there are writers who can tell the stories and consumers who want to watch them. If this year’s Emmys are any indication, there are. In Waithe’s acceptance speech, she thanked the community that supported her and vowed to keep writing for them. “And last but certainly not least my LGBTQIA family, I see each and every one of you,” Waithe said. “The things that make us different, those are our superpowers. Every day you walk out the door and put on your imaginary cape and go out there and conquer the world, because the world would not be as beautiful as it is if we weren’t in it.”
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arts and entertainment
Central Florida actor Joshua roth takes on the titular character in the Footlight Theatre’s production of Jeffrey
Jeremy Williams
OSt PeOPLe, WheN tRYiNG tO
figure out what they want to do with their lives, have that go-to person they talk it out with: a parent, a best friend, maybe a guidance counselor. For Central Florida actor Joshua Roth that person was a bit more removed than that. “I went to New York with some friends and had a really amazing conversation with this random woman on the subway for like an hour,” Roth recalls. “This woman just came into my life at the right time and she asked me what I love, and I told her that I love singing and dancing and she asked me ‘then why aren’t you doing it?’” Roth asked himself that very question—thanks to the subway lady—and the moment he got back home he began to put that plan into motion. “When I got home from New York I registered for classes at Valencia College,” Roth says. “I took some dance classes and acting classes, I got into voice lessons. I wasn’t really in a structured program, I just put my education together on my own with courses that I was passionate about. “ Born in Sacramento, Calif., a family move brought Roth to Aurora, Colo., at the age of four. He didn’t do much in the way of pursuing any professional acting gigs, if there were any professional
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acting gigs to be had in Aurora, but he did spend his middle and high years performing in a variety of school productions. “After I graduated high school, I did a semester of college in Denver before I decided I wanted to run away and came to Orlando on the Disney College Program,” Roth says. What should have been a four-month program turned into seven months, then a year. At that year mark of slinging turkey legs and making funnel cakes at the Magic Kingdom, Roth took a trip with friends up to New York. Enter subway lady. Roth started his training and auditioning, picking up his first paying gig in 2011. “I was in Chicago at the Theatre Downtown, which is no longer there, and they extended the run and we made $25 for each of the extended shows,” Roth says. Roth made it into some Orlando Fringe shows that year and then later was hired on at
Continued on pg. 47 | uu |
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| uu | Jeffrey from pg.45 Universal Studios for Grinchfest in 2011. “That was my first steady paycheck for performing. That’s where it started and I have been lucky enough to be able to make a living mostly performing ever since, of course with an odd job here and there,” Roth says. Roth has been a familiar face on Orlando stages ever since appearing in such hits as Rent, Spring Awakening, Falsettos, Naked Boys Singing and Sordid Lives, among many others. Roth most recently appeared at this year’s Orlando Fringe in the award-winning festival hit Wanzie With a Z, and will be the titular character in the Footlight Theatre’s production of Jeffrey. Eric Pinder directs the Tim Evanicki Production of Jeffrey at the Parliament House’s Footlight Theatre Oct. 13-28. Roth is joined on stage by his Naked Boys Singing co-star William Bruce, his Sordid Lives co-star Jessica Hoehn, as well as Justin Ortiz, Mark Hardin, Steven Johnson, Austin Paz and Forrest Stringfellow. Jeffrey was written by playwright Paul Rudnick in the early ‘90s. The play opened Off-Broadway on New Year’s Eve in 1992 and earned Rudnick several awards. The play was turned into a film in 1995 starring Steven Weber, Michael Weiss, Patrick Stewart, Sigourney Weaver, Olympia Dukakis and Nathan Lane. While not a huge hit, the film has taken on cult status since its premiere and is required viewing by many in the LGBTQ community. We won’t hold that against Roth though. “I have never seen the movie, and I think I am going to keep it that way while the show is running, so I can create this character on my own,” Roth says. Jeffrey is about a young gay man living in New York City in the 1980s and ‘90s during the height of the AIDS crisis. “Jeffrey remembers the gay sexual revolution of the
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DRAMA PARtNeRS: Jessica Hoehn (L) and Joshua Roth in the Footlight Theatre’s production of Sordid Lives last summer. Hoehn and Roth both appear in this fall’s Jeffrey. Photo courteSy JoShua roth
‘70s when you would go to the bathhouse, not just to have sex, but you would hang out there with your friends and then you would have sex with your friends. It was just sexual freedom that the community had not seen, and may never see again,” Roth says. “Jeffrey sees the sexual revolution come to a screeching halt with the AIDS crisis.” Jeffrey’s answer to the AIDS epidemic is to stop having sex. “Jeffrey decides with all of this going on in his community, and all of this newfound fear, he has no other choice,” Roth says. “But of course, in typical dramatic fashion, a man comes into his life the moment he says he is going to stop having sex.” The play explores not only Jeffrey’s relationships with both his friends and a man he thinks may be “the one,” but it also looks at what it means to be a gay man living with fear and despair during the AIDS epidemic. Did we also mention Jeffrey is a comedy? “It’s a bit bizarre because when you think of any production or movie or song that has to do with AIDS you
don’t think of those stories as being able to be funny,” Roth says. “One of the beautiful things about this play is it is written so that the heavy subject matter and the humor is so well balanced.” That balance of comedy and tragedy can be tricky when you are performing for an audience where many of them lived through the crisis. “The first thing, above all else, is to play these characters as honest as possible,” Roth says. “The writing for this play is clearly great; it wouldn’t have lasted as long as it has if it wasn’t. You trust the words and play things honestly.” With the advances made in HIV healthcare and education, some have said that Jeffrey may be dated or not be as relevant as before. Roth says that simply isn’t the case. “The conflicts that Jeffrey has and the situations and feelings he struggles with are still extremely relevant,” he says. “We have people everyday still getting infected. Of course it is still relevant. I think anybody who comes and sees this show is going to take something impactful away from it.”
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
This ad sponsored by
Gay Gardens
Big Gay Busch Gardens Day celebrates its fifth anniversary at Tampa Bay Park
the upside down:
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is home to six heart pounding roller coasters for the thrill seeker in you. Photos courtesy Rainbow Circus
Ryan Williams-Jent
utumn may have begun on Sept.
22, but no one told Tampa Bay or its LGBTQ community. On Oct. 7, they’ll rally together to celebrate the fifth annual Big Gay Busch Gardens Day, presented by local drag favorite Kori Stevens.
The event, which last year drew 250 participants, calls upon the LGBTQ community to come together for familial fun in the sun at Busch Gardens, the popular theme park and zoo in the Tampa Bay area. The park describes itself as “the ultimate family adventure, offering 300 acres of fascinating attractions based on exotic explorations around
the world.” It further cites that it offers “a unique blend of thrilling rides, one of the country’s premier zoos with more than 12,000 animals, live shows, restaurants, shops and games,” noting that they offer “unrivaled excitement for guests of every age.” “Most of you have probably seen the ad already,” the Big Gay
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Busch Gardens Day Facebook page reads, “but we would love for you to join us for the 4th Annual Big GAY Gardens Day event at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay.” “This is just a day where members of the LGBTQ community meet up at the park to just enjoy a day together,” it advises. “This is not a sponsored event – nor is it tied to any other event – so there are no host hotels, planned parties, outrageous ticket prices or anything like that.” “It’s simply a day to gather and enjoy each other,” it concludes. Kori Stevens, who founded the event and will enjoy it with the community again this year, echoed the page. “It really is just a day for all of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, and
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supporters, to get together and HAVE A BLAST!!!” she told Watermark. “There is no agenda. Show up with or without friends, make new ones, and enjoy all that the park has to offer. “ Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is owned and operated by SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment and is their second largest park in terms of attendance, falling behind SeaWorld Orlando. It features eight roller coasters and two water rides, as well as animal attractions—something for every walk of life in the LGBTQ community. Its newest roller coaster, Cobra’s Curse, opened last year. It’s a coaster that, as the park describes, “puts a spin on family thrills,” a “one-of-a-kind spin coaster feature a 70-foot vertical lift and taking riders on a whirlwind adventure of exciting explorations.” It’s one that, the park advises, causes “explorers [to] come face-to-face with an 80-foot snake icon, and discover the mysteries of an Egyptian archaeological excavation.” Falcon’s Fury, another popular ride, is North America’s tallest freestanding drop tower. The one-of-a-kind ride stands at 335 feet tall, and sends its riders soaring straight down. “Like its bird of prey namesake, at the ride’s highest point, riders pivot 90 degrees in midair to a face-down dive position,” their website reads. “An instant later they plunge 60 mph straight down.” Cheetah Hunt, described as “a new breed of speed,” was Florida’s first triple launch coaster. “This mega-attraction begins at Cheetah Run where guests are just inches away from the world’s fastest land animals. It’s a new point-of-view guaranteed to get anyone’s heart racing,” Busch Gardens advertises. “Next, take a seat on Cheetah Hunt and join nature’s fastest and most agile predator as it races across the Serengeti. This one-of-a-kind themed launch coaster climbs high above the African landscape and then races down along the ground and through a rocky gorge.” Following another “burst of acceleration,” they advise, “guests leap over awestruck bystanders and head for home. It’s a 4,400 foot sprint that will take your breath away.” Another popular attraction is SheiKra, North America’s “first dive coaster sends riders through a breathtaking three-minute journey 200 feet up to the edge of
Continued on pg. 53 | uu |
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Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
| uu | Busch Gardens from pg.51
a 90-degree drop,” which Busch Gardens calls “just the beginning.” They cite their “floorless” cars, which “give riders an unobstructed view of the 70 mph rush” through a simultaneous loop and roll, a second, vertical drop into an underground tunnel and “a water feature finale, all packed into a half-mile of steel track.” After an initial 135 foot drop, riders on Kumba plunge into a diving loop, “feel a full three seconds of absolute weightlessness while spiraling 360 degrees, and tear through one of the world’s largest vertical loops.”
an ominous waterfall and other thrilling obstacles in a 12-person raft.” Another reason to wear your hat? Stanley Falls Flume, a log flume that whisks riders “through a splashing trip ending in a 40-foot drop that’s sure to get everyone soaked.” For those in the community who’d rather see an animal than ride something named after one, Busch Gardens offers a wide array of attractions. The Animal Care Center welcomes guests “to closely observe and even take part in the animal care experience in the Animal Care Center.” That includes nutrition, treatments, X-rays and even surgeries. Animal Connections is the “hub for up-close animal interactions and real-world conservation
variety of brilliantly colored birds including several species of parrots.” As an added bonus, Busch Gardens advises, the area allows for “unforgettable photo opportunities.” So, selfies galore. Various live shows and performances can help close out the day or evening as well. “This year, we are selling souvenir t shirts, and all proceeds will be donated to Empath Partners in Care,” Kori Stevens told us. “Macy’s came on as a sponsor this year, and they are hosting a ‘PreGardens Get-Together’ at their WestShore with beer, wine, and light bites. If you donate $10, they will give you a $10 gift card to their store. It’s always a great experience. Everyone should just come on out.
opportunities,” allowing guests of all ages to “connect with animal ambassadors, hand feed flamingos and observe the natural behaviors of exotic species.” Serengeti Plain includes reticulated giraffes, rhinos, wildebeests, antelope and ostriches, “which can be seen from the Serengeti Express Train, Skyride, Serengeti Safari and various walkways.” It’s a 65-acre environment including open landscapes, naturalistic creek beds and mud banks. Jungala offers up-close animal interactions, a three story maze of rope bridges and nets for younger members of the LGBTQ community, “an unforgettable adventure and an extraordinary mix of discovery and fun in the only jungle in the world that plays with you.” If you prefer birds, you can get your fix at Bird Gardens, an area of almost 500 tropical birds hailing from around the world, and Lory Landing—a domed habitat “showcasing a
We’re at the park from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. on Saturday, and then there are some who stick around for Howl-O-Scream afterward.” Stevens, reflecting on the event’s five year anniversary, said that she thought it was important to continue it because it has no agenda. “I am all for fundraising and such, but I think there should also be events where people don’t have to feel obligated to give money, time or services,” Stevens said. “This type of event brings people together just to have a good time and enjoy each other... to build community.”
“It really is just a day for all of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, and supporters, to get together and HAVE A BLAST!” —Kori Stevens
Ride enthusiasts can also “feel the ultimate rush on one of the tallest and longest inverted roller coasters in the world” with Montu, experiencing an “inverse diving loop and a 60-foot vertical loop while they endure speeds of more than 60 mph.” Attractions for younger explorers in the LGBTQ community include SandSerpent, full of curves, drops and corkscrews, maxing out at 22 mph and described as “a child’s first coaster experience.” Air Grover, a “junior coaster full of fun turns [and] mini-dives” is another alternative, with Scorpion allowing riders to experience a “terrifying 60-foot drop and 360-degree loop at incredible speeds.” Congo River Rapids will allow LGBTQ guests to cool off, though offers no guarantee on hair product preservation as guests “encounter the swift-flowing white water of the Congo River Rapids.” They’ll “spin through a geyser and face
You can join the LGBTQ community and its allies at Macy’s on Friday, Oct. 6 from 6-8 pm at its Westshore location, located at 298 Westshore Plaza, Tampa. Big GAY Busch Gardens Day will be held on Saturday, Oct. 7 from 10 am-6 pm at Busch Gardens, located at 10165 N. McKinley Dr, Tampa, FL 33612. Tickets are available for the park at buschgardenstampabay.com, and you can visit facebook.com/ BigGayBuschGardens/.
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Cherish Your Life Events
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watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Equality on the Courts
Fox Searchlight Pictures’ new film Battle of the Sexes looks at tennis legend Billie Jean King’s struggle with her sexuality, women’s rights
Led by Billie Jean King and former World Tennis Magazine publisher Gladys Heldman, nine female tennis players (recreated here for the film) hold up the dollar each were paid for signing symbolic contracts for the newly formed Virginia Slims Circuit which allowed women to play for equal prize money. Photo courtesy Fox Searchlight Pictures
Melissa Murphy of the Associated Press
illie Jean King discovered tennis at 11 and noticed it was nearly all white— the dresses, the balls and the people.
She won a Wimbledon doubles title at 17 and married Larry King in 1965 while both were students at California State University, Los Angeles. He studied law and played tennis on a scholarship. Billie Jean studied history and worked two jobs because she had no scholarship, which her husband noted made her a “second-class citizen.” That epiphany led King to social activism on and off the court. She and eight other women eventually put their careers on the line in 1970 to start the Virginia Slims tennis tour, with the deep pockets of tennis magazine publisher Gladys Heldman and corporate sponsor Philip Morris. The story of the early days of the tour and her fight for equal prize money is chronicled in the Fox Searchlight Pictures’ movie Battle of the Sexes; starring Emma Stone, Steve Carell, Sarah Silverman, Bill Pullman and Alan
Cumming. The film opened nationwide on Sept. 29. The match between Bobby Riggs, a former tennis champion who hyped it with glib comments about gender roles, and No. 1 King played out before a sellout crowd of 30,000 at the Houston Astrodome and 50 million viewers on TV in September 1973. There was little at stake for the 55-year-old Riggs except a chance at a $100,000 for a win. For the 29-year-old King, it was about respect for women and the reputation of the fledgling pro tour. “We had players that were willing to take a stand and be counted,” King said of women earning less than half the prize money of men at coed tournaments. The early 1970s were tumultuous times with fomenting anti-Vietnam war, civil rights, gay rights and women’s movements. In 1972, Congress passed Title IX, the federal law that opened
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college doors for women by banning sex discrimination in all education programs, including sports. In 1973, when women needed their husband’s permission to get a credit card, the gender pay gap was 56.6 cents to the dollar; it’s increased to 79.6 cents in 2015, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. “That was interesting to us, that such important issues could be debated in this circus-like atmosphere,” co-director Jonathan Dayton said of the publicity before the match. “Frankly, it reminds us a little bit of the times we’re in.” King threatened to boycott the 1973 U.S. Open unless the U.S. Lawn Tennis Association provided equal prize money. She lined up a sponsor to pay the difference before the group agreed and paid $25,000 to both winners. This month at the U.S. Open, at a facility that now bears King’s name, 24-year-old American Sloane Stephens was handed a check for $3.7 million—the same as the men’s champion. The U.S. national women’s soccer and hockey teams recently used similar tactics for improvements in salaries and benefits.
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Stone, who plays King in the movie, has nudged male co-stars to accept equal pay for movies. She’s the highest-paid actress in Hollywood, according to Forbes. “I think it’s important to correct equal pay everywhere,” the 28-year-old Stone said. “That’s just a no-brainer.” The movie shows the “Libber” vs. the “Lobber” struggling in their marriages— Riggs with his gambling habit and King with her sexuality. Riggs, for all his talk about women staying home, was supported by his wealthy wife. It delves into King’s realization she’s gay and her budding relationship with Marilyn Barnett. “It’s not just a tennis movie,” King said. “It’s really about social change and it’s also about the inner struggles we all go through. There’s a lot of humor in it, too. It’s really a wonderful balance.” King was later outed by Barnett in a palimony suit and lost thousands of dollars in endorsements overnight. She eventually divorced, and Ilana Kloss has been her “partner in life for 38 years.” Three months before the “Battle of the Sexes” match, King organized a meeting in London ahead of Wimbledon to create the Women’s Tennis Association in 1973. Currently, the WTA tour offers $139 million in total prize money for 55 events in 32 countries. King attributes the success to strong corporate sponsorship, plus men and women playing together at Wimbledon and other events since the late 1880s. Eight of the top 10 highest-paid female athletes are tennis players, according to Forbes, led by Serena Williams with $27 million in prize money and endorsements. King says men and women in leadership positions in the sports and business worlds need to step up around equal pay. “Leaders can change the culture and environment.” This week, she joined Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and others on the Anti-Defamation League’s new sports leadership council to promote social change and combat discrimination. She called sports “the great equalizer” where leaders can “confront society’s issues head on, just as we did as athletes.” She created the Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative in 2014 and noted among female executives, the vast majority played sports growing up. The 73-year-old King calls millennials “the greatest generation” for advancing diversity and inclusion. “Everyone is an influencer. I think sometimes you forget that—for yourself, for your family and for the world. You can make a difference.”
2 0 1 7 G R E AT E R
ORLANDO GALA F r i d a y , N o v e m b e r 3 RD
8 - 11 P M
At the Orlando Museum of Art 2416 North Mills Ave, Orlando, FL PRESENTED BY
Tickets $100 in advance ( $125 at the door )
Our Steering & Host Committee have planned our best Gala yet, and this year, we are celebrating something special: Equality Florida’s 20th birthday! We hope you will help us mark 20 years of transformational work by joining us for a night of live music by Silkee Smoove band, special entertainment surprises, a silent art auction, delicious hors d’oeuvre, and a full open bar. The year’s program will feature a state of the state address by Equality Florida co-founder and CEO Nadine Smith. We will also be honoring Michael Slaymaker with our Lifetime Achievement Award and QLatinx with our Voice for Equality Award.
To RSVP and purchase tickets visit equalityflorida.org/orlandogala or call 407-462-9692 Sponsorship opportunities begin at $500 and include complimentary Gala tickets along with a number of other benefits. To become a sponsor visitequalityflorida.org/orlandogala or contact Michael Farmer at Michael@equalityflorida.org or 407-462-9692
Equality Florida is the largest civil rights organization dedicated to securing full equality for Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community. All net proceeds directly benefit Equality Florida Institute, a tax exempt 501c3 non-profit organization. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR EQUALITY FLORIDA INSTITUTE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES AT FLORIDACONSUMERHELP.COM OR BY CALLING TOLL-FREE WITHIN FLORIDA (1.800.435.7352). REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. REGISTRATION #CH7992.
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Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Cult Classics: Poltergeist Tues, October 3rd at 9:30PM
Midnight Movies: 28 Days Later Sat, October 7th at 11:59PM
Cult Classics: Cabin Fever Tues, October 10th at 9:30PM
Popcorn Flicks: The Blob
Thurs, October 12th at 8PM | FREE in Central Park!
Saturday Matinee Classics: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Sat, October 14th at 12PM
Midnight Movies: The Exorcist Sat, October 14th at 11:59PM
Music Mondays: Phantom of the Paradise
Book to Big Screen: Bram Stoker’s Dracula Sat, October 21st at 11AM
Midnight Movies: Kill, Baby…Kill! Sat, October 21st at 11:59PM
Kid’s Halloween Party featuring Hotel Transylvania 2 Sun, October 22nd at 11:30AM
Cult Classics: High Tension Tues, October 24th at 9:30PM
Midnight Movies: Halloween II Sat, October 28th at 11:59PM
Cult Classics: A Nightmare on Elm Street Tues, October 31st at 9:30PM
Mon, October 16th at 9:30PM
Don’t forget to join us for Eden Bar’s HALLOWEEN and 10th Anniversary Party on October 28th FREE ENTRY | 21 & over only | Drink Specials
More info on Enzian.org
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
community calendar
event planner
Our common bond Launch Party
Man of La Mancha, Oct. 5-8, Orlando Shakes, Orlando. 407-447-1700; OrlandoShakes.org onePulSe foundation town hall forum, Oct. 9, Orlando Repertory Theater, Orlando. 407-775-2437; onePULSEFoundation.org comedy Showcase at the Starlite room, Oct. 10, Savoy, Orlando. 407-270-4685; SavoyOrlando.com cocktail cabaret presents dark Menagerie, Oct. 12, Will’s Pub, Orlando. 407-709-9644; WillsPub.org come out With Pride, Oct. 1214, Various locations, Orlando. ComeOutWithPride.com ShotS orlando Grand opening, Oct. 13, Shots, Orlando. 407-374-2499; ShotsBar.com oic big Gay brunch 2017, Oct. 14, The Abbey, Orlando. 407-377-0400; OrlandoWeekly.com Pro equality Peace rally, Oct. 14, Ocala Downtown Square, Ocala. 352-390-8969; Facebook.com/BG-Downtown bruno Mars: 24K Magic World tour, Oct. 14, Amway Center, Orlando. 407-440-7000; AmwayCenter.com orlando Pride w/ Shea coulee, Oct. 14, Parliament House, Orlando. 407-425-7571; ParliamentHouse.com On Your Feet! the emilio & Gloria estefan Musical, Oct. 17-22, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando. 844-513-2014; DrPhillipsCenter.org the adore tour – adore deloano, Oct. 18, Southern Nights, Orlando. 407-412-5039; Facebook.com/ SouthernNightsOrlando neil deGrasse tyson, Oct. 18, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando. 844-513-2014; DrPhillipsCenter.org
SUNDAY, Oct. 8, 7:00-9:00 P.M. SAvOY, ORLANDO Our Common Bond is launching the implementation of their first two programs with a kickoff party at Savoy Orlando. Join them as they discuss Survivor’s Justice and The True You programs. The event is free to attend. All proceeds raised after payment of pledges will be divided equally between their two new programs. For more information, visit Our Common Bond’s Facebook page.
fab films
bear bust XXVII thURSDAY, Oct. 19, 3:00 P.M. MONDAY, Oct. 23, 2:00 A.M. PARLiAMeNt hOUSe, ORLANDO
After Louie, starring alan cummings, is one of four LGBTQ films playing for the Fabulous Independent Film Festival at Burns Court Cinema in Sarasota Oct. 6 and 7. Photo courteSy fabulouSiff.coM
16th annual taste of thornton Park, Oct. 19, The Veranda at Thornton Park, Orlando. 407-408-6804; VerandaThorton.com
ac2: an intimate evening With anderson cooper and andy cohen, Oct. 7, Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Tampa. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org
tampa bay
come out St. Pete, Oct. 11-15, Various locations, St. Petersburg. ComeOutStPete.org
neibearhood takeover with fernando del rio, Oct. 6, Southern Nights, Tampa. 813-559-8625; SouthernNightsTPA.com
coming out Stories open Mic, Oct. 11, LGBT Welcome Center, St. Petersburg. 727-201-4925; LGBTWelcomeCenter.com
tampabay international Gay & lesbian film festival, Oct. 6-15, Various locations, Tampa Bay. 813-879-4220; TIGLFF.com
naked Magicians, Oct. 12, Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Tampa. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org
Grand central Market, Oct. 7, Punky’s Bar and Grill, St. Petersburg. 727-201-4712; PunkysBar.com
red hot after Party, Oct. 12, Enigma Bar and Lounge, St. Petersburg. 727-235-0867; EnigmaStPete.com
big Gay Gardens day, Oct. 7, Busch Gardens, Tampa. 813-884-4386; BuschGardens.com/Tampa
Metro’s come out youth night: a Queer Monster bash!: Oct. 13, LGBT Welcome Center, St. Petersburg. 727-201-4925; LGBTWelcomeCenter.com
Monster Mash, Oct. 7, Flamingo Resort, St. Petersburg. 727-321-5000; FlamingoFla.com
halloween Paint Party: Masks, Oct. 14, Latin Pop Shop Studio, Pinellas Park. 703-646-3378; Gascot.com
Bears in the City and the Parliament House present the 17th Annual Bear Bust weekend. The weekend is full of pool parties, vendor fairs and dance parties, as well as Bearaoke, Bearlympics, film screenings and more. Events will feature the Orlando Gay Chorus, Battle of the Bitches with Jackie Beat & Sherry Vine, Mr. Bear Bust, a concert by musician Josh Williams and much more. For more information and a list of all the events, visit BearBust.org.
equality florida family Values Picnic, Oct. 15, Gulfport Beach Pavilion #7, Gulfport. 813-870-3735; EQFL.org
tampa bay
balance tampa bay’s October service
hurricane relief concert for Puerto rico & Virgin islands, Oct. 15, Punky’s Bar and Grill, St. Petersburg. 727-201-4712; PunkysBar.com neil deGrasse tyson, Oct. 19, Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Tampa. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org the adore tour – adore deloano, Oct. 19, Southern Nights, Tampa. 813-559-8625; SouthernNightsTPA.com
SAtURDAY, Oct. 7, 9:00 A.M. - NOON DAccO BehAviORAL heALth, tAMPA Balance Tampa Bay continues with their philanthropic work as they give back to DACCO Behavioral Health for their October Service event. Join them Saturday morning as they assist in painting the inside of DACCO’s headquarters in Tampa. All painting supplies, as well as refreshments, will be provided. Plenty of parking is available as well. For more information, visit BalanceTampaBay.org.
suncoast equality connection
sarasota fabulous independent film festival, Oct. 6-7, Burns Court Cinema, Sarasota. 941-955-3456; FabulousIFF.com Sarasota’s out awards ceremony, Oct. 8, Purple Rhino Lodge, Sarasota. 941-735-6553; ThePurpleRhino.org
tUeSDAY, Oct. 17, 6:00-8:00 P.M. SOUth fLORiDA MUSeUM, BRADeNtON Equality Florida will be at the South Florida Museum in Bradenton with EQFL’s Senior Policy Director Hannah Willard. The Equality Connection is open to the public and brings together Equality Florida members, staff and those new to the organization. Drop in to mingle, and enjoy complimentary appetizers courtesy of Mattison’s. Visit EQFL.org to RSVP.
To submit your upcoming event, concert, performance, or fundraiser visit watermarkonline.com.
watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
We are, and always will be, a non-judgmental, inclusive and safe environment for all of our patients. Proud to have been named a leader in LGBTQ equality since 2013
St. Petersburg General Hospital StPeteGeneral.com
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Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
tampa bay out+about
a bear goodbye
he BODY ShOP, SeLf-DeScRiBeD AS “Tampa’s favorite neighborhood bear bar,” held its farewell party on Sept. 30, closing its doors forever. “It is with great sadness that we are announcing that the Body Shop will be closing within the next week or so,” the bar announced via its website on Sept. 25. “The building, while it is no secret has been for sale for quite some time, has been purchased.” “We would like to thank all of our amazing patrons who have been a part of our family,” they continued. “We will be having a farewell party both Happy Hour Friday and Saturday night. Please stay tuned for more details.” The Body Shop concluded by saying that they hoped to “see all of our friends and family this week as we say farewell to the Body Shop Bear Bar.” They further thanked patrons “for being so amazing through this process,” noting that “we love you all!”
Calling all Queens
t. PeteRSBURG’S fLAMiNGO ReSORt hAS ANNOUNceD “Tampa Bay Drag Race,” a seven-week competition coming in November. “Who has what it takes to become the next drag superstar?” the establishment’s advertisement asked, noting that the grand prize winner will receive $2,500 cash—and the event will offer $4,000 in cash and prizes. “Come on local drag Superstars!” the resort’s Jeff Beadle shared via social media. “The prizes are still being determined, and we’ll easily surpass the $4,000 that [our] ad is showing. Apply to be a part of this, or for all the local folks, tell your favorite queen that you want to see them compete!” “I’m not kidding when I say we have not seen anything like this in the Tampa Bay area,” Beadle concluded, “and each week the theme/challenges are crazy fun!” The cast of 10 queens will be announced on Friday, Oct. 13. Interested parties can contact jon@ flamingofla.com for additional information.
ARASOtA OUt, the citY’S LGBt DiRectORY Of eveNtS AND BUSiNeSSeS, will hold the first annual Sarasota OUT Awards on Sunday, Oct. 8 from 8-10pm at the Purple Rhino Lodge. “I think Sarasota OUT could be the driving force to help make the LGBT community come together,” Sarasota OUT manager Josh Beadle told Watermark in January. It’s a mission he and his team have accomplished: the community voted for the area’s best of the best in September, and will now come together to celebrate the winners. The event will be hosted by local favorites Beneva Fruitville and Felicity Liemont Roxx, with drink specials, music by DJ BOO, and local celebrity guests. The Purple Rhino Lodge is located at 2920 Beneva Rd. in Sarasota, and more information can be found at sarasotaout.com.
2 3
ARt POP: cherry Poppins (l) and brian longstreth strike a pose ahead of the Queen’s long-awaited return to the stage at Enigma on Sept. 24. Photo by ryan WilliaMS-Jent
We BeARLY kNeW Ye: chrissy Sellers davis (l) and Juan fontanez Jr. say goodbye to The Body Shop in Tampa on Sept. 30. Photo courteSy of chriSSy SellerS daViS
SNUGGLiNG SMiLeS: amy Grimming (l) and dylan todd celebrate a birthday at The Dog Bar in St. Pete on Sept. 22. Photo
courteSy of chriS WilliS
cOMe thRU: lady liemont pulls back the curtains ahead of a sickening performance at Bradley’s on 7th on Sept. 23. Photo courteSy of
franK PiScoPo
ticket extRAvAGANzA: (l-r) dixie lynn Michaels, Joshua deblock and Victoria Michaels sell, buy and work charity raffle tickets at Enigma’s AIDS Awareness Fundraiser on Sept. 24. Photo by ryan WilliaMS-Jent
thiS ONe’S ON US: (l-r) Michelle ondick, Mike howse, ryan hagan, bre Puttonen, Zachary alan, christopher Van ast, Kim hagan and dillon Gagnon enjoy the return of Watermark Wednesdays at Quench Lounge on Sept. 20.
Photo by ryan WilliaMS-Jent
AND the WiNNeR iS…: robert riedel takes home first place for his watercolor entry “Escape” in the Come OUT St. Pete Art Exhibit & Contest on Sept. 30. Photo courteSy of coMe out St. Pete
NOW POSe: Sarasota Legend beneva fruitville journeys to Flamingo to attend the resort’s benefit for Puerto Rico on Oct. 1. Photo by
ryan WilliaMS-Jent
7 watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
orlando out+about
pulse survivor, Car JaCK’d
hRiStOPheR hANSeN, the PULSe SURvivOR recognized as the guy in the fedora, was the victim of a carjacking in Little Rock, Ark. Hansen was visiting his family in Little Rock to celebrate his parent’s 25th wedding anniversary and to retrieve some personal items from a storage unit he was bringing back with him to Florida. According to a story in the Orlando Sentinel, while visiting Little Rock, Hansen decided to meet up with a man he had been chatting with on the dating app Jack’d. Hansen picked him up and they went for a smoke at a nearby lake. As the two of them walked along a trail, Hansen says he came up to a tarp on the ground and panicked thinking this guy meant to make him the victim of some horrible crime. Hansen started walking back to his rental car and that is when he said he was pushed to the ground and had his keys stolen from him when they fell out of his pocket. The perpetrator left Hansen stranded in the middle of nowhere. Hansen, not knowing the attacker’s real name or Jack’d screenname, was unable to provide the police with enough information to find the man. The car, with Hansen’s wallet missing, was found in a Walgreens parking lot near the apartments where Hansen picked up the guy. The man has not been found. A GoFundMe page was set up for Hansen, where he was asking for $1000 to assist him in renting a car to get back to Florida.
trumpster’s dump
N the PROGReSSive NeiGhBORhOOD Of the MiLLS/50 AReA, local resident Sam Singhaus, also known to many as the talented Miss Sammy, received an interesting letter regarding a “DUMP TRUMP” banner he hung outside of his home. Sam explained that after months of writing to his senators and not seeing any change to the current administration, he felt it necessary to express his political opinion. But according to one salty neighbor, in Trump’s America, Sam is wrong. The anonymous letter, which looks like it was typed out on a typewriter read: Dear Neighbor, Your political views stink, just like your ass. Too bad we all can’t put great big obnoxious signs in our yards, stating our political views. How about this for a sign: Fuck You FAGGOTS. We asked if he had an idea who would send the letter; Sam said he’s narrowed it down to a few neighbors that may have smelled his ass.
thiS iS hALLOWeeN: Watermark Sales Manager danny Garcia (center) joins friends at Universal Studios 27th Annual Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando Sept. 30. Photo courteSy of danny Garcia
RePReSeNtiNG: State Rep. carlos Guillermo Smith of Orlando arrives back in Florida after an emergency humanitarian trip to Puerto Rico to deliver supplies and personally assess the devastation from Hurricanes Irma and Maria Oct. 2. Photo courteSy of carloS GuillerMo SMith
the cAt’S MeOW: Commissioner Patty Sheehan (L) sells one of her Bad Kitties to Watermark owner and publisher rick claggett at The District Market at Mills 50 in Orlando Sept. 29. Photo by JereMy WilliaMS
DRAG RAce BeStieS: Jean candelaria (L) has a drink with RuPaul’s Drag Race’s tatianna after her performance at Parliament House in Orlando Sept. 30. Photo courteSy ParliaMent
houSe orlando
SteAMPUNk chic: WFTV’s Jorge estevez is excited to win an award from Hope & Help at the 28th Annual Headdress Ball at the Marriot World Center in Orlando Sept. 23. Photo by J.d. caSto
#ORLANDOUNiteD: Pulse survivor angel colon and social justice advocate ida Vishkaee eskamani join a team of hundreds at Acacia Network Centro Borinqueno to gather supplies to send to the people of Puerto Rico Sept. 30.
Photo by JereMy WilliaMS
MAGic MeAL: (L-R) Scott Stowell, russell Walker, Matt Garner, Jay lovell and doug ba’aser do a little Magical Dining at Nova Scratch Kitchen in Orlando Sept. 22. Photo
courteSy Scott StoWell
cOLORfUL SPAceS: (L-R) Jordyn hill, lukas barrett, coco biatche and haley brown come out in full Technicolor for Space Coast Pride in Melbourne Sept. 30. Photo
courteSy Jordyn hill
8 watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
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Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
youth services
If this were your ad, thousands of readers
would have just seen it. Call for rates
Wedding bells
Melanie Gagne and Joy Belding
Improv comedian Joy fell hard for her manager, Melanie, proving it’s possible a work romance can, well…work. current city Of residence:
Photo by Chad Clegg
September 5, 2011
weddinG date:
September 16, 2012
Hilton Hotel Cocoa Beach
Purple and lime green
weddinG sOnG and artist: “Runaway” from The Corrs
dJ Or Band name:
Rubin Ervin
Hilton Hotel
attire VendOrs:
David’s Bridal
cake Bakery:
cake flaVOrs:
Vanilla with raspberry filling
PhOtOGraPher/ VideOGraPher:
Chad Clegg
Phish Phest entertainment celebrates 16 years in business Oct. 15.
lOcal Birthdays
enGaGement date:
biG Gay Gardens day celebrates its fourth year at Busch Gardens Oct. 7.
Grace restoration church in Lakeland celebrates its seven year anniversary Oct. 16.
Davenport, FL
A1A Florist
comedy show host at the Nickelodeon Hotel, and Melanie was her manager. “We obviously got to know each other very well as we worked five days a week together,” says Melanie, who was in a downhill straight marriage at the time. “Joy opened my eyes and allowed me to just be me and be open to the possibilities.”
Melanie, who is French-Canadian, instantly sparked Joy’s interest. She noticed that Melanie was becoming more and more flirty with her as their friendship progressed. “It was a no brainer. She already had my attention with her beauty and personality. She just made everyone’s day better,” says Joy. They went on a date and their relationship began. Melanie loved Joy’s outgoing personality (important for a comedian) and how she always loved to make everyone laugh (also important). “She wore her heart on her sleeve and went out of her way to help anyone who needed it,” says Melanie. Besides Melanie’s adorable accent, Joy loved her big heart and her ability to stay organized in the face of chaos. “I’m all over the place, so it’s great to
have someone who has it together,” she says of Melanie. Joy wanted to be the one to propose, so she planned an elaborate proposal at the couple’s home. “We both wanted to get married,” says Melanie. “We wanted to take the next step.” Joy agrees; she loved Melanie right away and it didn’t take long for her to say it. “I absolutely wanted to take her hand and have her be by my side.” Joy proposed in a room filled with 15 dozen roses and candles, playing “I’ll Stand By You” by The Pretenders on the guitar as Melanie walked in the front door after work. Melanie said “yes.” Melanie wanted to return the gesture and proposed to Joy on her 30th birthday in Cocoa Beach, where they eventually tied the knot. “Planning was not as stressful
as we thought it would be. I think Joy’s mom was the one who was the most stressed!” says Melanie. The venue and DJ were the most important venue to the pair. “Everything went very smoothly,” says Joy. “We knew we wanted it to be at the beach and we made decisions easily.” The only stressor on their beach wedding day: potential chance of rain. The couple got ready in separate rooms and Melanie’s heart started racing when she saw the chairs being set up on the beach and the steel drum performer arriving. “Joy looked drop-dead gorgeous in that white dress,” says Melanie. As same-sex marriage was not yet legal in Florida, the couple exchanged symbolic vows and rings in front of their families and friends. Joy’s favorite moment was when their daughter, Savannah, looked up at her and said, “You look so beautiful, Mommy!” Joy recalls, “I will never forget her smile in that moment. We felt like a complete family.” Joy says, “I remember our first dance, with Melanie singing to me, and I just thought ‘I am so lucky she’s mine!”
Bach Festival’s Zac alfon, Orlando bartender tracy thomas (Oct. 5); Watermark Tampa Bay sales rep debbie reeves, Lighthouse Realty broker/owner Mike trexler (Oct. 6); Tampa realtor Mike reedy, Gomez Law Firm of St. Petersburg’s ian Stanislaus, Orlando LGBT activist Michael Slaymaker, graphic designer Jocelynn White, Parliament House’s loc robertson (Oct. 7); Orlando Meltdown coordinator Kyle Gaither, Tampa Bay photographer robert castelli, D’Squared Productions’ douglas White (Oct. 8); Mad Cow Theatre’s Mitzi Maxwell, Libby’s Legacy founder robin Maynard (Oct. 9); Tampa Bay entertainer Victoria Michaels (Oct. 10); Parliament House’s robert arroyo (Oct. 11); King of Peace MCC pastor candace Shultis, Orlando DJ and magician VJ nick comis (Oct. 12); Tampa Pride’s Mark “tea cup” West bias, Flamingo St. Pete bartender Jeff beadle (Oct. 13); freelance writer Michael Kilgore, GaYbor entertainer and Tampa institution Joey brooks, Pink Flamingo Group Trips coordinator dan Warren (Oct. 14); Orlando realtor Scott benson, Central Florida Sounds of Freedom musician Melissa fallcenbury, art curator Mendi cowles, Tampa retiree howard hawk (Oct. 15); Orlando Fringe producer Michael Marinaccio, real estate agent Kase elders, Suncoast softballer Michael Monnich, Orlando attorney Mary Meeks (Oct. 16); Gecko accountant Judy l. hines, Tampa political campaign guru Mitch Kates, singer Sunshine Matthews, Lakeland-based Geico expert barry Stemle, Ybor City’s King Corona Cigar expert Willy emerson, Orange County Tax Collector Scott randolph (Oct. 17); Family Equality Council’s tatiana Quiroga, Tampa Bay Diversity Chamber’s blaine lawson, DJ Cubby Pat o’rourke, UCF LGBTQ advocate david Moran, South Florida Gay News publisher norm Kent (Oct. 18).
dO yOu haVe an annOuncement? haVinG a Birthday Or anniVersary? did yOu Get a new JOB Or PrOmOtiOn? See your news in Watermark! Send your announcement to editor@Watermarkonline.com or go to Watermarkonline.com/Submit-a-transition.
it’s that easy!
—Holly V. Kapherr
do you have an interesting wedding or engagement story you’d like to share with Watermark readers? if so, email the details to editor@Watermarkonline.com for consideration as a future feature on this page.
watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
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Full time entry level position, health insurance benefits & 401K options.
Watermark Publishing Group is the premier media outlet for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community in Central and West Florida. Up to 20,000 copies of our biweekly newspaper are distributed every other Thursday throughout Central Florida, Tampa Bay and surrounding communities. Watermark also produces a collection of high-gloss specialty publications, and a web site with a rapidly growing online community.
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watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tob er 5 - Oc tob er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
Photo by JaKe SteVenS
the last page
Dillan Ramirez
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
identifies as: Bisexual
member of the Watermark family. He joined the team shortly after he returned from a yearlong stay in Colorado where he worked for another LGBTQ publication.
Out year:
hire date:
Through a mutual connection at PomPom’s Teahouse and Sandwhicheria, Dillan was led to Watermark sales director Danny Garcia. Coincidentally, Dillan reached out to Danny the very day a sales account manager position became available. “I wanted to work at Watermark because of its reputation for being Central Florida’s only LGBTQ news source, along with the positive vibes the staff has,” says Dillan. Dillan’s drive and charm made him the perfect candidate. He is charged with advertising client maintenance, coordinating advertising campaigns and spotting new opportunities for other businesses to reach the LBGTQ community. “I am responsible for gathering all the gay-owned and operated businesses, non-profits and events along with our allies to advertise and express their love and support for our community. I also help coordinate our Third Thursday social mixers.” When asked what he enjoys most about working at Watermark, Dillan says, “The fact that I am able to give back to the community; whether it’s volunteering, hosting fundraisers or providing the community with a guide to those businesses who are LGBTQ friendly and accepting. Working at Watermark allows me to continue to be a part of the LGBTQ community in a helping and informative manner.” Outside of the office, Dillan is a proud member of the Gryffindor House and a music enthusiast.
PrOfessiOnal rOle mOdel:
Thomas Wesley Pentz a.k.a DIPLO
autOBiOGraPhy title: Life’s Short, Eat Dessert First
Fire spinning, attending music festivals, swimming, dancing
iLLAN RAMiRez iS the NeWeSt
watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20
“Thanks to my mom I listen to all types of music, from Led Zeppelin to Bette Midler. Oddly enough, my favorite band is Linkin Park.” If given the opportunity, Dillan would tell his younger self to not let bullies have control over his mental state. “I’d stand up for myself,” he states. Dillan offers the same advice to the community as a whole. “Everyone can be judgmental; no matter your skin color, race, religion or sexual orientation,” he says. “I’d like to see more people in the LGBTQ community lead by example and not be so judgmental or unaccepting of those who are in our community but may not be like everyone else that’s outgoing, or out and proud. We are constantly making efforts for the rest of the world to accept our community for what it is. Why not show them that it can be done and accept everyone for who they truly are?” Dillan is a publisher’s dream. He has charisma, an incredible work ethic and a passion to serve his community. Watermark is the collective product of a team of incredibly hardworking individuals. Over the next series of issues, we’re using this space to introduce each member of our staff and contributors to you. When you see us out and about in the community, stop and say, “Hello.” We’d love to meet you.
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watermark Your LGBTQ life.
Oc tOb er 5 - Oc tOb er 18 , 2017 // Issue 24 . 20