Watermark Issue 26.12: Loud and Proud

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Celebrating 25 years of

Your LGBTQ Life.

June 13 - June 26, 2019 Issue 26.12

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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com


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DepartMentS 7 // bureau ChieF’S DeSK 8 // CentraL FLOriDa newS 13 // taMpa bay newS 18 // State newS 20 // natiOn & wOrLD newS 29 // taLKing pOintS 57 // COMMunity CaLenDar 59 // taMpa bay Out + abOut 61 // CentraL FL Out + abOut 62 // taMpa bay MarKetpLaCe 64 // CentraL FL MarKetpLaCe 69 // weDDing beLLS/ annOunCeMentS



st Pete Pride has always been my heart. Whenever Kori [stevens] or the community needs something, I’m there for it. I grew up in st. Pete and giving back has always been something that has been really important to me. —STAR MONTRESE lOvE, ThE FiRST MiSS ST PETE PRidE

On the COver





PROuD: Local leaders, singer Lisa Loeb strengthen St Pete Pride.

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Matt Bomer stars in the new dramatic comedy, “Papi Chulo.”

waterMarK iSSue 26.12 // june 13 - june 26, 2019

the LaSt Straw

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PAGE Orlando bans single-use straws, plastic bags and Styrofoam from all city properties.

PAGE St. Petersburg adds LGBTQ-owned businesses to small business program.



read it online! In addition to a Web site with daily LGBTQ updates, a digital version of each issue of the publication is made available on WatermarkOnline.com




Actor Murray Bartlett talks starring in Netflix’s “Tales of the City” relaunch.


Dr. Steve Yacovelli explores LGBTQ leaders in his book, “Pride Leadership.”

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com



Jeremy Williams CFL BUREAU CHIEF





hanging around the house with my brother and our friends. My brother and I are only 11 months apart so we shared everything—clothes, friends, a bedroom—I basically had nothing of my own until I was into my 20s. We were all in the family room watching TV. The movie “Teen Wolf” was on. For those unfamiliar, “Teen Wolf” is a 1985 �ilm where heartthrob Michael J. Fox turns into a werewolf and plays basketball really well. The movie is very 80s, right down to the nonchalant use of the word “fag.” In the �ilm, Fox con�ides in his best friend that he is a werewolf. When Fox says he has something to tell him, his friend replies, “Are you gonna tell me you’re a fag?” Fox replies, in an offended manner, “I’m not a fag.” As we watched this scene all the guys around me laughed, and I remember my heart racing and

getting scared that one of them would ask me if I too was a “fag.” Along with that terror, I also left incredibly alone. I had no one to talk to about how I was feeling or what my mind was going through. Several years later, into my late teens, I was working at a restaurant in southern Georgia. One of the cooks was a nice, older gentleman who invited me and my best friend at the time to his church. We were polite young men so we agreed to go with him on the next Sunday. This particular Sunday was in June. I know this because as the preacher’s wife took to the pulpit to read that week’s prayer requests she started chastising the “damned

homosexuals” for bringing their sin to Disney World and for “fornicating in the streets” during a parade. Fornicating in the streets during a parade? Oh, my! Do you happen to have that street address, reverend mother? I was, at this time, still in the closest—so as not to draw attention to my own “damned homosexuality,” I told that nice cook from work: “I cannot sit here and listen to this because I have a gay uncle.” I’m fairly certain as I said this in my lispy voice that I had my hip cocked out and my �inger waving. My mouth may have been saying “I have a gay uncle” but my body was saying “I’m here, I’m queer; now get me to that parade!” My friend and I left the church never to return ... until last Easter. I went to visit my family for the holy holiday and my niece asked me if I would join her at her church. Not-as-young as I was before but still ever the polite man, I agreed to go. As we walked into the same church I hadn’t been to in over 20 years I noticed something. It was more like a rock concert than a church. When did that happen? It was lit like a nightclub, with strobe lights, giant protection screens and a band on stage. They preached love for all, no judgment. Apparently the evil church lady had moved on. I got to thinking about growing up, alone with my secret, over the past few days because June is LGBTQ Pride Month. Working at the LGBTQ newspaper, I have been able to attend lots of Pride events—and not just in the big cities, but smaller towns as well. I love that celebrating our uniqueness is easier these days for LGBTQ youth. That they are able to be seen, acknowledged and validated by a community gives me hope. Which makes it all the more laughable that the idiots behind Boston’s “Straight Pride” want to host a parade in August. The jokes

on the late night talk shows and in the Twitterverse were swift and—in most cases—hilarious after “Straight Pride” organizer Mark Sahady posted on Facebook that it would happen. Something not so funny, is the company Sahady associates with. He has been involved with the Proud Boys and Resist Maxism, both white nationalist organizations. His social media is littered with conspiracy theories and hate-�illed messages. Sahady isn’t just wanting to “celebrate straight pride,” he is trying to organize another Charlottesville under the guise of what Pride stands for, and that is no

My mouth may have been saying ‘I have a gay uncle’ but my body was saying ‘I’m here, I’m queer; now get me to that parade!’

laughing matter. That is why our LGBTQ Pride celebrations are just as important today as when they started nearly 50 years ago. So be seen, be proud and celebrate who you are. I’m proud to celebrate this issue in which we cover St Pete Pride, the largest Pride event in our state. In Arts and Entertainment, we chat with actor Matt Bomer, “Tales of the City’s” Murray Bartlett and local author Dr. Steve Yacovelli. In news, Orlando gets plastic bags, single-use straws and styrofoam out at Orlando’s parks and venues; St. Pete recognizes LGBTQ-owned businesses and State Rep. Mike Hill laughs when asked to put forth a bill that would allow the legal killing of LGBTQ people.

WATERMARK STAFF Owner & Publisher: Rick Claggett • Ext. 110 Rick@WatermarkOnline.com Business Manager: Kathleen Sadler • Ext. 101 Kathleen@WatermarkOnline.com

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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

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TAMPA BAY OFFICE 2529 Central Ave. St. Petersburg, FL 33713 TEL: 813-655-9890

JUNE 13 - JUNE 26 , 2019 // ISSUE 26 .12 WAT E R M A R KONLINE .COM


is a near lifelong resident of the I-4 corridor, currently in South Tampa. He publishes poetry online at PoetEconomist. blogspot.com. His first book, Momentitiousness, was published in 2014. His book, Black Kettle, was published in 2016. Page 25


is a Chicago-based freelance journalist and entertainment reporter whose work appears frequently in Watermark. Pgs 45 & 53


is a contributor to Creative Loafing, South Florida Gay News and ManAboutWorld. He loves getting lost in other countries and his German Shepherd. Page 69 SABRINA AMBRA, NATHAN BRUEMMER, SCOTTIE CAMPBELL, MIGUEL FULLER, DIVINE GRACE, HOLLY KAPHERR ALEJOS, JASON LECLERC, MELODY MAIA MONET, JERICK MEDIAVILLA, GREG STEMM, DR. STEVE YACOVELLI, MICHAEL WANZIE


DISTRIBUTION LVNLIF2 DISTRIBUTING, KEN CARRAWAY, VANESSA MARESCA-CRUZ CONTENTS of WATERMARK are protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the publisher. Unsolicited article submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Although WATERMARK is supported by many fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles, advertising, or listing in WATERMARK is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons or members of such organizations. WATERMARK is published every second Thursday. Subscription rate is $55 (1st class) and $26 (standard mail). The official views of WATERMARK are expressed only in editorials. Opinions offered in signed columns, letters and articles are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the newspaper’s owner or management. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. WATERMARK is not responsible for damages due to typographical errors, except for the cost of replacing ads created by WATERMARK that have such errors.

Watermark Publishing Group Inc.



tampa bay

bureau Chief’s

Ryan Williams-Jent tB BUReAU CHIeF Ryan@WatermarkOnline.com




member of the LGBTQ community if my husband is transgender because he dabbles in drag.

While I often point out jokingly that he didn’t don drag until after we were married, something I’ve mentioned here before, I have a tremendous amount of respect for his craft. It’s one thing to be handsome, which he is, but it’s just a work of art to be beautiful on top of that. Which she is. The only loss that’s stemmed from his decision to hone his talent is that of our guest bedroom, now one of the greater Tampa Bay area’s most well-known wig warehouses. Drag is a gain for him, something he enjoys, so it’s a gain for me because it makes him happy. What’s more, he and almost every queen I’ve met bring immeasurable value to our community. Throughout our shared LGBTQ experience, they’ve often been the ones on the forefront of our fight for equality—from

waterMarK StaFF

Owner & Publisher: Rick Claggett • ext. 110 rick@watermarkonline.com Business Manager: Kathleen Sadler • ext. 101 Kathleen@watermarkonline.com

changing the narrative at Stonewall to changing young hearts and minds with Drag Queen Story Hours here and across the nation. The person that asked if my husband is transgender didn’t do so with ill intent. They’re someone who knows us rather well and has for quite a long time; someone who loves us as much as we love them, which is quite a bit. But that’s what struck me about their question. It wasn’t that it was asked—asking questions leads to answers and education is essential in any healthy environment—but that there was concern as they awaited my response. It was as if there would be something wrong with him, our marriage or the world if my answer was yes. While some of the most fabulous drag queens and folks that I’ve met in general are transgender, my

husband isn’t. I wouldn’t love him any less if he was, though, which I only mention because I think we all need to be better as a community about making that crystal clear. The world needs to know that we see our transgender siblings and that we support them; we are them and they are us. No one in our ever-expanding LGBTQ community needs us more. At least 26 transgender people were murdered in the United States in 2018, at least five of them in Florida and the majority of whom were women of color. While many were targeted simply for being transgender, societal stigma put others at higher risk in other ways. It’s a disturbing trend that shows no sign of slowing in 2019, with at least eight deaths as of Pride Month. We need to fight for every one of our transgender siblings in the ways that they’ve always fought for us, changing narratives as much as hearts and minds. We need to do so in our personal and professional lives, whenever and wherever we can and to whomever will listen. We must say their names and we must show them that they will not be erased. It’s that mentality that’s largely shaped Florida’s largest Pride celebration, which this year celebrates its third annual TransPride March and its 17th successful year. St Pete Pride 2019 promises to be its loudest and proudest yet, something we examine at length in our latest issue with local leaders including St Pete Pride board members like TransPride March founder Nathan Bruemmer and entertainers like Star Montrese Love, who this year celebrates 10 years of Miss St Pete Pride. We also discuss 25 years of “Stay (I Missed You)” with LGBTQ Senior Tampa Bay Account Manager: Russ Martin • ext. 303 russ@watermarkonline.com

CFL Bureau Chief: Jeremy Williams • ext. 106 Jeremy@watermarkonline.com

Sales Director: Danny Garcia • ext. 108 Danny@watermarkonline.com

Tampa Bay Bureau Chief: Ryan Williams-Jent • ext. 302 ryan@watermarkonline.com

Senior Orlando Account Manager: Sam Callahan • ext. 103 sam@watermarkonline.com

Creative Assistant/Photographer: Dylan Todd • ext. 102 Dylan@watermarkonline.com

Orlando Account Manager: Brianna Rockmore • ext. 105 brianna@watermarkonline.com

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Tampa Bay Account Manager: Daniel Lancaster • ext. 301 Daniel@watermarkonline.com Founder and Guiding Light: Tom Dyer tom@watermarkonline.com National Ad Representative: rivendell media inc. • 212-242-6863

ally and singer-songwriter Lisa Loeb, who headlines this year’s SP2 concert. The city of St. Petersburg proves the sun shines on all in other ways in Tampa Bay news, adding LGBTQ-owned businesses to its small business program. The Plus Project, a new LGBTQ funding resource, also forms as Metro Inclusive Health announces “Stonewall to Pulse: A Community Discussion” and Dining Out for Life raises over $47,000 for EPIC. In Central Florida news,

The world needs to know that we see our transgender siblings. no one in our ever-expanding LGBTQ community needs us more. Dining Out for Life also reveals the fundraiser will benefit new organizations in the area beginning in 2020. The Metropolitan Business Association opens up about its own Pride. In Arts and Entertainment, we focus on actor Matt Bomer, chatting with him about his new comedy “Papi Chulo” and projects like DC’s “Doom Patrol.” We also log into Netflix to dish on the streaming service’s new “Tales of the City” era with star Murray Bartlett. Finally, Dr. Steve Yacovelli guides us through the pages of “Pride Leadership,” his new book. Watermark strives to bring you a variety of stories, your stories. I hope you enjoy this latest issue and for those of you joining us in the Sunshine City, have a safe and wonderful St Pete Pride!

OrLanDO OFFiCe 414 N. Ferncreek Ave. Orlando, FL 32803 TEL: 407-481-2243

taMpa bay OFFiCe 2529 Central Ave. St. Petersburg, FL 33713 TEL: 813-655-9890

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


is a near lifelong resident of the I-4 corridor, currently in South Tampa. He publishes poetry online at PoetEconomist. blogspot.com. His first book, Momentitiousness, was published in 2014. His book, Black Kettle, was published in 2016. Page 25


is a Chicago-based freelance journalist and entertainment reporter whose work appears frequently in Watermark. Pgs 45 & 53


is a contributor to Creative Loafing, South Florida Gay News and ManAboutWorld. He loves getting lost in other countries and his German Shepherd. Page 69 Sabrina aMbra, nathan brueMMer, SCOttie CaMpbeLL, MigueL FuLLer, Divine graCe, hOLLy Kapherr aLejOS, jaSOn LeCLerC, MeLODy Maia MOnet, jeriCK MeDiaviLLa, greg SteMM, Dr. Steve yaCOveLLi, MiChaeL wanzie

phOtOgraphy brian beCneL, niCK CarDeLLO, bruCe harDin, jaMarQuS MOSLey, ChriS StephenSOn, Lee vanDergriFt

DiStributiOn LvnLiF2 DiStributing, Ken Carraway, vaneSSa MareSCa-Cruz CONTENTS of WATERMARK are protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the publisher. Unsolicited article submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Although WATERMARK is supported by many fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles, advertising, or listing in WATERMARK is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons or members of such organizations. WATERMARK is published every second Thursday. Subscription rate is $55 (1st class) and $26 (standard mail). The official views of WATERMARK are expressed only in editorials. Opinions offered in signed columns, letters and articles are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the newspaper’s owner or management. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. WATERMARK is not responsible for damages due to typographical errors, except for the cost of replacing ads created by WATERMARK that have such errors.

Watermark publishing group inc.


central florida news

Dining Out For Life to benefit Central Florida, Space Coast in 2020 Jeremy Williams


RLANDO | Dining Out For Life, an annual fundraiser for local HIV service organizations at locations around the world, announced June 6 that The LGBT+ Center and Project Response would be participating in the event in 2020. “Central Florida will now be part of Dining Out For Life International because of the efforts put forth by The LGBT+ Center Orlando, Inc. (The Center) and Project Response, Inc. of Melbourne,” the press release announced. During Dining Out For Life, restaurants donate a percentage of their sales from a select day or days to a local HIV service organization and the local HIV service organization fills participating restaurants with diners. The event began in 1991 and is now an international fundraiser, raising over $4 million annually in funds to fight HIV/AIDS. The Center will be the Dining Out For Life beneficiary for participating restaurants in Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties. Project Response will receive the funds from participating restaurants in Melbourne, Cocoa Beach and Titusville. Central Florida and the Space Coast join Tampa Bay, Sarasota, Jacksonville, Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale/Broward County as participating Dining Out For Life areas in Florida. Dining Out For Life will take place in 2020 with dates to be determined. For more information, visit DiningOutForLife.com.

MBA Orlando to change name to Pride Chamber Jeremy Williams


RLANDO | After 27 years as the Metropolitan Business Association (MBA Orlando), Central Florida’s LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce announced it will be changing its name to the Pride Chamber. The announcement came from MBA Orlando Executive Director Kellie Parkin at the organization’s June Business Connect at Orlando Shakes June 5. “When our founders created our organization, it was very purposefully named something that was incognito,” Parkin says. “They didn’t want the outside world to know we were the gay chamber or business association. They needed to be able to call various hotels or meeting spaces in town without being too descriptive.” Continued on pg. 11 | uu |


NO FOAM ZONE: Eric Rollings (center) celebrates the city ban on single-use plastics and foam containers with supporters at The Hammered Lamb on June 3. Photo courtesy Eric Rollings

The last straw Orlando bans single-use plastics, foam on city properties Jeremy Williams


RLANDO | Former Orange County Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor and environmental activist Eric Rollings says he was beside himself with joy when the Orlando City Commission voted unanimously to ban plastic straws, plastic bags and polystyrene single-use containers in the city of Orlando on all its properties. “I was just one giant goosebump seeing it actually happen,” Rollings says with a smile. The vote came at a packed city council meeting June 3. “The people that came out to support and speak, it was really moving,” Rollings says. “There were kids who showed up to say this is our future, thank you for thinking of us. We had 40 people there, all with the same shirt on, showing solidarity in wanting this passed. We even had folks from Come Out With Pride there, and they have one of the largest events

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

at Lake Eola, on board with this initiative.” While some cities have banned some of these products, Rollings says Orlando is the first city in the southeastern United States to pass a policy and procedure to ban all three, something he says is vital to do if we are going to positively impact the local environment. “We’ve been doing lake clean ups for years and the top four things that fill up our bags are plastic bags, plastic straws, water bottles and foam products,” he says. “Orlando’s really great for all its outdoor activities and the volunteer commitment, but it’s really hard to get people out there at six o’clock in the morning if 60 days later when they go back out there it’s the same thing going on.” Passing this ban for the betterment of a town calling itself “The City Beautiful” was also a key reason to vote yes for City Commissioner Patty Sheehan. “I was embarrassed to see a few years ago that on Earth Day we covered Lake Eola Park on Earth Day in garbage, so I’m glad to see

that we’re doing something about this,” said Sheehan the day of the vote, according to FOX35 Orlando. The ban on city properties— which will apply to areas such as Lake Eola Park, Amway Arena and Camping World Stadium—is just the beginning, says Rollings, to stopping this problem. It’s an issue that he became personally invested in three years ago when he launched the “No Foam Zone” petition to ban foam containers in Central Florida. “I remember going on a cleanup and someone picked up a turtle,” Rollings recalls. “The snail eggs they eat look just like these Styrofoam beads that are in the water, so they eat that and can’t pass it and become buoyant. When I got up close to the turtle, its back legs and tail were completely skeletal. That day we picked up over 60 bags worth of stuff coming off of Lake Ivanhoe, and that’s all the stuff that comes off the streets from downtown Orlando. It was awful. If we didn’t put these things in there in the first place then we wouldn’t have to be cleaning it up and the wildlife wouldn’t have access to it. A ban on these products is really the best option.” The policy goes into effect Oct. 1. Plastic straws will still be available, by request only, for customers with disabilities.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com


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watermark Your LGBTQ life.


June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

central florida news

The Dru Project, The 49 Fund award 2019 youth scholarships to honor Pulse victims Jeremy Williams


RLANDO | Two organizations formed in the aftermath of the Pulse shooting that focus on education within the LGBTQ youth community named their 2019 scholarship recipients ahead of the tragedy’s three-year mark on June 12. The Dru Project announced the five recipients of the 2019 Spirit of Drew Scholarship ahead of the organization’s third year anniversary, which will be on June 14. Drew Adams, Emily Silverio-Williams, Dean Rooney, Evan Malzberg and Dalton Vanderford will each receive $5,000 toward their education. “Drew [Leinonen] was vibrant, passionate and committed to creating a future we could all be

proud of. These students embody that legacy,” said Brandon Wolf, Pulse survivor and The Dru Project’s vice president. The scholarship winners were announced on June 1, which would have been Leinonen’s 35th birthday. Leinonen was one of the 49 Pulse victims on June 12, 2016. Shortly after his funeral, Leinonen’s friends banded together to help launch The Dru Project, an LGBTQ+ advocacy organization on a mission to spread love across the nation and promote gay straight alliances (GSA). The 49 Fund at Central Florida Foundation announced its four scholarship recipients at a ceremony held at Orlando City Hall’s Rotunda on June 8. Created in 2017 as a partnership between Central Florida attorney and LGBTQ activist Barry Miller and The LGBT+ Center Orlando, The 49 Fund awards scholarships of

$4,900 to students who self-identify as an out member of the LGBTQ community, attend an accredited two- or four-year institution of higher learning on a full-time basis, earn a 3.0 GPA or higher and demonstrate a commitment to making Central Florida a better place. Since its inception, 21 students have been awarded scholarships totaling $98,000. Scholarships were awarded to Sebastian Anchea, Jacob Davis, Wilfredo Guzman and Dean Rooney. “The tragedy at Pulse rocked our community, but it also demonstrated how our city came together,” said Miller in a statement. “Recipients must commit to taking a leadership role in the community; we are developing our leaders of tomorrow.” For more information on both organizations, visit TheDruProject. org and The49Fund.org.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

| uu | MBA Orlando change name to pride

chamber from pg.8

Due to the homophobia of the time, early membership rosters had to be printed on raspberry paper so that it could not be photocopied, and only a few members were out about their sexual orientation. “There were a few of those early founders who were happy to be in pictures and were out and proud, but everyone else didn’t have that luxury,” Parkin says. “They had to be in the closet in their business. So now here we are, 27 years later, and we are proud of who we are. We want to stand with pride and tell people we are LGBTQ businesses; we are allied businesses.” Parkin says the new name isn’t just from a board vote, it is a result of input from business owners, members and people throughout the community. “I had a lot of different conversations with a lot of different people,” she says. “Allies and LGBTQ business owners, people in the community who are business professionals, longtime members, new members; I just wanted to get an idea from everyone of what they thought about us.” In those conversations, Parkin says a reoccurring theme of Pride kept coming up. “We are proud of who we are and what we do and we want to show people that,” she says. “When the board met to talk options the name Pride Chamber was suggested and they all said, ‘That’s it. That’s our name.’”

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com



watermark Your LGBTQ life.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

tampa bay news ST. PETE PROUD: Community advocates and allies including Councilmember Steve Kornell, St Pete Pride VP Nathan Bruemmer, Mayor Rick Kriseman, LGBTQ Liaison Jim Nixon and Councilmember Gina Driscoll raise the Pride flag at City Hall June 1, 2019. PHOTO COURTESY

Dining Out for Life 2019 raises over $47K for EPIC Ryan Williams-Jent



Inclusive Economy St. Petersburg adds LGBTQ-owned businesses to small business program Ryan Williams-Jent


T. PETERSBURG | City Council unanimously voted to recognize LGBTQ-owned businesses in the city’s small business enterprise (SBE) program June 6. The program certifies SBEs for contracting and procurement opportunities in construction, professional services, goods and supplies. Working in conjunction with The Greenhouse, the city’s “front-door to business growth” which provides business owners “with the education, resources and assistance necessary to thrive in the local economy,” SBEs are provided business counseling, networking and specialized assistance with access to capital and credit for startups. The effort was led by St. Petersburg City Councilmember

Gina Driscoll, a staunch LGBTQ ally and advocate for the city’s smart development and reduction of single-use plastics. “St. Petersburg has a strong commitment to the LGBTQ community and to celebrating the diversity and inclusiveness that we all enjoy here—it sounded like it would be a great fit for our city,” Driscoll explained ahead of the vote. “In addition to standing up and saying that I’m an ally and I support the LGBTQ community,this resolution gives me an opportunity to actually do something that can help,” she said. “It seems natural for us to do this because we proudly display our support for all of our residents. This is just another way for us to do that and to show that we believe that LGBTQ business is good business.” It led Driscoll to collaborate with city staff to draft the

resolution for the vote on June 6. Once unanimously passed, it became effective immediately. “Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of St. Petersburg, Florida, with the full support of Mayor Rick Kriseman and his administration,” the resolution reads, that the city “will recognize businesses which are majority (at least 51%) owned, operated and controlled by LGBTQ individuals as LGBTQ-owned businesses.” The city will furthermore “monitor usage of LGBTQ-owned businesses in the procurement of goods and services for the City of St. Petersburg,” it continues, and “will continue to provide small businesses, including LGBTQ-owned businesses, with training programs and services to ensure businesses are familiar with how to do business with the City of St. Petersburg and are informed about procurement opportunities.” St. Petersburg LGBTQ Liaison Jim Nixon noted ahead of the vote that “the city of St. Petersburg is committed to providing all business owners, including historically-underrepresented business owners, with equal opportunities to compete and succeed. “We are committed to providing small businesses, including LGBTQ-owned small businesses, with training programs and

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Continued on pg. 16 | uu |

AMPA BAY | Dining Out for Life (DOFL) raised over $47,000 for Empath Partners in Care (EPIC) in the organization’s fight against HIV/AIDS during its 14th annual outing in April, the organizations have shared. Founded in 1991, DOFL is an annual dining event that raises money for community-based organizations serving those impacted by HIV. To raise the funds, establishments donate a portion of their sales on a specific date to local organizations like EPIC. A record 49 restaurants from Clearwater, Dunedin, Gulfport, St. Petersburg and Tampa participated this year, with two donating 20% of their sales, 39 donating 25%, four donating 35%, three donating 50% and one donating 100%. The Frog Pond Restaurants in Redington and St. Pete Beaches were the largest donor with their combined total and Neptune’s and Pia’s in Gulfport came in at over $2,000. Gulfport’s Salty’s was named “Rookie of the Year” for bringing in over $1,000 as a first-year participant. Robison adds that an additional $15,500 was raised from donation envelopes, monitored by 2019’s 66 volunteer ambassadors, and $3,500 stemmed from sponsorships. An additional $4,500 came from in-kind sponsorships and gifts and the 14th annual DOFL featured five hosts who sponsored parties of 12 or more diners. For more information about EPIC, visit MyEpic.org.

Metro Inclusive Health to hold ‘Stonewall to Pulse: A Community Discussion’ Ryan Williams-Jent


T. PETERSBURG | Metro Inclusive Health and The Dru Project will present “Stonewall to Pulse: A Community Discussion” June 26, an inter-generational event featuring panelists who have experienced LGBTQ milestones firsthand. “The event is the first of its kind,” Metro LGBTQ Division Manager and panel moderator Cole Foust says. “Generations will share their experiences as we aim to facilitate a space for the entire community to learn and connect about events every generation should know about and learn from.” In addition to Foust, panelists include Brandon Wolf, Equality Florida’s media relations manager and Pulse survivor; Christine Leinonen, former state trooper and mother of Drew Leinonen, Pulse victim; Cristina Yelvington, coordinator for LGBTQ+ initiatives at University of South Florida; Jason Marsden, executive director of The Matthew Shepard Foundationand Jay Chetney, an activist present for the Stonewall Riots. The panel is the beginning of a series of Metro Inclusive Health’s events showcasing how the LGBTQ community has responded to trauma and tragedy with activism and resilience. It will be held June 26 in Metro’s Grand Hall from 6:30-8:30 p.m. For more information about Metro Inclusive Health or the Dru Project, visit MetroTampaBay.org or TheDruProject.org.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com



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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com


tampa bay news

LgbtQ FunDing reSOurCe the pLuS prOjeCt FOrMS in taMpa bay

| uu | Inclusive Economy

Ryan Williams-Jent

from pg.13

services to ensure businesses are familiar with how to do business with the City of St. Petersburg and are informed about procurement opportunities,” he continued. “Monitoring usage of LGBTQ-owned businesses in the procurement of goods and services for the City of St. Petersburg is an important part of that commitment.” “By adding LGBTQ businesses as its own category under the small business umbrella,” Driscoll added, “those business owners will be able to attend workshops to learn how to do business with the city and be able to register as a vendor. We’ll also be able to keep track of any contracts with those businesses for review to see how our practices are spread out across different demographics. “By studying that,” she concluded, “it helps us hold ourselves accountable as the city for making sure that we’re truly promoting an inclusive economy.” For a list of opportunities to work with the City of St. Petersburg through its SBE program or for more information, call (727) 893-7146 or visit StPeteGreenhouse.com/SBEProjects.


AMPA | The Plus Project, a donor-advised fund administered by the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay, has formed to become an innovative and inclusive funding resource for organizations serving Tampa Bay’s LGBTQ community. The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit which seeks to build a better community through creative philanthropy. Since 1990, the organization has awarded more than $210 million in grants and invested more than $253 million for future giving. $14.6 million in grants were awarded throughout Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties in 2018. Recognizing that Tampa Bay has a large number of organizations which provide services to the LGBTQ community, many of which face funding challenges for planned and unplanned costs, the Plus

Project’s 12-member founding board conducted an in-depth research study with nonprofits serving the LGBTQ community. The group reviewed data from “LGBTQ intentional” organizations, described as those which are “very clear that they serve the LGBTQ community”—and “LGBTQ incidental” organizations, those which serve the LGBTQ community “as a part of their larger client populations.” Their study confirmed the organizations faced an ongoing need for funding, complex and difficult grant applications, a lack of awareness of new funding opportunities and a need for greater collaboration with others serving the LGBTQ sector. “One of the things we heard repeatedly was this focus on the need for operational funding,” founding board member Rob Iles says. “So we decided as a group that would be where our focus would lie. Strategically, if you are a source of operational funding for those organizations, that frees them

up to focus on whatever it is that they do to provide services to the LGBTQ community.” To fund organizations, the Plus Project pools resources of support through three primary methods, the first of which is through ongoing donations of cash or credit. The second is via legacy planning through bequests, charitable gift annuities, retirement plan assets and charitable trusts. Finally, via one-time gifts of cash or other assets. The Plus Project will distribute funds in both traditional and innovative ways, its founders share. The nine-member Grants Committee meets independently from the board to review requests and make decisions regarding distribution, sharing the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay’s nonprofit expertise. It promises brief, concise applications, clear requirements, the easy transmittal of funds and even offers a “Rapid Response Fund” for emergency grants.

OPEN DAILY Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm Thursday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 5pm Contemporary Studio Glass from 1960s to present

Continued on pg. 16 | uu |


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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


state news

aLaChua COunty vOteS unaniMOuSLy tO ban COnverSiOn therapy Jeremy Williams


he Alachua County Commission voted 5-0 to ban licensed therapists from using the practice of conversation therapy on minors, becoming the first northern county in Florida to do so. The ordinance will cover the unincorporated areas of Alachua County and will carry a fine of $500 per incident. Alachua County encompasses the city of Gainesville and is home to the University of Florida. Gainesville became the first north Florida city to ban conversion therapy in April 2018 when the Gainesville City Commission unanimously voted to outlaw the practice. Conversion therapy aims to alter a person’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity and is widely discredited by most medical and mental health associations. Currently 18 states, D.C. and Puerto Rico all ban conversion therapy. While Florida does not have a statewide ban, Alachua County joins 20 other counties, cities and municipalities in the state which have imposed a conversion therapy ban.

aDvOCateS DeCry huD rOLLbaCKS On tranS peOpLe in SheLterS Jeremy Williams


ore than two dozen statewide advocacy groups and organizations officially denounced the rollbacks of protections for transgender individuals in homeless shelters proposed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD’s Equal Access Rule under the Fair Housing Act of 2012 is a protection that requires federally funded homeless shelters to provide safe and equal access to lodging for all individuals regardless of gender identity. HUD’s new proposed rule would allow these shelters to consider sex and gender identity when determining if they will accommodate the individual. The proposed changes came just a day after HUD Secretary Ben Carson told the House Financial Services Committee that he did not plan to eliminate the Obama-era rule. “It is unconscionable that HUD would initiate policy changes that will lead to higher rates of homelessness and potential loss of life,” said Equality Florida’s Director of Transgender Equality Gina Duncan, in a statement.


aMiD CaLLS tO reSign, FLOriDa hOuSe rep. MiKe hiLL apOLOgizeS FOr Laughing at ‘put gayS tO Death’ COMMent Jeremy Williams


n an audio recording released May 31, Republican State Rep. Mike Hill can be heard laughing along with the audience during a public meeting after a constituent suggested Hill file legislation requiring LGBTQ people be put to death. The recording begins with Hill answering a question from a different constituent who asks why fellow Republican Rep. Alexander Andrade co-sponsored the Florida Competitive Workforce Act. Hill responds saying he cannot speak for Andrade but that “thank goodness that legislation didn’t go nowhere.” Hill goes on to call a person’s sexual orientation a “choice” and says that it has no right being listed in the state’s civil rights law. He also states in the recording that while religion is also a choice, it should remain in the law. At the end of the recording a man quotes a Bible verse which he states reads “a man who has an affair with another man should be put to death” and then asks Hill if he could put forth legislation that says as much. Hill responds by laughing and says: “I wonder how that would go over”? Equality Florida immediately condemned Hill’s statements in the recording, calling them “reckless” and “bigoted.” “Words matter. The comments made by Representative Mike Hill this week are both deeply disturbing and dangerous,” said Brandon Wolf, Equality Florida Media Relations Manager and Pulse survivor, in a statement. “Representative Hill should be embarrassed and ashamed for laughing along with the suggestion that he file legislation requiring the execution of LGBTQ people.” Democratic State Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith,

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who is one of three openly LGBTQ representatives in the Florida House, blasted Hill on Twitter and called for Hill to apologize or resign. “I’m shocked & disgusted to discover a colleague who I’ve worked closely with would joke about punishing me by death for being gay,” Smith tweeted. “As a survivor of anti-gay hate violence, I know the consequences of homophobia are real. @MikeHillfl should apologize to LGBTQ Floridians or RESIGN.” Smith continued in another tweet, saying “Bigotry like this is the reason LGBTQ Floridians need protection from discrimination in state law. Homophobic and transphobic individuals can also happen to be employers, landlords, and business owners who may engage in legal discrimination. It still happens in 2019 people!!!!” Smith and Hill worked together last year on legislation to ban live greyhound racing in Florida. Hill initially refused to apologize, saying his comments were taken out of context, but issued a statement June 4 after bipartisan pressure—including from Republican Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives José Oliva—to do so. Hill released his apology statement via Pensacola radio host Burnie Thompson’s Twitter account. “As everyone already knows, I am a Bible-believing Christian,” Hill wrote. “I am publishing this press release to address the controversy that arose over a question recently asked at an event sponsored by Women For Responsible Legislation in Pensacola. “Specifically, one man I had never met said the Bible in 1 Corinthians calls for a man having an affair with another man to be put to death. If the man was referring to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, that text says

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

nothing about anyone being put to death. It simply states people who practice various sins will not inherit the kingdom of God. “I apologize for not directly responding to the fact that the premise for this question was inaccurate. I deeply regret how the tone of my response to a constituent was received at this event. I believe that no matter one’s race, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, economic status or otherwise, that all lives are created equal in the image of God. I served in the U.S. Air Force to protect the many freedoms we have in the United States for all Americans,” the statement reads. Hill’s statement was not seen as an apology to several Florida politicians, including Smith and State House Rep. Anna Eskamani who condemn Hill’s actions on Twitter. Hill responded by blocking both Smith and Eskamani on the popular social media platform, along with reporters, activists and Equality Florida. Democratic State Sen. Janet Cruz from Tampa also did not find Hill’s apology enough and sent a letter to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on June 6 saying Hill’s actions were “unbecoming of a member of the Florida Legislature.” Cruz called on DeSantis to ask for Hill’s resignation. “No elected official should stand by while threats of violence are issued upon a group of our state’s citizens,” Cruz wrote. “I implore you to defend all Floridians by boldly denouncing bigotry and asking for Representative Hill’s resignation from the Florida House of Representatives.” During a cabinet meeting on June 4, DeSantis addressed the Hill controversy to reporters, saying “I support Speaker Oliva’s comments and I trust the speaker to take whatever action is necessary.”

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nation+world news

in other news Group pushing Boston ‘straight pride’ parade sparks backlash An attempt at a “straight pride” parade in Boston sparked outrage ahead of the city’s June 8 LGBTQ Pride parade. City officials say a group calling itself “Super Happy Fun America” has been in contact with the city and that organizers want to host the parade in August but haven’t received permits to do so. Boston Pride President Linda Demarco said in a statement that straight allies of the LGBTQ community are among the thousands who come out every year to march and celebrate. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh didn’t mention the “straight pride” event directly in a statement June 4 but noted his city has “values of love and inclusion, which are unwavering.”

Altercation triggers panic at DC Pride Parade A gun scare in Dupont Circle June 8 that abruptly ended Washington D.C.’s annual Capital Pride Parade and led to a witness-described “stampede” was caused by a man who told police he pointed a BB gun at an individual who was assaulting his female “significant other.” Police and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser released statements confirming there was no evidence to indicate a gun was fired, although police said at least seven people were hospitalized for minor injuries sustained while running away from the scene. D.C. police said Aftabjit Singh, 38, was identified as a suspect and charged with three gun related offenses.: possession He was also charged with “Disorderly Conduct—Cause Unreasonable Fear.”

Amir Ohana named Israel’s first gay Cabinet minister Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has tapped a gay member of the Knesset to join his Cabinet, appointing Amir Ohana as the country’s interim justice minister.On June 6, Netanyahu wished him “good luck” via social media. Ohana, who lives in Tel Aviv with his partner and their children, has been a vocal champion of marriage rights for same-sex couples and other LGBTQ issues in Israel. Netanyahu announced the appointment of Ohana, who is a member of Netanyahu’s Likud party and is the first openly gay Cabinet member in Israel’s history, ahead of Pride parades that will take place in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Hong Kong court: Denying samesex spousal benefits unlawful Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal said June 6 that the government cannot deny spousal employment benefits to same-sex couples. The court overturned an earlier judgment, unanimously ruling that denying same-sex couples access to spousal benefits is unlawful. Man-kei Tam, director of Amnesty International Hong Kong, called the judgment a “huge step forward for equality” that brings Hong Kong “more in line with its international obligation to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of people with different sexual orientations. ”In another sign of acceptance, the city of 7.4 million people is also preparing to host the 2022 Gay Games.


NYPD apologizes for raiding Stonewall Inn 50 years ago Mariah Cooper of The Washington Blade, Courtesy of the National LGBT Media Association The New York Police Department has issued an apology for raiding the Stonewall Inn 50 years ago, an event which sparked the Stonewall Riots and was the catalyst for the modern LGBTQ rights movement. On June 28, 1969, police raided Stonewall Inn, a popular hangout spot for the LGBTQ community in Greenwich Village, on the grounds of the bar violating liquor laws. The police’s aggressive and violent treatment of the bar’s patrons resulted in a series of riots that marked the beginning of the gay liberation movement.

As New York City gears up for NYC Pride and World Pride, LGBTQ advocates pointed out the irony of the city hosting Pride events when the NYPD had never formally apologized. “I think it would be irresponsible of me, as we go through World Pride Month, not to speak of the events at the Stonewall Inn in June of 1969,” New York Police Commissioner James O’Neill said in an address at the NYPD headquarters June 6. “While I’m certainly not going to stand up here and pretend to be an expert on what happened at Stonewall, I do know what happened should not have happened.” NYC Pride voted unanimously for the NYPD to “take responsibility” for its actions on June 28, 1969. “Under Commissioner O’Neill, the NYPD has made significant strides in improving relations with LGBTQIA+ New Yorkers. But the department has yet to take responsibility for the

decades of police violence committed against our community in New York City,” the organizers posted on Facebook. “Taking responsibility and apologizing for this single event is a small, albeit meaningful step towards improving the larger systemic issues that continue to cause significant harm to LGBTQIA+ people, especially transgender people and people of color. It demonstrates what is possible for the future of our community and our movement.” NYC Pride thanked the NYPD for issuing an apology 50 years later. Stonewall co-owner Stacy Lentz also praised the NYPD for finally apologizing to the LGBTQ community. “It speaks volumes about the relationship between the NYPD and the LGBT community today. It’s crazy that it hadn’t happened until now. But the commissioner understands the need and importance of an apology. It’s a great step in terms of the continuing partnership between the police department and our community. I can’t believe it hadn’t happened before. Still we’re very fortunate,” Lentz told the New York Daily News.

Trump administration bars U.S. embassies from flying Pride flags: report Chris Johnson of The Washington Blade, Courtesy of the National LGBT Media Association


mid Pride celebrations throughout the United States, the Trump administration is ordering U.S. embassies not to display the Pride flag on official flagpoles, according to a report in NBC News. Diplomats say U.S. embassies in Israel, Germany, Brazil and Latvia are among those denied permission from the State Department to fly the Pride flag, NBC News reported. The Pride flag reportedly can and is being flown elsewhere on embassy grounds, such as inside embassies and on exterior walls, but not to allow it on the official flagpole. The denials to U.S. embassies reportedly came from the office of the State Department’s undersecretary for management, Brian Bulatao. A longtime associate of Secretary of

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State Mike Pompeo, Bulatao worked for him at the CIA. Neither the White House nor the State Department responded to the Washington Blade’s request to confirm the NBC News report. The flying of Pride flags at U.S. embassies has become common as a sign of U.S. solidarity with the LGBT community overseas. Embassies had been free to display the Pride flag on their official flagpoles during the Obama administration and the first two years of the Trump administration. The news report stands in contrast to President Trump recognizing Pride Month in a tweet, making him the first Republican U.S. president to acknowledge June as Pride Month, as well as a global initiative spearheaded by U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to decriminalize homosexuality. Grenell is the highest-ranking openly gay person in the Trump administration. But the reported ban is consistent with a long anti-LGBT record from the Trump administration that

since last Pride alone includes implementing the transgender military ban, actions in the name of “religious freedom” seen to enable anti-LGBT discrimination and carves out in Obama-era rules protecting transgender people from discrimination in homeless shelters and health care. Ty Cobb, director of HRC Global at the Human Rights Campaign, slammed Trump in a statement for recognizing Pride, but refusing to allow Pride flags at U.S. embassies within the course of one week. “Trump can’t have it both ways,” Cobb said “He can’t tweet claiming to be an advocate for LGBTQ people and turn around and prohibit U.S. embassies across the world from flying a Pride flag. The reality is that the Trump-Pence administration continue to take every opportunity to attack LGBTQ people, from stripping access to health care to eliminating transgender people’s ability to serve.”

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com




Mon, June 24th at 9:30PM


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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


Divine Grace


Divinity An Open Letter to Homophobes during Gay Pride


ello, Dolls!

I am fully aware that the only thing more annoying than a sore loser is a sore winner, but you’ll please pardon me today as I gloat, full-blast.

50 years ago, the Stonewall Riots took place in New York City, and the gay liberation began in earnest. For the next five decades, we gays have struggled to be recognized as more than the second-class citizens that you detractors would have us labeled as. We have fought for the right to be gainfully employed without discrimination, fair housing, hospital visitation, estate rights and we are still fighting for the right to donate our own damned blood. Some of you have been very transparent about your disdain for us. For almost all of these 50 years, treating gay men and women like garbage has not only been condoned, but actively encouraged by politicians and those of you who would have us all believe that a Bronze Age book of fairy tales written by men in caves was enough justification to stunt our equality. Some of you have been less transparent and suggested that in spite of our “sinful lifestyle choice,” you just love us to pieces. (Which is really just a great big fancy way of saying, “I’ll pretend to love you, even though I think you’re a goddamned monster.”) Personally, I have a lot more respect for the bigoted hillbillies and holier-than-thou types who call me “QUEER” than I do the bigots who call me “friend.” Those shouting their hate at me are at least honest about their feelings, where as all of you professing to be my friend in one breath, and then dismiss who I am

as some sort of choice in another, simply do not have the balls or the conviction. You’ve recently discovered, in this day and time, that blatantly spitting out your prejudice results in the majority recognizing you as the same type of ignorant bigot that has usually been reserved for racists and anti-Semites. But make no mistake about it: Blathering on with that tired tripe about “loving the sinner but hating the sin,” and how “it’s just an opinion” that you’ll “leave up to God” is baloney. You’ve already beaten God to the task of judgment, no matter how pretty you dress it up. You can put glitter on a dog turd, but it’s still a pile of crap. I used to say, “I don’t care what people think of me,” when, in honesty, it was really all I ever cared about. I’ve spent the majority of my life looking for some sort of acceptance. All I ever wanted was for everyone to like me and to be my friend. Finally, I realized that at no point would this ever happen, and in no way should I care—even a little. I am, after all, the only person who has to face myself in the mirror each morning as I hoist whitening toothpaste to my gigantic mouth in an attempt to make what comes out of it less offensive. I simply couldn’t care less about your acceptance. I don’t need to be accepted. Why? Because I have my OWN acceptance, my PRIDE, and with that pride comes the dignity that I have erroneously been begging others for. The idea that homosexuality is a “lifestyle” supposes that there was some sort of choice in whether or not I am gay, and that’s simply the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Especially considering that I have never in my 40-plus years met a person—gay or straight—who professes to have chosen their sexuality.

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But it isn’t enough for me to say, “I was born this way!” Of course I was, but what if I wasn’t? How would this still be of concern to anybody that I am not sleeping with? And why are you so concerned with who assists me in staining my sheets? I don’t

I urge all of you to go down to Chick-fil-A. (Unless it’s Sunday, because they worship the Sabbath on the wrong day, and even Jewish Jesus Christ Himself would tell them that.) Drive on down to that chicken shack and PIG OUT. I want you to go down to Chick-fil-A and

full marriage equality from becoming a reality, I can’t help but feel a little sorry for him as I wipe the tears of laughter from my clownish face. Me? I’m going to go celebrate our historic advancements of equality and raise a glass to the

care what goes on between you and yours in your trailers when the Wal-Mart clothes come off after a few cans of PBR, so why are you so obsessed with MY sex life? Whatever the case, June is LGBTQ Pride Month, and with it comes half of a century of liberation. Now here is the part where I gloat:

buy a sandwich for yourself and every other homophobe that you know. I want to see the same lines of hillbilly pick-up trucks around the block that we all saw when Dan Cathy put in his two cents about gay people and marriage. Please do this. Because when I think of how many millions of dollars Chick-fil-A spent to “focus on the family” and prevent

beginning of the end of your idiotic hold on the LGBTQ population. I know you’ve spent the morning in your churches talking about how the end is near, but I’m here to tell you, THE END IS ALREADY HERE! Amen, The Divine Grace

I have a lot more respect for the bigoted hillbillies and holier-than-thou types who call me ‘QUEER’ than I do the bigots who call me ‘friend.’

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


Jason Leclerc

the Other SiDe

of Life


Hashtag Amity


to be a guest of Pulse founder Barbara Poma for an intimate talk and tour of the interim #PulseMemorial organized by Equality Florida. As regular readers of this column know, I’m Watermark’s token conservative columnist: a red soul in a sea of blue, even as I have advocated for a just-rightof-center, nuanced approach to political discourse that I call Radical Centrism. Arguing from a position of empathy and fact-driven rationality in favor of such positions as climate change resiliency, justifiable local taxation and the Florida Competitive Workforce Act, I have riled members of my own Party. In the age of Trump, I’ve become a bit of

a #RINOsaur. While there are members of the current Republican power structure who are ready to revoke my membership card for some of my #RadicalCentrist positions, my attendance of an Equality Florida event would likely push them further toward apoplexy. Generally, I’m fine with that. I’m a poet, not a tactician. My allegiance is to an ideology of compassion and empathy, of empowerment and responsibility, of equity and opportunity. My allegiance is not a blip on the civic radar that has upended the #CompassionateConservatism that drew me to the Party in my youth. Truly, I may not align with most of Equality Florida’s policy and legislative initiatives either, but on that day, in that place, I was reminded that I’m less concerned with partisan tactical activism than I am with our shared humanity. Despite my politics, I was welcomed into this group to honor the 49 human souls who were killed on June 12, 2016. I was also reminded of opening night in 2004 with my friend Ron, in my own invincible younger days, and of dancing at the nightclub as a patron. I was reminded of the wee hours of an early morning three years ago when my phone was incessantly abuzz with calls, texts and alerts about the unfolding massacre. I was reminded of the images

of flashing ambulance and police lights and blood-soaked kids being attended by first responders. I was reminded of hearing my friend Billy speaking on NPR near-daily, with pride and authority for a grieving city. I was reminded, during this visit to hallowed ground, that Pulse serves as a turning point for many of us. In the three years since Pulse, I’ve paid attention to

or just the LatinX community, or against the young or old. It was against humanity: against mothers, daughters, sons, friends, neighbors, nephews, uncles, aunts and lovers. Against peace and harmony: against all the things that we Americans—humans— hold dear. In this simple word, we reclaim power; we proclaim peace. It was in the spirit of

It moves beyond even memorialization and toward the living. Indeed, we honor the martyrs, but we cannot dwell in this space among ghosts alone. Our mandate is to live, to flourish in friendship: to celebrate unity in diversity: to advocate harmony. In 2019 this is, on its face, radical. #Amity is our new liberty. In the spirit of #Amity,

the shifting hashtags and how they’ve been reflective of the evolving narrative of the event. How we moved through #OrlandoStrong, proclaiming our community’s resiliency and resolve in the face of immediate, otherwise-crippling grief; #WeWillNotLetHateWin, proclaiming a fighting spirit coalesced around an organizing spirit of remembrance and honor; #LoveIsLove, proclaiming alliance with the wider context in support of community and broader shared humanity, bigger than this event in this place. The next hashtag evolution is toward #Amity: a friendship, a peaceful harmony. What a wonderful word for a maturing sentiment, transformative of the narrative around a horrific moment. In this word, we highlight that this massacre was not merely against the LGBTQ community,

#Amity that I was welcomed into this group of progressive activists who also happen to be survivors, friends of survivors and advocates for the memory of those who did not survive. They didn’t care what my voter registration card said, they cared that I was there, grieving with them— honoring humanity. On this day, we knew that, despite our overlapping rhetoric to the contrary, our common enemy is not Donald Trump. We knew that our common bond is love and that our common adversary is hatred. So, how do we build on this spirit of #Amity? How do we allow it to manifest as we move forward—to progress—even as we honor the significance of the lives that were martyred? In 2019, #Amity is a rebuke of vindictiveness, of anger, of orientalism, of violence and it is a rebuke of discord.

broadcast by a month of #Pride, I know that I, a compassionate conservative, am a beneficiary of the work that groups like Equality Florida do. I know that it is my responsibility to make my work and advocacy benefit progressives. We must pull harmony from discord: pulse from arrhythmia. Survivors and martyrs—strangers and friends alike—should expect no less. We are commanded— if 49 souls mean anything— to work harder each day for friendship, for a peaceful harmony: #Amity.

I was reminded, during this visit to hallowed ground, that Pulse serves as a turning point for many of us.

Jason leclerc is chief economist and partner at crescent consulting, a technology consulting firm. he has published two short story collections and regularly contributes to the orlando sentinel and tampa bay times.


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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com



bring your own dog for a bath at

come out to the dalí Celebrate Pride with art on the side. The Dalí Museum congratulates St Pete Pride on 17 years of success. One Dalí Blvd, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | TheDali.org


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Top rated independent, family owned pet store, now has a self-service dog wash room. Visit our web page for details. Thanks for shopping local! June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

talking points


That the local distributor has edited out certain scenes, denying the audience the opportunity to see the film as it was intended is a sad reflection of the divided world we still live in and how it can still be so cruelly unaccepting of the love between two people. —ElTON JOhN ANd “ROckETMAN” FilMMAkERS, iN A JOiNT STATEMENT cRiTiciZiNG ThE FilM’S RUSSiAN diSTRiBUTOR’S dEciSiON TO cENSOR ScENES FROM ThE MOviE.



appeared in MAINSTREAM




YlviA RivERA ANd MARShA P. JOhNSON, TwO lGBTQ RiGhTS AcTiviSTS who took part in the 1969 Stonewall rebellion and founded an organization that helped homeless LGBTQ youth, will be honored with a public monument in New York City. The yet-to-be-commissioned monument is part of an initiative to increase the diversity of the statues and monuments in public places around New York City. It will be paid for out of $10 million allocated for new public artworks. The monument will be installed in Greenwich Village a block away from the Stonewall Inn, where patrons resisted a police raid on June 28, 1969, and helped usher in a new, militant phase of the movement for LGBTQ rights. Some witness accounts identify Johnson, who died in 1992 at age 46, and Rivera, who died in 2002 at age 50, as leaders of the rebellion and are considered pioneers of the movement.


28 up from

madonna to perform at WorLdpride


I N 2 017.

— 26 CharaCters Were men 19 Were Women 0 Were transgender or nonbinary. –GLAAD

Yc PRidE, ORGANiZERS OF wORldPRidE NYc 2019 ANd STONEwAll 50, announced music icon and LGBTQ advocate Madonna will perform at Pride Island June 30. The superstar echoed the announcement on “The Today Show” and her social media channels. “I hear you,” Madonna said. “I will be on Pride Island, where I was born.” WorldPride is billed as the largest LGBTQ Pride in world history and marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. “The community called loud and clear for an appearance by Madonna at Pride Island for WorldPride and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising,” NYC Pride Executive Director Chris Frederick said. “I’m thrilled to report that Madonna and WorldPride NYC delivered on that call.”

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rainboW CrossWaLks instaLLed in ChiCago’s boystoWn


ORE ThAN A dOZEN cROSSwAlkS ARE BEiNG PAiNTEd RAiNBOw cOlORS in Chicago’s “Boystown” area for June’s LGBTQ Pride activities. Northalsted Business Alliance expects the crosswalks to be finished in time for Pride Fest June 22-23 and the Chicago Pride Parade on June 30. The 14 crosswalks are being installed along Halsted Street in the Lakeview neighborhood on the city’s North Side. Alliance officials say their money and donations are funding the $60,000 cost. Alderman Tom Tunney calls Halsted Street “a tourist destination all over the country.” The crosswalks are made of thermoplastic polyurethane pavers. They join 20 rainbow pylons along the street.

eLLen degeneres reneWs taLk shoW for three more seasons


hE EllEN dEGENERES ShOw” will REMAiN ON ThE AiR ThROUGh 2022. DeGeneres made the announcement May 21 that she signed a deal to continue her talk show for three more seasons. DeGeneres revealed the news to the studio audience by comparing her show to a relationship. “From the beginning, I said that this show was going to be like a relationship. We have been through the good, the bad, the ‘Fifty Shades of Gray’ phase, and it’s been a lot of fun, and 16 years is a pretty good run. Sometimes in a relationship, you need to take a break. But I don’t; you’re stuck with me because I just signed for three more years,” DeGeneres said.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

Ryan Williams-Jent



celebration belongs to everyone in St. Petersburg, St Pete Pride President Chrys Bundy says ahead of the 17th annual St Pete Pride. It’s the result of year-round dedication from LGBTQ community members, advocates and allies.

That was evident with last year’s successful Sweet 16, which welcomed 250,000 attendees over Pride weekend—around 15,000 shy of St. Petersburg’s entire estimated population. It was a feat that longtime LGBTQ ally and Pride supporter St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman welcomes yet again. “We are excited to commemorate such a significant year for the LGBTQ community,” he says. “We hope parade attendees will enjoy each of our welcoming downtown districts, as well as that of the Grand Central District on Sunday for the street festival. I am so proud to welcome all to the great city of St. Petersburg, where the sun shines on all who live, work and play.” A record 750 participants kicked off last year’s parade with the ever-expanding TransPride March, followed by 170 parade entries flanked by 7,500 more participants. Nearly 250 festival vendors closed out the weekend. St Pete Pride subsequently announced new leadership in November 2018, naming former secretary Bundy as president. Nathan Bruemmer, who founded the TransPride March, became vice president. It was then that Bundy shared two pillars of focus for his Pride presidency: community engagement and enhancements to this year’s entertainment. “I want St Pete Pride to be just as known for their Community Grants Program as we are for our Parade and Festival. Giving back to the community will be our hallmark,” Bundy said. He added that “it’s time the SP2 Concert is known as THE concert of the summer in downtown St. Petersburg.” Continued on pg. 35

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| uu | Loud and Proud from pg.33

Official St Pete Pride 2019 Events

With the support of local leadership and singer-songwriters like Lisa Loeb, that’s why St Pete Pride 2019—which sashays through the Sunshine City June 21-23—promises to be its loudest and proudest yet.


Since its inaugural celebration, St Pete Pride’s mission has taken shape to promote unity, visibility, self-esteem and a positive image of and among the LGBTQ community in Tampa Bay and throughout Florida. It does so with an array of educational activities and programming. To flourish in its 17th year and into the future, Executive Director RAiNBOw REcORd: St Pete Pride 2018 welcomed 250,000 attendees over pride Luke Blankenship says, St Pete weekend. Photo creDit nicK carDello Pride must understand the past. we are exhausted as trans people, enby or non-binary human can put “This is a banner year for Pride from hearing the negativity, the our well-being at risk. This is why celebrations across the country, constant barrage of attacks and we must celebrate the resilience being the 50th anniversary of the constant erasure from this of our transgender community. We Stonewall,” he says, pointing administration telling us that we will not be erased.” to June 28, 1969. That evening, don’t exist or that they’re taking Participation in the march when police raided New York away our rights.” this year includes a free City’s Stonewall Inn, members Darrow feels lucky to live in a commemorative T-shirt to the of the LGBTQ community united community that’s becoming more first 1,000 registrants, as it has in in protest and “sparked the years past. Unlike previous outings, accepting of all identities. “Pride modern LGBTQ movement that started as marches,” the artist says. however, the artwork featured on we see today.” “The trans march is so incredibly the 2019 TransPride March shirt “It’s been 50 years and while we have seen an incredible progression of Prides with their visibility, growth, development and participation, we can never lose sight of what Pride is,” — ST PETE PRidE vP ANd TRANSPRidE MARch FOUNdER NAThAN BRUEMMER Blankenship continues. “It has always been a movement for empowering. Having thousands of was designed by Elliott Darrow, advocacy. This is a celebration of people scream that they love you a 21-year-old transgender artist being able to be comfortable in just for being you is an experience who grew up St. Petersburg. your own skin and being okay with that sticks with you even through The design depicts the word who you are. At its core, that’s the toughest of times.” “trans” in the shape of a heart and what Pride is all about.” Bruemmer says that the in the colors of the transgender That’s why 2019’s parade— fight for equality saves lives, pride flag: blue, pink and white. branded the Tech Data St Pete especially those in the transgender “There needs to be more love Pride Parade this year (more community, noting that the within our community,” Darrow information to follow)—will work to end hatred, bigotry explains. “I hope the love we shadow the third annual and discrimination can be ugly. show this summer at Pride for TransPride March. The tradition “What a breath of fresh air it is trans individuals will continue remains a focal point of to see a clear message from the on through acts of allyship in Bruemmer’s vice presidency. next generation to ground us all everyday life.” “We march to honor how far in more love. “Elliott has marched with us we’ve come and how much further “Visibility is so important,” previously and approached us with we need to go,” he says. “The the design,” Bruemmer recalls. “We Bruemmer continues. “Pride began transgender community and the as a protest; we started Pride and loved it. It really captures the focus people who love us know our fight marched for equality to let people of the TransPride March. We’re for acceptance and equality is far from two different generations but from over. We are reminded every Elliott and I are in the same place: day that living out loud as a trans, Continued on pg. 37 | uu |

Pride began as a protest;

we started Pride and marched for equality to let people know that we’re here and we exist. On the 50th anniversary of stonewall, we’re going to go out and celebrate who we are.

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Wednesday, June 19 st Pete Pride Kickoff Party Free, 7-10 p.m. | sirata beach resort St Pete Pride officially kicks off at the renovated Sirata Resort. The 13-acre getaway is a unique and private beach venue that allows guests to immerse themselves in a tropical landscape against the St. Pete Beach sunset. St Pete Pride promises the gathering will be “an event like no other during the weekend,” offering the perfect combination of sweeping nature views while maintaining an urban vibe.

Thursday, June 20 stonewall st Pete Pride reception $30, 7-9 p.m. | museum of Fine arts Hosted and sponsored by the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, St Pete Pride’s must-attend reception will feature an open bar, light hors d’oeuvres and “The Art of Fashion.” Designers Urban Native by Erik Wise, Elizabeth Carson Racker &Audrey Pat McGhee and stylist Ricc Rollins from The Style Lab combine to deliver glamour and a splash of individuality.

All Pride Weekend Friday, June 21-sunday, June 23 Pride celebration at enigma no cover, 12 p.m.-3 a.m. | enigma st. Pete Featuring drink specials and entertainment spanning Pride weekend. On Friday, show director Daphne Ferraro is joined by Tampa Bay entertainers Robyn Demornay and Jaeda Fuentes for 10 p.m. and midnight performances with DJ Craig Durty. After the parade on Saturday, fan favorite entertainers Kathryn Nevets, Jaeda Fuentes, Anita Waistline and Te Monet join DJ Blake Blaze.

Friday, June 21 transtastic: transPride march Pre-Party no cover, 5:30-8 p.m. | Flying boat brewing co. The up-and-coming Flying Boat Brewing Company welcomes Pridegoers for board games, beer, movies and more. The LGBTQ-friendly establishment’s pre-party places an emphasis on the gender expansive community to empower community advocates and allies ahead of the third annual TransPride March. Pride WOD suggested $20 donation, 6:30-8 p.m. | crossFit st. Pete CrossFit St. Pete’s prideful Workout of the Day (WOD). Participants should arrive early to sign waivers and socialize and stay afterwards for a cold refreshment from 3 Daughters Brewing. All registration funds will benefit Family Resources, one of the only nonprofits primarily focused on providing support for homeless LGBTQ youth in Pinellas County.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

Continued on pg. 37| uu |
















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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

| uu | Official St Pete Pride Events from pg. 35

the sP2 concert ft. lisa loeb Free or $50 ViP, 6-10 p.m. |north straub Park Lisa Loeb headlines this year’s SP2 Concert, a fundraiser hosted by St Pete Pride Entertainment Director Kori Stevens and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” alum Alexis Mateo, featuring local fan favorites like Jennifer Real and Divine AF. It assists in funding Tampa Bay organizations as attendees cool down with Bud Light and Absolut Vodka beverages. Beverage sales benefit the St Pete Pride Community Grants Program.

Saturday, June 22


(L-R) St Pete Pride Executive Director Luke Blankenship, Vice President Nathan Bruemmer, St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman, St Pete Pride President Chrys Bundy and St. Petersburg LGBTQ Liaison Jim Nixon pass out rainbow and trans pride flags to business owners in downtown St. Petersburg May 29. PHOTO COURTESY CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG

| uu | Loud and Proud from pg.35

know that we’re here and we exist. On the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, we’re going to go out and celebrate who we are.”


With preparations well underway to celebrate Stonewall’s 50-year mark, St Pete Pride announced in April that the organization had entered a title partnership with the Clearwater-based technology company Tech Data. The partnership followed the release of the Human Rights Campaign’s 2019 Corporate Equality Index in March, the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies and practices pertinent to LGBTQ employees. Tech Data received a perfect 100% for its 14th year. “We are strategically promoting one of the sterling examples of inclusivity in a company of their size,” Blankenship shared at the time. “For years, Tech Data has been a pioneer in LGBTQ+ rights in the workplace.” “Last year, Tech Data had the biggest showing of employees walking with our float in the St Pete Pride parade,” Tech Data Executive Vice President and CIO John Tonnison added. “Inclusion is one of our five corporate shared values and is foundational to our culture. We are proud to take this even further this year by connecting the Tech Data name as the title sponsor for this,

Florida’s biggest Pride event. In doing so, we honor our LGBTQ+ colleagues and families and clearly signal our support to the wider LGBTQ+ community.” Bundy, who aside from serving as Pride’s president is a Tech Data employee, also celebrated the news. “Ask anyone in the Tampa Bay region where the best place to work for LGBTQ equality, and Tech Data will certainly come to mind,” he shared. “St Pete Pride has partnered with Tech Data for several years and we are beyond excited to join together with Tech Data as the title sponsor of the 2019 St Pete Pride Parade.” The two organizations subsequently revealed this year’s parade would officially be known as the Tech Data St Pete Pride Parade. The branding drew criticism from some locals, who questioned the placement of Tech Data’s name in the title and addressed the matter with the St Pete Pride board during their public meeting in May. “The concerns of the community were heard,” Bundy says. “We were able to have a very frank discussion on what it means to have the name of an event changed and we very much appreciated them taking the time.” He notes that their concerns will be taken into consideration in the future. Tech Data’s commitment to the LGBTQ community was carefully reviewed ahead of entering the partnership, Blankenship adds. “Partnering with businesses like Tech Data keep our registration rates for small businesses and nonprofits one of the lowest in the

country for a Pride our size,” he says. “We take decisions like this very seriously and the perception of what a title sponsorship means is incredibly important to us. “Tech Data wants to build a long term partnership with us to make sure that that we can continue to grow and we can help each other achieve the goals that we want to,” he continues. “We are excited for new opportunities this partnership presents to our organization as we can continue to build on an already worldclass event.”


Strengthening Pride and the community it serves is also a cornerstone of the organization’s Miss St Pete Pride pageant, which in May celebrated a decade of drag. Nine contestants went heel-to-heel in the five-category competition, vying for the coveted crown, cash prize and title of Miss St Pete Pride 2019. “I love it,” Blankenship says of the pageant. “I love people who want to represent our organization professionally, especially in such an important fashion like drag culture does. It’s one of my favorite events that we hold in conjunction with Kori Stevens and has really been the start of Pride season every year.” That’s in large part due to Stevens’ dedication to the pageant she helped shape, even before serving as entertainment director of St Pete Pride. After her own reign as Miss St Pete Pride 2010

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wells Fargo Pre-Parade entertainment ft. beth sacks Free, 1:55-6 p.m. | north straub Park Featuring at 1:55 p.m., Miss St Pete Pride 2019 Kenya M. Black; 2:00 p.m., swampland symphony; 2:30 p.m., karmic tattoo duo; 3:05 p.m., Miss St Pete Pride 2009 Star Montrese Love; 3:10 p.m., PheYonce Montrese; 3:15 p.m., Boys Entrance; 3:50 p.m., Victoria Michaels; 4 p.m., Melissa Crispo; 4:35 p.m., Brianna Summers; 4:40 p.m., Rolando; 5:00 p.m., Eleonora Diamond; 5:10 p.m., Alyssa Haley Walker and at 5:30 p.m., Derek Delequa. Pre-Parade headliner and International House Artist Beth Sacks performs at 6 p.m. hca stage Pre-Parade entertainment Free, 2:10 p.m.-7 p.m. | south straub Park Featuring at 2:10 p.m., Gin Jinka; 2:15 p.m., Konstance Panic; 2:20 p.m.,Desire Sm’ore; 2:30 p.m., Samaya Sinsation; 2:35 p.m., Stephanie Delytes; 2:40 p.m.,Gretta Grip; 2:50 p.m., Gin Jinka; 2:55 p.m.,Francis Queer-Bot 9000; 3:00 p.m.,Jackson Blayze Le Shade; 3:15 p.m.,Desire Sm’ore; 3:20 p.m.,Samaya Sinsation; 3:25 p.m.,Ripp Lee; 3:40 p.m.,Victoria Summers; 3:45 p.m.,Francis Queer-Bot 9000; 3:50 p.m., Stephanie Delytes; 3:55 p.m., KonstancePanic; 4:00 p.m., GrettaGrip; 4:05 p.m., Elanora Diamond; 4:10 p.m., Gin Jinka; 4:15 p.m., Victoria Summers; 4:20 p.m., Juno Vibranz; 4:25 p.m., Nicole T. Lane; 4:30 p.m., Dena Cass; 4:35 p.m., Desire Sm’ore; 4:40 p.m., Mya Valentine; 4:45 p.m., Gin Jinka; 4:50 p.m., Victoria Summers; 4:55 p.m., Nicole T. Lane; 5:00 p.m., Dena Cass; 5:05 p.m., Juno Vibranz; 5:25 p.m., Mayvn Misbehavin; 5:30 p.m., Conundrum; 5:35 p.m., Kezra Leon; 5:50 p.m., Matcha; 5:55 p.m., De Lovely; 6:00 p.m., RippLee; 6:05 p.m., Missy Hetaira; 6:10 p.m., Mya Valentine; 6:15 p.m., Mayvn Misbehavin; 6:20 p.m., Matcha; 6:25 p.m., Gabby Rosa; 6:30 p.m., De Lovely; 6:35 p.m., Conundrum; 6:40 p.m.,Ripp Lee; 6:45 p.m., Ja’staria Sherrington; 6:50 p.m., Mayvn Misbehavin; 6:55 p.m., Gabby Rosa and at 7:00 p.m., Ja’staria Sherrington. 2019 st Pete Pride transPride march Free, 6:30-7 p.m. | Downtown st. Petersburg The third annual TransPride March kicks off the Tech Data St Pete Pride Parade and aimsto inspire all transgender and gender non-conforming people to realize a world where we are all safe, loved, and empowered is possible. Last year’s march saw a record 750 marchers to celebrate advocacy and coming together. The first 1000 registrants will receive a 2019 St Pete Pride TransPride March T-Shirt.

Continued on pg. 39 | uu |

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

Continued on pg. 39| uu |




2019 – 2020






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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

| uu | Loud and Proud from pg.37

ended, the fan favorite performer and pageant’s second ever winner began to oversee it—managing her successors and building upon its legacy with Star Montrese Love, who became the first Miss St Pete Pride in 2009. “Star is like my right hand,” Stevens says. “I don’t make a decision about the pageant without at least getting her input. When we first started, Miss St Pete Pride really wasn’t much of anything, so now to see all of the girls that come out to compete and to see how much support the community puts behind the pageant itself, it just means the world.” “St Pete Pride has always been my heart. Whenever Kori or the community needs something, I’m there for it,” says Montrese Love, whose decade of Miss St Pete Pride service was honored at this year’s competition. “I grew up in St. Pete and giving back has always been something that has been really important to me.” It’s that mentality that sets Miss St Pete Pride apart from some other pageants. “Winners have to show up at certain events and actually give of their time,” Stevens explains. “St Pete Pride is in the business of more than just a party—they’re trying to build a community—and a part of that business is fundraising. Miss St Pete Pride is a vessel for that.” While winners have required Pride appearances throughout the year, they’re also obligated to create and hold at least three fundraisers throughout their reign. “When you’re representing a community like St. Pete, you’re given a greater purpose than you are with some other pageants,” Montrese Love says. “You’re giving back to the community that needs you. Miss St Pete Pride has to be visible.” Stevens says that won’t be difficult for Kenya M. Black, the newly-crowned Miss St Pete Pride 2019. “I think she’s going to do an amazing job,” she says. “Kenya is an amazing person and a wonderful performer. She has a heart of gold and is so concerned about the community herself, I think she’s going to shine.” For Montrese Love, crowning Black—also her best friend—was a personal highlight on her 10-year anniversary. “I assumed she was doing the pageant but I wasn’t

sure,” the performer says. “It was everything. This is a community pageant and we found someone who’s going to work really, really hard. That made us feel really good; we’re happy someone won who is going to give back.” “It was emotional,” Black says of assuming the title. “Who crowns

line and launching The Camp Lisa Foundation, which allows children to attend summer camps who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to do so. She also maintains an open line of communication with fans via weekly Facebook Live sessions. “After two increasingly

Anything that any of us can do to make people feel free to be themselves, we should do. That’s the message of my music: have your experiences, be yourself.” –SiNGER-SONGwRiTER ANd SP2 cONcERT hEAdliNER liSA lOEB you is more important than just being crowned, because you become their successor. Knowing that I have to live up to Star is really special; she’s passionate about everything she does and I just want to do the best that I can to honor her.” Black is excited to join the Miss St Pete Pride sisterhood cultivated by Stevens and to honor Love’s legacy as she begins her reign. “I want to expand the Pride brand and open myself up to St. Pete,” she says. “I always want to work harder and be better than the person I was the day before. I’m all about opening myself up and St Pete Pride is a new journey.”


As Stevens worked to showcase Tampa Bay’s wide array of local entertainment at this year’s celebration, a welcome responsibility that’s yielded impressive results, the St Pete Pride board worked to welcome national headliners. The organization announced in April that entertainers Lisa Loeb and Rita Ora, the latter of whom canceled her appearance June 8, would headline concerts for the 17th annual event. Loeb, a trailblazing artist who sang her way into superstardom with the platinum-selling hit “Stay (I Missed You)” from the 1994 film “Reality Bites,” became the first pop musician to have a No. 1 single while not signed to a recording contract. The Grammy winner has appeared in a number of television and film projects and has since released an array of music and a number of children’s books and albums. She’s done so while designing her own eyewear

successful years of being downtown for the Saturday night parade, the board wanted to really focus on enhancing participant experience and decided the entertainment aspect would deliver the most impact,” St Pete Pride Secretary Richard Brandt, also the entertainment chair, announced in April. “With the goal of securing a headliner for Friday night’s concert, it was also critical that we continue to showcase the exceptional talent that calls St. Pete and the Tampa Bay area home,” he continued. “In doing so, the largest pride celebration in Florida would be able to maintain the quaint and welcoming feeling that makes St Pete Pride so unique.” Loeb will headline this year’s SP2 concert, a fundraiser for various Tampa Bay organizations cohosted by Stevens and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” alum Alexis Mateo. Local favorites Jennifer Real and Divine AF will open the gathering. While the concert is free, VIP tickets are available and beverage sales benefit the St Pete Pride Community Grants Program. An inaugural After Parade concert will follow Saturday evening. Ora, a British pop star known for hits like “Your Song” and “For You” from the film “Fifty Shades Freed,” was scheduled to headline until her unexpected cancelation. “Our team was notified on Saturday, June 8, that Rita has canceled all upcoming events for the next several weeks due to unforeseen circumstances,” Blankenship shared via press release. The search for a

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

| uu | Official St Pete Pride Events from pg. 37

Tech Data St Pete Pride Parade Free-$125 ViP, 7:15 p.m.-9:30 p.m. | Downtown st. Petersburg Thousands of marchers sashay along Bayshore Dr. displaying their Pride as thousands more cheer them on. Celebrating diversity, this year showcases the community’s unbridled self-expression. Glamstands VIP admission is $85 and includes snacks and beverages, bleacher seating and air conditioned restrooms.Glamstands VIP boxes are $125, hold 10 people and all 10 tickets must be purchased at once. The 10 x 10 private viewing area includes the amenities and reserved seating along the parade route.

st Pete Pride after Party no cover, 9 p.m. | Quench lounge After the Tech Data St Pete Pride Parade, mingle with the Men of Quench and enjoy Quench Lounge’s fabulous Diva Show during an official St Pete Pride After Party! Drink Specials after 9 p.m. include $3 Quench Drafts and $4 Fireball. After 1 a.m., the hotspot offers $3 drinks.

iberian rooster after Parade concert no cover, 9 p.m.-3 a.m. | subcentral at the iberian rooster This underground drag and burlesque show in SubCentral at the Iberian Roosterbegins with DJ Greg Anderson with performances at 11 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. Cohosts Adriana Sparkle and Ashlee T. Bangkx welcome Carmen lai Garden, Mya Valentine, Zeal Milan and Vyn Suazion.

the glittering Firework celebration Free, 10:15-10:30 p.m. | Downtown waterfront Born from a single night of protest in 1969, the true spirit of Pride lives on 50 years later in St. Petersburg and throughout the world. St Pete Pride reflects on how the LGBTQ has come in a dazzling spectacle of sparkles and eruption.

Sunday, June 23 St Pete Pride Street Festival Free, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. | grand central District More than 50,000 are expected for this year’s St Pete Pride Street Festival, the largest community event of the season! Festival goers come together to a history while enjoying a day of live performances and entertainment, community booths, art and fantastic food in paradise. St Pete Pride promises that there’s something for everyone.

Continued on pg. 42 | uu |

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com



watermark Your LGBTQ life.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


| uu | Loud and Proud from pg.39

replacement act for is currently underway with St Pete Pride’s partners, he added, although as of press time has not been named. While Ora is out, Loeb is very much in. The longtime LGBTQ ally, who from previous visits says she’s a fan of St. Petersburg’s Dali Museum and beaches, is thrilled to play St Pete Pride. “I always wanted to be a cool artist who got to be a part of Pride,” she muses. “I’ve heard so much 10 YEARS STRONG: Miss St Pete Pride 2009 Star Montrese Love and about St. Pete’s and what a big Miss St Pete Pride 2019 Kenya M. Black represent a decade of the drag pageant’s extravaganza it is. I’m really excellence. Photo by Dylan toDD excited to be there and celebrate Having that kind of success Loeb says the busiest street in the with everyone.” within her independence has city’s West Village was a source of Reflecting on 25 years of always been something Loeb strength for her. “Stay,” she says 1994 was an has carried with her. “I like to do “It was fun. It was the perfect exciting time for her. “I was in things creatively my way,” she time to have a song on the radio, my early 20s, a couple of years says, “and making a song that because I would be getting into out of college. One of the best wasn’t necessarily guided by a limousines to go do promotions things that came out of being major label really added to my and have people up all night— an independent artist with such self-confidence. It was proof really sweet, supportive guys, great success is I really had a that it could be done—you can screaming ‘you go girl’ while great support system that kept collaborate with a major label dressed to the nines,” she laughs. me grounded.” and with the business of music, She lived on Christopher Street “I also had a really supportive but you can also do things from family and was surrounded by a in New York City at the time, at your heart.” great music community.” “the end of the city’s Pride parade and huge Halloween parade.”

Recognized St Pete Pride Events Wednesday, June 14 Pride night with the tampa bay rays $30, 7:10 p.m. | tropicana Field The Tampa Bay Rays take on the Los Angeles Angels for their annual Pride Night. bear Pride blacklight glow Party no cover, 9:30 p.m. | Quench lounge Join the sexy bears of Quench for their Bear Pride Blacklight Glow Party. Drink specials after 9 p.m.

Thursday, June 20 tampa bay Pride worship service Free, 6:15 p.m. | metro Inclusive Health Celebrate Pride Weekend with a worship service that begins at Metro Inclusive Health and marches to King of Peace MCC. The evening’s theme is “Looking Back, Loving Forward” and a collection will benefit the local transgender community.


“scott & Patti’s greatest hits” $25-30, 6-9 p.m. | Catherine Hickman Theater Scott Daniel and Matthew McGee make their only Pride appearance as mother/ son lounge act Scott & Patti. They bring their mix of camp, improvisation and showmanship to an unforgettable show as they raise funds for Gulfport’s LGBTQ Resource Center.

Friday, June 21 Drag Queen Docent tour $14.95, 4-5 p.m. | chihuly collection Tampa Bay performer Bak Lava welcomes guests to the Chihuly Collection for an educational and fun-filled tour highlighting the colorful artwork of world-renowned artist Dale Chihuly. Proceeds will be split with St Pete Pride. street Food and craft beer Festival no cover, 6-11 p.m. | albert whitted Park

The Gulf to Bay Food Truck Association hosts the 2nd annual Street Food & Craft Beer Festival. This pet- and family-friendly gathering features over 25 food trucks, beer, wine and entertainment. Parking is $5 at Albert Whitted Airport and benefits the Westcare Foundation. 4th annual Pride shabbat Free, 6:30-7:30 p.m. | congregation b’nai israel of st. Petersburg The fourth annual Pride Shabbat is a welcoming Shabbat service embracing all traditions and community members. The service will be followed by a festive cocktail oneg. Pride gayla at red mesa $65, 8 p.m.-1 a.m. | red mesa cantina This ticketed event in Red Mesa’s remodeled ballroom includes champagne, a Pride cocktail, hors d’oeuvres and dessert. The gathering is 21+, requires cocktail attire and features an auction benefiting Metro Inclusive Health with performances by entertainers Jacqueline St. James and Victoria Michaels.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

to get in anyone’s way is such a horrible thing; it’s just wrong,” she continues. “Anything that any of us can do to make people feel free to be themselves, we should do. That’s the message of my music: have your experiences, be yourself.” Fans can expect to hear Loeb’s trademark authenticity during the SP2 concert, which will feature storytelling and songs from her entire discography. “I’ll be playing acoustically and pulling songs from all of my albums,” Loeb says, “and I often play requests. If people are there who are really big fans and they have a song they want to throw out to me while I’m on stage, I’ll play that song. I’ll probably even play at least one new song that will be on my upcoming album. I can’t wait.” The 17th annual St Pete Pride will be held June 21-23, 2019. For more information about upcoming events, including the inaugural After Parade concert, visit StPetePride.com.

It’s Loeb’s genuine nature that’s led her to garner such support from the LGBTQ community, to which she’s always been drawn musically. The singer-songwriter drew early inspiration from artists like Queen, Elton John and David Bowie, citing their visionary catalogs which stemmed from imagination and longing as early favorites. “Some of that might be attributed to the era, but these artists were people who were writing music who at the time may not have been able to express who they were,” she says. “There might have been a lot of longing that came through their songs. They were able to really communicate a feeling through their music.” In her own career, Loeb says she stresses that people should be themselves. “It’s important,” she notes. “When I was in college, I wrote a song called ‘Going Somewhere.’ It said, ‘Don’t be afraid to be yourself, you’ll get nowhere being someone else. And if you do, it won’t be you going somewhere.’ You have to be the best you that you are. “For something like sexual orientation or anything like that

3rd annual one love Prom in wonderland $20-90, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. | Flamingo resort Follow Project No Labels down the rabbit hole for an unforgettable prom during Pride. The organization’s annual gathering offers the LGBTQ community a chance to experience prom for the first time or the way they always wanted to with a Mad Hatters theme. launch Party no cover, 9 p.m.-3 a.m. | g st Pete To celebrate the launch of Pride, G St Pete is giving away limited edition “Gay Pride Mickeys” hourly with no purchase necessary to win. Featuring a Burlesque show at midnight and $2 Pride shots all night long.

Saturday, June 22 Parade Day Party no cover, 3 p.m.-3 a.m. | g st Pete Within walking distance to the parade, G St Pete welcomes patrons for a fun-filled day of celebration with Absolut specials, great music and a break from the sun.

Pride closer Free-$15, 10 p.m.-3 a.m. | morph Following last year’s Pride Rooftop Disco, the Pride Closer offers a colorful and vibrant celebration of dance music’s LGBTQ roots. Free before 11 p.m. Pride after Party no cover, 9 p.m.-3 a.m. | g st Pete DJ Ranny keeps the party going at G St Pete. This party features Pride-themed decor and giveaways to make the dance floor glow as guests enjoy drink specials and multiple rooms of entertainment.

Sunday, June 23 best little whorehouse on central no cover, 12-3 p.m. | Punky’s bar & grill Enjoy the cast from Punky’s Bar & Grill as they spoof the “Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.” Led by Victoria Michaels, the cast will put on a romp roaring show as guests enjoy food and drink specials.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


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features “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling bemoaning the difficulty of killing so many beloved characters and “Game of Thrones” author George R.R. Martin calling her “adorable” in response. Gay writer Armistead Maupin, author of the beloved queer series “Tales of The City” which began in 1978 and concluded in 2014, has more in common with the two authors than you might expect. Maupin populated his books with a wide assortment of characters, some loveable and some despicable, and has killed off a number of them over the years. Also like Rowling and Martin, Maupin’s books have made the leap from the page to the screen. PBS launched its “Tales of the City” series in 1993, starring Olympia Dukakis as Anna Madrigal, the legendary transgender landlord of 28 Barbary Lane—and Laura Linney as Mary Ann Singleton, the naive young woman from Ohio who was forever changed when she relocated to San Francisco. Continued on pg. 47

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com



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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

| uu | A New Era from pg.45

While the groundbreaking series was well-received by critics and fans of the books, the material’s raciness didn’t sit well with conservatives controlling the PBS purse strings. More “Tales of the City” and “Further Tales of the City” aired on Showtime in 1998 and 2001, respectively, with Linney and Dukakis among the few actors reprising their roles. In June of 2019, Netflix presents the return of the series, which opens with the occasion of Anna’s 90th birthday and reunites characters old and new. Openly LGBTQ actor Murray Bartlett assumes the role of Michael “Mouse” Tolliver and is sensational. He effortlessly bringing everything fans have ever loved about the character to life in the most vivid and honest ways. Watermark spoke with him ahead of the series debut. WATERMARK: What was it about the character of Michael “Mouse” Tolliver that made you want to portray him? MURRAY BARTLETT: I love the “Tales of the City” books. I have a huge affection for all of the characters, including Michael, from the 90s. I guess what I love about him, particularly now, is that he has been through a lot. He went through the AIDS crisis, thought he was going to die and lost a lot of the people that he loved. He faced his own mortality. He went through a hugely challenging and transformative time and he’s managed to keep this beautiful kind of buoyant spirit that he has; this boyish spirit. I really love that about him. It’s difficult to do that. I think a lot of people become cynical and jaded. He’s definitely come through a little damaged [laughs] and he’s definitely got some baggage but that buoyant spirit is still intact, and I really love that. What does being part of such a beloved series mean to you? I have such a personal connection to it. I think for many of us that saw it in the beginning—or came to the books in the 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond—it really struck a chord that wasn’t being struck. These LGBTQ characters finding family and living a wonderful, joyful life, with all the trials and tribulations of their everyday lives [were] fully fleshed out,

“Mouse” House: Murray Bartlett plays Michael “Mouse” Tollier in “Tales of the City.” Photo courtesy murray bartlett real characters that were experiencing joy and pain. [It featured] a transgender character, like Anna Madrigal, that was not a tragic figure. She’s a wise, benevolent, compassionate, wonderful inspiring woman. I think it was groundbreaking at the time and I think it’s still groundbreaking in that we’re still kind of at the beginning of LGBTQ representation on television and film. Being part of that wave and being part of this beautiful world that Armistead created that is so compassionate, human and full of love; I feel like we need more of that in the world always, and especially now. It feels like such a privilege to be part of that. Did you have an opportunity to meet and talk with Armistead during the Netflix production? Yes, absolutely! I had done this show, “Looking,” for HBO a few years ago and we were shooting in San Francisco. “Tales of the City” was very much a kind of mascot. The first night we arrived, me and a few of the other actors watched [the earlier version of] Tales of the City. We met up with Armistead a few times. He became like our godfather. He was very sweet and generous. I had a little bit of a connection with him. He came and spent time with us on set. He’s the spirit of his books. He’s the personification of that; a beautiful, compassionate, wonderful man. It was great for all of us to have him on set at times. You mentioned “Looking,” in which you played Dom. Like

“Tales of the City,” it was also set in San Francisco—what does the city mean to you? I adore San Francisco. I came to San Francisco from Australia for the first time in the 90s for a visit, I think it was 1994. The guy I was staying with had the first season of “Tales of the City” on VHS and he let me watch them. (Laughs.) I fell in love with it. But it was completely intertwined with my initial impressions of San Francisco. I recognized a lot of the elements of “Tales of the City” in San Francisco, in terms of community and the sense of family and a sense of belonging; a place where people could come and find those things. Apart from the fact that it’s just a gorgeous city; I was there recently and everywhere you turn there’s a beautiful view. There’s something about the spirit of San Francisco. This latest iteration of “Tales of the City” addresses this new generation of the techie wave coming in. One of the beautiful things about San Francisco that I loved is this incredible diversity of expression, all these wonderful characters and people. But a lot of those people aren’t millionaires and they can’t afford to live there anymore. (Laughs.) It’s this interesting thing that San Francisco is going through now. How much of the old spirit can stay alive in this new, expensive phase. The role of Michael “Mouse” Tolliver was played by two other actors in previous iterations. What were the

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

challenges and rewards of stepping into it? I didn’t really think about that too much. Before we started, I went back and read all of the books. I tried to let Mouse jump off the page. Let Armistead give me Mouse through the books (Laughs.) I think maybe one of the reasons I didn’t give it much thought is that two decades have gone in between. A lot has happened. Mouse still has the same spirit, he’s still essentially the same guy, but he’s transformed in terms of all the stuff he’s gone through. I felt like, as happens after a couple of decades, you are a kind of reformed character in a lot of ways. I felt like I didn’t have to be too concerned about what had come before and just go back to the books and get the essence of him and run with it. What was it like working with Laura Linney and Olympia Dukakis? Just, you know, magical (Laughs.) Complete joy and very surreal. Especially initially, because, I think I’d seen Olympia in things before, particularly “Moonstruck.” But I don’t think I’d seen Laura before I watched “Tales of the City.” I have a strong association with those women and those characters in “Tales of the City,” so it was very surreal being onset the first few times with them. They are those characters to me. I was a little nervous because I admire them so much and they’re such fantastic actors. You want to bring your best. So, there’s a little bit of nerves that

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com

come with that. But they’re so gracious and so lovely. There was something about the fact that they are those characters to me, and because they are such great actresses, the scene starts and you just go for the ride. They’re so wonderful to work with and those strong associations of those characters just kicked in for me. Your character is in a relationship with a man much younger than he is in this version. It comes up repeatedly and during a scene where Michael’s boyfriend is given a lesson in gay history. As a gay man yourself, how did that make you feel? I haven’t seen the show yet, but I love that episode. I think it’s so beautifully written, mostly because it doesn’t present a good and bad. It throws out the two perspectives of the older and younger generations, and it does such a beautiful job of not letting you take sides. You agree and disagree with both (Laughs.) I think that that is a beautiful way to approach a fiery issue and conversation. To show both perspectives and let people make up their own minds. It also shows how complex it is. I feel like I understand where the older generation comes from, but I also understand where the younger generation comes from. They both have really good points and they both need to listen to each other because they have a lot to learn from each other. All the stuff that the older generation went through was epic; it’s very important for younger queer people to understand what has come before. The older perspective comes from a place that is worth understanding. Likewise, the younger generation. We’re moving forward in terms of gender identity and second gender identity and sexual identity and how we can express ourselves—riding a wave into, hopefully, more openness. That has enormous value. We’re at a very delicate stage of navigating through that and we need to be very sensitive. The older generation, at least in that episode, can tend to gloss over that a little bit. I love the way the writer and our team did such a beautiful job of straddling those two perspectives, allowing you to see both of them without telling you what to think about it.


JUNE 12, 2016 We will never forget the 49 Angels. Stanley Almodovar III

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Miguel Angel Honorato

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Javier Jorge Reyes

Luis Sergio Vielma

Jason Benjamin Josaphat

Franky Jimmy DeJesus Velázquez

Eddie Jamal Droy Justice

Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon

Anthony Luis Laureano Disla

Jerry Wright

Christopher Andrew Leinonen

Watermark 49 Angels.indd 48


watermark Your LGBTQ life.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

5/16/19 9:59 AM


Ahead of the Pack

Dr. Steve Yacovelli explores LGBTQ people as leaders in his new book, ‘Pride Leadership’


Proud Leader:

Dr. Steve Yacovelli at his official book launch event June 5. Photo by Jeremy williams


Jeremy Williams

r. Steve Yacovelli is the owner

of TopDog Learning Group, LLC, a learning and development, leadership, change management, diversity and consulting firm based in Orlando.

“We work with organizations to help them maximize their human talent,” says Yacovelli. “It’s a lot of consulting, a lot of talking to see what the client really needs. Then using the tools that my team has to kind of get those problems solved.” Basically, Yacovelli helps make leaders. He has worked with many organizations and companies, including big corporations like Disney and Bayer Pharmaceuticals, to provide the tools that make good workers into great leaders. His work in this field has earned him the nickname “The Gay Leadership Dude.” The name not only comes from the fact that Yacovelli is openly gay, but also because he noticed key

competencies needed in leadership that seemed to be naturally found within the LGBTQ individuals he worked with through his day-to-day work. “As I was working in leadership and organizational development I saw the patterns that work and the ones that don’t for somebody to be successful,” he recalls. “It hit me as I was watching my fellow LGBTQ leaders in different advocacy groups be super effective, I couldn’t help but wonder if LGBTQ people actually have some natural skill in the competencies that I’m seeing the general leadership population excel at.” This “Carrie Bradshaw moment,” as Yacovelli refers to it, led him to

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

consider if LGBTQ people have a leg up in the leadership game because of skills naturally developed growing up LGBTQ and coming out. “You see people in the general population who are really good leaders,” Yacovelli says, “and they are really great at having empathy for their team members, for the people around them. So I thought do LGBTQ people tend to have an opportunity to flex their empathy muscle because of who we are as a community? I wouldn’t broad stroke that we all have the same experience, of course not, but by the benefit of us being an ‘other’ does that lead us to have empathy for other people in different situations?” This led Yacovelli to write his new book, “Pride Leadership: Strategies for the LGBTQ+ Leader to be the King or Queen of their Jungle.” The book is part informative and part instructive. “The book was for me to really force my thoughts together,” Yacovelli says. “There are books out there on leadership, and I cite other people in mine because there are some amazing people who have their research out there, but there are not a whole lot of books that focus on leadership for LGBTQ people specifically, and that’s a big omission. While you can get the same message in those mainstream books, there’s just that gorgeous nuance to filter it through the lens of someone in our community.” Before Yacovelli could sit down and write his book, he first needed to come up with a list of the areas of leadership he wanted to cover. He started off with 26. “I knew I had to process through the list and get it down because I was not going to be able to write a 98,000 word book on leadership,” Yacovelli says, laughing. Yacovelli elicited the help of friend and colleague Wes Wagaman to whittle down the list to a more manageable number. “We just started pulling things together where we saw patterns, like having integrity and being authentic are in the same bucket so we can kind of weave those together,” Yacovelli says. “Then we took a step back and

we said ‘these are the six big things that people are talking about.’” Six key competencies is what Yacovelli, with an assist from Wagaman, came up with for LGBTQ individuals who are serious about developing into great leaders should focus on. They are: -Being Authentic -Having Leadership Courage -Leveraging Empathy -Using Inclusive Communication -Building Relationships -Shaping Culture “These are the things that I’ve not only seen people rock at as good leaders but I have seen people who absolutely do not do any of them and they crash and burn. So six seemed like the right number,” Yacovelli says. “Then as I was halfway through the book I realized there’s six stripes in the rainbow Pride flag. So that kind of fell into place quite serendipitously.” That Pride in the rainbow flag and the community in general is in part what led Yacovelli to name his book “Pride Leadership.” “The phrase ‘Pride Leadership’ is threefold for me,” he says. “First, it is a reference to our history with Pride since ours is the target audience for the book and for who it is specifically written. The second is having pride in yourself to develop to be a more effective leader. People wouldn’t be in the positions they are in if they didn’t already have some of these skills, but to have pride enough to say I could be better, I could be even more of a rock star.” The third part is a nod to the community that “we got this.” “I hate to sound like an old man,” Yacovelli says, “but I see this especially with a lot of younger LGBTQ folks, they don’t maybe have that much confidence in their skill set and they should. Maybe you might have to refine it and nuance it, and maybe get some ways to develop it, but you’ve got this already by nature of who you are.” “Pride Leadership” was released on June 5 and has already received praise from within the community; including from National LGBT Chamber of Commerce President Justin Nelson, Out Leadership COO Wes Werbeck and Equality Florida Director of Transgender Equality Gina Duncan, as well as fellow authors Rhodes Perry and Jennifer Brown. “Pride Leadership: Strategies for the LGBTQ+ Leader to be the King or Queen of their Jungle” by Dr. Steve Yacovelli is available in print and in digital format on Amazon. You can purchase your copy and leave a review at SteveOnAmazon.com.

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


Ay Papi!

Matt Bomer stars in the new dramatic comedy, ‘Papi Chulo’


tv JOB:

Matt Bomer plays a TV weatherman in the film “Papi Chulo.” Photo courtesy BLUE FOX ENTERTAINMENT


Greg Shapiro

n “Papi Chulo”—written and

directed by John Butler—openly gay actor Matt Bomer plays Sean, a TV weatherman who has an onscreen breakdown. His sensitive but ratingsobsessed boss Ash, played by Wendi McLendonCovey, gives him a leave of absence. Unfortunately, the recently single Sean doesn’t know what to do with the time and repeatedly calls his ex Carlos to get his voicemail.

Sean soon notices his home needs repairs, leading him to hire migrant worker Ernesto, played by Alejandro Patiño. Lacking companionship, Sean loses sight of boundaries and socializes with Ernesto in spite of the language barrier and the fact that he is a straight, married man. What initially starts out as a sweet and funny comedy takes an

unexpectedly dramatic turn, but by then viewers will have grown so fond of this unlikely buddy movie duo that they will gladly go wherever the characters lead. Watermark spoke with Bomer, who shines as Sean, who answered questions about “Papi Chulo” and his recent projects that led him back to television.

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WATERMARK: What was it about Sean that made you want to portray him in the movie “Papi Chulo”? MATT BOMER: There are a dozen adjectives you could list before you even mention the fact that Sean is gay. There’s something inherently comedic and tragic about the contradictions in Sean. The fact that he’s going through this terrible trauma and pain that he’s not willing to acknowledge. The public persona that he affects and how he tries to bury it, avoid it and subdue it were all really playable to me. Sean asks Ernesto in the film what he’s afraid of and he answers, in Spanish, “Immigration.” Can you speak to the timeliness of the subject matter in the age of Trump? I think this movie was written before Trump was even elected. Just the fact that we live in such divisive times. It’s a story of two very different men at very different places

in their lives from very different worlds who come together because of their shared humanity. They form a great and true friendship. I think it became more politically relevant as it’s hard to make an apolitical film these days. It became more relevant as it went along. Sean hires Ernesto to paint the deck at his house. Part of the experience of the movie is watching them attempt to communicate. How is your Spanish? I think you see it all on film. A lot of that was improvised. I would go through the script and try to figure out what I could try to say in Spanish at any given point. I’d run it by John [Butler]—even though he is a writer-director, he’s not overly precious about anything. He’s willing to improvise and add things in that bring authenticity to a scene. We were fortunate enough to shoot it sequentially for the most part, with a

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com

Continued on pg. 55 | uu |



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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

LABOR OF LOVE: Matt Bomer plays Sean in the film, “Papi Chulo.” Photo Courtesy blue Fox Entertainment | uu | Ay Papi!

from pg.53

few exceptions. Alejandro [Patiño] and I were getting to know each other as our characters were and a lot of the stuff in the car, on top of the wonderful dialogue that John had written, was improv. Sean says he’s “completely opposed to nature” How do you personally feel about nature and the outdoors? Oh my gosh, I love it! I need it! It’s a necessity in my life. I would argue that it’s another example of Sean being completely out of touch with himself because I think someone like him needs to be outside … needs to be communing with nature. For me, it’s incredibly relaxing, especially living in a big city. Even in New York, I try to get down to the West Side Highway and walk and exercise there, just to get a sense of the outdoors, even in a city like Manhattan. Sean takes a lot of spills and pratfalls and gets kind of bloodied. What was that aspect of the character like for you? I think he’s nose-diving towards rock bottom. A big part

of that is his physical journey. I think I did everything except for the one fall at the quinceañera, when he crashes the party drunk. That they would not let me do because it was a little riskier and this was not the kind of movie that had the budget to shut down if I injured myself. If I injured myself, the movie was over basically. (Laughs.) I love that about indie filmmaking. There’s something really renegade about it. Also, the stakes are sort of high in that regard. You get what you can get in the time you get. There’s nobody who’s going to sweep in and save the day and buy you an extra. In “Papi Chulo” and the recent season of “Will & Grace,” you play a TV weatherman and newscaster, respectively. What do you think that says about you and what do you think that says about TV news programs? (Laughs.) I would argue two very different things, depending on which character you’re talking about. They’re two distinctly different guys who both happen to be on camera on a daily basis,

which has its own set of pressures and its own kind of odd celebrity. When I was auditioning for conservatories, I was living in semi-rural Texas. I had no idea if I was going to get into any drama schools. My back-up was to apply to some broadcast journalism schools. I was lucky enough to get into a few great programs which I would have attended had I not gone into acting. I don’t know if that’s a weird way of it manifesting itself in my life. Now that I’ve played a couple of them, and co-hosted a couple of morning shows, that’s a lot of pressure on a daily basis to have to be on, regardless of what’s going on in your life. We certainly see how that can catch up to you in the first scene with Sean. Without giving anything away, there is an unexpected twist that occurs a little over an hour into the movie. What did you think about it and how do you think viewers will react? Hopefully they’ll all go down the rabbit hole. For me, that moment was kind of everything. That’s where I had to start from, with the character. What he’s

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finally willing to acknowledge in that moment; my preparation for that role started from that place. All of his outward manifestations of behavior and how he moves through the world all come from an attempt to escape or deny that. You are also currently playing Larry Trainor/Negative Man in the DC Universe series “Doom Patrol.” Do you consider yourself a comic book geek? No. I grew up in a pretty strict household. A lot of secular material was not allowed in our house. I got a lot of the classics like “Superman,” “Justice League” and Spider-Man. But I remember when we had a copy of “Ghost Rider” in the house it was so controversial. I think we had to get rid of that one. Like any kid, I was a fan of comic books, but I would say I only have a laymen’s knowledge of the different characters. What I love about “Doom Patrol” is that it’s such a character-driven show. It’s a big budget show and there are amazing action scenes, but I would argue that it is one of the most idiosyncratic shows on television. Jeremy Carver and Greg

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com

Berlanti and the team of writers have done such a phenomenal job of making it about this group of people who don’t see themselves as being heroes; and don’t even want to be for the most part. And their journey to understanding and acceptance of themselves and how they can use who they are for good. They have their warts and all. I like that about any character. They’re not bright, shiny, perfect superheroes. Finally, do you have anything special planned to celebrate Stonewall 50? I’m bummed because I have to be in New York for work during L.A. Pride and then I have to be in L.A. for work during New York Pride. The timing of that was bad. But I’m looking forward to helping out with a few different causes and supporting from the sidelines and doing whatever little bits here and there that I can to contribute. I’m happy to get the kids involved. They all went to their first Pride in New York last year and loved it. It was their first Pride parade. They were already asking about it this year.


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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com

community calendar

event pLanner artS+entertainMent

CentraL fLorida

2019 Legislative session Debrief HD47, HD48 & HD49

CentraL fLorida “come From away,” June 11-16, Dr. Phillips Center, Orlando. 844-513-2014; DrPhillipsCenter.org

TUESdAY, JUNE 18, 6:30-8 P.M. AcAciA BANQUET hAll, ORlANdO

lgbt+ monthly business mixer, June 14, LGBT+ Center, Orlando. 407-228-8272; TheCenterOrlando.org brews For Drew, June 14, World of Beer Downtown, Orlando. 407-270-5541; TheDruProject.org #FlexFridays presents aJa, June 14, Southern Nights, Orlando. 407-412-5039; Facebook.com/ SouthernNightsOrlando butch Queen & the bad habits, June 14, Stonewall Bar, Orlando. 407-373-0888; StonewallOrlando.com Florida young Democrats 2019 convention, June 14-16, Dr. Phillips House, Orlando. 904-322-9233; FloridaYoungDems.com “ghost the musical,” June 14-30, Theater West End, Sanford. 407-548-6285; ThetaerWestEnd.com salsa contest, June 15, Stonewall Bar, Orlando. 407-373-0888; StonewallOrlando.com april Fresh’s comedy brunch- Father’s Day edition, June 16, Parliament House, Orlando. 407-425-7571; ParliamentHouse.com continental cares: an evening of unforgettable Duets, June 17, Parliament House, Orlando. 407-425-7571; ParliamentHouse.com goalcfl member social, June 19, Stonewall Bar, Orlando. 407-373-0888; GOALcfl.org watermark’s third thursday, June 20, Savoy, Orlando. 407-481-2243; Facebook.com/WatermarkFL

haus of aJa ”RuPaul’s Drag Race” alum aJa visits Southern Nights Orlando for #FlexFridays on June 14 and Southern Nights Tampa for its four-year anniversary on June 15. Photo courtesy aJaKween.com

latin saturdays amor presents Puerto rico Pride, June 22, Stonewall Bar, Orlando. 407-373-0888; Facebook.com/LatinSaturdays Zebra coalition youth Pride Prom, June 22, Orlando Museum of Art, Orlando. 407-228-1446; ZebraYouth.org Kingdom hearts orchestra - world of tres, June 22, Dr. Phillips Center, Orlando. 844-513-2014; DrPhillipsCenter.org

tampa bay “rock of ages,” June 11-15, Straz Center, Tampa. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org tampa bay rays Pride night, June 14, Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg. 888-326-7297; RaysBaseball.com icons: lgbtQ+ Portraits, June 14, MIZE Gallery, St. Petersburg. 727-251-8529; ChadMize.com

Polk Pride in the Park, June 15, Munn Park, Lakeland. 863-581-9434; PolkPrideFL.com

macDill Pride month luncheon, June 21, Bay Palms Golf Course, MacDill AFB. 813-840-6904; MacDillFSS.com

4-year anniversary w/ aJa, June 15, Southern Nights, Tampa. 813-559-8625; Facebook.com/ SouthernNightsTampa

Pride WOD, June 21, CrossFit St Pete, St. Petersburg. 727-379-2578; StPeteCrossFit.com

“let’s make a Diva” Finale, June 18, Hamburger Mary’s, Clearwater. 727-400-6996; HamburgerMarys.com/ Clearwater Outside The Binary, June 20, Metro Inclusive Health, Tampa. 813-232-3808; MetroTampaBay.org scott & Patti’s greatest Hits, June 20, Catherine A. Hickman Theater, Gulfport. 727-552-2222; MyGulfport.us get PriDe ready w/ Paul Mitchell, June 21, Metro Inclusive Health, St. Petersburg. 727-321-3854; MetroTampaBay.org

3rd annual one love Prom in wonderland, June 21, Flamingo Resort, St. Petersburg. 813-438-3537; ProjectNoLabels.org From Stonewall to Pulse: A Community Discussion, June 26, Metro Inclusive Health, St. Petersburg. 813-232-3808; MetroTampaBay.org

sarasota Faust in HD, June 16, Sarasota Opera, Sarasota. 941-328-1300; SarasotaOpera.org also youth Pride Party, June 28, ALSO Youth, Sarasota. 941-951-2576; ALSOYouth.org

To submit your upcoming event, concert, performance, or fundraiser visit watermarkonline.com.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Join Central Florida House District (HD) 47 Rep. Anna Eskamani, HD 48 Rep. Amy Mercado and HD 49 Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith as they host a town hall to discuss the 2019 legislative session. Attendees will be able to ask their representatives questions and share concerns. Parking is free as is the event; however you are encouraged to RSVP by June 6. Unable to attend? The town hall will be live streamed.For more information, contact HD47 secretary Lauren Cooper at lauren.cooper@myfloridahouse.gov.

“Paris Is Burning” screening MONdAY, JUNE 24, 9:30-10:40 P.M. ENZiAN ThEATER, MAiTlANd Where does voguing come from and what, exactly, is throwing shade? Get the answers to these questions and more at a special screening of the groundbreaking documentary “Paris Is Burning,” hosted by Enzian Theater and presented by The LGBT+ Center and Watermark Publishing Group. This special Pride month screening is digitally remastered by the UCLA Film and Television Archive in conjunction with Sundance Institute and Outfest UCLA Legacy Project. For tickets, visit Enzian.org.

tampa bay

“Mommie Queerest” MONdAY JUNE 17 ANd 24, 7-9 P.M. The Suncoast AIDS Theatre Project and MattocS Productions parody “Mommie Dearest,” one cinema’s most notorious B movies! “Mommie Queerest” gleefully skewers the classic for two shows during St Pete Pride. Filled with classic gags and audience participation, fan favoritesMatthew McGee and Scott Daniel duke it out as Joan and Christina for a campy evening benefitting Metro Inclusive Health. Visit AmericanStage.org for $20 tickets.

Business of Pride ThURSdAY, JUNE 20, 5:30-8:30 P.M. ThE iTAliAN clUB, TAMPA Tampa Bay Business Journal, in partnership with the Tampa Bay Diversity Chamber of Commerce, presents the Business of Pride awards at L’Unione Italiana in Ybor City. Tickets are $75 each, with VIP packages available. For more information and to see a full list of the 2019 honorees, including Watermark Publishing Group, visit BizJournals.com/TampaBay.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com




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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


tampa bay out+about

broadWay bound


AMPA MAYOR JANE cASTOR will provide opening remarks June 22 during the 13th production of Life Amplified Connections, a Broadway-themed showcase benefiting Project No Labels (PNL) at Stageworks Theatre. Life Amplified has tackled issues like human trafficking, bullying, PTSD and sexual violence to raise funds for nonprofits since 2013. The gathering is produced by the philanthropic side of marketing company WriteOne Creative Services and will feature 21 performers from throughout Tampa Bay. A number of community partners will showcase their services ahead of the event. “I am completely humbled by incredible people like Mayor Castor and our cast whose involvement helps get the word out about the local nonprofit,” showcase founder Deborah Bostock-Kelley says. “It only takes one person to make a difference and make an impact.” All proceeds raisedfrom the $20 concert benefit PNL, which seeks to unite Tampa Bay’s LGBTQ community for the betterment of all while creating an atmosphere of positivity. The organization recently launched a new program focusing on assisting community leaders, advocates and transgender individuals with the cost of therapy. “This is truly what saves lives … in most cases they are turning around and helping others,” PNL CEO Claire Elisan says. “It’s beautiful.” For more information or to purchase tickets, visit Life-Amplified.TicketLeap.com or ProjectNoLabels.org.

eConomiCaL evoLution


hE TAMPA BAY iNTERNATiONAl GAY & lESBiAN FilM FESTivAl (TIGLFF) has announced “The Evolution of Drag: Drag through the Decades” on June 1 raised $12,000 for the event’s upcoming 30th celebration. The drag production, produced by Tampa Bay WAVE Award winner Daphne Ferraro, sold 570 tickets at the Palladium in St. Petersburg and featured a mixture of comedy, dance and history. Ferraro was joined by a number of the area’s fan favorite performers including Chi Chi Lalique, Kathryn Nevets, Kenya M. Black, Jaeda Fuentes, Conundrum, Te Monet, Ashley T. Bangkx and more. Through captivating performances, the showtransported audiences with “an exhilarating voyage through ten decades!” “This event was easily the highlight of my drag career,” Ferraro says. “Not only did I get to spend the day with some of my best friends and sisters, but we got to perform for an energetic and engaged crowd. I am so thrilled that TIGLFF was able to host such a successful fundraiser and I look forward to partnering with them in the future! I’m already writing the next chapter.” “We were so excited to offer this amazing live performance to the TIGLFF audience and so many others,” TIGLFF Co-President Mariruth Kennedy adds. “Daphne Ferraro and her sisters were fabulous and we were honored to celebrate and honor drag queens during the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.” For more information about the festival’s upcoming 30th celebration, visit TIGLFF.com.


2 3


REAl wiNNERS: erik holley (L) and miczu attend Real Housewife star Countess Luann de Lesseps’ “Countess and Friends” at the Capitol Theatre May 31 after winning tickets from Watermark. Photo courtesy eriK holley

2 3

POOl TiME: mikey bessette (L) and bryan wayne cool down at One Magical Weekend’s Therapy pool party June 1. Photo by russ martin ExPO ExciTEMENT: carlos



lozano (L) and Dylan cassidy explore One Magical Weekend’s GayBizExpo at the Sheraton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Resort June 1.

Photo by ryan williams-Jent


dOUBlE divAS: ashley t. bangkx (L) and te monet unwind at Enigma after performing in “Evolution of Drag” June 1. Photo by ryan williams-Jent


ST. PETE PROUd: (L-R) St Pete Pride VP nathan bruemmer, City Councilmember steve Kornell, Come OUT St. Pete’s brian longstreth, Mayor rick Kriseman and City Councilmember gina Driscoll raise the Pride flag above City Hall June 1. PHOTO

by russ martin


divERSiTY dAY: Tampa Mayor Jane castor (L) and Tampa Bay Diversity Chamber of Commerce PresidentJustice gennari enjoy the chamber’s annual luncheon at the Centre Club June 6. Photo by Dylan toDD



dYNAMic dUO: John Pozo-george (L) and husband Joel Pozo-george celebrate EqualiTea at The Sarasota Modern June 2. PHOTO by russ martin


TAMPA PROUd: Former County Commissioner Kevin beckner (L) and Tampa Pride President Carrie west attend the Hillsborough County’s Pride proclamation June 5. Photo by

ricK claggett

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

8 7

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com



watermark Your LGBTQ life.

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


orLando out+about

Love, kindness and Coffee


NE ORlANdO AlliANcE gathered people at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Orlando for “Love and Kindness on the Lawn” on June 9. The event honored the spirit of #OrlandoUnited!—featuring food trucks, games and dancing as well as performances by Jasmin Rhia, Melissa Crispo, the Orlando Gay Chorus and Pulse survivors Joshua Lewis and Vico Baez Febo. At 1:30 p.m., everyone in attendance gathered in the middle of the lawn to take a “giant human heart” photo that will be used for a tribute video released June 12. The event was also the setting for the announcement of a new, special blend of coffee released by Barnie’s Coffee & Tea in honor of the Pulse 49. The 49 Special Blend, priced at $12.49, will be available beginning June 12 online at BarniesCoffee.com as well as at Barnie’s Cafe in Winter Park and various retailers around Orlando, with $5 from the sale of each bag of coffee going directly to One Orlando Alliance to benefit those impacted by the Pulse tragedy. “Barnie’s is humbled to support One Orlando Alliance in their ongoing work of helping those impacted by the Pulse tragedy and we support their mission of creating a safer, more inclusive community for all,” said Scott Uguccioni, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer at Barnie’s Coffee & Tea Co., in a statement. “The 49 coffee is our way we can give back, honor the victims and share the message of love and kindness, one bag at a time.” The 49 Special Blend is a medium roast coffee and the flavor is chocolate covered apple and hazelnuts. The coffee will be available permanently through Barnie’s Coffee & Tea.

getting more moJoman


ANE BlAckwEll OPENEd MOJOMAN on April 1, 2012 and has since then become one of Central Florida’s go-to shops for the LGBTQ community’s swimwear, underwear and sexy clothing needs. In fact, Mojoman has become so popular that a second location was opened in 2016 in the Ivanhoe Village area, right next door to the popular LGBTQ bar Savoy. The Ivanhoe Village shop joined the location on Maguire Blvd. in selling more than 250 styles of swimwear, 200 styles of underwear and an array of clothing, shoes, jewelry and novelty items. With all that merchandise, it was only a matter of time before Mojoman was going to need a bigger store, and a bigger store is coming. Blackwell announced on Facebook June 5 that he signed a five-year lease to move Mojoman from its Maguire Blvd. location into a 3,000+ square foot store in the Colonial Plaza Shopping Center, nearly tripling the retail space. The brand new Mojoman Supercenter will have its grand opening Sept. 1. For more information, visit MojomanStyle.com.




cRAFTiNG ART: Central Florida artist nick smith shows off some of his pieces for an art show at Southern Craft in Orlando June 5. PHOTO by Jeremy williams


cOllEGE FUNd: The 49 Fund

scholarship recipients (L-R) sebastian anchea, Dean rooney and wilfredo guzman show off their accomplishments at the presentation ceremony at Orlando City Hall June 9. Photo by Jeremy williams



carlos carbonell, Barnie’s scott uguccioni, Mayor Buddy Dyer and Jennifer Foster announce the 49 Special Blend at the Love and Kindness event at Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando June 9. Photo by Jeremy williams


cOMMUNiTY chAMP: Jorge

estevez is excited to be at Wadeview Park in Orlando for the third annual CommUNITY Rainbow Run June 8, benefiting onePULSE Foundation. Photo by Jeremy williams

watermark Your LGBTQ life.






TRAvEliN’ TO ORlANdO: Founder of Instagram’s The Travelin’ Bum, Jeff Perlaa relaxes poolside at One Magical Weekend’s Therapy pool party at Sheraton Lake Buena Vista June 2. Photo by Jeremy williams


RAiNBOw BAR: nicole Piro serves up drinks in rainbow colors at the RED Vol. IV party at Disney’s Springs’ House of Blues in Orlando June 1. Photo by Jeremy williams




Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy, actor anthony rapp, State Rep. carlos guillermo smith, gina Duncan, Kellie Parkin and carlos carbonell address community issues during an LGBTQ panel at The Center Orlando May 30. Photo by Danny garcia



(L-R) Doug ba’aser, MrMs adrian, Divine grace, ginger minj, Douglas white and gidget galore on stage after their performance in “The Golden Gals Live” at Parliament House in Orlando June 2. Photo by Dylan toDD

June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com






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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com


Wedding beLLs

Jamie DeHay and Jay Hawkins from Orlando

LOCaL birthDayS

engageMent Date:

Nov. 24, 2017

weDDing Date:

April 12, 2019


Paradise Cove


Blue, green and yellow

weDDing SOng/ artiSt:

“everything” by Michael Bublé

Live entertainMent:

Broadway Bunch Bunch

Dj ServiCe:

DJ JB Burgos


Plus Catering


Lee Bennett and Guy Jacobs


Ian Tafoya

CaKe baKery: Baker’s Cottage Cakes


Vintage travel


Photography By Greg

PhotograPhy by greg



really knew how to make an entrance to their wedding—by seaplane.

“Because the wedding venue was located on a lake and to go along with our travel theme, we arrived to the wedding by seaplane—underscored by ‘Game of Thrones’ theme music—to the surprise of the guests, who all assumed we would be coming by boat or jet ski,” says DeHay. The two met online in 2007, but didn’t start dating until January 2009. “We have known each other for 12 years, dating and living together for 10 years before getting married last month,” DeHay says. “I felt Jamie was the one for me shortly after meeting him,” Hawkins shares. “I loved his ambition and desire to further his career. It wasn’t until eight years later that we were legally able to marry.” DeHay—who is a designer for themed attractions and environments as well as a scenic designer—moved to Orlando from Charleston, South Carolina, in 2005. Hawkins—who is a home insurance inspection manager—moved to Orlando


EPIC Executive Director Joy winheim and lael arrango Winheim were married June 1.

from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1991. The couple co-own and operate Unseen Images Theatre producing shows around Central Florida. They currently live together in the College Park neighborhood of Orlando. Hawkins popped the question to DeHay on a cruise after almost nine years of dating and living together. After a live show of “Grease” they got into line to take formal night pictures. Once they got in front of the photographer, Hawkins got down on one knee. The two would describe the wedding day as perfect. Arriving by seaplane was only just the beginning to a memorable day. As guests were arriving, the Broadway Brunch Bunch of Hamburger Mary’s Orlando fame were dressed as flight attendants and pilots, and sat all of the guests to travel-themed pop music—the parents were seated to “Come Fly With Me” and they performed “Jet Set” from the Broadway musical “Catch Me If You Can” right before the groom’s arrived by seaplane

and came dancing down the aisle with their wedding party. “The venue told us that it had only been done a couple times in the many years they have been performing weddings there,” Hawkins says. “We only told a select few about our plans so our guests and wedding party were quite surprised.” For the reception, guests dined on oysters and a hot air balloon cake. The decor consisted of vintage suitcases, maps and globes. The guestbook was individual vintage postcards guests wrote well wishes on and dropped into a suitcase. After cocktail hour, they performed a flash mob version of “It’s Your Wedding Day” from the Broadway musical “The Wedding Singer,” as well as performed a medley from “Grease” and a medley from “Wizard Of Oz,” Jamie’s all-time favorite movie. Aside from the theatrics, DeHay describes the best part of the day for him. “Just having so many people that we care about, both friends and family—over 150 in total—together in the same space at the same time and celebrating LOVE.”

PNC Diversity & Inclusion VP ashley t. brundage, Department of Transportation employee John Stimis, SarasotaOut owner Josh beadle, Red Mesa Cantina’s tony Pullaro (June 13); Tampa-based performer lunatique, Orlando DJ marisa maddox, City Side Lounge’s raven lunatique, former TIGLFF president chris constantinou, Gay Men’s Chorus of Tampa Bay president bill Kanouff, Opera Orlando’s grand Preisser, The Glass Knife’s steve brown (June 14); Tampa photographer Poly costas, Parliament House pianist Tim Turner, Metro social media specialist Jimmy Biascan (June 15); Bodywork Massage and Day Spa owner roger medrano, Town ‘n Country banker travis hilborne, Sarasota filmmaker anthony Paull, St. Pete bartender taylor Pruett, Central Florida Sounds of Freedom president Joe Kennedy (June 16); Central Florida LGBTQ history buff Ken Kazmerski, St. Petersburg photographer J.J. respondek, Social Media rep for HER app Bethany Renee Williams, Tampa Bay entertainer arabella mcQueen (June 17); Watermark sales manager Danny garcia (June 19); Flight attendant andrew elder, Miracle of Love’s lester burges, Chiropractor and Joie De Vivr owner Dr. Will llewelyn (June 20); Watermark senior Tampa Bay account manager Russ Martin,Tampa Bay chauffer marty theriot, Drag legend ange sheridan, St. Pete handyman adam miller, Central Florida Softball League diva eric hans (June 21); McCurdy’s Jason lee, St. Petersburg Yoga instructor andre sur, Tampa Bay entertainer riquette ramsey, Central Florida attorney henry lim, Tampa Bay Elder Sister agatha Frisky, Polk County school board member sarah Fortney, Tampa Bay realtor tabi Deas (June 22); Tampa Bay performer ashlee t. bankx, Tampa Keller Realty star Bill Knecht, Derby diva mark o’hara, UCF Musical Theatre Specialist Jim brown, Treasure Island politico gail caldwell, The Mertailor eric Ducharme (June 23); Tampa U.b.U. Salon artist Jeremy Beauchamp, Enigma bartender Jeremy Fetters, Parliament House bar manager Dana Tetreault, St. Petersburg realtor todd Fixler, TinkerFluff photographer Paul Kinchen, (June 24); Tampa Bay community activist guadalupe Vargas, Orlando Fringe Patron winner nanci “mama b” boetto, The Ribbon Maker ben Johansen, St. Pete twirler Dan radwanski, Tampa outdoor enthusiast scott buttelwerth, Nielsen manager will edwards (June 25); Mother to the publisher ginger bentz, “God is a Scottish Drag Queen” performer mike Delamont, roller derby team captain amber luu (June 26).

DO yOu have an annOunCeMent?

send your announcement to editor@watermarkonline.com

Do you have an interesting wedding or engagement story you’d like to share with watermark readers? if so, email the details to editor@watermarkonline.com for consideration as a future feature on this page.

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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 Wat e r m a r konline .com







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June 13 - June 26 , 2019 // Issue 26 .12 WATERMARKONLINE .com


Pulse. 06.12.2016

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