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On behalf of the board of directors, sta and volunteers, welcome to Come Out With Pride Orlando 2022! As one of the largest singleday Prides in the southeast, we are poised to welcome more than 200,000 people to The City Beautiful to lift up diversity and celebrate the power of LGBTQIA+ authenticity, acceptance and found family.
In a time when our rights, liberties and physical safety as LGBTQIA+ people are under attack, it is imperative to remember that Pride is rooted in protest. Yet, it is also a rare opportunity to cast aside societal expectation and revel in the joy of being radically, authentically ourselves. While our fight must not yield – especially for the most marginalized among us – for this one day, we allow ourselves the peace of unclasping the calloused hands of our movement and simply celebrate.
The theme for our 2022 parade and festival is “A Place For Us,” derived from Sondheim’s famed lyrics of “West Side Story” and reinforced by Ariana DeBose, the first openly queer woman of color to win an Academy Award. During her 2022 acceptance
speech, she proclaimed, “To anybody who has ever questioned your identity ever, ever, ever, or find yourself living in the gray spaces, I promise you this: There is indeed a place for us.”
Year after year, Come Out With Pride makes it our mission to be that place. Our tireless team of volunteers work year-round to make this festival and parade a reality – our collective love letter to the Central Florida LGBTQIA+ community.
If you encounter a member of our team during your time at Pride, let them know you appreciate them with a smile, a compliment or a word of thanks. Even better, you can make a donation to support your hometown Pride by scanning the QR code below.
Whether this is your first or your 50th, welcome home. Happy Pride, Orlando!
Come Out With Pride, Orlando! I am overjoyed to celebrate Pride again with you this year. It is my absolute pleasure to invite each and every one of you in our community and our allies to join our festivities. The Board of Directors and I recognize the sanctity of our space and how critical it is for us to come together and gather. We want you to enjoy Pride created by us and for us, and know this is “A Place For Us,” which is our 2022 theme. Feel free to be your authentic self and love who you love.
During these uncertain times, full of questions and controversies, we must remember we are not alone and part of a much larger, loving community. We will not allow harmful and hateful politicians or legislation to hold us down, define or erase us. In June of 1969, the LGBTQIA+ movement was conceived from the Stonewall riots. This historic revolt was led by brave Black and Brown trans women, giving birth to Pride and forever impacting all our lives. With the progression of the LGBTQIA+ movement, Pride has evolved. Now, we rejoice and celebrate our triumphs, pay tribute to our trailblazers, remember those we’ve
lost and will never forget, and strive to support our most vulnerable and disenfranchised. We know our LGBTQIA+ community is expansive, including various members who live in assorted intersections. Despite the di erences in our life’s paths and journeys, we are stronger together than apart.
As one of the largest Prides in the southeast, we anticipate this year’s celebration to be spectacular, bigger and even better than last year. Did you know Come Out With Pride is a small nonprofit with a tiny but mighty team composed of a board of directors, an executive director and incredible volunteers? Please consider supporting our mission and vision by joining our volunteer team or donating. We are dedicated to keeping Pride free and accessible to all, but we need your help! Remember — this is your Pride and I look forward to seeing you on Oct. 15th!
We’re on a journey to discover better ways of approaching children’s health. It begins with our culture of inclusion, where diversity of thought reflects the world we live in and supports our ability to positively impact communities. A new age of health has dawned—one without limits, beyond the expected, which we believe will lead to the healthiest generations of children.
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WHEREAS, in 2005, Come Out WithPride, Inc. (COWP), an all-volunteer nonprofit organization was created to make an impact in Orlando's LGBTQ+ community; and
WHEREAS, COWP has grown into a major Pride event, becoming one of the largest Pride celebrations in Florida, with an in-person attendance of nearly 200,000 and an estimated economic impact of $26 million; and
WHEREAS, COWP is committed to fostering a sense of community among LGBTQ+ residents and visitors, and also encourages fellowship and support among businesses, professionals, individuals, and charitable pursuits; and
WHEREAS, COWP has created intentional year-round programming, focused on LGBTQ+ experiences, especially those of transgender and non-binary individuals, creating safer and accepting spaces where people can express their authentic selves; and
WHEREAS, in the past year, COWP has supported dozens of Central Florida nonprofit organizations that are committed to supporting an individual's sexual orientation and gender identity; and
WHEREAS, in 202l, COWP launched its collaborative campaign for Orlando's 2026 WorldPride Bid, bringing together affirming leaders from the public, private and philanthropic sectors; and
WHEREAS, through events like COWP, our community continues to celebrate its rich and colorful diversity, stand up against hate and discrimination, and build an inclusive and equitable place where no one is left behind.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jerry L. Demings, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Orange County Mayor, do hereby proclaim Saturday, October 15, 2022, as
in Orange County, Florida, and urge each person in attendance to demonstrate unity, love and compassion towards one another.
DONE AND ORDERED this 18th day of August, 2022.
JERRY L. DEMINGS, ORANGE COUNTY MAYOR JERRY COUNTYWHEREAS, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning people throughout many cities in the United States and other countries participate in annual parades, festivals and events collectively called Gay Pride; and
WHEREAS, the first Gay Pride parade in 1969, known as the March on Stonewall, started as a protest against discrimination and violence against gays in New York City; and
WHEREAS, the Orlando LGBTQ community showed the world incredible strength and love in the face of the Pulse tragedy, espousing the ideals that Love Always Wins, Orlando Strong, Orlando United, and Keep DancingOrlando; and
WHEREAS, these were not just slogans, they were an outpouring of love and support resonating with 50,000 people gathered in love at the largest vigil ever held at Lake Eola Park; and
WHEREAS, we will never forget the 49 lost, the 58injured, and the hundreds traumatized by a violent shooter, who aimed to drive us apart but brought our community closer in love and reminding us that love always wins; and
WHEREAS, Come Out With Pride 2022 is a weekend full of fabulous events hosted at multiple locations, the premiere event, that which exemplifies and is the epitome of Gay Pride, being a parade, beginning in the heart of downtown Orlando and ending at Orlando’s premier park and crown jewel, Lake Eola Park; and
WHEREAS, Gay Pride is a symbol of solidarity and an opportunity to express the vivid personalities which reflect the diverse gay communities in the city of Orlando, across this great country and throughout the world; and
WHEREAS, the City of Orlando does hereby recognize and salute that diversity and welcome and embrace the inclusion of all members of the LGBTQ community as part of what makes Orlando a “world class community” and further deems Come Out With Pride 2022 as a world class event that celebrates the diversity of all.
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, BUDDY DYER, Mayor of Orlando, and PATTY SHEEHAN, Commissioner, District 4, do hereby Proclaim Saturday, October 15th, 2022, as
in the City of Orlando.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto have set ourhandsand caused the Seal of the City of Orlando to be affixed this 15th day of October 2022 Buddy Dyer
Mayor, City of Orlando Patty Sheehan
Commissioner, District 4
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As Mayor of the City of Orlando, I am proud to welcome you to Come Out With Pride. Each year, Come Out With Pride is one of my favorite events to attend and I am thankful that it helps our community come together to celebrate our commitment to inclusion, as well as the diversity that makes Orlando so vibrant.
Over the years, we’ve made great progress as a community when it comes to advancing LGBTQ+ rights. But our collective work must and will continue.
I also believe that our community’s dedication to building an Orlando that encourages all residents to be their authentic selves should be followed by others around Florida and the nation. In Orlando, we know that love is stronger than hate and that compassion and unity are our strengths. That’s why we are working together to ensure that all residents have equitable access to opportunities that help them thrive and that reaching their full potential will not be hindered by who they are or who they love.
I truly believe that we will achieve this, especially with your partnership in these efforts.
I hope that you have a wonderful time during this year’s Come Out With Pride festivities.
Buddy Dyer MayorOrlando City Hall · 400 South Orange Avenue · Third Floor PO Box 4990 · Orlando, FL 32802-4990 P 407.246.2221 · F 407.246.2842 · Orlando.gov
“To anyone who has ever questioned your identity — ever, ever, ever — or find yourself living in the gray spaces, I promise you this: there is indeed a place for us.” —Ariana Debose, award-winning actress/singer/dancer accepting her Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for her role of Anita in the 2021 remake of “West Side Story”
Come Out With Pride’s 2022 theme is “A Place For Us.” This phrase comes from the lyrics — written by openly gay composer/lyrist Stephen Sondheim — to the song “Somewhere” sung by Valentina, who is played by the legendary Rita Moreno, in Steven Spielberg’s 2021 remake of “West Side Story.”
The song comes at a point in the film when tragedy has further deepened the divide between rival gangs the Jets and the Sharks and Valentina, owner of Doc’s General Store, sings:
In a year where many of Florida’s elected o cials have chosen to pass legislation that looks to further repress, erase and divide LGBTQ people — particularly impacting queer youth and transgender folks — our community needs a place for all of us. A place where every member of this community knows they are safe, loved and accepted. Come Out With Pride has helped to built those places at this year’s parade, festival and all the events happening during Pride Week.
In this guide, we've gathered the information you'll need to make sure that you don’t miss a single thing.
The week kicks o with Zebra Coalition’s annual Drag Race 5K on Sunday and continues with events every day including a concert from the Orlando Gay Chorus at Timucua Arts Foundation, a Meet the Filmmaker event at Enzian Theater, a celebration of diversity at Lake Eola Park’s Walt Disney Amphitheater, Watermark’s fan-favorite Movies Out Loud at Savoy’s Starlite Room, a Phish Phest reunion at The Hammered Lamb, a pub crawl in The Milk District and more, and that isn’t even beginning to explain all the festivities coming for Pride weekend which, along with the Pride Festival and Most Colorful Parade, will include three live entertainment stages, an after party, a recovery brunch and so much more.
All the details on events and the live entertainment can be found in the following pages, along with a festival and parade map, a Marketplace listing and profiles on this year’s Grand Marshals and Come Out With Pride’s 2022 Debbie Simmons Award recipient.
This is a time for us to celebrate and a place for us to make memories. We hope you all have a Happy Pride!
Michael James Scott has performed on stages around the globe, from the world-famous theaters on Broadway and in London to the lesser known but no less magical stages in cities — both big and small — across the U.S., Australia, Europe and more.
He has performed in productions of some of the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful shows ever including “Mamma Mia!,” “Hair,” “Elf,” “Ragtime,” “Little Shop of Horrors,” “Something Rotten!” (in which he originated the role of the Minstrel on Broadway) and “The Book of Mormon” (in which he originated Dr. Gotswana, aka “The Maggots Guy”).
However, more than any of his other role, Scott is known the world over as the wish-granting, fast-talking, larger-than-life Genie from “Disney’s Aladdin.”
Scott first came to the big, behemoth of a role as the standby in the original Broadway show but would soon get the spotlight to himself as the originator of the role in the Australian production, winning the 2017 Helpmann Award for Best Featured Actor in a Musical — the Australian equivalent of the Tony Awards for Broadway theatre. He would then take the role on the road for the North American tour, then in London and finally back to the Broadway stage where he currently plays the Genie.
Scott, speaking to Watermark ahead of his performance as the Genie at Orlando’s Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in January 2020, said being able to play this role night after night has been a dream.
“The Genie is full of laughter and love and I’m able to
do that. I mean, I’m someone who loves to laugh, I love it be silly,” Scott said. “I’m still that same little boy who just wanted to be a ham growing up and now I get to be a ham as a grown man, why not? I get to tell the audience to give me more applause, what actor doesn’t want to do that? I just think that there’s something special about the role, he is so loved by so many people and he’s all about love and is a big kid at heart and that, to me, is really fun to play and it’s really fun to explore and find new things every night with the audience.”
Coming to Orlando as one of this year’s Grand Marshals is a homecoming for the Broadway star. While he was born in Baltimore, Scott moved with his family to Central Florida at the age of six and the Orlando area is where he crafted his skills as a performer.
“I went to Dr. Phillips High School and across the street was Universal Studios with Nickelodeon Studios, and I remember going across the street to shoot di erent TV shows and for auditions, and the same with Disney. As a young kid I was also doing things for Disney. I grew up working in the parks when I was in high school too, so entertainment was always a part of growing up,” Scott said.
Scott will be bringing that homegrown magic to this year’s Come Out With Pride celebration, where he will not only help lead the Most Colorful Parade but he will also be performing in the festival’s finale.
Sheani “Shea” Cutli is a fearless community advocate known for her humility, passion and collaborative spirit.
Cutli founded the R.I.S.E. Initiative, a grassroots organization that aims to link trans folx, returning citizens and immigrant communities with just-in-time resources, community navigation, employment assistance and opportunities.
“By working with job seekers, business owners, and local community partners, we aim to address as many of the barriers that keep marginalized communities from obtaining sustainable employment, livable wages and economic benefit,” R.I.S.E. states on its website. “Using a ‘village’ approach, we aim for solutions that are ‘out the box,’ thoughtful and impactful.”
Cutli , in a February 2021 interview with Watermark, said she felt a call to action after attending the inaugural National Trans Visibility March in Washington, D.C.
“I learned people were hurting and that beyond statistics, there are some of us who beat those numbers," she said. “There is a segment of our community who is in need of stewardship and allyship. ... We want to change how people think about the employment they’re seeking.”
Along with running the R.I.S.E. Initiative, Cutli also proudly serves on the community board of Contigo Fund, is board secretary of the One Orlando Alliance, is a chapter member of Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, is an advisory board member of Gender Advancement Project and is chair to this year’s inaugural Central Florida Trans March.
Most recently, Cutli has partnered with Contigo Fund, HOPE CommmUnity Center and Gender Advancement Project to spearhead
Winter Park High School student Will Larkins is, in every sense of the word, a leader.
Earlier this year, students across the state took part in a walkout to protest the Parental Rights in Education bill, better known as the “Don’t Say Gay or Trans” bill. Larkins, who testified against the bill in the Florida Senate Appropriations Committee days before, organized and led the walkout at their school.
They then penned an op-ed in the New York Times, for which they received the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s Catherine Fahringer Student Activist Award for their essay, speaking about growing up queer and on the importance of knowing LGBTQ history.
Less than a month after that op-ed, Larkins went viral after they posted a video of them leading a classroom discussion on the Stonewall Uprising in a red dress, pearl necklace and white fur jacket during their U.S. History class.
“LGBTQ American history is not taught in Florida[‘] s public schools, so I took it upon myself to explain the events of the Stonewall Uprising to my 4th period US history class. #SayGayAnyway,” they tweeted, along with the video.
In May, Larkins joined other LGBTQ student activists in accepting the Social Movement of The Year at the 26th Annual Webby Awards. In July, shortly after the “Don’t Say Gay or Trans” bill went into e ect, Larkins joined in filing a suit against the law.
“I am concerned that this law will eviscerate any hope of healthy and important discussions about LGBTQ+ issues or historical events, which are already lacking in our schools. Because of the vague language of the law, closed-minded parents are emboldened to become vigilantes to force their beliefs upon other people’s children by suing the school district over anything they disagree with,” Larkin said.
Photo courtesy Will LarkinsMerrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (also referred to as “MLPF&S” or “Merrill”) makes available certain investment products sponsored, managed, distributed or provided by companies that are affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (“BofA Corp.”). MLPF&S is a registered broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, Member SIPC and a wholly owned subsidiary of BofA Corp.
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Doug Ba’aser was an Orlando legend. A self-professed jack-of-all-trades, Ba’aser, who passed away this past summer, wore many hats as a part of the performing community including actor, comedian, voice-over artist and host, just to name a few.
For more than four decades, Ba’aser could be found on stages big and small throughout Central Florida including at the Orlando Fringe Festival, the Footlight Theatre at the Parliament House, the Clermont Performing Arts Center, Sleuths Mystery Dinner Shows and Hamburger Mary's, to name but a few.
Ba’aser was originally from Washington, D.C. but moved to Central Florida with his family when he was 8 years old.
According to a recent story in the Orlando Sentinel, fellow theatre legend Michael Wanzie first met Ba’aser in the late ‘70s when he auditioned to be the Scarecrow in a production of “The Wizard of Oz” at the Civic Theatre of Central Florida. Wanzie, who was the sta choreographer, fought to hire him.
“That was the first thing we did together, and we have been friends ever since,” Wanzie said to the Sentinel. “... He’s not only been a part of my artistic life, but he is No. 1 in my chosen family. Being a gay person, you sort of lose your connection often with your real family, and so your chosen family becomes the people who are the most important to you.”
Ba’aser would go on to appear in some of Orlando’s best local productions with members of his chosen family including Wanzie’s “Ladies of Eola Heights,” Je Jones’ “The Animatronicans” and “The Golden Gals Live” alongside Ginger Minj, Gidget Galore, Mr Ms Adrien and Divine Grace.
He was also the community’s go-to emcee, hosting bingo and trivia nights over the years at most of Orlando’s LGBTQ establishments, but one of his favorite events to host each year was Central Florida’s Trash 2 Trends with Sentinel journalist Scott Maxwell. Trash 2 Trends is a fundraiser that brings local artists together with the environmental community to create runway looks from items headed to the landfill that Ba’aser had called “just a fun, fun, fun event.”
Ba’aser was also well known by his drag persona Ta y Pinkerbox, a retired sex worker who he performed as in his show “A Tired Old Whore.” Ba’aser’s final stage performance was as Ta y in the one-night only cabaret “Gay Gay Gay: A Pandering Cabaret,” at The Abbey Orlando alongside actress-singer Janine
Ba’aser, who passed away on July 16, was 62.
At Banfield, we believe in being proud of who you are. In celebrating our differences.
And in honoring the trailblazers before us. Because love wins every time.
Sister Ann Kendrick, a Roman Catholic nun, came to Central Florida from the northeastern part of the U.S. 50 years ago with three other nuns. They were members of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, a Catholic Institution originally founded to provide education to the poor, and traveled to Apopka answering a call from Bishop William Borders of the Orlando Diocese looking for nuns to come minister to farmworkers and the working poor in the mostly rural area. That call to action turned into the Hope CommUnity Center, a nonprofit that “fosters diverse, empowered, learning communities engaged in personal and societal transformation. Through service and advocacy, we stand together with immigrants and others who are tenacious and courageous in the face of all systems of oppression.”
Kendrick did not intend to stay in Central Florida for more than a year or two but five decades later, Kendrick still lives in Apopka.
“I fell in love with the community, with the people and the deep meaning of the work,” she said in a 2021 interview with Global Sisters Report when asked why she stayed.
According to Hope’s founding story on its website,
“Kendrick likes to say that for the first couple of years, they were mostly just ‘hanging out’ in the African American community of farmworkers and citrus pickers, getting to know the people and finding out what they really wanted. By working with the community rather than for them, the sisters served as catalysts for social change that came from the people. Over the decades, the ministry partnered with residents and local groups to address social problems such as illiteracy, lack of access to healthcare and economic injustices.”
Earlier this year, Kendrick spoke from the steps of Orlando’s City Hall during The Rally For Our Collective Rights saying that she is a “part of the Contigo family and part of the struggle for LGBT rights as well because this is all an intersectionality.”
“Today the people are su ering. The transition will not be smooth or without conflict but the time has come to organize ourselves,” she said. “Social change is built upon a long incubation of creating relationships between organizations and among people.”
Kendrick has done just that, built relationships and create change in Florida for more than half a century.
Founder of the Hope CommUnity CenterOrlandoHealth.com
Proud to support LGBTQ+ businesses today so they can have more success tomorrow.
From local, homegrown performers to international stars — Come Out With Pride is bringing the talent.
One of the most exciting aspects of Come Out With Pride’s annual celebration is seeing what performers will be entertaining the masses on its numerous stages throughout the Pride Festival, and this year will not disappoint.
There will be three stages at this year’s festival, each one focusing on a particular type of entertainment — The Diva Stage, The Dance Stage and The Local Stage.
Hosted by the legendary Angelica Sanchez, the Diva Stage is your place to find all your favorite divas and more. This stage will feature tons of drag and diva performances from some of your favorite LGBTQ establishments and groups including Southern Nights, Savoy Orlando, Creature Feature (featuring Dragula's Victoria Elizabeth Black), O The Record, Central Florida Ballroom, The House of San Miguel and The Gaga Ball starring MrMs Adrien.
Your Diva Stage headliners are a onetwo fabulous punch from “RuPaul's Drag Race” — Lady Camden and Yvie Oddly.
Lady Camden is an English drag queen and was runner up on season 14 of “Drag Race." The London-born performer used her talents as a classically trained ballet dancer to pirouette her way into the finale of the massively popular series and is now bringing all that talent to Come Out With Pride’s Diva Stage.
Yvie Oddly is a drag queen, fashion designer and recording artist from Denver,
Colorado, who became a household name with drag fans after winning season 11 of “Drag Race” in 2019. She also came back to compete in the seventh season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars” this past summer. New York Magazine has named Yvie Oddly as one of the most powerful drag queens.
THE place to dance your heart out at Come Out With Pride will be the always pumping Dance Stage. This stage will be ignited all day and into the night with high energy DJs, club-style lighting and tons of fun surprises and activations featuring DJ Scott Robert, DJ T Don and The Dance Stage headliner DJ Citizen Jane.
DJ Citizen Jane is one of the most popular American DJs in the world and has headlined some of the biggest circuit events in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. DJ Citizen Jane is also a fashion designer, record producer and singer/songwriter. Her latest single, “Too Late,” is out now.
For the first time ever, Come Out With Pride is adding a third stage to its festival and it will be located in the Hyper Local Zone. The Local Stage will spotlight some of Central Florida’s amazing talent and will feature Orlando-based organizations, bands, musicians and other talents including Cesar De La Rosa and Push Love, Free Daps (freestyle rap act), Billy Mick, Winnie's Rock Cauldron (a “Hocus Pocus” tribute) and so much more.
This year's Come out With Pride festival will end with a live finale performance starring Broadway star and 2022 Come Out With Pride Grand Marshal Michael James Scott, best known as the Genie in Disney's “Aladdin” (read more on pg. 29), and a very special surprise in the sky over Lake Eola.
*All entertainment subject to change*
Photo courtesy COWPRecognizing what was. Celebrating what is. Working for what should be.
Progress for the LGBTQ2+ community continues, but there is still work to be done. That's why we provide year-round support to over 175 LGBTQ2+ initiatives and programs focused on affordable housing, financial literacy, and health and social wellbeing. Together, we can help ensure pride continues progressing.
Learn more at td.com/foreverproud
Zebra Coalition's Drag Race 5K
Harbor Park in Lake Baldwin, located at 4990 New Broad St., Orlando
Registration starts at 6:45 a.m.; the run starts at 8 a.m.
Join Zebra Coalition and hundreds of runners from all over Central Florida for the 5th Annual Drag Race 5K at Harbor Park in Lake Baldwin.
Zebra Coalition is bringing back its podcast that will keep everyone connected during the run and all participants will get an event T-shirt and medal to help you commemorate this year's Drag Race 5K. For ticket link, go to Zebra Coalition's Facebook page.
Advance registration is $45; Youth registration (under age 25) is $25; In-Person registration is $55
Timucua Arts Foundation, located at 2000 S. Summerlin Ave., Orlando 7:30 p.m.
Kick o Orlando’s Come Out With Pride week with the sweet serenade of the small group ensembles of the Orlando Gay Chorus. This concert will feature the four OGC ensembles: OUTLOUD!, Nothin’ But Treble, Spectrum and Ménage. Each ensemble brings their own style and talents.
Ticket price is TBD
Enzian Theater, located at 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland 6:15 p.m.
"Jeannette" begins in the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub massacre and follows Jeannette as she recovers, backslides and eventually finds support and healing through community. “Jeannette” is a film about resilience that gives an audience the opportunity to move past the headlines and ask: In the wake of tragedy, how do we move toward wholeness? This event will present the film and include an extended, in-person Q&A with film subject Jeannette Feliciano and director Maris Curran.
Tickets are $12.50 for general admission
Orlando City Hall’s City Commons Plaza, located at 400 S. Orange Ave., Orlando 7 p.m.
This event is free to attend
Savoy, located at 1913 N. Orange Ave., Orlando
Hosted by drag sensation Chantel Reshae, celebrate Pride with this show at Savoy Orlando.
Ticket price TBD
Walt Disney Amphitheater at Lake Eola Park, located at 195 N. Rosalind Ave., Orlando 7 p.m.
Come Out With Pride, QLatinx, the Orlando Gay Chorus, the Central Florida Sounds of Freedom Band and Color Guard, Bros in Convo and Decolonizarte Teatro come together to present this presentation that will honor LGBTQ+ people of color who have been trailblazers for human rights. We will celebrate them in dance, song and word with some special guest stars. The evening will also include testimonials from community members and include art displays from artists of color. This event is free to attend
The Starlite Room at Savoy, located at 1913 N. Orange Ave., Orlando
Doors open at 7 p.m.; film starts at 7:30 p.m.
Strap on your roller skates because Watermark's Movies Out Loud returns with the film “Xanadu.” Join Sabrina Ambra and Trixie Deluxxe as they host, roast and pay tribute to the cult classic musical with hilarious commentary as the film plays. A portion of proceeds with be donated to Come Out With Pride. Tickets are available on Eventbrite by searching Movies Out Loud or you can find the link to purchase tickets on Watermark’s Facebook page.
Tickets are $12 in advance; $15 at the door
The Hammer Lamb, located at 1235 N. Orange Ave., Orlando 5-8 p.m.
Come Out With Pride is bringing back the Lesbian Happy Hour with the Phish Phest Reunion Party at The Hammered Lamb.
Ticket price TBD The Milky Way Bar + Bites Crawl | Pride Edition
Southern Craft, located at 2405 E. South St., Orlando 6-10 p.m.
Kick o your weekend by eating and drinking your way around The Milk District with The Milky Way, a bar crawl through the hot and happening District.
Tickets are $10 in advance; $15 at the door
1010 West, located at 1010 W. Church St., Orlando 6:30-8:30 p.m.
All are welcome at the fourth annual Pride Shabbat, hosted by Shalom Orlando.
This event is free to attend Come Out With Pride’s Official KickOff Party
Savoy, located at 1913 N. Orange Ave., Orlando Time TBD
Come start o your Pride weekend with the o cial Come Out With Pride kick-o party at Savoy, sponsored by Tito’s Vodka.
Ticket price TBD
Orlando's Pride Festival
Lake Eola Park, Orlando 12-10 p.m.
The Come Out With Pride festival kicks o at noon with a day full of fun for all members of the family.
The Pride Marketplace will run along Robinson Ave., between Eola Dr. and Rosalind Ave., and will feature dozens of vendors with plenty of shopping, food and drinks. The festival will include three entertainment stages: the Dance Stage, at the corner of Robinson Ave. and Eola Dr.; the Diva Stage, which will be at the rainbow-colored bandshell; and the Local Talent Stage, located near the corner of Eola Dr. and E. Central Blvd. Other areas to look for during the festival include the Sponsor Walk, the Youth Zone and the Sober Pride area.
You can also upgrade your Pride celebration with a VIP experience that will let you relax, refresh and reenergize. Various levels will provide you with access to festival exclusives, private air-conditioned areas, catered food, open premium bar, dedicated VIP restrooms and more. Visit ComeOutWithPride.org for information on festival safety and security procedures.
This event is free to attend; VIP Experience 2022 ranges in price form $30-175.
Central Florida Trans March
Lake Eola Park, Orlando 1 p.m.
In October 2021, Orlando was
the host city for the National Transgender Visibility March. It was a week of programming that served to highlight, unite, and empower the transgender community while bringing visibility and education on transgender lives to the community at large. Following their partnership, transgender community leaders and their allies sought to continue this powerful movement in Central Florida and created the Central Florida Trans March. This inaugural march will gather transgender, nonbinary and gender nonconforming people to show their Pride as they march down the streets of Downtown Orlando. Festivities begin at 1 p.m. with a rally and then continue at 4 p.m. to help kick o The Most Colorful Parade.
This event is free to attend The Most Colorful Parade
Lake Eola Park, Orlando 4 p.m.
More than 100 groups will parade the streets of downtown Orlando for The Most Colorful Parade. The one-mile route begins on Orange Ave. and E. Washington St. and travels down to E. Central Blvd., heading around Lake Eola and up Summerlin Ave. The parade will be headlined by this year's grand marshals: Broadway superstar and Orlando native Michael James Scott, LGBTQ activist and Central Florida student Will Larkins, R.I.S.E. Initiative co-founder and One Orlando Alliance board member Shea Cutli and the late Orlando entertainer Doug Ba’aser.
This event is free to attend
Ace Café, located at 100 W. Livingston St., Orlando 8 p.m.-2 a.m.
Joe Whitaker proudly presents Rainbow House, the o cial Come Out with Pride Saturday night party. Come out and be proud to be you. This event will feature multilevel areas with an indoor stage and an outdoor stage on the patio and deck. House music beats will be provided all night by international DJs including DJ T’Don, DJ Seth Breezy, Morabito and GSP. There will be a special appearance by British drag queen Lady Camden from season 14 of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” VIP area will include front of the line access, a private lounge area on the second level, unlimited nonalcoholic drinks, snack and dedicated VIP bartenders and bar area. Tickets are available at JFWpresents.com.
General admission tickets are $40 for Tier 1 and $55 for Tier 2; VIP tickets are $60 for Tier 1 and $75 for Tier 2
The Hammer Lamb, located at 1235 N. Orange Ave., Orlando 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Parades, festivals, dance parties — after all that you are going to need to recover and what better way than to do it with friends at the o cial Come Out With Pride Recovery Brunch. Voted Best Bloody Mary in Orlando for the last six years, The
Hammered Lamb knows just what you need to bring this epic Pride weekend to a close. Ticket price TBD
The Vernda at Thornton Park, located at 707 E. Washington St., Orlando 3:30-9:30 p.m.
Joe Whitaker proudly presents Happiness Tea Party, Come Out With Pride’s o cial closing party. Come out and finish your Orlando Pride week with a tea dance featuring surprise guest performances including from “RuPaul’s Drag Race” alumni. Music will be provided by international DJS Morabito and DJ James Anthony. VIP area will include special pool access, unlimited non-alcoholic drinks, snack and dedicated VIP bartenders and bar area and more. Tickets are available at JFWpresents.com.
General admission tickets are $30; VIP tickets are $50
Renaissance Theater, located at 415 E. Princeton St., Orlando 7 p.m.
Join in the fun and frivolity of Orlando Gay Chorus’ 14th annual Uncut Cabaret, this year with a Hallo-weenie twist. The bar opens at 7 p.m. and includes photo time with our sexy Uncut Boyz and Girlz. Don’t forget to purchase beads so you can play the “Tops and Bottoms” game later on for a chance to win a prize package. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. and will go until they kick us out. Don't miss this rip-roaring night of fun. This is an adults only naughty cabaret for 18 and up only.
55th Degree AAA, Inc.
Abuelo's World's Best Pina Coladas
Adolescent Life CenterCoaching
Advance Auto Parts
Angel's Pharmacy
Animal FoundationRights of Florida
Anna V. Eskamani Team appli, llc
Arbogast confection Association of AttendantsFlight
Asurion Avita Pharmacy
Banfield Pet Hospital
Bar None Creations
Beacon Health Inc
Bead Mama
Billy Manes Society
Black Health Commission
Bliss Wellness Market
Blue Trunk
Brevard Renaissance Fair
Charitable Foundation, Inc
Card Cow Gaming
Caribbean Passion
Carlos Guilllermo Smith, Democrat for Florida House District 37
Central Florida CommunityFreethought
Central Florida Softball League
Central Florida Sounds of Freedom
Central Florida Trans March Century 21 Carioti
Charlie Crist for Governor Cheer Fort Lauderdale
City Year Orlando College Park United Methodist Church Comprehensive Health Center of Orlando Cosmos Ice Cream
Crafty Crochet by Cori Vazquez
Custom Creations Gift Emporium, LLC
Debra Alexander
DeLand Pride
Delicias Boriquas de Dona Maria Divas in Dialogue
Dog Training Elite Orlando
Dr. Phillips High School GSA
Drag Syndicate Earthy Picks
Eat the Frog Fitness Edward Jones Embrace Families Encore
Ernst & Young, LLP Expedia Group
Fire it up concessions
First ChurchCongregational of Winter Park
First United Methodist Church of Orlando
Gayest Store on Earth
Gilead Sciences C/O Ion
Greater Orlando National Organization for Women
Greater Orlando PFLAG, Inc.
Greek and Mediterranean cuisine Greystar
Guilty Scents LLC
Hamburger Mary's Orlando HarmonyOrlandoHealthcare
Hilton Grand Vacations Holey Water
Hope & Help
Got Pride! LLC Gran Arepa
Iron Galaxy Studios Iskcon Orlando
Kukui Maca
Les Vixens
LGBT+ Center Orlando, Inc.
LGBTQ History Museum of Central Florida
Lowe's Lyth Creations
Madam Adam LLC
Mama Dragons
Maria Rosa Hotdog
Miracle Leaf Health Centers _ Orlando
Miracle of Love Inc
Miracle of Love Inc/CAN Community Health
Mister Car Wash MISTR
Mondrian Lake Eola & 55 West
My campaign wear
Orlando Gay Chorus
Orlando Science Center
Orlando Shakes Orlando VA Healthcare System
Orlando Youth Alliance Out Proud LLC
OUT Sports League Outreach and Social Justice Board painting change Park LakeChurchPresbyterian
Patriot Legal Group Paylocity
Peer Support Space, Inc. Phat Ash Bakes
Pina Power Fruit Smoothies
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central FL
Queerly, It's Resin
R and D Food Service
Rainbow Democrats, Inc. Repiccis Italian Ice of Orlando Resin Rainbow
RISE Cannabis Rollins College RPGMaille Sandys Dogs Sasha Made It Scale It Up Florida Seacoast Bank
Seminole State College of Florida Shonnda Cooper Skinworthy Solcium Solar Space Coast Pride Spoleto Italian Kitchen St John LutheranEvangelical Church
Positive Assistance, Inc. DBA Inclusive Care of
Pride Fort Lauderdale
St. Luke's United Methodist Church St Pete Pride St. RichardsChurchEpiscopal
Stand For the Silent Starbucks Co ee Company Steampunk Garage Synchrony Sysco Jacksonville Teamsters Local 385 The American Cancer Society
Pride Kitty The American Cancer Tru
The Liv Tru Company, LLC
The Milk District
The Pride App
The Pride Chamber The Sober Bar Orlando
The Werkroom by A&V Art NY Inc
The Woodshed LLC TheHoundPound
Truist TWLOHA, Inc. UCP of Central Florida
Unite Here Local 362 Unity of Central Florida (formerly Christ Church Unity)
University of Central Florida - LGBTQ+ Services
Val Demings for Senate
Valencia College Gender Sexuality Alliance Veritas Technologies LLC
Victim Service Center of Central Florida
Victims First, INC.
Vintage Eyewear VITAS Healthcare WatermarkGroupPublishing
Wingking miami style llc Winter Park Pride Project WYC Clothing
YMCA of Central Florida Zebra Coalition
Corey Bryant - Board President
Maia Monet - Board Vice President
Matt Roberts - Treasurer/Finance Director
Julie Tindall - Secretary/Community Outreach & Inclusion Co-Director
AJ Eagle - Operations Director
Jose E. Diaz - Communications Director
Khalil J. Makdah - Festival & Parade Director
Andrea Montanez - Community Outreach & Inclusion Co-Director
Je Prystajko - Immediate Past President
Leo Salazar - Marketing Director
Christopher Scocco - Sponsorship Director
Rob Ward - Entertainment Director
Reggie Warren - Member at Large
Clay Emerson - MarketPlace Manager
Melody Morrison - Food and Beverage Manager
Kevin Jordan - Safety and Security Manager
Julie Tindall - VIP Experiences Manager
Michael Dreger - Family Engagement Manager
Colette Farell - Logistics Manager
Sam Graper - Hyper-Local Showcase
Christopher Scocco - SponsorWalk
Frankie Hu - Sober Pride Manager
Brittani Acu - Parade Manager
Gabrielle Shurlu – Parade Operation Manager
Jennifer Morando Ordext
Kim Harchuck
Ryan Lemo
Lisa Blachurra
Ron Lee
Barbra Lee
Scott Lope
Adam McCabe for designing this year’s logo and float
Michael Radke for designing our 2022 map
DJ Club Shakers for being our O cial Pride float DJ
Travis Le e - Sponsorship Manager
Tracy Pizzi - Sponsorship Coordinator
Megan Nuttall - Sponsorship Coordinator
Blue Star - Dance Stage & Finale Producer
Bryan Donsky - HR Manager
Candice Stribling - HR Manager
Lincoln Gleeton - Operations team member
Ti ani Jordan - Customer Service Manager
Jacob Vires - IT Manager
Chala Williams - Customer Service Rep
Derek Richardson - Customer Service Rep
Alyssa Mackenzie – Volunteer MARKETING
Brianna Jarvis – Marketing Manager
Matt O'Connor - Finance & Risk Management Manager
Justin Robbins - Finance & Risk Management Coordinator
Colts Suggs - Finance & Risk Management Coordinator
Malise Lewis - Finance & Risk Management Coordinator
Full Sail University is a school for the dreamers and doers, the creatives and creators. Our students are unique, and they’re here for more than your typical college experience.
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The Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra OrlandoPhil.org
Orlando Shakes 407-447-1700 OrlandoShakes.org
S.K. Burt Law, P.A. 407-308-2936 SKBurtLaw.com
Penna and Associates 407-627-0406 Penna-Law.com
LGBT+ Center Orlando 407-228-8272 TheCenterOrlando.org
Red Group Downtown ThePrideChamber.org/Program/RED/
Skin•tentions Spa 407-423-3271 Vagaro.com/Skintentions
A Zupka Counseling 407-986-2888
The Ivory Dental Group 407-813-1788
TheIvory.dental EDUCATION:
Defense Firearms Training 386-956-3637 BeASafeShooter.com
EVENTS: Central Florida Veg Fest CFVegFest.org
Fiesta In the Park FiestaInThePark.com
Tricks & Screams Funhouse TricksAndScreams.com
Watermark’s Movies Out Loud 407-481-2243 WatermarkOnline.com
Hamburger Mary’s Orlando 321-319-0600 HamburgerMarys.com/Orlando/
Island Time 407-930-2640 IslandTimeOrlando.com
Ivanhoe 1915 Ivanhoe1915.com
Lakeridge Winery & Vineyards 352-394-8627 LakeridgeWinery.com
Orlando Cat Café 352-989-4820 OrlandoCatCafe.com
Savoy Orlando SavoyOrlando.com
City Beverages Distributor –Budweiser/Bud Light 407-851-7100 CityBeverages.com
Cryos International – USA 407-203-1175
Addition Financial 407-896-9411 AdditionFI.com
Climate First Bank 689-444-5500 ClimateFirstBank.com
Edward Jones – Mac Wren 407-426-2820
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management - Kelly A. Dwyer, CFP 407-839-2629
26Health 321-800-2922 26Health.org
Avita Pharmacy AvitaPharmacy.com
Boutiq Medical Clinic 407-777-2449 BoutiqClinic.com
CAN Community Health 407-246-1946
Crew Health, Inc. 407-605-2252
Harmony Healthcare Orlando 407-777-2022
Hope and Help Center of Central Florida, Inc. 407-645-2577 HopeAndHelp.org
Nemours Children’s Health Nemours.org
Orange Blossom Family Health 407-428-5751 OBFH.org
Orlando Immunology Center (OIC) 407-647-3960 OICOrlando.com
Pineapple Healthcare 407-553-6336
Pinero Preventive Medical 407-426-9693 PineroMedical.com
Covering Central Florida 877-564-5031 CoveringCFL.net
Loews Hotels LoewsHotels.com
Orlando Youth Alliance – OYA 407-244-1222
Zebra Coalition 407-228-1446
Orange County Library System 407-835-7323 OCLS.info
Watermark Publishing Group 407-481-2243
Commissioner Patty Sheehan CityOfOrlando.net
Mercedes Fonseca Vote4Mercedes.com
Ranger’s Pet Outpost and Retreat 407-622-4884 RangesPetOutpost.com
Dylan Todd Photography 727-310-1212
Eddie Cooper
Main Frame Real Estate 407-722-9001
Scott Benson
Green House Realty Inc. 407-474-0724
First United Methodist Church of Orlando 407-849-6080
St. Lukes United Methodist Church 407-876-4991 StLukes.org
Fairvilla Megastore 407-425-6005 Fairvilla.com
Monarch Jewelry and Art 407-677-8354 MonarchJewelryAndArt.com
Central Florida Softball League CFSLeague.com
Orlando Magic 407-89-MAGIC OrlandoMagic.com
Gatorland 407-855-5496 Gatorland.com
I-Drive District International Drive IDriveLiving.com
Orlando International Airport 407-825-2001 OrlandoAirports.net
Orlando Sanford International Airport 407-585-4000 FlySFB.com
At Avita, our team treats every patient the way we want to be treated. We’ll make sure you get the medications you need, when you need them. We work to get you the best price and will even deliver your meds nationwide! Avita has supported the LGBTQ+ community for nearly 20 years and wants to be your pharmacy partner for life.