forums, statewide conferences, and local organizations.

forums, statewide conferences, and local organizations.
The City of Tampa is known for many things. It’s the birthplace of the Cuban sandwich, it welcomes 21 million passengers through the Tampa International Airport each year and its sports teams have hosted several major championships, including five Super Bowls.
These events showcase Tampa as the third most populated city in Florida, behind only Jacksonville
and Miami, but still welcome far fewer than the region’s signature events like Gasparilla. Tampa’s longeststanding tradition began in 1904 and saw an estimated 300,000 people celebrate its mock pirate invasion earlier this year.
The city’s thriving LGBTQ+ community has made its own mark on Tampa, of course, including through celebrations like Tampa Pride. Its first iteration ran from 1982-2002 and its current form launched in 2015. It’s grown every year since.
Watermark is proud to be celebrating 30 years as Tampa Bay and Central Florida’s LGBTQ+ news
source, and proud to have supported Pride in Tampa since our inception. One of the newest ways we’re doing so is through this, our inaugural Pride in Tampa magazine.
In these pages we discuss Prides past and present, including this year’s 10th Tampa Pride. You’ll hear from Tampa Mayor Jane Castor, founding members of the current iteration of Tampa Pride and more.
Happy Pride, Tampa! From Watermark’s family to yours.
—Ryan Williams-Jent, Managing EditorSATURDAY , MAY 25
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Tampa, Florida is known globally for its diversity and inclusivity, celebrating all our citizens, businesses, and organizations for their impact within our city’s neighborhoods. We promote the contributions the members of the community make in adding to Tampa’s success as a forward-thinking city and in enhancing our economic growth, improving our region, advancing the arts and culture scene, and contributing to our distinctive heritage. Our unique and rich culture have fostered a strong inclusiveness that protects both residents and visitors from discrimination and harassment, including those within the LGBTQ community.
Tampa was one of the first cities in the region to have a domestic partnership registry and the City continues to be committed to social progress including actively supporting LGBTQ owned businesses through the City’s Equal Business Opportunity Program, and consistently receives the top score of 100 from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Municipal Equity Index for our LGBTQ inclusive laws, policies, and services. Every year, Tampa Pride Day is proclaimed, and the entire city celebrates year-round with festivals, parades, sporting and cultural events, concerts, and more. This year we will celebrate a decade of Tampa Pride in our city, and the inaugural edition of the 2024 Pride in Tampa publication will look back at the ways Tampa has proudly supported individuality, and the contributions the members of the LGBTQ community have made in Tampa Bay.
Tampa will not lose sight of what is most important – doing the right thing. Our city never fails to come together through difficult times, and the community demonstrates its love for one another and sees our differences as strengths We are fortunate to have many dedicated organizations such as Tampa Pride, Inc., the Tampa Bay LGBT Chamber, Metro Inclusive Health, and CAN Community Health that help keep diversity in the forefront.
Congratulations to Watermark Publishing Group on its first annual 2024 Pride in Tampa publication. This magazine will provide Tampa Bay area residents and visitors with many wonderful highlights of the past decade and a preview of engaging and inclusive events to come, specifically tailored for the LGBTQ community.
Pride returned to Tampa after more than a decade in 2015, made possible by the hard work and dedication of LGBTQ+ advocates throughout the region.
The reimagined Tampa Pride followed the repeal of Hillsborough County’s ban on its recognition in 2013, a discriminatory policy enacted in 2005, as well as a previous iteration of the event. It ran for two decades starting in 1982.
“In 2002, Tampa saw its last large Pride event fizzle,” Watermark reported in 2015.
“Some blamed a lack of grassroots efforts. Others claim financial improprieties ... But Tampa Pride President Carrie West makes one thing very clear, this year’s Tampa Pride is unrelated to the old organization."
West was among those who came together to build the new Tampa
Pride. Joining him were
Directors Mark Bias, Tom Barker, Kurt King, John Miller, John and Nancy Desmond, Fred Cornyn, Gerre Reynolds, Walter Pinillos, Mike Hammonds, Steve Altum, Michael Wilson, Shane Ragiel, Tripp Scuilli, Paul Sparks, Mark Eary and Sally Phillips. They were supported by a significant number of volunteers.
“I showed up at a [planning] meeting expecting a couple of dozen people and there were so many that it was standing room only,” King recalled in 2015.
The former owner of Hamburger Mary’s Ybor served not just as a board member but also as an inaugural grand marshal.
He was joined by Tampa Mayor Jane Castor, then the city’s chief of police.
“Pride is a great opportunity for the entire community to come out and learn that our similarities are greater than our differences,” Castor noted then. “That usually happens when you bring diverse groups together.”
Official support was another key part of what made Tampa Pride 2015 possible. The City of Tampa sponsored its return to alleviate costs, the first sponsorship the city had given since a 2008 moratorium was placed on financially supporting new festivals.
“Mayor [Bob] Buckhorn has long been a supporter
of LGBT issues and he sees the new Pride celebration as a very positive thing for the city," officials said. "So if there was any way we could help support it we were going to make it work.”
Organizers hoped Tampa Pride would draw around 10,000 attendees in 2015 but welcomed nearly 30,000 instead.
“It’s time that Tampa had its own celebration,” West said ahead of time.
“With us in the spring, St Pete Pride in the summer and Come Out with Pride in Orlando in October, we are quickly making sure there is a Pride celebration during every season of the year.”
The rest is history.
As it exists today, Tampa Pride’s mission is to organize year-round events culminating in an annual Pride celebration for LGBTQ+ Tampa Bay. Organizers advise they do so to champion our shared experiences, honor our differences and strengthen the community at large. “We are a group of passionate advocates, community leaders and engaged volunteers,” Tampa Pride’s website reads. It’s a foundation that began with its original directors and supporters like those here, who proudly reflect on 10 years of Pride in Tampa.
“This is a day to celebrate, to honor and to remember all that is good about our community in all of its diversity.
When I made the decision 10 years ago that the City was going to be a significant partner in bringing this parade back, I knew how important it was to the LGBTQ+ community and how equally important it was to tell the world that Tampa was a place where
the significance of everyone’s contributions were important, protected and valued.”
“We have worn many hats at Tampa Pride over the span of most of the 10 years, including as former directors, the webmaster, grant and scholarship writers, vendors and
marchers. Back in 2013 when the ban on pride in Tampa was lifted, an entire village of board members, volunteers, churches, activists and community leaders worked diligently to reinvent Tampa Pride. It took an incredibly short period of time — approximately one year — for this work to come to fruition.
“These amazing long-term advocates of Tampa Pride included PFLAG Tampa; The GaYbor District Coalition that encouraged and supported businesses and nonprofits; the Metropolitan Community Church of Tampa whose members offered a Pride service led by LGBTQ+ community activist Reverend Jakob Hero-Shaw; this publication, Watermark, which led the social media effort to highlight events, and responsibly challenge Tampa Pride points of view; as well as many others who all gave willingly of their time and talents, sometimes stepping way out of their comfort zones (speaking for
ourselves!) to help Tampa Pride succeed.
“And succeed it did! None of us expected to see youth marching down 7th Ave. in the GaYbor District, wrapped in Pride and trans flags, openly weeping, as throngs of well-wishers celebrated them, many of whom were receiving praise and validation for the first time in their young lives. We knew we did a good job.
“As PFLAG Tampa, we can look back to the very first parade/festival where we hosted a much-welcomed family-friendly area. I like to think that some of those very young children, who were coloring pictures of two brides or two daddies, grew up to be inspired supporters and activists to whom we will gladly pass the baton. Tampa Pride was born in one generation with incredible vision and the willpower to make it happen.
“We think it’s time now to pass it on to a new generation with a possibly different, but still incredible vision, and a tenacious spirit like we had. If we do, Tampa Pride is sure to celebrate its 20th anniversary, or even its 30th, as each generation passes the baton to the future.
“We would also personally like to acknowledge those original community leaders, organizations and volunteers who deserve to be celebrated after contributing hours, days and sometimes years of work to the success of Tampa Pride over the span of 10 years. We see you. Our family, friends and community thank you.”
Original Tampa Pride Board Member, Current GaYbor President & More
“As I reflect on the past 10 years, all I can say is ‘wow.’ We’ve come a long way from the humble beginnings of 2015 when we said, ‘Hey, Tampa Pride is back; time to get to work.’ “Throughout the economic downturn, COVID-19, the ever-changing political landscape and discord, the good and the areas of opportunity, Pride remains. For at its core, Pride is more than just one person, a group or a business — Pride is a community, and it's through that community that we should be continuing the journey for the next 10 years. Because of this, I am hopeful and optimistic that the best is yet to come. Happy 10th anniversary, Tampa Pride.”
bring Pride back to Tampa, Florida. We went in front of City Council and the County Commissioners to get them to allow us to do so [and] then the hard work started. We had to raise $200,000 to make it happen and it was two months out when we realized we could do it.
I was selected as a grand marshal of Tampa Pride. As I was going down the parade route I was very proud and kept saying to myself, ‘we did it.’ For many years I fought hard for our community and our rights. Everyone needs to remember it’s not over yet and we have to fight to keep our rights every day.”
Former Tampa Pride Vice President & More
“I want to wish Tampa Pride a Happy 10 years. I was excited to join Tampa Pride in 2015 after we were shut down for many years by [former Hillsborough County Commissioner] Ronda Storms, [who led the county’s now-defunct ban on the recognition of Pride.] It was exciting to see Pride in Tampa once again, celebrating pride and diversity in our great city.”
Original Tampa Pride Grand Marshal, Former Vice President
“11 years ago we felt the need to
An estimated 90,000 people filled the streets of Ybor for Tampa Pride’s ninth outing in 2023, Tampa Pride President Carrie West says, a new record for the celebration. The organization’s board subsequently cancelled Pride on the River 2023, their secondary event planned for last September, and began to focus on “10 years of celebrating you” in 2024.
Tampa Pride entered the year with the return of Ultimate Showdown. The competition highlighted some of the region’s top talent at Southern Nights Tampa, with organizers promising an unforgettable evening supported by their three-person Royal Court introduced on p. 20.
The competition was hosted by Ultimate Showdown 2023 winner Imani Valentino and featured performances from other local fan favorites. Performer Bey Kelz was crowned the champion.
“Congratulations to Bey Kelz for emerging as the ultimate showdown winner, proving their incredible talent,” Tampa Pride shared Jan. 15. “We would also like to acknowledge the Tampa Pride Royal court … for their exceptional performances.
“The panel of distinguished judges and entertainers, including Jordon Weber, EyesJuicey Sherrington, Derrick Jay Barr, Dédé T. Santos and Keirra Ka'oir Summers did an outstanding job,” they continued. “We extend our appreciation to all the participants for their remarkable performances.”
Planning was simultaneously underway for two signature events set for March, a Grand Marshal Gala and inaugural Rainbow Run. The latter is Tampa Pride’s newest outing, designed to “celebrate diversity, love and equality with three different race types.
West calls the event “a great chance to support
nonprofit causes in [the] Tampa Bay area by walking, getting outside [and] just having fun!”
The outing included a Fun and Fabulous 5K, a metered event encouraging participants to walk or run. “This exciting event promises a delightful and enjoyable experience for everyone involved,” Tampa Pride
The Anything Goes 1 Mile was billed as “a diverse and inclusive event” that encouraged costumes, “making it a fun run that promotes creativity and individuality.” The petfriendly Fetch the Rainbow 1 Mile was designed to “involve our furry friends in the celebrations,” and each race welcomed participants with strollers or wheelchairs.
“Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience,” Tampa Pride shared ahead of time. “Join us at the Tampa Pride Rainbow Run and let your true colors shine. Together, we can
spread love, acceptance and joy throughout Tampa and beyond.”
These festivities and others have helped set the tone for Tampa Pride’s main celebration, returning to Ybor March 23. The pride festival, diversity parade, Pride at Night and more are sure to showcase Pride in Tampa like never before.
“This is a remarkable space in this unpredictable climate in this country,” West says of celebrating Tampa Pride’s 10th year. “Having the rights of same-sex marriage, then the possibility of losing
that right. The meaning of new friendships. The alliances that we had trusted … being swept away.
“[It is] remarkable that the road in our lives is always curvy, never straight!” he continues. “Love the views of everyone, positive or negative, be who you are and live today. Now let’s all get to work.”
West says Tampa Pride 2024 will feature 150 parade entries, 140 vendors and a “bigger outspread of Tampa Pride” than ever before. You can read more about this year’s entertainment,
parade and festival beginning on p. 28.
“We have been told that more than ever [we] have friends, family and others
Representing Tampa Pride through its 10th annual celebration is no small task. Thankfully it’s one shared by three entertainers, a first for the organization. Meet Mr. Tampa Pride Dante Medina, Miss Tampa Pride Charlotte Diamond Star and Miss Tampa Pride Phaedra E. Rose.
What do you love about Tampa’s LGBTQ+ community?
I must express my deep love and admiration … this vibrant and diverse community holds a special place in my heart, and I am continually inspired by the strength, resilience and solidarity of its members. The LGBTQ+ community in Tampa is a shining example of unity, empowerment and celebration of diversity.
I am grateful for the safe spaces, support networks, and resources that the LGBTQ community in Tampa provides [and] the activism and advocacy efforts of the LGBTQ community in Tampa are particularly inspiring to me.
Why did you want to represent Tampa Pride?
The opportunity to represent Tampa Pride is not just about being a face or a voice; it is about being a symbol of resilience, advocacy and love in a world that still grapples with prejudice and discrimination.
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I understand firsthand the importance of visibility and representation in shaping attitudes, challenging stereotypes and fostering a culture of acceptance and understanding. I aim to amplify the voices of those who may feel marginalized or silenced, to serve as a role model for those who are struggling with their identity and to advocate for a world where everyone can live authentically and freely. I carry with me a profound sense of responsibility and purpose in representing Tampa Pride, knowing that my presence can make a difference, no matter how small.
Representing Tampa Pride is a deeply personal journey for me ... It is a way for me to honor the struggles and triumphs of those who have come before me, to pay tribute to their legacy and to continue the fight for equality and social justice for all.
What does Tampa Pride mean to you?
Tampa Pride is a time of joy, unity and solidarity, where individuals from all walks of life come together to honor and embrace the full spectrum of LGBTQ+ identities. It serves as a vibrant and colorful reminder that love is love, and that every person deserves to be respected, valued and celebrated for who they are.
For me, Tampa Pride is a symbol of empowerment and liberation, a space where I can be my authentic self without fear of judgment or discrimination. It is a time to reflect on the struggles and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community, to honor those who have paved the way for progress, and to renew our commitment to continuing the fight for equal rights and social justice.
Participating in and representing Tampa Pride fills me with a sense of pride, belonging and hope for a future where everyone is accepted and celebrated for who they are. It is a reminder that our differences are what make us beautiful and that by standing together in unity and solidarity, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate society for all.
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Charlotte Diamond Star, Miss Tampa Pride 2024
What do you love about Tampa’s LGBTQ+ community?
I love the fact the no matter what you will always find some love, some support and that no matter your situation or what you are going through, our community will always have your back.
Why did you want to represent Tampa Pride?
I love to keep doing my best for our community and our future. In 2023 I went to Tallahassee for the Drag Queen March, but my job was not done there. I went back for more. I want to keep fighting for our future and my trans community, especially for our trans
What does Tampa Pride mean to you?
Tampa Pride means a lot to me, not just because the organization is the one I am representing. The organization is fighting for us, supporting us and making sure our community is respected, loved and free.
How did it feel to win your title?
It was a rollercoaster of emotions. Believe it or not, it wasn't the plan. My sister Miss Lady Janet and I were talking about me going back to the pageant system and at that time Miss Tampa Pride was coming. We got together one weekend, packed everything and we went for it … we put all of our energy and love into our package. Winning this title is not just another one for my collection, it is a system and our community which I am going to represent everywhere.
community. This is me — I’m here for you and for us.
I would love for people to see me as an example. If you take your time, sit with me and know my stories, you will know and hear about all my flaws, losses and disappointments. Those disappointments, flaws and losses are the reason I’m who I am today: I am a strong trans woman and I’m your Miss Tampa Pride.
Tampa Pride for me is a universal love. I want to be sure to play my part and build on its legacy and impact.
Why did you want to represent Tampa Pride?
I wanted to represent Tampa Pride because first, I am a native. I also believe I have so much to offer to not just the pageantry portion of Tampa Pride but to the organization itself by being vocal, visionary and transparent, because the community needs more than just a queen. We need someone who will help voice their opinions and be sure to execute the wants and needs of the community.
Phaedra E. Rose, Miss Tampa Pride 2024
What do you love about Tampa’s LGBTQ+ community?
What do you want to share about Tampa Pride 2024?
I want to spread love, support and make sure every person in our community feels accepted and loved like I did and I do. Just because I won a crown doesn't mean I’m not committed to my
The people are what I love the most, because the people are the ones to build and mold the community. Everyone here in Tampa has embraced me with so much love and support that I never knew I needed.
What does Tampa Pride mean to you?
How did it feel to win your title?
I gained a great deal of joy because I knew I had a way in to help make a change for the better of the people in the community.
What do you want to share about Tampa Pride 2024?
I want people to know that their opinions matter and that Tampa Pride is not just for one group of people. Tampa Pride is for everyone! If there is anything that I or Tampa Pride have done wrong, let’s make it right!
Nurturing a wild, wonderous, and welcoming environment for all.
Tampa Pride asked supporters to nominate grand marshals in five categories for their 10th celebration. This year’s honorees include two organizations and five individuals. Get to know them here.
Dr. Gary Howell is no stranger to advocacy or action. The clinical psychologist launched his Ybor practice in 2011 and founded the Institute for LGBT Health and Wellbeing in 2017, a nonprofit working to “serve as a conduit for education, wellness, training and research.”
“I have been a life-long advocate for minoritized voices,” Howell says. “My clinical work focuses primarily on providing individual, couples and group therapy to sexual and gender minority patients. I also created the nonprofit to expand my services to more patients and provide free biweekly support groups for trans youth, trans adults and their parents.” Over 350 people have participated.
“Pride is both a joyous day and an emotional one,” Howell says. “I always get teary-eyed when we round the corner onto 7th Ave. as the crowd begins to roar. Watching so many people unified around celebrating and amplifying queer people shows when we come together we have the power to affect change.”
The doctor also notes that he tries to embody his favorite quote in all he does, to “be the change you want to see in the world.” It shows.
Tampa audiences will recognize Gabrielle Fearce Santi from performances at LGBTQ+ staples like Bradley’s on 7th and Southern Nights Tampa. Now they can also recognize her as one of Tampa Pride’s grand marshals.
“My favorite thing about our local community is that we show up and support each other,” Santi says. “Though there are sometimes divisions within our community, when we need to we are here to support one another.”
It’s something the entertainer has done through drag fundraisers and nonprofit work, though she didn’t expect to be named a grand marshal for it.
“I was completely shocked,” Santi says. “I never thought I would be considered … I do the things that I do from the kindness of my heart and not recognition or a pat on the back. I didn't realize I had people watching, and to know that there are people out there watching makes me want to continue to aim for my goals and be an even better person and possibly inspire someone else to do the same, if not more.”
Santi hopes her involvement with Tampa Pride helps strengthen Tampa’s LGBTQ+ community to “make sure the generations behind us have a future to be proud of.” She also hopes “to be the example of how we can all make that change happen for the better.”
The Tampa Bay Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are a regional staple. They’re also one of the longest-running chapters of the global order that uses drag and religious imagery to advocate for LGBTQ+ issues.
The organization predates all other chapters in the immediate Southeastern U.S., and their disorder — affectionately known as the Sisters of the Pillaged Booty — has more than 20 members.
“Our mission is simple: empower the disenfranchised to accept themselves for who they are without shame or guilt, and to help those who do the same,” their website reads. The group is led by Sister Agatha Frisky, who serves as Mother Superior and president.
“For nearly 45 years, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have been fierce advocates for Pride worldwide,” Frisky says. “The Tampa Bay Sisters, in their 22 years of service, have been integral to advancing Pride and promulgating Universal Joy in the Bay area and beyond.”
The group does so through regular fundraisers and other forms of outreach, all designed to serve “as a beacon to showcase that love’s triumph over hate is unwavering.” It’s what led to this year’s Tampa Pride honor.
“Tampa's LGBTQ+ community exemplifies resilience and diversity, inspiring admiration with their vibrant spirit,” Frisky says. “Being recognized like this is a massive honor and a privilege! We rejoice at the opportunity to help celebrate the bright future of Tampa's LGBTQ+ community with much joy.”
Former Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn served as the city’s 58th leader from 2011-2019. It was during his first term that Pride returned in Tampa; Tampa Pride notes he “played a pivotal role … demonstrating his commitment to fostering a more inclusive and diverse city.”
That work was evident in a number of ways, like establishing one of Florida’s first Domestic Partnership Registries. He reflected on that and more at the end of his second term.
“For us, our diversity is a strength, not a weakness,” he shared in 2019. “It is what makes us successful and it’s what makes us more competitive. We honor the inherent goodness of everybody, I don’t care who you love or the God you worship. I don’t care when you came here or the language that you speak. I don’t care how long you have been here.
“All I care about, and all that we as a community celebrate, is your willingness to believe in this place called Tampa and to put your shoulder to the wheel and work for the common good,” he continued. “That’s what we represent as a city.”
Buckhorn is proud to be recognized this year. “To have been a part of and watched the growth of the Pride Celebration and now to be honored at the 10th anniversary celebration is humbling to say the least,” he says. “I am thankful to everyone involved.”
The Johnsons aren’t just a couple — they’re a family. Husbands Dustin and Daniel, who work with PFLAG Riverview and other organizations, adopted six siblings last year and are in the process of adopting a seventh.
The Apollo Beach-based couple knew early in their relationship that they wanted to have “kind of a bigger family,” Dustin told Watermark last year, and eventually began the adoption process. They met their children in April 2022, then ages 2-10, and formed their forever family in May 2023.
“Being two gay guys in Florida we knew that yes, we can legally adopt but obviously the system is allowed to place preferential treatment on ‘standard’ or ‘traditional value families,’” Dustin shared at the time. “We were warned that preferential treatment may go to a mother and a father in a stable home … but it was a really smooth process.”
Tampa Pride says the couple was chosen because of their “outstanding contributions” that set “an inspiring example for others,” but they were still surprised to be recognized.
“We were shocked but incredibly honored,” Daniel says. “Pride is so important because representation matters; the LGBTQ+ community is under attack in so many places and we need to come together and show that we can fight against all of the evil.” Their family’s love is sure to do just that.
OutCoast LLC has supported LGBTQ+ and ally businesses, destinations and experiences through blogging, networking and other initiatives since 2017. The company’s efforts include OutCoast.com, the digital resource which showcases LGBTQ+ Florida in its most inclusive light.
The organization is led by OutCoast Publisher Rachel Covello. She calls this year’s recognition both a surprise and an honor.
“Ironically, last June, I decided to put together a vision board list and being a grand marshal of a Florida Pride event was on that list,” she says. “So it's exciting to see that come to fruition. I spend 24/7 hours a day 365 days a year focused on supporting, uplifting and advocating for our LGBTQ+ in Florida and in tourism spaces globally. Sometimes it's thankless work and in Florida, it's often burnout work. So when these moments occur, and that work is validated, it's a reminder to keep on fighting the good fight.”
As a part of that fight, Covello launched the Florida Out Coast Convention in Tampa last year. FLOCC is the first and only conference focusing entirely on the state’s LGBTQ+ tourism industry and will return in August to Coral Gables.
“OutCoast isn't just a travel blog; it's a resource for LGBTQ+ locals and travelers,” Covello notes. “It's also a place to highlight the incredible LGBTQ+ events and entertainment throughout the state of Florida and beyond. We want people to use us as an online resource.”
The Portico and Tampa Pride will partner for an interfaith service at 7 p.m. open to those of all religions, faiths and beliefs at 1001 N. Florida Ave. in Tampa. Doors and café open at 5:30 p.m. Faith-based organizations will have booths from 6-7 p.m. and after the service ends at 8 p.m. Learn more at ThePortico.org.
Tampa Pride’s 2024 Street Festival is expected to feature 140 vendors in two main areas, E. 9th Ave. and the Hillsborough Community College parking lot. It takes place
10:45 a.m.-4:15 p.m. Pride at Night is 18+ in the Cuban Club Courtyard and inside of the Cuban Club runs from 10:45 a.m.-11 p.m. The Food Alley will be located at 14th St. between 9th Ave. and Palm Ave. from 11 a.m.-11 p.m.
Tampa Pride’s main stage is in the Cuban Club Courtyard. The 2024 Royal Court will host entertainment from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and the Cuban Club will also feature performances hosted by KC Starrz with co-host Ericka PC from 11 a.m.-11 p.m.Pride at Night’s main stage will be hosted by Imani Valentino from 7-9 p.m. and feature headliners Coco Montrese of “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” David Hernandez of “American Idol” and the pop-rock group Actual Bank Robbers. “Tampa Bay Legends of Drag” hosted by Esme Russell will also take place at 7 p.m., featuring Melanie Minyon, Felicty Lane, Joey Brooks, Kori Stevens and Jocelyn Summers.
Tampa Pride’s 2024 Diversity Parade kicks off at 4 p.m. and is expected to feature 150 parade entries in the GaYbor District of Ybor. Check-in will begin at 2 p.m. for participants at the corner of Nuccio Parkway and E. 7th Ave. The parade will head east from the corner of Nuccio Parkway and E. 7th Ave., following 7th Ave. to N. 20th St. where it will disperse.
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