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Would you like to grow an insane social media following? If you would like to get your message out to 1000’s of people then this might be the best article you read today.
My name is Debbie and I am going to show you how. Over the past 8 months I have been able to increase my client’s followers and online presence on social media, meaning lots more interaction and more clients.
I want to tell you about one of my clients, Diane has an events business and was struggling to fill the venues with clients. On top of that they had been spending a mind-blowing amount on ads and not getting any results, frustrated and stressed they contacted me in December 2019 asking for my help.
Part of the problem was lack of followers and the adverts weren’t targeting the right people, the ads were being seen by people who would not ever attend one of her events, to start with we implemented a new strategy that has resulted in a growth success of her business. you have to post ALL the time, from 6,000 to over 80,000 followers in just 3 months, which this gave them the ability to have more conversations with clients and ultimately achieve more people attending the events.
Obviously with all events suspended, this could have been a disaster but we have even developed a strategy to now bring the product online and offer to her clients even during this period of lockdown, the social media following has continued to grow and with an audience over 120 thousand this shows just how important her followers are to the success of her business.
I want to help you do this too and can show you how step by step.
So if you have tried Facebook for your business and just gotten lost, maybe you have gotten as far as advertising, boosting posts and found that they just don't work for you and you don't know why.
Or did you have some success but then when you got a lead you did not have a process to turn that into a client or sale and it became a cold lead.
Have you been told that in order to grow your following you have to post ALL the time, but feel like no one is listening because no one also told you that posts only get shown to 3% of your following, meaning if you only have 100 followers you are talking to just 3 people.
Over the past 20 years as a business owner I have created and managed many businesses and have always relied on my marketing skills to grow them and actually really loved seeing the results when we gained new clients.
Increasingly traditional advertising has become less and less effective and with people spending so much time online this is the obvious choice to get your products in front of your customers, really making this your shop window.
“I have literally helped 100’s of clients grow and achieve results, this is suitable for all businesses and is totally transferable.”
Debbie Bryan

I want to offer you the very same strategy.
Follow my 5-step process which shows you how to Increase your following on Facebook. Successfully build a campaign to generate new leads every day.
• How to build a process that means no leads are lost or left to go cold.
• How to build your mailing list.
• How to send automated texts.
PLUS AS A BONUS I also include a 30 minute coaching call worth £99. With these skills you can confidently market your product or service online, no more boosting posts and hoping they work, they do not.
• No more spending hours posting sharing, this will take you no more than an hour a day if that.
• No more waiting for the phone to ring!! I have built the same system I use for my clients and you can share this for Just £997. This even includes 2 x 30min coaching session, I really want you to be successful with this. So click below and order your copy now !
WHATS INCLUDED • 2 x 30 min Discovery Meeting • Creation of 1 ad for Facebook & • Instagram