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OurPact is available on Android and iPhone.



is an app for android or iPhone in which parents are able to control what times their children are able to access messages and social media apps. Although children often oppose to the use of Ourpact, there are major concerns in society about the over exposure of children to social media targeted towards adults. The app is particularly useful for when children are in the school environment, as access can be restricted to prevent children from using their phones whilst in class. The app is free to download and you can get a fourteen day trail of each type of membership for the app but costs a varied monthly fee depending on what access to the app you need.


Reflectly is a diary app in which you can log your daily thoughts. This app is especially useful during this difficult time and feels like an act of self-care in our ever-busy lives. It allows you to clearly define the lows and highs of your day, along with the ability to upload photos, a rating system for each day and inspirational audio. Choose to use the seven-day free trial or sign up for a monthly membership for less than £8 per month or an annual fee of £37. This app is available on iPhone and Android through the app store or google play store.

The Google Drive

This app is excellent for storing and managing folders and files of large sizes. With large amounts of free storage available, you can edit, store and collaborate on documents with other users. Basically, it is the free online versions of Microsoft Office apps, such as Excel, Word, Powerpoint. It is a free app until you require more than 15GB of data. You will need an outlook account to get started but once you have, this is an excellent tool to help keep organised and to enhance collaboration on group projects.

Zombies Run

Zombies Run is an excellent app to help motivate you to exercise in these trying times. This app runs with a fully immersive story, including sound effects of zombies chasing you. It provides great motivation to run fast, especially if you fear the living dead as much as me! What I love about this app is that you are able to combine your own workout playlists that give you the drive to run alongside the story. The app is well designed, and acts as a sort of audio-book and step counter. It is free to use for the first couple of weeks that you use the app, after week 3 there are options to buy the app to unlock the rest of the content. For £5.49 per month, you can be advert free, and view all the game modes with unlimited access to Zombies, Run! 5k training and The Walk.


This app is an oldie but a fundamentally very useful app to have for all you music lovers out there. It is excellent for those tricky moments when you hear an amazing song on the radio and you don’t catch the name of it, usually you would let it go into the abyss of song names you will never know, but with Shazam no more! The app identifies the song name and artist with just a short sample of the song. It is free to use and features no pesky adverts!


The track and trace app is a useful to have at the moment, and allows the user to sign into track and trace in venues via QR codes. I find this app a lot easier and time saving rather than manually signing into track and trace for each venue you enter. The app is conveniently laid out, and easy to use. You can also check symptoms on this app, and tick each one that applies. This app also sends the user notifications to notify if you have been in contact with people with COVID and gives advice on how to deal with the situation if it occurs. It is a free app that is available on Android on Google Play Store or through iPhone and the App store.

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