Waterski Journal N°11 x Radar

Page 62



j o u r n a l


Do you remember your first ski ? Not the first one you skied on, or the one a friend shared with you for a while I mean the first ski you really owned I remember mine A Radar Strada that Eric Franc, my father-in-law gave me when he noticed my new passion: following his daughter Ambre Franc to ski lakes around the world

This moment started my relationship with Radar ski company Fast forward a few years When I started Waterski Nation I had no clue Radar Skis would become my first major supporter Brooks Wilson, Radar brand manager, was the first person in the industry to take notice of my efforts, and truly support the project Naturally, when he asked me if we could work on a Waterski Journal focusing on the history of Radar, I did not hesitate The extra bonus for me was being able to work on this with a legend of the sport and former Editor of the Waterski Magazine : Trent Finlayson

Many thanks to my Radar family for trusting Trent and I with this project Let's dive into Radar's world !

Me and my Strada July 4th, 2014

Chris Rossi

Waterski Journal N°11











31TeamRadar-Thefamilythatbuilt thebrand














Herb O'Brien creates O'brien Herb O'Brien creates HO skis Herb O'Brien digs Radar Lake in Woodinville, Washington Herb O'Brien creates Radar Skis Herb and Matt Rini discuss the future Andy Mapple starts designing skis with O'Brien Herb O'Brien starts experiencing ski design, changing bevels, sidecuts and introducing concave



Introduction of the StradaBrooks Wilson joins Radar


Whitney McClintock-Rini wins World Championships in Slalom,Trick

Overall and Team


Herb passed away and joined waterskier paradise

Major move to a new warehouse facility -

Joel Poland sets Overall World Record & wins Overall World Championships Brooks Wilson is named Global VP of Radar Skis



The Vapor is born


2017 Introduction of PMI foam

Introduction of bio resin



Herb Obrien, largely considered the Godfather of modern waterskiing had done it all by 2005. From discovering the grip and control of a concave base on his hand-built wooden skis in the 1960’s under his iconic O’Brien label, to introducing the world's first compression-molded wakeboard under his second flagship company, HO Sports and Hyperlite Wakeboards. Herb, however, had one more box to check: he wanted to design a ski with the greatest skier of all time, Andy Mapple, and quench his creative thirst with one final company. Herb has been gone for a few years now, but you can't step foot into our offices, or take a set on Radar Lake without feeling his presence...And we are grateful for that. Thanks Herb.


DNAAndy Mapple

Like O’Brien, 6-time World Champion, Andy Mapple is synonymous with performance and design excellence As such, Herb longed to pick Andy's brain, and collaborate on a high-performance slalom ski The best skier in the world, and the most storied ski designer in the history of the sport would unite to form what would become the origins of Radar Waterskis The MPD, Mapple Pro Design, was the starting point for Radar Skis in 2006, and the DNA of that Mapple/O’Brien design is still evident 17 years later


Chris Sullivan

As much as the Radar concept was based around an Andy Mapple design, O’Brien assigned Chris Sullivan to lead the the company Serving as Brand Manager (as he previously had for Herb at HO) Sullivan was afforded a blank slate and full creative control to shape the vision of the fledgling company “Overnight we went from this huge brand at HO, to a small group of guys with one ski an idea, and unyielding passion,” Chris remembers While Herb and Andy were putting the finishing touches on the MPD, Chris had an idea that Radar should be a binding company “Herb started HO with an innovative binding idea, and I knew that was where I wanted to turn my focus for this company I wanted a boot that fit your foot similar to how any other performance footwear would So we needed to completely shift our understanding of what a water ski binding should be ”

The MPD boot would become the first binding to be built around a size-specific anatomical last (an aluminum cast of a lower leg and foot) resulting in comfort and fit never-before experienced in water skiing A closed toe hardshell-hybrid, the MPD boot was the first of the Radar Footwear lineage It shook the industry, and its roots are still evident within the current line of Radar bindings

DNA Eddie Roberts

Eddie...His name is synonymous with Radar Skis, as it had been for years with HO before Radar's inception in 2006. Eddie was everyone's go-to guy, their connection to the industry, everyone's friend. As Herb O’Brien’s right-hand man Eddie carefully honed his craft, becoming one of the most sought-after ski builders in the industry. Serving as product manager, Eddie oversaw production and managed R&D for Radar's design team. More than that however, Eddie had the innate ability to connect the company to customer. Everyone knew Eddie, everyone loved him, and we as a family, miss him everyday.

DNA C h r i s R o s s i

Herb was the type of guy that was incredibly open to ideas, but you had to grab his attention quickly “I felt like you had about 60 seconds to get your point across,” Chris Rossi fondly recalls “If you could demonstrate that you had conviction in your ideas, he would hear you out.”

When it was decided that Herb O’Brien was to sell HO Skis to start Radar, he needed a point person to lead his pro team, and Chris Rossi was eager to take that spot. “The opportunity to get into this company on the ground floor, to work with both Andy Mapple and Herb O'Brien was a no-brainer for me,” Chris recalls “Our work on the previous HO shape was going in a direction I was excited about, so to keep this core group intact, and add Andy to the equation was a dream come true We were so small initially, just a tight-knit group of skiers and thinkers, backed by Herb’s vision and drive "

"It immediately set the tone; we were the Skiers’ Company ” Rossi would quickly move into the role of lead designer with his 2010 creation, the Strada “When Herb gave me the reigns to create the Strada, I had so much to learn,” Chris admits He knew what he wanted the ski to do, but he needed to learn the mathematics involved in combining the different aspects of his design work “I had done design work with Goode in the past, and moving forward through the MPD, into the Strada, I had a concrete idea of what I was looking for ” Engineering roadblocks were quickly analyzed and circumvented through thousands of hours of computer-aided trial and error “In my mind, I just needed to make the impossible, possible Seemed simple enough ” From his initial Strada to the current Vapor shape, Chris Rossi has consistently produced some of the most heralded shapes and designs in the industry

"Even at the later stages of his life, he was always trying to learn from those around him,” Matt recalls “He was such an empowering mentor, there was no way I was going to consider working for someone else ” Spending as much time in the boat as anyone in the industry, Matt’s mission within the company echoes Herb’s longstanding mantra: design and build better products, at any cost, period


Matt Rini

“I have a Masters degree in water skiing, not in business,” Radar design team leader and World Champion coach Matt Rini laughs “When Herb invited me to Radar Lake in the winter of 2005 to discuss my potential future with his new company, the fiscal details were the last thing on my mind ” The band was staying together, Herb, Chris Sullivan, Chris Rossi; and with the addition of Andy Mapple, Rini knew following Herb into this new company was his opportunity to take his design work and his coaching to the next level. “Herb was an amazing leader, all he asked for was attention to detail, and unbending truth, even if your opinions didn’t always mesh with his ideas.

“I think I’m a bit like Herb in that way, I obsess over it, every detail Whether it’s big picture, like a bevel shape or altered outline, or something that lies in the details, like a lace material or boot liner density I want my athletes to have exactly what they need to achieve their best ” Trying to achieve what was once thought impossible is what guides Rini “I watch people run 41’ off almost every single day; I know what is required, and I want to help create the perfect tool to help push these skiers even further ”

“I watch people run 41’ off almost every single day; I know what is required, and I want to help create the perfect tool to help push these skiers even further.”

Brooks Wilson


“Im a storyteller, a marketing guy at heart, but none of that means a thing if you aren’t 100% passionate about bringing innovative product to market.”

“Im a storyteller, a marketing guy at heart, but none of that means a thing if you aren’t 100% passionate about bringing innovative product to market.” Brooks Wilson, Radar Brand manager shares the mantra that Herb O’brien breathed into Radar Skis from day one: “the product defines us; all the fun marketing stuff aside, we are shaped by the on-water experience our customers have using every piece of the products we create ”

“It was just something I wanted to be a part of from the beginning, there was just such an energy surrounding the company,” Brooks recalls of the company’s early days After being recruited by Chris Sullivan in the spring of 2010, both Brooks and his brother, K C were signed as team athletes and ambassadors "It was what we always hoped a team could be Everyone had this real sense of investment in the company and its future "

In 2016, Brooks was promoted to Global VP, transitioning from team skier into a role in which his creative attention to detail would touch every aspect of the company. “Frontiers are where you find them. That was my initial campaign, and I felt it represented my transition into this position, Brooks remembers. “It was like I was being given the keys to biggest, coolest kingdom; Herb, Sully and the crew had created something so inspiring, something I revered, so I couldn’t screw it up ” Brooks’ inaugural effort would prove to be a resounding success: the 2018 Vapor released in August of 2017 to widespread acclaim “That immediately put me at ease and gave me confidence in this role It’s so energizing working with our Radar crew Every person from our team of athletes to everyone in-house has an emotional attachment to this company; there is such a collective passion Its rooted in our DNA ”

Whitney McClintockRini

Whitney McClintockRini

At this stage of your career, multiple World Titles, Moomba titles, US Open wins, a World Record, is there anything left you need to accomplish, one last box to check?

The question didn’t hang in the air, no pregnant pause, no contemplation It’s like Whitney McClintock, one of the most decorated athletes in the history of our sport was waiting for the question “Yes, run 41’ ” No explanation, no qualifying prologue Just an assured, confident, excited declarative response

‘Total Assuredness.’ It's not something I can force, it’s something I need to create. It’s about having a complete trust in the process and knowing that I will be satisfied with the result.

“Growing up, I had coaches and mentors attempt to explain to me that skiing didn’t really matter in the big picture, I just didn’t understand what they meant. I probably didn’t want to understand it at the time,” Whitney reflects. As a member of the Canadian National Team since her early teenage years, her pursuit of the sport served as her singular focus, the gravity that kept her grounded. “I used to be such a cutthroat competitor,” she remembers, “keeping my competitors at arm’s length, only letting a select few inside a tightly guarded circle ” From an outsider’s perspective, it served her well She quickly found and maintained a level of success that will leave an historic, indelible mark on the annals of the sport A 7-time World Champion and former World Record holder, McClintock reflects fondly upon her career to this point; but, you can hear the joy in her voice when she states: “waterskiing itself really doesn’t matter I get it now

"This whole journey has been one of personal growth; and, I realize now, it’s the process that I love, the process of trying and failing, working and achieving It has positively shaped my life as a whole; I recognize that now Even if my career hadn’t gone the way it has, if I didn’t see the level of success I’ve enjoyed, I’d still love it all the same ” Finding this level of assuredness has transformed the way Whitney exists within the sport Her circle has grown, its boundaries softened She now finds true joy in celebrating her competitors and is far more comfortable with her own occasional competitive shortcoming When history was made at the 2021 Malibu Open, with the top four women all posting scores into 41’ off, Whitney found herself more absorbed in her competitors achievements than focusing on her own expectations “I had never felt that kind excitement and pride for what someone else was accomplishing on the water before Watching skier after skier run 39’ the excitement grew, but it wasn’t adding any additional pressure on me I honestly knew everything was going to go as it had been planned I knew then, that’s when things had changed for me ”

Whitney has found a new measuring stick for defining success, relating to her ability to find that competitive state of ‘total assuredness ’ “Its not something I can force,” Whitney says of finding her ideal competitive zone, “it's something I need to create It’s about having a complete trust in the process and knowing that I will be satisfied with the result ” In reflection of the 2021 World Championships, finishing 11th in the slalom event after a crash in the preliminary round that left her with a concussion and a severe injury to her eye, Whitney still defines the event as a success

“I had never felt better standing on the starting dock, I felt such a sense of calm on the water I was in the perfect state, but God simply had a different plan for me that day ” Defining success by her trust in the process and her sense of belief on competition day has allowed Whitney to continue to earn titles and crowns, but they no longer consume her Her training, her travel and her successes are now accompanied by her family, Husband and coach Matt, and three year-old son, Zane “This new phase of my life has given me real balance, and an appreciation for what is truly important to me ”

The Women’s World Slalom Record has been on the 41’ off loop since 1996, arduously inching its way forward to the current record of 4 5 buoys, held by Regina Jaquess Whitney held the World Record in 2012 as the mark has moved closer and closer to 43’ off “I know I can do it,” Whitney says of running 41’ off in a tournament “I’ve been running it in practice, so I know my time is approaching ” All it will take is a shift in perspective “ Matt and I have agreed, if this this the most important goal at the moment, it’s time to double-down and make it happen No more laying up, and no more S-turns to be safe ” With the process soundly in place, I would hate to bet against the potential of Whitney McClintock and her calmly stated goal



Andy Mapple

What can we say...The Greatest of All Time. We love him, we miss him. He helped launch this ship, and he is never far from our thoughts.

Matt Rini

The cornerstone of Radar skis since its inception, Matt is a pivotal part of the production process. Our King of R&D, every product we design makes its way into the hands of Matt Rini where he ensures it’s going to make your skiing experience better.

Chris Rossi

Radar Team leader since day one.

Chief Ski Designer and team legend, Rossi has stood atop pro podiums and shaped skiing for decades. Husband, father, four-seasons shredder, Rossi now passionately revolutionizes the ski industry by building better water skis year after year.

Chris Sullivan

in 2006 Sully greased the tracks, and we haven't slowed down yet. Skier, innovator, mentor and friend; Chris took a ski, an idea, and fostered a young company into a family. Simply, Radar would not be what it is today without his vision and passion.

Aaron Larkin

Larkin was a part of the original crew of Radar athletes. A former world #1, Larkin made his fame by stringing together a series of wins at the Australian Moomba Masters. He's also one a small handful of skiers to work his way through 41 Off at 34MPH.

Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore was headlining the Radar team during its defining phase, 2006-2010. Radar was establishing its identity while TMo was establishing a new method of making skiing look effortless, through his unique series of efficient movements. Still to this day, Moore is on the short list of skiers people most wish they could emulate.

Ian Trapp

From 2006 to 2009, Ian Trapp was leading the junior charge for the Radar Team. Winning World titles in both the Jr and U21 fields, Trapp brought his laid back Cali cool to every team event.

Trent Finlayson

Trent is the dude everybody wants in the boat while they ski. He’ll make you laugh and make you a better skier in a total of 7 words. He's a World champion, a National Record holder, and the voice behind the Spraymaker's podcast.

Whitney McClintock-Rini

Another one of the Radar Athletes that has been around since day one, Whitney McClintock is a mother, a champion, and The First Lady of Radar.

Paige Rini

Paige has literally been on the Radar Team for the greater part of her life. Since 2006 Paige has been a part of the brand. Through her numerous junior accolades, and on to the podium at the 2021 Elite World Championships, we wouldn't be a family without her.

Brooks Wilson

Team athlete since 2010, Brooks took his focus and drive in the slalom course and let it loose on the entire company. Now Global VP of Radar Skis, Brooks has a passion to bring skiing to the masses. He's leaving an indelible mark upon the sport through his unique creative process and his unbending determination to make products that supersede conventional approach.

K.C. Wilson

World Champion, Jr Masters Champion, K.C. joined team Radar in 2010 as the younger half of The Wilson Bros duo. The Prince as he’s been dubbed turns heads with every turn he makes. No more flowing locks but he still makes running 39 look like a walk in the park on any given day.

Stephen Neveu

Big Nev joined the team in 2010, as the most inexperienced, yet insanely talented shredder we had ever met. Experience would soon follow. With a handful of pro titles to his name, the Canadian was hard to keep off pro podiums in 2022.

Jakob Bogne

Jakob has been part of our crew since 2016. While he has always been stacked with talent, the last few seasons he's made sure his competitors take notice. The 2022 season found Jakob in multiple pro finals, with a 4th place finish at the Swiss Pro.

Joel Poland

Joining the team in 2012, we quickly learned two indisputable facts: Joel Poland is the most talented person we've ever seen ride a waterski, and he's also the weirdest.

Jason "JMac" McClintock

Brought onto the team as a fresh-faced grom in 2006, JMac spent his career on Radar Skis. The current Canadian National Record holder (5@41') Jason balances life on the water with his life as a Dad and coach.

Corey Vaughn

Buoy Wonder has been the loose cannon on the team since 2017. Just when you think you’ve got him figured out he switches it up and keeps you on your toes. Running 41, chasing his young son around the lake, and teaching future champs is his daily routine.

Jamie Calhoun

Team Radar since 2016, Jamie Calhoun is our newest tall Canadian to make waves at the World level. 2021 U21 World Championship runner-up, Jamie is the technician. Always searching, always learning.

Cole Giacopuzzi

Team member since 2014, Cole (alter-ego Jacob) is our West Coast sleeper. He's been running 39's for years, and he's only just scratching the surface of where he intends to take it.

Johan Efverstrom

Johan has been a part of our fold since 2010. A Swedish National record holder, Johan is a giant on the water, with a personality to match.

Tools to set up your fin before your set!

A beautiful buoy is what you want to turn each and every day!


Sunshield top saved my skin more than once!

My Radar Picks

Blue and white Vapor Pro Build is off the chart! Most beautiful ski out there

A are my favorites They are not kevlar, so I feel a softer touch of the handle

Ski binding that I haven't tried yet, but would love to

Cool socks to show the outside world a waterskier can pull them off

Being on the water is fun no matter what you're on; from riding a badass Kneeboard to enjoying a tube session with a friend I take both, every weekend of the year!

Travel bag and ski bag, a must for every skier because we all travel around the world to visit other lakes

My dog, Snoopy, can be a cool Radar athlete too!

Never forget my keys anymore

Slalom skier of the month Stephen Neveu

WJ - How old were you when you started skiing?

SN - I think I was 5 when I first got up on skis

WJ - Where do you ski now?

SN - Since moving to Houston I now do most of my skiing at Lakes of Katy.

WJ - How many set per week?

SN - I try to ski 2-3 sets a week. If things aren’t too crazy at work, I’ll sneak a set mid week and then usually ski once or twice over the weekend.

WJ - Do you have a favorite course?

SN - Radar Lake: One of the OG ski lakes, big beautiful PNW trees/ views, the home of Radar Skis and it’s also where I asked my fiancé to marry me!

WJ - Best waterski memory?

SN - Winning the U21 World Championship. This was my first time winning an event at pretty much the premier level. Most of the guys in the finals are now on the Pro Tour. It was a pretty competitive event and to win it got me hungry for more!

WJ - Favorite tournament ?

SN - The ones I ski well at! ��

WJ - Worst memory? You can choose, funny or serious hah!

SN - That might have to be the 2019 World Championship I felt that I prepared really well for the event and, I was in a really good place physically and mentally Unfortunately things didn’t go my way Missing the finals and letting down my Canadian teammates really bummed me out. Luckily they didn’t need my help and we still pulled out the Gold in the team event… not a bad way to end that trip!

WJ - Favorite training partner?

SN - My dad

WJ - Your ultimate goal?

SN - Become World champion

WJ - Best set up? (lake, time of the day, boat, driver, ski)

SN - An early Saturday morning at my families lake cabin in Alberta. My Dad behind the wheel of our MC ProStar with our ski buddies in the boat still a little groggy from a late night. Floating course with water that has a decent roll to it from all the wake boats from the day before. Of course riding the latest Radar Vapor. Maybe not the “best technical set up ever”, but by far my most favorite haha!

WJ - What is your objective for this season ?

SN - Main goal for this season is to be competitive at each event, put up some big scores and hopefully beat everyone else at the same time!


Jumper of the month Joel Poland

WJ - How old were you when you started skiing?

JP - Too young to remember, but definitely under 7, the 1st time I hit a ramp was around 12

WJ - Where do you ski now?

JP - Matt Rini's ski school, Orlando, Florida

WJ - How many set per week?

JP - I’m averaging 1 jump set a day, 6x a week. depending on the time of season

WJ - Best waterski memory?

JP - A slalom set with my dad and Matt last January The sun was shining, water was glass & I don’t think we talked about skiing As a jumper winning the master

WJ - Favorite tournament?

JP - Moomba or Worlds

WJ - Favorite place to ski?

JP - Matt Rinis for training, Xtreme gene for pleasure

WJ - Worst memory? You can choose, funny or serious hah!

JP - A set full of fear. When I jump, the fear factor is present, but I’m in control of it. But this 1 set, the wind was a little gusty. A couple skiers before me a jumper took a stack & I was considering not skiing (tournament situation). I put the skis on anyway and took all 3 jumps. But that fear stuck with me the whole set, I was timid and I felt it stopped me from winning. The reason this is my worst memory is because I usually get a concussion from my crashes & I don’t remember them.

WJ - Favorite training partner?

JP - Lone wolf I train with me, against me But I always enjoy a set with Fred Winter or the Radar crew

WJ - Your ultimate goal?

JP - To win it all, against them all

WJ - Best set up? (lake, time of the day, boat, driver, ski)

JP - 7mph head wind & goodmans on my feet

WJ - What is your objective for next season ?

JP - As a jumper, win As a person, enjoy the day to day


Tricker of the month Paige Rini

WJ - How old were you when you started skiing?

PR - 2 years old

WJ - Where do you ski now?

PR - Matt Rini’s waterski school, Orlando, Florida

WJ - How many set per week?

PR - 15 sets 5 of each event

WJ - Do you have a favorite course?

PR - Hobe sound

WJ - Best waterski memory?

PR - Getting 3rd at the Worlds in overall

WJ - Favorite tournament?

PR - The Masters

WJ - Worst memory? You can choose, funny or serious hah!

PR - Falling on my first trick at U21 world 2019.

WJ - Favorite training partner?

PR - Robert Pigozzi

WJ - Your ultimate goal?

PR - Being a world champion

WJ - Best set up? (lake, time of the day, boat, driver, ski)

PR - Home lake, morning, ski nautique, dad driving

WJ - What is your objective for this season ?

PR - Place at pro events and be a world champion!

CONTACT subscription available on www waterskination com greg@waterskination com IG: @waterski nation Editor Gregoire Desfond Trent Finlayson Corrector Trent Finlayson Contributors Brooks Wilson / Jason Lee / Matt Rini / Whitney McClintock-Rini / Paige Rini / Joel Poland Stephen Neveu / Chris Rossi Waterski Journal is edited by Amber Lake Management 42B avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris France +33 6 78 26 38 21 Printed by Printoclock 229 Rte de Seysses, 31100 Toulouse, France

Thanks to

everybody that took part one way or another to make this Waterski Journal #11 edition BUT

First of them all, Brooks Wilson for supporting me from day one and trusting me in the process of making this special edition

And close second is my partner in this edition, none other than Trent Finlayson! An amazing experience to work with them two

Also, he supported me with the magazine and on the water, the great Matt Rini. Without whom, I'd probably be stuck on a longer line See you on the golf course buddy!


Thank you to all the Radar crew and athletes

Joel Poland

Paige Rini

Whitney McClintock-Rini

Jason McClintock

K.C. Wilson

Stephen Neveu

Jakob Bogne

Chris Rossi

Chris Sullivan

Aaron Larkin

Thomas Moore

Ian Trapp

Corey Vaughn

Jamie Calhoun

Cole Giacopuzzi

Johan Efverstrom

In Memory of Herb O'Brien & Andy Mapple

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