50 years of canal cruising experience. The perfect family holiday that brings the English countryside alive plus the excitement and adventure of boating! 3 & 4 day Weekend and Midweek breaks. Also week, ten day & longer cruises
A warm welcome to everyone who is joining us at the Inland Waterways Association’s 2024 Canalway Cavalcade. Enjoy the sunshine (hopefully), enjoy the atmosphere (definitely) and enjoy each other’s company whether boaters, walkers, exhibitors or just those passing through this lovely area of London.
It is also a good time to stop and think. All these beautiful boats and happy people are making use of a historic asset which needs to be nurtured and supported. Millions of hours of volunteers’ time, enthusiastically given, has been utilised over many years to maintain and restore our waterways network. IWA is proud of its role in promoting restoration and in campaigning to achieve a lasting and magnificent waterways legacy for future generations.
MIKE WILLS IWA National ChairHow can you help? Well firstly, make the most of your experience at Cavalcade and tell others about it. Secondly, a common call on everyone’s lips, donate some money. Perhaps even more importantly, consider donating some time to IWA. Why not become a member and enjoy the companionship and enthusiasm of those who have helped make this event possible? There are opportunities to gain hands on experience of waterway restoration, or maybe just to offer your experience, knowledge, and skills to the many areas in which we are engaged. Come and talk to us today.
There is a campaign: Fund Britain’s Waterways, which is backed by over 125 waterways organisations. We hope that your voice and support can help us to convince our politicians to look again at their financial contribution towards supporting our waterways. The result of such investment is obvious, you would think, as who would not welcome the economic, health and environmental benefits that our waterways bring and should continue to bring to us all?
But my main message today, as well as thanking all the volunteers who make Cavalcade possible, is simply for everyone to have fun and to appreciate the boats, stalls, people, and waterways environment.
I am delighted to welcome you, along with thousands of others from London and beyond, who will visit Canalway Cavalcade 2024 this weekend. I hope you will have a wonderful experience and find a new appreciation of all that the waterways can bring to our daily lives.
This is a volunteer organised and run event and the Cavalcade team has been working hard over the past year to transform Little Venice and the surrounding area into a unique celebration and spectacle to showcase the richness of Britain’s waterways.
There really is something for everyone over the weekend and I encourage you to visit the information stands, the food stalls, the beer tent, as well as the many exhibitors and stallholders right across the event site.
PAUL RODGERS Chair, IWA Canalway Cavalcade CommitteeThe UK’s waterway network with its boats, businesses and buildings is not only a valuable part of our national heritage but is a constantly evolving neighbourhood, both for those living on the canal and the increasing numbers who live in the communities that are developing around our canals in urban areas. Right here in Little Venice, Paddington Basin, and Merchant Square our waterways offer an experience that blends an oasis of calm with all the modern bustle of one of the busiest cities in the world.
Our theme for this year is Funding Britain’s Waterways and, whilst we can enjoy the wonder of the waterways here in London and across the country today, our message is clear: insufficient funding for our waterways is risking all that we have achieved through the good work of The Inland Waterways Association and its partners over the past 75 years.
I urge you to support and donate generously to the work of this charity and volunteer-led event, and support the vital work of all those who have made the waterways what they are today.
Thank you for joining us this weekend. I hope your time at Canalway Cavalcade will encourage you to explore our waterways, not just in and around London but across the country.
Fund Britain’s Waterways (FBW) is a coalition of organisations representing hundreds of thousands of waterways supporters FBW is calling on the government to act now to protect the public benefit and natural capital of our waterways
Since launching at the end of June 2023, the group has created an impressive coalition of over 125 member organisations, including the Inland Waterways Association FBW also launched a public petition which has attracted over 50,000 signatures
Campaign Cruises in Birmingham, Gloucester and Westminster last year helped to raise awareness about the campaign and FBW has plenty more events planned for 2024
In addition to the FBW events taking place this year, the topic of “Funding Britain’s Waterways” has been chosen as the theme for IWA’s Canalway Cavalcade in a bid to highlight the funding challenges facing our canals and rivers
Visit the IWA Marquee to learn more about the campaign or head over to the FBW website to see how you can help in the fight to #FundBritainsWaterways
With your help, our canals and rivers will stand a better chance of securing desperately needed funding.
A weekend of action is currently taking place to highlight the impact of insufficient funding on Britain’s canals and rivers.
The nationwide event has been taking place on waterways managed by different navigation authorities It coincides with our annual Canalway Cavalcade, which is themed on Fund Britain’s Waterways this year.
Boaters are invited to join a Campaign Cruise past the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 8th May, as the culmination of the May Day Bank Holiday weekend of action
Parliamentarians will be encouraged to view the event and express their support for the waterways.
FBW would appreciate as many people as possible gathering on Westminster Bridge for 1 00pm on 8th May to show their support for the Fund Britain’s Waterways campaign
Share your photos using #CanalwayCavalcade
Throughout the weekend there will be activities for children to enjoy in the gardens. Wild over Waterways (WoW) will be in the tent throughout the weekend with a wide varie of activities for children to enjoy. On Sunday, there will also be face painting, ‘Bubble of Fun’, storytime with Marisa Knight and the Teddy Bears’ Picnic which will take place at 3pm in the a ernoon. Marisa will be reading om her books about Mon and Dart - Montgomery and Dartington – who live on Blomfield Road, overlooking the pool of Li le Venice. The characters have adventures both locally and in the ci . Copies of the books will also be available to buy. Storytime will be at 11am on Sunday.
Pirate Castle*:
The Pirate Castle is a communi boating chari located a stone’s throw om Camden Lock and Camden Market. Throughout the weekend there will be activities on and around ‘Pirate Prince’, moored by the Paddington towpath. On Saturday and Sunday, ‘Come and Try’ kayaking sessions will take place and throughout the weekend they will have arts and cra s sessions on board ‘Pirate Prince’ including making pirate boats and hats.
*See What’s Happening? on pp.13-15 for timing
Royal National Lifeboat Institution*:
There have been lifeboats stationed around the coast of Britain for 200 years, the anniversary of which we are celebrating in 2024. Many of you will have seen the programme ‘Saving Lives at Sea’ on television. In 2022, we celebrated having lifeboats on the River Thames for 20 years. These are at Teddington, Chiswick, Tower and Gravesend and they came about as a result of the Marchioness inquiry. Members of the crew and other volunteers will be here on the Paddington towpath to teach children and adults about water safe including correct use of throw lines and lifejackets. There will also be other children’s educational activities. They will be running a lifejacket ‘clinic’ where you can bring your lifejackets to be checked. Replacement cylinders and activators will be available on sale.
Puppet Barge*:
Puppet Barge is located on the north side of The Pool, access is om Blomfield Road. This year’s programme is ‘Suitcase Circus’. Meet Wobulous Discombobulous, the anarchic sock, as he presents a lineup of extraordinarily talented performing objects with unique and captivating storylines.
Suitcase Circus features the most unlikely of performers including the world’s only acrobatic potato sack, a daredevil ski glove, an incredible dancing milkshake straw, the hypnotic tie snake Windsor Knot, and the lovable yet bizarre magical Mexican hat Timrek. Duration: 50 minutes, no interval.
Scan the QR code to book tickets for £10. Suitable for ages 5+, performances at 11am and 2pm each day.
*See What’s Happening? on pp.13-15 for timing
Alarum Productions*:
As a theatre company, Alarum celebrates real life stories of women on the canals and is passionate about restoring women’s voices to their rightful place in history. They achieve this through thoroughly researched and accurately presented performances, publications, and audio recordings. They bring entertaining, informative and a ordable performances to venues.
Throughout the weekend, Alarum will hold several performances including:
• Saturday 6pm: Rats, Ropes and Revolution
• Sunday 6pm: Ramlin Rose - the Boatwoman’s Story
• Monday 14.30pm: Together with WoWGrowing up on a boat 1920s s le
The Widgeon Theatre Boat, a historical canal cargo-carrying coal boat built in 1937 - having moved across the British waterways carrying grit, coal and gravel - now carries art, theatre and music. Partnering with the Art Council of England, Widgeon moves om place to place staging communi , local and celebrated artists.
Saturday, 4th MAY (All times and locations are subject to change)
12:00-13:00 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (1 hour) Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
12:30 Storytelling Rembrandt Gardens
13:00 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
13:30-14:30 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (1 hour) Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
13:30 Storytelling Rembrandt Gardens
13:30 Opening Ceremony On the Horsebridge, overlooking the Pool
14:00-15:00 Pageant of Boats Starts in the Pool
14:00 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
14:30 Storytelling Rembrandt Gardens
14:45 Jazz in the Pool On the Pontoon in the Pool
15:00-17:00 Music on the Wharf with Mandolin Mondays Stone Wharf Bar Marquee
15:00 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
15:00-16:00 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (1 hour) Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
15:30 Storytelling Rembrandt Gardens
16:00 Jazz in the Pool On the Pontoon in the Pool
16:00 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
16:30-17:15 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (45 minutes) Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
17:00 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
18:00 Alarum Theatre - Rats, Ropes and Revolution Rembrandt Gardens Marquee
19:30-22:30 Cavalcade Variety Show - for boaters, volunteers, and their friends & families Stone Wharf Bar Marquee
Sunday, 5th May
8:00 Communion Service - Led by Parish of Little Venice Stone Wharf Bar Marquee
10:00 Multi Denominational Service Stone Wharf Bar Marquee
11:00-12:30 Boat Handling Competition (Part 1) In the Pool
11:00 Storytime with Monty and Dart of Little Venice Rembrandt Gardens Marquee
11:30 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
12:00-14:15 Circus Skills Rembrandt Gardens
12:00-13:00 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (1 hour)
Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
12:30 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
12:45 Blessing of Boats & the Waters of Little Venice Starts in the Pool (Horsebridge)
13:30-14:30 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (1 hour)
Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
13:30 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
13:30 Jazz in the Pool On the Pontoon in the Pool
14:00-14:45 Puppet Show Rembrandt Gardens
14:30 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
15:00 Teddy Bears' Picnic with Click Rembrandt Gardens
15:00-16:00 Boat Handling Competition (Part 2) In the Pool
15:00-16:00 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (1 hour) Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
15:00-17:00 Music on the Wharf with Mandolin Mondays Stone Wharf Bar Marquee
15:30 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
16:15-17:00 Puppet Show Rembrandt Gardens
16:00 Jazz in the Pool On the Pontoon in the Pool
16:30-17:15 Paddlesport with Pirates (45 minutes) Paddington Basin
16:30-17:15 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (45 minutes) Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
18:00 Alarum Theatre - Ramlin Rose – A Boatwoman’s Story Rembrandt Gardens Marquee
21:00-22:30 Procession of Illuminated Boats In the Pool
Monday, 6th May
11:00-12:30 Boat Handling Competition (Part 3) In the Pool
12:00-13:00 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (1 hour) Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
12:00-12:45 Puppet Show Rembrandt Gardens
12:40-14:00 Circus Skills Rembrandt Gardens
13:00 Awards Ceremony On the Horsebridge overlooking the Pool
13:30 Jazz in the Pool On the Pontoon in the Pool
13:30-14:30 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (1 hour)
Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
14:00-14:45 Puppet Show Rembrandt Gardens
14:30 Alarum Theatre with WoW - Growing up on a boat 1920s style Rembrandt Gardens Marquee
14:45-15:30 Circus Skills Rembrandt Gardens
15:00 Jazz in the Pool On the Pontoon in the Pool
15:00-15:45 Arts & Crafts with Pirates (45 minutes)
Cavalcade works with Westminster schools to stimulate an interest in their local waterways, an underused resource which can inspire ideas for creative work and relaxation. Pupils are provided with the opportunity to showcase their artwork and written work during Cavalcade, work which would not usually be seen outside of a school setting.
The participating schools welcome the opportunity for their work to be displayed to the large audience of Cavalcade visitors; many proud children and young people bring their families to see their work on display. Please support IWA’s efforts to encourage our younger generation to become involved in waterways activities by visiting the exhibition; you will not be disappointed! The exhibition is on the Paddington Towpath this year which is close to the curly silver footbridge.
Aboard Pirate Prince, Paddington Basin
Standing Statues
Toilets Accessible Toilet
Activities for Children
Waterspace Office
Sanitary Station and Boaters’ Toilets
Exit and Entrance
Courtney Banks
Dicks Folly
Purple Emperor
Velvet Morning
Winter Lily
Ben Gorton
Hillingdon Narrowboats
Pirate Castle
Slash Arts
Doris Katia
Duck Down
Lazy Days
Little Layla
Paper Moon
Sprig O Willow
The Crafty Dragon
Annie & Walt
Augusta Badger
Donela Too
Flora Dora
Hallmark Henry II
Kathleen Margaret
Lady Blatherwick
Musbee Dreaming
Speedwell No 2
Spuyten Duyvel
Tara Rose
The Last Farthing
Wild Garlic
Art MKT - crochet and amigurumis based on Mexican roots
Button Bank - fair trade gifts from Nepal including purses, bags, keyrings & brooches. Hand decorated coasters. Buttons for all types of crafts. Hair bows & finger puppets.
Canal & River Trust - charity
Candle Powered Steamboats - candle powered steamboat toys
Inkas Crafts - authentic Peruvian crafts, including textiles, jewellery and more
Inland Waterways Association
Lacorine Ltd - clothing and accessories
MARKETianguis - vibrant textiles, lovely toys and unique jewellery, all crafted with care by talented artisans
Medusa, Wixi Ltd - stunning collection of handmade 925 silver and beautiful gemstones
MiniPrint Vintage - artwork, maps and gifts handcrafted from vintage postage stamps
Pepita Coffee - ground coffee and beans
Wax Hands - children’s arts and craft
Well Hung Hammocks - hammocks and copper items
WoodWoolWillow - handmade baskets, wooden gifts and craft demonstration
Ady’s Cards - 3D greetings cards, leather goods, tea towels and children’s books
Crazy Carrot Craft - hand painted glass items, magnets and plant decoration, novelty gifts, lucky dips, scrunchies and other hand sewn/ knitted fabric items
Handmade by Janet - glassware, woodware, jewellery, greetings cards, painted and decoupage
Jewel House Rocks - jewellery & accessories
Lake & Leisure Group
London Wildlife Trust - charity
Minimal List - full time liveaboard boaters who accidentally started making maps of the waterways network whilst cruising the integrated waterways system
Mixy Fandino - specialist providers of fair trade, handmade jewellery, handbags and accessories from Colombia
Paula UmmPixies - bright joyful designs as luxury home textiles, stationery and accessories using organic cotton, recycled paper stocks and vegan dyes
Sharon Stones - jewellery
We Gorgeous - jewellery made from recycled plastic bottles
WWF - wildlife charity
Bubble of Fun - children’s rides
Face Painting - face painting and festival designs
The Candy Floss, Popcorn & Confectionery Stall
Ariacra s - handmade goods om Peru and Ecuador
Bags n Bling - bags, socks, accessories
Exhibition of Art by Local Schools
Inland Waterways Association South London Branch’s Famous Waterway Game – buy a ticket for a chance to win a bo le
Pirate Castle - children’s activities
RNLI - chari
SEMON Cashmere - cashmere clothing
Biddall’s Funfair - children’s rides
Classy Art & Cra - wooden toys
Friends of St Mary’s Hospital - chari
Retail Therapy - jewellery and antiques
RSPB - chari
With A Love For Books
331G Liz Burrows - clothing, Hawaiian shirts, leather jackets
Steak, chicken, burgers, fries, calamari, breakfast
Thin crust 10”/12” pizzas
Caribbean Hut
Traditional Jamaican food freshly cooked on site with the aroma of the family favourites such as curry goat, rice and peas, chickpea curry and more. The charcoal BBQ (jerk pan) is at the centre of our cooking, filling the air with the marinated jerk chicken and jerk pork.
Churros Olé
Crêpe Royale
Authentic crêpes and Galettes de Saint-Malo
Harissa & Lemon
Moroccan food
Jervis Bars
Full range of beers, wines and spirits plus Pimm’s Bar
Greek souvlaki
Mr Bombay Indian street food
Quality Coffee for You
Unique coffee which is made manually using organic ingredients
The Real German Sausage Hot dogs
Candy Floss, Popcorn & Confectionery Stall WARWICK CRESCENT
Bakes by Fay
Homemade cakes and bakes
First Come First Served Ice cream van
Flo and Frankies Fudge Fudge and confectionery
Mama Lolly’s Sauces Hot sauces
Cakehole Cake Bakery
Delicious handmade cakes and doughnuts
First Come First Served Ice cream van
Mercanti Di Calabria Italian produce
Find us at the Canal & River Trust charity’s gazebo and find out how we are caring for our magnificent 2,000 mile-long network of canals, rivers, docks and reservoirs, looking after 250 years of history, helping nature to thrive and providing places that make people feel happier and healthier.
Our canals play host to all sorts of events and activities – from bat walks to boat trips; floating markets to festivals such as Canalway Cavalcade. For example, this summer you can head to the Crick Boat Show in Northamptonshire. Marvel at heritage boats at Braunston Historic Boat Rally 29-30 June. Get fishing at our Let’s Fish events taking place at locations around the country. Or head out for a stroll with our free local guides and maps.
Visit our website to discover more about your local canal and how you can support our charity as well as events and activities to enjoy:
Programme of Towpath Walks (Up to 20th October 2024)
Start time: 14:30
Normal charge: £20
Concessionary & Student rate: £15
Children aged 16 and over, accompanied by parents: £15
Children aged 8 – 15, accompanied by parents: £5
(Children under 8, accompanied by parents, go for ee)
Prior booking is strongly recommended. Please contact London Walks: 02076 243 978 or email them at: london@walks.com
Please check the IWA website (waterways. org.uk), the London Walks website (walks. com) or the Canal & River Trust website (canalrivertrust.org.uk) to see if any late changes have been made.
Discount Card: they are available for adults, seniors, students, and children aged 16+ (accompanied by parents).
They cost £5 to buy and remain valid for 6 months. With a discount card, you will get £5 o every other walk you take.
5th May Regent’s Canal: River Tyburn – Li le Venice
18th May Grand Union Canal: Kensal Green – Li le Venice
19th May Grosvenor Canal and Ba ersea Power Station
26th May
2nd June
21st July Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Granary Square – St. Pancras
1st September Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Granary Square – Camden
15th September Regent’s Canal: Li le Venice – Camden
6th October Regent’s Canal: King’s
Street (Baker Street North/Lord’s exit)
(Wilton Street exit, opposite Apollo Victoria Theatre)
Cross (meet by taxi queue sign)
Cross (meet by taxi queue sign)
If you’d like to donate but don’t wish to hear more om us, text IWANOINFO. If you’d like to donate an amount other than £5, between £1 - £20, you can do so by including a number a er IWA in your message e.g. text IWA10 to donate £10. We thank you for your support.
For the best decorated privately entered boat in Saturday’s themed pageant.
For the best decorated boat entered by a waterway or community group.
Donated by the City of Westminster for the winner of the Boat Handling Competition.
For the best illuminated boat in Sunday evening’s procession.
Presented by St Pancras Cruising Club in recognition of Roger’s 10 years as their Commodore. It is awarded to the best novice competitor in the Boat Handling Competition.
Goes to the Best Boat at IWA Canalway Cavalcade, selected from all the boat entries at the event. It is awarded in recognition of Mike’s outstanding contribution to IWA and IWA Canalway Cavalcade during his lifetime.
For the best entry by a boater who has not previously taken part in either the Saturday pageant or illuminated boats.
Open to boaters and non-boaters. Awarded to the couple in the best “Boaters’ Sunday Best” costume.
Sponsored by Jan Knox, proprietor of Canal Experience Training School. The shield will be awarded to the best female entrant in the Boat Handling Competition.
Join our communi of like-minded people om all walks of life and show your support for the waterways. The Inland Waterways Association is the only national chari that works to preserve and restore all Britain’s 5,000 miles of canals and river navigations.
your support can make a di erence
Only IWA does all this, and more…
• We campaign for the waterways and champion regeneration
• We lobby Parliament and fight to improve the waterways
• We o er practical support and advice on waterway restoration
• We run Waterway Recovery Group which supports restoration projects
IWA Canalway Cavalcade is organised and staged entirely by volunteers om the Inland Waterways Association and funded by supporters. We are therefore very much indebted to those listed below, who help us make the weekend festival possible:
Bespoke Boating Solutions (Sarah Emmings)
British Land
Canal & River Trust
Canal Dream
Canal Experience Training
DJC Sound Systems
Domino Marquees
Hillingdon Narrowboats Association
Joe Dixey Photographer
Laburnum Boat Club
Linda and Dennis Anfuso
Local Loos
London Canal Museum
Marisa Knight
Mitie Group PLC
Paddington Central Powerday
Ros Bea ie of the Ba leship Building
Rotherfield District Scout Activi Support
Slash Arts
South West Herts Narrowboat Project
Templant Rental Power, Chelmsford
The Pirate Castle
Transport for London
Westminster Ci Council
Wood Hall & Heward
A special thank you to IWA’s Waterway Recovery Group, who help the site services team to setup and ensure the smooth running of the event.
Supported by: