Annual Stories 2019 - AU

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T HE IMPACT YOU’RE MAKING ........................................................................ 4 MESSAGE FROM OUR CHAIRPERSON

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RESTY & JUSTINE’S STORY . . ...........................................................................


WATOTO CHURCH . . ..............................................................................................


WHO WE ARE ........................................................................................................


OUR FAMILIES ...................................................................................................... Meet Jimmy & His Mother Daniel David’s Rescue


BABY WATOTO ..................................................................................................... Meet Baby Jayson Meet Nanny Mary & Chloe


OUR VILLAGES .................................................................................................... Meet Mama Harriet Meet Precious & Hudson Meet Beckham Education Medical & Winnie’s Story Sports Academy Meet Geoffrey Meet Shanitah Worship Academy


WATOTO CHILDREN’S CHOIR ....................................................................... We Will Go Meet Leila Meet Frank Meet Liam Meet Mishel Meet Grace


WATOTO NEIGHBOURHOOD . . ....................................................................... Embrace, Empower, Engage Meet Lucy Meet Jennifer Diana’s Story Mary’s Story


KEEP A GIRL IN SCHOOL ............................................................................... Meet Lucy & Solange


SUSTAINABILITY ................................................................................................ John Bosco’s Story Meet Brenda


OUR PARTNERS ..................................................................................................


WHERE WE ARE .................................................................................................


T H E I M PAC T YO U ’ R E M A K I N G We’re so grateful for your support and proud of all we accomplished together in the last year. The 2019 highlights captured throughout this report are just a snapshot of the countless lives impacted by your generosity. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. We could never do this without you.



M E S S AG E F R O M OUR CHAIRPERSON Thank you on behalf of Watoto for your friendship and partnership over 2019. Together we have been able to continue to change the lives of women and children in Uganda and South Sudan providing them with education, housing, support, income, health assistance, friendship and family. Through the choirs we impact thousands of people throughout the world, as we bring a touch of Africa to the world. We are unable to do it without your support. So thank you for your investment, friendship, prayers and partnership. To the staff in the Australian office who have continued to promote Watoto, thank you for your hard work and diligence, and bringing beautiful Africa to Australia and New Zealand. To the incredible board thank you for your leadership. On behalf of our Founders Gary and Marilyn Skinner thank you. We love you, thank you for doing this journey with us.

In gratitude, Natalie Fielding Chairperson, Watoto Australia

P.S. As we are in this COVID-19 season, your help and assistance is needed now more than ever. We look forward to connecting with you and partnering with you. We currently have a choir who is waiting in New Zealand until Uganda reopens its borders, and we are so grateful to our New Zealand partners who have assisted with accommodation and care for them. If you have friends and family in New Zealand and would like to connect with the choir - please let us know!

Annual Stories


RESTY & JUSTINE’S STORY When our friends, John and Helen Burns from Relate Church in Canada, recently visited us we took them to one of our church small groups. This particular group was started by two of our Neighbourhood Mothers, Resty and Justine. When we arrived, we were welcomed by 30 ladies who warmly greeted us with their beautiful smiles, singing and ululating. Justine began to share her story with us. Bright-eyed and well dressed, we would never have guessed the hardship this amazing woman has had to endure. A few years prior, she lost her husband and was looking after eight children—six of her own and two she had taken in. Her whole world was turned upside down when her husband died. Without a job or an education, she had to find ways to fend for her family on her own. We were then introduced to Resty, who is full of life and bursting with creative ideas. She shared how the father of her children abandoned her and left her with no support for their two children. Our hearts broke as we learned of the rejection she felt. Not only did she feel helpless and humiliated, but she was left extremely poor, broken and bitter. We thank God their story has turned into something incredible. Since they were embraced by Watoto Neighbourhood in 2016, they’ve experienced a love they’d never felt before—the love of Jesus—and they learned how to forgive.



Resty with her daughter Faith & son Perry

In this family, Resty and Justine found friendship and sisterhood. They were equipped with skills in tailoring and creating colorful crafts. They received basic business training and started to earn a steady income, enabling them to send their children to school. They were also taught the importance of sharing their skills and empowering their community. It’s here, Resty’s natural creative flair and Justine’s dogged determination combined to begin a beautiful story that would change not only their own lives, but the lives of many women, children and families in their neighbourhood. Inspired by what they had been taught, Resty and Justine started a small group in their community, and began to share, not only the love of Jesus they have come to know so well, but Justine with her son Fabian & daughter Gloria also the skills they had learned. The group started small and rapidly grew. Today, Resty and Justine run a local business, empowering and equipping over 60 women. Their story is a beautiful picture of the love of Jesus in action. That’s why we’re here and why we do what we do.

Annual Stories


WATOTO C H U R C H We believe that God’s call for the global church is to care for the hurting and vulnerable. At Watoto Church, we meet collectively every weekend with over 35,000 people at 13 different locations across Uganda and South Sudan. We worship Jesus through music, dance and passionate celebration, but church is not simply an event that we come to—it’s a family that we belong to. While we celebrate what His love has done for us, we know this means nothing if our neighbour is left hungry and alone. It’s this love that compels us to embrace those hurting in our world. This is why we have small gatherings throughout the week in our homes, offices, parks and coffee shops. As you read in the beautiful story of Resty and Justine, this is where we walk beside one another and truly grow as a family. In our neighbourhoods we discover and develop close connections. It’s here where we laugh, grow closer to one another, help our communities in practical ways, and build up our neighbours with joy as we see lives transformed and this beautiful continent rebuilt. In everything we do, we celebrate Christ and care for community.



WHO WE ARE Watoto is a family made up of people from all over the world who are working together to ensure the forgotten have a place to belong. In a time of civil war, we planted a local church in Kampala, Uganda to speak hope and life to the nation. Since then, we’ve rescued orphaned and abandoned children, placing them in loving families. And we’ve come alongside vulnerable women, equipping them with skills and empowering them to be the mothers and leaders God has called them to be. To help our hurting neighbours, we also expanded our reach into South Sudan—embracing our sisters and brothers with the love of Jesus, and helping meet their most critical needs. In over 35 years, the challenges facing Africa have changed, but our goal remains the same. As we come alongside the most vulnerable in our society, we work to give each woman and child a chance at a better future—a future full of promise. We’re grateful to each of you who partner with us to transform the lives of those we are reaching together.

Annual Stories




Annual Stories


MEET JIMMY & HIS MOTHER Because of your generosity, every child we rescue receives their own home, their own bed and most importantly, the love of a mother. Jimmy is a 13-year-old boy with a bright future. Rescued at two years old, he found a loving home and family with Mama Christine in our Bbira village. Mama Christine has been a mother here for over 11 years. Like all of our mothers, she’s raising eight orphaned and vulnerable children, and together they’re a family. When you meet her, it’s evident that her love for her kids is at the heart of everything she does. She shared, “My prayer for my children is that they love Jesus passionately, excel in their education and live out their dreams.” We’re grateful to Mama Christine for all she does to provide a loving home for Jimmy and her seven other children. It’s clear that she’s had a tremendous impact on each of them. Jimmy is a shining example of this. Whether at school, with his friends or helping the Media team, he models her kindness and character everywhere he goes. Although Jimmy doesn’t remember his life before coming to Watoto, he exclaimed, “All I know is that here I have a home, and I have brothers, sisters and a mom who love me.” He went on to say, “I also have sponsors who encourage and support me. They are literally changing my life.” Because people like you from all over the world decided to help build a place that brings families together, Jimmy and Mama Christine’s lives are now forever changed. We can’t thank you enough.



Annual Stories


D A N I E L D AV I D ’ S R E S C U E Everyone deserves a family—thank you for helping us welcome kids like Daniel David into ours. In 2014, Daniel David was abandoned and taken by a good Samaritan to a local hospital to receive the urgent medical care he desperately needed. As he began to recover, authorities reached out to us and asked if we could help. Working with child welfare services, we welcomed him into the loving arms of our nannies and staff at Baby Watoto. While we physically rescued him, it’s your love and support that brought him home. You gave him a place to play, a place to dream, a place to be loved and a family—you gave him a future full of hope. When he was two years old he transitioned into one of our homes and families in Bbira village. His Watoto mother, Mama Annet, made sure he felt right at home with his seven other siblings. At the heart of our villages and families, we provide a place where children like Daniel David can feel safe, loved and experience a true sense of belonging. It’s here that Daniel David gets to just be a kid. With the help of Mama Annet he’s discovering some of his favorite things like eating chicken, playing with his friends, doing his homework and writing. We’re thankful to heroes like you who help ensure every child we rescue knows they are loved and has a chance to dream for the future.  WATCH a video showing Daniel David’s rescue & life today



Today, Daniel David is a bright, smiley seven-year-old who’s the light of his mom’s life and brings sunshine to their entire home. Although he’s young, he has big aspirations for his future. When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, Daniel David boldly declared, “I want to be a pilot… no a president.” We love that he’s setting the bar pretty high for himself and can’t wait to see this future leader flourish.

Annual Stories




Annual Stories


M E E T B A B Y J AY S O N We rescue Uganda’s most vulnerable little ones and give them a loving family and a future full of hope. Many babies in Uganda are orphaned or abandoned, often found at bus stops, churches, hospitals, and even found by the side of the road. Last year, we rescued 46 babies—and we thank God that together, we can change their stories. Whether babies come to us with serious medical conditions, or just need lots of cuddles, clean diapers and warm milk, we make sure they receive the medical care, nutrition and love they desperately need to help give them the best possible start in life. Watoto has been Baby Jayson’s home since he was rescued as a newborn and welcomed into the loving arms of Nanny Brenda. Despite his difficult start in life, we’re happy to share that Jayson is doing well in all the developmental areas of his growth. He enjoys being doted on by Brenda, and laughs and squeals when he sees himself in the mirror. Thanks to our sponsors and partners around the world who make this possible. Over the years you’ve been a part of rescuing close to 1,500 babies in Uganda. Like Jayson, these babies are Africa’s future doctors, pastors, teachers, pilots—future leaders.



MEET NANNY MARY & CHLOE Every baby needs the love of a mother, and we’re grateful to Nanny Mary who provides that for our little ones. She’s been part of the Watoto family for ten years as one of our incredible nannies. Because of Mary and all of our faithful nannies, along with the support of our sponsors, babies like Chloe learn to crawl, take their first steps and develop their unique personalities.

Annual Stories




Annual Stories


MEET MAMA HARRIET A Watoto village is a safe place where a child can truly experience the love of a family. Our villages provide homes, families and holistic care to over 3,000 children who receive everything they need to grow up healthy and whole—food, clothing, medical care, education and most of all the love of a mother. Across our three villages—Suubi, Bbira and Laminadera—our mothers have their hands full. In each house you’ll find a Watoto mother who is raising eight orphaned and vulnerable children. Together, they’re a family. People say not all heroes wear capes, sometimes they wear kitengi dresses, that’s definitely true for mothers like Mama Harriet. She passionately cares for four-year-old twins Patricia and Patrick who were rescued by Baby Watoto before joining Mama Harriet and the six other children who make up their sweet family. Whether she’s cooking and cleaning or running after her little ones, Mama Harriet always has a big smile on her face because she knows that she’s shaping the lives of some of Africa’s future leaders. We’re thankful to Mama Harriet and all our mothers for all they do to provide a loving home for our children. They are the heartbeat of our villages.



MEET PRECIOUS & HUDSON Precious and Hudson are friends growing up in our Bbira village. They love that they’re part of a family and community who cares for them. When they aren’t studying or helping with chores at home, they enjoy singing, dancing and playing with their friends. You’re giving Precious and Hudson, along with all our children, a chance to grow into their full potential.

Annual Stories


MEET BECKHAM Beckham is a smart, young man with big dreams for his future. When he grows up he wants to be a doctor and is grateful for his favorite teacher, Pauline, who encourages and inspires him to study hard. Whatever the future holds for Beckham, we’re thankful to his mother, his teachers and his sponsors who are cheering him on along the way.



E D U C AT I O N Our teachers help our kids learn, grow and dream about their future. We’re grateful for teachers like Peter who pour their hearts into educating our children. “Being a teacher is a call on my life and I take my role seriously because I know that each child’s education and future is in my hands,” shared Peter. Whether helping kids learn to read a storybook or discover Einstein’s theory of relativity, Peter and all of our teachers are working together to raise the next generation of African leaders. From preschool through university, our goal is to see each child graduate Watoto with a skill in their hands. It’s not just about our children “getting jobs”, we want to equip them to transform their communities. Our teachers play a pivotal role in making this happen. “Every great doctor, engineer, social worker and leader was taught by someone like me. So as a teacher, I’m not only making a positive impact on the children I teach, but I’m helping rebuild the nation,” continued Teacher Peter. We couldn’t agree more. Beyond purely academics, we provide vocational training, as well as extracurricular activities like sports and creative arts. This way every child can uncover their unique talents and abilities as they pursue their dreams. In 2019, we celebrated as 87 of our students graduated high school and 67 graduated university—we know God has big plans for each of them. We’re grateful to you, and all of our sponsors and partners who make this possible.

Annual Stories


MEDICAL & WINNIE’S STORY Our medical team treats and loves our babies, children, mothers and communities. Each of our three Watoto villages has a medical clinic to provide the care needed for our families to thrive. We also extend healthcare to our neighbours so that we’re able to make a lasting impact in our communities. Not only do we treat health issues, but we work hard to reduce disease prevalence. Our medical team focuses on disease prevention by educating everyone in our villages on proper nutrition and hygiene practices, as well as giving immunizations and mosquito nets to our mothers and children. Because of this, last year our medical team saw 18,558 patients at our clinics—a 32% reduction from the previous year. Our doctors, nurses and team members go above and beyond to care for each person who comes in our doors—from a scraped knee to more complex medical conditions. Doctors, like Dr. Job, are always on call because each person they treat isn’t simply a patient, they’re family. One of the young adults who Dr. Job has been walking alongside is Winnie, who has been battling a lifelong journey of sickle cell anemia. Dr. Job has been there to hold her hand and champion her every step of the way. Most recently, he’s helped her fight for the chance to receive a bone marrow transplant that could save her life. Thanks to partners, both locally and across the globe, a match was found for Winnie and she was able have the much needed transplant in India in the Spring of 2020, and she’s continuing to recover.



Dr. Job gives a consultation to Winnie

While Winnie has a long journey still ahead of her, she’s grateful for how far God has brought her and for all the people in her corner like Dr. Job, her mother, her siblings, her friends and her sponsors who have prayed and encouraged her over the years. She’s especially grateful for her mother, Mama Rhonah, who has never given up hope and for her brother, Michael, who didn’t hesitate to step up as her bone marrow donor when it was discovered that he was a match. To Winnie, this is everything. “I can’t put into words how much this means that my brother would sacrifice his own life for a chance that I would be happy and free of pain. It shows he loves me more than I could ever imagine,” said Winnie. Her mom first found out Winnie was sick when she was an infant and the doctors said she wouldn’t live past five years old. With tears streaming down her face, Mama Rhonah said, “I never dreamt that my baby would come this far. Winnie’s now 25 years old and in university. Although she’s currently on medical leave, this surgery is going to change her life and I believe she is going to be the happiest girl on the planet.” All of this is only possible because of the prayers and support of our sponsors and partners. Winnie was full of joy as she exclaimed, “This is all God’s doing. It’s because of His love for me that people who have never met me have shown me such love, support, encouragement and given me hope. They have shown me there is more to life than being sick. I’m grateful to God and each of you for giving me a second chance at life.” From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for helping us care for Winnie, and those who need it most.

Annual Stories


SPORTS ACADEMY Across our Watoto family, we’re seeing the positive impact sports has on our children. Our Sports Academy takes a child’s natural love of sports and teaches them to play at their best with support and guidance from coaches. With over 600 kids in our academy last year, teams learn to work together, pray together and play together. One of our kids, Geoffrey, is grateful for the mentorship he’s received at the academy. It’s helped him grow not only in his soccer skills, but also in his life skills. Geoffrey shares that his coaches have taught him the importance of hard work and good character, emphasizing that while talent can take you to many places, it’s character that will sustain you once you’re there. We have a team of coaches, like Coach Milton, who are not only mentors, but are truly father-figures to our kids. Milton shared, “Being a coach gives me the opportunity to feed into the kids’ lives and invest in their future. I’ve found that sports gives children a sense of belonging, and also builds their character both on and off the field.” Every single one of our coaches work hard to build a culture of respect, and because of this our sports teams are known across Uganda for their attitude and the way they serve. We’re proud our kids have a reputation for cleaning up the sports pitches before and after matches with teams from other schools. This has given our kids an opportunity to share their faith and values with athletes throughout Africa— and we couldn’t be more proud. Because of our dedicated coaches, we’re using sports to help raise Uganda’s future leaders.



MEET GEOFFREY Geoffrey is one of our gifted players who models everything he’s been taught by his Watoto mother and coaches. Because of this, he was recently scouted by the Uganda National League Champions and is now part of their youth soccer team. With a big smile Geoffrey said, “I can’t wait to see what God has in store for my future.”

Annual Stories


M E E T S H A N I TA H From singing while doing her chores to dancing and being part of the Worship Academy, creativity comes naturally for Shanitah. Beyond simply growing her abilities, the academy has impacted her life and helped this once shy girl become a confident, young woman as she uses her talents to glorify God.



WORSHIP ACADEMY We’re teaching our children to use their gifts to tell their own stories—and find healing in the process. With 250 students in music, dance, media and fine arts, we’re equipping young leaders with skills and fostering their passion for worship. We encourage our kids to communicate creatively through movement, visuals and sounds as they explore their African heritage and other genres and styles, because we believe that worship heals hearts, affirms identity and creates community. George Akankwasa is living proof of this. Raised by Watoto, he joined our family as a young boy with his mother, Mama Gertrude, who serves as a mother in our Bbira village. He’s always had a love for music and all things creative. After traveling as an uncle on the Watoto Children’s Choir, George now mentors his younger brothers and sisters as he leads our Worship Academy. “I’m excited that I get to champion the next generation of leaders in music and the arts. It’s a privilege to help them gain a deep revelation of who God is, and uncover how they can use their unique stories to create and worship Him in an authentic way,” shared George. This is possible because of the generosity of our international partners around the world. Thanks to you, we have a creative arts studio where our children are taught by top professors in the field through formalized online courses. We also host annual worship camps that bring creatives, musicians, dancers and media producers from across the globe to equip and encourage our future artists and worship leaders. We’re grateful for the incredible part you, and all of our partners, play in the lives of our kids.

Annual Stories




Annual Stories


Patrick & a few of his friends from Choir

WE WILL GO At the heart of the Watoto Children’s Choir is a message of God’s unfailing love. It’s what each of our kids has experienced in their own lives—He places abandoned and forgotten children in families full of love. In 2019, our choir traveled to 11 countries and shared their stories of hope and transformation with almost 300,000 people. From concerts of 200 people to special events in Brazil and the Netherlands with crowds of 45,000, we’re grateful to each and every person who worships with us. It’s such a beautiful thing when people see our children from Uganda, with their hearts healed and their dreams restored, they can’t help but realize that this same God cares for them, too. Leila, who traveled to Australia and New Zealand as part of the 100th choir, is one of our kids who had the incredible opportunity to share what Jesus has done in her life. She’s truly a walking miracle. Rescued as a baby, Leila was brought to Watoto to receive the love and care she so desperately needed. At birth she suffered from health challenges, and as she started growing she couldn’t walk on her own. Her Watoto mother, Mama Ruth, never gave up. Working with our medical team, Mama Ruth daily encouraged Leila, prayed with her and even helped her walk to school. God answered these prayers and in 2018 Leila was finally able to walk on her own. In fact, she’s now not only able to walk, but as she exclaims, she can “dance for Jesus.” This is exactly what she did last year on tour. We’re thrilled for this miracle in Leila’s life. It brings us such joy that as children like Leila share their personal testimonies and worship God, people around the world are able to see firsthand the power of Jesus’ love transforming lives.



MEET LEILA At only 11 years old, Leila has big dreams for her future. When she grows up she wants to be a doctor so that she can treat others who are sick. When she’s not studying, Leila likes to read encouraging storybooks like “The Ugly Duckling”. She shared that it’s her favorite book because it helps teach kids to love people just the way they are. We think that’s pretty special and know that no matter what she ends up doing, it will be something great that helps others.

Annual Stories


MEET FRANK Frank was welcomed into Watoto with his mom, Catherine, who serves as a mother in one of our villages. With teary eyes he recalled that his mother used to struggle to pay for his school fees and put food on the table. You can tell Frank loves her dearly, and is happy that the two of them are now in Watoto where they have plenty to eat, a home of their own and Frank gets to go to school.



MEET LIAM Rescued as a newborn, Liam was welcomed into a loving family at Watoto and given a safe place to call home. Today, his constant smile is as bright as his future. Recently, Liam traveled to the USA as part of the Watoto Children’s Choir. Interestingly enough, Liam shared that working hard is what he does best. That’s pretty wise and industrious for a nine-year-old.

Annual Stories


MEET MISHEL Mishel loves that she gets to go to school at Watoto. In her short life, things weren’t always easy as her mom often struggled to take care of their family’s basic needs. Mishel had to drop out of school when she was younger because her mother didn’t have the money to pay for her tuition. So, Watoto is coming alongside Mishel and her mom through Watoto Neighbourhood, empowering her mother with job skills and providing Mishel with a quality education.



MEET GRACE Grace is a bubbly eight-year-old who enjoys learning new things, like dance moves and bible verses. She proudly showed off her knowledge of the bible by reciting her favorite verse Joshua 1:9 which says, “…Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Wow! Grace is incredibly smart for her age and we can’t wait to see what God does through this young girl.

Annual Stories




Annual Stories


Grace, one of our mothers in the Neighbourhood Center, Gulu

EMBRACE, EMPOWER, ENGAGE Africa’s greatest resource is her women, empowered. The harsh reality is that many women throughout Uganda and South Sudan have been left to bear the brunt of war, poverty and disease. Millions of our sisters have been abandoned and robbed of all dignity. Uneducated and unemployable, they are left to suffer alone. Because of our faithful partners, last year 893 vulnerable women were embraced and empowered through Watoto Neighbourhood as we came alongside them to find practical, sustainable solutions to meet their key needs. We know that when a woman is vulnerable she needs to feel loved, accepted and cared for physically. So, we extended a “practical embrace” to 133 of our sisters in Juba, South Sudan assisting them with the basic essential items they lacked to help improve their quality of life. We also provided adult literacy classes, discipleship, business skills training and job opportunities to our Neighbourhood Mothers in Kampala, Gulu and Juba. By helping these women develop and grow their life skills, not only are we equipping them to be able to provide for their families, but we’re restoring their dignity. We’re proud of our Neighbourhood Mothers as 336 have already completed their courses and will graduate this year. Additionally, in Uganda 426 of the women who had previously completed their training received start-up capital and mentorship to help them set up a small business. By walking with the women after they’ve graduated, we help ensure they’re able to earn a living and take care of their families.



Lucy holding her daughter Faith

MEET LUCY Lucy’s a beautiful woman who wants nothing more than to provide a good life for her daughter Faith and son Ronald. After the tragic death of her husband, Lucy struggled to make ends meet. Thankfully a neighbour introduced her to Watoto where she’s being equipped with skills and beginning to earn money to care for her family. Because of your partnership, we’re able to restore hope and dignity to women like Lucy.

Annual Stories


MEET JENNIFER At 11 years old, Jennifer was abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army. After living in captivity for 10 years, she escaped only to return home and face rejection by her family. Jennifer heard about Watoto. Completing trauma rehabilitation and discipleship, she learned about the love of Jesus, enabling her to forgive. She was empowered with skills and became a leader in tailoring. Today, she trains other women who were just like her. Jennifer rejoices because her life is forever changed.



D I A N A’ S S TO R Y South Sudan’s decades of war have taken a toll on the nation—most notably on women like Diana. At 23 years old, Diana’s struggling to raise her two children as a single mother. The father of the children left, leaving the grim possibility that the conflict has now taken his life. Diana makes her home in a house patched together with iron sheets, providing only a meager shelter from the harsh elements. The two children struggle with their health in large part due to the hostile surroundings. In the midst of hardship, an undeniable ray of hope shines. Recently, the President of South Sudan formalized a Peace Treaty and the country is looking forward to its promised potential. Similarly, Diana is finding personal peace through knowing that Jesus loves her. She joined Watoto Neighbourhood this year and is starting to see not only her own potential, but also her ability to raise her children and change their future. She is choosing to believe in the power of tomorrow over the pain of yesterday. We’re proud to come alongside Diana and thousands of women throughout Africa in similar situations. Together, we’re empowering them to grow into everything God has for these mothers and their children.

Annual Stories




MARY’S STORY Hai Malakal Cemetery or as locals refer to it, Konyo Konyo Cemetery, is about 3 miles (5.5 km) from the Juba International Airport. It’s a vast graveyard containing hundreds of graves from the past 80 years. Inside its decaying walls, there survives a community of displaced people struggling to build some sort of life among the dead. This is where Mary Wasyk and her children live. Entering through the cemetery’s gates, there’s a surreal mix of tombs, makeshift homes and children. In some regards it feels like any community; people washing clothes, mothers nursing infants and little ones playing. It’s only when you look past the activity that you realize the children are actually playing on a headstone marking a forty year old grave. A heaviness fills the air. Why would anyone live here? The answer is simple, where else can they go? Conflicts over land have been a point of contention for generations. A place devoted to death was one of the only unclaimed areas someone without influence, family or means of support could settle. Mary embodies the struggle in this neighbourhood. Raised in a culture where educating a young girl was considered a waste of time, Mary’s best option for a future was as a bride. After getting married and having four children of her own, her husband was killed in a conflict with his brother. And here she stands—uneducated and alone, yet determined. There’s something deep within her soul; something you notice from the moment you meet her. Watoto Neighbourhood recently welcomed Mary. It’s the beginning of a long road, but she’s already seeing a difference in her life. Mary’s learning to read, how to become a tailor and more importantly, she’s being embraced with love. Through job training and discipleship, she’s discovering healing, empowerment and a new dignity. In a soft voice carrying an uncommon sincerity Mary shares, “I hope that one day I will start a business and change the way I live. I don’t want my children to end up like me.” Followed by a slight smile, it’s obvious she speaks the loudest with her silence. What Mary’s really saying is somewhere in her eyes, deep within her gaze—she’s looking off into the future, no longer seeing death around her. Each morning she rises with the hope that today could be the last day trying to raise her children in a place like this. She does her best and works hard daily to give her children a chance at a better life. Thanks to the love and support of people all over the world, we know Mary will soon have a new reality, providing for her children and becoming a leader in her community. This is the future we see for Mary and thousands of women like her. Thanks for always loving and giving our Neighbourhood Mothers and their children hope.

Annual Stories


KEEP A GIRL IN SCHOOL Every girl matters and every girl has the right to stay in school. For girls like Esther, education isn’t just important for a brighter future, it’s critical to their survival. Yet, girls often drop out of school simply because they can’t afford feminine hygiene products. A lack of education leads to vulnerability. Vulnerability leads to unwanted pregnancy, human trafficking, sexual abuse, domestic violence, HIV, early marriage and a life of no choices. Together, we’re changing this. Currently, we’re working alongside 45 local schools in northern Uganda and South Sudan to reduce the dropout rate by providing sanitary products and teaching girls their value in Christ. In 2019, we helped 14,838 girls stay in school as we ignited their passion for education. Esther attends Panykworo School in Gulu and shared, “I’m grateful to God that Watoto came to my school and taught me that I am beautiful and that being a girl is not a mistake, but something to celebrate. Now I’m happy when my period comes because Watoto has given me sanitary pads and I no longer have to miss school. This has encouraged and inspired me. I can’t wait to complete my education and go to university one day.” Esther’s a smart and determined girl who dreams of becoming a nurse, and is grateful to everyone who’s making sure she gets that chance. With your help, we’re keeping girls in school, educated and empowered. Thanks for changing their future.



MEET LUCY & SOLANGE Lucy and Solange, two of the girls we’ve come alongside in South Sudan, have faced tremendous loss and hardship in their young lives. Both lost their parents, which left them feeling unloved and questioning if their lives mattered. Lucy shared, “Because of Watoto now I know there are people who care about me and Jesus loves me too.” Solange added, “May God bless them because I no longer have to worry each month if I’ll have enough money to buy sanitary pads, and instead I can focus on my school work. I’m studying hard so that I can hopefully graduate one day.”

Annual Stories




Annual Stories


JOHN BOSCO’S STORY We’re giving our families the nutrition they need to grow up healthy and strong. With three busy villages full of families, we know it’s important to work towards self-sustainability. That’s why our Watoto farms provide fresh vegetables and eggs for our villages, and goats milk for Baby Watoto. By producing wholesome food for our mothers and children, we’re reducing our expenses on food and healthcare. Our farms also provide learning and employment opportunities for our young adults like John Bosco. Rescued when he was five years old, John Bosco talks about growing up in Watoto and how there was never a day that he felt unloved or unwanted. Here he grew up with a mother who loved him like her own, and brothers and sisters who helped him with everything since he was the baby of the family. After high school, John Bosco went to university and studied animal production and management, graduating in 2016. He told us, “I thank God for the opportunity I have to work for Watoto on Lubbe Farm. I love that I get to grow the nutritious food that my younger siblings eat so that they can be healthy.” To expand our sustainability efforts, we are also developing a fully integrated agribusiness located outside Gulu, northern Uganda. This will serve the dual-purpose of producing food for our Watoto mothers and children, as well as providing technical training and experience for Watoto graduates. Wherever we operate, our goal is to empower people like John Bosco, and we’re grateful to every partner who continues to come alongside us as we develop a bright, sustainable future for our children.



MEET BRENDA Brenda is the manager at Lubbe Farm, where we grow vegetables and fruit for our mothers and children. Even though it’s a lot of hard work, she loves her job. To Brenda, it’s not just about planting and harvesting tomatoes, carrots or kale, but it’s about providing the nutritious food our families need to grow up healthy. Thanks to Brenda and her team for everything they do to ensure our kids are happy and well-fed.

Annual Stories


Tina, part of the Hand of Hope medical team

O U R PA R T N E R S We have a big family that goes beyond the borders of Uganda and South Sudan. Our family consists of people like you from all over the world, each with a unique part to play. Be it individuals, churches, companies, schools or other charities, you are all heroes and you’re helping us transform the lives of Africa’s most vulnerable. As we go into the hardest of places, sharing the love of Jesus, building schools, providing medical care and raising future leaders, we’re grateful for every person who partners with us. Last year, close to 1,000 people traveled to Africa to see our work first-hand. Whether visiting sponsored children in our villages, volunteering at Baby Watoto or providing medical care in rural communities—this was your love in action. Medical teams, like Hand of Hope, have come together bringing expertise, supplies and helping us reach beyond our walls into the community. In fact, in 2019 Hand of Hope partnered with us on a medical outreach in northern Uganda treating almost 6,000 people in only one week. That’s incredible! No matter what role you play, to us it’s much more than a particular project. It’s connecting with God’s family throughout the world to make a tangible difference in the lives of women and children. There aren’t enough words to express how grateful we are for each of you. Honestly, we couldn’t do what we do without you!



WHERE WE ARE Watoto began in the 1980s in Kampala, Uganda. As the ministry grew, so did the need to facilitate support. Today, we have 11 support offices throughout the world where our partners and sponsors live. Each office is regulated by a local Board of Directors, ensuring good practices are followed at all levels. This support has allowed us to expand our work to meet the needs of the most vulnerable in our neighbourhoods. Take a look at the map below to see where our work is taking place throughout Africa.









Annual Stories





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