Living Hope Album - Scan

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Living Hope was established in January 2008 to restore dignity to vulnerable women, most of whom are HIV+, single mothers and returnees from abduction into the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) who ravaged northern Uganda. Some of these women were brutally mutilated and bear the scars of war; others were used as sex slaves, all of them disenfranchised and victims of circumstances they did not create. Through Living Hope, vulnerable women are given a hand up and are empowered to take care of themselves and their children. They receive assistance with basic necessities, are given vocational skills and are either employed with the program or provided with microfinance loans to start incomegenerating projects of their own.


Production Centre Opened in 2008, the Living Hope Centre in Kampala, Uganda is located at Watoto Church’s head office downtown. The unit in Kampala facilitates tailoring, liquid soap and candle making. The facility hosts more than 30 ladies who are employed as seamstresses for income-generating activities. Discipleship, business training and adult literacy classes are also offered at this location.


Production Centre The Gulu facility is located in the former Night Commuter Centre on Coronation Road, in Pece Valley. The centre was built to protect children from abduction during the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebel war. In the aftermath, Gulu district chose to allocate it to Living Hope (rent free) in support of empowering women affected by war. In the Gulu facility the women specialise in peanut butter making, beekeeping and shea butter development. Discipleship, business training and adult literacy classes are also facilitated at this location.

Gusco Centre Gusco is a beautiful centre in the heart of Gulu, which was refurbished in 2011 to provide a tranquil environment for women who had been brutally mutilated during the LRA rebel war. As a result of these mutilations, ladies were ostracised by the community and were unable to freely live in society. The program at Gusco aims to help the ladies deal with the trauma of their past. Here they learn to forgive and find acceptance by experiencing the love of God and living a productive life. The ladies also receive discipleship, small business management skills, tools to run a small-scale farm and start-up capital.


My name is Annet Katusime, I am 18 years old and attend St. Joseph’s High School. My favourite subject in school is Christian Religious Education because I have discovered many things about God’s word that I did not know. Psalms 113:7 says, ‘’He raises the poor from the dust and lifts up the needy from the ash heap.’’ This reminds me of God’s unconditional love. I am proud to be one of the privileged girls who are able to get an education because of Living Hope’s support to my mother. My mother Felesta Kabarwanyi has been empowered spiritually and practically through Living Hope. She spends most of her time at the Living Hope workshop making jewellery. She is now able to earn a living that provides for the needs of our family. We no longer miss out on school or have to go a day without food. She is a great mother who always reminds me to put God first in everything I do. Join us in empowering women; visit


‘’For everything God created is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving because it is consecrated by the Word of God and prayer.’’ 1 Timothy 4:5 Before joining Living Hope, Tassy Tumusiime (47) lived in a rowdy slum with her four children. Life was tough as she was jobless and her family would frequently go without food. She spent most of her time praying at her local church and searching for work. In 2013, Tassy came to Living Hope where she was able to attend discipleship classes and vocational training. She is now able to keep her children in school and has managed to build a house in a better environment. She never goes a day without expressing her gratitude to God. Before leaving for the Living Hope workshop she takes time to thank God for the day that lies ahead. ‘’There is not a specific time to give thanks to God. It is something that we should always do, even for the small things. Without God, we are powerless,’’ she says. Living Hope has been a strong pillar for Tassy. She has been empowered to be a self-reliant woman. Join us in empowering women by visiting


Every morning, Florence walked down the dusty road leading from her home in search of work. At the end of each day, she returned home with barely enough money for her and her children to survive on. Despite the hardships of raising five children as a single mother, Florence never stopped praying and trusting God for a better life. In 2013, she joined Living Hope where she received practical skills and studied the Bible in a friendly environment. Florence is now an empowered woman with the ability to look after her children. She believes there’s a bright future ahead for them. “Through Living Hope, I have become a strong woman. Now I have a steady job and I’m able to save money for my family and the future,” Florence says.


My name is Samuel Odoch and I am 12 years old. I am in Grade 7 and my favourite subjects are mathematics and physics. When I graduate, I want to be an engineer and make a difference in my country. I love football and I am the goalkeeper on the school football team. I am grateful to be on the team because it is training me to be a good leader in the future. During the weekend, I stay home with my mother, Lily Abol. She works in the tailoring department at Living Hope. My life has changed since my mother became a part of Living Hope. She has taught me how to pray. She does not struggle to take care of the family anymore. I appreciate Living Hope for giving my mother an opportunity that has made her strong and able to see the world in a brighter light.

May Beatrice Namutana worked as a waitress, earning four thousand shillings per day (1.19 USD). At the end of the work day, the only meal her children received was leftovers from what she served at the restaurant. In 2011, a neighbour introduced Beatrice to Living Hope. There she was taught the Bible, and practical skills like tailoring and jewelry making. Beatrice is now able to take care of her family and another child that has been abandoned in her community. She is proud and thankful to Living Hope for transforming her life.


Harriet 35 is one of the ladies who have been through the Living Hope program. Before joining the program, life was not easy for Harriet who worked late hours to pay rent and single handedly raise her son. In 2012, Harriet was discovered by a Living Hope social worker. In 2013, she joined Living Hope. At Living Hope, Harriet was introduced to business skills, life skills, tailoring and jewelry making. Today, Harriet is whole new person who is excited and happy about life. She describes herself as a dignified, God fearing and a hardworking woman. To join us in empowering these lovely women email us at

July Margaret’s husband abandoned her in 2011 when he discovered that she was HIV positive. Life was very difficult, however in all the tough times, Margaret trusted God. She is a strong, vibrant woman currently in the tailoring department at the Living Hope. When asked how her life is now, Margaret flashes a bright smile saying, “I have learnt that life with God is unshakable. Nothing can ever put you down when you trust God and believe that you can make it.�

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