Watoto Newsletter - UK

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me. Now I know that God is

blends traditional and modern

they can rebuild their nation.

a brand new production, Oh What Love, beginning January

Watoto is thrilled to bring you

my father. He loves and cares for me. In the choir, I am going

dance with original music. Oh What Love celebrates the urban

Each of the children in the choir has suffered the loss of one or

2015. Through this dynamic worship experience, the Watoto

to show people that God loves them too,” says six-year-old

African landscape and brings out the unique personalities of

both of their parents but they have been rescued and now live

Children’s Choir, who were once orphans, share their journeys to

Jackie Nakku. Based on the Bible verse, 1

the children. Since 1994, Watoto children’s

in a Watoto village. Book the choir in your region

redemption and demonstrate that God desires to be a loving father to all mankind. “After losing my parents I felt lonely, with no one to love

John 3:1; “See what kind of love the father has given us, that we should be called children of God, and so we are,” prepare for a unique worship experience that

choirs have traveled all over the world sharing the plight of Africa’s orphaned and vulnerable, making an appeal to help raise these children so that

now. Email us at europe@watoto.com.


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Watoto Newsletter - UK by Watoto - Issuu