Wat te doen bij.nl - google pagerank and alexa rank in firefox
Wikihow.com has a useful way of getting your Google Page Rank (PR) and Alexa Rank while using the internet browser Firefox. This guide will explain in detail exactly what the Wikihow.com article pointed out, with a step by step method of saving time, and doing it all for free. It will also provide some alternatives on the internet for finding your Google PR and Alexa Rank safely, without telling certain sites what you are searching for, as the Firefox Plugin does.
Instructions Things You'll Need Internet <br>Firefox 1. o
Use the Proven Methods<br>http://www.wikihow.com/View-GooglePageRank-and-Alexa-Rank-inFirefox<br>http://www.quirk.co.za/searchstatus<br>Follow the first link for a simple way of checking your page rank. In short, you will download Firefox, go to the second link at Quirk.co.za, and download the file. It depends on the security levels of your internet, but usually you will be asked whether or not you want to trust the source of the download. That’s where it gets tricky … The first problem is you will be telling other sites exactly where you are searching. The positive is you will get exactly the information you want, perhaps in the smallest amount of time. If you have a blog or site, you can quickly get the Google PR and Alexa Rankings. Any site you go to can easily be checked for Google PR and Alexa Rankings. o
Say you have a blog or website and you don’t want all your private searches noticed. The next option is to do a simple search for Google PR or Alexa Rankings. Since thousands of people or more have blogs or sites this isn’t that hard. One I found for Google PR which seems to work quickly and well is MyGooglePageRank.com. All you need to do there is fill in your site and presto’, your Google PR in a second. So what about Alexa Ranking? The site,
www.whatsmypagerank.us, offers you both Google PR and Alexa Rankings. It’s all done within seconds, and as of this writing is free, with no ads whatsoever. o
You can bypass all this if you have a blog. Many paid blogging services offer you a free ratings of your blogs. Pay Per Post, for example, offers you Google PR, Alexa, and Real Rank all for free. All you need to do is install the Pay Per Post tools on your site, and within a few days you will get all three rankings. o
The winner here is WhatsMyPageRank.us. For time saved and privacy allowed, this site is one of the best you will find. In the end, you can choose whatever works best for you.
Tips & Warnings
If you decide you don’t like the Firefox plugin, uninstall it and try my suggested site. <br>The fastest method is also the way to keep privacy—What My Page Rank really is, as of this writing, an easy method to use. What does it mean when your privacy is taken away? In short, you will be
telling websites what you like.