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Wat te doen bij.nl - Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool

- Step by Step Guide

Google Adwords Keyword Tool

You must use a keyword tool, like Google Adwords Keyword Tool, in order to find the right keywords to use when writing your article. It can make all the difference in the amount and quality of the visitors you receive to view your article. I am going to take you through a stepby-step process, that I actually used, to research one of my articles using the Google Adword Keyword Tool. Difficulty: Moderate

Instructions Things You'll Need

Open another tab on your browser 1. o


Google Adwords Keyword Tool Open another tab on your browser and go to Google Adwords Keyword Tool, the link is in resources below. You will be reading this article and following these instructions on the Google Adword Keyword Tool on the other tab. o


Google Adwords Keyword Tool Conduct a search for keywords having to do with how to give an apology. Type in the words "How to Apologize" in the Keyword Box. Enter the security word (you will have to do this occasionally if your session times out). Click on "Get Keyword Ideas" o


Google Adwords Keyword Tool Look at the first item in the table that appears. It is the words "How to Apologize", in the first column. The second column shows the amount of advertisers competition for those words. The third column has November's search volume. The fourth column is the Average search volume for a 12 month period. That means that 27,000 people are looking for those words every month. That's a pretty good number o


Google Adwords Keyword Tool Learn a trick that will help you earn more when those visitors come to view your article. Your ads need to be appropriate to the content of your article. You

want ads that pay the best price for the keywordes you are using. To determing that, go to that little box above the table that says "Choose Columns to Display"? Click on the arrow and it will show you a list of columns that can also be included on your table o


Google Adwords Keyword Tool CLICK ON "Show Estimated Avg CPC". That will bring up a column that shows money amounts. CPC is Cost Per Click. That is the amount of money an advertiser is paying for those keywords. Think of it as renting space on your article page for advertising. See the number that came up with my search words? The advertisers are only paying .05 cents per click. That's terrible. I don't want that! I want a higher paying CPC. What can I do? o


Google Adwords Keyword Tool Find related words. Looking down the list of other suggested keywords and phrases, you will see that none of them are paying very well. Let's think of other words to use that would mean the same thing as "apologize". Let's try, "Say You're Sorry" Put "Say You're Sorry" in the keyword search box and click "Get Keyword Ideas". What comes up now? Nothing for my exact words, but look below at "Additional Keywords to Consider". Wow, some of those are paying much better. How can I adjust my keywords to take advantage of those higher paying ads? o


Google Adwords Keyword Tool Click on the Heading of the column "Estimated Avg CPC". It will order everything from lowest paid to highest paid. Click on it again and it will reverse the order. o


Google Adwords Keyword Tool Analyze the words. Since the words "Say You're Sorry" didn't work good, but Sorry seems to be a good word, Let's try a new keyword search. Type in "Say Sorry", and do a new search. BINGO! The CPC still isn't great money, but it's better AND it has more searchers. There is debate about what volume of searchers is optimal. Many believe that the lower the volume, the more targeted your audience is, and the better that is for you. Since I first wrote this article, I tend to be in that crowd. Larger search volume usually means that your article will get lost in millions of other pages on the web that cover that same subject. I go for search volumes of under 25,000 now. o

9 Consider Advertiser competition. If the competition for your chosen keyword phrase is high, your ads should stay relevant all the time. If the competition is low, that you may find weird ads on your page at the end of the month, quarter, or year. Advertisers often budget and put an automatic stop when they have reached their stop point. Those ads will drop off of the page and may be replaced with completely unrelated ads that don't help you at all.

Tips & Warnings Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool before you start every article Look up other ways to use Google Adwords Keyword Tool, there are lots of other good articles on eHow about it. Use your keywords in your title and in the body of your article. DO NOT click on your own ads. DO NOT tell others to click on, view, notice or look at your ads. This is CLICK FRAUD and is a serious legal offense. If you have Adsense on a Blog or website, you can get banned from Adsense for LIFE DO NOT DO CLICK FRAUD!

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