Advocacy and Peace Project

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Advocacy and Peace building Program in Western Bahr El Ghazal and Warrap State Regions Date: 18th May 2014 1. Introduction South Sudan achieved independence two and half years ago when it seceded from Sudan in a referendum supported and recognized by the international community. South Sudan was at war with Sudan from 19551972 (17years) and again from 1983-2005 (22years). The African Christian people of South Sudan suffered oppression and marginalization from the Arab Islamic government of Sudan after Sudan became independent from Britain in 1955. South Sudan was the theatre of conflict during those periods of the civil war. Sudan’s scorched – earth tactics completely destroyed South Sudanese infrastructure physically, socially and economically. Education and health services had come to a standstill during the war years. It is estimated that 2.5million South Sudanese died while millions more were displaced internally and externally in the last war alone. In fact South Sudan is regarded as the least developed country in the world today. The war of 1983-2005 was led by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A). It negotiated and signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) with the Khartoum government that ended the war in 2005. An interim arrangement was set up in which Khartoum and the SPLM/A were to share power for six years. The two parties had agreed to run a referendum in the South Sudan to determine whether South Sudan would vote for secession or unity with Sudan. The referendum was conducted in 2011 when the South Sudanese overwhelmingly voted for secession and independence of their country. The SPLM/A has been ruling South Sudan since then under very difficult conditions and high expectations. It is important to know that government institutions are weak and efficient, corruption is rampant, people are traumatized, tribally polarized and divided. During the war of liberation, the Church grew in leaps and bounds in South Sudan, the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions. It is now estimated that 85% of the population of South Sudanese are Christians compared to only 5% when the war started in 1983. Under these circumstances, the moral responsibility of the Church demands that it rises to the needs of the country that it ministers to. The Church is the largest

civil organization in the country and is critically placed to play a vital role in bringing the current crisis in South Sudan, whether in the government or in the home communities, to an end, and the sooner the better. 2. Problem Statement/ Situation Analysis Since the establishment of the government of South Sudan in 2005 under the leadership of the SPLM/A, as per the terms of the CPA, the country as experienced sporadic fighting with Khartoum sponsored militias or inter-communal conflicts. These conflicts have increased after the elections of 2010. Full scale rebellion erupted in Pigi and Pibor counties of Jonglei State. Inter-communal fighting flared up in Lakes and Warrap States. These incidents have been very destructive indeed because of the widespread use of modern weapons. The civil war has made availability and acquisition of guns easy for the ordinary people. The government has tried a number of times to disarm the civil population without any success. The crisis that began on 15th December 2013 has worsened this situation. The states of Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity are devastated by the war between SPLM/A government and the rebels led by Dr. Riek Machar. Lakes State communities are fighting themselves to the Death. Both States in Wau Diocese, Warrap and Western Bahr El Ghazel, are vulnerable to destabilizing conflict from inter-communal or external militias. Because of weak judicial, police and security systems, the government has been unable to solve local communal conflicts. Rarely are criminals apprehended and cases correctly tried. Traditional authority has become weak during the war period. The armed youth in the rural areas do not obey or respect the chiefs and elders in their communities. Traditional norms and ethics are completely ignored by the armed youth which makes them a radical and unstable element. 3. Justification The Episcopal Church of South Sudan is obliged to intervene and advocate for justice, peace and unity of all South Sudanese people. The people have to be made aware that South Sudan is for all its tribes and clans, small or large, uneducated or educated, farmers or pastoralists, poor or rich. They have to know that without peace there is no development. The church needs to intensify its advocacy for justice and speedy settlement of cases. People need to clearly understand that the government has to protect law-abiding citizens from criminals whoever they are and wherever they come from. The government has an obligation to apprehend criminals and settle cases in a just, fair, and speedy process. The illegally armed youth in the rural areas must be disarmed immediately. Protection of people in the country is the primary responsibility of the government and nobody or community should need to be armed to protect itself from another person or community. 4. Goal and objectives in Brief Goal 

The main goal of the project is to bring peace to conflict afflicted communities of Warrap and Western Bahr El Ghazal regions.

Objectives 1. To conduct meetings and conferences with government agencies, political parties, traditional authorities, women, youth and any civil society organizations in the localities. 2. To advocate for quick apprehension of criminals and speedy fair trial of cases in competent courts.

3. To advocate for respect of human rights of all law-abiding citizens and foreigners living in South Sudan and abolition of torturing of people under detention or anywhere. 4. To advocate for good governance, inclusiveness, unity and democratic participation of citizens in their local affairs. 5. To visit and support displaced people and refugees in any way possible.

5. Project Activities Objective 1: To conduct meetings and conferences with government agencies, political parties, traditional authorities, women, youth and any civil society organizations in the localities. The bishop of Wau Diocese with a Mothers Union representative will visit conflict afflicted communities to meet with government agencies, including judiciary and all the stakeholders in local civil society organizations under the auspices of the local church. Meetings will all be held with the involvement of local clergy. Objective 2: law courts

To advocate for quick apprehension of criminals and speedy fair trial of cases in competent

Conflicts in many places have been going for a long time simply because most criminals have never been caught and brought to book. It is always claimed that criminals escaped to unknown places in the villages or in towns. All of a sudden they disappear into thin air whenever a criminal commits a crime. Chiefs, local government officials, security personnel and police have been unable to catch wanted murderers. It is always known that these murderers stay hiding in their areas with armed groups of young men ready to commit more crimes. Some escape to towns to hide with relatives in government positions. Some even get recruited into the armed forces and other places of work and law authorities do not apprehend them. This has encouraged relatives of victims to take the law into their own hands. Consequently a cycle of revenge killings has been going on for a long time. This has escalated recently in Lakes State and the evidence can be seen as the number of victims has increased. Even cattle stealing and rustling between communities has taken such a trend. Church leaders urge all government agencies in states, counties, payams and bomas to be proactive in this matter, and perhaps it has to step up training of security and police officers to be more effective and efficient in their duties. The law should be seen also to be applied uniformly in society. The net of the law must not be selective to catch only small fish and not catch the big fish. Those who abet crimes must also be netted irrespective of their positions in government or society. After all, human beings are equal before the law, which is written in our constitution, just as they are equal in the sight of God. If these steps are taken consistently without discrimination, the law will be respected and peace shall prevail in our country.

Objective 3: To advocate for respect of human rights of all law-abiding citizens and foreigners living in South Sudan and abolition of torturing of people under detention or anywhere. It has been noticed that some people who are accused and detained undergo torture, beating and other inhumane undignified mistreatments. This is completely against human rights laws to which the Republic of South Sudan is a signatory. This might be one reason why people that are accused are so determined not to be caught because they fear torture and being punished extra-judicially. Torture in all its forms must stop immediately. After all, accused persons are assumed to be innocent until and unless proved beyond reason doubt before a competent court of law. There is no impersonation in law or group punishment because you are associated with or related to the accused person. The government should supervise detention centres and see to it that security and police officers follow and obey the law of the land. Nobody is above the law. Objective 4: To advocate for good governance, inclusiveness, unity and democratic participation of citizens in their local affairs. Good governance is a basic principle that connects the governed and the rulers in a state or society. Those in power exercise it in trust on behalf of the people. If there is no trust between the governed and the ruler, conflict is bound to occur. Inclusiveness and unity are new concepts that must be emphasized in south Sudan whether in government, political parties, social organizations or churches so that people feel proud of their citizenship of their nation. It is unfortunate that some people still give their loyalty to the tribe rather than to the nation. This is simply because they feel excluded and alienated. Our educational system can play a crucial role in introducing nationalism, patriotism and unity into the minds of young children through an integrated curriculum designed for that purpose. Adult education can also be intensified on those lines. It is a known fact that the most underdeveloped communities of South Sudan are the least educated too. These parts should then be targeted for special programs of education and development. The church is well placed and can be expected to play an important role in the development and education of communities such as these. Inclusiveness, unity and democratic participation in citizen’s affairs become easy and achievable in well informed and educated communities of a nation. Objective 5:

To visit and support displaced people and refugees in any way possible.

The Bishop and MU representative will visit IDPs and refugees wherever they may be to give them support in this hour of their greatest need. These are parts of our people that have been uprooted from their homes and have lost everything including their love ones. They need support from everybody, governments, humanitarian organizations and churches. The efforts will be made during these visits to identify their specific needs and inform the international community accordingly. IDPs and refugees shall be encouraged to respect, cooperate and live in peace with host communities and amongst themselves. IDPs and refugees will also be encouraged to return to their original homes whenever the security situation permits it. Forced return will not be advocated nor supported whatsoever.

6. Budget Item


Unit price USD

Total USD

Local Car rent

1cars x7days



Local Car rent IDPs and Refugees places Accommodation and feeding Accommodation and Feeding IDPs and Refugees places Stationery Equipment for Public speaking Camera Video Camera digital Projector Laptop Computer Meeting Hall Aid to IDPS and Refugees Subtotal Administrative cost Grant Total

1car x2days



1bishops and 1 MU x 7days 1Bishops and 1 MU x 2days x5places





As required 1

20 2500

40 2500

1 2 1 1

600 250 1500 1500

600 500 1500 1500

17Places 6camps

200 5000

3400 30,000 38,945 3894.5

10% -



Rt. Rev. Moses Deng Bol - Bishop of Wau Diocese, ECSSS


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