CARD Beneficary Pictures

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Christian Action for Relief and Development is the development arm of the Episcopal church of the sudan, Diocese of Wau, implementing food security in two archdeaconries Wau and Marial Baai respectively. Summary of the report in pictures. By Andrew Apiny Macham st

The 36 month project on 1 July 2012, seeks to reduce the incidence of general and acute malnutrition among rural households in Western Bahr el Ghazal. In line of the above, the following two interlinked specific objectives have been formulated: Specific Objective 1: To improve the food security and nutrition of particularly disadvantaged and marginalised people in Western Bahr el Ghazal. Specific Objective 2: Strengthened local institutions to better address food insecurity and climate threats. Concrete expected results of the intervention, leading to the achievement of these objectives are: increased production and diversification of agricultural production, increased awareness on nutrition issues, an improved and accessible marketing system and increased food access for vulnerable IDPs and returnees. A multifaceted approach will be applied and incorporates building capacities of partners, counterparts and stakeholders and the creation of a demand-driven service delivery to farmers prioritising community ownership while reinforcing and working through existing structures. It incorporates also a rights-based approach (claimmaking capabilities of target groups) to food security. The project aims to collaborate closely with the government and other development actors within the context of the WBS Strategic Plan, which is currently in the making. The report with pictures

ICCO conducted M &E training to project staff, after which they were issued certificates of attendance.

The four days training for M&E was basically for projects staffs such as extension workers, and project coordinators from various NGOs. It was conducted by the consultant hired by Interchurch Organization for

Development Co-operation (ICCO) leading agency of the consortium.

1816 Agriculture tools were procured and distribution to 482 households these include water cans, axes, hoes, Maloda, Rakes

The beneficiaries selection was based on the following vulnerable but have Labor power and are able to work

and a household that has cattle, goats/sheep, and donkey and those lacks a hoe, rake, wheelbarrow, shovel and axe Households finally those who are moderately or severely food insecure, moderately insecure household sacrifices quality more frequently by eating a monotonous diet or undesirable

foods sometimes or often, and/or has started to cut back on quantity by reducing size of meals or number of meals rarely or sometimes.

350 maloda procured and distributed to the farmers

Maloda is indigenous tools use in South Sudan; it’s using for weeding garden and digging,

The tractor is digging demonstration plot for farmer’s field training

This tractor was hired by CARD to clear the demo plot to training to conduct horticulture to the farmers.

The farmers are receiving their agriculture tools to start working on the farms in Kangi

After the selection of the beneficiaries the farmers were given tools by the extension officers from all project sits to start working on their farms.

28 farmers are undergoing Animal traction training Kangi

28 farmers had undergone animals traction in Alelthony after which they were given plough by the extension workers/ the farmers were very happy for the training and tools they have been given by CARD.

This is one of the farm has been cultivated by ox-plough in Alelthony

The farmers were trained by extension workers in technically parts, such as yoking, pulling, tiring bull

The farmers had started clearing the demonstration plot after the tractor had turned the soil. (Masna Bieria Demo plot in Wau Municipality)

They farmers had started working on their demo plot in Masna Bieri along the river, after which they will set up nursery beds with help of the extension works

The farmers are now at the stage of setting up their nursery beds on demonstration plot ( Baryar Demo plot)

The farmers are now setting up their nursery beds on demo plot in Baryar singing and laughing and working in team work.

The farmers had sit in line ready to received their seeds in Kangi Payam while the dog wonder what is happing

The extension officer in Jur River County informed all farmers in kangi payam to come for seeds distribution early in May 2013. In respond the farmers came most who are women.

The beneficiaries of Kohrmalang Demo Plot wer given vegetables their seed, each farmer received, and 25kg of onion, cabbage, Egg plant, Tomato, Cucumber, and Pumpkin except okra 50 kg. The seeds are given only to the farmers who had attended horticulture training for three months on the demo plot, these farmers had undergone horticulture training and are now qualified to receive seeds and established their kitchen garden in their respective homes.

This is one of demo plot in Masna Talim in Wau municipality

The horticulture training is practically training conducted on demo plot, this is sample of one egg plant nursery bed on demo plot for one farmer in Masna Talim

The farmers plants are now growing and starting yielding

This is another farmer’s okra nursery bed established in Korhmalang Demo plot during the horticulture training conducted by the extension workers

Staple crops which were distributed to farmers had start yielding

The staple crop productions which were distributed to the farmers in Ajugo May 2013 are now yielding, the yielding is estimate to be good.

The farmer’s plants their yielding are now visible and will be ready soon for harvesting

The tomatoes which were distributed to the farmers are now yielding in their respective home where they had established their kitchen garden. This is one of beneficiary kitchen garden in Baryar

The staple crops which were planted in May 2013 in Alelthony are now ready for harvest

The staple crops planted in all project sites Ajugo, kangi, Alelthony, Barliny, Dhekou, Baruliedh, Warnyaliel are doing very well and they farmers are now harvesting their crops.

The farmers had started preserving their seeds using their traditional way seed preservation. The sorghum seeds tie together on one rope and hang inside the house

This is how Luo of South Sudan perserv their seeds for the next season they are put together on one rope and hang inside the house like the one in this picture. Reason for pereserving seeds CARD philosophy during during distributed the farmers were told to keep some seed for the next season, we are target different group each year.

This is one of the largest farms its 5 fedans planted with groundnut only, in Barliny

Groundunt is one of staple crops production in which CARD has distributed 2852kg to the farmers and most of the farmers has cultivated about 2 to 15 fedans.

Onion has done very well both on demo plot and in the kitchen gardens, and this is just sample of the rest. This is belonging to Akello Uguak in Alelthony demo plot in Jur River County.

Because of smallholders’ focus on staple crops as the main food component, the diet is not diversified. There is limited knowledge on and awareness of nutrition and sanitation, resulting in malnutrition and other health-related problems. CARD wants to diversify vegetable crop production.

Egg plants one of the resistance plants during dry season and had done very well in all project site and most farmers appreciated it and some have earn some income from it.

Vulnerable communities are unable to purchase food, due to poverty, limited livelihood options and lack of savings culture. Even if households dispose of some small income, food is either not available in the local markets, or access to markets is hampered by factors such as distance, poor infrastructures (roads and communications) and dysfunctional markets. Market imperfections also limit their ability to sell agricultural surplus,

if any, and consequently to earn an income that would permit them to buy (more diversified) food items. CARD help farmers to access their product in to market through conducting marketing information system. As result of this some of the farmers have sold their products and had earned some income from their products.

This is one of kitchen garden in Masna Biera for Jumbia Kuerich, the yielding and quality are good

Rural poor and vulnerable target populations were unable to produce sufficient quantities to meet their nutritional needs. The constraints and root causes were linked to poor, ineffective and unsustainable farming practices and focus on monoculture. Specific problem areas in this respect are: 1) insufficient technical know-how, poor access to improved technologies 2) poor access to resources such as land, quality agricultural inputs, BDS and financial sources and 3) insufficient organization of farmers, all resulting in low productivity and production. These constraints were further exacerbated by dependency on climate (rain-fed agriculture) and vulnerability to natural hazards such as frequent drought or erratic rainfalls linked to climate change that result in water logging and/or


Rebecca Abuok beneficiary from Kohrmalang, has established kitchen garden and her plants had done very well in which she has sold some of in the market and got 350

Vetegable crop production have gain momentuim in project sites, at first beneficiaries were so resistance due to the fact that they were not familiar with them but after attended practical training and seen the benefit, they came to appriecate them so much because it generate some income from the family and balance diet.

This is another traditional way method of preserving seeds for the next season, they are tie in bundle and hang on the tree sometime.

After attending farmers business training conducted by CARD Uliny Uyu had initiated artifact business in addition to his farming career and since then he started earning reasonable amount from both side.

The traditional artefacts are became source of income rather for fun according to the manufacturer of an object initial the ideal of making these artefacts was to revise our practices and maintain the Luo waning cultures and which were badly weaken by colonially rule in 1980s century. However, during English period 1855-1956 they were forbidden not to produce, or mine iron.

This is how the Luo South Sudan, preserve their semsem, they semsem are tie in bundle with rope and tie with long rope on the pool then after they had dry up they are threshing.

Semsem is not one of target seeds, however, CARD beneficiaries have planted them and the project staff encouraged them and support technically to grown it since its one of their home grown plant.

The lady is ICCO regional for Eastern and Western Africa Manager, next to her is ICCO PSTP Programme manager, next to is Dorcas Aid Country Director and the last is ICCO Country Programme Manager for South Sudan and Sudan

The three managers from ICCO paid a visit to CARD project site had interaction with beneficiaries, finding out the benefit of the project from the beneficiaries.

The farmers brought their productions to agriculture show in Wau. The guy holding microphone is the announcer showing the government official the products , at the right is state Governor Rizik Zachariaria, at the right to Governor is minister of Agriculture, and at right o minster is State Legislative speaker Andrea Mayar Acho and other state government officially who attended the agriculture show .

Western Bahr el Ghazal State s minister of Agriculture asked all NGOs implementing food security in the state to ask their beneficiaries to bring their products on the World Food Day Under the theme: “Agricultural Cooperative-key to Feeding South Sudan� on every 16th to 18th October yearly. It was from that background CARD brought their beneficiary with their products for show

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