Card profile

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The profile of Christian Actions for Relief and Development (CARD)


Christian Actions for Relief and Development is a Self-governing, non-profit making, nonpolitical and Christian-based South Sudanese Indigenous Organization formed to: ➢ Upgrade the standard of education in South Sudan as education is the backbone of any country wanting to move out of poverty and underdevelopment. ➢ Help in addressing the health problems facing the communities of South Sudan especially those in rural areas. ➢ Engage the communities in building peace and bringing reconciliation among the post conflict communities. ➢ Offering humanitarian aid to those in real need. ➢ Help in addressing the issue of food insecurity and malnutrition of the disadvantaged and marginalized section of society by finding lasting solutions to the problems related to food insecurity. These will be translated into achievable and sustainable development policies and actions that may adequately provide the highest success in the processes of development that aim primarily toward strengthening the neglected communities and revitalizing their existence. The important of agriculture, upholds the central pivoting point of alleviating food insecurity in the local communities, hence helping its governing institutions in achieving a hunger free society or country. ➢ Provide spiritual and leadership nurturing, and motivation to the communities or individuals who want to form strong families, organizations, corporations, administrative institutions and communities animated and directed by the globally

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accepted ethical values drawn from the universal spiritual gifts of unity, justice, equity, understanding, wisdom, fortitude and reconciliation. These are the values and principles CARD will never lose or forget throughout its existence in South Sudan.

THE CONCEPT OF CARD ➢ Aware of the fact that the South Sudanese were fighting for over two decades [1983— 2005] solely to have freedom in their environment, hence South Sudan has never experienced harmony and development except during the short period of the reactive Addis-Ababa Agreement (1972-1983) between the Government of Sudan and the rebel faction in the South commonly known as Anyanya-one. ➢ Shocked by the longest civil war; the region had been heavily devastated and destroyed by the warring factions: educationally, agriculturally, and economically, socially, politically and even spiritually. This has left some of the southerners disillusioned and aimless in life. Hence there is a need to restore their hopes, inspire their spirit of action and help them achieve what they were fighting for. ➢ Activated by the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement [CPA] in 2005 by the government of Sudan and the Sudan People Liberation Army [SPLA] - the main movement in South Sudan. This agreement led to the peaceful referendum conducted on 9th January 2011 in which the Southerners overwhelmingly opted for separation resulting in the independence of South Sudan on 9th July 2011 from northern Sudan, giving Southerners freedom and opportunity to move above the poverty and underdevelopment line by pulling themselves together as people of dignity and proactive solutions to solve their personal, communal and national problems. ➢ Challenged by the fact that, despite the South Sudanese gaining their independence and freedom through the shedding of blood. This independence and freedom seems locked in a black box. They don’t have keys to open this box due to: lack of knowledge and skills, inexperience, negligence or even little capacity to get the right key to the right resources, skills and knowledge needed to meet their aspirations and development goals. ➢ Encouraged by the fact that South Sudan is a country occupying a large portion of Africa ranging from the tropical ecosystem in the North and a portion of equatorial region in the South intermingled with some semi-arid climate in the South East of the country. This interlock of climatic conditions led it to be the most inhabitable area supporting a large density of both fauna and flora on its floor. These include its natural resources and its few species of valuable animals and plants as well as its mineral deposits ranging from oil to uranium. South Sudan having been blessed with these active and visionary people, plenty of untapped natural resources and promising success in life; would like to expose its talents, natural resources and positive spirit to the world as well as utilizing them locally; but due to the longest civil war which has Restoring Hope, Inspiring Actions and Transforming Lives

taken up two decades of unrest in the southern part of Sudan, it has never fulfilled such obligations and interest since the independence of Sudan in 1956.

Our core value Core values are norms and virtues that normalize and guide proper practices for an individual or organization. Virtues are standard acceptable norms or rules of behaviors that guide the decisions, procedures and systems of an organization in a way that Contributes to the welfare of its key stakeholders, and respect the rights of all people affected by its operations. The following are our core values to be observed by all CARD members.

A - Personal Integrity CARD is a Christian based organization built on moral principles which dictate that every member is expected to uphold personal integrity no matter what happens or under what circumstances a person may be; holiness and life purity should be in: belief, attitude, words and actions that are consistent with God’s nature. Anything which manifests a flagrant violation of this moral principle will result in breach of contract agreed upon. B - Transparency Personal transparency calls for everyone not to give false witness, promises or news mongering. Should he or she happens to tell the news or information and intentionally or dishonestly display some information or give false accusation, or if found doing things in a manner that is detrimental, defaming and defying the organization’s principles, aims, mission, objectives and policies; then he or she will be held accountable for his or her breach of contract as stipulated in the agreement and will undergo arbitrary penalties. C - The Bible is the source of truth CARD as a Christian based institution believes that God is the true source of truth on the ideology that the Bible is inspired and truthful written through him, this means that everything said in the Bible is true and unquestionable. We believe that the Bible is the sole and authoritative book on the account of the work of God in history bringing to fruition God’s prophetic declarations concerning Jesus.

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D - Accountability (responsibility) CARD as a Christian organization detests corruption bitterly and it will be held accountable for fiscal transaction and the people it serves. CARD will accept the responsibility without prejudice or blurring attitude. Hence carrying out the execution specifically, measurably, attainably, reasonably and timely as these are the values CARD will embrace and celebrate; provided that at no cost and reason will CARD procrastinate the duty or neglect any agreement put in place by both parties. The most vital and potent virtue to let people achieve their goals is to execute according to the agreed upon terms and policies. The habit of putting off or postponing actions is a vehement act to every organization as this will automatically results to overlapping of works and incompletion of projects. E - Honesty (Sincerity) CARD as a Christian institution is obliged to abide by the philosophies and Christian virtues considered and rooted in every organization and government institution, the-virtue of honesty in regard to trust and transparency is very important as this will create an atmosphere of tranquility and understanding among the members of organizations and other partners involved. All are expected to be above reproach and partakers should not have a rung to stand on if a charge is preferred against CARD workers; because this would afford no ground for reproach or indictment of dishonesty. CARD is expecting faithfulness, time consciousness, and truthfulness not lying to people or stealing. CARD will be blameless on this point and will disgrace anyone who will secretly indulge in doing such undermined behaviours. F - Diligence (industry) CARD is formed to instill and activate the spirit of hard- working hence it has zero tolerance to: idleness, redundancy, slothfulness, dormancy, sluggishness or any other irresponsibility. The person who shows such behaviors will be considered as not a diligent CARD worker and if after a vigilant observation a person is found, beyond reasonable doubt, that he or she is completely incompetent to execute his or her work then the administration will rely on no other defensive mechanism to protect its mission than to terminate the contract. G - Golden rule (respect for others) In response to Jesus’ Golden Rule; ‘Do unto others as you expect them do unto you.’ It’s a fact of life that; no one likes to be treated badly as if he or she is a valueless being. The feeling of being important is the deepest fundamental self esteem needed by everyone in life. Hence if not taken with the aptitude it deserves, it will curb opportunities that would have otherwise been available for deep relationship and understanding between or among people. This in the long run will make it difficult for the organization’s progress and Restoring Hope, Inspiring Actions and Transforming Lives

success as well as marring human relationship which can deteriorate and eventually resulting in a long chronic conflict. Therefore CARD understands the fundamental right of respect for human rights and dignity as might be stated in the constitution of CARD.

The composition of Organization CARD is made up of the following organs: a) The honorary members. b) The board of directors. There are seven acting board of directors at the moment. c) The executive secretariat. d) Director General.

Our Scope of Operation CARD will be generally expanded to the whole of South Sudan if its capacity has grown to meet the operational cost in those areas. This is determined by the ability to respond to the real needs being addressed in those areas targeted. But at the moment it has limited its services to Western Bahr el Ghazal state where it has got its headquarters and has so far opened two primary schools and one clinic in Wau suburbs. CARD is also running a small scale farm at the suburbs of Wau town. CARD is now planning to open a secondary school and one nursery school in the year 2012 in Wau and Jur River County. CARD has submitted its concept paper for food security thematic programme in Western Bahr el Ghazal state in an attempt to address food insecurity.

Our Activities (What we do) ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

CARD will be engaged in: Training and motivating teaching staff to love teaching more than any other white collar jobs since most of the qualified teachers left their teaching profession due to conflicts of interest. This will be in response to the quality as input. Building more schools to address the problem of access to education and learning space. Training and motivating nurses and medical assistants to work in the rural clinics and dispensaries as most of the people vulnerable to diseases are in rural and localized remote areas. Educating and sensitizing the communities about HIV/AIDS and other related common diseases. Encouraging and supporting the small scale farmers to scale up their production volume as well as improving the quality of their produce.

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➢ Training and helping the farmers to form groups or associations as this will assist the farmers to develop the spirit of unity and to address the issue of food insecurity in South Sudan.

Our Founders CARD was founded and drafted by the Episcopal Church of Sudan, Diocese of Wau on 15th Sept 2011 after seeing the problems stated above escalating in the South Sudan; rate of illiteracy being very high, lack of qualified teachers, high rate of death in some areas due to lack of food or lack of health facilities and qualified medical personnel…….the list is unending. But how can we solve these numerous problems facing the country though the government is trying its best to solve some of them; the scale of these problems seems to be too big to be tackled by the government alone.

CARD’s Funding and Pledging Partners CARD is being supported financially and technically nationally and worldwide by the following partners. ➢ Episcopal Church of Sudan, Diocese of Wau. ➢ Episcopal Church of Sudan, Province –Juba. ➢ Poole Deanery in United Kingdom. ➢ The European Union. ➢ Inter -Church Organization for Development Co-operation and Church in Action (ICCO) Juba, South Sudan ➢ Dorcas Aid International, Holland ➢ Logos International Ministries Netherlands. ➢ The Republic of South Sudan, state Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education Western Bahr el Ghazal. ➢ Anglican International Development for Relief and Change UK. ➢ Poole Hospital NHS Trust UK. ➢ Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust UK.

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➢ The Carter Center, Peace Programs. ➢ Samaritan’s Purse International for Relief. ➢ MU/Literacy financial and Education Programme UK.

Restoring Hope, Inspiring Actions and Transforming Lives

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