Card vision

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CARD’S Vision CARD is visionary, aspiring to become one of the best initiators and accelerators of development. CARD’S Motto Restoring Hope, Inspiring Actions and Transforming Lives CARD’S Goal CARD is focused to develop the capacity of the South Sudanese through offering educational, agricultural and health services. CARD’S Mission Statement CARD is commissioned to restore hope, inspire a spirit of action and positively transform the lives of disillusioned and disadvantaged people, through education, improved health, economics and agriculture in South Sudan and beyond.

CARD’S Objectives ➢ To work for the capacity building of the South Sudanese so that they are able to mobilize and utilize their local resources for peaceful co-existence, sustainable development and for their collective and individual wellbeing.

Restoring hope, Inspiring actions and Transforming lives

➢ Encourage, support and promote their realistic and sustainable development proposals for innovative and proactive solutions or set programs of agriculture and food security. ➢ Instill in people and promote the attitude of self-reliance and awareness of the socioeconomic empowerment for themselves and their country. ➢ Initiate and encourage a process of total human development that can eventually be maintained and extended through local self-help efforts. ➢ Provide a responsible and correct transfer of operational responsibility of running relief programs by indigenous organizations or agencies at the earliest feasible time possible and taking into account their capacity to assume such responsibility while aiming at strengthening the voluntary sector of society. ➢ Work with the people concerned in identifying their real needs, activate and motivate their willingness to find lasting solutions and gather the appropriate resources needed to solve such problems. ➢ Foster a reasonable and viable assurance of economic growth, productive planning, strategic implementation and cost effective resource management skills, including a concern for leadership skills, appropriate ecological and technological approaches to work. ➢ Provide for an emergency aid response to a situation of real need and capacity available to the community. ➢ Promote and advocate for the provision of the highest and best attainable standard of health services, educational services and agricultural development. ➢ Value and advocate for the protection of values, principles and laws of human rights within and among the communities of South Sudan.

Restoring hope, Inspiring actions and Transforming lives

➢ Restore the hopes of those disillusioned and traumatized by war through counseling and reconciliation and a process of peace building initiatives. ➢ Act as a linking agency between government institutions, non-governmental organizations, donors, well-wishers and other associations and the communities.

CARD’S Principles

❖ Developing humans is the first priority in any development concept. ❖ Clear communication and working together as one united body for a common goal is the best approach for development. ❖ The gifts and talents of all people of good will produces the best anticipated result. ❖ Wisely and economically use the limited resources to care for humans and the environment. ❖ See and understand the needs of other fellow human beings and respond to it without discrimination or segregation. ❖ Do not work alone but recognize the efforts and concerns of others who will cooperatively contribute to the present situation being addressed. ❖ Search for, learn, and share your knowledge and resources for the purpose of furthering the efforts and ambitions of other communities or parties. ❖ Have the prime responsibility of responding to emergency needs of suffering humans and consequential real need. Restoring hope, Inspiring actions and Transforming lives

CARD’S Philosophy

➢ We believe that human beings are the greatest asset to the organization’s success and progress, therefore CARD will be concerned with the wellbeing of the people it will interact with directly or indirectly. ➢ We believe that humans can be transformed positively only through education, by imparting the knowledge and skills needed to bring stability. By sharpening intellect, deepening faith, inspiring action, improving lives and promising a better future.

➢ We believe that human beings were created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26, 27), which means that we relate to God and attempt to resemble God in all aspects of life on Earth. Therefore we deserve equal opportunities, rights and dignified respect. ➢ We believe that human beings are the reagents and catalysts of change by making people more productive, resourceful, valuable, healthy, hopeful and self reliant. ➢ We believe that accountability, stewardship and transparency in doing things, combined with compassion to help God’s people in real need is the cornerstone of our existence here on earth. ➢ We believe that we are here to help those in real need by cooperatively working together with other humanitarian aid organizations offering relief and restoring the hope of disadvantages and disillusioned communities. These are the ideologies or pillars guiding our moral principles within the internal set up and external activities of the organization.

Restoring hope, Inspiring actions and Transforming lives

CARD’S Statement of Faith

➢ We believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, his only son our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come back again to judge the living and the dead. (John 1:1 Luke 1:26-38) ➢ We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. ➢ We believe that the Bible is God's written revelation to man and it is verbally inspired, authoritative, and without error in the original manuscripts (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; John 10:35; Matthew 5:18). ➢ We believe in the 39 articles of faith, The Bible and the Book of Common Prayer and in the concept of God and his supreme power, the Trinity of God as Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. ➢ We believe that man was created in the image of God, but due to his sinful nature was he alienated from God. However he can be reunited only if he accepts Christ as his personal saviour through faith. In Christ salvation is made possible by Christ's death (Genesis 1:26,27; Romans 3:23,5:8,8:1; John 3:16-19,5:24; Ephesians 2:8-10).

Restoring hope, Inspiring actions and Transforming lives

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