CARD Quarterly Report Jan - April 13

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Name of Beneficiary of Grant Contract:


European Union (EU) 1.2.

Name and Title of the Contact person:

Interchurch Organization for Development Co-operation (ICCO)


Name of Partners in the Action:

 Catholic University of South Sudan, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CUoSSFAES)  DORCAS-AID International  Episcopal Church of Sudan-Christian Action for Relief and Development (ECS-CARD)

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

 Christian Agenda for Development (CAD) 1.4.

Title of the Action:

Increased Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor and Marginalized Households in Western Bahr El Ghazal State, South Sudan. 1.5.

Contract Number:

DCI-FOOD/2012/290717 1.6.

Start Date and end date of the reporting period: January –March 2013 1.7.

Target Country(ies) or Region(s): Republic of South Sudan (RoSS)

Highlights for the quarter (indicate social, economical and political changes in project implementation area) Project Socially Context Socially, in the context of this project some communities in some project sites target by this project are not agriculturalists orient in the background rather they are culturally predominately cattle keepers’ type of societies who are nomadic from one place to other in search for pastures for their animals. In such areas, where the beneficiaries are purely pastoralists the probability of project successes is at the stake. Masana Beria is not exemption in this scenarios, the community here their social lifestyle is characterized by nomadic. In September 2012 during registration the turned out was at the highest side, this was due to the fact that at that time most of this people were in their respective places this explain why during dry season the same people are nowhere to be found. What is worse mentioned here some who were given tools early this year 2013 have evacuated the project site. This is their generally lifestyle, therefore, this kind of social routine of pastoralists made it too difficult in two Masana for the project to be implemented effectively as planned. On the Other hand, in Jur River County where Animal Traction Training implemented, it appears to be something quiet unique among the Luo community. in Regard to their social life, they are agriculturalists by background, fisheries, hunters and iron miners ironically Luo are not cattle keeper, this is due to the fact, their environment in which they live is not conductive for keeping animals, special in wet season, animals are attack by flies and die combine to their cultural way of life,

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

very few individual own animals. When animal traction training was introduced the idea was much welcome most were willing to offer animals to work on their farms since they are agriculture oriented unfortunately majority of them were challenges by lack of animals only few could afford to offered one bull. Some are willing to be train and later when condition allows them they will buy for themselves. In the same social life from generally point of views, both communities are challenges by lack of capital, opportunities, hence most of the youths flow to main town with different mission, some of course in pursuing their studies, while other in search for jobs, still other aimless which in most cases most of these people fail to get something to start small business or getting jobs and in the long run they end up in group of gangster , and sex commercial as they adapt this social life most of them became vulnerable to HIV/AIDS as result of sex commercial this combine to ethnicity affiliation practice and population growth affect the perspective lifestyle of the people. In this situation, looking at agriculture point of view, most of these type of people who are predominately youths don’t really accept to work on the farm, for the reason that their social lives are primarily used to city lifestyle. From religions and culturally point of view, most of this community are from Africa traditional belief, from that perspective, the project finds it hard to bring the two different faiths on the same page. If Christianity would have been preached to them since spiritually motivated individuals contribute to strong families, organizations, corporations, administrative institutions and communities, animated by a new global ethic founded on universal spiritual principles such as unity, justice, equity, moderation and peacefulness. As working principles, these spiritual qualities would have enhanced social cohesion. More significantly, in relation to the question of food security, the organization to advocate the establishment of communitybased elected institutions responsible for the development and regulation of resources, for social services, and for investment. Decision-making to be carry out through an enhanced consultative process involving all-inclusive participation of community members and the open, frank, and courteous airing of views. A full and fair consultative process contributes to community ownership of development. Participatory processes that are "owned" by the community are more effective, leading to selfreliance rather than dependency. Ultimately, it is only through enhanced processes of social development which recognize the fundamental value of spiritual principles in education, community organization, and the application of technology that true food security can be established. It is necessarily a long term solution, but lays a firm foundation for a sustainable and secure food supply for all. In this manner the community will have different mindset in way they view agriculture activities as the best option. As matter of fact, for the last three months, when the project staffs have been in the field practically working with the few who have acceptance the project, there is some change taking places now even those who rejected it and deserted the project site before are now beginning to realized the important of this project and now begin to come back one by one after seeing the positively impact. Some people’s their societal life styles are positively edging their way to the project therefore, this report predict that at this inception period it’s hard for this project with this type of community to accept it at the initial stage but as time goes by people will begin to change their social being, in this case the project will work effectively in the last minute Project Economically Context

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

In economically perspective point of view, in this context, the project is badly challenge by economic suppression fact that

given the

the population is increasing from time to time and the land is decreasing drastically on the other side the global

warming is showing its worse effects combine to economic activities Desertification of the forest each day, While there are obviously significant environmental and technical causes of food shortages, more significant are the underlying social causes. By many accounts, overall state food production is not currently enough to provide everyone with a healthy and well balanced diet. These are attributed of fractured and unjust social systems, armed conflict at the border, and narrowly nationalistic attitudes contribute greatly to inadequacies in food production, transportation, storage and distribution. It is no coincidence that nations suffering most from chronic malnutrition and food insecurity are also the most disrupted by war or civil strife. Not only that the incrementally soil erosion vacantly in view that the climatic change prolonged as such the prolonged dry spells in the rainy season all these in question are the root Caused of food insecurity. Not forget, taking into account low productivity and income, low human capital, poor market integration, the burden of waterborne disease exacerbated by exposure to multiple shocks, not forgetting high food prices especially during the hunger gap period some of which are brought about as result of a high percentage of returnees. These Returnees have had to make drastic livelihoods changes for food and income sources while IDPs mainly depend on limited quantities of food aid, some of which they sell to earn a small income. Both groups are highly vulnerable with many of them involved in petty businesses, menial jobs and daily labour activities to earn meagre incomes for survival. The economic chain hold beneficiaries back not to participate fully at the project sites at the inception period. In Jur River County, most beneficiaries went to River site in search for fish, ever since this is their main economic activities during dry season usually go there, in addition to charcoal where most of the youth work to gain some income, special in dry season, as usually most people find their way to Town in search for work that will generate small income all these kind of activities have side effect in project implementation period. What is worse mention here is the fact that within this community there are some who own some livestock’s, of which most of the cattle are kept with neighbouring Dinka tribes only, need them in case of marriage. These animals which are supposed to boost their economic, are kept outside their territory what is the benefit in the case? Is the question lingering project will of course help this community to cultivate a lot of food which they will buy animals only to be given out to another community where they will not get income at all, in economically point of view this project will help other community indirectly on the other side weak the economic direct beneficiaries. Looking at that there is still high chance for hunger gap to increase since beneficiaries is not actually benefiting them. Last but the least, is lack of policies and action to undertake to pay adequate attenetion is great challenge to agriculture activities today. Economically western Bahr el Ghazal in terms of agriculture it climatic conditions are more favourable for farming and there is

enough land and rain to work and enough resources but due to an inadequate distribution of income resources,


ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

Project Politically context From politically point of view, the project

acknowledges the involvement of state government official in monitoring the

progress of the project activities and somehow in matter of decision makes unlikely the government. Politically and Administratively the project face some challenges in project locations, during proposal writing the project was intended to covered two counties that is Wau and Jur River county. But recently after passing administrative measure has dramatically change the initial planned as per this project in term of target locations and new leadership in place, its ironically that Wau county has been chopped out completely and relocated outside town as per this new administrative measure Wau County is not longer in the project site . This new administration structure, relocating the two counties outside has side in this project and what is worse mention is accessibility to those places quiet challenge in term of road and network coverage combine to an unavailability of counties authority concern in the offices lack of offices, all of which have logically complication and communication as well. Without mention Wau- Baggari county payam directors being member of the project Steering Committee and the project is not longer exist in their Locality will bring matter arise in the next sitting and leaving out Wau Municipality where the project is implementing is the same thing will crop up instantly. From politically standpoint this need answer, that will touch Baggari county locality in term of extension the project activities into their territory since project was original planned for them, Wau Municipality bieng luck one would only need their representative in the Project Steering Committee all goes well. By trying answering these questions the budget deserves readjustment for it to fit into context, this is where donor involved. On the other hand, it’s important the government emphasizes on an ethic of human solidarity that implies the precedence of the general welfare of humanity over national, tribes’ gender, and personal interests. The alleviation of human suffering becomes a national goal, regardless of where that suffering occurs. Accordingly, effective national institutions are required to manage fair and equitable trade arrangements, equitably allocate resources, and ensure that prosperity is shared. These principles ensure that effective and appropriate technical solutions to food insecurity are developed and shared with those nations and people most in need. Once more is the issue of renaming the project locations, Masan Beria & Talip were formerly under Wau South Payam now Block D Wau Municipality , Awiel Jadid previously under Wau North Payam now Block B Wau Municicpality, formerly well known Wau county today Wau Municipality, Baryar Udici Payam now Block B Wau Municipality. These are some of the politically challenges, Disregard to all these politically changes and administrative measure passed, The state government all the way to the payam level are firm in term of cooperative and supportive project staff and project itself in one way or the other. The State quarterly NGOS Partner meeting, NGOS Coordination monthly Meetings with ministries in line, County NGOS Coordination Monthly Meeting all these are some of expression of team work and goodwill from the state Government. In spite of the fact that, government is curious about partnership with NGOs the current state government is facing with leadership instability in the current leadership it require fresh introduction and sensation of the project to the new leadership, this sometime withhold the project activities as the new leadership need to know and understand the project activities and where it operate beside that what is more alarming is the repetition of Ethnicity conflict.

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

Three months ago there was big conflict among the communities which hit the state badly in Wau Town in which number of people reported have been killed on the same page early this year the same incident happened in Kangi in which one person was killed all these conflicts has repercussion on the project implementation timeline apart from complication of welfare of the project staff. 1

1.8. Final beneficiaries &/or target groups (if different) (including numbers of women and men):

Female 200 200 200 330 460 1,390 200 200 200

# persons Children 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,650 2,300 6,950 1,000 1,000 870











Ajugo (Jur River) County) Ajugo Kangi (Jur River) County) Kangi Gete (Jur River) County) Total Result 1 Gete Kangi Bilpham (Wau Town) Zagalona (Town) Ngohalima 1 (Wau Barial (Wau) Aweil Jedid Town) (Wau) AgokT) Masna Total Result 2 Rural area Urban area Total Result 3 Total Result 4


1 1 1 1 1


2 2 2

Residents Residents Residents Residents Residents Residents Residents Residents IDPs

200 200 200 330 460 1,390 200 200 200

Male 130 130 130 250 340 980 130 130 130












2 2 2 2

All partners All partners

3 3



IDP/Returnees 70 45 70 305 420 Returnees 70 45 70 305 420 Lepers 40 30 40 170 240 Residents 220 340 1,700 2,260 340 905 1,390 6,525 8,820 All target gr 1,390 Payam 6,750 36,500 population. Estimate 6,600 39,600 Payam 76.100 13.350 population. Government institutions, partners, LNGOs/CBOs and constituencies


Total 1,330 1,330 1,330 2,230 3,100 9,320 1.330 1,330 1200

1.9. Country (ies) in which the activities take place (if different from 1.7):

Republic of South Sudan (RoSS) 1.10. Project synopsis

A brief summary of the project, including a short description of: Project background This is a 36 months project with a total budget of € 1.237.374, with a technical start date of 7 April 2012, although the actual implementation of most activities started in July 2012 as the beneficiary was waiting for approval of derogation of moving the start date to July 2012, which was never granted. The project which is being implemented by ICCO and its four partners seeks to reduce the incidence of general and acute malnutrition among rural households in Western Bahr el Ghazal. 1

“Target groups” are the groups/entities who will be directly positively affected by the project at the Project Purpose level, and “final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the project in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large.

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

Project justification Rural poor and vulnerable target populations in Western Bahr El Ghazal State, South Sudan are unable to produce sufficient quantities to meet their nutritional needs. The constraints and root causes are linked to poor, ineffective and unsustainable farming practices and focus on monoculture. Specific problem areas in this respect are: 1) insufficient technical know-how, poor access to improved technologies, 2) poor access to resources such as land, quality agricultural inputs, BDS and financial sources and 3) insufficient organization of farmers, all resulting in low productivity and production. These constraints are further exacerbated by dependency on climate (rain-fed agriculture) and vulnerability to natural hazards such as frequent drought or erratic rainfalls linked to climate change that result in water logging and/or floods. In addition, as a result of inter and intra state conflicts essential knowledge about agricultural practices has disappeared and productive assets were destroyed, severely affecting livelihoods in the area. Insecurity, strife and poor governance, handicapping effective and inclusive policies, further add to the problem. Target populations lack coping mechanisms such as cereal banks or storage facilities to ensure food availability in case of shortage. In spite of their key roles in ensuring food security at household level (sourcing of input, production, marketing, processing, storage, etc.), the space for participation of women in production and decision-making around food security for the family is very limited. Objectives The project has two interlinked specific objectives: Specific Objective 1: To improve the food security and nutrition of particularly disadvantaged and marginalised people in Western Bahr el Ghazal. Specific Objective 2: Strengthened local institutions to better address food insecurity and climate Inception phase activities 1. MoUs/Contracts with partners/stakeholders done 2. Project launch event with media coverage done 3. Project start up (selection, recruitment, and guidelines. The appointment of one person to combined two positions finance and Administration officer under this project recruitment of security guide in substitution of the cook in Jur River County Kangi and averted the salary of the cook to pay Security Guard at the ECS-CARD,s office . The recruitment of security guide came in when the theft stolen bicycles and medicines in the office, the Senior Management Team thereafter proposed the recruitment of security guide to guide the office assets. 4. Introduction to project at target locations done 5. Define beneficiary selection criteria and methodology. At least eight people were registered for Animal Traction Training in Kangi base on availability of bulls and other eight beneficiaries who were registered based on their requested to be training along with their colleagues with hope that after the training they will go and acquire their own animals and work on their farms. 6. Conduct baseline survey done 7. Establish M&E framework done 8. Consult and explore involvement of stakeholders. The Project Steering Committee meeting was conducted with state government agriculture head of extension workers, payam directors and Implementing Partner of which the consortium partners presented the progress of the project activities.

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

Thereafter the Project Steering Committee visited project site Baryar, where the commented that demonstration Plot need technical person to do demarcation the comment was taken into account by the ECS-CARD it was rectified. On the same page CARD project staff conducted meeting with the community leaders to discuss the issue of Ox-Plough training after which they community leaders mobilized people to be registered for Ox-Plough and offered land for Animal Traction Training. Moreover, the communities were consulted and involved in seed mobilization and also participated in seeds assessment of which sorghum known locally Ajaango and groundnut known locally Bedabeda were recommended to be purchase in Barmayen Northern Bahr el Ghazal State. 9. Prepare inception report done 10. Monthly reporting and meetings with consortium partners In this quarter, severally NGOS partners meetings with state government were conduction, State quarterly NGOs UN Agencies, and all government developmental sectors follow by Consortium monthly partner meeting and Coordinator Partner monthly Meeting. the purpose of all these meetings were to identified some are areas where partners can assist each others, and of course to share successes, challenges learn in field and be able to find mechanism way on how to handles those challenges together as team. 11. Reporting to the EU Result 1 activities 1.1 Ground work with local stakeholders The project sensation and awareness was carried out in particular to the New commissioner of Jur River County, and also to state new director of agriculture two of who were appointed recently and they were not aware about the projection activities and it scope of operation. 1.2 Explore options for storage methods and facilities The Payam authority to the together with FSTP project staff explored the option for the storage seeds at Kangi Payam in which the payam administration had provided store for the project input. 1.3 Assess Cultural Appropriateness (Animal-Ploughing) The ECS-CARD had done an assessment on cultural appropriateness in regard to Animal-Plough to be use in the target population. From culturally point of view, animal-plough is not cultural accepted from their own standpoint, animals are meant to paying dowry, part source of wealth, milking, meat and for other important things using animals to dig on the farm. Combine with the project being new project to people as result they farmers have low opinion about it because they never seen the benefit before. In the face of the fact that, it’s new project to new people and culturally. Regardless those, eight farmers were registered and each of them offered two bulls to be train and other registered for Animals Traction Training in spite the fact that, they do not have bulls but willing to learn and acquire skills. Apart from assessing the culture viewpoint we also assess the land together with the community leaders and we found out that they are some places which are good for animals-plough this include (Dhebeer and Dheri) place where there are no many trees and its good for agriculture activities special Ox-plough. 1.4. Farmer groups formation. Jur River County has 12 groups this includes: Kangi Centre farmer groups, JolulBong Farmer Group, Baraguage Farmer Group, BarnyiUliedh Farmer Group, Barliny Farmer group, Barnyiwelia Farmer Group, ToopAladh Farmer Group, Acholguot Farmer Group, and Warnyiliel Farmer Group. Ajugo farmer group, Dhekur farmer group and Manyuong farmer gro 1.5.Seeds & tools distributions CARD has purchased 352 Rakes, Maloda and Axes for first and second year and distributed to the farmers of Kangi and Ajugo in Jur River County.

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

Kangi 220 beneficiaries were identified and registered after which 220 Rakes, Maloda and Axes were procured and distributed as follow : Yr 1: 2012 Target Number was 110 beneficiaries was identified and registered out of this only 92 people have showed up during tools distribution and each of them farmer received one Rakes, Maloda and Axes respectively Yr 2: 2013 Target Number is 110 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this 105 people have showed up during tools distribution and each of them received one Rake, Maloda and Axe respectively Ajugo 132 farmers were identified and registered after which 132 Rakes, Maloda and Axes were procured and distributed to: Yr 1: 2012 Target Number was 66 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this 41 people have showed up during tools distribution and Each one of them received one Rake, Maloda and Axe correspondingly Yr 2: 2013 Target Number was 66 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this number only 43 people have showed up during tools distribution and each one of this farmers received one Rake, Maloda and Axe correspondingly 1.3 Cassava multiplication 1.4 Farmer groups’ Training Farmers groups Training is ongoing in all farmers’ field schools. The training is basically is how to clear and prepare land in modern way without destroying forest and taking into account the issue of environment preservation, furthermore is negative impact cause when forest is destroy. 1.5 Land preparation and planting After the tools distribution the farmers started preparing their land in which they are still undergoing land preparation on their respective farms at least half the population target beneficiaries are clearing and preparing their farms. 1.6 Training in Animal Traction At least sixteen farmers were registered for Animal Traction Training through Animal Traction however the training will commence on April in Kangi Centre. The farmers were drawn from different localities in Kangi Payam on the basic of personal affordability of two bulls and readiness. Among the sixteen farmers only eight of them were able to offered bulls for training and they rest are attending training with the hope that after the training they will be able to buy their own animals. But as per now they are sharing among themselves to gain the skills and knowledge. Result 2 activities 2.1 Establishment of Kitchen gardens not yet 2.2 Poultry keeping Training 2.3 Nutrition awareness and sensitization not yet 2.4 Set up and support to saving scheme not yet

2.5 Distribution of subsidised tools, seeds and poultry inputs Tools distribution 111 Hoes, 111 Watering Cans, 28 Spade were distributed in Wau county as followed Baryar Wau North Yr 1: 2012 Target Number of household was 35 were identified and registered out of this only 22 people have showed up during tools distribution and attended the trained on demonstration plots and each one of them received one Watering Cans, One Rake and one Hoe correspondingly and seven Spades for demonstration plot only. Awiel Jadid Wau North. Yr 2: 2012 Target Number of household was 35 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this number 36 people

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

have showed up during tools distribution and attended the trained on demonstration plot each one of this farmers received one Rake, Watering Cans, Hoe correspondingly and seven spade for demonstration plot only. Masan Beria. Yr 2: 2012 Target Number of household was 85 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this number only 35 people have showed up during tools distribution and attended the trained on demonstration plot each one of this farmers received one Rake, Watering Cans, Hoe correspondingly and seven spade for demonstration plot only Masan Talip Yr 2: 2012 Target Number of household was 85 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this number only 20 people have showed up during tools distribution and attended the trained on demonstration plot each one of this farmers received one Rake, Watering Cans, Hoe correspondingly and seven spade for demonstration plot only 2.6 Land preparation (demonstration plots) All the demonstration plots eg Masan Beria, Masan Talip, Awiel Jadid and Baryar have been cleared and prepared and furthermore have been constructed with fence and They farmers are now undertaking training on           

How to Establishment nurseries bed ’ Water management (root structure and depth) and biological control (pest management) Crop management practice Demarcation of plot for each crop. How and when to transplant plants, Soil management. How to apply manure and pesticide on the farms. Selection of the crop which can be plant together and treated with bromomethane Seed viability and germination. Assessment of weed stand. Type of weeds common in the field.

Result 3 activities 3.1 Inventory of activities and relative marketing strategies 3.2 Formation and training of 5 market committees 3.3 Training in basic business & marketing skills 3.4 Dissemination of market information 3.5 Collaborate with SMoAF&I (information system) Result 4 activities. 4.1 Capacity building of the CBOs 4.2 Development and implementation of Capacity building plans 4.3 Collaboration with Catholic University of Wau 4.4 Capacity building of the Ministry of Agriculture Project Results Result 1: Increased production of staple crops among rural target group Result 2: Increased agricultural diversification among target group Result 3: Improved marketing system in place in target areas Result 4: Increased capacity of Catholic University of South Sudan Faculty of agriculture and environmental sciences (CUoAFAES), government departments and local NGOs to address food insecurity and climate threats. Location The project is being implemented in Western Bahr El Ghazal State, South Sudan (WBGS). The project locations include

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

villages in Kangi, Ajugo, Gete, Agok and Wau town in Western Bahr El Ghazal State. Number and kind of beneficiaries 192 Beneficiaries have been identified and registered for the second year 2013. See section 1.8 above This section can remain unchanged for all reports. 1.11. Project synopsis

2. Assessment of implementation of Action activities 2.1. Summary of Quarterly Progress Report

Over the reporting period as from 1st Jan to March 2013, the following activities have been undertaken. This is a 36 months project with a total budget of € 1.237.374, which initial aim to start on 7 April 2012, but due to some logistically and administrations concerns it pushed to July 2012.The project

is aim to “Increased Food Security and

Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor and Marginalized Households in Western Bahr El Ghazal State, South Sudan” Rural poor and vulnerable target populations who are unable to produce sufficient quantities to meet their nutritional needs, specific problem areas in this respect are: 1) insufficient technical know-how, poor access to improved technologies, 2) poor access to resources such as land, quality agricultural inputs, in regard to this, the project has procured input tools total of 352 set of tools were distributed to the 270 households of which each household received one Rakes, one Maloda and one Axes for year 1 and year 2 after which the farmers started clearing and preparing land. On the same note 15 Ox-plough were procured distributed to the farmers and sign contract indicating they will recover some of the plough & implements cost, during harvesting and are now undergoing Animal Traction Training in Kangi. This is the same dismal point in Wau County where diverstification crop production is implemented 111 set of tools were distributed to the farmers and each households received one Hoe, Watering Can and Rake respectively all of which are undergoing horticulture, training in various demonstration plots eg Masana Beria , Masana Talip , Baryar and Awiel Jadid Koromalong on How to Establishment nurseries bed Water management (root structure and depth) and biological control


management) crop management practice, Demarcation of plot for each crop, How and when to transplant plants, Soil management., How to apply manure and pesticide on the farms, Selection of the crop which can be plant together and treated with bromomethane, Seed viability and germination Assessment of weed stand, Type of weeds common in the field and among others. In addition to tools distribution project sensation and awareness as well was carried out in particular to the new commissioner of Jur River County, and state new director of agriculture two of who were appointed recently and they were not aware about the projection activities and it scope of operation. While In regard to Consultation and Exploration on how best to have effective and inclusive participation of stakeholders and assess cultural appropriateness and how best to improve animal-ploughing in the target area. The Project Steering Committee meeting was conducted with state government agriculture head of extension workers, payam directors and Implementing Partner of which the consortium partners presented the progress of the project activities thereafter the Project Steering

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

Committee visited

project site Baryar ECS-CARD, during field visited the Project Steering Committee comment that

demonstration Plot at Baryar need technical person to do demarcation the comment was taken into account by the ECSCARD staff it was rectified. On the same page CARD project staff conducted meeting

with the community leaders to discuss the issue of Ox-Plough

training after which they community leaders mobilized people as result eight people were registered for Ox-Plough training and land for Animal Traction Training was offered beside their involvement in seed mobilization and participation in seeds assessment of which sorghum locally known Ajaango and groundnut locally Bedabeda were recommended to be purchase. On the subject of recruitment new person has been appointed to combined two positions finance and Administration officer under this project as well as security guide in substitution of the cook in Jur River County Kangi and averted the salary of the cook to pay Security Guard at the ECS-CARD, s office On the other hand, from Socially concept, in the context of this project, most some communities target by this project are not agriculturalists orient in the nature rather they are culturally predominately cattle keepers’ type of society who


nomadic from one place to other in search for pastures for their animals. In such areas, in this case where the beneficiaries are purely pastoralists the probability of project successes is at the stake. Masana Beria is not exemption in this scenarios, the community here their social lifestyle is characterized by nomadic and so they hard accept the project, this is the case to where pastoralists communities are target under this project. On the other hand looking upon economically perspective point of view, in this context, the project challenge by economic suppression

given the fact that the population is increasing from time to time and the land is decreasing drastically on the

other side the global warming is showing its worse effects in such case the environment suffers, the farmers f to produce the food necessary for the expanding human family will diminish .Deforestation and the soil erosion that quickly follow it have already reduce the food production capacities has incrementally

soil erosion vacantly in view that the climatic change

prolonged as such the prolonged dry spells in the rainy season all these in question are the are result of food insecurity. Also taking into account low productivity and income, low human capital, poor market integration, the burden of waterborne disease exacerbated by exposure to multiple shocks, not forgetting high food prices as result of shooting down oil and road block combine to the hunger gap period some of which are brought about as result of a high percentage of returnees. These Returnees have had to make drastic livelihoods changes for food and income sources while IDPs mainly depend on limited quantities of food aid, some of which they sell to earn a small income. Both groups are highly vulnerable with many of them involved in petty businesses, menial jobs and daily labour activities to earn meagre incomes for survival. In short the economic chain and lack of individual land for cultivation special in town hold beneficiaries back not to participate fully at the project sites at the inception period. This is not only circumstances, looking from politically point of view, the project

acknowledge the involvement of state

government official in monitoring the progress of the project activities and somehow in matter of decision make unlikely the government. Politically and Administratively the project face some challenges in project locations, during proposal writing the project was intended to covered two counties that is Wau and Jur River county but recently when administrative

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

measure passed in the State Legislative Assemble has dramatically change the initial planned as per this project in term of target locations and new leadership in place. It’s ironically that Wau County has been chopped out completely and relocated outside far west as per this new administrative measure Wau County is not longer in the project site. This new arrangement of repositioning the two counties outside has side effect and what is worse mention is inaccessibility to those places quiet challenge in term of road and network coverage combine to an unavailability of counties authority concern in the offices lack of offices, all of which have logistically complication and communication as well. Without mention Wau- Baggari county payam directors being member of the project Steering Committee and the project is not longer exist in their Locality will bring matter arise in the next sitting and leaving out Wau Municipality where the project is implementing is the same thing will crop up instantly. From politically standpoint this need answer, that will touch Baggari county locality in term of extension the project activities into their territory by virtue that the project was original planned for them, by this the new administration mean budget deserves readjustment to reclaim back Wau-Baggari County and this load on the budget holders and the leading contract Agency, it will be up to them to decide on what to do. In respective to Wau Municipality being luck one will only need their representative in the Project Steering Committee and all goes well since the its affect by the state administrative measure in anyway. Finally, there were quiet number of NGOs coordination meetings this include State quarterly Partner coordination meeting, County NGOS Coordination Monthly Meeting, Food Security & Livelihood NGOs Monthly partners coordinating meeting, consortium partners Coordination meeting these meetings in summary were made for the purpose of

sharing challenges,

successes and mechanism way on how together developmental body can address the issue amicable all these meetings are expression of team work and goodwill to identify areas which need each partner intervention. 2.2. Activities and results

Result / Activities

Progress *

R.1. Increased production of staple food crops among rural target group Inception phase activities 1. MoUs/Contracts with partners/stakeholders 2. Project launch event with media coverage 3. Project start up(selection, recruitment, and guidelines

4. Introduction to project at target locations

One person was appointed to combined two positions finance and Administration officer and security guide was recruited to substitute the cook in Jur River County Kangi and averted the salary of the cook to pay Security Guard.

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

5. Define beneficiary selection criteria and methodology

At least 192 beneficiaries were registered for Year 2. In details.  Out of this number 16 people were registered for Animal Traction Training in Kangi.  110 Beneficiaries registered in Kangi for Year 2  66 beneficiaries registered in Ajugo for Year 2

6. Conduct baseline survey 7. Establish an M&E framework

8. Consult and explore involvement of stakeholders

 The Project Steering Committee meeting was conducted with state government agriculture head of extension workers, payam directors and Implementing Partner of which the consortium partners presented the progress of the project activities  On the same page CARD project staff conducted meeting with the community leaders to discuss the issue of Ox-Plough training after which they community leaders mobilized people to be registered for Ox-Plough and offered land for Animal Traction Training.  The communities were consulted and involved in seed mobilization and also participated in seeds assessment of which sorghum known locally Ajaango and groundnut known locally Bedabeda were recommended to be purchase.

9. Prepare inception report

10 .Monthly reporting and meetings with consortium partners

11 Reporting to the EU Result 1 activities

In this quarter, severally NGOS partners Coordinating meetings were held at different capacity, these include State Quarterly NGOs UN Agencies, and all government developmental sectors Meeting, Consortium monthly partner meeting, County NGOs Coordination Partner Meeting, Food Security Live hood Partner Coordinating Meeting. the purpose of all these meetings was to share successes, challenges learn in field and be able to find mechanism way on how to handles those challenges together as team.

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

1.1 Ground work with local stakeholders

The project sensitized and carried out awareness in particular to the New commissioner of Jur River County, and also to state new director of agriculture two of who were appointed recently and who are not aware about the projection activities and it scope of operation.

1.2 Explore options for storage methods and facilities

The Payam authority to the together with FSTP project staff explored the option for the storage seeds at Kangi Payam and the payam administration had provided store to be use for the project input.

1.3 Assess cultural appropriateness (animalploughing)

Assessment on cultural appropriateness in regard to Animal-Plough to be use was done in the target population. From culturally point of view, animal-plough is not cultural accepted from their own standpoint animals are meant to paying dowry, part source of wealth, milking, meat and for another important things using animals to dig on the farm as disregard the culture of their own which is not acceptable. Combine being new project to new people, farmers have low opinion about it because they never seen the benefit before, in the face of the fact that, its new project to new people and culturally rejected at least eight farmers accepted the project and each offered two bulls to be train and those who were willing to be training in Animals Traction Training in spite of they do not have bulls but willing to learn and acquire skills were registered. Apart from assessing the culture viewpoint we also assess the land together with the community leaders and it was found out that they are some places which are good for animals-plough this include (Dhebeer and Dheri) place where there are no many trees and its good for agriculture activities special for Ox-plough.

1.4 Farmer groups formation

The names of the farmers group include. Kangi Centre farmer groups 1&2, JolulBong Farmer Group, Baraguage Farmer Group, BarnyiUliedh Farmer Group, Barliny Farmer group, Barnyiwelia Farmer Group, ToopAladh Farmer Group, Peeth Farmer Group, and Warnyiliel Farmer Group. Ajuog centre farmer group, manyuong farmer grpoup and Dhekur Farmer Group

Total of 352 Rakes, Maloda and Axes for Year 1 and Year 2 were

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

distributed to the farmers in Kangi and Ajugo.

1.5 Seeds & tools distributions

In Kangi 220 Rakes, Maloda and Axes were distributed as follow : Yr 1: 2012 Target Number was 110 beneficiaries was identified and registered out of this only 91 people have showed up during tools distribution and each of them farmer received one Rakes, Maloda and Axes respectively Yr 2: 2013 Target Number is 110 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this 92 people have showed up during tools distribution and each of them received one Rake, Maloda and Axe respectively In Ajugo 84 Rakes, Maloda and Axes were distributed to: Yr 1: 2012 Target Number was 66 beneficairies were identified and registered out of this 41 people have showed up during tools distribution and Each one of them received one Rake, Maloda and Axe correspondingly Yr 2: 2013 Target Number was 66 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this number only 43 people have showed up during tools distribution and each one of this farmers received one Rake, Maloda and Axe correspondingly

1.6 Cassava multiplication 1.7 Farmer groups’ Training

Farmers groups Training is ongoing in all farmers’ field schools. The training is basically on how to clear and prepare land in modern way without destroying forest and taking into account the issue of environment preservation, furthermore training is negative impact cause when forest is destroy

1.8 Land preparation and planting

They farmers are still undergoing land preparation on their respective farms at least half the population target beneficiaries are clearing and preparing their farms.

1.9 Training in Animal traction will commence shortly.

At least sixteen farmers who were registered for Animal Traction will soon commence Animal Traction Training in Kangi Centre next month. The farmers were drawn from different localities in Kangi Payam on the basic of personal affordability of two bulls and readiness. Among the sixteen farmers only eight of them were able to offered bulls for training and they rest are attending training with the hope that after the training they will be able to buy their own animals. But as per now they are

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

sharing among themselves to gain the skills and knowledge.

-R.2. Increased diversification crop production 2.1 Establishment of Kitchen garden 2.2 Poultry keeping training (Year 1: 80 HH, Year 2:80 HH) 2.3 Nutrition awareness and sensitization messages 2.4 Set up of support saving scheme

2.5 Distribution of subsidised tools, seeds and poultry inputs

A total of 111 Hoes, 111 Watering Cans, 78 Rakes, 28 Spade were distributed in Wau county as followed Baryar Wau North Yr 1: 2012 Target Number of household was 35 were identified and registered out of this only 22 people have showed up during tools distribution each one of them received one Watering Cans, One Rake and one Hoe correspondingly and seven Spades for demonstration plot only. who are now undergoing in horticulture training on demonstration plots Awiel Jadid Wau North. Yr 2: 2012 Target Number of household was 35 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this number 36 people have showed up during tools distribution each one of this farmers received one Rake, Watering Cans, Hoe correspondingly and seven spade for demonstration plot only who are now undergoing in horticulture training on demonstration plot Masan Beria. Yr 2: 2012 Target Number of household was 85 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this number only 35 people have showed up during tools distribution each one of this farmers received one Rake, Watering Cans, Hoe correspondingly and seven spade for demonstration plot only who are now undergoing in horticulture training on demonstration plot Masan Talip Yr 2: 2012 Target Number of household was 85 beneficiaries were identified and registered out of this number only 20 people have showed up during tools distribution each one of this farmers received one Rake, Watering Cans, Hoe correspondingly and seven spade for demonstration plot only who are undergoing in horticulture training on demonstration plot

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

2.6 Land preparation (demonstration plots)

All the demonstration plots eg Masan Beria, Masan Talip, Awiel Jadid and Baryar have been cleared and prepared and furthermore they have been constructed with fence and They farmers are now undertaking training on  How to Establishment nurseries bed ’  Water management (root structure and depth) and biological control (pest management)  crop management practice  Demarcation of plot for each crop.  How and when to transplant plants,  Soil management.  How to apply manure and pesticide on the farms.  Selection of the crop which can be plant together and treated with bromomethane  Seed viability and germination.  Assessment of weed stand.  Type of weeds common in the field.

-R.3. Improved marketing system in place in target areas. 3.1 Inventory of activities and relative marketing . strategies 3.2 Formation and training of market committees at payam level. 3.3 Training in basic business and marketing skills 3.4 Dissemination of marketing information 3.5 Collaborate with SMoAF&I (information systems) . -R4.1 Capacity building (partners and stakeholders).

4.1 Capacity building of CBOs

4.2 Development and implementation of capacity building plans

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

4.3 Collaboration with Catholic University of Wau

4.4 Capacity building of the Ministry of Agriculture

2.3. Analysis of Progress: Success, Constraints and Lessons Learned


Key success of the project during the reporting period Key success of the project How it maintained


1.1. Procurement of input tools for households.

By from



being Lessons learnt

Areas for support from the EC delegation

quotation We learn that it’s very


local important



A total of 352 Rakes, 352 Maloda and 352 Axe companies after which the quotation before buying have been procured.

team sat and analysed all the quotation and selected one company to supply tools.

1.2. Distribution of input Tools to households. 186 set of tools were distributed to households in Kangi in which each household received one Rake, By calling the beneficiaries one Maloda, and one Axes. names and sign against his/her after receiving In Ajugo 84 distributed in Ajugo in which each tools. household received one Rake, one Maloda and one Axes. Recruitment of new finance and administrator One person have been appointed to combined two and Security Guide. positions finance and administrator and security Guide was recruited to substituted the Cook

Through experience We learn that one person combining two technical positions in one organization is very challenge.

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

The Rial Seed company through HARD staff in 1.6. Procurement of Ox plough Fifteen ox-ploughs have been purchased for Juba office connected us to selective farmers in Kangi village. get Rial Seed Company Limited. By collecting quotations from 1.7. Procurement of Camera Camera for project documentation has been market procured

We now understood without partnership with organization, the chance is high for organization to suffer direct or indirect.

the the

We hired technically from state 1.8. Training Farmers in Animal Traction expertises government to train Training farmers Sixteen farmers are expected to begin Animals Traction Training in Kangi early April 2013 Through community 1.9. Registering new beneficiaries for Year 2. sensitization and 192 beneficiaries were identified and registered as mobilization. follow 110 beneficaries from Kangi 66 beneficiaries from Ajugo 16 for Animal Traction training Quotations were collection 1.10.Procurement of Seeds Sorghum and from different farmers. Groundnut 60 sacks of groundnuts and 30 sack of sorghum have been procured. Buildinging relationship to 1.11. Payam administrator offer store at Kangi work together as a team The Payam administrator of Kangi Payam has offered store in Kangi for the purpose of project inputs. We Provided farmers with 1.12. Land Clearing and Preparation. The farmers across the all project sites in Kangi necessary tools to cut and Ajugo have start off clearing their lands down trees and rake to preparation for upcoming season. clear the land.

ECS-CARD need to have agriculture technically experts.

Hope Agency for Relief and Development. HARD help us in kind to transport seeds from Barmayen to Kangi Relationship is the most crucial thing in every success of organization.

We learn that those huge trees which were cut down by the farmers take long time to dry and some tree are impossible to be cut down. Apart from Axe got blunt in the middle that it became impossible to cut down trees. Communication with the Lack of seeds at the in Western project side it make thing 1.13. Maize and Cassava have been ordered farmers Equateria to deliver Maize to move slowly. from Western Equateria to be deliverance. and Cassava steam. 1.14. The Naming of farmer groups These are the name of twelve farmer groups.

All the named

farmers were We learn that grouping and group them village by village

EC delegation there is need to buy sharper to sharpen the Axe and Maloda

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013


Kangi Centre farmer groups A&B, JolulBong according to the villages was the best way to deal farmer group,Baraguage farmer group, were they came from. with these farmers. BarnyiUliedh Farmer Group, Barliny Farmer group, Barnyiwelia Farmer Group, ToopAladh Farmer Group, Peeth Farmer Group, Warnyiliel Farmer Group. Ajugo Centre Farmer Group, Manyuong farmer group and Dhekur Farmer group. Farmer’s were mobilized If the fence wouldn’t 2.1.Construction of demonstration plot All demonstration plot eg Masan Beria, Masan to dig the poles holes. have been constructed all Talip, Baryar and Awiel Jadid Koromalong have the plants which were constructed construct with fences. planted in demonstration plots would have been destroy by animals

Farmers were mobilized to 2.2. Clearances demonstration plots. All four demonstration plots have been cleared eg cleared demonstration Masan Beria, Masan Talip, Baryar and Awiel Jadid plots. ( Koromalango) 2.3.

Ordered of vegetable seeds. Detailed in this table below. S/N Description Quantity 1 Okra 240 2 Onion 240 3 Tomato 240 4 Cabbage 240 5 Pumpkin 240 6 Cucumber 240

2.4. Procurement of Tools Rakes 240 Rakes have been procured. 2.5. Procurement of pesticides Pesticide has been procurement for emergency


Ordered and Procurement of water pump+ generator

Water Pump +generator have been ordered as planned.

2.7.Training farmer in Horticulture is underway in demonstration plots.  Baryar 22 farmers

We at the initial stage farmers don’t like working as group to clear land everyone want to his/her alone We managed to get Rial Relationship with another Seed Company Limited NGO is very important in through HARD staff based this world. If HARD staff in Juba was not available there getting seed wouldn’t have been easy for us. Since there is no diverstification seeds in the whole of western Bahr el Ghazal state. Collecting quotation from the local Blacksmith in Wau We procured pesticides We learn that pesticides and spray on the need to be available for demonstration where the emergency use issue of insect attacking the planted reported We managed to get Rial We learn that Seed Company Limited Relationship with another through HARD staff base NGO is very important. in Juba without this partnership it would have been very difficult for us to get Water Pump generator to our farmers Field visit twice in a week Dealing with Dinka in this project is very difficult

Food security project special this type of project need to allocated budget for demonstration plot for construction

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

 Awiel Jadid (Koromalang) 36 farmers  Masan Talip 20 farmers  Masan Beria 2 farmers 2.8.Identification demonstration plot in Awiel We deal with beneficiaries directly and they offered Jadid (Koromalango) land for demonstration plot The demonstration plot in Awiel Jadid has been finally found at Koromalang


We learn that in most cases where we deal with community leaders it is very challenges but some places where we deal directly with beneficiaries it very fast, easy and convenience and successfully . Seedling and We learn that if were not 2.9. Seedling and transplantation. Seedling and transplantation was done in all project transplantation were done very wise enough to get locations demonstration plots in accordance to guidelines training manual on in the manual books. internet seedling and transplantation wouldn’t have been easy. We have Attended all Partners Meetings in which State Quarterly Partner meeting, Consortium we presented the progress Monthly Partner Meeting, and NGOs Coordination of the project to the state Monthly Meeting were held in this quarter and government and other Project Steering Committee meeting. NGOs and shared challenges, success and way forward together as partners. 2.10. Partners meetings.

We learn that it’s through partners meeting we are able to know where other partner operating, this help us to avoid overlapping and targeting the same beneficiaries. It’s also allowing partners to identify which location is not left.

EC delegation to develop training Manual for farmer field school training for extension workers EC to come up with map which define four Ws where, who, what and when. To avoid overlapping and targeting one beneficiary by three or two organization and it’s easy for organization to know themselves where they are operating.

Project challenges during the reporting period # 1

How it’s being handled 1.1. Sharing one vehicle, One Several meetings had been held to address driver, between partners is not the issue but all were in vain. There is no practical. agreement have been it has never been easy ever reached so far. since the starting of this project, Key challenge of the project








Areas for support from EC delegation

Despite dishonoured agreement between the two organizations ECSCARD and Dorcas Aid International. The work is in progress, other alternative mean of transport were use to carried out project activities.

The ICCO who represent EC delegation in this project need to procured Car which was planned under this project and send on the ground to make the work more easy and effectively and to avoid further deterioration partnership between the two implementing partners and reduce workload on driver.

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013





Combine to one drivers working for two organizations expressed his over workload in very disappointed mood. These







between the two partners 1.2

Hiring motor bike to carry out FSTP Lack of motorbikes for the Activities whenever extension officers have we are be deficient in mean of transport. contributed to deceleration the

As such we were enable us to carried out activities effectively and moved on well with our planned

The motorbikes which were planned for this project, the ICCO who represented EC in this case need to speed up to the procured them and send them beginning of this quarter before we wear out welcome from our colleague who helps us in kind. Importantly to carry out actively timely and effectively.

The state government deployed policemen in the area and prison those who were connected to the problem meanwhile The project staff made reconciliation among the two communities

The situation is calm down. The market day which was closed down in Kangi for this purposed is now open and the project activities are being carried out without fear

Initiate peace building and reconciliation project to the host communities through effective dialogue to avoid further deterioration of security situation while addressing the root cause of the inter tribal conflict.

The state Administrative Measures are beyond the scope of the implementing Partners to address

Project are activities are continue in all the target areas Regardless of the state administrative measure being passed,

The EC together with ICCO leading Agency of this consortium need to readjust the concept note in order to accommodate the Baggari County under this new arrangement.

Lack of Motorbikes.

planned to run the project activities effectively and timely.



Tribal conflict Tribalistic clashes in the target areas delay project implementation in some areas, because of the tribal conflict which erupted out in Wau last year and Kangi earlier this year 2013 interrupted distribution of tools as planned, given the fact that the target areas and the people were in one way or the other affected by this conflict the situation was worsening. State Administrative Measures. Early this year the state government have relocated the two counties headquarter outside Town that is River Jur County in Nyiakook and Wau County in Baggari. What is more significance notice, Wau county has been changed from county to Municipality. This administrative measure has complication of project site. The areas which were original

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013


articulated in the concept note under Wau county are now under Wau Municipality. Under this new arrangement Baggari County is not part of this project, and so this became challenge. is beyond Exclusion of Wau Baggari This implementing partner County in new administrative capacity to address. measure. In this new arrangement Wau Baggari county is not in the target project location


Sharing community facilitators It appeared that The position of community facilitator is not equitable share by the two NGOs has indicated in the proposal.


Wau Municipality and Wau Baggari County The new administrative measure has created tension in naming. Initial the project was made for Wau county today Wau Municipality. This is new arrangement Wau county became Wau Municipality and Wau county was change to Baggari County. Price in the market. The prices in the markets are shooting up in the market on daily basic. This Procurement of projects items and tools and. Fence around Demonstration plots. Initial there was no precondition perceived fencing the demonstration plots. Now animals destroying crops have challenge the demonstration plots. Lack of technically skills. The CARD extension officer are not agriculture skilfully and technically




Exclusion of Baggari county didnot affect the target number and project site, and activities continue as planned with new administration We continue working It’s better to split the without community salary of community facilitator. facilitator into two between two organizations.

The exclusion of Baggari county and inclusive of it depends upon the EC and ICCO leading organization Budget and polices what to do what such thing happen in the middle of the project.

Nothing has been done so far to resolve the issue of Baggari county Wau County and Wau Municipality.

For reporting purpose this ECS-CARD still maintain Wau county, in all communication under FSTP.

The EC and ICCO leading consortium need to address the issue of name which to be use during reporting and also when given presentation in NGOS and government partner meetings to avoid inconvenience with government polices

Tools and other project Although the price in items were not the market is high most procured as per budget of the important thing proposed. were procured

The EC and ICCO leading organization need to readjust the budget in accordance to current financial condition and market

Despite the fact that The fencing was done in The EC/leading Organization to readjust there was no budget all demonstration plots the budget and add column for fencing line for fencing for demonstration plot demonstration plot. All demonstration plots are constructed.

We had Invited agriculture technically expert from the state ministry of agriculture

All demonstrations plots The EC and ICCO leading consortium were demarcated in need to trained extension workers with accordingly using the agriculture technically skills skills used by extension

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013




Work and Culture. The tendency of Dinka communities toward agriculture activities is very scary. This is due to the fact that Dinka communities they are pastoralists by background. Therefore, their culture element attributed to failure of the project in Masan Beria where almost everyone is Dinka. Animals and insects have attacked and destroy plants. In Baryar goats and insects attacked particular cabbage destroy it badly at the demonstration plots,

to do demarcation on the demonstration plots. Activate the culture of work. The project staffs are preaching the culture of work and it’s significant so that such community should activate the culture of work.

Insecticide was bought and sprays, all the plants are now in good conditions except cabbage. Fence was constructed in all four demonstration plots. Cassava and Maize to Lack of maize, Cassava. Recently CARD carried out be procured outside seeds assessment for staple crop state , production in Kangi but there is no enough maize in store not to mention cassava,


Beneficiaries Evacuated the project sites. some of farmers who were registered left their places and went to River sites for fishing as this has been their culture during the dry season communities usually go to River sites for fishing while in Wau is different story altogether farmers are not willing to work special in Masana they are very ignorance and relaxant.

Proceeding with available beneficiaries. The projects staff registered some new people to top up on the target number needed and leave those at they are River site for next year registration.


New method withhold the farmers to grasp the animal traction training Our target number for year 1 was 30. Unfortunately we end registering 16 people. Most farmers They want to wait and see the outcome after which one

The community sensation and mobilization was Carried out thoroughly from village to village.

technically expert

Despite all this tremendous challenges the project has gain momentum in some areas as result there is a bit improvement now compared to the starting point to the other.

In regard to the subject matter there is need to approach Dinka from animal perspective point of view by boost up the animal’s productivity and with time and condition they will adapt agriculture activities.

insecticide is now . available for emergency use in the store and all demonstration plot are fenced

In spite of the fact that there are no seeds available in Western Bahr el Ghazal State, the procurement of seeds will be done in Western Equateria State. Disregard most of beneficiaries evacuated project site, the project activities continue successfully new people were indentified and registered to replaced those who left project site

After which sixteen farmers took hold of the idea and were identified and registered for animal’s traction training.

In this regard the EC to increase the transport cost in the budget special items and seed which are not within the region or country

The EC/ICCO Leading agency and implementing partners to observe the culture and calendar of target beneficiaries when they are available in their respective places.

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013





will decide what to do. Beneficiaries disappearing with Tools. Beneficiaries in all project sites are not exemption in this scenarios although about two to three from some of project sites disappearing with tools but Masan Beria is worse where almost everyone who received disappeared completely from demonstration plots Beneficiaries in Masana Beria have abandon demonstration plot In masana Beria where most target beneficiaries were involved in their own farms has abandoned the demonstration plot because they are committed on their own farms. Beneficiaries abandon some diverstification seeds. Most of beneficiaries who were already involve cucumber plantation in Masan Talip refused to consider other diverstification crops production provide by project such as egg plant , cabbage, onion, and pumpkin Thieves Stolen thing in office The thief entered in office and stolen FSTP project input seven Rakes and four bicycles from the department of Mothers Union Literacy Programme and three cartons from the department of Diocesan clinic Water shortage in the project area. Most of the beneficiaries in jur River County are drinking contaminated water.

We tried to collect back the tools in kind but thing were almost fall apart.

The Few farmers who accepted to work are no working on demonstration plots.

The solution will be Despite that two farms assisting them with are working on tools and seeds on demonstration plots their own farms.

The solution will be providing them with cucumber and okra. Since these are they only seed they like.

Some few are To address this the ICCO suggestion beneficiaries have it trial will be need to comment on what to do to transplants others about the rest the seeds. seeds.

Recruitment of Since then nothing were Security Guide to report lost in the office project the office and and store. store at night.



beyond Despite this, project staff Initiate water project in the areas where works under unbearable there is shortage of water by drilling project staff capacity conditions. hand pumps in Ajugo, Kangi and to handle provide water filter to the communities who drinking contaminated waters in order to avoid guinea warm staffs are Continued supporting long-term Beneficiaries are lacking This is beyond project Project encourage farmers to agriculture innervations to support the enough food. staff capacity to Most beneficiaries are struggle prepare their lands. livelihoods of the vulnerable and to eat meal per a day address per now. marginalized communities to mitigate the impact of the current crisis food

ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

insecurity and to be self-reliance List all contracts (works, supplies, services) above 5000€ awarded Amount Award Name Of Contractor Procedure 1900 Collecting three Abu Duga Blacksmith Wau, Wau quotations and South Sudan analyzed 15000 Negatation Rial Seed Compand Limited Juba South Sudan 1900 Collecting three Achy Interpries Company East quotations and Africa analyzed 7100 Collecting three Baau Farmers Group Assoction, quotation and Awiel Centre County Northern analyzed Bahr El Ghazal State.

Purpose of contract Rake, Axe, Maloda, locally

To supply seed, Ox-ploug animal training To supply Rakes with handles

To supply sorghum.



a. Work plan for April quarter 2013

QUARTER LY WORKPLAN FOR APRIL, MAY AND JUNE2013 Activities R.1. Increased production of staple food crops 1.1 Agree with local stakeholders on selection criteria and methodology.


1.2 Identification, selection and registration of beneficiary farmers using the agreed beneficiary selection criteria. 1.3 organize farmers in 20-25 farmers per group and elects a lead and sub-lead farmer, one man and at least one woman. Lead farmers are contact persons for the farmer groups. 1.4 Introduction and training of farmer groups in improved agronomic practices. Training takes place in a field of a volunteer farmer; where all other farmers come together and learn practical methods and skills, and then they also implement the improved practices on their farms with back stopping from the trainer; who is the project extension worker. 1.5 Procurement, transport and distribution of sets of tools (cost sharing around 20%) and improved varieties of seeds, in particular sorghum, ground nuts and maize. The stipulated percentage of cost recovery from the beneficiary farmer, for tools received, will also be included in the contract. The percentage will be adjusted, if necessary, depending on the findings of the survey, done during the inception phase, on affordability and feasibility of an appropriate inputs cost recovery system for the








ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

target group 1.6 Beneficiary farmers prepare fields and start planting seed from mid to the end of May; expected to plant 67% of the field with traditional varieties and 33% improved seeds. R.2. Increased agricultural diversification among target groups 2.1 Agree with local leadership including women leaders (25% of FHH expected) on beneficiary criteria, selection methodology and mode of decision-making. Selection and registration of beneficiaries for horticulture training(focus on women) 2.2 Selection and registration of beneficiaries for horticulture (vegetable gardens) and poultry rising through application of the set criteria. 2.3 Procurement of horticulture inputs; sets of tools for which a contribution of 20% will be requested equivalent to Euro 10; procurement of improved vegetable seeds. 2.4 Distribution of tools and seeds, first tools. Seeds will only be distributed if and when garden is prepared. 2.5 Procurement of poultry chickens (improved breeding cockerels and local hens) and chicken feed). 2.6 Distribution of the poultry and chicken feed to 30 groups (80 HHs) in year 1 and the same 30 groups but new beneficiaries (80 HHs) in year 2. 2.7 Establish 22 demonstration plots in all 11 areas (average size 1,000m2). 2.8 Train and coach HHs with a focus on women in improved horticultural practices and environmental-friendly soil conservation including composting (LEISA principles). 2.9 Pest and disease control (environmental-friendly); inputs must be procured by the HHs. 2.10 Training on post-harvest handling and marketing. 2.11 Pre- and post-harvest assessments. 2.12 Nutrition awareness and sensitization messages: including community FGDs, demonstrations, posters and public notices or bill boards in places like schools, churches, markets and the area where the trainings take place. R.3 Improved marketing systems in place in target areas 3.1 Formation of market committees at payam level and include payam authorities, (lead) farmers and local business community. 3.2 Train, guide and backstop committees in accessing local and urban markets and market information and to connect producers and traders 3.3 Provide farmer groups with basic and relevant training in business and marketing kills. 3.4 Explore and select modes/channels of communication and disseminate market information to producers and traders by means of sign boards, radios, newspapers and other means. 3.5 Improve on the formal functional market information system in collaboration with WBS Ministry of Agriculture. 3.6 Weekly updates of market prices at local markets and outside urban markets. Collaboration with other states in order to get information on their demand and prices of commodities in major markets 3.7 Collaborate with SMoAF&I on transfer of the facilitating role from Local NGOs


ECS-CARD’S Quarterly Progress Report Jan –March 2013

to Government. Link also with Chamber of Commerce. R.4 Increased capacity of Wau university, government departments and local NGOs to address food security and climate threats 4.1 Orientation of all stakeholders, partners, staff on key project outcomes, the capacities needed for implementation and main strategies to be used. 4.2 Follow the baseline survey, done at inception, with an M&E workshop to determine capacities of partners and stakeholders in M&E systems and tools. Partners will be introduced and guided to apply a functional M&E system (consultancy assignment of 1 week including appropriate tools and formats). Two refresher workshops: In year 2: 1 week and year 3 also 1 week. In August/September 2013, a mid-term review will be another good occasion as the centrepiece for capacity building in M&E and review of the project. 4.3 Financial training and coaching of financial and project staff of partners. Trainer: ICCO Juba or regional ICCO staff 4.4 Training of 3 extension workers in learning/teaching coaching methodologies and the provision of adequate extension services. Exposure and exchange visits within South Sudan. 4.5 3rd year university students will be trained on the job and coached in extension services (ongoing) 4.6 Organisational assessments of CBOs; development and implementation of a capacity building plan. 4.7 Training of Payam administrators, Executive Directors and relevant line Ministries departments of the Counties. Year 1: Project Cycle Management (PCM), M&E and resource mobilisation and report writing; Year 2: leadership training and HR management, Year 3: Assessments and Project Formulation Proposal. The Coverage will be the two counties, the Payams and bomas authorities.

* Month 0 is the last month of the quarter already reported on. Months 1, 2 and 3 are the months comprising the next quarter. Annex A: Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) (a separate EXCEL file) Annex B: Indicators Matrix (a separate EXCEL file)

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