Prepared by: John Chol Akot SMARD Field Co-ordinator Presented to Rev. James Baak Nhial SMARD Executive Director Juba, South Sudan September 2015 Food Distribution done at: Yiik-Adoor, SMARD Field Office Gogrial East County, Warrap State
Figure 1. Beneficiaries Listening to the Briefing from the committee members before receiving their food assistance at Yiik-Adoor, SMARD Centre
Introduction: SMARD is a registered grass root Christian national organization founded in 2012 in South Sudan. The organization has its Head quarters in Juba, South Sudan and field offices at YiikAdoor Warrap State and Yirol, Lake State. It supports Livelihood programs, Education, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation, among others in South Sudan. Currently SMARD is supporting Livelihoods-Emergency Food Assistance Project (EFAP) and Adult Literacy Programs (ALP) funded by FBC, USA, in Gogrial East County, Warrap state and Peacebuilding Project funded by UNDP, in Greater Yirol, Lake State. This report was prepared to capture the series of activities done to make sure food distribution done at Yiik-Adoor to the most vulnerable households was successful. Key of the activities done during food assistance distribution includes:
- Community Consultation Meeting: Consultation meeting was done at Yiik-Adoor to create awareness about the emergency food assistance program that SMARD is implementing in Gogrial East County. This meeting was organized with the local churches, community leaders and local government authorities at Pathuon East payam to let the community leaders and local government know the objectives of the food assistance intended to help the most vulnerable household in the area. -Formation of Beneficiaries Selection Committee (BSC):
A committee of 9 members was formed and tasked with the responsibilities of selecting the most vulnerable households to be supported by SMARD with emergency food assistance program. Create awareness of the SMARD emergency food assistance program objectives. Help in distributing food items to the selected most vulnerable households. Selection of the members for the beneficiaries’ selection committee was done in such a way that it reflects the representation of the community and local authority as well as the implementing agency, SMARD. Two members from the churches, one from the local government, three from the community leaders, one from education department, one from the youths and one from the SMARD. Their names are as follows: S/No.
Anyuon Baak
Local Government Representative
John Athian Madut
Youth Rep
Daniel Ngong Thuch
Catholic Church Rep.
Gum Bol Mangong
ECS Church Rep.
Kiir Aguek Baak
Payam Education Rep.
Makuei Deng Wol
Community leaders Rep
Apuruot Deng Akeen
Commuinty Leaders Rep
Majok Ahou Majok
Community Leaders Rep
John Chol
-Selection and registration of vulnerable households to be supported with emergency food assistance: A total of 50 female-headed households with average number of seven (7) members were selected through the committee. The criteria for identifying the most vulnerable household was put in place to ensure that the food go to the intended most famine stricken vulnerable including the IDPS, female headed households, disabled poor pregnant mothers and orphans. -Purchase of food items: Purchase for food items for emergency food assistance was done in Wau, the nearest main town in the region to avoid heavy cost of transport and delay on the way. 50 bags of 50 kg
were purchased in Wau and transported to Yiik-Adoor, the SMARD Field Office in Gogrial East County of Warrap State in the first week of Sept 2015. -Distribution of food items to the selected vulnerable households: The BSC helped the SMARD staff in distribution of food the vulnerable households. All the 50 selected vulnerable famlies were given 50 kg bag of sorghum each family that a average of 7 members to benefit from this food assistance. The direct beneficiaries are therefore 350 vulnerable people who benefited from this Emergency Food Assistance Project (EFAP).
Figure 2. Beneficiaries Lining up to receive their food as their names are being called out by the committee members
Figure 3. Names of beneficiaries being called to receive their food.
Figure 4. John Athian, a committee member helping a women to sign against her name to receive her food assistance.
Figure 5. A beneficiary that have received her food assistance pulling her bag away
Figure 6. A poor lame lady, Abang Deng laughing after she received her food from the committee and very thankful to the SMARD and Partners for supporting her with food, as she said her children would not go hungry
that day. Figure 7. John Chol in blue shirt and Anyuon Baak with cap handing over the food to beneficiaries at SMARD Centre in Yiik-Adoor
Figure 8. 50 bags of 50 kg of sorghum purchased recently at Wau for distribution kept at SMARD store at YiikAdoor
Figure 9. Members of committee posting for photo after distributing food to vulnerable households at SMARD office in Yiik-Adoor
Thanksgiving The local churches, community leaders and local government thanks SMARD and her partners for assisting the most vulnerable people affected by inter-communal conflict that prevent people to cultivate. The challenge for the community will be getting seeds to plant for the next raining session if current peace process will not hold.