Nbg newsletter march 2018 hd

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Renewed Again Unified in Christ

The Archbishop Speaks

By the Most Rev, Moses Deng Bol. Going on a Journey It is a great privilege to me that because of being an Internal Archbishop I often have the chance to stop and see the world in ways that others do not have the opportunity to. As I write to you I want to tell you that we are in a time of change. There is a transition taking place and I mean this in more than one way. At Christmas time I was very honoured to join with Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul Yak as he travelled in a special peace caravan through some of the lands in my Internal Province. The peace caravan was literally a convoy of cars that visited special places and talked about peace with various leaders and in public with ordinary people. This was truly powerful witness, bringing the word of God to people to prevent loss of life and unnecessary suffering. It was a journey I was pleased to make with my fellow bishops and my clergy. This was the last big outreach that Archbishop Daniel was able to make as the Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. So this was a journey that was special for several reasons and it really had a big impact on many of the people we met. I am reminded of these three quotes from the New Testament Colossians 3:15 : Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Hebrews 12:14 : Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. 1 Peter 3:11 : They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. In case you do not know, in the ECSS a primate may only serve as leader of the church for ten years. After that the primate must stand down and a new primate must be selected. Truly I can say that not all primates have lasted for ten

Index The Archbishop Speaks.... ....................................2 The Acting Chairperson Accepts….........................5 Archbishop Warmly Welcomed….........................6 Bishop of Maridi Elected………...............................8 The Election My Thoughts..…..............................10 Aweil Bishop Applauds…………….…………………......13 Primate in Wau for Consultation…....................14 Rev William Graduation thanks…….....................16 Christmas at Makuach…………….……....................17 Nyieth PHCU Handed to DORCAS……..................20 Primate Appeals to Civilians……..........................22 Education in Tonj Diocese………………………..........24 Prayers for Our Leaders…………...........................26 Contact Us.......................................................28 Please Pray with us ...........................................29

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years, to lead is very hard. As I have heard it said, it is tough at the top. So early in 2018 all the bishops of the ECSS some members of the clergy and laity had to come together in Juba and consider carefully to see which one of them God wanted to be the next primate. First bishops who felt that God was calling them to this work had to volunteer and then all the other bishops needed to pray and eventually vote for the one that they felt God has chosen to lead the Church in the next ten years. Let me tell you that Bishop Justin Badi was selected, you will read about him and this decision elsewhere in Renewal that is not what I want to write about. Just like the peace caravan, really there was strong witness in the actions that took place in Juba during the process of selection. Four candidates volunteered to be selected but after prayer on the subject two of them decided to step down to allow the remaining two a better chance for selection. Truly such sacrifice is very rare in South Sudan, most people grasp power and fight to keep it no matter the cost. The two remaining candidates were both very great men of God and I think that either of them would have been a very excellent primate. So as a church we had to pray very much to understand what God wanted us to do. The process of selection is done by casting votes and in the end Bishop Justin had one more vote than Bishop Abraham, the other candidate. The result of this was that he was selected and God had spoken. But God had also spoken through the action of selection because when the announcement was made it was accepted by all and Bishop Abraham agreed immediately to work under Bishop Justin. Let me say that really this is most unusual and different from every other election that I have seen in my country since independence. When was the last time that South Sudanese people of different tribes from all parts of South Sudan gathered to choose a leader in peace? Truly we have seen too much fighting and killing over tribal and political power. It is my prayer and hope that the High Level Revitalization Forum which is taking place in Addis Ababa will


bring a transition from war to peace and development in South Sudan. The politicians of this country should look at the ECSS and learn to work in peace! We have set an example through our faith in God and showed the way to proceed. We live by the way that Jesus showed us and the laws that God gave us. To make it simple Jesus tells us in the book of Matthew chapter 22 verses 36 to 40 when he is challenged: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” I want to ask, do you live by these commands? You see it is true this is a time of transition, we are on a journey of change, a change from one Primate to another Primate, a change from war to peace and still there is more change. As a church we follow the Anglican calendar for the year and since the celebrations of Christmas we have seen the Epiphany on January 6th and followed that season through to the Holy season of Lent. Part of the season of Epiphany is called Candlemas which is the point when we stop thinking of Jesus as the small baby born at Bethlehem and start to think of him as the great teacher in Galilee and redeemer of Humanity at Calvary. This is a transition too because it is a change of thinking and a change in the way we worship and know Jesus. Before Candlemas we think of realising that Jesus is the Son of God after Candlemas we think of the things that Jesus came to teach us. By now we are in Lent and engaging with Jesus through our new Lent course called Growing. It is based on agriculture because that is an easy subject for many people living in South Sudan to understand. Now that Wau Diocese is part of an Internal Province I really wanted the Lent Course to be created by people from the Internal Province not just in Wau Diocese and I am so pleased to say that

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we achieved that. We also had two sessions written by women so I am most pleased with the 2018 Lent Course. You can of course get it for free at any of the websites in our Internal Province. So there is transition here too, change for the better to improve what we do and show the way forward for others, just like the bishops in Juba, just like Archbishop Daniel at Christmas. Really just like Jesus in Galilee two thousand years ago. Many times Jesus challenged people to follow him and many times people made excuses because what he asked was very challenging. We can see one example of this in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 verses 57 to 62 [57] As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go." [58] Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." [59] He said to another man, "Follow me." But the man replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." [60] Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." [61] Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family." [62] Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." Jesus brought us a message from God, we did not need to sit and pray to try and hear it. Jesus journeyed and spoke, sometimes at the top of his voice and always in public places to lots of people. We have been given this message and we still have it in the stories of the Bible. Jesus did not just speak he also taught by doing and displayed the power and forgiveness of God in many of the good things that he did. In the end he died for our sins and God raised him back to life as a final message that challenges us still. To have the forgiveness that God has for all of us we need to become humble, this is a difficult transition for many and I think harder still in places like South Sudan. But as ever Jesus shows the way and if we can accept his


challenge then without knowing we will suddenly be on a journey of change. Change can be very difficult, the process of transition is not always easy because truly people do not like change. But let me say that the people that I know who have been changed by Jesus think that the transition was a good one and now they would really tell you that they are better for it. This is why we make the Lent Course, it is not easy for us to do, in fact it is very hard but we want people to know the change we have felt and know the Jesus that we know. When you accept Jesus as your new leader the whole world changes and becomes better. Look at the way that the bishops behaved in Juba when selecting a new leader, this was a very strong display of the love that Jesus brings to us. Each bishop trusted that God would do the right thing and that the right leader would be chosen. Imagine if the whole of South Sudan could have the same trust in it’s political leaders. Without fighting in local areas we could have the means to feed ourselves and develop as a modern country in peace. In the book of Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7 we hear “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. As I have said we are truly in a time of transition. Seasons, times and circumstances around us are always changing and it is for us to accept these changes or fight against them. Let us look with open eyes about ourselves and in this holy season of Lent pledge in our hearts to strive for peace in South Sudan, accept the faith that Jesus Christ brings to us in his teachings and trust in the God that loves us enough to sacrifice his only Son. Let us pledge to engage with the things that we find challenging or difficult to try and build a better future for South Sudan because truly the only future South Sudan has is us. How we live and what we do will decide the way that South Sudan progresses. I started this

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with a journey that was ending for one primate of the ECSS so now let me challenge you to come on a journey of change with the new primate of the ECSS Justin Badi. Come on a journey of faith with him and with us and be part


of the transition to a new better life in Jesus Christ. Every blessing


Acting Youth Chairperson Accepts Leadership in Wanyjok Area By James Bol Bol Wanyjok Area diocese youth leader William Marach Garang has today handed over the leadership to Acting Youth chairperson Marko Piol Nhial. It was a very joyous occasion attended by over forty (40) youth leaders from all the different Archdeaconaries of wanyjok Area diocese i.e ; • • • •

Wanyjok Archdeaconary, Malual Baai Archdeaconary, Yargot Archdeaconary and Rum Keet Archdeaconary.

It was honoured by Acting area diocese Administrative Secretary and some of the important people from area diocese office. It was also witnessed by two youths representatives from Aweil diocese coordination office. Thus , handing over ceremony was very honey to all who were in the occasion, many

encouraging speeches to the new offiçe were delivered by pastors, youths representatives from Diocese who were witnessing the inauguration, . May Almighty God stand with the new leadership of Wanyjok Area diocese youths. Amen.

Please pray for the youth leadership in the whole of the Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province. The youth of South Sudan face many challenges.

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Archbishop Deng Warmly Welcomed by Christians and Government Officials in Wau Diocese By Rev. Meshack Magak Ruai The Most Rev Moses Deng Bol Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province and the Bishop of Wau Diocese Arrived at Wau Airport on 20/11/2017, since he left to school to finish his Master degree at St. Paul University and proceeded to South Africa for a PhD at Stellenbosch University. The Archbishop was warmly welcomed by large a crowd of Christians from different Archdeaconries of Wau Diocese at Wau airport and they all matched to ECSS Good shepherd Cathedral, Wau. The Archbishop and his team paid a courtesy visit to the Office of the Governor of Wau State where he was received by the Acting Governor Emilio Bafuka on behalf of Governor Angelo Taban Biajo who was out of the State at the time. The Archbishop thank the Acting Governor and the Senior Government officials led by the Commissioner of Bagari County Hon Taban John Gu who welcomed him at the airport on behalf of the State Government. The Archbishop also appreciated Wau State Government‘s commitment to work with Religious leaders in restoring peace and harmony among the communities within Wau State and between

Wau and the neighboring States. The Archbishop prayed with the Government Officials in the Governor’s Office while holding hands as a sign of peace and unity. At the Cathedral, the Archbishop thank Christians for their warm welcome. He also thank the Staff of Wau Diocese for their commitment and hard work. He concluded the welcoming ceremony with prayer of blessing and of peace and harmony in Wau State in particular and South Sudan in General.

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Bishop of Maridi Elected to Lead the Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan Article repeated from Radio Tamazuj The Bishop of Maridi, Justin Badi Arama, has been elected as the new Primate and Archbishop of the Church of South Sudan in a very-tight election. In an interview with the Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS), Bishop Justin said that the election, on Saturday, had gone “very well” and was an example to the government and others in South Sudan on how tribal differences should play no part in political processes. Bishop Justin received 80 votes in the election. The other candidate, the Bishop of Aweil, Abraham Yel Nhial, received 79. “The lesson I learned from the election is that tribalism is not in the Church,” Bishop Justin told ACNS. “The fear was that Dinkas could not vote for Equatorians, but in turned the other way around: most Equatorians voted for the Dinka candidate; and most Dinkas voted for the Equatoria candidate. This was a good sign of unity in the Church, and a lesson for the government of South Sudan.” Bishop Justin said that he was surprised to have won the election, saying that the Bishop of Aweil was the favourite to succeed Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul, who has retired at the age of 67 after almost 10 years leading what was at first the Episcopal Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan, before becoming the Church of South Sudan and Sudan on South Sudan’s independence, before its current format as the Church of South Sudan, following the creation last year of the Church of Sudan as the 39th province of the Anglican Communion. “The election was the choice of God,” he said.

The on-going civil war was “a challenge for the church and for somebody coming into a leadership position at this time,” he said. “But we feel that maybe this is what God has called us ready for such a time; with experience and God’s guidance we will make all the effort to have a united people and change the hearts of people that they might embrace peace and work for real reconciliation and unity – not just political reconciliation.” The Church of England’s Diocese of Salisbury has a Companion Link with the Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. Today, the Bishop of Salisbury, Nicholas Holtam, welcomed Bishop Justin’s election, saying it would open up “a new chapter” in the life of the province.

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“We in the Diocese of Salisbury send him our congratulations and pray for the forty-five-year relationship between Salisbury and South Sudan, to which there is such strong commitment, and which has so much more potential,” he said. “We have been praying this week for those who gathered for the election of the new Primate and for the candidates. We now pray that God will bless Bishop Justin as he takes on this role as Archbishop and Primate of the ECSS. May he bring peace and unity and strengthen the bonds of affection with the wider Communion.”


Bishop Nicholas described the role of Archbishop of South Sudan as being “one of the leading churchpeople of the Anglican Communion”; adding that the Primate “has a vital leadership role in a country enduring civil war and hunger and where the churches are some of the strongest social institutions capable of uniting people from different political and ethnic groups.” Bishop Justin – or Archbishop-Elect Justin to give him his new title – was ordained in 1995 and served as a cathedral dean, an archdeacon and a diocesan secretary before being consecrated in 2001 to serve as the second bishop of Maridi. He will be enthroned as the province’s fifth Archbishop and Primate on Sunday 22 April. He is 53 years old When Justin Badi Arama was confirmed, at the age of 16, his father gave him three gifts: a Bible, a pen and a hoe, and told him that if had to use all three effectively if he wanted to be a good friend of Jesus. As a result, he has had a life-long commitment to education, the Gospel ministry and agriculture. He met his wife, Modi Joyce, in 1983 at the parish where they were both in the youth


groups. They married in 1984 and have four children: two boys and two girls. The Archbishop-elect of South Sudan, Justin Badi Arama, with his wife Modi Joyce. “I would ask my brothers and sisters around the Communion to pray for me: for God’s guidance for me; to pray for a ‘soft ground’ for the message of peace and reconciliation as we hope for peace in this country to end the suffering; and also the resources that enables me to preach the Gospel to the people within the province.” He explained that the mission and ministry of the Church was difficult, because so many Christians were currently displaced. The civil war has forced a large number of people – including Christians – to seek refuge in neighbouring countries. The Church in South Sudan traces its roots to 1899 and the arrival of missionaries from the Church Mission Society. The Diocese of Sudan, as it then was, was part of the Jerusalem archbishopric until 1974 when it reverted to the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Canterbury. In 1976, the new independent Province was established with four dioceses. It currently has 36 dioceses in five internal provinces.

Photos: reproduced from Facebook

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The Election of a New Primate for the ECSS - My Thoughts. By Rev William Majok Mayuang

The Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) elect the new primate, there was strong competition with a result that could easily have gone either way. Two prospective Candidates stood down to allow the remaining two a better chance to win. When the outcome was announced the loser wished the winner well and promised to work with him faithfully. There was no contest to the outcome. None of the recent elections in South Sudan have gone this way. Power has been fought over and the resulting argument over power is damaging South Sudan and limiting it’s ability to function as a country. The US has recently described the South Sudanese government as an unfit partner. In the way that the ECSS conducted this election a clear message was sent to the country of South Sudan that faith shows the way to live in peace and make life better for South Sudan. • Introduction I Am Rev William Majok Mayuang, the Diocesan Administrative Secretary of Wau Diocese and I was one of the delegate who went to Juba for the election of the new Primate and Archbishop of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. It is my pride to inform you that am very happy of the way the elections was conducted. I would like to take this opportunity to add that the result of the election was very good and have the good impact on the people of Episcopal Church and South Sudan in general. I am very happy that everything

went well and pleased that so many people were able to attend and have a chance to cast their votes freely. I am so grateful and happy that Archbishop Justin was elected without any problems. • What is different about the election? This election was different from the normal elections because there was no controversy or arguments. The people who votes were from all the 52 Dioceses of the ECSS from different tribes and each Diocese come with three delegates including the Diocesan

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and it later changes to be in tribal line because of mistrust of one another. The other groups are being generalize because some individual have done something wrong and other tribes has been identify as the enemy. There are places in our Country that people cannot go because they fear that their lives would be in danger simply because of these differences. How can a country that exists this way ever have a good future? Bishop. The expectation was that the Dinkas will vote for Bishop Abraham who is from Dinka tribe and the Equatorian will vote for Archbishop elect Justin. What happen was totally different from that expectation which is the main reason why this election is different from other normal elections. Arch bishop elect was dominated and seconded by internal archbishops from Dinka tribes and Bishop Abraham was dominated and seconded by the Bishops from Equartoria. Like in South Sudan many people refuse to trust one another simply because of their tribal allegiances. For example the recent political differences between those aligned to Riek Machar and the president of South Sudan. The fighting begun in the political line

• Why the difference is important? In my opinion the difference between this election and many others is that the participants all respected each other and were willing to accept the outcome without question. There was no cheating no lying and no fighting. This was important because the election was a decision accepted by all. Even the bishop of Aweil who lost the election by just one vote humbly agreed to accept the authority of the winner and pledged to work under him. This is a clear lesson given by all those attending the election that this is the way that things can be and should be. It was an example of good behaviour and right actions that shows the way for others to follow. Especially the government of South Sudan should take this important example and follow it. Because these people behaved in a responsible and grown up way it shows credible leadership to the country and enables them to take a strong moral stand as the voice of the conscience of the country which seems to lack the ability to behave well and govern fairly for all. The fact that the elects were so different was a lesson taught to the country by the ECSS. Even Archbishop Daniel humbly accepted the

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result and stood down promptly.

• What makes the difference? I think due to the fact that all the participants in the election share a common faith, that of Christianity. The bond of fellowship created in faith is even stronger than one of family or tribe because Jesus died for our sins and freed us all personally then was resurrected by God after 3 days. All Christians share this amazing fellowship and so the fellowship of Christ makes brothers and sisters not just in different tribes but also different countries and races of people. The faith shared by all Christians dictates the way we live our lives which should be in accordance with the teachings of Jesus and the Ten Commandments given by God. So the way that power is understood in the Christian thinking is different from others who do not have faith. There is greater trust in one another because each knows the way that all the others will live according to the will of God. So the election was not to decide who would become Archbishop – God did that – it was to understand the will of God. The great example was the message preached by Archbishop Moses during the morning devotion before the day of election under the theme,” SHOW US WHICH OF THESE TWO YOU HAVE CHOSEN?” (V24 s). Biblical Text Acts 1:12-26 Those attending the election all accepted the will of God as part of their faith and belief of God. What made this election different was the fact that everyone involved had faith. In as much as there was a lesson given by the bishops of the ECSS on how to behave there was also a great display of witness showing others what may be possible if you have faith in Jesus. Faith in Jesus makes the difference. Unlike so many previous political elections there was no violence and no fighting. No


lying and no cheating. Infact most people had a good time of fellowship and felt happy in the proceedings. This was because of the fact that this whole event was conducted in faith and that faith is the love of Jesus Christ who saved all souls. Because of the gift of salvation earned by his sacrifice many people of different tribes and races were able to sit together and honestly discuss the future of the ECSS and discern the will of God. This was done in peace and the outcome accepted with good will by all. A remarkable event given the history of South Sudan since its creation in 2011. • In Conclusion I would like here to draw your attention to this by concluding it that I felt there was a really important lesson given by the ECSS to the country of South Sudan on how to behave well and in doing that make the world accept South Sudan as a credible nation not an unfit partner. How life would be if every day was conducted in peace and harmony such as this. What is it that prevents people from trusting and forgiving one another? The example given by the bishops is one that I think everyone should consider trying to imitate in their daily lives. What would the future be for South Sudan if the whole country were to follow the example given by the bishops seriously and live that way instead of the way that they do?

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Aweil Bishop Applauds Recent Anglican Archbishop Elections Repeated from Radio Tamazuj The Anglican Bishop of Aweil Diocese Abraham Yel Nhial said the recent election for the Anglican primate and Archbishop was peaceful and transparent although he lost to the Bishop of Maridi Diocese Justin Badi Arama. Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Monday, Bishop Yel said he accepted the results of what he termed as a tight race in which he lost by one vote to preserve unity and strengthen harmony within the Anglican Church and the whole country. “The election was conducted in a harmonious atmosphere although there were election fevers during campaign but at the end of the day Bishop Badi was declared the successful candidate. He won by 1 vote. He got 80 votes and I got 79 votes. Immediately after the announcement was made, I stood up and congratulated him. I did it so to preserve the unity of the church and to strengthen harmony of our believers and the faithful,” he said.

not play any role in the election process, despite differences in choice. “People who nominated me were not from ethnic Dinka. They were other tribes. The first person to nominate me was not from Northern Bahr El Ghazal internal province, not even a member of the Aweil community but someone from Equatoria. The other contender, reverend Justin Arama Badi was nominated by archbishop of Upper Nile internal province,” he explained.

The religious leader said that the elections did show that the deep seated ethnic divisions did

Please give thanks to God for the great example set by all the bishops of the Episcopal Church in South Sudan during the recent elections and pray also for the leaders of the nation of South Sudan to promote peace and development for the whole nation regardless of ethnicity or gender.

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ECSS Primate Most Rev Dr Daniel Deng Bul Arrives in Wau for Consultation About Conflict Between Aguok and Apuk Communities By Rev Meshack Magak Ruai The Primate Most Rev Dr Daniel Deng Bul arrived at Wau airport on 18 Sep 2017 at 10am where the Christians received him and led them to Good Shepherd Cathedral Wau Diocese to address the congregation about his movement plan and encourage everyone to be part of the peacemaking team in the country. He arrived to Wau for community consultation about the root causes of conflict among the communities of AguokApuk which seem to be expanded to their neighbour communities, currently, there is no more free movement and social cooperation between the communities in greater Gogrial as the result of the conflict separated widely in the areas of the neighbouring States. He stated that “the peace will not come from outside as some of us expected it, peace will come from us when we understand the root causes of the mater. He asked, why are we creating more insecurity by tribal hatred and violence within among us in the newest country? We cannot blame any particular group of people that they are the ones caused these conflicts. Furthermore, His Grace also brief, both official government, religious leaders and executives chiefs that, let peace come into the community of Greater Gogrial at large, simple because you are right people who can enable to make consultation, to stop bloodshed and bring back lasting peace in the State. He condemned tribal conflict among communities of S Sudan in general since He hold the position of Archbishop in 2005 up to date .the war is not solution to

the problem, what we need in every problem is dialogue and peacefully settlement instead in spite of people calmness in the area. He will be coming back in December 2017 for the solution of conflict to all other neighbouring states such as Wau and Twic and continue to Gogrial state capital to meet with all intellectuals, politicians, youth, women and the chiefs in Gogrial state.

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More pictures from Archbishop Daniel’s Consultation Visit

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Graduation Thanks from Rev William By Rev William Majok A really wonderful and joyful day for me, dear friends it is my pride to inform you about my graduation ceremony on Tuesday 28th Nov 2017 at the ECSS Compound in Angon I completed this important milestone of my life on that day. I would like to register my special thanks to His Grace, the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol, Archbishop of Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province and the Bishop of Wau for the vision which he has to open St John's College for pastors like me to be trained. I also thank my parents, my teachers, my colleagues and friends for supporting me when I was at the school until I reached this point, may God bless them. It is my pride to inform you about my graduation ceremony so that you may join with me and be part of my happiness. I have been awarded a DIPLOMA in Theology and am immensely pleased to tell you I have got a first class

take this opportunity to add that I owe my success entirely to the firm but skilful guidance that you gave me as your student while I was at school. The values and love for learning that I imbibe from you then hold me in good stead even today and will continue to inspire me throughout my life. It would surely not be an exaggeration to say that it is your influence that has brought out the best in me and made possible my success. Rev William is a pastor of Wau Diocese and the current diocesan secretary, it is the policy of the whole Internal Province of Northern Bahr el Ghazal to enable as many of its pastors as possible with theological education through St John's College of Theology and Development in Wau. This college also serves the local community and other churches too, providing free education courses for women. See more at their website

diploma. This is the best academic result that I could achieve from the course. I would like to


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ECSS Primate Celebrates Christmas at Makuach, An Appeal for Peace and Reconciliation By Rev. Samuel M Madut

The Primate of Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Bishop of Juba Diocese Dr Daniel Deng Bul arrived at Makuac Archdeaconry, Diocese of Tonj on 24th December 2017 as part of his pastoral visit to Greater Bahr El Ghazal region. The Primate was accompanied by the Archbishops of Eastern and Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Provinces, The Most Rev Alpayo Manyang and Moses Deng Bolas well as the Bishops of Chuei Rt Rev Elijah Matueny and the Bishop of Tonj Rt Rev

Peter Yuol, Tonj State Minister of Social welfare and Religious Affairs Hon Mabil Ater and Mothers Union Leader Mary Achol Awutoch. The Primate was also accompanied by Senior Clergy and Members of Mothers Union from the Diocese of Juba as well as members of youth Ministry popularly known as Jol Wo Liech (God look back upon us), led by Mr. Yak Deng The Primate and his team were warmly welcomed at Makuach by thousands of faithful Christians including the local Government Administrators. Thousands of Christians attended Christmas celebration which was held in an open airspace because of the huge crowd on Monday 25th December 2017. The celebration was so colourful that Dinka cattle camp

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Renewal This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”……14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.”

youth popularly known as Gelweng (cattle guards) displayed their favourite bulls to the crowd during the service. Addressing the faithful Christians while standing on a hardtop land cruiser, Primate Dr Daniel Deng Bul urged South Sudanese to avoid inter and intra-tribal conflicts, revenge killings and killing of women, children, elderly, and burning of houses, saying that these practices were against both traditional and Christian values. He appealed for forgiveness and reconciliation and urged those who attended the service to take the message back to those who remained at home.” Brothers and sisters in Christ you are our messengers please take these messages back to those who did not come here today.” added Dr. Deng Bul. The faithful responded to the Primate’s message with many rounds of applause. The Archbishop of Eastern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province the Most Rev Alpayao Manyang Kuctiel preached a message of peace and reconciliation from the Gospel according to St Luke 2:11-14. “12 today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

He told the faithful Christians that the birth of Jesus Christ is a symbol of peace between God and humanity and among human beings themselves. He appealed to South Sudanese Christians to make the New Year 2018 as the year of peace and reconciliation among their communities as a result of their faith in Christ. The crowd received the message with happiness and joyfulness. The Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol, also urged Christians to obey the great commandment by loving God and their neighbours as themselves which means doing to their neighbours what they want their neighbours to do to them. He quoted Jesus statement in Mathew 7:12-13 “so in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets.”

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Nyieth Primary Healthcare Unit (PHCU) Handed to DORCAS AID International By Rev John Bol Angui The Episcopal Church of South Sudan Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province has handed over Nyieth primary health care unit (PHCU) to Dorcas Aid a Christian International organization operating in the area to run it on behalf of the church. Nyieth PHCU was established in 2013 with financial support from ECSS partners including Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) and Anglican Board of Mission, Australia. The Unit was officially dedicated and opened by both Diocesan Bishop of Wau Rt. Rev. Moses Deng Bol and Gogrial West County Commissioner Hon. Makuc Aru Luach in June 2015. The Diocesan administration decided to allocate this facility at the remote village of Nyieth where people find it hard to travel too far away towns of Wau, Kuajok, Gogrial and Aweil for even simple treatment. A three bedroom house was also constructed in Kuajok town with a hope of being rented out in order to generate income to run the Unit. However members of business community who could have rented such house have either left the country (in case of foreigners) or have closed their businesses (in the case of citizens) due to the current economic declined as a result of the civil war. The handing over ceremony was done between the Provincial team led by Rev Peter Angui Akook and Dorcas Aid team led by the Area Coordinator Mr Mayom Garang Deng Mayom and witness by Awan Chan County Commissioner Hon Simon Apet Deng. The three teams were received by a joyful crowd of Nyieth residents and surrounding community led by Chiefs and took them to where the facility was and then to the

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meeting venue under big tree where the community expressed its gratitude to Dorcas and the Province. The ceremony was marked by the joy and happiness of the local people who performed various traditional cultural dances with excitement, ululations, songs and football


management team of Dorcas Aid International for accepting our request to make good use of Nyieth Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) in order to save lives of thousands of people in Gogrial and Aweil East State. May God bless the leadership of both NBG Internal Province and Dorcas Aid International Organization!

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ECSS Primate Appealed to Civilians to Accept Disarmament By Rev Meshack Magak Ruai

The Head of Episcopal church of South Sudan Dr Daniel Deng Bul appealed to South Sudanese communities to wholeheartedly hand over all their guns to the Government. The Primate made the appeal during his peace mission (known as Nuru Ta Yesu Peace Caravan) to Eastern and Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Provinces in December 2017 and January 2018. He described his peace mission as a mission to disarm the hearts of civilians after the Government carried out general disarmament in the region. It is widely reported that many civilians own more than one or two guns and so they hand over one gun to the government and hide one or two more guns during the disarmament. “Although the government is disarming the civilians, our view as church leaders is that collecting of guns alone is not the solution because they will go and buy more guns for themselves again or their brothers and supporters in the government will give them more guns. The solution to this therefore is that, the civilians must have to accept that what they are doing to themselves is wrong and by knowing that they are all one people in one Nation. We are appealing to our communities in general that enough is enough no more bloodshed.� He said. The Primate also urged the religious and community leaders not only to support the Government in the processing of disarming civilians but to promote the spirit of peace and reconciliation among all South Sudanese communities. He also appealed to all South Sudanese communities not to resolve their differences

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through violence but to resolve them through dialogue and other peaceful means instead. The primate and his team concluded their peace mission at Mapel military training center where they addressed former SPLAIO (Sudan people’s liberation army in Opposition) soldiers who were waiting for their retraining and reintegration into the main SPLA (South Sudan army).


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Education in Tonj Diocese By Gabriel Turich On 11th April 2017 Bishop Peter You Gur of Tonj Diocese together with a team of laity and clergy made an assessment and they found that many children are not in school due to war and marginalization from the Khartoum government. This is affecting our society upto date and some people have never seen the reason to send a child to school hence, the need for education in the country of South Sudan is an emerging factor that should be looked into with empathy and concern. The Diocese of Tonj has it focus on the means to change the young generation. From the middle of last year, our loving Bishop Rt.Rev.Peter Yuol has visited several Archdeaconries and the community at large, majorly in the concern of education for our

children. He directed and mobilized his church administration and greater Tonj community where possible in ensuring that we secure the youth and children by opening up schools for them. In a spin of about 3 years in services, we as the Diocese of Tonj are proud to acknowledge to the public that we have opened around 8 primary schools that have a population estimated from 350 to about 750 pupils in each school. This shows that many children have the desire to study and it also brings to our awareness as the community of Tonj that we are learning and getting to know better the importance of learned individuals in our society. It reflects so apparently the goodness whereby people from the community volunteered to ensure that the school structure is established. In last year village elders, both men and women went to the task during the time of opening Lurchurch Girls’ Primary

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school (Kindly see our Facebook page for more photos and videos clips on this kind of work that the community did). It was a wonderful cooperation from the believers of Lurchurch parish to build their school for the kids in the whole of Tonj. This is an ECSS girls school within Tonj Diocese, we are working hard to make sure that the school progresses. Your prayers and help where anyone feels they can are most needed. We are struggling to create a partnership with the local government in assisting us to equip the school with kind of little support of teachers salaries, coming up with permanent buildings and supplying us with the reliable text books and exercise books. However, the government itself is in a crisis that you cannot even doubt about but see by yourself. Therefore we rely on asking a few people who can volunteer in meeting either of the above mentioned items needed for any learning institution. All persons who might afford to offer us anything, either locally or internationally in assisting one of our schools shall be highly praised and thanked. At the centre of Tonj town, we have Dr.Susan Primary School that is under the Cathedral of St.Peter's Church,Tonj. This school came into existence from 2016 as a offer of Remembrance of Dr.Susan Mead


who is the first white American to visit the young Diocese of Tonj, her heart felt for the need to assist us in education. In consultation with Bishop Peter, the school as picking up in a small pace and currently has a population of about 250 pupils. Out of the Lecturer's pocket, she has been offering some assistance through St.Peter’s Cathedral administration to establish the school. But we are also aware that this is the same person who is catering for the known Hope House International family of the 23 children studying in Kenya. So you can see the task is lurking huge. We appreciate her great love with a team of her wonderful friends which are ever mentioned in the list of Hope House. We are appealing to our friends as the Dioceses of Tonj to any well wishers to partner with us in catering or securing one of the needs we are experiencing as a challenge in this Diocese of Tonj.

See us on facebook www.facebook.com/tonjdiocese/

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NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER, 10TH MARCH 2017 At St Mary Catholic Cathedral ground, Wau South Sudan Prayer for South Sudanese Leaders Led by Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol -Bishop of the ECSS Diocese of Wau

These are the prayers that were said for the leaders of our country twelve months ago. They have been reprinted in this edition because very sadly they are still very much needed.

1) Brothers and sisters we have come here to pray that the Lord touches the heart of our President in order to realize that the people, the land, the rivers, the trees, the birds and the insects of South Sudan do not have any problem at all.

2) Brothers and sisters we have come here to pray that the Lord touches the heart of our President in order to realise that the international community (the UN, the AU, the IGAD etc) is not the problem of South Sudan.

3) Brothers and sisters we have come here to pray that the Lord touches the heart of our President in order to realise that he and his Generals are the problem of this country because they have refused to abide by the rule of law, instead they are promoting the rule of guns resulting in the massive loss of lives and properties of innocent civilians.

4) Brothers and sisters we have come here to pray that the Lord touches the heart of our President in order to realise that he and his Generals are the problem of this country because they have refused to hold people who have committed atrocities against innocent civilians accountable instead they are being treated as heroes and heroines.

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5) Brothers and sisters we have come here to pray that the Lord touches the heart of our President in order to realise that he and his Generals are the problem of this country because they have denied South Sudanese one of their basic rights and democratic principles, the freedom of speech and expression. FM radios and newspapers are being shut down by security personnel and their reporters given death threats by the infamous unknown gunman. Similarly civil society organizations and individuals including Church Leaders who dare to correct the Government where it has gone wrong are being categorized as Politicians or rebel supporters.

6) Brothers and sisters we have come here to pray that Lord to touches the heart of our President in order to realise that he and his Generals are responsible for the suffering of our people because they have refused to hold people who have stolen hundreds of millions of public funds accountable instead they are calling themselves Bishops as if Bishops don’t hold thieves accountable.

7) Brothers and sisters we have come here to pray that the Lord touches the heart of our President in order to realize that associating himself with selfappointed tribal group, particularly the so called Jieng Council of Elders is damaging the unity of South Sudanese and the future of Jieng (Dinka) community. Let us pray.

Knock and the door will be opened Seek and you shall find If we continue to pray the answer will come



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Contacting Us: www.nbg.southsudan.anglican.org By E-mail

Internal Province Archbishop Most Rev Moses Deng Bol : nbg_archbishop@southsudan.anglican.org Internal Province Secretary Canon David Modi (acting) : nbg_secretary@southsudan.anglican.org General Enquiries Rev Samual Mabith :


By Post: Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital, C/o ECS Provincial Office, P O BOX 110, Juba, South Sudan

By Telephone:

Warrap State Peace Mobiliser

Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769

Mrs Rose Aciendhel Kacthiek +254 716641233

+211 914191558 roseaciendel@yahoo.com

Lord we pray for peace and reconciliation in your country of South Sudan. We ask that as we prepare through Lent for the coming of the joy of Easter that we


- Amen












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Please Pray With Us Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Northern Bahr el Ghazel Internal Province who work without pay in difficult conditions.

Please pray for all people exposed to famine and danger in South Sudan, that they may be safe and fed. Pray for the hardworking students at schools in NBG and St John’s College. Pray for the students of the many diocesan Primary Schools and all their many needs. Pray for the Political leaders of South Sudan to lead with wisdom and in peace. Pray for the many people who listened to the Ex Primate Daniel Deng ask for peace. Give thanks to God for the kindness of donors giving aid and support to improve life in Tonj Pray for those giving time to mount initiatives to promote peace and unity in South Sudan. Pray for all youths in NBG and the ministry to reach out to them. Pray for the new staff working in different parts of the Internal Province. Give Thanks for the generosity of many partners supporting projects both large and small. Pray for the situation of food security in South Sudan so that people may have enough to eat. Pray for security in South Sudan so that ordinary people can live their lives peacefully.

Church prayers needs Pray for Bishop Justin Badi the Primate Elect of the ECSS that God may protect and guide him. Pray for Archbishop the Most. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard, pray that God will help him to do what needs to be done for the new internal province. Pray for Bishop Abraham Ngor – the Bishop of Gogrial Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Yuol Gur – the Bishop of Tonj Diocese. Pray for Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot – the new bishop of Wanyjok area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Garang Akuei– the new bishop of Nyamlel area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for all pastors, priests, deacons and assistants in Northern Bahr el Ghazel. Pray for the Mothers Union, their work and the new provincial leadership of Mary Achol. Pray for all leaders taking up provincial leadership tasks that God may guide them well. Pray for the development of St John’s College of Theology and Development in Wau. Pray for the work of the Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Committee. Pray for all Christians working hard to build and sustain peaceful co existence in faith. Give thanks to God for the successful graduation of Rev William Majok. Give thanks to God for Youth Leader Marko Piol Nhial.

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