Renewal September 2017

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Working with Friends and Partners

The Archbishop Speaks

By the Most Rev, Moses Deng Bol. The Great Commandment I want to share with you a sermon that I gave in Juba as part of my qualifications of study there recently. I think that it has very important message that is most relevant. As you all know Jesus summarised the ten commandments into two by quoting Deuteronomy 6:5 when responding to an expert of the law’s question of which was the greatest commandment. 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind". 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself". 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” I would like us to focus on the second part of the great commandment. We will look at WHO IS MY NEIGBOUR ? and how DO I LOVE MY NEIGHBOUR AS MYSELF in practical terms. In Luke 10:29-37 The Expert asked Jesus a follow up question, "who is my neighbour"? Jesus answered that question with a question after telling the famous Good Samaritan story or parable. 36 Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise". So according to Jesus my neighbour is anyone who is near me at anytime regardless of their tribe, race or colour, gender, age, height or size. In Mathew 7:12 Jesus gave the answer to the question of how do I love my neighbour as myself in what is now known as the golden rule ". 12 “So whatever you wish that others would

Index The Archbishop Speaks.... ....................................2 A New Secretary for Wau Diocese........................5 Old Testament Translation Begins........................6 Prison Ministry Appeal..........................................8 Appreciation of Baroness Cox...............................9 MU Literacy and Financial Education Project.....10 NBG Youth Leadership and Planning..................12 Food Donation for Prisoners...............................14 Sunday Primary School Celebration....................15 New Text Books for St John’s College.................16 Homecoming for Bishop Mamer.........................18 Wanyjok Area Diocese Special Report................20 A Surprise Miracle...............................................26 Peace and reconciliation Radio...........................27 Working Together...............................................28 Dr Susan School...................................................29 Contact Us.......................................................31 Please Pray with us ...........................................32

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do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets". So the rule is that you use your own feelings to determine how you treat others. In other words before you do anything to someone else, you ask yourself what if that person was to do it to me, will I like it or not? If not then don’t do it to him or her because he or she will not like it too. If yes then do it because he or she will like it as well. This is because all human beings are the same regardless of their tribe, race, colour or gender. This brings us to Genesis 1:26-27 which says that all human beings both male and female are created in God’s image. The problem of South Sudan therefore is that many of us are Christians by name and by going to church on Sundays but we have not been taught to understand and obey Jesus teachings as he stated in the great commission in Mathew 28:16-end. One time I preached to a group of elders under a big tree in a village called Noon Chol Guot in the border of Nuer and Dinka land in the defunct Twich County, in the then Warrap State on the great commandment. After explaining the meaning of the second part of the commandment and interpreting it with the golden rule, I asked the elders whether any of them would like the Nuer to come to his village and kill him, his wife and children, take his cows and burn his house. They all responded with a big NO. Then I asked them who among you would like the Nuer to come to Toch (the swampy/grassing area where Nuer and Dinka herders meet during the dry season) stay peacefully perfoming their Nuer cultural dances and then say goodbye to the Dinka herders during the rainy season as they go back to their villages. All of them said that is what they wanted. So I told them to do to the Nuer what they want the Nuer to do to them as this is the meaning of the Great Commandment and the golden rule. After I finished preaching the Executive Chief of the village called Manoon Ater stood up and said, Bishop for the first time someone has


explained the word of God to me not only to understand but to enter into my blood. My question to you is this "is the Nuer Bishop preaching the same message on the other side?" he said this as he pointed to the Nuer village. I asked the Chief why he was asking that question. He said he believed that if the Nuer Bishop was preaching the same message to the Nuer as I was doing to the Dinkas it would take less than two years for the conflict between the Nuer and the Dinka communities to stop without any intervention of the police or army. I told the Chief that I believed the Nuer Bishop was preaching the same message to the Nuer and I also believed that the conflict between the Nuer and the Dinka will stop within less than two years if Dinkas obeyed the commandment even if the Nuer Bishop was not preaching the same message on the other side. This is because I believe that Nuer will not attack Dinka villages more than three times if Dinkas were to defend themselves from their attack but not take revenge by attacking Nuer villages also. Romans 12:18 says "Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody". The Chief’s statement about the peace between Dinka and Nuer communities confirmed my belief that the solution to the South Sudanese problem lies with the Church (Committed Christians) NOT the Government or International Community. The other problem of South Sudan is ignorance of what is important to other communities. In 2008 I was facilitating a Church Leaders conference in Yambio. In that conference I told the Church Leaders, most of whom were from the Zande community that in the Dinka culture the most important thing is a cow and if you want to know that you sing Dinka songs and you will realize that most of them are either celebrating how good my bull looks, how rich (with cows) our clan is or praising young men for taking good care of cows. For example a wife of my uncle composed a song praising me for taking good care of cows saying that Deng Majok does not leave the cows alone even when it rains or when the sun is very hot

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A cow is so important that every young Dinka man is given a name (colour) of his favourite bull alongside his original name during initiation from boyhood to manhood (Being given traditional head marks) and sometimes the bull’s name ends up replacing the real name. For example the name of our President’s father is called Kuethpiny and his bull name is Mayar which means white bull. As Kuethpiny Mayar grew older they replaced kuethpiny with dit which means an elder equivalent to the word Mzee in Kishwahili or Yaba in Juba Arabic. So they begin to call him Mayardit which means Mzee Mayar. As you can see from my name I have added Majok which is my bull’s name alongside my original name Deng. Majok is a bull with black in front and behind and white in the middle. A cow is so important to the Dinka that they believe that cows don’t destroy crops. For example in my village, there is a saying that thong weng aci rap e rac (meaning a mouth of a cow does not destroy the crops). So when cows or goats go to your farm and eat your crops people will comfort you by saying don’t worry the mouth of a cow does not destroy the crops. Among the Zande a cow is not very important, in fact there is not even a name for a cow, they call a cow meat. What is important to them are crops and if you want to know this then you sing the Zande songs too and you will realize that they talk about the importance of a bambe and keymot (gnut paste). I told my Zande colleagues, the Church leaders that it is very important for them to understand these cultural beliefs because they form the world view which becomes the mirror through which members of a particular community see the world. So here is a Dinka man who believes that the mouth of a cow does not destroy the crops bringing his cows to Zande land where they believe that the most important thing is the crops. You can already see the result is the farmers-herders conflict. I told the church leaders that now that I understand what is important to the Zande community I can never


allow my cows to even touch Zande crops. This is why we as ECSS welcome a genuine and inclusive National Dialogue (as stated in our position statement on Sunday, released on Sunday 18th June 2017, in Juba) which we hope will address the root the causes of the conflict and find a way forward based on unity in diversity. So our role as Christians therefore is to raise awareness among our communities of the importance of respecting the values of other communities if they want other communities to respect their values because this is what the great commandment is all about. This is what I have been doing among the Dinka community using the creation story, the great commandment and the golden rule. I am very much aware that other communities in South Sudan including you who are in this church today believe that it is the Dinkas who are responsible for all the bad things which have been taking place in this country including corruption, killings, raping etc, since the war broke out in 2013 because the President is a Dinka and most of the SPLA Commanders are also Dinkas. But you are also doing the same thing, you are killing innocent Dinkas who have nothing to do with the Government on the JubaYei and Juba-Nimule road etc. Let me ask you the same question I asked the elders in Twich, if an Equatorian, for example Vice President Wani Iga was the President, then some Equatorians did bad things and then the Dinkas came and killed other innocent Equatarians just because the President comes from Equatoria, will you like it? If not then why are you doing it to the Dinkas. If you are not happy with the Government then you attack the Government but not the innocent civilians simply because the President comes from their tribe. To me that is an act of cowardice. I am appealing to all the Christians in South Sudan, beginning with our President to all the citizens to obey the great commandment by doing justice to all and the result will be peace, unity and prosperity. Jesus said seek first the

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Kingdom of God and His righteousness and the rest will be given to you. Mathew 6: 31 "So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows


that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. Every blessing


Former Communications Officer Appointed as Acting Wau Diocesan Secretary By Rev Meshack Magak Ruai Former Diocesan Communications Officer and Administrative Assistant Rev William Majok Mayuang has been appointed Acting Diocesan Administrative Secretary. Rev Majok succeeded his former boss Rev Samuel Mabith Madut who is going for further studies in Kenya. Rev Mabith and his wife Sarah will travel to Kenya to join the Pan Africa Christian University for a four year degree in development communications. While at the University Rev Mabith will continue to serve as Co-editor supporting our dedicated Webkeeper and News Editor Mr. Dave Lewis.

Rev Majok welcomes his appointment and thanks the Archbishop of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Wau, the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol for the trust he bestowed upon him. “I welcome my appointment as Acting Diocesan Secretary and thank Archbishop Deng for giving me this opportunity to serve my Diocese in this capacity. I will do my best to deliver my duties in the same way as my predecessor Rev Mabith did" Rev Majok said. I appreciate and

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thank his grace the Most Rev Moses for giving me this chance of working in the Diocese as an Acting Diocesan Administrative Secretary may God


bless him as well. He guides him to lead us well and gives him wisdom for good leadership. He added. And Also.... Archbishop Deng has also appointed Rev Meshack Magak Ruai as Diocesan Communications Officer and Mr Dut Kuot as Administrative Assistant and Logistics Officer. The three Officers were commissioned by the Diocese of Wau Bishop’s Commissary Rev Canon Mary Chol Deng at Good Shepherd Cathedral on Sunday 25th June 2017.

Dinka Rek Old Testament Translation Begins By Rev William Majok Mayuang

The Dinka Rek Old Testament Translation Begins at Good Shepherd cathedral, Wau Diocese on Tuesday 21st June to 23rd of June, 21 church leaders from across the Dinka Rek area took part in a workshop run by Summer Institute Languages (SIL) at the ECS Diocese of Wau compound. These leaders are part of the Translation Committee which is being formed to support the work of translating the Old Testament into Dinka Rek. The inter-denominational committee drawn from Wau, Aweil, Tonj and Kuacjok have chosen 4 translators and they have prioritised the translation of the book of Genesis. Their long term aim is translation of the whole Old Testament into Dinka Rek in order

to give Christians a better understanding of their God and background to the New Testament.

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SIL was running this training in order for them to better understand the processes of Bible translation, their own role and to structure the committee to function well. The role of the Translation Committee includes selection and support of translators, advocacy for the project amongst the churches and the community, raising resources for the project, managing community checking of the drafted scripture and running of events that will promote Bible translation and use of the mother tongue. The creation of Dinka Rek Old Testament Bibles will help many people to come closer to God. There is something special in learning about Jesus in the language that you use every day. In the other hand it will help them to be strong in their faith and they will be able to spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the people who have not yet received Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.


One participant commented that he now saw that Bible translation was not an easy process. Another said he understood that the churches owned the project and it should not just be technical partners and funders involved to produce a Bible for the church to use. Mrs Jackie Marshall Team leader of SIL thanked the Archbishop of Northern Bhar Ghazal Internal Province and the Bishop of Wau Diocese the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol. �I am very grateful for the vision of these church leaders and for the sense of unity amongst us during the week. I thank Archbishop Moses Deng for the most welcoming of both facilitators and participants that come from different places and the accommodation of facilitators in the ECSS guest house.

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Chaplain of Prison Ministry Appeal to Christians to Support Prisoners By Rev William Majok Mayuang The chaplain of prison ministry Rev Angelina Ayen Chagai who is now leading the Bishop Riak Prison Ministry appealed to all the Christians and friends to support the prisoners who are in Wau Prison Centre on Sunday 28th May 2017 at Good Shepherd cathedral, Wau Diocese. Addressing the faithful at Good Shepherd cathedral Rev Angelina Ayen explained the situation of the prisoners that are in Wau Prison Centre, “I would like to register my appeal to all of you dear fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to contribute whatever you have to support the prisoners. The numbers of people living in prison currently is very large. Some of which die because they are lacking food, some of them have been put in prison for simple offenses. It will be a great loss to the church and South Sudan as a nation because these young people who are suffering are the leaders of tomorrow”. She said. Living conditions of the people in prison are very bad because they have a lot of challenges that are facing them currently like, food shortages.

Some have been put to prison and no one is caring for them, such people have nothing to eat for them to survive. They also lack mosquito nets which is the most dangerous thing for them, some lose their lives simply because they sleep openly without mosquito nets at night. Mosquitoes come and bite them and later will cause malaria for them and there is no health care for them either. I therefore appeal to each and everyone here who like to share the pain and suffering of our fellow human beings to help the prisoners in this hour of need to donate whatever they have like clothes, soap for bathing, money, mosquito nets, food and etc. she added Rev Angelina Ayen thanked the Archbishop of Northern Bhar Ghazal Internal province and the Bishop of Wau Diocese the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol for appointing her to lead the prison ministry and she also thanked the family of the Vicar of St Margaret’s Whitnash and Warwick Gates Community Church Rev

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Richard Suffern for supporting the Bishop Riak Prison Ministry’s team in Wau and that of Gogrial Diocese. She requested all the faithful in Christ pray for those who are in the prison for God’s


guardianship upon them and for God to provide for their needs. The faithful congregation responded to Angelina’s appealed with a round of applause and they promised to contribute whatever they have to help prisoners that are suffering in Wau Central Prison.

Appreciation of Baroness Caroline for Her Special Birthday By the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol Dear Baroness Caroline Cox Greetings from Wau South Sudan. On behalf of the people of Wau in particular and South Sudan in general and on my own behalf I wish you a very happy birthday as you turn 80 in July 2017. Your commitment to fight for justice and dedication to helping the poor and needy made you to travel to places others in similar positions as you, are afraid to go to. For example, you visited many very dangerous and very remote villages and small towns in the border between South and North Sudan such as Nyamlel, Marial-baai, Warawar, Mayen Abun, Turalei, Wunrok, Wanjok Malualkon just to mention but a few during the 21 years civil war. These places where being bombarded by Sudan arms forces war planes from the air while pro-Government militia known as Muarleen (people on the move) raids these villages and towns on the back of horses almost on daily basis. Still you courageously and sacrificially not only visited the people living under constant attack in these villages but also spent days with them in villages where there is no electricity, running water and toilet not to mention food and clean drinking water. Your courageous act of visiting these dangerous places during the bloodiest and longest civil war in Africa was a great source of inspiration, hope and encouragement for many South Sudanese.

Your dedicated work of mobilising funds to pay for the release of thousands of South Sudanese boys and girls, young men and women who were taken as slaves by Muraleen is a great testimony to Christ’s love and Christian solidarity. This reminds me of the story of the Good Samaritan in the book of Luke 10:25-37. Your support for many internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Wau Diocese through your organization (HART) and through your own personal contributions is a clear indication of your unchangeable commitment to helping the poor and the needy. I will never forget your statement that “I cannot do everything

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but I must not do nothing”. Indeed you are always the first to response to my appeal for help for the IDPs since war broke out in South Sudan in 2013. Your contribution to other development projects such as construction of Nyieth and Emmanuel Primary schools is also a testimony of your commitment to give needy children a better future and it is very much appreciated by the people of Wau.


Once again I WISH YOU A HAPPY BIRTHDAY and God’s blessings as you joint the 80th club The Most Rev Moses Deng Bol Archbishop of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Wau, Episcopal (Anglican) Church of South Sudan

Mothers Union Literacy and Financial Education Project By the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol This article is actually a paper which I Presented at the NetAct conference recently. NetAct stands for Network for African Congregational Theology. It is a network of over 40 Universities and Colleges across Africa. The theme of the conference was the Theology of Development and I presented the paper on the topic of Community Development and Entrepreneurship.

also known as Vision 2020. It will also briefly highlight the project goal, expected outcomes and the actual achievements.

There was also a meeting of Librarians from various Universities who are working on providing digital library in which all the universities can share their electronic books and other academic materials. That project is known as the multi-school library resource project.

How this project fits in the Diocesan Strategic plan


It will also look at the theological consideration behind this project, the benefits it brought to the Christian and the wider community specially women as well as its challenges.

This project fits well in our ten-year strategic plan which stated that the Diocese will endeavour to establish microfinance programmes to be run by mothers Union in each of the 12 Archdeaconries.

This paper is a reflection on Mothers Union Literacy and Financial Education (LFEP) Project. This is a five year (2011-2015)) project funded by Comic Relief through Mothers Union UK and implemented by some selected Dioceses in South Sudan including the Diocese of Wau.

The project goal

The paper will look at how this project fits in the Diocesan ten years’ strategic plan ((2011-2020)

Theological consideration behind the project

The main goal of this project was to empowerment vulnerable women (specially widows) and men with knowledge and skills to enable them to generate income for their families and be agents of change in their communities.

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The theological consideration behind this project is the story of the widow in 2nd Kings 4:1-7. The principle is that God uses the little you have to bless you with more resources. The other principle is in the parable of the talents in Mathew 25:14-30 where those who have managed the few resources they were give well have been added more while the one who buried his talent was not only given more but even the little he was already given was taken away from him.

Expected out comes and achievements 1: 15,421 literate men and women (70% women), 11,560 accredited literates and numerates, through 600 volunteer facilitators 608 volunteers were trained as community based facilitators in functional literacy skills. 8567 participants in the programme were accredited literates and numerates.


2: 10,825 newly literate men and women, collectively saving, lending and providing social insurance in ASCA (community based microfinance) groups, using new skills in small business enterprises to acquire assets and increase their household income. 3773 LFEP participants formed ASCAs and are actively saving, lending and providing social insurance to one another 3: 2,750 LFEP participants in leadership roles (at least 50% women) within the LFEP programme and local steering committees. 2,168 LFEP participants were in leadership roles within the LFEP programme and local steering committees 4: 13,750 participants trained on women’s rights and the process to advocate for those rights at the local level; over 25% of which will be actively engaged in advocacy in their communities. 4820 are actively engaged in advocacy in their communities

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Challenges      

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Lack of incentives for Facilitators, Insecurity Crime and trust (fear of unknown) High inflation ($1=2 SSP in 2011 and $1=150 SSP in 2017) Lack of text books Limited transport due to bad roads during the rainy season specially in the rural Dioceses Displacement due to war and other ethnic conflicts Delay in funds transfer due to banking system or delay paper work


Lack of experience in money economy, saving culture and business skills

Conclusion Nevertheless, it was observed that in term of benefits the participants acquired the following knowledge and skills; Spotting opportunities, Personal hygiene, talking therapy: bereavement and trauma, listening to others and helping them cope, Domestic hygiene, improving cultivation and agricultural productivity, Personal and family health care, Girl education, Reproductive health, Political structures and how they affect us, speaking in the circle and speaking in public, Planning and carrying out advocacy and conflict resolution at home and in the community.

Northern Bahr el Ghazal Youth Elected Leadership and Plan Future Activities. By Rev Meshack Magak Ruai Wau, 1stJuly 2017 The Northern Bahr El Ghazel Internal Province youth have conducted their first elections at Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau Diocese. The elections were held during a two day meeting chaired by the Acting Youth Leader John Lual Garang and attended by five youth members from each of the five Dioceses under Northern Bahr EL Ghazal, namely Wau, Aweil, Abyei, Gogrial and Tonj. The objectives of the meeting were; 1) Promotion of peace and unity among the youth and communities of Northern Bahr El Ghazal. 2) Plan how to carry out Mission and Evangelism activities in Northern Bhar El Ghazal

3) To train the youths to perform youth to dances and to mobilize the Dioceses to raise funds for to support youth programs. 4) To plan how to carry out development activities in NBG Internal Province 5) To Elect their leaders

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During the meeting, the youth confirmed John Lual Garang as the youth leader and elect deputy youth leader, secretary, treasurer and other officials. The youth have also resolved to carry out mission and evangelism across the five Dioceses of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province and beyond. They have however expressed the need for resources to carry out their evangelism initiative. They requested His Grace, the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol to appeal to partners and friends for the funds to enable youth to carry out evangelism, peace building and conflict transformation activities in the Province. The following listed is the list of the resources they need to carry out Mission and Evangelism; 1. Fuel for a car to transports youths for a mission


2. Feeding for people who are send for a mission 3. Generator and microphones to use for open air preaching 4. Keyboard 5. Fuel for generator The youth thanks the Administration of the Diocese of Wau for hosting them and for providing food and accommodation during the meeting. The next youth meeting will be on 12th August 2017 at Good Shepherd Cathedral, Wau Diocese.

Here is a we can see a Medical team from Egypt at St Paul's Cathedral,Wanyjok. Ninety one out patients received medicines and basic medication. Thanks be to God for this kind service to the local community in Pan-Apuoth.

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ECSS Diocese of Wau Donated Food to Prisoners By Rev Meshack Magak Ruai The ECSS Diocese of Wau has donated food to prisoners at Wau central prison. The food was bought with the personal contribution from the Vicar of St Margaret Whitnash and Warwick Gates Community Church, Rev Richard Suffern who has been supporting the Bishop Riak Prison Ministry in Wau and Gogrial Dioceses. The donation of food was in response to Senior Chaplain Rev Angelina Ayen’s appeal to all Christians on Sunday 28th May, 2017 at Good Shepherd cathedral, Wau Diocese. Rev Angelina was requesting all the faithful

blessing them as they continue to help people who are in need of help like us” he added. Col Caesar Tombe of Wau Central Prison received the food with a lot of thanks and appreciation for the church, especially the Episcopal Church of South Sudan for the “good work”. He also thanked the Archbishop of Northern Bhar El Ghazal and friends of Wau Diocese for supporting the prison ministry.

congregation to donate whatever they have to the prisoners that are in Wau central prison whom she said are living under very difficult conditions. The prisoners received the donation of food with a lot of joy and thanks the Diocese of Wau and her donors for considering their situation. They also said that Rev Angelina’s pastoral ministry has been very helpful to them “since Rev Ayen has been praying for us some people have been healed from sicknesses and some have been released” said one of the inmates. They thank Archbishop Deng for appointing Rev Ayen as their chaplain. “We are praying for the Archbishop and his friends for God to continue

The Senior chaplain of prison ministry Rev Angelina Ayen Chagai also thanks Archbishop Deng and Rev Suffern for supporting her in the Prison Ministry “Many thanks goes to His Grace, the most Rev Moses Deng Bol for the positive response to my appeal and to the Rev Richard Suffern for his generous support toward prison ministry. May God’s blessing be upon them for this wonderful donation and giving more to support people in need” She said.

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Sunday Primary School First Term Results Celebration By Rev. Meshack Magak Ruai The Sunday Primary School celebrated their first team results at Good Shepherd Cathedral, Wau Diocese on Tuesday 11th July 2017. The celebration was attended by the Bishop’s commissary, Acting Diocesan secretary and parents to advise and encourage pupils for the next term’s examination to work hard and commit themselves in order to pass and maintain their school in the top ten position. Parents thanked the Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal province for opening the school for their pupils and the opening of the college which they say will train the teachers to teach the children well. They also appreciated the work done by pupils and encouraged them to kept that spirit of working hard and good behavior to obey their teachers, elders, class mates and others simply because respect is part of learning in the school if you want to continue with your studies you must exercise respect and humbleness to the teachers. Last but not least, the Bishop’s Commissary, Mary Chol and Acting Diocesan secretary Rev William Majok briefed teachers that, on the behalf of our Archbishop Moses Deng, we can say thank you so much for your commitment toward bringing these pupils up with a bright future. Of course, we are very proud about your teaching last year, Sunday Primary School was leading in Western Bahr el Ghazal State and it got in to the top ten too. This year we are expecting our school to remain in that level in 2017 through your hard work and your teaching as well as you are going well to prepare 71 pupils of p.8 for the next examination at the level of State. Acting Diocesan Secretary Rev William Majok donated 5,000ssp on the behalf of His Grace Archbishop Moses Deng Bol as motivation for both teachers and pupils as a way of encouraging the pupils who pass the examination and the teachers who committed themselves for serious teaching which lead to this wonderful celebration of today. The Headmaster of the Sunday Primary School, Rev Peter Aleu thanked the Archbishop for giving him the opportunity to serve his Diocese in this way. He also thanked the Bishop’s commissary for the most encouraging words she delivered to both the teachers and the pupils. He thanked Acting Diocesan

Secretary Rev Majok for the donation of five thousand South Sudanese pound which he says is very helpful and very encouraging to both the teachers and pupils.

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St John’s College Receives New Text Books By Rev Meshack Magak Ruai The principal of St John’s College of theology and development Mr. Alenya Caesar Maduk has received a donation of texts books on Thursday, 1st June, 2017at the College in Wau Town. The texts books which were placed in St John’s Library will be used by both lecturers and students from the education and business departments and as well as those doing English courses for their study and research. Lecturers and students who will read the books expressed their gratefulness to the donors who funded the purchase of these new books. Mr Paulino Aguer who is a Lecturer in the business department and English Course teacher said “After reading some of the books, I found them relevant to our curriculum and I feel that the books will effectively facilitate the teaching and learning activities in our College. As I stated earlier, the books are very relevant to our curriculum and therefore, they will be able to simplify the research work”. Santno Tarizio Kanangi is a second year student in the department of education. He said” I would like to register my special thanks to the Archbishop of NBG Internal Province for opening this college and to our donors for their generous support towards the

college. After reading the books I found that these books are very important, good and they will make our research easy so hopefully we will pass the exams because of the knowledge we acquire from these books. On behalf of our fellow students I would like to

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sincerely thank our donors and would like to let them know that we are so pleased that these books are available in our library”. The College Principal Mr. Alenya Ceasar also expressed his appreciation. “I thank our partners and friends who kindly donated money for purchasing these texts books for the college. On behalf of the college staff I would like to appreciate and congratulate the Archbishop of Northern Bahr el Gazal Internal province His Grace Moses Deng Bol for implementing the vision of the Episcopal University and our beloved donors for their heartfelt solidarity and charitable contribution to the success of St John College. Above all, we collectively invoke Almighty God to shower His blessings on to them so that they can continue their support to our College.”

The purchase of the books was funded by Amateurs Trust a UK based charitable organization.

Mirembe Drives in to Success This is Mirembe Edith who has recently learned to drive. This important skill will be put to good use helping others by the work she will do in Wau Diocese. “ God is good, I did not know that I could learn to drive” says Mirembe, but she is very glad that she did. We think that you can tell by the big smile on her face.

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The Homecoming Ceremony of Rt Rev. Joseph Mamer Manot By Malong G Akol On 10th June 2017, the congregations of Wanyjok Area Diocese of the internal province of Northern Bahr El Ghazal welcomed their area Bishop, Rt. Rev Joseph Mamer Manot after his consecration as a Suffragan Bishop. Rt Rev. Joseph Mamer Manot was consecrated on 4th April 2017 as an Assistant Bishop of Wanyjok Area Diocese by the Primate of the Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, His Grace Daniel Deng Bul. He was accompanied to his Area Diocese by Rt Rev. Abaraham Yel Nhial, Bishop of Aweil diocese and Rt Rev. Peter Garang Akuei, Assistant Bishop of Nyamlel Area Diocese who was also consecrated together with Bishop Mamer earlier on April 4th 2017. The welcoming ceremony was attended by dignitaries from Aweil East State government, church leaders from other denominations like the Pentecostal and

Catholic churches, as well as community leaders from the area. Many speakers who spoke during the occasion welcomed the upgrading of Wanyjok Archdeaconry to the level of Area Diocese since this is a strong indicator of the presence of the large congregations/adherents of the Episcopal Church in the area and progress of the Episcopal Church in the internal Province of Northern Bahr El Ghazal. The greater Bahr El Ghazal area was perceived to be a Catholic Church zone since the majority of Christians in the area predominantly professed Roman Catholicism then until early nineties when the Episcopal church started making inroads in the area through spirited proselytization and through relentless evangelical mission. Some speakers especially government officials who graced the occasion appealed to the religious leaders in attendance to be agents of peace in a country ravaged by bad legacies of civil war and inter communal fighting.

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Bishop Joseph Mamer’s Pastoral Journey In 1998 Bishop Joseph became a Deacon, and then rose to a level of Priest in 1999 in accordance with the Anglican Church tradition. He served for 3 years in Gogrial as parish Priest at Awan Pajok from 19982000. In 2000, Joseph moved to Kenya to further his education. He completed his Diploma in Leadership from Timothy Training Institute (TTI) in South Africa between 1998 and 2002, obtaining another Diploma in Theology from St. Andrew’s College of Theology and Development, a Theological College

affiliated to St. Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya. Joseph went on to pursue a diploma from 2003 to 2006. In 2010, Bishop Joseph enrolled at St. Paul’s University where he graduated with Bachelor of Divinity (BD) Degree in 2012. He returned to South Sudan immediately after he graduated and served in the Diocese of Wau in different capacities, first as a dean of the Good Shepherd cathedral and later as a Principal of St. John’s College of Theology and Development. Bishop Joseph is currently pursuing a Master of Arts Degree at Cavendish University, specialising in peace and conflict transformation. He is expected to graduate in November 2017 The consecration and installation of Rt Rev. Joseph Mamer as an Assistant Bishop of Wanyjok Area Diocese did have ripple effects; his father Manot Mamer Dau converted to Christianity after he previously turned a deaf ear to persuasions to accept Jesus during the massive proselytization campaigns launched in early nineties by the Episcopal Church evangelical groups. He was baptised on 18th of June 2017. Please pray for Manot Mamer Dau as he begins his journey as a Christian.

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A Special Report on Wanyjok Area Diocese By Rt Rev Joseph Mamer Manot Programmes and Strategic Plans 2017-2022 1. MISSION: “Equipping the church for mission and Raise up faithful Christian Leaders”. 2. VISION: To be a Centre for Spiritual and Social Transformation. 3. CORE VALUES: Honesty, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability and high Respect for God and humanity. 4. ETHICS AND CODE OF CONDUCT: The Diocese holds with high moral principles and beliefs.

Physical, Political and social background of the Diocese of Wanyjok: Physically: Before the recent creation of controversial new states of South Sudan, the current Aweil East State was known as Wanyjok one of the oldest and historical towns in Aweil East. Given the current political geographical division, Wanyjok is in Aweil East State in the Republic of South Sudan and it’s located in northern-western South Sudan. Its capital and largest city is Wanyjok. Aweil East (Wanyjok) is located in Bhar El Ghazal region and it borders Twic State and Gogrial State to the east, Aweil State to the south, Lol State to the west and disputed Abyei Special Administrative Area (ASAA) region to the north-east and Sudan to the North, southern Darfur with Misseriya and Rizeigats tribes from Sudan.

controversial creation of more states out of ten states of South Sudan after which Wanyjok was carved out of former Northern Bhar el ghazal State Aweil and became a separate State. Wanyjok formerly used to be the Head Quarter of Aweil East County and during censuses of 2008 Wanyjok had 909,920 populations which might have increased because of high influx of returnees from Sudan and from other nations where South Sudanese have scattered during those years of civil conflicts. Wanyjok or Aweil East State has the followings towns. 1.

Malualbaai County ( Old)


Madhol County (Old)


Mangartong County (Old)


Yargot County (Old)


Mangok County (Old)


Wunlang County (Old)


Rumakeer County ( New)



Majok Yith-Thiou Municipality (New)

Politically, Wanyjok was once part of former Northern Bahr el Ghazal State until a recent


Malualkon Municipality (New)

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Wanyjok Area Diocese was proposed in 2015 by Christians and clergy to become a diocese on its own given the numerical growth of church and its being one of the largest area though it had only 4 archdeaconries. This was presented to the Synod and approved. Its Assistant Bishop was unanimously elected unopposed on 28th March and consecrated on 4thApril 2017 at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Aweil Diocese by his Grace the Most Rev.Daniel Deng Bul Yak, the Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and the Bishop of Juba Diocese. Wanyjok Area Diocese is one of vast Dioceses in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan which borders Lol in the West, Twic in East –North, Gogrial in East-South and Aweil State in the South.


with Christian partners in the world and within the Diocese. The Diocese wishes to get connections with friends and Christians partners, hence internet service is very vital and paramount to the Diocese of Wanyjok. Bishop’s House to be completed The Area Diocese has raised funds locally and able to raise wall and paid for labour for

The Area Diocese of Wanyjokhas the following programmes. PROGRAMMES AND STRATEGIC PLANS 2017-2022 IMMEDIATE NEEDS Diocesan Internet Service: The world of today is a world of advanced technology and an innovation which has made the world to become like a global village. The World has become like a small village because of its advances in Information Technology Communication and other invented technological devises for communications. Therefore, for the Area Diocese of Wanyjok to become part and parcel of a growing world of technology, it needs to have its Internet Service to be connected with the World. Internet is very paramount for the diocese of Wanyjok especially this time of establishment to share its plans, programmes and prayer requests

Bishop’s house. This is 3 bedrooms with sitting room into which Bishop will move once it’s completely roofed and plastered. The Diocese of Wanyjok appeals to its Christian partners, friends and other charities to support the completion of Bishop’s House. The Diocese has so far mobilized funds locally to buy burnt bricks, cements etc for raising wall. We remain with roofing which needs timbers, iron sheets, assorted nails etc. It is estimated to cost $5,900 to complete, this includes purchasing of iron sheets, roofing, transportation of materials and labour and plastering. Breakdown of the budget: 1. Iron sheet for roofing= $2,000 2. Windows and Doors= $1,400 3. Timbers (assorted) $1,500

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4. Labour=$300

Diocesan Car (Landcruiser):

5. Nails (assorted) $400

Currently, Bishop Joseph Mamer does not have a Diocesan car which has seriously hindered Bishop’s pastoral ministry within the Diocese and outside the diocese. The Diocese is very huge bordering Marem in the southern Darfur of Sudan, Abyei in northEast and Al Zein in west-north of Darfur with 4 archdeaconries. The Diocese is about 170kmor even more kms from South-North (border not demarcated yet) and 150km from west to East towards eastern Darfur of Sudan. Given the above distances, it becomes difficult for the diocesan bishop to visit all its faithful Christians as well as to support Mission and evangelism to reach unreached souls of Muslims in the Northern part of Sudan as it’s one of the Dioceses borders Sudan

6. Fastening Wire and transportations=$300. The Diocese will work to furnish the house of bishop after its completion Total:$5,900 Completion of Diocesan Administration block:


The Diocese has open administration blocks (Not roofed) which need to be roofed. It has 4 offices, 1. Bishop’s office 2. Diocesan administrative Secretary and finance office

Therefore it’s very important for the Bishop to have Land cruiser vehicle as it’s the best car for South Sudan’s rough and bumpy roads. 1. The first Landcruiser(Brand New) costs about $45,000Car in Kampala, Kenya and South Sudan.

3. Mothers’ Union 4. Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral The cost for the roofing of this office is estimated to be $, 4,000 Break down 1. 2. 3. 4.

Iron sheets for roofing=$2,000 Timbers (assorted) =$1,500 Nails (assorted)= $250 Labour =$250

Total: $4,000

2. Second option is buy second hand (used car) in good condition costs about$25,000 from Japan or even sometimes from within South Sudan. 3. The Third option is $6,000 second hand cars are always found from International NGOs and UN bodies. Some NGOs and UN Agencies, whenever they phase out their activities and operations, in most cases, they sell away cars to the local communities, churches, or community Based Organization as a throw away prices

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South Sudan’s Aweil East State doesn’t have a state power supply despite that fact that power is part of development and there seems no plan to have power supply soon given the current political and humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. Hence, Wanyjok Area Diocese plans to purchase 8 solar panel with 4 batteries. The planned solar power system will be used at Bishop’s House and Offices as well. The whole area does not even have rental power; we appeal to our partners to support us purchase 8 solar panels and with 4 batteries which costs$6,500whose lifespan may last for 3- 5 years particularly batteries. This cost includes power inverter, power cables and labour Church Land:


activities starting from the Bishop, senior clergy and evangelists. Both vehicle and motorbikes have become essential necessities to any growing institution because there is no way any institution can runs its programme in the absence of means of transport to facilitate church programme and church plantations within the diocese and beyond Wanyjok Area for this case. The Diocesan administration does not even have single means of transport no motorbike, no vehicle and no bicycle. The Area Diocese of Wanyjok Appeals to willing Christian partners, charities, Institutions and individuals to support us with 3 motorbikes one motorbike roughly costs $1,000X 3=$3,000. They will provide significant support to Evangelism, Mission and churches planting if they are provided.

The Diocesan administration has just obtained a vast church land from communities and local government in Wanyjok Area. It has not been surveyed yet but it’s roughly about 400X200 meters. These lands will be used for church activities such as church Administration blocks, schools, Sports, clinic, micro-finance and Women business projects and Bible Sc Motorbikes and Bicycles Wanyjok Area Diocese is one of the vast dioceses in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, it covers 4 vast archdeaconries that is Malualbaai Archdeaconry, Wanyjok Archdeaconry, Rumkeet Archdeaconry and Yargot Archdeaconry with 22 ordained clergy,97 Licensed Lay-readers, 53 Evangelists,14 deaconries and 35 parishes,28 sub-parishes and 32 preaching centres. As seen in the above statistics provided,none ofthese numbers of leaders above has either car or motorbike for work facilitation or work related

Ven.Canon Peter Wol Garang Thank God that the above clergy has received his motorbike purchased by the diocese. Canon Peter lives a very far distance away from HQRs of the Diocese. From his Archdeaconry to Wanyjok takes 2 full days footing (walk) to reach to Wanyjok. Canon is very excited for having received his motorbike. The whole archdeaconry is happy to see their archdeacon with his motorbike as

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this will enhance his mission and ministry work in Rumkeet Archdeaconry. This motorbike cost us $900 a donation from a long term friend from the UK Ian Thompson.



Mission and Evangelism:

As mentioned above, Wanyjok Area Diocese borders an Islamic Nation of Sudan which poses threats to Christian faith, there is a massive influx of Muslims from Sudan into South Sudan in the name of business and trade. Unspecified high numbers of Muslims come into Wanyjok Area each year and young children are secretly converted to Islamic faith and these children haven’t realized this yet because they are too young to stand for their Christian faith. The Diocese plans to be sending Missionaries to neighboring states of Sudan to preach the Good News of Christ in Muslim land. The Area Diocese does have qualifiedand well trainedpreachers and Evangelists who can do missionary work to unreached lands of Sudan. Wanyjok Area Diocese has 22 ordained clergy, 97 Licensed Lay-readers, 53 Evangelists. 2. Pastors’ workers:




As mentioned above the Area Diocese has many churches with limited trained and qualified clergy and Evangelists. This is because most of them never got any training opportunity due to the prolonged conflict in South Sudan which was subsequently followed by the conflict which erupted in December 2013.Most of our church members are not strong in their Christian faith as a result of weak foundation because they have


never received any concrete training. Most of them are untrained for sound theological trainings well as on church management and leadership training; the leadership strives to offer some in service training to pastors such as church management, mission, homiletics and leadership. Wanyjok Area Diocese appeals to charities, institutions and individuals to assist its mission by providing them with long and short training to its pastors and lay-persons within and outside the Area Diocese of Wanyjok. There are those who could go for Certificate Course, Diploma, to either to St. John in Wau Diocese Bishop Malou in Aweil diocese (I’m establishing this College) or Bishop Gwynne Theological College in Juba, Degree and Master Programme. After every 2 Years1 person can go for Master Degree Course and every year, 1 person for Undergraduate programme and 3-4 persons for Diploma Course. The Diocese will embark on training its other Church workers within the Area Diocese to equip them for mission work. Trainings are diverse, some will go for theological trainings and others for other disciplines. 3. Agriculture - Food Security and Livelihood The Area Diocese of Wanyjok has a very vast Agricultural land which can be utilized to support church missionary work through farming to be self-supportive and self-reliance church. The Diocese is developing 5 year strategic agricultural activities to embark on production of enough food which will significantly support the Diocese. Youth in the church will be engaged in farming and this will promote the spirit of working together and becoming an independent church. 4.

General Education:

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Renewal windy storm this needs urgent response for a re-fixing. The Area Diocese has 3 Primary School that is St.Paul’s Primary School, door Primary School and Mamer Primary School. St. Paul’s School

Wanyjok Area Diocese has three partially administered schools by the State Government and the Area Diocese for which it intends to take a full responsibility immediately it has established its administration. The Diocese will invest Young child education from Primary-High School. Currently there are no secondary schools within the Diocese due to lack of infrastructure, we intend to have one Secondary School ( mixed) if we could get financial support to support this project. St. Paul’s Primary School currently has 500-600 pupils according to school statistic and the numbers keep increasing each year as there are high demands to have more functioning schools. Unfortunately one class of St. Paul’s Primary School has been blown (removed) down by


You can see front part is blown away by wind and rain, doors and windows are not there. This needs only 30 iron sheet 25 timbers plus roofing nails which may cost $1500 to re-reroof it including transports 5.

Health Education:

The whole Wanyjok Area Diocese doesn’t have any single church managed health facility, however, the Area Diocese plans to have Health Education Programme where church and communities are taught on hygiene and sanitation and many basic health care information and to create an awareness to the community on how to protect themselves and prevent many outbreak diseases that are common in South Sudan in particular using basic information.


Mother’s Union Programme: The Diocese has a very strong mothers Union group, hence the Diocese plans to train and equip Mothers Union by introducing microcredit and business programme; this requires support from any willing individuals and

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charities or organizations.


More Churches construction

The main aim of this plan is to empower the women through short business trainings. The Area Diocese plans to have Women Resource and business centre to promote not only development but enhance their capacity to be able to support young women in the church.

Construction of more Concrete Church buildings is vital to change from Grassthatched churches building to concrete and iron sheet roofed church buildings.

What a Surprise Miracle By Kekulina Edith The MED Project Assistant Mrs. Kekulina Edith went to Grinti barracks to conduct an ASCA training when she found a mother who had spent one year and seven month with her pregnancy. Her name is Joyce John Alizayo aged 32 years with 5 children, 2 girls and 3 boys. She got married to a first husband by the name of Abraham Yel Kachuol, and they had 4 children then, due to family misunderstandings she decided to separate from the previous husband. Then Joyce got married to another husband by name of Abraham Bol Chut that together they gave birth to one child and after that, Joyce stayed

Joyce she conceived in January 2016 last year up to date. Joyce says she first had a bleeding for 15 days from date 3/4 /2016. Then also on 30/10/2016, the same incidence has happen for two days. Joyce attended antenatal care two times, the first visit was on 14/12/2016 and the second was on the 28/6/2017 then she had been told to go back on 5/7/2017 but she has not yet due to the costs at Daniel Comboni Hospital. According to the doctor, after carrying out an Ultra Sound examination, he gave a report that Joyce has a single baby, alive, Intra Utering Fetus in a cephalic presentation and longitudinal lie.

for some few years with her second husband who passed away on 9/7 2017 leaving her pregnant. Joyce’s second husband Bol Chut was a soldier and he was killed when patrolling around the city of Wau state. They fell in to an ambush of rebels and many of them were killed.

He added also by that there is Normal Fetal Cardiac activity, gross anatomy and body movement noted. Joyce said, she is staying with all her children with no support. According to my observation, the mother is very weak, with less blood, miserable worried and with some Oedema plus feeding she said is a struggle since she has no job or any work that she can now manage to do. Please pray for Joyce in this circumstance.

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Peace and Reconciliation Radio FM Lietnhom By Rev Peter Garang Deng - ALARM South Sudan, Country Director Where there is faith, there is light. It was something unthought-of of in such a short time for the community of Apuk and their neighbours to receive Peace and Reconciliation Radio FM on a golden plate! It was a great surprise in the sense that the community had been without such a facility since their existence in that location. This proves that, Jesus is a light and where there is light there is life. Way back in the year 2000, the word of God came to this community through a revival and since then, it was not well received and some years later, the word of God penetrated into people’s lives and many things had happened in Lietnhom by the word of God through the Church, ALARM and its partners. These are a few among many good things that had happened to mention but a few; Schools are opened, expansion of God’s word that resulted in planting of churches, Pastoral training, Women and children and beside peace building reconciliation, Guest House and internet and solar light and of recent the provision of Peace and Reconciliation Radio, all these are amazing things that God has provided to us. Community Receptiveness to the Radio:

It was really amazing when we jetted in into Lietnhom and the news of the Radio provision spread like wild fire and the welcoming was so great and this shows how the community love to have this facility within their reach. It is my pleasure to inform you that Apuk community are overjoyed in receiving Peace and Reconciliation Radio which was officially installed today. It is a wonderful movement to the community. This was evident when they received us in big numbers as we arrived from Juba to Lietnhom. There are many messages of appreciation from youth, women, church and the community leaders followed by the Commissioner Hon. Anyuon Dhol Anyuon. We tested with 98.0 FM for time being and the rest will follow. Let us pray that all goes well with this community and South Sudan in general. What significance will this Radio bring to this community? This Radio would help the community and their neighbors in spreading the Gospel through preaching God’s word, Peace and reconciliation messages for the purpose of peaceful cohesion within and outside their communities, improves health awareness, promote hygiene and sanitation, activate and enhance spot activities between sections and tribes, and will help in developmental sensitization of the

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community. The level of awareness will improves in the life of Apuk community and beyond. The message was well received by difference stakeholders such as community


leaders, church leaders, government officials and local government, youth and women groups including schools children.

Working Together and With Great Thanks By Archbishop Moses Deng Bol With the recent financial support from Barnabas fund and Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF)-Canada, the ECSS Diocese of Wau through Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province's Relief and Development wing-Christian Action for Relief and Development (CARD) provided food to 1000 IDP families at Masena IDP camp and 280 IDP families at Nazareth IDP camp and 150 families at St Mary Cathedral, 100 families at Loklogo IDP camp and 50 families at St Joseph IDP Camp in Wau Diocese in July and August 2017. Also with financial support from ARDF USA CARD distributed food to 500 IDP Families in the Diocese of Gogrial and 500 IDP families in the Diocese of Tonj. The Archbishop of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Wau, the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol together with CARD's Executive Director Rev Andrew Apiny and all the people of Wau Diocese would like to sincerely thank our friends and partners (both individuals and organizations) who have been supporting us since January so that we are able to provide Relief food to thousands of IDPs at Good Shepherd Cathedral compound (now at Masena) and other IDP camps in Wau town. The individuals include Baroness Caroline Cox, Mr Richard Smith and Dr Ben Parkin. The organizations include the Poole Wau Partnership, Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART), Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF)-USA, Anglican Relief and

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Development Fund (ARDF)-Canada, Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and Barnabas Fund. Many vulnerable people have been fed by this simple kindness.

Please pray for all the vulnerable Internally Displaced People in our Internal Province. Pray that they may soon be able to go home and give thanks to God for the goodness that enables them to be fed and cared for so well. Amen

Susan School Ready for Use in Tonj Diocese By Bishop Peter Yuol Gur Praise God ladies and gentlemen, we have completed the tent for Susan primary school this class will accommodate 100 pupils. The people that are there in the pictures are teachers, headmaster Mama Aguer and me. The small girl between us is a child abandoned by her mother. She has been brought to us by social welfare, the little girl is

called Achol and we are happy to have her so that that we may be taking care of her through Hope House International. Hope House International is the charity group that I administer set up to help all orphaned children in the Internal Province. We are only just beginning and have a long way to go but

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even though Achol was abandoned by her mother she has not been abandoned by God or by us. With your assistance all children in Northern Bahr el Ghazal can be cared for and educated. This tent is our elder sister Dr Susan Primary School in Tonj we continue in construction and we got a big tent from UNICEF. May God


bless everyone that helped with this great help. This school will be divided in to 2 classes and for a while it also accommodating displaced persons in the evening, those who doesn't have a shelter to sleep under while it is the rainy season. With your help we will care for everyone in the best way we can.

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Contacting Us: By E-mail

Internal Province Archbishop Most Rev Moses Deng Bol : Internal Province Secretary Canon David Modi (acting) : General Enquiries Rev Samual Mabith :

By Post: Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital, C/o ECS Provincial Office, P O BOX 110, Juba, South Sudan

By Telephone: Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769

Warrap State Peace Mobiliser Mrs Rose Aciendhel Kacthiek

+254 716641233

+211 914191558

Lord we pray for peace and reconciliation in your country of South Sudan. We ask that you will open the hearts and minds of people to forgive and look to a future - Amen






prosperity for all living here. Amen.

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Please Pray With Us Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Northern Bahr el Ghazel Internal Province who work without pay in difficult conditions.

Please pray for all people exposed to famine and danger in South Sudan, that they may be safe and fed. Pray for the hardworking students at schools in NBG and St John’s College. Pray for the students of the Sunday Primary School and the teachers there. Pray for the recognition and removal of all corruption in South Sudan. Pray for the Bishop Riek Prison Ministry and good stewardship of prisoners. Give thanks to God for the kindness of donors giving aid and support to improve life. Pray for those giving time to translate the Old Testament so others can read it. Pray for all youths in NBG and the ministry to reach out to them. Pray for the new staff working in different parts of the Internal Province. Give Thanks for the generosity of Partners who supported our church in Wanyjok Area Diocese. Pray for the situation of food security in South Sudan so that people may have enough to eat. Pray for security in South Sudan so that ordinary people can live their lives peacefully.

Church prayers needs Pray for our new Archbishop the Most. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard, pray that God will help him to do what needs to be done for the new internal province. Pray for Bishop Abraham Ngor – the Bishop of Gogrial Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Yuol Gur – the Bishop of Tonj Diocese. Pray for Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot – the new bishop of Wanyjok area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Garang Akuei– the new bishop of Nyamlel area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for all pastors, priests, deacons and assistants in Northern Bahr el Ghazel. Pray for the Mothers Union, their work and the new provincial leadership of Mary Achol. Pray for all leaders taking up provincial leadership tasks that God may guide them well. Pray for the development of St John’s College of Theology and Development in Wau. Pray for the Jol Wo Liech youth group and everyone encouraged to faith by them. Pray for the ongoing work of Canon Peter Wol Garang. Pray for all Christians working hard to build and sustain peaceful co existence in faith. Give thanks to God for the all the f helping to care for vulnerable IDPs. Give thanks to God for Primate Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul and his vision in creating Northern Bahr el Ghazel Internal Province.

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