Peace Prayer Service Booklet

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Wau Diocese


TIME: 9:30 am-1:00 pm

BACKGROUND The 21st September is the United Nations day of Peace. (It is known as the International Day of Peace). All people worldwide are celebrating the importance of this day regardless of their faiths, creed or gender. Thus, on the same day (Thursday 21 September 2017), our South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) was holding an ecumenical prayer service at All Saints Cathedral, Juba. Building on this, the ECSS Department of Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Commission (JPRC) in collaboration with the Office of the Archbishop & Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Bishop of Juba invite all Christians across the Province and Internal Provinces to commemorate this important day on 29 th September 2017. All 43 Cathedrals of ECSS across the country shall make this day 29 th September 2017 a day of prayer for peace, forgiveness, reconciliation and healing. The Archbishop & Primate ask the entire people of South Sudan to reflect on the theme by the title: Be Reconcile to God and to One Another (2 Cor.5: 19). The day will begin with peace precessions. Early at 8.00am Christians will gather in various locations as appointed by their church leaders and marching to All Saints Cathedral for the public prayer vigils service at 10.50am. The service will begin with prayer and the candle lighting at 11.00am. The lighting of the candle must happen simultaneously across all ECSS Cathedrals. Other rituals will follow this: water and salt sprinkling during intercessions and oil blessing at the closing of the service. In the processions, songs of peace, dance, shall be punctuated by periodic stops to pray for peace in Juba and South Sudan. Similar processions will be held in each of the Internal provinces. We encourage sports for Peace – which we hope will take place on Saturday 30th September 2017 between two teams as identified by organisers.

ORDER OF THE SERVICE Welcome and few announcements (Dean of the Cathedral) Hymn 1

Opening Prayer People standing Leader:

We gather here as a community of believers to celebrate the International Day of peace. We are reminded that we are all part of one global human family living together in a world that remains broken and divided. We join in prayer in hopes that the universal desire for peace may be realized. Lord God, help us to recognise that you call each one of us to commit ourselves to the effort of peace in South Sudan and in the world.



(The lighting of the candles. It should be done by one of the church leaders: a bishop or a senior clergy who will say these prayers and each member of congregants should then light their candles from one of three big-lit candles. They lit from one another).

The prayer before lighting the candles


Father in heaven, the light of Jesus has dispersed the darkness of hatred and sin Accept this candle and let the light of your truth guide us to your kingdom. Inflame our hearts with your grace
 Keep us in the radiance of your truth Fill our hearts with your divine love
 And please help us in our needs for peace and healing Grant this through Christ our Lord.



The bishop or senior clergy lit the candles and pass one to the next person who will also help lit another candle, and so forth and so on … then bishop say the following prayer. Leader:

Dear God, our loving Father,
 The candles we have lit represent each and

every one of us whose lives have been touched and affected by the conflict.
 These lights also remind us of Jesus Christ, Your Son, who is the light of the world and the light in our darkness.
 Give us, we pray, comfort in our anxiety and fear, courage and strength in our suffering, patience and compassion in our caring, consolation in our grieving.
 But above all, give us hope now and always, through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. All:


Hymn 2 Youth After the song the congregation sit or kneel to pray. The collect of the week is said followed by the readings.

The Collect Leader:


Almighty God, Who called your Church to bear witness That you were in Christ reconciling the world to yourself: Help us to proclaim the good news of your love and peace, That all who hear it may be drawn to you, Through him who was lifted up on the cross, And reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, now and for ever. Amen

Speeches: 1. M.U. Leader Mary Achol Awutoch 2. Church council, Dr. Adhuong Kuch 3. JPRC Coordinator 4. Wau State- Government Representative

The Ministry of the Word Readings Old Testament The Old Testament Reading is taken from the book of Genesis 33:1-4 Jacob looked up and there was Esau, coming with his four hundred men; so he divided the children among Leah, Rachel and the two maid-servants. He put the maid-servants and their children in front, Leah and her children next and Rachel and Joseph in the rear. He himself went on ahead and bowed down to the ground seven times as he approached his brother.

But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept. (Genesis 3: 1-4) This is the word of the Lord All

Thanks be to God

New Testament Reading is taken from Paul’s second Letter to the Corinthians chapter five reading begins from verses 18 to 19. All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:18-19) This is the word of the Lord All

Thanks be to God

People may stand for the Gospel acclamation A hymn or short song may be sung, then the reader says Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew. All

Glory to you O Lord

When you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift. (Matthew 5:23-24). This is the Gospel of the Lord All

Praise to you, O Christ

Hymn 3

Young Family to welcome the Preacher

Sermon Offertory Hymns

(people stand to sing offertory)

INTERCESSIONS People kneel or sit for intercessions and the Leader begin with: INVOCATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: Leader:

Spirit of wisdom,


guide us.


Spirit of openness,


Transform us.


Spirit of truth,


Lead us.

WATER RITE (May be performed by a bishop or senior clergy or lay representative from each internal province or region.) We bring our nation and the world before us. (A large, empty bowl, a jug of water, and a small bowl of salt are placed at the altar.) (Water is poured into the bowl from a jug.) Let this water be a symbol both of our common baptism with all Christians and the source of life shared with all peoples everywhere. (Small bowl of salt is held up.) Let this salt be a symbol of the sorrow and the tears in our broken nation and world. (Some salt is poured into the water.) Let this salt be a symbol of the sorrow and the tears for those who died, displaced or abused in all states of Greater Upper Nile Region. 
 (A pinch of salt is added to the water.) Let this salt be a symbol of the sorrow and the tears for those who died, displaced or abused in all states of Greater Equatoria Region. 
 (A pinch of salt is added to the water.) Let this salt be a symbol of the sorrow and the tears for those who died, displaced or abused in all states of Greater Bahr el Ghazal Region. 
 (A pinch of salt is added to the water.). 
 Let this salt be a symbol of the sorrow and the tears for those who died, displaced or abused in all states of Greater Eastern Equatoria. 
 (A pinch of salt is added to the water.) Let this salt be a symbol of the sorrow and the tears in Sudan, Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, DRC, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Eritrea, Nigeria, Zimbabwe Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan, Columbia, Mexico, and Myanmar. 
 (A pinch of salt is added to the water.)

Let this salt be a symbol of the sorrow and the tears in the countries affected by terrorist attacks, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Pakistan, Egypt and India. (A pinch of salt is added to the water.) (Other regions of conflict may be mentioned.) (Bowl of water and salt is held up.) But let us not forget that salt and water can also help cleanse and heal. Let us bless ourselves with this salt water as a sign of our commitment to healing divisions between people, through our prayers, words and actions. All stand for a hymn (Three bishops and three senior priests take branches of olive tree or coconut tree and sprinkle the people with salt water. After that the people may sit)


“Peace is not merely the absence of war. Nor can it be reduced solely to the maintenance of a balance of power between enemies. Nor is it brought about by dictatorship. Instead, it is rightly and appropriately called ‘an enterprise of justice’ (Is. 32:7). Peace results from that harmony built into human society by its divine founder, and actualized by people as they thirst after ever greater justice.”

(Second Vatican Council, GaudiumetSpes, #78) (A very short drama performed (5 minutes). After that people will have selfexamination).


Let us recall in the silence of our hearts our role in causing divisions and brokenness in our nation and in the world:

Do I recognize the dignity of all people? Do I allow God to speak to me through the lives of the impoverished and marginalized? Do I strive to remove barriers between people? Do I play my part in creating a fair and just global society? Do I challenge unjust systems and structures? Do I use the earth’s resources wisely? Do I allow society to degrade and dehumanize people? Do I speak out when others are fearful, oppressed or treated unfairly? Do I work to influence my country’s foreign and domestic policies?

Do I work for peace not only in my community or country, but also throughout the world? Sunday School to present a SONG

PERIOD OF SILENCE (Allow about five minutes of silence so that participants will have time to reflect on the questions. Then say together the act of commitment to pursue peace, make peace and build a peaceful society. Here we may pray for the true and genuine National dialogue.)


O God, forgive us. 
We have not always acted for peace. 
We have caused divisions and brokenness. God, we ask for your forgiveness and healing. Help us live out our calling as peacemakers. Give us courage and strength to change. (Youth)



Leader 2:

Forgive us for the sins of greed, when we want too much of something. Forgive us for the sins of gluttony, when we take too much of something, such as excessive eating and drinking. (Women) Amen


Leader 3:

All: Leader 4:


Forgive us for the sins of lust, when we work to fulfil the unspiritual desires. Forgive us for the sins of envy and jealousy, when we want what someone has! Forgive us for the sins of sloth, when we are too slow or lazy at doing something positive and productive. Forgive us for the sins of wrath and bloodshed, when we love violence and revenge. (Laity) Amen Rebuilt in us the spirit of nationhood. Clear the road of evil; take away the stony and rocky hearts in us. So, that our beloved South Sudanese can return from the displaced peoples camps and refugee camps to their own home and lands. Destroy the barriers we have put between us. (Clergy) Amen

Leader 5:

O God, plant trust in the heart of every South Sudanese. Reconcile us to you and to one another. Instead of war, we need peace. Instead of tribalism and ethnic violence, we need unity. Instead of lying and stealing, we need honestyand truth. Instead of cattle rustling and raiding, we need love and mercy. Instead of nepotism and corruption, we need responsibility and accountability. Instead of sexual immorality and witchcraft, we need fear of God, his righteousness and holiness. (Bishop)



OIL RITE Bishop bless the oil before use saying the following prayer Leader:

God, our redeemer, giver of health and salvation, we give you thanks for this gift of oil. As the apostles anointed many who were sick, and you healed them, so may your Holy Spirit come on us and on this oil, that we who receive this anointing in repentance and faith may be made well in accordance with your will: through Jesus Christ our Savior.



(Hymn may be sung while number of appointed pastors: Archdeacons, rural deans and parish priests take small bowl full oil. Everyone is invited forward, as directed, to receive blessing, a sign of cross on forehead.) Saying the Lord bless you and heal you.


Let us say the Lord’s Prayer together. SIGN OF PEACE


And now let us offer one another a sign of peace.


O God, on this day, the International Day of Peace, we remember that war and violence continue to maim, kill and destroy. Hundreds of thousands of human beings look at their sisters and brothers over the barrels of guns, cannons and missiles. Help us to hear your voice that counsels forgiveness, compassion, patience and dialogue. Help us to “thirst after ever greater justice,� so that we might contribute to a peaceful world.Help us to act on behalf of peace, not only today, but all of the days of our life.




The blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you always.



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