Project Synopsis : Food Security and Sustainable Living

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Contract Title:

Increased Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor and Marginalized Households in Western Bahr El Ghazal State, South Sudan

Decision Number:


Contract Number:

2012 / 290-717

Contractor´s signature date:



South Sudan

Implementation starting date:


Expiry Date:


Expiry Date - likely:


EU Contribution: 1.


Project Background

The project is part of the EU’s Food Security Thematic Programme in South Sudan, having resulted from a proposal submitted by the Dutch NGO, ICCO (Interchurch Organisation for Development Co-operation), in response to a call launched in 2011. The project is implemented by a consortium of NGOs, led by ICCO, that includes Dorcas Aid International, a Dutch NGO; Christian Agenda for Development (CAD), a local NGO; and another local NGO, Christian Action for Relief and Development (CARD), which is the development arm of ECS Diocese of Wau. The Catholic University of South Sudan (CUoSS), Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, is an associate partner. The project targets the villages of Kangi, Ajugo, Gete, Agok and parts of the town of Wau in Jur River and Wau Counties in Western Bahr El Ghazal State (WBS). The ICCO-CAD-CARD consortium has collaborated on previous actions in the target area that involved training of CBOs such as women and youth groups. All have ample experience with previous and ongoing projects in food security and income generation in the two Counties. The current project also draws on lessons learned from previous interventions of ICCO, particularly the RRP programme. The population of the target area is unable to produce sufficient quantities of food to meet their nutritional needs. The constraints and root causes are linked to poor and unsustainable farming practices and focus on monoculture. Specific problem areas in this respect are: 1) insufficient technical know-how, poor access to improved technologies 2) poor access to resources such as land, quality agricultural inputs, and financial sources and 3) insufficient organization of farmers, all resulting in low productivity and production. These constraints are further exacerbated by dependency on climate (rain-fed agriculture) and vulnerability to natural hazards such as frequent drought or erratic rainfalls linked to climate change that result in water logging and/or floods. 2.

Project Intervention Logic:

The Overall Objective (OO) is: “To reduce the incidence of general and acute malnutrition among rural households in WBS.” The Project Purposes (PPs) are: PP1) “To improve the food security and nutrition of particularly disadvantaged and marginalised groups in WBS.” PP2) “Strengthened local institutions to better address food insecurity and climate threats.” There are 4 expected results: R1) Increased production of staple crops among rural target group. R2) Increased agricultural diversification among target group. R3) Improved marketing system in place in target areas. R4) Increased capacity of Wau University, government departments and local NGOs to address food insecurity and climate threats.

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