Smard profile

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Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015


Name of the Organization: Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) Physical Address: Jebel Dinka Area, Market Bus Park; Plot No 209/211 Juba, South Sudan Contact Person: Rev James Baak Nhial Telephone:


Registration No: 1324 Email: Website:


Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

B. Profile Background: Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) is a faithbased, indigenous National NGO for empowerment of rural communities for holistic transformation of South Sudanese society. SMARD was registered with Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs on 17th February 2012 via registration number 1324. The organization was conceived and birth out of the strong desire of South Sudanese professionals who are mostly natives of Warrap state to address the gaps in responding to grassroots issues due to cultural barriers: In 2008,an inter-ethnic community conflict flared up which resulted in many deaths and razed down many villages creating serious humanitarian situation. Later on, a group of young men and women from the conflicting communities in Warrap State led by Rev James Baak conceived in a discussion of the idea of an organization, which is homegrown, that would work with grassroots in reconciling them and empowering them for development. The core problems identified were as follows:  Intra-ethnic conflicts among South Sudanese communities are deeply rooted in cultural causes and decades of local history; which can only be sustainably addressed by local organizations that have vast local knowledge of the root causes surrounding the conflicts;  Grassroots communities are detached from government systems and lack understanding of how to use government resources and systems for redress of issues they encounter;  Abject poverty in rural communities especially among the Youth and Women also fuels conflict as rival communities fight over scarce resources;  The virtual absence of educational facilities and abysmal literacy rates are indicators of a deeper problem;  The lack of training and exposure to other means of dealing with differences and how to turn the tide of poverty and violence. The idea of a homegrown initiative for peace and development received support from Warrap opinion leaders and professionals in South Sudan as well as the South Sudanese in the diaspora (Canada). Subsequently, Rev James Baak Nhial was elected as the Chair of the Board and charged with the responsibility to co-ordinate mobilization of resources in support for the initiative. Thus SMARD was launched in 2012 and volunteers selected to work in six counties of Warrap State. In 2014, James Baak was appointed as the Executive Director.


Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

C: Vision Statement: The vision of SMARD is an empowered grassroots communities driving sustainable peace and transformational development in Eastern Africa.

D. Mission Statement: SMARD exists to stand in solidarity with the Youth, Women and Children of South Sudan by empowering them with knowledge and skills to overcome poverty and violence and reach their full potential for building a prosperous and peaceful South Sudanese Society.

F. Objectives: The objectives of the Organization are the following:  To empower the rural Communities in South Sudan by building their confidence and capacities through education, training and community development projects to be the drivers of sustainable peace and development in their own communities at the grassroots level.  To provide education opportunities that will contribute positively in improving educational statuses of children, women and youth in development by way of promoting projects and programs pertaining to their well-being.  To build the capacity of the local Church to live the Gospel as agent of peace, forgiveness, reconciliation, transformation and hope in the local communities.  To promote culture of peace, tolerance, stability through non- violent ways of solving conflicts among South Sudanese communities  To create awareness of citizens rights and responsibilities by conducting civic education at the grassroots level.  To initiate capacity building programs for the youth and women aimed at


Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

assisting them to develop their talents, skills and abilities and to effectively participate in small and micro enterprise development projects and programs with a view to making them self-reliant.  To initiate and or support new approaches and projects/programs which holistically address spiritual, economic, social, educational, cultural, environmental, unemployment and commercial and industrial development of the communities, particularly the women and youth, with special focus being to promote rural-based enterprises, self- employment, improvement of skills.  To coordinate communication, information and education among existing youth and women groups, community forest associations, community action groups and committees and other stakeholders on the need for enhanced and sustained participatory approach to reconciliation, peace and environmental management and enterprise development.  To promote public health by providing health education and access to clean water and sanitation in rural villages.  To promote Family Value System Development and Nurturing.  To promote social justice at all levels of society.  To employ qualified staff for specific projects and programs to achieve the objectives of the Organization.  To take such steps by personal or written appeals, public meetings or otherwise as may be necessary from time to time to the solicit for funds of the Organization in the form of donations, Annual Subscriptions or otherwise.  To do all that is pertinent to restoring hope, uplifting the dignity of the local communities and improving life of the people.


Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

G. Target Groups: SMARD targets the most vulnerable in the community, mainly Women, Children and Youth as primary concern, to build their capacities so as they can live fulfilled dignified lives. SMARD also works with men as major stakeholders and support team; also with the church as a major stakeholder/ partner to support community transformation. H. Geographical Focus Area: Currently SMARD is running Pilot projects in Gogrial East County particularly in Lietnhom, Bong and Maliai payams but plans to extend its activities to other counties in Warrap, and possibly to other parts of South Sudan. I: Activities: Past Activities: SMARD has so far implemented three projects in Gogrial East and Gogrial West Counties. These are: -Linda Primary school: SMARD supported Teachers training for the school in 2013. - Adult Education Literacy project which is currently ongoing and shall run until December 2015. The Objective of the project is to improve functional literacy levels of the community members in Gogrial East. The project has 75 trainees on the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP).

Adult Literacy Class in progress


Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

- In 2013, SMARD organized a Peace Building conference in Gogrial West, with the objective of building Peaceful co-existence between Aguok and Kuach Communities who were constantly plagued by intra-ethnic conflicts related to land disputes. The conference came up with resolutions which enabled relative peaceful co-existence of the two communities.

Leaders of Kuach and Aguok communities in Peacebuilding Training

-In 2012, SMARD held its Board Election meeting, as way of supporting its institutional capacity.

SMARD Board Meeting in progression


Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

J: Target Activities: For the period 2015- 2019, SMARD wants to focuses on strengthening the capacities of communities in Gogrial East, Gogrial West and Twic Counties in Warrap state and Yirol West, Yirol East and Awerial Counties in Lakes state to respond to broad social - economic and cultural challenges that they are going through.

Focus thematic areas are:

 Education -Basic Education -Adult Literacy -Vocational Training -Teachers training

 Peace building -Conflict Management training -Trauma healing training -Mediation -Community Peace dialogues -Civic Education -Child Protection -Sports for Peace -

 Leadership and Governance -Leadership Training

 Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods K: Key Strategic Outcomes  Enhanced community reconciliation and peace. 

Enhanced protection and care of children affected by conflict.

Enhanced capacity of the local Church to be agent of hope, forgiveness in te communities.


Increased access of children to safe and quality basic education.

Increased access to clean safe portable water and sanitation facilities.

Increased livelihood opportunities for youth and women

Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

L: Partnerships and Collaborations Currently, SMARD is a member of National NGO forum. SMARD works in collaboration with other National and International NGOs working in its target area. SMARD has also partnered with organisations and Faith Foundations located outside South Sudan like the Fellowship Bible church , based in the USA, which is currently supporting the Adult Education Literacy project. SMARD is also currently focussing on expanding its networks and collaborations with organisations within and outside South Sudan.

M: Strategies     

Trainings workshops Lobby and advocacy Organizing community awareness raising campaigns Research , documentation and dissemination Capacity building of institutions

N: Project Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring of the organization’s project is a continuous process of tracking or checking the implementation of program activities in such a way that those involved occasionally stops, analyzes data collected and interprets it in order to provide information for determining the progress made against work plans. For monitoring to be effective and efficient, the main focus areas/issues to be monitored in the project will include but not limited to:      

Planned activities, Internal factors that have a bearing on project performance e.g. capacity of staff, External factors influencing program implementation e.g. security situation, Budgets and expenditure, The process of implementation. Monitoring reports are provided as per specific donor requirements. However, quarterly and annual monitoring (narrative and financial) reports are produced and shared with partners and the donors.


Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

O: Organizational Structure

General Assembly

South Sudan Board

US Board

Executive Director


Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

Project accountants Field Coordinators

Public Relation officers

Community Mobilizers

Project Officers

Admin & Operation Manager

Finance Manager

Program Manager

Project Cashiers

HR & Procurement Assistants


Project Officers

Messengers Cleaners

Annex 1: List of Board of Trustees Name Bishop Abraham Yel Nhial Abraham Ngor Mangong Simon But Gai Magdelena Abuk Akier Mary Agot Dhuor Moses Majok Ring Peter Garang Akuei Angelo Ngor Akuei

Position Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Deputy Secretary Treasurer Information Member Member

List of the Executive / Management Team

Name Rev. James Baak

Position Executive Director

Contacts +211926759741 E-mail:

Bernice Kitum

Program Coordinator

+211955 44 32 44



Solidarity Ministries Africa for Reconciliation & Development (SMARD) - Profile, 2015

James Madut John Chol Akot


Finance and Administration Officer Field Co-ordinator

E-mail: : +211955550109 +211924162056 E-mail:

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