Wanyjok Area Diocese Strategic Plan

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VISION 2018-2024 WANYJOK AREA DIOCESE. Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy

is he”. King James Bible 1. MISSION: “Equipping the church for Mission and Raise up faithful Christian Leaders”

2. Motto: “Working together for God and Humanity”

3. VISION:“To be a Centre for Spiritual growth and Social Reformation”

4. CORE VALUES: Honesty, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability and high honour of God and Humanity:

5. ETHICS AND CORD OF CONDUCT: The Diocese holds high moral and biblical principles

Physical, Political and Economic background of the Area Diocese of Wanyjok, Aweil East State

St. Paul’s Cathedral, (With unfixed windows) Wanyjok Area Diocese year2017

Residential Area (Grass-thatched Houses)

1. Physically: Before the recent creation of internationally disputed new states of South Sudan, the current Aweil East State was known as Wanyjok County one of the oldest and historical towns in Aweil East. Given the current political geographical division, Wanyjok Area Diocese is in Aweil East State in the Republic of South Sudan and it’s located in northern-western South Sudan. Its capital and largest city is Wanyjok. Aweil East (Wanyjok) is located in Bhar El Ghazal region and its border Twic State and Gogrial State to the east, Aweil State to the south, Lol State to the west and disputed Abyei Special Administrative Area (ASAA) region to the north-east and Sudan t, southern Darfur with Misseriya and Rizeigats tribes from Sudan to the North. 2. Politically: Politically, Wanyjok was once part of former Northern Bahr el Ghazal State until a recent creation of more states out of ten states of South Sudan after which Wanyjok was curved out of former Northern Bhar el Ghazal State-Aweil and became a separate State. Wanyjok formerly used to be the Head Quarter of Aweil East County and during censuses of 2008 Wanyjok had 909,920 populations which might have increased higher because of high influx of returnees from Sudan and from other nations where South Sudanese have scattered during those years of civil conflicts. This population can also be disputed simply because there is massive exodus of South Sudanese back to Sudan as a result of 15thDecember 2013 devastating conflict which has now forced hundreds of thousands to live outside South Sudan, many citizens have moved to other locations within South Sudan, hence the exact number for particular Constituency can be only determined if census is done. 3. Economic Background: Aweil East State is predominantly Dinka ethnic community, small number of Lou community, Minor Misseriya and Rizeigats merchants from Sudan. People of Aweil East (Wanyjok) are mostly farmers and pastoralists, their lives largely depend on farming and cattle keeping. Some of Aweil East people do small scale retail businesses, they receive goods largely from Sudan and East Africa for example, and Uganda, Kenya and Congo during dry seasons. During rainy

seasons most of these outlets remain closed, but only survive with very limited outlet for business. The biggest running business in Aweil East is selling of consumable food stuffs, fuel, clothes, gum Africa, animals and animal skins selling. Locals also sell their locally produced produces especially during harvest seasons such as assorted sorghum, simsims, okra, beans, honey, maize etc. Wanyjok, Aweil East State has the followings counties/Districts: 1. Malualbaai County 2. Madhol County 3. Mangartong County 4. Yargot County 5. Warguet County 6. Mangok County 7. Wunlang County 8. Baac County 9. Majok yith-thiou Municipality 10. Malualkon Municipality 11. Wanyjok Municipality Wanyjok Area Diocese was proposed in 2015 and its Assistant Bishop was unanimously elected on 28th March and consecrated on 4thApril 2017 at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, in Aweil Diocese by his Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Daniel Deng Bul Yak, the Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and the Bishop of Juba Diocese assisted by Bishop (currently Archbishop of NBG Internal Province) Moses Deng Bol of Wau Diocese, Bishop Matthew Taban Peter of Wonduruba Diocese and Bishop Abraham Yel Nhial of Aweil Diocese. Wanyjok Area Diocese is one of the vast Dioceses in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan which borders Lol in the West, Twic in East –North, Gogrial in East-South and Aweil State in the South.

The Area Diocese of Wanyjok has the following programmes.


1. Bishop’s current Grass-thatched House 2017-2018

2. Bishop’s Future House The Area Diocese of Wanyjok has raised funds locally and able to raised Wall and paid for labour cost for Bishop’s house as seen above. This is a (3) bed rooms with (1)resting room in which Bishop will move in once it’s completely roofed and plastered hopefully in 2018. The Area Diocese of Wanyjok appeals to its Christian partners, individual friends and other willing charities to support the completion of Bishop’s House. The house it’s at its roofing stage which needs timbers, iron-sheets, assorted nails, windows and doors etc. It is estimated to cost $5,900to complete, this includes transportation of materials, labour cost and plastering. Break down of the estimated budget: 1. Iron sheet for roofing= $2,000 2. Windows and Doors= $1,400 3. Timbers (assorted)=$1,500 4. Labour=$300 5. Nails (assorted)=$400 6. Fastening Wire and transportations=$300.The Diocese will later on work it out to furniture the house of bishop after its roofing and plastering

Total: $5,900 3. Completion of Diocesan Offices/ Administration block:

Administration block/ Offices We are thankful to a long supporting brother Tom from the USA who supported the construction of this Bible School Building you see above. This Wall was once roofed until recently when windy storm blown away iron-sheets and spoiled the whole roof. But we do thank God that the Wall is still standing. In honouring this work done by Tom Owens we don’t want to undo this work but wish to re-establish and roof this historical building again and become an administrative block. The vision of re-establishing Bible school is not abandoned completely but it will be situated in another location once funds are sourced and it’s realistically viable. This building will accommodate these offices: 1. Bishop’s office 2. Diocesan administrative Secretary & Finance Department office 3. Mothers’ Union Office 4. Youth Leader’s Office. 5. Dean of the St. Paul’s Cathedral and Curate office The cost for simple roofing of this office is estimated to be $, 4,450

Break down 1. Iron sheets for roofing=$2,000 2. Timbers (assorted) =


3. Nails (assorted)=


4. Transportation =


5. Fascia board=


6. Labour =




The Area Diocese has already raised $1,000 remains $3,450 4. Diocesan Car (Landcruizer) Currently, Bishop Joseph Mamer does not have Diocesan car which has critically hindered Bishop’s pastoral ministry within and outside the diocese. The Diocese is very huge bordering Marem in the southern Darfur of Sudan, Abyei in north- East and Al Zein in west-north of Darfur with 5 very vast archdeaconries. The Diocese is about 170Kms from South-North Sudan (border not demarcated yet) and 150mk from West to East towards eastern Darfur of Sudan. Given the above distances, it becomes even more difficult for the diocesan bishop to visit all its faithful Christians as well as support to evangelism and mission to reach unreached souls. There is a high threat of Islam from Northern part of Sudan since Wanyjok is one of the Dioceses that border an Islamic State of Sudan. This poses serious challenges to church activities and faithful Christians. Islamisation, enslavement and its threats to Christian’s faith: This happens in different dimensions: 1. Economic: Compulsory Charity (Zakat) Muslims use economic base to promote Islam by converting vulnerable Christians and nonChristians into Islam as a result of current economic and humanitarian situation in South Sudan.

Most of our Christians have moved back to Sudan and the remnants are susceptible to anything but mostly to Islam because Muslims are taking advantage of current humanitarian and economic situation to Islamize both Christians and non-Christians for massive conversion. Charity is not just recommended by Islam, it is required of every financially stable Muslim. Giving charity to those who vulnerable is part of Muslim character and one of the Five Pillars of Islamic practice. Zakat is viewed as “compulsory charity�; it is an obligation for those who have received their wealth from God to respond to those members of the community in need and to promote Islamic teachings and beliefs. 2. Relief Supplier: Muslims brothers are giving relief support to the most vulnerable groups and displaced persons particularly those who are displaced by conflicts from Bentiu, Warap, Wau and Abyei. Giving relief support to a needy person is not a problem but the motive behind it, is to divert Christians and non-believers to Islamic ideologies and teachings. Most of our Christians are coerced and trapped through giving of relief suppliers. There is huge, huge number of Christians who have moved back to Sudan especially in neighbouring States of Sudan in search for green pastures and survival. This requires bishop to work and monitor the Islamic activities along the border of Sudan and South Sudan especially states that border Wanyjok Area Diocese 3. Enslavement and Forced Labour: There are still child slavery and force labour practice by Muslims against South Sudanese children. Many Children in South Sudan have lost their parents either both or one parent is loss in the war particularly the recent conflict started 2013 has devastatingly killed hundreds of thousands of people particularly women and children. Therefore, its, imperatively fundamental for the Bishop to have Landcruizer vehicle to support his pastoral ministry in South-Sudan borders to encourage and comfort by giving them hope in their situation life and increase evangelism and teaching ministry to the border communities.


The first Land-cruizer (Brand New) estimated to costs about $45,000 vehicle in Kampala, Kenya and South Sudan.


Second option is “Second Hand” (used car) in good condition estimated to costs about$25,000 from Japan or even sometimes from within south Sudan.


The Third option is $6,000 “Second Hand” cars are always found from International NGOs and UN bodies. Some NGOs and UN Agencies, whenever any NGO phases out or close their programmes and operations they dispose cars on a throw away prices to local communities, faith based Organizations such as churches, or Community Based Organizations as a kind of support to a community. If this amount is sourced it’s possible that such a car be purchased.

5. Electricity(Power) (8Solar Panel with 4 batteries): South Sudan’s Aweil East State doesn’t have a state power supply despite the fact that power is an essential and part of development. Unfortunately there seems no plan to have city power supply soon given the current political and humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. Wanyjok Area Diocese is proximity to the town would have been an opportunity to get power supplier but no there is no power at all. Wanyjok Area Diocese plans to purchase 8 solar panel with 4 batteries. The solar power system plan will be used but limited to the Diocesan Administrative building only, Bishop’s Residential Area . We appeal to any willing partners, individuals to support purchase for us 8 solar panels with 4 batteries which estimate costs$6,500withlifespan of 3- 5 years particularly batteries. This cost includes power inverter, wiring,bulbs, power cables and labour cost, local electrician is available here in Aweil town to assist in identifying the best quality once funds are sourced. 6. Church Lands: The Diocesan administration has just obtained very vast church land from local community leaders and local government in Wanyjok Diocesan Head Quarters (HQrs) It estimated to to be 400m x200m and the Diocesan Administration is working hard with the local authorities to

complete the survey process and obtain the papers. This land will be used for church’s developmental activities such as church Administration blocks, Bible School, Women Training Centre ,Shops for renting , Primary and Secondary Schools, Sports, Health, micro-finance and Women Business Projects. The vision of Area Diocese of Wanyjok is to transform citizens spiritually and socially aimed at developing the church to be self-reliance and self-supportive church, and to be an industrious-minded community. This approach is one of the best approaches to develop the Diocese 7. Motorbikes and Bicycles Wanyjok Area Diocese is one of the vast dioceses in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, Though soon shall have more archdeaconries but currently covers 5 vast archdeaconries and Cathedral: 1. Malualbaai Archdeaconry 2. Wanyjok Archdeaconry, 3. Rumkeet Archdeaconry 4. Yargot Archdeaconry 5. Wunyik Military Archdeaconry ( Chaplaincy) 6. St. Paul’s Cathedral The Diocese have (30) ordained clergy, (97) Licensed Lay-readers, (53) Evangelists,(21) deaneries and (35) parishes,(28)sub-parishes and (32)preaching centres. As seen in the above statistics provided, it is only one clergy whom Aweil Diocese sourced him motorbike but the rest of these leaders above don’t have any either car or motorbike for work facilitation or work related activities starting from the Bishop, senior clergy and evangelists. Both vehicle and motorbikes have become essential necessities to any growing institution because it is next to impracticable for any institution can runs its programme. It’s hard and difficulty in the absent of means of transport to facilitate Church programmes, discipleship and Church planting within the diocese and beyond Wanyjok Area for this case. We

sincerely appeal to individuals, charities, national and international institutions to contribute towards these needs, even one Motorbike, bicycle will be highly appreciated. The Area Diocese of Wanyjok Appeals to willing Christian partners, charities, Institutions and individuals to support us with motorbikes one motorbike roughly costs $1,000X 5=$5,000. They will provide significant support to Evangelism, Mission and churches planting if they are provided.

Ven. Canon. Peter Wol Garang; (Rumkeet Archdeaconry) a distance of 1-2 days walks by foot to Wanyjok HQRs. Thank God that the above clergy has received his motorbike purchased by the diocese of Aweil. Canon Peter lives in a very far and far distance away from HQRs of the Diocese. From his Archdeaconry to Wanyjok takes 2 full days footing (Walk) to reach to Wanyjok. Canon is very excited for having received his motorbike. The whole archdeaconry is happy to see their archdeacon with his motorbike as this will enhance his missionary and ministry work in Rumkeet Archdeaconry. This motorbike cost us $900 a donation from a long term friend from the UK Ian Thompson to the Diocese of Aweil.


Motorbike= $5,000




If you donate $1,000 for instant, you already donated 5 bicycles-if used for mission and evangelism; hundred souls will be brought to Christ. If you donate $2,000 you have donated 10 bicycles for 10 clergy and these bicycles will help them facilitate evangelism, church planting and discipleships. We plan to purchase 30 bicycles for at least 30 Senior Clergy which may cost $6,000 per a year. If you donate $1,000 you have donate one big motorbike and hundred souls will be brought to Christ Jesus the redeemer. Your contribution towards these needs will be appreciated. 8. Diocesan Internet Service: The world of today is a world of advanced technology and an innovation which has made the world to become like a global village. The World has become like a small village because of its advanced in Information Technology Communication and other invented technological devise for communications. Therefore, for the Area Diocese of Wanyjok to become part and parcel of a growing world of technology, it needs to have its Internet Service to be connected with the World. Internet is very paramount for the diocese of Wanyjok especially this time of establishment to share its plans, programmes and prayer requests with Christian partners in the world and within the Diocese. The Diocese wishes to get connections with friends and Christians partners, hence internet service is very vital and paramount to the Diocese of Wanyjok.


1. Ministry to God (Worship)

As a growing church, our first purpose is our relationship to God; the church’s purpose is to worship him. Paul directs the church at Colossian to “sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in their hearts to God” (Col 3:16) Eph 1:12) However the Diocese of Wanyjok does encourage and highly promote ministry of worship as an important and vital aspect in church ministry. 2. Ministry to believers: (Nurture) According to Scripture, the church has an obligation to nurture those who are already believers and build them up to maturity in their faith. To nurture Christians to grow spiritually is very important in Christian life. The Diocese aims to develop and nurture its Christians to grow spiritually, in understanding and in maturity so that they fit to carry out evangelism and missionary work to other worlds with aim at reaching un-reached souls to Christ Jesus. 3. Mission and Evangelism:(Ministry to the World) As mentioned above, Wanyjok Area Diocese borders an Islamic Nation of Sudan which post threats to Christian faith, there are massive influx of Muslims from Sudan into South Sudan in the name of business and trade. Unspecified high numbers of Muslims come into Wanyjok Area each year and young children are secretly converted to Islamic faith and these children haven’t realized this yet because they are young enough to stand for their Christian faith. The Diocese plans first give training to its pastors and Christians to be strong in their faith and later on be sending Missionaries to neighbouring states of Sudan to preach the Good News of Christ in Muslim land. The Area Diocese does have qualified and well trained preachers and Evangelists who can do missionary work to unreached lands of Sudan A church that emphases only worship will end up with inadequate Bible teaching of believers and its members will remain shallow in their understanding of Scripture and immature in their Christian lives. If it also begins to neglect evangelism the church will cease to grow and influence others it will become ingrown and eventually begin to wither.

Again, a church that places the edification of believers as a purpose that takes precedence over the other two will tend to produce Christians who know much about Bible doctrine but have Spiritual dryness in their lives because they know little of the joy of worshiping God or telling others about Christ. But a church that makes evangelism such a priority that it causes the other two purposes to be neglected will also end up with immature Christians who emphasis growth in numbers but have less and less genuine love for God expressed in their worship and less and less doctrinal maturity and personal holiness in their lives. All the three purposes and very important and must be emphasized continually in a healthy church. Wanyjok Diocese emphases on these three pillars none of them should be ignored or neglected. 4. Clergy and church workers Trainings; As mentioned above the Area Diocese has many local churches with very limited trained and qualified clergy and Evangelists. This is because most of them never got any formal training opportunity due to the prolonged civil wars in South Sudan which was subsequently followed by 2013second devastated conflict erupted in December. Most of our church members are not strong in their Christian faith as a result of weak foundation laid because they have never received any concrete training. A “Weak trainer or a weak teacher can possibly produce a weak

trainee” Most of them are untrained for sound theological training, Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Systematic Theology, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Church management and leadership training; thus they only produce “weak’” leaders, the leadership plans to do “in service trainings” to pastors such as pastoral care, church Administration, management, discipleship, planting, mission, homiletics and leaderships. Wanyjok Area Diocese appeals to willing charities, institutions and individuals to assist its mission by providing them with long and short term trainings to its pastors and lay-persons within and outside the Area Diocese of Wanyjok. There are those who could go for Certificate level Course, Diploma either to St. John College in Wau Diocese, Bishop Malou Pastoral Institute in Aweil diocese (I’m currently overseeing the

establishment of this College and we have 14 students ).They can as well be trained in Bishop Gwynne Theological College in Juba, Degree and Master Programme. After every 2 Years2 person could go for Master Degree Course and after every 3 years 3 persons for undergraduate programme and 4 persons for Diploma Course each year. The Diocese will fully be engaged in training Church workers within the Area Diocese to equip them for the ministry of the church, missionary work such as evangelism, discipleship, Church planting. Our Christians are not strong enough in the faith due to the fact that their clergy are not trained to equip them with basic but strong and biblically sound trainings. 5. Agriculture, Food Security and livelihood The Area Diocese of Wanyjok has very vast Agricultural lands which can be utilized to support church missionary work through farming to be self-supportive and self-reliance church and a food secure Church. The Diocese is developing 6 years strategic plan on agricultural activities to embark on production of enough food which will significantly support the growth and development of the Diocese. Youth in the church will be engaged in small scale farming and this will promote the spirit of working together and become an independent church in term of supporting some of its projects and missionary work. We plan to source 30 bulls with equivalent numbers of ox-Ploughs with Yoke to be used on church farm lands. This farming will benefit the whole diocese of Wanyjok as farming is Key to food security and development. We shall also use manpower to farm traditionally as another option with small scale farms in case we fail to get such modern farming machines and other tools. We have currently formed diocesan agricultural and Food Security Committee comprises of 25 active and experienced, skilful staff members. One complete ox-plough with yoke estimated cost is $150x30 =$4500. The area diocese will contribute 5 bulls but we appeal to our individual friends, partners to buy 35 bulls, one bull estimated cost is $200x35 (bulls) =$7,000 and Diocesan contribution is $1,000 and partners contribution=$6,000totaling to $7,000 6. Primary and Secondary Schools

Wanyjok Area Diocese has three partially administered schools by the State Ministry of Education and the Area Diocese for which it intends to take a full responsibility immediately it has established its administration, education systems, financial systems and any other academic requirements. These schools are partially managed by both because the Diocese did not have effective and efficient administration which could manage them; the diocese was new and not strong administratively to run these institutions. It was on its emerging stage making it difficult to effectively and adequately run such institutions with limited competent staff and experienced staff. But we thank God that the Diocese of Wanyjok has qualified staff members who will be able to manage these institutions. The Diocese aim at investing in young child education from Primary-High Schools. Currently there are no secondary schools under the Diocese due to lack of infrastructure, we intend to have two Secondary School ( mixed) if we could get financial support to support this project. St. Paul’s Primary School currently has capacity of 500-600 pupils according to school statistic and the number of enrolment increases each year; this has given the Diocese a noble burden to increase the number of schools both Primary and Secondary Schools so that children and adult have equal and equitable and equitable access to education and other basic services. Unfortunately one class of St. Paul’s Primary School has been flown (removed) away by stormy and windy rain; this needs an urgent response for re-fixing. The Area Diocese currently has 4 Primary School that is (1) St. Paul’s Primary School, (2) Adoor Primary School, (3) Mamer Primary School and (4) War-kou (river beach) Primary School. We appeal to any willing individual, partners, charities to join their hands with us in renovating these schools and to support us with a five year bursaries for teachers. Children will be paying a small reasonable amount of money which will be increased later years after all the communities understood the importance of education and value it. But that time perhaps current economic situation shall have reduced or subsided to normalcy and living standard will have improved and are able to pay the fee required.

St. Paul’s Primary School

St. Paul’s Primary School

You could see front part is blown away by windy rain, doors and windows are not there anymore. This needs only 30 iron sheet 25 timbers plus roofing nails which may cost $1,500 only to re-reroof it including transports. There is also need to renovate the fence. The Area Diocese of Wanyjok plans to supports10 orphaned pupils every year, whose parents are either killed in the devastating war or taken to Sudan by Arab Muslims in the North Sudan. 7. Primary Health Care ( Service) Unit –PHCU The whole Wanyjok Area Diocese doesn’t have any single health facility or event health related activities, however, the Area Diocese plans to have Health Primary Health Care Unit and Health Education Programme where church and communities are taught on hygiene and sanitation and many basic health care information and to create an awareness to the community on how to protect themselves and prevent many outbreak diseases that are common in South Sudan in particular. We appeal to our partners to either help us build Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) or supply us with basic drugs which will be administered by medical practitioners and clinic offers identified. Thank God that Medical team from Egypt administered medical services to the people of Wanyjok early this year 2017. They treated more than 91 participants with basic medicine with small diseases such severe malaria, common cold, headache, and other small typical sickness. 8. Community Water Project: (Boreholes and Water Yards) The Diocese has an increasing number of congregations, there are new converts each month,, there are many people who are either traditionalists or spear masters, and some are just nonbelievers but we thank God that many people are coming to Christ and give surrender their lives to Christ. Our churches are over populated but lack clean drinking water. Women after attending church services and other life supporting activities walk for extra hours to fetch waters to serve family meals.

Lack of clean Drinking Water has seriously affected communities not only Christians but the entire community of Aweil East. People migrate to lowland each year search for clean water along the river Lol. However lack of clean drinking water affected communities in several ways. Justifications 1. Schools are closed or enrolment of pupil reduced during dry seasons due to lack of clean drinking Water. Some schools close when dry season comes. 2. Pupils spend little time in schools, don’t follow academic periodical cycle due to lack of clean drinking Water. 3. Performances of pupils are affected or low which always result to either to repeat the class by some pupils or completely discouraged and discontinued studies. 4.

Financial impact to parents as money paid is lost particularly when child repeat the class.

5. Villages are deserted by some families to search for clean drinking water in lowland with their animals. 6. Their farms will also not get manure thus cause poor harvest annually. 7. Villages deserted are prone to risk of thefts and other criminals. 8. There are less economic and life enhancing activities during dry seasons, woman cannot make tea to sell because there is no water, traders migrate to Lowland areas to do retell businesses. 9. Churches are being affected because many of Christians have migrated to lowland for about 7-8 Months away from homes; then their spirituality is being affected as they may not get church services where they are settled. Especially in Gok-Nhom highland area. They have been affected by lack of safe drinking water; however, the diocese of Wanyjok has identified many locations/villages to source safe drinking water. One borehole (Hand pump) estimated to costs $15000-$20,000. The Diocese appeals to its friends and partners to support the diocese with boreholes. The needs are enormous but any number of boreholes donated for will be appreciated.

10. Those schools in Gok-Nhom (Highland) may be disqualified for Food for Education (FFE) ad Girl Incentive (GI) that is provided by World Food Programme (WFP) due to the fact that schools don’t have clean drinking water, poor hygiene and other requirements lacking. The diocese is working towards meeting these requirements so that those children benefits of these supports and also to get quality education. 11. Having boreholes will really help communities improve their lives through: 

Farming- uninterrupted farming will significantly improved their livelihoods

Economic activities such as constant trading in local markets which boost the local economic

Equal and equitable access to education whereby classes of children are uninterrupted but all have access to schools, clean drinking water and other scholastic materials.

Provision of security to properties because community members will be present throughout a year, no movement into other regions, or counties in low lands.

More time spend on fetching water is spent on domestic work and live enhancing activities

Academic performances will have improved

Animals provide manure and no more loses of animals

9. Mother’s Union Programme: The Mothers Union of Wanyjok Area Diocese is founded on the Woman of Noble character based on Proverbs 31:24-26 “She makes linen garments and sells them; she delivers sashes to the merchant. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness” The aim of the mothers union is to better known Jesus and extends His love to all women all over the Diocese by being doers of the word.

The Diocese has very strong and competent Mothers Union leadership, But there is need for training for mothers union members on the work of mothers union, the Main Five objectives .The Mothers Union leadership have planned to have monthly meetings with and aim of making the members understand the work of mothers union, the 1st meeting ever was conducted on the 12th of August and thereafter there have been monthly meetings. The mother’s union member have a monthly membership fees that is contributed by every mother with an aim of establishing a business group and ensure that every woman is able to support their families through small business. What the Mothers needs most are training on Microfinance and saving skills and tailoring and dressmaking so that when a business is established they can be successful and sustainable .The Area Diocese plans to have Women Resource and Business Centre to promote not only development but enhance their capacity to be able support young women in the church and their families within the community. Mother Unions is already locally mobilizing funds as a monthly contribution.

The First meeting with the mother’s union members to explain the Five Main Objectives of Mothers union conducted at St. Pauls Cathedral. On the 12th of August 2017

A group photo for the mother union group after a meeting Mothers Union Plans 1. Women Training Centre The Wanyjok area Diocese Mothers union aims to have a Women’s training centre where trainings can be conducted. The trainings are 

English course

Tailoring and dressmaking

Business skills

Adult literacy programmes

2. A permanent store The mother union member considers a agriculture as a viable source of income and plans to have a big store where they can buy produce during the harvest time when prices are low and resell the same during the dry seasons and cultivation time at a profit. 3. A vehicle( pick up)

For the mothers union group a pick up is a necessity on that it will help the group in three major important ways. The first one is to facilitate the movement of leaders to the various location to reach out to women in the whole diocese making them understand their role , secondly to facilitate business activities for the mothers union that is when collecting and Finally to help in facilitating trainings for business and saving to in different archdeaconries. 4. The mothers Union Shop The mother union Group plans to have a shop where product of the mothers union can be displayed for sale, these include clothes produced by those will have undergone the training, beads, and other handicrafts that are made by the women.

5. The mother Union Guest House Wanyjok Town in general do not have a good Guesthouse and the mothers union have considered this a great opportunity to construct a Guests House in the quiet and serene environment of the Diocese Headquarters to meet the needs of accommodation need of different partners and the local community. The environment of the Wanyjok Diocese is full of trees and would be a good relaxing environment away from the noise and disturbances in the market.

10. Rehabilitation, Psychosocial and Counselling Support: (Construction of Good Samaritan Orphans Village ) South Sudan had been at civil wars for more than 3 decade until Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) 2005 signed in Nairobi Kenya with subsequent Referendum after which South Sudan triumphantly seceded from Sudan as an independent nation. Though the independent brought in enormous hopes and confident that South Sudanese will now get services they were denied for all those years of civil wars, but what they have received instead is another terrible and devastating conflict ever erupted in December 2013 when SPLM broke into two as a result

of political disagreement and resulted into massive killing and atrocities on ethnic lines. Thousands of people have been killed, displacements to neighbouring countries camped in Refugee camps with limited support from UNHCR. There is substantial number of people whose beloved ones have been killed or loss in the conflict. Many have loss valuable properties and wealth including buildings such as shops, apartments, houses, cars, motorbikes, Many people such as young children, Women, elderly people are gravely traumatized by current conflict, there are cases of suicidal and homicidal acts within camps, military barracks, in government institutions, in villages due to despair in lives that seems not changing any more. Many have loss hope and future, hence resulted into strange characters young and adult indulged in. There is what I term “generational gap”, this mean many young children have moved to cities in search basic needs for example for food as living condition deteriorate all over the years and many have indulged in criminal activities, many are killed, died of common diseases most of them ended up as street children. If they are not supported then there is going to be “generational gap” the diocese of Wanyjok has come up with this to alleviate them from these enormous sufferings and devastating situation to provide them with psychosocial support,

counselling and education afterward.

Many children boys and girls don’t have access or unable to pay for education due to the above mentioned devastating situations, economic crises has increased, crimes and living standard is deteriorates within the communities. Many children boys and girls have been taken to Sudan by Arabs, some are being introduced to serious children labour at the age of 5 and above which is against child right. Female headed households, resulting into high numbers of orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC), emergence of Extremely Vulnerable Individuals (EVIs), deterioration in the Education level and many more. Internal Exodus and its Major impact

Elderly (men and women) and young children have massively migrated to towns as life become unbearable and become beggars, begging everywhere such as in streets and restaurants, NGOs and Government offices, Banking institutions and at local money transfers. Most of these particular groups are vulnerable, traumatized beggars but also pose security threat to the public and institutions. Most of these travellers have lost their husbands, wives, children and even all parents or bread winners in the family is killed in South Sudan’s conflict. Some families are broken down as life situation has become unbearable to both. Some children have been disowned by their biological parents due life situations; many have lost their parents in War leaving them un-carried for. These elderly and aging people, children are prone to risk of contracting diseases, trafficking because they are vulnerable susceptible to any danger and there is no one to give them care and support they really needed. The Area Diocese of Wanyjok plans to launch Rehabilitation, Psychological and counselling programme in supporting these vulnerable, malnourished groups by rehabilitating them to centres and carry series of counselling sessions in the Diocese as planned. There will be counselling sessions each day administered by a trained and qualified pastors and Psychiatric specialist and counsellors. NEED FOR EDUCATION: Also those who have regained their normalcy through counselling will be integrated into community particularly adult and young boys and girls reached to school going age will be taken to our church owned schools where they will start their classes at least 10 orphaned (kids) will enrol in different classes in St. Paul’s and Adoor Primary Schools for which the Area Diocese appeals to its partners to support this programme to assist orphaned (Orphanage) These 10 orphans need to be supported with school fees, basic orphans home will be constructed and basic services will be provided. The Diocese will identify the most vulnerable children as well as orphaned and, enslaved kids and bring them to orphaned homes where they will register and receive psychological and counselling support. 11. Construction of bigger Cathedral and more Concrete Church buildings.

The Area Diocese sees building concrete building is vital to change from Grass-thatched church buildings to concrete and iron sheet roofed church buildings. The current cathedral is very small with capacity of 400 members only yet the congregation at St. Paul’s Cathedral is about 600-1000 but it increases every time. This is because there are always new converts periodically; many people are coming to Christ as their Saviour and redeemer. SUMMARY VISION 2018-2024:

Immediate Needs:

1. Bishop’s House: By 2018 shall have been completed 2. Diocesan Offices: By the end of March 2018 Diocesan offices shall have completed 3. Diocesan Car: 2 2018-April 2019 Bishop’s Vehicle shall have been purchased God willing 4. Power/ electricity ( Solar Penal Power) This should be completed 2018 5. Church Lands: Continues activity, but at the end of Vision 2024 the Diocese shall have obtained legal documents for more church lands 6. Motorbikes and Bicycles: At the end of 2024the Diocese of Wanyjok shall have purchased 12 Motorbikes and 30 bicycles for her pastors and other church workers.

7. Diocesan Internet: In 2018-April 2019 the Diocese shall have sourced and fixed internet for office use.

Long Term Vision 8. Mission and Evangelism: 9. Clergy and church workers Trainings; 10. Agriculture and Food Security: Hunger shall have alleviated-Food Security livelily- hood in Wanyjok Area diocese shall have improved by 40% food production increased and reduction of hunger among communities, modern farming system has increased. 11. Primary Health Care Centre ( PHCC) At the end of vision 2024 The Diocese of Wanyjok Area diocese shall have built (1) Primary Health Care Centre. (PHCC) administered by the diocesan health personnel. 12. Primary Schools and one High School (4): The Diocese aimed to fully establish and run 5 Primary Schools addition and 2 Secondary Schools to function under the Diocese from 2018-2024 13. Community Water (Water Yard) 24 Boreholes and 1 Water Yard shall have been provided to the needy communities at the end of vision 2024. 14. Rehabilitation, Psychosocial and Counselling Support: This service shall have increased to higher percentage and bigger 15% of population in Wanyjok Area Diocese shall have received counselling and psychosocial supports and traumatized people have gained back their normalcy and integrated into their communities.

Orphaned Home shall have been constructed, furniture. They are now engaged in life enhancing activities by supporting themselves and their families and contribute to the rebuilding of their country. 15. Mothers Union Project: Mothers Unions at the end of vision 2018-2024 shall have established themselves and Self-help Business Centres are established. The revised and updated BoQ for all the above can be provided if need be. 1. Rt. Rev. Canon Joseph Mamer Manot Wanyjok Area Diocese Email: wanyjokbishop@aweil.anglican.org josephmamermanot@gmail.com Skype: josephmamer Facebook: Josephmamermanot Tell: +211 (0) 954146044,+211 (0) 912239089 Website: www.wanyjok.aweil.anglican.org 2. Administrative Secretary Rev. James Dut Majok Tel: +211955761644,+211911005980 3.

Mother’s Union Leader Teresa Atong Nyinkuany +211956307865 +211915440388

4. Mother Union President Clarice Achieng Mamer

+211 956794455,+211 911627937 Email: Clariceachieng80@gmail.com

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