Wau Diocese Newsletter - Easter 2012

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A Happy and Blessed Easter to You from the ECS Diocese of Wau

Easter Message The single most important symbol of our faith is really a very odd thing. It’s a symbol of a crucifixion cross. The Romans used them as a way to execute criminals and by using them publicly to frighten their subjects. Being hung on a cross was a terrible way to die, it would take hours and be very painful. Crucifixion was for thieves and robbers, so as well as the horrible sight of death, the cross also represented humiliation too. At first sight it seems very odd that Christians should choose to so proudly adopt such a symbol. You will see crosses in every part of our faith, but when you see them you will not see anyone hung on them. At Easter we remember that Jesus died because it is important to do so. He died a very painful and humiliating death on the cross at Golgotha. A crowd gathered to watch and shouted insults at him. It is important also to know that Jesus did this voluntarily to pay for our sins, trusting in God that all would be right in the end. He died on the cross as John reminds us in his Gospel (John Chapter 19 verse 17 -41) and then was taken down swiftly and buried in a borrowed tomb because of the Jewish Passover festival that was just about to start. All the authorities thought that this was the end of the matter and that Jesus was gone forever – even his disciples thought that. But in three days something amazing had happened – Mary Magdalene, who had come to the stone tomb to tend to the body of Jesus found the large stone door rolled away and could not find him anywhere – and then suddenly she did. John tells us in his Gospel (John Chapter 20 verse 14 -17) Jesus was alive and standing before her. Can you imagine her joy? The triumph of Jesus being resurrected from death is what we really celebrate at Easter and we find a power in the symbol of an empty cross because it reminds us that Jesus did not simply just die on the cross, as we are reminded in the book of Corinthians (Chapter 15 verse 3-8). The cross was the place that Jesus showed the most

Page Index Logos Ministries International ...........................3 ICCO Training .....................................................4 Global Anti Corruption Day................................6 The Diocesan Synod...........................................7 C.A.R.D. Coming Soon........................................9 A One of a Kind Christmas.................................10 Cultivate a Culture of Peace..............................12 TEE Opens in Akon............................................14 Two Churches Dedicated..................................15 A Thousand Confirmations...............................16 An Exceptional Welcome..................................18 Primary Education Starts..................................19 Mobile Clinic Now Open...................................20 Health and Development..................................21 Seventy Evangelists..........................................22

ultimate love that any human being can show for another and that love did not go unanswered. The cross reminds us that just as Jesus was raised to life from death so can we be. Even before we die, believing in Jesus can transform our lives and save us from the death of a sinful life. Jesus changed the way that God could be understood and made it easy for anyone to be made right with God and have their past sins forgiven. We can learn about this from the book of Romans Chapter 8 verse 1-4. So far from being a symbol of shame and defeat the cross is a symbol of hope, triumph, and the ultimate power of the God that created all that ever existed. Recently I was very pleased to see the training of seventy evangelists who will take the Word of God to every Part of the diocese of Wau. It is hoped that each one will be able to introduce Christianity to twenty five new people and encourage them to accept it in to their hearts. In this way we can spread the good news of our faith, which Jesus commanded people to do

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even before his crucifixion, we can see this in Luke’s Gospel (Chapter 10 verse 1-3) Of course we can all be evangelists in our own way, coming to church makes you an evangelist, helping at a service or Sunday School makes you an evangelist, doing things in the community because of your faith makes you an evangelist. Helping us with our new Cathedral project – even if you can only help a little bit – makes you an evangelist, because what you are doing you are doing for God. God loves us all – Jesus is the proof of that, so we can love God back by being an evangelist. Many Church buildings the world over are cross shaped in design so you can see that the power of the symbolism of the cross is really in every part of our faith. We build the power of God in to all that we do! The cross is a very real symbol of victory and so every time that you see it remember:


This is the place that my sins were paid for and I am free of them now. Remember the person who gave his life for those sins got it back in three days and was resurrected. Remember that the same person opened a new route for you to connect with God and showed you how life can be led in peace. Look at a cross when you see one and remember that Jesus loves you.

At Easter all over the world people will say these words, join with them and rejoice in the resurrection from the cross – He is risen. He is risen indeed ! Alleluja +Moses

Logos Ministries International Pastoral Leadership Training in Wau By Dumo Peter Logos Ministries International conducted A five day pastoral leadership training workshop in Wau Diocese, from 5th - 9th December 2011. The aim of the leadership training was to strengthen Christian leaders with relevant knowledge and necessary skills needed in spreading the message of the Gospel of Christ. The participants were drawn from the seventeen Archdeaconries of the Episcopal church of

Sudan Diocese of Wau, to attended the training which covered, a leader’s Call to ministry, being the leader God wants me to be!, The making of a leader, the effective dynamics of leadership and A leader’s character in service and among others pastoral care. These were the core themes of the training, that was aimed at transforming pastors and other church leaders to be effective and equipped with the tools to serve the people of God in the right way.

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Renewal the Lordship of Christ. Challenging people to be what God really wants them to be and inspiring churches into action.

The training was facilitated and conducted by the well known Rev. Thomas McLean who is the founder and director of Logos Ministries International and has been involved in Christian service since 1977. Thomas has a passion for mission and a burden in his heart to see the Gospel go forth to the ends of the earth. Motivation for mission is a key aspect of his ministry and the central theme of his message is

Rev Thomas was accompanied by three companions, John Deaville who has also been a LMI mission representative in England for over fifteen years. With him was Pastor Tibor Szlovak who has served in different capacities as a pastor in Hungary for around twentyfive years. Joining them was Pastor Josiah Ogalo From Kisumu in Kenya who has been serving God for over forty years. In his closing remarks the Right Reverend Moses Deng Bol, bishop of Wau Diocese said, "pastors are called to serve the people of God, so to serve they should be above reproach in character and also be equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead the children of God."

Icco Trained Five Diocesan staff in Project Development and Financial Management On 6th- 8th December 2011 ICCO, the Inter Church Organization for Development Cooperation and Church in Action, conducted a workshop on project and financial management, to different local organizations which included, the Nazareth Youth Association, the Mothers Union/ Literacy Financial and Education Programme, the Episcopal Church of Sudan, Diocese of Wau, Christian Action for Relief and

Development, Wagen Agency for Relief and Development, Dorcas Aid International, and the Womens Agency Training Programme. The aim of the training was to strengthen the capacity building of the indigenous based organizations in Western Bahr el Ghazal State, so that local organizations are able to perform better.

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The ICCO training was one of the best training workshops ever done in Wau particularly for the community based organizations. As a matter of fact, most of the participants expressed their gratitude saying that this was wonderful training and very relevant to their situation in the field. All wished that such training could be organized again to equip them further and strengthen their capacities so that they are able to deliver the right services to the right people at the correct time in the right way. One of the participants said, one of the worst things that international organizations did to us is bring us the fish all the time without teaching us how to fish for ourselves, its one of the reasons why a lot of money has been injected in South Sudan yet there is no impact left behind and the situation is getting worse day by day. It is because international organizations taught us how to receive things without telling us how to do things for ourselves is why there is no impact in people lives today. By looking at our nation today one may think that we are an unchangeable society which is true, but honestly speaking can one change without being taught, it’s good for our international community to know that what South Sudan needs at this defining moment is not to be fed, South Sudan doesn’t need to be given ready food, this time round, we need to be taught how to fish for ourselves so that after the international organizations leave we will be able to do things for ourselves. This is what ICCO did for us today, by training us how to develop a project and manage it as well as managing our finances in the right way. If ICCO continue doing this in the ten states of South Sudan this nation will be changed in the blink of an eye because with such knowledge and skills I believe South Sudan will never be


the same again. We would not rely on international communities for assistance so much. So it’s a question for every international organization to ask themselves, when I leave

South Sudan what impact have I made that I could be remembered for, are those That I helped enabled to live without me? Are the people I serve saying if it were not for this organization I would not be the kind person am today? If the communities in which your organization worked are still struggling then something is still missing in your mission in South Sudan which your organization haven't achieved. The three day workshop on project development and financial management was conducted at the Catholic premises in Wau to seven different community based organizations.It has hit through to the heart of the participants and they left the premises with a changed mind set, ideology and an armoury of techniques on how to develop and manage their projects and finances. In his speech during the closing ceremony Mr Kalisto Inyani, the ICCO administrator, together with Mr Richard Gomma the trainer said, "this is Just a beginning, many more training workshops are coming. Sooner or later, early next year

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2012 through the Episcopal Church of the Sudan, Diocese of Wau in partnership with Dorcas Aid International we are going to do many things in this State. In terms of capacity building to communities based organizations, we will equipe you with all necessary knowledge,


tools and skills that you deserve to succeed in managing your organization and finances. This is our calling in which we stand and promise to deliver to you”. All the participants who attended the training were issued with certificates of attendance.

Wau celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day By Andrew Apiny Macham On December 19th, 2011 the citizens of Western Bahr el Ghazal state came in vast

numbers and joined the world to celebrate Global Anti-Corruption Day. An immense number of people, which included citizens, but a majority of military police, South Sudan Wild Life and other law enforcement agencies together processed from Peace Square all the way to Isaac Stadium where the occasion of celebration took place. Fight corruption by all means, that is why you see guns, people are ready to fight corruption, but the question lingering in people’s minds is will the government and other institutions eliminate corruption in this country? Let’s wait

and see since this was the first Anti-Corruption celebration held since South Sudan became independent. The day was extremely important for the people to celebrate as corruption is one of the leading chronic diseases here in South Sudan, which has become entrenched in the heart of many. As a matter of fact some offices are occupied by just one ethnic group to the extent that some official meetings are conducting in local languages, this is an indication that there is high fraud in this new born country. Millions and millions of dollars has been injected in to South Sudan in all sectors yet nothing significant is yet achieved. According to Francis Bacilli, the state representative spoke out that, our mandate as the Anti-Corruption Commission is to investigate those involved in scandal in one way or another and persecute the guilty without mercy, for doing evil and tearing down the image of our country. This is the reason why the theme for this occasion is “Zero tolerance for Anti-Corruption in South Sudan”

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Francis advised the crowd that fighting corruption is it's collective responsibility, every one of us is accountable to report any behavior which suggests corruption and nepotism, because corruption is immoral, evil and an unacceptable thing which shouldn’t be permitted to get deeply rooted in us. We are all created equal and that means every one of us deserves an equal opportunity and equal rights. As we have came here today at Isaac stadium, to celebrate this day it’s very important to know that there are over a hundred young men and women in South Sudan who are struggling to find a job, not because they don’t have the


necessary educational qualifications but due to corruption they are being denied positions, this is a crime and offence committed in this nation without punishment, seeing that it is everyone’s responsibility to stand up and fight corruption so that people with the right qualifications and documents can get the right position and do the right thing in the right place. We are not actually celebrating as such we are crying and fighting for justice in particular to those people who are being denied just because they don’t come from a particular ethnic group. Let justice reign, let corruption die and integrity and transparency fill our lives.

The Wau Diocesan Synod 2011 By Andrew Apiny Macham

“Come let’s rebuild the Walls of Jerusalem”. The Diocesan Synod was held on 12th & 13th of December 2011 at the Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau, the meeting was composed of seventeen archdeaconries of the Episcopal of the Sudan, diocese of Wau under his Right Reverence Bishop Moses Deng Bol, this number included the archdeacons, pastors and laity all called together to discuss the fundamental achievements and other significant issues which are draw backs of spiritual growth or church development that needs to be addressed at the synod level. The synod was overwhelmed by international communities and government officials which

included the former Ambassador to Greece, Italy, Netherland as well as former Governor of Greater Bahr el Ghazal, Mr. Andrew Makur. Also in attendence were Rev Canon William Deng Deng from the USA, LT Colonel Deng Aguen SPLA 5th Division, ECS Provincial Accountant consultant Mr. Lawrence Duffee from USA among other welcome guests. It was the first general synod to be held in Wau since the independence of the Republic of South Sudan and from the time when Bishop Moses Deng became the bishop of Wau Diocese.

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The synod was officially opened by the bishop under the theme, “Let’s Rebuild the Walls of Jerusalem” Nehemiah 2:17, subsequently, Michael Maror who is the Diocesan Lawyer declared the synod open for discussion, after which now the bishop was given chance to read his speech. In his address, he first begun by mentioning the challenges which facing the Diocese that made things hard and not go smoothly, in general speaking the Diocese of Wau was on final stage of change. So he said, "I charge all of you, especially the archdeacons, rural deans, pastors, evangelists, and Christians to reiterate your commitments once more, to come together to rebuild the fallen wallS of the Diocese of Wau, I mean spiritual growth should be our first priority to do. To proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to reach unreached areas and of course to build the capacity of the pastors, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ there are many things needing to be done in this diocese, some of us are impatient and cannot wait but ask you to wait patiently, with time all these things will be met. So let’s trust in God and wait patiently. On the other hand, as ministers of Christ it’s our duty and obligation to make advocacy efforts for peace and reconciliation


among the communities of Wau Diocese and beyond, while preaching the Good news. I also understand the challenge of physical development is another scenario which has become the biggest threat in this diocese, which is the reason why the diocese recently formed a Christian organization known as Christian Action for Relief and Development as a church development wing. The aim is to address some of the development issues such as education, health, and agriculture and pastor’s capacity building, this will also open opportunities to many pastors who are jobless and have good education to get employment. On education where the vast majority of clergies fall short we have good news for you, we have opened a Bible College and a vocational Training College for pastors and everybody it’s now up to you to take this golden opportunity to enrol now, especially those pastors who have finished their secondary school education. To those of you who have not had a chance to go to school during the war, I encourage you to go to school. I would like to acknowledge those archdeacons who opened primary schools in their archdeaconries, thank you for your effort, I

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encourage each pastor to do the same thing, remember we are rebuilding the walls, as I mentioned before our diocese was almost falling apart, today if you come to our office is always busy all the time, it’s not business as usually we have taken a step forward in terms of our administration system. There is hope now, not to forget some few months ago we provided humanitarian aid to Abyei's Displaced Persons, that is a great achievement for us and also conducting three training workshops in different capacities, this is an indication that change has come to Wau. Recently through the help of HART leadership they donated 10,000 US Dollars to support the vast majority of IDPs from Abyei and 10,000 US Dollars for returnees who are in Wau Diocese to do microfinance in order to be able to cope up with life in South Sudan, last but not least the diocese leadership is thinking on ways of how to provide ox-ploughs for pastors to be self reliant. You see we are almost done in rebuilding the wall next year will be a different story all together."


Thereafter Mr Michael Maror who is the Lawyer read the constitution of the diocese which he asked the stakeholders to review and amended the constitution then pass it in the upcoming standing committee which is scheduled to take in Oct 2012. On the closing of the Diocesan Synod Rev, Peter Yuol Gur who was elected two years ago in a standing committee as Diocesan secretary while still studying at St, Pauls University Kenya and who graduated early this year on 15th October 2011 was official confirmed as full Diocesan Secretary. Unfortunately the new elected secretary is planning to go for further studies in the UK or America early next year 2012, for his Masters Degree, but for the time being while he is still here Rev, Yuol Gur will be working in the Diocese, and when that time arrives, he will go. Subsequently his colleague Rev, Andrew Apiny who was Acting Administrative Secretary for the last six months in his absence will continue working as Acting Administrative Secretary until Rev, Peter Yuol is back from UK.

Christian Action for Relief and Development - coming soon! By Andrew Apiny Macham This new born country of South Sudan is still in shock recovering from the longest civil war; which has brought devastation and destruction through various waring factions. In education, agriculture, and the economy, socially, politically and even spiritually this damage can easily be seen. It has left some South Sudanese disillusioned and aimless in their life. There is a real need to restore their hopes, inspire their spirit to take positive action and let them achieve the very goals that they were fighting for. We are challenged by the fact that, despite the South Sudanese gaining their independence

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and freedom through the shedding of blood independence and freedom still seems to be out of reach. The cause of this none other than the lack of knowledge and skills, inexperience, negligence or even too little capacity to get the right resources, skills and knowledge needed to meet their aspirations and development goals. So now the Diocese of Wau in The Episcopal Church of Sudan, felt a great need to rebuild this damaged nation and restore hope for the people of South Sudan who find themselves, aimless helpless and without hope. As a result, the Diocese of Wau formed an indigenous nongovernmental Christian organization known as Christian Action for Relief and Development, which will act as the relief and development wing of Wau Diocese. The aims that formed this organization are to Upgrade the standard of education in South Sudan because education is the backbone of any country wanting to move out of poverty and underdevelopment. To give help in addressing the health problems facing local communities especially those in rural areas. To engage local communities in building peace and bringing reconciliation among all post conflict communities. Also Offering humanitarian aid to those experiencing crisis and in real need. To help in addressing the issue of food insecurity and malnutrition of the most disadvantaged and


marginalized section of society by finding lasting solutions to the problems related to food insecurity. Addressing these issues by translating them into achievable and sustainable development policies and actions that may adequately provide success in the process of ongoing development. The aim of that development is primarily toward strengthening neglected communities and revitalizing their existence. Last but by no means least, recognising the importance of agriculture in upholding the central pivoting point of alleviating food security in local communities and hence helping its governing institutions in achieving a hunger free society. Finally CARD exists to Provide spiritual guidance, leadership nurturing and motivation to church leaders and community leaders or individuals who want to form strong families, organizations, corporations, administrative institutions and communities animated and directed by the globally accepted ethical values drawn from the universal spiritual gifts of unity, justice, equity, understanding, wisdom, fortitude and reconciliation. This newly formed organization has been registered with the ministry of Social Development, Directorate of social welfare in accordance to the societies Law that gives registration numbers and is hereby certified to operate.

25th December 2011 Christmas One of A Kind On 25th Dec 2011, over ten thousand Episcopalians attended the Christmas celebrations at the Good shepherd Cathedral in Wau, this is the first time in history of the church, that such a number attended our Christmas celebration. This is a year that defies imitation

not only for the church but also in the history of South Sudan. According to his Right Rev, Bishop Moses Deng, in the message he left to be read out on 25th Dec 2011 while in Warrap State in Akon Archdeaconry, he wrote,

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"This is a year of success and happiness for the people of South Sudan, because it was in this year the people of South Sudan voted against


diocese has received the installation of a new V Sat internet system that has made ECS dioceses able to get access to the internet and communicate with the rest of the world. It's a

distinctive year in which I travelled unity in favor of separation during the referendum, on 9th January 2011, and on 9th July 2011 this new country was born and we gained independence (self-determination) and Salva Kiir Mayardit became our own first president of South Sudan. It's a year which is only one of a kind, in the church of Christ in which the ECS held it sixth Synod from 16th to 18th November in the New capital of South Sudan Juba, followed by our Diocesan Synod held in Wau from 12th - 13th December 2011 all of which were successful. Today Wau diocese has become well-known by many international communities through the launching of our electronic newsletter called Renewal early this year. As mentioned earlier it's a year of happiness because the diocese was able to open the Good shepherd Bible College and the Vocational Training College. It's an exceptional year through the help of Salisbury the

abroad more than three times and international communities visited the Diocese of Wau as well as a result of my interaction with other countries. This is a joyful year in which I confirmed more than 5000 Christians in different archdeaconries. In Warrap State when I addressed his excellency the President of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit and his four Governors of greater Bahr el Ghazal, Western Bahr el Ghazal State, Lakes State, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State and

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Warrap State to celebrate Christmas together in Akon Archdeaconry, Warrap State. He said, the church and the government should team up together to find ways together to apply durable solutions to conflict in South Sudan among the different ethnic communities who are killing themselves on a daily basis. It is the responsibility of every one of us to work hard to keep the peace and start developing our virgin country, without peace we will not achieve our target and our struggle will be in vain. The government should disarm cattle guards while the church trains communities leaders on how to make peace with their neighbours. If We look back to where we came from, it means that it has been rough but it’s important to notice that, it has been a very busy year in our country. There has never been a year like


this in our history, in which two children are born, the birth of new nation and the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and our saviour, two at the same time ,it’s unbelievable we are all free at last from all sorts of slavery from sin and human suffering. It’s a wonderful year, though there were some challenges, those are minors cases, they are like a mother in pain when she is about to give birth, she experiences some pain in the process of giving birth but after she delivers her baby the pain is replaced by joy, so it is with us, it was painful and long but eventually we are free at last. By Andrew Apiny Macham

Cultivate the Culture of Peace. By Andrew Apiny Macham On 1st Jan 2012 evening his Right Reverend Bishop Moses Deng Bol arrived in Mapel Archdeaconry, SPLA 5th Division Chaplaincy and he was received with heavy security from Nyiyaro all the way through Garagaro where he addressed over fourteen thousand South Sudan military Christian’s soldiers. In his opening remarks He told the South Sudan Military to put God first and be vigilant to protect their terror while cultivating the culture of peace among themselves. This is the Bishops speech: "My fellow citizens, it’s my privilege to have such a golden opportunity to talk to you. First I would like to recognize the present SPLA 5th Division Commander for allowing me to speak to you at this moment. My fellow comrades in Christ

Jesus, I have come here purposely to speak to you, being aware of the fact that two days ago there was a problem in Mapel SPLA 5th Division in which more than nine soldiers were killed as result of that. The problem still continues and that is the very reason I have come here today to address you on this matter. As you all know you fall under my Diocese administratively, so therefore I have an obligation to come to you

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have some time with you to do some spiritual things and spiritual administration and of course to share the gospel of Christ with you. To begin with the peace and freedom we have today didn’t just come by itself but through the collection of prayers, struggle, dialogue and self sacrifice, in which God heard our prayers and gave us our land so that today we are free. Unfortunately, I am totally shocked and heartily wounded to heard that you turn against yourselves, in the military camp, and against civilians killing our beloved ones and innocent brothers who did not die during the war and who are supposed to taste the fruit of their labors and enjoy the peace of their struggle. They are now being killed for no reason, it’s with regret I hear and see some of us are trying to kill the remnants, some of whom are fatherless, motherless, widows, orphans and single, this is unacceptable behaviour. This broke my heart, to see the Children of God being killed. Didn’t you read the scripture where it said we shouldn’t kill? It was understandable during the war, you were fighting for self determination, freedom but now we are free, what is the point? Why we are still dividing ourselves on the basis


of our ethnicity? Mapel Archdeaconry for last two times when I came was the most peaceful archdeaconry among the seventeen Archdeaconries of Wau Diocese, but now I am amazed by what is happening today. Let us change that behaviour, the time has come to cultivate the spirit of peace and love, there is no more need of shooting, and enough is enough. I also notice that some of you seem to undermine your own integrity, as Christians we should be above reproach, we shouldn’t undermine our good characters wherever we are, whether in bad situations or not we should maintain our integrity as long as live we must not deny our integrity.

Let our behaviour consistently reflect God's character, rather than being transformed by the circumstances, Romans 12:2- 3. Said “Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think, then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and how pleasing and perfect his will really is”. Let God transform us into new people by changing the way we think and become

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peacemakers, forgiving people, loving people. Our characters should suggest nothing to question our creditability or Christianity. Let us behave in a different way in the sense that your behaviour makes a positive impact in this bracket. It’s time to rebuild our nation, and this will not be possible in absence of peace, it’s time to make


peace not to cause troubles, it's time to love not to hate each other, it’s time to build not tear down, enough is enough. Let the freedom reign from right here and to all corners of south Sudan, let this year of 2012 be a year of peace for our nation. My fellow Christians as I close my speech I would like to wish you all a Happy New year and prosperity and now may God almighty watch over you and bless you abundantly."

Theological Education by Extension (TEE) in Akon Archdeaconry By Andrew Apiny Macham

On 11th Jan 2012, His right Rev, Bishop Moses Deng Bol officially opened Theological Education by Extension (TEE) in Akon Archdeaconry with support from JumpStart Sudan in the US. The opening ceremony had been honoured by 1st LT Arou Police Payam Administrator, Payam Education Coordinator

Philip Deng and other invited guests. In his opening remarks his Right Rev, Bishop Moses Deng said, "It is a privilege and honour to speak to you TEE students. First I would like to acknowledge and thank JumpStart Sudan through Debra Ross

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and Akot Arech for raising an awareness and getting the finances for the Bible Training and making this training successful. If it was not for JumpStart Sudan, nothing would have been possible as you know we are financial poor, it’s through JumpStart Sudan’s financial effort that you are here today. I would like to bring to your attention that this is part of St John's Bible College, after this those who do well will join St John's Bible College in Wau for further studies. This is only one of a kind training designed to train church leaders on how to become Bible vibrant, on how to interpret the Bible in accordance to homiletics and hermeneutics, the biblical principle art of interpretation. As you all know a lack of theological education and low


educations standards have been one of the biggest challenges in this Diocese where the vast majority don’t know how to read and write. Now with this kind of training I believe it will illuminate your minds to become good teachers of the Word of Christ and good interpreters of the Bible. I urge all of you especially those who came from Awiel Diocese as well as from within, thanks a lot for joining this dynamic training, but I ask you to be fully committed up to very end. Because I know the challenges are many a head of you and that if you are not very dedicated and determined some of you will quit the training before the end of the ten weeks, but please take heart to finish the course successfully. It’s not how you begin that matters but how you end is what really counts."

Bishop Moses dedicates two churches constructed by Samaritan's Purse By Andrew Apiny Macham

On 14th - 15th Jan 2012 his Right Rev, Bishop Moses Deng Bol dedicated two chapels to God in Marial Wau Archdeaconry, one being

Tharkueng Chapel and the other Sukolonia Chapel.

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Below is an example of a church built by Samaritan's Purse International. Both ceremonies were overwhelmed by state

government officials, county representatives, payam administrators and church leaders. More than two thousand people turned up to the opening ceremonies at Tharkueng chapel and Sukolonia chapel. The pastors in charge of Tharkueng Parish, said, "its a great thing for us the Christians of Tharkueng to praise and worship the Lord in such a building we have been longing for. We are very grateful to the Samaritan's Purse for making us proud. May God almighty bless them in a big way and continue doing the same thing in other places” Then the deputy county commissioner also said, “its a blessing for the people of Tharkueng Payam to have such a unique church building to praise and worship the Lord, I therefore thank the ECS leadership his Right Rev Bishop Moses


Deng for this well done job. Our part as government at the county level as well as payam we will complete the remaining parts and will install the windows and doors”. In his closing remarks His right Rev Bishop Moses Deng Bol said,“Samaritan's purse International has made me proud, I couldn’t imagine without Samaritan purse, I really don’t know what kind of suffering the diocese of Wau would have had. It’s something that I have not any words to describe, because the finances of my Diocese are so weak that it cannot even afford to pay her pastors leave alone constructing churches. But now I am so relieved. I must also recognize the effort and commitment of Samaritan's purse which has undertaken to train Christians on a discipleship program and also pay the teachers. This is another great achievement which alone our church administration couldn’t manage, what then can I say other than thanking and encouraging Samaritan's Purse to continue with the same spirit and recommended to all as the most successful organization in Wau Diocese. And so in conclusion may we all ask God to bless Samaritan's Purse International so it may continue doing the this in the Diocese and beyond.

Bishop confirms over a thousand Christians in Warrap Archdeaconry From 16th - 23th Jan 2012, His Right Reverend, Bishop Moses Deng Bol took a trip to Warrap Archdeaconry and was accompanied by the Diocesan Administrative Secretary Rev Andrew Apiny, Rev Peter Duok Archdeacon of Warrap,

Rev Priscilla Ameer and Gorge Pi-Puofe a professional nurse who is operating a Mobile clinic. Bishop Moses toured six Deaneries in which he confirmed one thousand one hundred and seventy five Christians. The confirmations

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were spread out in six differences places. This included: Parasika with 233 persons, Lurcuk with 241 people, Warrap with 151, Akop with 323, Pinybarkou with 114, and Gak with 113.

This is the first time that bishop Moses Deng had come to Warrap since he was consecrated as Bishop of Wau Diocese. For the last two years thousand of Christians have been longing to see their bishop and not only that but to be confirmed too. So when they heard about his coming many people from different parishes walked for two days solely to come for confirmation and to see their bishop. It was a day full of joy in all the places that he visited. Bishop Moses was received with a lot of excitement and joyful songs, thrilling, and dancing. In all the places the bishop visited he spoke about peace and reconciliation among the communities of Warrap State since this is a most troubled place where fighting is the lifestyle of the day and this conflict usually comes as result of animals and tribalism. Therefore, his Right Rev, Bishop Moses spoke loudly about the importance of peace in the country he said, “There can’t be development without peace in this country, for South Sudan to develop like other countries we must be peace builders not


destroyers and peacemakers not terror makers, this is the foundation where we will be able to develop our nation. Unless we have peace things will not move smoothly. My fellow Christians I therefore appeal to all of you to be in the lead in making peace, first from our local churches to our great nation. Looking at this situation, it’s a shameful condition and a heartbreaking state of affairs for other international communities that we are fighting among ourselves just because of our small differences. As you know we have been in a war for a long time, fighting for self determination, now that we are free and independent why then are we now fighting ourselves? My fellows Christians let’s have the mind of Christ, of loving one another, this is the habit we need to develop at this defining movement - if we really want to move forward. To my fellow clergy it time to reaffirm our commitment to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to reach out to unreached areas and not only to preach about peace but to be peacemakers. I ask you all in Jesus name to talk about peace wherever you go and preach the good news.” Bishop Moses sympathized with the situation on the ground especially in Athol where, Pastor Jocob in charge of Athol Deanery in Warrap state told him a story about tribal conflict. He said, his three brothers were killed in March 2011 during tribal clashes between Nuer and Dinka. Bishop Moses felt truly sorry for the

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situation and the naming of Athol which means finished, we are finish here. According to the people of Athol every year Nuer came and killed more than fifty persons in Athol, the number of people is decreasing and that is the reason it was named Athol. The communities and Christians together there requested his Right


Rev Bishop Moses to change the name of the place to Paweng which means save. So Athol was changed to Paweng Deanery and blessed by the bishop while he was there. According to the communities they said, we don’t have another place to move, we rather finish here than to evacuate somewhere.

Bishop Moses Receives An Exceptional Welcome in Athol Deanery On 18th Jan 2012 Right Rev Bishop Moses Arrived in Paweng (previously Athol) Parish where he received an exceptional welcome. Joseph Deng Lual, 24 years of age was overexcited when interviewed, I asked him why are you so happy. He said, "since I was born in this village, I have never seen a bishop, leave alone a confirmation. This is something so unique in our village to see a bishop, we are also happy because we are going to be confirmed today by our own bishop, this is what we have been longing for, for many years. That is why we all came to welcome Bishop Moses because we want to see what our bishop looks like.

The kind of reception his Right Rev bishop Moses Deng got in this particular Deanery is incomparable, accordingly Bishop Moses told the crowd, "In all the places I have gone to, there has never been such a warm welcome as this. You have given me a one of a kind welcome. You remove your best sheets and put them on the road for me to walk on, regardless how troublesome your conditions are, in which some of you have but one set of clothes to wear until those clothes are torn and you must buy new ones. Some of you are even walking naked while others have never even bought slips in your life. Your conditions are shameful and it brings tears to my eyes to

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see you in such circumstances. In terms of health you are all sick, the kind of water you must drink is not even fit for animal consumption let alone human beings, it’s an unimaginable thing in this modern world to see that there are some areas in South Sudan still living this sort of life. Not to mention access to clinics and health care which most of you are not even aware that there is something called a health care centre. You are poor in evey way but you are wonderful people; brothers and sisters after all this, still there is hope, that one day this community will change to be better place, have hope in God and trust in him.


I must also thank you for your dedication to God’s word, in all these circumstances you went through, you remain faithful to God. I am so challenged by the way you welcome me but friends in Christ, be reminded that you didn’t just welcome me but Christ who sent me. The Christians in Athol parish turned out in huge number to welcome their bishop, it was an amazing thing to see the poorest Christians put down their only clothes to let their bishop walk on. This welcome of such great favor will doubtless be a reception of remarkable blessing to the people of Paweng Deanery and beyond."

The South Sudan Certificate for Primary Examination Begins By Andrew Apiny Macham From Monday 23rd to Friday 28th Jan 2012, eight candidates from wau sat the standard exam for the South Sudan Certificate of Primary Education. The examination council is a national body across South Sudan. This is the first time exams have been held since independence. The examinations all kicked off at the same, 9:30 am, across the whole nation as scheduled. Most of the pupils were very happy after finishing their exams successfully without any interference; they are now waiting for their results to come

and see whether some of them will qualify to join secondary school in April 2012. However according to Uliny Okello, a standard candidate said, “it has been long journey for me

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to finish, I started my education a very long time ago in 2000 but due to some financial difficulties I had to stop for a while. But later in 2005 I was able to resume my studies with the hope that I could finish my studies on time. But two years later I got married and this interrupted my learning again, things became hard, and held things up until I paid for my marriage. But thank God I finished my marriage responsibilities successfully and in 2008 I went back again to school. My goal was to finish just standard eight


and today I am done; it was a long journey but I am happy I have finished so now I have the courage to continue up to secondary school if my results come back successful�. This is the same scenario most of the students have here in South Sudan. The majority of them are married, and the youngest candidate you can find are those of 18 years of age. You find that the majority of them are dreaming just to finish class eight after and after that go his or her own way with no further education.

Mobile clinic now open in Wau Diocese On January 16th the right Rev, Bishop Moses Deng went to Warrap archdeaconry for confirmations with Mr George Pi-puof a professional nurse. This came about after the bishop visited various archdeaconries a while back and many Christians have been coming to him with serious sickness, suffering from different kinds of diseases seeking medical attention. To make matters worse there were never any nearby health facilities available in the

Archdeaconries so people could have treatment. It was due to these circumstances that bishop Moses felt the need and had the idea of having a mobile clinic it was a good idea. There were no medical personnel available to do the work; this became a major threat to the diocese, not to mention the lack of means for transport to reach the vast majority of Christians in the different and widely spread

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archdeaconries and parishes. Regardless of all these challenges the need for having a mobile clinic was becoming greater than ever before and could not be ignored. Praise to God! Recently Dr Katie came along with medical experts to do training on Health and Healing in Wau Diocese from Uganda and the Anglican Diocese of Enbbei. George treated over a hundred patients in six different Deaneries in Warrap Archdeaconry. The respond was so amazing that the Christians described it as such a blessed journey at the right time in the right place to the right situation and the right people by the right people to do the right thing. Some said : "If the Bishop hadn’t come with the Nurse to treat us we really don’t know how our lives


would have be. Thank God for bringing us the right servant of God at the right time, one who understands the situation we are in. It’s our prayer that this Mobile clinic would continue because our problems are not just spiritual matters alone but we are also suffering physically which needs medical attention.” Bishop Moses Said, “Please continuing praying so that God may open the way to have our own medical personnel, and car to travel around the archdeaconries treating people in different parishes”. The need to have a mobile clinic is overwhelming, in that it needs to be taken seriously to reach the many remote areas, it demonstrates the love of Christ, Please support the Diocese of Wau to achieve it.

Health Programme Development Training in Wau Diocese From 24th 26th Jan the team from the ECS provincial health commission chaired by his

Right Rev, Bishop Moses Deng conducted a three day health programme development

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training worskhop in Wau Diocese, at the Dorcas Aid International premises. At the end of the training the participants took group photos with the facilitators. The training was officially opened by Bishop Moses Deng with a few words of prayer, in his opening remarks he said, “This training came about after we realized that at the provincial level there is a huge need in all dioceses to have clinics in their respective dioceses, and we thought the best way is to train at least two people from each diocese on health programme Development, so that they can go in their relevant diocese and start a health programme. It’s very important to notice that as church leaders we need to take into account that, there is some sickness that needs medical intervention, they don’t really need spiritual intervention as such but medication. Therefore we need to be treating people who suffering from different kinds of diseases. It’s good to know our mission and vision in the ECS at provincial level regarding health programmes.


Our vision is to empower communities in South Sudan who are spiritually, emotionally and physically healthy and we exist to facilitate and promote quality health programmes that reflect the love of Christ to all people in South Sudan. At the diocese level we identify the dioceses and address areas of felt needs for health services, prioritizing underserved dioceses and improving their capacity regarding health personnel in the diocese”. The training was targeted to Dioceses of the greater Bahr el Ghazal, this included Aweil, Wau, Cuebeit, Rumbek, Pacong, Akot, Yirol, and Awarial dioceses respectively. Dr Katie and Nicola Limburger, the facilitators, said, "The training was aimed to empower the eight Diocese with the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to start their own health care in their respective dioceses to meet the dream of the ECS."

Seventy Facilitators Trained in Biblical Literacy and Discipleship Program in Wau Diocese. Andrew Apiny Macham. From Monday 12th - 17th March 2012, Samaritan’s Purse International Relief conducted a five day training workshop and trained seventy people at The Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau for mission and Evangelism. The participants were drawn from 29 parishes built by the Samaritan’s Purse in different Archdeaconries of Wau Diocese. Below are photos of the participants. The aim of the Biblical Literacy and Discipleship Program is to empower and equip the church leaders and send them out for evangelism. The specific target of the Biblical Literacy and Discipleship Program is that, each person

should disciple at least twenty-five persons per church. Only then the world can be evangelized and transformed into Christianity. In an interview with one participant, Marko Deng Mapal said, “I am happy for this training it, because it reminds us of our mission as Christians to reach people with the gospel of Christ to follow Jesus as their personal savior. Above all these we were taught how to raise up children as God fearing and help them grow up with Christian values. The materials were designed in such a way that they are really targeting children of 4-15 years of age. Since we are commissioned to go, Jesus commanded us to go, preach the Kingdom of God and make disciples, we are the church, and the church is a community to the ends of the

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earth. After attaining this training I believe that we have all the necessities for evangelism to reach people with the Gospel of Christ effectively. Once again, this refreshment course reminds us, because people easily forget what they have learnt after some time, with this, we are able to do well in the field. But without this there will be lower productivity, this is why I am happy about the training.” Luke Runyon the Samaritan’s Purse Ministry

Program Manager appreciated the participants for their commitment to learn and willingness to go and teach others with the Gospel of Christ. He said, “Evangelism in South Sudan is very weak, research indicated that the churches suffer erosion to their congregations, emerging churches are suffering high erosion rates due to lack of evangelism, film and radio have a dismal track record due to a lack of Biblical teaching principles and again evangelism. This country needs grass roots evangelists who could evangelize indigenous people in their own language, we are foreign ministries who cannot evangelize effectively, we are only doing the converting without follow up, but you! You can follow all the procedures of evangelism, that is to focus on new converts, involve them, build them up and continue monitoring and mentoring them. With this, you will have better membership of churches than simply event oriented ministries”.


In the closing ceremony his Lordship the Rt. Rev. Bishop Mosses Deng Bol read the Matthew 9:3-38 where Jesus Christ said that the harvest is plentiful. But the labourers are few. Pray for Labourers”, Bishop Moses said, “My fellow Christians we don’t need to pray for labourers while you are here, the discipling of the nation is our mandate; there is no excuse or time to waste; we are under an obligation to multiply daily. Christianity is like a moving river. If it stops flowing then it stagnates and becomes a dirty pond of mud, mosquitoes that other harmful creature will find their way into. We don’t want to be in such a scenario as this. We must multiply and continuing growing each day, but who will do this? It’s you people, and there is no question of who will go? The problem today in my understanding is not that there are not labourers to go and do the work of evangelism but a lack of commitment. Please take this knowledge seriously and use it profitably and productively. Remember in the end each one of us will stand before God and give an account to God of what he/she has done with the knowledge he/she has acquired here.” Contacting Us:


Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol: bishop@wau.anglican.org General Enquiries: communications@wau.anglican.org

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