Wau Diocese Newsletter June 2014

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Praying for Peace in South Sudan

A Word from the Diocesan Bishop of Wau By Rt, Rev, Moses Deng. Give Peace a Chance As I have remarked before several times I am a very fortunate man. Amongst my many good fortunes I count my education. In South Sudan many have never had even the chance to be educated and part of my mission as Bishop of Wau is to change this forever. But even with my education I still find it hard to understand things sometimes. I find it hard to understand really why people have killed one another in our country for over five months. Often just because of the tribe that they were born into. It is really very difficult to explain this to people that live in countries that do not have tribes. They think we are very stupid and cannot understand why a country that was created as a result of a war has taken so long and so much effort to make peace with itself. The announcement of the signing of a peace deal in Addis Ababa did not make me happy so much as relieved – at last an end. It is estimated that 900,000 people have been displaced by the fighting in South Sudan. I cannot really imagine 900,000 people it is a number that has no meaning to me. But if you stop and think of how many people live in the town or city where you live then suddenly you can understand better how big this number is. All these people have been forced from where they live and now must exist by the kindness of others as refugees in the country that not so long ago they fought for, voted for and gave so much to defend. All that they had is gone and the life that they led is stopped. There are of course many who were never given any chance of survival which is a shame we must bear as a country. The leaders of our country have agreed a peace but fighting and killing has been intense for five months and caused much devastation. How many times has Bentiu been fought over in bloody exchanges since the first cease fire was arranged? How much blood has been shed in Bor where MU workers were killed? No one is

Index A Word From The Bishop ....................................2 A Successful Story...........................................5 Transformational Leadership Takes Action........6 New Bicycles to Enable Local Farmers................8 HART Commits to Support Nyieth School............9 Health Income Generating House...................13 Concord Lent Course Reflections.......................13 Youth Training in Gogriel East...........................14 Water Project Funded by ARDF.........................17 TEE Training in Warrap .....................................19 More than Three Thousand Confirmed.............20 Preaching Peace and Reconciliation..................23 MU – LFEP A Golden Gateway...........................26 Development Project Summaries......................28 Contact Us ........................................................29 Please Pray with us ...........................................30 blameless in this and people in the world outside South Sudan talk of civil war here and awful atrocities. As a country and a people we must wake up to the truth that this situation cannot be allowed and we must look for a peace that binds us all if we are going to be a country.

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President Bashir of Sudan made a comment recently that he thought South Sudan could be accepted back into Sudan and become part of his country again as we once were. It is to our eternal shame that he could be able to make a comment such as this barely three years after we won our independence. In fact President Bashir had said before independence that we could never govern ourselves and that really we needed the rule of Sudan. It would look like we cannot make our own country and that in just three years President Bashir is being proved right, what an insult to all the people who died for our freedom. I have even heard that he claims people that helped South Sudan to independence tell him that his comment was right. But the truth is that he is able to make these comments because of what we do in our own country. I am South Sudanese and I have no desire to live in Sudan. President Bashir may dream of reunification but let me assure you, however bad things are this will not happen. Let us embrace this new peace and begin to think of the future. But it is still true however that now there is no part of our country untouched by fear. As an example just recently there was trouble in the market place of a town in my Diocese called Mapel where there is a military training centre. In the trouble sadly several people were killed. Instantly many people started to leave the area and find safe places to hide out and take refuge. This really tells us how bad things are and how much we need to work towards peace. People should be shocked at the events of the market place but they should not feel the need to run for their lives in case they are slaughtered. It is a great shame for our country that this seems to have become normal. I think that it is no longer sufficient to say that we are Dinka and this is a Nuer problem or that we are Nuer and that this is a Dinka problem. The truth is that we are all South Sudanese and this is our problem. Easter has passed and in that time we celebrated the fact that Jesus died for our sins in Calvary and was resurrected – brought back to


life, proving the power of God over death and evil. By believing in God we can share in this great victory. But how can we do this, what education do we need? Just as Jesus died for us on a cross in Calvary he also lived for us so that we could see God and understand how God wants us to live. Mary of Magdalene in the Gospel of John chapter 20 verses 11 – 16 discovers the risen Jesus after the tomb is found to be empty and she calls him teacher. “11 But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb, and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb. 12 And she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had lain, one at the head and one at the feet. 13 They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” 14 Having said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to him in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means Teacher)”. Mary was a very devoted follower of Jesus and she was right to call him teacher because he can still teach us now. Jesus proclaimed peace in almost every breath that he took and one of his most memorable comments is about the Old Testament teaching of an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth. This is what Jesus said in the Gospel of Mathew chapter 5 verses38-39 and 43-44 – “You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.' But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also... You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,”

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What we are doing in South Sudan now is taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth for a tooth and it does not seem to be working. If we continue we may soon be blind and unable to eat! We must consider learning the lesson Jesus teaches. The idea of an eye for an eye comes from the Old Testament in the book of Exodus chapter 21 verse 24, but the teaching in the Old Testament is not meant for individuals and it does not say that one person has the right to just make this punishment on another. These rules are listed in a section called Laws about Violent Acts and I believe are meant to be given out only as considered judgements. When Jesus says “you shall love your neighbour as yourself” this is not a new teaching but a reminder from the Old Testament which can be seen in the book of Leviticus chapter 19 verse 18 – 'You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself; I am the LORD.” So what we are doing in South Sudan is very wrong and more can be seen in the teaching of the Apostles in the book of Romans chapter 12 verses 17 to 19 – “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honourable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Everyone must consider their own actions carefully. It is not a weakness to turn the other cheek, forgive and live in peace. It is quite clear what God expects of us and what Jesus taught us, who are we to blame if we will not listen? In America, where I have been, there is a law that says every American citizen has a right to have a gun and many that I have met do have guns. This is a lot like us, but they settle their politics with elections and they settle their disputes with courts and laws. You do not see armies of armed people attacking, killing and destroying at times of election or if there are serious political differences. You do not hear of


armed gangs killing people in hospitals or those sheltering in churches or mosques. Nothing is stopping them really, they could do these things as we here have done, but they choose not to. This shows that the teachings of Jesus really can be done; it is us as a people that are failing. But this is the time when the teachings that Jesus gave really matter, because we can forgive each other and if we accept Jesus in to our lives our sins can be forgiven and we can live in peace. I would love to thank President Obama for threatening sanctions against our leaders, who were blocking peace, to make them see sense. I would also like to thank Secretary of State John Kerry for coming to South Sudan to pressure the two main leaders to meet and agree on a transitional Government. It is a step towards real peace and true hope. I give thanks to God for the signing of a peace deal. Let us pray that however difficult it may be this agreement is implemented fully so that we never again get to such an awful position. Soon we will celebrate the ascension of Jesus and the birth of the Christian Church in the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. You can read this story in the book of Acts Chapter 2 verses 1 to 40. In some ways it really completes our understanding of God because it gives us the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Together they are unified in love and are the same, they are different things but still the unity of being the same holds them together. I sometimes think of South Sudan as being like the Trinity. We are all people of Africa, all people with dark skin and living under a hot sun. We have all suffered in our lives before independence. There are differences of course but so much of us is the same that I think we can easily see ourselves as unified and truly we are stronger for doing that. The future of South Sudan is one where we are unified as one in peace. The Trinity is one more thing that like big numbers I find hard to properly understand but like electricity or wind I can see the effects of it

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easily. God creates and loves, Jesus guides and teaches and the Holy Spirit works with us here and now. I find it hard to understand what really we have been fighting for but I do understand that if we are to keep our country and keep our souls the fighting must stop and we must find a better way to live and govern ourselves. Let us be like a Trinity, a union of peace and fellowship. Let us seek peace, the peace that only Jesus brings.


This is something that I really can understand. Peace be with you. Every Blessing


Take a moment now before reading on to be still and listen for God. When you have then please take time to pray for real peace and understanding in South Sudan. Pray for all those who have lost their loved ones and been exposed to the tragic violence of the past five months in our new country.

A Successful Story By Rev Peter Angui Akook

This is a group in Khormalang. They are given watering cans, rakes, axes, hoes, and Malodas. Those tools are the first that were given to them so that they can prepare their pieces of land before seeds are delivered. The group comprises of 35 members whose assistant group leader is seen in the picture above. She is called Mary Akima who gave us a very good and positive response towards the impact of this project on them. Mary Akima expressed her gratitude by saying that the project saves her income a lot which has never been there since she has been

born. “She said she is no longer depending on her husband to bring in money for her clothes, soap, food etc but she is even more independent than her husband. She also believed that by having enough resources in the family helps reduce the conflict of interest among family members. Akima coined a word on ECS-CARD as a “Good Samaritan�

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Organization whose primarily work is to serve the marginalized and vulnerable people in the Jur River community. The Good Samaritan can be read about in a parable told in the New Testament (Luke Ch10 verse 25 – 36), “he was helping a man whom he is not related to, but because the man was in a terrible situation, a man from Samaria decided to help him to the extent he took him to the hospital for better treatment. Likewise, ECS-CARD decided to help this community by training us and giving us all that we cannot afford through its own resources. What is required of us is to learn the techniques and skills for farming activities so that in future should the project stop, we will continue the farming activities as we have been shown.”


Her appeal was to continue this project and to cover other families that are not included now so that every household may learn how good the self sustainable life would be in life time. There has been too much reluctance and laziness among our people simply because the war left us traumatized knowing nothing of what to do. That is a confused mind that is failing us to think positively for the betterment of our lives. This is the time we need to re-visit our past and begin to correct harmful attitudes and behaviours.

Transformational Leadership in Africa Takes Action By Rev Andrew Apiny The organisation called Transformational Leadership in Africa through her friend Cross Bridge Community Church in USA was moved by the tears and suffering of South Sudanese Students studying at Africa International University. The majority of students studying at the University were not able to clear their school fees, pay for rent or food to eat. Only a few months ago those students who are married their children were sent home from different schools, things were not easy at all. The deprivation of all these came following the recent conflict which erupted in South Sudan last year from December 2013 in Juba, between the President Salva Kiir and his former vice

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President Dr. Riek Machar which resulted to half a million people internally displaced and thousands fled to their neighbouring countries. Most of the South Sudanese students studying in this institution are under self-scholarship and during the conflict most of their relatives had lost their jobs, others also lost their relatives who were supporting them in school, as such students couldn’t pay their school fees for themselves and their kids, renting, and feeding life became too tough. One week ago, the school administration issued a notice that those who had not cleared their school fees will not be allowed to sit for exams which are due to take place on 24th of the month in 2014. The majority on the list were South Sudanese students who didn’t clear their accounts. It was a very difficult situation for the students how handle the issues of renting, school fees and food all of which were inescapable. The school administration was aware of the subject matter facing South Sudanese students studying at AIU in particular, since it was the very first time that they were unable to paid their fees on time. It was for this very reason that the school administration and Transformation Leadership in Africa made an appeal to their friends at Cross Bridge Community Church in USA to rescue the situation at hand. Cross Bridge Church being good friends responded positively and paid all the school fees for the whole term for all South Sudanese students who couldn’t pay, some pocket money for up


keeping, renting and distributed enough food which will go for some months. This is the second time South Sudanese students at AIU received a food donation and some pocket money. The first donation came from within the AIU community who felt the needs and were moved to dig their hands in to their pockets to support their fellow colleagues. Transformation Leadership in Africa through Cross Bridge Church came the second to support. Now the question to raise is, for how long will external communities continue supporting South Sudanese students? Now the challenge is the next semester and the rest of the years to come. Who will take up the cross to pay for those students? especially for those whose relatives and friends were killed or those who sponsors lost their jobs and are now residing in an IDP camp. What is worse is that the conflict is still increasing. Although the situation at hand had been addressed successful the students are still asking themselves what about the rest of the years? Will they be able to manage this kind of situation? I asked Leone Patrick a 2nd year student his view on the area under discussion he said, “The God who gave us this money will continue provide for us for the rest of the years of study. He will not abandon us in the middle, we hope He will finish his mission with us? Leone Patrick spoke with confidence, optimism and assurance that God will never let us down. This is the point to South Sudanese student’s studying at AIU, they believe very strongly that God is their provider, He will never forsake them.

Rev Andrew is a Wau Diocese priest studying for a BA in Development Studies at the African International University in Nairobi Kenya.

New Bicycles to Enable Local Farmers By Rev Peter Angui Akook

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It has taken a long time but ECSCARD, the development wing of Wau Diocese, has just concluded the purchase process of 38 new bicycles that are to be given to various farming groups in different locations of Masna, Eastern bank, Baryar and Kangi. The five group leaders were called to come and see their new bicycles in the store at the Cathedral. The purchase of the bicycles was funded by a European Union project with each bicycle costing 600SSP. The total cost of the bicycles was nearly 23,000SSP but this project is very important. The reason why bicycles were given to the lead farmers was to help the leaders of certain farmers group to coordinate activities in the fields which increases productivity, allow easy movement to attend workshops which keeps farmers advised of good techniques and practice and keep a constant link with the ECS CARD office and other NGOs on a daily basis so that progress can recorded and further help given if needed.

The bicycles also help the farmers take their produce to market. These bicycles are an

investment in the growth of farming and food sustainability in the Wau Diocese area. The leaders were given instructions on how these bicycles should be handled and used so that they are used correctly with minimal wear. It is important to understand that many of these farmers will not have had a bicycle before so this instruction is very necessary. The ECSCARD terms of reference had suggested that “the property should not be personalized or individualized but should remain with the farmers’ group property should a group leader leave the work”. This means that the investment made in these bicycles cannot be wasted by a person leaving a group and taking a bicycle with them. The bicycles are not given to individuals but to farming groups to help improve their work. The procurement of these bicycles from Eastern African countries took us a long period of time to ensure that bicycles are brought on time as needed by the farmers. But by buying locally in East Africa we have bicycles suited to our needs and easy for us to look after in a good condition. Our next move as ECS- CARD staff is to

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register each one of these bicycles as the property of ECS- CARD so that they could be claimed any time by the head office of ECSCARD. This means that there is a responsibility on the farming groups to keep these bicycles in


their best condition. ECS- CARD would also like to wish these farmers well with their new bicycles and hope that they will make the best use and maintenance of these new assets.

HART Commits to Support Nyieth School By Rev Peter Akook A HART team that was led by Baroness Cox arrived in Wau on the scheduled day on the 28th February, 2014. They travelled via Agok where they held a meeting for several hours with the community leaders from Abyei. They came and landed in Wau in the late evening in a MAF aircraft. According to the HART report: “The HART team met with community leaders from Abyei in Agok town on Friday, 28th February 2014. The leaders that the HART team met includes; 1. Minister of Finance Achuil Okol; 2. Minister for Infrastructure and Public Utilities Kon Manyiet Matiok; 3. Paramount Chief of nine Chiefdoms Bulabek Deng Kuol; 4. Member of Legislative Assembly Mr Chol Aguek; 5. Legislative Council Senior Chief Bagat Monytoc Manchol; 6. Chief Arop Kuol; 7. Senior Chief Deng Agok; 8. Pion Tok (One Heart) Women’s Society Leader Achai Koyo; 9. Reporters Joseph Koch and Mayol Bilabek; 10. Head of Protocol Luka Malok.”

Upon their arrival at Wau airport, we took them in the Diocesan Mother’s Union car to DORCAS AID INTERNATIONAL’s compound where they lodged for one night. We came back to DORCAS AID’s compound the following morning on the 1st March 2014 at around 7 am while they were in their beds. We took off from Wau heading to Nyieth School at 9 am. We passed through Kuajok where we left our bags in Naivasha lodge and we proceeded to Gogrial West County Head Quarters. We met the Gogrial West County Commissioner Hon. Makuc Aru Luac Koor on Saturday in his house. The HART team interviewed the commissioner about his needs in the county. The Commissioner of Gogrial West

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“HART met with the Gogrial West County Commissioner Hon. Makuc Aru Luac Koor, who highlighted the rapid influx of displaced persons into the state, primarily from Unity State, and the dire conditions in which they are living.

He outlined the four immediate priorities for humanitarian assistance in his area. He emphasized the need for support for IDPs including food, medical care, shelter and boreholes for clean water. He also noted four priority areas for the state: agricultural materials to support livelihoods, including seeds; school infrastructure; health facilities; support for street children in the bigger towns, including Kuajok, Gogrial and Akon”. HART reported. We again still proceed with them on the very rough road to Nyieth School in the far north located in Akon Payam, wanting to see the School they have once supported with roofing materials.


Our longest standing partner is Bishop Moses Deng of the Anglican Diocese of Wau, taking in the two States of Warrap and Western Bahr-elGhazal States. We have in the past supported his micro-credit project amongst the displaced “returnees” from the Republic of Sudan, in particular from around Khartoum, driven out by the Khartoum Government from where they had lived for many years, some all their lives, with virtually no possessions and no means of making a livelihood. HART was very glad to have been part of establishing many of these people in new livelihoods; in what was to them a strange environment, assisted by the energy and initiative of Bishop Moses and his staff. Some of the people helped were IDPs from Abyei although fewer of these now remain in this area. Bishop Moses and his team continue to work in education, health and vocational training. Shortages of funds have prevented HART from supporting much of this work and the need for further funding is great Above left: a new school building at Nyieth, and above right: children at Nyieth School. We visited Nyieth, far in the north, where HART has provided funds for the construction of a school. Of the three main school buildings, one is operational, another nearly so, needing doors and windows, and the third still requires a roof. The roof is very important to maintain constant education as, in South Sudan; it is during the wet season that schools are open. During the dry season they close as many children need to travel with their families as they follow their animals in search of water and pasture.

The following HART report is on its own website: “HART first re-engaged in this area of South Sudan (then Sudan) back in 2008, following Baroness Cox’s many visits there during the war and before the CPA in 2005.

Nyieth School now has 650 pupils, in years Primary 1 to 7, with five trained paid teachers and four volunteer teachers. The latter are a common element in South Sudan; they live in hope of the opportunity to attend full training and


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become a paid teacher. The only books are those belonging to the teachers. Nyieth, like other schools in South Sudan, seeks to increase the ratio of girls and their retention as they reach puberty. Of the 650 pupils, 250 are girls and 400 are boys. However the ratio seriously worsens as the years increase. In the first and second years there are 45 and 62 girls respectively; by years 6 and 7 there are, respectively, 7 and 8 girls. The problem is not easy to address and it is impressive to see the effort in South Sudan to do so. If funding is available HART hopes to continue support for Nyieth and other projects”.


1. Emergency relief for IDPs, including food and non-food items (for sanitation and shelter). 2. Agricultural materials for IDPs and vulnerable members of host communities, including a plough, which would allow them to cultivate land during the coming rainy season and to grow food for the coming months. If such assistance is extended to the most vulnerable members of host communities, they will be better able to absorb the growing numbers of IDPs, and willing to give some of their ancestral land to IDPs for cultivation. 3. Temporary schools to enable displaced children to continue their education whilst waiting to return to their homes. 4. First Aid Medical kits for IDPs to help meet basic health care needs”. HART team’s main purpose of visiting Wau was primarily to come and see Nyieth School that they later supported with roofing materials and to talk to IDPs in Warrap State.

More quotes from HART website; “Urgent funding assistance.




HART is urgently seeking funds which would allow our partners to extend humanitarian assistance to IDPs and vulnerable members of host communities in Warrap State, whose situation is discussed above. The priorities, set out by our partners, are:

We appreciate the mutual partnership that Wau Diocese have with the HART Organization and particularly the efforts put forward by HART to talk on behalf of our vulnerable people living in sufferings such as IDPs who have fled the brutal and indiscriminate killing in Bentiu capital. We also believe that once HART get enough funds; a lot of things will take place in Wau as developmental activities or projects.

Rev Peter Angui Akook is the Development Coordinator for Wau Diocese.

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Health Income Generating House Built in Kuajok By Rev Peter Angui Akook It was decided by the Diocesan Management Committee in a meeting chaired by Bishop Moses the Diocesan Bishop of Wau that a house would be constructed in Kuajok purposely to maintain the Primary Health Care Unit in Nyieth should the project comes to an end in the future. Currently there are a few months that are left for the contract signed between the ECSSS administration and the health department partners abroad. The contract for continuing support for the staff and support staff at the clinic was primarily for nine months or one year if funds allowed. Even the medicine supplies are going to be handling by the state government once the contract between ECSSS and its partners ends. At the clinic there is one nurse and his assistant, one traditional midwife, two cleaners, two watch men, and the Diocesan Health Coordinator Mr John Garang Acuoth who is the head of the department in the Diocese of Wau. At hand we have eight staff under this department. A Source of income A four bedroom house was suggested to be

constructed in the state capital of Kuajok so that any organization may rent it for its own activities in the state. The layout plan of this house is as follows; master room (4x3) and behind this master room is a dressing and bathing rooms, lounge room (4x4), dining room (3x3), and the other two bedrooms (3x3). Applications were called and out of those that applied, the Exodus Engineering Company was chosen to do the construction work. They only performed the construction, the purchase of materials was done by the diocese. That was found to be one of the best strategies in implementing a construction project. Although the cost was high, it was more cost effective for the diocese to source its own materials rather than let the contracted company handle it alone. Because it was calculated by many of the applying companies to be around 150,000 SSP and above for materials,

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a money making scheme, the diocese was able to save money by getting its own materials and beating this estimated cost. The remaining work now is the work of fixing ridges for completing the roof and less than 10 iron sheets to be fixed in the space of the veranda, fixing windows and doors, plastering inside and outside and leveling of the floor so that the building becomes ready to use.

Lent Study Course Reflection By Rev Peter Angui Akook This is the second year that Wau Diocese has produced and used its own Lent Study Course. The fact that this lent course study has operated for two years in Wau Diocese, gives an impression of a theologically well informed congregation in the Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau. A group of thirty five people was formed and was set to meet every evening from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM every five days a week Monday to Friday. The course was made of six sessions, each was covered very widely and was exhausted to the maximum. The group was mainly comprised of women and among them were Reverend Elizabeth Agum Gabriel, an assistant curate in the Dinka service at the Cathedral and Mary John, the Mother’s Union Coordinator. Large ranges of issues were properly addressed and one of these was the topic on domestic violence which had been written by Mother’s Union Coordinator. All of the sessions of the Lent Course were written by staff of Wau Diocese. As well as the sessions held in Wau the course was made available as a free gift on the Wau Diocese website and shared with the world wide Anglican community. A forum was made

on the internet for people anywhere in the world to comment on sessions and give their own thoughts or experiences. This was well attended too, particularly during the session on domestic violence.

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During the Easter celebration in the Cathedral, where Reverend Elizabeth Agum Gabriel ministers as a curate in the Dinka service, Rev Elizabeth was given a chance to present reflections over the last forty days on the lent course on behalf of the group. Reverend Elizabeth Agum Gabriel accepted


to present well summarized reflections on the lent course as “God wants us to have special relationship with Him and our neighbors”. She said “We must re-establish the special relationship with God, with our neighbours and with other creatures as stated in the book of Genesis 1:26-27. When looking at the Ten Commandments in the book of Exodus 20, the first four commandments are to secure a special relationship between God and man and the last six commandments are to secure a special relationship between man and his/her neighbour. Jesus Christ summarizes the Ten Commandments into two greater commandments; 1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with your entire mind and with all your strength.

2. Love your neighbour as yourself. The love of neighbour is best explained in the parable of Good Samaritan in Luke Chapter 10.

Youth Training in Gogriel East Archdeaconry

By Rev Samuel Mabith First and foremost, the youth office would like to extend gratitude and appreciation to the diocese for the support given by the Mother’s Union Office headed by Mama Mary John by assisting with the transport from Wau to Lietnhom and finally to Maliai. This was a great support to the teachers (Jↄl-WↄLieec) Ministry of Jesus Christ and if it

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continues like that a lot of positive changes in the youth will be realized throughout the Diocese of Wau. The training was started from 12 to 24 Feb 2014 in Lietnhom and Maliai . The Training was done based on a request made by the youth through their priests. Training at Malual Aher Parish. The training first began at Lietnhom on Wednesday the 12th Feb 2014 and ran to the 16th before the inauguration of Malual Aher Parish. The areas of concern at Malual Aher were as follows: 1. Praising Songs - The youth at this Parish were trained on both long hymns and short choruses, eight (8) songs were covered during the two days training before the welcoming of His Rt.Rev.Moses Deng Bol.

2. Dancing Styles - Most of the styles and techniques of dancing, singing and performing were done during the training.

3. Oral basic roles of Jↄl-wↄ-Lieec - The basic roles, ethics and code of conduct for teachers (Jↄl-wↄ-Lieec) were highlighted based on the fact that youths of Malual Aher were already organized as teachers in the system of Jↄl-WↄLieec youth ministry.

Maliai Deanary The training at Maliai was started on 17th Feb 2014 and ran to the 23rd. Because the youth at Maliai were already informed about the training they waited for the trainers despite their unfortunately late arrival at the area. They were prepared until the last day and they escorted them to the taxi park on the day of their departure back to wau. The training often began at 9:00am until 5:00pm in the evening and then on from 8:00pm up to 10:00pm or sometimes to midnight. The following two groups turned up for training. 1. Sixty eight (68) youths were trained although the number changed later on the last two days. 2. Thirty two (32) people from Youth Mama were trained seven (7) songs were covered because they normally travel from a far distance meaning a journey of one or two hours to come for training which was after finishing with the youths. The following programs were done to the youth during the training. 1. Twenty three (23) songs were taught to them within the seven days busy training.

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2. Roles of youths in the church.



3. Ways youths can generate money for mission of Christ in the church. 4. Conducting prayers during Sunday services. 5. Dancing styles, techniques, singing and performing on stage during the show-dance to the congregation were all done.


A. The youths at Gogrial East Archdeaconry are well organized and ready to work for Christ’s mission therefore, they need to be equipped and trained on many things that will prepare them to be strong believers who will evangelize people who still live in darkness in their area and beyond their boundaries. B. There is a need for youth to be given an office at the archdeaconry headquarters for them to meet, discus and arrange for activities that they will do in order to expand their mission and duties in the church and outside.


The most wonderful good news after the training at Maliai deanery is as follows:

1. Eleven (11) people were baptized on Sunday 23rd Feb 2014 after the training by Rural dean Rev.Kazito YakThiik. 2. Youths went out on Sunday evening to the residential areas to pray for the sick people and on Monday morning they travelled to Kongöör village to demolish some idol pegs for none believers. That was part of the evangelism they carried out to let people who don’t know God fear Him and turn away from their bad ways of living in the darkness with evil to the savior Jesus Christ the master of life. 3. The training was very successful right from the beginning at Lietnhom and Maliai deanery through the commitment made by Ven. Peter Garang Deng and Rev. Kazito Yak Thiik, youths and the Jↄl-Wↄ-Lieec Youth Ministry team from the Diocese (wau).

C. In the next two to five years all the youth in Gogrial East archdeaconry will know God through what they see from their colleagues since most youth are driven by peer pressure. Therefore, the result of this will be peace that will prevail in Gogrial and her neighbors around them since most youth will know more about God. D. Finally we urge our brothers in Christ and in particular the youths at Lietnhom archdeaconry including Maliai deanery and the whole youths in wau diocese to remain committed to their devotion and fellowshipping together, so as to succeed always in their work for Christ.

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Water Project Funded by ARDF in Wau By Rev Peter Angui Akook Background It was last year 2013 when Bishop Moses Deng Bol Akoon and his team visited Tonj North County, which is in Warrap Archdeaconry, that he found the total lack of access that this community had to clean and safe drinking water. In the scientific definition of the term water, it is life. Upon the arrival of Bishop Moses and his team in Tonj North deep in the very remote villages that border Unity State, Bishop Moses and his team did not only witness the terrible lack of enough clean and safe drinking water but the team experienced the very rare use of water in everyday live. Most of these examples set practically were that people drink once a day, people cook once a day, people take showers once a day and people rarely wash their clothes on maybe weekly or monthly basis. This was seen by the team to be encouraging laziness among the community members for the hard work on the farms requires a lot of water for drinking, bathing and washing of clothes as well. This burden is only reduced during the rainy

season but yet still rain water needs to be filtered to be sure that it is safe and clean for drinking and cooking. The biggest ever problem facing every rural village in South Sudan is the lack of access to safe and clean drinking water and wherever you happen to meet one of these communities; the priority they outline is water. Wau Diocese proposed a water project and asked the province to attach its recommendation letter on its headed stationary. The proposal was then submitted to ARDF (the Anglican Relief and Development Fund) for funding. The water project was approved under the Project ID: ARDF-0313-WauDioceseSouthSudan. Wau Diocese as the implementing partner was given a one year period by ARDF to complete the process of drilling three boreholes in Tonj North. On May 9th, 2013 ARDF wrote an approval letter to Bishop Moses Deng Bol which reads; “Dear Bishop Moses Deng, We are pleased to confirm that the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) has approved your project identified

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below, for funding, subject to securing a donor. This project has been duly researched by Global Scripture Impact (GSI) and an Impact report was produced on the same. This report is used to communicate with donors the scope of the


of those that applied. As intended, Zagross drilled one borehole in Akop, one in Lurchuk and the other one in Warrap centre. All of the three are operational now. It is reported that there are more than 5,000 soldiers deployed in Akop to protect the civilians around this area and initially there was no water source for them, so they resorted to be using this borehole together with the civilians. Wau Diocese would like to offer many thanks to the Zagross Company for drilling these boreholes to meet the needs of the people. Photos here are of the drilling work completed recently by the Zagross Company.

Water as the Priority project and the deliverables that can be expected. In order to assure our donors that their funds will be used as outlined, we are asking you to sign this Funding Agreement. By signing, you agree to follow the expected use of project funds and provide progress and completion reports�. Wau Diocese embarked its process of drilling three boreholes in Tonj North but was interrupted by rain. The drilling work was not done last year (2013) because of rain but a well experienced and well equipped JB Company was selected to do this in early January 2014. But very unfortunately again violence erupted in Juba on December 15, 2013 that forced foreigners to flee the country for their safety. The JB Company was nowhere to be found to do the drilling work as scheduled earlier on. Wau Diocese had to go back again to square one by calling for applications from drilling companies. The Zagross Wells for Drilling Company was selected out

This early year in February and March 2014 a visit was made by Bishop Moses Deng Bol and his team to Gogrial East Archdeaconry. Just the same as Tonj North (Warrap Archdeaconry) and Twic Archdeaconry you can still see the need of clean safe water is a high priority. The three Archdeaconries visited by Bishop Moses this year (2014) speak of the same needs of water. They believe that once there is water a lot of hygiene issues and food issues will be solved.

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TEE Training in Warrap Archdeaconry By Rev Peter Angui Akook

Ven. Peter Chol Duok requested of the diocesan TEE office early in January 2014 to provide teaching materials such as TEE books, pens, blackboards, exercise books etc. Ven.Peter Chol Duok reported the number of students as 23 with 2 tutors who had volunteered their time to help this TEE training take place as planned by the ECS Archdeacon who also mobilized Warrap Archdeaconry to fund it. We responded to his request positively because of the fact that we have had TEE training books donated by Jumpstart-South Sudan (JSSS) in 2012 when JSSS had underwritten TEE training in Akon. Training Christian leaders has been at the top of the agenda for JSSS to play its role and invest its resources in. Likewise, Bishop Moses Deng Bol Akoon has prioritized the access to education by sending people for further studies and giving the rest institutions that would probably prepare people for further studies. A few examples are the opening of St.John Theological College, PLTI in Lietnhom (Gogrial East Archdeaconry) and TEE training in Akon. Bishop Moses made it very clear that to have educated people makes things work well and with a properly organized system of doing things a great deal is possible. The TEE books are well designed according to a ten week schedule. We did not give out more than were asked for , but we gave them some TEE training books only to be used by the two tutors while students took notes from the blackboard. We gave the following TEE training books to Peter Chol Duok: 1) Two copies of Old Testament Survey 2) Two copies of New Testament Survey

3) Two copies of Foundations in Faith 4) Two copies of Bringing People to Jesus 5) Two copies of Talking with God. All in all ten TEE training books donated by JSSS (that remain big credit to JSSS) were presented to Ven. Peter Chol Duok in order to take them to the training centre in Warrap Archdeaconry which he did as planned with his team. This training was conducted by the ECSSS church members only who had agreed to contribute some sorghum from individuals who were willing to undergo this training.

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I would personally like any other interested donors in theological studies to connect with JSSS and Bishop Moses Deng Bol to achieve this very important dream of ours to educate our pastors who were ordained with no theological qualifications. The long war that affected all Sudan (and now South Sudan) did not give any chance for many people to go to school. Education is most needed in the church and elsewhere in our society. The church needs it’s pastors and they need to be taught theological knowledge once help is secured. Many thanks to Archdeacon Peter Chol


Duok who has worked tirelessly to achieve this goal in Warrap Archdeaconry

More Than Three Thousand People Confirmed By Rev Samuel Mabith The RT Rev Moses Deng Bol, Bishop of Wau Diocese visited three Archdeaconries, namely, Gogrial East, Tonj North and Twich within 13 days starting from 9th February 2014. The trip was specifically for confirmations, ordinations and licensing as well. In addition, Bishop Moses managed to ordain 15 deacons and 6 pastors. This was the very first time for Bishop Moses to ordain new pastors since he was enthroned as bishop. Gogriel East Bishop Moses started the confirmations in Gogrial East at Wun-tim. He had arrived there on February 9th, and he confirmed 270 people in Wun-Tim on February 11th. The very next day Bishop Moses confirmed 152 people in a place called Bong Adoor which was the 12th February.

In Maliai Bishop Moses also confirmed 428 people on 13th February and Lietnhom 384 on the 15th February. The total number of confirmed persons was 1,234.

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finished late into the night. So the night was spent in Majoknoon. On the next day, February 28th, Bishop Moses came back to Turalei town and he confirmed 78 people there. After that he travelled to Akak/Kurnyuk in the evening and did more confirmations there on Saturday 1st March in the morning. Bishop Moses confirmed 205 people in that place, this makes a total of 611.

As well as this Bishop Moses ordained 6 Layreaders as deacons and 5 deacons were promoted to be pastors that totalled 11 deacons and pastors. After a week the work was finished in Gogrial East and Bishop Moses returned to Wau. Tonj On February 18th Bishop Moses started his ministry to Tonj and he confirmed 348 people in Pagol Deanery on that day, on February 20th he confirmed 366 people in Kirik Deanery, on February 22nd he confirmed 461 people in Akop Deanery and on February 23rd he confirmed 70 people in Warrap town Deanery. The total number of people confirmed was 1,238 people. Bishop Moses also ordained 9 Layreaders as deacons and one deacon was promoted to pastor on February 24th. The total number of persons ordained was 9 deacons plus one pastor a total of 10 pastors. Twich Having completed this work Bishop Moses left to visit Twich Archdeaconry on February 26th spent the night at Turalei and travelled the next morning to Majoknoon, there he managed to confirm 329 people in Majoknoon Deanery. This took all day and

In the afternoon of the same day Bishop Moses travelled to Kaujok where he met with Baroness Cox and then spent the night there. The next day was Sunday March 2nd and Bishop Moses led the joint the congregation for the Sunday Service at Kaujok in the morning. In the afternoon travelled to Manangui to visit IDPs together with Baroness Cox. Bishop Moses is very hard working, to cover all these areas within Wau Diocese in thirteen days is impossible for someone who is not hardworking like him. Despite the very long distances (because Wau Diocese is huge) he managed to reach areas that even took the whole day just to get to. May God bless him to bring God’s people out from the darkness in the hand of Satan. As Moses did in Egypt, may Bishop Moses bring out all the people to the promised land.

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More Images of the Confirmations

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Please pray that the God will bless all the people that were confirmed in their faith or ordained during the time Bishop Moses came to visit them.

Preaching a Message of Peace and Reconciliation By Rev Samuel Mabith The Rt. Rev. Moses Deng Bol was preaching a message of peace and reconciliation in three Archdeaconries from Feb 9th to March 1st 2014 during his pastoral mission. These three Archdeaconries are : Gogriel East Archdeaconry, Tonj North Archdeaconry and Twich Archdeaconry. These three archdeaconries or counties all border

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peace and reconciliation between communities is important. Bishop Moses had asked the community of Apuk, is it good for you to lose the life of your brothers from Nuer because of some animals [cows]? He told the community leaders and cattle keepers [youth] of Gogrial East county to keep their cattle and protect them properly but don’t go to attack others. Bishop Moses then warned them and gave a living example of what happened in Tonj East some two years ago. Bishop Moses had given the same advice then; don’t attempt to attack the Nuer, so, when they followed his advice the attacks that had been happening suddenly stopped in Tonj East. counties in Unity State. The people of these counties sometimes move to the neighbouring counties in Unity State to attack Nuer people as cattle raiders which is seen by Nuer people to be doing the same thing as Dinka people do. Both groups of Dinkas and Nuer people formed these groups which are known as Titweng, which means they are cattle defenders. It is important to remember how important cattle are in our society. Bishop Moses started his pastoral mission in Gogrial East Archdeaconry [County] and he called a serious meeting including the Commissioner of Gogrial East County. The agenda was to get the local community well informed about how

Bishop Moses did the same in Tonj North

County, he advised the youth who were the cattle keepers in that place, called Akop, near the Nuer people’s border and told them to protect their cattle. He met with the commissioner of Tonj North, talked about peace between borders and how they will tackle the situation in the area. The only way is to control the youth and convince them not to attack Nuer people. Bishop Moses also did the same thing in Majoknoon in Twich Archdeaconry [county], he called some of the community leaders together to meet with them, when they met they discussed how they should manage the border. The Majoknoon community and some

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youth leaders in Majoknoon agreed to do what the bishop told them, not to attack the Nuer community again. Instead they should look after their cattle and protect them properly. The Majoknoon community leaders led by Executive chief Manoon Ater all swore a promise saying that they will not go again to attack the Nuer community, but will protect their cows if raiders do come. Also, they requested that Bishop Moses pray for them to remain in peace with the Nuer community by calling him to go outside the village pointing in the direction of the Nuer and pray. This was the prayer that Bishop Moses used. “O Lord we want peace to come in us and our brothers in the Nuer, we don’t want people to lose their lives again in our area in Jesus name we pray Amen”.


This is what Bishop Moses did in his pastoral mission, he moved around the three archdeaconries and when he moved through these archdeaconries he used his time to teach them about the love of God. He quoted them from the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 6 verse 5 - love your God with all heart, all your soul and with all your strength. He also quoted, love your neighbour as yourselves from the book of Leviticus Chapter 19 verse 18. In the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 7 verse 13 it is said - He will love you and bless you. If you do that you will be soft and God will remain in you, so please! Don’t lose your brothers lives.

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Mother’s Union - Literacy and Finance Education Program – A Golden Gateway to Formal Education Three stories from Clarice Achieng From the cattle camp, transformed by the Mu Litracy Finance Education programme; Marko Mariak Maroor aged 26, a native from the greater Bahr El Ghazal Region, Warrap State narrates his story; “I was in the cattle camp since I was a young boy, together with my four brothers and two sisters we used to survive on farming and milk from our cows, and when the crops do not do well then we would suffer from hunger. I had most wanted to be in town one day in my life. Hence In August 2012, I left home and came to Wau town, I knew nobody but went looking for causal work like cultivating for others, digging latrines, building local temporary shelters for people and that’s how I used to survive. By Gods grace I ended up in the hands of an MU Member in Wau town under the ECSSS Wau Diocese, she welcomed me and I stayed with her. I used to help in the farm to get some basic necessities untill December 2012 when the doors opened on me through Gods grace. I was offered a security guard/compound assistant job at the diocesan offices. I had difficulties in writing my name, reading documents and even signing when I was requested to so, hence I felt the need to learn how to read and write. In January 2013 I joined the MU literacy program and by December 2013 I was a different person, I thank God for the Literacy programme. Now I can write my name and the other names of my parents, Sisters and brothers and read them. I know the alphabet in my Language; I can write and read them with a little help. I thank the program very much for it opened my eyes “.

Mariak is currently a learner at the at our Sunday Adult and Accelerated learning Centre These are his final comments ”I would like to encourage my fellow learners and others also to join the Literacy programme so that they can also join me in the Adult Education centres. I am happy than I can read and write and will not go back to the cattle camp again. Now I am in the Adult classes where we are taught in English and our teachers are very good in teaching, now I know how to greet people in English, I can ask for water, I can write numbers in words, I can write the family members and the animals at home, I have hope that I will make it. I am not alone there are many like me and even older and so I am encouraged.

A lay Reader, and a fisherman; from the MU Literacy programme to Adult learning centre to be a well-informed fisher of men and a good businessman. Samuel Madut, 40yrs old, a lay reader in the Cathedral under the ECSSS Wau Diocese, has the following words to say:

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Literacy programme as it has been an eye opener for me and I believe that I will make it” A Warden, a Cleaner and a Mother with a strong aspiration for knowledge, A Product of the mothers Union Literacy Education programme. When asked what inspires her Elizabeth Diing a mother of one shares her story with a smile:

“I thank God for MU Literacy Finance Education programme where I learnt how to read and write in my local language. I am married with two children, I am a lay reader at the cathedral and I love fishing from which I make ends meet. With the fishing business I am able to put food on the table for my family. I am also a builder, a career I have learnt on the job. I have now joined the Adult learning Centre where I hope to be able to read and write in English. I look forward to reading an English Bible so that I can try to be able to help the youth when it comes to spiritual matters. I am sure I will also be able to read medical prescriptions for my children and to add on these I can be able to keep my money in the bank and easily access it whenever I need it. At the school we are taught Science and Social Studies in which I can know how to keep my home clean and hence prevent most of the common diseases that affect us at home.” These were Samuels concluding words “I wish to encourage my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord to be able to join the

“I must thank the Administration of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan Diocese of Wau and the friends of the Diocese who brought to us a very important programme , the Mothers Union Literacy programme. Through the programme I managed to know how to read and write in the local language that to me means that I can read my Bible

and I can understand what the Bible says without any translation. I used to regret not going to school when I was young but the situation in Sudan (as it was then)made it happen that way and I cannot blame anyone but thank God that am alive and have a chance to be in class again. Now I am in the Adult classes where I can learn how to read and write in English even though I may not be hoping for anything major as I am already old but I will be happy that al least I will have achieved what I was dying for when I was young but could not get.

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Development Project Summaries Every edition of Renewal now features development project summaries that describe in brief projects that require funding. If it is possible that you may be able to assist us with a particular project full details of each project featured can be made available on request.

Safe Drinking Water and Sustainable Sanitation in Warrap State Goal: To reduce rates the prevalence of diarrheal diseases and improve access to quality safe drinking water among internally Displaced Persons and the resident community households in Warrap State. Objective: To provide sustainable boreholes with clean safe drinking water and strengthen IDPs and resident’s to effectively apply hygiene and environmental sanitation in Warrap State.    

This will be done by drilling five boreholes and install hands pumps. Increase access to quality safe drinking water and hygiene/sanitation information. Strengthen the capacity of people to effectively address illness associated with waterborne diseases. Ensure women participate in addressing health issues in addition to peace building and conflict prevention as a cross cutting issue.

Peace and Advocacy Program Goal: The main goal of the project is to bring peace to conflict afflicted communities of Western Bahr El Ghazal and Warrap State regions. Objectives:     

To conduct meetings and conferences with government agencies, political parties, traditional authorities, women, youth and any civil society organizations in the localities. To advocate for quick apprehension of criminals and speedy fair trial of cases in competent courts. To advocate for respect of human rights for all law-abiding citizens and foreigners living in South Sudan and abolish torturing of people under detention or anywhere. To advocate for good governance, inclusiveness, unity and democratic participation of citizens in their local affairs. To visit and support displaced people and refugees in any way possible.

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Contacting Us:


By E-mail Diocesan Bishop Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol : bishop@wau.anglican.org Acting Diocesan Secretary Mrs Clarice Achieng : dio.secretary@wau.anglican.org General Enquiries Rev Samuel Madut : communications@wau.anglican.org Mother’s Union Mrs Mary John Garang : mucoordinator@wau.anglican.org A full list of diocesan staff with contacts can be viewed on our website. By Post: Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital, C/o ECS Provincial Office, P O BOX 110, Juba, South Sudan By Telephone: Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769 +254 716641233

“O Lord we want peace to come in us and our brothers in the Nuer, we don’t want people to lose their lives again in our area, in Jesus name we pray. Amen”.


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Please Pray With Us Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Wau Diocese who work without pay in difficult conditions.

Pray for the Archbishop of the ECSSS and current situation in South Sudan so that violence may be stopped and the recently negotiated peace deal fully implemented. Pray for lasting peace in the border lands between Sudan and South Sudan, in Abyei, Blue Nile and the Nuba Mountains. Pray for the success of the transitional South Sudanese government. Pray for peace and forgiveness between all South Sudanese tribal cultures. Give thanks to God for the work of IGAD diplomats and the efforts of Secretary of State John Kerry. Pray for those affected by food insecurity because of the recent violence and struggling to get enough to eat every day. Particularly pray for children and mothers. Pray for people in our community in need of education particularly girls and young women. Give Thanks for organisations such as HART and ARDF that work alongside us as partners. Pray for the Titweng that they may be faithful in protecting their cows and keeping the peace. Pray for the many South Sudanese people living in other parts of the world.

Church prayers needs Pray for our Bishop the Rt. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard for the Diocese, pray that God will help him to do what needs to be done. Give Thanks for the Wau Diocese pastors living away and studying. Pray for them to succeed in their efforts and enrich the life of our diocese. Pray for all our new pastors, priests, deacons and for all the new people who have made a commitment to God. Give thanks for all those confirmed recently in the faith of Jesus Christ. Pray for the priests and Pastors of Wau diocese struggling to bring God’s word to the people of Warrap and Western Bhar El Ghazal states. Pray for Ven Peter Chol Duok and his 23 TEE students in Warrap Archdeaconry. Pray St John’s Theological and community college and the work it does in our community. Pray the work of the Mother’s Union in Wau Diocese, especially with literacy and financial planning. Give thanks to God for the valuable work of CARD in our community and the development it brings to make life better for the future.

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