Wau newsletter june 2017

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A New Beginning in Jesus

The Archbishop Speaks

By the Most Rev, Moses Deng Bol. Beginning with Doubt People are right sometimes when they say that the church does very strange things. We have not long ago celebrated Easter and the glorious resurrection of Jesus after dying on the cross for us on Good Friday. So we should perhaps expect that everything the church did after Easter would be filled with joy and celebration and truly much is. But I noticed that the set Gospel reading for the Sunday after Easter was about doubt and a challenge to faith. The story I mean is from the Gospel of John chapter 20 from verse 19 to 23. If you do not know this story it is the time just after the resurrection when the Apostles are still hiding and really very fearful. Jesus appears to them resurrected, brings them comfort and tells them to begin proclaiming the good news. He also breathes out the Holy Spirit on them, this is even before Pentecost! But Thomas the Apostle is not there and when the others tell him what has happened he would not believe it. In fact he told them unless I see the wounds in his hands from the nails and put my hand in his side I will never believe it. You can see this here in verse 25 The other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he replied, "Unless I see the wounds from the nails in his hands, and put my finger into the wounds from the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe it!" It is this response that has forever made him “Doubting Thomas”. Sometimes I feel sorry for him because now we know that Jesus was resurrected and understand what that means very well. But at that time Thomas did not have the same knowledge, or any Testaments to read the amazing events of the resurrection. So really it is not so surprising that he did not straight away believe the news the others told to him. But the story does not end there if you read it all

Index The Archbishop Speaks.... ....................................2 NBG Internal Province Created.............................5 Bishops Dedicate their cars...................................8 A Short History of the Province.............................9 Jol Wo Liech Successful Evangelism....................10 Chaplaincy Archdeaconry....................................12 Former Principal Appointed New Bishop............13 St John’s Graduation Victory...............................13 Orientation Day At St John’s...............................16 Sunday Primary School Victory...........................17 CARD Sets up Temporary Shops..........................18 A New Chief in the Ayien Community.................20 Primate Visits Army Barraks................................22 Primate Dedicates a New School........................23 CARD Supports Vulnerable IDPs .........................24 A History of the ECSS in NBG...............................26 Contact Us ........................................................28 Please Pray with us ...........................................29

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it goes all the way to verse 31. I recommend that you do read it all because Jesus comes back to see Thomas and shows him the wounds he has and lets him put his hand in his side. Because of this Thomas believes and Jesus forgives him his doubt. So this is a strange story to tell just after Easter don’t you think? The church really does do strange things sometimes. But I think that if you consider this story carefully you can see that it is not so strange. In the parable of the Sower in the Gospel of Luke in Chapter 8 Jesus shows us that some people accept the message of Jesus but when they are tested fade away because their faith is not strong. Really I think that Thomas was tested at that moment as much as I think anybody could be tested. But we see that Jesus loved him and gave him the faith he needed by showing himself with his wounds. As Jesus says to Thomas in verse 29 of the story from John – Blessed are the people who have not seen and have believed. Let me ask you, how strong is your faith? Here in South Sudan we have very great problem and many, many people are exposed to hard choices that challenge their faith. Here we have tribes and some of them are fighting. I do not mean with fists or sticks but with guns and bombs. Here in Wau less than a month before I wrote this, thousands of people from the Luo, Dinka and Fertite communities took shelter in Wau because of attacks from Dinka cattle herders (popularly known as Gelweng-Cattle Guards). This shames me because I am a Dinka person. Dinkas have been killed just because of the tribe that they belong to, even people just travelling on busses. So is it right to kill people in revenge for people that may have killed your family for being Dinka or Nuer or Luo? In our faith this is very wrong and I am ashamed of the number of times that I hear about it. Ashamed because the people who do this abandon their faith. You can read in the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 5 verse 14 that God commands us not to commit murder. So people that do kill others in murder cannot be truly Christians. Their faith


has gone. Consider this, how strong is your faith? At some point these people have doubted their faith and decided to give it up. If this was not true they would not have committed murder. Let me assure you that killing does not solve any problems, it only makes them worse and one day those who murder will have to answer to God for what they have done. In our whole country this sad story can be seen everywhere and it is a real worry that communities will attack one another to try to protect themselves from attack. How strong is your faith? Could you withstand such challenges? Would you have doubts about the things God wants from you? How can we challenge this situation as Christians? I am most pleased to say that in recent weeks we have seen some marvellous events with a visit by Archbishop Danel Deng Bul Yak the Primate of South Sudan and Sudan. He came to Northern Bahr el Ghazel and created a new internal province. I was made the Archbishop in charge of this province and in this new internal province are the dioceses of Wau, Tonj, Gogrial, Aweil, and Abyei. Previously Abyei, Tonj and Gogrial were area dioceses. Also Aweil has two new area dioceses called Wanyjok and Nyamlel. Rev Peter Akook has written a very good article explaining this which you can read in this edition of Renewal along with other articles. Yes it is true the church does do very strange things and you may wonder why this has been done. But please let me say that the reason I am most pleased is because now we can combine our resources and work together to improve the church in our dioceses here. The best of us can help the rest to be better. We can grow stronger not just in faith but knowledge and training. I intend to have certain tasks done by people over all the dioceses in our internal province. These are tasks such as evangelism, development, health and youth outreach. In this way we can more effectively reach out to people with doubts in their faith and show them that Jesus can forgive them and make them whole again as he

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did to Thomas. We can show the way of peace and promote dialogues that give people peace. Truly some days I really desire to climb to the top of the tallest place I can find and scream with all my heart “What are you doing ! What are you doing !� But doing this will not help. Jesus shows us the way and we must follow the example that he sets. This can be done, I know it, we just need to teach the ways. Even with Thomas, who was his Apostle, Jesus showed forgiveness and then moved forward with love. We must learn from this example. We do not really know what Thomas the Apostle did in the years that followed but I am sure that forever he remembered the day that Jesus came to him in that room. How strong was his faith then? The experiences that we have can really affect us strongly. This is true and I see this in revenge attacks between tribes which really makes me very sad. But also there are strong positive experiences that occur and I can tell you just one that occurred at St John’s College of Theology and Development in Wau. Here while Archbishop Daniel visited we had graduations and some of our students met with Archbishop Daniel. He spoke at the event with great strength and encouraged the students to do as Jesus had commanded the Apostles in John chapter 20 verse 21, to go as the Father had sent him. I can say that the people who were there on that day will not forget this encouragement and at times when doubts may creep up to them that memory will help them to be strong in their faith. We can be sure that the whole world looks at South Sudan and the shocking way that we are now just a few years after gaining the


independence our soldiers fought for and it has doubts about us. This is more sad to me than anything else, but how can you disagree when there is so much proof? The world that expected so much of us doubts that we can even govern ourselves, doubts that we will ever have peace. What can we do to remove their doubts? This is not easy, it will take hard work. But I think we have the way, Jesus is our way and if we can share this we can show people, not just ordinary people who are fighting but leaders and politicians that there can only be one way that leads to peace and development. That is why I look towards strengthening the whole church in Northern Bahr el Ghazel to better proclaim the good news, that is why I want to strengthen the college in Wau to better serve the whole area with education. We must reach out with a message that begins at doubt and starts with forgiveness, leads on to much more so that people can follow and understand that peace is just the beginning. When Thomas doubted I think that was reasonable, when he believed I think that he was strengthened in his faith more than we can ever know. I think that we can strengthen ourselves with this knowledge, which may be the reason that the church chooses to tell such a strange story on the week after Easter. Really how strong is your faith? Yes it can be said that the church sometimes does strange things but let me suggest that we work together, strengthen each other in faith and go as the Apostles were sent with the message that Jesus himself brought to us and then strengthen the faith of everyone. Every blessing


Archbishop Moses would like to offer his sincere thanks to everyone involved in the recent events with Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul and the inauguration of the new Internal Province of Northern Bahr el Ghazel. The events that took place in that time with the consecration of bishops, graduations and creation of new area dioceses required the coordination and support of many people with kind sacrifices and good wishes everywhere. It is with great humility and knowing how well things went that these thanks are offered to so many kind and dedicated Christians.

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Northern Bahr el Ghazel Internal Province Created By Rev William Majok Mayuang and Rev Peter Angui Akook The Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan, the Most Rev Canon Dr Daniel Deng Bul Yak has inaugurated Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal province and enthroned its first archbishop. The internal province was inaugurated on Monday, 11 April 2017 in Good Shepherd Cathedral at the English and Arabic service chapel. The inauguration was done by the first synod of N.B.G Internal Province which was attended by five delegates including all the

The Most Rev Moses Deng Bol Akon

Bishops from the five Dioceses of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province.The first synod was chaired by the primate where he gave the certificate of N.B.G internal province to Mother’s Union leader Mary Achol Awutoch due the absence of a provincial secretary in the meeting. The 1st internal archbishop the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol was enthrone on Tuesday 12th April 2017 at Good Shepherd Cathedral.

Therefore the arrangement is like this: 1st Archbishop of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal province and Bishop of Wau Diocese

Rt Rev Abraham Yel Nhial

Dean of the province and Bishop of Aweil Diocese

Rt Rev Michael Deng Kutpiny

Secretary of the House of Bishops and Bishop of the Diocese of Abyei

Rt Rev Abraham Ngor Mangong

Bishop of the Diocese Gogrial

Rt Rev Peter Yuol Gur

Bishop of the Diocese of Tonj

Rt Rev Joseph Mamer Manot

Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Aweil, Wanyjok Area

Rt Rev Peter Garang Akuei

Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Aweil, Nyamlel Area

Rev Jok Majak

Provincial Secretary

Mary Achol Awutoch

Provincial Mother Union leader

Rev Andrew Apiny Macham

Provincial Development Coordinator

Rev Paul Lueth Kat

Provincial Mission and Evangelism Coordinator

Muolana Wol Manyuol

Provincial Chancellor

Abraham Wut Dhal

Provincial Education Coordinator

Currently Vacant

Provincial Agriculture coordinator

William Akot Mayen

Acting Provincial Health Coordinator

Dr Abraham Matouch Dhal

Hon Provincial Treasurer

John Lual Garang

Provincial Youth Leader

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The Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and the Bishop of the Diocese of Juba, Rt. Rev. Can. Dr. Daniel Deng Bul Yak arrived in Aweil on Monday the 3rd April 2017. His purpose of visiting the Diocese was to consecrate two more Suffragan Bishops of Wanyjok Area Diocese and Nyamlel Area Diocese as well under the mother Diocese of Aweil. Consecration service was conducted on Tuesday the 4th April 2017 at Trinity Cathedral, Aweil with the following Suffragan Bishops consecrated: 1) Rt. Rev. Joseph Mamer Manot of the Area Diocese of Wanyjok

1st Bishop

2) Rt. Rev. Peter Garang Akuei of the Area Diocese of Nyamlel

1st Bishop

3) Rt. Rev. Abraham Yel Nhial 1st Bishop of the Diocese of Aweil


Archbishop Daniel Deng accompanied by the team of Bishops, clergy, laity, Mothers Union and youth set off for Abyei via Wun-Yiik military barracks on Wednesday the 5th April, 2017. Abyei has been an Area Diocese under the mother Diocese of Aweil with Suffragan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Michael Deng Kutpiny. It was on Thursday the 6th April 2017 that Abyei Diocese has obtained its certificate of recognition as an Independent Diocese from Aweil Diocese with its own full Bishop according to ECSS provision of constitution and articles. So, Abyei Diocese

certificate was issued and its Bishop was enthroned or installed on Thursday the 6th April, 2017. Therefore the arrangement became :

1) Rt. Rev. Michael Deng Kutpiny of the Diocese of Abyei

1st Bishop

2) Rt. Rev. Abraham Yel Nhial Remains 1st Bishop of the Diocese of Aweil Archbishop Daniel Deng accompanied by the team of Bishops, clergy, laity, mothers union and youth set off for Gogrial via Twic State on Friday the 7th April, 2017. Gogrial has been an Area Diocese under the mother Diocese of Wau with Suffragan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Abraham Ngor Mangong. It was on Saturday the 8th April 2017

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2) Rt. Rev.Moses Deng Bol Remains Bishop of the Diocese of Wau

that Gogrial Diocese has obtained its certificate of recognition as an Independent Diocese from Wau Diocese with its own full Bishop according to ECSS provision of constitution and articles. So, Gogrial Diocese certificate was issued and its Bishop was enthroned or installed on Saturday the 8th April, 2017 at St. Mary Cathedral, Kuajok. Therefore the arrangement became like this: 1) Rt. Rev. Abraham Ngor Mangong 1st Bishop of the Diocese of Gogrial

Archbishop Daniel Deng accompanied by the team of Bishops, clergy, laity, Mothers Union and youth set off for Tonj via Wau Diocese on the same Saturday the 8th April, 2017. Tonj has been an Area Diocese under the mother Diocese of Wau with Suffragan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Peter Yuol Gur. It was on Sunday the 9th April 2017 that Tonj Diocese has obtained its certificate of recognition as an Independent Diocese from Wau Diocese with its own full Bishop according to ECSS provision of constitution and articles. So, Tonj Diocese certificate was issued and its Bishop was enthroned or installed on Sunday the 9th April, 2017 at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Tonj. Therefore the arrangement became like this:

1) Rt. Rev. Peter Yuol Gur 1st Bishop of the Diocese of Tonj 2) Rt. Rev. Moses Deng Bol Remains Bishop of the Diocese of Wau

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Archbishop Daniel Deng accompanied by the team of Bishops, clergy, laity, mothers union and youth set off for Wau Diocese (Internal Province Archbishop see & Capital) via Mapel Archdeaconry on Monday the 10th April, 2017. Wau has been a Diocese under the overall administration of the Province of South Sudan and Sudan with Bishop, Rt. Rev. Moses Deng Bol who is the 3rd Bishop of Wau Diocese among other Bishops in the whole of Northern Bahr El Ghazal. It was on Wednesday the 12th April 2017 that Northern Bahr El Ghazal has obtained its certificate of recognition as an Internal Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan in Northern Barh El Ghazal, Wau (South Sudan) with its own Archbishop according to ECSS provision of constitution and articles. So, Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province certificate was issued and its 1st ever Archbishop was enthroned or installed on Wednesday the 12th April, 2017 at Good Shepherd Cathedral, Wau.

Bishops Dedicate Their Cars and Thank Partners By Rev William Majok Mayuang

Wau, 19th March, 2017 (Renewal) The Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol and the Suffragan Bishops of Gogrial and Tonj Area Dioceses Rt Rev Abraham Ngor and Peter Yuol dedicated three cars belonging to Northern Bhar El Gghazal Internal province, Gogrial and Tonj Area Dioceses. Owning a car is one of the requirements for an Area Diocese to be upgraded into a full Diocese or Internal Province according to the provincial policy on creation of new Dioceses and Internal Provinces. The Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan & Sudan Dr Daniel Deng Bul is expected

to visit Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province in April 2017 to Enthrone the Internal

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Archbishop and Bishops of Tonj, Gogrial and Abyei among others. The Bishops appreciated the friends of Tonj and Gogrial Areas in the United States and Europe particularly Dr Susan Virgina Mead who raised


funds for the Tonj car and Rev Mathias Scheidecker who raised some of the funds for the Gogrial car as well as the Christians in Wau and the two areas for their contributions to the purchase of the vehicles.

The Episcopal Church of South Sudan History in Bahr El Ghazal region from 1942-2017 By Rev Peter Angui Akoook Bahr el Ghazal initially belonged to the Catholic Verona Fathers, in accordance to the colonial regulations. In 1942 Anglican missionaries from the Christian Mission Service arrived in Wau and

established a school in 1950 at Gel River. In the same year the church was started in the house of Mr. Richard Owen, the last colonial governor of Bahr El Ghazal, formerly known as Western

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Bahr El Ghazal State. In the 1951 a lot of people gave their lives to Christ under the leadership of Governor Richard Owen who acted as spiritual caretaker. When the work became overbearing the Governor asked CMS pastors from Rumbek and Tonj to come and baptize new Christians who had given their lives to Christ. For this reason Evangelist Ruben Machir, who later became the Bishop of Cuiebet was sent to assist the Governor, Richard Owen and he continued in this role until 1952 when Rev Amozai, a Moru pastor was posted to be pastor in charge of Wau town Parish with an evangelist called Lino as his assistant. Bishop Henry Riak who served in Rumbek Diocese in 1979 as archdeacon was transferred to Wau Town Parish in 1983 and he ministered there as pastor under the leadership of Archdeacon John Malou. In 1988 Wau became a Diocese with the Rt Rev John Malou Ater being the first Bishop of Wau Diocese. Regretfully Bishop Malou was killed within three months in plane crashed on his way to Rumbek Diocese. In the same year Bishop Henry Riak was an Archdeacon in Wau town was consecrated as Assistant Bishop of Wau Diocese. One year later he was enthroned as Diocesan Bishop of Wau in 1999 and he became the second bishop of Wau Diocese. He retired on 30th June 2009 and was replaced by


the Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol who was consecrated on 29th November 2009 and enthroned on March 14th 2010 as Bishop of Wau Diocese. Moses Deng is the third Bishop of Wau Diocese and will be the first Archbishop of Internal Province of Northern Barh El Ghazal, Wau (South Sudan). Today the church is growing tremendously from a few members scattered around the western Bahr el Ghazal, Northern Barh El Ghazal State (Aweil) and Warrap State. Under the leadership of Bishop Moses Deng Bol the church has established new dioceses called Aweil Diocese with Rt. Rev. Abraham Yel Nhial in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State with two more Area Dioceses of Wanyjok Area Diocese with Rt. Rev. Joseph Mamer Manot and Nyamlel Area Diocese with Rt. Rev. Peter Garang Akuei respectively. Abyei Diocese with Rt. Rev. Michael Deng Kutpiny, Gogrial Diocese with Rt. Rev. Abraham Ngor and Tonj Diocese with Rt. Rev. Peter Yuol Gur are fully established. With time more Area Dioceses are loading such as Twic, Aweil South, Raja and Gogrial East. Continuing the example of the wider Episcopal Church in Sudan. I hope Rev Stephen Mayuen Mou is there to feed us very well on what is actually loading for the future in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, Northern Barh El Ghazal Internal Province.

Successful Evangelism by the Jol Wo Liech By Rev William Majok Mayuang The Diocesan youth group popularly known as Jol Wo Liech Nhialic (God Look back upon us) has carried out a very successful local evangelism initiative. The group members who accompanied the Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol to the Diocese of Aweil started their journey from

Wau to Akon the home town of president Kiir on Wednesday 29th March 2017. On Thursday 30th they marched through Milo market preaching the gospel to a huge crowd who attended market day (a day set aside by local authorities for all sellers and buyers to meet in a particular market to sell and buy goods).

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the group stormed Peth Lou market and preached the gospel to a huge crowd of over 10,000 people during the market day. They also performed at St Joseph Parish in Aweil town on Sunday 2nd 2017 As a result many non-believers turned to Christ and many believers who had backslidden have renewed their faith in Christ. All those who turned to Christ were prayed for and asked to attend the local church where they will be taught and baptized by the local pastors. On the 31st the group attended the celebration of the appointment of Bishop Moses’s father (Bol Akon Dhal) as executive chief at Nyieth village where they also preached the gospel and performed some dances. On Saturday 1st April

The initiative was supported by World concern, a Christian international organization based in Wau Diocese. The Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol thanked the Jol Wo Liech for their commitment to mission and evangelism. He also thanked World concern and its donors for supporting the Diocesan mission and evangelism initiative.

Now his hand which was paralyzed is ok. So many people believe that there is God because of the great miracle that they have seen. Gabriel

See more pictures of the Jo Wol Liech in the news menu of our website: www.wau.anglican.org

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Bishop Moses Deng visits Chaplain Archdeaconry By Rev William Majok Mayuang The Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol visited the Chaplain Archdeaconry on Sunday 12th March, 2017. The Bishop’s pastoral visit was in response to the invitation from the faithful at Grinti Military Garrison who requested him to come, confirm new believers and ordain their deacons who graduated from St John’s College to full priesthood. The number of new believers confirmed by Bishop Moses was sixty two people which is a very great thing. The Chaplain Archdeacon Ven Moses Elia, Pastors, women, youths, Sunday School

between Nuer and Dinka in Bor town even though one of the Deacons was from Lou Nuer and the other one from Dinka Bor. The Dean of the Good shepherd cathedral Rev Peter Jonathan Beria delivered a message about the covenant, election and reformation from the book of Genesis 17:1-16. The congregation appreciated the Bishop and thanked him for opening of the college to train pastors to preach the Gospel within the army. They requested the Bishop to appeal to friends of Wau Diocese and other well-wishers for scholarships in order to send more chaplain pastors to St John’s College for theological training.

children and Army commanders all came out to joyfully welcome the Bishop on his arrival. Bishop Moses delivered a message before the ordination of the two deacons Rev Jacob Yong Deng and Rev Samuel Gatjiek Muot to into priesthood. He said that a priest does not belong to one tribe but he is a man of God so he belongs to all people regardless of tribes. He gave an example deacons whom he said were sleeping in one room during the fighting

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Former Principal Appointed Assistant Bishop By Rev William Majok Mayuang The former principle of St John’s College, Rev Joseph Mamer Manot has been appointed Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Aweil. St John’s College was established in 2011 by the Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol who also acted as the college principle and tutor while the Diocesan administrative secretary Rev Andrew Apiny Macham acted as academic Dean and tutor as well. In 2012 Bishop Deng appointed Rev Joseph as the first principal of the college after he graduated with a Bachelor of Divinity Degree from St Paul’s university in Limuru Kenya. This is not the first time the principal of St John’s College has been appointed Bishop. In 2015 the then principal of St John’s College Rev Abraham Ngor Mangong was appointed Suffragan Bishop of Gogrial Area Diocese. Rev Mamer is now appointed Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Aweil based in Wanyjok (Aweil East) Area and his colleague Rev Peter Garang Akuei is also appointed Assistant Bishop of the

Diocese of Aweil based in Nyamlel Area (Aweil West). The two Assistant Bishops were consecrated by the primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan Canon Dr Daniel Deng Bul at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Aweil town on 4th April, 2017. The consecration was attended by the Bishop of Aweil Rt Rev Abraham Yel Nhial, the Bishop of the Diocese of Wau Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol and the Bishop Wunduruba Rt Rev Matthew Taban Peter.

St John’s College Celebrates Graduation Victory By Rev William Majok Mayuang The Archbishop and the Primate of Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan, the Most Rev Canon Dr Daniel Deng Bul Yak graduated students of St John’s College at Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau Town on Tuesday 11 April 2017. The second graduation was attended by all bishops of the new Northern Bahr El Ghazal internal province and other invited guests. The number of the graduates was eight and among the eight students, two of them earned first class Diplomas in Theology namely; Rev William Majok Mayuang and Kekulina Edith Lual Kagaya

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who was the only female student among the graduates. Mr. Alenya Ceasar, the College Principal, briefed the graduates together with the invited guests on how St John’s College is progressing. “St John’s College of theology and development is one of the institutions registered officially under ECSS and one of the constituent colleges affiliated with the Episcopal University based in Juba”. He added that St. John’s College will continue growing from one level to another pointing to the fact that the College started with only three students under the department of theology but now it has over 200 students and three departments of theology, education and business. “Due to the prevailing commitment of our staff and a robust support from the Diocesan Bishop who is now the Archbishop of Northern Bahr el Ghazal internal province, other programs like Business Administration and Management later on will follow suit along with the Certificate programs in English Language, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), procurement and logistics management and project planning and management among other short courses each of which runs for three months”.

Last, but not the least, St. John’s College was assessed recently by the Technical Committee from the Episcopal University (TEU). A four (4) member technical committee of TEU led by Dr. Abraham, Dr. Eva, Prof. Samson Wassara, & MS Hanna John visited ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE – WAU from 28th – 30th March 2017 to carryout assessment of the general conduct of the College business activities. The entire four member Committee in their report agreed that St. John’s College meets the basic requirements to fit in the frame work of TEU and the College was officially considered and selected to be one of the Four (4) campuses to host or constitute THE EPISCOPAL UNIVERSITY (TEU). The TEU workshop held on 3rd – 6th April 2017 agreed that the four (4) selected Colleges should stick to offer Diploma and Certificate Programs under one unified or harmonized Curriculum. However out of the four Colleges, the technical team should select two (2) Colleges to start offering Degree Programs possibly by the 2018 Academic intake. “It is likely that our College may be authorized by the TEU governing board to offer Degree programs by 2018. I therefore call upon the wellwishers to join hands with us to make this dream come to pass”. Added the principal. He concluded by rewarding the first class students as a way of encouraging others who are still in first and second years in three department of theology, business and education for them to work hard in order to maintain their

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College as first class. The two students appreciated the Bishop of Wau Diocese who is now the Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal internal province, Most Rev Moses Deng for the vision that he had which lead to the existence of St John’s College. The two students also thank the College Principal for the hard work and comment which he made for St John’s to move one step forward. The students received the gift of a reward of first class with a lot of joy The Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal internal province and the Chair of the governing board of St John’s college of theology and development, the most Rt Rev. Moses Deng Bol appreciated and thanked both the lecturers and the graduates for their hard work and commitment that yielded the colourful celebration today. The Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan the Most Rev Canon Dr Daniel Deng Bul thanked the Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province for his industrial work to meet the needs of the community and spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He also thanked everyone in the celebration especially the college principal and all the lecturers for training pastors and laity who will go and change this country from war to a peace loving nation. He encouraged the graduates to continue with their studies in order to discover more in their lives. “Go and use the knowledge which you

have acquired from here for the benefit of the society and to preach the Gospel to those who are still in darkness. He said. He prayed for the Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal province for God’s wisdom to be upon him to lead the people according to God’s will and invoke for God’s guardianship when making decisions. He also prayed for the graduates that God may protect, guide and give them wisdom for leadership and to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God. He prayed for God to open another way for them to go for further studies as he concluded the celebration with words of prayer and blessing.

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Orientation Day Launched at St John’s College By Rev. William Majok Mayuang St John’s College of Theology and Development have organized orientation for the new students who have joined different departments. The new courses introduced at St John’s College of Theology and Development has hit the interests of the community and now the college is full of new intakes who are interested to study different courses in different departments of Theology, Education and Business. The Bishop of Wau, Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol briefs the new students on the vision, mission and objectives of the college. According to him one of the objectives of the College is to train pastors and other professionals who will go and change the South Sudanese from war minded society to a peace and development minded society. He gave the example of Dinka and Fertite beliefs which are the causes of the inter ethic conflict. He also told them the motto of the College which is “Faithful servants” which he says was taken from the book of Matthew 25:22-23. He emphasized that those who are trained here at St John, college both pastors and laity are expected to be faithful servants who will go and use the knowledge which they acquired from here for the benefit of the community. One of the few female students who attended the College requested the Bishop to appeal to friends and partners to support women studies at St John’s College as women are willing to study in order to acquire knowledge and skills like men. But the economic crisis of South Sudan made it very difficult for women to join the College due to lack of finances.

The principle of the college Mr. Alenya Caesar requested the Bishop to appeal to our partners, friends and other well-wishers for the funds to solve the following problems that are facing the college currently as listed below: Textbooks for the new departments A vehicle for the college Internet for both lecturers and students Computers for administration and the ICT department Classrooms for the new students Funds for female students as the ratio of female to male is 1:10 Motivation for the teachers

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Sunday Primary School celebrates victory By Rev William Majok Mayuang The E.C.S.S Diocese of Wau’s Sunday primary school celebrates a swift victory in 2016-2017 South Sudan Primary Leaving certificate. On 10th Feb, 2017 the ministry of Education, Science and Technology announced that the Sunday Primary School pupils took all ten top positions in Wau state and number one and two positions at the national level making Sunday to be number one school in the state and number two nationally. The father of the pupil who took number one position Mr. Manyiel Dut gave a bull and the rest of the parents contributed money for the celebration.

The Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol thanked the head teacher of Sunday Primary School, Rev Peter Aleu together with all the teachers and administrative staff of Sunday Primary School for their commitment and hard work, he encouraged them to continue with the same spirit. He also thanked the pupils of Sunday Primary School particularly the 2016-2017 class for their hard work and promised that the Diocese will pay the tuition fee for the top ten students in their secondary education. Among the top ten students are two girls and eight boys.

The Director of Private Education in Wau state Mr. Clement Mayar warned the teachers of Sunday Primary School that many schools are now working hard to take position number one in 2017-2018 exams unless they work extra hard.

The students appreciated the Bishop’s message and thanked him for opening Sunday Secondary school for them and the promised to work even harder than before in order to keep their school on top.

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CARD set up temporary shops for IDPs By Rev William Majok Mayuang

The Diocesan Relief and Development Wing CARD has set up temporary shops for internally displaced persons outside Good shepherd cathedral compound. The shops were set up to provide shade for IDPs who have already started small business such as selling tea, firewood, charcoal and mango fruits in the very hot sun. The Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol said that the setting up of the shops is being supported from Baroness Caroline Cox’s personal contribution to IDPs. “I am sure Baroness Cox will be pleased to know that we used some of her donations to setup these temporary shops and use the rest of the money to buy food for IDPs because it means giving them fish plus

fishing net” he said. This comes from the popular saying that if you give a hungry man a fish you can feed him for a day but if you teach him to fish you can feed him forever. He thanked Baroness Cox for being so compassionate towards the needy and for her flexibility “I thank Baroness Cox because she is always the first to respond to my appeals for help for IDPs. I also thank her for her flexibility. She trusts us and therefore she always allows us to use her donations the way we think will be more beneficial to the IDPs, most of the time with recommendations from the IDPs themselves” added Bishop Deng.

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Ayien Community Celebrates Appointment of a New Chief By Rev William Majok Mayuang The community in Nyieth has celebrated the appointment of Bol Akoon Dhal by the commissioner of Awan Chan county Hon Simon Apet Deng Kon as executive chief of Maker Boma under Ayien payam, Awan Chan County in Gogrial state. The paramount chief of Awan Ayien community executive chief Ajang Dut Pakak warmly welcomed the new executive chief and introduced him to the community who also welcomed him with several rounds of applause as they sang Ayien community victory and celebratory songs. Bol Akoon Dhal is a grandson of Dhal Maker who was the first chief of Awan community appointed by the British colonialists. When Chief Dhal Maker died he handed over the chiefdom to one of his sons called Tong Dhal. Tong Dhal was relieved from his position as chief of Awan community when he claimed that he wanted to annex Ajoung community under Chief Malong Yor to Awan community so the communities will be one community under him. According to him he deserved to rule the two communities because his father Dhal Maker is from Awan and his mother Aluel Yor is from Ajuong. He even established Mabok Tong Dhal village in Ajoung Area and made it his headquarters. These actions angered the British colonists because not only were the two communities separate under two separate chiefs before, but they are also under separate districts, Awan is under Gogrial district and Ajoung is under Aweil district. So the Colonizers relieved Tong Dhal from his position as Chief of Awan community and appointed his father Dhal Maker’s personal assistant

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In 1986 Bol Akoon lost to Akol Mawien Wol in an election held at a request of chief Nyal Chan Nyal and led by SPLA commander Daniel Awet Akot in which soldiers openly forced civilians to cue behind Mr Akol Mawien. Today Awan is known as Awan Chan and Pajok known as Pajok Akol Mawien as their respective first chiefs regardless of the fact

Chan Nyal as acting Chief. Chan Nyal ruled Awan until he died and handed over the Chiefdom to one of his sons Nyal Chan Nyal who is still the paramount chief of Awan community to date.

that Dhal Maker was the first chief of Awan community and Bol Akoon Dhal was the first chief of Pajok community. Awan community is now divided into Awan Chan County and Awan Pajok County after president Kiir created 28 states in 2016. In the 1970s Bol Akoon Dhal started a campaign to return his grandfather’s chiefdom back from Nyal Chan Nyal. In 1982 Awan was divided into two communities, Awan Chan and Awan Pajok and Bol Akoon Dhal was appointed chief of Awan Pajok community by Mabior Achuil who was the local government administrator in charge of Gogrial district.

Bol Akoon has now been appointed as the 29th chief under Awan Chan County. The Awan Ayien community which is one of the sections of the Awan community felt that Bol Akoon Dhal finally got justice which is what led to the huge celebration at Nyieth village the headquarters of Dhal Maker on 31st March 2017.

Please pray for Bol Akoon Dhal that he may lead his community well

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Primate Daniel Deng Visits an Army Barrack By Rev William Majok Mayuang The primate of the Episcopal church of South Sudan and Sudan Dr Daniel Deng Bul visited a South Sudanese army (SPLA) barrack at Wunyik. He was accompanied by the bishop of Aweil the Rt Rev Abraham Yel Nhial, the Bishop of Wau the Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol and the Bishop of Wunduruba Rt Rev Matthew Taban Peter among others.

The primate’s team was warmly received by the SPLA’s 3rd Division commander Major General Santino Deng Wol and the chaplaincy team leader Rev Canon Joseph

Ayiei Deng, all the Christians, soldiers and pupils of Santo Ayang Primary School. While at Wunyik the primate visited the office of the division commander and prayed for God’s protection, wisdom and guidance when making important decisions. He also visited Santo Ayang primary school where he encouraged the children and teachers then donated 5000 SSP to them as his contribution put up temporary classrooms. He later addressed the soldiers under a tree where he encouraged them to respect the uniforms as a symbol of the nation. He also appealed to them to respect civilians so that they don’t run away from soldiers but run towards soldiers when they are in trouble.

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Primate Dedicates a New School in Wau Diocese By Rev William Majok Mayuang The Primate of Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan Dr Daniel Deng Bul dedicated a new school in Eastern Bank, one of the poorest areas in the outskirts of Wau town. The school known as Emmanuel Primary School was constructed with support from Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART). The community of Eastern Bank estate highly appreciated the work of the church and its supporters for providing a good learning space for their children. Executive Chief Dhel Akol Ngor expressed his deep appreciation to the Diocesan Administration and its supporters on behalf of the Eastern Bank community during the dedication ceremony. Artist Ajing Wau from the Eastern Bank community composed a special song to express his appreciation for the Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol and his staff and the school administration led by

the Head Teacher of Emmanuel Primary Mr Moses Deng Gor during the dedication ceremony. However the school is still in need of more support in order to address the following challenges; offices, Benches, store, kitchen, chairs and hand pump.

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CARD Supports Vulnerable Groups at ECSS and Catholic IDP Camps By Rev William Majok Mayuang The ECSS Diocese of Wau development wing, called Christian Action for Relief and Development (CARD) distributed maize flour, rice and cooking oil to the groups of vulnerable people and people with disabilities on Monday 8th May 2017 at the ECSS and Nazareth Catholic Church IDP camp in Wau Town. There are 850 people in need from two camps, 750 from ECSS camp and 100 people in Nazareth Catholic Church. The target groups are people who would struggle to care for themselves. These are people with disabilities, lactating mothers, pregnant women, widows, children separated from parents, orphan and elderly people. Each person received 4kg of maize flour, 4kg of Rice and 1 litre of cooking oil. The project is co funded by Humanitarian Relief Trust (HART) and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA). The beneficiaries will be given food every month for a period of six Months. CARD Executive Director Rev Andrew Apiny thanked the partners for supporting the vulnerable groups and people with disabilities through CARD,� I am very grateful to our donors particularly HART and NCA for the financial support they have given us so that we can help these vulnerable people. This help saves the most vulnerable IDPs from

being starved to death�. Rev Andrew added that ECSS CARD is currently the only organization supporting the most vulnerable IDPs in the two camps.

The vulnerable groups and people with disabilities received the food with a lot of joy and they thanked ECSS CARD and its donors for the support of food and help which they said has come at their hour of need. They also appreciated the distribution process and they are praying for God to provide more funds to ECSS CARD and its donors so that they can help more needy people.

Please pray for all internally displaced people.

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CARD is the Wau Diocese development wing and operates in partnership with other aid agencies to bring aid and development to those in need within the Wau Diocese area whoever they may be. Founded to meet the needs of a very poor rural area CARD has successfully applied care and assistance in many areas of the diocese helping to provide boreholes, food aid, agriculture support and training to increase yield through good practice. CARD is run by Rev Andrew Apiny who recently completed a university degree in development management. Both he and Archbishop Moses Deng are very keen so see the same development success, built on years of trust and good results to be spread equally through the whole new internal province. Expanding the work that CARD does to try and match the needs in areas where CARD currently does not work. Growing this organisation will require support from partner agencies as the complex work requires trained people with good communication skills. But such people may be trained at St John’s College giving local work created in helping to develop the area that NBG internal province covers.

Archbishop Moses is very keen that local people are enabled to resolve local problems with the education and support that they need. CARD leads the way in practical Christianity and sets high standards to follow in care, development and leadership.

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The History of E.C.S.S in Northern Bahr El Ghazal By Rev William Majok Mayuang During the colonial era the last British Governor of Bahr El Ghazal region called Richard Owen constructed a small chapel inside his compound for his family as most of the Christians in Northern Bahr El Ghazal region were members of the Catholic Church. Later many civil servants and business people who were from other regions such as Eastern Bhar el Ghazal, upper Nile and Equartoria joined the church so the governor decided to construct another chapel outside his house where the cathedral of Wau Diocese is today. In 2012 a bigger Chapel was constructed under the leadership of Bishop Moses Deng Bol. Similarly Civil servants and business people from other regions especially Eastern Bahr el Ghazal who were members of ECSS constructed another chapel in Tonj town and established a praying centre (under a tree) in Thiet. But these churches were not attended by most of the Dinka Rek community members as they were known as Dinka Agaar community churches. However the biggest church growth in Northern Bahr El Ghazal started in 1993 when young men who went to Ethiopia to get guns to come back and fight with Arab Nomads known as Muraleen (people moving on horses back) who were raiding villages, looting cows, burning granaries of food and

houses in Northern Bahr el Ghazal region came back with the Gospel instead of guns. The young men led by Wilson Garang Chan arrived at Adoor village in1992 as evangelists. They later went back to Dhiau Kuei in Rumbek where Wilson and Jeremiah Ayiei Mawien were ordained by the then Bishop of Bor Diocese Rt Rev Nathaniel Garang Anyieth who was the only Bishop operating in the liberated areas. After ordination Wilson came back and baptized his mother and three sisters and established the first church in his village of Adour in 1993. From there many churches were planted in many villages despite a strong opposition from traditional spiritual

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leaders known as Spear Masters (Bany Biith), the Catholic Church and Dinka Rek intellectuals who accused the ECSS of using the Dinka Bor dialect during worship instead of the Dinka Rek dialect. This is because the Book of Common Prayer and the bible that the ECSS was using were translated into the Dinka Bor dialect. Most of the songs which were used during worship were either composed by Dinka Bor Christians or translated into Dinka Bor dialect from the Golden Bell hymn book. In 1998 Bishop Nathaniel himself came to Adoor where he ordained more young people to care for the many churches which were being planted. In 1999 Bishop Henry Chuir Riak who was imprisoned in Khartoum was released and came back to Wau.


In 2009 Bishop Riak retired and Moses Deng Bol was appointed as his successor. Later Aweil was created as a new Diocese out of Wau Diocese with Abyei as an Area Diocese under it. Abraham Yel Nhial was appointed, consecrated and enthroned as the first Bishop of the Diocese of Aweil in 2011. Gogrial and Tonj were also proposed as Area Dioceses in 2011. Three Suffragan Bishops were consecrated for the three areas, Michael Deng in Abyei, Abraham Ngor in Gogrial and Peter Yuol in Tonj. The three Bishops were enthroned in 2017 by the ECSS Primate Dr Daniel Deng Bul who also consecrated two more Assistant Bishops for Wanyjok and Nyamlel Areas under the Diocese of Aweil. The Primate also inaugurated Northern Bahr El Ghazal as an internal Province and enthroned Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol as its first Archbishop.



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Contacting Us:


By E-mail

Diocesan Bishop Most Rev Moses Deng Bol :


Diocesan Secretary Rev Samuel Mabith :


General Enquiries Rev John Bol :


Mother’s Union Mrs Achol Awutoch (acting) : mucoordinator@wau.anglican.org

A full list of diocesan staff with contacts can be viewed on our website.

By Post: Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital, C/o ECS Provincial Office, P O BOX 110, Juba, South Sudan

By Telephone:

Warrap State Peace Mobiliser

Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769

Mrs Rose Aciendhel Kacthiek +211 914191558

+254 716641233


Lord we pray for peace and reconciliation in your country of South Sudan. We ask that you will open the hearts and minds of people to forgive and look to a future - Amen






prosperity for all living here. Amen.


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Please Pray With Us Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Wau Diocese who work without pay in difficult conditions.

Please pray for all people exposed to famine and danger in South Sudan, that they may be safe and fed. Pray for the IDPs living in Wau Cathedral compound and the local Catholic church. Pray for the students of the Sunday Primary School and the teachers there. Pray for the recognition and removal of all corruption in South Sudan. Pray for good stewardship from all army personnel and soldiers to maintain peace. Give thanks to God for the kindness of donors giving aid of all kinds to IDPs in our care. Pray for St John’s College of Theology and Development and its new graduates. Pray for all people reaching out to help those in need here in Wau diocese. Pray for the education in Wau Diocese and the schooling projects set to help them. Give Thanks for the generosity of Partners who supported our church with new cars. Pray for the situation of food security in South Sudan so that people may have enough to eat. Pray for security in South Sudan so that ordinary people can live their lives peacefully.

Church prayers needs Pray for our new Archbishop the Most. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard for the Diocese, pray that God will help him to do what needs to be done for the new internal province. Pray for Bishop Abraham Ngor – the Bishop of Gogrial Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Yuol Gur – the Bishop of Tonj Diocese. Pray for Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot – the new bishop of Wanyjok area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Garang Akuei– the new bishop of Nyamlel area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for all pastors, priests, deacons and assistants working hard in Wau Diocese. Pray for the Mothers Union in Wau Diocese and the new provincial leadership of Mary Achol. Pray for all leaders taking up provincial leadership tasks that God may guide them well. Pray for the development of St John’s College of Theology and Development in Wau. Pray for the Jol Wo Liech youth group and everyone encouraged to faith by them. . Pray for the ongoing work of everyone in the Chaplaincy Archdeaconry in Wau Diocese. Pray for all Christians working hard to build and sustain peaceful co existence in faith. Give thanks to God for the all the Wau Diocese staff helping to care for vulnerable IDPs. Give thanks to God for Primate Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul and his vision in creating Northern Bahr el Ghazel Internal Province.

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