Wau Diocese Newsletter March 2017

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Caring, Believing and Sharing All in Jesus

A Word from the Diocesan Bishop of Wau

By Rt, Rev, Moses Deng Bol. Education When I first became the Bishop of Wau Diocese it was really very difficult for me to explain to the western people I often met when I travelled how big my diocese was. Truly there are whole countries smaller than the size of Wau Diocese in 2009. I really would need a helicopter to visit all of my diocese and in 2009 I did not even have a car! Thankfully Wau Diocese has now become smaller. The Area which was under Wau Diocese in 2009 has now been divided into five Dioceses of Wau, Aweil, Abyei, Gogrial and Tonj which are the Dioceses that makes the Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province as per the new ECSS arrangement. The Archbishop Daniel Deng will come to Wau on April 14th, inaugurate the Internal Province on the 15th and enthrone the Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province on 16th April 2017. I am not sad that Wau has become a smaller diocese, it is something that the Episcopal Church has done for some time, not because having a lot of dioceses is a very good thing for the church but because it means that the church in South Sudan can reach out to everyone in South Sudan. Many people feel as I do that there is still very much work that God must do in South Sudan and that means us doing the work for God. At Christmas I was in Juba and I saw for myself the very sad things that happened there, in my own diocese there was a crisis that made internally displaced persons and I am so grateful for the assistance that we had then to feed these people through our diocesan development agency called CARD. But sadly just recently we have had again fighting between SPLA IO and SPLA soldiers. I have been involved in peace talks that were successful but still there have

Index A Word From The Bishop ....................................2 A Year of Reconciliation........................................5 A Report on Discipleship Training.........................9 Baptism in Minthoi..............................................10 Two Testimonies.................................................12 Caring for IDPs.....................................................13 New Studies at St John’s College........................15 Showing Love......................................................16 Lessons Lent Course............................................20 Former Cathedral Dean Appointed.....................20 Former Rebels Urged to Forgive.........................21 Tree Planting Day................................................22 A Welcome for Bishop Peter...............................23 Bishop Peter Visits Donja Parish.........................24 Tonj Area Youth Mama.......................................24 IDPs Arrive at Wau Cathedral..............................25 Lou Service Introduced.......................................27 Peaceful Co existence.........................................28 Christian Donations of Clothing..........................30 Shortage of Space for Laerning...........................31 Contact Us ........................................................32 Please Pray with us ...........................................33

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been tensions between the Fertite and Luo communities and Dinka tribes people. As a result thousands of people have come to live in our cathedral compound at Wau town searching for safety. People are in other compounds too trying to stay safe. I give thanks to God for the very kind people that again have helped to make sure these people have food and water. We are so blessed by this kindness. Sometimes I just do not know what to think, I want to find the people responsible hit them hard with my Bible and then say to them read this with me and learn what God wants from you. But anger is not the way. I really think that education is a big problem here in South Sudan. Not just the education of reading and writing or making sums to add numbers but the education of knowing things and knowing the same things as everybody else, being a part of a greater whole. I have been to England and in that country every child goes to school, no question. I have been to the USA and every child there goes to school, no question. I have been to South Korea and every child in that country goes to school, no question. But here in South Sudan that is not the case and many adults here have not ever been children going to school. Tonj area is one place where this is very true. One thing that our church must work to ensure is that every child in South Sudan goes to school and grows up with an education. Because people with an education can think for themselves and cannot be fooled in to making bad choices or accepting things that are really very wrong. By education I mean a full understanding as I said earlier not just words and numbers. Jesus teaches us so much that is good but if you cannot read, even in your own language, how can you know these things unless someone tells you. So this is a mission for us. Jesus explains to us in Matthew’s Gospel about anger. This is from Matthew Chapter 5 verses 21 – 24 21 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to


judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. 23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. You may not know the word Raca in verse 22 it means empty headed and is a very rude thing to say about someone else. When you read this passage Jesus teaches us that anger can be compared to murder which many might say is a shocking thing. But in a culture like the one we have in South Sudan guns are easy to own and so anger can easily lead to murder. If a person can be told that it is right to kill someone, possibly because of what they have done (such as stealing a cow) or because of the community they come from such as Luo or Dinka then killing is even more likely. People need to be educated to understand that this is very wrong. Again if we look at the passage Jesus tells us how important it is to reconcile ourselves with our brothers and sisters. Even God will not accept your gift at the altar if you give it with anger in your heart. So it cannot be acceptable to kill someone then go to jail and be punished then come out and kill again. The education must be that the anger that makes people kill is wrong and we must all work to remove that. Please try to think of the story of the Good Samaritan. Here it is in the way Jesus told it. 30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a

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Samaritan, as he travelled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ 36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Just imagine that the story is told in South Sudan and that the poor man who is robbed was a Dinka cattle herder. I would be most ashamed if any of my pastors walked by this man, but imagine if the man that stopped to help him was a from the Luo community or an Arabic trader not a Samaritan. How does that make you feel? I believe that this was the real purpose of Jesus telling us the parable. He is teaching us and asking us to accept that we must have the same love for all people, the same love that God has for us. Before he told the parable Jesus is asked by an expert in the law how he may have eternal life. What Jesus says is in verse 27 of chapter 10 of the Gospel of Luke. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, Love your neighbour as yourself.” And after the parable he tells the expert in the law to go and do this. So we can see that love will give us an eternity in heaven and anger will give us hell here on earth. Truly some may say that we already have this. Perhaps we can see South Sudan as the person that has been robbed and is suffering, perhaps it is we who are the Good Samaritan that must offer help to save his life. Perhaps instead of bandages and medicine we need education for people to know right from wrong and enable them to live better. Perhaps we must set aside


our burden of anger and first reconcile our hearts to give love. I am pleased to say that as much as we can, in every way that is possible Wau Diocese is trying hard to bring education. We have worked hard to be involved with schools for children and education for adults who have missed out on schooling. I really want to add a vote of thanks to Baroness Cox's organization called HART for providing funds for us to train 60 teachers from the five Dioceses of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province for one year. All of these dioceses were once part of Wau Diocese. HART has also given us funds to build one block of four classrooms at Emmanuel Primary School in Eastern Bank here in Wau. We welcome working with partners like this and look for more. We are once again offering a free Lent Course written by Wau Diocese pastors that will be available through our website. It is called Lessons and focuses on education issues by teaching from parables that Jesus gave us. We are also increasing the study courses at our college of Theology and Development called St John’s to try and help develop leaders for the future of our society, in business, agriculture and ministry. In Wau we must do this but also in all of South Sudan, because if a person is to be well all of them must be healed. It is important to understand that Jesus is not thinking that we will never argue again, but he wants us to understand that desire has the same nature as action. So we must be educated to desire peace more than fighting, reconciliation more than anger and love more than hate. This is a basic first step to knowing God and something that you will plainly see if you follow Jesus through Lent to the crucifixion in Jerusalem and his triumphal resurrection at Easter. This edition of Renewal is sent out on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent which for many Christians is a time of preparation and education, So I think it is good to consider how

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we may work together to bring good quality education to everyone in Wau Diocese. Education that will share the society we live in to make it less violent and more caring. Some of you may be able to contribute a little and some much more, but we will be pleased to hear from anyone that wants to help. I really urge you to join with us this Lent and share our Lessons Lent Course.

When Mary found Jesus on the morning of Easter she called him Rabboni which means teacher, let us make the Son of God our teacher and be his best ever students.

Every blessing


Please pray for peace and for the IDP people we are caring for now.

Bishop Moses Appealed to South Sudanese to make 2017 a year of reconciliation By Rev William Majok Mayuang

The Diocesan Bishop Rt Rev. Moses Deng Bol Akon has appealed to all South Sudanese to make the new year 2017 as a year of reconciliation in his preaching on 25th day of December 2016 during the merry and joyful Christmas celebrations at Good Shepherd Cathedral, Wau Town. When he was standing in front of the congregation while both the government official and faithful were all listening they were full of happiness and joy because of the word “reconciliation” that the bishop gave out. Addressing the faithful at Good Shepherd Cathedral Wau Town and the people of South Sudan as whole he asked everyone to make this year the year of reconciliation and peace and unity among ourselves which led to the remembering of 25th day of December which our Lord Jesus Christ was born to reconcile us with God and bring back the relationship which was broken between man and God. Bishop Moses Deng urged the people of

South Sudan to reconcile to each other because we have hurt each other and we take revenge and do murderous things to our fellow human beings. Because of these things we all have to reconcile first before we reconcile with God. The faithful and government officials responded to the Bishop‘s appeal with a round of applause and a promise to reconcile.

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Renewal If you want reconciliation with God you have to be reconciled with one another. Here's the principle: You can't live in harmony with your Heavenly Father until you are living in harmony with your human brothers and sisters. Broken ties with one another not only sever relationships with one another; it also severs the relationship with God.

3. Reconciliation must be intentional (Gen. 32:3-5) All the congregation were full of joy and they felt like the Spirit inspired the Bishop to speak these important words about reconciliation. They believed that the Spirit of God will guide us towards reconciliation. The faithful congratulated the Bishop and give thanks to God for the message that He spoke to His people through Bishop Moses.

Bishop outlines the steps to reconciliation Genesis 33:1- end. 1. Reconciliation begins with God (Gen. 32:1-2) "Jacob went on his way, and God's angels met him" (Gen.32:1). What did the angels say to Jacob? Would you have liked to have been privy to that conversation? Whatever was said motivated Jacob to make amends, to admit his wrong, and make amends with his brother Esau. I believe that God works in our lives the same way. When we seek to enter his presence, he reveals to us those relationships that are broken and prompts us to make them right. Here's the principle: Don't seek God unless you want to make things right with others.

2. Reconciliation with a brother or sister comes before reconciliation with God

Here's the principle: Taking the initiative is imperative in reconciliation. Restoring a cracked relationship is like mending a broken arm. If your arm is broken you take initiative to get to a doctor so he can set it, put a cast on it, so healing can take place. Broken relationships, like broken arms, are never mended accidentally. They require purposeful and intentional action. We may try to deny the pain or ignore the split. We may think that time heals all wounds, but it only moves the pain below the surface, where it will affect future relationships. The relationship is easier to mend when the offender apologizes to the offended. But, what if the offender does not admit their wrong? What then? The Scriptures inform us that even the offended is to take the initiative in seeking reconciliation. Again, to quote Jesus, ""If your brother sins against you, go and rebuke him in private. If he listens to you, you have won your brother" (Matthew 18:15). Look at that phrase "just between the two of you." Too many of us are Bible-believing, but not Bible-practicing. This is one of the most overlook and most avoided verses in the Bible. Too often, too many of us resort to our Junior High days when someone has hurt us or offended us. We go to everyone else to plead our side of the story, to validate our feelings, to justify our anger, and we don't go to the person who has offended us. That needs to stop.

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When we go to that person, what do we say? Mathematics teaches us that "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line." The same principle is true in reconciling relationships. The shortest distance between two people is a straight line. A straight line like: "I was wrong," or "I haven't been honest with you" or "Your actions hurt me," or "I love you too much to allow our relationship to crumble." Three words have been helpful to me in this encounter. I would encourage you to practice them. Clarify not confront. Often we come to these encounters in an accusatory or revenge seek mode. I would suggest that you seek to clarify first. Not always, but often the issue at hand is a misunderstanding. Someone said something that was taken out of context or stated incorrectly. So seek first to understand. Clarify.

4. Reconciliation must be bathed in prayer (Gen. 32:9-12) Jacob prayed, albeit for the wrong reasons, but, he, nevertheless, prayed. He prayed that Esau would spare his life. Here's the principle: Prayer is the salve for wounded parties; it is the lubricant for friction in relationships. The reconciliation process is not a cake walk. It will often be messy. Hearts have been hardened. Feelings have been hurt. Emotions are on edge. Wounds are gaping. The offended when approached by the offender may look for an ulterior motive and may feel that the offender is disingenuous. The offended may be thinking, "Why after all these years do you want to get together now? Why do you want to make things right now?" God needs to soften the hearts, to ease the emotions, to heal the wounds, to bring understanding to the reconciling parties. No greater power is available for that to happen than prayer. Prayer changes us. Don't pray unless you want to change.


5. Reconciliation demands humility On that morning after all these years, Esau and Jacob met. Jacob, the Scripture says, ". . . bowed to the ground seven times until he approached his brother" (Genesis 33:3). That act is a posture of humility. Jacob humbled himself before his brother. He came with the right spirit and the right attitude. He acknowledged that he had done the wrong. He was the deceiver. He tricked his brother out of his blessing. He was at fault. Here's the principle: Humility puts us in a position for reconciliation to occur. A price has to be paid for reconciliation and that price is commonly called "Swallowing your pride," "Burying the hatchet," "Admitting you are wrong." Every action of reconciliation requires that someone in the hurting relationship, preferably both parties, admit their fault and their desire to repair the damage. Here's the question: What steps do you need to take that would communicate humility to the person you are estranged from? Humility is a common theme throughout scripture. It needs to be practiced. A failure to do so not only allows fractured relationships to continue but it puts us in opposition with God. Remember the scripture: "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6).

6. Reconciliation requires vulnerability At the face to face meeting, "But Esau ran to meet him, hugged him, threw his arms around him, and kissed him. Then they wept" (Genesis 33:4). The two brothers embraced, throwing their arms around each other. That act is a picture of vulnerability. To embrace someone is to expose your heart. To expose your heart is to reveal your part in the damaged relationship. Here, you reveal the hurt and the pain you caused. You admit that you were wrong. Here's the principle: Reconciliation will never happen until the heart is exposed.

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Now, here is the rub. Whenever you expose your heart you stand the chance of having your heart broken, again. People will let you down, disappoint you, and trample your emotions. Crawling into a shell, living in isolation, would be easier. There, safe from the pain and hurt of relationships, you could shut out all of humanity.

7. Reconciliation nears completion in forgiveness (Gen. 33:4)


authority to act. Restitution is much easier when it comes to physical property. If you have taken physical property, you give it back or you pay for it. Restitution is much more difficult when you have said words that have damaged a person's name and character. As God has forgiven you, you are to forgive those who have hurt you. As God has reconciled with you, you are to reconcile with others.

Jacob wanted to find favor in the eyes of Esau. He sought peace. He desired to put the past behind him. He humbled himself before Esau. He opened up his heart. He wanted most of all forgiveness. Forgiveness is not optional in reconciling a broken relationship. Here's the principle: Forgiveness involves letting go so you can get on with the rest of your life. It is not probation, but a pardon. Forgiveness means that we do not require any money, words, or actions as payment. It means that there will be no continuing resentment or bitterness. We hope for the best for the other. Forgiveness is a long healing, not a momentary one. Here's the question: Don't you think it is time you let go of those past hurts?

8. Reconciliation is finished in restitution Jacob wanted to make things right. He had harmed and wronged his brother. He had stolen his birthright and all the inheritance that goes with it. Here's the principle: Restitution is attempting to restore that which has been damaged or destroyed and seeking justice whenever we have the power to act or to influence those in

Honorable Peter Alndal Martin the minister of local government “said that we are very happy to heard the steps to reconciliation and I do really appreciate the message that was delivered by Bishop Rt Rev. Moses Deng Bol it was very interesting and very powerful and if we put it in action and practice it we shall have the peace we need in this country. Thanks to the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, especially Bishop Moses Bishop of Wau Diocese for working for peace and I said here on behalf of the Government of Wau State that the ECSS Diocese of Wau is working for peace and they need to be supported in following the process of peace. The minister appreciated the E.C.S.S Diocese of Wau for showing that the church is really the agent of peace, many thanks to the Diocesan Bishop of Wau Diocese. He promised that today after hearing the steps to reconciliation he will begin to reconcile with brothers and sisters before God.

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A Report on Discipleship Training By Rev Joseph Uyu

Discipleship training was given in Wau Diocese in a combination of three places Tello, Abongo, and Ranguo in Kuajieno . The training ran from 27th to 29th Dec 2016 . The training was for three days, and was attended by 22 men and 7 women the total number of participants was 29. Tello can be found in the eastern part of Wau, it is about 45 kilometers away from Wau, Tello is a village that has 2405 people. Of these people 113 are believers and 2,292 are non believers, the majority of the inhabitants belong to the Luo tribe. Rev Moses Alei requested the course, and the course was needed to equip the church in Tello to become a more effective agent of spiritual transformation in the community. Currently there are only animists/ traditionalists and believers in the community.

Everyone accepted these things easily and without arguments. It was good to be able to say that questions were asked if anything was said that people did not understand. I hope these 29 people will change the community.

The goal of the course was to empower the church leaders of Tello to break the cycle of spiritual poverty through holistic transformational spiritual development. The course was provided by the ECS, World concern, and the local community. The ECS provided a motor bike, World concern provided fuel, and the community provided food budgeted for three days. Rev Joseph led the course himself, he was the only trainer. The contents of the training were : Leading people to Christ, hatred of evil, Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations, hell is real, what does the Bible says about drinking alcohol or wine, and the adventure of discipleship.

The community contributed food budgeted for three days. The church leaders requested World Concern to make training for three days so that people will understand all the topics well to

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motives for mission and evangelism. Deacon William Ochang promised that these 29 people will preach the word of God strongly in the villages and after a few days he will report all the new believers who will need baptism . Ochang said, for those who will need baptism, he will still be requesting World Concern to baptize our people because he is only baptizing children because he was not authorized to baptize adults as he is not a full pastor. William Ochang is very happy for the training, he sent his greeting and high appreciation to all the World Concern staff. empower them and give them full knowledge of

Minthoi Baptism Report – Huge Success By Rev Joseph Uyu Minthoi is about 35 kilometers away from Tello and the reason for choosing Minthoi was that it was the only village where the new believers are. The people who were trained at Tello village are the ones who preached the word of God to them. All 53 people who got baptised were very excited, the people were signed but not all of the adults had signed but the children did not sign. I was very happy at the day because it is wonderful to baptize 53 people on the same day and the same village. To baptize many people is a great commission so I felt no tiredness. These are the names of new believers.         

Marko Buollo Elaria . Regina Adeng Wena Mary Adut Lau Monica Awach Wiel William Deng Wiel Teresa Aluel Wiel Magdelena Akuany Wiel Angelina Anguech Deng Rebecca Awadie Deng

 

Maria Akech Kuaja Jarvas Akuar Kuaja

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James Ukumo Kuaja Peter Uliny Kuaja Mary Adut Ukello Simon Manyual Mawien Maria Apai Uchan Regina Awach Uchan Rebecca Adeng Ukello Albino Nyiyuo Agot Moses Kang Ukello Abraham Wiel Deng Mary Aliny Magot Elaria Dugo Magot Peter Piny Lual James Ukello Uchan Daborah Achoya Makuei Teresa Atong Uruan Lino Akol Martha Anguech Taban Monica Awal Uchalla

                      


Abraham Wiel Deng Paul Ulot Kang James Ukello Ukello Rose Akang Ukello Rebecca Abuk Kang Regina Ator Abik Samuel Uguak Abik William Deng Buollo Simon Abik Achor Regina Aliny Kon Gabriel Apai Lual James Dimo Utho Teresa Achor Wol Monica Ajok Nou Maria Akello Uguak Albino Utho Ukallo Jacob Anei Kang simon Peter Madut Peter Wol Ulot Simon lbino Emmanuel Uguak Rose Anguech Nyibango Santo Ngor Ayom

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Testimony from Two Converts By Rev Joseph Uyu Gabriel Akuany’s Testimony Gabriel Akuany was born in 1979 in Tello village, he was a witch doctor, Gabriel Akuany used to plant the trees for worshipping Satan. Every day in the morning he used to go under those trees to worship his Satan before he go to the garden or touch any work to take the power from his gods that he thought are the powerful gods . One day he went out early in the morning to worship under the tree, then the tree leaf bit his hand, therefore his hand began to be paralyzed and it was very painful, when Gabriel Akuany saw that his communication with the tree had failed, and he was likely to die, he ran to the church for prayers and confessed his sins to God. As a result he was baptized by Pastor Joseph Uyu in 2016 at Tello church. Now his hand which was paralyzed is ok. So many people believe that there is God because of the great miracle that they have seen. Gabriel

Akuany is very happy and gives thanks to God so much for what had happened to him. Mary Anguech,s Testimony Mary Anguech is a lady from Tello , she was born in 1981, and was married in 1997 in Tello village. Before she became a believer, she was worshipping a dog, because the dog was related to them. There was a specific day that was selected as a dog celebration day. When that day came, all the people from her husband’s clan could come together in one place to celebrate dog day. If she gave birth, during breast feeding, the puppy was the first to taste her milk before her baby. She used to take care for her child and puppy together like twins. Mary Anguech was tired of taking care of the dog . In 2014, Mary Anguech became a believer and she stopped worshipping the dog and she gave birth to a baby in 2015 so she could not take care of dog but she is taking care of her baby, she gives thanks to God for the freedom He has given her.

Please pray for Rev Joseph and his ministry, pray that God will enable him in all his work to reach out to many people. Please also pray for all the people recently baptised in faith.

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Caring for IDPs Through CARD and SUDRA By Rev John Bol The ECSS Diocesan administration distributed funds to IDPs in Wau town. The first step was the process of identification and registration of the expected beneficiaries, the most vulnerable civilians whose property had been looted during the fighting which erupted on 24th June 2016 in Wau town between SPLA soldiers and unknown armed groups which attacked Wau town and later declared themselves as the SPLA-IO soldiers after attacking. The beneficiaries identified for the aid funds were given distribution cards at the ECSS Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau Diocese to help Diocesan staff who organized this distribution and SDRA representative to make work easy for them during the distribution on the mentioned day.

The distribution was started on Friday 9th to Saturday 10th December 2016 in Wau town at

the ECSS Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau Diocese. The process of the distribution was successfully and peacefully completed however we missed two beneficiaries in the final day (Saturday) due to other circumstances in their families, we were still taking care for them and tried our best to find out why they had not come until we got accurate information through the phones and still gave them their funds on the next morning on Sunday 11th December 2016. In this way no one missed out. It was a great joy to all of us who organized this distribution to our civilians in Wau town whose properties had been looted during the fighting and especially the beneficiaries who have prepared for these funds. Those IDPs were also showing their happiness and praised God for this Christian kindness and help from the ECSS

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Each head of the household has received enough which will enable him/her to purchase enough food for the family in this Christmas season. Everyone who received the funds appreciated both the Diocesan Bishop of Wau Diocese, Moses Deng Bol and the Sudanese Development and Relief Agency (SUDRA) for their kind assistance to them through ESCSS diocese at this critical time.

through partnership with Sudanese Development Relief Agency (SUDRA). When distribution was starting, the first woman who entered into the finance office to receive the funds greatly appreciated Wau Diocesan cashier, finance administrator and Sudanese Development and Relief Agency representative from Juba for the help. She came out smiling and thanking God for that kind of support which Christians continuously provided to them since this insecurity and tension had faced them.

Please pray for the Internally Displaced People that Wau Diocese is caring for. Give thanks to all the kind donors who support their needs and help them feel like human beings. Give thanks also for the dedicated staff of Wau Diocese that ensure no resource is wasted and no person is missed that needs care. Amen

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New Study Courses Introduced at St John’s By Rev William Majok Mayuang New academic programs have been introduced at St John’s College of Theology and Development. The new programs include a Diploma in Public Administration, a Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management, Certificates of Achievement in Business Administration and Management , Public Administration , Procurement and Logistics management ,Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management , English Language and ICT.

three departments of Theology, Education and Business.

The introduction of the new programs is due to the demand from members of the public who

St John’s which is an affiliated college of the Episcopal University was established 2011 with the aim of empowering the church in order to transform South Sudanese society from War to a peace and development minded society through the training of the clergy and other professionals with Christian values off love, integrity, transparency and accountability among many others. The college was established in 2011 with initial support from the overseas committee of the Scottish Episcopal Church which

requested the college administration to introduce those programs in order to meet the needs of the South Sudanese Job market.

sponsored three among the first seven students and Rev Stuart Burns who sponsored one further student.

The introduction of the new programs has raised the profile of St John’s College which has been growing rapidly since it was established in 2011. Currently the college is well established with

The college is currently being supported mainly by Poole Deanery and Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) with other minor supporters also contributing.

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Showing Christian Love to Our Neighbours By Rev William Majok Mayuang The Diocesan bishop Rt Rev. Moses Deng Bol Akoon, bishop of Wau Diocese has really shown Christian love to the neighbour by sending people to clear the governor’s place. The Diocesan bishop of Wau is working day and night to make sure that the entire community of Wau and South Sudan as a whole have met this need and they are really transformed. He is doing this currently in many ways and just one of them is to train pastors, which is one of his visions since he was enthroned as the Diocesan bishop of Wau. He has mentioned in his speech which he gave at that time and now is becoming true and this is where St John’s College of Theology and Development came to exist through the vision that he had. The motto of the college is “the good and faithful servant” this motto represents the pastors who will be trained at the college. They are expected to be the good and faithful servant who are really committed to serve the Lord and transform the community from the current situation to a better one. With these few remarks of history I would like to draw your attention to this by telling you that those who are studying at St John’s College are good and faithful servants approved by the Diocesan bishop. The proof is that you can see them now in the picture busy clearing the campus inside and outside the campus. After they have cleared the whole place the Diocesan Bishop appreciated them for the good work they had done and he told them that it is not good for us to be looking very nice yet our neighbour here is at a place which is not clean. Immediately when the students heard what Bishop Moses said they all ran to the governor’s place and started working seriously as you see them in the picture. Bishop Moses went together with the students and introduced them to the governor he also added the purpose that they were coming for. It was very wonderful for the governor and he was so happy

and appreciated the decision from Bishop Moses. He said that now I have seen the Christian love and also the church in Wau especially E.C.S.S Diocese of Wau is an active church because we are supposed to do this for them but now they have taken this obligation to their hearts without being told. This can really show Christian love towards neighbours, which is commended by the Lord Jesus Christ for the church to practice. Now we can see really the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, Diocese of Wau is encouraging this and showing it to others. The Episcopal Church of South Sudan Diocese of Wau is the church which has a passion for the community where it is situated and is showing God’s ideas to the community of what God needs the church to do for the community. This is to show them that people of God have love towards them and to have a good relationship with them in the community. Now the church has created and built a strong relationship with it’s neighbours, community, government, other church denominations and NGOs. The creation of these important relationships will bring people together to meet the needs of the community and to achieve the goal which was commanded to us by our Lord and savior in the great commission; go over all the nations and makes disciple, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy spirit and teach them to understand what I have taught to you and I will be with you always.

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The diocese of Wau is working hard to reach out and teach people after they have been baptized. A Speech from the Diocesan Bishop Rt Rev, Moses Deng Bol

The Diocesan Bishop took this opportunity to make an introduction and give praise highly to the governor about the college. He told him that these are the students of St. John College of Theology and Development who have come to clear the place. The college was opened in the year of our Lord 2013 to train the pastors who will go and train others and bring changes to the community where they come from. It is also a place to teach peace and unity among the community of Bahar el Gazal and South Sudan as whole. The students are sent here from different Dioceses and states across South Sudan. For example we have students from the different tribes of South Sudan for example Nuer, Bor, Rek, Moro and the some of the tribes which I could not mention and there are here. This is promoting peace and unity because these students will stay together, share everything together as students and build up a strong relationship among each other. Although they will go back from here to where they came from they will remember each other and they will be friends from different tribes which will make people not to practice the tribalism that is very common here in South Sudan. Bishop Moses said that we are initiating peace in many ways and one of them is by bringing the students to stay together for three years and we will train them and give them the


message of peace and unity among ourselves as South Sudan and as they people of God. Bishop Moses pointed to the place where St. John’s is Located and told the governor that they are really your neighbour very near to you here. Bishop Moses added that currently the college has offered other courses apart from theology we have diplomas in education, both primary and secondary, diplomas in business administration and account management. We also have diplomas in procumbent and Logistics management. There are diplomas in public administration, plus the short courses which include communication, procurement, English, account options and still others. The Bishop, Moses Deng, told the Governor that we need to train the sixty teachers who will be able to teach our young children as well because we want to make a strong foundation for them as the future for tomorrow. Here the Diocesan bishop is really showing Christian love to the neighbours and working hard to make sure that the community is transformed and the Gospel of our Lord has reached out to those who are not yet believers. Many thanks goes to our friends and partners who donate the funds to facilitate all these activities, and we are praying that God may open another way for our friends and partners to give more so that we may continue to do more. Bishop Moses has mentioned the blessing words in that every blessing should go to those who have contributed to the Diocese of Wau. Without their contributions we would have not reached this stage, may God bless you more and give you strength to do more. We have a lot of challenges which need more funds to proceed ahead, especially the scholarships for students. St John College of theology and

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development is a constituent college of the Episcopal Church of South E.C.S.S which is a new institution which is facing a lot of challenges. As you may know it is always the beginning which is hard so we are really praying for God to provide the needs. Bishop Moses appreciated the Governor of Wau State for his welcoming and work in cooperation with us, he also appreciated him for the great work he has done and for being a faithful servant who is very committed to serve the Lord. Bishop Moses was so much excited for the good work which the students are doing. He has mentioned that we thank God for the good and faithful students and we are praying that God may open the way forwards for them to get the people who will sponsor them to complete their studies and to go for further study. Bishop Moses is appealing to all friends and partners and those who are interested to sponsor these students so that they will come and participate. The students really are doing great work, the place was looking like the bush, there was a lot of long grass which occupied the place. The place was made as the home for the wild animals and many insects were there which may cause people to get sick. You can see a wild animal which came out of the long grass while the students were working. Thanks to God for His protection on the students during the time of work in that place which is not good and so many things which are harmful to human being are there, but God helped them out and we want to thank God for that and for the people who sponsored them and now we are praying for more scholarship.

The speech from the governor The governor of Wau State, the Honorable Andrea Mayar Achok came to the Bishop of Wau Diocese with the students of St. John’s College of Theology and Development at his place. The Governor welcomed the bishop with very great happiness and he took the opportunity to thank the bishop, Rt Rev, Moses Deng for his hard work and for initiating peace in the place. The Governor appreciated the


coming of the students and gave special thanks to the Diocesan Bishop Moses Deng for doing this important thing and showing Christian love. He promised that he will come to the place of the students one day to see the place and also visit them because of the happiness he felt. “I will visit your place one day to show also I love you like the way you showed it to me today”. He appreciated the Bishop for opening up the college for both pastors and teachers to be trained there. Congratulations and many thanks goes to the bishop for the operation of this college. The Governor said to Bishop Moses “it is very good news and thanks for letting me know that there is this college here for teachers to be trained. I will talk to my ministers, especially the minister of education to make plans for sending teachers who are in the rural areas and those in towns together to the college so that they will be trained there for three years so that in time they will go back and they will teach the young children as the leaders of tomorrow”. The governor thanked Bishop Moses once again for working hard to initiate peace in Wau, he expressed his happiness and appreciation to the Diocesan Bishop of Wau. He said that I really believe that the church is the only one to bring peace to the community and I do believe that the Diocese of Wau is working for peace. In his speech he stated that for the church to implement peace in that place it needs funds for facilitating the peace process in many different ways, like the way Bishop Moses is doing it. The Governor said on behalf of the government I will go and share this idea with the president of the

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Republic of South Sudan H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit that the church in Wau is working hard to bring peace to the community which is very important to be considered and to provide the funds or give the funds which was donated for peace to the church to make the implementation process easier. He said that now the state of Wau is stable and it is because of the church especially the E.C.S.S Diocese of Wau under the leadership of Bishop Moses Deng. He said that not to forget I really recognize the presence of Bishop Moses Deng to register my respect to him and to encourage him to continue with this spirit and God will provide for him the needs to solve these problems. The governor said “I am so excited for the work that the students are doing and I really appreciate them for the good works that they have done now. The place looks so nice and beautiful.” He said to Bishop Moses that we will work for the success of peace in this state and I welcome you to work together to bring peace in this community. He assured the bishop that since I came here the state is living in peace and it is because of the role played by the Episcopal Church.

Good Relationships Makes Thing Easy We are doing this to show that we love our neighbours, to create and build a good relationship with them. Now the Governor is happy with E.C.S.S Diocese of Wau for working hard to bring peace to the community and the opening of the college. Since the college is new and it is the campus of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan Diocese of Wau it is in the plan to get the land for St John’s only to operate its activities there. By making this relationship and introducing the college to the Governor will feel more comfortable to give the land to St John’s College of Theology and Development a constituent college of the Episcopal Church to operate there. This is what we call a good relationship to make this work out easily and with much cooperation among each other. We are praying to get funds for constructing the classes and offices for both students and the ones needed for

the administration with the staff’s office. We will be so happy to get the funds for the above mentioned and it will be a good result to the Diocese and the community as a whole. Having relationships is good because it will open the way for you to give advice, now the bishop of the Diocese of Wau can easily give advice to the Governor of Wau state on how the government can

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work for the people and for good governance towards the people of South Sudan. The Diocesan Bishop Rt Rev. Moses Deng Akon prays for both the Governors and the students and can be seen while

standing holding their hands together to show peace and unity among each other as he also concluded with words of prayer and blessing to the Governor and students

The New Wau Diocese Lent Course Lessons – the new Lent study course from Wau Diocese focuses on Gospel stories to highlight the importance of education as it teaches the story of Jesus at Easter. Available for free this course is suited to any size group and is very easy to use. Written by staff of Wau Diocese with many years of experience it comes complete with instructions for leaders.

Former Dean Appointed to Lead Prison Ministry By Rev. William Majok Mayuang The former Dean of Good Shepherd Cathedral, Rev. Angelina Ayen Chagai has been appointed to lead the Bishop Riak Prison Ministry. The prison ministry which is named after the former Bishop of Wau Diocese, Henry Chir Riak, as a way of remembering his imprisonment for three years by the Khartoum government during the NorthSouth war. God used Bishop Riak to do wonders during his time in prison including praying for one prisoner who was put in prison because he converted from Islam to Christianity until the chains fell off his legs forcing the Khartoum government to release the man without charge. The government also decided to release Bishop Riak so that he cannot convert the rest of the prisoners from Islam to Christianity. The prison team is divided into two groups, one group is based in Kuajok the capital of Gogrial State

and another one in Wau town. The kuajok team is led by the Suffragan Bishop of Gogrial Area Diocese Rt Rev. Abraham Ngor Mangong , other team members include the Dean of St Mary Cathedral Rev Andrea Ngong and Evangelist Akeen Akoon. The Wau team is led by Rev Angelina Ayen and Rev Samuel Marik Majok. Rev Ayen welcomed her appointment and appreciated the Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol for appointing her to lead the prison chaplaincy team. Rev Ayen has served as a prison chaplain for more than 10 years in Khartoum during the war the 21 years of Sudan’s second civil war. The Wau Diocesan prison ministry is currently being supported by the family of the vicar of St Margaret’s Whitnash and Warwick Gates Community Church Rev Richard Suffern who was touched by the work of the prison team when he came to Kuajok in 2015 as leader of SOMA Team.

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Former Rebels are Urged to Forgive One Another and Live in Peace with the Community By Rev William Majok Mayuang The Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol has urged the former rebels of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLAIO) under the command of major general Dau Aturjong to forgive one another and live peacefully with the rest of the community members in the area. General Aturjong is the most senior South Sudanese (SPLA) commander from the Dinka community who joined the rebel movement under the overall command of the former vice president turned rebel leader Dr Riak Machar.

Bishop Deng told the soldiers that South Sudan will not move forward unless South Sudanese people forgive one another. He quoted the Lord’s Prayer in which we Christians always petition God to forgive them their sin as they forgive others their sins, saying that we (Christians) must forgive others as we have promised God. He also appealed to the former rebels to live in peace with the civilian population in Mapel area.

Addressing the former rebel soldiers at Mapel military training Centre where they are waiting to be reorganized before integration into the South Sudanese Army (SPLA). Bishop Moses Deng welcomed the former rebel commanding officer on the ground Brigadier general Deng Geng. He had earlier appealed to his soldiers to forgive him if he has done anything wrong to them in 2016 and promised to do the same to his soldiers so that they can reconcile before the New Year begins.

The former rebels welcomed the Bishop’s message and requested him to pray for them as they have just lost two of their members to unknown diseases and to request the SPLA to reorganize and reintegrate them as soon as possible.

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9th January Declared Tree Planting Day By Rev John Bol Angui

The Bishop of Wau Diocese RT. Rev Moses Deng Bol has asked the Christians to use 9th of January as a tree planting day in order to raise awareness over the deforestation which is taking place across the country of South Sudan. Addressing the faithful at good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau town on Sunday 8th January 2017, Bishop Deng lamented the mass cutting of the trees for firewood, charcoal and construction which he says “will turn our country into a desert,” further he appealed to the Christians to use 9th of January which is the day in which the peace agreement which led to the referendum and the independence of South Sudan. Planting

trees is a way to remember the day and the consensus the nation which was born as a result of the peace which was signed on that day. Bishop Moses Deng told the Christians of more disadvantages about mass cutting trees for fire-wood, charcoal and construction without planting new ones. He said “this cutting of trees may sometimes cause drought and desert across our country soon if the civilians continue cutting down the big trees which usual adsorbed much rain fall while we are failing to plant more new trees instead. We must plant more trees for ourselves and that will automatically replace those which had been cut by civilians who used the trees as their main financial source in the community. The faithful responded to the bishop’s appeal with a sound of applause and promised to use the day to plant trees as he has decided. Please give thanks for every person that participated in planting trees to help prevent deforestation in South Sudan. Pray that this will be done every year from now on.

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After the service, we interviewed some people about how best they can participate in the process of planting the trees? And their responses are very clear that everyone is talking about planting of the trees with one another in both male and female. We really observed a good mood feeling of interest that people are really eager to implement 9th January as a tree planting day in Wau Diocese. Mary Ayendit Apac, one of the people who loved to implement this program of planting


trees expressed her good feeling about planting of the trees that “I will at least plant three new trees of different types at my home every 9th January of a new year” and finally, she appreciated Bishop Moses Deng‘s decision to declare 9th January as a tree planting day in Wau diocese to keep us remembering the day of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which gave birth to the referendum and the independence of our new nation of South Sudan.

A Welcome for Bishop Peter By Mario Manyang The Ven.John Marial can be seen waiting here with a group of choir children for Rt Rev. Bishop Peter Yuol on the highway of Ngapagook/Aneiatak County in Tonj Area Diocese (TAD) in Tonj State, South Sudan. They are waiting to welcome him to Ngapagook Parish. The main problem facing them as a choir is lack of uniforms. In life they face much bigger issues such as church building, healthcare, water and schooling. Some of them are not educated as you can see below on them and also some walk on bare feet, lacking even shoes. The Rt Rev. Bishop Peter Yuol of Tonj Area Diocese was truly pleased to be greated in

this way and preached peace to the larger communities of Tonj State. God is great. Please pray for them to have a bright future ahead.

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Bishop Peter Visits Donja Parish By Mario Manyang Rt Rev. Bishop Peter Yuol with some Clergy from Tonj Area Diocese centre had visited the people of DONJA PARISH CHURCH under the trees at Tonj Area Diocese (TAD) and they took three (3) hours praying and talking to them about the planning of establishing and building of schools in Donja Church. The number of children and people you are seeing below here have never had a basic education in their life time. Bishop Peter Yuol is focusing on how to promote the words of God and provide child and adult education in the areas of Tonj Area Diocese. Also the peaceful future or stability of the communities from conflict and war maybe possible if these number of children and people can go to churches on Sunday and attend schools on Monday to

Fridays which means that they will be busy reading bibles and text books without thinking about South Sudanese conflict again. Only education and the word of God can free their minds and hearts from the conflict of war among the communities of South Sudan at large.

Tonj Area Diocese Youth Mama By Mario Manyang These are a group of mothers called the YOUTH MAMA of Tonj Area Diocese (TAD) standing in front of Rt Rev. Bishop Peter Yuol, ven. Santino Manut, ven.Peter Chol Duok-Secretary of TAD, ven.Taban of Thiet archdeaconry , Mama Deborah Achot Mayen the leader of the Mother’s Union and ven. Aleu Kok at Ngapagook Parish after welcoming of Bishop Peter Yuol Gur from Tonj Area Diocese Headquarters. In the time of his visitation Bishop Peter talked of education as a beginning of peace in this country of South Sudan. “Our children, both boys and girls should be in school to change the culture of war and have the culture of peace. The YOUTH MAMA group has really accepted to serve God but the only

problem they are facing is lacking of uniforms to wear when they are singing at church services. This is their pictures below, if you want to help them please contact Bishop Peter.

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IDPS Arrive at the Good Shepherd Cathedral By Rev William Majok The internally displaced persons (IDPs) have arrived at the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau town at around 10:00am on Tuesday 31st January 2017. CARD the Wau Diocese development agency gave them food for the first two days which was bought with funds kindly donated from Poole-Deanery in the UK one of our long standing partners in faith. Some INGOs such as IOM gave the IDPs much needed non food items including blankets, mosquito nets, water jerrycans and cooking pots. civilians mainly from Luo and Dinka communities. On Tuesday 31st January 2017 around 2000 civilians arrived at ECSS Cathedral and the number has been increasing to about 4000 people on Friday 03/02/2017.

The new influx of IDPs in Wau town was caused by fighting between the Dinka cattle herders known as Gelweng and members of the rebel group aligned to former Vice President Riek Machar. In late January SPLA-IO rebels mainly from the Fertite community and guided by some members of the Luo community attacked the Dinka cattle camp at Aliny village about 25 kms from Wau town killing three people and made away with 300 head of cattle. The Gelweng followed and attacked rebels in an attempt to rescue their cows but also attacked Luo and Dinka farmers whom they accused of collaborating with the rebels, leading to the displacement of thousands of

During their arrival, the Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng welcomed them at the Cathedral. The Governor of Wau Hon Mayar Achor and the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Chief Mr David Shearer also came to the camp to welcome the IDPs. In welcoming the IDPs to the compound Bishop Moses said that the Church does not belong to any one community or one person but it belongs to all people.

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Luo Service Introduced at Good Shepherd Cathedral By Rev William Majok Mayuang The first ever Luo service was introduced at Good Shepherd Cathedral on Sunday 5th Feb 2017. The service was established as a result of the arrival of thousands of members of the Luo community who have been displaced by the recent fighting between rebels aligned to former vice president Dr Riak Machar and the Dinka Militia known as Gelweng [cattle guards] from Tonj North. The Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol attended the Luo service at the cathedral and welcome members of the Luo community who attended the service.

The introduction of the Luo service brings the services at the Cathedral in different languages to four English, Arabic, Dinka and Luo. Members of the Luo community welcomed the introduction of the Luo service in the cathedral and thanks Bishop Deng for welcoming them in the cathedral and for appointing Rev James Bol as the pastor in charge of the Luo congregation.

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The Diocesan mission and evangelism coordinator Rev Joseph Uyu Uguak delivered a message of hope from Jeremiah 29: 11-14 to the congregation in Luo language.


The Diocesan Relief and Development coordinator Rev Andrew Apiny prayed for the sick and children who have lost their parents in the fighting.

IDPs Urged to Maintain Peaceful Co-existence By Rev William Majok Mayuang The internally displaced persons {IDPs} have been urged to maintain peaceful co-existence in the camp. Addressing the IDPs at Good Shepherd Cathedral compound on Saturday morning, the Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol and the paramount chief of the former Jur-river County (now divided into 5 counties) Deng Kuol urged the IDPs to observe peaceful co-existence among themselves. The E.C.S.S camp is inhabited by members of the Luo, Dinka and Fertite communities making it the only camp which is accommodating different communities in Wau

state and one of a few such camps in South Sudan. The two leaders were responding to the rumors which were being circulated that there were tensions between some members of the

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Luo and Dinka community within the camp. According to the rumors the tensions started when some members of the Luo community accused the Dinka community of attacking them and looting their villages forcing them to run to the IDPs camp where living conditions are very bad. Some members of the Dinka community in the camp reacted to the accusation by accusing members of the Luo community of generalizing all the Dinkas including those whose homes have either been looted or burned by the Dinka militia, popularly known as Gelweng [cattle guards]. Speaking in Dinka language Bishop Deng appealed to members of the Dinka community not to feel bad when members of the Luo community generalized them. He quoted a Dinka proverb which says, “E dien tok yen waar rac nyin� (It is one bird which spoil the river/drinking water source) which means the rest of the birds are being blamed for the mistakes of one bird.


among ourselves including the Dinkas within the camp here because we are sharing the same living conditions with them. He said we should not generalize all the Dinkas specially those who are here in the camp with us because they are also displaced like us by the recent fighting. He thanked the Bishop for welcoming them at the Cathedral compound.

Chief Deng Kuol also appealed to members of the Luo community in Luo language urging them to be considerate of their accusations against the Dinka community since they know the Dinkas who are in the camp have equally been affected by the conflict. The IDPs welcomed the message of the two leaders with many rounds of applause and promised to maintain peaceful co-existence among the different communities in the camp. Mr. Kuol Bol Bol from Luo community said that we must maintain peaceful co-existence

Mrs. Mary Agorkou Cinraan from the Dinka community said that we must maintain peaceful co-existence with the Luo community here at the Good shepherd cathedral compound. She said that we should not feel bad when the Luo generalize us. In that way the Luo community will believe that not all the Dinkas are the problem to them but only Gelweng [cattle guards]. The Gelweng also include members of the Dinka and rebels aligned to former vice president Dr. Riak Machar. She thanked the Bishop for welcoming different tribes at the E.C.S.S Good Shepherd cathedral compound.

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Christians Donate Clothes to Needy IDPs By Rev William Majok Mayuang Christians at Good shepherd cathedral in Wau Diocese have donated clothes to internally displaced persons (IDPs). On Tuesday 31st January 2017 thousands of civilians displaced by the recent fighting between the rebels allied to the former vice president Dr Riak Machar and Dinka militia, popularly known as Gelweng (cattle guards) arrived at the Good shepherd cathedral in Wau town. The donations are in response to an appeal on 5th Feb by Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol for Christians to donate whatever they have to the IDPs. Among those who responded to the Bishop’s appeal included members of Mothers Union led by the Diocesan MU Leader Mrs. Achol Awutoch who gave 121 clothing items, the Dean’s warden Dr Athuong Kuch Jok who donated 25 clothing items, the people’s warden and the cathedral treasurer Dr Abraham Matoch Dhal and his wife Sarah Manashi who donated eleven (11) clothing items. Bishop Deng received the donations and thanked the Christians for showing compassion towards the IDPs. The donations were handed over to the programs manager of the Diocesan Relief and Development Wing – Christians Action for Relief and Development (CARD) Rev Andrew Apiny Macham to distribute them to the IDPs.

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Sunday Primary School Hit by Shortage of Learning Space for IDPs Children By Rev William Majok Mayuang The E.C.S.S Diocese of Wau’s Sunday Primary School has hit by a shortage of learning space following the influx of thousands of IDPs at Good Shepherd cathedral. Last week the Diocesan Administration directed the Head Teacher of Sunday Primary Rev Peter Aleu Kok to register the IDPs children for evening classes at the school. But the number of pupils registered has gone beyond the capacity of the school. Over 300 pupils have been registered in class one. So class one pupils need at least six classrooms of 50 pupils each which is still above South Sudan education policy which requires that each class must have a maximum of 45 learners. The Bishop of Wau Diocese Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol has appealed to the UN children's agency [UNICEF] to provide tents for emergency classrooms as the church looks for a long term solution to the problem. Please contact us if you think that you can help us with this important need.



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Contacting Us:


By E-mail Diocesan Bishop Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol :


Gogrial Area Bishop Rt Rev Abraham Ngor :


Tonj Area Bishop Rt Rev Peter Yuol Gur :


Diocesan Secretary Rev Samuel Mabith :


General Enquiries Rev John Bol :


Mother’s Union Mrs Achol Awutoch (acting) : mucoordinator@wau.anglican.org

A full list of diocesan staff with contacts can be viewed on our website. By Post: Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital, C/o ECS Provincial Office, P O BOX 110, Juba, South Sudan

Warrap State Peace Mobiliser By Telephone:

Mrs Rose Aciendhel Kacthiek

Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769 +254 716641233

+211 914191558 roseaciendel@yahoo.com

Lord we pray for peace and reconciliation in your country of South Sudan. We ask that you will open the hearts and minds of people to forgive and look to a future - Amen






prosperity for all living here. Amen.

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Please Pray With Us Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Wau Diocese who work without pay in difficult conditions.

Please pray for all people exposed to famine and danger in South Sudan, that they may be safe and fed. Pray for the IDPs living in Wau Cathedral compound. Pray for lasting peace and strong development in South Sudan Pray for the recognition and removal of all corruption in South Sudan. Pray for good stewardship of the land that we all live on and rely on for food. Give thanks to God for the kindness of donors giving aid of all kinds to IDPs in our care. Pray for St John’s College of Theology and Development and its new courses. Pray for all people newly baptised to faith and accepting Jesus in to their lives. Pray for the children in Wau Diocese and the schooling projects set to help them. Give Thanks for the generosity of ordinary people who support our church and the work it does. Pray for the situation of food security in South Sudan so that people may have enough to eat. Pray for security in South Sudan so that ordinary people can live their lives peacefully.

Church prayers needs Pray for our Bishop the Rt. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard for the Diocese, pray that God will help him to do what needs to be done. Pray for Bishop Abraham Ngor – the Bishop of Gogrial Area Diocese that God will guide him. Pray for Bishop Peter Yuol Gur – the Bishop of Tonj Area Diocese. Pray for Rev Angelina Ayen Chagai the new leader of the Bishop Riek Prison Ministry. Pray for all pastors, priests, deacons and assistants working hard in Wau Diocese. Pray for the Mothers Union in Wau Diocese and the good work that they do. Pray for all schools and teachers in Wau Diocese and all those trying hard to learn. Pray for the development of the Area Dioceses of Gogrial and Tonj becoming full dioceses. Pray for Rev Joseph Uyu and his ministry in discipleship training. Pray for the success of the 2017 Wau Diocese Lent Course called Lessons. Pray for all Christians working hard to build and sustain peaceful co existence in faith. Give thanks to God for the all the Wau Diocese staff helping to care for vulnerable IDPs.

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