Wau newsletter sept 2013

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Following the Cross and Leading the Way in the Diocese of Wau

A Word from the Diocesan Bishop of Wau By Rt, Rev, Moses Deng. Ordinary Time Sometimes my life is so busy it is frantic and I am like a man trying to run in two directions at once. Then at other times my life is quiet and I can find time to think about things without rushing. The church year is also like this, Advent, Christmas and Epiphany are all busy times and also Lent, Easter and Pentecost. I love these times each is special to me, but they are so busy. The time of year that we are now in is called Trinity and also known as Ordinary Time. It will last up to the eve of Advent. There are no big events in Ordinary Time, this is the quiet part of the church year. Some people think that ordinary is boring but I think they are wrong. Recently I have been fortunate enough to be invited to attend two very important events. I went to Great Britain to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Salisbury Diocese link with our Episcopal Church here in South Sudan. This was a marvellous time and I was able to spend

Index A Word From The Bishop ....................................2 Animal Traction Training.....................................5 Text Books in Short Supply..................................6 Agreement in Gogrial..........................................7 Are Men Accountable ? ....................................13 Fighting Against Violence..................................16 Learning for Growth..........................................17 Progress at St John’s..........................................18 A National Day of Prayer...................................20 Frontline Fellowship in Wau..............................21 Good Shepherd Cathedral Update....................22 PHCU Established.............................................24 Government Reshuffle.....................................24 Contact Us ........................................................26 Please Pray with us ...........................................27

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time with our brothers and sisters in Poole Deanery. The other event was in America where I attended a conference in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Among other things this was a really good chance to make new friends for Wau Diocese. Both events required a lot of travelling and it is usually when I am travelling that I get my own quiet time. I think it is always important to find time to be still with God or you may miss what God is trying to say to you, We are reminded in Psalm 46 verse 10 - He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” It was while I was travelling that a thought occurred to me in a still moment, which began with the word united.


broken or incomplete. In the Gospel of Mark Chapter 10 verse 46 – 52 we can read the story of Bartimaeus who was blind and Jesus restored his sight or in Mark Chapter 5 Verse 21 -43 Jesus heals a woman and brings another back to life. Please read these stores for yourself and the many other things Jesus did, they are amazing stories. So I think that we have to say that unity starts with me and you becoming whole.

Both of the countries I visited also have names that contain the word united. Great Britain is also called the United Kingdom and America is also the United States of America. Unity. America is a country made of 52 states, a bit like the ten states in South Sudan; all 52 American states are joined together peacefully in Unity. The United Kingdom is actually four countries made into one and united under Queen Elizabeth the second. Both of these countries are strong and peaceful, well developed and good places to live. I started to think there must be something in unity that causes this. But where does unity start, how can we do this for South Sudan?

Archbishop Daniel Deng asked me to join his national healing and reconciliation committee, which is a great privilege. As a country we need healing and reconciliation, we need to be made complete and live in unity with God. After so many years of fighting and destruction we must find ways to live in peace so that South Sudan can grow strong and be self reliant.

If you look up the word unity in the dictionary you can see that it means the quality of being one. But I like the meaning that says - un broken completeness, this really spoke to me. I think that we lack unity in South Sudan and that there are many people that are broken or incomplete. Jesus worked miracles in his time to show the love that God has for everyone and many were with people who in one way or another were

Jesus always taught peace and brought forgiveness In the Gospel of Mathew Chapter 5 Verse 38 – 39 Jesus says during his sermon on the mount - You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; - there is more to this and I urge you to read all that Jesus said there. But it is obvious to

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me, so long as we are fighting and killing one another over cattle, food or tribal differences there will be no unity. If we see each other as different groups and not one country there can be no unity. So long as we fail to work together for the good of all people in South Sudan there can be no unity. For us to become whole and for ever leave behind times of fighting and poverty is asking a great deal, it means change, some would say it needs a miracle. Perhaps that is why Archbishop Daniel called for a national day of prayer on the day before Independence Day this year. I believe that God listens to our prayers and has ways of granting what we ask for, nothing is beyond the God I worship. Many people prayed on that day and I think that God can make us whole and show us the way to the unity that we need. Jesus showed us in his life the great love that God has for us even going so far as to lay down his life so that we could be forgiven. God did not abandon Jesus he resurrected him and God will not ignore our prayers, they will be answered. So I think even if we don’t realise it we have started the process of healing. I often find this how God really works, in ordinary times, quiet times when things seem not to be happening. But really they are, really our God who loves us makes things happen even if we cannot see it. Watch the trees all you want you cannot see them grow, but they do. Not long ago I was fortunate to attend a peace negotiation in Gogriel town which resulted in an agreement signed by all the Chiefs of the four Counties of Gogrial West and Twich under Warrap State ; Aweil East and Aweil South under Northern Bhar El GHazal State. A copy of this agreement can be seen in this copy of Renewal, it brings me great pleasure because this is a step forward, to unity and a future of peace and prosperity. I really look forward to that. I believe being the best we can be in the eyes of God will help us to find the healing we need as a nation and help us build the unity that will make


us grow strong together. Learning to see each other as equals, providing education and health care, improving agriculture and food sustainability are all factors in making South Sudan the best it can be. I take this seriously too, because I believe Wau Diocese should lead the way. So I want all my priests to be the best that they can be, as much as I can I try to ensure that they get the education they need to do their work well. This is a great challenge for tutors, pupils and their families but I believe firmly that it must be done and we pray for that. Work is ongoing with St John’s Theological College which we hope will provide education locally for priests in this whole region easing these problems. Even I myself am going to college. I really want to learn to be the best I can in dealing with the National Healing and Reconciliation issues here in my diocese. By being the best I can means that I can do the best work that I can and the results can be the best results that they can be. I really want to see the broken people of South Sudan un broken and the incomplete people made whole. I believe it can be done and I am sure that unity is important to doing that. In some church services you can hear the words “we are all one body because we all share in one bread.” The bread is Jesus, we can know this from the Gospel of John Chapter 6 verse 51 - I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” - and I think if we all share in the love and teaching that Jesus brought we will be unified as one, be at peace together and at that moment ordinary time will be very extra ordinary.

Every Blessing Bishop Moses Deng

Take a moment now before reading on to be still and listen for God. When you have then please take time to pray for real peace in South Sudan and for the healing we need as a nation before God.

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Animal Traction Training, Through CARD By Rev Andrew Apiny Christian Action for Relief and development CARD is the development arm of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and a member of the consortium, which includes, Christian Agenda for Development (CAD), Dorcas Aid International (DAI), Catholic University of South Sudan faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science (CUSSFAES). The consortium is funded by the European Union led by the Interchurch Organization for Development Co-operation (ICCO). The aim of the project is to increase food security and sustainable livelihoods for poor and marginalized households in Western Bahr El Ghazal State, South Sudan. Recently CARD has just trained 28 farmers in the use of the Oxplough from 18th May to 17th June 2013 in Alelthony Boma, Jur River County. This enables farmers to produce enough food for themselves and to gain Ox-plough skills for the sustainability of the project. The training covered practical technical parts, which includes tying the bulls, yoke tied on the bulls, pulling the load, pulling a plough, assembling and disassembling the plough and all the technical aspects involved. After the training the farmers were given a plough to go and work on their own farms.

hard work is not sufficient though you work day and night you always fall short of manpower but with this ox-plough it’s very easy, simple, fast enough, effective and in a short time you can cultivate enough land that traditionally farming it would usually take us two weeks. Plus this time we will not fail to reach our target. But at this defining moment we will be able to cultivate enough land and produce enough food for our families. What is more we will not wear ourselves out of energy. Furthermore the skills we have gained is one thing and ox-plough is another, we had been empowered to train others and we will free from food insecurity. So we acknowledge the EU for giving us this oxplough on subsidiaries cost and thank the implementer CARD for training us with skills on ox-ploughing”.

One farmer was so excited about the training and plough, I quote him saying “Today we have found a solution to food insecurity in our homes, every year we cultivate small land using traditional ways of farming but it has been always very difficult for us to achieve our target,

This is not the only activity CARD does, among others are included horticulture training on demonstration plots, seeds and tools distribution, nutrition awareness, marketing information circulation and training beneficiaries in business skills.

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Text Books in Short Supply By Rev Andrew Apiny

And so what is the way forward? Is the question lingering in minds of teachers, pupils and parents respectively. After the State Government of Western Bahr el Ghazal Ministry of Education, Department of Education Strategy Planning distributed new curriculums to different private schools recently. The ECS Schools of the Diocese of Wau were the most unlucky ones. The text books which schools received were not enough for ECS School pupils. The challenge rests on the shoulder of the Diocese administration to look into the problem with open eyes on what possible ways exist to lobby for some funding from their education partners to pay for publication in order to produce enough books for their students. Or else to buy from the market but the question is does the ECS Diocese of Wau have the financial capacity to purchase new curriculums from the market? Even so, what is worse is that this new syllabus is not available in the market. It’s sad to hear anyway but that is the truth of matter. Despite all these challenges the students want to learn and so what is the way forward to address the issue of at hand? According to three head teachers all of them agreed that the new texts books are not even enough to share among the pupils. The teachers mention the number of text books per class it ranges from five to ten text books per class, even if 20 pupils have to share one book, based

on the number of pupils registered this academic year 2013 each class will consist of 150 to 200 students per class. The situation is even worse in the Adult Education program where some of the text books are not there at all, not even one for the teacher to teach, not to mention how many books the class has received. The condition of the students is very scary as there is no other alternative. From the Diocese’s point of view the issue is beyond their capacity to handle, there is no alternative available now but only to appeal to the ECS Diocese of Wau education partners to assist in getting these publications, that is the only way forward for us at the moment. Would you like to help? Why not contact us? A list of contact details are on page 24


Rev Andrew is the coordinator of CARD the Relief and Development agency for Wau Diocese

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Gogriel Town Sees A Historic Agreement By Bishop Moses Deng Bol As Bishop I have long been calling for peace in Warrap State and has always made this a part of my work as Bishop of Wau Diocese. So it is particularly pleasing that an agreement was signed between the Chiefs of the Four Counties of Gogrial West: Twich (Warrap State)

The Conference identified the following as issues as the sources of conflict among the communities in the four counties; 1) Contested Areas (There ae villages and forests that are claimed by each of the four counties)

Aweil South

2) Places of economic interest (These includes a fertile agriculture area known as Toch-Chol, grazing areas, fishing rivers/pools and water points)

Northern Bhar El Ghazal State

3) Cattle Theft

The agreement was duly witnessed by the Commissioners of the four Counties.

These are some of the main issues identified and more can be seen in the agreement itself. This agreement stipulates how these issues can be address peacefully without resorting to communal violence which is very common in South Sudan. The four counties believe that they will use this model to settle their disputes with the neighbouring States of Unity, Western Bhar El Ghazal and Lakes.

Aweil East

The agreement was signed in Gogrial Town after a two day conference which I as Bishop attended as Chair of the National Committee for Healing and Reconciliation in Warrap State. The conference was organized by the Warrap State Peace Commission supported by both National and International Organizations known as Peace Actors. These organizations included UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), World Vision, Non-violent Peace Force, Norwegan Church Aid and others interested in lasting peace.

This agreement is a great step forward toward a stable, secure and peaceful future for this nation. Please take a look at the agreement in the following pages.

Dear Friends, Some of you know already but I just want to inform you that I am joining St Paul's University for Masters in Development Studies specialising in Peace Building and Conflict Transformation. I am hoping that this course will help me to do my work as chair of the National Committee on Peace and Reconciliation in Warrap State more effectively and efficiently. The course is being given in a modular form which means we will be coming to St Paul's for twothree weeks for lectures and then go back to do paper work in South Sudan. There are four Modules in each year and there are 8 modules in total which means the course will take two years. Please pray for me as I undertake this work. Every Blessing +Moses

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Here and on the next page are images of the people that attended the talks. Our grateful thanks to Madut of the NCA who also attended the peace talks and supplied these very good images.

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Are Men Accountable for Women’s Education? By Rev Andrew Apiny It is worse to be woman in South Sudan; according to a UNESCO report: “Nearly all women -- some 88 percent, are illiterate. A girl is statistically more likely to die of pregnancy related causes than complete primary education. "South Sudan is one of the toughest countries in the world to be a woman," declares Clea Kahn, the head of advocacy at the International Rescue Committee-UK (IRC), which runs a micro-lending program for women in the country."We know from our work with women and girls that violence is routine in their personal lives, and a persistent barrier to getting ahead," said Kahn, noting that women have little economic opportunity. "On a larger scale, it undermines the enormous potential women have to help transform the new country," she said. "Women in South Sudan face a vicious cycle of violence and abuse," South Sudanese activist Monica Wol noted that. "Not only do women face widespread domestic violence, they are also becoming increasingly targeted during the frequent outbreaks of cattle raiding and inter-ethnic conflict." "The best way to improve their situation is to increase women's education, but with such continuing widespread insecurity many parents fear sending their girls to school," Wol said. Cattle raids at the end of 2011 and the beginning of this year killed hundreds, including women and children, and displaced thousands of people from their home, says Lydia Stone, a researcher for the Small Arms Survey's new report "Women and Armed Violence in South Sudan." In part, women are suffering as a result of the widespread use of a dowry system, where men pay for brides with cattle, she says. "It is difficult for women to escape from abusive marriages because their families are reluctant to repay the cows," Stone notes. “That the increase in cattle raids is partially a result of boys needing cows to pay for their wives. The availability of arms and the culture of using them to settle scores is making it easier -- and more

violent -- to obtain the cattle”. Women are the most vulnerable and marginalized people in South Sudan. According to this finding there is no doubt that men are to be blame for girl’s poor performance in schools and failure to reach their potential. In this article men are a major challenge and drawback to women’s education in South Sudan. Some of the women I interviewed in the Sunday Adult Education class agreed that men are accountable for their failure in schools. Women blame the culture, men’s attitude toward them and war for their failure to pursue and succeed in education. Is that true? Bakhita Agalo Deng 13 years of age is in level Two, she said, “If there is any country under the sun where culture has eroded women’s education it is South Sudan, at the same time its where women are marginalized socially, educationally and culturally. So far the so called New Nation doesn’t have any plans for women’s education. Despite the fact that the government of South Sudan said, in every sitting that 25% should be women this is easily said but in practice it’s not there. In most of South Sudanese culture women are not included in family decision making, whatever men said is Yes and Amen. The culture, attitudes, and belief of this nation toward women looming as such has weakened women’s capacity to keep up with men in all aspects of their lives. As such women view themselves as inferior to the rest in society, they become unable to learn effectively and as far as claiming their rights, they always feel timid and complaisant, thus easily exploited. As matter of fact, there is a belief in this country that women are born weak, this has demoralized women academically to the extent of giving up in life”. Mary Akello Uyu drop out women said, “Men are to be blame for girl’s poor performances and failure to arrive at their destinations like others are. When I was a young lady I had dream that one day I will complete my University study and become a medical doctor to help women. Unfortunately my dream was shattered by my

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father in the middle, I was forced to get married before I could reach class five and what is worse I got married when I was under 14 years old. Because of animals women and cattle in this country is a major drawback. After becoming married I hoped my husband would sympathize with my condition and allow me to learn but after reaching home things got even worse than I

expected. I really didn’t enjoy what I want in life; I went through thick and thin with radical challenges throughout my life with no alternatives or hope, its hard and worse to be woman in South Sudan. I tried to all I can and pleaded with my husband to let me resume my study but all my efforts were futile, my husband denied me the opportunity to pursue my study for the reason that I was a married women. Being a woman in South Sudan is not easy, I was a very disappointed women in life and felt regret and wished I was not born woman in a nation like this where women are there to be


seen. On the other side “civil war which has left the country with a shattered infrastructure, a large diaspora of some of its best talents, and generations of young people who have never had the opportunity of schooling and most of these are women. The situation is even worse for girls, where a girl is three times more marginalized educationally, socially or culturally by men. The situation is further complicated by culture and belief there is gender inequality in all spheres of life, particularly within the home, school and community. Patriarchal structures are deeply rooted in cultures and beliefs. Yet there is no sign for girls empowerment, to stand up and demand their rights, respect and space. Some are noticeable by making a few observations about men attitudes towards women and girls in many places particular at home, they believe it is more advantageous to educate sons than daughters because the girls are seen as an asset of an unknown being mainly the future ‘husbands’ which is why I was married when I was under age so that the parents will get wealth. I always ask myself who is important between me and a cow. Young men who have no cattle to pay a dowry often raid other communities Cattle to pay a dowry. You see the more girls you have, the more cattle you have, the more cattle you have the more wives you have, the lines between cattle and women in South Sudan are zero. In this case women or girls are denied equal right and we are treated as an asset, such ideology denies us fundamental rights especially in South Sudan where a girl child’s education is

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empowerment and effects miscarriages due to coming into collision with traditional customs, religious ideologies and even political reasoning. This so called affirmation action is not practical at home as I mentioned earlier, girls are underrepresented at the family level due to the cultural practice of early marriage and early pregnancy. Others are poverty issues, insecurity or armed conflict, home chores, long distances to schools, or schools without buildings or sanitary facilities, all affecting girls disproportionately”. Awien who is 27 Years of age and studying at level four also said, “some parents are typically girls dream killers, unwilling to support a girl’s education especially with sanitary products which are always at the top of most girls' emergency purse kit. I keep a supply of sanitary napkins, tampons, panty liners and ibuprofen tablets, always, monthly period dresses are important even when it’s not that time of the month, sanitary products are a must-have item to give to girls. Despite all these things being essential for school girls no parents ever thinks about them which in my view are main factors contributing to the ongoing marginalization of women and girls in society making them vulnerable to all sorts of problems facing women in schools in general”. Another lady also said, “men’s perception in some communities toward girls is scary, women’s efforts are overlooked, their commitment not recognized. This is combined with a belief that women are weak academically


and they cannot keep up with men in school with subjects such philosophy. Altogether they erode their commitments and with forced marriage degenerate their learning conditions, though some are willing to learn they will be forced in to marriage while still in school. Poverty on the other hand, provides a dramatic drawback to girls learning, even if the girl tries to pursue her studies when face with financial constraints it always cuts short her career. All these and other factors complicate a girl’s studies which result in lack of commitment and their performances are weakened to the extent of no returning to school next term. The combination of these factors have a highly negative impact on their bargaining power leading to high degrees of vulnerability, in particular to education and shocks related to cultural practices.” Hellena Justine a 35 year old Level One student blames the government. “The government policies are not conducive for a girl’s education with little adaptation to local institutions. The unsolved issue of forced marriage and cultural practices, lack of government polices to safeguard girls education, intermixed with a lack of women’s programs together deteriorate women’s education in South Sudan. Until these challenges are addressed properly girl’s education in South Sudan will always remain in a vacuum and be a sad story to tell and be heard”.

Rev Peter Angui Akook the Wau Diocese TEE co-ordinator would like to thank the organisers of the workshop that was recently held in Juba at the ECS guest house. The workshop was about Christianity Explored and was facilitated by a team coming from the UK, assisted by Rev.James Baak, working for ALARM as country director based in Juba. Rev Peter is also grateful to Bishop Peter Amidi of Lainya for his leadership and support. An article will soon be appearing on the Wau Diocese website to tell you more.

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Fighting Violence Against Vulnerable People By Rev Peter Angui Akook Violence is defined as unjust, warrant and power over another (English Dictionary) it is rampant in the society of South Sudan particularly against women, children and people with disabilities. According to the Biblical definition of the term violence, it is defined as an emotion agitated to the point of loss of selfcontrol, or an exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse. What makes these people be subjected to a higher risk of violence are the factors of stigmatization, discrimination and ignorance of somebody’s status. The importance and rights of women, children and people with disabilities are ignored by a culture which regards them as just people with no good sense or worth. South Sudanese culture fails to lead by example in recognizing these people rather than ignoring them. This is even started with the friend or family members who embark on an abusive relationship with a woman, child or disabled person regardless of them being a relative. In this kind of move a lot of problems related to higher risk of violence are always experienced. South Sudanese culture is lacking in raising children to respect others as they would like to be treated. Parents have the responsibility to raise their children up in love and respect. The Bible made it clear that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Therefore, everybody is made accountable to his/her own deeds and actions towards others in the society. South Sudanese culture lacks the sense of loving neighbours as spelt out about the Good Samaritan who felt pity on the man whom he does not know. In the epistle of Paul in the New Testament book of 1Timothy verse3:3 good qualities of qualification for leaders in the church are stated such that a church leader must not be a heavy

drinker or be violent. He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money. This would be advocating for such that this young nation of South Sudan embraces the right attitudes and moral behaviors towards others without intimidation. When violence is eliminated then the whole new nation would be in a peaceful environment where everybody is treated equally and there will be no group who is believed to be a voiceless group, but everyone would have voice to speak. Equal and free chances would be shared peacefully. Prosperity comes when everybody is free from any kind of violence when there are no intimidations to some people who wish to freely express their social, spiritual, economical and political aspirations as a contribution to nation building. It is not fair for the top leaders either secular or spiritual to think that they are the only ones to contribute positively to nation building while looking at others as vulnerable to thinking so positively.

Below are suggestions that could help prevent or avoid violence in the society/community:

1) Volunteer youth programs that teach young people to solve problems without violence but in a peaceful state through common sense dialogue so that healthy relationships are experienced and there comes a community development.

2) Lead by example so that where the culture that says violence or mistreating women is a way to deal with problems, it may be rejected and instead the biblical messages be brought up against those nonsense messages.

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3) Become an activist where participation in an anti violence and violence prevention programs may be introduced and are conducted.


4) Setting anti-violence policies and programs at work or school that deal with economical, political, spiritual, social or sexual harassment in society.

Learning to Learn for Growth By Rev Andrew Apiny

If you want to know and understand why people learn go to Sunday Adult Education this is where you will know and understand the philosophy behind their phenomenon about education. Their own point of view educationally is not all about getting a job and pretentiousness as most people think. It’s about reading and writing in order to remain relevant to ever changing world and refreshing your minds with new inspiration. John Atem is the oldest man in the Sunday Adult Education program at sixty seven years old. He said, “I am not here for a job, or to feel superior to others but for my personal intellectual growth, to acquire new information, to keep current with the times, to be well informed in my own field of life and of course to have fellowship with great minds and to read books that provoke my thoughts, challenge my assumptions and probe my complexities and only that which invigorates my mission”. He continues saying “Looking at my age if education means to get a job and pay, then what kind of job will this education offer for me if at all there is chance to offer me a job. I

am here to learn and grow intellectually that is all about me being here. John is not the only older person in Sunday Adult education; there are good number of students who have the same passion and vision for studies. This ideology is different from what many people think about education, most of the young people define education in terms of getting a job and

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earning good money as reward for their studies. That is the most popular job mindset you go to school strive to achieve a clean paper and high levels purposely for getting job and money. It’s an amazing thing to hear in Sunday Adult Education program that some students their top priority is not a job and money but personal intellectual growth and remaining relevant to this changing world. Not all students are here for a job and money, as matter of fact some of them are part of the marginalized poor and vulnerable target populations who cannot work after they leave school because of their disabilities, old age, handicaps, and all sorts of other


challenges. Most of these people are students in the Sunday Adult Centre. The Sunday Adult Education program is one school in Western Bahr el Ghazal where the school fees are charged at the lowest rate possible, perhaps this is why it attracts such kinds of people. The big question is the rise and fall on the ECS-Diocese of Wau. How will we manage to run a school like this when we are not financially stable? Will we be able to give the best quality of education in this school that has become a home of vulnerable people? Perhaps you could help us support this need?

Progress at St John’s Theological College By Rev Joseph Mamer St John’s Theological College is currently a small venture attempting to serve a cluster of eight ECS Dioceses in the Greater Bahr el Ghazal area of South Sudan. There is a great need for the expansion of services and so a long term plan has been developed to grow the college in every respect to meet the demands of the dioceses it is set to serve. Establishing a suitable training facility in this area of South Sudan is very necessary to maintain an appropriate level of cost effective theological tuition to strengthen the current and future ECS clergy and lay staff of the eight Bahr el Ghazel cluster dioceses. St

John College seeks to become one of the best ECS provincial theological colleges.

Rev Joseph Mamer has since this article left the post of Principal and will be succeeded by Rev Braham Ngor as acting Principal until December. Please join with Bishop Moses in giving thanks for all his hard work to build a college from the ground up and pray that Rev Braham may continue this task with as much enthusiasm and effort to follow God’s will until a replacement can be found.

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St. John’s college expects to receive 25-30 new and continues students this academic year 2013-2014.The Diocese of Wau which is the host Diocese has laid a strategy that each archdeaconry would each year must identify one candidate, prepare him/her send this candidate to St. John’s College. All archdeaconries will pay for tuition fee and 2 sacks of sorghum per a year and by doing so we shall have a sustainable and encourage ownership by the ECS churches.


Also St. John’s student’s dormitory has been built with capacity of 20-25 students which as cost us 24,000 South Sudanese Pounds equivalent to $ 7,000. The Dormitory building has 10 Windows and the fixing of each window costs 100 South Sudanese Pounds which means 10 windows X 100= 1,000 SSP equivalent to $350. As its St. John’s vision to establish a well equipped library in Wau, hence it has now managed to established a small library with sizable number of books where

I personally believe that other Dioceses may use the same strategy or any other methods in supporting this nascent College. The College will this year 2013 receive candidates from her cluster Dioceses such as Aweil, Wau, Rumbek, Pacong, Cueibet Dioceses just to mention a few and all over South Sudan. Recently, St. John’s College has got little funding from her individual friends and Poole deanery Christians in the Diocese of Salisbury. We have so far purchased 10 Mattress and 10 wooden Beds for student’s accommodation and we still need 20 beds and 20 mattresses.

students do their research and reading. We have also managed to purchase bookshelves and here are the shelves ready for use in the Library.

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A National Day of Prayer By Rev Peter Aguei Akook The National day of prayer, held on the eve of the second Anniversary of Independence celebration for South Sudan was successfully conducted at the catholic St. Joseph Parish in Warrap State’s capital, Kuajok on Monday the 8th July,2013 from 2-6 PM It was attended by top state government officials that included state governor, deputy governor, ministers, MPs etc. Among them were also civil society groups, NGOs, Religious groups and every citizen living in the state capital that very day. This was a very important event. Bishop Moses gave a very clear explanation of the program and reasoning behind the event to the audiences by saying that this program is gearing towards healing of the wounds in the past either physical or psychological. Bring peace between tribes, clans, brothers or neighbours etc, reconcile our past differences back to normal positions. Bishop Moses also did give a short sermon on the verse selected by the national committee. Lastly, Bishop Moses asked everybody whether they are willing to forgive their brothers and sisters and if yes, everyone has to raise up his or her hand and follow him in prayer from Lord’s Prayer “Forgive me my sin as I forgive those who sin against me” The best result ever for the first time in the history of the Sudanese and South Sudanese was that the government official organizing committee was influenced by the Peace and Reconciliation organizing committee on how to give seats to different units in the state even in Freedom Square on the following day of 9th July at the Independence celebration. Every unit was given a special section and place to sit.

National Day of Prayer Program 1) Opening prayer - Fr. Paul Ariath, Sheik Muhammad Kon Ajak, special prayers in different languages. 2) National Anthem- All standing 3) Welcoming remarks by the chairperson for NCHP&R, Bishop Moses Deng Bol 4) Speeches a) Minister of Social Development, Warrap State, Hon. Victoria Tito b) Adviser on Peace and Reconciliation, Warrap State, Hon. Kuaac Mayol c) Speaker of Legislative Assembly, Warrap State, Hon.Madot Dut Deng

This is how the program was set by the National Committee on Healing, Peace & Reconciliation.

5) Church choir

Warrap State- Kuajok

a) Deputy Governor of Warrap State, Hon. Akech Tong

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b) Governor of Warrap State, Hon. Nyandeng Malek


6) Closing Prayer by Bishop Moses Deng Bol 7) Departure.

Frontline Fellowship in Wau By Rev Joseph Mamer We wish to register our gratitude and thanks to Frontline Fellowship Mission for their generosity by donating over 70 theological books to St. John’s Theological College. The entire community of St. John’s College and the host Diocese of Wau wish extend its special thanks to Frontline Fellowship especially Michael Watson, Renee Watson and Daniel, the Field Team, for this valuable and memorable contribution towards St. John’s development to achieve its vision of 2012-2024 Library. We also do not forget your incredible work that you are doing in the whole Diocese of Wau by training chaplains in the Military Barracks, we have seen many soldiers have received Christ and their lives have significantly changed which would have not happened if you did not come. Frontline Fellowship do a work of evangelism or missionary work, helps persecuted churches and work for Reformation and Revival in Africa. They train the nationals who are called for

Christ’s mission and compassionate for the heavenly kingdom. The Frontline came to South Sudan to do the same training to South Sudanese or Christian nationals in the military

barracks in particular. They have conducted training at the headquarters of 5th Division in Wau and shall travel to Raja to conduct the same training in the barracks there before they proceed to Bentiu in Unity State for the same again. Their Missionary work has positively imparted spiritual transformation in our churches especially soldier owned churches. They have trained high ranking officials at the headquarters of 5th Division, God has used you miraculously.

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On 4th July 2013 the Frontline Fellowship Team and the Principal Rev.Joseph Mamer posed for a picture at the Cathedral Compound where they had been staying. The Diocese of Wau do appreciate your support and would wish that we maintain this relationship we recently begun and believe that it will grow into bigger partnership in bringing good news to the most needy of nations.

St John’s Theological College seeks to serve all eight dioceses of the Bahr El Ghazal cluster including Wau. It has many needs. If you would like to offer help to the college why not contact the Principal of the college:


Good Shepherd Cathedral Update By Rev Joseph Mamer The Diocese of Wau is one of the biggest Dioceses in the Episcopal Church of the Sudan. It covers

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Western Bahr El Ghazal and Warap States, 2 States, out of the 10 States of South Sudan with 18 archdeaconries over 500 churches and many Christians. The Good Shepherd Cathedral was constructed by the Samaritan's Purse one of the Christian International NGOs working in South Sudan. The Samaritan's Purse left the Wall of the Cathedral to be constructed by the Christian members as part of their commitment and contribution. This year on 11th April 2013 the Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau Diocese launched a construction project; the Cathedral is 28 meters by 20 meters in size and added another additional part in front as you may see in the pictures which 20meters by 11 meters increasing the capacity of the building. UNMISS in South Sudan is not just a Peace and security Keeping Mission only but they are also involved in social services to bring the fullness of human being and change, and to transform this newest nation by strengthening and empowering local institutions as a part of their mission in South Sudan. UNMISS consolidate peace and security to help establish conditions for development in different sections.


additional front part of the cathedral. It was because of the hard work required by Bishop Moses, Rev Joseph Mamer and Lay Reader John Dak to level this large delivery that the use of the UN excavator was granted. Bishop Moses wishes to extend his sincere thanks and appreciation to the UNMISS State Coordinator, Engineering Department within the UNMISS for their continuous support given to his Diocese; “we wouldn’t have made this difficult work alone if you had not come alongside us. Without forgetting our Christians members who have tremendously made this a success, your amazing contribution has brought us to this far, may you continue doing that good work.” May God bless your mission not only in South Sudan but also in the whole World.

See more pictures of the Good Shepherd cathedral project below and on the next page.

The UNMISS Engineering Department transported Mirrum in 30 trips to fill the

Please contact us if you would like to help us with this project. dio.secretary@wau.anglican.org

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PHCU Established in Nyieth Parish By Rev Joseph Mamer As part of vision of the Diocese of Wau, the Diocese with her partners has constructed a Primary Health Care Unit in Akon Archdeaconry, Nyieth Parish. The centre is already roofed, some basic drugs are there and it is operational. It has significantly helped the Christians and the surrounding communities to have access to

medical services unlike the days when patients were forced to travel for a whole day or even 2 whole days to reach a place where medical services were available. Wau Diocese is appealing to our partners and friends to support any of this projects so that it may be sustained and grow to meet all community needs


Government Reshuffle May Bring Efficiency Originally from the Sudan Tribune August 8, 2013 (JUBA) - Western Bahr el Ghazal state will reduce the size of its cabinet from 14 to 8 ministers after South Sudan president Salva Kiir recently decreased his own cabinet in a major reshuffle. Governor Rizik Zachariah Hassan said that the new cabinet will represent the ethnic diversity of the north western border state. "I briefed the house already when I delivered the policy statement of the state government. I told

the house that the new cabinet will be reduced to 8 cabinet ministers in line with the directive of the president but I told them (MPs) that the cabinet I will try as much as possible to ensure the new cabinet reflect the ethnic diversity of our people", the governor told Sudan Tribune on Thursday from Wau, the capital of the state. Rizik said over the last few years, the changing needs and priorities of the state had resulted in the gradual increase to 14 ministers. He

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however said it was now time for service delivery, considering South Sudan’s current economic situation. "A part from being a response to the directive by the president, there was a general feeling from our people that the cabinet size and number of the specialised committee in the State Legislative Assembly should be reduced", he stressed. The governor further said his decision to reduce his cabinet was prompted by heated debates involving various stakeholders, including women, youth and politicians. He pledged that his administration would channel the money saved from the cuts the budget to improve the standard of living in the state by ensuring that more health centres, schools and roads are built. Wilson Ochalla, a native of Western Bahr el Ghazal in Juba expressed doubts over whether the cuts will actually result in more development projects due to the inefficiency of the state government. “The idea is good because the increase which was made in the past was not for the purpose of wanting to enhance efficiency or specific governance needs, but merely to create dockets and rooms for individuals or to placate political and ethnic interest", Ochalla said in an interview.


This was not done by creating specific units to handle new tasks and priorities, but simply hiving off existing government departments and turning them into fully fledged ministries and commissions, he added.

PRESIDENT APPEALS South Sudan’s Kiir, last week, presented his new cabinet structure to South Sudan’s 10 state governors, asking them to emulate him and downsize their own administrations at the state level. The reduction in the country’s large cabinet size, he told the governors, was to ensure more money is channelled to support development projects. The president, at the meeting, also called for more cooperation among the state governors and federal ministers to enable effective delivery of basic services to citizens. Bishop Moses Deng Bol commented that he thought the reduction in cabinet members would be a good idea helping to make government more efficient, using more resources on projects for people rather than unproductive government.

Continuing his policy of educating his staff Bishop Moses is pleased to announce that Rev Peter Aleu Kok who was the Archdeacon of Paliang Archdeaconary and Rev Joseph Lual Deng who was the Archdeacon of Mapel SPLA Chaplains Archdeaconery have now joined Rev Paul Lueth and his wife Regina at Carlile College in Nairobi. Two other Clergy from Wau, Rev Marko Majak who was the Rural Dean of Gogrial Deanery and Rev John Garang who was the Pastor in charge of Rual Parish have joined BGC this year as well.

Please pray for all these people as they continue to work hard with studies far from home in conditions that are often difficult and demanding. They all appreciate your support.

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Contacting Us:


By E-mail Diocesan Bishop Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol : bishop@wau.anglican.org Acting Diocesan Secretary Mrs Clarice Achieng : dio.secretary@wau.anglican.org General Enquiries Mr Daniel Machar : communications@wau.anglican.org Mother’s Union Mrs Mary John Garang : mucoordinator@wau.anglican.org A full list of diocesan staff with contacts can be viewed on our website. By Post: Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital, C/o ECS Provincial Office, P O BOX 110, Juba, South Sudan By Telephone: Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769 +254 716641233

Please pray for the students returning to St John’s and new starters who will soon commence their studies in a new academic year. The college has a new Principal – Rev Joseph Makuac Beck who also needs your prayers.


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Please Pray With Us Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Wau Diocese who work without pay in difficult conditions.

Pray for Archbishop Daniel Deng and his new reconciliation committee, so that it may be successful in its work. Pray for lasting peace in the border lands between Sudan and South Sudan, in Abyei, Blue Nile and the Nuba Mountains. Pray for innocent people returning from Sudan to uncertain futures and starting over. Pray for people that are exposed to domestic violence and unjust treatment in our community. Give thanks to God for the new partners who come to us and share in helping us, improving life generally. Pray for those affected by food insecurity and struggling to get enough to eat every day. Pray for the farmers that must work hard to produce food so that people can eat Give Thanks for the peace agreement signed in Gogriel. Pray for the good work of the Frontline Fellowship and all those who receive their message. Pray for South Sudanese people living in other parts of the world.

Church prayers needs Pray for our Bishop the Rt. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard for the Diocese, pray that God will help him to do what needs to be done. Pray for our two cathedrals one in Wau and one in Kuacjok, give thanks for our partners who help us and give thanks to God for the great progress being made in their construction. Pray for our theological college called St John’s, its new Principal, Rev Joseph Makuac Beck and those returning to studying there in the new term. Pray for the priests and Pastors of Wau diocese struggling to bring God’s word to the people of Warrap and Western Bhar El Ghazal states. Pray for Mary John Garang the new Mother’s Union Coordinator and give thanks for the work and leadership of Victoria Yar Majak. Pray for the need of more text books in church schools to be met. Pray for increased education of girls and women in our community and the students away at study. Give thanks to God for the national day of prayer and the work of many people to make it happen.

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