Wau newsletter september 2016

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Moving Forward in Peace and Unity

A Word from the Diocesan Bishop of Wau

By Rt, Rev, Moses Deng Bol. Integrity I am only Human, I cannot hide my feelings so I must tell you that truly I am bitterly upset and most angry indeed to say that there has been more fighting in South Sudan and even in here in the Diocese of Wau. Why can we not learn from our mistakes? It is a particular concern for me that there has been fighting in Wau and I was determined that this would not be left unchallenged. Fortunately I was able to bring a team from the South Sudan Council of Churches to Wau to see the damage and meet with important people. I give thanks to God that we were well received and that the partners of Wau Diocese have generously given aid so that people made into refugees by the fighting can be fed and given shelter. The fighting in South Sudan, especially the fighting in Juba shames us all and does nothing to help us develop our new nation. It is no exaggeration to say we cannot carry on this way. I preached in Juba just after the fighting and you can read my sermon to know my thoughts in detail but I think that we all must look to ourselves. Much must be done, but we are all a part of God’s work and we must have a quality called integrity. You can look this word up in a dictionary, as I have done and here is its meaning – steadfast adherence to a moral or ethical code, being wholesome, being complete or pure - but maybe even still you will not understand it, so please I will give some examples. Let me start with Jesus, because perhaps he is the best example. Jesus did everything for the glory of God and also because really he knew that God loved him. But that did not make everything easy. We can see from the Gospel of Mathew chapter 26 verses 36 to 40 that on the

Index A Word From The Bishop ....................................2 Management Team Assesses................................5 SSCC Team Arrives in Wau....................................7 SSCC Statement of Concern..................................9 Bring a Change Through Human Development...10 Bishop Moses Preaches a Sermon......................12 Tonj Area Bishops House....................................14 Old Chapel Window Shutters..............................17 Food Aid Distribution from Poole Deanery.........19 Bishop Peter’s Orphans.......................................21 Tonj Area Diocese Pastors Training Project........23 Peace implementation in Gogrial State..............24 Teacher Training Project.....................................26 Two Prayer Requests..........................................28 Contact Us ........................................................29 Please Pray with us ...........................................30

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night before he was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed that God would take his suffering away “Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to the disciples, "Sit here while I go over there and pray." 37 He took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and became anguished and distressed. 38 Then he said to them, "My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake with me." 39 Going a little farther, he threw himself down with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if possible, let this cup pass from me! Yet not what I will, but what you will."” But even though at any moment Jesus could have decided to stop and not be crucified he carried on and did the thing that God wanted. Truly how would the world be now if Jesus had not been crucified and then resurrected? This is integrity, Jesus stayed pure and true to what God wanted so allowing God to work through him. Not very long after Jesus ascended to heaven one of his followers called Stephen was arrested and accused of being a follower of Jesus. It would have been very easy for Stephen to deny knowing Jesus, but instead he did not and preached about him. You can read his preaching in chapter 7 of the book of Acts and I really recommend this. For doing that preaching he was killed by stoning as we can read in the book of Acts chapter 7 verses 58 to 60 “When they had driven him out of the city, they began to stone him, and the witnesses laid their cloaks at the feet of a young man named Saul. 59 They a continued to stone Stephen while he prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" 60 Then he fell to his knees and cried out with a loud voice, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them!" When he had said this, he died.” This is integrity because Stephen did what God wanted even when it would be easy not to, he was steadfast meaning that he would not give up the moral code of telling the truth and showed that faith in Jesus was more important that his own life. We can remember St Paul and St Peter who did so much for the beginning of Christianity through their own personal integrity simply doing what


Jesus had asked and listening to God but even greater than that they met together and shared a meeting at a time when the church was arguing about who it should preach to. We can see in the book of Galations Chapter 2 verses 7 to 10 “On the contrary, when they saw a that I was entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised just as Peter was to the circumcised 8 (for he who empowered Peter for his apostleship to the circumcised also empowered me for my apostleship to the Gentiles) 9 and when James, Cephas, and John, who had a reputation as pillars, recognized the grace that had been given to me, they gave to Barnabas and me the right hand of fellowship, agreeing that we would go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised. 10 They requested only that we remember the poor, the very thing I also was eager to do.” They all showed integrity by accepting the truth, making their faith in God complete and it healed the church. Really the legacy of that integrity is with us now, even today in the world wide faith of Christianity. But we do not live in Bible times but now, in times of challenge and uncertainty for South Sudan. It is now when your own integrity matters and truly it counts toward the integrity of the whole nation. Goodness is like bricks you can build with it. Even great buildings that are very tall, with many rooms are made from small bricks. Putting them together makes a strong structure, this you can also do with goodness. Great things can be built with goodness. This year is the first year that South Sudan will be competing in the Olympic Games. It is a remarkable fact and still more remarkable is that one of our athletes is a young woman called Margret Rumat Rumar Hassan who is 19 years old and comes from Wau. She will run in the woman’s 200 meters race and I hope she wins. Margret shows us integrity because to be an athlete you must work your body hard with physical training and give up many of the things that you might enjoy. If you think that it is easy to run as an athlete you are wrong. Margret must eat special food and cannot eat what she

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wants, she must train every day and cannot do what she wants, she must exercise when she would perhaps rather be doing other things with her family. But because she has integrity she will achieve her goal of being an athlete who is good enough to compete with the best athletes in the world. Margret really shows us integrity and we can remember from the book of Hebrew Chapter 12 verses 1 to 4 “1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, a we must get rid of every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and run with endurance the race set out for us, 2 keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set out for him he endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Think of him who endured such opposition against himself by sinners, so that you may not grow weary in your souls and give up.” You may think that integrity is more than you can do and that the chance for you to show integrity to others has passed. But this is not true, you would be giving up before you even started! In another article in this magazine you will learn how the people of Wau came together to replace the damaged old windows of the Old Chapel Building. This was all done by them and this act also showed integrity in two ways. First it showed people that doing what is right is important because many people gave time and money to repair the windows. But second it also showed that something which is damaged can be repaired and made well. Saint Peter and Saint Paul knew this fact when they met and healed the church. The chapel could have been left alone, but with new windows it is made whole again and more able to do the work it was created for. This is integrity that shows what can be done when we work together to make something whole. In Christianity we believe that people, just like buildings can be repaired or made new again by their sins being forgiven. It

is the thing that Jesus was prepared to be crucified for. Just like the chapel it requires work and sacrifice, time and healing but in the end that person is better able to be the person God always intended them to be. There are a great number of people in South Sudan that need this healing repair work and that requires a great number of people with integrity to do the healing work. Too many of the people in our country are greedy and foolish. Too many of our leaders squander the riches of our country that should benefit all the people of South Sudan and build up this nation. Too many of our people are poorly educated and know more about guns than books, more about killing than farming. We must change and the change must start with each of us. Examine your heart to see if you have integrity, help your neighbour. Practice integrity every day so that you become good at it, like a spiritual athlete. Compete with others to do good things and lead by example, the example that Jesus Christ gave to us. You can read about it in the Bible or come to church and we will teach you. Then we will all know peace, then we will all know development and then South Sudan will become the great nation that God always wanted us to be.

Every blessing


After word: Margret did not win her race but it should be notes that she came within 2 seconds of the gold medal winner’s time. This is a stunning achievement. It shows what you can do when you try and next time I am sure she will be even better. Join me in congratulating Margret and let us follow her example of work , sacrifice and achievement.

Please pray for peace and good governance in South Sudan.

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Diocesan Management Team Assess the Civilians’ Situation and Priority Needs During the Fighting in Wau By Rev John Bol

The Rt. Rev Bishop Moses Deng sent his diocesan staff (management team) to access all locations occupied by the IDPs to see and identify their immediate priority needs to help him plan on how the Diocese may intervene to get them humanitarian assistance and other support by donations through ECSS Christian Action for Relief and Development (ECSSCARD). The staff visited Nazareth, Wau Catholic Diocese compound, ECSS Wau diocese compound as well as the Red Cross compound.

The followings are their immediate priority needs:1. Water. 2. Food. 3. Temporary shelter

Above all are their immediate priority needs because all of them were not able to get enough water and food since the day the current fighting erupted in Wau State. While there were young children and aging people among the group in the camps, they are also worried that if the rain falls today there will be no shelters for them to keep children and aging people safe from it. But nevertheless, more support is required by them. The estimated number of all women, children and men is 5000 and more people are still coming in because UNIMISS refused to accommodate people inside their compound. UNMISS gathered them outside which make them still feel insecure and needing to move

from there to another safe place like Church compounds. The fighting erupted in Wau when unknown armed groups with different motives attacked Wau town from jebel Rahaah and Jebel Keer South of the Wau state capital. We have heard the gunshot sound (bang) almost everywhere in

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University of Bahr El Ghazal were shot dead at the university campus during this fighting.

the town from every direction. This fighting erupted soon after only a few days of the captured attack of Raja which was recently over. More launching attacks have rapidly spread all over the town and near villages from unspecified armed groups out of town, that “they have also a planed to capture Wau town very soon” There was an atmosphere of great fear, everyone in the town and the nearest villages were aware of this launching attack, even the former Governor of Wau State Hon. Eliese Waya mentioned it in his speeches during the launch ceremony of LOGOSEED at the Ross Hotel in Wau town that he had also heard of it. The fighting caused a lot of destruction of property in the town and loss of human life. Some of the people died of gunshot from cross fire all over the town even students at the

Thieves were involved in generating a worse situation throughout the night of that day. Most of the street children broke into more shops and houses. They looted all the things left after people ran for safety. The looting was going on in a serious fashion until the night. In every house where ever people live all over the town, during that night the sound of gunshots were heard over the houses through the sky for their protection so that robbers may know there is a gun man in each house. It has really seemed true when the robbers attacked some houses where they didn’t heard the

gunshot sound (Bang) from it. There is a general estimated number of IDPs in the camps still within Wau and others outside of the town as a result of the current violence of more than 100,000 people displaced, and their properties are actually looted. The security situation remains unstable in Wau town and the communities which have had their property looted could be suffering from hunger. This may require humanitarian assistance from humanitarian organizations to intervene with immediate support. Therefore the ECSS Diocese of Wau administration has opened an appeal to all peace partners and humanitarian supporters to help this community. Especially we ask

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Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) and Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF), ECSS Diocese of Wau partners to intervene and


support them as well as possible through Christian Action for Relief and Development (ECSS-CARD) as they have done before.

Bishop Moses Arrives From Juba with a SSCC Team of Four Bishops to See the Situation in Wau By Rev John Bol Bishop Moses Deng of Wau Diocese invited four Bishops and South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) members to come with him together on Monday 4/July/2016 from Juba to see the situation of civilians in Wau town from recent fighting and meet with the Governor to discuss the ways forward on how both Church and the government of the state can join hands to help these groups of civilians in camps and how to address the current tension of fighting within the towns of Wau state. The ECS Diocese of Wau administration led by the Rt. Rev Bishop Moses Deng Bol and South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) in Wau state and from the head office in Juba all shout with voices for lasting peace in Wau state and South Sudan at large. They also appealed for humanitarian assistant to help the most affected community in Wau town as well as elsewhere all over South Sudan where there is insecurity such

as the community of Raga where there was serious fighting before Wau. The Rt. Rev Bishop Moses Deng Bol return back to Juba with the team on Tuesday 5/July.2016 in the morning to discuss the issues of peace and how to provide humanitarian assistant to civilians in Wau town especially those whose property had looted during the fighting. Most of the people ran to UNIMISS, the church compounds and other UN camps for safety during the time of fighting and are expected to be returning home soon if the tension has returned to normal.

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In returning back to Juba, the team of the South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) with Bishop Moses Deng Bol have almost done a schedule on how to support the civilians affected by the situation of fighting in Wau town. But


The meeting was referring to the review of implementation of the current agreement signed nearly a year ago in Addis Ababa which determined the joining of two troops in Juba under the terms of the deal described by the IGAD peace agreement booklet. The fighting broke out at the main gate of the presidential palace and continued advancing to Jebel Kunyjur, Thong-piny, and Juba International airport. It has been continuous since the day of fighting started and has almost held for three days. However, there were the loss of more lives of people, the Church leaders still appeal for calm and continue calling for a peace. Very fortunately, the situation of both Wau and Juba is now calm. No random sound of gun shots over the cities any more. But the tension has left people in a great hunger. We just appeal for humanitarian assistant to help these most affected communities and we are continuing to pray for those who have been killed, their families and those that killed them to be repent and get forgiveness of their sins from God. Also we appeal for the repentance of all South Sudan leaders and the community as well.

unfortunately, the fighting erupted again in Juba at the gate of the presidential palace between bodyguards of the president Salva Kiir Mayardit and the former first vice president Riek Machar. It has happened when the two leaders were in the meeting for addressing the issues that caused a fighting at a checkpoint between the soldiers of the SPLA and the soldiers of the SPLA-IO in the past two days.

Please pray for the work of the South Sudan Council of Churches in South Sudan as they attempt to foster peace and bring important relief aid, especially for the people of Wau.

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SOUTH SUDAN COUNCIL OF CHURCHES 10TH JULY 2016 STATEMENT OF CONCERN REGARDING INSECURITY Yahweh puts an end to wars over the whole wide world, he breaks the bow, he snaps the spear, shields he burns in the fire. Be still and acknowledge that I am God, supreme over nations, supreme over the world. (Psalm 46: 9-10) We, the leaders of the Church in South Sudan, are extremely disturbed about the fatal shootings which occurred in Juba on the evenings of 7th and 8th July 2016 and the morning of 10th July. We make no judgement as to how or why they occurred, nor who is to blame, but we note with concern that there have been a number of incidents recently, and that tension is increasing. We condemn all acts of violence without exception. The time for carrying and using weapons has ended; now is the time to build a peaceful nation. We pray for those who have been killed, and for their families, and we ask God's forgiveness for those who have done the killing. However we also urge repentance and a firm commitment from all armed individuals, forces and communities, and from their leaders, to create an atmosphere where violence is not an option. We are encouraged by the statements from both President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Riek Machar calling for calm. We add our voices to theirs, and urge soldiers and civilians to refrain from provocative words and actions, and to do everything in their power to avoid escalating the situation. We also note with concern that such killings are not confined to Juba. A team from SSCC has just returned from Wau after a pastoral visit to show solidarity with the people there, and we cannot forget the recent killing of our missionary Sister Dr Veronika in Yei only two monthsago, as well as many other cases which are so common that they pass almost unnoticed. We assure you of our prayers during these difficult times, and once again call for calm and hope.

May God bless you.

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Bring A Change Through Human Development and Professional Skills By Rev John Bol Bishop Moses Deng Bol addressed the students of St John’s College of Theology and Development during the launching of a new diploma course in business administration and management in Wau on Monday 23/05/2016. He further told them to learn more here and return with equivalent knowledge and professional skills that will help in making a change to the community through the creation of selfemployment and new opportunities as well. Such opportunities, like business initiation and other professional duties, which can create job opportunities for the community so that some of the people who didn’t get a paying job from the government in the past have used that chance

Africa Universities which is known as St Paul’s University in Limuru Kenya. Bishop Moses had decided to prepare his students with sufficient knowledge and send them back again in order to succeed the next examination for the new intake of the following year. This was why he taught English at the beginning and later decided to have the additional subjects of theological studies, which he invited Rev Andrew Apiny Macham to teach part of it, and some of it learned from theological books while he also continued to teach English and an Introduction to New Testament and Old Testament.

for them, but not for them to be changed within the community. The opening of St John’s College of Theology and Development was really good luck through Bishop Moses Deng Bol Akoon to start from no source of Theological Education in Wau Diocese since before the time he had become ECS Bishop of Wau Diocese. Possibly it had happened to start as like a coaching center for two students who he had sent to Juba for further studies and who failed to succeed a Special Entrance Examination (SEE) from the very challenging university, among the best Eastern

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The coaching went well until one of the students had successfully passed the Special Entrance Examination (SEE) from St Paul’s University and had completed his studies of a Diploma in theology last year (2015) from that University. The other one had also continued to study in Wau as the first student for St John’s College of Theology and Development until he completed his theological studies and graduated with a Diploma in this year - 2016 as the first graduate from St John’s College. Now St John’s College of Theology and Development is currently getting itself in a good position through educational partners of Wau Diocese who can contribute financial support, human resources and proper guidance for Bishop Moses Deng Bol Akoon’s visionary plan. His plan is of educational training of Church leaders and other people in different professional skills to “transform the community”. As Bishop Moses had always stated “train a person for a change to change their self and the nation but don’t force them to change” because change knows its own time or it has its own time. It is an unknown process by which everyone can automatically experience or get themselves into a life full changes. As there have been a lot of changes in our society such as spiritual, mental, emotional, geographical and environmental changes and the rest are to be mentioned for a change but only few for now. Rushing this opportunity can be a mistake. Let me briefly bring your attention back to the point I am trying to explain, Bishop Moses wants to train the people in different professional skills and different knowledge of leadership styles so

that they may “transform the communities” with a comprehensive knowledge of understanding the truths and modern systems which consider all the rights of every individuals in the community and in society as well.

Bishop Moses Deng Bol Akoon wants to see the expansion of this college so much that he had told the administration of St John’s College of Theology and Development to introduce two classes of different courses early in this year. The expansion of the college was started this year (2016) to introduce diploma classes in teachers’ training from January to April and business administration and management programs are to be introduced from May to July, which was recently celebrated in Wau Diocese. St John‘s College of Theology and Development has seen a rapid speed of progresses that will soon help the communities of Greater Bahr El

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Ghazal as well as all the communities of South Sudan in general within the next few years by producing highly qualified students with different professional skills which will fit in any given assignment, post or to anyone according to the professional skills determined by the courses that one had chosen. Bishop Moses Deng Bol Akoon concluded his speeches that, “through the help of St John’s College of Theology and Development, we will


be paving a way forward to successful achievement which we hope ahead and so we called “community transformation” very soon, in the next few years, through God and His guidance”. Thank you very much for your participation in upgrading St John‘s additional classes of professional skills.

A Bishop Moses Preaches A Sermon Sunday 17th July 2016 Emmanuel Parish, Juba South Sudan Biblical Texts Genesis 1:26, Mathew 25:14-30 the Parable of the Talents. Theme: The Kingdom of God

Introduction Jesus told the parable of the talents in which he compared the kingdom of God with a Master who went on a journey and entrusted his money (talents) to three of his servants to manage it while he is away and account to him once he returned. According to Jesus each of the servants was given a certain number of talents based on his/her ability. We will draw five Principles out of this parable and apply them in our own contexts (family, offices and businesses) as individuals and as a Country. 1) The Principle of ownership-In this parable the Master (God) is the owner of the resources (talents). In Genesis 1:1 God is the creator of the universe and everything in it. So it is very clear that God is the real owner of everything we have including ourselves and our talents (abilities).

2) The principle of Responsibility-In the parable the three servants were given the responsibility of managing the resources on behalf of their master. In Genesis 1:26 God gave the responsibility of managing all the resources he created to humanity (male and female) to manage them on his behalf. So we are given the responsibility by God to take care of his creation. 3) The principle of Accountability-In the parable each of the three servants was expected to account to his master for the resources entrusted to him. The aim of the accountability is to know how the servants have used the resources they were given in order to gain more resources. So God wants us to use the resources he has entrusted to us to gain more resources.

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4) The Principle of Reward-This principle is based on the result of the accountability. In the parable two of the three servants gave their master a good account on how they have used the resources he has entrusted to them to gain more resources. The master rewarded them with appreciation (well done, you good and faithful servants) and by giving them more resources and responsibilities. 5) The principle of Punishment-In the parable one of the three servants buried the talent which was entrusted to him and he did not use it to gain more talents. So the master punished him with an insult (bad and lazy servant), the talent he had was taken away from him and he was thrown out in the darkness, a place of crying and grinding of teeth.

Conclusion Where are we in this parable as South Sudanese? Are we being rewarded or being punished? In my view God is currently punishing us for misusing the resources he has entrusted to us for the last ten years. As a country God has blessed us with abundant natural resources underground, on the ground and in the waters as mentioned in our National Anthem and in Jok Lal’s song (Junub Adik). But we have not used these resources to invest in projects that will generate more income for the country such as agricultural schemes, businesses, education etc. Instead we have wasted all our money on big and very expensive cars, renting big houses in the neighbouring countries, staying in very expensive hotels for years etc. While the South Sudanese women and children, particularly widows and orphans, who lost their husbands and parents in the liberation struggle are begging on the streets of almost all the South Sudanese towns. So God is not happy with us and is punishing us now by taking away even the little we had. However the good news is that there is a room for repentance. God wants us to repent our sins


and he will forgive us and bless our nation again with peace and more resources. So I appeal to all of us to repent and ask God for forgiveness and blessing. I also appeal to the Government to prioritise at least three projects of security, roads and the rule of law because no one else can do any of these except the Government. These three will facilitate the Churches, NGOs and the business community to invest in other schemes such as education, agriculture and health etc

Thank you for listening and May God bless you


A Personal Commentary I gave that sermon because I believe that one of the reasons why South Sudan is back in War is what the Director of the Enough Project, John Pendergest called unchecked greed. God blessed it us with abundant resources but our leaders have mismanaged the resources by wasting them on luxurious vehicles, staying in big hotels for years, buying or renting big houses in neighbouring countries etc while millions of South Sudanese have no way to meet their own basic needs of food, shelter, health care and education. There is too much corruption in which leaders have stolen billion of dollars which could have been used for the development of the Country. This is the root cause of the current war. We also did not thank God for giving us our Country. Instead we praised ourselves for having liberated ourselves on our own, which is not true.

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Tonj Area Diocese Fundraising Initiation for the Bishop’s House Renovation By Rev John Bol The fundraising has been successful for the renovation of the house of the bishop in Tonj Area Diocese. The committee for developmental programs has been struggling to make a complete work of the house of the bishop by collecting any individual contribution from the local resources. The committee was formed to mobilize funds from the community and will consider receiving anything that anyone can afford to contribute form the community. They are indeed still trying to get more funds for the continuation of the work and until they have achieved a common expectation goal which is “a completion of the work” in the near future. The community and congregation is very willing and ready to contribute what they can afford, especially their available resources which includes Groundnut, Simsim, Dura, cows, goats, chickens, money and other

resources like plots (a piece of land in the town) for this project as well as contributing anything they can find. The construction committee is also pleased to welcome any support from our colleagues and partners who can take a lead to support us with financial help and regular prayers which help us to find a successful way in any developmental progresses in the Diocese. Good news had come when the construction committee met for the second time after their appointment. They reported 23,437 SSP donated, plus one cow, one goat, one plot, two sacks of groundnuts, 7 chickens, and some kilos (maluos) of different food stuffs. The construction committee and the Church congregation were very happy for a successful beginning of fundraising in Tonj area Diocese.

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Each one of the members of the construction committee has given their position, title and description their duty in the committee. The Construction Committee is formed to run fundraising processes or be able to oversee the progression of daily activities of the work until the processes of renovation have been completed. The Area Diocesan Bishop, Peter Yuol Gur appreciated the process of nomination done by the construction committee members. When they set up their administration system they considered a gender balance in the top positions and arrangement of the committee leadership. Especially the inclusion of women in the top positions of the construction committee so that both genders may contribute their effective efforts toward this proposal and feel equal in the practical participation on this given work. Therefore, we are currently working hard on the requirements and conditions that need to be fulfilled before getting a new fully independent Diocese from our mother Diocese (Wau Diocese) as required by the provincial constitution. In regard to the new ways designed for raising funds they will surely complete the work, as we have observed from their progress within these few days after their appointment. We are sure, they can be able to manage these resources until the completion of the work is guaranteed. Our Area Diocese will meet its requirements through the provision of a productive construction committee which will facilitate a process of complete construction before starting work on other issues for the new area to become a Diocese. Thank you for your tireless commitment and contributions for construction, we are working on it.

See more Pictures on the next page.


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Fundraising for Windows Panels of the Old Chapel By Rev John Bol Bishop Moses Deng Bol attended an English and Arabic combined service on Sunday 12th June 2016 in the old building chapel in Wau Diocese. He addressed the congregation and appreciated their well-organized choir and their active and attentive participation in the worship. He then announced fundraising for buying new window panels and frames to fix all the windows of the old chapel with modern metallic window panels and remove the older wooden panel some of which had already fallen down from their normal position. Bishop Moses further suggested fixing one per a week until all the windows will be completely fixed if it is hard for us to completely cover one side in a week or complete all side as soon as possible. He then gave an opportunity to others for their suggestions but his first suggestions was been strongly confirmed by all in the congregation. Three people including Bishop Moses himself took the lead to contribute to fixing three windows themselves and the contribution was successful, going on well until it has reached the amount that we expect for purchasing almost the complete set of window panels for one side of the old chapel as well.

In another Sunday service which was the second attended by Bishop Moses of the English-Arabic combined service, we have gotten a lot of changes in working progress so that on one side of the old chapel windows there remained only one to complete within one week. Bishop Moses Deng congratulated his congregation for the hard work they have done through fundraising and further told them to keep on doing it. “We can work for ourselves and

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God by contributing from the local resources we have in order to influence our entire community with the spirit of commitment and develop our praying chapel which we have dedicated for God� The congregation has been very excited and has been fully encouraged with the good speeches that Bishop addressed to them. It is really true that leadership can empower the community to perform well and do the best in society through only acknowledgement and appreciation for their progress. We have experienced a good move in terms of leadership and development in Wau Diocese since Bishop Moses Deng Bol has taken over and More Pictures


started his Diocesan administration with transformation vision which guides him and lets us reach this level today. We are actually getting ourselves in some good leadership styles and development changes and there are more hopes of more changes to come as well because he is continuously implementing his vision. Therefore, we are actually wanting to acknowledge some special support from our partners of Wau Diocese who have been, as usual, contributing in anything that needs support from outside colleagues towards our developmental progress. We say thank you to all our partners and may God bless you.

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Food Aid from Poole Deanery Distributed Food assistance is distributed to IDPs in the ECSS compound at Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau Town

By Rev John Bol Funds have been greatly received as a donation from Poole Deanary in the UK to ECSS Diocese of Wau through Christian Action for Relief and Development (ECSS-CARD) for supporting those who had their property looted during the recent fighting in Wau town. The Rt. Rev Bishop Moses Deng Bol Akoon, Diocesan Bishop of Wau Diocese was very grateful and appreciated all our UK partners, especially Poole Deanery for their kind support to Wau Diocese through ECSSCARD. This relief aid will help the most vulnerable people in Wau town and those who had their property looted during the fighting. Bishop Moses also thanked his Diocesan staff and the ECSSCARD administration for making this food assistance reach the targeted group as he had planned. The ECSS Diocese of Wau is preparing to distribute some food to IDPs in Wau town at the ECSS Good Shepherd Cathedral compound. This food distribution was well organized by the

diocesan staff and ECSS-CARD administration. The food was given until the distribution was successfully and peacefully completed. Everyone who received his/her food items such as maize flour and salt was appreciative of both Christian Action for Relief and Development (ECSS-CARD) and the Poole Deanery team for their kindness

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and the gifts of food assistance for them at this critical time. All the pictures shown are some of the beneficiaries of the relief food items during the day of distribution. We have provided some of them to help our readers understand how well and peacefully organized the distribution of food items to the IDPs was. Many of them their properties were looted after they have run to hiding places when the fighting was still very serious in Wau town. The ECSS Diocese of Wau staff and Christian Action for Relief and Development (ECSS-CARD) administration have managed to distribute food items to IDPs at the Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau Diocese. We really appreciate our partner from Poole Deanery in the UK who has donated these funds to us through ECSS-CARD which is enabled to implement donations from our partners toward our community as has recently happened. We are very happy to say congratulations to all our partners abroad who have positively responded to our appeal for humanitarian assistance so that we can help our people affected by the fighting in Wau. Especially we are grateful and thankful for our partners from Poole Deanery UK who have been as usual taking the lead to contribute some help to us when there are needs. The ECSS Dean of Good Shepherd Cathedral of Wau Diocese Mama Ayendit and Diocesan Secretary Rev. Samuel Mabith Madut have together briefed the IDPs yesterday before the relief distribution. The subject of their briefing was a message of peace and how to use their food after their receive it.

Please pray for peace in Wau Town and the area of Wau diocese so that all these people can return home safely.

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Bishop Peter's Orphans by Zacharia Agoth Manyang Here is His Lordship Rt Rev.Peter Yuol Gur-The Bishop of the new Diocese of Tonj on 14th Aug,2016 having fellowship with his 20 young South Sudanese orphans together with his wife Deborah Achuil during his visit to Kitale (Kenya). The Bishop shared with them a verse from the book of 1ST Samuel 3:1-10 that talks about the call of Samuel. He encouraged the kids who keenly listened and gladly received overwhelmingly the message of the day. Behind them in the picture is the house where the 23 children stay over their long holidays when schools are closed down. His Lordship started this mission early back while he was a student himself at St.Paul

University,Limuru- Kenya in 2009. As a servant of God, he has the spirit of saving the lives of the young kids whose parents passed-on, some killed in the long civil war and othesr are there but got nothing at all. Moreover, most of those parents do not know the importance of schooling in a human beings life. Some of these kids are not in school during the school hours. So the children decided to be teachers over each other during the vacations. Despite the efforts made by the Bishop to help these kids out of their current conditions, they are still in need of stationany. The one seen teaching here is a standard eight leaver called ZACHERIA AGOTH, he can be reached via agothmanyang@gmail.com.

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The Visit of Dr. Susan Mead on 27/April/2016 Among the kids are six children who are supported by Dr.Susan Mead with another colleague of hers, Rev.Susan Bently. Much thanks to the two great friends to Bishop

Peter Yuol and also to the Diocese of Virginia in the USA. The boys and little kids really love Dr SUSAN MEAD as they got


assurance from her when she made a visit to them in April 26th -3rd May,2016.The kids really saw the love in her as she devoted her time to them, she had much fun with them and even taught them songs,dance and advice. The children are very dedicated to school and always working hard.

During his time visiting to Kenya, Bishop Peter Yuol takes up most of his spare time sharing biblical stories and meals with the children in Kenya. He believes that the church can only grow if the youth and young children are strengthened spiritually and socially to serve God and the society at large. He takes time looking at their academic progress, their results are always pleasing hence Bishop Peter encourages well wishers from the church all over the world to support them and help meet their needs.

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Want to Help?

If you would like to contribute and assist in looking after these orphans please contact Bishop Peter using his e-mail address tonjareabishop@wau.anglican.org

Tonj Area Diocese Pastors Training Project Tonj Area Diocese is proposing a project that is aimed at building the capacity of its pastors. In this project the Diocese will seek funding in order to send five of its pastors to undertake theological training at St. Pauls University in Limuru, Kenya and Bishop Gwynn College in Juba, South Sudan. The duration of the courses are four years for degree course, two years for diploma course and 2 years for certificate course. The pastors proposed for this have been serving as pastors for several years within the Diocese.

pastors will attend Bishop Gwynn College in Juba for a certificate course in Theology. The choice of St. Paul’s University and Bishop Gwynn College is because the are the leading institution in the region that offers theological training. This will allow the trainees to gain enough knowledge because of the many years that the institutions have conducted theological training. The St. Paul’s University is one of the leading theology training centres which has a reputation of having trained many pastors from Kenya and the East African region.

Three of the pastors will be sponsored for diploma course at St. Paul University in Kenya. One pastor will also attend the same university for a degree course. The other

See a full copy of the project on the Tonj Area website here: http://www.tonj.wau.anglican.org/docstore/Pa storsTrainingPro.pdf


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Mission of peace Implementation in Gogrial State By Rev Samuel Mabith

On 14th August 2016 Rt. Rev. Moses Deng Bol sent me as a Diocesan administrative Secretary to meet with the State Governor Hon. Abraham Gum Makuac Majak to discuss the issue of peace implementation in Gogrial State. I had been sent here on a weekend and met with the Governor of the state in his home compound because there was information that had happened between Apuk and Aguok that criminal youths attacked people in the boarders. That is why I went there, to find out if this was true. Sadly I found out that it was true. On that Sunday at the church services I was the one sharing the word of the Lord with the people of Mayen Gumel parish together with Lay-reader William Achien Maluel who is in charge of that parish under the Gogrial Area Diocese. The







implementation, in houses, in markets, in the School and in the Churches. Where ever you are you need to tell the people about peace and implementing peace. We, the E C S S Churches are serious on the issue of peace implementation in our communities in the whole of South Sudan. As you can see the ladies of the church in Mayen Gumel parish are all very happy for the topic of peace and they are all ready for peace.

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Wau Diocese Teacher Training Project GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: - Teachers Training Project Location: - St John’s College, Wau, South Sudan Contact person: - Rev Peter Angui Akook Principal principal@wau.anglican.org +211 920221516 / 0955494029 Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol - Board Chair bishop@wau.anglican.org +211 955602769 / 926954187

THE NEED The need we want to address is lack of enough trained teachers in Church Schools in Northern Bhar El Ghazal Cluster/Internal Province. BACKGROUND INFORMATION. The aim of this project is to train 60 Teachers from 12 Church owned schools in the Northern Bahr El Ghazal Cluster (an internal Province) of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan. This area is comprised of 2 Dioceses and three Area Dioceses namely Wau, Aweil, Abyei, Gogrial and Tonj. These areas were most affected by the 21 years of conflict between the Southern based Christian and anamist rebel group, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) and the Northern based Islamic Government. During the war villages were raided by Government backed Islamic militias, popularly known in Arabic as Muraleen (people on the move) because they were

moving on the back of horses. During the raids young men were either killed or taken as slaves and the young girls and women were also taken as sex slaves. This seriously interrupted the education system in the region as most of the young people either joined the rebel movement or went to the North where they worked for the Northern Sudanese businessmen, mostly in farms or brick laying etc. The few of them who managed to go to school in the North did so in Arabic. Since the creation of South Sudan as a new country the Government of South Sudan has declared English as the Language of instruction and Arabic will remain as one of the subjects only. So even those who have managed to get some education in the North are not able to teach in our schools. To meet the need of teacher training St John’s College of Theology and Development has launched a three year diplopma in education from January 2016. St John’s College was established in 2011 as a Theological College to train the Clergy who were ordained without proper theological training during the war in order to pastor the mushrooming churches as the church grew so rapidly. Although St John’s serves the whole of Bhar El Ghazal Region, this particular project will focus on the the five Dioceses in Northern Bhar El Ghazal Cluster/ Internal Province. The five Dioceses together have 11 Primary Schools and 1 Secondary School. Most of our teachers have not gone through any teacher training. So we want to train 60 teachers by taking 5 teachers from each of the 12 schools beginning from January 2017.

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SPECIFIC NEEDS Our Specific needs are the salaries to pay qualified Tutors especially from the neigbouring countries of Uganda and Kenya. The salaries will cover the cost of living, accommodation, transport and medical care and other personal expenses for the Tutors.

PROJECT COSTS We are requesting £15,000 to sponsor all 60 students. Each student costs £200 for tuition and £50 for books, exams and development fees. There are two Semesters in a year and each Semester covers four Months. So £100 is the tuition fee per student per Semester. Our plan is to pay five Tutors £25 per Month which means one Tutor gets £5 per student per month which also means one Tutor will be paid £300 a Month. The local Church will cover the cost of transport, feeding, accommodation, medical care and pocket money for their students. We estimate the cost of a student’s personal expenses is also £250 as the living conditions are currently very high in South Sudan. So a full scholarship for one student would be £500 per a year. Each student will remain a teacher in one of the church schools.

WHO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS PROJECT? The Principal of St John’s College will be responsible for over all management of the funds and he will be writing the narrative reports and update donors on the progress of the students. But the detailed financial report will be provided by the College Finance Officer. All work undertaken by the college


staff is under the direct supervision of the Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol.

REPORTING ON THE PROJECT The principal will provide narrative report which will include achievements, challenges and plans, photos of the tutors, studuents and any other relevant photos. The Finance Officer will give a quarterly report of the income, expenditure and balance as per the budgetline i.e Tutors salaries, books, exams and development activities. All the reports will be send back to donors by email to minimise costs.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND IMPACT We are using St John’s College to build peace among different communities in the region and holding this up as an example in the long run to the whole of South Sudan. So we have also introduced courses such as Peace Building, Conflict Transformation and Spiritual Development which emphasises the importance of the great commandment of loving your neighbour as yourself in all aspects including education. So the funds will not only equipe the teachers with the knowledge and skills they need in order to teach children but they will also learn to teach children and the wider community to embrace peace and harmony among the many different tribal communities. We also emphasise gender equality, as culturally women have not been encouraged to learn in our community. Hence we always demand that at least 25% of the students being sent to the College are female to ensure talented women are not excluded. Also the threat of islamization in this region is very evident. Most of the shops in Wau, Aweil, Kuajok and other major towns in the Region are run by Muslims mainly from North Sudan. Recently a new rebel group led by an

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Islamic Leader called Ali Tamim and backed by Islamic Militants from the North attacked the South Sudanese Army (SPLA) based in Raja, a town bordering the Darfur Region of Sudan. So training teachers through a Church owned College will help counter any


Islamic threat by providing educational alternatives and emphasising peace through service. Many uneducated local people have no way to deal with conflict resolution other than direct violence. Education is a step towards peace building.

Two Specific Prayer Requests Bishop Moses has requested that these two items are prayed for. If you are able please find time to pray for them.

1) We are currently working on forming a team of Church Leaders under South Sudan Council of Churches to lead and peace and reconciliation conferences among different communities in Wau State. Please pray that God will give us wisdom to select someone with the integrity and ability to lead these conferences successfully. Also pray that the situation will be calm enough to allow this team to do its work effectively.

2) We want to use St John's College to build peace among the communities not only in Wau but the whole of the Bhar El Ghazal Region and in the long run within the whole of South Sudan. So we have introduced courses such Peace Building and conflict transformation and spiritual formation/ development as part of a Diploma in education and a Diploma business which we successfully introduced at the College this year. But due to the difficult economic situation many students (especially those in Education) are not able to pay their College fees. So we are now approaching other friends who may be willing to sponsor some of the teachers. In this regard I have recently written to the Barnabas Fund which responded by asking me to give them more information about the College and the teachers who are being trained. Please pray that these initiatives will be supported and successful in achieving their aims.



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Contacting Us:


By E-mail Diocesan Bishop Rt Rev Moses Deng Bol :


Gogrial Area Bishop Rt Rev Abraham Ngor :


Tonj Area Bishop Rt Rev Peter Yuol Gur :


Diocesan Secretary Rev Samuel Mabith :


General Enquiries Rev John Bol :


Mother’s Union Mrs Mary John Garang :


A full list of diocesan staff with contacts can be viewed on our website. By Post: Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital, C/o ECS Provincial Office, P O BOX 110, Juba, South Sudan

Warrap State Peace Mobiliser By Telephone:

Mrs Rose Aciendhel Kacthiek

Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769 +254 716641233

+211 914191558 roseaciendel@yahoo.com

Lord we pray for peace and reconciliation in your country of South Sudan. We ask that you will open the hearts and minds of people to forgive and look to a future - Amen






prosperity for all living here. Amen.

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Please Pray With Us Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Wau Diocese who work without pay in difficult conditions. Give thanks to God for people and agencies that regularly work with us such as the HART organisation, helping us to reach out with aid to the starving. Pray for the Archbishop of the ECSSS and all in South Sudan so that all violence may be stopped and all peace initiatives be followed with vigour. Pray for lasting peace and strong development in South Sudan Pray for the recognition and removal of all corruption in South Sudan. Pray for all refugees, that they may one day be able to go home in peace. Give thanks to God for the work of the SSCC and their staff working with us now. Pray for St John’s College of Theology and Development and its Principal Rev Peter Angui Akook. Pray for all farmers in our community in need of education particularly people new to farming. Pray for the children in Wau Diocese and the schooling projects set to help them. Give Thanks for the generosity of ordinary people who support our church and the work it does. Pray for the situation of food security in South Sudan so that people may have enough to eat. Pray for security in South Sudan so that ordinary people can live their lives peacefully.

Church prayers needs Pray for our Bishop the Rt. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard for the Diocese, pray that God will help him to do what needs to be done. Pray for Bishop Abraham Ngor – the new Bishop of Gogrial Area Diocese that God will guide him. Pray for Bishop Peter Yuol Gur – the newly consecrated Bishop of Tonj Area Diocese. Pray for Captain Rev Paul Lueth the first Church Army Africa Officer in South Sudan. Pray for all pastors, priests, deacons and assistants working hard in Wau Diocese. Pray for the Mothers Union in Wau Diocese and the good work that they do. Pray for all schools and teachers in Wau Diocese and all those trying hard to learn. Pray for the development of the Area Dioceses of Gogrial and Tonj becoming full dioceses. Pray for Rev Peter Angui Akook the new Acting Principal of St John’s College. Pray for the success of local peace initiatives in Wau Diocese. Pray for all Christians working hard to build and sustain a peaceful development in faith.. Give thanks to God for the valuable relief work of CARD in our community and the development it brings to make life better for the future.

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