EHS Echoes - Issue 2 Spring/Summer 2017

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Welcome Welcome to Issue #2 of EHS Echoes featuring events from the second half of the school year.

during this time. You Preparatory School as so much has happened the in life of shot snap a ide prov only can We with the spectacular Lion animals have featured largely in Prep this year, that s page the gh throu look you as see will dinosaurs! Westbourne and, of course, the arrival of the King production, the visit of Lion Learners to to face as it is the first the residential trips to enjoy and challenges For girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 there have been in recognising the rate home. There has also been much to celeb time some girls have spent time away from d of all girls who have prou endeavours and further afield. We are very achievements of the girls in their classroom presenting awards to examinations and we look forward each week been successful in Music, LAMDA and ESB d of girls who prou also activities both in and out of school. We are for myriad achievements in a wide range of winners in local al med and y congratulations this year with finalists represent the school and there have been man Chinese Speaking. and national events featuring music, sport and enjoying a break, maypole picnic on the playing fields with girls and staff We finished the year with our whole school dancing and some summer weather.


Summer Fair Fun For the second year the Prep School Council, renamed Prep Parliament, helped to organise the Summer Fair.

This involved each class using entr epreneurial skills to prepare a stall for others to enjoy. Girls were involved, with the help of thei r teachers, in designing posters for advertising, collecting items, agreeing rules and sorting out rotas to supervise their stalls. The event was eagerly anticipated by all and we were delighted that this year the sun was shining so we were able to hold the Fair outside on Prep Playground. Mem bers of staff who volunteered to be ‘victims’ in the stocks were par ticularly pleased that it was warmer than last year. Everyone, including girls from Rec eption, had a most enjoyable time taking part in the many games and activities. They soon learnt that some of these required particular skills and others just needed luck to walk away with a prize! The afternoon was a great succes s raising £900 for our chosen charities, Water Aid and Birmingh am Children’s Hospital and to add to our playground equipment.



Lion King Spectacular

nery and animals, bones, gree gle jun of ion ct lle the co ape. production al nu an 6 costumes taking sh ar Ye ol ho ion Sc ep Pr e he T rd work and dedicat ar, at the end of th t school term of ha ye or n is sh tio th a t ipa er jus tic rli r an te t ea Af ea e gr t en took plac there was m d ce an y un ad no re s an wa st n om the fir the productio t went up. Spring Term and fr advertising the even rs of ste po ce e oi th ch as e as th oduction from of ‘The Lion King’ tement ci this was a school pr ex ve t lie be ea to gr rd as ha w s e It wa ginning to the performance ther to e animals at the be en th ke of e en nc be tra d en st ha fir n the inso e show was full the whole cast. Th ing in the air. Miss Rob ur d at fe an e e en sc tim al fin by wonderful ect for some r and all supported ou m hu d an ho a undertake this proj w am dr of 6 and a chorus of d the cohort of girls ha s songs from Year e ou m sh fa lt e fe th of ar g ye gin sin this ks and costumes eam. dr rs. The realistic mas r be he em e m is al oir re Ch 5 to ar Ye the audience felt could help ll me to life and that we ca ry ge ve sta ed e rk th d wo re ls su en rengeti. hearsals the gir s on the plains of Se their ing rn en lea pp From the start of re r ha he e ot th ch of ea rt pa . They helped l Director ey together as a team Mrs Howell, Musica songs whenever th n er, uc ow od kn llPr n, we e so th bin al Miss Ro e girls to give lines and practised enjoyed the addition certainly inspired th o rs als lpe em he th of of y am te an and their had the chance. M rkshops, with y of the West End. the Saturday Art wo g nin joi of y a performance worth of nit ing rtu ak m oppo d an n tio ra lp with the deco their parents, to he exciting watching enery. It was very sc d an s op pr , ks mas

! r a l u c a t c e p s uyl rT 5

The Wonders of Westbourne cific Understanding the world is one of the spe lum so in learning areas of the Early Years curricu on to help Westbourne there is always much going l this to extend the girls’ experiences and to fulfi of the all goal. It would be impossible to include just a opportunities on offer and here we include snapshot.

the Sixth Form fire In Nursery, the girls have looked up high from undings and then surro the of view escape and taken a bird’s eye easts. minib for hunt a in nd studied down low on the grou letter sound ‘v’ girls In Kindergarten, as part of their study of the and ‘w’ offered the no enjoyed an experiment to explode a volca chance to try life in a wigwam. re to extend learning In Reception, a trip to the local Nature Cent ight. about creatures great and small was a highl es for Westbourne There were also a number of shared experienc a visit from Lion and n Soha girls including Bhangra Dancing with unusual animals some see to ce Learners. This gave girls the chan and the ired adm much were up close. The rabbits and chicks ement. excit d adde lizard and introduction of the snake, tarantula when ens gard nical Bota the in More unusual creatures were seen it was overrun with dinosaurs! as she retired At the end of term, we wished Mrs Corbett well and we thank tant from EHS after 26 years as a Teaching Assis around world the her for helping countless girls to understand them.

The Cranedale Experience 5 girls ild up, Year u b g in it c x d e g weeks of was high an in n o w ti o a ll ip fo c , ti y Ma y gin. An y morning in ntre in Kirb e enture to be C v d o a c l E a ti le n On a Monda a e id Craned for their res ey set off to th s a were ready r e tt a d buzz of ch which offere . week ahead e e there was a ir th h r s fo rk d o re Y d prepa , North . eir dorms an l knowledge Grindalythe settled into th geographica

the girls on and tific and t the Centre coastal erosi f of their scien o t n s e se m u ch ca ri On arrival, a n ee other side at the unities for th e out of the lved looking rg e vo m in e d a to e h H many opport ating ll arc ugh pton, investig at Flamboro rough a sma m th e ch B g a t e in a b lk s e a n th W ffi . u to p om ve first hand The day trip g rescued fr ph. Spotting , arch and ca g a seal bein t a photogra ck a in a e nt g st n lle se e ki e d th o n xc lo g a e in n see st and usiasm re able tha th n te lu e in va ir ss e re le h o d T m n t. l radio and rge sed e was so much will never fo d on the loca eatures cau e ls cr rt ir o g g p in e re d th s fin a ce d w n n e e rock pools a as an experi e Life Rescu the beach w Divers Marin n h o tis ts ri e B n e g th in fish er from ractive way, of the rescu In a fun, inte s. in a questioning ch d o impact on d at fo all having an e girls looke s th n s a newspaper. a m s u d h o d o n sa ssions. Much the w eadly disease nd dipping se g their session re needed in d o e p w s, e s re th ill o iv g sk n l rn ri a n Surviv res and ca d closely du o newts duri bout herbivo re also studie irls found tw e g w e s th re n tu e they learnt a a h e w ent. Water cr mongst the Centre staff the environm ce a cattle and as in eviden long-horned e . n th e t ft e excitement w o e m ry ets from farm ce to not seen ve ne the chan d how food g o n a ry g ve in e as these are rm ve a fa g f sustainable Barns Farm erstanding o ggleby High d u n D u ir to e t si th vi n e A gth gaged in and to stren nd being en a s e p o sc ro young lambs using the mic e laboratory th to fork. in ’ discoveries. t n e sp s p on the days evening u d g e in d w u ’ general cl llo in fo o ion and ded the girls ct n e se xt is The week als e d , t m lle o e ssro ration and as owl p out of the cla ilding, coope u n b tio m a activities such ca u te d f e o g ills trip, takin important sk hly enjoyable develop the to s e iti n This thoroug u rt o nd gave opp knowledge a ce. independen



Beyond the Classroom There are numerous opportunities for girls of all ages in the Prep School to extend their knowledge and take their learning beyond the classroom. These might be workshops, day visits or h residential trips and are experiences whic enthuse the girls to be independent learners py and also help them to build a store of hap memories. year has For girls in Years 1 - 6 the second half of the have e Thes ties. rtuni offered a wealth of such oppo shop work et pupp a rs, included, amongst many othe nce Scie their of sion for Years 1 and 2 and an exten l. rpoo Moo and ktank knowledge with visits to Thin raphy In Year 3 Environmental Science and Geog y Hills trip featured amongst other subjects in the Licke Saxon on a beautiful day in May with invasions from e Thes and Viking visitors at school also enjoyed. to cts subje interactive sessions certainly brought the life. rical Year 4 girls took a trip back in time with an histo cis Fran of a replic the e, Hind en journey on the Gold day, the g Durin on. Lond in Drake’s ship docked taking part as barber surgeons, officers and raise gunners they learnt about navigation, how to rs’ sailo g curin and gun n minio a the anchor, firing ailments. The Victorians have been studied by Year 5 in and the girls visited Ironbridge and took part their er furth to a Victorian Day back at school understanding of the era.


For Years 4, 5 and 6 there were also the residential experiences to enjoy.



Celebration of Sports

r our Sports physical activities and this yea in ne ryo eve e olv inv to n kee We are always of our events on r the first time we held all three Fo . ion ept exc no s wa l tiva 2. The Day Fes ourne followed by Years 1 and stb We h wit ng rni mo the in g ky that, after a the same day startin rs 3 – 6. We were extremely luc Yea m fro ls gir r ou ed tur fea n the afternoon t for Sports Day. we had a cooler day, just perfec , res atu per tem g rin soa of ek we , of course, the more traditional

es and uded dressing up and novelty rac Prep The activities during the day incl peted in coloured teams and in com s In Westbourne, the girl . nts eve g s, pin ent jum par and and g s, win it. The girl running, thro ch added to the competitive spir whi ses Hou ual ivid ind ir the ed they represent t of each other. were very vocal in their suppor uals who take part s of our school teams and individ ces suc the in te bra cele also both teams who Throughout the year we were gold and silver medals for re the , tics nas Gym In es. iviti for Mollie Hewison and a in a range of physical act petition and an individual gold Com tics nas Gym s ool Sch ed by our Senior Gym entered the Birmingham d a Showcase of Skills perform oye enj y ghl rou tho also We silver for Jaya Sanghera. Squad at the end of term. who nd a masterclass with Bongiwe ads had the opportunity to atte Squ l bal Net out 6 ugh and 5 thro r l Yea wel y our pla l, In netbal ned helped them to ca. The skills and tips they gai gue and plays for Wasps and South Afri of the Birmingham Schools Lea top g r 6 Squad finishin Yea the in ed inat culm ch whi the season winning the tournament. Year 3 and 4 team was year. At the Hallfield Relays our the in d ture fea also e hav ing both sports was on the Running and swimm in their age groups. Combining d thir m tea 6 and 5 r Yea the al Schools Biathlon heats at placed second and en who took part in the Nation om rtsw spo ng you our of six competitions, many of the cards for a group of als at Crystal Palace. During the Fin al ion Nat the for d lifie qua Tudor Grange and the school. formances and were a credit to girls achieved personal best per be out the year with many wins to y hard twice each week through ver ned with d trai rne ad retu Squ im and Sw ays the Rel in l Girls Invitationa r 6 girls entered the Bromsgrove Yea e, of Jun m in tea n, a , The rch s. Ma ool In sch of. er proud peted against 18 oth com ing hav y dle Me in d thir d’s for Pon second place in Freestyle and n finals the same team headed Schools Swimming Associatio lish Eng m finished the Tea y for dle d Me lifie the qua s ing hav from 23 other school n itio pet com ce fier ing fac r se Forge Centre in Sheffield. Afte ium finishing in third place. The the Freestyle Team made the pod and kson, ntry Jac cou ima the Jem in t, ce ket pla Hac rth rey in fou to Daisy Bevan, Aud s tion tula gra Con of. ud pro were results to be extremely tson. Sophie McCusker and Julia Wa


Year 6 Enrichment

er 6 girls in the Summ ar Ye r fo e bl la ai e has been av ent opportunities g their collaborativ in hm w ric llo fo en d of an e ts ng ra ec bj A their curriculum su Term in addition to on King.’ volved some Li in Rue. This trip in l, te ou eat Br production of ‘The du u ea ay at Chat ge on trips to a wh

ua to st use the French lang autiful weather with a the trip to France These began with activities on site and the chance to be of r age was taken challenging outdoo t and a snail farm. This year advant ke ar yed. farm, the local m avericks in the ich was much enjo th some Medical M wi trip to the beach wh ed rk pressure, wo rls gi e und, taking blood careers th so re tu tra fu ul g g in in er us id d, ns oo thy eye ing bl With a view to co y and making heal s in a further ques such as draw er ni rg ch su te le t ho ou y g in ke g try aid basic practisin Science lab learned some first checks. They also workshop. l g with professiona ed ‘big art’ workin using some very nc rie pe ex rls gi e Th ur’ m ‘Pop Bang Colo , artist, Ian Cook fro ements in place of brushes. Next pl em im th g d tin ce in du o intro unusual pa with Mrs Aston wh rs oo r td he ou th ed wi ad in s part they he ility which she take uch to the art of dog ag w. It was clear to the girls how m illo ills. W sk d e an p thes dogs Parker required to develo is e lin ip sc di d an hard work g up and the girls enjoy dressin portunity for Year op It is clear that Prep nt gave an excelle in riod being studied Egyptian workshop pe is th owledge of kn r a. ei th am dr nd d te an ex 6 to ities ying practical activ History whilst enjo School. start life in Senior ey th as ll we rls gi We wish Year 6



Challenge and Adventure at Culmington Manor! Year 4 girls and staff travelled to Culmington Manor, in Shropshire, for a residential trip. For many girls this was their first experience of staying away from home which was an adventure in itself. their rooms On arrival at the centre the girls settled into These ities. activ ed plann of rota and then began their problem es, gam wide se, cour cle included a maze, obsta the and hunt r enge scav a ities, solving team work activ was week the of ent elem her confidence course. Anot getting used to being muddy! rite with most The confidence course proved to be a favou feeling of the of the girls because of the challenge and it. ed tackl achievement they gained from having to Carding Mill On the second day, the whole group set off lar. This Valley for the hill walk which was also very popu all completed gave another feeling of success as the girls views. the four mile walk whilst taking in the beautiful

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