Park Hall Academy Prospectus

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A Warm Welcome to Park Hall Park Hall is a very special place. The purpose of this prospectus is to give you a taste of the engaging and exciting student life at our Academy. I hope that its content will help you decide that Park Hall is the right place for you to choose for your child. Park Hall has three main drivers; rapid progress in learning, care, and personal development. We support all of our children as individuals and we have the highest expectations and ambitions for each child in our care. This ambition is achieved through the delivery of powerful quality learning experiences, underpinned by excellent relationships and based on the requirement and achievement of excellent student behaviour at all times. Social and Emotional education are laced through all that we do and support the academic and personal development of our children. Our childrens’ progress is continually supported by the principle of rewarding hard work and ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for all. Park Hall benefits from simply magnificent facilities and the close relationship with Knowle’s respected Arden Academy. This relationship offers access to some fantastic shared resources and outstanding professional development that a single school could not afford to maintain alone. Any visitor to Park Hall will notice a positive buzz around the school which extends from our intake classes through the middle years and up into our popular and highly successful sixth form. The secret to the ultimate successful education for your son or daughter is the proactive approach we can take together - by attending our information / parents evenings and by actively encouraging study and the completion of homework that they are given. We actively encourage you to share in your child’s learning journey with us through their exercise books and discussing learning at home. Park Hall has an excellent pastoral system and your child will have their own Head of Year and Progress Leader (as they move through school). They are dedicated to ensure your child has a safe and enjoyable learning experience with us. Park Hall and its students embrace the challenges of the future with optimism. Ours is a caring and compassionate school, we hope you feel we are the right people to care and educate your child. The staff, students and I are delighted to share our life at Park Hall with you and look forward to welcoming you and your son or daughter to our Academy team very soon.

Mr D K Burgess Headteacher

“We are committed to providing an excellent education for our students.” 1 WAINGELS

Arden Multi Academy Trust (AMAT) On Monday 1 April 2015, Park Hall Academy became a member of the Arden Multi Academy Trust (AMAT) which has been an immensely positive progression for Park Hall. This development has allowed us to continue to enhance teaching and learning in many ways, recruit and retain the very best teachers and allow our staff to develop across the Trust and thus increase the learning opportunities for all our students. We have been privileged to welcome fantastic new directors to the AMAT (Arden Multi Academy Trust), all of whom will bring a wealth of experience, expertise and leadership skills to the table including banking, retail and Higher Education; ensuring the continued success of Park Hall. The Multi Academy Trust is dedicated to ensuring an outstanding educational experience and fantastic outcomes for all the young people in its care. The Trust is staffed by highly experienced professionals who bring a wealth of experience to the AMAT. As a Trust we are delighted to see and look forward to sharing and supporting the continuing journey to excellence.

Martin Murphy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - Arden Multi Academy Trust


Excellent Behaviour and Pastoral Care Park Hall’s excellent pastoral system is centred on year groups, each of which is divided into eight tutorial groups. Each year group is championed by a Head of Year who is closely focussed on the promotion of good attendance, punctuality and nurturing positive attitudes to learning. Year groups also benefit from a Progress Leader whose key aim is driving the personal progress of each student through personalised monitoring, planning and the setting of individual targets for improvement. With support from the Group tutors, each child can rely on comprehensive, holistic care that will help shepherd them towards personal success. We strongly believe in the value of working closely with every family. Our highly skilled pastoral staff will engage with you, the parent or carer to ensure that your child achieves their potential, whilst also experiencing a happy and enriching school life.


“We would like to mention the support and guidance that our son has received from Park Hall Academy over the years, inspiring him to reach his dreams.� Parent

A Happy and Stimulating Environment Park Hall has developed a curriculum which is both innovative and stimulating and which offers every student the chance to develop accordingly with their talents, interests and ambitions. Our broad and challenging curriculum reflects Park Hall’s commitment to encouraging confident, independent learners. We offer a rich mix of subjects, both in the main school and up into our Sixth Form, giving students the opportunity to gain the qualifications and develop the life skills they need to become happy, positive, successful young adults. Our broad spectrum of subjects enables every student to follow a programme of study that will enable them to achieve their maximum potential, helping prepare them for a future success. Talented and gifted students receive the support and encouragement they need to attain their goals, whist a positive pastoral programme and kindly, helpful support removes barriers to learning for those with targeted educational and other needs.

At Park Hall we aim to help students to reach the very highest standards of excellence and to meet each individual’s academic, personal and social needs. The Academy promotes aspiration and seeks to raise attainment for our students to create confident, independent learners. We demand students wear the correct uniform; we insist on good discipline, and we are proud of the excellent partnerships which exist between students, staff and parents. Special emphasis is placed on establishing good home-school links. It is crucial that parents and carers play an active role in supporting the work of the Academy, and help us to provide the best standard of care possible by communicating with us. It is paramount that parents and carers return consent forms and acknowledgements when requested to enable the Academy to do this. As a large and successful secondary school we believe we have a central place in the local community. We have strong links with primary schools and we work with businesses, industry, and local agencies, the Parish Council and people to enhance the relevance of the school curriculum and to provide opportunities outside the classroom. We are keen to work in partnership with companies to enhance the part we play in the education and life of the whole community. Our students really enjoy the growing network of sports clubs and voluntary organisations with which we are linked and our fantastic new building has enhanced our crusade for continuous improvement and outstanding opportunities. We believe that Park Hall gives young people an excellent start in life, supporting them as they develop into caring, responsible young adults who can contribute to the society they live in.

“At Park Hall we are encouraged to get involved in the community and praised when we make a difference.� Student


Engagement with the Community

A Fun, Wide-Ranging, Extra-Curricular Programme Of course life at Park Hall is not just about success in learning. Whilst academic achievement is essential to us all it is also important to recognise that schools are about more than just excellent results and that students engage, enjoy, and be successful in, the wider opportunities on offer at Park Hall. In addition to offering a wide range of academic subjects, the academy also has an extensive programme of clubs, trips, activities and exciting experiences for the enjoyment and development of our youngsters. Whether it is being a member of one of our respected football teams, musical or dramatic performance, trampolining, involvement in community action projects, the debating society, World Challenge or any of the other numerous extensive activities on offer, there is plenty to interest the skills and enjoyment of every student. School performances are very popular and well attended. Visits are regularly organised in support of the curriculum and for enjoyment. Students have been to Sicily, India, Nepal, Iceland, France and Poland for cultural experiences and field trips. They have ‘joined’ the army, taken part in workshops and conferences for Maths, Foreign Languages and the Arts. They have visited events such as the Clothes Show and the Malvern Festival Show and assisted in local community programmes.

“We have a great variety of extra-curricular activities, from sports to arts and music. I really enjoy it and it helps me feel refreshed during school.” Student

Sixth Form Student


“World Challenge was a once in a lifetime experience. It changed me as a person and changed the way I think about issues and raised my all around global awareness.�

A Partnership for Learning At Park Hall, our aim is to help students achieve their full potential and to meet every individual’s academic, personal and social needs. We promote confident aspiration and seek to raise attainment for our students, creating confident, independent learners. As part of this positive atmosphere of respect and achievement we expect students to wear the school uniform and insist on good discipline. We are proud of the excellent partnerships which exist between students, staff, parents, governors and the community and place a great deal of emphasis on establishing good home-school links; encouraging parents to play a full and active role in supporting Park Hall’s work.

“Park Hall is effective in promoting positive relationships between different communities, ensuring equality of opportunity and tackling discrimination.” Ofsted

At Park Hall, we have exceptionally high expectations for our students. We demand the highest standards and expect students to work hard to achieve their very best. We ensure this commitment and drive is rewarded. We have a rewards system that celebrates a range of our students’ achievements. Our most prestigious awards are our academy colours. These are given for excellent progress or effort for our subjects. We also give out awards for character, where students have supported a friend or acted selflessly to help others, and citizen, for students that contribute towards academy life. This ceremony is attended by our Head Teacher, School Governors and parents to celebrate the hard work and commitment of our students. Students can also gain half termly certificates for progress and attitude to learning. These can be collected throughout their time at Park Hall and are excellent to show to prospective employers and sixth form. We have our leadership award, for students that complete a series of tasks demonstrating good leadership throughout the year and sports awards, for students that take part and excel in the many sports that we offer. Along with this, we offer reward trips for both progress and good attitude to learning to a variety of places. In the past these have included Alton Towers, Bowling, Drayton Manor, the Christmas Market and Birmingham Library. We also put on rewards events in the Academy to reward as many deserving students as possible. Park Hall’s Abac Rewards programme The Abac Rewards programme provides the opportunity for staff to award students with points in recognition of their hard work, progress and contribution to school life. The system has been revised for the new academic year with students predominantly being awarded points for • Outstanding classwork • Outstanding Homework • Outstanding Progress Students are awarded 10 points at a time and will receive an ABAC rewards letter every time they pass a significant milestone. (Letters are sent out when students receive 100, 200, 300 and 400 points). All students receiving 400 points will receive a letter of commendation from the Headteacher and the top 30 Abac point scorers at the end of the year will receive their ‘Abac Colours’ in the form of a badge to be worn on their blazer. In addition to this every half term there will be a prize draw assembly for all students that have achieved 50 points for that half term period. Our aim is to recognise and reward hard work, while motivating all of our students to ‘push themselves’ on to the next milestone - making great progress along the way.


Academy Rewards Programme


A Successful Education Park Hall operates a wide-ranging and well balanced curriculum that has been especially tailored to reflect the personal learning styles, interests, aspirations and abilities of our students. The range of learning on offer encompasses the classic academic subjects, as well as the arts and includes both vocational training options, as well as GCSE’s, A Levels and BTEC courses. This broad spectrum of options helps ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full personal potential within a happy, positive learning environment.

Key Stage 3 At Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8 and 9, Park Hall Academy students study a wide range of subjects, including Maths, English, Science, Technology, Performing Arts, Art, Physical Education, Geography, History, Information & Communications Technology, a Modern Foreign Language and Citizenship/PSHE (including Religious Education).

The Academy has a wide range of courses on offer, including GCSE’s in English, Maths, Double and Triple Science, Geography, History, French, Art & Design, Design Technology, Drama, Business, Photography, PE and Sociology. Park Hall also offers numerous BTEC courses, including Business, Health & Social Care, Media, Performing Arts, as well as Sport.

Where a student’s Key Stage 2 SAT scores are low for Maths and English, additional literacy and numeracy lessons will be provided.

The range of courses is reviewed yearly and have recently been expanded to ensure we offer an appropriate balance that matches the needs of our students. The two year Key Stage 4 model enables every student to reach their full potential and builds on Key Stage 3 to offer additional opportunities and new experiences.

In Key Stage 3, students are grouped into two parallel bands. Subject departments individually decide whether these groups are divided by ability or if they are of mixed ability. Additional support is provided for students who have special educational needs.

Key Stage 4 Key Stage 4 covers Years 10 and 11. To cater for the wide range of personal interests and needs of Key Stage 4 students, Park Hall provides a broad spectrum of subjects, however all students study a common core of English, Maths, Science, PE and Citizenship/PSHE (including Religious Education) . Towards the end of Year 9, students undergo the ‘Options’ process. In close consultation with their Head of Year, subject teachers and parents/carers, students are placed in appropriate courses to enable them to follow differing pathways that reflect their interests, abilities and aspirations for possible future career paths.

In some cases it is more appropriate for an individual student to follow an alternative curriculum. Park Hall has close links with a number of other educational partners and colleges. These partners offer new and exciting opportunities which are frequently linked closely with the world of work. Every course of this type is fully accredited and is recognised nationally by both colleges and employers. Park Hall recognises that students learn in a range of different learning pathways, and sometimes need focused help along the way. The Key Stage 4 Alternative Curriculum provides a choice of different learning pathways, personal support and a valuable opportunity to develop vocational skills useful in the world of employment.


“As parents we have total confidence in the staff at Park Hall Academy. The teachers encourage the students to aim high and support them academically and pastorally to achieve their goals.� Parent

A Vibrant and Successful Sixth Form Our thriving and aspirational Sixth Form is built on high expectations of dedication to study and a commitment to making progress. Post-sixteen schooling encompasses Years 12 and 13. Each student’s programme of study is made up of A level and/or equivalent vocational courses with many students successfully combining the two. To enter these courses a student will usually be required to have gained five GCSEs at grades 9 - 4. Sixth Formers will normally study three or four A level subjects, plus statutory enrichment courses and key skills. As with Key Stage 4, the number and range of courses has been expanded to include additional vocational and applied programmes that suit the personal needs of our students. A Level courses offered at Park Hall include Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Dance, English Literature, Geography, Government and Politics, History, Mathematics, Media Studies, Psychology and Sociology. BTEC courses include Art and Design, Digital Media Production, Performing Arts, Sport and Exercise Science, Public Services, Health and Social Care and Children’s Play, Learning & Development. Students can also study an OCR in ICT. All Sixth Formers are offered quality Careers Guidance, as well as enrichment through participation in a successful Community & Leisure programme. Our students are well supported by Form Tutors and Subject Teachers, together with the Sixth Form Management Team. All of our students complete Work Experience in Year 12 and an Employability qualification in Year 13 in order to give them the best possible employment prospects for the future. Many Park Hall students go on to progress to Higher Education. To support this process all students are given the opportunity to earn their ‘Academy Colours’ - an award reflecting a student’s wider contribution to the school and community through volunteering, fundraising, mentoring and an outstanding personal achievement. A dedicated Sixth Form Prospectus is available on request.

“The Sixth Form tutor team help us prepare for university and good advice is given” Sixth Form Student


Park Hall - Student - Parent/Carer Contract for Learning Park Hall operates a wide-ranging and well balanced curriculum that has been especially tailored to reflect the personal learning styles, interests, aspirations and abilities of our students. The range of learning on offer encompasses the classic academic subjects, as well as the arts and includes both vocational training options, as well as retakes in GCSE Mathematics and English, A Levels and BTEC courses . This broad spectrum of options help ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full personal potential within a happy, positive learning environment.

Park Hall Academy promises to: • Give each student an equal opportunity to reach the standards • All pupils have a right to learn and achieve - uninterrupted by others and potential he or she is capable of • Motivate students through the achievement of personal success, enjoyment, active participation and rewards

• All pupils have the right to be able to undertake enriching learning risks in a happy, supportive and secure environment

• Encourage students to strive for personal excellence

• Every member of our Academy community will co-operate with others and that they will be polite, considerate and honest

• Develop ever more active links with the local community to enhance students’ learning experience • Ensure students develop an appropriate set of values that reflect a caring attitude towards themselves, other people, the wider community and environment • Prepare students for a rapidly developing future by nurturing valuable skills in the use of Information and Communication Technology • Work in partnership with parents and carers, keeping them well informed about the education of their children • Recognise each student as an individual whose strengths can be enhanced and whose weaknesses can be effectively addressed Park Hall believes and expects that: • All pupils attend every day on time and with a positive attitude • All pupils come to school ready to work, with the correct equipment and the correct uniform at all times, including the beginning and end of the school day

• All members of the Park Hall community will accept that; with rights come personal responsibilities • Every member of our learning community will accept and display high standards of behaviour, and that they will promote an understanding of the difference between right and wrong •

All students should expect to have their progress monitored and that they can look forward to receiving constructive feedback and the establishment of challenging but realistic targets for personal development

• All parents/carers attend every parents evening for the essential discussion about their child’s learning and progress • All parents/carers ensure their child completes homework and revises for tests as this is a critical indicator for progress • All parents/carers support the school’s policies and encourage their child to follow them


Behaviour for Learning The focus of Park Hall Academy’s Behaviour Management Policy is on ‘motivation through rewards’. Students respond well to recognition of, and rewards for, good behaviour; and the Academy has developed a number of successful initiatives to reinforce this positive ethos. Each year group has many opportunities to celebrate their successes through a variety of competitions and activities. Excellence in classwork, homework, attitude to learning, and citizenship and rewarded through formal recognition in our awards ceremonies. Parents and carers are invited to see their child receive subject specific commendations and Academy Colours. Punctuality is an essential part of life at Park Hall as it is in adult life. Exemplary punctuality is rewarded, both personally and the wider reward point recognition whilst consistently bad timekeeping is noted and addressed. Students who display exceptional dedication, improvement and hard work are celebrated. Staff take note and regularly contact parents to communicate their congratulations via postcards, letters, phone calls or during face-to-face meetings. Our ABAC reward system enables students to track their reward point progress and receive formal letters from their Head of Year, Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher recognising their achievements. Excellent behaviour and polite demeanour are demanded at all times towards fellow students, visitors, Academy staff and the local community. Park Hall is delighted to report that these standards are maintained by the vast majority of students, most of the time. Park Hall will not tolerate any form of behaviour that prevents others from learning and enjoying school. The Academy’s Rules are clearly displayed in every classroom and in the Student Planner, ensuring nobody can claim ‘Ignorance of the Law’.

Those who fail to observe this fair and considered set of values and requirements find themselves rapidly inducted into a well­ defined behaviour improvement system that is successful in modifying problematic behaviour. Where necessary, the Academy is fully prepared to exclude seriously disruptive students. Short term exclusions can result in a student spending time in the Academy’s Internal Exclusion Room where we can re-focus them on positive behaviour. Longer-term exclusions may include Local Authority support or a student’s induction into a Behaviour Improvement Programme. Homework A Homework Timetable is prepared for every teaching group and work to be completed out of the school will be set using it as a basis. Each student receives a copy of their timetable and is expected to familiarise themselves with it. Parents will be able to use this document to check what homework is expected each evening. To further aid students, they are also provided with a Homework Planner which must be countersigned each week by both their parents/carers and their Form Tutor. We request that parents/carers make the best possible home arrangements for their child’s homework. It is best if students complete their homework early in the evening; a late start can mean a late, hurried finish and an exhausted student in class the next day. There is a homework club in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) every morning, during break times and at the end of the school day to further support the completion of homework.


Child Protection We welcome and commend any effort by parents/carers to ensure that homework is understood and completed neatly and to a good standard. Park Hall would also request that care is taken of any books loaned by the Academy and that they be covered in paper or polythene to protect them. Religious Education Under the National Curriculum this is a compulsory subject for every student at Park Hall. However under the Education Act parents/carers have the right to request withdrawal of the child from religious worship or instruction if these elements of schooling conflict with their own beliefs. Sex Education Like religion, this can be an emotive subject for some parents. Certain aspects of the changes young bodies go through as they mature into adults are covered in Science as part of the National Curriculum. The Personal, Social and Health Education course also contains modules about sex education, including Human Sexual Behaviour in line with DfE guidelines. The line that the Academy adopts is that of a caring parent; an approach that is not only accepted, but also appreciated by parents/carers who often find it difficult to discuss these matters in the home. Any concerns over the subject of Sex Education can be discussed with the Deputy Headteacher for Curriculum. The Government has decreed that parents/carers have the right to withdraw children from part, or all of the Sex Education Programme, with the exception of the elements featured in National Curriculum Science learning. Whilst this right of withdrawal is available, in practice we have found that the vast majority of parents do not choose to use it; having confidence in Park Hall’s sensitive approach and recognising the value these lessons have in preparing their child for a happy, healthy adult life.

The welfare and safety of our students is paramount and is reinforced by a clearly defined framework of staff responsibilities with regard to child protection. Any member of staff at the Academy who has reasonable grounds for concern about a child, including potential child abuse, must IMMEDIATELY inform the designated staff members responsible for child protection issues. Park Hall has a legal obligation to then inform Children’s Services who will determine what, if any, action should be taken, and who should become involved. Anti-Radicalisation At Park Hall Academy we take anti–radicalisation extremely seriously and a lot of work has been completed on all kinds of anti-radicalisation and keeping ourselves safe at Park Hall Academy. Building resilience and the promotion of fundamental British values is at the heart of preventing radicalisation. As a school, we aim to build on the parent/child relationship to keep children safe by providing safe places in which children can discuss controversial issues, and give our pupils the knowledge and confidence to challenge extremist beliefs and ideologies.


Park Hall Academy Admissions Policy The Academy’s Admissions Policy is in accordance with the procedures established and adopted by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council. Qualification for admission to the Academy is based around a priority system aimed at ensuring those children with the greatest need who will benefit most from becoming a student at Park Hall can secure their place at the Academy. Thereafter other factors, such as home proximity to the school and already having an older brother or sister at Park Hall come into play. If the Academy receives more applications than there are places available, places will be offered in the following order:

Admission at Age 11

Admission Oversubscription

Priority One Admissions:

If there are more children applying in the Priority Two category than there are places available at Park Hall, places will be offered prioritised in the following order:

• ‘Looked-After’ children in the care of a local authority • Children with a ‘Statement of Special Education Needs’ • Children whose exceptional personal circumstances can only be addressed successfully by Park Hall Academy

First: Children who already have an sibling attending Park Hall, at the time of entry.

Priority 2 Admissions:

Second: Children who are attending one of the Primary Schools linked to Park Hall Academy at the time of application.

• Children whose normal home lies within the Park Hall Academy Catchment Area

Third: Children who are closest to the Academy, as measured in a straight line from the childs normal home.

Priority 3 Admissions:

If there are more children applying who fall under the Priority Three or Four categories than there are places available, places will be offered to those children who are closest to the Academy, as measured in a straight line from the child’s normal home.

• Children who already have an older sibling attending at the school at the time of entry Priority 4 Admissions: • Children who are closest to the Academy, as measured in a straight line from the child’s normal home

If you have any questions, or would like further information on a specific admission situation, please contact the Park Hall Academy Admissions Team on 0121 748 0400.


Applicants with Extra Needs

Further Details on Admissions

Park Hall’s Headteacher and Board of Governors actively encourage application for admission by students who personal needs fall under the definition of ‘Disability’.

Comprehensive details on the above Admissions information is available in the Secondary Education Booklet, if you have any questions or would like a copy of this booklet, please contact the Park Hall Admissions Team on 0121 704 6693.

The Academy has excellent accessibility, enabling the students with disabilities to meet their curricular needs. Any additional alterations required to the Academy or its grounds to further facilitate the extra needs of an applying student will be considered in order to ensure there is no discriminatory limitation to any qualifying applicants. Applying from Outside the Academy Catchment Area Applicants from outside the Park Hall Local Authority catchment must apply using their own Local Council’s Application Form. Their own Council will then pass on details of the Application to Solihull for consideration within the framework of the Admissions Priority structure. Taking up a Place at Park Hall Academy Applying parents have TWO weeks from the date of an offer to accept a place at Park Hall Academy on behalf of their child. No matter which Priority an application falls under, if a place has not been taken up within this period, it is liable to be offered to another child and may consequently be lost, so please ensure you accept the place offered to your child promptly in good time.

Applications to Park Hall Sixth Form All students wishing to apply to become a member of Park Hall Academy’s Sixth Form, compromising Years 12 and 13, must comply with the following entry requirements, whether already attending Park Hall, attending our sister academy, Arden, or a new applicant from another secondary school: • Every student aiming to commence Post-16 learning at Park Hall Academy MUST have gained five GCSE’s at 9 – 4 grade. There may also be additional minimum grade standards pertinent to a specific course, these requirements are detailed fully within the Sixth Form Prospectus • Every student intending to study other Post-16 courses at Park Hall, such as BTEC and A2 courses, must meet the relevant minimum requirements for those courses as specified in the Sixth Form Prospectus The Park Hall Sixth Form Prospectus is available free upon request and can also be viewed and downloaded from the Academy website

Personal Appearance It is the direct responsibility of every Parent and Carer to ensure that their child arrives at the school gates dressed neatly and in the correct uniform. Park Hall has an excellent reputation within the local community for the appearance and behaviour of its students and places great value in the positive comments that it receives from visitors and members of the public about the personal smartness of its students. It is a fact that poor standards of dress tend to go hand-in-hand with a poor approach to both standards of behaviour and work ethic. The Headteacher and his team are determined to ensure that every student displays exemplary dress and behaviour whilst in the Park Hall uniform. It should be noted that expected standards of dress and behaviour also extend to outdoor clothing; coats and hats must be removed immediately upon arrival in the school building; the styling of hair must be neat and acceptable; and the wearing of jewellery and make-up must meet the Academy’s standards. These are dealt with in detail below.

Jewellery, Hair and Makeup Rings: A maximum of ONE ring may be worn on each hand. Ears: One SMALL pair of Studs or Sleepers may be worn in each ear lobe. NO Hoops, Long Pendant Earings or ‘Stretch’ style earings, such as Tunnels or Spikes may be worn in school. This is for reasons of both acceptable dress standards AND for safety. Piercings: NO visible body piercing or facial piercings, including tongue and nose studs, are acceptable apart from the ear lobe Studs or Sleepers specified above. Make up, Key Stage 3: NO makeup may be worn by any student at Key Stage 3, unless it necessary for medical reasons. Makeup, Key Stages 4 and 5: The wearing of LIMITED makeup becomes acceptable in Key Stages 4 and 5- PROVIDED it remains within smart, professional looking limits. No nail varnish or false nails may be worn in school. Hair: Male and female hair styling should be appropriate to a student studying within a ‘professional’ academic environment. NO extreme styles, shaved styling, bright dyeing or colouring or brightly coloured braiding is acceptable. Hair extensions are discouraged for safety reasons, but if worn should not feature beading and must be of naturalistic ‘normal’ hair colour. PE, Laboratories and Workshops: Students must remove all items of jewellery during PE lessons, or when directed to by a member of Staff. Long hair must also be tied back securely whenever directed to by a member of staff, or when they are in a school Laboratory, Workshop or a Practical setting.


Park Hall Academy Uniform – Girls • Blazer and Tie: Every female student is expected to wear an acceptable black featuring the School Badge. A school tie must also be worn in the Student’s House colours. It must be neatly tied with a small, neat knot, and positioned snuggly up to the collar. • Blouse: Short or Long Sleeved Blouse, with a collar in white, fully buttoned to the neck and tucked in neatly. • Skirt: A plain black Skirt, no shorter than KNEE length. • Trousers: If worn, must be of a smart, tailored design and black in colour. They should not be excessively tight, low cut, short, wide or narrow and should not be Jeans, or any other casual or high fashion style. • Jumper: A plain black V-Neck Jumper, with or without the Academy crest. • Footwear: shoes should be black and fully enclosed with heels of no more than one inch in height. No trainers, boots, casual or fashion footwear is acceptable classroom wear. • Socks and Tights: Tights should be either skin toned or plain black, if Socks are worn they should be white. • Overcoat: In colder weather an overcoat may be worn, however it should be of plain design and preferably black or dark blue in colour. Unusual fashion styles and casual Suede, Denim or Leather designs are not acceptable. All outdoor clothing should be removed immediately upon entering the Academy building. • Bag or Satchel: A school bag should be strong and sufficiently large to hold the requisite equipment and books for the day and have a strong closure. Bright colours and fashion items should be avoided. Any slogans, graphics or graffiti likely to cause controversy or offence are unacceptable. • Minimum Equipment: Every student should arrive in school with a Pen, a sharpened Pencil, a Ruler, Calculator and their Weekly Homework Planner. Girls PE Wear • • • • • •

Trousers: Academy Tracksuit Trousers featuring the Park Hall logo. Fleece: Park Hall fleece in plain black featuring the Academy crest. Shirt: Black Academy Polo shirt with school logo. Shorts: Shorts, plain, black and acceptable length. Socks: White Sports Socks and White Football Socks. Footwear: Trainers of a suitable plain design.

Personal Protective Equipment for Sport All female students should wear ‘PPE’ appropriate to their sporting activity, or as directed by a member of staff. Shin Pads, Gum Shields and Studded Boots must be worn on grass for Soccer, Rugby and Hockey. Additional equipment may be required for other sports. Suitable protective equipment is recommended by the Governing body of each sport, the relevant Sports Tutor can also offer advice. Park Hall Academy wishes to emphasise that every student participating in given sport should obtain and wear the correct protective equipment at all times when playing or training.


Park Hall Academy Uniform – Boys • Blazer and Tie: Every male student is expected to wear an acceptable black Blazer featuring the School Badge. A school tie must also be worn in the Student’s House colours. It must be neatly tied with a small, neat knot, and positioned snuggly up to the collar. • Shirt: Short or Long Sleeved Shirt, with a collar in white, fully buttoned to the neck and tucked in neatly. • Trousers: Must be of a smart design and plain black in colour. They should not be excessively tight, low cut, short, wide or narrow and should not be jeans, or any other casual or high fashion style. • Jumper: A plain black V-Neck Jumper, with or without the Academy crest. • Footwear: Shoes should be black and fully enclosed. No trainers, boots, casual or fashion footwear is acceptable classroom wear. • Socks: Socks should be black • Overcoat: In colder weather an overcoat may be worn, however is should be of a plain design and preferably black or dark blue in colour. Unusual fashion styles and casual Suede, Denim, or Leather designs are not acceptable. All outdoor clothing should be removed immediately upon entering the Academy building. • Bag or Satchel: A school bag should be strong and sufficiently large to hold the requisite equipment and books for the day and have a strong closure. Bright colours and fashion items should be avoided. Any slogans, graphics or graffiti likely to cause controversy or offence are unacceptable. • Minimum Equipment: Every student should arrive in school with a Pen, a sharpened Pencil, a Ruler, Calculator and their Weekly Homework Planner. Boys’ PE Wear • Trousers: Black/white reversible Park Hall Rugby Shirt featuring the Academy logo. • Shirt: Black Academy Polo Shirt with the Park Hall crest. • Shorts: Shorts, plain, black and of acceptable length. • Socks: Black Football Socks. • Footwear: Football Boots, plus Trainers of a suitable, plain design. Personal Protective Equipment for Sport All male students should wear ‘PPE’ appropriate to their sporting activity, or as directed by a member of staff. Shin Pads, Gum Shields and Studded Boots must be worn on grass for Soccer, Rugby and Hockey. Additional equipment may be required for other sports. Suitable protective equipment is recommended by the Governing body of each sport, the relevant Sports Tutor can also offer advice. Park Hall Academy wishes to emphasise that every student participating in given sport should obtain and wear the correct protective equipment at all times when playing or training.


Charging and Remissions Under the terms and conditions of the Education Reform Act (1988), the Board of Governors have agreed the following policy on charging for students attending full-time education at Park Hall Academy. The Board of Governors hopes Park Hall will be able to continue to provide a full range of educational visits and trips, many of which will be within school hours and for which no COMPULSORY charge can be made. However, the legislation places no restrictions on the level of VOLUNTARY contributions parents or others might make to enable the school to provide such opportunities and enrichments for their children. We hope that parents/carers continue to support such activities by paying voluntary contributions, as well as through provision of various items of personal school equipment; releasing school resources for other purposes. Without this valued support the school will have to finance these areas entirely by itself and may have to limit future opportunities as a result. The Policy Compulsory charges are prohibited for any activity in school, with the exception of individual music tuition taken with a parent’s agreement (unless it is an essential requirement of a public exam course.) However, charges will be made for: • Ingredients and materials needed for practical subjects where parents have indicated in advance that they wish to own the finished product. • The board and lodging elements of residential trips (subject to the Remissions Policy detailed below). • School Uniform, clothing and sports kit. • Recovery of wasted public examination entry fees. • Certain optional extras detailed below. • Damage to school property, including books and equipment, which is the result of students’ misbehaviour and/or negligence. • Re-scrutinisation and/or re-marking of public exam papers where this has been specifically requested by parents/carers. • The full cost of transport not provided by the Local Authority or the school for direct travel between the student’s home and any activity off the school premises, when approved by

• •

the Local Authority, but NOT provided by the Authority or the school, for example; the cost of transport to a Work Experience placement. Additional examination entries over and above those funded by the Local Authority The cost of having to return home from an educational visit or other activity as a result of poor behaviour

Optional Extras Optional extras for which charges WILL be made include music and theatre trips outside school hours; trips to Sporting Events, Museums and Places of Interest outside school hours; residential foreign visits; the annual Ski-Trip etc. Such optional extras will be charged for provided the parent has agreed in advance. Some activities extend across school hours into the evening. If these activities take place mainly outside school hours, then they will be charged for as ‘optional extras’. Conversely, if they happen mainly within school hours then voluntary contributions may be sought. • Non-residential activities are considered “mainly within school hours” if 50% or more of the time they occupy occurs within school time. •

Residential activities are considered “mainly within school hours” if the number of half-day school sessions missed by the students is equal to, or greater than 50% of the number of half-days taken up by the activity itself.

Third Party Involvement In addition, an activity, wholly or mainly in school time, could be charged for, if parents are charged directly by a third party. For example, a trip abroad organised by a travel company. In a third party arrangement like this, the Local Authority and Academy Governing Body would not take part in the transaction and it would be for parents and any staff members released for the activity to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the arrangements made by that third party to secure the safety and welfare of the children. Teachers taking leave to become involved would have a contract with the third party or would be separately engaged by the Governing Body to accompany an activity outside school hours.


Equipment for Learning Other Activities Other activities for which voluntary contributions will be sought by Park Hall Academy will include: • Educational trips and visits during school hours that involve substantial transport costs and/or admission charges/fees. • Sports activities provided outside school for which individual payments are made. • Attendance at events featuring visiting speakers, lecturers, theatre groups or performers who require payment. • The costs of materials or ingredients used in Craft, Design & Technology, or Home Economics classes. Although there is no OBLIGATION for parents to make the above contributions, the Governors wish to make it clear that without this financial support the school will be unable to continue to offer these activities. It should however be noted that the children of parents that have not made voluntary contributions WILL NOT be treated differently in any way from those that have. Remissions Policy • The school will provide for remission of board and lodging charges for Students whose parents are in receipt of income support or family credit. •

In the case of optional extras for which charges are made, the Governors will consider applications from parents/carers for remission if they are in receipt of income support or family credit. The level of part or full remission will be decided on an individual basis.

During their schooling students are lent numerous items of equipment to assist in their studies. Books, some stationery, most games, materials and so-on are provided by the Academy, though every student is expected to replace any items that are lost or negligently damaged. It is essential that parents/carers provide their child with Pens, Biros, Pencils, a Rubber, a Ruler, a Pair of Compasses, a Protractor, Pocket Calculators, a Notepad for drafting and other items of personal equipment used in school, as well as a substantial bag or satchel with which to safely carry these materials and any books they may need. A weekly check is carried out by the Form Tutors to ensure that every child is ready for learning; the bag, uniform, writing tools, homework and week planner, and other items are essential classroom equipment. There are strict limits on our funds and the Academy cannot afford to fund the exciting trips, facilities and events currently on offer if finances are diverted into needless expenditure on replacements for damaged materials and equipment. Looking after items properly and treating them with care is the cheapest and simplest solution to the problem of damage. However, if negligence results in loss or damage, Park Hall has a scale of charges for careless breakage of science equipment. Similarly, if an exercise or library book is lost, vandalised or spoiled, we expect the parent/carer to ensure that it is replaced forthwith; any delay will inevitably break the continuity of learning and could result in their child falling behind.


Meeting Special Education Needs

Acceptable Use of ICT

Some students at Park Hall experience a learning difficulty that requires sufficient extra support to be classed as a ‘Special Educational Need’. A student can be defined as having a ‘learning difficulty’ if he or she finds it more difficult to learn than most children of the same age.

Park Hall’s network is a valuable resource that is available to all students and staff from most computers around the Academy. To help ensure that the system remains available and in full operational order, the following precautions must remain in place:

Under the Education Act (2001) Park Hall Academy is required to make arrangements for students with Special Educational Needs, which in simple terms means providing the necessary extra support needed by the student with the learning difficulty to ensure they achieve their potential.

• Do not damage any computer or other item of ICT equipment. Care should be taken in using and handling them. Do not intentionally waste memory volume or other Academy ICT resources.

A child with learning difficulties is identified in a number of ways; as part of the transition procedure information is gathered from Primary Schools prior to a student joining Park Hall; performance in Key Stage 2 SATs also play an important role, as well as additional observational information and progress records. This data is used to compile the Academy’s Special Needs Register. As ever it is also extremely important for you as a parent/carer to raise any concern you have about your child’s learning at the earliest juncture. Please contact Park Hall Academy’s SEN Department, they are always happy to sensitively discuss your concerns, issues or questions in strictest confidence.

• Do not give or provide access to your Username or Password to anyone else and do not use other’s accounts. Always log out of your account once you have finished using a computer. • Do not open other people’s files without express permission and do not corrupt, interfere with or destroy any other user’s files or information. • Do not violate copyright laws relating to images, videos or other information. • All students have their own storage area within the network’s server enabling them to access that data from any connected machine within the Academy. Students do not have access to work station and networked hard drives, and are not able to access, amend or save files outside their allocated storage area. •

Server storage areas, USB sticks and other forms of storage will be treated like school lockers; relevant staff may open and review the information they contain at will, to ensure that they are used responsibly.

DO NOT play games on the school computers or download and install ANY software or other files from the internet without the express permission of a member of staff. To protect the system a daily automated search of the system for any executable or zipped files stored in user areas is undertaken, if found they are logged against that user and then deleted.


Internet and E-mail The Academy has developed a set of detailed user guidelines for use of the Internet, Messaging and Email, they are constantly in review and being developed and are available to every student and parent/carer, upon request. Students must obtain express permission from a member of staff before accessing the internet. Each student is personally responsible for their good behaviour whilst online, just as they are in the classroom. Individual student users are responsible for their own behaviour and communications over the web. It is expected that all users comply with the Academy’s user standards and that they will honour the agreements they have signed. The sending of large files via email or other file transfer system should be avoided. To minimise unnecessary use of memory volume, students should delete any unused or junk files and then empty the trash folder. Inclusion of offensive, abusive, defamatory, obscene, illegal or threatening language (in any language) or images is absolutely unacceptable. Do not use language that can be construed as inciting hatred or derision towards any gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, religious, or other minority grouping. Guard against making statements that could be considered libellous. Do not send any message likely to cause upset, annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety. Never publish your personal details, such as phone numbers, private email addresses, correspondence or home or work addresses, or those of any other member of the Academy staff or student bodies on the internet. Never pass on any personal details, or even the Academy’s name via the internet or email unless expressly told to do so by a member of staff. Teachers will guide students toward appropriate resources on the web. Outside of the Academy parents/carers bear responsibility for policing their child’s internet usage.

Students should not attempt to visit inappropriate sites. Downloading of some material is actually illegal and the Police and/or other authorities may be called in to investigate breaches of this ruling. Remember that, no matter whether you download or merely visit a site, you will leave a trail on the system that can be easily interrogated. Students, never arrange to meet anyone you have met online unless you are accompanied by a parent or carer and the meeting is in a safe, public place. Remember that people you meet online may not be what they seem, even those you feel you have come to ‘know’ as regular online Pen Friends or ‘Keypals’the internet enables people to easily hide their identities and true intent. Be particularly wary when opening attachments to Emails unless they come from someone you know well and trust, and treat ‘Spam’ with extreme caution. Apparently innocuous attachments can often hide ‘Ransomware’, ‘Spyware’ and Viruses that could destroy data or steal important information like passwords. Use of the internet offers students a valuable tool to research and communicate with others. Remember however that its use in school is a privilege, not a right and that with its use comes responsibility, it should also be remembered that parents/carers permission to make use of the internet is required.

Advice on use of the Internet at Home

Mobile Phones

Much the same warnings apply to personal computer use at home as those given for computer use in school. Always keep your personal details, user names and passwords and those of others secret. Do not share them with anyone.

Any mobiles, personal tablets, games or MP3 players observed in use are very likely to be confiscated by Academy staff and will not be returned until the end of the day. Persistent offenders will find their game/phone/tablet/player removed; only being returned when a parent or carer comes in specially to collect it.

Check with your parent or carer before visiting or joining a chat room or forum. Be careful on social media sites, even if a site claims to be safe for children you still have no way of knowing if other members really are who they say they are- even if they seem like your best friend in the online world they could easily be an adult or older child trying to trick you. If someone says or writes something you don’t like, or are upset by on a social media site- simply leave the forum or chatroom straight away. Don’t engage with them in argument or waste your time defending yourself, as many of these people are simply Trolls who get pleasure from bullying, upsetting and threatening others online. Once you have left inform your parent or carer immediately.

We recognised the extreme inconvenience of this rule for working people, but emphasize its necessity. We request that parents and carers impress the wasted time and trouble that will be caused by confiscation upon their child BEFORE the problem arises. The unwelcome presence of mobiles, personal tablets, games and players in the school environment not only causes distraction in the class and impacts badly upon behaviour, but risks theft and can also facilitate bullying via calls, texts, messaging and social media.

When on social media sites by yourself, don’t pretend to be something or someone you are not, it makes it tempting to misbehave and can often backfire if others catch you out. Stay away from sites that state they are for ‘People Over 18 Only’. These warnings are there to protect you; the internet is largely unregulated and along with a world of fascinating information, the web also contains some very disturbing and upsetting material that you will regret having seen. Many ‘Adult’ sites are also charged at premium rates and so you may find yourself with the embarrassing task of having to explain a massive download bill and the flood of pornographic spam to your parents or carers.

Mobile phones, hand held computer games, personal tablets and MP3 players MAY NOT be used at ANY TIME within the Park Hall Academy building.


The Academy Day 8.50am Registration, followed by a Tutorial Period or Assembly*

3.00pm the ‘formal’ school day ends.

9.10am Period One, One Hour Duration

3.00pm to 4.00 pm Lesson Six, One Hour Duration including additional curriculum catch up sessions and revision lessons for Year 11

10.10am Period Two, One Hour Duration 11.10am Break Time, Twenty Minutes Duration 11.30am Period Three, One Hour Duration 12.30am Period Four, One Hour Duration 1.30pm Lunchtime, Half Hour Duration

Extra-Curricular activities take place, not only after school, but also pre-school and during lunch times *on Wednesdays school starts at 9.10am, with the Period One Tutor carrying out Registration

2.00pm Period Five, One Hour Duration Morning Arrival • No student is permitted to be on the premises before 8.15am, unless at Breakfast Club or heading out on a School Trip.

• Students must register with the supervising staff member for any other Club or Extra-Curricular Activity operated before the • start of the school day. • Formal Registration is at 8.50am. All students should be in • their Form Rooms at this time, with the exception of Wednesday mornings, when students arrive to be registered at 9.10am by their First Period teacher. • Afternoon Departure •

All movement from the Academy, whether on foot, by bike or coach must be undertaken in an orderly, careful manner, with due consideration for other students, staff and members of the local community.

Movement around the Academy • Students must arrive promptly and quietly at the beginning of each lesson and should be in possession of all books and equipment necessary for that lesson. • When moving about the corridors and staircases within the Academy, students must WALK quietly on the left side in single file. No running is allowed for any reason.

On fine days, students will be expected to leave the buildings to take advantage of our extensive grounds during breaks and lunchtimes. In these cases they will only be allowed to remain in a classroom if they are working under staff supervision. In wet weather those on lunch will utilise the covered areas as instructed by the Duty Staff. Students in Years 7 to 11 may NOT leave the school premises between 8.50am and 3.00pm. Bicycles may not be ridden in or around the buildings, or on the Academy’s playing fields. When not in use for travelling to or from Park Hall, all cycles should be placed in the Cycle Park at the front of the Academy. We strongly recommend that bikes are securely padlocked.


Absence from School Wherever possible, parents/carers are required to clearly inform the Academy of a child’s absence from Park Hall - for whatever reason - on the FIRST day they are away, and well in advance if the absence is expected. We therefore request that any absence is communicated through the dedicated Academy Absence Phone Line, together with the reason for the failure to attend and the expected date on which your child should return.

Park Hall Academy are striving for full attendance from EVERY student and consider your whole-hearted support of our Attendance Policy an implicit responsibility in the parent/carerAcademy partnership.

In addition, upon return a note should be handed over to the Form Tutor explaining the reason for the absence. If a missed day has been as a result of a Clinic, Hospital, Doctor’s or Dentist’s appointment, then the Appointment Card should be shown to Form Tutor, enabling it to be recorded as an ‘Authorised Absence’.

Any money or articles of value, including pens and watches, must be kept on a student’s person at all times. They should not be left in classrooms, except where specified procedures are in place, such as for PE.

Permission to leave the site during school hours for any reason may only be granted IN ADVANCE by the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, or Head of Year. Pupils will need to collect the yellow leave of absence form from reception to take home. Parents/carers need to add all relevant information on the need for the absence and the Headteacher will decide on if the absence is authorised or unauthorised. All unauthorised absences are recorded and this could lead to a fixed penalty notice as outlined below: Section 23 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 introduced new powers for designated Local Education Officers, Headteachers (and Deputy or Assistant Headteachers authorised by them) and the police to issue penalty notices for unauthorised absence from school. It is important to note that if you take your child out of school during term time, for example for a family holiday, then this WILL be treated as an ‘Unauthorised Absence’, and will be investigated, possibly resulting in further action. Permission for absence in cases of this sort can only be granted in exceptional circumstances, such as bereavement or the funeral of a close family member.

Lost Property

In general valuables should not be brought to the Academy, there are also a number of banned items including mobile phones, tablets and MP3 players. Acceptable Jewellery is detailed elsewhere, however like watches, it should be of minimal value. Individual students are ultimately responsible for their own property, including clothing and the Academy cannot take responsibility for items brought in to school. Occasionally the Academy receives enquiries about financial compensation for personal items lost, stolen or damaged in school. Our insurers have confirmed that Park Hall is liable in only very exceptional circumstances where negligence by the school is proven. All personal items, including clothing and items of personal equipment must be clearly marked with an identifiable name or mark. All lost property found on within the area of the Park Hall Academy site MUST be handed in to Reception.

Rules and Policies Access to information for individual parents/carers In the case of divorce or separation, where parents/carers wish to be informed independently of a child’s progress, Park Hall will need to be appraised of this situation by the parent who has legal custody. Once the relevant contact details have been made available to the Academy we will, as much as possible, keep the second parent/carer up-to-date with a duplicate set of information on their child’s progress. Physical Force and Restraint The controversial subject of use of force by a Teacher or other member of Staff to control or restrain a student received clarification under the 1997 Education Act. The relevant section of the Act came into force in 1998, it: “Allows teachers, or other persons who are authorised by the Principal to have control or charge of students, to use such force as is reasonable in all circumstances to prevent a pupil from doing, or continuing to do, any of the following:

• Sweets and Chewing Gum may not be consumed in the Academy corridors and classrooms. • NO BALL GAMES may be played either in the courtyard areas or close to the Academy buildings. Action against Bullying One aspect of behaviour at the Academy which rightly concerns many parents, carers and students is BULLYING. We take this issue VERY seriously and have done a great deal of work with students, staff, and parents/carers to minimise its occurrence at Park Hall. In addressing any instances of bullying of any kind; physical, verbal or cyber bullying; it has been found that early recognition and discussion of problems is a valuable factor in resolving the issue. We positively encourage students and/or parents/carers to contact us at the earliest juncture, if any concerns arise. If you have any questions, or would like further information on Site Rules, Action Against Bullying at Park Hall Academy, please contact 0121 748 0400.

• Committing a criminal offence (INCLUDING behaving in a way that would be an offence if the student were not under the age   of criminal responsibility) • Injuring themselves or others • Causing damage to property (including the student’s OWN property) •

Engaging in any behaviour prejudicial to maintaining good order and discipline at the Academy, or among any of its students- whether that behaviour occurs in a classroom during a teaching session or elsewhere.”

Site Rules • NO SMOKING anywhere on-site or on the way to, or from Park Hall- even if a student is old enough to smoke legally. • NO DROPPING OF LITTER anywhere on site or on the way to, or from the Academy. Ample Litter bins are provided and must be used.


Complaints Procedure

The Park Hall Complaints Procedure

Park Hall Academy has adopted the official Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Model Complaints Policy.

Stage 1: The Academy receives a Formal Complaint in writing. At this stage it is dealt with by a Senior member of staff relevant to the issue. If a satisfactory resolution is not provided, the complaint is escalated to the second level.

Long experience has shown that in the majority of cases, issues raised by Parents, Carers, and students, are usually actually ‘concerns’ that can be easily resolved by the relevant teacher, rather than ‘complaints’. Park Hall is however fully committed to taking these concerns seriously from the earliest stages, with the aim of resolving issues quickly and effectively without the need to resort to the formally structured procedure. In those cases where the Parent or Carer does not feel that a concern has been satisfactorily addressed, or that an issue is of a serious nature, then the Academy’s formal Complaints Procedure comes into play. The primary driver at every stage is to resolve a complaint as fairly and rapidly as possible. All issues are dealt with in a sensitive, impartial and confidential manner. The school aims to learn from every complaint raised, addressing those issues effectively and then using them as a basis to further improve the learning environment for everyone concerned. Following is a detailed outline of the three stages of escalation that are brought to bear in resolving each complaint. We would ask all Parents and Carers to follow this structured process if an issue arises:

Stage 2: The Academy Headteacher personally arranges further investigation on his behalf. If at this stage the matter is still unresolved the final level of the procedure comes into play. Stage 3: The Academy’s Board of Governors now takes control, conducting a formal hearing of the complaint. An appropriate timescale for dealing with the problem will first be established. This will reflect the nature of the complaint and will be communicated in writing to all parties concerned.

If you have any questions, or would like further information on the Complaints Procedure at Park Hall Academy, please contact 0121 748 0400.


Park Hall Academy Water Orton Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham B36 9HF Tel: 0121 748 0400 Email:

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