Waves Conference Folder 2016

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Waves Music conference 2016

Where East Meets West aves Vienna Conference, organized by Waves Vienna and Austrian Music W Export, happens in 2016 again. A conference

on Friday (Sept 30th) and workshops on Saturday (Oct 1st) take place at the festival headquarter in Vienna, at the WUK (Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus), one of the biggest and independent centre of culture in Europe. True to the motto “Collaborate. Communicate. Connect.” this years conference offers a range of opportunities, for the Austrian and the international participants, to get in touch with professionals and to establish transnational networks. Waves Vienna and Austrian Music Export offer a varietiy of activities for the setup and the expansion of international networking. As this years host countries Germany and Israel were invited. The historic atmosphere of both WUK museum rooms, the well-lit project room, the WUK Beisl, the green patio and also the traditional Viennese Café Weimar opposite the WUK, are the diverse scenes where labels, managers, bookers, journalists and promoters will meet. The central and nearby locations in the former locomotive factory offer an attractive setting and welcoming places for networking and discussions.

like to listen in a relaxed atmosphere inspiring success stories from fruitful artists and international players. For women in music business there will be selective networkingsessions offered. While Germany represents for many of the national labels and artists the most important foreign market, Israel is pretty rare on the radar of the Austrian music industry – maybe because of this it’s really interesting for the future export. The “Round Table Networkings” with Germany and Israel offer an opportunity for discussion and an increase of co operations. There should be also the possibility for the host countries to get to know each other better. In the course of the talks and panels 2016 the interdisciplinary possibilities of utilization of music have priority. Media edited “best &worst cases” out of the ranges Games and TV/Advertising plus an analysis of the developments in streaming-media cause new inputs, inform about new trends and offer links for the own creative strategy.

collaborate,communicate, connect For the realisation of this years motto it takes for example an expansion of the successful “Speed Meetings”. Additional to the 45 minutes slots with the industry figures of both host countries, Germany and Israel, and the invited journalists, there will be offered meetings with Austrian and international festivals. Another new format are “Pop-Up Sessions with…”. This format is for those, who would

contents masthead timetable & Map conference details & pop-up sessions austrian heartbeats delegates tour waves music hack day conference speakers a – Z

3 4 6 8 10 12

Masthead impressum Publisher Comrades GmbH, Wien macht Kultur e.V. Editorial Staff Franz Hergovich, Barbara Steiner, Susanna Fellner, Kate Haider, Lisa Zingerle Pictures Lables, Artists, Booking Agencies Meida owner Wien macht Kultur e. V. Management Thomas Heher Adress Margaretenstraße 96/1, 1050 Wien E-Mail info@wavesvienna.com Web www.wavesvienna.com Printed by Donau Forum Druck Published in Vienna. 3

WuK conference rooM 1

Feedback Listening Electronic / Hip-Hop

WuK conference rooM 2

Focus Countries

WuK ProJect rooM

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12 :0 0

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freitaG / fridaY 30.seP.2016 Feedback Listening Rock / Pop

Pop Up Sessi Scott Cohen Meet the Austrian Festivals

Creative Europe Breakfast

PalMe hosted bY JaMeson


listening session

invitation only


Waves vienna festival centre @ WuK Währinger straße 59, 1090 Vienna 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Conference room 1 (First Floor) Conference room 2 (First Floor) project room (Ground Floor) WuK Beisl (Ground Floor) WuK Halle (Ground Floor) WuK Foyer (Ground Floor) Label market, sAT 1.OCT.2016, 18:00–22:00 Official Opening, THu 29.sep.2016, 18:00 meeting point for Delegates Tour, sAT 1.OCT.2016, 10:45 X







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Game Music

Women in the Music Business Women only

Slovenian MoMENTs

Swiss Business Mixer

Meet the Journalists


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conference details Fri 30.sep.2016


10:00-11:00 recePtion creative euroPe breaKfast

[EN] WUK Project Room Creative Europe is the European Commission’s framework programme for support to the European cultural and creative sectors. The Culture sub-programme provides financial support for projects with a strong European dimension, aiming to share cultural content across borders. The info event gives an overview of the Creative Europe programme and its funding schemes, best practice projects give a picture what a successful project looks like.

10:00–11:30 feedbacK listeninG session hiP hoP/electronic

[EN] WUK Conference Room 1 International professionals give constructive feedback on fresh acts with international potential. Speakers Katharina Seidler (FM4, AT), Ralph Christoph (c/o pop, DE), Matjaz Mancek (Kino Siska, SI), Scott Lykins aka Spinz (Battleaxe Records, US) Host Benji Agostini (Noisey, AT)

10:15-11:15 focus countries the Music scenes in GerManY & israel

[EN] WUK Conference Room 2 Find out more about the rich and lively Israeli music scene and the third biggest music market worldwide, Germany. Networking opportunity with key players of both markets, introduced by elaborate country presentations. Speakers Andrew Campell (Steam Management, IL), Eyal Brook (Brook Lawyers, IL), Ina Kessler (Initiative Musik, DE), Mike Heisel (Initiative Musik, DE)

11:30-12:30 sPeedMeetinG Meet the austrian festivals

[EN] WUK Project Room Closed meeting for selected applicants only. Participants Clemens Schrammel (Picture On Festival, AT), Michi Peklo (And Here Comes The Wolves Festival, AT), Hannes Hagen (Szene Open Air, AT), Raphael Pleschounig (Acoustic Lakeside Festival, AT), Stefan Meister (Heart Of Noise, AT), Peter Hörburger (Dynamo Festival, AT), Moritz Ranftl (Rock im Dorf, AT), Herwig Bauer (Poolbar, AT), Jessica Ölz (Wiesenrock Festival, AT)

12:00-13:30 feedbacK listeninG session rocK/PoP

[EN] WUK Conference Room 1 International professionals give constructive feedback on fresh acts with international potential. Participants Désirée Vach (VUT/Snowhite, DE), Danny Simons (Grand Hotel Van Cleef, DE), Djana Lakus (Outlook Festival, HR), Mattias Albinson (Headstomp Productions, SE), Ineke Daans (PIAS, BE)


12:45-13:45 PoP uP session With scott cohen

[EN] WUK Conference Room 2 Successful music professionals respond openly to your questions in an intimate setting.

13:00-14:00 sPeedMeetinG Meet the international festivals

[EN] WUK Project Room Closed meeting for selected applicants only. Participants Ralph Christoph (c/o pop, DE), Stephan Thanscheidt (FKP Scorpia, DE), Vladimir Kravchenko (Colisium, RU), Andras Berta (Sziget, HU), Andraž Kajzer (MENT, SI), Arthur Janssen (Incubate, NL), Željko Pendić (Impulse Festival, HR), Isabel Cervera (She’s The Fest, ES), Monika Satkova (Pohoda, SK)

14:00-15:00 Panel PlaYlist MarKetinG strateGies

[EN] WUK Conference Room 1 How big is the impact of playlists on Spotify, Deezer or Apple Music? How do you pitch new tracks in to the streaming services for inclusion on their big playlists? Do indie labels have access to top playlists as well? Is there any truth in the playlist payola rumours? Speakers Marie Heimer (Spotify, DE), Scott Cohen (The Orchad, US), Nuri Nurbachsch (Sony Music, AT), Hannes Tschürtz (ink music, AT) Host: Jonas Vogt (Journalist, AT)

14:15-15:15 PoP uP session stePhan thanscheidt

[EN] WUK Conference Room 2 Successful music professionals respond openly to your questions in an intimate setting.

14:30-16:00 netWorKinG session WoMen in the Music business

[EN] WUK Project Room It’s a sad fact that women are still a minority in leading positions within the music industry. Can women’s networks help to overcome the gap? We present some inspiring projects created by women to encourage others to get involved. Share your experiences with women from different music fields in an intimate setting. For women only. Speakers Ineke Daans (PIAS, BE), Isabel Cervera (She’s The Fest, ES), Doreen Schimk (Warner Music, DE), Désirée Vach (VUT/Snowhite, DE), Susanne Kirchmayr aka Electric Indigo (female:pressure, AT) Host: Babsi Steiner (Music Information Center Austria, AT)

15:00-16:00 sPeedMeetinG Meet the Journalists

[EN] Palme hosted by Jameson Closed meeting for selected applicants only. Participants Philipp Krohn (FAZ, DE), Klaus Fiehe (1Live, DE), Csilla Letay (FAZE Magazin, DE), Christopher Beanland, (Journalist, UK), Stefan Trischler (FM4, AT), Yasmin Vihaus (The Gap, AT), Isabella-Anja Khom (Noisey, AT), Philipp Heinkel (Volume, AT), Gerhard Stöger (Falter, AT), Ole Löding (Journalist, DE)

15:30-16:30 PoP uP session With conchita Wurst

[EN] WUK Conference Room 1 Successful music professionals respond openly to your questions in an intimate setting.

16:00-17:00 Panel GaMe Music

[EN] WUK Conference Room 2 How is music for games compsed, chosen and licensed? Which requirements do musicians need to accomplish to faciliate such liscenses? What does the legal background look like? Which strategies do artists use to place their music in games successfully? Is there a masterplan or does achievement happen randomly? What does a track in a game mean for the numbers in the bank account? Videogame Music is listened to more often than conventionally received music. That´s simply because gamers spend more time with the medium, so the soundtrack unfolds empathically. Plus, the player connects sounds and tracks mostly with a particular experience in the game. This associative power adds to the magic of a game soundtrack. What are the upcoming callenges for sound design in games? What are the common threads between chipmusic and orchestral soundtrack? Will soundtracks and soundeffects blend and become more adaptive again in the near future? Speakers Zsolt Marx (game programmer and music producer, AT), Lukas Hasitschka (WANDA / Sound 42, AT), Stefan Kohlweg (SAE Institute, AT), Stafford Bawler (freelance game audio specialist, UK) Host: Robert Glashüttner (FM4, AT)

16:30-17:30 recePtion sWiss business MiXer

[EN] WUK Project Room Meet the Swiss Delegates and have some original Swiss food and drinks! Live: Klaus Johann Grobe (CH)

18:00-19:00 recePtion slovenian MoMents

[EN] WUK Project Room Meet Slovenian professionals, enjoy food and drinks and have a good time! Live: Jardier (SI)

scott cohen

Scott Cohen is the co-founder of digital distribution pioneer The Orchard. The Orchard is the leading digital distributor in the world with offices in more than 25 countries. As a well-recognized public speaker and lecturer, Scott travels the world evangelizing new business models for the digital age. Scott also sits on the BPI Council, the trade body for the UK music industry. Scott’s music career started in the late 80’s in independent and major label artist management. In addition to his responsibilities at The Orchard, he manages the Raveonettes, the Dum Dum Girls, Kristin Kontrol, Dan Owen and Fallulah. Scott is a human rights activist and strict vegan. No meat, fish, cheese, milk, honey, leather, wool or anything else derived from an animal.

stePhan thanscheidt

Stephan Thanscheidt, born in 1977, is the Managing Director at FKP Scorpio and as Head of Festivalbooking also responsible for the program of over 20 major open air-festivals across Europe based at the headquarter in Hamburg, Germany. FKP Scorpio is in the event business since 1990 and has organized a remarkable number of concerts, festivals and show productions with millions of visitors. The company is one of the leading concert promoters in Europe with an annually revenue of 100 million Euro and growing and more than 100 employees. The main business sections are festivals and tours in Germany and Europe. FKP Scorpio also operates an office in Sweden (FKP Scorpio Sweden AB) and has a share in Friendly Fire B.V. (Netherlands), Arcadia Live GmbH (Austria), Beatbox Entertainment (Denmark) and Fullsteam Agency (Finnland).

conchita Wurst

The fictitious character Conchita Wurst was brought to life in 2011 by Austrian singer and drag artist Tom Neuwirth. The bearded lady Conchita went on to win the 59th Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 with “Rise Like A Phoenix”. This moment was captured in time as she exclaimed “We are unstoppable!”, and she gained massive popularity overnight. Since then, she released her debut album, received many awards, performed gigs and TV shows in more than 20 countries, and completed her first solo tour. 07

austrian heartbeats deleGates tour On Saturday 1.OCT.2016 we take you on a tour to three very special places around Vienna. That means lots of music, food, wine, beer and new friends. Join us and reserve your seat at ticketing@wavesvienna.com - the tour is for free and available for all Pro Pass and Conference Pass holder! start of the tour

Meeting Point is at 10:45 AM right in the front of the main entrance to the Festival & Conference Centre WUK. If you made a reservation for the tour be sure to be there at 10:30 AM as otherwise we’ll give your place to other people as space at the bus is limited to 82 people. If you don’t have a reservation just show up and if there’re any places left or someone with a reservation doesn’t show up we’re happy to have you with us.

At Ludwig & Adele am Markt a super cool Viennese pub Blockflöte des Todes will play while we lean back and have one or maybe two drinks.

final destination

Our tour will lead us the birthplace of the Waves Vienna Festival Beer, the Ottakringer Brewery. At this small private owned and local brewery the brewmaster of Foxy Lady, the Waves Festival Beer, will show us around and promised to serve us some really delicous beer specialities from Austria and neighbouring countries!

first stoP: Music, food & Wine

We’re going up to the hills in the west of Vienna to a very special place called Cobenzl. At a typical Viennese wine restaurant - they’re called ‘Heuriger’ - we’ll serve you typical Austrian food and of course white and red wines from the Cobenzl winery. Last but far not least we have the chance to listen to one of the hottest upcoming acts from Austria: Inner Tounge, who played at Waves Vienna last year already and are confirmed for next year’s edition of Eurosonic Noorderslag.

neXt stoP: GerManY!


No, we’re not going that far! But Germany is one of our guest countries and we’re happy to collaborate with Initiative Musik from Germany for the programme of the second stop of our tour. Our bus takes us down from the hills over Vienna back to the city right into one of the most colourful districts, called Ottakring. There we’ll drive straight to the absolutely beautiful Yppenplatz. 8

Around 17:00 we will return to the Festival & Conference Centre where we started the tour and if you’re in the mood you directly can walk in WUK and browse through some really cool Austrian music at the Waves Label Market.

Swiss Music Export proudly presents

29 September – 1 October 2016


Friday 30 September 16:30 - 17:30 Projektraum im WUK


KLAUS JOHANN GROBE klausjohanngrobe.ch



Friday 30 September / 19:30 - 20:15 / Ottakringer Stage thesouls.ch


Friday 30 September / 20:45 - 21:30 / skip c.l.a.s.s. Stage klausjohanngrobe.ch


Friday 30 September / Zeit 22:00 - 22:45 / WUK Foyer

KLISCHÉE Friday 30 September / 23:15 - 00:00 / WUK Foyer klischeeofficial.com



Friday 30 September / 23:15 - 00:00 / Ottakringer Stage

deepdive music Afterparty

Friday 30 September / 22:00 - 04:00 / Palme Open Format Music with DJ Invincible and DJ Ruff

Waves vienna Music hacK daY After a tremendous outcome and feedback from last year’s first Music Hack Day, we are back again! Whether you are a musician, artist, hacker, developer, thinker or hobbyist creator: The spirit of the Waves Music Hack Day is to get your heads together in teams to create new ideas – and build them at the same day! hacK Music? Yes, it’s Possible!

For one and a half days musicians and artists meet with engineers, hobbyists and geeks to invent the ”future of music“. In teams work, you create new ways of using music platforms, audience interaction and innovative sound technologies. From study to model: This hack day is a creative session where music software and hardware are completely new connected and conceived. Some ideas are really crazy. Others are already start-ups. That’s the spirit of this Music Hack Day: Artists meet hackers - everything goes, as long as it is related to music! Waves Vienna Music Hackday is organised by TU Wien, Universität Wien and Johannes Kepler Universität Linz in cooperation with Europeana Sounds, GiantSteps and Red Bull Music Academy. With kind support from MOD devices, MindTecStore, Musimap and bitalino.

Waves vienna Music hacK daY sat 1.0ct.2016 10:00-20:00 WuK conference rooM 1+2






WUK Foyer

TLV-based singer Rotem Or Electronic Indie-Pop





Singer-Songwriter Ori Alboher Electro-Pop, R&B, Soul




Skip Stage

female rock band with a huge love for the sounds of the 90‘s Alternative Rock




WUK Foyer

„Live Free Not Troubled“ – Rock band formed & lead by Ran Nir Indie-Rock, Folk-Rock

Lola Marsh 01.10.


Ottakringer stage

TLV-based band formed by Gil Landau & Yael Shoshana Cohen Dream-Pop, Indie-Pop

conference sPeaKers A – Z

benji aGostini Noisey Alps, AT

Mattias albinsson Headstomp, SE

Benji Agostini was studying journalism and writing for The Gap magazine, before he went to Berlin for an internship at Rolling Stone magazine. With his newfound knowledge, which he encountered lying on the floor at Berghain, he convinced Noisey Alps in Vienna to hire him. He’s finishing his studies and tries to write comprehensible stories about music in Austria.

Started out as a musician running a small DIY label. Been working as an agent for Headstomp for the last 10 years, working in different genres. Mostly active as a European agent but also working as a booker/ promoter in Sweden and the Nordics.

andRas beRta Sziget, HU Andras Berta was cofounder of ‘PANKKK’, and also served as a program coordinator of Music Export Hungary. He worked for Budapestrocknroll and was CEO of Zene360, before taking the position of International Relations Director at Sziget Cultural Management in 2010. He is also head of the European Marketing and Communication Group within Yourope, the European Festival Association..


staFFoRd baWleR freelance game audio specialist, UK

heRWiG baueR Poolbar, AT

chRistoPheR beanland Journalist, UK

I am an award winning freelance game audio specialist with 19 years experience in creating audio content for video games. My work can be found in over 70 published titles on every major platform for the last 4 generations. I have worked with a wide range of genres including Racing, RTS, Adventure Games, MMO’s and Football (soccer).

Herwig Bauer founded poolbar-Festival in 1994. poolbars event programmes consist of artistic performances, theatre, cinema, discussions, poetry – and lots of music from splendid DJs to famous Bands. In addition to the special location in a disused indoor swimming pool and the very intimate atmosphere, poolbar is known for high quality design in all aspects.

andReW caMPbell Gordeon Music, DE

isabel ceRveRa She’s The Fest, ES

RalPh chRistoPh c/o pop, DE

ineKe daans [PIAS], BE

Andrew has been working as a freelance journalist, photographer and TV producer. In 1992 Andrew founded Gordeon Music Promotion and later GRecords. In 2007 he founded the publishing company Edition JA and recently the management and publishing company Steam Music Management & Publishing, co published by IMAGEM Music Germany, as well as IMU Artist Management & Consulting.

Cervera recently completed a Master‘s Degree in Global Entertainment and Music Business at BERKLEE College. She started working closely with the Team of She‘s The Fest, a music festival that enhances the female talent in the professional scene. She also worked alongside other music festivals like FIB (Festival Internacional de Benicàssim), Primavera Sound and Sónar.

Ralph Christoph is a founding member, former program director of the c/o pop festival and now head of program of the c/o pop convention in Cologne. c/o pop has been a major event for music and creative industries since 2004. Ralph is also the program director for the 2013 founded INTERACTIVE Festival which creates platforms for the internet industry in a creative atmosphere.

Daans started at [PIAS] as Label Manager 20 years ago. In 2004 she headed the International team and worked as International Marketing Manager and Senior Project Manager at [PIAS] Recordings. In 2014 she took on the role of Live Strategy Manager and [PIAS] Nites Coordinator and is, thus, responsible for driving and executing the longterm live strategy of the [PIAS] Group.

Christopher is a writer based in London who has written two books and also journalism for various newspapers. He‘s writing about festivals for The Independent.

Klaus Fiehe 1Live, DE During the 70´s Klaus was touring around Germany with jazz-rock-fusion bands. Later on he became a member of Geier Sturzflug and The Bollock Brothers. He started as a radio host in the mid 80´s and soon got to WDR, where he´s currently hosting two music shows, and another one at Byte.FM. His musical style ranges from all facets of UK Bass to Beat Science, House, Indie and Folk.

Robert Glashüttner FM4, AT Robert Glashüttner works as a senior editor at Radio FM4, which is a part of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF, where he is responsible for game culture and net politics coverage. He is also a writer, presenter and blogger for different media outlets.

Isabella Olga Gural Szene Openair Lustenau, AT

Hannes Hagen Szene Openair Lustenau, AT

After her graduation as a communication designer Gural started an internship at Soundevent Entertainment in Dornbirn. Last year she started to work in public relations, online marketing and graphic design at the Szene Openair Lustenau, Conrad Sohm Dornbirn and several other cultural events. Last summer she curated her first art project for the Conrad Sohm Kultursommer-Festival.

Hagen runs the live and electronic club Conrad Sohm and the Szene Openair in Vorarlberg. He also promotes concerts from large venues like Festspielhaus Bregenz to the Olympichall in Innbruck and also small newcomer shows. He is responible for the stage production at Nova Rock & Frequency Festival and he is the founder and director of the Kultursommer Festival in Dornbirn Festival Association..

Lukas Hasitschka WANDA / Sound 42, AT He’s a musician and entrepreneur. A producer and a composer. While studying Jazz-drums he was approached by a developer and ultimately commissioned to create game audio. Later he formed a team of composers and sound designers, his company „Sound 42“ created the audio for many games of Austrian developers. Since the successful years with WANDA his production work is on hold.

Marie Heimer Spotify, DE

Philipp Heinkel Volume, AT

Peter Hörburger Spielboden Dornbirn, AT

Arthur Janssen Incubate, NL

Andraž Kajzer MENT, SI

Since 2012 Marie-Luise Heimer has taken care of Spotify’s relations to labels, record companies and partners in G/A/S. Her degree in Music Business at Pop Academy BadenWürttemberg prepared her well for working in the music industry. She worked for various companies in digital music marketing before, e.g. Simfy and Motor Music. In 2016 Marie has become Director Label Relations.

Philipp Heinkel is 32 years young and was born in Coburg, Germany. Based in Vienna since 2004. His passion for music began with HipHop and Rap, his real love is music made in Austria. With the graduation of his studies „journalism & media management“ he’s working for VOLUME since day one. He is a music editor in chief and develops marketing strategies for brands at live events.

Peter, born in 1973 in Vorarlberg, studied commerce at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, VŠE Prague and Post Graduate Studies at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, spent long periods in New York and Amsterdam. He is known for organizing independent cultural events and exhibitions. In 2014 he was elected as the new CEO of the cultural venue Spielboden Dornbirn.

Arthur Janssen works as promoter at Incubate, an acclaimed festival located in Tilburg (NL) which has been at the forefront of new developments within European independent and avant-garde culture for over twelve years.

A sound technician who became a music journalist who became an editor who became a promoter who became a label manager who became an agent who became a tour manager who became a festival & conference manager. Currently comanaging MENT Ljubljana & MENT platform, promoting gigs, working with Slovenian bands and running Hrupmag in its various forms.


isabella-anja KhoM Noisey, AT Khom was born in Vienna and grew up in Carinthia. Since in terms of cultural exposure Carinthia hasn´t had much to offer, books, music, fashion design and cigarettes became some sort of a (deleterious) haven. She later moved back to Vienna, where she studied German philology. In 2014 she was an intern at Noisey and two years later became Editor-InChief.

scott lyKins aKa sPinz Artist / Battleaxe Records, US Rapper/Producer Spinz has toured and worked with the likes of Madlib, Ice T, The Alchemist, Above The Law, Swollen Members and many of rap music’s elite. Wearing many different hats as an MC, writer, producer, audio engineer and record label A&R. Spinz is a member of Battleaxe Warriors. He has remained a permanent fixture in the west coast hip hop scene for over a decade now.

susanne KiRchMayR aKa electRic indiGo female:pressure, AT Susanne Kirchmayr aka Electric Indigo, born 1965 in Vienna, works as musician, composer and DJ. She started her career 1989 in Vienna, lived in Berlin from 1993 to 1996, founded the database and network for women in electronic music and digital arts „female:pressure“ in 1998 and has received several awards in Austria and Germany. She shuttles between Vienna and Berlin.

Matjaž ManČeK Kino Šiška / Ment, SI Born in 1975. Obtained a law degree in 1999, just a morning after opening for Fugazi with his band in Ljubljana. Actively involved in the music world since 1996 as a musician, radio activist, club DJ, promoter and producer of local and international music events (rx:tx music; Kataman Music Action; Head of Music Programme at Kino Šiška; co-founder and comanager of MENT).

steFan KohlWeG SAE Institute, AT Stefan graduated as Bachelor of Recording Arts from the SAE Institute. As an Audio Engineer he has worked closely with artists, agencies and brands. He worked as an „Audio Architect“ creating audio concepts for digital media agencies, game developers and video production companies. He returned to the SAE Institute Vienna as Head Instructor for the Audio Engineering Programme.

zsolt MaRX game programmer and music producer, AT Zsolt Marx is a music producer and game programmer. He started as a coder for Rockstar Vienna, then moved to the UK. He joined Electronic Arts as programmer and audio artist, becoming part of the award-winning Burnout Paradise, Black and Harry Potter audio teams. His most recent venture is Dungenious – an innovative mixture between a learning game and a dungeon crawler.

vladiMiR KRavchenKo Colisium International Music Conference, RU Vladimir Kravchenko is General Director at Colisium, international music and media convention that takes place in Russia since 2007. It brings together representatives from all key participants of the music industry from CIS, Europe, Asia and the USA. In 2014 Colisium has expanded to Moscow and St.Petersburg (Russia), Minsk (Belarus), Kyiv (Ukraine) and Almaty (Kazakhstan).

csilla letay FAZE Magazin, DE On her quest for exciting projects the German freelance journalist Csilla focuses on culture and music – especially on electronic music as contributing editor for FAZEmag. Csilla is also actively participating in cultural work – organizing small concerts, exhibitions and club nights in her current hometown Wuppertal with leading artists and promising newcomers.

steFan MeisteR Heart Of Noise, AT

nuRi nuRbachsch Sony Music, AT

Independent mainly in the field of cultural dissemination for more than twenty Years; Manager at the Cultural Center Pmk in Innsbruck; 1.000+ performances as DJ; Development and Realization of over 200 Events and Festivals; Conception, curation and production of the “Heart of Noise”, a festival presenting aesthetic regions outside the cultural mainstream.

Nuri is senior manager a&r at Sony Music Entertainment Austria. Amongst his diverse functions since 1999 were junior product & promotion management at BMG, chief editor for music & games at gotv or brand manager at Warner Music. Other semi-professional projects: co-founder of dj and producer collectives love+hate and CONCRETE, weirdo concert promoter or freelance writer.

Željko Pendić Impulse, HR Željko Pendić is a concert organizer and music promoter actively involved since 2000. He also worked as a journalist at the local TV and radio stations. Since 2010 together with friends he established Distune Promotion, an independent organization (NGO) whose action is based on the music. Surely the biggest step for organization was the start of “Impulse festival” from 2014.

Raphael pleschounig Acoustic Lakeside Festival, AT Having founded the Acoustic Lakeside Festival in 2006, Raphael has committed himself to establishing a place for passionate music owned by passionate people who are seeking fulfillment through commitment ever since. The festival has grown to become the most desirable festival brand within Austria. His professional full-time engagement is dedicated to the design company KISKA.

Clemens Schrammel Picture On Festival, AT

Katharina Seidler FM4 / Falter, AT

Clemens Schrammel grew up in Bildein, Burgenland. There he has taken part in shaping the cultural landscape for more than 10 years. Playing a leading role in the cultural association KuKuK, he organizes events with the ambitious goal of making life on the countryside more attractive. Since 2000 the picture on festival diversifies the Austrian festival scene.

Katharina has been writing about music for over ten years. She works as an author and presenter at the Austrian national radio station Radio FM4, regularly contributes to all sorts of music magazines and writes a weekly column in the Viennese city newspaper Falter. Her focus lies on pop and electronic music as well as on experimental tendencies of different stylistic origin.


Moritz Ranftl Rock im Dorf Festival, AT Hagen runs the live and electronic club Conrad Sohm and the Szene Openair in Vorarlberg. He also promotes concerts from large venues like Festspielhaus Bregenz to the Olympichall in Innbruck and also small newcomer shows. He is responible for the stage production at Nova Rock & Frequency Festival and he is the founder and director of the Kultursommer Festival in Dornbirn Festival Association.

Danny Simons Grand Hotel Van Cleef Musik / Liftboy Management, DE Danny started working in the music buiz in 1994, and did all sorts of jobs from stagehand, local promoter, guitar tech to road manager. In 2002 he co-founded the artist management company LIFTBOY MANAGEMENT where he has been taking care of German Top Ten Artists KETTCAR, TOMTE & THEES UHLMANN until now. He also became Head of Booking for GRAND HOTEL VAN CLEEF MUSIK GmbH in 2005.

Monika Satkova Pohoda, SK

Doreen Schimk Warner Music, DE

Monika works as a booking assistant of the Pohoda Festival, which takes place in July, in Trencin, Slovakia. Pohoda is the biggest festival in Slovakia with 30 000 daily visitors and more than 120 artists from all over the world. In 2016 Pohoda has celebrated its 20th edition. Monika also attends singing lessons, is a singer and composer in the band Snowdrop and plays curling.

Having worked for Sony Music, SonyBMG and Columbia Four Music in leading positions for the past 15 years, Schimk has been Warner Music Group’s Director of Promotion & Coordination since 2011. In 1994 she started the initiative „SISTARS“ to support women in the music business. She’s also supporting support women in the creative industries through the “Hey Ladies” initiative.

Babsi Steiner mica – music austria, AT

Gerhard Stöger Falter, AT

Babsi Steiner studied Advertising and Media Management in Vienna, Stuttgart and Australia. She’s been working in the music biz since 2008 (label management, management board VTMÖ, artist management, PR & Marketing, music export). In her “music free” years she was working for advertising agencies, online media and PR agencies.

Gerhard Stöger is writing for the Viennese weekly newspaper Falter. Together with Florian Obkircher, Thomas Mießgang and Walter Gröbchen he published the book „Wienpop“ in 2013. At Rhiz he hosts the monthly club „1000 Takte Tanz“ and together with the musician Ankathie Koi he curated this year‘s edition of the Viennese festival “Popfest Wien”.

steFan tRischleR a.K.a. tRishes FM4, AT A musician, DJ, vinyl junkie, radio personality and writer from Vienna. Stefan has been on the air as part of the HipHopshow “FM4 Tribe Vibes” since 2000 and in charge of Austrian music platform “FM4 Soundpark” since 2001. Co-curator of the open-air music festival Popfest Wien in 2015. He was running Beattown Records and releasing on Melting Pot Music and Duzz Down San.

hannes tschüRtz ink music, AT

dÉsiRÉe j. vach Snowhite, DE

yasMin vihaus The Gap, AT

jonas voGt Journalist, AT

Founder of music agency INK MUSIC and Founder/ Co-Owner of Ticketing Service NTRY TICKETING. Hannes teaches Music Business, writes articles and used to be former head of the Advisory Board for Music Export Austria (2012-2014) and member of the Board Austrian Independent Labels Association (200610). Also, Hannes curates the Poolinale Music Film Festival.

Desiree J. was working for the label Kitty –Yo, before she took over the management of the label Weekender Records Germany. In 2009 she founded Snowhite. Vach is further lecturer at the project „DigiMediaL_musik“, a continuing education for Musicians at Berlin Career College University of the Arts Berlin and is also working as a manager GSA for Digital Distribution INgrooves.

After doing PR-work for bands and working for public broadcasting, Yasmin started writing for the music and pop culture magazine „The Gap“ in 2015 and works there as deputy editor in chief since 2016 . Her musical focus lies on all kinds of electronic music as well as on club culture. Yasmin has a weekly column about the local club and music scene called „Wien bei Nacht“.

Jonas Vogt moved from Cologne to Vienna ten years ago and has written about its music scene ever since. He was an editor at The Gap, Editor-In-Chief of Noisey Austria and has a monthly op-ed column for club culture. Jonas works as a freelancer now to fulfill his dreams of asking the right questions and saying things nobody likes to hear

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