2006 - 2007 Wayland Academy Yearbook

Page 1

Wayland Academy 7

Athletics 25

Clubs 37 Events 53

Dorm & Day Students 63 Faculty & Staff

69 Dedication 75

Underclassmen 93

Seniors 142

Email Index

1o 1 North University A venue Beaver Dam, W isconsin 539 16 (920) 885-3373 www.wayland.org Pillars 2007 Volume # 63

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U.S. History World Civilizations European History Algebra Geometry Calculus German Spanish Latin American Literature British Literature Creative Writing Chemistry Biology Physics Choir Jazz Band String Ensemble Pep Band Painting & Drawing Photograpl1y Chapel Assembly Baseball Basketball Football Tennis Soccer Svvimming Golf Skiing Track & Field Volleyball Field Hockey Softball Senior Pranks Orientation Athletics Spirit Week Pep Rally Homec One Acts Fall Pia Prom Axe Hunt S the Wolf Canoeing Lake SATs ACT Graduation Fa Founders Day Lessons & Carolo-Coffee House Finals Week Senior Privileges Wayland Life 7

BASEBALL MCC - Midwest Division Conference Champions

1st Row : joe Graham, Kii Kasten, Adam Bunkoske, M r. Nicho lson, Steve Boucher, justin Krause, Steve McCask ill 2nd Row: Dana Webber, Loran Miller, Zak Properni ck '06, AJ Warfield, Kyle Brown, jason Crivolio, Rick Langman, Brennan Fitzgera ld, Sa rah Murphy 3rd Row : Chann ing Harris, Adam Krohn, Nick Schaa lma, josh Hoeft, Jeremiah johnson, Jacob Barsy '06

Coaches: Mr. Nic holson , Mr. Keller, Mr . MIP: Steve McCaskill MVP: Zak Propernick '06 Pe ters & Mr. Bouc her (S ta tistic ian ) Captains: Stev en Bouc her & Zak Champion o f Charac ter: Loran Miller & Jeremiah Johnson Propern ic k '06 8


1st Row: Christine Hamman, Katie

Egan, Jackie Johnson '06, Cait Randerson '06, Ashley Pahl '06, Meredith Zafian '06, Jackie Barron, Cassie Mcleod 2nd Row: Mrs. Hill, Amberly Ritchie, Eva Pfoertner, Natalie Owens, Mary Miller, Karolyn Burwitz, Andrea Slosser, Grace Aguil ar, Mr. Luebke 3rd Row: Julia Swanke, Becky Tyson, Katie Corbin, Abby Tentinger, Amanda Haase, CharlieAnn Kerns

MVP: Katie Corbin MIP: Jackie Barron Champion of Character: Amanda Haase & Chris tine Hamman

coaches : Judy Hill Cap tains: Ash ley Pahl '06 , Cait Randerson '06 , & Mereditl1 Zafian '06 9


Varsity Caleb Hintz, Jake Rechek '06, Nick Schaalma, ML Borrud. David Martens '06, Matt Jung. Sanjay Murthy '06 JV Front Row: Mr. Borrud, Min-A Kim, Hayley Skreens, Jared Krause, Liz Spencer, Sophia Lee, Mr. Solomon Back Row: Claire Ptaschinski, Jeff Rauscher, Jon DeHart, Matt Breuer. Mark Bruning, Josh Tschudy '06, Andrew Haberman

Coac hes : Mr. Borrud & Mr. Solomon MIP: Nic Schaalma MVP: sanjay Murthy '06 Champion o f Charac ter: Caleb Hintz 10


1st Row: Anna January, Serena Wolfe, Megan Liegl '06, Soo ]in Lim, Lindsay Cieslik, Iris Lam, Nikki Hodgdon, Paige Alley, Caitlin McE lwee, Kathy Burgman, Rachel Mathers, Irma Rosas, Steven Pals 2nd Row : Ms. Boucher, Jenny Guo, Ashley Walton, Zuzana Gajduskova, Pia Strecker, Jill Neitzel, Veronica Thomson, Lark j ackson, Clare Wo lfe, Katie Shank, Mr. Gardner 3rd Row: lillian jackson, Danica Fredri cks, Megan Eilers, Ye-Seul Yang, Christine Pryme, Caitlin Wo lfe, Denitza Boudeva, Margaret Rhatican '06, Tina Ga lor, Karlie Aubry, jul ia Kim

MIP: Zuzana Gajduskova MVP: Caitlin McElwee & Margare t Rhatican '06 Champion of Cl1aracter : soo Jin Lim

Coaches: Mr. Gardner & Ms . Boucher Captains: Paige A lley & Megan L eig l '06



Varsity Bottom Row: Breanne Rehfe ldt '06, Kun-Ho Yoon, Youngtae Byun, Kyo-Hyun Park, Juan Carlos Garcia '06, Malan Doty '06 Top Row: David Nyman '06, Mike Siriann i, Spencer Alexander, Mr. Cox, Ricardo RuizMaza, Levi Walton '06, Tae-Yoon Kyung '06 JV 1st Row: Ed Randerson, Miles Reid-Anderson, lack Ling, Phil Swain, Ms. Felten, Brian Vogel, Abe Rosas, Carlton Radford, Spencer Schumann 2nd Row: Steve Kim, Suk Hyun Kim, Seung-Hyo Park, Youngil Kim, JJ Boo, Woo Hyung lm, Artur Lopatin, Derek Franke 3rd Row: Rhys Lockard, j acob Tschudy, Daniel Hur, Sa m Hertzberg, Nick Coley '06, Brendan Weinstein, Stephen Fawley, T)tler Hill, Oscar Cum iano

Coac h es : Mr. Cox & Ms. Felten MIP: Kun-Ho Yoon MVP: David Nyman '06 Champion of Character: Spencer A lexander 12


1st Row: Amy Allured '06, Jubran Arif, Cassie Puis, lan Leigl, Natalie Machkovech, Addie Rauschert, Austin Williams, Mahmoud Shihab, Epiphany Burgess 2nd Row: Dr. Lake, Joschka Zimmerman, Scott Fitzgerald, Chris Hannah, Sam Radford, Adam Benavides, Mr. Knee 3rd Row: Brandon Winikates, Peter Droege, Damarr Purifoy, Ben Rabata, Gerry Cumpiano '06, Kofi Sampong '06, April Jordan

MIP: Adam Be navides MVP: Kofi Sampong '06 Champion of Charac te r: Add ie Rausc he rt

coaches: Mr. Knee & Dr. Lake Captain: Ge rry Cumpiano '06



1st Row: john Heeter, Mi ke Schwemmer, Steele Morton, j osh Mil ler, Seth Abood, Joe Graham, M r. D isch, Mr. H ill, Mr. Knee, Ted Shank, Joe Li verseed, Carlton Radford, Mike Boucher, M arce lo G iebi nk, Abe Rosas 2nd Row : Adam Benavides, Rickey Hendon, Brendan Rhatic-an, O sca r Cumpiano, Scott Fitzgerald, Seung- Hyo Park, Nick Kosewski , Rh ys Locka rd, Ga laxy Guo, Aa ron Brown, Spencer Schumann, j ohn Ga lor, Nick Derr, Eva n Lockard, )) Boo, Ty ler H ill, Loran Mi ll er, Steve Boucher, Youngtae Byun, Spencer Alexa nder 3rd Row: Jeff Rauscher, Ada m Bunkoske, Howard Th omas, Austin Wi ll iams, j ohn Santucc i, AJ W arfield, Joey Richardson, M a Georges, Chris Hannah, Lenny Goetze, N ick Schubert, Josh Hamburg, Brandon Win ika tes, M artin Arguello, j ake W ood, Brennan Fi tzgerald, Suk H yun Kim, Steve McCaskill

coac h es: Mr. Hill, Mr. D is c h . & Mr. Knee Captains: Stev en Bo uc h er . Galaxy Guo. Jerem iah Jo h nson . & L o ran Mille r 14

MIP: L en ny Goetz MVP: Loran Miller Champio ns of Character: Jerem iah Johnson & Spenc er A lexander


1st Row: Laura Bachmann, Liz Ellis, Ms. Alpaugh, Amanda Haase, Anna January, Ms. Boucher, Savannah j ensen, Caitlin McElwee 2nd Row: Yean Ji Lee, Christine Rojas, Natalie Machkovech, Eva Pfoertner, Serena Wolfe, Rachel Mathers, Kathy Burgman, Natalie Owens, Al lie Statz 3rd Row: Karo lyn Burwitz, Danica Fredericks, Allie Dewar, Jackie Barron, Veronica Thompson, Sarah Murphy, Irma Rosas 4th Row: Ye-Seul Yang, M elissa Pollesch, Caitlin Wolfe, Eva Sediva, jane Goski, Emily Franco, Sarah )anisewski

MIP:C hr istine Roj as MVP: Serena Wolfe Champions of Charac ter: Natalie Machkovech & Amanda Haase

coacl1es : Ms. Alpaug h & Ms. Bo uc h er captains : Kathy Burg m an , a talie Machkovech . Rachel Mathers . Eva Pfoertner. & Serena Wo lfe 15


Varsity 1st Row: Austi n Lardy, Ph il Swain, lan Leigl, Brendan Lyon, Fred Ko 2nd Row: Mr. Graham, Gyungmin Koh, Kyo Hyun Park, Kun-Ho Yoon, Caleb Hintz, Mr. Peters 3rd Row: Steven Pals, Ben Connell, Ben Rabata, Matt jung, j acob Berthoud JV 1st Row: Kory Karpfinger-Dryden, Austin Schol z, Austi n Fiegel, jack Ling, SamGina Kerns, Mahmoud Shihab, Hao Wang, Youngil Kim 2nd Row: Mr. Jimenez, j oon Ho Hwang, Andrew H aberman, Gade Jyambere, Domink Baus, Denis Lee, Mr. Osvald 3rd Row: Matt Hernandez, Sang Yoon Cha, Mark Bruning, Ben Park, Kevin Rohle, Seung Hy.eon Lee, Alejandro de Ia Rosas, Arndt Gosse!, Paul Shapi ro

Coaches : Mr. Graham Captains: Brendan Lyon , ro Steven Pals, & Kun-Ho > Yoon 16



MIP: Ben Rabata MVP: Kun-Ho Yoon Champion of Character: Caleb Hintz

Coaches : Mr. Osvald & Mr. Jimenez Captains: Mark Brun ing, Arndt Gosse!, & -, Mahmoud Shihab Champion of Characte r: Arndt Gosse !







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& r !' E 1st Row: Mrs. Ratajczak, Krystle Pajarillo, Se Yeonjang, Becky Sumner, Nikki Hodgdon, Stephen Pepper, Kayla Ruplinger, Sophia Lee, Kathleen Ellis, lee Woo Park, Ms. Felten 2nd Row: Hannah Mallegni, Soo Jin Lim, Lark jackson, Min,A Kim, Iris Lam, Liz Spencer, Alice Zhang, Sarah Murphy, JiEun Ahn 3rd Row: Franziska Albers, Yoon Ah Roh, jacqueline Hill, Christine Pryme, Maggie Murphy, Denitza Boudeva, Kelsey Baum an, Jill Neitzel, Natalie Guse, Dezarae Avalos, Sarah Baig

lVfiP: Franz iska A lbe rs

MVP: Kathleen Ellis Champion of Character: Kirsten Corbin JV Champion of Characte r: Sa rah Baig

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Coach es: Ms. Felten & Mrs. Ratajczak Captain: Iris Lam



Varsity l sl Row: And rea Slosser, j ulia M iller, M egan Connell, Stepha nie H ill, Cassie M cLeod 2nd Row: April jordan, Claire Ptaschinski . M s. Eisenreich, Becky Tyson, Addie Rauschert , 3rd Row: Charli eAnn Kern s, Lynz Bjork, jenna Ptaschinski, Cass ie Puis, Kii Kasten JV 1st Row : Hailey Rockwell , Christine Ham man, Katie Shank. Lea h French, Estelle de Vendegies, Hailey Skreens, Amberl y Ri tchie, jean Ca rr 2nd Row: CharileAnn Kerns, Ha nnah Lockwood, M ava Kailas, Juli a Ml ller, Lindsay Cies lik, Ti na Galor, M ary M ill er, Theia Easley, Ell ie Deri-Sproull, Kii Kasten 3rd Row: Ka tie Corbin, Kristen D ietz, April Jorda n, M egan Eilers, Ka tie Torrence, Julia Kim, Abby Tenti nger, Karl ie Aubry, Elizabeth Richardson-Hart






Coach: Ms . Eisenreic h Captains : Claire Ptachins ki . Andrea Slosser . & B ecky T y so n 18

MIP: Ly nz Bjo rk MVP: Be c ky T yson Champion of Character: A ddie Rausc h ert

Coaches: Dr . Lake & Mrs. Pe ters Captains: Ka tie Corbin & Mary Miller Champions of Character: Lindsay Cieslik & Ka tie Shank


1st Row: Young II Kim, Miles Reid-Anderson, jack Ling, Carlton Radford, JJ Boo, jake Wood, Mike Sirianni, Kun-Ho Yoon, Youngtae Byun, Lenny Goetze, Andrew Haberman, Sean Nam, jared Krause, Brendan Lyon, Kevin Rohle, Ben Park 2nd Row: Josh Mi ller, Jeff Rauscher, Serena Wolfe, YeSeul Yang, Lindsay Cieslik, Christine Pryme, Jill Neitzel, Chris Hannah, Nick Kosewski 3rd Row: Savanna Jensen, Seo Yeon Park, Melissa Pollesch, Natalie Guse, Kayla Ruplinger, Emily Franco, Maya Kaiias, Irma Rosas, Krystle Pajarillo 4th Row: Mrs. Ratajczak, josh Hamburg, Yea n Ji Lee, Brian Roberts, Justin Krause, john DeHart, Amanda Haase, Soo )in Lim , Natalie Owens, Jee Woo Park, Anna Jiinuary, Julia Kim, Ms. Kesler

M IP: Nic k Kosewski & Soo Jin Lim MVP: Kun-H o Yoon Champion of Character: Lindsay Cieslik & Kayla Ruplinger (JV)

Coaches: Ms. Kesler and Mrs. Ratajczak Capta ins: Kun-Ho Yoon & Youngtae By un



Varsity 1st Row: Steve Boucher, Adam Benavides, Oscar Cumpianm, Adam Pusinelli, Scott Fitzgerald, Katie Shank 2nd Row: Mr. Peters, Brandon Winnikates, Loran Mi ller, David Schmidt, AJ Warfield, Tyler Hill, M r. Osvald 3rd Row: Chris Ca rr, Ben Connell, Ben Ra bata, Nic Schaalma, Josh Hoeft, Adam Krohn, Lynz Bjork JV Red Front Row: Mr. Osvald, Joe Graham, Seth Abood, Sean Hong, Steve McCaskill, Mike Schwemmer, Kelsey Bauman Back Row: Brendan Rhatican, Austin W illiams, Brendan Weinstein, Nick chubert, David Schmidt, Brennan Fitzgerald JV White 1st Row: Austin Scholtz, Stephen Pepper, Ted Shank, Austin Lardy, Kory Ka rpfinger-Dryden 2nd Row: Estelle de Vendegies, Austin Fiegel, Steele Morton, GyeongMin Koh, Joom Ho Hwang, Mike Boucher, M r. McDonnell 3rd Row: John Heeter, Jason Crivol io, John Santucci, Nick Derr, Rickey Hendon

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MIP: Tyler Hill & Sco tt Fitzgerald Coach: Mr . Peters Captains: Loran Miller & MVP: AJ Warfield Champions of Charate r: Ben B randon Winnikates Connell & Adam Krohn


> '

Coaches : Mr. Osvald & Mr . McDonnell Champions of Charac ter : Joe Graham (Red) N ic k Derr (Wh ite)


Varsity 1st Row: Cassi Mcleod, Leah French, Theia Easley, Kirsten Corbin, Liz Ellis 2nd Row: Mrs. Hill, Julia Miller, Stephanie Hill, Addie Rauschert, Megan Connell, Animwaa Sampong, Mr. Dore 3rd Row: Eva Sediva, Jenna Ptaschinski, Estelle de Vendegies, Kelsey Peters, Bri Medley

JV 1st Row: Mac Shihab, Laura Bachmann, Veronica Thompson, Ch ri stine Hamman, Hailey Rockwell, Matt Hernandez 2nd Row: Mr. Dore, Christine Rojas, Hailey Skreens, Alii Dewar, Dezarae Avalos, Clare Wolfe, Ms. Osborne 3rd Row: Hannah Ma llegni, Tina Galor, Maggie Murphy, Jacqueline Hill, Elizabeth R.ichardson-Hart, Sarah Baig

Coaches : Mr. Dore & Ms. Osborne 'Champion of Character: < Laura Bac hmann

MIP: Stephanie Hill MVP: Eva Sediva Champions of Cl1arater: Addie Rausc he rt & Animwaa Sampong

coach: Mrs. Hill Captains: Addie Rausc hert & Cassie Mc L eod 21


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1st Row: Ell ie Deri-Sproull, A li ce Zhang, Franciska Albers, Ed Randerson, Andrea Slosser, Kathleen Ell is, Kathy Burgman, Se Yeon Jang, Joe Liverseed 2nd Row; Ms. Alpaugh, Eva Pfoertner, Kii Kasten, Ji-Eun Ahn, Ryan Monsen, Aaron Brown, Dennis Lee, Steve Pals, Mr. Kasper 3rd Row: Martin Arguello, Caleb Hintz, Dominik Baus, Kyo Hyun Park1 Matt Jung, Mark Bruning, Jakob Berthhoud, Seung Hyeon Lee

Coacfles: Mr. Kasper and Ms. A lpaugh MIP: Joe Liverseed & Kathleen Ellis MVP: Steve Pals & Kathy Burgman Champions of Character: Jakob Be rthoud , Ed Rande rson, & Joe Liverseed (JV)


Chris C., Liz S., & jessica S. Austin L. & Gade j.

Kyo P.


Katie T., Amberly R., & Sean N.

Brian R.

Lynz B., Denitza B.

Elizabeth R., Matt H., Christy R., & Leah VA.

Artur L. & Brendan L.

Sang Yoon C.

U.S. History World Civilizations European History Algebra Geometry Calculus German Spanish Latin American Literature British Literature Creative Writing Chemistry Biology Physics Choir Jazz Band String Ensemble Pep Band Painting & Dravving Photography Chapel Assembly Baseball Basketball Football Tennis Soccer Swimming Golf Skiing Track & Field Volleyball Field Hockey Softball Senior Pranks Orientation Clubs Spirit Week Pep Rally Homecomin Snovvball One Acts Fall Play Spr Axe Hunt Study Ha Canoeing the Me SATs ACTs Graduation Fa Founders Day A Lessons & Carol Coffee House Finals Week Senior Privileges Wayland Life


Bottom Row: Carlton Radford, M ike Schwemmer, Min-A Kim, Rya n Monsen, Stephen Pepper, Mr. Graham Top Row: M att Breuer, Nick Kosewski , W alter Burtis, joon Ho Hwang, Addie Rausc hert, joe Li verseed

1st Row: M att Hern andez, Lindsay Cieslik, Ed Randerso n, Anna j anuary, Epiphany Burgess, Joe Graham, And rea Slosser, Eva Pfoertn er, Rachel M athers, Pa ige All ey, Leah French, Estelle de Vendegies 2nd Row: Dani ca Fredericks, Sarah Baig, Jil l Neitzel, Savanna j ensen, Stephanie Hill, Bri M edley, Hannah Mal legn i, M egan Connell, Iris Lam, Sarah janisewski 3rd Row: Liz El lis, Cassi M cl eod, Jane Goski , Ell ie Deri-Sproul l, Kirsten Corb in, Iris Lam, Dezarae Avalos 4th Row: jacqueline Hill, Lark j ackson, April Jordan, Becky Tyson, Kati e Corbin, Irma Rosas, Becky Sum ner, Ama nda Haase, M ahmud Shi hab, 5th Row : Joe Liverseed, M arce lo Gi ebink, Addie Rauschert, John Heeter, Nick Derr, Ca rlton Radford, Rickey Hendon, W alter Bu rtis, Ma rk Brunning, Kii Kasten, Ty ler H ill , Ryan Monsen, Mike Bou cher, Steven Pals, N ick Kosewski, Emil y Franco, Stephen Faw ley, Lynz Bjork


1st Row: Sarah Baig, Elizabeth Ri chardson-H art, Estell e de Vendegies, Rya n Monsen, Joe Emil y Franco 2nd Row: Youn Ah Roh, Laura Bachmann, Addie Rauschert, Anna January, Joe Liverseed, Lark Jackson, Ra chel Mathers, Andrea Slosser, Denitza Boudeva, Serena Wolfe, Min-A Kim, Iris Lam, Claire Ptasc hin sk i 3rd Row: Mr. Nicho lson, Eva Sediva, Carlton Radford, Brendan Weinstein, Walter Burtis, Nick Kosewski, Steven Pals, Ben Park, Jeff Butke

Bottom Row: Youngil Kim, Dominik Baus, Sarah Baig, Jacob Berthoud Top Row: Walter Burtis, Kevin Rohle, Lenny Goetze, Cassie Puis 27

1st Row: Sara Mu y, Sarah Baig, Iris Lam, Lindsay Cieslik, Ama Haase, B Tyson, Serena Wolfe 2nd Row: Carlton Radford, Nick Kosewski, Denitza Boudeva, Tyler Hill , Ryan Monsen, Adam Benavides 3rd Row: Wa lter Burtis, Kun-Ho Yoon , Brandon Winikates, Steven Pa ls, Loran Mil ler, josh Hoeft


1st Row: Claire Ptachinsk i, Epiphany Bu rgess, Natalie M achoveck 2nd Row: W alter Burtis, Sarah Baig, Iris Lam, Serena Wolfe, Jared Krause, Matt Breuer 3rd Row: N ick Kosews ki, Tyler Hi ll, Lindsay Ciesl ik 4th Row: Kun-Ho Yoon, Brandon Winikates, Ryan Monsen, Adam Benavides Not Pictured Andrea Slosser

1st Row: Theia Easley, Allison Dewar, Elizabeth Ellis, Hannah Lockwood, Sarah Baig, Maggie Murphy 2nd Row: Rachel Mathers, Claire Ptachinski , Epiphany Burgess, Natalie Machkovech, Andrea Slosser 3rd Row: Joe Graham, Steve McCaskill, Jared Krause, Justin Krause, Kyo Hyun Park, Austin Scholz

Brendan Lyon, Josh Miller, Alice Zhang, Matt Hernandez, Addie Rauschert, Mrs. Irwin, Stephanie Hill, Sarah Janisewski , April Jordan


Mike Boucher, Nick Derr, Howard Thomas, Damarr Purifoy, Mark Bruning, lan Leigl, josh Miller, Mike Schwemmer, Brian Roberts

Bottom Row: Min-A Kim Top Row: Mike Boucher, Howard Thomas, Mrs. Irwin, Claire Ptachinski, Sophia Lee, Youn Ah Roh, Mrs. Throndsen Not Pictured: Mark Brunning, Damarr Purifoy, Natalie Machkovech



Bottom Row: Spencer Schumann, Jill Nietzel, Karolyn Burwitz, Mrs. Ratajczak Top Row: Mrs. Bleifuss, Sarah Murphy, Brandon Winikates, Kyo-Hyun Park

Leah Van Alstine, April Jordan, Kelsey Bauman 31

1st Row: Julia Kim, Amanda Haase, Iris Lam, Lindsay Cieslik, Serena Wolfe 2nd Row: Sarah Baig, Nick Kosewski 3rd Row: Carlton Radford, Kun-Ho Yoon, Steve Pals, Brandon Winikates, Ryan Monsen, Josh Hoeft, Loran Miller

1st Row: Cassie McCieod, Andrea Slosser, Nata lie Machkovech, Ed Randerson, Anna january, Kun-Ho Yoon 2nd Row: Brendan Lyon, Amanda Haase, jill Neitzel, Iris Lam, Serena Wolfe, Kathy Burgman 3rd Row: jeff Butke, Steven Pals, Cassie Puis, Spencer Alexander

1st Row: Dr. Lake, Kun-Ho Yoon, Andrea Slosser, Amanda Haase, Iris Lam 2nd Row: Mr. Schneider, Ms. Alpaugh, Ms. Eisenreich, Ms. Felten, Mrs. Bleifuss, Mr. Walters

Bottom Row: Carlton Radford, Walter Burtis, Denitza Boudeva Top Row: Brendan Weinstein, Nick Kosewski 33

1st Row: Scott Fitzgera l , Austin Wil liams, Lindsay Ci es ik, Ann a j anuary, jill Neitzel , Steve McCaskil , joe Graham, Andrea Slosser, Ed Rand erson 2nd Row: Karol yn Burwitz, Cassi e Mcleod, Epiph any Burgess, Eva Pfoetner, Iris Lam, Paige Al ley, Serene Wol fe, Spence r Schumann, Kun-H o Yoon 3rd Row: Addi e Rauschert, Mary M iller, Lark j ackson, Kirsten Corbin , Kati e Corbin, Irma Rosas, Becky Tyson, Amanda Haase, ju lia Swanke, M ac Shi hab 4th Row : j ustin Krause, Arndt Gossel, jon DeHart, Mark Bruning, M ax Georges, Carlton Radford, Tyler Hill, W alter Burtis, Rya n Monsen, Denitza Boudeva, Phil Swain, Cl aire Ptachinski, Joey Richardson, Caleb Hitz, Kyo Hyun Park


1st Row: A ndrea Slosser, Paige A lley, Iris Lam 2nd Row: Kun-Ho Yoon, Amanda Haase, Becky Tyso n 3rd Row: Steve Boucher, Brandon Wi nikates (Head Prefect)

1st Row: Brendan Lyon, Artur Lopatin, Ryan Monsen, Natalie Machkovech, Andrea Slosser, Paige Alley, Serena Wolfe, Claire Ptachinski 2nd Row: Galaxy Guo, Kun-Ho Yoon, Amanda Haase, Iris Lam, Steven Pals, Kathy Burgman 3rd Row: Adam Krohn, Steve Boucher, Denitza Boudeva, Brandon Winikates, Stephen Fawley


Iris L. & Kathy B.

Swim Team Fans

. 214

Caitlin W.

Karlie A.

Mr. Esten & Mrs . Hill


Jeff B.

Leah VA

AndreaS. , Becky T. , Amanda H ., & Eva S.

U.S. History World Civilizations ~uropean History Algebra Geometry Calculus German Spanish Latin \merican Literature British Literature Creative Writing Chemistry Biology Physics Choir Jazz Band String Ensemble Pep Band Painting & Dravving Photography Chapel Assembly Baseball Basketball Football Tennis Soccer Svvimming Golf Skiing Track & Field Volleyball Field Hockey Softball Senior Pranks Orientation Events Spirit Week Pep Rally Homecoming Snovvball One Acts Fall Play Spr Axe Hunt Study Ha Canoeing the Me SATs ACTs Graduation Fa Founders Day Lessons & Caro Coffee House Fina s Wee Senior Privileges Wayland Life


~ ..





Freshmen Class Trip

josh M.

Seung Yun L.

j ulia M.


Brendan R., Steele M., & Ted S.

Unfortunately, all of the pictures taken at the Freshmen Class Trip were lost, thus, this is acting as an extra Freshmen Candids page. The yea rbook staff, however, would I ike to point out that they tried their best to get pictures, and are therefore not to be held accountable. We are terribly sorry about this mishap ...

Sophomore Class Trip

GyeongMin K.

Yeah, it's a manatee!

julia K.

Junior Class Trip

Juniors at Devil 1s Lake

Oscar C., Gade J., & Megan E.

Junior Boys

Scott F. & Rhys L.

Kelsey B.

Kyo P.


Senior Class Trip

Kathy B. & Steven P.

Post-Rafting Antics

Ben C.

Eva P. & Brandon W .

AndreaS. & Sean N.



Lessons and Carols

One Acts

Students After Assembly

Josh M. & Matt B.

Oscar C.

,, Becky T., Ryan M., & Eva P.

Serena W.

Christy R. & Leah VA.

Girls Hanging Out

Martin A.

Mrs. Ratajczak. & Jackie B.

Walter B.

r Katie C. & Hannah M.

Students After Study Hall

Denitza B.

___.. Caitlin M ., Kelsey B., & Natalie 0 .

Josh H.


Sa ra h M.

Arndt G.

Brie M.

u.s. History World Civilizations European History Algebra Geometry Calculus German Spanish Latin American Literature British Literature Creative Writing Chemistry Biology Physics Choir Jazz Band String Ensemble Pep Band Painting & Drawing Photography Chapel Assembly Baseball Basketball Football Tennis Soccer S\Vimming Golf Skiing Track & Field Volleyball Field Hockey Softball Senior Pranks Dorm & Day Students Orientation Spirit Week Pep Rally Homecoming Sno\Vball One Act Musical Prom Ax Rafting the Wolf c Devils Lake Baccalaureate Gr Weekend Day of Carols Pops Cone Finals Week Sen-tlllto--....r----:!.Privileges Wayland Life 53


Warren Cottage

Wayland Hall



Glen Dye

Ella Dye



Day Students


SCUBA class

1\manda H., Rachel M., Becky T., & Andrea S.

-.Jick K. , Kory K. , Martin A. , & john H .

Alejandro D. & Kevin R.

lan L. & Nick D.

Kun-Ho Y. & Estelle D.


Miles R. & Christine P.

Koreans at Dinner

Josh M., Matt J., & Joe L.

Art Class

Austin L. & Kirsten C.

Caitlin W. & Anna J.

Stephen F., Kun-Ho Y., & Steven P.

Franziska A. & Min-A K.

Addie R. , Lynz B., Cassie M., & AndreaS.

Steele M., Kirsten C., & Brendan R.

Fun in the Snow


Carlton R., Artur L., & Sean N.

Jane G.

Austin L. & Steven P.

u.s. History World Civilizations European History Algebra Geometry Calculus German Spanish Latin American Literature British Literature Creative Writing Chemistry Biology Physics Choir Jazz Band String Ensemble Pep Band Painting & Dravving Photography Cl1apel Assembly Baseball Basketball Football Tennis Soccer Svvimming Golf Skiing Track & Field Volleyball Field Hockey Softball Senior Pranks Orientation Faculty & Staff Spirit Week Pep Rally Homecoming Snowball One Act Musical Prom Ax Rafting the Wolf c.,..,. . Devils Lake Baccalaureate Gr Weekend Founde of Caring Lesson Concert Coffee House Finals Week Senior Privileges Wayland Life a...--



Eric Pe ters

Robe rt Esten Presiclent

Academi Dean spanish

Dean o f Students Mathematics

Chiei Financial Officer

nean ot Admissions & College counseling

Vi 路e t>reslde11t o t Dcvelopm 11t


AC:tmissions Assistant

John Cox Gcrnta n/ESL & tn terna tio nul Stucle n t Aclvisor


Ar t


Dye Chair of Science



Deb Hankes R.N.

Janet H essler

Craig Hill H'06

Direc to r of Health Services

wayland Store Manager


C ha ~r

of Scie nce


Cl1air of Eng lisll & Dye Chair o f Relig ion

E. Louise Hoff H'9 1

Mary Irw in

ASSIStant tO the Dean Of Admissions & College Couseling


T errill Knaack '68 English

Anist in Hesidence

La tin & Greek

Technology Director


Alumni Director Music




Matthew Knee Math

Keely Lake Advancement consultant

William Luebke H'89

Linda Lutes

Andrew Mc Donnell

Carol Miller-Cram H'82

Assistanl to the Athle tic Directo r

Assistant to the Presidc>nt


:\ssistanl Librarian

History & Philosophy


Lindsay Osborn e

Paul Osvald

Me lissa Peters

Elizabeth Hatajczak '96 Manager o f Oonor/Paren• Helalio ns

Assislant Dean of t\dmissions & College

Rose Schaalm a

Mic hael Sctmeider H'86

Eli Seigl1man 1-1'7 1

Recep lion isl & Assis1am 10 Advanceme nl

Chair of Modern & Classical


Athle1ic & Bookstore

Michael Throndsen

Sue Voigt

Kurt Waliers


Director of Pub lic tnf(Jn'natlon & l' ublicalions


pec ialis!


ell 1-1 '92


Gina Staskal Accoumant & Human Resources

Sodexho Dinin!l Hall Staff & Setvice Providers ~Jp



Richard Krejcarek

Penny Heyes

Jay Shipman

Kent Bence

Director o f Sodex!1o l"ood Services & Head Cl1ef

Manager of CLISto dlal

Director of Build ings & Grounds

Buildings & Grounds



~ ~~ l~--Randy Hamming Food Service

Cl1e f

Cus1od ial Services

Buildings & Grounds

Renee Mayo

Mari a Orti z

Food s ervice

Custoclial Se rvices

Karen Owens

Donna Strook

Sl1elley v an Buren

Cus lodial Services


Che f

c uslodlal Ser\'ices

Mr. Walters

Mr. Knee

Mr. Boucher

Mrs. Throndson


Mrs. Hill

Mr. Jimenez

U.S. History World Civilizations European History Algebra Geometry Calculus German Spanish Latin American Literature British Literature Creative Writing Chemistry Biology Physics Choir Jazz Band String Ensemble Pep Band Painting & Drawing Photography Chapel Assembly Baseball Basketball Football Tennis Soccer Svvimming Golf Skiing Track & Field Volleyball Field Hockey Softball Senior Pranks Orientation Dedication Spirit Week Pep Rally Homecomi Snovvball One Acts Fall Pia Prom Axe Hunt S the Wolf Canoeing Lake SATs ACT Graduation Fa Founders Day Lessons & Carol Coffee House Finals Week Senior Privileges Wayland Life 69

Pillars 2007 is Dedicated to:

Mr. Mitch D isch H 1993 Jake and I were so excited when we learned that the 2007 yearbook would be d ed icated to o ur fa ther that w e llad to talk about it over the p h o n e , even thoug h it ended up costing me ab o ut a w eek's sa lary, seeing as I am liv ing in Thailand and Jake is s tudying abroad in L ondon. Of course. w e 're sp ending the majority o f o ur days in these foreign kingdom s con templating g ravity and read ing va ri ous b iograph ies o f Einstein. Here is an excerp t from that ca ll : Hilary : w ow, Dad w ill be rea lly happ y w he n he finds ou t about this d ed icatio n! Bu t now we need to w rite som e thing for the yearb ook. Jake : Yeah. Hey, I've got an id ea! May b e w e cou ld be lazy and jus t transcrib e this p ho n e con versatio n . Hilary: Man , 1 rem em b er how tough physics was for m e . Dad wou ldn't h elp unless I schedu led an appointmen t w ith him. Whe re w ere th e perks o f being a teacher's kid? Jake: Tell m e about it. He would n 't even le t m e take a free pass on an ass ignmen t. Hilary: B ut h ey , our teams always d id w e ll in his annuai "Chri stmas L aser L ig h t Show" spectacular , see ing as we were probably th e o nly I 6-yea r-olds to have the words memorized to many obscu re Hoyt Ax to n and Ly le L ovett songs. Ja ke : And w e got all o f ou r co m m u n ity serv ice require m ents done in the best w ay poss ib le w ith the Science Show every year, rig ht? Hilary: Th ink abou t all those h ard-ea rn ed Spring Brea ks he's spent teaching the you th of Beave r Dam alternative m e thods of roas ting p ic kles and how bes t not to c ut yourself open s ho uld you choose to tr ead ba refoot o n b ro ken g lass .. Ja ke : My favori te was w he n he would le t m e fly in the m agic fl y ing box. Hilary: B ut you know , the re is so m uc h th at the Wayland communi ty does n 't know about Mitc h D isch , Man of Mys tery an d Magne tic Induc tion . Most p eople p robably don't know th at he is a rea l o utdoorsman. Ja ke : Ou tdoorsman? Mo re like j ung le man iac. Rem ember w hen w e w ere in the mountains in Idah o and he d ecided to wa lk down the s ide o f the moun tain o n the snow pa tc h b eca use it wou ld b e quicker than the actual p ath? Hilary : A nd the n you, Mom , and I tried it and we all almost fell o ff the side of the mountain in to the lake b elow! Jake: But you can' t say it wasn't effi c ient . He 's all abou t that, e ffi c ie ncy. He's got every th ing p lanned o ut, from those c razy d e fensive hand s ignals w h en he coaches foo tball righ t down to every eq uation in physics. Hilary : Yes , and it works . Rem ember the yea r w h en all o r h is stud ents got a "5" o n the AP exam? Jake : Pretty am azing! But ne ither of us ev er dared to attem p t that c lass: his kids d idn't exactly inhe rit his g ift fo r m athem atics. Hilary: B u t he d id pass on his love fo r lite ra ture. Even tho ugh we're both English m ajors , I don't thi nk e ither o f us w ill ever b e ab le to c laim that we've read as muc h as o ur Dad. Jake : T hat's probably why he always w in s at Ch ri s tm as tim e Triv ial Pursuit. Hilary: He does know the History o f Civiliza tion at Large. I sure wish I could be th re to see Dad get h is yea rbook. T eaching , doing whatever he can to help h is s tudents d iscover the ir potential, has always been his pass ion. 1 can' t think of anyth ing h e ca res abou t more. bes ides h is fam ily. Jake: May b e the Packers. Joking , o f course . Even though I know Dad unders tands ou r desire to travel (wasn 't he a lready teach ing in T urkey w h en he w as 23?), 1 also w ish we cou ld b e there. Jake and Hilary : Mr. Disch , Coach M itc h, Our Dad: We cou ldn't be more p ro ud o f you . o r more p rivi leged to b e you r kids. T hank y ou for your constant support, and your patience w ith u s over the years (the patience is key, even tho ug h w e 're fairl y perfect. ). We love you. always . - Hilary '0 1 & Jacob '04 Disch

Mitch has b een passionate ab o ut plwsics and teaching fo r as lo ng as Ive kno wn him. A ltho ugh he is d edica ted to his professio n. he m anages to m aintain a good b alance between work and family . Wayland can be p re tt y tim e consuming wl1en school is in session with c lasses. fo otball. and other duties , so wl1en summer cam e. wed pack up the c ar and head o ut. He'd ca ll it o ur b o nding tim e. Now we re fer to it as the good ol' days . Way land has b een a part o f our lives for m any years . Our children g rew up here in this wonderful internati o nal communit y. Excellent teach ers like Mr. Kasper. Mrs. Bleifuss . Mr. Pa tt erson . Mr. vanHaren . and th eir Dad nurtured th em . s o tl1ank you to w ayland fo r g iv ing Mitch tile opportunit y to sl1are l1is love o f p l1ysics witll so m any people over the yea rs. and cong ra tu lati o ns to m y 11usband fo r tlliS well d eserved ho no r.

- Deanna Disch

Sri M.


Brandon W. & Serena W.

Kun-Ho Y., Eva P., Steven P., Serena W. , & Kathy B.

Anita N.


Scott F. & Steven F.

Julia K. & Jieun A.

Walter B. & Ben P.

Cassi M .

Lynz B., AllieS. , & Natalie 0.

Natalie 0., Anna J., Karlie A. & Lynz B.

Max G .

Animwaa S.

Jared K. , Rickey H., John H., Jon H., Steel M .. & Nick K.

Nikki H ., Ted S., & Franzi sca A.


Seung-Hyo P.

Ms. Eisenreich ., Ms. Boucher., Ms. Felten

Adam B. & lan L.

Tyler H .


Go Big Red!

Brenda n L., Steve P., & Ku n HoY.

Fres hmen Class

u.s. History World Civilizations European History Algebra Geometry Calculus German Spanish Latin American Literature British Literature Creative Writing Chemistry Biology Physics Choir Jazz Band String Ensemble Pep Band Painting & Drawing Photography Chapel Assembly Baseball Basketball Football Tennis Soccer Svvimming Golf Skiing Track & Field Volleyball Field Hockey Softball Senior Pranks Orientation Underclassmen Spirit Week Pep Rally 路 Snovvball One Act Musical Prom Ax Rafting the Wolf c Devils Lake Baccalaureate Gr Weekend Founde of Caring Lesson Concert Coffee House Finals Week Senior Privileges Wayland Life 75

Seth Ab ood

Megan Connell

Dezarae Avalos


de Vendegies

Laura Bachmann

Michael Boucher

Aaron Brown

Eleanore o eri-Sproull

Nicho las Derr

.All ison Dewar

Elizabeth Ellis

Austin Fiegel

Marcelo Giebink

Jan Gosk i

Joshua Hamburg

John H eter 111

Ri k y Hendon

Matt11ew Hernandez

20 ' 0 76

atalie Guse

Jacqueline Hill

Stephanie Hill

Joon Ho Hwang

se Yeon Jang

savanna Jensen

Maya Ka ilas

Kory Karpfinger-Dryden

Nicholas Kosew ski

Aus tin Lardy

Seung Hyeon Lee

Seung Yun Lee

Yean ji Lee

Jack Ling

Josepll Liverseed

Hannah Mallegni

Brianna Medley

Josl1ua Miller

Julia Miller

Steele Morton

Margaret Murphy

Krys tl e Pajarillo

Jee woo Park

Seo Yean Park

St p hen Pepper

Melissa Pollescl1

Jenna Ptasc llinski

Brendan Rha tican

Kayla Ruplinger

John-Micllael Santucci

A ustin Scholz

Nicholas Schubert

Tl1eodore Sl1ank

Paul Shapiro

Jake wood

Alice Zhang


Stephanie H.

Liz E.

Ricky H.

Savanna J.

Josh M. & Ted S.

Brendan R.

Julia M. & Hannah M.

Estelle de Vendegies

Jack L.

Jane G. & Austin L.

Bri M. & Megan C.


Marr in A rg uello

Karlie A ubry

Sarah Baig

Ja qu line Barron

Mark Brunning

Adam B unkoske

Epiphany B urgess

Chris topher Carr

Sang Yoon Cha

Lindsay Cieslik

Kirsten Corb in

Jason Crivolio

Jonatll an DeHart

Theia Eas ley

Ka thleen Ellis

Brennan Fi tzgerald

Em ily Fran co

Danica Fr dricks

L eah Frenc h

Christina Galo r

2009 80

Jona than Galor

Maximilian Georges

Joseph Grat1arn Jr.

A ndrew Haberman

Ch ri sline Hamman

Cllristopher Hannall

Ty ler Hill

Jun Soo Hong

Sarall Janisewski

Apr il Jordan

Kii Kas ten

Julia Kim

Suk Hy un Kim

Youngil Kim

Cl1ang Kyun Ko

GyeongMin Koh

Jared Krause

Justin Krause

Ian Leigl

Evan Lockard

Hannall Lockwood

Steven McCaskill

oarnarr Purifoy

Adarn Pusin Iii

Miles Reid-Anderson

Youn Ah Roh



Ben Park

Kelsey Pet rs

Jeffrey Hauscl1er

A udrey Rauschert

Amb rly Rit chie

Hailey Rockwell

Spencer Scl1umann

Mic t1ael Schwemmer

Edward Randerson

William Ricllard on Elizab e trl Ricll ardon-Hart



Abrah am Rosas




r. ;



"'路 .. .


Hay ley Skreens


Elizabetll Spencer

Alexandria Smtz




Jes ica Stout

Howard Thomas

veronica Thompson

Brendan Weinstein

Austin Williams

Clare Wolfe

M artin A.

Julia K. & Addie R.

Hayley S. & Chris C.

= ::7

Sean H . & Justin K.

Jason C.

Franziska A lbers

wm . A lex Bardelmeier

Kelsey Bauman

Dominik Baus

Adam B nav ides

Jakob Bertl1oud

Lynz Bjork

Mattl1ew Breuer

w alter Burtis

Karolyn B urwitz

Jeffrey Butke

Catllerine corbin

oscar Cumpian o

Alej andro de Ia Rosa

Megan Eilers

Leonard Goetze

A rndt Gosse!

Samuel 1 terzberg

Edgar Ezeri eris

2008 84

Caleb Hintz

Nicole Hodgdon

Joshua Hoeft

Lark Jackson

Anna January

Matthew Jung

Gade Jyambere

Min-A Kim

Sophia Lee

Sao Jin Lim

Rhys Lockard

Ca itlin McElwee

cassaundra McLeod

Mary Miller

Jang Hong Minn

Keath Multhauf

saral1 Murphy

Jill Neitzel

Natalie Owens

Kyo Hyun Park

Seung-Hyo Park

Christine Pry m e

Kev in Rohle

Irma Rosas

Katie Shank

Mahmoud Sl1 ihab

nirnwaa Sarnpong

icola Schaalma

David Schmidt

Hebecca Sumner

Pl1ill ip Swain

Julia Swanke

Andrew warfield

Dan a Webber

Caitlin Wolfe

.:.i~<.liJil f~





. Ka ti e Torrence

Ye-Seul Yang




Hao wang

Stephanie H. & Julia K.

MinA K. , Animwaa S., Karlie A., & Katie T.

Caitlin M. & Katie S.

Snow Truck!!

Kevin R. & Brandon W.

Alice Z., Lark J., & Iris L.

Ye Seul Y.

Senior Girls!!

Paige A., Iris L., & Kathy B.

Eva S., Denitza B., Kathy B., Eva P. & Becky T.

Lynz B. & AllieS.

Austin L.

Se Yeon


The Grahams and Walters

Ryan M .

Addie R. & An ita N.

Steven P. & Austin L.

Trevy Fountain

Gade j.

Brendan L. & Steven P.

Denitza B., Kathy B., Paige A. , Eva P., Rachel M., & Serena W.


AllieS. & Estelle D.

MinA K.

Ted S.


Nick K. & Jeremiah J.

Estelle D. & Laura B.

Sang-Yoon C.

Jason C. & Joey R.

Kathy B., Serena W., Denitza B., & Cassi M.

Lynz B.

Ellie D.

u.s. History World Civilizations European History Algebra Geometry CalctJlus German Spanish Latin American Literature British Literature Creative Writing Chemistry Biology Physics Choir Jazz Band String Ensemble Pep Band Painting & Dravving Photography Chapel Assembly Baseball Basketball Football Tennis Soccer Svvimming Golf Skiing Track & Field Volleyball Field Hockey Softball Senior Pranks Orientation Senior Class Spirit Week Pep Rally Homecomi Snovvball One Acts Fall Pla Prom Axe Hunt S the Wolf Canoeing Lake SATs ACT Graduation Fa Founders Day A Lessons & Carol Coffee House Finals Week Senior Privileges Wayland Life 93




Two are better than one, if one falls down his friend can help him up. -Ecclesiates 4:9-10

An it harm none, do what ye will. - Wi ccan Red e

Blessed Be .


To m y famil y : No word s can d esc rib e how grate ful 1 am for you and how much I love you . You guys never gave up o n m e even during th e m ost frustrating tim es o f m y li fe . alo ng w ith th e moments that I regret p u tting you g uys tllrough. Mo m and Dad . there is n o ques tioning on how grea t o f pa rents you are. I know that som e tim es a ll fo ur o f us would d rive you nut s-and if no t all fo ur o f us th en I would m ake up fo r it , b ut you raised us to b e g rea t people, and to respect not o nly you . bu t everyone else . T o Mike, you are m y b est fri en d enjoy th ese next years at w ay land as m uch as 1 d id . 1 love you all ! T o the s ta ff: For those w ho l1ave o n ly kn own m e for two o r th ree years and fo r tl1ose w ll o h ave known m e since 1was in d iap ers. Th e educa tio n and gu idance in tl1e c lassroom that 1 received s11ap ed m e in to wll o I am to d ay, and w ho I w ill b e in th e fu ture. Mr. Walters . Mr. Lau ff. Ms. Eisenreich . and m any more thank you for y our pa tience and ad v ice . T o the o nes w 11o co ach ed m e. Mr. Pe ters , Mr. Hill , and Mr.Nic ho lson . tl1ank y ou all fo r taking a ch ance on m e, wh e th er it'd b e in a clu tch s ituatio n o r j ust asking fo r m y lead ersh ip. thank you fo r m aking m e a better atll le te and p erson .

1 have wished for so long 11ow 1 wish for you today and the wind keeps roa rin' and the sky keeps turning grey and the sun is se tting the sun will rise another day -Pearl Jam - Long Road

98 I

T o m y friends: Ka tie, I love y ou s o mucl1 and always w ill. the fu ture only seem s brig hter. AJ. Wh ere do 1 begin , I'm really sorry if I d am aged your T.V. screen during that p illow fight , tell t\ ndy to keep g rilling th ose sandwic ll es . and fo r the record 1w ill always rem ember the b egals! Jerem iall .Dancing in til e Dugou t. T o Bene. Hoe ft. Rhys , Lo ran . Winn i. Krohn , Carlton . Yo ung tae, Eva. Paige. Seth , B . A rtur. T ed . Nikki. Osca r. and to anyone else tha t 1 may have talked to . You are all m y fri ends and 11ave all helped me s om e w ay in life. Thank you all.

see great things in baseball. It's our game- the American game. -Walt Whitman

D~NITZA E:>ouD~VA 60fiA.


Mom & Tony- Thank you for helping me with everything during HS and for sending me to Wayland, you were amazing; I don't regret any of it. Elena-thank you for helping me with college and giving me advice, you were a super step-sista. My girls from Glen and Becky- the funniest people I know, thanks for making the boring times at waylo exciting; you all are great friends . My gangtas from Ella, SP, & Kun-Homie- keep it up! To my teachers: P.K.-Thank you for making Stats the best class I've ever taken; J.F.- Coolest teacher; M.K. -Thank you for helping me with my college essays ; K.B.-You know how we roll ; M.S.Thank you for everything you have helped me with; M.K.-1'11 see you in Europe; PJ.O.-Even though you never had the grades on time, I still think you're the best mentor; E.P .-Thank you for helping mew/college, and for being cool ; T.K.-Thank you for teaching me how to see.


Mom and Dad- I can 't thank you enough for al l that you have done for me. You've been there through everyth ing and I couldn 't ask fo r better parents. I love you! John- Thank you for everything you helped me with at Wayland. I definitely couldn't have done it without you. Grandma and Grandpa- Thank you so much for all your love and support in the past four yea rs. Mrs. Hill- Best mentor ever! Thanks for helping me out the past two years with everything. Keep the mentor group in line for me! To all my friends- You know who you are. Thanks for all the memories and good times. I'll never forget them . I love you guys! Yodel!

YouNc;rAb. ~yuN 6b_OUL Qb_PU~LIC oF l{_or<.b.A Thanks to everyone who supported me especially my family, my friends and faculties. Ms. Kesler- Thanks for always being there for me and helping me. I love you N8 Greats- I enjoyed all the great times we shared. I will always love you guys! To Koreans- I love you guys all and have great years in Wayland AND ... I love saxophone.

I -~


l l











tv1UNDb.Lb.LN. ILLINOI6 I have learned a lot of things while at Wayland, a lot about myself, my family, and other people. Sure, I may have learned a lot of pieces of knowledge here and there, but no one can ever be sure where those will take them. Some things can be learned at any time while others only come your way once in a long time. For the latter lessons I am the most grateful. Expanding my factual knowledge base has only been an extra incentive along the way. None of this would have been possible without my parents. Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me the opportunity to come to Wayland and for all that you have done for me along the way. My thanks does not stop there, however. Mr. Walters, thank you for being such a wonderful mentor these past four years and always being there to listen to me yell about my problems and help me out in any way you could. Mr. Kasper and Mr. Disch, thank you for helping spur some very important desires in me that will no doubt mold my life. Ms. Felten, thank you for your encouragement and friendliness, you have been a positive influence in my life. To all of the other faculty members I have had in class or been involved with for whatever reason, thank you. To all of my friends, thank you for helping make these last four years of my life a pleasant experience. To all who still have some time left here at Wayland, enjoy it. Do not let any obstacle stand in your way or any thing keep you down to the point that you cannot enjoy your high school experience. Take advantage of every opportunity. To everyone, I wish you all the best of luck in life.

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. -Albert Einstein Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. -Albert Einstein

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. -Winston Churchill

If you are going through hell, keep going. -Winston Churchill

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. -Winston Churchill 103

l<.u1 ~uo 6T. CiJAQLb_6, ILLINOI6

Mr. W alters, thank you for being my montor, you 're like a parent to me. Mr. Peters, thank you for bei ng my basketbal l coach and a big broth er. Mrs. Peters, thank you for correcting my "not-so-good " english papers. Mr. Disch, tha nk yo u for teaching me physics and astron omy (i n english), I learn ed a lot from yo ur class . Coach Hill, thank you for helping me to improve both physi ca lly and mentally. Ms. Fe lten, th ank you for teac hing me span ish; you helped me to understood some random Spanish conversation on TV and in stores . Also, thank yo u to Ms. Corn eii,Mr. Sch ni eder, D-LAKE, Mr. Kasper, along w ith those who taught me and are not metioned here. Th ank you to my mommy, you w orked so hard and paid for my ed ucation, I wou ldn 't be here today withou t yo u. Artur-1 '11 never forget the crazy ni ghts we hung out, a.k. a. White Castl e run s Fawley-thank you for bei ng my best fri end, espec ially when I needed someone; I'll never forget those concerts, and you helping mew/ my issues. Juli a S. (since there're so many of you)- I enjoyed every sec w/ you, even though there were bad times th at we both w ant to forget. Th ank you for being a part of my life, you helped me understood w hat "love" rea lly is. I'll always remember the ni ght I held your hand; the way you looked at me and sm il ed w ith tears fa ll ing out, and I did n't know w hat to do so I held you so tight. Everytim e I get to see you and hug you ... Wh en I Have You In My Arms, I Have Th e World ... I wish you good lu ck w/ skating and sc hool. (Everything I Do) I Do It Fo r You! WO ZHEN XIN AI Nl! I WISH EVERYBODY GOOD LUCK, MAKE CHO ICES THAT YOU WON 'T REGRET! "You don 't rea ll y li ke me do you? " "No, not real ly ... " "Wh y?" "Because you're taking him " "I'm not taking him forever. " "But still!" "If it doesn 't kill you, it will make you stro nger."

Mom and Dad: t,irst of all, Lhank you for sendin8 me to Wayland - these past four years have been amazif18. and I am so 8rate ful that

you 8ave

me this opportunity. Thank


for drivin8 me to and from school almost everyday for two

years and rearran8in8 your schedules to accommodate mine. Yo u're the best parents a 8irl could ask for, and I love you more than anyth in8. Jessica: You have been so supportive durin8 the last four years that

T don' t

know how to thank you. You are always

ready to he lp me with anythin8 I need and I don 'L know what I would do without


To all the facu lty: /\II of you have done so much fo r me over the past four years that I can't even express how 8rateful I am. I can't ima8ine survivin8 these past years without your support and willin8ness to help in any situatio n. !\

my me ntor, the one and only out my schedule every year.

special thanks to loved fi8urin8

Mr. Disch. for puttin8 up with me all four years. I know how much you

To my fabulous friends: You 8uys are the best! We have so many stories about the 8ood times (and the not so 8ood limes) that I ca nnot At them all on one small pa8e. You have always been there for me when I needed anythin8, be it a hu8 afler a bad


or just some comic relief. You are all amazin8 people and have so much to look forwa rd to, just

don't for8el the 8reat years we 've spent Lo8elher al Wayland. I hope you all know the impact you have had on me and how much l'll miss


~ADI 60N. \VI6CON61N Upon arriv ing to Way land my first y ear 1 g ot an unfam iliar feeling in my stomac h . It w as as if th e feeling w as tell ing m e my life w as going to change. We ll. it w as rig h t, 1 may have stumbled and even fallen to get to this point in my life and in my wayland Career. It was not possible without the support and many chances tllat Wayland h as given m e. 1 would like to thank Wayland, my fami ly, Dave Johnson, and Coach Hill who llas offered m e g uidance and h as h elp ed me control my wild emotions . thank you ev eryone who has made it possible for m e to experien ce Wayland Acad emy.

T hese q uotes reflec t who I am today . After my first y ear 1 had a lot of success , took ev erybody by s to rm, cam e bac k the n ext y ear thought it was easy and d idn 't h av e n ear the y ear 1 had the previous y ear. It was k ind of a wake-up call. And so , life goes on . God , he d eals you blows that at some tim es you think you c an't handle and last y ear the re have b een things that 1 thoug ht 1 cou ldn 't handle but I've d ealt with it up to this point . As you g et o ld er, you look at th ings differen tly. ~ Brett Favre


tv1ADI60N. \VI6CON61N

To My Parents: My appreciation fo r everything you do often goes unspoken . I'd like to thank yo u for giving me the opportunity to come to Wayland , and allowing me the opportunity to learn. Thanks for all the encouragement, guidance, patience, and understanding you have shown me throughout my years in school. You 've always been there when I have needed you . Everything will be okay in the end . If it's not okay, it's not the end. - Un known Shoot for the moon . Even if you miss, you 'll land among the stars -Unknown At the ce nter of your being you have the answer; yo u know who you are and you know what you want. - Lao Tzu To My Teachers: I would like to thank you all for teaching me the importance of knowledge , and helping me to prepare for the future . An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after. - Newton D. Baker To My Classmates : I wish the best of luck to each of you in conque ring your upcoming endeavors. I hope to see everyone accomplish great things in the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams ! Live the life you 've imagined. - Henry David Thoreau Be the change you wish to see in the world . - Gandhi

LA!(~ ~ILL6. \VI6CON61N

#3tfU: ~)b A) ~' Iris Lam


Wo A' ' I love you





First I wou ld like to thank m y m o ther. I can never repay you fo r the opportun ity you gave m e . Spasibo za vse, ya tebia lubl u . I could never ask for a b ette r mother. Mr. Borrud . you were there for m e from day one. Thank you for being both a g reat teacher and an aston ish ing mentor-l've learn ed so much fro m you over these 4 yea rs. Mr. Knaack my art teach er and a good frien d- thank you fo r inspiring and never g iv ing up on m y crazy ideas . Facu lty an d staff o f wayland. thank you for p roviding me w ith every thing 1 needed . Mr. Walters , "you da m an" A nd now fri ends : B L yon-room m ate for 3 years, and a life lo ng fri end.Stay th e way you are man. Guo, Fawely, Spence, Sean and the rest of Ella-l've never seen this place as ch ill as it was th is year, could never ask fo r a better p lace to live in . Burtis-I'll be back to finish the fight rdil~ill ( 53 ro unds baby!) Keath , you are now th e Halo 2 ch amp-title is yours b ro. The Germ an c rew-you gu ys were too awesome! Good luc k next year. Aaron and Steele-keep playin LO. and keep up m y traditiono ne day you ll b e awesom e sen io rs sam e goes fo r Mikey Boucher. Ada m B aka Country-one day you 'll b e ducktaping freshm en to chairs. Jo nny D, as m y appren tice in life I g ive you my Frisb ee . May you own the sport of Ulti m ate . A ll of you alums. T h is p lace w ill never be the same w ithou t you guys, keep it up in co llege. To all my bros that d id no t make it to g raduation day over the years: Keith, Jayson . KP. Benj i. And y, Cory , an d many more, you g uys w ill never be forgotten . RIP Jeremy A m or . There are s imply too manypeople to thank and acknowledge in words on a s im p le page, though I thank everyone e lse who I cou ld n o t mentio n . I cam a long way over my Wayland career and all of you have contrib uted to w h ere I stand to d ay .

Basically, my four years at Wayland have been a truly excellent experience. From sports to academics to fine arts to social life, Wayland has done amazing things for me. If you take the time out of your day to relax just a little, it will do wonderful things for you, too. Senior wisdom: Don't take 9 classes at once.

Thank You To my parents: for supporting me, allowing me to develop my musical talent, and for everything else. To my family, especially Chris: you all make life a lot easier. sometimes. To the Music Department, especially Mrs. Irwin : thank you for allowing me to continue developing my musical talent. To Artur: you put up with me for three years (o k, four).you're a great roommate . To Mr. Graham: you kept me sane . • As for the rest of you: 1111 be back! All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you. -Tolkein May you have food and raiment, A soft pillow for your head, And may you be forty years in Heaven Before the Devil knows you're dead! -Irish Blessing

LoRAN t\111 LL~R Dad and Mom- Thank you for sacrificing so much so that I could attend Wayland, and thank you for pushing me to be my best even when I resisted. I love you. John- Thank you for teaching me how to live life; I am always going to look up to you. Mary- Don't let the man get you down. You have an awesome sense of humor, just let it flow and enjoy your senior year. N8 Greats- From the 3 O'clock lounge, to the buried treasure, to the spring break roadie we have just about done it all. Always look forward to that next adventure. Mr. Knee- Thanks for putting up with my Grandview shenanigans and listening to all of our problems in BC. You will be missed. Rachel- We are not even gone and I already miss you. I Jove you Best of luck to everyone who has shared the W with me.



Its been a long four years, but if it hadn 't been for great friends, decent food, supportive parents, and interesting teachers it could have been a lot longer.

I know that classes have been hard; sports disappointing, rules stupid, but the friends and memories made have been amazing. I will never forget any of them.




A lthough 3 yea rs of life in Way land Academy were extremely tough and chall enging, I be li eve that all the pa in and adversity I went through, w hi ch seemed like as if th ere were no mea ning at all, like individual pu zz le pieces, in th e end, ca me all together to create a fin e art. As a seni o r, I wo uld at times reco ll ect sweet and sour memo ri es. A lthough my puzz le pieces are not perfectly compl ete, I th an k every single in divi dual w ho helped me to set up my framewo rk fo r my future... To my fa mil y: I thank my pa rents fo r all of their full support and their trust in me. Th ere were many times in w hi ch I disappointed them, and I would like to take thi s tim e as a chance to ask th em for fo rgiveness. I love you M other and Father. To my sister w ho was always on my side despi te my immature behavior, I owe you so mu ch. Thank yo u fo r all your support as well " First of all th ank you Mr. Ni cho lson fo r be in g a person that I coul d rely o n d uring hard tim es . Th ere were t imes w hen I was j ust co nsta nt trouble, and th ere were tim es w hen my dec isio n to stay in Way land Academy was in doubt. An d yet, despi te your extremely busy schedul es, you rea ll y supported me and helped me to make ri ght dec isions. And th ank you Mr. Kn ee and Mr. Wa lters for being w ith me during 3 years of my Way land Hall life . M s. A lpaugh, I thank you for yo ur pati ence w ith my slow pace of lea rnin g. After be ing in your class for two yea rs I learn ed th at slow and th ro ugh lea rnin g wo ul d trul y benefi t me w ith so lid kn ow ledge. To all my fri ends: Th anks fo r everythin g!

·•. :J.

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E:>Qb..C~b..N Ql DL;"b... COLORADO I'd like to thank my family for th is amazing experience. To my parents and Kristen , thank you for being behind me 100%. In addition , I'd like to thank the rest of my family, especially my grandparents, for always supporting me in everything I do. To all of my teachers, you have been amazing , and without you I couldn 't have learned as much as I did . Mr. and Mrs. Graham , you two have been so supportive , whether on the soccer field , the classroom , or as mentors. Dr. Lake, you have taught me so much over the past four years, and you helped push me to new limits . Mrs. Bleifuss, I'd like to thank you for helping our Bio class maintain our sanity. Ms. Boucher, I'm not really sure where to start. The last two years have been fun. Don't miss us all too much!

Harry Potter Wasn't A Prefect Either!

\VILtv1b..Tib... ILLINOI6 Thank You to: Wayland Academy: this isn't just my school, this is my home; I've learned more than I ever expected. Thank You, Mr. Lennertz for being such a great mentor! Mom & Dad: Your the best parents in the world. Thank you for all of your support, I love you both more than anything . Karl: Your the best little brother a big sister could ever ask for; I love you! Class of 2007: I consider all of you to be a part of my family. Thank you for making my years at wayland the best I've ever had. "Imagination is more important than knowledge" -Albert Einstein "Excuse me while I walk on by, I'm feeling good today, and if I die a little farther along the way, I'm trustin e to carry on" - Jackson Browne Live Mindfully, Consciousness is cool!

It's just what it is ...


Underclassmen, after four years at Wayland, I have learned several things, which I would like to share with all of you: 1. Your teachers genuinely care about you. Talk to them. Respect them. Learn from them . Most importantly, trust them and be honest. They will inspire you and help you through the tough times. 2. Although Wayland Academy is called a college preparatory school, it will also prepare you for life, for love, and for contentment, but you must embrace all that it provides and allow it to do so. 3. Help one another. If you offer someone help, they are much more likely to return the offer. You want someone to be there when you need it because, chances are, you are going to need it. 4. You will be accepted to college if you work hard , but do not work too hard. Do things because you love to do them , not because it will look good on your college application. Life is stressful enough. 5. Finally, take the time that you have at Wayland to discover who you really are. Take away all of the preconceived ideas that you have been presented with , and dig deep inside yourself. You will find many things that you can use as the foundation to build upon in your search for Happiness. Mr. Nicholson , you are a wonderful mentor. You have led me on the path to Truth and Goodness, and I do not know what I am going to do without your guidance next year. You have taught me that I must have gratitude , but I do not have the words to express the thanks that you deserve. Natalie, Amanda, and Andrea, we have finally made it to the end of our senior year. Each one of you gave me a new perspective on life thus allowing me to see more truthfully, and I thank you for that. I know that we will end up going to colleges all over the country but we must promise to always stay in touch . My teachers, you each have shown me something unique. am so thankful for all of the wisdom and guidance that each of you has passed on to me.

Thank you, Mom, for being everything that I could ever hope you to be in life. You are truly an inspiration to all who meet you, especially your daughters. Thank you for showing me what it is to be a strong person and how to love with everything I've got. Thank you, Dad, for everything; for all of your patient support, and tough love when necessary. I wouldn 't be who I am now without you and all of the lessons compliments of Grandma Haney. (My personal favorite- "If you don't date a poor man, you'll never marry one") Thank you: Mrs. Throndsen for being the best mentor anyone could ever ask for and always being there to give some candid advice. Ms. E for being my volleyball coach and Best Friend! Mr. Kasper for not letting me drop Algebra II H, even though I asked everyday. Mr. Walters for basically being the most understanding teacher on this campus and allowing the AP class to have decompression days when needed. You have no idea how much they helped us! Kun-Ho- Where was the buttered bread? In the Taast MAchine! Eva S.- We belong to the ...We belong together!! -Pat Benetar. Eva P. -STARFISH! Sea turtle+ Fancy feast kitty, Evita + Molli Bay = together forever. Kathy- Ultimate foosball team, let's always remember the 10 : 0 shut out game. Sunny- Boudeva, you make my life interesting. I love slacking with you in winter AAP and gossiping with you all the time! Iris- Little lamb you were my first real friend at Wayland, and I'll never forget that. Amanda- My mother! Where will I be without you? Hopefully I'll be above your garage or become a Canadian street dancing gypsy. Steven Pals- Esteban! Europa! Europa! Oh boy! Ryan- I promise that I no longer believe you to be a user, and we never went on any dates! BW- Hola Banderol K-Town buddy, too bad we're graduating and there 's no one to ride Quicksilver. DFR- Oh my Serena, what is there to say? I know the world awaits you with many adventures, I just hope you pay attention long enough to notice them ... just kidding. I love you! Paige- My darling, I'll miss you! Be good at Purdue! Claire P.- Albatross, too bad about the rainbow unitards. Rachel- I'll miss our chats when we should be doing homework! loran- Do you ever just feel like runn ing? I think graduating will be just about as satisfying as a D2!

The fate of the loving is love -Unknown NEVER WISH ON RAINBOWS! You can sleep when you're dead! -Grandma

tv1AC0tv1~. ILLINOI6

I would like to thank my parents for wanting what is best for me and l wanting me to succeed in life as best as I can. I know that we didn't • agree on certain things at times, but now I'm so touched by how much you care about me and love me. Also, I'm glad that you thought Wayland would be best for me. I would also like to thank my twin sister, Abby, for putting up with me and understanding what I was going through last year. I would like to thank my extended family for wanting what is best for me, too. I would also like to thanks the Wayland faculty for making me feel at home when I was new here and being one out of three new seniors. Last of all, I would like to thank the senior class for accepting me when all of you have already known each other for a long time. Good Luck juniors, sophomores, and freshmen.


I want to thank everybody that has made the last fou r years at Way land Academy so memorable. To my parents: Thank you for supporting me throughout my time here at school. It has truly been a great experience for me. To the underclassmen: Make good use of your t ime here because the fo ur years pass by before you know it. To the Balla Class of '07: We have had so many great times throughout th e years, and I really love you cheas. I have no idea w hat I am goin g to do without Georgia, the N8Greats, D2's, foosball, Walmart trips, Celine Dion songs, Miss America, the 3 O 'Clock Lounge, gummy worms, and the Cha . Remember to take your gangsterness w ith IJ!H--:;;::---~~p:~~!!! you wherever you go. Its been legit. ..

tv1ADI60N. \V16CON61N Wayland has been an amazing experience for me and I'd like to thank all those people who have helped make these years something I will never forget. First to my parents: Thanks for sticking by my decision to go to Wayland rather than West. You have been amazingly supportive of my decisions and I just want to take the time to thank you. This has meant a lot to me. I love you both . To my grandparents: I love you and I want to thank you for what you have done to make this experience possible. To Caitlin and Clare: I love you both so much. I'm going to miss you in college .. but I'll make sure to come back and visit. Also to the mentors I've had in my time here: Mr. Kasper, thanks for helping me through my first and second years here. I'll always remember the "grasshopper" incident at the steakhouse. Ms. Cornell, though it was only a year it was fun . Ms.Hill, Mentor lunch was never boring and I know you're gonna miss us. To my friends: There have been so many memoiries from the past four years. It's gonna be difficult going to school so far away from everyone. But I'll always remember these good times, these memories are a part of what has made me who I am. To everyone who has still got a few years to go: Keep it real and make the most of it.


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I ded icate th is page to: My pa rents and my brother, w ho have supported me through four yea rs at Wayland. -Mr. and Mrs. Graham ! I cannot possibly imagine where I wo ul d be if I did not know you. You have been my mentors, teachers, and coac hes. But, mostly, I thank you for bei ng there w henever I needed you. -Ms. Kesl er, Mr. Hill, Mr. N icho lson, Mr. Walters, and Mr. Peters: You taught me more about knowledge and character than I could ever learn in classroom. -C lass of 2007!!! You guys made my time at Wayland the most va lu ab le... ! rea ll y love and w ill miss you guys!!!

Seniors as Freshmen

Year 2003-2004


Artur L., Eva P., Galaxy G ., Eva S., & Adam K.

Denitza B. & Rachel M.

Kathy B. & Steven P.

Kun-Ho Y. & Brenden L.

Stephen F.

Amanda H., AndreaS. , & Ji Eun A.

Steven B. & Jeremiah J.

Galaxy G.


Claire P. & Rachel M .

Brandon W. & Youngtae B.

Iris L.

Steven P.

Denitza B.

Loran M. & AndreaS.

Denitza B. & Kun-Ho Y.

Artur L. & Sean N.

Amanda H. & Spencer A.

Steven P. & Kathy B.

Loran M.

Brandon W .

Kathy B., Ryan M., & Serena W.

Iris L.

Denitza B. & jieun A.

Claire P. & Sean N.

AndreaS .

Eva S. & Becky T.

SENIOR Spencer Alexander: I will Walter the Senior Hug and Curly the Senior Beard. Paige Alley: I will my soccer skills to Caitlin McElwee, my shortness to Austin

Lardy, and being the only girl in Mr. Cox 's mentor group to Lynz Bjork. Steve Boucher: I will my baseball skills to my brother and my faculty

impressions to A.J. Denitza Boudeva: I will Senior Hottie to Mary Miller and my furniture to Glen

Dye. Don 't fight over it. I know its comfy . Kathy Burgman: I will Senior Hottie to Lark Jackson, Mrs. Hill's mentor group to

Nikki and Animwaa, and my sandwich throwing skills to Caleb Hintz and Matt Jung. Youngtae Byun: I will my night moves to the Cha. Ben Connell: I will my Connell hawk call to A.J. Stephen Fawley: I will my "obstinate refusal to accept ignorance" to Ed R. Galaxy Guo: I wi II my Iuck to anyone who needs it. Amanda Haase: I will class Grandma to Jane G. and Estelle. Adam Krohn: I will my half-court shot to Josh Hoeft and my foul ball syndrome

to Country. Iris lam: I will my tennis "skills" to my dear friend, Lark Jackson. Also, I will my

goddess ability to Jill N for her divine penmanship . Artur Lopatin: I will everything that has to do with a guitar to that Phil Swain

guy. The shaggy hair goes down to the last standing Radford.

WILLS Brendan Lyon: I will my lrishness and violin talent to NOBODY! You have to

work for them yourself! I will the rights of Brave Heart Senior Spirit to Walter. Rachel Mathers: I will Senior Sweet Heart to Ye Seul Yang. loran Miller: I will the Gentlemen 1 s Club to Carlton R. and the 3:00 lounge to

Josh H. Ryan Monsen: I will my gyrating to Caleb Hintz. Steven Pals: I will my questionable Day Studentness to Tyler Hill, my fashion

sense to Austin Lardy, and my ski team attitude to Caleb Hintz. Sean Nam: I will my couch to Young-11. Eva Pfoertner: I will the beautiful Senior Rack to Cassi Bails Mcleod. I will Mr.

Lennertz 1s mentor group stability to Julia Kim. Eva Sed iva: I wi II my height to Cassi Mcleod. Andrea Slosser: I will the task of making Sam talk at mentor lunch to Anna J.

and Cassi M. and my dirty socks to Jessica S. Becky Tyson: I will Senior Princess to Lynz B. my Ham & Cheese Sandwich to

Megan ., Mrs. T. to Katie C., and my position as Ms. E s best friend to Megan C. 1

Brandon Winikates: I will my urban camping skills to Josh Hoeft. Serena Wolfe: I will my defensive field hockey skills to Irma and DFR 1 s forest to

w homever wi II keep it free of Iitter and see that the trees grow healthily. Kun-Ho Yoon: I will my soccer skills to Caleb and Kyo, my swimming skills to

Carlton, and my math skills to Mr. Hill. I have more to will , but I need to save some for college.


Best Eyes: Rachel M. & Youngtae B.

Future Faculty: Claire P. & Brendan L.

Will Become Famous: Natalie M. & Kun-Ho Y.

Best Hair: Eva P. & Loran M.

Class Clown: Denitza B. & Steve B.

Biggest Mooch: Serena W. & Ryan M.

Most Athletic: Kathy B. & Jeremiah J.

Cutest Couple: Rachel M. & Loran M.

Best Dressed: Iris L. & Steven P.

Teacher•s Pet: AndreaS. & 136 Sean N.

Class Flirt: Eva P. & Ryan M.

Class Gossip: Becky T. & Brandon W.




l Class Angels: Amanda H. & Kun-Ho Y.

Most Likely to Succeed: Iris L. & Steven P.

Most Moody: Paige A. & Stephen F.

Most likely to get Married: Kathy B. & Steven P.

Most Gangster: Kathy B. & Mr. Graham

In Their Own World: Serena W. & Jeung-Joon. B.

Most Likely to Create an Evil Empire: Leah VA & Artur L.

Most Shy: CharlieAnn K. & Adam K.

Most Sarcastic: Becky T. & Ben C.

Most Dramatic: Andrea S. & Ryan M.

Future Superhero: Jieun A. & Galaxy G.

Most Laid-Back: Eva S. & Spencer A.



Liz E.

Brendan R. & Walter B.

Student Gathering

Costumed Fun!!

All Tied Up!!

Kathy B. & Lark J.

MinA K. & Lynz B.

Ye Seul Y., & Dana W., & Edgar E.

Leah F., Julia K., & Lark J.


Brendan L.

Steven P. & Franziska A.

Nick K.

AllieS . & Julia M.

Play ing in the snow!

Jeff B.

Lindsay C. & Edgar E. Maggie M.

Brie M. & Ted S.

Mall Trip!!

Se Yeon Jang & Ellie D.

AI ice Z. & Kay Ia R.



Seth Abood: sabood @way land.org Dezarae Avalos: dava los@way land .org l aura Bachmann: lbac hman n@way land.org Michael Boucher: mbouc her@wayla nd.org Aaron Brown: ab rown@way land.org Megan Connell: mconne ll @way land.org Estelle de Vendegies: edevendeg ies@way land.org Ellie Deri-Sproull: ederisprou l@wayland.org Nick Derr: nde rr@way land .org Allison Dewar: adewa r@way land.org Elizabeth Ellis: ee lli s@way land. org Austin Fiegel: afi ege l@wayland .org Marcelo Giebink: mgiebi nk@way land.o rg jane Goski: jgosk i@way land.org Natalie Guse: ng use@way land.org josh Hamburg: jhamburg@way land.org john Heeter: jheeter@wayland.org Rickey Hendon: rhendo n@way land .org Matt Hernandez: mhernandez @way land.o rg jacqueline Hill: jahill@way land.org Stephanie Hill: shi ll@way land.o rg loon Ho Hwang: jhwa ng@way land.o rg Se Yeon jang: syjang@way land.o rg Savanna jensen: sjensen@way land.org Maya Kailas: mka il as@way land.o rg Kory Karpfinger-Dryden: kka rpfinger@way land.org

Paul Shapiro: pshap iro@way land.org Nick Kosewski: nkosewski@way land.org jake Wood: jwood@way land.o rg Austin lardy: alardy@wayland.org Alice Zhang: az ha ng@way land.o rg Seung Hyeon lee: shl ee@way land .org Seung Yun lee: sy lee@way land.o rg Yean ji lee: yjlee@way land.org jack ling: jling@wayland.org joseph liverseed: jliverseed@way land.o rg Hannah Mallegni: hmall egn i@way land .org Brianna Medley: bmedl ey@way land.org joshua Miller: jmiller@way land.o rg julia Miller: ju mil ler@way land.o rg Steele Morton: smorton@way land.org Margaret Murphy: mmurphy@wayla nd .org Anita Nathan: anathan@wayla nd.org Krystle Pajarillo: kpajaril lo@way land.org jee Woo Park: jwpark@way land.org Seo Yeon Park: sypa rk@way land.org Stephen Pepper: spepper@way land.o rg Melissa Pollesch: mpollesc h@way land. org jenna Ptaschinski: jptaschi nksk i@way land .o rg Brendan Rhatican: brh atica n@wayland.org Kayla Ruplinger: kru pl inger@way land.o rg john Santucci: jsa ntucc i@way land .o rg Austin Scholz: ascholz@way land.org Nick Schubert: nsch ubert@way la nd. org Ted Shank: tshank@way land. org

jumors Franziska Albers: falbers@way land.org Alex Bardelmeier: abardelmeier@wayland.org Kelsey Bauman: kba uman@way land.org Dominik Baus: dbaus@wayland .org Adam Benavides: abenav ides@way land .org Jakob Berthoud: jberth oud®way land.org Lynz Bjork: lbjork@way land .org Matt Breuer: mbreuer@way lan d.org Walter Burtis: w burtis@way land .org Karolyn Burwitz: kbu rwitz @way lan d.org Jeff Butke: j butke @way land .org Katie Corbin: ccorbin @way land .org Oscar Cumpiano: ocu mpiano@way land .org Alejandro dela Rosa: adelarosa@way land.org Megan Eilers: meilers@wayland.org Edgar Ezerietis: eezeri etis@wayland.org Scott Fitzgerald: sfitzgerald®way land.org Lenny Goetze: lgoetze@wayland .org Arndt Gossel: agossel@way land .org Sam Herzberg: she rzberg@way land.org Caleb Hintz: chintz@way land.org Nikki Hodgdon: nhodgdon@way land.org Josh Hoeft: jhoeft@way land .org Lark Jackson: lj ackson@way land .org Anna January: ajan uary@way land.org Matt Jung: mjun g@way land .org Gade Jyambere: gjya mbere@wayland.org Min-A Kim: mkim @way land.org Sophia Lee: slee@way land.org Soo Jin Lim: sjl im@way land .org

Rhys Lockard: rlockard@way land.org Yeseul Yang: ysya ng@way land.org Caitlin McElwee: cmcewl ee@wayl and .org Cassi Mcleod: cmcl eod@way land .org Mary Miller: mm ill er@wayland .org Jan Minn: jhminn @way land.org Keath Multhauf: kmultha uf@way land.org Sarah Murphy: smurphy®way land .org Jill Neitzel: j neitze l@wayland .org Natalie Owens: nowens@wayland. org Kyo Hyun Park: khpark@way land .org Seung-Hyo Park: shpark @way land .org Christine Pryme: cpryme@way land.org Cassie Puis: cpul s® w ayland .org Ben Rabata: brabata@wayland.org Carlton Radford: cradford @way land .org Kevin Rohle: kroh le@wayland.org Irma Rosas: irosas@way land .org Animwaa Sampong: asampong®way land .org Nic Schaalma: nschaa lma @w ayland .org David Schmidt: dschmidt@wayland.org Katie Shank: ks hank@way land.org Mahmoud Shihab: mshihab@way land. org Becky Sumner: rsumner7@way land.org Phil Swain: pswa in @way land.org Julia Swanke: j sw anke@way land.org Katie Torrence: ktorrence@ w ay land .org Hao Wang: hwang®wayland .org AJ Warfield: aj warfield ®way land. org Dana Webber: dw ebber@ w ayl an d.org Caitlin Wolfe: cawo lfe@ w ayland.org



Martin Arguello: marguello@way land.org Karlie Aubry: kaubry©wayland.org Sarah Baig: sbaig@wayland.org Jacqueline Barron: jbarron @wayland .org Mark Brunning: mbrunning© way land.org Adam Bunkoske: abunkoske@wayland.org Epiphany Burgess: eburgess @wayland .org Christopher Carr: ccarr@way land.org Sang Yoon Cha: sycha @wayland.org Lindsay Cieslik: lcieslik@wayland.org Kirsten Corbin: kcorbin @wayland.org Jason Crivolio: jcrivolio@wayland .org Jonathan DeHart: jdehart@wayland.org Theia Easley: teasley@wayland.org Kathleen Ellis: kell is@wayland.org Brennan Fitzgerald: bfitzgerald ©way land.org Emily Franco: efranco @wayland.org Danica Fredricks: dfredricks ©wayland.org Leah French: lfrench@wayland.org Tina Calor: tgalor@wayland.org Jonathan Calor: jgalor@way land. org Maximilian Georges: mgeorges @way land.org Joseph Graham: jgraham @wayland.org Andrew Haberman: ah aberman @wayland.org Christine Hamman: chamman @way land.org Christopher Hannah: channah @way land.org Tyler Hill: th ill ©wayland.org Jun Soo Hong: jshong ©wayland .org Sarah Janisewski: sjanisewski @wayland .org April Jordan: ajordan@way land.org Kii Kasten: kkasten@wayland.org Julia Kim: jkim @way land .org Suk Hyun Kim: shyunkim @wayland.org Youngil Kim: ykim @way land.org

Chang Kyun Ko: ckko @wayland.org GyeongMin Koh: gkoh @way land.org Jared Krause: jakrause@wayland .org Justin Krause: jukrause@wayland .org lan Leigl: il eigl @wayland.org Evan Lockard: elockard @wayland.org Hannah Lockwood: hlockwood @wayland .org Steven McCaskill: smccaskill Anita Nathan: anathan @way land .org Yeon Ha Park: yhpark ©wayland.org Kelsey Peters: kpeters @wayland.org Damarr Purifoy: dpurifoy@wayland.org Adam Pusinelli: apusinelli @wayland.o rg Ed Randerson: eranderson @wayland.o rg Jeff Rauscher: jrauscher@wayland.org Addie Rauschert: arauschert@wayland .org Miles Reid-Anderson: mreidanderson @way land .org Joey Richardson: jrichardson @wayland.org Elizabeth Richardson-Hart: erichardsonhart@wayland.org Amberly Ritchie: aritchie @way land.org Hailey Rockwell: hrockwell @way land.org Youn Ah Roh: yaro h©way land.org Christy Rojas: crojas @wayland .org Abe Rosas: arosas @wa yland .org Spencer Schumann: sschumann @wayland.org Mike Schwemmer: mschwemmer@wayland.org Hayley Skreens: hskreens@wayland.org Liz Spencer: espencer@wayland.org Allie Statz: astatz @wayland.org Jessica Stout: jstout@wayland .org Howard Thomas: hthomas @wayland .org Veronica Thompson: vthompson @wayland.org Brendan Weinstein: bweinstein @wayland.org Austin Williams: awilliams @way land .org Clare Wolfe: clwolfe @wayland.org

Semors Jieun Ahn: jinny226@hotmail.com Spencer Alexander: guardianscarO@hotmail.com Paige Alley: palley@purdue.org Jeong-Joon Boo: jjboo8n@gmail.com Steven Boucher: bdsteveo15200o@yahoo.com Denitza Boudeva: dennyboudeva450@msn.com Kathy Burgman: kburg @mac.com Youngtae Byun: ytbyun @gmail.com Benjamin Connell: irishdude60 @hotmail. com Stephen Fawley: studebker@aol.com Rui Guo: guorui88888 @hotmail.com Amanda Haase: haase.a.j@gmail.com Jeremiah Johnson: JLRasta_970@hotmail.com CharlieAnn Kerns: charkerns@hotmail.com Adam Krohn: adk72188 @yahoo.com Iris Lam: lamchop88@gmail.com

Artur Lopatin: alopatin@wayla nd.org Brendan Lyon: blyon @way land.org Natalie Machkovech: greeneyes_jeca@ hotmai I. com Rachel Mathers: rachiebabyiii@hotmail.com Loran Miller: ramenhead889@hotmai I. com Ryan Monsen: Monsen293 @hotmail.com Sun Woo Nam: sw4141 @hotma il. com Steven Pals: sdp813 @northwestern.edu Eva Pfoertner: eva_maria_22 @ya hoo.com Claire Patchinski: chp456def@hotmai l. com Eva Sediva: eva_sediva @yahoo.com Andrea Slosser: as losser@gmai l.com Rebecca Tyson: superflynerdz@hotmail.com Leah Van Alstine: lvanalstine @wayland.org Brandon Winikates: bwinikates @yahoo.com Serena Wolfe: indigo_2002 @ameritech.net 143 Kun-Ho Yoon: ku8809no @msn.com


This was a rather spec ial year. In fact, I am writing this hours before our deadline. The highlight of the year was the yearbook sleepover ... right Kathy? Iris Lam is our interim ed itor, and in all honesty, she has pleased me greatly.


I wanted to go Applebee, but it snowed I ike hippopotamus. So I instead looked for a toast machine. It was rather exc iting and good . Holy Ball!


I've gone to look for America, so I can work on my night moves, so don't do me like that. Touch me baby and I wil l show you that I am not afraid because all thin gs go, all thin gs grow. Baby baby baby Loco baby baby baby Mambo. Hooray fo r the U.S.A.

THANK YOU: This yea rboo k would not be possible without th e help and guidance of many people . I would like to thank the yea rbook staff, I was nervous sometimes but you all managed to pull it together in the end . Jayme Bogner, o ur jostens representative, thank you for all the advice and keep ing me sa ne. To all of you who gave us photos to use, we app rec iate it greatly. You make it possible for the yea rbook to be in most places at once. Thank you Mr. Lennertz for allow ing us to spend th e night in Swan Library, apparently it was a hit. To everyone w ho offered ass ista nce, even if I di dn't take you up on it, thank you. Dr. Lake (p roofer extrao rdinaire) and Iris (surrogate ed itor) th anks for being there in th e end. I hope Pil lars 2007 brings you all many good Wayland memories in th e future . Thank You for a great yea r. - Ms. Boucher




Heck Yes! We finished the Yearbook. I feel so sorry for all those who missed out on our YEARBOOK SL EEPOVER. I am su re not many people have spent the ni ght in Swan Library.

Yearbook has been straight up thuggin. I've pimped Pillars out! Ju st reppin ' my hood, chea . Respect that. If you come up in da computer lab, I will be li ke Akon and smack that all on the floor.

Working on the yearbook has been a to ugh task this year. After many hours, I am so glad that we are done with it! As the editor of the yearbook, I am proud of all the hard work . It was defi nitely worth it!!



George Pfoertner Photography, Lynz B., Nikki H., julia K., Hannah M., Ryan M., Sean N., MikeS., & AndreaS.

Yearbook was AMAZING. Kathy, Steven, Kun-Ho, Ms. Boucher and I had a SLEEPOVER, and it was CRAZY! Basically, it was the best class I have ever taken. Throughout the year I learned a lot. YEAH!

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