Gaston County’s
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We are Proud of All Our area Graduates!
Volume 87 • Issue 21
Thursday, May 27, 2021
See inside for area graduation information.
Good news for great people! • Belmont • Cramerton • Lowell • McAdenville • Mount Holly • Stanley
Thursday, May 27, 2021
East Gaston’s Deshaun Corry loves soccer and singing
Stuart Cramer High’s South Point’s Alexis Granados is an Matthew Dalton setting his sights on outer space inspiration to all
By Alan Hodge
By Alan Hodge
Starring on the soccer field or belting out a song in chorus are just two of the many things that graduating East Gaston senior Deshaun Corry excels at. Corry, 18, was actually born in San Diego, California and moved with his family to Mt. Holly when he was three years old. His mother is Sylvia and his father is Orlando. He attended Pinewood Elementary and Mt. Holly Middle schools before he began his time at East Gaston. Soccer captivated Corry’s attention at at early age. He began organized play in a church league when he was just six years old. From there, Corry climbed the soccer ladder. He played in the Mt. Holly Parks. and Rec. league, the Lake Norman Soccer Club, the for the Strikers of the Gaston
County Soccer Association and the N.C. Youth Soccer Association. At East Gaston, he has been a leading member of the soccer team and has been named to the All Conference team three times. Corry’s expertise on the soccer field has earned him a scholarship to Belmont Abbey College. “I feel very excited and blessed to have been recruited by Belmont Abbey,” Corry said. So, what about soccer attracts Corry? “It’s a very easy sport to get involved with,” he said. “You just pick up a ball and play. Not only that, but you make a lot of friendships too.” At the Abbey, Corry will study Business Administration. “I want to start my own business some day,” he said. “My mom owns a daycare center and I guess I inherited See CORRY, Page 5
If anyone, anywhere, deserves to be called inspirational, it’s Stuart Cramer High graduate Alexis “Lexi” Granados who has not only overcome odds that would have bowed a lesser person, but risen to great heights in the process. Granados and her family moved to our area from Prescott, Arizona in 2018. Her father Gabriel took a job in Charlotte and her mother Sarah stays at home. At first, Granados was trepidatious about starting in a new school in a new town, but those fears faded fast. “I was a little worried about fitting in but everyone at Stuart Cramer was so friendly and welcoming,” she said. “They met me with open arms.” That moral support has come in handy given the healthcare challenges that Lexi has faced at home. Her
mom has a rare condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) are a group of hereditary disorders of connective tissue that are varied in the ways they affect the body and in their genetic causes. The underlying concern is the abnormal structure or function of collagen and certain allied connective tissue proteins. They are generally characterized by joint hypermobility (joints that move further than normal range), joint instability (subluxation (partial separation of the articulating surfaces of a joint)) and dislocations (full separation of the surfaces of a joint), scoliosis, and other joint deformities, skin hyperextensibility (skin that can be stretched further than normal) and abnormal scarring, and other structural weakness such as hernias and See GRANADOS, Page 5
By Alan Hodge
Graduating South Point High senior Matthew Dalton has stars in his eyes- and planets and constellations and solar systems. That’s because Dalton has his sights set on a career in the aerospace industry after he finishes his upcoming years at Georgia Tech University where he was awarded a prestigious Albert G. Myers Scholarship to attend. Dalton is a Belmont native and the son of Sheila and Bryan Dalton. He grew in the local school system attending Belmont Central Elementary and Belmont Middle school before heading to South Point. Dalton traces his intense interest in outer space back to third grade when he picked up a book about the planets. He followed up by buying a book about our solar system. Later, he watched YouTube videos about space. He was
hooked. “Space has many mysteries,” Dalton said. “For instance, we don’t know how big the universe is. There’s an inexhaustible range of subjects to study. There are many stars and many planets out there. We have only started to scratch the surface about what there is to know.” Even though he is fascinated with apace, Dalton thinks he might hold off on actually traveling there and focus his attention on the aerospace engineering aspect. “I am especially interested in satellites,” he said. “I would like to work for NASA or Space X building them or rocket ships.” Dalton has already gained some experience in that regard. He has attended several summer programs at Duke University where he studied nuclear and electrical engineering as well as computer programming. He’s also big See DALTON, Page 5
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
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a college deferment so you would not be drafted, run off to Alan Hodge Canada, or do nothing Banner-News Editor and cross your fingers you would not be drafted. The draft system involved a lottery and your birth date was linked by random drawing with a date on the calendar for each of the 365 days. Make sense? It didn’t then either. In other words, if your birth date of say January 21 (me) was linked with anything below 100 days you were a goner, and the higher number out of 365 you were linked with lessened the chances you would be drafted. My number was 206, but a friend of mine had a number of 60-something. I warned him “Marty you had better get to CPCC and get a deferment or you will be drafted this summer”. Marty did not go to CPCC. He went straight to the US Army and a firebase in the central highlands of Vietnam. He came home in one piece physically but a hundred pieces otherwise. Today it is different. I would encourage high school grads to consider a military career. I have several relatives who have gone that route and they have reaped enormous personal and financial benefits not to mention having seen a large part of the world. On a lighter note, the 1970 summer of my graduation also brought an eye and mind opening event in the form of the Love Valley Rock Festival. This three day extravaganza was North Carolina’s version of Woodstock and took place over three days in June 1970 at the western-style town of Love Valley built by the late Andy Barker in the foothills near Statesville. About 100,000 hippies and wanna be hippies and other ilk packed the place and the Allman Brothers and other groups played music on a stage built in a rodeo arena. It was fantastic and my friend Brutus Casey and I had a blast and got blasted in the process. I was free! I was hip! I had a tie-dyed t-shirt and bell bottom jeans! I was 18 years old! Woo Hoo! But reality set in a couple of months later when I went to work at UPS. Kerplunk. Anyway, my hat is off to all grads. You have worked hard. As the Indian in the movie “Josie Wales” said “You have endeavored to persevere”. You are big boys and girls now. So peace brothers and sisters and good luck ‘cause you will surely need it.
of fear and timidity, when the spirit of but of power, love, fear is present. and self-discipline.” Caleb’s report II Timothy 1:7 NLT. was not from a Paul was chargspirit of fear. Noing Timothy to keep tice the difference his spiritual gifts in his report, “The blazing and conland we traveled tinue using them through and exfor God. He teaches plored is a wonTimothy about the derful land! And if the Lord is pleased Rev. Angela Pleasants power of the Holy Spirit. We are not with us, he will bring us safely into that land controlled by the spirit of fear and give it to us. It is a rich but by the Spirit of God. The land flowing with milk and Holy Spirit empowers us to honey. Do not rebel against live holy, to love unconditionthe Lord, and don’t be afraid ally as we serve others, and of the people of the land. They exhibit a measure of control are only helpless prey to us! over our thinking and actions. They have no protection, but When everything is coming the Lord is with us! Don’t unglued, and attacks are being be afraid of them!” Numbers hurled, we remain focused and calm by the power of the Holy 14:7-9 NLT. I wish I could say the peo- Spirit. Trials will come, reports ple responded positively to Caleb’s report, but the spirit will cause panic around us, of fear had a stronghold in the and obstacles will seem insurcamp. The people began talk- mountable. I encourage you ing about stoning Caleb and to remember our supernatural calling and the presence of the Joshua. We must be aware of this Holy Spirit in us that empowdangerous spirit of fear. “For ers us with love and self-disGod has not given us a spirit cipline.
Well, it’s almost time for high school graduates to receive the curled up piece of paper that declares they have satisfied the NC Dept. of Public Education’s requirements of book learnin’. I was looking through past bound volumes of the Belmont Banner and Mount Holly News and ran across numerous columns by the late, great, Dwight Frady where he offered his advice to grads on what to expect and do in the coming years. Good ol’ Dwight. Taking that as a cue, I came up with a list of “thoughts” I would like to share with the cap and gown crowd. So here they are: don’t think anyone owes you anything, don’t think you are a failure it you can’t afford to go to an expensive university, avail yourself of a community college, your parents or whoever you live with may not be perfect but odds are they do the best they can, try to get a job this summer it will be tough but give it a shot anyway and if you get one don’t drop it in favor of your social life. Here’s some more: go somewhere out in the woods or on a mountain or at the coast and marvel at the creation you see and realize it didn’t happen by accident, listen to some good music such as Antonin Dvorak, Richard Wagner, or Johann S. Bach, or Sergei Rachmaninoff, or Jimi Hendrix, Cream, or the Beatles but stay away from so-called music whose lyrics would have gotten the “singers” mouth washed out with soap back in the day, thank your teachers, don’t get arrested for anything, don’t text and drive, don’t drink and drive, don’t smoke weed and drive, if you don’t want to read the Bible for religious reasons look at its poetry, read some Romantic Era poetry, read some Beatnik poetry, read a good novel or story collection by a classic Southern author such as William Faulkner, get plenty of sleep, cut back on fast food, you don’t need lots and lots of friends but one good friend you can confide your deepest thoughts to is plenty. Help an elderly person. Help a poor person. Now that I have gotten that out of my system, I thought I would convey a couple of recollections from my own graduation from Garinger High way back in 1970. Those of us, especially the guys, who were leaving high school behind and entering the world in that year had a heavy cloud hanging over our heads called the Vietnam War and the draft. Your choices were- join the military and hope you didn’t end up in the infantry, get
Have you ever said to someone, “Don’t look now but,” and what do they do? Yes, they turn and look. I feel that way about our recent gas crisis. The people were told, “Don’t panic, but.” No one heard the “don’t.” It is called panic buying, but I call it a spirit of fear. When we conform to the systems of this age, this fear is commonplace. It drives us to be reactive in unhealthy ways. It causes us to live in doubt, especially over the promises of God. When we live in a spirit of fear, we lose all reason and become controlled by our circumstances and outside influences. God called the Israelites into a new Promised Land. A rich, fertile land flowing with milk and honey. The time came for them to enter the land, so some were sent to look over the land. They came back with this report. “We can’t go up against them! They are stronger than we are! So they spread this bad report about the land among the Israelites.” Numbers 13:31b-32a NLT. They reported the land would devour them because they saw giants that lived in the land. Next to the descendants of Anak, the giants, they felt like grasshoppers. The spirit of fear controlled the hearts of the men who gave this report. As a result, they neglected the promise from God and gave into doubt that they would not be able to live in the land. By God’s mighty hand, they were victorious in battles, but now, they see themselves only as grasshoppers because of fear. And notice what else the spirit of fear does; it spreads negativity. Because of the bad report, negativity spread throughout the camp, and the people began to rebel and complain. We find complaining, doubt, rebellion, fighting, and a false view of ourselves
My advice to graduates
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4,000 copies published every Thursday and available free throughout the Montcross area at over 80 locations. Alan Hodge - Editor
God’s Pursuit By Rev. Trent Rankin Salvation Church, Gastonia, NC
If you have chickens in your backyard, you know that catching one is one of the most difficult things you will ever do! They are just fast enough and can fly just enough to escape you every time. If you are lucky enough to catch one, that is when your trouble really begins. They will flop and flail all around like you are shocking them with you fingers. This is the same way we often run from God. Fortunately, even though we run away, God pursues us. In the book of Jonah, Jonah the prophet had been commissioned by God to preach to the Ninevites. The city of Nineveh was immoral and known for its evil and depravity. Jonah had no desire to preach to these people, so he fled from God. He boarded a ship and attempted to flee to the city of Tarshish. While at sea, a storm arose, and the ship was likely to sink. The sailors cast lots to see who had brought trouble on them, and the lot fell on Jonah. He told the sailors he was fleeing from God, and they would have to throw him overboard to save the ship. Reluctantly they did so, and the storm ceased. God raised up a great fish to swallow Jonah. For three days and nights
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Jonah was in the belly of the fish. While there, he repented, and committed himself to doing God’s will. God made the fish to spit Jonah out on the land. Jonah then went and preached to the Ninevites, and they turned from their sins, and sought God. God could have given up on Jonah and raised up another prophet to preach to the Ninevites, but He did not, He pursued Jonah. In our walk with God, there are times when we are closer to God than others. There are times like Jonah experienced, where we flee God, seeking our own desires. Fortunately for us, God seeks us. When we are lost, God seeks a relationship with us through Jesus Christ. As believers, when we begin to drift from God, He seeks us, wanting to restore fellowship with Him. Our God is relentless. He is relentless, because His love for us is relentless. He gave His own son Jesus, to die for our sins. That is love! God pursues us, just like Jonah, but our hearts must be open. We must open our hearts to a relationship with Jesus. As believers, we must also continually have hearts open to growing closer to Jesus ever day. How awesome is it that our God pursues us? God’s love is relentless, and He is pursuing us today!
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
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Belmont Memorial Day event Belmont American Legion Post 144 annual Memorial Day ceremony. May 30, 2021 - 2:00 pm - Green-
wood Cemetery - Belmont, NC. Honor Guard provided by Gaston County Sheriff’s Department.
Creating memories with dignity & respect
Benson Funeral & Cremation Service 101 Oak Grove St., Mt. Holly
Hikers enjoyed a photo op during the May 15th Friends of Crowders Mountain two state three parks hike lead by Dewey Matherly. Stephanie Falls assisted with a pre-event snacks/drinks/donation table. Participants came from as far as Athens, GA and Durham, NC to join in the fun! or Also, Friends of Crowders Mountain, Inc. will begin trail work on National Trails Day, Saturday, June 5, at 9 a.m., ending around noon. Please arrive early to complete registration at the Sparrow Springs Visitor Center, 522 Park Office Lane, Kings Mountain, NC. Work is planned on the Pinnacle and/or Turnback Trail. Litter pick up volunteers are also needed. Tools, snacks, and drinks will be provided. See or If questions, contact park office at 704-853-5375. Photo by Wendy McKenna
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BILLY CRASH CRADDOCK Friday, August 27th Tickets Available
FAREWELL ANGELINA Saturday, Sept. 4th
New public art in downtown Belmont
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New public art alert! If you haven’t already, check out the new art installation on the fencing at the Mill Street public parking lot (behind Sammy’s Pub). To replace the former “Eco Blooms” installation, the Main Street/DBDA Public Art Committee once again enlisted Anna Smith, Visual Arts Education Teacher at Belmont Central Elementary School, to develop and create a new piece for this area. The groups decided to echo the new City of Belmont-Government branding with weavings to spell “Belmont” mimicking the logo font. In an effort to represent the new branding tagline of “Many Threads, One Community”, the installation heavily features textile weavings throughout. This project enlisted the creativity of roughly 150 students in 5th grade and 110 middle school students. Ms. Smith’s students created weavings on CDs to place intermittently throughout the installation, and students of Brianna Beaver at Belmont Middle School created the border weavings. The “O” in “Belmont” was created by students of Carleen Rummer, Visual Arts teacher at South Point High School. Thank you to all the students and educators that worked diligently to bring this artwork to life and thank you to all the volunteers that assisted in removing the former display and installing the new student artwork!
QUEBE SISTERS Friday, Sept. 10th Tickets Available
OAK GROVE STRING BAND Friday, Sept. 17th
LEGACY Motown Revue Saturday, Sept. 25
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
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Graduation and your destination By Dr. Glenn Mollette you are pursuFamilies across ing. What kind America are celebratof financial ing high school and stability and college graduations. security will it American young provide for you adults are now faced and when will with going to work or it afford you pursuing more educaretirement intion. Employers across come? Glenn Mollette America are looking You don’t for workers. Colleges are have to quit working at 46 looking for students. Will you or 50 just because you have spend $25,000 to $60,000 obtained a monthly retireper year to go to school? Or, ment check. There is a world will you go to work and earn of opportunities you can pur$25,000 to $60,000 or more? sue. You can start a different Some of America’s grad- career. You can work part uates will find jobs working time. Or, you can stay with for state or federal govern- the job you are doing. Or, just ment entities. One acquain- enjoy life. tance went to work for her There is a sacrifice to a state government and retired lot of jobs. Many jobs may by the time she was 46. With be fulfilling but often come a full state retirement benefit up short on solid retirement she started a part time busi- plans. Pursue and enjoy what ness that seems to do well. you do but you can’t make a She did not have one day of retirement plan happen out of college education. She started thin air when you hit sixty. out at an entry level job but Keep in mind you can save worked hard, showed up and a little bit of money every received several promotions month and it will grow. Be that provided her with a good diligent about this every income and a very good gov- month and you’ll eventually ernment retirement. see results. Start now. A high school graduate The career you went to can enlist into the military. school for may also allow He or she will start out on the you to retire at 55 if you bottom but show up and work want to. You may also train hard every day and have a re- for a job that you will enjoy tirement by the time they are doing into your late sixties or 38 years old. It’s only 50% of even seventies or older. An their salary but it’s a respect- acquaintance of mine is 82. able check which will pro- He’s been in the hotel busivide them financial security ness for many years and loves for the rest of their lives. his work. Another friend was If school teachers start a college President until he teaching at the age of 23 was 78 and loved every minmany can retire by about 51 ute of his work. One of my years old. friends is a surgeon and is 72. Retiring at 46 or 51 is sel- He loves working every day. dom on the mind of someone Today is a good time to 18 or even 23. Often, just think about what you are finding an enjoyable job that doing and where it will take is maintainable is the main you. Consider what you want goal. However, give some life to look like when you arthought to the type of work rive at your destination.
Graduates pictured L-R: Vincent Wong, Will Jones, Earnest Sumner II, Ashlyn Wadesworth, Jeff Phelps, Whitney Hill, Michelle Melton, Shelton Watson, Lisa Clement-Bryant, Reggie Bloom, Josh Watkins, Natasha Gilbert, Diana Willman, Krystle White, Verlina Lomick and Labrey Burris. Kneeling, facilitators Octavia Seawell and Jennifer Davis. Graduates not pictured: Miles Braswell, Holly Powell and Rachel Wildstein.
Gaston Together’s Civic Engagement Leadership On Tuesday, May 11th, Gaston Together was finally able to conduct the Graduation Celebration for the third class of their Civic Engagement Leadership (CEL) process. These graduates began their sessions in August 2019 anticipating a June 2020 graduation. Due to Covid restrictions, they had to extend their number of sessions by three and conduct them via a virtual format just to complete the CEL process. Fortunately, they were far enough along in the CEL process to enable a virtual format to work. One year later, they were able to Graduate AND Celebrate. The Graduation Celebration event was held at the Gaston Country Club. Gaston Together created the CEL process in response to a two-fold community request: 1) to create a potential future pool of leaders for Gaston County and 2) to attract
and retain the young adult in Gaston County through leadership opportunities. Gaston Together conducted an extensive research and discovery phase to examine other leadership programs in the county to identify any possible gaps and avoid duplication of efforts. The CEL process was built around three areas for enhancement identified during this research phase: intentional cross-sector community building, greater knowledge of Gaston County (its past, present and impact on the future) and in-depth personal awareness and skills development. The process is designed with 8 sessions, 6 full-day and 2 half-day. Classes are limited to a group of 20-25 participants to allow for active engagement. Sessions are conducted as an “experiential learning laboratory” where participants feel safe to practices skills learned during
the sessions. Some highlights of the process include work on communication skills and civic dialogue, influencing as a leader and community building by working across differences in demographics and community sectors, and self-assessment pre and post program testing for growth/ change comparison. Community focus areas important to them as residents of Gaston County such as education and diversity in leadership are identified early in their sessions. Subsequent sessions are then developed around these focus areas. One highlight of the sessions each year is the Community Leaders “Speed Networking” day. Community leaders are selected to participate based on the focus areas important
to that particular CEL class. Funding for the third class of Civic Engagement Leadership was graciously provided by the Carrie E. and Lena B. Glenn Foundation, the First Gaston Foundation, Dominion Energy and Gaston County. Fellowship Sponsors were Charlie and Helene Pearson, TJ Solomon and Parkdale Mills. Gaston Together is currently taking applications for CEL 4 which will begin with an orientation in August. Sessions will begin in September. For more information or to get an application, contact Gaston Together at or call 704-867-9869, ext. 111.
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The Banner News /
Thursday, May 27, 2021
City of Mount Holly Downtown events 2021 The City of Mount Holly has revised its downtown event schedule. The new schedule is as follows. June 11 – Legacy Motown June 25 – Cat 5 July 1 – Fireworks Celebration – Coming Up Brass July 16 – The Entertainers August 6 – Band of Oz August 13 – The Magnificents
August 27 – Blackwater Rhythm & Blues September 3 – Gary Lowder & Smokin’ Hot September 10 – Watch Tower (Dave Matthew’s Tribute) September 24 – On the Border (Eagles Tribute) October 8 – Reo Survivor (Reo Speedwagon Tribute)
GRANADOS From Page 1
organ prolapse through the pelvic floor. In the rarer types of EDS, there is also weakness of specific tissues that can lead, for example, to major gum and dental disease, eye disease, cardiac valve and aortic root disorders, and life-threatening abdominal organ, uterine, or blood vessel rupture. In Sarah’s case it means she needs a transplant of her entire digestive system. All five organs must come from a single donor. “We are waiting on a call from Miami Transplant Institute,” Granados says. “The call could come tomorrow or five years from now. We just don’t know when. So far, we have waited over 230 days for a call.” In addition to helping take care of the family, including her younger brother and sister, Granados also holds down a job at Buffalo Wild Wings. In other words, she has all the responsibilities of an adult at eighteen years of
age. But she has had a good role model. “My mother is the strongest person I know, she says. As her quick smile and lively personality attests, none of those challenges have dampened her spirit or kept her from achieving good things at school. In addition to focusing on her nursing classes (she will attend Appalachian State this fall with the goal of a degree in Biology), Granados is also active on the track team, and a member of the National Honor Society. “It is a challenge to balance things,” she said in a classic understatement. Granados is also a diehard fan of the Storm football and basketball teams. “I love going to the games and pep rallies, “she said. “They are so much fun.” Her strong and upbeat spirit gets Granados notice from fellow students and teacher alike. “Lexi is one of those students I will never forget,
said teacher Caroline Jessen. “She has the most beautiful and infectious smile that can brighten anyone’s day. Many are unaware of the personal struggle Lexi deals with on a daily basis- such as her mom being sick. Honestly, I was shocked when I learned about it because she is always so upbeat and positive. I often thought to myself, ‘how does she do it all?’ She plays sports, works part time, takes AP and honors level courses, and deals with family challenges. My prayer is that this difficult road she has traveled will one day lead to a beautiful destination. She is an amazing young woman.” It’s a fact that Granados has a level head on her shoulders and she offered this advice for her under classmates. “Stay motivated and get to know your teachers,” she said “They will help you not only to set goals and prepare for college, but with personal things as well.”
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Page 5
Officer R. Robinson (center), who recently retired from the Gaston County Police Department, was recognized by the Gaston County Board of Commissioners for his years of service. Officer Robinson is pictured above with his family, Officer R. Hamrick, Assistant Chief M. Shelor and Assistant Chief S. Jentsch.
CORRY From Page 1
some of her entrepreneurial spirit.” Another of Corry’s passions is chorus. He’s been an active member of the chorus at East Gaston and explained how he first got started singing. “In sixth grade I was taking music appreciation class at Mt. Holly Middle School and Mrs. Carpenter pulled me aside and urged me to join the chorus,” Corry said. “My favorite music is hip-hop and rap but I enjoy Christian music too.” Another activity that Corry has enjoyed at East Gaston is the time he has spent as a media center (library) assistant. “I enjoy helping other students do research for their projects,” said Corry. “I also take part in producing podcasts on subject such as
school life during the Covid pandemic.” The Student Council is an important aspect of East Gaston and Corry takes part in that activity as well. “I am the historian and also take notes during meetings and help plan events,” said Corry. “Being on the Student Council has taught me a lot about leadership skills and responsibility.” Corry’s outgoing nature and bright smile brought him a great honor this school year.. He was named Homecoming King. In that respect he carried on a family tradition. “My sister was Homecoming Queen in 2009,” he said. Corry is much beloved by his fellow students and the staff at East Gaston. Here’s what his Social Studies teacher Edward Craig had to
say. “I have known Deshaun Corry for about three years, serving as his social studies teacher and mentor,” said Craig. “If I could create a student in a laboratory, he would be that student. Deshaun possesses a mature intellect and a well-rounded personality. He has the respect of his classmates and the faculty at East Gaston. I will miss his presence in our halls and classrooms. However, ‘one man’s loss is another man’s gain’.” So, now that his days at East Gaston are drawing to close, what advice does Corry offer those students coming along behind him? “Enjoy your time at East Gaston,” he said. “Try not to take things for granted. Cherish every moment that you have.”
DALTON From Page 1
into physics and math- all skills that will come in handy designing outer space craft. But Dalton is a multifaceted lad. He exercises his body as well as his mind. He’s a member of the South Point varsity track team. “I started running when I came to South Point,” he said. “I really enjoy cross country. Coach Kubbs makes it enjoyable and fun.” Coach Cody Kubbs had this to say about Dalton. “Matthew Dalton is a tremendous student and an even better young man,” said Kubbs. “I had the privilege of teaching Matthew in my AP US History course his junior year and I also was able to coach him on the cross country team. Matthew is an incredibly bright and gifted student that excels as a combination of his natural
abilities and his unwavering work ethic. Matthew is never satisfied with anything less than his absolute best; that was also true of Matthew as a cross country runner. Matthew is a conscientious student that values learning and has a natural curiosity that he allows to guide his personal educational journey. I’ve really enjoyed getting to teach and coach Matthew and will miss our random conversations in the hall between classes next year; but I am excited to see and share in all of his future achievements and successes!” Dalton is also an avid soccer player. He started playing soccer at the tender age of three years. Teams he’s played for over the years include Gaston United, Carolina Rapids, and Charlotte Independence. He plays out-
side defender position. Other activities Dalton has enjoyed at South Point includes being a member of the chess club, Quiz Bowl team, Science Olympiad, Beta Club, and National Honor Society. Talking to Dalton, it’s obvious he’s enjoyed and cherished his South Point experience. “The teachers are high quality,” he said. “Many that were students here returned when they became teachers because of their love of the school.” Ever thoughtful, Dalton wanted to share these musings with students coming along behind him. “Have a goal and focus on it,” he said. “Also, take classes for what you want to do for a career.”
Page 6
The Banner News /
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Law Enforcement Memorial held The annual Gaston County Law Enforcement Officer Memorial event took place last Tuesday. The ceremony began at First Baptist Church in Mt. Holly then continued at Gaston Memorial Park with a wreath lay-
ing ceremony. “Today is a special day, not only for Law Enforcement, but for the Gaston County community,” said Mt. Holly Police Chief Don Roper. “It is a time to recognize and honor the service
and sacrifice of those law Enforcement Officers from Gaston County that have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our citizens. These heroes have now earned a place in the history of Gaston County, and it is
our duty, responsibility, and privilege to ensure that they are always remembered. Remembered for their sacrifice, for how they served, but most importantly for how they lived.” Photos provided
The Banner News /
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Board of Education to appoint Gaston College trustee The Gaston County Board of Education is conducting the process to select an appointee for the Gaston College Board of Trustees. The appointee will serve a four-year term on the college’s Board of Trustees beginning July 1, 2021. Citizens wishing to be considered for the appointment should complete an application form and return it by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 to the Gaston County Schools Central Office, 943 Osceola Street, Gastonia. Citizens may pick up a copy of the application form
y r Op
at the Gaston County Schools Central Office in Gastonia or download it from the school district’s website. Applicants will participate in an interview to be held at the Gaston County Schools Central Office prior to the Board of Education’s regular meeting on Monday, June 21 at 5:30 p.m. Applicants will be notified of their interview time. The appointment will be included on the regular meeting’s agenda. The appointee should possess knowledge of com-
munity needs, awareness of the roles of the North Carolina Community College System and K-12 education, and an understanding of the relationship between county commissioners and funding for public education. The Board of Education is responsible for appointing four people to the Gaston College Board of Trustees. Each year, one Board of Education appointee rotates off the Board of Trustees effective June 30, and the Board of Education is responsible for filling the vacancy. For more information, call (704) 866-6115.
WNCW and The Foundation Performing Arts Center present A Drive-In Concert featuring
the cleverlys
Saturday, June 19th 8:30 pm
Page 7
Connect the Dots: It’s all about Him
Silvers By Dennis Siracusa We live in a textile center of our country so some of us remember slivers of untwisted textile fibers produced in the carding process. There are other slivers we don’t care for like wood slivers jabbed in our hand, or a sliver of apple pie instead of a “healthy” slice. And while many slivers are not desired, this morning I’m thinking about one that may not be as bad as we think at first and those are our soap slivers; shower soap that shrinks to a paltry fragment of itself. It’s time to throw it out, right? Or maybe we shouldn’t be so quick. As I move sturdily into my 70’s I think about changing capabilities and usefulness. Many of us seniors fall into various and sundry psychological traps (mostly devil designed) and begin to believe we are slivers of our former self and should fade away like soap. We must understand, however, that God calls all the shots and He loves to demonstrate His strength in our weaknesses; if we let Him! We may not look like our vibrant young selves but there is tremendous value in what we have endured and learned; in what is hidden in the sliver of our remaining life and we need to remember that. I’m learning that lesson from a set of used golf clubs. It’s impossible to know the whole history of these clubs but this I’ve discovered. They are Acushnet AC 108’s made in the early 1970’s. They’ve been well used but made their way to a thrift shop 20 years ago where they sold for $5, were used once thereafter and then languished in an attic for 20 years until they were given to me a week ago. These
were innovative Titliest clubs specifically manufactured for beginners and high handicappers like me? I’m wondering this morning about these vin- Dennis Siracusa tage castaways and what an old guy like me may still be able to do with them; not toss them out like a sliver of soap and give them a grateful and respectful trial before chasing after current new fashions. The bible is replete with stewardship lessons. Life isn’t an accident we’re supposed to press through; it’s God’s grand design and He’s watching us to see if we step into our purpose while creatively caring for the assets He entrusts us with; golf clubs , soap or??? Jesus came in the flesh with a mission and yet he contentedly spent nearly 10 times as much time working as a carpenter as He did in His earthly ministry. Envision Jesus as a child; one similar to you and me. One sprawled out on grass watching clouds, or going fishing with a homemade pole and hook. Imagine His carpenter days; His apprenticeship; slivers of excellence learned. From cleaning his father’s wood shop to fabricating tables, chairs and doors customers felt proud to own. Let’s be content wherever God has us; let’s be available; always ready to fulfill our current purpose and calling. Bury lies you hear from the devil; listen to God’s truth: you are worthy and valuable and more than a sliver of life.
Annual water report is out The City of Belmont 2020 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report has been sent out with water bills. Copies are available in the announcement rack located on the second floor of the CityWorks building and at the City of Belmont website www. Questions contact Joseph Roy at 704-825-2625.
Every week, people are looking for businesses just like yours. “Out Back” in the parking lot behind The Foundation Performing Arts Center at Isothermal Community College
Admission sold per car with a limited number of cars allowed. Gates open at 7 pm.
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Contact Mayra Littman for advertising information 704-472-7892
The Banner News /
Page 8
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Banner News Fellowship & Faith
Church Directory Morningside Missionary Church 711 Morningside Dr. 704-822-9142
Hickory Grove Baptist Church Hickory Grove Rd • Gastonia, NC
Mt. Holly Church of God 208 Rankin Ave. 704-827-8596
Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
339 S. Hawthorne St. 704-827-4320
Cramerton Independent Presbyterian Church
New Covenant United Methodist 14514 Lucian Riverbend Hwy. 704-827-4468
New Providence Baptist Church
416 Woodlawn Ave. 704-824-1745
New Saint Paul Holiness Church
Cramer Memorial United Methodist Church
North Main Baptist Church
154 N. Main St. 704-824-3831
1304 N. Main St. 704-827-6141
Cramerton Temple of God Church
Redemption Hill Church
Restoration & Deliverance
Employees of
6014 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-7959
Loves Chapel Presbyterian Church 204 Lincoln St. 704-825-8342
Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter 216 N. Main St. 704-825-2483
Message of Love Church
BELMONT Alexander Memorial Baptist Church 208 South Main Street 704-825-3216
Brotherhood/Sisterhood WNCC UMC 120 Park Street 704-825-1333
Catawba Heights Baptist Church 311 Belmont Road 704-827-8474
Christ Church Presbyterian Church 901 Catawba Street 704-461-8614
CrossFix Ministries 6131 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-879-4499
Crossroads Church 101 Beaty Rd. 704-827-8381
Centerview Baptist Church 2300 Acme Road 704-827-2061
East Belmont Baptist Church 501 Catawba Street 704-825-5780
East Belmont Church Of God 320 E. Catawba Street 704- 825-8845
306 Pearl Beaty Dr. 704-827-6500
Mount Moriah Baptist Church 110 Lincoln St. 704-825-2046
New Life Baptist Church 201 Oak Trail 704-822-6195
New Mills Chapel Fire Baptized 104 Morning Glory Ave. 704-825-5457
North Belmont Church of God 2316 Acme Rd. 704-827-4092
O’Conner Grove Church Ame Zion 613 N. Main Street 704-825-5576
Park Street United Methodist 120 Park Street 704-825-8480
Power of the Spirit Church
909 Edgemont Ave 704-825-5346
Queen Of The Apostles Catholic Church
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
503 N. Main Street 704-825-9600
6325 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-755-5034
First Baptist Church 23 N. Central Avenue 704-825-3758
First Foursquare Gospel Church 8 Elizabeth Street 704-825-5811
First Presbyterian Church 102 S. Central Ave 704-825-3357
First Presbyterian-Belmont 112 S. Central Ave 704-829-0668
Sanctuary of Praise Ministries 124 Georgia Belle Ave. 704-579-7823
South Point Baptist Church 124 Horsley Ave. 704-825-9516
South Point Freewill Baptist 297 Gaither Rd. 704-825-8045
South Point United Methodist 510 South Point Church Rd. 704-825-4019
Springwood Freewill Baptist 826 Stanley-Spencer Mtn. Rd. 704-827-7801
St. Marks United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church of Belmont
701 Secrest Ave. 704-825-8175
807 South Point Road 704-825-2106
The Pointe
Fresh Anointing Church of God 71 McAdenville Road 704-825-7283
Friendship Baptist Church 5008 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-3276
312 W. Glendale Ave. 704-827-2726
Catawba Heights Church of God CBC-Memorial Apostolic
118 School Street 704-827-7071
Exodus Church
Burge Memorial Methodist Church
212 South Street 704-825-7269
East Belmont Free Will Baptist
120 Belmont-Mt. Holly Road 704-827-3366
210 Park Street, Belmont NC
122 Tomberlin Rd. 704-827-4225
4357 S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-1697
6700 Wilkinson Blvd 704-825-1709
Unity Baptist Church 1005 Catawba St. 704-825-8730
Upper Room United Pentecostal 1405 Armstrong Ford Rd. 704-825-0604
501 Cramer Mountain Rd. 704-824-4286
Ridgeview Baptist Church
Riverside Baptist Church
105 Pine Rd. 704-827-3856
171 S. Main St. 704-824-7785
230 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-0968
Chapel Baptist Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-5526
DALLAS Gateway Cowboy Church
108 Horseshoe Bend Beach Rd. 704-827-8676
St. Paul FHB Church
STANLEY Amazing Grace Baptist Church 7280 Sifford Rd. 704-827-6277
Tuckaseege Baptist Church
Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran
511 Tuckaseege Rd. 704-827-4301
203 S. Main St. 704-263-2621
Way of the Cross Baptist Church
Community Pentecostal Center
238 Lanier Ave. 704-827-8111
Wesley Chapel Holiness Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-1993
Westview Presbyterian Church
320 Ralph Handsel Blvd. 704-263-8731
First United Methodist Church 5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-263-2691
1020 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-2026
First Presbyterian Church
Community Christian Fellowship 2560 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-5881
Gold Hill Missionary Baptist Church
Bethlehem Church
7447 Old Plank Rd. 704-827-7966
Core Church 707 Westland Farm Rd. 704-822-8033
Cornerstone Family Worship 709 Rankin Ave. 704-671-8640
Covenant United Methodist 110 Underwood Dr. 704-820-0603
Family Worship Center 1013 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-7656
Finish Line Christian Center 1792, 108 N. Main St. 704-980-285-8334
First Baptist Church-Mt. Holly 300 S. Main St. 704-827-2481
First Free Will Baptist Church 841 Noles Dr. 704-827-7461
First Presbyterian Church 133 S. Main St. 704-827-0521
First United Methodist Church 140 N. Main St. 704-827-4855
3100 Bethlehem Church St. 704-823-5050
Carolina Community Baptist 604 Martha Ave 704-824-2872
Center Baptist Church
512 Old Mount Holly Rd. 704-263-4275
New Faith Baptist Church 1224 Mayberry Rd. 704-263-0249
New Life Baptist Church
S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-4121
527 N. Buckoak St. 704-263-4647
Epic Church
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church
100 Indian Walk 704-671-4652
2717 Dallas/Stanley Hwy. 704-263-4406
Lowell Church of God
Springfield Memorial Baptist Church
804 W. First Street 704-824-3383
Lowell Free Will Baptist Church 3010 Lowell Rd. 704-824-9389
Lowell Smyre United Methodist Church
2920 Dallas-Stanley Highway 704-263-4426
Stanley Church of God 324 N. Main St. 704-263-4041
Stanley Pentecostal Holiness Church
201 N. Main St. 704-824-8814
113 E. Parkwood St. 704-263-2131
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Trinity Full Gospel Church
120 Branch St. 704-824-4535
303 Sunset Dr. 704-263-9765
First Baptist Church of Lowell 400 W. 1st St. 704-824-1215
United In Action of Stanley 5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-524-0555
Goshen Free Will Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
1300 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-3076
317 W. 1st St. 704-824-1213
Grace Baptist Church
New Life Church
300 Westland Farm Rd. 704-827-8600
128 Robbins St. 704-824-1356
Hickory Grove Baptist Church
Presbyterian Church of Lowell
3717 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-827-3939
207 E. 1st St. 704-824-3807
112 White Jenkins Rd. 704-681-2017
Kingdom Hall Jehovah’s Witnesses
Restoration Church
1736 Kelly Rd. 704-263-0199
1800 Spencer Mountain Rd. 704-824-5250
Lighthouse Full Gospel Church
Woodlawn Baptist Church
530 N. Hawthorne St. 704-827-1442
1101 N. Main St. 704-824-4261
Living Witness Ministries
Goshen Presbyterian Church
513 Woodlawn Ave. 704-827-5185
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
143 Church St. 704-824-5380
Roper Street 704-601-5146
110 S. Main St. 704-827-4751
McAdenville Baptist Church
Grace Korean Ch Assembly-God
Bethel Baptist Church
Macedonia Baptist Church
124 Georgia Belle Ave 704-965-1004
NC Highway 273 704-827-9846
1951 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-9224
Will of God Church
The Barn at Sandcastle Farm 155 Sandcastle Rd.
1529 Old Hwy 27 Rd. 704-827-5851
5339 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-8252
207 Lowell Ave. 704-824-4213
1117 Old NC Hwy 27 704-827-8826
541 Costner St. 704-827-0004
Gaston Christian Church
West Cramerton United Methodist Church
Shiloh AME Zion Methodist St. Anthony of Padua Traditional Catholic Church
Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist New Hope Presbyterian Church
Life Church
826 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-2999
740 Rankin Ave. 704-827-5181
455 Sacco St. 704-825-6007
Containers/Trailers Sales & Storage Rental
Revival Tabernacle of Mt. Holly
Second Baptist Church
Hood Memorial AME Zion Church
First Baptist Church 235 8th Ave. 704-824-1991
1120 Charlotte Ave. 704-530-5174
151 Henry Chapel Rd 704-825-0711
East Wilkinson Blvd. 704-824-5319
804 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-820-0954
River of Life Full Gospel Church
Henry’s Chapel Ame Zion Church
Cramerton Free Will Baptist
1104 Old NC 27 Hwy. 704-827-0822 1529 Old Hwy. 27 Rd. 704-827-5851
Grace Wesleyan Church
151 8th Ave. 704-824-3889
Lakeview Baptist Church
192 Main St. 704-824-2740
McAdenville Wesleyan Church 300 E. Wesleyan Dr. 704-824-1073
Welcome Baptist Church 811 Mauney Rd.
Bright Light Baptist Church
Don’t see your church listed? Email us today at
For information on getting your business listed here call 704-825-0580
The Banner News /
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Page 9
Gaston County Schools Administrative appointments and transfers, 2021-2022
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By Ala
ay, April
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Presen Jerry Gan Fowler; Bre min e For All mont NC” tory of influen scope of the but the Que Cathol ing North begins by food Fowler; Jackson Pete Craft. by Ja Carolin Jack H. en of the area. ce and imp Catholic ic her limited st Drew and and 26, Apo itag to act in a’s Morris istie; e with other gue March les our Frothe days in e going bac is now stles Catholi The boo Zack Chr rday, to gamerage and “Mi the earl k availab m c mo of At a Satuof the new d Pan& bev s. nt resi k’s author le. closer there, Mo y 1800s. pletion ion g of is Bel d ity Foo Apostl dent and amenitieith the com State of business dedicat gs openin - stor to home rris moves the Communressed a crowrch ut his Que es par “W Faster ba Two Kinl Gantt add chu ishione en of gol y of how Irisand tells the pact withthe Catawba went abo Cash try”, Jody friends, and ille ’s as he der. the a, d min r Jac Cataw Resort wilation our com open r Jeff ved ers arri h Cathol rryv Carolin w ily, k a buil o ic North is eager to possible of fam ved in his belowho as City Manage ble to allo at CheMe tho dist Casin ate job cre of as una the bers ory in See BOO what Gantt, Nation as quickly economic were e Lord acceler ion the mem le, Miles ) passion said they to be placed inally memt Uni ted K, Pag and said, “Th casino in bringing the state e4 heart, for as orig be- Firs rch, and pantry to IN, great unc“sparked (his , y for reg ef my beg the TA jobs ler, Park on to a Chi n Jod MO UN Nation he said struction.” inally ap- Heritage by Mr. Fow City’s Chu this idea to put it off still efits and Catawb essma s unique e’re laid KIN GS Catawba it will ben region,” said . “W re Busin I had another, I for con ler had orig ille City requested es with the k create k to and though or awa ris – The Fow the Cherryv k with of issu . it.” N.C. ced last wee of the Bill Har wit h Del on the Fowler cause e carriers and they one reason back toMUved bac ning Cagive bac g Mr. ant ranc proached a while announ ck the ope d them an ex- kept comingsaid his beloLC 6 gs wor kin consult gs Casino way to the late con- insu Page H • it was issue Council to honor “We aske fast-tra a Two Kinin Kings North, our STON Fowler PANTRY, to us munity by the Two Kin l as our See the idea memory ement of a explained liabilityntly by ES • Cat awb ort project a “pre- Catawba ect, as wel Gam - com ELL high rece S SOIL E. POW Gantt’s n and plac try box, tremely sino Res n by opening summer Resort proj Sky boa t pen by HAEL he said pan | La hap structio ity food by MIC Fowler for us,” Mountai facility this s. elop er, r nierMa hine lity, dev to make that are calling commun which a few phone. launch” slot mac t we lity this Edito ael@cfme faci ing, iidea terialS ch wha 500 mich laun with ve, bus y an he had seen munities structed opening nch’ faci ales.c Jod ille nati The pre- be con -lau and com said ular se of will cated mod an a ‘pre .” Cherryvand builder e up other towns om pha ch y com whi prefabri Q | 70 man summerintroductor planned ntly or provide \ H\H J VRR 4-827using es, will for patrons al ness ler has receway to hon An is still WV IRU GUWXG\ VWDUWLQ casino an addition Fow unique 7055 HQ structur ortunity full a ure the DWP DUFK V opp feat with s. It will initial HZ WUH VH and will machine , Page 4 HQVDWHG slot ILQG Q H GURS UH PS WR 1,300 See CASINO FR QJ UNL EH DO H\
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The rt project to be become struction is . eager will of Cha no reso Its con 2,600 ut a year ion is quickly a Nat casino. to take abo e to have million casi to create as buildd ging Catawb casino ed pect makes sens launch is expecte jobs at full conin brin ion open the to beg and jobs “It a Nat s of anent ary pre- will Cat awb ay it will as possible benefits Ca- the tempor t, and it ng permand thousandthe region. ic on,” The star of in prove rate duri - out ced Frid ning econom said. and regi lity to n jobs announ ck the ope gs Ca- to the state Bill Harris Dela- faci tinue to ope of the intro y structio is project willand susKin ef con “Th sibl ting ction for fast-tra wba Two in Kings tawba Chi king with ant constru and pos long-las engine nd the Cata ort project a “pre- “We’re wor our consult gs the tory phase ses, ” saidt to be a economic Kin th, Clevela pha duc sino Res n by openingsummer ware Nor wba Two tainable dents of ted about uen t presiden as seq ry, ect, ning resi sub Hansber Cata exci ” said Mountai facility this s. gs Mou ort proj Skyth’s gam e the nty, we are n on the line hine of Kin a free launch” slot mac facility, Casino Res developer, that Bria aware Nor s us a plac Cou ed time Commisedit e Del The City offering trash, 500 ch and give our of exp f nty mak laun cted with . “It be l as the staf to Cou s. we for businessh incoming ple in the Cleveland ny Hutchin e 5A of The pre- be constru ular wel t Gaming, ning what tain will service to be faweek dings ch will cated mod an boa pen by ope -launch’ to teac odates peo ious to sioner JohnCASINO, Pag pick-up litter the picked buil whi r abri ide hap a ‘pre .” and pref See accommwho are anx mer.” s to be front home or othe junk, you using es, will provfor pa- are calling sum the on se of d. 5-9. Item summer ctur that if April t be placed in during collecte ortunity limited cility this ductory pha ned regi t gaming this casino site items stru note plan with other ial opp Please unapproved up mus t to the curb of this An intro no is still itional star The 17-acre fee per init to game e and nt casi add yard nex k. The inte litter and do plac curb, a $20 required trons & beverage will ure an the full ion and will feat hines. It this weeis to remove mulated on the load will be the City food amenities. complet to st slot mac accu s. truck prior project s. The gue “With the t with the 1,300 that has of propertie k to be paid e item to take the pac a, thes junk com olin exterior fee per truc s removing everyone ice of our North Car on the al $20 e item free serv e of urages The normcollecting thes ng this enco ntage of this cleaning up Stat adva you part in load for waived duri do will be rma tion ude and . t a plan not inclmat- the city mor e infoSanitation week. , doe s ked in I would 5 For the I wor Thi s , furniture tronic contact -734-073 him. If second-shift he goes elec such as please ent at 704 ment Der items batteries, I artm on the orce cans cone afte morning, tresses, nt, or paint of liqui- DepCodes Enf -734-4561. Cozart get hom or 704 Loretta . In the time with at for t By equipmeany amount not bring to bed only have him off open partmen ld ped ders is RithiptI taining t. Please do de the insi Bin Rai Srimaha Hale, wou until I drop not wha is t fied pain s from s. him by Tha item busineswho goes wife Jee at school. e said. nthese of ope Hal hong, with his ka, op- want.,” got the idea in Kings along sister Aric, a famHale t store g in and his Raiders s that ing a discoun le shoppincomBin bus ines in whi in other The erate unta ed 23. Mo es Kings ily- own on January that cus- similar storHowever, e this opened so popular for the munities. did not hav obin just mas shop is wait in lineday. gs, e. ‘I Mounta itha Tho tomers open each chases type of storthey did thin By Tab Sen iors and pur s to to e how es bag item ders stor ed e ed pass die Pat rick an Eas y goo King Street Bin Raiin lots and r cus- serv they pric ght out mor The ting y, E. is hos Thursda how man 28086 inventory on to thei in- how n they brou n, I went onCenter ve-Thru am to 12 prepare. 909 in, NC ple the ngs whe The unta the savi Much of Amazon inventory. d other peo ter Dri1 from 10 asked to Kings Mo same -0447. tomers. items are ck. Most line and foundoing the how April iors are to sign up (704) 734 ad ventory or oversto original who were they shared r, I ws pm. Sen call ahe ter kno returns are in the imes we thing and doing it. Late onplease senior cen e s lots met the item ing. “So so, to buy ther they wer d in bub packag item wrappe ’t know learned howall came toge Raiders.Cozart get an p and we donhad cus- line and it il fort of Bin tta Apr ning, Post ble wra inside. I’ve nes and from there.” got his plan to in fron to by Lore out Arika he en Pho rday mor , and what is find cell pho way,” Once reached ch fast Satu Otis D. GreStreet. ers , Hale soccer coa Lee, Jess s that ol, Hale, his malized 3, at the East Gold invited tom it watche art de- Dan Potter, on high scho . rans are first Fitb ing home tta Coz why he d from All vete kfast the th. Hale said By Lore asked store, Hale and frien to help gett e 5A Pag When free breaevery mon d na ng him an ERS, tation to this lants: of d to ope out hesi son, aski BIN RAID Americ t to atten Imp cide rday l with ome See Pos ch Satu are welc whi to his e for Denta answered ation Leg ion its Vetown teeth. might slip. stor ts of pointed Others ll don kfasts. 155 has Breakbenefi look and feel like your that your dentures a sma future brea be on as he“I started the for few worry a fund kfast will Lee. eran’s l implants without the yourself. Just helps brea 11 am. nce. Denta you to speak about e. The nextfrom 9 am to d appearaDental implants allow and feel better can last a lifetim ts again May 1 care, Improve
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Thr Article Pleasaee memb Provide white-c nt Hill Comers of d By: Jean Gordon clubhoulothed tab munity the Piedm les insi Club sat ontse rec days club ent at de d and of the awa ly reminis an unl long sou house for how igh rd-w p, cor potato of the the club inning cing abo ted McMa nbread and soup, veg house ccommunityut the efforts commu was club icing, Cochan made homemadeetable bee buildin in saving nity. They w the vanilla a Col f des the mo Clu g and d discuss center a com As re tha broughb members cake and pound cak ser ts. ed e with app were the ladies munity club n 60-yea the t Ste On Sathot dogs and ve and Loile cake. r-old buildinrumblings quietly talk . urd on chili on s Dimsda up on ed ay g. site by the roo inside, the Frid The le Che mornin f of the re werSocial dist ryl Aus g, Doris ay. off shin Women was join tin, Roo 195 anc e gle obs fers wer 7 flat roo s and ing andclub pre ed Dor erved at busy of 201 f. The pro preparing e b mask sident. all tim com is is ject was to re wearing recovetaking mid munity a chapte es. par t of 9 with a com club r me the roo -19 mitme begun in r the But f in nt to com the fall memb 50s. She that was mber of ers can roofing COVID-19 2020. loo formed the plete Prio com ks forw flat in known came to changed memb r to buil e back ard to the the eve Wome a togeth day ding Fin n Roo halt for therything and couple ers met er. 11-13,ally during fers. of yea at ano the club na nation the Nan rs, the ally house, the roo led by when cy joined she said. r location Bossm weekend fing for a the yard she an of Ma pro rch remember was abo club with ready cleaned upject was Billy Hone ut her s the with eyc and hopfor the nex and me completed utt, nea other chil fun timfive years parents old es rby rura dren future. efully a t improvmbers are , the l com of the meeting and covere em “Up now Follow d dish ent projject Alth meetin until COmunities. community there ing the dinner s compleough thre gs and VID and leader in the dinners we had pot Friday te the job,e days wer ship As qua As about onc luck or Wome of Bossm used afternoon. the rooferse schedu e a qua covere rterly Doris the mo club the age n Roo an led for a final clea fers on Billy (Ho few minSaturday were finish to are , leaking or the roof rter,’ Nan d dish a me said she ney was becam as of cy mb cau con the job. neycutt), being e ed or finish mornin Clu n-up. e a pro ght up withsaid. pharma er of Wo tacted far left raised, Clu the club was ing tas g wa Lau cist Keever,b members blem me , ks and dinner b membershouse. in sev the Rutherford at the Me n Roo ra Hodge, buildin s and the roo 90, and Nancy Koo eral help began ton dicine fers and mo Honeycg and tha , from ney to having hosting ne, 70, Box They fers at the Mae Mc the groinquiring a utt tau t was rep tim “We yar Ma about in nearby and the new for thehelped pre clubhouse han, 76,Doris throe buckets air the roo d sales spaghetti the Wo had hea up. job wasght the roo to the possibl par rd f. to roo eac me ugh me Eve wer e group. fers rais and Frid fers and delicio don t h e som“At some n Roo about out the e pla n “I rais us lun morning. time e in two what to ced during thae Bill Hodge said fers,” Dor the goo ay eve buil eth aro do t y Hon ryone und noo ch meals a proud ed about ding to cat strategical she imm is exp d work of leak,” heing to the they will days. eyc $60 flat roo Nel lain gather n Thursd Dor hav 0 one ch the wat ly ediate l Bovend utt and ed. is spo “We As thesaid. f...We e to add ed insi ay time by ly he er. stoppe de the the roo used the ke up. myself agr“They (cluer began the and fellocontacted from membroofers f don d the mo wor ,” ney w b) eed for ers of e,” she discuss ked, roofer raised the to do said. we raised ion Yea The 202annual hopefully there was to get wer rs ago the work,” the funds s. Christm getting talk Hon COVID 0 event and e whe was canas dinner together . roofedorganized, n the Woeycutt said we The the wom in . celed me Clubho the Mt. becaus2021. en and n Roofers health gathering use s of money Ver e of afte Hon the Cou will all “Do for sup r the comnon Com eycutt “At childre ris always nty, State depend on plie munity mu and n,” Ma group that time s. bro the raised nity par ties. e said ught gift Nation. the probab came to we had just of pas s for all Mae begun time thaly knew help us,” McMa the t Chr mo Nel and a of the com han rem istmas If the n we did re about l said. and mu em roofing re is a ” Bovender roofing at“They Frid it was a nity club bers bei ng also “ha ay that raised, project request for said almost nights. Theng-out” spo as a tee a par t a com nag Bovend the gro and the t the money munity there wer length re was a for teens er er said up will shu on of The conside can . “It was e other gam the club ffle boa groups re have bee r the be a fun house rd The job, time,” es. materi will not n times whe and never re was Club music,Mae said. allo for theals but hav only rais n commu memb Nancy wed. but dan e nity ers (lef the Wo work. The e also acr rem cing pai money t to righ homes. men Roo money d the roo for to oss the are embers was t) Nan play the fers cof went chil a gat fers cy Koo Hon Piedm hering at dren from fers to back into “Th ne, Dor caught eycutt said roof oth all commue clubhou ont-Pleasa the club is Kee Ke ver hou the se er project up with nt nity and Ma It was ,” Nancy was the Hill childrese s. its longroup nev e McMa hea the said n. “There wed er g rt of . list of get ding and setting han. is alw the The roofings ays But ann for com feature Piedmont a need,” - Pie when the iversary munity par -Ple s a flat he dm recept fellowsh ont and two com roof onasant Hill said. ions. ties, £ £ mu the bac Clubho there. ip halls, Pleasant nity chu rches k side use ¦ ¡ Hill more of the events - both buil t were with Us! held Shop 0-5:00 9:0
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rfordW eekly .com
April 1,
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IT FRE’S E! Year
The Belmont Police Dept. is inviting everyone in supporting retired Gaston County Police Sergeant Christopher Lowrance as he bikes across the United States in support of the Blue Help Organization. “As my career in full time law enforcement draws to an end, I am preparing for a journey,” Lowrance said. “Hoping to see some of the wonders of our great country, and experience the positive aspects of daily life, I decided to embark on a Trans-America bicycle ride, to clear my mind. My 28+ year law enforcement career has been nothing less than amazing. I have forged friendships with men and women which have been strength-
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Central Office/District Leadership Dr. Chris Bennett was appointed to serve as the executive director of middle school instruction. He currently is the principal at Burns Middle School in Cleveland County Schools. Dr. Bobbie Mills was appointed to serve as the director of middle school instruction. She currently is the executive director of elementary education in Scotland County Schools. Dr. Jill Payne was appointed to serve as the executive director of student support services. She currently is the principal at Hawks Nest STEAM Academy.
Principal Appointments Beverley Bowman was appointed to serve as principal of Gaston Early College of Medical Sciences. She currently is the coordinator of professional learning and instructional technology for York School District One in York, SC. Jenny Cabe was appointed to serve as principal of York Chester Middle School. She currently is the assistant principal at Holbrook Middle School. Laura Clark was appointed to serve as principal of W.A. Bess Elementary School. She currently is the interim principal at W.A. Bess Elementary School. Dr. Adair McKay was appointed to serve as principal of Gaston County Virtual Academy. She currently is an assistant principal at Grier Middle School. Page Willis was appointed to serve as principal of Lingerfeldt Elementary School. She currently is an assistant principal at Hunter Huss High School.
Principal Transfers Kevin Doran was transferred to serve as principal of Cramerton Middle School. He currently is the principal at Cherryville High School. Dr. Amy Holbrook was transferred to serve as principal of Grier Middle School. She currently is the principal at York Chester Middle School. Audrey Hovis was transferred to serve as principal of Cherryville Elementary School. She currently is the principal at Holbrook Middle School. Shawn Hubers was transferred to serve as principal of Cherryville High School. He currently is the principal at Cherryville Elementary School. Torben Ross was transferred to serve as principal of Holbrook Middle School. He currently is the principal at Robinson Elementary School. Jessica Steiner was transferred to serve as principal of Stuart W. Cramer High School. She currently is the principal at Cramerton Middle School.
©Comm unity
During the Board of Education meeting on Monday, May 17, the following administrative appointments and transfers were approved for the 2021-2022 academic year:
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Page 10
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Keep Belmont Beautiful has named its Yards of the Month for May KBB is now taking nominations for the next month of pretty yards. Email nominations to keepbelmontbeautiful@ or call Yard of the Month chairperson Marie Turner at 704-685-3137 and leave a message with the address of the yard you are nominating, and (if possible) the Our Yard of the Month Business Award: Aquawave Car Wash Linda Garrison 5117 Rialto Street (Eagle Park) homeowners name. 6415 Wilkinson Blvd. Owner David Warlick
Mike James and Lynn Huffstetler 614 South Main Street
Jennifer Benfield 113 Cross Street (Behind Famous Toastery)
Woody and Carol Sessoms 4020 South Cove Lane (Pinsto Forest)
Officials: Beware of property scam targeting homeowners Officials in Gaston County are warning residents about a new scam targeting homeowners. The Gaston County Building and Development Services Department has received numerous calls from property owners who received an envelope with a yellow card inside stating that there are housing and safety violations on the property. One recipient said that he received one of the cards and a few days later, he received a phone call from someone attempting to buy his home. “All of the recipients have been elderly people, and it’s scaring them,” said Laura Hamilton, Land Use
Coordinator for Gaston County. “We are hoping this is not a precursor to people physically going around after they have scared them and then trying to scam money out of them.” The notices have a Charlotte post office postmark. However, there is no identification of who is sending them, nor is there any contact information on the card. “All communication from our office is on letterhead, along with our contact information,” said Building and Development Services Director, Brian Sciba. “Before we would send out anything certified mail, the owner would have been in personal contact with one
of our field inspectors, for something of this magnitude.” Building and Development Services inspectors do use a doorknocker with the Gaston County seal on it for tall grass complaints and hang those tags without speaking to the property owner. If residents receive one of these notices, officials say not to worry about it and throw it away. Those with questions can contact Hamilton at Gaston County Building and Development Services at 704-866-3090 or 704-866-3367.
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
Page 11
High schools to conduct graduation ceremonies for Class of 2021 More than 2,100 seniors will receive their diploma from Gaston County Schools. Graduation for Gaston County Schools is Friday, May 28, and ten public high schools will conduct ceremonies that day to present diplomas to the Class of 2021. This year, 2,167 seniors will graduate from Gaston County Schools. Ashbrook, Bessemer City, Cherryville, Stuart W. Cramer, East Gaston, Forestview, Highland, Hunter Huss, North Gaston, and South Point will hold high school graduation
on May 28 at 6:00 p.m. The ceremony will be held outdoors in the school’s stadium. Originally, Gaston County Schools had planned to conduct two outdoor graduation ceremonies at each of its 10 traditional high schools to allow for as many spectators as possible while adhering to COVID-19 capacity restrictions. Following Governor Cooper’s announcement on May 14, the decision was made by the high school principals to conduct one ceremony at each school. Tickets are required for
Allison Roberts is Outstanding Senior at East Gaston
entry into the stadium. Each school will communicate with students/families about the number of tickets that will be allotted for each graduate. Anyone with questions about tickets should contact the school. In the event of inclement weather on May 28, the outdoor ceremonies will be held on Saturday, May 29 at 9:00 a.m. For the 10 outdoor ceremonies, participants (stu-
dents, teachers/staff, families, special guests, etc.) will not be required to wear a mask while in the stadium, but may wear one if they choose to do so. The graduates will be seated six feet apart and maintain social distancing as they approach the staging area to receive their diploma. Students, teachers/staff, guests, etc. will be required to wear a mask during the time they are inside the school building for
Grace Nehring is South Point High School’s Outstanding Senior
Grace Nehring has a passion for STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The South Allison Roberts Point senior loves biknows what it’s ology and has served like to keep a longas a student member term project going. of the environmental Two years ago, sustainability board she placed tiny 3-D for Belmont. Her role printer-made bunhas allowed her to nies around her art offer input on politeacher’s classcies that affect the room. This became environment directly a running joke as in the Belmont comthe bunnies turned munity. In addition into tiny Star Wars to working very hard Yoda figurines that in school and volunteering with children and adults at Holy were hidden all over Angels, Grace is also an avid athlete who plays lacrosse, varthe campus in the sity tennis, and basketball. She is also a member of the Bible most inconspicuous club, environmental club, National Honor Society, and Science places. While no one knew who the creator was (until now), Allison said she saw the Olympiad. After graduation, Grace will attend Rhodes College smiles it brought to the faces of other students and wanted to in Memphis, Tennessee, where she will play lacrosse and help spread joy to her classmates. What started out as a joke major in a STEM-related field. became a project that brought people together and provided smiles and happiness for her peers. After graduation, Allison will attend Central Piedmont Community College to earn her associate degree. She plans to further her education and wants to pursue a career in biology or TV broadcasting. Congratulations, Allison Roberts – an outstanding senior in the Gaston County Schools Class of 2021.
lineup. In addition to ceremonies at the 10 traditional high schools, ceremonies will be held at four other schools with a graduating class. The Gaston Early College High School will conduct its graduation on Thursday, May 20 at 6:00 p.m. The ceremony will be held on the front lawn of Morris Library at Gaston College in Dallas. Graduation exercises for the Gaston County Virtual Academy, Webb Street School, and Warlick Academy take place on Wednesday, May 26. The Virtual Academy ceremony is at 9:00 a.m. at the Gastonia Conference Center. The Webb Street ceremony is at 11:00 a.m. in the school’s gymnasium, and the Warlick ceremony is at 2:30 p.m. in the school’s gymnasium. Webb Street, Warlick, and Gaston County Virtual Academy are allowed to conduct an indoor ceremony since each school has no more than 15 graduates and ample space is available to conduct the program indoors. For the three indoor ceremonies, all participants (students, teachers/ staff, families, guests, etc.) will need to wear a mask and practice social distancing. Each high school graduation is a well-planned, formal ceremony intended to highlight each senior. To ensure that each graduate’s name is heard by everyone, attendees
Claire Brown named Outstanding Senior at Stuart Cramer Stuart W. Cramer High School senior Claire Brown knows how important it is to help others and to make a difference in people’s lives. Since 2014, she has collected more than 155 pounds of soda can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, which helps support families of children with illnesses. She also founded the “Front Porch Project.” Through taking photos in the community, she has been able to raise money for Hilinski’s Hope Foundation that provides advocacy and resources for mental health and suicide prevention. In addition to all of her hard work and efforts to help others, Claire has managed to maintain her studies and worked to earn a spot in the top of the senior class. After graduation, Claire plans to attend N.C. State University to study business marketing.
should refrain from boisterous applause and celebration until all graduates have received their diploma. All high schools have a comprehensive safety plan for graduation, and school officials have spent time working with local law enforcement to ensure that graduation is an enjoyable experience for everyone in attendance. To ensure safety, the following procedures will be in place: Each school will have additional security personnel – a police presence will be noticeable on campus. Attendees should arrive early and be prepared to stand in line to enter the ceremony. Metal detectors (walk-through units and hand-held wands) will be used. Everyone at graduation, including students, parents, relatives, school personnel, and guests, will be subject to metal detection screening. Attendees are discouraged from bringing purses and handbags to graduation. Purses/handbags must be screened, which is a process that slows down the entrance line. Traffic congestion is likely near the high schools beginning one hour before the start of graduation. Attendees should plan accordingly to allow enough time for parking and entering the ceremony. Being vigilant is important. Anyone who sees or is aware of suspicious activity at graduation should contact a school official or law enforcement immediately.
Belmont Central announces staff retirement Belmont Central Elementary School recently recognized two staff members upon their retirement. Anita Delaney Mrs. Delaney started her teaching career at Sherwood Elementary in 1987. She taught first grade for 17 years, from 1987 until 2004. In August of 2004, Mrs. Delaney started teaching first grade at Belmont Central. She taught first grade for two years and then moved to second grade, where she has found her second home. She has now served the Belmont Central school and community for 16 years. The most exciting part about Mrs. Delaney’s retirement is that she is expecting her first grandchild in the fall- a little boy!
Mary Kane Mary Kane has been teaching since 1982, other than a brief 2.5 year stay at home period in which she volunteered at BCE daily and served as President of the PTA while her two sons attended here. She started her career in Gaston County at Belmont Central as an EC teacher and she feels very blessed to have had the opportunity to return home these past two years in the EC department. Mrs. Kane served as a diagnostician and Compliance Lead teacher for the Department of Exceptional Children, working in many schools throughout Gaston County. She was also a Kindergarten teacher at Gaston Day School for 7 years.
Congratulations to Highland School of Technology junior Joseph Norris who was accepted to participate in the U.S. Naval Academy Summer Seminar and the U.S. Air Force Academy Summer Seminar. Both sessions will be held virtually this summer.
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
Stuart Cramer High School
Page 13
South Point High School
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Class of 2021!
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Benson Funeral & Cremation Service
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Page 14
Stuart Cramer High School
Thursday, May 27, 2021
South Point High School East Gaston High School
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Class of 2021
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Congrats Class of 2021!
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
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Belmont Abbey College commencement scenes
Page 15
Belmont Abbey College held its graduation exercise on May 15. There are no honorary degrees this year because of COVID. Dr. Mike McLeod was the Adrian Award Winner for Teaching Excellence. The Abbey Student of the Year was Abigail Houseal and the CCPS speaker was Ronald Freeman. Rachel Lang was the Valedictorian. There were 325 candidates for graduation when you include December graduates. Belmont Abbey photos
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
Gaston College Vet Tech classmates come together one last time as graduates.
Gaston College holds 56th Commencement ceremony DALLAS, N.C. (May 14, 2021) – The 56th Commencement ceremony for Gaston College was held on Friday, May 14, 2021, in the new FUSE District Stadium in Gastonia, North Carolina. The two-hour ceremony honored 1,825 graduates from the Gaston College classes of 2020 and 2021. The graduates received diplomas or associate degrees from 85 curriculum programs. Due to COVID-19 restrictions that were in place in May 2020, the College was precluded from holding an in-person commencement ceremony last year.
During the Presentation of Candidates, each of the approximately 500 graduates who attended the ceremony was recognized individually as they walked across the stage. Students were grouped by division: Arts and Sciences, Career and Technical Education, Health and Human Services, and Public Safety. In his speech, Gaston College President Dr. John Hauser congratulated the students, saying, “…you have endured this journey through a pandemic that none of us have ever experienced. You demonstrated
tremendous inner strength, amazing perseverance, and an everlasting resilience.” The President also thanked Gaston College faculty and staff for their persistence and commitment to student success despite the challenges posed by the pandemic since early 2020. Gaston College anticipates a full return to normal campus operations for the Fall 2021 semester. Inperson classes are expected to return to pre-pandemic norms and in-person student services, resources, activities, and sports will resume.
Families came out to the FUSE District Arena to celebrate with their Gaston College graduates.
Gaston College graduates enjoyed beautiful weather for their Commencement ceremony at the FUSE District Arena.
Friends and classmates line up for the Gaston College Commencement ceremony.
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
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Thursday, Jan uary 23, 202 Boy Scou 0 ts pitch in Belmont on Trolley p roject
By Alan Hod
Boy Sco sup pos ed uts are good deed to do a and a gro everyday up from Troop of them at First Uni 56 based ted Methodi st Chu rch Bel mont did just that on January 11. The dee Artist Tina volved som d inAlb artistic mus erni lives in Hun work on the e dusty tersville but e. comes to Trolley pro Belmont M Mt. Holly ject. The most every scouts day to pur sue her sandin spent the day g and ing the 191 cleanthat’s bei 3 trolley ng but surely slowly with the restored dre one day hav am of erational. ing it opFor now, By Alan Hod the trolley ge Alan@cfm the City of is still in February public wor Belmont 15 from 10ks sign up, T Mt. Holly where it’s garage go to ww 5. To ing out as is establis itself as a hing boo k.c om /aw ake w.face- gallery details on the new several yea been for haven for rs. are reveale the arts click on events, nga ller y com not just in d in the Bel mo nt Gaston Cou ing weeks. Tro lour region nty but the link for the and follow tim In ley the , Inc mea e, as well. Loo workshop. There op inst it can be followe n- and sco. secretary towards the coming king wel will be other date d on agram at ut lea der l. Last yea s as things are for updates @catalystmerc Nate Wells was r we going to get year, fifty on openin on The lanterns, this had about bigger and the scene even gs. better. Mt. Holly wit year there wil h l the ley. Boy Scout Troop 56 pro scouts. is drawing bab A visit wit guys who Back row arth artist Em hundred. ly be around one ists from across had a wor An dre ss, We did the river too See SCOUTS ily Whaley, Etha Left to Right – k day on the Painter Tin Nic . , Page 7 Awaken ow ner of the how big interest not realize a (in hat,) Sam n Thagard, Jake Tho k Rothrock, Austin Belmont TrolGallery in in the parade Huntersvill Alberni from would get. And uel Morgan vtru town Mt. e rents a ” , Cooper Sas p. Front Row – Jos rews, Jesse Holly, gav downfrom stud io Andress. Anothe hua ea s, Austin Kel at what folk s can expect. look news tha r big bit of arts logg, Zan Morales “I come der Wells. Andress, t Andress every day to Mt. Holly who con sha cern red org last year’s ,” anized ed the upc spe Holly is ver she said. “Mt. om annual lant ctacular second rival of a “collective ing ary supportive ern parade the arts of dozens of and interest where to downtown Mt. Holgallery” bringing mor ed in ly. “It will be tic, homemafanciful, fantase art a to plac the city As she put paper and de, illuminated, artists can display e where s it, Albern .” wir w ks are i’s carried dow e lanterns were their works such as and sell wor “dr ceramics rent r plights iven by the cur- By Alan Hodge big proces n Main St. in a and jewelry,” she of endang said. “It’s ima sion ered an- i ls and taxes owe view of plan , gave a pre- going to be called oth d Catalyst who w se cur er living beings Mill proper on the Chronicle festivities. s for the 2020 Mercantile”. rent predica paid to the The Chroni ty to the und un erscore Even though ments Bel City cle city. If, for “We are alre how the new gal- info urbanism, ect in downto Mill proj- eac mont and Gaston Cou of reason, the lery will be some in glut ady plannin lantern mak wn Belmo Churches fair h and ly g got clos irre own place, a lift a cou e to sponsible should nt beg year. The Churches nty demolish tec nology she said. ing workshops,” the project ple of wee Andress say her tech in the mil will threaten all ago “The firs mo l project ks whe within s ten yea re org the livi n arts in Mt. anisms. I t lant workshop strive to bre ng approved the city council opment in accordanc devel- men rs after the grant Holly the hop will be hel ern better. payathe an e while e with t, conditiona Go od She adaptive l zoning app its the they will have to rep reuse phe rd Lut d at “When the giving voi keeping it real; investment grant Beg gra ay Church’s rov her nt. inning in water is hig ce an all boa for fellowship the fourth al. h, speak.” Her to life that can’t John and Jennife owners after ts rise,” hall on The estimat year, suc r More new she said. ed value the public studio is open to The grant is in the Church. of the cessful completion this gra s will be of by appoin project nt is $38 form of property tax comtment. 8,234 ove ing for thre , and continu- four yea breaks. See ARTS S rs, e Bas SCENE, Pag but the actu r more yea the city e 4 will ically, the Church rs, value will be al pay 100% es in the will provide a gra of all proper nt property valu based on the amount of ty proper 70% of the by atio ty taxes that Gaston Cou n assigned have been nty. See CHRONI CLE, Page 6
Mt. Holly a continue rts scene s to grow
Banner News! BELMONT Banner Office
-128 Main St.
Belmont Drug
- 403 Catawba St.
Big Lots
- 601 Park St.
Chronicle M reuse pro ill adaptive ject gets a bo
CRAMERTON Gates Food Mart
The Everyday Market
- 155 N. Main St.
College Park Pharmacy
- 682 Park St.
Dale’s Citgo
- 7304 Wilkinson Blvd.
Hampton Inn
- 830 Cecila Alexander Dr.
Handy Pantry
- 505 S. Central Ave.
- 6441 Wilkinson Blvd.
Myrtle Terrace
- 55 W. Myrtle St.
Town Hall
The String Bean
New City Hall
- 1813 Hickory Grove Rd.
- 3732 S. New Hope Rd.
Nichols Food Store Old City Hall
- 131 S. Main St.
Post Office
Amber Jack Restaurant
- 800 W. Central Ave.
- 1204 S. Main St.
Ingco Express
- 1301 N. Main St.
Wills Food Store
- 106 S. Main St.
- 4253 S. New Hope Rd. - 3836 S. New Hope Rd.
- 2741 Lowell-Bethesda Rd.
- 208 Glenway St.
- 702 Tuckaseegee Rd.
Wills Food Mart #2
- 3703 S. New Hope Rd.
Nichols BP Post Office
Mt. Holly Citgo
- 400 E. Central Ave.
- 612 Hickory Grove Rd.
- 85 Belmont/McAdenville Rd.
Mt. Holly Library
- 245 W. Catawba Ave.
Wills Food Mart
Nichols BP
- 318 S. Main St.
Food Lion
- 202 Market St.
- 1901 Lowell-Bethesda Rd.
- 7 N. Main St.
Post Office - 111 Main St.
Quick Stop/Wimco Sunbelt Grill
Payton Boone
Uptown Salon
Albert G. Myers Scholarship recipients announced
West View Grocery
- 1021 W. Catawba Ave.
- 196 YMCA Dr.
- 106 N. Main St.
- 6432 Wilkinson Blvd.
- 1127 W. Charlotte Ave.
- 441 Hwy 275
- 118 N. Main St.
- 205 Madora St.
- 170 E. Dallas Rd.
- 6571 Wilkinson Blvd.
- 104 W. Charlotte Ave.
- 119 N. Main St.
- 620 N. Main St.
- 125 W. Central Ave.
- 111 McLurd Manor Drive
- 417 Catawba St
- 709 W. Charlotte Ave.
- 194 E. Dallas Rd.
- 116 W. Charlotte Ave.
- 207 N. Main St.
Simonetti’s Pizza Suntrust Bank Times BP
Visitors Center
White’s Restaurant
Billy’s BBQ
Brightstar Grill
Catawba Coffee
Moose Pharmacy Dollar General
Hometown Automotive Dollar General
McLurd Manor
Morgan’s Dairy Bar NAPA
Stanley Hardware & Feed
- 1438 Perfection Ave.
- 301 Old Mount Holly Rd.
- 250 Beatty Rd.
- 216 S. Main St.
- 500 Cramer Mt. Road
- 1202 Hickory Grove Rd.
- 110 S. Main St.
- 149 Eighth Ave.
- 3007 Hickory Grove Rd.
- 110 S. Main St.
Old BB&T
Elmcroft Assisted Living Cramerton Drug
Floyd & Blackie’s Coffee - 137 Eighth Ave.
Holiday Inn
Kings Mart Conv.
Kings Mart #2 - Citgo Lee’s Quick Stop - 303 N. Main St.
Congratulations to the following students who received the Albert G. Myers Scholarship: Noah Abernethy, Cherryville High School; Payton Boone, Bessemer City High School; Matthew Dalton, South Point High School; Jamey Lindsay, Ashbrook High School; Aubrey Parker, North Gaston High School; and Lanadia Adams, Samiyah Mason, and Walter Williams, Hunter Huss High School. The scholarship is for $20,000 over four years. Gaston Schools photos
Friendly’s Restaurant
- 237 Mt Holly-Huntersville Rd. - 1801 Hickory Grove Rd.
Food Lion
Jamie Lindsay
Dollar General
- 100 N. Main St.
- 109 Center St.
Rankin Elementary (partnered with Clariant) won the “Are You Smarter Than a Gaston County Fifth Grader?” virtual competition. New Hope Elementary (partnered with CaroMont Health) earned second place, and W.B. Beam Intermediate (partnered with FleetNet America, Inc.) took third place. Sponsored by the Gaston County Education Foundation, the popular annual event pairs businesses and organizations with elementary schools in a fun game show format. Proceeds benefit the Ron L. Ensley grant program for teachers to fund innovative classroom projects. Gaston Schools photos
Byrum’s Grill
- 4606 S. New Hope Rd.
Are you smarter than...?
Post Office
Rhonda’s Hair Styling Sentry Pharmacy Stanley Barber Shop The Parke
- 51 E. Dallas Road
Noah Abernethy
Matthew Dalton
The Banner News /
Page 18
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Congratulations to Gaston Christian School MAC All Conference winners for spring sports
Softball: Meredith and Madelyn.
Gaston Day School Senior, Tori Jenkins, is a National Merit Scholarship Finalist who was further honored by winning the National Merit $2,500 Scholarship. Out of 1.6 million students who entered the 20-21 National Merit Scholarship Program only 2,500 National Merit Finalists are awarded this scholarship.
SNHU announces Winter 2021 President’s List It is with great pleasure that Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following students on being named to the Winter 2021 President’s List. The winter term runs from January to May. Full-time students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 and above are named to the President’s List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits; undergraduate day students must earn 12 credits in fall or spring semester, and online students must earn 12 credits in either EW1 & EW2, EW3 & EW4, or EW5
& EW6. Local students include: Matthew Maltba of Gastonia, Amber Faili of Gastonia, Beverly Gainey-McKinney of Mount Holly, Emily Hanegraaff of Belmont), Brittany Stocker of Gastonia, Steven Kirkman of Gastonia, Kristi Easler of Dallas, Michael Awe of Gastonia, Brandon Carpenter of Mount Holly, Camille Simonds of Bessemer City, Amy Heyliger of Gastonia), Catrina Lee of Dallas, Jasmine Thomas of Gastonia, Elizabeth Baron of Bessemer City, Allison Parsons of Stanley.
Baseball: Grayson and Cody.
Golf: Jacob.
WE WELCOME YOUR COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS email: Include your name, address and phone number. Submissions are subject to editorial review. Soccer: Hannah, Ayden, Izzy, Liana and Sara.
SUDOKU Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column, and each 3 by 3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9 using logic.
? Answers
Thursday, May 27, 2021
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Page 19
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
CLASSIFIED ADS To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047 ANNOUNCEMENTS
GOLDEN DOMERS TOY AND HOBBY. Model Cars, Die-cast Cars & Trucks, Tractors, Hot Wheels, Construction Toys, Sports Memorabilia, Autographed Items, Hard to Find Items! See Mike & Brandon Willis. They are located at The Shoppes at Sandy Run 4345 W. Dixon Blvd, Shelby 704-2970103 or (704) 297-0102 COUNTY LINE TIMBER Buying standing timber, 10 acres or more. Also do land clearing, grading, culverts, driveways. 828-289-0742. CLAIM FOR CLEAR TITLE -JETSKI. To all persons claiming an interest in: 1995 - 10’ - Fiberglass - Bombardier ZZNE4010C595. Robert Jackson III will apply to SCDNR for title on watercraft/outboard motor. If you have any claim to the watercraft/outboard motor, contact SCDNR at 803-734-3699. Upon thirty days after the date of the last advertisement if no claim of interest is made and the watercraft/outboard motor has not been reported stolen, SCDNR shall issue clear title. Case #: 20210421950221 (803) 734-3699 1ST ANNUAL CAR SHOW. SAFE HARBOR COMMUNITY CHURCH. Sat, May 29, 2021, 10am-2pm. FOOD LION / ROSES Parking Lot. 1314 Shelby Road, Kings Mtn, NC 28086. HOT DOGS & BBQ SANDWICH PLATES. Silent Auctions, Door Prizes, 50/50 Sale, Etc. EVERYONE WELCOME. Rain Date June 5, 2021. Questions 704-917-8221 PROCEEDS TO BUILDING FUND.
COINS * COINS * COINS. We Buy & Sell Coins. “Coin Collector Supplies.” JAKE’S KNIVES & COLLECTIBLES. 1008 South Lafayette Street, Shelby. Call 704-600-6996 (980) 295-5568
EMPLOYMENT KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC LANDSCAPING COMPANY needs full-time and part-time laborers. Must have a valid drivers license and experience preferred but not required. There is a lot of travel with this position, but you return home daily. Would prefer local to the Kings Mountain area due to the early leave time. Please call and leave message: 704-734-5370. We will return your call later that day or the following day. NOW HIRING Roofing Laborer. Call 704-477-0516. CURRENTLY SEEKING AN EXPERIENCED Automotive Mechanic. You will be required to have valid driver’s license and your own tools. 704-4829789 HEALTHY TOUCH HOME CARE, LLC now hiring CNA’s and PCA’s. Please contact our office Mon.-Fri., 8:00-5:00, 704-466-3041 or 704-481-7367; 1525 E. Marion St., Shelby.
ASSISTANT MANAGER. Rutherford County Habitat for Humanity is seeking an Assistant Manager for ReStore 269. Applicants should be team oriented, have excellent customer service skills and a friendly and industrious personality. Physical labor including lifting required on this job. Retail management experience helpful. Send resume to RCHFH, PO Box 1534, Rutherfordton, NC 28139. No phone calls please.
FEMALE WANTED TO HELP WITH ELDERLY LADY. Saturdays & Sundays. References & Criminal Background Check required. (704) 484-8111
RESTORE ASSOCIATE. Rutherford County Habitat for Humanity is seeking a ReStore Associate. Excellent customer service skills are a must. Applicants must work well with others and have a friendly and industrious personality. Must be able to lift 75 lbs, assist customers with merchandise, answer phone and greet customers. Other duties include loading and unloading ReStore donations and assist with overall store cleanliness. Applications available at the Habitat ReStore at 686 W. Main Street, Forest City. No phone calls please. HOLY ANGELS FOUNDATION. Join our team! NOW HIRING! Instant interviews. For more information, visit www. H o l yA n g e l s N C.or g / c are er s 6600 Wilkinson Blvd., Belmont, NC 28012
PLANT DELIVERY SPECIALIST. The Plant Delivery Specialist role is a diverse position, involving professional customer service, communication, and quality control. This position requires an Active CDL class A license. We are looking for motivated individuals who can manage their time effectively. The role requires drive and a sense of accountability because the day-to-day working environment will involve very little direct supervision. Responsibilities/ Requirements: Safely and Professionally operate a Commercial Motor Vehicle. Communicate directly with customers to insure timely delivery of product. Make all assigned deliveries within the allotted time frame. Possess an active CDL Class A license. Provide Customer relation support. “tailgate” Plants to rear of trailer for customer. Maintain/ Manage proper Invoicing and Accountability practices Additional information. Paid Orientation and Training. Constant and Regular WEEKLY Home Time. Full-Time Year-Round Employment. Top Pay package. Entry Level Opportunities Available. (407) 792-5956 ONE ON ONE CARE is hiring for all shifts. Full/part-time hours available. Group homes are 6 beds or less. CNA/Nursing assistant jobs available but not required. No exp. necessary, all trainings included. Please apply in person at 203 Lee St., Shelby. TRUCK DRIVER POSITIONS AVAILABLE. TRUCK DRIVER - CDL A - 1 YEAR EXP. - FLATBED DRIVERS - $3000 SIGNON BONUS - WEEKENDS OFF - WEEKLY PAY - BENEFITS - KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC Ph. 1-800-811-0947 EXT 129
PARTTIME HELPER NEEDED. Miscellanous and Home Repair. Must be dependable. (704) 297-0022 HAVE A CLEAN DRIVING RECORD? AA UNITED CAB COMPANY is hiring qualified individuals for driver positions. “Must Pass Drug Test & Physical”. Call (704) 482-7000 NEEDED: GUTTER INSTALLER Job: Help install seamless guttering. 30-40 hours per week. Must have drivers license. Call for appointment, (704) 466-3510 HELP WANTED: RIVERSIDE RIDING STABLES. Trail Guide, own transportation, dependable, prefer female. Full/ Part-time. Must have experience with horses. Serious Inquiries Only! 828-288-1302. NOW HIRING LANDSCAPERS FOR FULL TIME YEAR ROUND EMPLOYMENT. Must have valid driver’s license and transportation. (704) 473-0341 COMPLETE CARE INC. Is seeking CNAs / In Home Aides for Cleveland and Gaston Counties. Apply M-F, 8am-4pm at 404 W. Warren St, Shelby, NC 28150 or call (704) 4809340 HIRING IMMEDIATELY ! Multiple Positions. Days and Nights Available. ABM Industries at NEG located at 940 Washburn Switch Rd., Shelby, NC. Apply at Questions? Call 704-434-2261 ext. 22473 FULL TIME MAINTENANCE MAN NEEDED. Maintain rental properties. Must have valid NC Drivers license. Pay depends on experience. (704) 473-4299
BUSINESS SERVICES BUSH HOGGING & GRASS CUTTING. Reasonable Prices! Cleveland County Area. Call (704) 472-4037 TRIPLE D PAINTING LLC. All your painting needs, free estimates, over 25 yrs experience! Framing, facial boards and much more wood work available! Making your home, building or business look new again. (704) 418-5736 PAINTING SERVICES. Over 25 years experience, affordable prices. Professional results. References available. Free estimates. Charles, or leave message. (704) 435-8062.
HANDYMAN SERVICES. NOW IS THE TIME for all your pressure washing needs. Offering: mulching, trees and bushes trimmed, clean flower beds, minor repairs, decks stained & restored. Any Handyman Services. No Job too Big or Small! References available. We will show up and do the job. Call us first, 704-692-4449.
IT’S TIME TO TRIM CREPE MYRTLE TREES. Spreading Mulch or Gravel, minor chainsaw work and storm clean-up. I can do many of your outside chores with over 15 years experience all over Cleveland County and stretching to the Forest City area. Nice, honest, dependable, clean, drug-free, he’s an all around great guy and handyman, so call Rob today and see what I can help you with. (980) 295-0750
RETIRED GENERAL CONTRACTOR AVAILABLE for small job repairs and fixes. Deck repair a specialty. Rutherford/Cleveland County areas. Bob, 828-476-6058. CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Spring Tuneup Special, $59.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704477-9119 or 704-472-9367. J & H JUNK REMOVAL Locally owned and operated company, offering Junk Removal, Demo Services, and MORE! Serving Rutherford, Cleveland, Polk counties and surrounding areas. Call today for your free estimate! (828) 351-9168 hardinjonesmoving@gmail. com
ROOFING, SIDING, GUTTERS, LEAF GUARDS. Tim’s Roof Contractors is your local professional on all types of shingle roofing, metal roofing, Flat roofing and we install all styles and colors of vinyl siding, soffits, fascia trim and aluminum wrap. We are highly rated on Google 4.9 stars with 135 reviews/ BBB accredited with an A+ rating/ Background checked plus Owens Corning Preferred Contractors status. We offer Free Quotes / Roofing repairs and replacement services. Call us to talk to the local pro for services in Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln and Rutherford Counties. Call us today 980-522-5606 or contact us through our website We would like to earn your business. (980) 522-5606 sales@ EXPERIENCED CARPENTER looking for work, porches, decks, room additions, etc. I have tools and transportation and OSHA certification. 704974-4793.
CANIPE’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE, LLC 704-692-7536 Mulch, Gravel, Brush Clean Up, Driveway Repair, Parking Pad, Tractor Work. Call Chuck 704-692-7536.
SHIPMAN’S MASONRY- 48 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Brick, Block & Stone, Outside Fireplaces, Foundations, Underpinnings. “Free Estimates”. 1st Quality Work! (863) 532-1587
BLACK REFRIGERATOR, BLACK FLATTOP STOVE. FOR SALE, Make an offer. Free items: 6 ft wooden table with chairs, 2 recliners, tv bookcase combo. (704) 477-5460
YARD SALES CLEVELAND COUNTY TOWNWIDE YARD SALE, MOORESBORO. Sat. June 12th, 2021 from 06:00 AM - ? 306 West Main Street, Mooresboro, NC 28114
ANTIQUES UNIQUE ANTIQUE STATION: Farm House Decor, Antiques, Collectibles, Vintage Toys, Jewelry and MORE. Tuesday-Saturday, 11am-4pm. 985 US 74 Business Hwy., Ellenboro. Find us on FB. 828-3820075.
FOR SALE HOSTA PLANTS For Sale. Several hundreds - Yellow Bells, Iris in buckets, Day Lilies in buckets, Trees. 828-2450245.
ASHLEY TWIN BED. Includes plastic covered box spring & mattress. $200 obo. (704) 4774138 WHOLESALE GUTTER SUPPLY. SPI Distribution is your local source for gutter coil and accessories. Stocking 14 of the most popular colors along with top leaf protection options. Conveniently located along I-74 at 5123 E. Dixon Blvd, Kings Mountain, NC 28086. Better Quality - Better Service everyday. (704) 750-4395 spisales@
LOOK! WANT YOUR UTILITY BUILDING MOVED? Call me, Richard Baker. We move anywhere. (704) 473-9736
PATIO FURNTIURE for sale. Table and 4 chairs. $65.00. 980-404-0409.
HOME REMODELING Interior and exterior remodeling. Tile, decks, flooring, we do it all! Call Charlie today for your free estimate! (828) 244-7087
Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon
SAWS Delta 8” Radial Arm Saw $400.00 Wilton Metal Cutting Band Saw $300. (828) 289-4417 shollifield53@gmail. com 1980 FORD F100 PICKUP. Long bed with ladder rack. Needs some work. Can send pictures by phone. $1200. Call (704) 300-1818 kim_hopper@
BABY ITEMS, BOYS, GIRLS, WOMEN’S, mens clothes, shoes, household, couches, linens, golf clubs, wedding dress (20), Rainbow vacuum, piano. 828-429-4270. TWO PERCEPTION ODYSSEY KAYAKS with paddles for sale. Like new. $650.00 704-473-6005. USED CAMPER TOPS: BUY/ SALE/TRADE. Various sizes and styles. 828-980-0881. FURNITURE CHEAP. MOVING SALE. Cash Only. Tables, desks, couch, easy chair. Call for details 5/20 - 5/22 only. (704) 484-1077 PROPANE GRILL TANKS REFILLED. Only $10.99. Call 828287-3272. DEER CORN. SHELLED, 50lbs, $8. 828-287-3272. 1999 DODGE 1500 $800 I have 99 dodge pickup been wrecked has some good body parts, Has good 360 engine and new radiator (704) 300-1818 CABRIOLET VW. Best Offer! Parts only. Does not run. Call (704) 300-1818 ASSORTMENT OF CHILTON REPAIR MANUALS. I have a large assortment of Chilton Auto Repair Manuals. Some are imports and trucks. Some Motor Manuals all are hard back copies. Best Offer! (704) 300-1818 (2) CEMETARY PLOTS FOR SALE. Great Deal! Cleveland Memorial Park. $7,245 for both! For more info call 704-4732435. BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE. 1,000 Black & White, $35.00 plus tax. Buy Local! Call 828-248-1408. UTILITY TRAILER FOR SALE. 7 X 10 ft., used for hauling lawnmowers, golf carts, etc. Tail gate equipped with Gorilla lift. Call 828-289-4417.
1999 REBEL CUSTOM SINGLE CAR CARRIER TRAILER. Locking tool box, double tandem, 16ft bed, GVWR=7,000, pull-out ramps. $3,000. 828245-7866 leave message. ZERO TURN GRASSHOPPER LAWN MOWER FOR SALE. Diesel engine, 61” cut, $3800. Deal of the day!! 828-429-3100.
The Banner News /
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Page 21
CLASSIFIED ADS To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047 FOR SALE
OLDER MODEL SNAPPER. Riding lawnmower. Call for info. (828) 201-0133
50+ TRAILERS IN STOCK NOW. More on the way! Areas largest selection, quality, best price. J. Johnson Sales, Inc., Forest City. 828-245-5895.
FREE SWIMMING POOL. Need help to get. Call for info. 828-980-4731. (828) 980-4731 FOR SALE. Upright piano $450. Also Bernina serger sewing machine. 97 Western Novels (Mostly All New!) only $90 (704) 825-5701 TOMATO PLANTS FOR SALE $2, $3 OR $5. Coming Soon-Strawberry Plants - $2/ ea. Assorted Hanging Baskets by June. Please help me turn my hobby into a business. Located at 2553 Whelchel Rd., Mooresboro, NC 28114. Open: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri and Sat., 9am - Dark. Closed -Wed. & Sunday. TRAILER FOR SALE. 7X20 3500 lb axles. Dual Axle with loading ramps, wired with lights, $2500. 828-829-3468.
ENCLOSED TRAILER IN STOCK. Dump trailers in stock and more on the way! J. Johnson Sales, Inc., Forest City. 828-245-5895. HAVE A TRAILER NOT USING? SELL IT! J. Johnson Sales INC. Buy, Sale, Trade trailers. Must have title. Call 828-245-5895. CARPORTS, GARAGES, BUILDINGS, RV, BOAT COVERS IN STOCK. Areas largest on site display. Best selection, quality price. J. Johnson Sales, Inc. 2690 Hwy. 221S., Forest City. 828-245-5895. 16X40 OR TWO STORY BUILDINGS BUILT ON SITE. 1 DAY INSTALL. J. Johnson Sales INC. 828-245-5895. UTILITY BUILDINGS, STORAGE BUILDINGS. Steel, Wood, Vinyl. Some fully insulated, 1 to 2 day delivery if buy from stock. Cash or low down payment with monthly payments. No credit ok. J. Johnson Sales INC. 828245-5895.
ALL TERRAIN MWD ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR. Frontier V6 (A7) by Magic Mobility. “Like New!” Must See! Cost $7000 will take $2000. Call (864) 4913439 MORGAN’S FIREWOOD SERVICE. Time to stock up for next fall! $60 per load. Oak or mixed. 828-395-0758. FLAG POLES, FLAGS IN STOCK. Pickup or we deliver and install available. J. Johnson Sales INC, Forest City. Call 828-245-5895.
HORSE QUALITY HAY. Square and round bales, also 3x3x8’ bales. Call (704) 4876855 PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788 TRAILERS, LAWNMOWER TRAILERS, Flatbed Trailers, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC. (704) 434-6389
TRAILER AND TRUCK. 2017 20 ft. Tandem Axle Travel Trailer, 4 new tires. Sleeper sofa, 1 side dining room (makes bed). $16,000.00 OBO. Bought new by a lady. Selling due to illness. 2015 Ford F150 Platinum Truck with ARE Cover. New tires. 30,000 miles. Owned by a lady. $39,000.00. 828-405-8316. 18X21X6 REGULAR STYLE CARPORT. Free braces on all legs. $1,395. 704-482-3166. ALL METAL GARAGES. Big Discounts! Zero down. Call for more details. 828-382-0455. HIGH QUALITY BANNERS FOR SALE. We offer many sizes and options. Call for more info and price. 704-692-4449 or 828-248-1408. RIDING/PUSH MOWERS, GARDEN TILLERS, GOKARTS, MINI-BIKES. Ready to mow. All in excellent condition. Can deliver, 30+ years experience in repair work. 828980-0853, 704-476-9383. HANDYMAN SERVICES. NOW IS THE TIME for all your pressure washing needs. Offering: mulching, trees and bushes trimmed, clean flower beds, minor repairs, decks stained & restored. Any Handyman Services. No Job too Big or Small! References available. We will show up and do the job. Call us first, 704-692-4449. HAVE A STORAGE BUILDING NOT USING, OUTGROWN IT? Sell it, trade in for new bigger one. We take trades, we buy used buildings. Must be factory built, able to move. J. Johnson Sales INC. 828-245-5895.
WANT TO BUY. ATV’s, Pop-Up Campers and Small Travel Trailers. Call 828-429-3935. CASH FOR YOUR CAR running or not, title or no title. Call Charles Dellinger at Red Road Towing. 704-692-6767, (704) 487-0228 I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197
RED SEX LINK PULLETS. Red Sex Link Pullets (AKA Golden Comets) hatched 4/6/21. $10 each. Please e-mail or call and leave a message. (704) 739-7806 AMERICAN BULLY WITH PAPERS, $400.00. White and grey male 13 week old puppy, will only sell to a good home. (980) 238-9544
WANTED: OLD AND NEW AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-2891488. WANT TO BUY CARS, TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006
NEW SOUTHERN 5 FT. BUSH HOG. $1,065. 828-287-3272. GARDEN TILLING SERVICES AVAILABLE. Tractor with 6’ rototiller. Reasonable prices. No job too big or small. Call 704-6924079 (704) 692-4079
CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES FOR SALE. Our Chihuahua puppies have the most adorable personalities, rare colors and extremely healthy. All of our Chihuahua puppies are bred in our home and are extremely socialized and loved! They are fun-loving, sweet, and very docile! Please Call or Text: 919-891-1841. timursgcu@aol. com
CARS & TRUCKS 2011 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL-1. Silver, V6 Auto, 3rd Row Seat, Sunroof and Moonroof, Leather, 196,000 miles, Rebuilt Motor, DVD Player, Chrome Wheels, $9800. Call (704) 300-1818 2008 CADILLAC DTS Luxury Edition fully loaded, 84,000 original miles, excellent condition. $8000. (989) 492-4891
SHELBY SHOPPING. www. is the new way to shop Shelby area shops, stores, boutiques and more. Visit Online NC4Ever@email. com
LIONHEAD RABBITS. Call or text 704-466-2656. 17 BABY DUCKS. $4 each or $3 each for all. (704) 466-8741
DELICIOUS SWEET SUGAR-FREE HEALTHY JUICE. is where you will find numerous products made in North Carolina from Muscadines. WANTED: LOOKING FOR OLDER Martin or Gibson guitar. Gift for uncle. Would consider other quality brands. God Bless. 704-538-9207, 843670-9727. REFRIGERATORS, STOVES, WASHERS, DRYERS. Discount Prices. 1205 Earl Road, Shelby NC. (704) 487-4443
WANT TO BUY WANT TO BUY 8FT. BUSHHOG. Please call, 828-453-9854. NEEDED: USED DOG KENNEL. Also college student looking for Hyundai rims to fit 2011 Hyundai Sonata. Reasonably priced. 828980-2522.
2016 BUICK LACROSSE PREMIUM. One owner, 94k miles, 6 cylinder, auto, loaded with all options, highway miles, lady driven, never smoked in, like new. Asking $13,000. Call 704-692-4449.
MOTORCYCLES & ATVS FREE KITTENS Five week old kittens to good home only! (704) 466-7303 DOG KENNELS. 7x7, 5x10, 10x10, 10x20, 20x20 tops, split kennels. Pickup or we deliver and install available. J. Johnson Sales INC, Forest City. 828-2455895. LABRADOODLE PUPPIES. F-2, ready to go. Health guaranteed. 7 wks. $1200. (864) 492-2880 BOXER/PIT MIX PUPPIES. 8 wks old, 7 males 1 female ready for a new home. All are brown w/ blk mask or just brown $20 rehoming fee 704 858 6236/ or 704 406 7526 (704) 406-7526
DANNY’S AUTOWERKS. Buying used or junk cars. Competitive prices. Call Danny 828-2893081 or Jimmy 828-289-1175.
YANMAR 2210 TRACTOR. 22hp, 26hp PTO, 12 Forwards, 3 Reverses, 4 speed PTO. Rebuilt head, New water pump and hoses. All 4 tires new. Excellent condition! $5250.00 (704) 7189122
Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon
2002 HARLEY SPORTSTER for sale. 15,000 miles, new tires and new brakes. $4,200.00. 704-538-7784.
BOATS V-HULL 14FT BOAT/MOTOR/ TRAILER. Aluminum V-hull boat, motor, trailer, anchor, gas tank, light kit $1500. Also large bird cage, $60. Rabbit hutch, $40. 704-434-7016. (704) 6005596
NEW APARTMENTS, FULLY MODERNIZED! Beautiful new apartments in Cramerton at Residences at Humboldt Woods! Available for move in May 1st! $850 Month. Fully modernized 1 bed, 1 bath, 600sqft units with on site laundry. Located 1m off New Hope Rd near Cramerton. 3 min to US74. Contact L&E Properties today to schedule a tour - 704-705-4534! Apply here: https://lucyethel.appfolio. com /listings /detail /8c8fa1e9e540-4a25-919f-e0971a9b43aa Professionally managed. Be at home, in a Humboldt home. Gastonia, NC 28056 (704) 705-4534
NEW APARTMENTS, FULLY MODERNIZED! Beautiful new apartments in Cramerton at Residences at Humboldt Woods! Available for move in May 1st! Fully modernized 1 bed, 1 bath, 600sqft units with on site laundry. Located just off New Hope Rd near Cramerton. Contact L&E Properties today to schedule a tour - 704-705-4534! Apply here: ht tps : / / lucyethel. appfolio. com/listings/detail/8c8fa1e9e540-4a25-919f-e0971a9b43aa Professionally managed. Be at home, in a Humboldt home. Gastonia, NC 28056 (704) 705-4534
POLK COUNTY POLK COUNTY, SUNNYVIEW, NC. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Convenient location, 8 acre Restricted Estate Lot. Owner Finance Available. Call 828-429-3287.
VACATIONS 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOUSE. Ocean Lakes, Myrtle Beach, Salt Work Road, Site M-3. Openings 5/22-6/19. $1650 week. Saturday-Saturday. No Pets (843) 655-4929 BOOKING NOW. Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in the heart of Myrtle Beach. $650 week. No texts please. Call 704-4183790. OCEAN LAKES BEACH HOUSE. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Also, pullout couch, golf cart. Weeks and weekends. 704482-9781 or 704-472-5182. (704) 472-5182 OCEAN LAKES MYRTLE BEACH. Cottage N34. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den, kitchen, dining, covered deck, near country store. Call Dorcas, 803-7182659, (803) 635-9831 OCEAN LAKES BEACH HOUSE FOR RENT. 2 bedroom with sleeper sofa, WiFi, golf cart. Weeks and weekends available. 704-473-1494.
1/2 ACRE LOT UNRESTRICTED!! Near TIEC, $20,000. ALSO, 1.57 restricted lot near Lake Lure, selling at auction regardless of price May 27th. 864-909-1035, www.rowelland. com
FOR RENT CLEVELAND COUNTY 4BR, 3BA HOME ON MOSS LAKE, $1400 per month. For more info, 864-805-0035. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. In Grover or Shelby. Currently being remodeled. Now taking applications. Available June 1st. $650-$750. Call 828-234-8147 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Located in Beaver Dam area. Very clean. New paint and carpet. Stove, refrigerator. Washer/ dryer hookups. Nice yard with storage building. NO PETS or SMOKING. Not HAP Eligible. $700 deposit and $700 month. 704-472-4848.
The Banner News /
Page 22
Thursday, May 27, 2021
CLASSIFIED ADS To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047 FOR RENT
LOOKING TO RENT A ROOM? Large bedroom in a 3 Bedroom renovated farmhouse. Country setting just minutes to downtown Shelby, food and shopping. All furnished and use of house. (980) 267-5454
MOBILE HOMES & APARTMENTS. In Kings Mountain. Price starting at $100 per week. Call (704) 739-4417
1 BEDROOM SECOND FLOOR APARTMENT Shelby Area. Includes Stove & Refrigerator. No Smoking or Pets. Not HAP Eligible. Heat/Water Included $495 Month Rent. (704) 487-5480 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES. Shelby, NC. We are currently accepting applications for our waiting list. Rent is based on income (and some expenses are deducted). Call or visit us today, Laurel Hill Apartments 704-487-1114. Equal Housing Opportunity.
MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. $190 weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. Visit us online at Oakwood Rentals, Shelby. Call (704) 473-4299
MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. $190 weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. Visit us online at Oakwood Rentals, Shelby. Call (704) 473-4299 MOBILE HOMES & APARTMENTS. In Kings Mountain. Price starting at $100 per week. Call (704) 739-4417
HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, (704) 487-6354
Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon
2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, 704-739-0259.
2 & 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Small private park between Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $500 per month. 828-382-0475.
LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street, (704) 482-7723
MHP LOTS FOR RENT RUTHERFORDTON. Blue Ridge Mobile Home Park. Large vacant lots. Available immediately. Call for Price. (727) 7434908 crey13860@gmail. com
National Network Classified Ads
Come and join our team here at Walmart Distribution Center 6070! We are currently seeking individuals for hourly, salary management and Maintenance Technician positions. Our facility offers several benefits such as: • Medical, Dental, and 401K Benefits • Earned quarterly incentives • Overtime Earnings and shift differentials • PTO and vacation time Currently hiring for hourly and • Competitive compensation management positions.
Text “DC” to 240240 for a direct link, or visit us at careers. DC 6070 is waiting on YOU! From the Careers Homepage,select “Distribution Centers & Drivers”, “Distribution and Fulfillment Centers” “See All Openings”, and apply for Freight Handler PAT. Once Completed, PLEASE GIVE US A CALL . We WANT to hear from YOU!
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Grow With Us! Positions available at five NC sites (Kings Mountain and Shelby)
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Reader Advisory: the National Trade Associations we belong to has purchased the following classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it s illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.
Autos Wanted Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398 Education Train online to do medical billing! Become a Medical Office Professional at CTI! Get trained & certified to work in months! 888-5726790. (M-F 8-6 ET) Health & Fitness Dental insurance Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insu-rance - not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-888-6233036 www.dental50plus. com/58 #6258 Health & Fitness Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-9299587 Health & Fitness VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Español Health & Fitness ATTENTION DIABETICS! Save money on diabetic supplies! Convenient home shipping for mo-nitors, test strips, insulin pumps, catheters & more! To learn more, call now! 877-810-0063 Miscellaneous The Generac PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. Save money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages & power your home. Full installation services. $0 down financing option. Request free no obligation quote. 1-855-270-3785 Miscellaneous GENERAC Standby Generators provide backup power during power outages, so your home & family stay safe & comfortable. Prepare now. Free 7-yr extended warranty $695 value! Request a free quote today! Call for terms & conditions. 1-844-3348353 Miscellaneous Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protec-tion. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-995-2490
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The Banner News /
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Dental Insurance
Emily Green of Mount Holly graduates from St. Lawrence University
Get dental insurance from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company to help cover the services you’re most likely to use – Cleanings
Page 23
Here’s the information you requested on Dental insurance FIRST-C
Call now to get this FREE Information Kit! Product not available in all states. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-888-7994433 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN). 6154-0120
Emily A. Green from Mount Holly, NC, was one of the more than 450 members of St. Lawrence University’s Class of 2021 who earned their degree following the
University’s Commencement of Arts degree in international ceremonies, held Sunday, economics-Spanish and govApril 18, at Newell Field House in Canton, New York. Green graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor
ernment. Green attended Saint Johnsbury Academy.
Edward Bogen named to UM Spring 2021 Dean’s Honor Roll
When You Place Your
Edward Joshua Bogen, of Belmont, NC, was recently named to the University of Mississippi’s Spring 2021 Honor Roll lists. Bogen was
named to the Dean’s Honor Roll, which is reserved for students who earn a semester GPA of 3.50-3.74.
$ Y L N O 10
per week
(20 Words or Less)
Reach Over 75,000 READERS For One Low PRICE!
Of Our Community
1. A group of sheep 5. Of she 8. This (Spanish) 12. A type of sorcery 14. A team’s best pitcher 15. Port in southern Japan 16. Makes very happy 18. Trigonometric unit of measurement 19. From a distance 20. Winged nut 21. Consumed 22. “Heat” director 23. In all places 26 Made improvements to 30. St. __ Girl: brand of beer 31. A type of “seat” 32. Wood 33. A brief treatise on a subject of interest 34. Approval 39. Basics 42. Where judges sit 44. W. African religion 46. Commentators 47. Having many different functions 49. Member of a Semitic people 50. Flightless, fast-running bird 51. After the seventh 56. Small N. Zealand tree 57. Health care pro (abbr.) 58. Playground mainstay 59. Expressing relief 60. Records brain activity (abbr.) 61. Fishing net 62. Beer 63. Tooth caregiver 64. Japanese beverage
1. Garden tools 2. Early Syrian kingdom 3. 500 sheets of paper 4. Information 5. Beloved comic strip character 6. Distinct form of a plant 7. Replenishment 8. Semitransparent glassy
substance 9. Expedition to observe animals 10. One who held landed granted by Anglo-Saxon king 11. Obtain in return for labor 13. Inheritable genetically 17. One who rescues 24. Doctor of Education 25. Liberal arts 26. Shock treatment 27. Diswgure 28. When you hope to get there 29. Peacock network 35. Part of (abbr.) 36. The 21st letter of the Greek alphabet 37. Not just “play” 38. Former CIA 40. Reduced to a sloping edge 41. Restricted the development of 42. Sciences degree 43. Sea eagles 44. Saturated 45. Joints 47. Sailing boat 48. Respiratory organs 49. Guitarists use them 52. Disco act: Bee __ 53. First Chinese dynasty 54. Intentionally lose 55. Muslim people of China
The Banner News /
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
Gone, But Never Forgotten
117 West Central Ave. Mount Holly, NC 28120
BRIGHTSTAR GRILL 205 Madora St. Mount Holly, NC
our customers say...”The Best Burgers in Town!”
Mt. Holly Heating & A/C
Home Comfort Specialist
Fresh Veggies, Variety of Steaks, Burgers, Seafood, Salads, & Italian Dishes
Handsel’s Flooring Center The Area’s #1 Discount Floor Center 101 S. Main St., Stanley, NC 28164
Carpet, LVP & Hardwood
FREE ESTIMATES! David Handsel, Owner • 704-263-5107
107 Madora St., Mount Holly, NC 704-827-3421 704-827-6709
128 S S. MAI MAIN ST. • MOUNT HOLLY, NC 704-812-8973
Hours: Tues., Wed., Thurs. 11am-9pm Fri., Sat. & Sun. 11am-4pm
Please Place Your Order Early!
Authorized Dealer
100 N. Main St.Stanley,NC Phone: 704-931-0091 Fax: 704-931-0116
email: website:
SUNDAY LUNCH BUFFET Always fresh and seasonal
FULL SERVICE CATERING 4253 S. New Hope Rd. Gastonia, NC 28056
11AM - 4PM
• Dine Dine In
Tuesday-Thursday ..................... 11am - 9pm Friday .................................. 11am - 10pm • Call In Saturday ................................ 3pm - 10pm • Carry Out 704-824-5502 ......................... 11 111am 1am am m - 99pm pm pm Sunday................................... or 704-879-7317 About 10 minutes from Lake Wylie (Pole Branch Road AmberjackSeasfoodRestaurant becomes S. New Hope Road. Amber Jack is on the right)
“Understanding Your Family’s Needs”
704-820-0608 375 Woodlawn Ave. • Mount Holly, NC