10th Annual Plant Sale Is May 11
Master Gardener program welcomes new members
By Paula VessThe NC State Extension Master Gardener program has trained people to serve as volunteer educators of science-based horticultural knowledge since 1979. In 2012, the Cleveland County Cooperative Extension office began offering Master Gardener classes and formed the Extension Master GardenerSM Association of Cleveland County.
“Being a part of the Extension Master Gardener of Cleveland County has been a rewarding experience for me for the past 11 years,” said Judy Hawkins, who currently serves as president of the local group. “The benefits of being part of our local group are many, and include being with others who share similar interests, having access to scientific resources through the NC State Extension and NC Cooperative Extension programs, and providing horticulture assistance to the citizens of Cleveland County.”
The name “master gardener” might be intimidating for those unfamiliar with thegroup. People
think that if a group has the word “master” in its name it must require extensive knowledge of the subject before you can join. In reality, the opposite is true. Member Tonie Turner said that was what she thought when she first learned about the group. “I thought they would all know so much more than me, but once I went through the class and got to know the other members, I realized that everyone is learning, and they help one another.”
She also said that many members enjoy a particular topic and choose to become more knowledgeable about it so they can share that knowledge with others.
For Turner, joining the group led to a new-found passion for helping preserve monarch butterflies,
which are considered a vulnerable species. It is a project she’s been able to share with her greatgranddaughter. “She helped me plant milkweed. It’s the plant monarchs lay their eggs on, and it feeds the larvae when they hatch. The first year, we found eggs on our plants. I was able to share with her the experience of watching the cycle monarchs go See MASTER, Page 8
Saturday, May 4
What: Youth Fishing Tournament Clear Creek Classic
When: 9:00 am until 11:00 am, May 4. Where: South Mountains State Park, Clear Creek Access, 5999 Branstrom Orchard St., Morganton, NC.
More Info: Free Event! For kids under 15! Prizes include tackleboxes and a rod/reel set. Categories: Longest Fish, Smallest Fish, First Fish Caught, Most Fish Caught. Register Now! Limited number of loaner rods and reels available. Call the park office at: 828-433-4772 or email: south.mountains@ ncparks.gov
What: Ellenboro Town Wide Yard Sale
When: 7:00 am until, May 4.
Where: Set-up on Business 74 or Depot Street, Ellenboro, NC.
More Info: No table fee. Do Not Block Driveways or businesses. Food vendors must have permission. Sponsor: Ellenboro Woman’s Club. More Info: Rita - 828-429-2476 or Carole 828-447-6442.
Saturday, May 11
What: Clifford’s Army Rescue Mother’s Day Brunch
When: 10:00 am until 1:00 pm, May 11.
Where: The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 502 W Sumter St., Shelby, NC.
Retiree Forum: If you retired from the State of NC or are presently working for the State but close to retirement, please join us for a Retiree Forum on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 11:30 am. Lunch will be provided at The Creekside Clock Restaurant, located at 1025 Kiser St, Shelby, NC. This event is hosted by your local SEANC (State Employees Association of NC) District 4, composed of Cleveland, Rutherford and Polk counties. SEANC staff will be present to discuss insurance products, member discounts, scholarships and member benefits. SEANC scholarship tickets will be available for sale. You must RSVP by Monday, May 6 to Anne Southard at 704-477-4504 or asouthard1@yahoo.com to attend.
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. NarAnon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom off Dale St. between Sumter & Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-692-2092 or church office, 704-482-3467.
Al-Anon Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at 12noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.
Saturday • May 11, 2024 8:00am – 11:00am
Location: Cooperative Extension Auditorium 130 S. Post Rd., Shelby, NC 28152
More Info: Mark your calendars now! This will be the second annual Mother’s Day Brunch to benefit those with no voice, Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza (C.A.R.E.) Maggie and Carol Watson (former Sister’s Cafe) will once again be preparing some amazing food. We will also have live music by Trace Casanova, Mimosa bar, Mother’s day auction and some special surprises. Bring your mom, wife, girlfriend, special person to experience and enjoy a very special day. Tickets are $15 in Advance and $20 at the door. Brunch will be in the lower level of The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer. C.A.R.E (Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all volunteer, dog rescue organization.
those with
Writers Ink: Next meeting of Writer’s Ink, a local writing group, will be May 3, 2024 from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm, in the front conference room of the Eugenia H. Young Memorial Library, 104 Howie Dr., Shelby. Writers of all levels are welcome to attend and are encouraged to bring samples of the writing to share with the group
NEIGHBORHOOD CALENDAR DEADLINE: Fridays, 3 PM Prior to Thursday’s edition. Go to shelbyinfo.com and click on SUBMIT EVENTS.
Entire household of items. Extremely nice furniture by Drexel, Hooker, Cochran, Sumter Cabinet and other names. Some mid-century and some antique pieces. Large amounts of flowers, wreaths, brass items, crystal, and kitchenware. Large Elvis Presley collection. A huge name brand bird figurine collection and many framed and matted prints. New Rainbow vacuum and other vacuums. Some yard tools, extension ladder, and more. This house looks like a home decor showroom. Clean and quality.
From Page 1
through until the butterfly emerges.”
Tuner’s experience led her to a new passion. For Hawkins, the group has helped her return to her roots. “I grew up on a dairy farm in Rowan County. We had a large vegetable garden and my mother loved ‘her flowers,” said Hawkins. “Until retirement, I always yearned to get back to some of my roots around plants.” The Master Gardener group has given Hawkins that opportunity.
The master gardener group is open to anyone with an interest in gardening and volunteerism. Interested citizens have the opportunity to enroll in the course each fall. Coursework is completed virtually with one in-person meeting each week. “The course is designed to help you succeed,” said Turner. “They want you to learn and become a member.”
Once the coursework is completed, new members are paired with a mentor who helps them develop meaningful connections within the group and learn the skills necessary to be successful in their volunteer role.
New members must complete 40 volunteer hours by the end of their first year to be certified. There are multiple opportunities and a variety of ways to earn those volunteer hours. New members can help with community education events, work at the master gardener booth at the Foothills Farmers’ Market in Shelby or the Kings Mountain Farmers’ Market, work on the group’s display at the Cleveland County Fair, and help with the group’s annual plant sale, among other opportunities.
The annual plant sale is the group’s major fundraiser. Members propagate and raise a large variety of vegetable and ornamental plants to offer for sale. In
addition, the sale features the “Garden Shed” where customers may find things like birdhouses, dish gardens, walking sticks, gardening books, and other treasures.
Proceeds from the plant sale support the group’s educational and volunteer activities, plus this year they plan to award $1000 scholarships to two high school seniors in Cleveland County.
The group has a goal to increase its involvement with Cleveland County Schools and help local students learn more about horticulture. Last fall, the group began a bulb project by visiting North Shelby School and Bethware Elementary School. After an educational talk on planting and growing daffodils, the students helped plant 400 bulbs at each school. This spring teachers at each school reported that students were excited to see their work come to fruition as the flowers grew and began to bloom. This fall, the group plans to visit two more schools to educate and plant daffodils. Other activities help members continue their education. The group meets monthly to learn about various topics or work on projects. They also take field trips to places like Stone Falls Farm in Iron Station, and Milkweed Meadows in Fruitland, North Carolina.
Julie Flowers, Area Consumer Horticulture Agent Gaston and Cleveland County, NC Cooperative Extension, coordinates the Extension Master Gardner group in Cleveland County.
“Extension Master Gardener volunteers are valuable assets to the NC Cooperative Extension,” said Flowers. “They expand our reach into the community with much-needed garden-related, resourcebased information. Working with them is, by far, the
For more information on joining the Extension Master Gardner of Cleveland County group, contact Julie Flowers at 704-482-4365 or Julie_ Flowers@NCSU.edu.
This year’s plant sale is the group’s 10th annual. Find plants, garden creations, gifts, and other treasures. The sale is Saturday, May 11, 2024, 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. at the Cooperative Extension Office Auditorium, 130 South Post Road, Shelby.
Unlike some other types of hunting, pursuing the turkey is very enjoyable doing it with a partner; especially if one is doing the calling and the other is doing the shooting. Most people who have hunted turkey for any period of time will tell you they enjoy calling in a bird as much as shooting one. Not only do you get to share in a successful shot, but the caller gets a sense of pride in knowing if it weren’t for his calling the shot would’ve never been made. Most of the time, shooting a turkey is less about a hunter’s skill and more about the caller’s mastery of the tools of the trade. I don’t consider myself an expert caller, but I figure if I can fool a gobbler I have at least accomplished somewhat of an ability to use a call. I may never win a national calling championship, but I can enjoy a deep fried turkey breast. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure I’ve missed my share of opportunities because I’m no expert, but I’m not going to stay home because I’m not as good as the next guy. I really wish I were a better caller. I’ve bought videos and listened to the experts, just trying to hear and replicate the sounds, but it seems many other hunters just have a greater predisposition for quality calling, than I do. I’m just glad I’ve not let my lack of calling ability detour me from the turkey woods.
These thoughts remind me of another type of calling I enjoy, and that’s calling hunters to a closer walk with God. I admit when I listen to other “callers,” sometimes I get discouraged because I’m just not as good as they are. I’ve wished that God had made me like the guy on an old commercial about a financial group – E.F Hutton. The ditty goes, “When E.F. Hutton speaks, everyone listens.” But God has not gifted me in that way. He made me who I am – gifted in some ways, lacking in others. He made you the same way. You now have a choice and it’s the same choice I had in hunting turkey; either to stay home because of my lack of ability, or continue to do what I love to do, the best I can. Again, you know what I chose. Has something or someone told you that you are unable, ungifted, or unqualified? Do you consider yourself a novice in the midst of experts? Are you letting the shadow of someone else’s greatness hide your own light? Remember, it’s just a ploy to keep you at home so you never enjoy the successes that God has in store, for just you.
May 11th AND 18th • 9:00 AM 1512 BURKE RD., SHELBY, NC
DIRECTIONS: Hwy 150 near Shelby Airport turn onto Burke Rd., between Thelma Lou’s Restaurant & Sharon Church. One mile, auction is on the right.
Mahogany Grandfather Clock. GUNS: (SOLD ON 5-11-24)
‘A RARE BIRD’. In the early 1930’s A. H. Fox closed the doors to their factory in Philadelphia. The Inventory & Certain Equipment was purchased by Savage Arms Corp., Utica, New York. Included was a small number (Fewer than 12) of Receivers complete with Butt Stocks, but no Barrels or Fore End Stock. Savage Arms completed these guns using their recently developed “Special Alloy-Forged Steel Barrels”. This Gun has “A.H. Fox” stamped on the receiver & right barrel stamped “‘Special Alloy-Forged Steel & Left Barrel’ Savage Arms Corp”. This Gun is in VG/Excellent Condition. Proof Tested 12 Gauge 2 3/4 Inch. 8MM Military Rifle WWII K98 Converted to Spotter (Sport Stock, Polished Bolt, Scope Rings, Large Eye Relief, Has a Low Power Scope). Single Shot .22 Long Rifle “Little Scout” Mfg. J. Stevens Arms Co. Patent July 1907 ‘Jose Wales’ Pistol (Rusty, Non Functional). Handgun/Pistol Scope 4*32 Simmons Pro Hunter NEW-In Box. COINS& PAPER MONEY:(SOLD ON 5-18-24):(2) Canadian Gold Mapleleaf Coin (1 Troy Ounce each),(2) Krugerrand Gold Coins (1 Troy Ounce each), 1980-1984 US Mint Sets (Kennedy Half Dollar), 1848-1924 Silver Dollars Silver Dollar Silver Certificate (V95626780V), 1848 One Cent, 1934 Quarter, 1863 Italian Coin, 1942 5 Island Aurar, 1851 One Cent, 2009-2014 US Mint Silver Proof Set National Collector’s Mint 9-11 Coin, Diana Princess of Wales 1961-1997 Memorial Coin, 2007 US Mint Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set, 2018-2022 US Mint Silver Proof Sets, 19851992 US Mint Proof Sets (Purple), 1995-1998 US Mint Proof Sets (Green), 2001 Silver Buffalo Proof .999 Pure Silver, 2020 “W” Reverse Proof Nickel Qing Dynasty Cash Coin, US Mint Columbus Quincentenary Coins, 1999-2008 US Mint Silver Proof Sets, US Liberty Coins 1886-1986, $20 1864 Confederate States of America, $10 1850s Wilmington, NC Bank of Cape Fear, $5 1864 Confederate States of America,Plus other coins. JEWELRY & WATCHES: (SOLD ON 5-18-24) Elgin Pocketwatch, Watham Pocketwatch, Omega Pocketwatch, (2) Gold Watch Chains, Large amount of Costume Jewelry, Lady’s 14K Yellow Gold Diamond Solitaire set in 6 Prongs (Oval Cut, Near Colorless, .60 Ct. Weight). VEHICLES: SOLD ON 5-11-24)2011 Mazda, 2002 Buick LeSabre. FURNITURE: (SOLD ON 5-18-24) Metal Bed, Glass & Metal Table, Amish Made Jarrettsville Furniture 48” Cherry Table w/Iron Base & Chairs, Leather Recliner, Antique Chair w/Turned Legs, Aqua Chair w/Arms Chair & Ottoman, Chest w/Carving & Marble Top, Pie Crust Table, Chair w/Wooden Arms. RUGS: (SOLD ON 5-18-24) SEVERAL NICE RUGS FROM THE ROCK HILL ESTATE (CLEAN, NON SMOKING & NO PETS HOUSE). CHINA, PORCELAIN, POTTERY & GLASS: (SOLD ON 5-18-24) Bavaria China, Johnson Brothers, Noritake ‘Legacy’ Clear & Colored Glass, 5 Gallon Crock, Crocks, Stemware-Large Amount (Waterford) Decorative Pieces,The Caves Cove Collection. TOOLS & SHOP EQUIPMENT: (SOLD ON 5-1124) Porta Cable Saw, Packard Grinder, Work Bench, Shop Vacuum, Craftsman Buffer/Polisher, Nuts & Bolts Boxes, Jumper Cables, Craftsman Drill Electric Rather, Advil, Craftsman Jig Saw, Black & Decker Drill, Craftsman Sander, Makita Sander, Hand Tools, Jump Start w/Air Compressor, Black Max 3 1/2 HP Air Compressor, Ex-Cell Shop Stool. MISC: (SOLD ON 5-11-24) Flat Screen TV’s, Lamps, Silverplate, Pewter, Quilt, Tablecloths & Napkins, Phillip Philbeck Print, Costumes, Christmas, Fall Decorations, Propane Stoves, Lanterns, Fishing Items, Green Life Juice Extractor, Ammo Cast Iron, Records, Hose & Reel,Scott Spreader, Little Giant Ladder System, Yard Tools, Rhino Ramps, Costco High Step Ladder, Stihl Gas Trimmer, Power Stroke Pressure Washer, 170nMMX8 Lug Wheel Bolt 16X8 (F250 Ford), (4) Blue Ox Tow Bar, Weight Distribution. Easy Hitch 10000lbs, Reese Hitch, Dry Wall Hanger, Craftsman Shop Vacuum, Welded Wire Dog Crate-NEW- 42” Long by 30” High by 30” Wide, Pictures, Mirrors. ADVERTISING & COLLECTIBLES: (SOLD ON 5-18-24) Madison Mitchell Duck Decoys, Metal Coke Rack, Coke Glasses, 1960’s Comic Books, Hummels, Snow Babies, Plates, Airplanes.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Another good selection of items including an Estate (Living) from Rock Hill, SC. A very unusual gun will be offered plus (2) Madison Mitchell Duck Decoys. Call Joyce if you have questions (704 472 5000).
TERMS: Cash, Checks w/Bank Letter of Credit if you are not known to the Auction Company, Credit Cards (3% added) 6.75% Sales Tax added if you do not have a tax ID. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS.
SHL Cleaning Service
and see pictures.
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CLUES ACROSS 1. Lions do it 5. In favor of 8. Rest here please (abbr.) 11. Pulpits
13. Leisure activity
14. Fertility god
15. Financial obligations
16. When you anticipate getting somewhere
17. Spanish river
18. Sporting events
20. Type of tree 21. Ceased to be
22. Persons
25. Synthetic resin
30. Relates to photochemical reactions
31. Father
32. Former Cowboys coach
33. City in Finland
38. Run batted in
41. Got through
43. They darken skin
45. In a harmful way
48. Form of weaving
49. City of Angels hoopster
50. Caucasian language
55. Syngman __, Korean president
56. Sun up in New York
57. Paddled 59. Fishes 60. Af rmative
61. Nimble
62. Doctor of Education
63. Soviet Socialist Republic 64. A small island
CLUES DOWN 1. Cool! 2. Hebrew unit of measure 3. Swedish rock group 4. College army 5. Favor over another 6. Called it a career
Egg-shaped wind instrument
Israeli statesman
Midway between south and southeast
Benedictine monk
Self-immolation by re
23. Family of regulator genes
24. Surrendering
25. Political action committee
26. S. American plant
27. Long-term memory 28. Bark 29. Breathes in
Take hold of 35. Everyone has one 36. Valentine’s Day color 37. Drivers’ licenses and passports
39. Outer walls of castles 40. Enters with force 41. One thousandth of an inch
42. Deceased Chinese politician 44. Sugary secretion of plants
45. Expressed pleasure 46. Shelter 47. Utilizes 48 Forest resident 51. Fashion accessory
52. A sharply directional antenna
53. __ Kristofferson, actor 54. A bad place to end up 58. MLBer Gordon
Mother’s Day is an opportunity to show moms how much they’re loved and appreciated. Though many moms may insist they don’t want anything beyond spending the day with their children, gifts are a big part of Mother’s Day.
No two moms are the same, and though standards like flowers and greeting cards will always have a place on
Mother’s Day, the following are some gift ideas that can put smiles on the faces of moms from all walks of life.
There’s no end to the gift options for mothers who love to curl up with a good book. Of course, some new books may delight Mom, but gifts that can improve the reading experience also merit consideration. For example, an ergonomic backrest reading pillow can make bedtime reading sessions more comfortable and ensure Mom’s neck and back get ample support as she reads the latest page-turner. A nightstand book holder also can be ideal for moms who can’t seem to keep track of their bookmarks.
Fitness enthusiast
Some moms simply love to get in a good workout. Shoppers whose mothers or wives love to break a sweat might want to look into home gym equipment, as many fitness enthusiasts transformed part of their homes into exercise areas during the pandemic. If that sounds like the mom on
your shopping list, then a suspension training system won’t take up much room but can provide an intense, full-body workout. A new yoga mat, some wireless Bluetooth headphones or a compression stretching mat are some additional gifts that might make exerciseloving moms smile this Mother’s Day.
Moms whose children still live under the same roof may not have much opportunity to travel, but empty nesters and grandmothers might. For such moms, a foldable, hanging travel bag can make it easy and convenient for mom to carry all of her toiletries and access them without taking up what’s often minimal hotel room counter space. For moms who want to document their excursions, a leather travel journal encourages them to note their experiences and gives them something they can revisit for years to come. Of course, some new luggage can make the perfect gift for newly retired moms who can’t wait to start visiting places on their travel bucket lists.
obligations of family life with a challenging career. Mother’s Day can be a great time to recognize that balancing act. A self-heating coffee mug can ensure Mom’s morning cup o’ joe doesn’t go cold as she traverses her way through a hectic morning routine. Another great gift is a charging mouse pad that can charge all of Mom’s devices even while she’s working. If you want to help Mom remain calm as she navigates her way through a day filled with personal and professional obligations, an essential oils diffuser can create a sense of relaxation on the most hectic of days.
Millions of moms manage to juggle the
No two moms are the same. Fortunately, great gifts can be found for moms from all walks of life this Mother’s Day.
All the Best on Mother’s Day
Creative Mother’s Day celebration and gift ideas
On Sunday, May 9, 2021, millions of people will celebrate the special women in their lives, particularly the mothers, grandmothers and stepmothers who often tirelessly care for those they love.
Created by Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century and designated an official United States holiday in 1914, Mother’s Day is a special day in many families. Apart from birthdays, primary female caregivers may not always get the recognition they deserve, nor be entitled to a day to kick back and relax and let others take the helm. Mother’s Day entitles them to something special.
Even though the way people have been living has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mother’s Day may be the first holi-
day on the calendar when the world can finally regain some sense of normalcy. But caution should still prevail during Mother’s Day celebrations. Thankfully, there are plenty of creative ways to celebrate mothers and mother figures this year.
• Dine truly “al fresco.” Outdoor dining has become commonplace, and even before it was a safety measure, enjoying a meal on a sun-soaked patio or overlooking a body of water was popular. If you’re worried about limited restaurant space or crowds, plan a picnic at a scenic location, such as a botanical garden or county park. Include Mom’s favorite foods and enjoy the fresh air and delicious foods together.
• Create a photo slideshow. Digital photos have eclipsed prints in many people’s
hearts. But too often digital photos never get seen after they’re initially taken. That can change when you compile a slideshow of favorite photos from childhood and even present-day photos that Mom is sure to appreciate. Use sentimental music or Mom’s favorite songs as the soundtrack, and include some inspirational quotations or personal voiceovers. This is one gift that can be shared in person or over
group meeting apps.
• Get involved together. An especially meaningful way to honor a mother who is always giving her time and love is to become involved in a difference-making organization. Joint volunteerism is a great way to spend more time together working toward a worthy goal.
• Enjoy her hobbies and interests. Devote a day or more to trying Mom’s interests and hobbies, whether they include hitting the links, knitting, singing in the church choir, or digging in her garden.
• Send an edible gift. If you can’t be there to celebrate with Mom in person, have a special meal delivered to her door. Then enjoy the same foods with her via
Marion Thomasson
4 chicken breast halves, cooked and deboned
1 can cream of celery soup
1 ½ cup chicken broth
1 stick melted oleo or butter
Mix 1 ½ cup Bisquick with 1 ½ cup milk. Pour over chicken. Bake 350 degrees for 1 hour.
Daisy Queen
1 large can peas
1 small jar of sliced mushrooms
3 boiled eggs
1 t/ Worcestershire sauce
1 small onion
½ pkg. sliced almonds
1 can cream of chicken soup or cream of mushroom soup
½ stick margarine
½ cup crushed potato chips
Put potato chips and margarine on top and bake 350 degrees about 20 minutes or until bubbly.
Sylvia Neisler
1 lb. ground beef
¼ cup milk
1 egg
1 onion or 1 tbs. onion flakes
½ cup quick cook oatmeal
½ cup ketchup
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper
½ tsp. chili powder
2 slices bacon
Mix all ingredients except bacon. Pat into shape and place in loaf pan. Place bacon strips on top. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove from oven. Pour off excess drippings. Top with ½ cup ketchup. Return to warm oven for 15 minutes.
Brightest Wishes to Moms Everywhere
Learn the meanings behind popular Mother’s Day flowers
Mother’s Day is a time to express love and appreciation for mothers, sentiments that are often expressed with gifts. Flowers are a popular present to bestow on Mother’s Day, as they can brighten a room and bring a sweet aroma to any household.
While any flowers may ultimately suffice on Mother’s Day, gift givers may want to select flowers for Mom that convey specific messages. The language of flowers has been recognized for centuries. Though perhaps not as heralded as it once was,
flower symbolism persists to this day. Here’s a look at some of the meanings behind certain types of flowers to help guide Mother’s Day gifting.
• Amaryllis: These plants start as bulbs and are naturally spring-blooming flowers. The name comes from the Greek word “amarysso,” which means “to sparkle,” and they symbolize pride.
They’re beautiful and symbolic of love and affection.
• Buttercup: These are associated with youthfulness and cheerfulness and can call to mind childhood days spent picking buttercups and holding them under chins to reveal that you like butter. The flower is known for its beauty and innocent charm.
• Delphinium: Delphiniums come in pink, white and blue varieties and embody youth and renewal. They’re a good pick if you want to convey a continued or renewed affection for a person.
• Aster: These daisy-like flowers are delicate-looking perennials. Asters make great gifts because they symbolize love and daintiness.
• Begonia: There are more than 2,000 types of begonias, and the flower symbolizes deep thoughts. Bego-
nias were made famous by French horticulturist Michel Bégon, who thought the blooms looked like beautiful girls.
• Bleeding heart: These flowers are red and pink blossoms that look like the perfect heart shape with a teardrop at the bottom.
• Camellia (white): White camellias stand for purity and innocence, but they also symbolize admiration and respect. Camellias make beautiful additions to any bouquet.
• Daisy: Daisies are happylooking flowers, and according to Norse mythology they represent motherhood and children.
• Tulip: Tulips with an orange hue are thought to represent understanding and appreciation. They can express appreciation for Mom or another special person. Yellow tulips symbolize happiness, while pink tulips are symbolic of love. Red blooms should be reserved for sweethearts. Various flowers symbolize feelings people want to express to their mothers, grandmothers and other special women on Mother’s Day.
Broken Chains of the past
(4th and Final Part of “SPRING
I n life, we often find ourselves clinging to the past – holding onto old wounds, regrets, and failures that weigh us down and prevent us from experiencing the fullness of God’s grace and blessings. Just like the trees shedding their old leaves to make way for new growth, we too must learn to release the burdens of the past in order to move forward with hope and faith. Philippians 3:1213 (NLT) offers us a powerful reminder of the importance of letting go of the past. The
apostle Paul writes, “I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” These verses encourage us to focus on the future with optimism and determination, leaving behind all that hinders our progress.
While we cannot alter our past actions, we can shape our future through our thoughts, words, and actions in the present moment. For instance, I had the privilege of ministering to a young lady who was facing significant challenges. She had made a series of poor decisions that had led her down a destructive path, resulting in homelessness, loss of custody of her children, and incarceration. Despite her difficulties, she turned to prayer and bible
study. She sought forgiveness and guidance from God. A year later, this young woman had turned her life around. She had been released from jail, found employment, gotten married, and become an active member of her church community. She shared how surrendering to Christ had brought about a profound transformation, freeing her from the mistakes and burdens of her past. Her story stands as a powerful testament to the transformative power of letting go and letting God have his way in our lives.
Dear Lord, you are the God of new beginnings and new mercies. I praise your holy name. Thank you for not leaving me where I am, but always guiding me to a place where I will experience your peace, love and goodness. You are my Savior, my Redeemer and my deliverer. Help me find the strength to let go of the past and step confidently into the future that you have prepared for me. Break off all chains that are
holding me captive spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. Lord, I trust in your unfailing love and promises. I know that you are always at work, creating beauty out of ashes and joy out of sorrow. In Jesus’ name. Amen.” CONNECTING TO GOD: I encourage you to open your heart to God’s love and grace. Seek forgiveness for past wrongs, and invite Jesus into your heart as your Savior and Lord. Find a supportive community in a local church where you can grow and serve others. By dedicating time each day to reading the Bible and praying, you can cultivate a meaningful relationship with God. Danyale Patterson woul d love to connect with you! Scan the QR code to subscribe to a weekly uplifting podcast, or contact her at www.danyale. com to share a testi-mony, send a prayer request, or book her to speak.
Tricks to keep floral arrangements fresh Mom Deserves the Best!
Who doesn’t enjoy receiving a fresh bouquet of flowers on a special occasion? Flowers traditionally are given for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, anniversaries, and other special events. While a beautiful bouquet can make a lovely gift, fresh flowers have finite lasting power.
Recipients of floral arrangements need not fret. Various strategies can help prolong the life of freshly cut flowers. Florists employ certain tricks to keep cut flowers fresh longer. In fact, that’s a person’s best bet to keep cut flowers fresh — purchasing arrangements from knowledgeable florists who have done their part to ensure flower longevity.
Here are some additional strategies to consider.
Make fresh cuts in stems
Think back to the last time you purchased a fresh Christmas tree. What is the key to ensuring it gets enough water while on display? You guessed it: making a fresh cut in the trunk of the tree. The same concept applies to floral arrangements. Use a sharp scissor or pruning shears to cut about one inch from the bottom of each stem at a 45-degree angle. Continue this process every three days or so. The 45-degree angle prevents the stem from squishing during the cut and enables it to absorb more water.
Get them in water quickly
from forming in the stems. Choose an arrangement first, then cut and place the flowers in water quickly. This gives fresh arrangements a good chance to last awhile.
Monitor water temperature
The temperature of the water in the vase should coordinate with the flowers on display. Do not use hot water or the stems will cook. Room temperature is best for most flowers, except for blooms from bulbs that flower during cooler months, such as tulips and daffodils. They’ll be more likely to thrive in cooler water, according to Consumer Reports.
Chill your arrangement
The experts at FTD by Design tested various theories for keeping floral arrangements fresh, including adding aspirin to the water or using sugar or concoctions that contain vodka. Sugar and vinegar served as a runner-up for long-lasting blooms, but the best solution for prolonging the flowers was putting the arrangement in the refrigerator each night for roughly eight hours.
Prune the foliage
Before placing cut flowers in a vase, remove extra leaves at the base of the stems that will fall underneath the water line. This helps to limit bacteria growth in the water and cuts back on foul odors. Plus, removing foliage focuses flowers’ energy on the main blooms rather than the leaves.
Place the flowers in a vase or other vessel with water promptly after making the cuts. Some florists like to cut the stems under water to prevent air bubbles
These steps can add life to cut flowers, helping arrangements thrive in any home.
Washington Missionary Baptist Church
1920 Stony Point Rd., Shelby, NC.
Saturday, May 4
What: Trinity Church Classic Car Cruise-In
When: Noon until 4:00 pm, May 4.
Where: Trinity Church of the Living God, 119 Kristie Ln., Kings Mountain, NC.
More Info: Community Day Out. Vendor and Car show event. This is a Fundraiser Mission to feed children and provide school supplies for kids in our community. All kinds of crafts, arts, food and singing. Info: Kayla Anderson (704) 974-8747.
What: Country Breakfast
When: 7:00 am until 9:00 am, May 4.
Where: Zion Hill Baptist Church; 8173 Old NC 18 Lawndale, NC.
More Info: Biscuits, gravy, eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, livermush, bologna and drink, cost $7.
Sunday, May 5
What: Mission Opportunities
When: 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm, May 5.
Where: Boiling Springs Baptist Church, 307 S. Main St., Shelby, NC.
More Info: Mission’s Extravaganza, at the Life Enrichment Center. Come learn about mission’s opportunities in the local church and community.
Sunday, May 19
What: First Responder Service and Meal
When: 11:00 am until 3:00 pm, May 19.
Where: Lawndale Baptist Church, 407 W Main St, Lawndale, NC.
More Info: Lawndale Baptist Church is having a First Responder Service and Meal. Service will be at 11:00 am and meal will be from 12:00 till 3:00pm. All are welcome to come join in as we honor all our First Responders.
Monday, May 20
What: Blood Drive
When: Noon until 6:00 pm, May 20.
Where: Family Worship Center, 1818 Shelby Rd., Kings Mountain, NC.
More Info: Family Worship Center COG, in cooperation with the KM Ministerial Assn., encourages you to participate in a blood drive. Donors will receive a $20 e-gift card and a special t shirt. You may register at oneblood.org/donatenow with sponsor # 68025.
The Deaf Ministry of First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC, invites you to come worship with us. Sundays at 9:30 am. Interpreted services. Deaf SS Class. Wheelchair entrance off N. Dale St. 704-482-3467.
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom of Dale St., between Sumter and Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-692-2092 or the church office, 704-482-3467.
Al-Anon Family Groups Support: Al-Anon Family Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at 12noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.
Walls Memorial Baptist Church Food Bank: TEFAP (Commodities) distribution is open to any neighboring county within North Carolina that does not receive TEFAP. Distribution will be held the third Tuesday of each month from 11:30 am until 1:30 pm, at Walls Memorial Baptist Church, 2223 Elizabeth Avenue, Shelby, NC 28150. May 21, 2024. All are welcome. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Shelby Shopper & Info offers the printing of obituaries in our paper as a community service and free of charge for Cleveland County residents and the immediate area. The obituary may include a picture if the image is of print quality. We request that the obituary is limited to 150 words and we will edit the obituaries due to space. The obituary will include preceded family members, surviving family members, funeral service information, memorials, and the name of the funeral home serving the family. The obituaries will not include names of grandchildren, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, or pets. We only accept obituaries from licensed funeral homes. The deadline is Friday at 1:00 pm prior to the next Thursday's publication.
Please have your funeral home send us your loved ones’ obituaries to obits@shelbyinfo.com
Mr. Kenneth Franklin Flowers, 91, passed away on Monday, April 19, 2024.
A native of Henry County, TN, he was born on November 5, 1932, the son of the late Doss Hudson and Nellie Emiline Barnes Flowers.
In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his wife, Laura Bell Church Flowers; two children, Jeff Flowers and Robin Henderson; one sister, Mary-V Rushing, and three brothers, E.G. Flowers, Dossie Flowers, and Robert Flowers.
Emily Ramsey Suber of the home; sons Robert Lindsay Suber (Beth) of Gastonia and John Hunter Suber of Kings Mountain; a granddaughter; brother Claude Suber (Janet) of Kings Mountain; brother-in-law, Dr. David Ramsey, Jr. (Dr. Glynda) of Johnson City, TN.
The memorial service was held April 22, 2024, at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church with The Rev. John Yost III officiating. Burial was private at Mountain Rest Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, 201 North Piedmont Avenue, Kings Mountain, NC 28086, or to a charity of the donor’s choice.
Linda Batchelor Bolin, 76, of Blacksburg, passed away on Thursday, April 18, 2024. Born in Spartanburg, SC, she was the wife of Robert Bolin and the daughter of the late Roland and Dolly Mae Moss Batchelor.
held April 24, 2024, at Cleveland Memorial Park officiated by Rev. Keith Linzy.
To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. is serving the family.
Charles Priehs and Owna Bell Ross Priehs, she was preceded in death by her husband, John Buford Jarrett, her parents, and her sister, Mildred Jean Rickett (Priehs).
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
A funeral service was held April 23, 2024, at Bethel Baptist Church, in Shelby, officiated by Dr. Tim Sims. Burial followed at Cleveland Memorial Park.
To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. is serving the family.
Samuel Robert Suber III, age 76, known in childhood as “Robby” and later in adult life as “Bob”, passed away on April 18, 2024.
He was born on September 18, 1947, son of the late Samuel Robert Suber, Jr. and Rosalie Polk Suber. Bob is survived by his wife,
Mr. Flowers is survived by one son, Dwayne Church, and wife Lee of Hendersonville, NC; one daughter, Pam Denton and husband Larry of Shelby, NC; one brother, Thomas Flowers of Big Sandy, TN; seven grandchildren; and five great-grandchildre. Memorials may be made to the Physical Therapy Department of Fair Haven, 149 Fair Haven Drive, Bostic, NC 28018.
Vickie Morgan Wright, 71, of Blacksburg, passed away on Thursday, April 18, 2024.
Born in Kings Mountain, NC, she was the wife of Herbert Wright and the daughter of the late Billy and Dorothy Moss Childers.
Surviving Mrs. Wright are her son, Terry Wright of Blacksburg; two grandchildren and a grandchild.
The family will receive friends on Monday, April 22, 2024, from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm at Gordon Mortuary, 400 West Cherokee Street, Blacksburg, SC.
Graveside services were held April 22, 2024, at Frederick Memorial Gardens, Gaffney, SC with Rev. Richard Brown officiating.
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:13
Surviving Mrs. Bolin are her sons, Richard Jerome Carroll, James Larry Carroll, and Joseph Frank Mullinax; her daughters, Sherry Dean Humphries and Lisa Ann Moss; her brothers, Tony Jenkins, Jerry Jenkins, and Leon Batchelor; seven grandchildren,and four great-grandchildren, Funeral services were held the Gordon Mortuary Chapel. Interment followed at Cook Memorial Gardens.
Mr. Philip Curtis Lynch, 91, passed away on Saturday, April 20, 2024.
A native of Worth County, Missouri, he was born on Monday, March 6, 1933, the son of the late Curtis Obidiah and Wanda Marie Waters Lynch.
In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his wife, Betty Dyer Lynch; a son-in-law, Charles Eddie Patrick; one sister, Marilyn Lynch Fitzpatrick; one brother, Obadiah Lynch; and his second wife, Marlene Perrell Lynch.
He is survived by one daughter, Cathy Patrick of Randleman, NC; two sons, Phillip Douglas Lynch and wife Sandra of Boiling Springs, NC, and Drew Lynch and wife Lynne of Kings Mountain, NC, one brother, Dean Lynch of Golden, Colorado; six grandchildren and eleven greatgrandchildren.
Mr. Lynch served our country in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean Conflict. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC 28150.
A graveside service was
Steven Lee Talbert, 79, passed away on April 17, 2024.
Steve was born in Stanly County, North Carolina on June 18, 1944 to Lane Talbert and Lectie Vanhoy Talbert.
He is survived by his son, Daniel Talbert and wife Jessica; his daughter, Joy Hord and husband Brian, all of Cleveland County; and five grandchildren.
In Addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; and his brother, Lane Talbert of Lancaster, SC.
A celebration of life was held April 28, 2024 at Central United Methodist Church with Rev. David Lee officiating. Burial followed in Sunset Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Central United Methodist Church, 200 E. Marion Street, Shelby, NC 28150.
Online condolences can be made at cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Irene Grace Priehs Jarrett, passed away April 17, 2024, from Parkinson’s Disease and is with her Lord. her family.
Born in Yale, MI, to Harold
She is survived by her daughters, Diane Mohundro and husband, Jim, of Huntersville, NC, Martha Summers and husband, Mark, of Cornelius, NC, grandchildren, Tyler Hayes of Denver, CO and Kayla Hayes of Charlotte, NC.
Once her children came along, Irene joined Southern Bell/Bellsouth/AT&T (it’s various names through the years) where she worked until retirement in 1981, in Charlotte, NC.
She is also survied vy her mother-in-law, Mary Sue Jarrett, plus her “sisters” Patricia Phifer, Eloise Brawley and Mary Jean Wall.
A celebration of life was held at Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home and Crematory chapel in Shelby, NC, April 23, 2024 at 11:00 AM.
Memorials may be made to the Parkinson’s Foundation or Via Health Services, Davidson, NC. Services and Autumn Care of Cornelius provided. Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil Burton Funeral Home is serving the family.
Evaleen "Bootie" Hambright Owens, 86, of Blacksburg, passed away on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.
Born in Gaffney, SC, she was the widow of Joe "Porky" Owens and the daughter of Fulton and Elizabeth Raines Hambright.
Surviving Evaleen are her son, Shane Owens; five grandchildren; nine greatgrandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. In addition to her husband and parents, Evaleen was preceded in death by her children, Little Joe Owens and Candy Owens Kirby, and her brother, James "Brother" Hambright.
Funeral services were held April 25, 2024, at Christian Fellowship Church with Rev. Willie Lanier and Rev. Chad Ramsey officiating. Interment was at Hambright Cemetery.
Continued From Page 16
Richard Wayne Bolin, 76, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on April 22, 2024.
Born in Cleveland County, NC, he was son of the late Nick and Mattie Turner Bolin and was preceded in death by a sister, Margie Blanton, and two brothers, Coy and Charles Bolin.
Mr. Bolin served our country in U.S. Army.
He is survived by his wife, Sheila Coats Bolin; daughters: Crystal Bolin Williams and husband, Jeff, of Kings Mountain, NC and Lisa Bolin Baxter of Gastonia, NC; brothers: Hermon, Lawrence, Erskhine, Marvin, and Kenny Bolin; five grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.
Memorial service was held May 4, 2024, in the Ollie Harris Memorial Chapel with Rev. Steve Taylor officiating. Memorials may be made to 4th Infantry Division Association at P.O. Box 1914, St. Peters, MO 63376-0035 or at www.4thinfantry.org/ donations
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Gregory Shayne Helveston, 18, of Blacksburg, passed away on Thursday, April 18, 2024.
Born in Spartanburg, SC, he was the son of Brandi Martin Helveston.
In addition to his parents, surviving Gregory are a grandfather, a grandmother, and a great-grandfather.
Gregory was preceded in death by a great-grandmother.
Funeral services were held April 26, 2024 in the Gordon Mortuary Chapel with Rev. David Murray officiating. Interment followed at Cook Memorial Gardens in Shelby, NC.
Bobbie Keith Sellers, 92, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on April 21, 2024.
He was born in Cleveland County, NC, son of the late George and Grace McDaniel Sellers and was preceded in death by his son, Bobbie Keith Sellers II.
Mr. Sellers served our country in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War where he was awarded numerous medal and awards. After that he served our country in the US Army during the Vietnam War where he was awarded even more medals and awards including the Bronze Star and the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry.
He is survived by his wife, Billie Hutto Sellers; daughter, Prissy Townend and husband Jeff; a grandson; and sister, Gail Dixon.
Graveside service was held April 26, 2024, at Mountain Rest Cemetery with Brother Chip Sloan officiating.
Memorials in Rody's memory may be made to First Baptist Church of Kings Mountain at 605 W. King St., Kings Mountain, NC 28086 Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Jerene Bailey Landreth, age 85, of Cliffside, passed away on Sunday April 21, 2024.
Jerene was born in Cleveland County and was the daughter of the late Void and Eva Dobbins Bailey.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Horton Landreth; her twin brother, Gene, brothers: Theo, Willard and Marchel Bailey; and her sister, Eloise Cash Kanipe.
Survivors include her daughter, Tammy Landreth Webb and husband Dee of Cliffside; two granddaughters; and four great-grandchildren.
A graveside service was held April 26, 2024, at the Rutherford County Memorial Cemetery with the Reverend Robby Hensley and Reverend Larry Fleming officiating.
Memorials may be made to Goodes Grove Baptist Church, Post Office Box 67, Mooresboro, NC 28114 or Hospice of The Carolina Foothills, Post Office Box 336 Forest City, NC 28043.
Steven Clyde Sain, 70, of Lawndale, passed away on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.
Born in Cleveland County, on February 13, 1954, he was a son of the late Clyde Franklin Sain and Iva Turner Sain.
He is survived by his wife, Larea Bumgardner Sain; a brother, Michael Sain and wife Elaine of Polkville; two sisters, Diane Sain Heavner of Casar and Kay Hager and husband William of Charlotte.
Services will be held at a later date.
A guest register is avail-
able at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
Mrs. Anita Kay Powell, 61, of Shelby, passed away on Friday, April 19, 2024.
She is survived by her companion, William Moore, her children, Beverly Logan (Deshane) of Shelby, NC, Michael Rochester of Morganton, NC, Adam Rochester (Leighan) of Morganton, NC, Jeremy Powell of Morganton, NC, Kendall Powell (Ashley) of Shelby, NC, and Shana Francisco of Summerville, SC, twelve grandchildren, brothers and sister, Gary Elmore of Shelby, NC, Ronnie Elmore of Shelby, NC, Ronald Lee Elmore of Lincolnton, NC, and Elizabeth Thompson of Casar, NC.
Born April 16, 1963, in Cleveland County, NC, Anita was the daughter of the late Bobby Elmore and Ruth Robbins Elmore and was preceded in death by her husband, Roger Powell, and a grandson.
A celebration of life was held on April 25, 2024, at Community Baptist Church in Shelby, NC.
Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. is serving the family.
James Howard Self, 88, passed away on Thursday, April 18, 2024.
He was born to the late Lester Self and Daisy Palmeroy Self in Cleveland County.
Private Family Services will be held.
Robert Morgan Funeral and Cremation Services, LLC
serving the family. Memorial tributes may be made at www.rsmorganfsl.com.
Carolyn Virginia Hollins Brown, 83, passed away on Thursday, April 25, 2024.
Born in Lancaster County, South Carolina on May 26, 1940, she was the daughter of the late William Edward Hollins and Mary Pearl Farmer Hollins.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Junior Franklin Brown; daughter, Connie Ibarra and two sons, James Brown and Ronnie Brown.
Survivors include her daughter, Debbie King of Concord; two sons, Tim Brown of Hamlet and Kenneth Brown of Kentucky; twelve grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren.
A Celebration of Life Service will be held at a later date.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
Mary Anne Dennis Mathis, 78, passed away on Monday, April 22, 2024. She was predeceased in death by her mother and
father, Gerald L. Dennis and Beatrice Dennis Hambrick and her son, James H. Mathis, Jr.
Left to cherish her memory are her daughter, Elizabeth Mattox and sonin-law, Greg Wilson; sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brissle; six grandchildren; and four greatgrandchildren.
Robert Morgan Funeral and Cremation Services, LLC is serving the family. Memorial tributes may be made at www.rsmorganfsl. com.
George Allen Puckett, 82, of Shelby, passed away on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. He was born in the state of Washington. Mr. Puckett served our country in the U.S. Airforce. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sibyl Edwards Puckett; and a granddaughter. He is survived by his daughter, Alice Wright of Forest City; two grandchildren and two great grandchildren, Sawyer and Lilian Wright.
Funeral services were private to the family.
Clay-Barnette Funeral Home and Aquamation Center is serving the family.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. John 16:13
Continued To Page 18
Continued From Page 17
Mr. Jerry Lee Hudson Jr., 27, of Shelby, passed away on Monday, April 22, 2024.
He is survived by his mother, Johnnie Allen Hudson of Shelby, NC, two brothers, Joseph Alan Hudson of Shelby, NC, and Daniel Timothy Hudson of Brunswick, GA.
Jerry was born November 25, 1996, in Cleveland County, NC.
A funeral service will be held at 1:00pm Saturday, May 4, 2024, at Sandy Run Baptist Church conducted by Rev. Jeff Queen. A visitation will be held from 12:00pm – 1:00pm prior to the service at the church.
A burial will follow in the church cemetery.
To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
A service of Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
Alan Floyd King, 62, of Casar, passed away on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 . Born in Cleveland County, on October 13, 1961, he was a son of Mary Floyd Putnam of Belwood and the late Clyde Webb King.
In addition to his father he is preceded in death by his step-father, Bobby Putnam.
In addition to his mother he is survived by his fiancée, Rita Hudson of Casar; and brother, Ronnie King and wife Joyce of Belwood.
The funeral service was held on April 27, 2024, in the Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Bobby Ledford officiating. The burial followed in the Rose Hill Memorial Park with Mr. David Clay officiating.
Memorials may be made to St. Peters Methodist Church, c/o Gary Tillman, 6443 Fallston Rd., Lawndale, NC 28090.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral
Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
Colette Martin, 68 of Vale, passed away on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. Born in Cleveland County, on November 14, 1955, she was the daughter of the late Billy Grover Martin and Gail Bivens Martin.
In addition to her mother she is survived by her sister, Renee Moore and husband Richard of Vale.
A Funeral Service was held April 28, 2024 at Mt. Vernon Baptist Church with the Rev. Jeremy Mahaffey officiating. The burial followed in the Mt Vernon Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, 1156 North Brook III School Road, Vale, NC 28168.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column, and each 3 by 3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9 using logic.
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Hamrick Family makes donation to Wendover Hospice House
VIA Health Partners, founded as Hospice Cleveland County, announced a donation from the Delores “Dee” Hamrick Turner family to name the Wendover Hospice House Nurse Station.
continue to provide comfort and peace to individuals and their respective families at life’s most difficult time.”
Mrs. Turner’s children, Tommy Hamrick, Steve Hamrick, and Susan Hamrick Floyd made the gift to honor their mother who is now under hospice care with VIA Health Partners. A longtime resident of Cleveland County, Mrs. Turner cared for and mentored many people in her life both young and old. Although she was not a nurse by trade, she welcomed many family members into her home to live as long as necessary. “Her home embodied the same tender spirit as the care she’s now receiving from the VIA Health Partners team,” said Tommy Hamrick. The family decided naming the nurses’ station at the Wendover Hospice House would be a perfect way to honor their mother and help further the mission of one of her favorite organizations. The new station will be called the Delores “Dee” Hamrick Turner Nurse Station. The family said, “We are thankful for the opportunity to help VIA Health Partners
Peter Brunnick, a Shelby native and President/CEO of VIA Health Partners, said “Gifts like this one from the Hamrick family represent a direct investment in our ability to care for anyone who needs us, regardless of medical complexity or ability to pay. Our Wendover Hospice House is an important community asset, and we are thrilled to set the Hamrick’s gift to good work.”
VIA Health Partners offers hospice and palliative services spanning 35 counties across North and South Carolina.
The VIA Health Partners Cleveland County office serves as the hub of the Western Region which includes Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Rutherford, and Polk counties.
About VIA Health Partners: VIA Health Partners began as Hospice at Charlotte, the state’s first hospice, and was incorporated in 1978. Later, Hospice at Charlotte operated under the name Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region (HPCCR) for decades before changing its name change to VIA Health Partners in 2023. In Fall 2020, Hospice Cleveland County and HPCCR merged. Today, VIA Health Partners serves over 3,500 patients on any given day through its hospice and palliative services. For more information, visit VIAhp.org. Submitted by Pam Sharts
The one you’ve been looking for! Plenty of space for family and built to entertain. The home is located in a wooded setting with no immediate neighbors, yet five minutes to uptown Shelby restaurants and shopping.
Solid 1980’s construction, with trend forward updates throughout the home. The perfect location.
Deer visit the yard in the evenings, your own nature path close by, yet close to Hwy 74 & I-85 for CLT airport access and larger city activities. If you like the small town vibe, uptown Shelby is five minutes away! Restaurants, shops, and breweries line the streets of this historic town. Inside the home, an open concept lends itself to family togetherness. You’re never too far away from the action with easy sight lines from the kitchen, to dining, and living rooms. Enjoy the wood burning fireplace while relaxing in the living room. On point trend colors throughout pull the entire home together. Baths feature ceramic tile showers & tub, along with new vanity cabinets and toilets. The basement has a large scale wet bar for entertaining, fireplace for ambiance, plus ceiling mounted projector and speakers for enjoying a movie or watching the game! Have a teenager needing space or visiting friends & family, the basement also includes a large bedroom and bathroom. Everything you want and need in a fully refreshed home!
Contact Info: Call:(704) 284-9369
Email: trilogyfirst@gmail.com or southeasternsolutionsllc@gmail.com
Deadline: Tuesday at 3:00 pm
BRATION. Sunday, May 5th. Begins at 4:00pm. Mitchell Whisnant in Concert. Free event. Please bring lawnchairs. Food trucks on site. Mountain View Farm Event Barn, 1409 West Stagecoach Trail, Lawndale, NC 28090. Non parishables (canned goods/ nutritional beverages) for Hospice are highly encouraged. No alcohol allowed.
GOLDEN DOMERS TOY AND HOBBY. Visit our NEW LOCATION .....Model Cars, Die-cast Cars & Trucks, Tractors, Hot Wheels, Construction Toys, Sports Memorabilia, Autographed Items, Hard to Find Items! See Mike & Brandon Willis. We’re located at 104 Oliver Ave. (behind El Acapulco Mexican Restaurant in Boiling Springs), Shelby 704-297-0102 or 704-297-0103
TOWN OF WACO PUBLIC NOTICE. The Town of Waco will hold their 2024-2025 Fiscal Budget Meeting on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 6:00 pm. This meeting is not open to the public. If anyone has any suggestions to review for the upcoming Fiscal Year, please email your suggestions to jbarretttownofwaco@ gmail.com. (704) 678-3171 lott3171@bellsouth.net
REAL FIRE ANT KILLER Visit www.NC4Ever.com to learn about the Real Fire Ant Killer NC4Ever@usa.com
Tues.-Sat. 11am-4pm. Farm House Decor, Antiques, Collectibles, Vintage Toys, Hot Wheels, Jewelry, MORE. 985 US 74 Business Hwy., Ellenboro. Find us on Facebook. 828-382-0075.
NOW HIRING LANDSCAPERS FOR FULL TIME YEAR ROUND EMPLOYMENT. Must have valid driver’s license and transportation. Over time available. (704) 473-0341
WANTED: HOUSEKEEPER IN GASTON COUNTY every 2 weeks. Phone #980-880-7324. Leave voice mail if no answer. 2005 Chevrolet for sale.
NOW IS THE TIME. Over 25 years Exp! Install Replace Hot water Heaters, Mulching, Trees and Bushes trimmed, Minor Repairs, Ceiling Fans, Mini Blind Installation, Any Handyman Services. No Job too Big or Small! References available. We will show up and do the job. Call us first, 704-692-4449. FOR REASONABLE RATE LAWN SERVICE. Call (704) 472-4737
ERIC MOBILE MECHANIC. I will come to you to repair any car, lawnmower or tractor. Honest & Reliable! (704) 300-2332
SALTZ HANDY SERVICES! We clean houses, clean out garages, haul off unwanted items, pressure washing, mowing and lawn care. Light landscaping, debris clean up & much more. Free estimates. 828-556-0580 or 828-226-9878.
CARETAKER LOOKING TO CARE FOR YOUR LOVED ONE. Bathing, feeding, light cooking, light housekeeping, run errands. 20 years experience. Cleveland County area. 828-500-8770.
RETIRED VETERAN. Reasonable Lawn Care. Mowing, trimming, blowing, pressure washing. Low rates. Call 704297-6540
CONCRETE REMOVAL, JUNK REMOVAL, demolition, retaining walls, pavers and grading. 828-453-8113.
Call us for a free estimate on our residential and business cleaning services! We have appointments available! Call or text (980) 295-8032 graycee2001@icloud.com
TONEY’S PLUMBING REPAIR. Tub, faucet installation, kitchen lavatory installation, hot water heater repair/replace, drain clean. All work guaranteed. 828-429-5035.
THE CONTRACTOR. Painting, roofing, tile floors, wood decks, fences & carpentry work. Free estimates. Ask for Harold 828429-7511.
CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Summer Tuneup Special, $69.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704472-9367.
CONCRETE WORKS. Driveways, Patios, Garage slabs, Concrete repairs and removable. Bobcat work also available. 828-716-0510.
UNIQUE MISC LIQUIDATION AUCTION. ONLINE ONLY. Lots start closing Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 @ 6 pm EST. WWW. EJ-AUCTION.COM, Pickup Location: Hendersonville, NC 28791. Partial Listing: All kinds of Tools, Antiques, Chairs, Dishes, Glassware, Weed eaters, and more! Variety of new items that have never been opened, (More information and pictures to be added to Online Catalog daily). Very unique items at this Auction! EDWARD JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS, INC. Hot Springs, NC 28743, 828-5939649, NC8134 NC8496 (828) 593-9649
10TH ANNUAL PLANT SALE. Saturday, May 11th 8:00AM11:00AM. Extension Master Gardener Association of Cleveland County presents Annual Plant Sale and garden creations, gifts and treasures. Cooperative Extension Auditorium, 130 South Post Road. Shelby, NC 28152
SALE. Sat May 4th, 2024 from 07:00 AM - 01:00 PM; Sat May 11th, 2024 from 07:00 AM - 01:00 PM. 301 East Parker Street, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 (704) 616-1690 momma6116@yahoo.com
CRYSTAL SPRINGS ESTATES. Sat, May 4th, 7am12pm. (off HWY. 18 North), Crystal Springs Lane & TR Harris Dr. (Next to Neal Sr. Center) Shelby, NC 28150
MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE. Sat May 4th, 2024 from 07:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Various sizes of men, women and kids clothes, household, toys and misc. Something for everyone! 808 Waters St.,Shelby, NC 28152
YARD SALE! Sat May 4th, 2024 from 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM, 108 Wood Cove Lane, Shelby, NC 28150
5 FAMILY YARD SALE. Sat, May 4th, 7 am-Until. Rain date - Sat, May 11th. Tools and something for everyone. 1127 Earl Rd, Shelby, NC 28152
HUGE/4 FAMILY YARD SALE. Fri, May 3rd, 9am & Sat, May 4th, 8am. 603 Stony Point Rd., Kings Mountain, NC 28086
Sat., May 4th, 7 AM - 12 PM. Too much to list. 1027 Old Boiling Springs Road, Shelby, NC 28152
YARD SALE. Fri, May 3rd & Sat, May 4th. 8 am-Until. Toys, Household, Clothes and lots of misc. items. 5034 Red Road, Shelby, NC 28152
2 FAMILY YARD SALE Sat, May 4th, 7 AM-12 PM. Rain or Shine. 1420 S. Post Rd, Shelby, NC 28152
SALE. Over 60 participating merchants and individuals. Saturday, May 4, 7:30am until noon. Historic Downtown Marion Business District, 104 South Main Street, Marion, NC 28752
SALE. Thursday, Friday & Saturday- May 2, 3 & 4; 7AM-2PM. Too much to list. 106 Pinehurst Road, Ellenboro, NC 28040
ESTATE SALE Saturday, May 4th, 7AM-until. Furniture, glassware, antiques, misc. 838 Dycus Road, Ellenboro, NC 28040
SALE Saturday, May 4; 10am4pm. Household, Electronics, Motorcycle Seats, Hardhats, Pans, More. 228 Griffin Road, Forest City, NC 28043
ESTATE TAG SALE Friday & Saturday, May 3rd and 4th, 8AM-3PM. Entire household of items. Extremely nice furniture by Drexel, Hooker, Cochran, Sumter Cabinet & others. Some mid-century & some antique pieces. Large amounts of flowers, wreaths, brass items, crystal, kitchenware. Large Elvis Presley collection. Huge name-brand bird figurine collection, many framed & matted prints. New Rainbow vacuum & other vacuums. Some yard tools, extension ladder, & more. This house looks like a home-decor showroom. Clean & quality. 436 Sunset Memorial Road, Forest City, NC 28043
ANTIQUE PECAN DINING ROOM SET: table with leaf and 6 chairs, China cabinet with light. Excellent condition, very well made. $1800. 828429-3117.
DISCOUNT APPLIANCES. Refrigerators, washers, dryers and stoves. 1205 Earl Road, Shelby, NC. (704) 477-4766
TRACTORS, EQUIPMENT, RIDING MOWERS, GARDEN TILLERS, GO-KARTS. Ready to mow. All in excellent condition. Can deliver, 30+ years experience in repair work. 828980-0853, 704-476-9383.
2 SNAPPER RIDING LAWNMOWERS $250 for both. Call 704-477-1545.
LOVE BIRDS & FINCHES. Majestic foldable wheel chair. Suzuki digital piano, HP85. China cabinet. (704) 538-2022
OAK FLOORING. APPROXIMATELY 400 SQUARE FOOT, tongue and groove oak flooring. Unfinished. $1200. OBO. 603540-3813
FIREWOOD. Firewood $70 1/4 cord 90% oak. Bundles $4each. Oak Tomato Stakes $2 each. 704-435-3970. (704) 435-3970
PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788
TANK. $10 I have empty grill size propane tanks $10 (704) 300-1818 kim_hopper@bellsouth.net
Wood shipping crates for sale with some lids. 3 different sizes. I can send pictures. I have a few smaller crates ideal for planter. (704) 300-1818 kim_hopper@ bellsouth.net
PLANTS FOR SALE. 20 different Hosta plants, Iris-different colors, Daylilies, Weeping trees and Cherry tree. Call 828-2450245.
$2 PLANT SALE. Sat, May 4th, 8am-12pm. Ol’ Timey bedding plants, bushes and trees, plus art for your garden. All proceeds to fund local spay & neuter programs. NO Early Sales. 700 Westover Terrace, Shelby, NC 28150
MOVING SALE Cash Only . Sleep Number Smart I-8 Bed with Sleep Technology and remote controls. Split King size already disassembled and ready for new owner. 2 Lazy-Boy Rocker Recliners in brown color fabric, excellent condition. Computer table in oak finish in excellent condition, best offers on any of these items. (404) 409-3420 romrichard1@gmail.com
HUSQVARNA RIDING MOWER 38’’ cut. Very good condition, used very little. $800. Mountain bike, like new $100. 828-286-4426 or 828-2890901.
FOUR CEMETERY PLOTS. Located at Cleveland Memorial Park in Shelby, NC. All four plots are next to sidewalk at the Bell Tower “Great Location”. $1200 each or all four $4000. call (704) 466-8295
2 ADJOINING GRAVE PLOTS. In Cleveland Memorial Cemetery. All 2 plots together for $1200. Individually-$600. Dorothy McSwain - 704-434-6443 or Ed Bowman - 704-740-7744.
CARSON CITY SILVER DOLLARS & 1 OZ. SILVER BARS & ROUNDS Available (While Supplies Last)* Plus: KNIVES•KNIVES•KNIVES at Jake’s Knives & Coins located at 1008 S. Lafayette St., Shelby. Call 704-600-6996 or (980) 295-5568
HORSE QUALITY HAY FOR SALE. Call (704) 487-6855
STEEL BUILDINGS. “Large On Site Display”. Concrete Pads, Grading, Plumbing, Electrical. “One Stop Shop For All !” J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City, 2690 Hwy. 221 South. (828) 245-5895
TRAILERS, LAWNMOWER TRAILERS, Flatbed Trailers, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC. 704-434-6389, (704) 473-0867
CARPORTS, GARAGES, BOAT, RV COVER HAY BARNS, Etc. “Check Out Our Price Before You Buy... There Is Difference!” J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City. (828) 245-5895
STORAGE BUILDINGS WOOD OR METAL. New, Used, Repo. New Buildings from $3756.00. Inventory changes weekly! J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City, NC. (828) 245-5895
TRAILERS NEW5X10 WITH GATE $1395. Areas Largest Trailer Inventory, Equipment, Dumps, Landscape, Enclosed, Gooseneck “New & Used”. Best Cash Deals Around, Credit Cards, Financing, Rent to Own, No Credit Check Available. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City. (828) 245-5895
METAL ROOFING FOR SALE INSTOCK! Deliveries Twice A Week. One Piece or the Whole Roof. J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City. (828) 245-5895
NEW-USED TRAILERS PARTS & ACCESSORIES FOR ALL TYPES OF TRAILERS. 1500 Square Feet of Parts, Axles, Tires, Lights, Gates, Ramps, etc. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City, (828) 245-5895
TINY HOUSE / OFFICE UNIT. 12’ X 28’. Small Kitchen, 1/2 Bath, TV on Wall, Heat & Air. $35,900. Deliver & Blocked. “Financing Available”. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City. (828) 245-5895
$466. Delivered, installation for both +$175.00. Motors must have plug connectors. Scooterman John 704-951-4224 (704) 951-4224 mobilityservices07@ gmail.com
SALE: Various sizes and styles. Keep it dry and safe! 828-351-8846.
AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-289-1488.
WANT TO BUY CARS& TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006
WE’LL BUY YOUR UNWANTED VEHICLES. Cash! Title Preferred. Charlie at 980-4035859.
WANT TO BUY CARS& TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006
LOOKING TO BUY White Oak and Popular Standing Timber/Saw Timber. 3 acres or more. 828-289-0742.
CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Running or not, title or no title. Call Charles Dellinger at Red Road Towing. 704-692-6767, (704) 487-0228
I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197
4x4 Hyd. Top & Side Link. Gear Shift, Shuttle 3rd Function valve, Front end loader. less than 200 hrs. $22,000. 704616-0309.
4 FT. DISC HARROW $300. Cultivator $250. Stone walk-behind vibratory plate tamp. $175. OLD chain-link fence, 150 ft. $75. 828-289-1817.
AVAILABLE. Tractor with 6’ rototiller. No job too big or small ! (704) 692-4079
SQUARE BALES OF GRASS HAY. $5 per bale in field, will help load. Call now for baling date. 704-300-2502, 704-4186080.
HENS FOR SALE. 4 Types - Brahma, Ameraucana, Red Producer & Cochins $30 each. Call (828) 289-7719
2 FRENCH BULL DOGS. 2 years old, male and female. Free to good home.
FREE! VERY SWEET LOVING FEMALE CAT. To a good home. Call between 3pm & 8pm. (704) 473-9840
OLD. Vacccinated & wormed. $175. White homing pigeons, $15 ea. Lawndale. (704) 4729481
DOBERMAN PINSCHER PUPS. Born 3/4/24. Black/Tan & Red/Tan. Shots, wormed, tails docked, dew claws removed. Males & Females, CKC Reg available. $700 each. TEXT: 864 490 8447 bdobermans@gmail.com
KOI FISH FOR SALE. All colors; short and long fin; 4”-5” $5. Each; larger $10. each. (864) 546-2778 brendasherman9@ gmail.com
CKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES for sale. These 2 sweet little girls are looking for their forever homes. Vet checked and ready to go April 16th. Asking $500 each. (704) 734-7088 joelovestina1@gmail. com
AKC CANE CORSO. Registered AKC Cane Corso puppies. Shots up to date, ready to go. $1000. (704) 974-2716
3 MALE TOY POODLES. One black and white, one black, one chocolate. $500 each. CKC papers. 828-289-8844
BOXER PUPPIES, CKC REGISTERED. 8 weeks old, shots & worming UTD. Big, Healthy puppies. $300 each. (704) 4663135
LITTER OF TOY SHIH-POO/ MALTESE. 2 little teacup Malti_ Poo, 9 weeks. Adult male Yorkie-Poo, 5 lbs or under, neutered. 2 year old male toy CKC reg. Poodle, neutered. Lab mix / Squirrel Feist. 1 year old male, neutered. All are Vet check & shots UTD & wormed. Call for info for prices, colors etc. (828) 391-0919
ROTTWEILER PUPPIES. Imported Champion Working Lines. $500. each. 828-7557335.
AKC BELGIAN MALINOIS Born 11/27/2023. Mom and dad on site. 2 Boys and 2 Girls. AKC papers available. (704) 466-6447 nicolas.norris1982@ gmail.com
FULL BLOODED BASSET HOUND PUPS. Ready for new home! Wormed, no shots. 1 male, 2 females, no papers, $300ea. 828-289-1258.
DOG KENNELS. 5X10X6, 10x10x4, 10x10x6, 10x20x6. Single Kennel, Double Kennel or Triple Kennel. Dog Houses. Rain Tops Available. “Pickup or Delivery Available.” J. Johnson Sales, Forest City (828) 2455895
1800CC TRIKE. Looking to sell California sidecar Trike, two owners, garaged and running great. 36000 miles cash offer only. Has AM / FM and cd changer. Only serious inquires only Dan 586-321-3458. No texts or codes. (586) 321-3458
2005 HONDA VTX 1300R
CARDINAL 2005 Honda VTX 1300r. Excellent condition, low mileage. At E&H Honda, Forest City, where it has always been serviced. Screen, saddle bags, highway bars, foot pegs, deer protector, many extras. 828-6252434 isama1@bellsouth.net
1979 CADILLAC SEDAN 425 engine, 61,000 miles, drive anywhere. $5,300. 870-4044810. Forest City.
2003 CHEVROLET CORVETTE 84,323 miles, Don’t Wait!, C5 Red, 350 engine, automatic trans. $22,500. (704) 487-1205
2004 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS 137,000 miles, kept in shed, clean, one owner, $7495. (704) 692-3168
VACATION BEACH RENTAL, OCEAN LAKES. Weeks & 3 day weekends available Sleeps 6. 704-473-1494.
VACATION RENTAL- MYRTLE BEACH 3BR condo, available June 1-8, June 8-15, August 17-24. $1895 weekly. Nights available April/May. 828-4476611. Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
A1 HOUSING-AFFORDABLE HOMES FOR EVERYONE DO YOU OWN LAND? DO YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON A HOME? A1 Housing LLC is HERE FOR YOU! We have MANUFACTURED HOMES with payments starting at $800/month* LAND OWNER’S SPECIAL GOING ON NOW ON ALL MODELS IN STOCK AND CUSTOM ORDERED! Call us for details 704-774-1500 for details! (704) 774-1500 info@ a1housing.net
LOOKING FOR HOME TO RENT around Shelby or Lawndale, NC. I’m on a budget, reliable and can pay $350 per month. Need 2 to 3 bedrooms. (704) 297-1827
2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, 704-739-0259. (704) 739-2059
HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, Shelby. (704) 487-6354
LOCATED IN SHELBY NC. Is currently accepting applications for our 2 and 3 bedroom Townhomes. Rent is based on income (and even some expenses are deducted). Call or visit today! 1526 Eaves Road, Shelby, NC or call for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. (704) 487-1114
LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE. Has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications now. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street, Shelby, NC (704) 482-7723 (704) 482-7723 Lions@RPMMANAGED.COM
MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. Weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. NO TEXTING. (704) 473-4299
5 BR HOUSE for rent in Boiling Springs. Available in 2 weeks. 704-300-0920.
55 and older. 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartments. Forest City. $675 deposit, $675 month. 828-4479622.
2 & 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Small private park between Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $700 per month. 828-382-0475.
OAKLAND- 1 bedroom apartment, like new. SS appliances. $685 plus deposit and references. Only well qualified apply. 828-351-3322.
APARTMENTS in Rutherfordton is accepting applications for the waiting list for 2 Bedroom & 1 Bedroom apartments. Designed for the elderly (62+) or persons with disabilities of any age. Accessible units designed for persons with disabilities subject to availability. Rental Assistance available. $25 application fee; credit/criminal check required. Visit us at 182 Cottage Lane, Rutherfordton or call 828-2868188 for more info. Equal Housing Opportunity. This institution is professionally managed by Partnership Property Management, an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Single Size–Size–5 WEEKS, 5 $55 (B&W) $70 (COLOR)
Single Size Size–10 WEEKS, 10 $99 (B&W) $129 (COLOR)
Double Size– ouble Size–5 WEEKS, 5 $110 (B&W) $140 (COLOR)
Double Size– ouble Size–10 WEEKS, 10 $198 (B&W) $258 (COLOR)
Triple Size–5 WEEKS, 5 $165 (B&W) $210 (COLOR)
Triple Size–10 WEEKS, 10 $330 (B&W) $420 (COLOR)