Visitors are invited to travel back in time at The Schiele Museum of Natural History on Saturday, February 22 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM during the 24th Annual Fossil Fair. Participants can search for North Carolina fossils, meet live animals (“living fossils”), mine for gemstones, explore the Dino Safari exhibit, talk to geologists and paleontologists, enjoy a dinosaur-themed planetarium show, and learn all about prehistoric life. For rock collectors, gemstone
gemstones in a running water sluice and search for mini fossils in a specially constructed dig site. There will also be familyfriendly scavenger hunts, crafts, and hands-on activities.
In addition, The Schiele will have specimens on display that will be part of the future Elizabeth Williams Robinson Hall of Dinosaurs. Now under construction, this space will be the largest dinosaur exhibit in the Carolinas, with 4,200 square feet of authentic fossils, interactive learning experiences, and full-bodied cast specimens of T-rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus, and more.
Museum Program Specialist and Fossil Fair coordinator Nathan Chapman says, “On the surface, fossils may seem cold and lifeless, but they are invitations to explore the amazing history of life on Earth! From dinosaurs and giant insects to volcanoes and floods, fossils reveal the story of worlds that once were.”
The Schiele would like to thank First Horizon Bank for their generous support of Fossil Fair. Tickets for this one-day-only event are available at the door for $18 per person and provide access to all activities, including the “Jurassic Flaws” planetarium
program, showing exclusively during Fossil Fair every 30 minutes throughout the day. Discounted advance tickets can be purchased online at schielemu-
The Schiele Museum of Natural History inspires wonder, curiosity, and an appreciation of the natural world, providing the
region with a unique educational resource. Visitors to The Schiele learn about the world around them through exceptional programming, fascinating exhibits, and ongoing research. To find out more, visit SchieleMuseum. org or follow The Schiele on social media.
CONGRATULATIONS! Our lucky Shelby Shopper & Info Super Bowl Contest winner was David White. David is from Shelby and said his favorite NFL team is the Philadelphia Eagles. His ballot was the only ballot received correctly picking the Eagles to win the Super Bowl and predicting the exact combined final score of 62 points. We would like to thank our 12 contest sponsors and everyone that participated in our Super Bowl Contest this year.
Transportation Administration of Cleveland County, Inc. provides non-emergency transportation to citizens of Cleveland County, under the following services:
TACC offers transport to local medical appointments as well as out-of-county appointments such as Gastonia, Charlotte, and the Asheville VA Medical Center.
TACC also provides two Fixed circular routes for the general public.
1. Cleveland County Transit (CCT) scheduled routes that run Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 3:08pm.
2. West End REACH transit scheduled routes that run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:00am to 3:00pm.
By Loretta Cozart
Kings Mountain Gateway Trail announced its 5K and 10-mile runs for March 22 this year at 807 S. Battleground Ave. in Kings Mountain. Runners can sign up at www.runsignup. com.
The runs are professionally managed on the day of the run, on Facebook, and at the website www.runsignup.com.
Sponsors for the run receive a thank you letter and complimentary runner forms to give to runners. Complimentary run shirts are given to the runners, and nice trophies are awarded to winners of all ages and run categories. Run Shirts have the sponsor names on the back, and a large banner is placed with sponsor names on the front of the trail building. They are listed on the trail website each year.
The trail opened in 2009 and began having annual 5K and l0-mile runs for a fundraiser, exercise, and getting folks to Kings Mountain. Many local folks from a large area around Kings Mountain come to participate in a healthy event, giving runners something to look forward to and having lots of outdoor fun.
Kings Mountain Gateway Trail Director Shirley Brutko said, “2025 marks the Kings Mountain Gateway Trail’s 16th year, and
all the runs have been a big success. We usually have anywhere between 180 to 230 runners participating and approximately 150 attending and watching the event.”
“It supports tourism and economic development for Kings Mountain, the county, and the region.
Sometimes, we have outof-town runners who stay at our local hotels,” she continued. “We run in all weather and sometimes have rain, snow, ice, and sunshine. We serve refreshments at the event and have a large tent to shelter runners if needed.
All sponsor dollars are used to pay for the run expenses and to help with trail needs such as upkeep, etc.”
To sign up, visit www. runsignup.com. For more information, call 704-6853549 or 704-739-9663.
(Part 2 of “Cupid” Series)
The topic of love is something that inspires poems, songs, and countless expressions of affection. Yet, when we delve deeper into the essence of love, especially from a spiritual perspective, we realize it is far more than a temporary feeling; it is a calling, a commitment that mirrors God’s everlasting love for us. In the Bible, we find numerous references to love that guide us in understanding this essential truth. 1 John 4:7 (NKJV) says, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” This beautifully encapsulates the core of love’s purpose. Love should not be a transient feeling; instead, it ought to represent our deep bond with God. When we act out of love, we become the vessels through which God’s love flows, pouring from Him to us and ultimately to others.
More Than Romance
In a world that often equates love with romance and passion, it’s important to remember the foundational nature of love, as shown
in John 15:12-13 (NLT), where Jesus says, “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Here, love is portrayed not just as a feeling, but as a lifestyle—a commitment that sometimes requires significant sacrifices. This commitment is vividly illustrated in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NLT), a passage often read at weddings. “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” These verses not only speak to romantic love but highlight the characteristics of love that show resilience, forgiveness, and an unwavering dedication to the well-being of others. Love is described here as deliberate and intentional, a choice we make each day rather than a mere reaction to feelings. When we consider the implications of this scripture, we are reminded that real love
often involves putting others’ needs before our own, reflecting the sacrificial love of Christ.
“ Lord, you are the essence of love. I praise your holy name. Forgive me for being selfish, and not loving people unconditionally, or treating them the way I Corinthians 13 describes. I ask that you purify my heart so that I may please you. Lord, cause me to overflow with your love, so that as I encounter others they will experience you working through me. All the glory belongs to you. In Jesus’ name - Amen.” CONNECTING TO GOD: I encourage you to open your heart to God’s love and grace. Seek forgiveness for past wrongs, and invite Jesus into your heart as your Savior and Lord. Find a supportive community in a local church where you can grow and serve others. You can cultivate a meaningful relationship with God by dedicating daily time to reading the Bible and praying.
Danyale Patterson would love to connect with you! Contact her at www.danyale. com to share a testimony, send a prayer request, or book her for speaking engagements.
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Saturday, February 22
What: Crest FFA Benefit Concert
When: 5:30 pm, February 22.
Where: Crest High Auditorium, 800 Boiling Springs Rd., Shelby, NC.
More Info: The Crest High School Alumni Association is organizing a benefit concert to raise money for the school chapter. These funds will be used to buy supplies for FFA chapter activities, allow students to participate in competitions, as well attend leadership conferences and state/national conventions. Featuring Dirty Grass Soul, Mason Cole, Lindy Bryson. Doors open at 4:30. Tickets available at my.hometownticketing.com
What: Heart and Sole 5K/10M Trail Race
When: 9:00 am, February 22.
Where: Broad River Greenway, 126 Broad River Drive, Shelby, NC.
Monday, February 24
What: Benefit Auction
When: 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm, February 24.
Where: Dragonfly Wine Market, 101 W. Warren St., Shelby, NC.
Monday, February 24
When: 9:00 am until 1:00 pm, February 24.
More Info: This first annual event, designed to promote heart health and outdoor activity, offers participants a choice between a scenic 5K or a challenging 10-mile course. Best of all, every step taken benefits the Broad River Greenway. “This event has something for everyone,” said Executive Director Kim Duren. “The 10-mile race is perfect for those ready to go the distance, while the 5K is great for runners and walkers alike.” The race features chip timing, allowing participants to start as soon as they are checked in. Well-behaved dogs on leashes are also welcome to join their owners on the course, making this a fun event for the whole family. Registration is now open. Participants can sign up at https://runsignup.com/Race/ NC/Shelby/BroadRiverGreenwayHeartAndSoleMK.
What: Free Workshop, “Your Land, Your Legacy”
Where: American Legion Post #82, 1628 S. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC.
More Info: Local landowners and farmers are invited to attend a free workshop, “Your Land, Your Legacy,” on Monday, February 24th, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Extension Auditorium, located at 130 S Post Rd #1, Shelby, NC 28152. Registration starts at 8:30 AM, with breakfast biscuits. This informative event will cover a range of topics to help attendees make the most of their land and plan for its future. Topics include the Present Use Value Program, Estate Planning Resources, Wildlife Management, Conservation Easements, FSA Programs, and Ag Law for Leases and Drones. A Box Lunch will be provided at no cost to participants. This workshop is sponsored by AgSouth Farm Credit, Farm Bureau of Cleveland County, Cleveland Soil & Water Conservation District, Cleveland County Government, and the N.C. Cooperative Extension. To secure your spot, please RSVP by calling 704-482-4365 by February 18th.
More Info: Come join us for a fun filled evening where you can have a chance at owning some Cleveland County history and more. We have some antique items that will be auctioned along with some recently discovered Earl Owensby Studios memorabilia. Between now and the auction date, we will start adding some of the items in the comments on our Facebook event page (Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza Facebook page) The event starts at 6 pm to give you a chance to look at all the items in person. Auction will start at 7 pm. There is a $5 bid fee. All funds raised will go towards the renovation of the former E.0. Studio, now the future home for Clifford’s Army Rescue. First drink is on us if you sign up to bid on items!
C.A.R.E is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, dog rescue organization run by a fierce army of 100% volunteers.
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom off Dale St. between Sumter & Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-692-2092 or church office, 704-482-3467.
Al-Anon Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at Noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.
Monthly Meeting at American Legion, Post 82: 2nd Monday of every month. Meal at 6:00 pm, Meeting at 6:30 pm. Warren F. Hoyle, American Legion, Post 82, 1628 South Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. We invite all Veterans to attend our monthly meetings. If you are a son or grandson of a veteran, you can join the Sons of the American Legion. Members of the Legion family can join the Legion Riders. To join the American Legion, the veteran holds an honorable discharge or is an active duty veteran. Spouses, daughters, granddaughters of a veteran can join the Auxiliary.
NEIGHBORHOOD CALENDAR DEADLINE: Fridays, 3 PM, prior to Thursday’s edition. Go to shelbyinfo.com and click on SUBMIT EVENTS
DIRECTIONS: Hwy 150 between Shelby & Boiling Springs near Airport. Turn on Burke Rd., between Sharon Church & Thelma Lou’s Barbecue. Go I mile, red shed on right.
F150 Ford Truck, 1996 International w/444 Diesel Engine w/ 24’ Box. GUNS & KNIVES: Military M1911 .45 ACP w/Custom Leather Holster & 30 rounds of Ammo, Winchester Commemorative Knife (14” Bowie), Winchester Model 62 Pump Rifle .22 Caliber, Daisey BB gun, Sears BB gun, JC Higgins BB gun, Italian RTS Cal 22 Blank Gun, Phoenix 25 Auto USA, WMR 22 Magnu7m, EIG Navy Italy .36 Caliber Revolver. POTTERY: BB Craig, Joe Rhinehart, Pigeon Forge, Hal Dedmond, Steve Abee (Lenior), Catawba Valley, FH Bowden, John Garrow, Watt, Swirl. CAST IRON: Kettle, Covered Pan w/Lid,Irons, Miniature Stove, Shoe Lasts. MISC: Vintage Rheinmetal Typewriter, Vintage Mimeograph Machine, Lamp w/Painted Shade, Dietz Lantern, Quilts, Sports Illustrated Calendars-’80’s-2010, Penthouse & Playboy Magazines, Dirt Devil Vacuum, Men’s Camo Hunting Clothes, Silverplate, Fishing Rods & Reels, Animal Trap, Metal Chaise Lounge, Wooden Butter Molds, Kitchen Items, Iron Baby Bed, Sony Hands Cam (Digital), Camera & VCR Items, Linens, Towels, Sheets, Records, Abercrombie & Fitch Silver Flask, Kitchen-aid Side by Side Refrigerator, Maytag Washer & Dryer on Pedestals. COLLECTIBLES: Archdale Farms (Kings Mountain) Wooden Milk Box, Tom Clark Gnomes, Swarovski Crystal Miniatures, Pins, Mugs & Pitchers, Souvenir Spoons, Texaco Airplanes & Vehicles, Cabbage Patch Doll, Vogue Doll (Ginny), Souvenir Program Cleveland County Mammoth Historical Program Spectacle 1940, Creamsicle’s. FURNITURE: End Tables w/ Marble Tops, Wood Block Kitchen Island, Antique Chests, Kincaid Sofa, Chair & Ottoman, Victorian Love Seat, Table & Chairs. GLASS & CHINA: Figurines, Hull, Glasses & Stemware, Theodore Haviland, Blue & White, Ruby (60+Pieces), Cobalt Blue, Bavaria, Colored Glassware, Clear Glass, Murano Glass, 5 Gallon Glass Jug, Desert Rose by Franciscan, Tiffany Like Lamps. TOOLS: Craftsman, Black & Decker, Schumacher.
SUNDAY, FEB 23rd 1:00 pm. COINS: Silver Dollars (Morgan, Peace, Eisenhower & Carson City), Lincoln Memorial Collection, Kennedy Halves, Mint Proof Sets, 2000 Colorized Golden Dollar, Sacagawea, Wheat Pennies, Indian Head Pennies, Uncirculated Quarters. 2007 1st Spouse Bronze Medal, Series Colorized American Eagle, US Presidents Coin Collection, Postal Comm. Society, 25 Years of America’s Finest Coinage, Ten New US Five Cent Coins 2004-2006, Never Circulated Coins, 100 years,Lincoln Coins & Stamps 1909-2009, US Uncirculated Coins Mint Sets Collection, Uncirculated Bank Set, State Quarters (Lar4ge Amount), War Year Nickels, Golden Dollar Rolls, JFK Half Dollar 50th Anniversary Edition, Colorized State Quarters, State Quarters Proof Sets, Obama Silver Dollar, ‘Freedom Tower’ Silver Dollar, US Bicentennial Silver Proof Sets, US Commemorative Galley - The Kennedy Half Dollar 1964-2007, US Proof Dollar Coins Stamps & Coins, America the Beautiful State Quarter Collection, Kennedy 50c CN Clad, Walking Liberty, Franklin 1/2, Lincoln Cents, Ancient Roman Coin, Silver Certificates, American Eagles, Liberty Head Nickel, Roosevelt Dimes, 1956 Corvette Street Thunder Series, Jefferson Nickels, Barber 1/2 Dollar, Barber Quarters, Buffalo Nickels, Mercury Dimes, Australia Silver Kookaburra, Mexican 1 oz. Silver Libertad, Presidential Dollar Coins, Govt Hong Kong 10 Cent, 1865 2 Cent Piece, The Obama Change Collection. JEWELRY: Large amount of Costume Jewelry from 4 Estates.
Valentine’s day is almost here and how many valentines will you have?
In elementary school we traded Valentine cards. We actually had a big box and we stuffed it full of valentine cards to our classmates. If we received 20 or 30 valentine cards then we felt good because we had a lot of valentines.
You may or may not receive many cards this year if any at all. Nice cards are expensive as are flowers, candy and dinners.
Whether you receive a Valentine card or not doesn’t determine the number of people in your life you care about or who care about you.
Some people may determine their self-worth by how many friends they have on social media. Are they really your friends? Possibly you go to church with a lot of people you care about and who care about you. Maybe you still have several family members you are close to and who love you and you love them.
We have so much hate in the world. Political
parties are filled with hate. Many Democrats hate President Donald Trump. Many Republicans hate former President Joe Biden. Some Republicans and Democrats hate each other. Some people hate Elon Musk. Some people hate or love the Philadelphia Eagles. People hate former husbands, wives, girlfriends and boyfriends.
Hate is obvious in the world. In many of our major cities there is a murder every day. Too often more than one.
What does hate accomplish? It’s a very negative emotion that has negative results. Someone often gets hurt where hate is involved. Hate hurts the hater. Hate does not create a spring of well-being and joy. Hate cuts deep within us and your body doesn’t’ react positively to this longterm dark emotion. There is a line of demarcation. The Jewish people who had loved ones raped and murdered by Hamas don’t feel loving toward Hamas. The citizens of Ukraine don’t feel loving toward Putin and Russia.
We surely understand their feelings.
Yet, somehow and some way in this life we have to find a way to rise above and to soar higher. It’s not always easy to love, but love covers a multitude of sins.
I don’t know how Jesus could love me. All my sins put him on the cross. Yet, over and over again, the Bible tells me that God loves me and for what reason? I have done nothing to deserve his love.
Try to show and tell more people you love them. Call some people this week and tell them you love them. Tell some Democrats and Republicans you love them. Tell some sinners you love them. You never know, some of the love you give just might come back to you.
When Mary anointed Jesus in the Bible, the entire house could smell the perfume. Jesus had the perfume all over him, but Mary also had the perfume all over her. Love anoints others but often we end up anointed as much as the ones to whom we extended love.
Valentine’s Day is a bright light in the middle of the winter. Come February 14, sweethearts celebrate their love and affection for one another on this day devoted to happy couples.
The origin of Valentine’s Day has generated much speculation over the years. Most early accounts do not point to heart-shaped boxes filled with chocolates. Rather, a few distinctive tales may paint the picture of early Valentine’s Day, and they have nothing to do with stuffed animals or romantic dinners.
Roman festival
One of the earliest records of the term Valentine’s Day is traced to the Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was a fertility festival. This annual event held on February 15 included animal sacrifices and priests called the Luperci who would take pieces of animal hide and touch it to the foreheads of women in the hopes it would make them more fertile. Fortunately for the squeamish (and the sacrificial animals), Pope Gelasius I ended Lupercalia and replaced it with St. Valentine’s Day by the end of the fifth century.
Two or three St. Valentines?
Most people attribute the origins of Valentine’s Day to the holiday’s namesake, St. Valentine. But it seems that Valentine was the surname of a few different individuals. According to History.com, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus. One Valentine was a priest during the reign of Emperor Claudius II, who decided that single men made better soldiers than those with families or wives. Claudius outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine disagreed with the decree and would perform marriages in secret. Others believe it was St. Valentine of Terni, a bishop beheaded by Claudius II outside of Rome, who was the true namesake.
Yet another Valentine may have been jailed and fell in love with a jailer’s daughter while in prison. He purportedly wrote to her, beginning the first Valentine card or letter tradition. Other stories say the imprisoned Valentine actually was writing to a blind woman he purportedly healed, and signed the note “from your Valentine.” It is hard to know who is who in regard to the name Valentine, as the stories and the people behind them are used interchangeably. Some historians believe they actually are the same person rather than several Valentines, while others insist there were multiple martyred individuals. However you slice it, the defiant actions of one or more people named “Valentine” set the course for centuries of romance to follow.
By Gary Miller
I can remember my first solo deer hunting trip. I sat in a maple tree that was only about 50 yards from an oak tree that was flooded with acorns. The path to that oak made its way right under my tree stand. I remember sitting there in an old Baker climbing stand that thankfully was later stolen by someone while hunting in Alabama (they probably saved my life). Everything about that hunt was new. Every effort was my first. Every situation was a fresh experience. I had ideas and thoughts, but they came only from other’s experiences and not my own. I spent those few hours looking at everything around me from a different perspective and position. The weeks before that day I had listened to others, watched hunters on TV, and had shot my bow as I was taught. Now I was on my own and there was no one to look for answers. I was so new, not only did I not know the answers, but I didn’t even know the questions. Have you ever been there?
Cleveland County Bass Club fished their first tournament of the year at Fishing Creek in Great Falls, SC on February 1st. This report is short and sweet because there was only one fish caught all day.
Here are the results:
There’s no doubt some who are reading this right now are living in a period of confusion. The cause of this confusion is not important – it all has to do with the need for answers. The problem is that you have prayed and prayed for answers to no avail. It seems as if you have maneuvered words and phrases thinking this would be the difference. You have assumed every position of humility to somehow show God how serious you are, and yet, still no answer. Now you are simply spent. You want to pray. You want to ask God. You want answers. But now you are not even sure you know what questions to ask. There is hope, however, for the believer.
God has given us the person of the Holy Spirit for situations like these. Here’s how the Apostle Paul explains it. “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.” (Romans 8:26-27) Have you ever been speechless? Have you ever been in a situation where the only thing you could do was moan or groan, or simply shake your head? The Holy Spirit interprets this to God in exactly the right question – the question you really wanted and needed to ask. God then gives you what you need the most. God always works in your hurt, not only by giving you the answer but also by giving you the question. And that, my friend, is a deal no one should refuse.
Gary Miller gary@outdoortruths.org
Under a new bill proposed last week, North Carolina seniors who have lived in their homes for at least fifteen years could see their state property taxes reduced.
The North Carolina General Assembly introduced House Bill 59 on February 4, aiming to expand the Elderly/Disabled Homestead Exclusion. This bill, sponsored by Representative Erin Paré, a Republican representing southwest Wake County, proposes significant measures to alleviate property tax burdens for senior citizens and disabled residents in North Carolina.
The bill outlines that a permanent residence owned and occupied by a qualifying owner will receive a property tax exclusion amounting to $25,000 or 50% of the residence's appraised value, whichever is greater. To qualify, owners must be at least 65 years old or totally and permanently disabled, have an income not exceeding $48,000, and have owned and occupied the property as a permanent residence for the previous fifteen consecutive years.
posts to her X (Twitter) social media account: "I am continuing to cut your taxes at the state level. The Democrats on the #WakeCounty Board of Commissioners are raising your property taxes to record levels. I’m not happy about it, and you aren’t either.” She continued, “Seniors on a fixed income are the most vulnerable to the Wake County Democrat’s tax and spend obsession. Many seniors on a fixed income are getting forced out of their home(s) at 80+ years old, having owned their homes for decades, paid county property taxes diligently for countless years, and planned to live the rest of their lives in the homes they have worked hard to pay off. Some have to choose between paying for necessary living expenses and their property tax bills, which, in some cases, have shot up 80%+ within the last decade. Unacceptable.”
“That’s why I am filing a bill this week to help our seniors,” Paré stated. “My bill extends the existing elderly/disabled homestead exemption (50%) to seniors aged 65 years old and older who have paid property tax on their primary residence for at least 15 years and have an income at or below 70% of AMI (county Average Medium Income).”
This legislative move aims to provide substantial financial relief to North Carolina's senior citizens, ensuring they can maintain their homes without the added stress of high property taxes. The bill's implementation is set for taxable years beginning on or after July 1, 20261.
Representative Paré described her reasons for presenting the new Bill through
House Bill 59's next step is to be referred to the Committee on Finance. If the committee finds the bill favorable, it will then move to the Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House for further consideration.
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 tsp. Italian Seasoning
1/2 tsp. onion powder
Kosher salt, to taste
Cracked black pepper to taste
2 cloves garlic minced
1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes drained and chopped
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1 cup baby spinach chopped
• Season the chicken breasts with Italian seasoning, onion powder, and salt and pepper.
Season on both sides of the chicken.
• Spray the inside of the crockpot with nonstick cooking spray. Layer the seasoned chicken in the bottom of the crockpot.
• In a mixing bowl, whisk together the chicken broth, heavy cream, minced garlic, chopped sundried tomatoes, and parmesan cheese.
• Pour the sauce over the chicken into the crock pot.
• Cook on high for 3 hours, or low for 5 hours.
• Right before serving, add the chopped spinach to the crockpot. Replace the lid and allow the spinach to wilt.
• Season with additional salt and pepper if needed. Serve over cooked pasta.
(Fran Black)
Put into saucepan and bring to a boil:
1 stick butter
1 cup water
1/2 cup shortening
3-1/2 tablespoons cocoa
Mix together in bowl:
2 cups PLAIN flour
2 cups sugar
Add ingredients from saucepan, then add: 1/2 cup buttermilk2 eggs
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
Bake in 13x9 pan at 400 degrees for 20 minutes
Mix together in saucepan:
3-1/2 tablespoons cocoa
1 box confectioners
1/3 cup milk
1 tsp. vanilla
1 stick butter
Pour onto cake as soon as it comes out of oven.
(Ruth Taylor)
2 cups sugar
1-1/2 cups Wesson oil
3 cups self-rising flour
3 cups grated carrots
4 eggs
1 cup pecans or walnuts
2 teaspoons cinnamon
Bake in greased and floured tube pan at 350 degrees for 1 hour. May frost with cream cheese icing if desired. Also, may bake as a 2 layer cake in 9” cake pans.
1 stick butter, softened
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 box powdered sugar
Mix all together with mixer and spread onto cooled cake.
1-1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
4 oz. cream cheese
1/3 cup confectioners
1/3 cup finely diced strawberries
10 oz. white chocolate, coarsely chopped
1 drop red or pink food coloring
Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
Using a handheld mixer or a food processor, mix the graham cracker crumbs, cream cheese, and confectioners’ sugar together. Keep mixing until it all comes together. Stir in the strawberries with wooden spoon or spatula. Mixture will be wet from the strawberries.
Drop balls (2 teaspoons of mixture per truffle) onto the lined baking sheet. Chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes until set. Roll into smoother balls and place back in refrigerator as you melt the chocolate. Melt the white chocolate in a double boiler or melt in microwave for 15 second increments, stirring after each increment until completely melted and smooth.
Dip each truffle completely into the chocolate to cover. Place balls back onto the baking sheet. Stir food coloring into any leftover white chocolate, then drizzle over truffles. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until chocolate has completely set before serving.
During the February Cleveland County School Board meeting, members discussed Policy 3450, which would increase the distinction requirements based on grade point average effective June 2027.
The distinction of cum laude would remain unchanged. However, both distinctions for magna cum laude and summa cum laude could be increased.
For graduating students graduating before July 2027, it is now stipulated that students with a 4.20 weighted grade point
average shall receive the distinction of magna cum laude. And students with a 4.30 or higher weighted grade point average shall receive the distinction of summa cum laude.
The changes would impact students graduating after June 2027. Changes would require that students with a 4.30 weighted grade point av-
erage shall receive the distinction of magna cum laude, and students with a 4.50 or higher weighted grade point average shall receive the distinction of summa cum laude.
This is the first reading of Policy 3450, and the school board’s discussion will be published in next week’s Herald.
By Judy Abernathy
Always make sure you can see the license plate in front of you when at a stop sign. Bumpers have changed a lot so just make sure you can get around without having to back up in case the car in front of you stalls.
While driving, have at least three car lengths between you and the car in front of you. The faster you drive the more distance is needed. This has saved me more than once.
If you are turning left, put on your directional and move slightly toward the center line. If you are turning right, put on your directional and move slightly toward the shoulder. When the person in front of you signals to turn right, move slightly toward the center line so the people behind you can also see the directional.
When the person in front of you signals to turn left, move slightly toward the shoulder so the people behind you can also see the directional.
When a stop sign or red traffic light is coming up, take your foot off the accelerator and coast in. This will save a little gas as well as your brakes. Sometimes the light changes
before you get there and don’t need to stop. In the winter driving toward a bridge or possible black ice, assume there is ice. Slightly accelerate before reaching the bridge, enough to make sure you have the velocity to reach the other side and take your foot off the accelerator when you reach the bridge. Hold the steering wheel still moving forward. When you reach the end of the bridge you can resume acceleration.
When there has been some snow or freezing rain and you need to drive on a slick road, this is what you do. When approaching a stop sign or light and the road is slick, take your foot off the accelerator way before you have to stop, (you shouldn’t be going very fast anyway) braking gently unless you start to rotate. If you can’t use the brakes and keep straight, remember there are numbers by the D. Downshift from D to 3 to 2 to 1 with your foot off the accelerator letting the engine slow you down and you should be able to gently brake to a stop. Sleet is easier than snow to drive on. It actually has more traction. Front wheel drive cars do better on snow. They pull the car rather than push from the back which is more likely to rotate. Four wheel drive vehicles don’t have more traction than any other vehicle and can still slide off the road. In very cold weather, roads that have been salted and melted one day can freeze to ice if still wet the next day.
Never trust that someone with a turn signal on is going to turn.
Hanging things from the rear-view mirror is actually illegal. It blocks your vision. It isn’t worth a wreck.
The one you’ve been looking for! Plenty of space for family and built to entertain. The home is located in a wooded setting with no immediate neighbors, yet five minutes to uptown Shelby restaurants and shopping.
Solid 1980’s construction, with trend forward updates throughout the home. The perfect location.
Deer visit the yard in the evenings, your own nature path close by, yet close to Hwy 74 & I-85 for CLT airport access and larger city activities. If you like the small town vibe, uptown Shelby is five minutes away! Restaurants, shops, and breweries line the streets of this historic town. Inside the home, an open concept lends itself to family togetherness. You’re never too far away from the action with easy sight lines from the kitchen, to dining, and living rooms. Enjoy the wood burning fireplace while relaxing in the living room. On point trend colors throughout pull the entire home together. Baths feature ceramic tile showers & tub, along with new vanity cabinets and toilets. The basement has a large scale wet bar for entertaining, fireplace for ambiance, plus ceiling mounted projector and speakers for enjoying a movie or watching the game! Have a teenager needing space or visiting friends & family, the basement also includes a large bedroom and bathroom. Everything you want and need in a fully refreshed home! Contact Info: Call:(704) 284-9369 Email: trilogyfirst@gmail.com or southeasternsolutionsllc@gmail.com
By Loretta Cozart
North Carolina insurance companies have requested a statewide average 22.6% increase in automobile insurance rates.
The North Carolina Rate Bureau, which represents the state’s automobile insurance companies and is not part of the Department of Insurance, filed the request with the Department on February 3. The insurance companies requested that the rates take effect on Oct. 1.
State law gives the Commissioner of Insurance 60 days to review the rate request to determine if the increase is justified based on the data submitted. If Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey does not agree
with the requested increase, he and the Department of Insurance can negotiate a settlement or call for a hearing.
Settlements have been reached on automobile rate filings in the past. If the case goes to a hearing, a hearing officer will rule on the request. This rate filing follows a February 2023 filing in which the insurance companies requested a statewide 28.4% increase. That filing resulted in a settlement of an overall average 4.5% yearly increase for two years.
In a statement, N.C. Rate Bureau COO Jarred Chappell indicated that the request for an increase is due to the rising costs of vehicles and repairs and
the increased frequency of accidents.
“This request reflects the fact that vehicles and repairs are getting more expensive, partly because automakers pack so much technology into modern vehicles,” Chappell said. “Accidents have become more common, partly because distracted driving has eroded driving habits. Vehicle weights are up, and so is horsepower, both of which make accidents more severe.”
Chappell stated that North Carolina has among the lowest auto insurance rates in the country and mentioned that an increase is necessary to attract many companies to write policies in the state.
Single Size– 5 WEEKS, $55 (B&W) $70 (COLOR) 55
Single Size–10 WEEKS, 10 $99 (B&W) $129 (COLOR)
Double Size–5 WEEKS, 5 $110 (B&W) 110 $140 (COLOR)
Double Size–10 WEEKS, $198 (B&W) $258 (COLOR) 10
Triple Size–5 WEEKS, $165 (B&W) 165 $210 (COLOR) 210
Triple Size–10 WEEKS, $330 (B&W) $420 (COLOR) 330
Couples have been commemorating their love for one another in February for quite some time. Couples may go about such celebrating in their own unique ways, but it’s not uncommon to focus on a night out on the town.
Valentine’s Day is a busy holiday for many businesses, but especially so at restaurants and other romantic venues. So it’s best to plan ahead to ensure a perfect evening. These tips can help you organize a Valentine’s experience to remember.
Tip #1: Reserve early
The closer to Valentine’s Day, the more likely popular restaurants will be all booked up. If the goal is to dine at a particularly trendy spot — or anywhere but the most obscure establishment
— be sure to make a reservation well in advance. Start planning the Valentine’s Day dinner in December so you won’t have to look far and wide to book a reservation. If a restaurant does not take reservations that far out, ask when they will start collecting names for Valentine’s Day and book the moment you can.
Tip #2: Secure transportation
One way to make the night more romantic is to snuggle in the back seat of a vehicle and have someone else do the driving. This also is a safer option if you plan to pop a bottle of bubbly or sip some wine while celebrating. Hiring a limousine, luxury car, horsedrawn carriage, or something similar also will require advanced reservations. However, going the extra mile can make the night memorable.
Tip #3: Emulate a scene from a favorite film
The person you love may adore a romantic movie, whether it’s a classic or more recent tear-jerker. When planning a romantic evening out, consider reenacting a movie scene with you
and your special someone in the starring roles. For example, recall when Tom Hanks met Meg Ryan at the top of the Empire State Building in “Sleepless in Seattle.” Include a visit to the observation deck or roof as part of a whirlwind Valentine’s Day experience.
Tip #4: Attend a live music performance
Music can touch the heart and soul. That makes an evening watching a band play or enjoying a musical on the stage even more memorable if it occurs on Valentine’s Day. Select an intimate venue to add to the romantic ambiance of the night.
Tip #5: Think outside tradition
While dinner and a movie are Valentine’s Day favorites, any activity done together can be memorable and romantic. Why not book a couple’s cooking class? Or enjoy a winter sport like skiing or ice skating? Or warm up after window shopping on Main Street by sipping hot cocoa and snuggling on the sofa under a blanket at a nearby B&B?
Romantic nights out on Valentine’s Day can be made even more special with some forethought and planning.
Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column, and each 3 by 3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9 using logic.
Photo By – Justin G. Hill & Son,
No matter what creative ability you have, the SilverArts has a place for you!
Whether you can do artwork, sing, dance, or write creatively, seniors age 50+ can enter in the Cleveland County SilverArts
To obtain a SilverArts registration packet, please go to nealseniorcenter.org and download a copy. They may also be picked up at the Reception Desk of the Neal Senior Center or the Patrick Senior Center.
“Early Bird” deadline is Friday, March 14, at 11 AM
All literary entries are due Friday, March 21, at 11AM Final deadline for all registration is Thursday, March 27, at 11 AM Questions? Please call 704/481-7387
The response to our recent Bible-study group on “Heaven- What to Expect” was very successful! If you missed it, the class will be repeated beginning Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 11:15 am to 12:30 pm.
Neal Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Dr., Shelby. Bring your lunch as Alison Carswell leads the study. The study is divided into ten sections. Be sure to bring your Bible. The group will also use an additional supplement, “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. It can be purchased from the instructor for $15. You must RSVP to hold a seat. For further information, please contact Alison Carswell at 704/473-0876. After this second class, it isn’t available again until Fall 2025, so get it while you can!
Some haven’t participated in the Cleveland County Senior Games in years! ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?
Registration is now under way!
Take part in many sporting activities, including pickleball, shuffleboard, cornhole, swimming, table tennis, chair volleyball, and a lot more!
To get a registration packet, you may either:
• Come by the Neal Senior Center in person and pick up a registration packet at the Reception Desk. • Download and print a packet at our website: www.nealseniorcenter.org
• Contact Daniel Dedmon, Cleveland County Senior Games Director at 704/481-7387 or at ddedmon@agingcouncil.org and request that a packet be emailed to you.
Open to seniors age 50 and better! Early registration ends March 14th; all games registration ends March 21!
Feel Free To Browse! When You’re Done, Simply Pay the Reception Desk For Your Books. Happy Reading!
Shelby Shopper & Info offers the printing of obituaries in our paper as a community service and free of charge for Cleveland County residents and the immediate area. The obituary may include a picture if the image is of print quality. We request that the obituary is limited to 150 words and we will edit the obituaries due to space. The obituary will include preceded family members, surviving family members, funeral service information, memorials, and the name of the funeral home serving the family. The obituaries will not include names of grandchildren, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, or pets. We only accept obituaries from licensed funeral homes. The deadline is Friday at 1:00 pm prior to the next Thursday's publication.
Please have your funeral home send us your loved ones’ obituaries to obits@shelbyinfo.com
Valaree Batchler Peterson, 91, of Blacksburg, passed away on Friday, January 31, 2025.
A native of Blacksburg, she was the wife of Robert Jackson and the daughter of the late Millege and Pearl Rippy Batchler.
In addition to her husband, she is survived by her daughter, Joy Painter; her son, Doug Eaker (Verlene); two grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; a brother, Sonny Batchler; and a sister, Inez Love.
She was preceded in death by her late husbands, James Aulton Eaker and John L. Peterson, her infant son, Reno, twin brother, Darvee Batchler, and three sisters, Kathleen Blackwelder, Oveida Ellis, and Hildred Hannon.
Funeral services were February 4, 2025, in the Gordon Mortuary Chapel. Interment was in Clingman Memorial Gardens.
Melba Ruppe Carroll, 68, of Grover, NC. passed away on Friday, January 31, 2025. Born in Kings Mountain, NC, Mrs. Carroll was the widow of John Keith Carroll and the daughter of the late Harvey Lee Ruppe and Ruby Carroll Howard.
Mrs. Carroll is survived by her children, David Bush and Ruby "Sissy" Justice; her sister, Janet White (Jeff); three grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and her step-father, Nelson Howard (Lou).
In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by her brothers, Keith Ruppe and Lee Ruppe.
Ruby Marie Kyle Perry. He is also predeceased by his daughters, Crystal Jones and Tara Williams; a grandson; and brother, Don Henry Perry.
Left to cherish his memory are his wife, Crystal Perry of the home; sons, Mark Giles, Tony Young, Billy Young and Billy Perry (Tammy); daughter, Nichole Callahan (Hunter); brother, Bradley Perry; sisters, Carolyn Perry and Brenda Miller; and thirteen grandchildren.
Funeral Services were held February 1, 2025, at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, Shelby, NC.
Robert Morgan Funeral and Cremation Service, LLC is serving the family. Memorial tributes may be made at www.rsmorganfsl.com.
A funeral service was held February 6, 2025, at Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was private.
Memorials may be made to VIA Health Partners, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC 28150.
Online condolences can be made at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation CenterFallston is serving the family.
Michael Dennis Cox, 83, passed away on Sunday, January 26, 2025.
He was born in Spartanburg County to the late Ambrose William (A.W.) Cox and Thelma Cox. He is also predeceased by his brothers, Bobby Cox and Gene Cox.
Left to cherish his memory are his wife, Elizabeth "Libby" Cox of the home; sons, Michael Cox Jr. and Chris Cox; daughter-inlaw, Kipper; three grandchildren; and sister, Peggy Swayngham.
Private Family Services will be held at a later date.
Robert Morgan Funeral and Cremation Service, LLC is serving the family. Memorial tributes may be made at www.rsmorganfsl.com.
James "Jimmy" Allen Aldridge, 67, of Shelby, passed away on January 31, 2025.
He was born on January 5, 1958 in Ohio to the late James E. Aldridge and Barbara Jean Benfield Leigh.
In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by his step-father, George Leigh; wife, Tana Jo Aldridge; sister, Sherri Garbo; a grandson and a great-grandson.
Jimmy is survived by two daughters, Courtney Aldridge of Wingate and Sunshine Murray of Shelby; two sons, Micheal Stewart of Eden and Shannon Murray of Shelby; brother, Ricky Aldridge of Shelby; two sisters, Karen Kendrick and husband, Robby of Shelby and Kimberly White and husband, Mark of Mooresville; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
She was born June 8, 1956, in Bexar County, TX, to the late Edward Eugene and Elizabeth Amelia Jane Grigg Ervin.
Survivors include her daughter, Jessica Lynn Gosnick (Daniel Dotson); and brothers, Tracy Ervin, and Jason Eugene Ervin (Lori).
Funeral services were held February 5, 2025, at Buffalo Baptist Church, with Rev. Dustin Mace officiating. Burial followed at Buffalo Baptist Church Cemetery. Condolences may be made to www.carpenterporter.com
Carpenter-Porter Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
Brenda Kay Cooke Newton passed away on February 1, 2025.
She was born July 9, 1942 in northern Cleveland County, North Carolina to Florence Leona Mull Cooke and Ottis Edgar Cooke. She was preceded in death by her husband, “Pete” Elmore Newton Jr.; her parents; and her sister, Nancy Cooke Giannotti.
Brenda is survived by her children, Bart Newton (Allyson) and Brad Newton (Dana); two grandchildren; her sister, Sarah Cooke Miller; and in-laws.
A graveside service was held February 8, 2025, at Carpenter's Grove Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Jeremy Mahaffey officiating. Memorials may be made to Iredell County Hospice. Online condolences can be made at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Ben Ware and Sallie Carol Ware. Hazel was preceded in death by her husband, Howard Reynolds, her son, Steve Reynolds, and her siblings Estelle, Sue, Hershel, Bill, Ailene, and Lelar.
She is survived by her daughter, Sherry Gregg of Kings Mountain, NC; daughter-in-law, Donna Reynolds of Kings Mountain, NC; eight grandchildren and numerous great- and great-greatgrandchildren.
Funeral service was held February 5, 2025, at New Life Family Worship Center of Kings Mountain with Pastor Heather Sherrill officiating.
Memorials may be made to Carolina Caring Hospice Foundation at www.carolinacaring.org/give or to New Life Family Worship Center at 428 Oak Grove Rd., Kings Mountain, NC 28086 or online at www.newlifekm.org Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Robert William Faires, Jr., 92 of Cherryville, NC passed away on January 31, 2025.
Memorials may be made to First United Methodist Church, 601 N. Pink St., Cherryville, NC 28021. Carpenter-Porter Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
James “Jim” D. Ruff of Dallas, passed away on Dec 11, 2024.
Jim was born on July 6, 1944 in Gaston County, NC, son of the late Melvin and Lucille Ruff.
Mr. Ruff served our country in the US Army. In addition to his parents, he was preceeded in death by brothers: Richard, Charles, Micheal “Danny" and sisters: Marie Summey, Betty Bernisconia, and Amelia “Ronnie” Wells. Survivors include his wife, Wilma Ruff.
Funeral services with Military Honors were held on December 22, 2024, at Friendly Baptist Church Gastonia, NC, Rev. Marshal Owens and Jerome Wells officiated.
Mrs. Sheila Street Miller, 66, of Mooresboro, NC, passed away on Friday, January 31, 2025.
She is survived by her husband, Alan Lynn Miller of the home; her two sons, Brian David Miller of Mooresboro, NC, and Bradley Alan Miller and wife Elizabeth of Greer, SC; three grandchildren; and a brother, Roger Street of Mooresboro, NC.
Born May 1, 1958, in Cleveland County, NC, Sheila was the daughter of the late Jessie David Street and Mary Bostic Street.
A private graveside service was held at Gantts Grove Baptist Church Cemetery.
To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation CenterFallston is serving the family.
Hazel Ware Reynolds, 89, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on February 1, 2025.
Born January 11, 1936 in Cleveland County, NC, she was the daughter of the late
He was born October 24, 1932 in Rock Hill, SC to the late Robert William Faires Sr. and Sara Erselle Ingram Faires.
Mr. Faires served our country in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Sue Carlyon Faires; sister, Mary Gene Faires Welsh, and brother, Ned Tracy Faires.
He is survived by daughter, Melinda Faires; son, Robert W. Faires, III, and wife, Kathy Hill Faires; daughter, Katherine Faires; five grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
A graveside service was held February 6, 2025, at Hillcrest Gardens Cemetery in Mount Holly.
Shelby, NC passed away on Monday, January 20, 2025. He was born June 28, 1953 in Cleveland County, NC to the late Willie Jones and the late Lillie Bell Poston Tate (Marshall Tate). Funeral services were held February 1, 2025, at S.T. Enloe Memorial Chapel in Shelby.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. Psalm 18:10
Continued To Page 17
Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. is serving the family. January 31, 2025.
Continued From Page 16
Joe Sephus Wyte, 87, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on February 5, 2025.
Born March 23, 1937 in Cleveland County, North Carolina, he was the son of the late James Wyte and Nella Morrison Wyte and was preceded in death by his wife, Rebecca "Becky" Clara Self Wyte, and brothers James Wyte, Jr. and Tommy Wyte
Joe is survived by his sons: Scott Wyte and wife, Laura Dawn, of Wilmington, NC, Mark Wyte and wife, Johnna, of Kings Mountain; and Joey Wyte and wife, Julie, Bellevue, KY; siblings: Jake Wyte of Kings Mountain, William Wyte and wife, Brenda, of Blacksburg, SC, Libby McDaniel of Kings Mountain and Carolyn Ammons and husband, Mike, of Denver, NC; six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Memorial service was held February 8, 2025, at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Kings Mountain, with Rev. Dr. Steve Taylor officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the Bethlehem Baptist Church Building Fund at 1017 Bethlehem Road, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 or online at www.bethlehemkmnc.org/give Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
ter; brother, Glenn Odell “Vop” Parker; sisters, Margaret Parker Williams of Greensboro, Jewell Aileen “Susie” Clark of Shelby, Mary Parker Denton of Lattimore, and Betty Parker Greene (Herb) of Granite Falls.
A funeral service was held February 2, 2025, in the Chapel of Cecil M Burton Funeral Home and Crematory. Reverend Neal Efird, officiating. Burial followed at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Shelby, NC.
Memorials may be made to Samaritans Purse, PO Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607 or online at samaritanspurse.org.
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Hazel Harrill Allen, 96, passed away on January 29, 2025.
She was born on July 17, 1928, in Cliffside, NC to Lottie Green Harrill and Anthony Marshall Harrill.
In addition to her parents, Hazel was preceded in death by her husband, Andrell Donald Allen, Sr; a daughter, Emily Jean Allen; and eight of her nine siblings: Garvie Harrill Ruppe(Doyle), Mabel Evie Harrill, Grover Cleveland Harrill (Eddie), George Wake Harrill (Hazel), Myrtle Harrill Brackett (Monroe), Eulas Paul Harrill, Omar Ray Harrill, and Ruby Harrill Jackson(Clyde).
A native of Cleveland County, he was born to the late Perry Green Parker and Ethel Morrison Parker.
In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his wife, Rachel Wright Parker; brothers, James Allen “Buck” Parker (Lillian), Robert Lee “Boots” Parker (Maggie), Jesse Jack Parker, AC “Tom” Parker (Joyce), and PG “Speed” Parker (Lib); sister Joanne Parker Nanney (Martin) and sister-in-law, Jo Haynes Parker.
He is survived by his daughter, Sherrie Parker Geer and husband Rick of Fallston; a granddaugh-
Faye Sain Brittain, 91, of Shelby, passed away on February 1, 2025.
Born in Lincoln County, on January 27, 1934, she was the only child to the late E.I. (Ike) Sain and Carrie S. Sain of Vale.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her husband, Ted D. Brittain, of Shelby, her son, Bobby Dale Hunt of Florida, stepdaughter, Melanie Hamrick of Mooresboro, and two step-sons-in-law, Gene Smith, and Ed Hamrick of Shelby.
Faye is survived by one daughter, Sherry Hunt-Dedmon (Shane) of Chesnee, SC, stepdaughter, Cathy B. Smith (Alan Wilson) of Shelby, Robert Stamey of Mooresboro; two grandsons; three stepgrandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
As we respectfully obey Mrs. Brittain’s wishes, there will be no services.
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Hazel is survived by her brother, James Edward Harrill of Boone, NC; her children: Andrell Donald Allen, Jr. and wife Hilda of High Point, NC, Robert Shuford Allen of Powder Springs, GA, Rachel Allen Smith and husband Ken of Rock Hill, SC and David Ray Allen, Sr. and wife Amy of Shelby, NC; ten grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Shelby’s First Baptist Church, Gardner-Webb University’s School of Divinity or the American Alzheimer’s Association.
The funeral service was held February 7, 2025, in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church. Graveside and internment will followed at Cleveland Memorial Park.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home and Crematory is serving the family.
be made at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral
be made at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation CenterFallston is serving the family.
Liborio "Lee" John Alfano, 72, of Lawndale passed away on February 3, 2025.
Lee was born on December 16, 1952 in New Haven, CT to the late Peter and Charlotte Freitag Alfano.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two infant twin sons; two brothers, Peter Alfano and Robert Alfano.
Lee is survived by his wife, Margaret Arbaugh Alfano; his children, Bryan Alfano and wife, Catherine of Connecticut, Kimberlee Drago (Marty Drago) of Connecticut and Timothy Alfano of Shelby; four grandchildren; and two sisters-inlaw, Sue Alfano and Patti Alfano.
A funeral service will be held on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 12:00pm, in the Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home Chapel with the Dr. Wade Dellinger officiating. Burial will follow in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Fallston. Memorials may be made to Hospice at Wendover, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC 28150. Online condolences can
Shelby, NC passed away on Saturday, February 1, 2025.
Memorials may be made to: The Earl Scruggs Center, PO Box 2063, Shelby, NC 28151; or VIA Health Partners.
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
on January 23, 2025.
He was born July 10, 1941 in Monroe County, AR, son of the late George Nelson and Etta Lee Catlet Clemons and was preceded in death by three sisters, Patsy Clemons, Audrey Davis, and Glenda Faye Reiff.
He is survived by his wife, Jeanette Grindstaff Clemons, of the home; sons: Eddie Clemons, Kings Mountain, NC, Nelson Thomas Clemons, Kings Mountain, NC, Roger Clemons and wife Terri, Bessemer City, NC, and Kevin Clemons, Ellenboro, NC; siblings: Marshall Clemons (Mary Lee), Georgia Woods, Phyllis, Johnson, and Shirley Hayes; and six grandchildren.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Scott Jason McCombs, 48, passed away on Thursday, December 23, 2024.
Scott was born on September 15, 1976, in Mobile, AL, to Walter and Cheryl McCombs.
Including his parents, Scott is survived by his biological children, Thomas Farlow and Rebekah Moss; his sons, Scott Moss, Thaddeus Mendez, and Matthew McCombs with his wife, Taylor, and his daughters, Selena McCombs, Mary McCombs, and Tabetha Jenkins with her husband, Caleb; his brothers, Walter David McCombs III and Billy Lee McCombs; his sister, Jennifer Lynn Moss; six grandchildren.
He had a grandchild that preceded him in death.
A funeral service was held January 10, 2025, in the Chapel of StameyTysinger Funeral Home in Fallston, NC, with the Rev. Johnny Norris Jr. officiating. Interment followed at Rosehill Memorial Park. Online condolences can
She was the daughter of the late Woody and Ella Mae Lankford.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her daughter, Brenda Black and brothers, Bob Lankford, Dick Lankford, Joe Lankford, Buddy Lankford, and Mike Lankford.
She is survived by her husband, Louis Patterson; sons: Gary (Debbie) of Myrtle Beach, Steve (Pam) of Ellenboro, Tim (Tina) of Belmont, and daughter, June Hersek (Rocky) of Shelby; sister, Jenelle Puckett (Ronald) of Weddington; brother, Johnny Lankford (Joanne) of Shelby; nine grandchildren, and sixteen great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Wendover Hospice, 953 Wendover Heights Dr., Shelby, NC 28150 or Royster Avenue Church of God Shelby, 504 Royster Ave, Shelby, NC 28150
Celebration of Life was held February 9, 2025, at Royster Avenue Church of God in Shelby.
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Jack Barrett, 86, of Kings Mountain, passed away on Sunday, February 2, 2025.
Jack was born and raised in Cleveland County. He is survived by his wife, Margherita “Margo” Barrett; his children: Daniel Eli Barrett (& Stephanie Barrett), Terry Barrett, Stan Barrett, and Angie Barrett; step-son, Justin Spargo; four grandchildren; and his siblings, Tommy Barrett and Wanda Jones, Jack was preceded in death by his parents, Wray Graham Barrett and Irene Elizabeth McMurray Barrett, as well as his sister Libby Herndon.
A celebration of life service was held February 7, 2025, in the Chapel of Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home, with Pastor Mike Chambers officiating.
Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on February 4, 2025.
She was born August 12, 1932 in Cleveland County, NC, daughter of the late Walter James and Marie Wright Carpenter and was preceded in death by her husband, James Austin "Jim" Lybrand Jr.; and her sister, Grace Wolfe.
She is survived by her children: James A. "Jim" Lybrand III and wife Lynn, Shelby, NC and Jayne Lybrand Dowdy and husband Bradley, Boone, NC; four grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Graveside service was held February 7, 2025, at Mountain Rest Cemetery with Reverend G. Scott Homesley officiating.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Malie Louvenia Barnes, 61, of Cleveland County, NC, passed away on January 21, 2025.
She was born on May 10, 1963 in Baltimore, MD, to Julia Koon and the late Joe L. Barnes.
She is survived by her mother, Julia R. Barnes; siblings, Betty (Micheal) Burson, Rose Sanders, Elaine Barnes, Tracey Barnes, and Ronnie Barnes, Joe Junior Barnes; and two grandchildren.
For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation; but the sorrow of the world produces death. 2 Corinthians 7:10
Continued From Page 17
Linda Arlene Russ Morrow, 80, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Born in Cleveland County on February 10, 1944, she was the daughter of the late Everette James Russ and Mabel Howell Russ.
Linda is survived by her husband, James F. Morrow; her son, David D. Bolton of Kings Mountain, NC; her daughters, Pam Howze (Gary) of Surf City, NC, and Tammy Horne (Kenny) of Kings Mountain, NC; her stepson, Charles Morrow (Debbie) of Shelby, NC; stepdaughter, Kris Lathrop of Shelby, NC; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and her brother, Phillip Russ (Donna) of Calabash, NC.
A funeral service was held February 9, 2025, at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Grover, NC, with Dr. Cal Robertson officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made in her memory to Autism society of NC: https://www. autismsociety-nc.org
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Memorials may be made to Drury Dobbins Baptist Church building fund.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Marguerite Thomason Plonk, 93, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on February 5, 2025.
Charles Walter Stephens, 80, of Kings Mountain, passed away on Sunday, January 26, 2025.
He was born on February 15, 1944, in Kings Mountain, NC. Charles was the son of the late Roddie Walter and Margaret Oates Stephens.
In addition to his grandparents and parents, Charles was preceded in death by son, Michael Stephens; three brothers, Herman, Alfred and Jerome; and sister, Helen Chandler.
He is survived by his wife, Patsy Stephens of the home; daughter, Toneika Stephens-Young of Ruther Glen, VA (JD Young); Special Daughter, Jill Driver of Ellicott City, MD; sisters, Carolyn Robbins and Scenetta Stephens of Kings Mountain, NC; three granddaughters; and four greatgrandchildren; brother-inlaw, Carl Wray (Vicky); sisters-in-law: Marion Monroe and Linda Wray of Upper Marlboro, MD, and Sara Brooks of Columbus, GA.
26, 1939 to Lawson and Nellie McDaniel.
He is survived by his wife, Sarah Ruth Humphries (Ruth); his children, Sarah Frances McDaniel, William Raymond McDaniel, and Carmen McDaniel Butler (Tim); four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and a sister, Raye McDaniel Hiney.
Joe was preceded in death by his parents, Lawson and Nellie McDaniel; daughter, Wendy and son-in-law, Bryan Neville; and two sisters, Sarah Simmons and Edna Brackett.
A celebration life was held February 6, 2025, at the Drury Dobbins Tabernacle Ellenboro. Graveside service followed in the church cemetery.
Funeral services were held February 2, 2025.
Boyce Wade Abernathy, 66, of Forest City, passed away on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Boyce was born Friday, February 7, 1958 in Rutherford County to the late Chivous Wade Abernathy and Lucille Harrill Abernathy.
A memorial service was held February 8, 2025, at Floyd’s Creek Baptist Church with Reverend Robert Carnell officiating.
A graveside service was February 10, 2025.
Memorials may be made to Honduras Mission Fund, c/o Floyd’s Creek Baptist Church, 2004 Chase High Road, Forest City, NC 28043.
Harrelson Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
An online guest registry is available at www.harrelsonfuneralhome.com
Estelle Beam (Johnny), Ethel Mobley (Bob), Sarah Purser (Laney), Margaret Carpenter (Nevin), and Rebecca Helms (Kermit); and a grandson.
She is survived by her children Eric Redmond (Theresa), Jeff Redmond (Jane), Dr. Berniece Redmond (Bob), Youthon Redmond, Tee Jay Redmond (Carolyn), and Angela Leinweber Lail (Chad); six grandchildren; brother, Olin Love (Mary); and sister-in-law, Juanita Love.
Mrs. Jewel (Judy) Panther, 96, of Laurel, MS, passed away on Saturday, February 1, 2025.
Shelby, NC 28150. Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Fallston is serving the family.
Born November 26, 1931 in Greenville, SC, she was the daughter of the late Belton Oswell Thomason and Bertha Johnson Thomason.
Marguerite was preceded in death by her husband, William “Bill” Lawrence Plonk and her siblings Belton Oswald Thomason, Jr. and Lilla Thomason Dalton.
Survivors include daughters: Jodie Mercier and husband Mark of Asheville, NC, Janice and Nick Foong of Florence, SC, Jill and Terry Lovell of Kings Mountain, NC, and Jaqueline and Fadi Saliba of Charlotte, NC; nine grandchildren; a step grandchild; and two great grandchildren.
Memorial Service will be held Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 2:00 PM at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church with the Reverend John Yost, III and the Reverend G. Scott Homesley officiating. A private interment will follow at St. Luke’s Cemetery.
Visitation will be Saturday February 15, 2025 prior to the service from 12:45 to 1:45 in the fellowship hall at Saint Matthew’s Lutheran Church.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, 201 North Piedmont Avenue, Kings Mountain NC 28086 or Friends of Mauney Memorial Library, 100 South Piedmont Avenue, Kings Mountain NC 28086
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Elizabeth Love Redmond passed away on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. She was born September 13, 1926 in Kings Creek, SC, to Robert Jackson and Sallie Pearl Harmon Love. Elizabeth was preceded in death by her husband Thomas Jefferson Redmond; brothers: Edward (Sue), Lewis (Lois), Theodore, David (Lois), and Odell Love (Shirley); sisters: Gertrude Compton (Dick),
Funeral service was held February 9, 2025, at Shiloh Presbyterian Church in Grover, NC. Graveside service followed at Grover Cemetery.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
Born Jewell (Judy) Hartman in Lawndale, Cleveland County, NC, on April 8, 1928, she was the daughter to the late TC and Ruby Hartman.
In addition to her parents, Judy was preceded in death by her husband, Horace Panther; and by sister, Arline Hicks.
Judy is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Sarah Jane and Danny Bush of Laurel, MS; son and daughter-in-law, Scott and Michele Panther of Millry, AL; sister, Joyce Lutz of Belwood; five grandchildren; and six great grandchildren.
The Funeral service was held February 7, 2025, at Norman’s Grove Baptist Church in Belwood, officiated by Pastor Keith Huss, followed by burial in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive,
3, 2025. She was born in Shelby on January 28, 1983. Libby was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents and her paternal grandparents. She is survived by her parents, F. DeLane (Chip) Davis and Debbie Hambright Davis; her sons, Jax and Max Zaludek; and a brother, Joey Fite (Rudy).
A celebration of life was held February 6, 2025, in the First Baptist Church of Shelby Sanctuary with the Rev. Asher Panton officiating. Memorials may be made to Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza (CARE) or First Baptist Church of Shelby NC. Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Fallston is serving the family.
Sunday, February 16
What: Annual Soup and Sandwich Supper
When: 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm, February 16.
Where: Bethlehem Community Church, 6753 Hwy. 182, Cherryville, NC.
More Info: We will be serving vegetable soup; potato soup, chili beans and oyster stew. Along with desserts and beverage. Donations will be accepted and appreciated.
Saturday, March 1
What: BBQ & Chicken Drive-Thru Supper
When: 4:00 pm, March 1.
Where: New Home Church, 544 Moriah School Rd. Casar, NC.
More Info: Plates: $15 (includes BBQ or Chicken, slaw, baked beans, hush puppies & dessert) Boston Butt Kits: $45 (includes butt, slaw, sauce & buns) Preorder Butt Kits by February 25th. Call Brian @ 828-429-7348. Proceeds go toward ongoing missions.
Al-Anon Family Groups Support: Al-Anon Family Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at 12noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.
Evangelism Training Seminar: Evangelism Training Seminar with Don Sunshine (donsunshine.org) Saturday, Feb. 22, 9am - 12pm. No role play. A love offering will be taken. Bethel Baptist Church, 606 S. Dekalb St., Shelby, NC 28150. RSVP with number attending to 704-482-8922.
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom of Dale St., between Sumter and Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-692-2092 or the church office, 704-482-3467.
Walls Memorial Baptist Church Food Bank: TEFAP (Commodities) distribution is open to any neighboring county within North Carolina that does not receive TEFAP. Distribution will be held the third Tuesday of each month from 11:30 am until 1:30 pm, at Walls Memorial Baptist Church, 2223 Elizabeth Avenue, Shelby, NC 28150. February 18, 2025. All are welcome. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
We are a 100 year established church looking for churches that have not yet established a home. We have a congregation of about forty members that are looking to merge with other groups or churches. We believe in the preaching and teaching of God’s word from the Bible. We have a large Church Home that could accommodate a large number, and we are located in a well established community.
If interested, please contact: Carl Duncan carlduncan0914@gmail.com
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Call today and
3500 Grill & Mart
All Care Services
Alston Bridges BBQ
American Tactical & Pawn
Angelo’s Pizza
Arnold’s Jewelry
Bass Shack
BJ’s Quick Stop
Bolton’s Grill
Bradshaw’s Food Mart
Carlisle Apartments
Charles Road Mini Mart
Chen’s Chinese Restaurant
China Buffet
China Express
Chip & Sip Drive-Thru Chiropractic Plus
Cleveland Comm. College Cafe
Cleveland Co. Adm. Bldg.
Cleveland Co. Agriculture
Livestock Exchange
Cleveland Co. Annex (Permits)
Cleveland Co. Library
Cleveland Feed
Cleveland House
Cleveland Lumber
Cleveland Vocational Industries
Community Pharmacy
Cornerstone Dental
Creekside Clock Restaurant
Crest Quick Stop
Crossroads Mini Mart
Curve View Convenience
Cypress Glen Apartments
D&N Mini Mart
Dairy Queen
Deb’s Mini Mart
Diamond Pawn
Dixie Tire
Dollar General
Dollar Tree
Don Ramon Mexican Rest.
El Acapulco Mexican Rest.
Family Dollar Locations
Farm Bureau Insurance
Folk’s Cleaners
Food Lion Locations
Forest Glen Apartments
Habitat Restore
Hamrick’s Produce
Harry’s Quick Stop
Healthy at Home
Hendrick Appliance
Hickory Creek Apts.
Holly’s Flowers
Honda of Shelby
Humboldt Place
Ingles – All locations
Izzi Q BBQ
Jammin J’s Pizza
Japanese Express
J.B. Ellis Locksmith
Kebo’s Convenient Store
Kelly’s Seafood
Ken & Mary’s Restaurant
Laughlin Furniture
Life Enrichment Center
Lions Senior Village
M & D Quick Stop
Marion Ridge Apartments
Masonic Lodge
Mavis Tire
Medical Arts Pharmacy
Mighty Dollar
Mike’s Food Store
Monroe Tire Discounters
Mountain Wash Laundry
NAPA Auto Parts
NC License Plate Office
Norris Merchandise
Oak Tree Lodge
Oliver’s Hardware
Ollie’s Bargain Outlet
One Stop 115 Convenient
One Stop Shop
Papa’s & Beer Mexican
Peak Resources
Pizzazz Hair Styles
Pleasant City Grill
Poteat’s Front End & Brake
Public Health Department
Quality Gas
Red Bridges BBQ Lodge
Red Wok Restaurant
Renaldo Honda
Renaldo Kia
Rumman Mini Mart
Sandy’s Country Christmas
Senior Center (COA)
Shelby Cafe
Shelby Hardware
Shelby Hospital (Atrium Clev.)
Shelby Manor
Shelby Meat & Grocery
Shelby Post Office
Southern Star Convenient
Southside Flea Market
Sub Station 2
Super Dave’s Quick Stop
Surgery Pavillion (Atrium)
Sushi Do Jo
Super 8 Motel
Swifty’s Village Mart
Taste-T Drive-In
TerraBella Assisted Living
The Beehive Café
The New You Salon
The Pancake House
The Pawn Shop
Thelma Lou’s BBQ
Chip & Sip Drive-Thru
Trendsetter’s Salon
Veer A&D Food Mart
VFW Shelby - Post 4066
Swifty’s Village Mart
Village Pantry Convenience
Walgreen Pharmacy Locations
West Warren Manor
Willis Sandwich Shop
Witherspoon Insurance
YMCA (Dover Foundation)
Crossroads Mini-Mart & Grill
Grab-N-Go Citgo Gas
Grandma Hoyt’s Restaurant
Kingsway #5 Citgo Convenient
Danny’s Café
Dollar General
Harry’s Food Mart
Hickory Point
JK’s Exxon
Mike’s Food Store
Patterson’s Wrecker Service
NAPA Auto Parts
Boiling Springs Hardware
Boiling Springs Post Office
CITGO Convenient
Broad River Campground
Chen’s Fusion
El Acapulco Mexican Restaurant
Hop-In Convenience
Italian Garden
Mighty Dollar
Professional Pharmacy
Quick Mart Citgo
Rapid Pace Oil Change
Snack Shop
YMCA (Ruby Hunt)
Casar Post Office
Dollar General
Cherryville Post Office
Delview Mart
Dollar General
Food Lion
Heafner’s Superette
Home Folks Café
Local Market Citgo
On the Way Convenience
Ronald’s Express Grill
Southern Star BP
Tobacco House
Triple B Convenience
Vickie’s Grill
Crouse One Stop
Dollar General
Earl Post Office
Number Three Handy Mart
18 North Convenience
Community Mart #1
Fallston Pharmacy
Fallston Post Office
Jan’s Restaurant
Pit Road Store Drive-Thru
Stoplight Store Convenience
Tony’s BBQ
Big Lots
Daddy Joe’s Beach House
Dollar General Locations
Fast Point Food Store
Highway 11 Food Mart
Mom’s Stateline Store
Mr. Waffle
Old Post General Store
Wash Depot Laundry
Brackett Farm Products
Carolina Crossings Restaurant
Dollar General
Grover Goods
Grover Post Office
3 Point Market
Amiya Express Gas
Battleground BP Gas
Chat-N-Nibble Restaurant
Circle P Food Mart
Comfort Inn
Community Thrift
Crave Restaurant
Dennis #3/Citgo Gas
Dollar General Locations
Dollar Tree/Food Lion
Grandpa’s Store
Highway 29 Grill
Holiday Inn Express
Hometown Hardware
Italian Garden
Kings Food Store
Kings Mountain City Hall
Kings Mountain Hospital
Kings Mountain Life Enrichment
Kings Mountain Manor
Kings Mountain Post Office
Linwood Restaurant
Los Tarascos
Love’s Fish Box
Lucky Mart
Mauney Memorial Library
Mountain Market
Mt. View Restaurant
My Quick Stop
Nan-Wans Salon
NC I-85 Welcome Center
Parker’s Amoco & Tires
Prescription Plus
Quality Inn
Rick’s Ole Country (Shell)
Silver Express Gas
Sub Factory
Summit Place of KM
Swooger’s Ice Cream
Tom’s Family Mart
Walmart Neighborhood Market
Woodbridge Handy Mart
Burns Mini Mart
Cheeper’s Drive-Thru
Lawndale Post Office
Main Street Hardware
Spangler Library
Stagecoach Market
Dollar General (Hwy 27 West)
Food Mart Shell
Hill Top Superette Express
West Express Gas
Deb’s Mini Mart
Dollar General
Earl’s Short Stop
Hamrick’s Grill
Mooresboro Post Office
Six Points Hardware
Barbara’s House of Beauty
Buck Saver #4 Convenience
Christy’s Kitchen
Deviney’s Hardware
Elliott Supply
Hometown Market
Polkville Community Mart
Polkville Post Office
Save Mart 2 (Marathon)
Styles By Renee
Dan’s Superette
Food Country
Honey’s Supermarket
Norman’s Cafe
Northbrook Restaurant
Tri-County Bar & Grill Vale Hardware
Chicken Hill Mart
Dollar General Waco Stop-N-Shop
We would
to thank our
MENTS! Steel Buildings & Covers. Hay Barns, Boat Storage Sheds, Pavilions, Tractor & Implement Storage. J Johnson Sales in Forest City. (828) 2455895
DREAM! We Buy, Sell & Trade. Gold, Silver, Rare & Unique Items, Knives, Antiques, Coins, Gold Eagles, Collectibles and Much More. We Offer Appraisals on Coins•Knives•Jewelry. You’ve Gotta Come Check Us Out! Jake’s Knives & Coins located at 1008 S. Lafayette St., Shelby. Call 704-600-6996 or (980) 295-5568
INDOOR YARD SALE!! Saturday, February 22, 2025 at Mooresboro School Gym, 308 W. Main St., Mooresboro NC 28114. 8am - 2pm. $10 for each table (CASH ONLY) Bring your own tables / display. Setup is Sat. from 7am-8am, or 1pm6pm the Friday before. “FREE ADMISSION”. Questions: Call Keith 828-351-8822 or Mickey 828-447-7231.
GOLDEN DOMERS TOY AND HOBBY. Visit our NEW LOCATION .....Model Cars, Die-cast Cars & Trucks, Tractors, Hot Wheels, Construction Toys, Sports Memorabilia, Autographed Items, Hard to Find Items! See Mike & Brandon Willis. We’re located at 104 Oliver Ave. (behind El Acapulco Mexican Restaurant in Boiling Springs), Shelby 704-297-0102 or 704-297-0103
HANDYMAN WANTED: Handyman wanted to remodel rental units. Pay based on experience. Must have tools. 336225-1050.
Assemble standard assemblies and subassemblies using process equipment as directed by engineering drawings and manufacturing routers (or MWO). Can use small hand tools such as air tools, wire cutter, needle nose pliers, ruler and wire strippers. Requires use of preparatory machinery such as soldering irons, scales, arbor presses, grinder and band saws. Requires use of some inspection tools such as hi-pot testers and multi-meters. Must have HS Diploma or equivalent and consent to background check and drug screen. Experience not necessary, but helpful. Great pay and benefits. M-F 8-4:30. Check out our website & YouTube channel: https://www. smith-systems-inc.com/ (828) 884-3490 HR@smith-systemsinc.com
POLK COUNTY DIRECT SERVICE PROVIDER. WEEKENDS / NIGHTS in Polk County located just off Hwy 74 and I-26. Must be 18+ with a valid Driver’s License and HS Diploma or GED. Full and part time available! $14 per hour to start plus hiring bonus for both full and part time! Direct service providers (DSP) s in resident care homes for developmentally disabled adults in Polk County. Not a physically demanding job, great for seniors. Very light cleaning and easy meal prep in a quiet atmosphere. Plenty of time for reading, studying, crochet, watching tv, etc. Great for college students, night owls, etc.. Frequent raise reviews with increases happily given with excellent attendance and performance. (828) 859-0259 p.culbreth@ siainc.org
NEED HELP WITH PROJECTS Around Your House or Business? 30 years of experience. Free estimates. Landscaping, Minor Repairs, Ceiling Fans Installed, Install Mini Blinds, No job to small! Call or text (704) 692-4449
PAINTING, ROOFING, TILE FLOORS, wood decks, fences & carpentry work. Free estimates. Now is the time to paint outside! Ask for Harold or Jim 828-429-7511.
HYDRAULIC CYLINDER REPAIR. Skid Steer, Wreckers, Rollbacks, Splitters, Tractors, etc. 30 years experience. Shelby, NC. (Joe) (704) 692-1097
WILL CLEAN HOUSES. Reasonable rates. Call or text me at (704) 419-9016
KODAK COMPLETE CONCRETE FINISHING LLC. Free estimates. Serving North & South Carolina. Call 704-9145010.
YEAR LONG LAWN CARE SERVICES. We are currently getting our spring list together to provide cutting your yard, weed eating, and blowing off all areas. Be sure to call soon, we will fill up fast 980-522-3335 (980) 522-3335 longbrad1963@gmail.com
ERIC MOBILE MECHANIC. I will come to you to repair any car, full service on lawnmowers or tractor. Honest & Reliable! (704) 300-2332
CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Summer Tuneup Special, $69.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704472-9367.
SALE. 930AM, Feb. 19th, 2025 at Cherryville Storage, 1001 E Main St., Cherryville, NC. Contents of Units: #2/20/39 McEntyre for Non-Payment of Storage Rent. (704) 473-7358 andrew.sain@gmail.com
INSIDE YARD SALE SATURDAY, February 15th, 8:00am. Tools, furniture, dishes, glassware. Lots everything. 610 South Washington Street, Shelby, NC 28150
SALE. Men’s: clothes, XL & XX, pants 36/30 & 38/30, shoes size 12. Women’s: clothesmostly small sizes, shoes size 6-1/2 -7, Girls: clothes size 7/8, Kitchen items, LR tables, small dresser, table & 6 chairs, toddler toys, photography equipment, misc items. Sat., March 1, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Rain or Shine! 491 Ridgedale Dr., Shelby, NC 28150
MORGAN’S FIREWOOD. Green oak. Cut, split, delivered. $75. 828-395-0758.
Seasoned 90% Oak. $70-1/2 ton, $85 delivered, small bundle packs-$3 ea. 312 Helton Rd., Cherryville. 704-435-3970.
FREE WOOD. 2 acres of tall pine trees in Mooresboro/Boiling Springs area. Needs to be cut down and hauled off. If interested call 704-974-4468. If no answer, leave message.
TRAILERS, FLATBED TRAILERS, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC. 704434-6389, (704) 473-0867
PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788
HORSE QUALITY HAY FOR SALE. Call (704) 487-6855
CRATES FOR PLANTER BOXES, or Many Other Uses. Various Sizes. Some with Lids. $25 to $35 each. Call (704) 300-1818
SEAT AND chair $125. Matching 7 ft. sofa, chair and ottoman $150. Clean, one owner. 828286-4966.
USED GENEREX HOME GENERATOR. $1500. (704) 4770516
ZERO TURN MOWER. Ferris IS700Z - 61” deck, 26 HP Briggs Vanguard. $7,000. Also, Generator “Power Boss” by Generac 5500 watts. 8500 surge watts - $600. Call 704473-6587.
TOOLS. 2- table saws (1 Sears Craftsman), 2- band saws, scroll saw, heavy duty table joiner saw, 5HP tiller (needs repair) $600 for all. 828-657-5568
SWEET 16 HANDI QUILTER. Set down quilting machine, side tables that drop. Seperate bobbin winder, bobbins, etc. Must sell. $2000 obo. (704) 4346337
STEEL SHELTER. 12’ wide, 30’ long, 14’ tall. Sides go all the way down to ground. Green. $2,000. Call (704) 865-4281
RAINBOW VACUUM CLEANER. $400. In good condition and all attachments are present. Cash only! (828) 287-3412 teddybear93_890@ yahoo.com
1 MAUSOLEUM AT ROSE HILL. Located in Fallston, NC. $4000. (704) 739-3770
FULL SIZE HEADBOARD WITH SILVER STUDS. Beige in color, $40. 2 lingerie chests, 6 drawers each, color white, $50. Make-up table with glass mirror, $25. Small roll top desk with keys $50. (704) 460-9494
J JOHNSON SALES. Steel Buildings, Carports, Garages. Large On-site Display. J Johnson Sales in Forest City. (828) 245-5895
STEEL BUILDINGS, CARPORTS, GARAGES, WORKSHOPS. Car, Truck, Boat, Storage. Grading & Concrete “Turn Key Job”! Large On-site Displays. J Johnson Sales. 2690 Hwy. 221, Forest City, NC. (828) 245-5895
DUMP TRAILERS & EQUIPMENT TRAILERS. Aluminum Trailers. “Large Selection!”. Financing and Rent to Own Available. No Credit Check! J Johnson Sales, 2690 Hwy. 221 S., Forest City, NC. (828) 2455895
TRAILERS, NEW, USED, REPO. In stock Dumps, Enclosed, Concession Trailers and Equipment. Inventory changes weekly! Call or Come By! Financing or Rent to Own Available. J Johnson Sales, 2690 Hwy. 221 S., Forest City, NC 28043 (828) 245-5895
METAL ROOFING. Carport Metal “ One Piece OR The Whole Roof” We get deliveries twice a week! J Johnson Sales 2690 Hwy. 221 South , Forest City NC 28043. (828) 245-5895
7 TON EQUIPMENT TRAILER “LOADED”. $0 DOWN ! Approx. $200 Month *wac; 5 TON DUMP TRAILER “LOADED” $0 DOWN ! Approx. $240 Month *wac; 6’x10’ & 6’x12’ Utility Trailers $0 DOWN ! Approx. $90-$100 Month *wac. J Johnson Sales 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City, NC (828) 245-5895
STIHL PSA 57 ELECTRIC WEED EATER. AK 20 Battery with charger. Like new $150. Used very little. (704) 477-2612
STORAGE BUILDINGS (WOOD•STEEL•VINYL). New Buildings from Approx. $100 month *wac (Includes Delivery & Set Up on Concrete Blocks. J Johnson Sales 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City, NC (828) 245-5895
STORAGE BUILDINGS. 8’x8’ Up To 16’x40’ Built On Site IN ONE DAY! Financing OR Rent to Own Available. You Choose Your Colors and Placement of Your Doors & Windows. Delivery and Set Up is Included! J Johnson Sales 2690 Hwy 211 S. Forest City, NC. (828) 2455895
MORGAN’S FIREWOOD. Seasoned hardwood. Cut, split and delivered. $85. 828-395-0758.
MORGAN’S FIREWOOD. Green oak. Cut, split, delivered. $75. 828-395-0758.
ROSE HILL CEMETERY PLOTS. For sale, two adjoining plots in Rose Hill Memorial Park Cemetery in Lawndale, NC. Convenient to sidewalk and near bell tower. (202) 361-1876
WANTED: OLD AND NEW AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-289-1488.
Running or not, title or no title. Call Charles Dellinger at Red Road Towing. 704-692-6767, (704) 487-0228
I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197
WANT TO BUY CARS& TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006
WANT TO BUY Old G.I. Joe 12” Size Figures & Accessories From the 60’s and 70’s. Call (828) 351-8822
WANT TO BUY GOOD USED BUICK. Under 100k miles or Toyota or Honda. 980-8807324. If no answer leave message. (980) 880-7324
HAY FOR SALE 1/2 bales-$3, Square-$6, Rd-$20-$25-$30. 919 Bethlehem Church Rd. Grover, NC 704-418-1744.
HORSE QUALITY HAY FOR SALE. 4x5 Round Bales in barn, $50 each. Fescue and Orchard grass. Outside cow hay $30 per bale. Rutherford County. 828-429-3100.
ROUND BALE HAY. Net wrapped, clean hay. 10 bale minimum. $40 per bale (704) 300-9042 daniel.shires@yahoo.com
AVAILABLE. Tractor with 6’ rototiller. No job too big or small ! (704) 692-4079
BELGIAN MALENOIS BORDER COLLIE. AUSTRALIAN Five month old Belgian Malenois Border Collie and Australian Shepherd mix. High energy, incredibly smart. (864) 541-4438 celia.pritchard25@ gmail.com
MINI DACHSHUND PUPS. $400. Ready 3-1-25. Two 10 month olds, $250 each. 980436-6158, 704-413-3757
10’X10’X6’ DOG KENNELS. Dog Houses and Dog Buildings. Delivery & Set Up Available. J Johnson Sales in Forest City. (828) 245-5895
CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES FOR SALE. $200 ea. 2 males. 1st shots & dewormed. Registration papers. 980-260-9976.
COCKAPOO PUPPIES. 3 females, 3 males. Born Nov. 22, 2024. Tails docked, dew clawed. Parents on site. $800. Serious buyers only. 828-3052181.
BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES. Both parents on premises. First vaccines, worming and vet exam. Ready to go to new homes week of February 17th. Call or text 828-429-2401. BOER BILLY GOAT FOR SALE for breeding. $225. 828980-5067.
FREE TO A GOOD HOME. 2 yr old Mountain dog mix, All vaccines up to date, crate trained, wonderful temperament, gets along with other animals and people, comes with toys and crate. Sadly, new grandbaby is very allergic. To a good home only. Call or text for more info. (704) 284-4310
HERD. Female, born 11-30-24, shots & wormed, Black and White, $700. (704) 747-7441
1987 DODGE DAKOTA 6-cyl., long bed. $1,000. 704-830-4117
2024 NISSAN VERSA 6,000 miles. $19,900. Call: 704-7503182. If no answer, Leave message.
1995 CHEVROLET S-10 4x4. Not running, bad head gasket. $975 AS IS or will sell for parts. 704-678-3743.
Don’t Wait! Convertible, runs good, new fuel pump not running right. engine has 86,000 miles. $1000 AS IS. 704-6783743
2003 FORD SUPER DUTY F-250. Automatic, 7.3 Lite V-8 Engine. Tan Leather Interior. Upgrade Maintenance that included New Turbo and Injectors. Have Service Documents. Pioneer Radio. Only 138,800 miles $23500 OBO. Call (704) 300-1818
1997 FORD F-SUPER DUTY CHASSIS CAB XLT Package. 7.3 Diesel Power Stroke, Removable Pipe Rack. Flat Bed. 146,000 miles, PW, PDL, 5 Speed Manual, $13500 OBO. Call (704) 300-1818
1998 SUBARU LEGACY L WAGON for sale. Right hand drive Mileage 60,645 One owner, pampered, looks and drives like new, garage kept. Showroom clean. Used only on snow days. White with gray interior. Selling due to recent retirement. REDUCES $9,700.00 (828) 289-3607 denisedowns0326@gmail.com
ADO 2500. Engine runs good, new 4WD transmission. Has some rust. Can fix to drive, clean title. $3950 or will sell for parts. 704-678-3743.
BUILDING WITH OFFICE FOR RENT in Shelby. Perfect for small businesses. 1 acre plus. Ample parking. Fully functioning home on property goes with building. $1850/mth. + $1850 Security deposit. 704-2368198.
Montevista Drive, Shelby, NC. 3 Bedrooms. 1 Bath. Large Corner Lot. Wired Shop Building, Completely Renovated, New HVAC, New Plumbing, New Windows & Doors. Updated Electrical and Septic. Appliances included. $249,900. Call 704-482-0441 or 704-6928190. Shelby, NC 28150
Montevista Drive, Shelby, NC. 3 Bedrooms, 1Bath. Large Corner Lot. Wired Shop Building. Completely Renovated. New HVAC, New Plumbing, New Windows & Doors. Updated Electrical & Septic. Appliances Included. $249,900. Call 704-482-0441 or 704-692-8190 Shelby, NC 28150
2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, (704) 739-0259
LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE. Has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications now. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street, Shelby, NC (704) 482-7723 (704) 482-7723 Lions@RPMMANAGED.COM
Foust Road, Shelby. 3 BR, 2 BA, attached 2 car garage, large out buildings.1 acre lot. $1850 rent +$1850 security deposit. Tenant pays all utilities. Out building with office. Perfect for most small businesses. 704236-8198.
MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. Weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. NO TEXTING. (704) 473-4299
APARTMENT FOR RENT. 5 RM/2 BR Apartment. Stove/ refrig. Adults only. No pets. 515 W. Sumter, Shelby. $550/mo. 704-487-9622.
1624-7 SOUTH POST ROAD. Shelby, NC. Camper. Rent $975, Deposit $975. Includes power and water. App. Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
CAMPER LOT AVAILABLE FOR RENT. 1624-9 S Post Rd., Shelby, NC. Lot rent $500 includes up to $125 in utilities & $375 deposit. App fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180
1003-A MARK DR., SHELBY, NC. Apartment. Bottom floor, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom. Rent $995. Deposit $995. App Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
LARGE 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH mobile homes for rent in Shelby, NC. $875-$900/mth. Call 828-234-8147
135-12 WIGGINS LANE, KINGS MTN. New Single Wide. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom. Rent $1375, Deposit $1375, No Pets. App. Fee $25 per adult. 704214-4180.
135-8 WIGGINS LANE, KINGS MTN. New Single Wide, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom. Rent $1375, Deposit $1375. No Pets, App. fee $25 per adult. 704214-4180.
HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, Shelby. (704) 487-6354
135-19 WIGGINS LANE, KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC. New Singlewide. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Rent $1375, Deposit $1375. No pets. App fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
LAUREL HILL APARTMENTS LOCATED IN SHELBY NC. Is currently accepting applications for our 2 and 3 bedroom Townhomes. Rent is based on income (and even some expenses are deducted). Call or visit today! 1526 Eaves Road, Shelby, NC or call for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. (704) 487-1114
2000 SQ FT. Newly remodeled 1 bathroom for rent $800 month. 108 Gamble Loop Road, Bessemer City. (704) 616-4827
25 SQ FT COMMERCIAL BUILDING. With 1 bath for rent, 4120 Kings Mtn Highway, Bessemer City. $1200 month. (704) 616-4827
2432 SUN VALLEY TRL #7. Lincolnton, NC. Singlewide 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Rent $975 Deposit $975. App fee $25 per adult.