Work Samples 2022

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BIRR Castle Orchard Retreat Program and Master Plan

Architectural Design | Full 2020 | New York, USA | WQBArchitecture PLLC. | Project | Supervisor : William Brothers E-Mail: So�wares : Auto CAD, Sketch Up, Photoshop, Illustrator,

The 66 key Spa Hotel and 19 Co�age units offer medita�ve gardens of different characters and opportuni�es for rejuvena�on and relaxa�on. It consists of two gardens, a formal courtyard and a natural park which complement the exis�ng adjacent gardens of the Demesne. The Birr Castle Orchard Retreat will be a des�na�on resort within the grounds of the Castle Demesne. As a “living heritage”, Birr Castle offers visitors unparalleled opportuni�es for cultural preserva�on in the form of learning and educa�on in history and science. Driving towards the hotel entrance, turning right to the recep�on. . The visitors will pass part of the old garden wall, and the original plant of the peony 'Anne Rosse' , named a�er Lord Rosse's mother.Then turning right, they will face the recep�on of the hotel. The glass lobby allows for immediate transi�on from one space to the next. Solarium projects and the infinity garden view blend from the inside out into the design. The visitors will pass part of the old garden wall, beside the original plant of the peony 'Anne Rosse', named a�er Lord Rosse's mother. A�er stepping out of the glass lobby, the wisteria-covered dining area is situated next to the Upper Orchard pond.

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