
Page 1




INDEX References are to Rules or Regulations; figures in italics refer to Royal Arch Regulations. Abbreviations: p. page pl(s). plate(s) RULE OR REGULATION

Abroad. See DISTRICT CHAPTERS; DISTRICT GRAND CHAPTERS; DISTRICT GRAND LODGES; DISTRICT LODGES. Accounts and Audit - Craft Grand Lodge audit of, balancing of, circulation and presentation of, deposit of moneys to, inspection of, lodge Audit Committee duties, maintenance of, production and inspection for, Board of General Purposes, Grand Master &c., lodge members, Provincial or District Grand Master, statement of, surrender of books, on ceasing office, on cessation of lodge, Provincial and District Grand Lodges audit of,

228(c) 228(c) 228(c) 228(a) 228(b) 153 153 234 118 153 74 153 143, 153 188, 190 85 85

Accounts and Audit - Royal Arch chapter, Grand Chapter, Provincial and District Grand Chapters,

153 79 39

Act of Union declaration in, concerning degrees,

p. 1

Adjournment meeting, of, prohibition against,


Admission Grand Festival, Grand Lodge, to, lodges, to. See under VISITORS

12 10, 49


Admonition appeal against, Board of General Purposes, powers of, Grand Officer, of, removal after, Master, by, Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Master, by, misbehaviour in lodge, for, non-attendance on Grand Master, for, penalty, as, Adviser to Grand Lodge Grand Registrar as, Age qualifications for initiation,

185, 233, 278 233, 234 24 180 75 180 118 179 31 157

Agenda Grand Lodge See GRAND LODGE (Business paper) Allegiance transfer of, on formation of Sovereign Grand Lodge, Almoner - Craft appointment of, jewel, precedence, Almoner - Royal Arch appointment of, election, jewel, precedence, ‘Ample Form’ opening and closing Grand Lodge, Annual Dues See also FEES AND DUES fund of general purposes, Grand Charity, to remittance by lodges,

187 104(a) 250, pl 41 104(d) 48 48 pl.37a 48 51 269 27 147

Annual Returns See RETURNS Antient Charges and Regulations summary,

pp vii–ix

Antient Landmarks See LANDMARKS Antiquity, Lodge of, No. 2 collars, immemorial constitution, jewels,

262 101 250


Appeal See also APPEALS COURTS Board of General Purposes, from decision of, contumacy, cases treated as, differences between parties, from settlement of, documents to accompany, exclusion against, Grand Secretary, action on receipt of, language employed in submitting, lodge proceedings, against, Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Master from decision of, report by, particulars required in, penalty, suspension of, pending, presentation, method of, re-instatement on, right of, generally, Royal Arch, application of provisions, Sovereign Grand Lodges, formation, refusal to consider dispensation, Appeals Courts appeal to, right of, authority delegated to, casting vote, Commission annual report by, constitution from, elected members, casual vacancies, disqualification, elected members (Metropolitan), ballot, procedure, death or resignation, numbers, limitation as to, re-election, eligibility for, removal from office, term, vacancy, elected members (Provincial), ballot, procedure, death or resignation, disqualification under Rule 274, re-election, eligibility for, removal from office, panel, members, death or resignation, disqualification, eligibility, procedure for meetings,

185, 233, 234 74, 234 184 185(i) 182, 185 185(i) 185(i) 155 74, 75, 182(d), 185(i) 76 185(i) 185, 233 185 182(a), (b) 185 72, 73, 155, 179B 186 185 4 276 279(iii) 272 272 275 274 275(a) 275(a) 275(c) 275(a) 275(d) 275(c) 275(a) 275(b) 275A(a) 275A(a) 275A(c) 275A(c) 275A(d) 275A(c) 273 273 274 273 279(ii)



Appeals Courts (cont.) Commission (cont.) procedure, rules of, making, &c., of, reports by, special meetings, vacancy, constitution, decision by majority, erasure or expulsion, decision, finality of, dismissal of case, finding of fact, rule as to, Grand Lodge consideration by, report to, Grand Secretary, functions and duties Board of General Purposes, direction by, brother invited to resign, recommendation, plea for clemency, desire to make, notice of, receipt of recommendation, action on, invitation to brother to resign, laying before, notification to lodge or brother, Panel for Clemency consideration & report by, constitution, decision by, finding of fact, bound by, report to, plea for clemency absence of, desire to make, notice, hearing in Grand Lodge, making of, rules for conduct of, Provincial or District Grand Master, report by, substitution of penalty, suspension as penalty, pending determination, matters referable to, members, nomination by President, members, numbers of, Panel appointments by Grand Master, members, death or resignation, disqualification, See also erasure or expulsion above President, selection of, procedure, rules of, right of appeal to,

279(i) 279(iii) 279(ii) 273 272, 276, 280 276 76 278(ii) 277(a) (iii) 277(d) 277(b), (c) 277(a)(i)(B)(D) 233, 277A 277(a) 277(a)(i)(C) 76, 277(a)(i)(A)(B) 277(a)(ii), 277A, 278(i) 233, 277(a) 185, 277(a)(i)(A) 277(a)(i)(C)(D) 280 277(a)(i)(D)(E) 277(d) 277(a)(i)(c) 277(a)(i)(B) 277(a)(i)(A) 277(a)(i)(E) 277(a)(i)(C) 277(e) 76 277(a)(i)(C), 277(a)(ii), 278(i)(iv) 76, 233, 277(b), 278(v) 185(i) 184(b), 233, 277(a)144 276 276 273 273 274 273 276 279(i), 277(e) 185


Appeals Courts (cont.) voting on questions,


Application forms Initiation, for, deposit of, specification of date in by-laws, particulars required, Provinces and Districts, despatch of duplicate in, transmission Districts, in, electronic, Grand Secretary, to, use of, joining or re-joining membership, for deposit of, specification of date in by-laws, disposal after election, particulars required, Provinces and Districts, despatch of duplicate in, use of,

164(c) 164(b) 164(a) 174(a) 191(C) 164(a), 174(a) 159, 164, (a) 164(c) 164(a) 164(b) 164(a) 159, 163(b), 164(a)

Appointments See under title of body or office Apprentices Charge concerning, apron,

p. 153 265, pls. 56, 57

Aprons - Craft designs, entered apprentice, Grand Officers embroidered, plain, unornamented, when worn, wearing by Provincial or District Grand Officers, materials, Prince of Wales’s Lodge, No. 259, Aprons - Royal Arch Companions and Principals, emblem, Grand Officers,

265 265, 268(a) 265, pl. 52 265, pl. 53 265 266, 267 268A 265 96, pl. 47 96, pl 48 96

Armed Forces active list, members of, initiation of,


Arrears members in cessation of membership, chapter, contributions to Grand Lodge, &c., in respect of, joining another lodge, liability for,

148 71 147 163(d)



Arrears (cont.) members in payment of, recording in returns, rejoining, Assistant Director of Ceremonies - Craft appointment of, optional, jewel, Assistant Director of Ceremonies - Royal Arch jewel,

147, 163 147 148 104 250, pl. 40 pl. 40

Assistant District Grand Master See ASSISTANT PROVINCIAL OR DISTRICT GRAND MASTERS Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies - Royal Arch jewel, Assistant Grand Master absence of Grand Master & others, powers on, appointment of, apron, attendance on Grand Wardens, by, Master, Wardens & Brethren, by, Board of General Purposes, attendance, chain of office, especial Grand Lodge, summons of, jewel, precedence, prefix, Rulers’ Forum, membership of, salute, seniority, when more than one, vacancy in office of Grand Master, action on, visitation of lodges, Assistant Grand Officers – Craft See also under title of office or officer appointment of, aprons, jewels, precedence, Assistant Grand Officers - Royal Arch See also under title of office or officer appointment of aprons, chains and collars, jewels, sash,

pl. 22 27, 50 18 265 29, 122 118 223 255, pl. 47 13 242, 249, pl. 3 5 6 216 6 27 14 122 18 265, pls. 23, 52, 53 242, pl. 24 5

2, 15 96 93 86, pls. 17, 19, 22, 28B 97, pl. 49


Assistant Grand Scribe E jewel,

pl. 19

Assistant Grand Sojourner jewel,

pl. 17

Assistant Metropolitan Grand Superintendent appointment of, chain, jewel, qualification of, registration of, registration fee, Assistant Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Masters additional, appointment & investiture, aprons, chain, collars, full dress regalia, wearing of, jewel, limitation of numbers, past, jewel for, powers & duties, qualification of, registration fee, salute, visitation of lodges, Assistant Scribe E jewel,

26(c) 94, pl. 26(D) 88, pl. 28C 26(c)(ii) 26(c) (iii) 98(a) 67 66(a)(d), 67 265, pls. 56, 57 256(i–iv), pls. 48, 49 260(i), pls. 54, 55 256, 265, 268 247, 249, pl. 28 67 248 66, 122 66(b) 270(a)2 6 122 pl. 42

Assistant Secretary appointment of, optional, jewel,

104 250, pl. 43

Assistant Sojourner jewel,

pl. 39

Assistant to District Grand Principal jewel,

pl. 28B

Assistant to Provincial Grand Principal jewel,

pl. 28B

Audit See ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT Auditors chapter, Grand Chapter, Grand Lodge,

153 79 228(c)



Auditors (cont.) Lodge, qualification and election of Grand Chapter, Grand Lodge, Provinces and Districts, Royal Arch, Ballot - Craft admission to Grand Lodge, for, black ball in, for candidate, candidate for initiation, rejection, urgency in case of, candidate for joining, casting vote See CASTING VOTE exclusion of member, for, Grand Lodge, in, Grand Treasurer, for, Scrutineers, honorary member, for, Master, for, rejection of candidate Treasurer of lodge Ballot - Royal Arch candidates exclusion from chapter, Honorary Members joining members officers of a chapter Principals Treasurer vacancies in office Bank Account chapter deposit of moneys of Grand Lodge in, lodge Behaviour Charges concerning, Bi-Centenary Bar - Craft application for, design of, Honorary Members, wearing by, qualification, wearing of,

153 79 228(c) 85 39 49 165 159, 164 165 160 163(a), 164 181 59 20 21 167 105 165 112 66 71, 73, 181(d) 167 66 48 48 48 54, 57 73, 153 228(a) 153 p. 148 252(b) 252(d), pl. 59 252(c) 252(b) 252(c)


Bi-Centenary Bar - Royal Arch Honorary Members


Bi-Centenary Charter fee


Bi-Centenary Warrant fee on grant of,


Black Ball election, at

66, 165, 167

Board of General Purposes accounts, powers and duties as to adjudication appeal against power of admonition, power of appeal against decisions of appointed members. See under members, below attendance on brother in charge of Grand Lodge books and papers, by, lodge officers and brethren, summons to audit of accounts, responsibilities as to, authority delegated to business Grand Lodge precedence of care of property & affairs of Grand Lodge, duty as to casual vacancies clemency, plea for, hearing notice to lodge or brethren, notification of, to, rules as to, power to make, co-option to serve Committee of General Purposes, Royal Arch same powers and duties Committees appointment and powers disciplinary, invitations to attend recommendations & reports by communications Grand Lodge, to to, in writing complaints adjudication on hearing of, quorum at members affecting reference of, to,

228 185, 278 232 233, 234 185, 233, 278

228(b) 234 228(c) 4 38 237 227 223 277(a)(i)(F) 277(a)(i)(E) 277(e) 224 81 231 232(b) 231 229 229 236 232 226 235 184(a)(i)



Board of General Purposes (cont.) constitution of correspondence, conduct of disciplinary powers delegation by Grand Lodge disqualification of members See under members below Districts in See DISTRICT BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES eligibility to serve, co-opted members, as erasure, cases involving See ERASURE expulsion, cases involving See EXPULSION finances, Grand Lodge, control of, functions and duties as to See under APPEALS COURT non-members entitlement to papers, receipt of speak at members appointment Rulers’ Forum powers to amend, allocation of Provinces to Ruler’s Forum Groups, eligibility, cessation of, Grand Lodge accounts, books & papers affairs of, regulation of business, ordering of business paper, approval of correspondence, conduct of finances, control of, powers of, delegation to property of, care of recommendations to reports to Grand Master matters referred by, precedence meetings, powers to summons irregularities, masonic, adjudication upon lodge officers, power to summons meetings Grand Secretary, convening by number of quorum at voting at members erasure and exclusion, powers and duties See ERASURE; EXCLUSION Grand Lodge business paper, circulation of, to nominations minutes, entries in nomination of members See under members above notices of motion rejection of when dispensed with

223 230 233, 234 4



223 223 223 217(h) 217(h) 218(b) 228 227 38 46 230 228(a) 4 227 229 43, 229 237 225 232 234 225 225 225 226 226

47 45 238

41 43


Board of General Purposes (cont.) petitions to, in writing plea for clemency, hearing of notice to lodge or brother, notification of, to, rules as to, powers to make, powers and duties accounts, regarding powers and duties adjudication on complaints and irregularities, books & papers, call & inspection Grand Lodge, lodges, of care of property & control of affairs correspondence, conduct of disciplinary finances, control of, Grand Lodge business approval of paper ordering of retention of warrants, books, papers &c. summons of officers & brethren to attend See also ERASURE; EXPULSION President absence of appointment of casting vote by chain of office, ex officio membership of committees jewel of, meetings, summons of notices of motion, rejection of, action on prefix of property of Grand Lodge, control, &c., of quorum at meeting recommendations, &c. reports by notice of motion when not required reports to, neglect by lodges to make returns, &c. representations to, in writing resignation, brother invited to offer directions, scrutineers festivals, at, nomination of porch of Grand Lodge, for nomination of suspension, power of Vice-president ex officio membership of committees voting in warrants, production, call for

236 277(c) 277(a)(i)(E) 277(e) 228 232(a) 228(b) 234 227 230 233, 234 228(a) 46 38 234 234

3 18 226 255, pl. 47 231 242, 249, pl. 8 225 41 6 227 226 229 229 43 150 236 233, 277A(a) 48 48 233, 234 231 226 234



Board of Installed Masters inability to constitute, effect of, Boards Metropolitan Areas, Provinces or Districts, in investigation of complaints by minutes See also BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES; DISTRICT BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES Book of Constitutions amendments amendments, record of, Antient Charges & Regulations, summary, appendix as part thereof Craft, Aims & Relationships, expulsion of brethren, application of provisions to Royal Arch Companions, Grand Lodge, recognition, basic principles for, initiates, supply of copy to joining members from other jurisdictions, supply of copies to, lodges, rules relating to, application to chapters, plates, appendix of, principal editions, Provinces, rules relating to, application to Metropolitan Areas, Provincial Grand Lodges & Officers, rules relating to, application to Metropolitan Grand Lodges & Officers, Provincial Grand Masters, rules relating to, application to Metropolitan Grand Masters, publishing authority, Royal Arch, application of Rules of Craft Masonry generally, sanction, table of contents Craft, Royal Arch, Books & Papers accounts, of See ACCOUNTS production of, to Board of General Purposes Grand Master, &c. lodge Provincial or District Grand Master property in surrender of ceasing to hold office, on lodge ceasing to meet, &c. Lodge of Instruction, by


75 82

40 p. iv pp. vii–ix 240 pp. x–xiii 73, 179B pp. xiv, xv 159 163(h) 73, 179B pp. 152–188 p. iv 60(b) 60(b) 60(b) p. iii p. 193 p. 191 p. v p. 192

228, 234 118 153 74 143 143 188, 190 135


British Lodge No. 8 jewels


Business - Craft Grand Lodge See under GRAND LODGE lodge, emergency meeting at


Business - Royal Arch chapter, emergency convocation at Grand Chapter communication through Grand Scribe E Grand Principals, communications from preparation of paper of transmission of papers of By-laws - Craft District Grand Lodges funds, for regulation of membership of boards, provisions as to, lodge alteration of removal of lodge, on, approval of ballot for candidate, regulating change of meeting place, copies delivery to Grand Secretary & others delivery to Master & brethren deprivation of rights by, prohibition against election & installation meetings, specification of enforcement framing & making Grand Secretary, transmission to Master’s obligations as to meetings, time & place of, specification of printing of proposal forms date for deposit of, deposit of, relating to Provinces or Districts, in, draft, transmission of removal of lodge, Secretary’s services, relating to submission to subscriptions, relating to time & place of meeting in, Provincial Grand Lodges funds for regulation of, By-laws - Royal Arch chapters District Grand Chapters Provincial Grand Chapters

59 19 24 20 21 80 84 81(a)(c)(d) 136 141(ii) 136 165 141(ii) 136 138 145 137 138 136 136 138 137 136 164(c) 164 136 141(ii) 104 138 145 137, 141(ii) 80 83(d) 48, 73, 136–138 35 35



Candidates black-balling of boards or committees, nomination for degrees, conferment by request exaltation See EXALTATION initiation, for See INITIATION joining membership, for See under CHAPTERS; LODGES limitation on number re-joining membership, for See under CHAPTERS; LODGES rejection of Casting Vote Appeals Court Commission, in, Appeals Court in Board of General Purposes meetings of Grand Lodge, in Grand Treasurer, at election of lodge, in Censure misbehaviour, for Centenary Jewel - Craft application for, design of, Honorary Members, wearing by, Master Masons, restricted to

66, 165, 167 45 173

168 165 279(ii) 276 226 21, 59 21 156 180 252(a) 252(d), pl. 59 252(c) 252

Centenary Jewel - Royal Arch fee illustration, particulars required petition or memorial for qualification for

99 pl. 45 91 91 91

Centenary Warrant fee on grant of,


Certificates - Craft Amalgamation, of, appeals, to accompany conferment of degree by request, of, Grand Lodge amendment of, fee, application for, Districts, in application for, blank, issue of fees, issue of quarterly returns of

102A 185 173(d) 270(b) 174(a) 174(a) 87 86, 89, 270(a)4 86 88


Certificates - Craft (cont.) Districts, in (cont.) sealing & signing of duplicate, issue of fee, Entered Apprentice, entitlement to, exaltation, production for exchange of on advancement, serving brother, by, fee for, payment of, Fellow Craft, first degree, Grand Lodge issue of Districts, in duplicate, first or second degree, joining or re-joining member, required of, loss of replacement fee, post, delivery by, presentation of, production to Board of General Purposes Grand Master, &c. Provincial or District Grand Master replacement fee, resignation, after invitation, to accompanying letter of, lodge clearance grant of petitioners for new lodge exclusion of brother, recording on, grant of resignation or exclusion, on, suspension, recording on presentation of, sealing of second degree, serving brethren, for exchange of, fee, signing of, by recipient, to accompany letter of resignation, visitors, production by, serving brethren,

87 174(f) 270(b) 174(c) 174(c) 66, 67 174(c) 170(b) 174(b), 270(a)5 174(c) 174(c) 174(a), (c) 86, 88 174(f) 174(c) 163(j) 174(f) 270(b) 174(d) 174(d) 234 118 74 270(b) 277B(b)(ii)

175 94 175(ii) 175 175(ii) 175 174(d) 31 174(c) 170(b) 170(b) 170(b), 270(c) 174(e) 183(a), 277A(b)(ii) 125(a) 170(b), 270(c)



Certificates - Royal Arch Amalgamation, of, chapter clearance, exclusion, after, joining companions, production by re-joining companions, production by resignation, on, exaltation, candidate for, Grand Lodge & lodge certificates, production of Grand Chapter Districts fee, issue in issue generally joining companion, production of lodge or chapter not under English Constitution, from inspection by District Grand Scribe E inspection by Grand Scribe E production of London, fee, lost or destroyed replacement Overseas, fee, presentation of Provinces, fee, returns as to Serving companion, special certificate exchange of fee, issue Signing by companion to accompany letter of resignation,

45A 70(a) 70(b) 66 66, 67 70(b) 66, 67

98(a) 69 69 67, 69 67 67 67 98(a) 69 98(a) 69 98(a) 69 68 98(c) 68 69 183(a), 277A(b)(ii)

Cessation of membership See under CHAPTERS (membership); LODGES (membership) Chains - Craft Assistant Grand Master, Assistant Provincial & District Grand Masters, Deputy Grand Master, Deputy Provincial & District Grand Masters, gold or metal gilt, Grand Inspector, Grand Master, jewel appended to lodge collars, worn on past Grand Officers, when worn by, Pro Grand Master, Provincial or District Grand Master, Provincial or District Grand Officer wearing with Grand Officer’s apron wearing of,

255(a), pl. 47 256, pl. 49 255(a), pl. 47 256, pl. 48 255(a) 255(a)(c), pl. 47 255(a), pl. 47 254 262 255(b) 255(a), pl. 47 255(a)(c), pl. 47 267 255(a)


Chains - Royal Arch Deputy Grand Superintendent, gold or metal gilt, Grand Inspectors Grand Officers, Grand Superintendents jewel appended thereto See also JEWELS Second Provincial or District Grand Principals, Third Provincial or District Grand Principals,

94, pl. 28A 94, pl. 28A

Chaplain appointment of, optional jewel,

104 250, pl. 35

Chapters abroad, grouping, alteration or amalgamation of accounts additional offices in alteration of day of meeting name of place of meeting amalgamation of, annual contributions to Grand Chapter annual returns See RETURNS appeals See APPEAL; APPEALS COURT appointment of Officers See officers below aprons See APRONS arrears, exclusion of members in audit of accounts of ballot candidates See EXALTATION exclusion of members in Honorary Members officers of Principals vacancy in office Bi-Centenary Bar fee for Charter for illustration, petition for qualification for black balls at ballot in Book of Constitutions, rules relating to lodges, application, by-laws candidates for exaltation See EXALTATION Centenary Jewel application for fee

94, pl. 26B 93, pl. 5 93 93, pl. 5 93 92, 94

41 153 48 58 45 58, 141 45A 100

71 153

181 167 48 48 54, 57 99 pl. 45 91 91 66 25, 40, 73, 74, 81, 179b 136, 138 91, pl. 45 91 99



Chapters (cont.) certificate, good standing, of, certificates See CERTIFICATES Charter See CHARTER collars See COLLARS committee Constitutions of Craft Masonry, application, preamble contributions to Grand Chapter Convocations See MEETINGS and CONVOCATIONS Council, 72 members as, limitation to death, Principals, of devolution of authority by Principals discipline See DISCIPLINARY POWERS dispensations See DISPENSATIONS displacement of Principals dissolution or erasure of lodge to which attached District See DISTRICT CHAPTERS election candidates See EXALTATION; MEMBERS Janitor Officers Principals See also PRINCIPALS Treasurer See also officers below emergency convocations erasure See ERASURE exaltation of candidates See EXALTATION exclusion See EXCLUSION expulsion See EXPULSION fees & dues See FEES & DUES First Principal See FIRST PRINCIPAL foreign jurisdiction candidate from joining member from founders, new chapter, petition by General Regulations, presentation of copy to new member Grand Superintendent, powers and duties as to holiday, convocation falling on Honorary Members See HONORARY MEMBERS incapacity Principal Treasurer installation Principals returns investiture of officers jewels See JEWELS joining members certificate, production of election of


73, 154 25, 40, 73, 74, 81 61, 62 48 54 56

54 45

48 48, 57 48–50 48, 57 59

67 67 43, 44 67 40 139

54 57 48, 53, 58 60 48

66, 67 66


Chapters (cont.) joining members (cont.) General Regulations, presentation to other jurisdictions, from declaration by registration fee & certificate, particulars required of presence within one year, requirement proposals registration fee, rejection on ballot Serving Companions lodge attachment to dissolution or erasure of, effect rules relating to, applicable when loss Charter, of Grand Chapter Certificate, of replacement fee, Master, Principals considered as membership, cessation payment of arrears visiting chapters, disqualification meetings See MEETINGS annual returns neglect in making See also RETURNS arrears, in, exclusion of by-laws, presentation to centenary jewel & bar exaltee ipso facto exclusion See EXCLUSION expulsion See EXPULSION General Regulations, presentation to Honorary See HONORARY MEMBERS improperly excluded, re-instatement joining See under joining members above minimum number new, registration number of, according to ancient custom proposals re-instatement after improper exclusion registration rejection on ballot rejoining See under rejoining members below resignation of, returns See RETURNS suspension See SUSPENSION

67 67 98(a)(iv) 66 66 66 61 98(a)(iv) 66 68 45 45 73 47 69 98(b) 48 71 127 61, 63 48 71 136 91 66

67 182 188 61, 69 48 66 182 61, 69 66 70(b) 183



Chapters (cont.) membership, cessation automatic subscription unpaid after two years minutes confirmation emergency convocations, bar on reading & confirmation at particulars to be entered motion, notice of Grand Chapter business, despatch of removal of chapter, for negligence in failing to meet for one year making returns registration of members new See NEW CHAPTERS number of members according to ancient custom office in Honorary Members ineligible for qualification for vacancies in officers additional annual return of appointment of casual vacancies in collars election investiture jewels, precedence of regular vacancies in Overseas unattached grouping, alteration or amalgamation of Past First Principals annual return of aprons collars jewels qualification as members of District or Provincial Grand Chapter Grand Chapter sash of emblem, crimson background, fringe, gold or metal gilt, Past Second & Third Principals apron sash, penalty for neglect to make returns

71, 148 78, 148 73, 144 59 144 19 73, 141 189 64 64 48 167 49, 50, 57 54, 55, 57 48 60 48 54, 55, 57 95 48, 57 48 89, pl. 31–44 48 48 54, 55, 57 41 60 96 95 89 30 5 97, pl. 49 97(i) 97(i) 96 97, pl. 49 64


Chapters (cont.) penalty for neglect to (cont.) meet for one year register members petitions for Bi-Centenary Bar Centenary Jewel Charter for new chapter place of meeting, specification in by-laws precedence of chapter officers Principals See FIRST PRINCIPALS; SECOND PRINCIPALS; THIRD PRINCIPALS production of certificates by candidates Charter, by Principal at meetings prohibited days of meeting property in trust proposals candidates, method Honorary Member, when qualified to make Honorary Membership, for proposer of candidate, qualification & particulars of, requirement Provinces See PROVINCIAL CHAPTERS public holiday, convocation falling on, re-joining membership candidate for ballot return exclusion after registration fees neglect in maintaining register new members remittance of fees Serving Companions re-instatement of member, after improper exclusion rejection of candidate remission of fees removal of consent to, one meeting for temporary, resignation by invitation See RESIGNATIONS, see also APPEALS COURT returns See RETURNS Scribe E, exemption from subscription Scribes election of, jewel, Second Principal See SECOND PRINCIPAL

189 64 91 91 43, 44 58 45 48

66, 67 47 139 143 66 167 167 66 139(a), (b)

66 62 182 62, 69 64 61, 69 62 68 182 66 62 141(iii) 142 58, 141(v)

48 48 89, pl. 35



Chapters (cont.) Serving Companion certificate fee, exaltation & status subscriptions annual arrears of differentiation in exemption of Scribe E from summons attendance on First Grand Principal candidates, particulars of, on suspension in Craft, effect of Third Principal See THIRD PRINCIPAL transfer to another lodge Treasurer See TREASURER vacancies in office visitors & visitation application of provisions See also VISITATION; VISITORS voting in Chapters of Instruction holding under similar Craft regulations Charges of a Free-Mason Charges and Regulations, Antient summary, Charitable funds (local) Districts London Grand Rank fund Provinces Charity Jewel bar to, 253(c) certificate for, production of, collarette, illustration, qualification for, ribbon, wearing of, method, Charity Steward - Craft appointment, jewel, precedence, Charity Steward - Royal Arch appointment election

98(c) 68 145 71 145 48 118 66 72 45 54, 55, 57 73 48, 54, 66 74 pp. 142–151 pp. vii–ix 84 61 83

253(g) 253(e), (f), (g) pl. 60 253(a) 253(b) 253(b) 104(a) 250, pl. 40(a) 104(d) 48 48


Charity Steward - Royal Arch (cont.) jewel, precedence

pl. 37b 48

Charter application for See NEW CHAPTER chapter to act with, essential requirement custody of First Principal’s responsibility forfeiture of loss of petition for See NEW CHAPTER production at each convocation withholding of Charter for Bi-Centenary Bar illustration, pl. petition or memorial for fee particulars required qualification for Charter for Centenary Jewel illustration, petition or memorial for fee particulars required qualification for Charter of Confirmation issue of evidence required for fee surrender of

47 47 47 64, 188, 189 47 47 47 45 91 99 91 91 pl. 45 91 99 91 91 47 47 99 47

Cheques signatures upon


Christmas Day meetings on, prohibition against


Civil Magistrates charge concerning Clearance Certificates - Craft issue of Clearance Certificates - Royal Arch issue of Clemency matters permitted to be referred to in,

pp. 144, 145 94, 175 70 277(d)



Clemency (cont.) plea for grant of leave to make in Grand Lodge substituted penalty, rejection, report to Grand Lodge, Panel, rules as to, power to make, submission of, Clemency Panel constitution grant of plea, membership, presidency of, rejection of plea, vacancy on, voting on questions submitted

277(a)(i)(E) 277(a)(i)(C), 277(b) 277(a)(i)(D) 277(a)(i)(D) 277(a)(i)(C) 277(e) 277(a)(i)(A) 280 277(a)(i)(C)(E) 280(b)(c) 280(a) 277(a)(i)(D) 280(b) 280

Clerks Grand Secretary’s office, (rule suspended)


Closing Grand Lodge Provincial or District Grand Lodge

51 79

Clothing Clothing See APRONS; CHAINS; COLLARS; JEWELS; REGALIA; SASH Collar, Collarettes Charity jewel See under CHARITY JEWEL Grand Principals with Craft regalia Grand Superintendents with Craft regalia Hall Stone Jewel, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters if Grand Officers Past Deputy Provincial Grand Masters if Grand Officers Collars - Craft Antiquity, Lodge of, No.2, chain worn on Fortitude & Old Cumberland, Lodge of, No. 12, Grand Officers full dress, plain, wearing of Grand Stewards Grand Stewards’ Lodge, officers & Past Masters

260, pls. 54, 55

86 86 251, pl.58 248 248 262 262 262 257, pls. 50, 51 257, pl.50 257, pl.51 257 258 261


Collars - Craft (Cont.) jewel appended to lodges officers wearing of London Grand Rank, London Rank, office or rank, appropriate, wearing in Grand Lodge, Overseas Grand Rank, Overseas Rank, Past Grand Officers, Past Grand Stewards Past Masters Past Provincial or District Grand Officers, Past Provincial or District Grand Stewards, Provincial or District Grand Lodge, in, Grand Officers, wearing by Provincial or District Grand Officers wearing with Grand Apron Provincial or District Grand Stewards public, wearing in Royal Somerset House & Inverness Lodge No. 4 Collars - Royal Arch chapters officers, in own chapters Principals & Past Principals District Grand Officers Grand Officers jewel appended to London Chapter Rank holders London Grand Chapter Rank holders Overseas Chapter Rank holders Overseas Grand Chapter Rank holders Past District Grand Officers Past Grand Officers Past Provincial Grand Officers Provincial Grand Officers Senior London Grand Chapter Rank holders

254 262 263 260(iii), pls. 54, 55 260(iii), pls.54, 55 260(iv) 260(iii), pls. 54, 55 260(iii), pls.54, 55 257, pls.50, 51 259 264 260(i), pls.54, 55 260(ii) 257(iii) 260(i) pls. 54, 55 267 260(ii) 178 262

95 95 94 93 92 94 94 94 94 94 93 94 94 94

Commission for Appeals Courts See APPEALS COURTS Committee of Inquiry Metropolitan Area, Province or District, in Committee of General Purposes - Grand Chapter Appeals Court, Commission for disqualification from membership appeals from decisions of audit of accounts of Grand Chapter authority to summon special meeting of Board of General Purposes, powers of


274 81, 233 79 76 81



Committee of General Purposes - Grand Chapter (cont.) business for Grand Chapter business paper, Grand Chapter, approval of casual vacancies Charters examination of applications for report to Grand Chapter on applications for constitution duties of examination of applications for Charters finances, Grand Chapter, control of First Grand Principal, summons of special meeting of general duties & powers Grand Chapter accounts finances, control of reports to meetings of members appointed election of nomination of qualification of powers & general duties President absence of appointment of authority to summon special meetings of Investiture of jewel of, precedence of proceedings quorum reports to Grand Chapter retirement from, rotation special meetings of vacancies on Committees Board of General Purposes appointment & powers ex officio members chapter, of Grand Lodge, of, membership, nomination for lodge, of applications for membership, consideration of, appointment & powers audit Master as ex officio member Metropolitan Areas, Provinces or Districts, in appointment of

19, 20 20 75 80 80 75 79, 80, 81 80 79 76 81 79 79 80, 81, 229 76 75 75 75 75 81 78 15 76 15 86, pl. 6 2 81 77 80, 81, 229 75 76 75

231 231 73, 154 45 164(a) 154 153 154 80


Committees (cont.) Metropolitan Areas, Provinces or Districts, in (cont.) investigation of complaints by minutes of Commonwealth Grand Lodges representatives, appointment of


Community Order sentence, reporting by,


Complaints Appeals Court, reference to, Board of General Purposes adjudication by, consideration by, quorum member of, or his lodge, affecting reference to, chapters, application of Craft provisions consideration of Board of General Purposes, by, lodge, in exclusions, against, lodge proceedings, against London, in, Metropolitan, Provincial & District Grand Masters investigation by reference to, Overseas lodges (not in Districts), Provinces & Districts, in, Conduct likely to bring Freemasonry into disrepute, report of, Confirmation, Charter of issue of evidence required for fee surrender of Confirmation, Warrants of fee for, issue of Consecration regalia to be worn at chains collars Contributions See also FEES & DUES District Grand Lodge fund Grand Chapter fund Provincial Grand Lodge fund

75 82

184(b) 232(a) 226 235 184(a)(i) 73 184(a)(i) 226 181 73, 182(a) 155 184(a)(i) 75 184(a)(ii) 184(a)(i) 184(a)(ii) 179A 47 47 99 47 270A 103

255, 256 257 84 62, 100 83



Contributions (cont.) receipt of, as duty of Grand Secretary remittance of neglect in scale of

32 147 150, 152 170

Contumacy non-compliance with summons of Board of General Purposes Provincial or District Grand Master

234 74

Convocations See MEETINGS & CONVOCATIONS Correspondence Grand Lodge, conduct of


‘Country’ Membership rate of subscription


Courtesy degrees, conferment by


Custodial Sentence report of


Deacons appointment of, jewels, regular officers as,

104(a)(e) 250, pl. 39 104(a)

Death District Grand Master Grand Master Grand Superintendent Master Elect of lodge Principal of chapter Provincial Grand Master Royal Arch Committee of General Purposes, member Declaration candidates, by exaltation, for joining member from another jurisdiction, obedience to Constitutions/Regulations, petitioners for new lodge Definitions & Interpretations additional officers, ample form degrees recognised, due form excluded & expelled,

64 14 29 106, 107 54 64 75 162 67 163(f) 43, 94, 159, 163(f) 94 104(a) 51 p. 1 51, 79 181 (note)


Definitions & Interpretations (cont.) form Grand Lodge Immediate Past Master, London lodges Provinces & Districts Provincial or District lodges

51, 79 2 104(f) 128 62 129

pure Antient Masonry, regular officers, suspension ‘unattached’ brother

p. 1 104(a) 179 127

Degrees certificate after first or second degree, conferment of by request certificate, countersignature, minutes, recording in, restricted to Installed Masters, insignia of, wearing of interval between computation of time, Districts lodges not under Districts validation of unconstitutional ceremony number conferred on same day, limit on recognised (Declaration), request, conferment by See under CONFERMENT above

174(c) 173(d) 173(a) 173(d) 173(b)(c) 144(i) 119(b) 241 172 139(d) 90 90 172 168 p. 1

Deputy District Grand Master See DEPUTY METROPOLITAN, PROVINCIAL OR DISTRICT GRAND MASTER Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies - Royal Arch jewel, Deputy Grand Master absence of appointment of apron attendance on Grand Wardens, by Master, Wardens & members, by Board of General Purposes, Attendance chain of office, especial Grand Lodge, summons of, by installation & investiture jewel, powers & privileges in absence of Grand Master precedence

pl. 14 13, 14, 27 18 265 29, 122 118 223 255, pl. 47 13, 14 18 242, 249, pl. 2 26, 50 5



Deputy Grand Master (cont.) prefix of Rulers’ Forum, membership salutes Second Grand Principal, as, if qualified vacancy in office of Grand Master, powers on visitation of lodges Deputy Grand Officers - Craft apron, Deputy Grand Officers - Royal Arch appointment apron chains & collars Deputy Grand Officers - Royal Arch (cont.) jewels of office, sash, Deputy Grand Officers -Craft appointment aprons, jewels, Deputy Grand Registrar - Craft jewel,

6 216 6 10 14 122 265, pls. 22, 52, 53 15 96 93 86, pls. 12–15 97, pl. 49 18 265, pls. 23, 52, 53 242, pl. 23 242, pls. 9, 23

Deputy Grand Registrar - Royal Arch jewel,

pl. 12

Deputy Grand Scribe E jewel,

pl. 13

Deputy Grand Secretary appointment of jewel, Deputy Grand Superintendent appointment of, chain, duties of Grand Scribe E & chapters, particulars of, transmission to, Grand Superintendent, by, investiture, jewel of, Past Rank, bar on appointment precedence of qualification for, Deputy Grand Sword Bearer jewel,

18 pls. 10, 23 28A(i) 94, pl. 26B 29 28A(iii) 28A(iv) 88, pl. 26A 33 34 28A(ii) pls. 13, 23


Deputy Master appointment of tenure of office, period of

110 115

Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master appointment by Metropolitan Grand Master, apron business papers & reports, to be transmitted to chain, duties on death of Metropolitan Grand Master designation, as such investment, place of, qualification, Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent appointment by Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, chain, invested in, qualification, Deputy Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Master appointment of notification fee, registration fee, apron, chain, collar, functions on death, &c., of Prov. or Dist. GM ‘in charge’, when investiture of, jewel, Past, jewel for qualification of, salute visitation of lodges Differences between parties reference to higher authority

60(c)(i) 265 47 256A(a)(i–iv), pl. 48 64 64 60(c)(iv) 60(c)(ii) 26(c)(i) 94, pl. 26B 26(a)(iv) 26(c)(ii) 66(a) 66(c) 270(a) 265, pls. 56, 57 256(i-iv), pls. 48, 49 260, pls. 54, 55 64 64 66(d) 247, 249, pl. 27 248 66(b) 6 122, 124 184

Director of Ceremonies - Craft appointment of, optional jewel,

104 250 pl. 38 pl. 37

Director of Ceremonies - Royal Arch Disciplinary Powers - Craft Board of General Purposes, of Grand Lodge, of Grand Master, of deprivation of rank, misbehaviour in Grand Lodge, over re-instatement of excluded brethren, lodge, of

4, 233, 234 4, 57 24, 60(b), 92(b) 57 182(a) 180, 181



Disciplinary Powers - Craft (cont.) Master of a lodge, of Metropolitan, Provincial & District Grand Masters, of, penalties not elsewhere provided for Disciplinary Powers - Royal Arch chapters, of Committee of General Purposes Craft, reciprocal powers First Grand Principal, Grand Chapter Provincial & District Grand Superintendents, Dispensation - Craft age for initiation, lowering of candidates, number on same day, regarding fee for, interval between degrees lodges abroad on violation of rule lodge of less than five, for continuance of Master’s tenure of office, extension of Mastership of more than one lodge simultaneously meeting day of, alteration of, emergency, for outside jurisdiction place of, alteration, removal for one only minor, initiation of, for proprietor or manager of tavern, &c., for holding office Provincial or District Grand Lodge meeting outside area regalia, masonic, for wearing in public, of removal of lodge one meeting , for provisions applicable temporary, for serving Brother, initiation of, Sovereign Grand Lodge overseas, meetings to consider formation of Treasurer, incapacity of, new election due to, Warden, office of less than one year Dispensation - Royal Arch chapters candidates, to exalt more than two on the same day day or place of convocation , alteration fees,98(d) First Grand Principal, issued by, fee, First Principal continuous service as more than one chapter, of

180 4, 74, 75, 182(b) 179 73, 180, 181 64, 73, 81, 184 72 24, 92(b) 4, 73 73, 184(ii) 157 168 270(d) 90 172 188 115 115 139(c) 140 142 141(i)(iv) 142 157 117 78 178 142 141 170(a) 186 112(b) 109

65 58 98(d) 51 52


Dispensation - Royal Arch (cont.) Principals continuous service as previous chair, not having served in short service in office Third Principal, qualification Provincial or District Grand Chapter convocation outside Serving Companion, exaltation of Treasurer, without previous office vacancy in office, to render eligible a Companion already in office Disputes reference to higher authority

51 50 50 49 37 68 57 54 184

Disrepute conduct likely to bring Craft into,

179, 179A

District Board of Benevolence constitution of, members appointment by District Grand Master, election of, eligibility for re-election or re-appointment, length of service, limitation, number, retirement, vacancies, President appointment, jewel, precedence

68(c)(i), 81(c) pl. 29 71

District Board of General Purposes by-laws of, members appointment by District Grand Master, election of, eligibility for re-election or re-appointment, length of service, limitation, number, retirement, vacancies, powers & duties, President appointment, jewel, precedence requirement for,

81(a) 81(a) 81(a) 81(a) 81(d) 81(d) 81(a) 81(d) 81(d) 81(b) 81(a) 68(c)(ii), 81(a) pl. 29 71 81(a)

81(c) 81(c) 81(c) 81(c) 81(d) 81(d) 81(c) 81(d) 81(d)



District Chapters Assistants additional, District Grand Principals to, appointment of, District Grand Principals to appointment of, jewel, constitution of exercise of authority over precedence returns to District Grand Chapter Grand Chapter District Committee of General Purposes composition constitution duties & powers President appointment, jewel of, District Grand Almoner - Craft precedence District Grand Almoner - Royal Arch appointment, jewel, precedence District Grand Chapter audit of accounts auditor, election & qualification of Convocations, District, dispensation to hold outside funds District Grand Chapters powers of qualification of members Treasurer, election of audit of accounts of auditor, election & qualification of by-laws Committees of constitution of Convocations of funds of meeting outside District, dispensation for membership of officers of Past District Grand Officers, when members First Principals, when members rank in

31(c)(iv) 31(c)(i) 88, pl. 28B 46 40 45 63 60, 61, 62 36 36 36 31(c)(iii) 88, pl. 29 71 31(c) 88, pl. 30a 34 39 39 37 38 35, 38 30 31 39 39 35 35, 36 27 37 38 37 30 31 30 30 32


District Grand Charity Steward - Craft precedence District Grand Charity Steward - Royal Arch appointment, jewel, precedence District Grand Lodges accounts & audit Boards See DISTRICT BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE; DISTRICT BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES by-laws funds, regulation of power to make certificates See under CERTIFICATES cessation of lodge membership, notification to charitable fund, establishment, &c., of written opinion in lieu closing, form of committees appointment of investigation minutes fees & dues remittance of, fees & dues failure to remit honorary members, absence of liability for liability, members of suspended lodges, formation of funds accounts & audit establishment & control of meetings outside District prohibited days, membership of minutes summary of, to Grand Lodge officers See DISTRICT GRAND OFFICERS & under name of office opening, form of past officers See under name of office past rank in by dispensation, presiding officer, rights, powers & duties thereof proceedings, reports of regulations, power to make returns See RETURNS Sovereign Grand Lodge, formation within territory of

71 31(c)(ii) 88, pl. 30b 34 85

84 80 148 83(a) 84 79 80 75 82 86, 89, 146(i) 147 150 167 179(i) 62 85 84 78 78 139(a) 65 82 77 79 69(a) 69(b) 3 77 80 187



District Grand Master absence of additional office, holding of admonition by annual report by appeal from decision of, Appeals Court, Panel or Commission, disqualified for membership appointment of appointments by Acting ranks, to, schedule of, additional, casual vacancies, to fill, limitation past ranks, to Presidents of Boards, promotions re-appointments, See also under names of offices apron wearing of Assistant See ASSISTANT PROVINCIAL OR DISTRICT GRAND MASTER attendance upon authority of, area of certificates, issue of blank forms, provision of return of chain of office, collar, complaints determination of reference of, to, death of Deputy See DEPUTY PROVINCIAL OR DISTRICT GRAND MASTER disciplinary authority, dues, remittance of erasure or expulsion, absence of power of expulsion, recommendation for, by gauntlets Grand Lodge, Sovereign, consent to formation in District Grand Superintendent, exercising same powers & duties as installation of irregularities, determination of jewel, judicial authority patent of appointment grant of precedence of prefix of Prince of the Blood Royal, being provisional warrants, grant of regalia, wearing of,

3, 64 25 68, 74, 75 77 75, 182(d) 274 63 66(a), 68(a) p. 33 67, 68(c)(ii) 68(e) 69 69 68(c)(ii) 70 68(a)(ii) 265 266 74 62, 63 86, 174(a) 87 88 255(a)(c), pl. 47 257, pls. 50, 51 75 182(b) 184 64 4, 68(f) 74, 75 89 76 76 268 186 40 63 74, 75 242, 249, pl. 4 4 63 5 6 63, 67 95 255(c), 265, 266


District Grand Master (cont.) re-instatement by, of wrongfully excluded member, removal of resignation of returns by to salute status of summons of officers& brethren, power of suspension by of tenure of office visitation of lodges District Grand Officers - Craft See also under names of offices additional appointments, admonition of, appointment of annual, past rank, to promotions re-appointments, apron, chain of, wearing by Grand Officer collars Grand Officer, of, wearing wearing by Grand Officer displacement, District Grand Lodge, as members of gauntlets investiture of, jewels, names of, report to Grand Lodge number permitted, Past See PAST DISTRICT GRAND OFFICERS precedence promotions rank & privileges, deprivation of, regalia removal, salutes suspension, vacancies, visitations of lodges by command District Grand Officers - Royal Arch additional, appointment, apron

182(b) 64 64 89 86 6 18 74 74, 75 64 63 122 68(c)(iii) 68(f) 68(a)(c) 68(d) 69 70 68(a)(ii) 265, pls. 56, 57 267 260(i), pls. 54, 55 267 267 68(f) 65 268 68(d) 247, 249, pl. 29 77 68(a) schedule 71, 72 70 68(f) 72 68(f) 6 68(f) 68(c) 124 31(c)(v) 31(a)(d), 37 96



District Grand Officers - Royal Arch (cont.) chain & collar collars Grand Officer duties performing, as apron chain investiture, jewels, Past rank in other Districts appointment to, precedence own District, within, promotion of sash, fringe, sash of, schedules of, District Grand Principals appointment of, apron Assistant to, appointment, prohibition against, chain, duties jewels of, Past Second & Third, bar on appointment qualification of

93 94

94 94 31(d) 88, pls. 27–30 32(a) 34 34A 33 97(ii) 97, pl. 49 31(a)(i), p. 219 31(a) 96 32(g) 94, pl. 28A 29 88, pl. 27, 28 33 31

District Grand Rank - Royal Arch Past Rank appointments to additional, Provincial Grand Treasurer, past holders not ineligible for election as,

32(a) 32(b) 31(e)

District Grand Scribe E appointment,


District Grand Stewards - Craft appointment of aprons collars, gauntlets jewel, District Grand Stewards - Royal Arch appointment, jewel District Grand Superintendents, powers & duties, same, District Grand Master, as

68 265 260(ii) 268 247, 248, pl. 29 31(a) 88 40


District Grand Treasurer - Craft eligibility & election of, precedence of

68(d) 71

District Grand Treasurer - Royal Arch election & precedence, District Grand Wardens appointment of, qualification

31(d)(e), 34 68(a) 73

District Lodges certificates application for, issue of, definition degrees, advancement at shorter intervals dues, remittance of Grand Charity, exemption from contributions to new, petition for warrant officers of, attendance on District Grand Master precedence, local provisional warrants, grant of regulations governing removal of returns by District Grand Master, to Grand Secretary, forwarding to neglect in making Sovereign Grand Lodge, meetings to consider formation superintendence of transfer of allegiance, meetings to consider, visitations Districts boundaries, rearrangement of combination & division of formation of Sovereign Grand Lodges in, transfer of allegiance state of Masonry in, report on Documents Grand Lodge inspection of, by Board of General Purposes, sealing of lodge production & inspection See under LODGES (Books &c.) surrender of leaving office, on lodge ceasing to function lodge of instruction, surrender on ceasing to function publication of, prohibition against

174(a) 86, 174(a) 129 90 86, 89, 147 271 94 74 100 95 80 141, 142 86, 146, 149 89 89 150 186, 187 129 187(i)–(v) 122–124 62 62 62 187 77

228(b) 31

143 188, 190 135 177



Dues See FEES & DUES Elections See under appropriate BOARD, OFFICE, OFFICER, &c. Emblem - Royal Arch illustration,

pl. 48

Emergency Meetings calling & conduct of chapters, of death or incapacity of Master Elect postponement of installation

140 59 106 108

Endorsement lodge warrant, prohibition against


Entered Apprentice apron, certificate of, Erasure of Chapters Book of Constitutions, application of rules in erasure of lodge, effect of neglect in making returns, liability Erasure of Lodges appeal, Appeal Court decision by, powers, recommendation to, See also APPEALS COURT substitution of penalty See below Board of General Purposes, chapter, effect on dismissal of case, failure to meet, in case of Grand Lodge exclusive authority matters permitted to be mentioned in, motion in exceptions to notification of intention, plea for clemency decision on, hearing in Grand Lodge, report to Grand Lodge, rules as to, power to make, submission of, substituted penalty,

265, 268A 174(c) 73 45 64 185, 277(a), 278 277(a)(iii), 278 277(a)(ii)(iii), 278(iii) 76, 277(a)

233, 234, 277(c)(e) 45 277(a)(iii) 189 4 277(d) 58, 277(d) 58 277(a)(i)(E) 277(a)(i)(D)(E) 277(a)(i)(E) 277(a)(i)(D) 277(e) 277(a)(i)(A)(B) 277(a)(i)(C)


Erasure of Lodges (cont.) Grand Lodge (cont.) reports to, resolution by, summons to appear before misconduct, for, plea for clemency, See also CLEMENCY procedure Provincial or District Grand Master power, absence of recommendations by returns, neglect in making substituted penalty, suspension pending appeal period of, warrant, improper disposal of Especial meetings Grand Chapter Grand Lodge

277(a)(i)(B)(D) 277(b) 58, 277(c) 58, 277(a) 58, 76, 233, 277 4, 76 76 152 277(a)(i)(C), 277(a)(ii), 278(i)(iv) 179(i)(ii), 278(v), 233 76, 233 179(iii)(iv), 277(b) 102 7 13

Exaltation ballot by-laws, presentation of copy on candidates, maximum in one day certificates form of production of required election, black balls at exaltee, chapter membership ipso facto fees certificate, exaltation, for Serving Companion, for General Regulations, presentation of copy on other jurisdiction, in, candidate from, declaration by particulars of on chapter summons required presence within one year, requirement proposal of qualification for raising, interval between registration rejection on ballot Serving Companion

66 66 66 66 65 65 61, 69 66 68

Exclusion chapter, by Book of Constitutions, application of rules in

71, 73

66 138 65 67 66, 67 66 66 98(c) 68 68 67 67



Exclusion (cont.) chapter, by (cont.) certificate, statement on, non-payment of subscription re-joining after definition of ‘exclude’, ‘expelled’, &c., Grand Lodge, misbehaviour in lodge, by appeal against attendance after, precluded, certificate, statement on, complaint against, Honorary member, attendance at lodges after, lodge of instruction, attendance precluded, misbehaviour in lodge, for non-payment of subscription subsequent payment, period of, permanent powers of, procedure ballot on resolution, name of brother, disclosure, notices members, to, preliminary, to brother, service of resolution in favour effect, joining another lodge after, transmission of name of, lodge of instruction, attendance precluded, Master of lodge, after admonition by Provincial or District Grand Master appeal against decision by, power of, re-instatement after, rejoining after, resignation after proposal rules as to, non-compliance with, temporary visiting lodges after, precluded, wrongful appeal against, when available, neglect by lodge, due to, re-instatement after, Expulsion appeal Appeals Court decisions by, powers, recommendation to,

70(b) 71 71 181(j) 57 182, 185 127(i) 175(ii) 182(a) 127(iii) 127(i) 180 148 181(h) 185(ii) 181 148, 181(a) 181(d) 181(c) 181(a)(ii) 1818(a)(i) 181(a)(i)(ii)(b), 191A 181(f) 163(d) 181(g) 127(i) 180 182(d), 185((i) 182(b) 182(a) 148, 163(b) 183 182(a) 180 127(i) 182(d) 182(a) 182(a) 185, 277(a), 278 277(a)(iii), 278 277(a)(ii)(iii) 76, 277(A)


Expulsion (cont.) appeal (cont.) Appeals Court (cont.) See also APPEALS COURT substitution of penalty See below Board of General Purposes, powers, Grand Chapter, by application to the Craft, Grand Lodge exclusive authority matters permitted for mention in, motion in, reports to, resolution by, summons to appear before, invitation to resign, lodge certificate, withholding after notification of intention, plea for clemency decision on, hearing in Grand Lodge, report to Grand Lodge, rules as to, powers to make, See also CLEMENCY submission of, substitution of penalty, powers, procedure Provincial or District Grand Master, powers of absence of recommendation by quasi-masonic or other bodies, membership of Royal Arch Masonry, from, ipso facto, substitution of penalty notification of, suspension pending appeal period,

233, 234, 277(c)(e) 72, 73 179B 4 277(d) 58, 277(d) 277(a)(i)(B)(D) 277(b) 58, 277(c) 277(a)(ii), 277A(a), 278(i) 175 277(a)(i)(A) 277(a)(i)(D)(E) 277(a)(i)(E) 277(a)(i)(D) 277(e) 277(a)(i)(A)(B) 277(a)(i)(C) 58, 76, 233, 277 4, 76 76 176 72, 179B 277(a)(i)(C), 277(a)(ii), 277(b), 278(i)(iv) 278(iv) 179(i)(ii), 278(v) 73, 233 179(iii)(iv), 277(b)

Fees & Dues - Craft annual dues Fund of General Purposes Grand Charity arrears, members in, in respect of Assistant Provincial or District Grand Master, appointment, registration of, bi-centenary Warrant or Warrant of Confirmation, capitation, to Grand Charity Centenary Warrant or Warrant of Confirmation, certificates joining member from another Constitution, replacement or amendment, Serving Brethren,

269 271 147 270(a) 270A 271 270A 270(a) 270(a) 270(b) 170(b), 270(c)



Fees & Dues - Craft (cont.) certificates (cont.) transmission of, Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master, appointment, registration of, detention of, by lodges, wrongful dispensation, for grant of, Fund of General Purposes fees payable to Centenary jewel, Bi-Centenary Bar, Certificate of Amalgamation, Enfacements, for, Certificate, Serving Brother, for, Dispensation, Grand Master, by, for, Grand Lodge Certificate, replacement or amendment, Patents, Warrants, &c., registration, for, Grand Officer, appointment, registration of, Grand Secretary, receipt by honorary members, exclusion of, from initiation registration of, responsibility for payment joining member registration of, from another Constitution, responsibility for payment London Grand Rank, holder of London Rank, holder of Overseas Grand Rank, holder of, overseas lodges, exemption from payments Overseas Rank, holder of, payment of dues, &c. responsibility for suspension of lodge or brother, after remittance of Districts See DISTRICT LODGES (returns) Grand Secretary duties lodges by requirement neglect in Provinces See PROVINCIAL LODGES (returns) scale of suspension, liability on, for Warrant of Confirmation, grant of, Warrant for new lodge, Fees & Dues - Royal Arch annual contributions centenary jewels & bi-centenary bars certificates Grand Chapter, serving companions, charters, new chapters or of confirmation dispensations,

174(b) 270(a) 150 270(d)

270A 270(c) 270(d) 270(b) 270A 270(a)1–5 270(a)1 32 167 169 270(a)5 171 270(a)4 171 61 61 93, 270(a)4 271 93, 270(a) 171, 179 179

32 147 150, 152 147 179 270A 270A 100 99 98(a)(iv) 98(b) 98(c) 99 98(d)


Fees & Dues - Royal Arch (cont.) exaltation, joining member from another chapter, freedom from new members Patent for Grand Superintendent or Grand Inspector registration Grand Officers on appointment, Grand Superintendents & Grand Inspectors joining member from another constitution, London & Overseas Grand Chapter rank, holders, remittance of Fellow Craft apron certificate,

68, 98(a)(iv) 98 62 99 98(a)(i) 99 98(a)(iv) 98(a)(iii) 62 265 174(c)

Fellows charge concerning,

pp. 146, 147

Festival, Grand See GRAND FESTIVAL Finance Grand Chapter, control over Grand Lodge, control over,

79 228(a)

Finance Committee Board of General Purposes, of


First Degree apron certificates,

265 174(c)

First Grand Principal absence of appointment by, of additional members of Grand Chapter Grand Inspectors Grand Janitor Grand Officers Grand Superintendents Past Grand Officers casting vote chapters attendance of Principals & members when summoned visitation of Committee of General Purposes, meeting, convening of, by communications to Grand Chapter from election of, if Grand Master not qualified Grand Master as, if qualified same powers and duties as

25 3 41 16 15 27, 28 18 59 118 122 76 24 8 8 25



First Grand Principal (cont.) installation of jewel of, overseas chapters, grouping of powers of, in Grand Chapter precedence of prefix qualification of visitation of chapters First Principal absence of apron of attendance on First Grand Principal when summoned chapter, more than one, dispensation to hold office in Charter custody of, by production of, by responsibility for custody of collar of death of election of extension of period as incapacity of installation of jewel, member of Grand Chapter Provincial or District Grand Chapter office, duration of, as precedence prefix production of Charter by qualification as removal of sash emblem, crimson background, fringe, gold or metal gilt, Foreign Jurisdictions degrees, conferment by, or on behalf of members of as exaltee or joining member as joining members, as lodge visitors recognition of basic principles, representatives, appointment of See also SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGES Fortitude & Old Cumberland, Lodge of, No. 12 collars immemorial constitution

8 86, pl. 1 41 25 2 4 8 122 55, 56 96 118 52 47 47 47 95 54 48, 50 51 54 48, 53 89, pl. 31 2 30 51 2 4 47 50 54 97, pl. 49 97(i) 97(i) 173 67 163(e–h) 125 pp. xiv, xv 8

262 101


Founders chapters Charter fees petition for form lodges Warrant fees other constitution, members from, fees, petition for form provisional, Districts

270A 270(a)(4) 94 96 95

Free Man qualification for initiation, as being

157, 162

Fund of General Purposes fees & dues payable to See also FEES & DUES; RETURNS Fund of Grand Chapter annual contributions fees payable to Registration of Deputy Grand Superintendent, Deputy Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, District Grand Principal, Grand Officer, present or past, Overseas Chapter Rank, holders of, Overseas Grand Chapter Rank, holders of, Provincial Grand Principal, Royal Arch Masons inclusive of Grand Chapter Certificate Chapter abroad, not under a District, in, District Chapter, in, Metropolitan Area, in, Province, in, Second Metropolitan Grand Principal, Third Metropolitan Grand Principal, Funds District Grand Chapters District Grand Lodges Provincial Grand Chapters Provincial Grand Lodges

99 43 44

93, 269, 270

100 98 98(a)(ii) 98(a)(ii) 98(a)(ii) 98(a)(i) 98(a)(iii) 98(a)(iii) 98(a)(ii) 98(a)(iv) 98(a)(iv)3. 98(a)(iv)2. 98(a)(iv)1. 98(a)(iv)1. 98(a)(ii) 98(a)(ii) 38 84 38 83

Furniture lodge & chapter, vesting of, &c.


Gauntlets wearing of




God & Religion Charge concerning, Good Friday meetings on, prohibition against Government of the Craft Grand Lodge, powers of Grand Chancellor appointment of jewel, precedence Grand Chaplain attendance at Grand Lodge chain of office, jewel, precedence prefix of Grand Chapter absence of First Grand Principal accounts of audit of circulation of presentation of additional members of agenda papers Annual Investiture accounts, presentation of Committee of General Purposes elected members, of day of Grand Officers, of Grand Principals, of appeals See APPEAL; APPEALS COURT appointment of additional members Grand Officers attendance at disqualification Past First Principals qualification auditor of authority of business how communicated precedence business papers preparation transmission certificates See CERTIFICATES

p. 151 139 4 18 pl. 9a 5 30 255, pl. 47 242, 249, pl. 7 5 6 25 79 79 79 3 20, 21 79 75 6 15 8–11

3 15 5, 60, 64 5 2, 3 79 1 19 24 20 21


Grand Chapter (cont.) clothing to be worn in communications from Grand Principals Convocations dates especial Regular disqualification from attending erasure See ERASURE expulsion by, application to Craft See also EXPULSION fees payable to finances of fund, contributions to Grand Principals, communication from members of additional generally rank & precedence of minutes confirmation reading in extenso not required motions, notice of Officers See GRAND OFFICERS See also under names of officers papers of business for preparation of publication of Past First Principals, as members of Past Grand Officers, members of precedence of business in communications from Grand Principals members presiding Officer, powers of proceedings of circulation regulation, preamble to General Regulations reports publication of accounts business papers & proceedings qualification of Grand Officers Principals Registrar Scribe E Treasurer Past First Principals, as members of Pro First Grand Principal recommendations from Committee of General Purposes

82 24 6 7 6 5, 60, 64 179B 98 79 62, 98–100 24 2 3 1 2 23 23 19

20 21 5 1 24 24 2 25 21 21 79 21

17 8–10 14 12 13 5 9 80, 81, 229



Grand Chapter (cont.) regalia to be worn in regular Convocations reports of Committee of General Purposes to proceedings in representation in special Convocations style of suspension See SUSPENSION

82 6 80, 81, 229 21 1 7 1

Grand Deacons appointment jewels, precedence

18 242, 249, pl. 16 5

Grand Director of Ceremonies - Craft appointment of chain of office, duties of jewel, precedence prefix votes, counting of, under direction of

18 255, pl. 47 34, 59 242, 249, pl. 12 5 6 59

Grand Director of Ceremonies - Royal Arch appointment jewel, Grand Festival - Craft admission to day of Grand Chapter Festival & Investiture following expenses involved, Grand Master, installation of, at Grand Officers, investiture of, at Grand Stewards, duties of, scrutineers for, appointment of Grand Festival - Royal Arch accounts, presentation at Committee of General Purposes, election of members at day of Grand Officers’ investiture Grand Inspectors - Craft appointment of aprons wearing of chain of office, collars, jewel,

15 86, pl. 9 12 12 6 36(c) 14 18 36(c) 48 79 75 6 8–11, 15 91 265 266 255, pl. 47 257, pls. 50, 51 242, 249, pl. 15


Grand Inspectors - Craft (cont.) precedence of prefix removal from office salutes status as Grand Officers,

5 6 91 6 18 (note)

Grand Inspectors - Royal Arch appointment of chain, collar jewel, patent of appointment precedence status as Grand Officer

41 93, pl. 5 93 86, pl. 11 28, 99 2 15

Grand Janitor appointment of duties jewel, precedence

16 22 86, pl. 23 2

Grand Lodge absence of Grand Master Grand Wardens accounts, circulation of, additional members, appointment of admission to adviser affairs of, regulation of agenda See business paper below ‘Ample Form’, when opened & closed in Appeals Court, opinions, consideration of See APPEALS COURT Arms of, Frontispiece attendance at disqualification for cessation of subscribing membership failure by lodge to make a return Past Masters qualification for inclusion of name in return auditor, bank account, Board See BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES business communications through Grand Secretary Book of Constitutions, amendments method of notices of motion Grand Master’s communications matters already decided

26, 27, 50 28 228(c) 7 10, 49 31 227 51

9 151, 152 5, 9, 151, 152 151 228(c) 228(a)

40 38 39, 40 53 44



Grand Lodge (cont.) business (cont.) urgent business paper amendments to Book of Constitutions circulation of by subscription matters for inclusion matters rejected by the Board notices of motion See motions below preparation of ceremonies, arrangements & direction of certificates See CERTIFICATES closing of clothing, custody of collar, right of attendance, worn in, committees of, nominations communications to Grand Master, from See also reports, below constitution of correspondence, conduct of debates in delegation of authority by disciplinary powers ‘due form’, when opened & closed in edicts of erasure of lodges See ERASURE especial meetings scrutineers, appointment of exclusion authority in matters of, delegation misbehaviour in, for See also EXCLUSION expulsion of brethren See EXPULSION finances of, control of, ‘form’, when opened & closed in government of the Craft by Grand Master absence of communications from improper matter in notices, propositions &c., to insignia, charge of irregular propositions jewels, charge of laws & regulations, enactment of meetings business See business; business paper, above especial Grand Chaplains, attendance of number of

42 40 47 38 41 46 34 51 34 260(iv) 45 53 2 230 55, 56 4 4, 57 51 229 13 48 4 57

228(a) 51 4 26, 27, 50 53 41, 54, 55 34 54, 55 34 4, 40 13 30 11


Grand Lodge (cont.) meetings prohibited days, regalia, clothing to, wearing at See also quarterly communications below members additional, appointment of misbehaviour of, in rank & precedence of speaking in membership of Masters of Lodges Past Masters representatives memorials to, improper matter, &c., in minutes misbehaviour in motions Book of Constitutions, amendment of business without notice erasure of lodge, for expulsion of brethren, for matters already decided notice of Book of Constitutions, amendment of, for improper laws & regulations, regarding motions without printing of rejection of submission of urgent business without proposal, right of reply rejection of renewal of speaking to, restricted notice of motion See motions above notices, circulation of office in, limitation on number opening of Past Grand Officers as members Past Grand Stewards, place of, in petitions to, improper matter, &c., in porch, scrutineers for powers of, generally presiding officer, rights, powers & duties of casting vote proceedings circulation of duties of Grand Secretary printed, circulation of by subscription

139(a) 239 7 57 5 56 2 5, 151, 152 5, 9, 151, 152 8 54 52 57 40 42, 43 58 58 44 39 40 41, 54, 55 40 39, 42 40 41 39, 40 39, 40 56 41 44 56 47 25 51 5 37 54 48 4 3 21, 59 32 32 47 47



Grand Lodge (cont.) processions, arrangement & direction of property of, care & custody propositions, irregular quarterly communications business for, communications to Grand Secretary Grand Secretary, duties Grand Stewards duties, regular meetings scrutineers See also meetings above urgent business recognition of other Grand Lodges, basic principles for, regalia charge of wearing of, in See REGALIA reports to Board of General Purposes, by representation in representatives, appointment of resolutions irregular proposer’s right of reply seals, custody of style & title of substituted authorities, powers of supreme authority, as suspension of brethren by urgent business visitors voting in, procedure Grand Master absence of Grand Lodge, from abuse of power of admission to Grand Lodge, priority of, directed by admonition by Appeals Courts panel, appointment of members President of, selection of appointments by See under name of office or officer apron attendance on Grand Wardens Masters, Wardens & members visitations during business of, precedence of Board of General Purposes Grand Lodge casting vote

34 35, 227 54, 55 11 38 32 36(c) 13 48 42 pp. xiv, xv 34 43 229 2 8 55 56 31 2 3 4 118, 179 42 10 21, 59 26, 27 26, 27, 50 15 49 118 273 276 265 29, 122 118 122 237 53 59


Grand Master (cont.) casting vote (cont.) election of Grand Treasurer Grand Lodge, in chain of office, communications from Board of General Purposes, to Grand Lodge, to communications to death of disciplinary powers holders of London Grand Rank, conduct of, holders of London Rank, conduct of, holders of Overseas Grand Rank, conduct of, holders of Overseas Rank, conduct of, misbehaviour in Grand Lodge, as to re-instatement of excluded brother, failure to comply with order, removal of Grand Officers summons to attend on, failure to comply election of especial Grand Lodge, summons of excluded brethren, re-instatement of, First Grand Principal as if qualified possesses same powers & duties as Grand Officers appointment of additional removal of vacancies among, filling of Grand Secretary, appointment of Grand Tyler, appointment of installation of jewel, lodge to preside in warrant, as owner of meetings, summons of Board of General Purposes Grand Lodge misbehaviour in Grand Lodge, order to quit, for, by motions without notice, by leave of nomination of Order of Service to Masonry, conferment of, by overseas lodges, grouping, power of prefix Prince of the Blood Royal, being Provinces & Districts, formation of representatives, appointment of resignation of

21 59 255, pl. 47 237 53 17 14 60(b) 60(b) 92(b) 92(b) 57 182(a) 24 118 14 13 182(a) 8 25 18 7 24 18 18, 22 18, 23 14 242, 249, pl. 1 122 102 225 13 57 39, 42 14 19 91 6 16 62 8 14



Grand Master (cont.) Royal Arch, First Grand Principal if qualified salute scrutineers for the ballot Grand Treasurer, for election, appointment seal, use of, authorisation of summons of brethren to attend suspension of lodge by, vacancy in office of visitation of lodges by representatives Grand Officers - Craft See also under name of office or officer appointment of additional registration fee, aprons, attendance on Grand Master during visitations chains of office, collars, displacement of equal rank, of precedence, para following gauntlets Grand Lodge, as members of investiture of jewels, limitation on number of officers misconduct of past See PAST GRAND OFFICERS precedence of prefixes of Provincial or District Grand Officers chain or jewel, wearing of quarterly communications, business papers transmission to rank & privileges, deprivation of removal of Royal Arch, as office holders in, if properly qualified salutes substituted authorities, powers of vacancies among visitation of lodges by command Grand Officers - Royal Arch appointment of additional aprons chains, collars Craft, in, as office holders if qualified fee for registration of, investiture of

8 6 21 31 118 182(a) 14 122 123 18 7 270(a) 265, pls. 52, 53 122 255(a), pl. 47 257(i–iii), pls. 50, 51 24 5 268 2 18 242, 249, pls. 1–23 25 24 5 5 248, 267 47 24 24 8–10, 12–14 6 3 18 123 15 3 96 92, 93, pl. 5 92, 93 8–10, 12–14 98(a)(i) 15


Grand Officers - Royal Arch (cont.) jewels precedence qualification salutes not given sash emblem, dark blue background, fringe, gold or metal gilt, titles & prefixes vacancies among

85, 86, 92, pls. 1–26 2 17 4 97, pl. 49 97(ii) 97(ii) 4 15

Grand Orator appointment of, optional jewel, precedence

18 242, 249, pl. 15a 5

Grand Organist - Craft appointment of jewel, precedence

18 242, 249, pl. 18 5

Grand Organist - Royal Arch appointment of jewel,

15 86, pl. 21

Grand President - Grand Charity jewel,

242, 249, pl. 11

Grand Principals appointment of communications to Grand Chapter jewels of, qualifications of sash, See also FIRST, SECOND & THIRD GRAND PRINCIPAL Grand Pursuivant appointment of jewel, precedence

8–11 24 86, pl. 1–3 8–10, 17 97, pl. 49

18 242, 249, pl. 20 5

Grand Registrar - Craft adviser to Grand Lodge, as appointment of chain of office, duties of exclusions, opinion on, Grand Registrar, Royal Arch if qualified jewel, motions in Grand Lodge, speaking to seals of Grand Lodge, custody of

31 18 255, pl. 47 31 182(d) 14 242, 249, pl. 9 56 31



Grand Registrar - Royal Arch appointment of, jewel, qualification of,

14 86, pl. 7 14

Grand Scribe E appointment of, business of Grand Chapter, preparation of, business of Grand Chapter to be communicated to, Grand Secretary as, if qualified, jewel, qualification of,

12 20 19 12 86, pl. 8 12

Grand Scribe N appointment of, jewel,

15 86, pl. 8

Grand Secretary admission to Grand Lodge, conduct of Ballot for appointment of attendance on Grand Master business of Grand Lodge communication of, to notice of motion to preparation of paper of chain of office, clerks on staff of, qualification of (rule suspended) duties of erasure or expulsion, recommendation for, duties on receipt of erasure or expulsion, recommendation for, report to Grand Scribe E, as, if qualified jewel, notice of motion, directed to precedence prefix of sealing of documents by tenure of office Grand Sojourners appointment jewels, Grand Standard Bearer - Craft appointment of, jewel, precedence Grand Standard Bearer - Royal Arch appointment of, jewel,

49 18, 22 32 38 39, 40 46 255, pl. 47 33 32 277 76 12 242, 249, pl. 10 39, 40 5 6 31 22 15 86, pls. 16, 17 18 242, 249, pl. 19 5 15 86, pl. 20


Grand Stewards additional office, holding of appointment off, aprons Prince of Wales’s Lodge members collars

25 18, 36(a) 265 265 258

Grand Stewards (cont.) declining to act, duties of, Grand Festival expenses of, contributions towards, prohibition against, expenses of, issue of tickets for regulation of, Grand Lodge, as members of Grand Stewards’ Lodge, membership of, investiture of jewel, lodges recommending, loss of privilege, neglect by, office in Grand Lodge, more than one Past See PAST GRAND STEWARDS precedence qualification of rank of, recommendation of wands of office Grand Stewards Lodge collars membership of, qualification, precedence standing without number

36(a) 36(c) 36(c) 36(c) 12 36(c) 2 36(d) 18 242, 249, pl. 21 36(a) 36(c) 25 5 36(a) 36(b) 36(a) 258 261 36(d) 99 36 99

Grand Superintendent - Royal Arch absence of Appeals Court, Commission for, disqualification from membership appeals from decision of appointment of appointments by Deputy Grand Superintendent, not permitted, Past rank, to Past rank to, holders of London & Overseas Grand Rank, Past rank, to holders of London & Overseas Grand Rank, officers of other Provinces & Districts powers generally Provincial & District Grand officers,

29 274 75, 182, 185 28 32 28A 31(a) 33 32 32(a) 32(a) 32(a) 31, 32 31(a)



Grand Superintendent - Royal Arch (cont.) appointments by (cont.) ranks excluded from powers, apron attendance on, of Principals and members of chapters when summoned authority of chain, collar contingencies, provision in convocations, holding of death of decision of, subject to appeal Deputy Grand Superintendent, appointment of, District Committee of General Purposes, appointment jewel, Metropolitan, Provincial & District Grand Masters, same powers as Patent of appointment, fee powers to appoint, precedence, prefix & title promotions by removal of resignation of sash, status as Grand Officer suspension of Grand Superintendent of Works appointment of chain, jewel, precedence prefix Grand Sword Bearer - Craft appointment of chain, jewel, precedence prefix Grand Sword Bearer - Royal Arch appointment jewel, Grand Treasurer - Craft Board of General Purposes, membership of chain, appointment of jewel, precedence

31(a) 96 74 28, 40 93, pl. 5 93 29 37 29 75, 182, 185 28A 36 86, pl. 4 40 99 31(a) 2, 34A 4 33 29 29 97, pl. 49 15 29 18 255, pl. 47 242, pl. 14 5 6 18 255, pl. 47 242, 249, pl. 13 5 6 15 86, pl. 10 223 255, pl. 47 18 242, 249, pl. 17 5


Grand Treasurer - Royal Arch appointment of Grand Treasurer, Craft, as, if qualified jewel, nomination of qualification of Grand Tyler appointment of jewel, precedence qualification tenure of office

17 13 86, pl. 18 17 13 18, 23 242, 249, pl. 22 5 23 23

Grand Wardens absence of appointment of attendance on Grand Master, his Deputy or Assistants chain, especial Grand Lodge, summons of jewel, precedence prefixes presence in Grand Lodge salutes Wardens, acting as Hall Stone Lodges jewel,

28 18 29, 122 255, pl. 47 14, 15 242, 249, pls. 5, 6 5 6 28 6 29 251, pl. 58

Harmony lodge, of, disturbing


Holidays, Public meetings falling on


Honorary members - Chapters attendance at meetings centenary jewel & bar election of office, disqualification for privileges returns, exclusion from

127, 167 91 73, 167 167 167 61, 167

Honorary members - Lodges attendance at lodge centenary & bi-centenary jewels, wearing of, election, qualification & status visiting by

127, 167 252(c) 167 127

Immediate Past Master absence of Master, duties in, death of, position, responsibilities & precedence of,

119(b) 104(f) 104(f)(g)



Immemorial Constitutions collars lodges working under Incapacity - Craft Master Elect, of Master, of, Treasurer, of, Incapacity - Royal Arch Principal, of Treasurer, of Initiates Book of Constitutions, supply of, to by-laws, supply of, to failure to register, rights unprejudiced by Ireland or Scotland, from locality of residence, business or employment maximum number on one day minors rejections on ballot subscribing members, becoming ipso facto Initiation candidates for age qualification for application, form of See APPLICATION FORMS armed forces, members of ballot See election below declaration by inability to make Grand Secretary, ruling by redress under Rule 184, election of ballot failure to take rejection on particulars required, time for urgency, in case of void, when enquiries regarding false statement by, Ireland, from locality outside own, from particulars required summons, included on, proposal forms, use of, proposal, lapse of proposing & seconding of qualifications

262 101 106, 107 119(a) 112(b) 54 57 159 138 150 161 158 168 157 165 166

157 161 162 164(a)(ii) 164(a)(ii) 164(a)(ii) 164(a)(i) 159 159 165 159, 164(a)(i), 164(b) 159 160 159 158 164(a)(iii) 161 158 159, 164(b) 164(b) 159, 164(a) 159 159, 167 157, 159, 162


Initiation (cont.) candidates for (cont.) Scotland, from university lodges urgency, case of, in date of, statement on summons failure to take place fee registration, responsibility for payment limitation on number on one day period in which to take place qualifications for serving brethren See SERVING BRETHREN Inner Guard appointment of jewel, regular officer, as

161 161 160 159 159 169 270(a) 171 168 159 157, 159, 162

104 250, pl. 44 104

Insignia See APRONS; CHAINS; COLLARS; JEWELS; REGALIA; SASH Installation - Craft Grand Master, of Grand Officers Master, of by-laws regarding death or incapacity of Master Elect postponement returns Provincial or District Grand Master, of returns Installation - Royal Arch Grand Officers Grand Superintendents Principals returns Installed Masters Board of, inability to constitute, chair, when called to occupy, conferment of degrees restricted to, responsibility of

14 18 105 137 106 108 151 63 151 15 28 48, 53 60 108(c) 119(a)(b) 119(b) 109

Instruction, Lodges of See LODGES OF INSTRUCTION Interval between Degrees length of lodges overseas

139(d), 172 90



Investiture - Craft Grand Officers lodge officers Provincial & District Grand Officers,

18 116 66, 68(c)

Investiture - Royal Arch chapter officers Grand Officers Provincial & District Grand Officers

48, 58 15 31

Ireland candidate for initiation from


Irregular Body membership of


Irregularities Board of General Purposes, powers of adjudication determinations of, Metropolitan Areas, Provinces & Districts

232, 233 74, 75

Janitor election or appointment jewel, qualifications status, when exalted as Serving Companion

48 89, pl. 44 48 68

Jewel of the Order - Royal Arch how worn illustration, ribbon, colours companions, Grand Officers, Provincial, District, Metropolitan & Overseas Grand Officers, Private Chapters, Principals or Past principals, of, Royal Arch Jewels - Craft See also REGALIA and under names of office holders Almoner, Antiquity, Lodge of, No. 2, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Grand Master, Grand Officers, Grand Secretary, Provincial or District Grand Master, Secretary, bi-centenary bar, British Lodge, No. 8, centenary bi-centenary bar, chains of office, appended to Chaplain,

85 pl. 46 85(c) 85(a) 85(b) 85 250, pl. 41 250 250, pl. 40 242, 249, pl. 3 pl. 23 pls. 10, 23 247, 249, pl. 28 250, pl. 43 252(b), pl. 59 250 252(a), pl. 59 252(b), pl. 59 254 250, pl. 35


Jewels - Craft (cont.) charity See CHARITY JEWELS Charity Steward, collars, appended to Deacons, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Officers, Grand Secretary, Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Master, Director of Ceremonies, District Grand Master, Grand Officers, gold or metal gilt Grand Chancellor, Chaplain, Deacons, Director of Ceremonies, Inspector, Lodge, charge & custody of Master, Officers metal or gilt Organist, Orator, Pursuivant, Registrar, Secretary, Standard Bearer, Steward, Superintendent of Works, Sword Bearer, Treasurer, Tyler, Wardens, Hall Stone Lodge, Inner Guard, Junior Grand Warden, lodge officers, pledge of, prohibition against silver with certain exceptions London Grand Rank, holders, London Rank, holders, Master, meetings, to be worn when attending optional Order of Service to Masonry, Organist,

104, pl. 40(a) 254 250, pl. 39 242, 249, pl. 2 242, pl. 23 pls. 10, 23 247, 249, pl. 27 250, pl. 38 242, 249, pl. 4 242, pl. 29 249, 250 242, 249, pl. 9a 242, 249, pl. 7 242, 249, pl. 16 242, 249, pl.12 242, 249, pl. 15 34 242, 249, pl. 1 242, 249, pls. 1–23 249 242, 249, pl. 18 242, 249, pl. 15a 242, 249, pl. 20 242, 249, pl. 9 242, 249, pl. 10 242, 249, pl. 19 242, 249, pl. 21 242, 249, pl. 14 242, 249, pl. 13 242, 249, pl. 17 242, 249, pl. 22 242, 249, pls. 5, 6 251, pl. 58 250, pl. 44 242, 249, pl. 6 250, pls. 31–46 143 250 246, 249, pl. 26 246, 249, pl. 26 250, pl. 31 239 252, 253 243, 249, pl. 24 250, pl. 42



Jewels - Craft (cont.) Overseas Grand Rank, holders, Overseas Rank, holders, Past Assistant Grand Officers, Deputy or Assistant Provincial or District Grand Master Deputy Grand Officers, Grand Inspector, Grand Master, Grand Officers, Grand Steward Master, Pro Grand Master, Pro Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Masters, Provincial Deputy & Assistant Grand Officers, Provincial or District Grand Master, Provincial or District Grand Officers, Provincial or District Grand Steward, President Board of General Purposes, Grand Charity, Masonic Samaritan Fund, Masonic Trust for Girls & Boys, Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution, Pro Grand Master, Provincial Grand Master, Provincial Grand Officers, public, wearing in Secretary, Senior Grand Warden, Senior London Grand Rank, holders, Senior Warden, Stewards, Treasurer, Tyler, unauthorised, prohibition against wearing of Jewels - Grand Charity Grand President, Jewels - Royal Arch appropriate to office or rank Bi-Centenary Bar, centenary, chapter officers & Past Principals, Deputy Grand Superintendent, District Grand Chapter Officers, District Second & Third Grand Principals, First Grand Principal,

246, 249, pl. 26 246, 249, pl. 26 244, 249, pl. 25 248, pl. 30 244, 249, pl. 25 244, 249, pl. 15 244, 249, pl. 1 244, 249, pl. 25 245, 249 250, pl. 32 244, 249, pl. 1 244, pl. 4 244, pl. 30 244, pls. 4, 30 248, 249, pl. 30 248, 249, pl. 30 242, 249, pl. 8 242, 249, pl. 11 242, 249, pl. 11 242, 249, pl. 11 242, 249, pl. 11 242, 249, pl. 1 242, 249, pl. 4 247, 249, pls. 23, 29–29b 178 250, pl. 37 242, 249, pl. 5 246, 249, pl. 26a 250, pl. 33 250, pl. 45 250, pl. 36 250, pl. 46 241 239 242, 249, pl. 11 92 91, pl. 45 91, pl. 45 89, pls. 31–44 88, pl. 26A 88, pl. 29 88, pls. 27, 28 86, pl. 1


Jewels - Royal Arch (cont.) gold or metal gilt Grand Chapter Officers, Grand Principals, Grand Superintendents, illustrations, London Chapter Rank, London Grand Chapter Rank, optional Overseas Chapter Rank, Overseas Grand Chapter Rank, Past Deputy Grand Superintendent, Past District Grand Chapter Officers, Past Grand Officers, Past Grand Superintendents Past Provincial Grand Chapter Officers, Pro First Grand Principal, Provincial Grand Chapter Officers, Provincial Second & Third Grand principals, Senior London Grand Chapter Rank, unauthorised

90 96, pls. 6–23 86, pls. 1–3 86, pl. 4 83, Appendix 87, pl. 25 87, pl. 25 91 87, pl. 25 87, pl. 25 88, pl. 26A 88, pl. 30 86, pl. 24 86 88, pls. 27–30 86, pl. 1 88, pl. 29 88, pls.27, 28 87, pl. 26 84

Joining Members See under CHAPTERS; LODGES Junior Grand Warden See also WARDENS appointment of jewel, precedence salute Junior Warden See also WARDENS absence of Master, &c., duties in, appointment, emergency meeting, calling of, in absence of others jewel, precedence, Jurisdiction foreign See FOREIGN JURISDICTIONS transfer from one to another, overseas Landmarks essential, belief in, by members of other jurisdictions, irregular propositions affecting preservation of Master’s responsibility for Law of the Land duty to conform to

18 242, 249, pl. 6 5 6 119(a)(b) 104(a)(e) 140 250, pl. 34 104(d)

187 125(b) 55 4 111 179



Library, Art & Publications Committee Board of general Purposes of


Lien lodge property, on, creation of, prohibition against


Limitation number of exaltees on same day lodge candidates on same day period in office Master of lodge Principal of Chapter Lodges abroad See DISTRICT LODGES; OVERSEAS LODGES absence of Master, accounts See ACCOUNTS and AUDIT almoner, appointment of, amalgamation of, transfer of Membership annual returns. See RETURNS appointment of officers See officers, below arrears, numbers in See ARREARS attendance of officers & brethren Board of General Purposes, on Grand Lodge, in Grand Master, on Provincial or District Grand Master, on audit of accounts See ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT ballot See BALLOT behaviour in bi-centenary bar to jewel, black balls at ballot in books, papers & documents, production of Board of General Purposes to Grand Master, for lodge, in Provincial or District Grand Master, for successor in office, handing over to by-laws See BY-LAWS candidates See INITIATION ceasing to meet centenary jewel, certificates See CERTIFICATES chapters application of rules where no specific provisions attachment of, to erasure of lodge, effect recommendation as to formation Charge concerning,

65 168 115 51

3, 119(a), (b) 104(a) 102A 165A

234 58 118 74

180 252(b) 165 118, 153 234 118 153 74 143

188 252, pl. 59

73 43, 45 45 43 p. 145


Lodges (cont.) Charity Steward, appointment, cheques, signatures on collars See COLLARS committees of complaints affecting members complaints (cont.) settlement of contumacy by degrees, conferment of. See DEGREES Deputy Master, when appointed disorderly behaviour in dispensations See DISPENSATIONS dissolution of District See DISTRICT LODGES District not under See OVERSEAS LODGES documents See books, &c., above dues See FEES & DUES emergency meetings erasure of See ERASURE exclusion, after, exclusion of members See EXCLUSION expulsion, absence of power of, failure breach of regulations, penalty when in meet, to returns, to make fee responsibility for payment fees See FEES & DUES first degree certificates five members, falling below foreign jurisdiction joining members of, members of, degrees conferred on, forfeiture of warrant formation of overseas groups Sovereign Grand Lodge abroad, by fund of general purposes, payments into furniture, vesting of gauntlets, wearing of Grand Master, visits by Grand Officers, visits by command Grand Stewards. See GRAND STEWARDS: GRAND STEWARDS’ LODGE Hall Stone Jewel, honorary members. See HONORARY MEMBERS Immediate Past Master. See IMMEDIATE PAST MASTER incapacity of Master

104(a) 153 154 253 184 74, 234 110, 115 180 190

140, 160 163(d) 181(note) 179 189 150, 152 270(a) 171 174 188 163(e)–(h) 173(b)–(d) 102, 143, 152 94, 96 91 186, 187 93, 269, 270 143 268 122 123 251, pl.58




Lodges (cont.) incapacity of (cont.) Master Elect initiates. See INITIATES; INITIATION installation. See INSTALLATION Installed Masters instruction, of. See LODGES OF INSTRUCTION investiture of officers. See officers, below irregularities in adjudication & determination penalties jewels centenary, officers, pledge of, prohibition against proper to be worn public, wearing in silver, of See also JEWELS joining member certificate required of, declaration by inability to make Grand Secretary, ruling by redress under Rule 184, election of ballot by, proposal form, date for deposit, specification in by-laws, enquiries concerning exclusion after, false statement by, fee responsibility for payment other jurisdictions from action required, Book of Constitutions, presentation of copy of, declaration by, registration fee, particulars furnishing of, summons, inclusion on, proposing and seconding of, resignation, after, serving brethren, becoming, London See LONDON LODGES Master Elect of of See MASTER ELECT Master of See MASTER meetings of See MEETINGS members of See also subscribing members below annual returns See RETURNS appeals by. See APPEAL; APPEALS COURT

106, 107


75, 232 179, 233 252, pl.59 239, 250, pls.31–46 143 239, 241 178 250

163(c) 164(a)(ii) 164(a)(ii) 164(a)(ii) 164(a)(ii) 164(a)(i) 163(a) 164(c) 163 163(d) 164(a)(iii) 270(a), 270B 171 163(e) 163(h) 163(f) 270(a), 270B 163(b) 164(b) 163(b), 164(a)(iii) 163(d) 170(b)


Lodges (cont.) members of (cont.) arrears, in. See ARREARS attendance at Grand Lodge, &c., See attendance, above breaches of laws and regulations candidates as censure of ‘country membership’ default, in exclusion from meeting exclusion of. See EXCLUSION honorary See HONORARY MEMBERS joining See Joining Members above minimum minutes, particulars to be recorded in, ‘non-dining’ membership presentation of certificate to, proposals for membership See PROPOSAL; PROPOSER register of, maintenance re-instatement after wrongful exclusion, rejoining See rejoining members below resignation returns See RETURNS rights unprejudiced by failure to register serving brethren as signature on certificate, membership, cessation attendance at lodge precluded automatic lodge of instruction, attendance precluded payment of arrears rejoining after subscription unpaid for two years visiting lodges precluded military See MILITARY LODGES minutes See MINUTES misbehaviour in motion in Master Elect, non-installation of removal of lodge, for, name to be borne by new See NEW LODGES number to be borne by office disqualification for eligibility for, limitation on number held, officers additional, advancement, claim to, absence of right, appointment of Master, by,

170 166 180 145 145 180

188 144(a) 145 174(d) 146 182(a) 183 150, 203 170 174(e) 127 148 127 148 148, 163 148 127

180 105 141(i), (ii) 98 78 117, 145, 167 104(b) 104(a) 104(a) 104(e) 104(e), 116



Lodges (cont.) officers (cont.) time for attendance at Grand Lodge, &c., See Attendance above casual vacancies among collars complaint against displacement of gauntlets Immediate Past Master, status of investiture of jewels, obligatory, optional, precedence among, regular, removal of vacancies in regular offices officers See also under names of offices official visitations of. See visitations below Overseas See OVERSEAS LODGES Past Masters See PAST MASTERS petition centenary jewel & by-centenary bar place of meeting See under MEETINGS precedence of local officers presentation of certificates in, Presiding Officer casting vote by powers of substituted authority proceedings protest against regulation of unauthorised publication of production of books, &c., See books, &c., above property disposition of jurisdiction, change of, on, surrender of Warrant, on successor in office, handing over to trust, holding in vesting of Provincial Grand Officers, official visitation by Provincial See PROVINCIAL LODGES regalia, wearing of unauthorised See also REGALIA registration of members See REGISTRATION regulations, in breach of

116 121 262, 263 120 120 268 104 116 250, pls. 31–46 104(a) 104(a) 104(d) 104(a) 120 121

252 99 100 104 174(d) 156 3 155 155 177

187(b) 190 143 143 143 122, 124 239 241



Lodges (cont.) rejoining members ballot for, certificate required of, cessation of membership, after election of ballot, by, exclusion, after, removal of emergency meeting to consider, Grand Master, consent of, by, notice of motion for, one meeting only, for provisions to be complied with recording of, temporary, representation in Grand Lodge resignation from See RESIGNATION resolution, protest against returns. See RETURNS rule of, in absence of Master secretary of See SECRETARY serving brethren See SERVING BRETHREN subscribing members See also members, above five, falling below initiate becoming ipso facto resumption of status of, before visiting serving brother, exception of, as subscribing Past Masters as members of Grand Lodge subscriptions by-laws relating to equality in liability for dues during suspension non-payment of brother joining another lodge, cessation of membership reduction in Secretary, exemption of, summons attendance on Grand Master, &c., See attendance, above London, lodges in, copies to Grand Secretary particulars of candidates in, urgency, initiation in case of suspension of See SUSPENSION treasurer of See TREASURER unattached direct jurisdiction of Grand Master, subject to, Metropolitan Area, in, declared as, unattached brethren, visit of, unattached, overseas See OVERSEAS LODGES

163(a) 163(c) 148, 163 163(a) 148, 163(b) 141 141(i) 141(iii) 141(i), (ii) 142 141 141(iv) 141(v) 2 155 119

188 166 127 166 9 145 145 179 147, 148 163(d) 148 145 104(c)

128 159, 164(b) 160

60(a) 60(a) 127(ii)



Lodges (cont.) visitations of Grand Master, his Deputy or Assistant, by Grand Officers, by command Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Master, &c., by visitors, admission of See VISITORS Wardens See WARDENS Warrant See WARRANT

122 123 122

Lodges of Instruction cessation of Chapters of Instruction, holding under similar Craft rules excluded member, prohibition against attendance, Grand Master, by license & authority of withdrawal minutes, keeping & production of place & time of meetings, approval of property of

135 74 127(i) 132 135 134 133 134, 135

Lodges of Instruction (cont.) sanction of withdrawal surrender of books, documents, &c.

132 135 134, 135

London Chapter Rank Metropolitan equivalent, treated as, from,


London Grand Chapter Rank apron, entitlement to wear, continued holders of, appointment to Provincial or District Grand Rank Metropolitan equivalent, treated as holder of, from, Senior See SENIOR LONDON GRAND CHAPTER RANK

96 32(a) 26(f)

London Grand Rank Metropolitan Rank, treatment as holder of, Senior See SENIOR LONDON GRAND RANK


London Lodges brethren & dependents, special fund for relief of complaints, disputes & irregularities, adjudication on complaints, disputes & irregularities settlement of, definition of fees & dues fees payable to Fund of General Purposes Grand Charity, generally See LODGES London Grand Rank, proportional appointments to representation on London Grand Rank Fund, relief visitation of, official

61 232 184(a)(i) 128 270 270 271 60 61 122


London Rank Metropolitan Rank, treatment as holder of, Losses Charter of Chapter replacement by Charter of Confirmation, fee Grand Chapter Certificate fee, replacement, for, Grand Lodge Certificate fee, replacement, for, Warrant Lodge, of Warrant of Confirmation, replacement by, fee Management of the Craft in Working Charge concerning,

61(b) 47 99 69 98(b) 174(f) 270(b)

270 pp. 147, 148

Manager tavern or house, of, prohibition against holding office


Masonic Foundation for the Aged and the Sick petitions for relief


Masonic Samaritan Fund Past Presidents precedence prefix President appointment chain, jewel, precedence prefix Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys Past Presidents precedence prefix petitions for relief President appointment chain, jewel, precedence prefix stewardship jewel, Master absence of, admonition by appointment of officers by,

5 6 18 pl. 47 pl. 11 5 6

5 6 191 18 pl. 47 pl. 11 5 6 253 pl. 60 3, 119(d) 180 104(e) 113, 116



Master (cont.) apron, assumption of Chair by, attendance on Grand Master, his Deputy or Assistant See also under LODGES by-laws, delivery of copy to, & enforcement of casting vote by ceasing membership, censure by Charge concerning, collar, wearing of committees, as Chairman of Community Service Order against member, action required, continuance in office custodial sentence on member, action required, death of, Deputy appointment of period of office disciplinary powers of displacement of officers by District Grand Lodge, as member of duration of office election of by-laws regarding on death or incapacity of Master Elect motion against installation, emergency meeting, calling of exclusion of member from meeting, power of Grand Lodge, as member of business papers, notices &c. of, forwarding to incapacity of initiation in urgent cases, duties as to installation of by-laws regarding death or incapacity of Master Elect postponement of returns jewel, more than one lodge, of, dispensation for new lodge of obligation required by observance of laws, responsibility for officers appointment of after removal of officer time for Tyler, when permitted investiture of, time for removal of period of office

265, pl. 31 105(c) 118 138 156 104(f) 180 pp. 153, 154 263 154 179A 107 179A 104(f), 119(a) 110 115 120, 180 120 65 115 105(a) 137 106 105(b) 140 180 5 47 119(a) 160 105(b) 137 106 108 151 250, pl. 31 115 97 111 114 104(e), 121 120 116 113 116 120 115


Master (cont.) period of office (cont.) after death or incapacity of Master Elect after postponement of installation, continuation in office extension of limitation on place in lodge, during official visitation pledge by Prince of the Blood Royal as Provincial Grand Lodge, as member of qualification for office, regular officer, as, removal of, temporary absence of, tenure of office trustee of lodge property, as visitors official, place in lodge responsibility regarding, Warrant custody of production of See under WARRANT Master Elect absence from installation meeting, Antient Charges, for reading to, death of continuance in office of Master disqualification, effect of incapacity of continuance in office by Master installation of See under MASTER Master’s Chair, prohibition against assumption before installation, motion for non-installation of, non-attendance at proposed installation refusal of office by Master Mason apron certificate, entitlement to,

107 108(a) 107 115 115 122 111 110, 115 65 105(a) 104(a) 119(a) 119(d) 115 143 122–124 125(b) 126 101

108(a) pp. vii–ix 106 107 106, 107 106 107 105(c) 105(b) 108 106, 107 265 174(c)

Meaning of Terms See DEFINITIONS & INTERPRETATIONS Meetings and Convocations Board of General Purposes number quorum & voting at chapters by-laws, matters to be specified in Charter, production at

225 226 58 47



Meetings and Convocations (cont.) chapters (cont.) day & place of alteration, dispensation for emergency failing to meet for one year limited, no more than one on same day prohibited days for, public holidays, falling on, chapters of instruction Committee of General Purposes (Royal Arch) Grand Chapter See GRAND CHAPTER Grand Lodge See GRAND LODGE lodges abandonment of, adjournment, prohibition against attendance at, recording of, by-laws cancellation of, prohibition day of alteration of, specification in by-laws emergency, calling & conduct of failure to hold outside area of jurisdiction place of change in one meeting only, removal for proprietor or manager of house, &c. specified in by-laws temporary change, prohibited days effect on four weeks rule, public holiday falling on, same day, limited to one meeting Warrant, absence of lodges of instruction prohibited days, Provincial & District Grand Lodges Provincial & District Grand Chapters public holidays, falling on,

58 58 59 73, 189 59 73 139(a) 73, 139(b) 74 76

119(c) 136 144(ii) 137 137 139(c), 141 137 106, 108, 140 189 142 141 142 117 137 141(e) 139(a) 139(d) 139(h) 140 101, 103 133 139(a) 78 37 139(b)

Members & Membership See under CHAPTERS; LODGES and names of other bodies Memorials Grand Chapter, to, centenary jewels & bars Grand Lodge, to, improper matter, &c. in Mentor appointment, optional jewel,

91 54 68(c)(i) 249, pl. 29c


Metropolitan Area - Craft Book of Constitutions, Rules, application, exemptions to, formation of, 60(a) Lodges of Instruction meetings, time & place to be approved Metropolitan Area - Craft (cont.) Lodges of Instruction (cont.) minutes sanction for, withdrawal of

60(d) 133

134 135

Metropolitan Area - Royal Arch formation of First Grand Principal, by, Regulations, exemption from, Royal Arch Regulations, application as if to Provinces, Metropolitan Chapter Rank apron collar jewel,

26(a) 26(a) 26(d) 26(b) 96 94 87, pl. 25

Metropolitan Chapters formation,


Metropolitan Grand Chapter auditor, election & qualification of, boundaries, by-laws Convocations area, dispensation to hold outside First Grand Principal, powers formation of funds membership of,

39 27 35 37 37 27 27 38 30(a)

Metropolitan Grand Chapter Rank apron collar conferal additional, Companions not Installed First Principals, upon precedence, succession to Grand Chapter Rank, First Grand Principals, upon, jewel, name, sash emblem, dark blue background, fringe, gold or metal gilt, vacancies,

96 94 26(e)(i) 26(e)(ii) 26(e)(iii) 26(e)(iii) 26(e)(iii) 26(e)(i) 87, pl. 25 26(e)(i) 97(ii) 97(ii) 26(i)



Metropolitan Grand Chapters Regulations, exemption from, Metropolitan Grand Lodge accounts & audit annual investiture dispensation to hold outside area Metropolitan Grand Lodge (cont.) area of jurisdiction, Book of Constitutions, Rules, application, exemptions to, by-laws, power to frame charitable fund amendment of by-laws approval by Grand Master, copy for transmission to Grand Master, effective date, majority for, establishment, by two thirds majority, confirmation, notice of meeting for, payments from, by-laws, to be shown in, scales of payment increase or diminution, increase, proposal to notice for, amendment of by-laws, discussion, timing of, formation of, installation of Metropolitan Grand Master, qualification to summon membership minutes opening & closing regulations, making and altering Metropolitan Grand Master absence of admonition by appointment apron wearing of area of authority Book of Constitutions, Rules, application, exemptions to, chain, complaint death of erasure of lodges Grand Secretary, report to expulsion of brethren

26(d) 85 78 78 60(a) 60(d) 79 83(a) 83(f) 83(e) 83(f) 83(d)(ii) 83(b) 83(b) 83(b) 83(a) 83(a) 83(c) 83(c) 83(d) 83(d)(i) 83(d)(i) 83(d)(i) 83(d)(i) 60(a) 63 64 82 79 79 64 74, 75 63 265 266 63 60(d) 254(c)(i–iii) 75 64 76 76 76


Metropolitan Grand Master (cont.) expulsion of brethren (cont.) Grand Secretary, report to installation, Metropolitan Grand Lodge, in, irregularity jewel Masonry, state of, within area, report to Grand Secretary, Metropolitan Grand Lodge annual holding of, by appointments in area dispensation to hold elsewhere minutes of, summary of, report to Grand Master, by Metropolitan Grand Office, names & lodges of Brethren appointed to, report to Grand Master, by particulars of Deputy, Assistant & Grand Inspectors , transmission of Grand Secretary, to, Metropolitan Area Lodges, to, Patent of Appointment authority to act under, powers & duties appointment Grand Officers, Metropolitan, summoning lodge officers contumacy by Grand Lodge Certificate, requirement to produce Warrant, books, papers & accounts, requirement to produce retention by Prince of the Blood Royal, if Pro Metropolitan Grand Master, appointment of proceedings, account of, Grand Secretary, report to regalia, suspension by vacancy in office Metropolitan Grand Officers - Craft admonition or suspension, appointment, annual, appointment, Metropolitan Grand lodge, in, apron Grand Officer, of, wearing casual vacancies, conduct, deprivation of rank & privilege, displacement of, gauntlets investment, jewel, Past precedence, regalia,

76 63 75 242 77 78 78 78 78 77 77 60(c)(iii) 60(c)(iii) 60(a) 60(a)

60(c)(i) 74 74 74 74 74 63 63 77 61(c) 74, 75 63 61(f) 61(d) 61(d) 265, pls. 56, 57 267 61(e) 61(f) 61(f) 61(f) 268 61(d) 247(b), pl. 26 61(c) 61(c)



Metropolitan Grand Officers - Royal Arch appointment Metropolitan Grand Chapter, in, collars Metropolitan Grand Officers - Royal Arch (cont.) Grand Officer duties performing, as apron chain jewels, precedence, sash, fringe, Metropolitan Grand Rank apron, collar, conferal additional Brethren, upon, authorisation, Grand Master, by, area Past Masters, upon, Grand Lodge, members, to number, Metropolitan Grand Master, by, name of area, designated, by, number of, Senior Overseas Grand Rank, of, upon holders, deprivation of rank & privilege approval, Metropolitan Grand Lodge, by, jewel, precedence qualification Metropolitan Rank, holders of, by, regalia, Metropolitan Grand Secretary business papers & reports, to be transmitted to Metropolitan Grand Stewards - Craft apron Metropolitan Grand Superintendents (See also under Grand Superintendent - Royal Arch above) appointment, Grand Scribe E & chapters transmission of particulars to Deputy & Assistant Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, of, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, of, installation power to summon Metropolitan Grand Chapter for powers & duties, same, Metropolitan Grand Master, as qualification, Regulations, exemption from,

26(g), 37 26(h) 94

94 94 88, pls. 25A, 27–30 26(g) 97(ii) 265, pls. 56, 57 260(iii), pls. 54, 55 61(a)(ii) 61(a)(i) 61(a)(i) 61(a)(i) 61(a)(i) 61(a)(i) 61(a)(i) 92(a) 61(f) 61(f) 246, pl. 26 61(a)(v) 61(a)(iii) 61(a)(v), (c) 47 265

26(a), 28

26(c)(iii) 26(c)(iii) 28 28 40 26(c)(ii) 26(d)


Metropolitan Grand Treasurer - Craft apron collar, election, Metropolitan Grand Treasurer - Craft (cont.) jewel,

pl. 56, 57 pl. 54, 55 61(d) pl. 26, 26(a)

Metropolitan Grand Treasurer - Royal Arch election & investiture,


Metropolitan Grand Inspector - Craft authority Chain investment, place of, jewel, Metropolitan Grand Master, appointment by, qualification, Registration of,

122 256, pl. 49a 60(c)(iv) 247(b), pl. 29 60(c)(i) 60(c)(ii) 270 (a)

Metropolitan Grand Inspector - Royal Arch appointment, chain, jewel, qualification, Registration of,

26(c)(i) 94, pl. 26E 88, pl. 11 26(c)(ii) 98 (a)

Metropolitan Lodges Brethren, invitation to resign under Rule 277A(a) Metropolitan Pro Grand Master precedence, regalia,

61(c) 61(c)

Metropolitan Rank - Craft apron conferal Master Masons, upon Metropolitan Grand Master, by, deprivation of rank & privilege approval, Metropolitan Grand Lodge, by, jewel, precedence, regalia, Metropolitan Rank - Royal Arch jewel,


265 61(a)(iii) 61(a)(iii) 61(f) 61(f) 246, pl. 26 61(a)(v) 61(a)(v) pl. 25

Military Lodges conduct & duties of Warrant, surrender or exchange of

130 131

Minor initiation of




Minutes Board of General Purposes chapter confirmation Minutes (cont.) chapter emergency, bar on reading &c. at particulars to be entered District Grand Lodge Grand Chapter Grand Lodge, confirmation of lodge books, production of, to Board of General Purposes Grand Master &c. books, production of, to (cont.) Provincial or District Grand Master books, property in circulation of copies confirmation of emergency meetings, limitation entries in attendances, declaration by joining members of other jurisdictions degrees, conferment of, exclusions matters to be entered keeping of protests against proceedings printing & publication of, prohibition against Provincial Grand Lodges

238 73, 144

59 73, 144 77, 82 23 52 234 118 74 143 144 144 140 144(ii) 163 144(i) 148 144 144 155 177 72, 82

Misbehaviour Grand Lodge, in lodge, in

57 180

Misconduct Grand Officers, of lodge officers, of

24 120

Most Excellent title & prefix, use of


Most Worshipful prefix of, use of


Motions See under GRAND CHAPTER; GRAND LODGE; LODGES Name Grand Lodge, style & title of lodge alteration of distinguished by

1 98 98


New Chapter Charter application for attachment to regular lodge clearance certificates of founders Confirmation, of Constitution essential for regularity of fees founders loss of petition for, form of production at every convocation qualification of First Principals recommendation required registration of withholding of

43, 80 45 43 47 47 46 99 43 47 44 47 43, 46 43 46 47

New Lodge constitution of, regularity of Districts, in fees founders of lodges abroad joining from other constitutions, Warrant, name & number of petition for form of requirements recommendation for registration of Warrant Master & Wardens named petition for provisional, in districts

97 95 270(a)5 270A 98 96 94 94 97 97 94, 96 95

Nominations See under Names of appropriate boards, officers & offices Non-Confirmation election of Master, laws, regulations & practices, resolutions regarding

105(b) 40

‘Non-Dining’ Membership rate of subscription


Non-Subscribing Member visiting lodges


Notice of Motion chapter, for removal of Grand Lodge See under GRAND LODGE

73, 141



Notice of Motion (cont.) lodge, in non-installation of Master, removal of lodge, for, Notices chapter, proposition of candidates complaint against member, erasure or expulsion, exclusion proceedings, matters arising, Grand Chapter, to whom sent invitation to resign from Craft, service of, Number lodges required to bear Obedience to Constitutions declaration of, Obligation Master, of Offensive Language memorial, petition, &c., to Grand Lodge, in

105(b) 141(i)(ii) 66 181(a)(i) 277(a)(i)(A) 181, 191A 19, 21 277A(a) 191A 98 159, 163(f) 111 54

Officers See CHAPTERS; DISTRICT GRAND OFFICERS; GRAND OFFICERS; LODGES; PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS; & under names of individual office holders Old Charges See CHARGES Opening Grand Lodge Provincial or District Grand Lodge Order of Service to Masonry appointment jewel, Organist - Craft appointment of, optional jewel, Organist - Royal Arch jewel, Overseas Chapter Rank apron collar jewel, sash, fringe,

51 79 19 243, 249, pl. 24 104 250, pl. 42 pl. 41 96 94 87, pl. 25 97(ii)


Overseas Chapters (not under Districts) grouping and alteration Overseas Grand Chapter Rank appointment to apron collar holders of, appointment to Past Provincial or District Grand Rank, jewel, precedence qualification regalia registration fee, sash emblem, dark blue background, fringe, gold or metal gilt,

41 42 96 94 32(a) 87, pl. 25 42 42 42 42, 98(a)(iii) 97, pl. 49 97(ii) 97(ii)

Overseas Grand Lodge formation of See SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGES Overseas Grand Rank conferment of, holders apron, collar, conduct of, dissatisfaction with, fee, gauntlets jewel, precedence, rank & privileges deprivation, regalia, wearing of, salutes

92(a) 265, pls. 56, 57 260(iii), pls. 54, 55 92(b) 93, 270(a), 270B 268 246, pl. 26 92(a) 92(b) 92(a) 6

Overseas Grand Rank - Royal Arch jewel,

pl. 25

Overseas Lodges (not under Districts) allegiance, transfer of, meetings to discuss annual dues complaints, disputes & irregularities adjudication on, settlement of, degrees at short intervals grouping of registration fees, Sovereign Grand Lodge meetings to discuss formation new, within jurisdiction of Warrant, fee for,

186 269 184(i) 232 184(a)(i) 90 91 270(a), 270B 186 187 270A



Overseas Rank apron conduct of, dissatisfaction with, deprivation of rank & privilege, Overseas Rank - Royal Arch jewel,

265 92(b) 24, 92(b) pl. 25

Panel for Appeals Courts See APPEALS COURTS Panel for Clemency See CLEMENCY Past Assistant Grand Master apron jewel, precedence

265 244, pl. 25 5

Past Assistant Grand Officers - Craft aprons jewels,

265 244, pl. 25

Past Assistant Grand Officers - Royal Arch jewel precedence Past Assistant Provincial or District Grand Master appointment to rank of, prohibition, jewel if Grand Officer, precedence salutes,

86 2 68(a) 248(a), pl. 30 248(c) 71, 72 6 (note)

Past Deputy Grand Master apron jewel, precedence

265 244, pl. 25 5

Past Deputy Grand Officers - Craft aprons jewel,

265 244, pl. 25

Past Deputy Grand Officers - Royal Arch jewel precedence Past Deputy Masters Time Immemorial lodges, Collars Past Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master jewel,

86 2 262 248(d), pl. 26(b)


Past Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master appointment to rank of, prohibition, 68(a) jewel if Grand Officer precedence salutes,

248, pl. 30 248 71, 72 6 (note)

Past Deputy Superintendent jewel,

88, pl. 26A

Past District Grand Master apron automatic attainment of rank, jewel, precedence

265 18 (note) 244, 248, pl. 4 5, 71, 72

Past District Grand Officers - Craft appointment of aprons, collars, displacement of, District Grand Lodge, as members of gauntlets jewels, number of precedence promotions rank & privileges, deprivation of, salutes visitation of lodges by

69, 73 265, pls. 56, 57 260(i), pls. 54, 55 68(f) 65 268 248, pl. 30 69 71, 72 70 68(f) 6 124

Past District Grand Officers - Royal Arch appointment aprons collars jewels, membership of District Grand Chapter precedence among promotion of sash, Past District Grand Rank - Craft conferment of


Past District Grand Rank - Royal Arch appointment to holders of London, Senior London & Overseas Grand Rank limitation on officers of other Districts Past District Grand Stewards - Craft aprons collars,

32 96 95 88, pl. 30 30 34 33 97, pl. 49

31, 32(b) 32 31(a) 32 265 260(ii)



Past District Grand Stewards - Craft (cont.) gauntlets jewel, precedence

268 248(a), pl. 30 71, 72

Past District Grand Stewards - Royal Arch jewel


Past District Grand Wardens qualification


Past First Grand Principal jewel, precedence prefix Past First Principals annual return of aprons collars jewel, qualification as members of District or Provincial Grand Chapter Grand Chapter sash, Past Grand Inspector - Craft apron collar jewel, precedence relinquishment of office, on salute Past Grand Inspector - Royal Arch collar jewel, precedence

86, 93, pl. 24 2 4 60 96 95 pl. 34 30 5 97, pl. 49 265 257 244, pl. 15 5 18 6 92, 93 86, pl. 24 2, 15

Past Grand Master apron collar, jewel, precedence

265 257, pls. 52, 53 244, 249, pl. 1 5

Past Grand Officers - Craft appointment of aprons, chains, when worn by, collars, deprivation of rank District Grand Masters on relinquishment as

19 265, pls. 52, 53 255(b) 257, pls. 50, 51 24 18


Past Grand Officers - Craft (cont.) gauntlets Grand Inspectors on relinquishment as Grand Lodge, as members of jewels, precedence prefixes Provincial Grand Masters on relinquishment as salutes visitation of lodges, official

268 18 2 244, 249, pl. 25 5 6 18 6 123

Past Grand Officers - Royal Arch appointment of aprons collars jewels, members of Grand Chapter precedence sash,

18 96 93 86, pl. 24 1 2 97, pl. 49

Past Grand Stewards aprons collars jewel place in Grand Lodge precedence status

265 259 245, 249 37 5 37

Past Grand Superintendent collar jewel, precedence

92, 93 86, pl. 24 2, 15

Past Masters absence of Master, duties devolving upon, in, apron collars Grand Stewards’ Lodge Time Immemorial Lodges District Grand Lodge, as members of Grand Lodge, as members of honorary member, as jewel, prefix Provincial Grand Lodge, as members of returns, inclusion in Past Metropolitan Grand Master apron

119(a)(b) 265 264 261 262 65 5, 9, 151 167 250, pl. 32 6 65 151, 152 265



Past Metropolitan Grand Officer - Craft apron jewel, Past Metropolitan Grand Officer - Royal Arch jewel, Past Metropolitan Group Chairman jewel if Grand Officer, Past Pro First Grand Principal jewel, precedence prefix

265 248(b), pl. 26(b) pl. 25A 248(d), pl. 26(b) 248(d) 86, pl. 1 2 4

Past Pro Grand Master apron jewel, precedence

265 244, 249, pl. 1 5

Past Pro Provincial or District Grand Master apron automatic attainment of rank, jewel, precedence

265 18 (note) 244, 249, pl. 4 5, 72

Past Provincial Grand Master apron automatic attainment of rank, jewel, precedence

265 18 (note) 244, 248, pl. 4 5, 71, 72

Past Provincial Grand Officers - Craft appointment aprons, collars, displacement of, gauntlets jewels, number of precedence promotions Provincial Grand Lodge, as members of rank & privileges, deprivation of, salutes visitation of lodges by command Past Provincial Grand Officers - Royal Arch appointment aprons collars jewels,

69, 73 265, pls. 56, 57 260(i), pls. 54, 55 68(f) 268 248, 249, pl. 30 69 71, 72 70 65 68(f) 6 124 32 96 94 88, pl. 30


Past Provincial Grand Officers - Royal Arch (cont.) membership of Provincial Grand Chapter precedence among promotion of sash, Past Provincial Grand Rank - Craft appointment to holders of London, Senior London & Overseas Rank limitation on officers of other Provinces Past Provincial Grand Rank - Royal Arch appointment to holders of London, Senior and Overseas Rank limitation on officers of other provinces Past Provincial Grand Stewards - Craft collars, jewel,

30 34 33 97, pl. 49 68, 69 69 68(a) 69 31–32(b) 32 31(a) 32 260(ii) 248(a), pl. 30

Past Provincial Grand Stewards - Royal Arch jewel


Past Provincial Grand Wardens qualification


Past Rank appointment to First Grand Principal, by Grand Master, by Grand Superintendent, by Provincial or District Grand Master, by Past Second & Third Grand Principals jewel, precedence prefix Past Second & Third Principals apron sash,

18 19 31, 32 68, 69 86, 93, pl. 24 2 4 96 97, pl. 49

Patents of Appointment Deputy or Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Deputy Grand Superintendent, Grand Superintendent Provincial or District Grand Master sealing of

66 28A 28 63 31



Petitions Board of General Purposes, to, in writing centenary & bi-centenary bar, for chapter lodge Charter for new chapter Grand Lodge, to, improper matter, &c., in SHORT SERVICE AS WARDEN, arising from Warrant for new lodge form of

236 91 252 43, 44 54 109 94 96

Place of Meeting See under MEETINGS Pledge lodge jewels & property, prohibition against


Pledge (Obligation) Master, by antient usage & established customs, observation of by-laws, submission to

111 138

Porch of Grand Lodge scrutineers for


Prayers Grand Lodge, at


Precedence - Craft business Grand Master communications to Grand Lodge from matters referred to Board by District Grand Officers Grand Officers Immediate Past Master lodge officers lodges, of Grand Stewards’ Lodge local, Provinces & Districts London Grand Rank, holders of, London Rank, holders of, Overseas Grand Rank, holders of Overseas Rank, holders of Provincial Grand Officers Senior London Grand Rank, holders of Precedence - Royal Arch chapters officers District Grand Officers Grand Officers Grand Principals, communications from

53 237 61, 71, 72 5 104 104 99 99 100 60(a) 60(a) 92 92 67, 71, 72 60 45 48 2 2 24


Precedence - Royal Arch (cont.) London Chapter Rank London Grand Chapter Rank Members of Grand Chapter Overseas Chapter Rank Overseas Grand Chapter Rank Provincial Grand Officers Senior London Grand Chapter Rank

26 26 2 42 42 34 26

Prefixes ranks, of Grand Chapter Grand Lodge

4 6

Premises Committee Board of General Purposes, of


Presidents Board of General Purposes See BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES Committee of General Purposes See COMMITTEE OF GENERAL PURPOSES District Boards See DISTRICT BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE; DISTRICT BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES Grand Charity Masonic Samaritan Fund Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Royal Masonic Trust for Girls & Boys Presiding Officer - Craft casting vote by Board of General Purpose, in Grand Lodge, in Grand Treasurer, at election of lodge, in Panel for Clemency Grand Lodge acceptance of urgent business without notice by discussion of motions without notice, by leave of exclusion of member misbehaving substitute authority, as, powers & duties Presiding Officer - Royal Arch Committee of General Purposes, in absence of President First Grand Principal, in absence of powers of Prince of the Blood Royal Grand Master being Master of a lodge, as Provincial or District Grand Master being Prince of Wales’s Lodge No. 259 aprons

18 18 18 18

226 59 21 156 280 42 39 57 3 78 25 25 16 110, 115 63, 67 265



Principal Grand Sojourner appointment apron jewel Principal Sojourner jewel, Principals absence of aprons attendance on First Grand Principal when summoned collars death of devolution of authority duration of office as emergency convocation, summons of extension of period as first, of new chapter First Principal election of qualification for dispensation incapacity of installation of jewels, Master, considered as, according to custom members of Grand Chapter Provincial or District Grand Chapter periods of office precedence of prefix qualification for election as, removal of returns of sash, Second Principal, election of, qualification for See also FIRST PRINCIPAL; SECOND PRINCIPAL; THIRD PRINCIPAL short service as Third Principal, election of, qualification for, Pro First Grand Principal apron chain, installation jewel, precedence prefix Pro Grand Master as, if qualified

15 96 86, pl. 16 pl. 38 55, 56 96 118 95 54 56 51 59 51 46

50 50 54 48, 53 89, pls. 31–44 48 2 30 51 2, 48 4 49(i, ii) 54 60 97, pl. 49 50 50 49(i–ii) 96 pl. 5 9 86, pl. 1 2 4 9


Pro Metropolitan Grand Master appointment apron wearing of chain, jewel powers & duties precedence

63 265 266 255(c)(i–iii) 242 63 63

Pro Provincial or District Grand Master additional office, holding of appointment of apron wearing of chain, collar, duties of jewel, powers of precedence prefix status,

25 63 265 266 255(a)(c), pl. 47 257, pl. 50, 51 63 242, 249, pl. 4 63 5, 63 6 18 (note)

Procedure Committee Board of General Purposes, of


Proceedings Grand Chapter See under GRAND CHAPTER Grand Lodge See under GRAND LODGE lodge See under LODGES printing or publication of, prohibition against


Processions public, in


Property Grand Lodge, care & custody of

35, 227

Proposals - Craft candidate from Ireland or Scotland forms See APPLICATION FORM Honorary member, when qualified to make honorary membership initiation, for candidates outside own locality particulars required time for urgency, in case of

161 167 167 158 159 159 160



Proposer candidate for exaltation, particulars of proposer required candidate, of liability for fees particulars required joining or re-joining member, of, motion in Grand Lodge, right of reply Propositions Grand Lodge, to, irregular Proprietor tavern or house, of, prohibition against holding office Provinces boundaries, rearrangement of combination & division of formation of representation on Board See under BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES state of Masonry, report on Provincial Chapters Assistants Provincial Grand Principals to appointment of, jewel, Assistants, additional, Provincial Grand Principals to, appointment of, constitution of powers & duties, exercise over precedence of returns to Grand Chapter Provincial Grand Chapter Provincial Grand Almoner - Craft appointment of, jewel, precedence Provincial Grand Almoner - Royal Arch appointment, jewel, precedence Provincial Grand Chapter audit of accounts auditor, election & qualification of by-laws committees of Constitution

66 171 159, 160 163(b) 56 55 117 62 62 62 77

31(c)(i) 88, pl. 28B 31(c)(iv) 46 40 45 60–62 63 68(c)(i) 247, pl. 29(a) 71 31(c)(ii) 88, pl. 30(a) 34 39 39 35 35 27


Provincial Grand Chapter (cont.) Convocations Province, dispensation to hold outside funds funds of meeting outside Province, dispensation for membership of officers acting ranks, schedule of, Past First Principals, when members Provincial Grand Officers, when members rank in See also PAST OFFICERS powers of qualification of members Treasurer, election of Provincial Grand Charity Steward - Craft appointment of, jewel, precedence Provincial Grand Charity Steward - Royal Arch appointment, jewel, precedence Provincial Grand Lodges accounts & audit auditor, qualification & election of Board of General Purposes, notification of by-laws funds, regulation of confirmation & operation of, power to make cessation of lodge membership, notification of charitable fund, establishment of, &c., of, closing, form of committees appointment of investigating minutes dues honorary members, absence of liability for liability, members of suspended lodges, formation of funds accounts & audit establishment of, payments, diminution, &c., of,

37 37 38 38 37 30 31 p. 219 30 30 32 35, 38 30 31 68(c)(i) 247, pl. 29(b) 71 31(c)(ii) 88, pl. 30(b) 34 85 85 148 83(d)(e) 83(f) 80 148 83(a) 79 80 75 82 167 179(i) 62 85 83(a)(b) 83(c)



Provincial Grand Lodges (cont.) funds (cont.) payments, scales of, increase in procedure, meetings of outside Province prohibited days, membership of minutes summary to Grand Lodge opening, form of presiding officer, rights, powers & duties of proceedings, reports of regulations, power to make reports to Grand Secretary returns Provincial Grand Master absence of acting ranks, schedule of limitation past ranks, to promotions re-appointments by, See also under names of offices additional office, holding of admonition by, annual report by appeal from decision of Appeals Court Panel or Commission, disqualified for membership appointment of appointments by, apron wearing of Assistants additional limitation of See also ASSISTANT PROVINCIAL OR DISTRICT GRAND MASTERS attendance upon authority of, area of chain, collar, complaints determination of reference of, to death of Deputy See DEPUTY PROVINCIAL OR DISTRICT GRAND MASTER disciplinary powers, erasure or expulsion, absence of power of expulsion, recommendation for, by gauntlets

83(c)(d) 83(d)(i)(ii) 78 78 139(a) 65 82 77 79 3 77 80 77 149 3, 64 p. 33 69 69 70 68(a)(ii) 25 68(f) 74, 75 77 75 18, 274 63 66(a), 68(a) 265 266 67 67 74 62, 63 255(a)(c), pl. 47 257, pl. 47 75 184 64 4, 68(f), 74, 75 76 76 268


Provincial Grand Master (cont.) Grand Superintendent, same powers & duties as installation of irregularities, determination of jewel, judicial authority patent of appointment grant of precedence prefix Prince of the Blood Royal, being re-instatement by, of wrongfully excluded member, removal of resignation of salutes status of, summons of officers & brethren, power of suspension by suspension of tenure of office visitation of lodges Provincial Grand Officers - Craft additional admonition of, appointment of annual, past rank, to promotions aprons Grand Officer, of, wearing of chain of, wearing by Grand Officer collars, collars of, wearing by Grand Officer displacement of, gauntlets investiture of, jewels, names of, report to Grand Lodge number permitted , Past See PAST PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS precedence among precedence of promotions Provincial Grand Lodge, as members of rank & privileges, deprivation of, regalia, wearing of removal of, salutes See also under names of offices vacancies, visitation of lodges by command

40 63 75 242, 249, pl. 4 4 62, 63 5 6 63, 67 183(b) 64 64 6 18 (note) 74 74, 75 64 63 122 66, 68 68(f) 68(a)(c) 68(d) 69 70 265, pls. 56, 57 267 267 260(i), pls. 54, 55 267 68(f) 268 68(d) 247, 249, pls. 27–30 77 68(a) (see schedule) 71 72 70 65 68(f) 72 68(f) 6 68(e) 124



Provincial Grand Officers - Royal Arch additional, appointment, aprons casual vacancies, collars Grand Officer duties performing, as apron chain investiture, jewels, past rank in other Provinces, precedence own Province, within, promotion re-appointment, re-election, sash fringe, schedules of appointment, prevention of, prohibition against, Provincial Grand Principals appointment of, apron Assistant to, appointment, prohibition against, chains, jewels, notification of appointment, Past Second & Third, appointment, prohibition against qualification, Provincial Grand Rank - Royal Arch Past Rank appointments to additional, Provincial Grand Treasurer, past holders not ineligible for election as, Provincial Grand Stewards - Craft appointment aprons collars, jewel, Provincial Grand Stewards - Royal Arch appointment, jewel Provincial Grand Superintendents, powers & duties, same, Provincial Grand Master, as

31(a) 31(a)(d) 37 96 31(f) 94

94 94 31(d) 88, pls. 27–30 32(a) 31, 34 34A 33 31(a)(ii) 31(a)(ii) 97, pl. 49 97(ii) 31(a), p. 219 31(a)(i) 31(a) 96 32(g) 94, pl. 28A 88, pl. 27, 28 31(h) 32 31(a)

32(a) 32(b) 31(e) 68 265 260(ii) 247, pl. 29 31(a) 88 40


Provincial Grand Treasurer - Craft eligibility & election, precedence

68(d) 71

Provincial Grand Treasurer - Royal Arch election, investiture,

31(d) 31(d)

Provincial Grand Wardens appointment, qualification

68(a) 73

Provincial Lodges definition fees See FEES & DUES meetings See MEETINGS new, petition for Warrant officers of, attendance on Provincial Grand Master precedence, local regulations for removal of representation on Board See BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES returns by returns by See also RETURNS superintendence of visitation of, official Public Holidays meetings falling on,


94 74 100 80 141, 142 149 129 122–124 139(b)

Publication accounts, circulation &c. See ACCOUNTS masonic affairs, material or documents concerning proceedings of Grand Chapter Grand Lodge lodge

177 21 47 177

Pure & Antient Masonry definition, preamble to Constitutions Qualifications See under appropriate title of office or rank Quarterly Communications See GRAND LODGE Quasi-Masonic Organisations membership of




Rank deprivation of Grand Officers London Grand Rank, Senior London Grand Rank & London Rank, Overseas Grand Rank & Overseas Rank, Provincial & District Grand Officers, Royal Arch, application of provisions to equality in Grand Officers, precedence precedence limited to area of jurisdiction Craft Royal Arch titles, prefixes & abbreviations Recognised Jurisdictions representatives, appointment of Recognition of Sovereign Grand Lodges basic principles for, prerequisite before acceptance of joining members, formation in District(s) regulation to be observed by lodges in new jurisdiction Regalia - Craft appendix to Book of Constitutions declaration as part of chains collars, Grand Lodge aprons unornamented, when worn charge & custody of full dress, wearing of gauntlets unauthorised insignia wearing in lodge officers prescribed public, wearing in unauthorised, prohibition against wearing of Regalia - Royal Arch See also APRONS; CHAINS; COLLARS; JEWELS appendix to General Regulations declaration as part of chapter, wearing of, in emblem, Regalia - Royal Arch (cont.) unauthorised wearing of chapter, in Grand Chapter, in

24 60(b) 92(b) 68(f) 73 5 5 60, 72, 92 26, 34, 42 4, 6 8 pp. xiv, xv 163(e)–(g) 186 187 240 255 257, 260(iv) 265 34 255, 257, 260, 268 268 241 239 263 239 178 241 239 83 82 pl. 48 84 82 82


Registration - Craft certificates issued in Districts, fees Deputy or Assistant Provincial or District Grand Master, Grand Officer, on first appointment, remittance of, neglect of lodges in respect of new lodges, register of members, maintenance of serving brethren, Registration - Royal Arch contributions in respect of exaltees fees, schedule of, Installed Principals members annual return new fees, from another Constitution register of maintenance of neglect in Provinces & Districts serving Companions

100 61 62, 98(a) 60 61 61, 69 62, 98(a)(iv) 69 61 64 63, 69 68

Regulations - Craft alteration of, notice of motion for breaches of Grand Lodge, enactment by Provincial & District Grand Lodge, by Regulations - Royal Arch generally chapters, application of rules applicable to lodges Committee of General Purposes, same duties as Board of General Purposes Grand Chapter, First Grand Principal or Presiding Officer matters not provided for therein application of Rules of Craft Masonry, preamble to General Regulations Provincial or District Grand Superintendent, powers suspension from Craft, effect of suspension from Royal Arch, effect of, Re-instatement brethren wrongfully excluded,

88, 174(a) 270(a), 270B 270(a) 270(a) 147, 149, 174(b) 150, 152 97, 270A 146, 150 170(b)

40 179 4 80 73 81 25

40 72 72, 179B 182(a)

Rejoining Members See under CHAPTERS; LODGES



Removal chapters, of See under CHAPTERS lodges, of See under LODGES office, from Grand Inspectors Grand Officers Grand Superintendents officers of lodges Principals Provincial or District Grand Officers, Tyler Reply right of, proposer of motion in Grand Lodge

41, 91 24 29 120 54 68(f) 113 56

Reports See under SUBJECTS OF REPORTS Representatives Grand Master, of, appointment of


Reputation Freemasonry, of


Request conferment of degrees by


Resignation - Craft invitation to resign from Craft appeal Appeals Court, direction by, certificates Grand Lodge & Grand Chapter accompany resignation, to, waiver of requirement, lodge, withholding after failure to comply with, Grand Secretary, powers & duties, letter of, notification brother to, lodges & chapters, to, Provincial & District Grand Masters, recommendations by Royal Arch, application of provisions to, substitution of penalty, suspension pending appeal period, certificate, obligatory return of, waiver, effective date, Grand, Metropolitan, Provincial, District or Overseas rank, certificate, issue on, procedure,

76, 185 277(a)(ii), 277A(a)(e), 278 277A(b)(ii) 277A(c) 175 277A(e), 278(v) 277A(b窶電) 277A(b)(i) 277A(a) 277A(d)(ii) 76 277A(d)(i) 277(a)(ii), 278(v) 76, 233, 278(v) 179(iii)(iv) 183A(b) 183A(c) 183A(a)(ii) 175 183A(a)


Resignation - Craft (cont.) lodge membership, of rejoining after withdrawing of lodges or chapters cessation of membership communication of, to, Grand Secretary, by, Provincial or District Grand Master resigned brother, obligations still binding upon, rights & privileges, resumption of certificate returned, subscribing member of lodge, as, Resignation - Royal Arch application of Craft rules Metropolitan Grand Superintendents & Grand Superintendents members certificate, issue after, withdrawal See also INVITATION under CRAFT above Resolutions Grand Lodge confirmation of contrary to Antient Landmarks lodge confirmation of protests against Returns - Craft District Grand Master, by electronic format lodges annual submission Districts, in certificates issued, of fees, remittance with honorary members, exclusion of installation members in arrears neglect in making penalty officers & Past Masters Provinces, in Returns - Royal Arch annual electronic format installation members, of Metropolitan Area, in neglect in making, penalty

163, 183A(f) 183 183A(a)(i) 183A(b) 64 183A(d) 183A(e) 183A(e) 75, 277A(b)(ii), (d) 29 70(b) 183

40 55 144 155 88, 89 191(C) 156(i) 86, 149 88 147 167 151 147, 148, 181 150 152 151 149 61 191(C) 60 61 63 64



Returns - Royal Arch (cont.) Principals & Past Principals, of Provinces, Districts & Metropolitan Areas, in remittance of fees with Right Worshipful prefix, use of Royal Arch chapter, officers & members contents, table of, Council of 72 members present, limitation on chapter meeting to Craft Masonry, rules of, application, emblem, General Regulations amendments, record of, copy, presentation to candidates plates, appendix of declaration, as to principal editions, list of, submission to Grand Officers of Craft Masonry as office holders in past ranks, conferal, Grand Superintendents, by, recognition as part of Freemasonry, Declaration, sanction, Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Past Presidents precedence prefix petitions for relief to President appointment chain, jewel, precedence prefix stewardship jewel, Royal Somerset House & Inverness Lodge No. 4 collars Immemorial constitution Rulers’ Forum Board of General Purposes, powers to amend, eligibility, cessation of, limitation, lodges, from, matters to consider, precedence of meetings members of, requirement to serve, as, Metropolitan Master or Past Master,

60 63 62 6 48 p. 200 48 p. 201 pl. 48 p. 201 p. 198 67 83, pp. 261–291 83 p. 198 67 8-10, 12–14 31(b) p. 1 p. 199

5 6 191 18 pl. 47 pl. 11 5 6 253 pl. 60 262 101 217(h) 217(g), 218 217(g) 221 219 217(i) 217(b)


Rulers’ Forum (cont.) membership, cessation of, minutes Presiding Officer representatives, Metropolitan,

218(b) 222 220 217(e)

Salutes Grand Officers Provincial & District Grand Officers, holders of London & Overseas Grand Rank Royal Arch, not given in Sash - Royal Arch Companions, worn by illustration,

6 6 4 97 pl. 49

Scandalous Notice of Motion powers of Board of General Purposes


Scotland candidate for initiation from


Scribe E appointment exemption from subscription

48 48

Scribes appointment jewel,

48 89, pl. 35

Scrutineers Grand Festivals, at, nomination of porch of Grand Lodge, for

48 48

Seal Grand Lodge, custody & use of


Sealing of Documents Districts, certificates issued in duties as to

87 31

Second Degree apron certificate,

45 174(c)

Second District Grand Principal appointment, prohibition against, chain, Grand Scribe E & chapters, particulars of, transmission to, Grand Superintendent by, jewel,

31(g) 94, pl. 28A 31(h) pl. 27



Second Grand Principal appointment apron jewel, particulars, Grand Scribe E & Chapters, transmission to, Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, by, precedence prefix summons of Chapter Principals and members to attend him Second Metropolitan Grand Principal appointment, chain, Second Principal absence of collar election, qualification for jewel, office, duration in, limitation, as to sash, service, short term of Second Provincial Grand Principal appointment, prohibition against, chain, Grand Scribe E & chapters, particulars of, transmission to, Grand Superintendent by, jewel, Seconder candidate, of exaltation, for honorary member, as initiation in case of urgency liability for fees particulars required joining or rejoining member, of, Secretary Antient Charges, reading to Master Elect, appointment & investiture of, jewel, quarterly communications, business papers, transmission to regular officer, as, returns, duty to make Senior Grand Warden appointment jewel, precedence salute See also GRAND WARDENS

10 96 86, pl. 2 26(j) 2 4 118 26(g) 94, pl. 28A 55, 56 95 50 89, pl. 32 51 97, pl. 49 50 31(g) 94, pl. 28A 31(h) pl. 27

66 167 160 171 159 163(b) pp. vii–ix 104(a), 116 250, pl. 37 47 104(a) 146, 151 18 242, 249, pl. 5 5 6


Senior London Grand Chapter Rank holders of, appointment to Provincial or District Grand Rank, holders of, appointment to past Provincial or District Grand Rank, Metropolitan equivalent, to be treated as, from, Senior Metropolitan Grand Chapter Rank appointment, collar jewel, precedence, qualification, regalia, sash emblem, dark blue background, fringe, gold or metal gilt, Senior Metropolitan Grand Rank - Craft appointment to District, Overseas & Provincial Grand Rank, holders of, Metropolitan Grand Master, by, Metropolitan Grand Rank, holders of, apron, collar, deprivation of rank & privilege approval, Metropolitan Grand lodge, by, gauntlets jewel, precedence, regalia, Senior Overseas Grand Chapter Rank apron collar jewel, sash emblem, dark blue background, fringe, gold or metal gilt, Senior Overseas Grand Rank apron, conduct of, dissatisfaction with, conferal, deprivation of rank & privilege, gauntlets precedence, regalia,

32(a) 32(a) 26(f) 26(e)(iv) 94 87, pl. 26 26(e)(v) 26(e)(iv) 26(e)(v) 97(ii) 97(ii)

61(a)(iv) 61(a)(iv) 61(a)(iv) 265, pl. 26a(ii) 260(iii), pls. 54, 55 61(f) 61(f) 268 246, pl. 26(a) 61(a)(v) 61(a)(v) 96 94 87, pl. 26 97(ii) 97(ii) 265, pl. 26a(ii) 92(b) 92(a) 24, 92(b) 268 92(a) 92(a)

Senior Warden absence of Master, duties in, appointment, emergency meeting, calling of, in Master’s absence

119(a)(b) 104(a)(e) 140



Senior Warden (cont.) jewel, precedence, regular officer, as, See also WARDENS Seniority Assistant Grand Masters, among Grand Officers, among Serving Brethren initiation of, joining member, becoming, notification of, payment to the Grand Charity, registration of, special certificate fee for, status of, Serving Companion dispensation for election as exaltation & status joining a chapter qualified for election as Janitor special Grand Chapter certificate fee, Signatures chapter cheques Grand Chapter certificates Grand Lodge certificates, lodge cheques Sovereign Grand Lodges correspondence with lodges within, joining members from, overseas formation of, meetings to discuss lodges within, regulations to be observed recognition of transfer of allegiance to, meetings to consider, See also FOREIGN JURISDICTIONS; RECOGNITION Staff Committee Board of General Purposes Stewards - Craft appointment of, optional charity, qualification for jewels, Grand See GRAND STEWARDS jewel,

250, pl. 33 104(d) 104(a)

5 5 170(a) 170(b) 170(b) 170(c) 170(b) 170(b) 170(b), 270 166, 170(b) 68 68 68 48 68 98(c) 153 69 174(e) 153 230 163(e) 186 187 186, 187 187 (i)–(v)

231 104 253, pl. 60 250, pl. 45


Stewards - Royal Arch jewel,

pl. 43

Style & Title Grand Chapter Grand Lodge

1 2

Submission General Regulations, to, by exaltees joining members from other jurisdictions

67 67

Subscribing Members - Craft See under LODGES Subscribing Members - Royal Arch annual return of in arrear register of

61, 62 71 61

Subscriptions - Craft See under LODGES Subscriptions - Royal Arch arrears of Chapter members differentiation in exemption of Scribe E from

71 145 145 48

Substituted Authorities rights, powers & duties of


Summons - Craft attendance on Board of General Purposes Grand Lodge Grand Master, his Deputy or Assistant Provincial or District Grand Master especial Grand Lodge lodge candidates, particulars of, on, initiation in cases of urgency London, in, copies to Grand Secretary members of, entitled to receive Summons - Royal Arch Committee of General Purposes, to attend Grand Principals, to attend Grand Superintendent, to attend private chapter London, in, Grand Scribe E, to be sent to membership in, particulars of candidates for

234 58 118 74 13 159, 164(b) 160 128 145 118 118 118 128 66



Sunday meetings on, prohibition against Surrender Lodge or Chapter books, papers, documents & property, of Suspension appeal against Board of general Purposes, powers of from Craft, effect of from Royal Arch, effect of, from Royal Arch privileges, Grand Master, by, Grand Superintendent, of lodge, of on failure to re-instate excluded member, liability for dues membership of quasi-masonic & other bodies, for non-attendance on Grand Master, for penalty extent of brethren, lodges, penalty, as Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Master by of Tavern proprietor or manager, prohibition against holding office


143, 153, 188, 190 185, 233, 278 233, 234 72 179A 179A 118, 182(a) 29 182(a) 179 176 118

179(ii) 179(i) 179 75 64 117

T.G.A.O.T.U. belief in, by members of other jurisdictions,


Third Degree apron certificate, entitlement to,

265 174(c)

Third District Grand Principal chain, appointment prohibition against Grand Scribe E & chapters, particulars of, transmission to, Grand Superintendent by, jewel, Third Grand Principal installation jewel, particulars, Grand Scribe E & Chapters, transmission to, Metropolitan Grand Superintendent, by,

94, pl. 28A 31(g) 31(h) pl. 28 11 86, pl. 3 26(j)


Third Metropolitan Grand Principal appointment, chain,

26(g) 94, pl. 28A

Third Principal absence collar election, qualification for jewel, office, duration in, limitation, as to sash, service, short term of

55 95 49 89, pl. 33 51 97, pl. 49 50

Third Provincial Grand Principal chain, Grand Scribe E & chapters, particulars of, transmission to, Grand Superintendent by, jewel,

94, pl. 28A 31(h) pl. 28

Tickets of Admission Grand Festivals Grand Lodge

12 49

Titles Grand Lodge Grand Officers lodge name

1 6 98

Treasurer - Craft absence of ballot for, books, funds, &c., transfer to successor duties of election of by-laws regarding pro tempore, incapacity of, jewel, regular officer, as, Treasurer - Royal Arch absence of, protracted ballot for duties of election of jewel, transfer by, of books & papers of chapter vacancy in office of Tribunals, Masonic documents, printing & publication of

112 112(a) 143, 153 153 112(a) 137 112(b)(c) 112(b) 250, pl. 36 104(a) 57 48 153 48 89, pl. 36 153 57 177



Trust lodge property held in Tyler appointed, when election of by-laws regarding Grand Charity, payments to, in respect of, 170(d) jewel, qualification for office regular officer, as, removal from office serving brother, when initiated as, subscribing member of the lodge as Unattached Chapters members, disqualifications of, to visit Overseas grouping of alteration or amalgamation of

143 113 104(e), 113 137 250, pl. 46 113 104(a) 113 170(d) 113 127 41 41

Unattached Lodges overseas See OVERSEAS LODGES [NOT UNDER DISTRICTS] Unattached Members attendance at lodges, Unbecoming Behaviour Grand Lodge, in

127(ii) 57

University Lodges initiation in


Urgency Grand Lodge, business in initiation in case of

42 160

Vacancy in Office casual Board of General Purposes, chapter officers Committee of General Purposes Grand Officers lodge officers Rulers’ Forum Grand Master Very Worshipful prefix of, use of Vice President Board of General Purposes See BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES

223 54, 55, 57, 121 75 15, 18 121 217(i) 14 6


Visitation lodges of Grand Master, his Deputy or Assistant, by Grand Officers, by command official Provincial or District Grand Officers by command

122 123 122 124

Visiting - Craft Honorary Members, by


Visitors Grand Lodge, to lodges, to admission of, by-laws, subject to, disqualification examination of, members of other jurisdictions, non-subscribing members, official See VISITATION refusal of admission minutes, recording in,

10 125(a)(b) 125(c) 127 125(a) 125(b) 127(i) 126 144(b)

Voting Board of General Purposes at meetings of casting vote See CASTING VOTE chapter, in, by ballot Grand Lodge, in lodge in ballot See BALLOT members in arrears transfer of allegiance to Sovereign Grand Lodge, on, Wands Grand Stewards, carried by

226 48, 54, 66 59

145 187(b)(d) 258

Wardens appointment time for See also JUNIOR WARDEN; SENIOR WARDEN attendance on Grand Master & others See under LODGES Charge concerning, degrees, conferment by Installed Master at request of, District Grand Lodge, as members of Grand Lodge, attendance at Grand Officers as, for purposes of visitations Grand See GRAND WARDENS investing of after death or incapacity of Master Elect

104 116

pp. 153, 154 119(b) 65 5, 151, 152 122 105 106, 107



Wardens (cont.) investing of (cont.) delayed, effect of time for jewels, Master absence of, calling of meeting in, chair of, occupation by Installed Master by request new lodge, of period of office after postponed installation, investiture, counting from less than one year precedence in lodge, Provincial Grand Lodge, as members of qualification for Mastership delayed investiture, after, regular officers, as, returns, inclusion of names in trustees of lodge property, as Warrant bi-centenary bar fee, centenary jewel fee, confirmation of fee, exchange of, military lodges lodge confirmatory, issue of custody of District, in, provisional endorsement, &c., prohibition against forfeiture on misappropriation of property inscription on, prohibition against irregular procurement, prohibition against loss of Master’s responsibility for meeting without, prohibition against production at meetings production to Board of General Purposes Grand Master, &c. Provincial or District Grand Master property of Grand Master provisional, lodges in Districts retention of, by higher authority return of on dissolution of lodge on joining new Sovereign Grand Lodge,

109 116 250, pls. 33, 34 119(a) 119(b) 97 106, 108(a)(b) 109 109 104(d) 65 105(a) 106, 109 105(b), 108(a) 104(a) 151 143 252 270A 252 270A 103 270A 131 103 101 95 102 143 102 102 103 101 101, 103 101 234 118 74 102 95 74, 118 190 187(ii)


Warrant (cont.) lodge (cont.) return of cont.) lodge of fewer than five members sale, prohibition against surrender of See return above transfer of, prohibition against withholding of, improper military lodges, surrender or exchange of new lodge, for alteration of officers named in application for fee, on grant of, petition for form of sealing of Withholding chapter Charter Worshipful prefix, use of

188 102 102, 190 103 131 97 94 270A 94 96 31 47 6


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