Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire TOAST LIST – PRIVATE LODGES (From 23rd June 2012)
The Queen and the Craft
The Most Worshipful The Grand Master, His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC.
The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master. Peter Geoffrey Lowndes, The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Jonathan Spence, The Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master David Kenneth Williamson, and the rest of the Grand Officers Present and Past.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Richard George Hamilton Goddard. MA
The Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master: Robert C. Vaughan, Past Grand Sword Bearer, Worshipful Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, S.I. Edwards, Past Senior Grand Deacon, R. Rooke, Past Senior Grand Deacon S. J. Wyer Past Assistant Grand Registrar and the rest of the Officers, present and past, of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire and any other Province here represented.
The Worshipful Master. The Initiates (if any) should be given here.
The Visitors.
The Installing Master.
The Past Masters and Officers.
The Tyler’s Toast. The above is the List usually observed at Installations; at Ordinary Meetings it may be abbreviated. In submitting the above toasts, titles after the name are to be omitted.