Irish Hairdresser Issue 98

Page 18

Issue 98


A quality magazine providing industry content since 1996 100% Irish

Unfortunately, there are still many problems across the industry that are making it difficult for employers to commit to apprenticeships. Increasing pressures due to absenteeism, especially Covid safety concerns, staff shortages from the impact of previous lockdowns, increase in black market provision, increase in running costs, and general economic fatigue, have all played a part in making it very difficult for employers to sustain their businesses. In addition, soaring electricity costs, difficulties in getting work permits for skilled foreign workers are adding to the challenges the hair sector has been facing. As a result, some salons have closed permanently, and others are considering shutting their doors 2-4 days per week or decreasing their daily working hours. The hairdressing industry needs Government support now more than ever. We need action on the rising costs of electricity and fuel, incentives to attract full-time and parttime workers, the abolition of taxing workers’ tips and an overhaul of work permit rules for the industry which are all considerations that unfortunately have not yet been met by the Government.

This issue has a lot of coverage on the National Apprenticeship in Hairdressing. I will be forever proud to have been part of the successful application made to the Government in 2017 jointly by the Hairdressing Council of Ireland, Image Skillnet, Synergy and Limerick & Clare ETB. That group was later joined by Peter Mark, IHF and individual salon owners representing the medium and small salon groups and thus insuring the whole industry was involved in the future for Irish Hairdressing. The new National Hairdressing Apprenticeship is the only nationally-recognised standard for hairdressers in Ireland and is also recognised internationally. Apprentices will graduate as a fully qualified hairdresser after a minimum of three years with a QQI Level 6 Major Award on the National Framework of Qualifications. The pilot of the new Hairdressing Apprenticeship scheme is ongoing in Limerick, with the first apprentices now entering their third and final year. The apprentices work four days a week with their employer, and one day a week in an approved Further Education and Training Centre or College. The apprenticeship is now available in 15 training centres nationwide and this number is increasing all the time. Hairdressers who were already involved in the industry for many years undertook the pilot of the Certification by RPL (Recognised Prior Learning), completed their course and got their final results last month. The Hairdressing Apprenticeship was the first Apprenticeship to have RPL used for a major award. This is a very significant recognition for the hairdressing sector.

30166 Maeve O’Healy-Harte Editorial 22

932718 Cover: Bridget Haren Photo: KEST Contents 48 26 36 WINNERS 30 38 No reproduction of any part of this magazine is permitted without prior consent. The greatest of care has been taken to ensure accuracy, but the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. Editor: Maeve O’ ( Art Direction: Wayne ( Publisher: Gold Vision Ltd. Sales: 086 355 5596 Design: Irish PaulInternationalPhorestInternationalInternationalOMCTrichologistsBOBHABICTheTakeThePHABWaynelloyd_lovesDigitalDavidHABICHairdressingHairdressingHairdresserApprenticeshipCouncilMurraySalonSeviceStarsHelpingHandAward2020TenAlternativeHairShowBestoftheBESTAwardsHairdresseroftheYear20/21AwardsBlackandWhiteWinnerColourWinnerVirtualEventMen’sCollectionWinnerMacHallofFame 5048424038363432302625222018161412100604 50 1012 18 3 26 Hair: Shay Dempsey for Sebastian Photo: Jose Morraja No reproduction of any part of this magazine is permitted without prior consent. The greatest of care has been taken to ensure accuracy, but the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors. Join us on Facebook and Instagram Editor: Maeve (’Healy-Harte Art Direction: Wayne ( Publisher Gold Vision Ltd Admin: Joy Harte Sales: 086 355 5596 Design: National Hairdressing Apprenticeship 6 RPL 7 New Programme at Coláiste Dhúlaigh 9 New online booking System 16 AIPP Legend Award 18 TREND 26 Mirror Mirror 30 Blush New Salon 32 Salon International 36 33

In this article international personal care industry business trainer Nergish Wadia-Austin talks about TRUST between customers and salon professionals being even more important to a business’ survival going forward. She talks about all the ways this can be improved. Nergish is also the founder & CEO of the PHAB Service Stars, a mark of excellence in the Hair & Beauty Industry.

WHY TRUST IS KEY BETWEEN HAIRDRESSER, COLOURIST, BARBER & THEIR CLIENTS, BOTH REGULAR & NEW! As salons get busier and busier and many are coping with a significantly smaller team, disappointing customers is becoming a little more common. Whether that’s just because waiting times are longer, or appointments are being rushed or less experienced staff are being pushed to do more than they feel qualified to do. Chances are somewhere TRUST can get eroded if the management team becomes distracted. This is the reality of our sector right now. So what are all the ways salon owners can up the level of TRUST in their business and their teams? 1. Despite the rush, making sure that skills evaluations take place regularly and fairly 2. Training is given right away in the areas where work doesn’t quite meet your business' standards immediately 2. Good quality work ONLY gets displayed on all social media posts 3. Re-assurance is given by way of entering and winning Awards 4. Of course, entering your best team members for their PHAB Service Stars assessments 5. Assurance is given at all times via social media videos on high levels of covid spread precautions and hygiene standards 6. Assurance videos are made to talk about what great quality products are used in your business  7. Customer testimonials are featured  Any thing that inspires TRUST is going to drive business TRUST to your doors especially if you have increased your prices recently. Reminding all that after a price increase the customer must feel like they’re STILL getting value for their money. They will only question and price increase if they feel they aren’t. Being the founder of the PHAB Service Stars as well as a business management trainer for the best salon owners around the world, I wish to talk about the TRUST that holding a PHAB Service Star exudes to clients and the other avenues it can open up for your team members good enough to qualify for it. In the words of Aileen Maher, the proud holder of a PHAB Service Star and a hair, wig and scalp expert based in The Curragh, County Kildare: "Ever since I've held my PHAB Service Star, I’ve been seen as an expert in my sector of Hair, Scalp & Wigs and it brought my training to the attention of salons in the UK. I have since, been asked to deliver my training to salons in Manchester and London.” I thought Aileen said it better than I could ever have. To conclude, TRUST is what’s going to keep clients, bring new clients and grow your business going forward. If you believe that you or any member of your team (a hairdresser, a barber, a hair-colourist, a beauty therapist or a nail technician) exceeds industry average performance and delivers exceptional service then now is the time to make an application online at  www.phabservicestars. com. We check all evidence in facts in order to prove performance standards. That is why more and more people are beginning to TRUST our STAR as evidence of being the BEST. You can contact Nergish Wadia-Austin via her training website or by emailing her with your questions on 4

The luxury of being who you want to be KERATIN THERAPY LISSE DESIGN THE LUXURY HAIR TRANSFORMATION SYSTEM. The Alfaparf Milano Professional smoothing system with keratin that offers services for flawless smoothness, frizz control on any shape, fiber protection and radiance for up to 4 months*. Patent pending smoothing technology, Bond System and Kera-protection complex for protected hair at every stage of the service and during the maintenance at home. *Instrumental test conducted on the new Lisse Design Precision Method treatment, which was followed by the regular use of line maintenance products; comparison made with the use of base products for maintaining the smooth effect. alfaparfmilanopro_uki


The recognition of prior learning applicants, all experienced hairdressers, have completed the validation process in approximately nine months, as distinct to the three years required for the programme of education and training.

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board are currently undertaking this process with a pilot group of eight (8) applicants, and at the time of writing are at the final stages of the quality assured assessment process leading to submission for certification.

The validation process recognises and formally validates all forms of prior formal, non-formal and informal learning. The process makes these learning and skills transparent purely based on life and work experiences and not requiring a final programme summative assessment and creates a means whereby these skills are formally recognised on the National Framework of Qualification (NFQ) purely through a validation process. The innovative nature of this project within the Further Education and Training sector in Ireland is significant. This case is the first of its kind in Ireland which showcases significant innovation in the approach to certification of major award qualifications, in particular those leading to apprenticeship qualifications.

Interim evaluations of the process have been very positive from all stakeholders, namely the pilot cohort, mentors, assessors, teachers and employers, and the next stage is to make minor refinements to the validation processes and procedures prior to making the process available to collaborating providers to implement locally.

The National Hairdressing Apprenticeship established a new qualification standard for the hairdressing industry in Ireland. The programme leads to a Level 6 (EQF Level 5) Advanced Certificate award. Recognition of Prior Learning is available via three processes for relevant cohort needs: Non-standard entry into Stage 1, Advanced Entry into Stage 2 and Award Certification. Recognition of Prior Learning process leading to award certification has significant value in recognising the lifelong learning and experiences of hairdressers who previous to this would not have had the opportunity to avail of a formal qualification in their field. This validation process is the first of its kind in the Further Education and Training and Apprenticeship sector in Ireland, whereby a process of identifying, documenting, assessing and certifying prior experiential learning leads to award certification.

For those applicants who don’t have the QQI award, recognition of their skills and competencies will be accomplished in two ways: 1. An Employer Competency Assessment Checklist which the employer will complete to acknowledge the applicant’s practical workplace skills 2. The successful passing by the applicant of an Advanced Entry Theory Test, which will acknowledge the applicant’s hairdressing theory and science skills. All Advanced Entry applicants will also have to participate in a suitability interview in order to assess their level of skill in areas such as personal and professional communication Theskills.Advanced Entry process has been developed by the NHA team in consultation with the Consortium Steering


Advanced entry is a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process that allows eligible applicants to enter directly into Stage 2 of the NHA programme. It takes two formats: (1) for those who have the QQI Level 5 Major Award in Hairdressing, 5M3351 (Recognition of Prior Certified Learning – RPCL) and (2) for those who don’t have the Major Award but have at least two years’ full-time salon experience (Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning – RPEL).

Group and has been approved by Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board’s Quality Council. From September 2022, it will be available as a pilot with two or three Collaborating Providers. Following a review and full evaluation of the pilot process, it will then be available nationally to all Collaborating Providers of the NHA for intakes in 2023.

…leading to Advanced Entry into Stage 2

Recognition of Prior LearningRPL

Update on current ApprenticeshipHairdressingtheprovisionplannedandofNational We currently have • 185 apprentices actively engaging with HairApp • 8 Education and Training Boards currently delivering the programme, • 15 provisions currently delivering the apprenticeship • 1 cohort in stage 3. This group will be graduating in the first half of 2023. • 7 cohorts in Stage 2 • 15 cohorts in Stage 1 • 2022/2023 we expect to have 17 provisions (with the inclusion of Cavan Institute and Sallynoggin) with the capacity for 238 additional apprentices 8

Minister for Further and Higher Education Simon Harris TD has welcomed the expansion of the National Hairdressing Apprenticeship, which will be delivered in six new sites. Increased investment in the apprenticeship system over the past five years has provided a solid foundation for the expansion of apprenticeship. Most recently, in March, Minister Harris announced the roll-out 9

Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education in Kilbarrack, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020, is just one of the locations where the City of Dublin Education and Training Board offer their new programme.

The new programme complements in-salon training while increasing the apprentice's personal and academic confidence, developing highly skilled employees who can work autonomously and develop levels of self-awareness, linking their classroom learning with the challenges they will face in the industry. This provides them with a clear City of Dublin Education and Training Board offer New Programme at Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education in Kilbarrack

The college itself is spread over four campuses and has provided hairdressing training in its fully fitted salon in Kilbarrack for over 30 years. Since the introduction of the apprenticeship, they have added a second salon which is a state of the art training facility, reflecting current industry standards and requirements.

path from entry to qualification, something which has been lacking in many instances until now.

of €20 million in capital funding to respond to the growing demand for apprenticeships.

Colaiste Dhulaigh Hairdressing is its first venture into apprenticeships currently with 21 First year apprentices and 11 second year who are in full time employment and attend college on day release one day per week. 10

Speaking today, Minister Harris said “Currently there is a skills shortage in hairdressing and many salons are struggling to find suitably qualified hairdressers to sustain and grow their business. I would take this opportunity to ask hairdressers rebuilding after a difficult year to consider taking on an apprentice. To any man or woman considering hairdressing as a career, consider availing of a national apprenticeship programme that allows you to earn while you learn. We are delighted to officially launch this new training facility in Kilbarrack as part of the apprenticeship programme” Kevin Cahill, Coláiste Dhúlaigh’s Hairdressing Apprenticeship Coordinator and Tutor has over 45 years’ experience in the industry. Kevin, a Former IHF President and salon owner comments “While the new structure will provide challenges for the industry, I believe that Irish hairdressing is more than ready for them, and it will be fantastic to see apprentice hairdressers here finish with a qualification that is both nationally and internationally recognised” He continued: “I believe this will have incredible longterm benefits not only for the apprentices but also for the employers and the quality of recruits coming into the industry. The new training salon and dedicated computer hub are among the best facilities to be found anywhere and reflect the exceptional standards in Irish Hairdressing”.

The National Hairdressing Apprenticeship is a threeyear programme leading to a nationally recognised QQI Level 6 Qualification in Hairdressing. This programme is an avenue to hairdressing career with many exciting and varied opportunities including self-employment, film and media work and international travel. More information is available on the NHA website:


Kevin Cahill reports


Alex Dromgoole of Zeba in Sth. William St. Dublin is one of 5 winners of the inaugural Future Talent Award from college entries across all the UK and Ireland. Alex is the only Irish winner of this category and is another one who puts in the hard hours with her trainers in the salon and with her mentor Angie.

In Colaiste Dhulaigh in Kilbarrack we started our first new National Hairdressing Apprenticeship cohort in 2020 and now have 3 groups with 33 apprentices in total. We were very fortunate in June to have Simon Harris TD the Minister of Further and Higher Education, Innovation and Science open our newly refurbished, industry standard salon and bespoke computerised classroom at an event attended by key figures from industry and Education. Our aim being to not just replicate what’s happening in the industry but to always help drive it forward. Our 2nd year group had some amazing news this year with 2 of our apprentices up for major awards. Alex Maples of Cats Hair Salon in Clarendon St. Dublin was a finalist in this years L’Oreal Colour Trophy Star Award. Alex has worked exceptionally hard with her mentor Sharon in the salon to produce some beautiful work.

Our role in the college is to work hand in hand with the salons and mentors and support them in the training of their apprentices enabling them to reach their goals and place the future of our industry in safe and educated hands. Our teachers in the college Olive O’Brien (Kazumi), Alison Clarke (Collage) and myself Kevin Cahill believe that, as always, when the hairdressing industry pulls together we can achieve anything and Alex Maples and Alex Dromgoole certainly show that hard work and talent are a lethal combination.

Recently I had the pleasure of contributing to the Hairdressing Apprenticeship Information Seminars around the country with the local ETBs and the Hairdressing Consortium Steering Group (the Guardians of the Apprenticeship). The reason for these seminars are to help promote and encourage new blood into the industry by way of gaining new apprentices and new salon owners taking on the Apprenticeship in their salons. There was really some great interest from those who attended the Oneseminars.ofthe things that I found very rewarding during my time as President was simply taking calls from fellow hairdressers and trying to help them problem solve when they needed business advice and supporting them through it. Sometimes during that time it was also tough for me to run my own salons but I think that it gave me some insight into how to support others. Our membership is continuing to grow which we are very pleased about. We are the largest Hairdressing association in Ireland and it is Free to be a member. We are growing the committee currently and we welcome the new ideas and support they bring.

The Hairdressing Council emerged to provide sector wide representation of professional hairdressing within Ireland to enhance the education and skill of all those involved and to highlight the skills and artistry of hairdressers.

We mourn the loss of one of our own, Mike “Jock” Harte, husband of Maeve O’Healy-Harte, our fellow committee member. Jock was a huge supporter of every aspect of Hairdressing especially for the Council working non-stop behind the scenes to get thing done. He loved being of help to others and part of everything we did.

As our industry goes into uncharted territory with an uncertain future I can guarantee that the Hairdressing Council Executive Committee under the guidance of a new President will be there to support the industry in the best way we can.

Some members of the Hairdressing Council of Ireland Executive Committee at their recent meeting at the Radisson Hotel Athlone 12

The Hairdressing Council are proud Members of the OMC (World Hairdressing Association and will continue to forester and support our ‘Team Ireland’ under the direction of our manager Maeve O’Healy-Harte. Personally, I have been an OMC competitor abroad many times, a world winner and an International Juror to date and can say it’s a wonderful way to represent your country, hone your skills, see the world and meet new friends.

Hairdressing Council

I’d like to take a moment to contemplate our other losses over the past few years whether it was family, friends, business acquaintances etc, and how as an industry some of us have struggled or have not even made it through the Covid pandemic.

President Wayne Lloyd reports “I’ve had the pleasure of being involved in the Hairdressing Council from its conception, firstly as an executive committee member then Vice President and finally President which I am proud of. The list of work we were involved with included working non-stop on the apprenticeship establishment, its progress and its promotion. We also worked on the Vat increase issues, Covid restrictions related to all health and safety of our members and our clients, the Minimum Wage increase, promoting the industry at schools and events and of course liaising with social welfare regarding the black market, to name just a few work projects!

Much President:WayneLoveLloydHairdressing

Council of Ireland

I’d like to thank Xpert Professional, Phorest, and the Good Salon Guide for their continued sponsorship and support.

LET WITHLOCKSYOURBOUNCEHere’swhyyou’lllove it: • Defines & enhances natural curl/texture • Reduces frizz • Hydrates hair • Boosts shine • No sticky or crunchy feel A frizz-busting boost of shine, hydration, and movement that beautifully defines every@joicoirelandcurl. #curlconfidence NEW CURL CONFIDENCE DEFINING CRÈME

EDUCATIONTAAFFESEAN TO SUBSCRIBE OR TO BOOK YOUR CLASS FOR AS LITTLE AS €10 PER CLASS FOLLOW THE LINK SEAN TAAFFE EDUCATION ONLINE PLATFORM On our new on-line training platform you can purchase pre recorded classes covering Sean’s signature courses from his ‘classics mastered’ course.

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P FACTOR is the first integrated system in three phases that cleanses, regenerates and helps to prevent hair loss, counteracting the damaging effects of free radicals and keeping hair healthy.

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The company helps salons improve their online presence by developing and implementing bespoke digital solutions that drive effective growth of their business, attracting and retaining new customers, and then growing volume and sales. This new booking system, requestonlinebookings. com, supports hair and beauty salons, aesthetic clinics, barbers and freelance beauty professionals to offer easy to manage, fuss-free, non-technical online bookings to their clients. “Large software systems can often be difficult to navigate and businesses may be paying for features they don’t use or need.  Rather than adopting existing and often not-fit-for-purpose software to the specific dynamics of a beauty business, we started by designing a purpose-built online appointment system that is constructed around what salon owners tell us that they will like and use.  We didn’t convert existing software; we designed new software specifically for salons and stylists that is exactly tailored to their commercial and marketing requirements, while being cost-effective and easy to access and use “,  says Brian O’Sullivan, Head of Marketing at Digital Salon Group.

• Local account support  About Digital Salon Group


Digital Salon Group, the dedicated website and software provider to the salon hair and beauty sector, has launched, a new online booking system designed to make beauty sector bookings simpler, more user-friendly and affordable.

launches 16

Features and control - bookings can be taken in real-time or ‘approved’ before they feature in your website landing page to take deposits or charge up front to

Digital Salon Group was created by digital professionals and industry leaders to provide the most comprehensive suite of digital services to hair and beauty salons. With over 1,000 salon partners across Ireland, the UK, US and Australia,  the company has a unique understanding of the beauty business and the critical importance of first impressions.  Through optimum design and ‘on budget’ deployment of mobile-friendly websites, e-tailing platforms, salon promotional videos, mobile apps, digital signage, Google and social media management and online marketing services, Digital Salon Group delivers on retention and engagement of existing clients and active seeking-out and attraction of new customers.  It has partnered with Hair Salons, Beauty Salons, Nail Bars, Clinics, MUAs, Barbers and Spas in a way that gives Digital Salon Group a complete overview of digital business and techniques across the whole hair and beauty spectrum. The company introduces salon owners to new clients through a virtual salon window designed and supported by their team of experts. Salon Group





The AIPP (Association Internationale Presse Professionnelle Coiffure) has the grand pleasure of presenting the prestigious 20212022 AIPP Legend Award to international hair icon Charlie Miller Federation 'Hairdresser of the Year', World Master of the Craft, New York and a Lifetime Achievement Award from The Guild of Hairdressers, he has also received the honour of Fellow of Distinction and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Fellowship for British Hairdressing. Next year marks the 20th anniversary of Charlie Miller’s AIPP Grand Trophy Award, honouring him as the best hairdresser of the year. "On behalf of our father Charlie, we would like to thank the AIPP for bestowing on him the Legend Award accolade. It is a great honour for him to be recognised in this way and to be placed in such a distinguished rank of past winners from across the world. We are all truly grateful and appreciative.” – Jason & Josh Miller. The AIPP (Association Internationale Presse Professionnelle Coiffure) is the association that assembles the best professional hairdressing magazines in the world, representing the value and the importance of the professional trade press to the hairdressers all over the world. LEGEND AWARD HALL OF FAME 2012-2013 Lluís Llongueras (Spain)  2013-2014 Toni Mascolo (UK) 2014-2015 Annie Humphreys (UK) 2015-2016 Robert Lobetta (UK/USA) 2016-2017 Klaus Peter Ochs (Germany) 2017-2018 Patrick Cameron (New Zealand/UK) 2018-2019 Bruno Mascolo (UK/USA) Raffel Pages (Spain) 2020-2021 Jean-Luc Minetti (France) Charlie Miller (UK)

Charlie Miller was presented the award by Mike Vincent, President of the AIPP, in a private ceremony in Edinburgh, Scotland, together with Miller’s sons Jason and Josh Miller. A multi award-winning stylist, hairdressing luminary Charlie was the first Scottish hairdresser to be honoured with an OBE for services to hairdressing which he received in 2012 from Her Majesty The Queen. And, with a string of industry accolades to its name, the company holds, amongst others, a total number of 14 British Hairdressing Awards. Having received Scottish Hairdresser of the Year three times Charlie became an inaugural member in the British Hairdressing Hall of Fame, has also won





Colourstart is the first clinically proven test for allergy to hair colour (PPD) to be licenced by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).


Now a new App has been launched to make it even easier for clients to log in and update their profile to immediately share with their hairdresser. Their fully auditable green ‘OK to Colour’ status can then be redeemed at any salon running the free Passport system.  As well as offering complete creative freedom to salons, Colourstart Passport helps: • reduce unnecessary consumer exposure to hair colour from blob testing which can lead to active sensitisation. • increase compliance to manufacturers’ instructions to undertake an allergy alert prior to colour treatments.  • standardise the quality and guidance of testing protocols for staff and clients.

Trichocare’s CEO, Nick Plunkett says, “We’re committed to a continual reinvestment in Colourstart to give hairdressers access to high quality systems designed for professional use that help achieve compliance to industry requirements to screen for allergy without inhibiting creative freedom and business operations”.   Colourstart Passport App is available on Google Play and the App Store.  For further information on Colourstart visit clients for allergy just got even easier thanks to

the new Colourstart® Passport App

Introducing the ultimate vegan beauty routine from ALFAPARF Milano…your favourite ALFAPARF Milano Semi Di Lino shampoos and conditioners are now available in limited edition duo sets. The brand’s best-selling Semi Di Lino Curls, Volume and Smooth lines are now available as a vegan beauty routine duo containing a full size shampoo and conditioner from the iconic hair care ranges, and they make the perfect travel companion. Each vegan beauty routine duo comes in a complimentary stylish pochette which is sourced from recycled material.

All products are colour-safe and provide UV and heat protection, up to 450-degrees Fahrenheit. The Leaping Bunny certified formulations are vegan and cruelty-free, and do not contain gluten, parabens, sulphates, mineral oil or petrolatum.


R+Co BLEU: products that elevate the everyday experience, while delivering on environmentally conscious, renewable methodologies. Formulated with the highest-performance non-toxic ingredients to produce superior results, leaving hair healed, restored, and luxuriously transformed. Each product contains the proprietary GPLX Advanced Complex designed to build strength and shine, the qualities that are most important for healthy, luxurious hair. Micro-encapsulated sugar molecules gradually deliver active ingredients, treating the surface of the follicle and restoring the cuticle to its virgin state.


Avocado, abyssinia and sunflower seed oils provide hydration and shine; the powerful antioxidant tocopherol adds protection from environmental aggression. This exclusive blend intensively repairs compromised or damaged fibres and fortifies healthy hair against future stress. Weightless formulas compliment all hair textures and types, delivering a mega-dose of shine, improved manageability and tamed frizz, reduced breakage, resilience, volume and bounce. As a result of best-in-class ingredient innovation, R+Co BLEU’s cleansing, treatment and styling products leave hair in better condition better than it was before.


Whether your curls are untamed and unmanageable, your hair is limp and lacks lustre and in need of some serious volume or you’re looking for a silk smooth finish, the new vegan friendly duos provide seven day non stop hydration, 72 hour frizz control even at 98% humidity with a silky feel and natural movement.




R+Co products are formulated without parabens and sulphates*.  Vegan, Cruelty and Gluten Free.  (*SLS OR SLES.)

Good For: Someone with colour-treated, damaged hair that needs a boost of colour, vibrancy and hydration.This opalescent, rich crème formula provides deep hydration, enriches colour and seals damaged cuticles so that hair reflects light like glass. Enjoy vibrant, fresh, salon-like colour and super shiny hair that’s UV protected.

Following your Lisse Design in-salon service, maintain your smoothness at home with the Keratin Therapy Lisse Design Maintenance Smoothing Set, which includes a complementary eco-friendly hairbrush.

Incredibly high-performing Hair is smooth, velvety, shiny and easy to brush Reduces frizz Results last up to 3 months

LISSE DESIGN Maintenance Smoothing Set


The Maintenance Shampoo gently cleanses hair and helps maintain and prolong the cosmetic effects of the salon treatment while the Maintenance Conditioner nourishes hair, leaving it soft, easy to brush and incredibly glossy.


Rescue compromised, colour-processed strands with this nourishing pre-wash treatment. Designed to fortify, seal the cuticle and deliver soft shine, it’s infused with ChromoHance technology for vibrant, lasting colour. The intuitive, lightweight foam instantly transforms into a soft cream that melts into the cuticle. It repairs and protects even the most compromised, porous areas of hair.

Highly flexible: suitable for all hair types (even bleached and treated)

Both are formulated with Babassu Oil and Kera-Collagen Complex to leave hair glossy and tangle-free.

Straight talking…Completely safe, incredibly high-performing and entirely flexible: the Keratin Therapy Lisse Design progressive smoothing system combines safety and excellent performance and is the right solution for all your smoothing needs.

Keratin Therapy Lisse Design Maintenance Shampoo and Conditioner: Completely safe and Made in Italy

• Castor Oil, locks in hydration with film-forming properties for volume, hold and shine

Fragrance: Relative Paradise Benefit Ingredients:

R+Co products are formulated without parabens and sulphates*.  Vegan, Cruelty and Gluten Free.  (*SLS OR SLES.)

Hyperlink Fiber Stretch Pomade: Believe the hype. Unique, stretchy formula with elastic-like fibres which adhere to hair for weightless volume, texture and flexible hold. Improves shine and helps reduces frizz for all hair types.

• Cold Pressed Macadamia Seed Oil, quick absorbing, lightweight to nourish and fight frizz

Matrix Instacure Spray Answers to Hair Health Needs

HYPERLINK Fiber Stretch

Matrix has the answer for hair damage in the form of its hero product, Instacure Porosity Spray. Repair and moisture products actually account for 37% of the haircare market, but this over-saturation can make the decision process for consumers a tough one. With Instacure Spray, hair professionals and their clients have the answer to all their hair repair needs in one product.


• Pea Protein, adds texture, protects hair from environmental aggressors and UV damage

• Carrot Root Extract, improves texture, making hair stronger, smoother and shinier Pomade


Instacure Spray is designed to target porosity in the hair, while detangling and smoothing the cuticle. This miracle product also helps balance PH and tame frizz. Whatever the client’s needs or hair type, Instacure Spray has the solution.OLEPLEX No. 9 is packed with antioxidant-rich ingredients, like Red Algae Extract, to neutralise free radicals, prevent damage, and nourish the hair from the inside out.

OLEPLEX No. 9 BOND PROTECTOR is an anti-damage hair shield, a siliconefree, weightless, antioxidant-rich serum that increases manageability, provides style memory, and protects from pollution and heat.  NO.9

Good For: Anyone who wants touchable hold and volume.


CelebrateNEW JOICO CURL CONFIDENCE DEFINING CRÈMEyourtexturewith JOICOCurlConfidenceDefining

The Resort Collection comprises four specially curated sets, inspired by four luxury Italian locations - Porto Cervo, Porto Fino, Capri and Positano. Each set is designed to protect hair against the harmful effects of the sun, salt and chlorine.  Each beauty box includes a full-size shampoo, mask and an ALFAPARF Milano Solarium Illuminating Protective Oil, designed to protect and nourish hair against sun exposure.

Crème – a frizzschool crunchy stiffness in the rearview,beautifully defibusting boost of shine, hydration, and movement that nes everywave,curl, twist,and ringlet on your head. Putting old-thistexturewizardwillhaveyourcurlsbouncing with JOI. antioxidants, Vitamins A and E, Zinc,•from pea and vegetable proteins.•Our formula includes: flThis curl-loving formula infuses each curl with defi•• a styler that delivers a soft touch and defiGive your curls a whirl by embracing your texture withnition.Defines and enhances natural curl/texture•Reduces frizzHydrates hair•Boosts shine•No sticky or crunchy feel or stiffnessnition,exibility, and hydration- that’s the waythecurlbounces!VEGAN PROTEIN – This vegan form of protein, is made MORINGA SEED OIL – Moringa Seed Oil contains andSilica—allfundamentaltohealthy hair.

Alfaparf Semi Di Lino - The Resort Collection…beauty essentials for healthy holiday hair this summer. Like our skin, UVA and UVB rays can cause significant damage to our hair. We may feel rested by the end of our holiday, but our hair may tell another story looking frazzled, discoloured, dry and frizzy.



Hair: Shay Dempsey for Sebastian Photographer: Jose Morraja

TREND Hair: Shay Dempsey for Sebastian Photographer: Jose Morraja 28

MIRROR MIRROR Mannequin Mirror Mirror Mannequin Student Hair Awards Curly Style: Robertina Suminskai Long Style: Ciara Lang Curly Style: Nicola Massey Long Style: Amy Jackson Curly Style: Caitlin Leer 4th position: Liene Letsare - Joint 5th position: Sarah Cosgrove & Erin McCandless Long Style: Helena Boriskina PLACE1st PLACE2nd PLACE3rd PLACE1st PLACE2nd PLACE3rd Mirror Mirror Mannequin Student Hair Awards Curly Style: Robertina Suminskai Long Style: Ciara Lang Curly Style: Nicola Massey Long Style: Amy Jackson Curly Style: Caitlin Leer 4th position: Liene Letsare - Joint 5th position: Sarah Cosgrove & Erin McCandless Long Style: Helena Boriskina PLACE1st PLACE2nd PLACE3rd PLACE1st PLACE2nd PLACE3rd The Mirror Mirror Mannequin Hair Awards are open to all hairdressing apprentices/trainees in ETB’s, Colleges of Further Education and Hair Salons. Closing date 1st DECEMBER 2022. forCategories:thosestill training…( Choose a style of your choice) • Colour • Casual Upstyle • Bridal Upstyle • Curly Style • Long Hair Style (dressed down) • Avant Garde Entry fee €20 for 1 category, €30 for 2 categories, €40 for 3 categories. €50 for 4 categories. NEW Senior category open to all stylists. • Red Carpet Upstyle • Haircut & Colour Entry fee: €25 per entry. Closing date 1 Dec 2022 Mannequins should be presented in front of a plain background preferably white. No logo backdrops please. Mannequin shoulders should be dressed and accessorised. 30

Thecareer.Mirror Mirror


The MAURA CLARKE Award. Members of HETF Hairdressing Educators, Teachers Fellowship also have an opportunity to win the overall annual award for their training facility… the MAURA CLARKE TRAINING Award. Maura was a terrific ambassador for hairdressing training and therefore the Hairdressing Council and Irish Hairdresser Magazine are proud to have set up this award in her honour six years ago. Trainers who encourage competition and presentation of mannequins to their apprentices/trainees are encouraging them to expand their minds for their future hairdressing Mannequin Hair Awards are open to all hairdressing apprentices/trainees in ETB’s, Colleges of Further Education and Hair Salons. From that competition, winners and several winning placements are awarded. Next, the highest points are taken from the results of those who entered from a ‘member of the Hairdressing Educators and Teachers’ Fellowship establishment and one winner emerges from that result.

Hair Awards Sponsored by Fantasy Style: Erin Wheelan Short Style with Colour: Robertina Suminskai Fantasy Style: Erin Wheelan Short Style with Colour: Robertina Suminskai Fantasy Style: Erin Wheelan Joint 4th position: Grace Bardon & Caroline Coughlin - Joint 5th position: Micheala Hughes & Ciara Jean Sponsored by: Short Style with Colour: Robertina Suminskai PLACE1st PLACE2nd PLACE3rd PLACE1st PLACE2nd PLACE3rd


A place of luxury, tranquillity and relaxation created by Gill Kinsella and Niamh Molloy were full of trepidation when they handed in their notice to their employer. Fortunately, she was very encouraging and supportive of their new adventure, and they deeply appreciated her response. Inspiration in creating a design for the salon:   Even before they had received the keys to the salon, Niamh and Gill had a vision of a place of luxury, tranquillity and relaxation. Since the premises needed considerable work, they engaged highly skilled professional tradespeople they could rely on to turn their concept into reality. They had decided from the start to name the salon ‘Blush,’ so there were clearly going to be shades of blush pink throughout the interior. Searching up and down the country for high quality furniture, they tried out many chairs to ensure comfort for their clients. Finally, they chose the 32


The journey: Gill and Niamh have over 20 years experience in the hairdressing industry.  From the beginning of their careers, they wanted to start their own business. But they didn’t want to open an anonymous salon in a large shopping centre. Instead, they longed to bring their expertise to a local area where they could get involved with the community and become an integral part of the neighbourhood.  When the premises at Barnhall Centre, Leixlip became available it seemed like their ideal location, and they soon decided that this was the moment to make their dreams come true. After putting together their business plan they presented it to the Credit Union in order to raise the necessary funds. The Credit Union provided amazing support with both finance and advice, and their negotiations were successful.  Gill and Niamh were working in the same salon at the time and

best possible Welonda furniture from Richard Barry and his team at Xpert Professional, and invested in massage chairs for the clients’ ultimate relaxation at the wash area.  A great deal of thought went into each and every element of the exquisite décor, as Niamh and Gill carefully investigated and selected the mirrors, tiles, lights, and scented candles that became part of the final design. After spending many days and nights examining and changing mood boards to ensure that everything was perfect, they were delighted with the outcome. They also wanted to include in the design an acknowledgement of their wild side, reflecting the big chance they took in opening their own business. With this in mind they included a small wall of tropical prints, reminding them of how they spread their wings, showed off their tropical plumage and flew way, way up into the sky. It also reminds them how far they have come in the world and how they want to nurture and encourage new talent in the industry. Products used and stocked Wishing to offer the best to their clients, Niamh and Gill relied on their long working experience to select a variety of products that signal excellence in hair care and design.

The salon is exceptionally busy when specific events, such as communions, confirmations, weddings and other important occasions, require more elaborate styles and services. The stylists are adept at creating pretty ponytails and romantic updos, adding additional feminine details, such as flowers and braids, for bridal parties and other special moments.

Gill and Niamh believe that behind every confident person is an experienced stylist capable of bringing out the best in their clients. This is what they are putting into practice with their new business venture.

Niamh and Gill have employed an exceptional team of highly skilled staff who have greatly contributed to the creativity and success of the business.  What sets Blush apart from other salons is that it brings to the local community the full range of services that clients would expect from a highcalibre salon – not only excellent colour, restyle, cut and blow-dry, but also high-end hair extensions.


For this reason, Blush Hair Consultancy uses Alfaparf hair colour and stocks Semi di Lino and Olaplex products.

The opening:  On 30th April this year, the doors to the salon opened.


Belluna Relax by Welonda combines relaxation with luxury. The Belluna Relax looks beautiful and immediately puts your customers in a relaxed frame of mind. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT YOUR XPERT PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGER @XPERT_PROFESSIONAL BELLUNA WASH & RELAX

Every year, Salon International boasts an all-star line-up of hair shows as part of Salon Live, headlined by some of the most exciting names in the industry and providing a diverse array of technique know-how, trend insight and business-boosting ideas for looks and services. Whether it’s your first or tenth time at Salon International, it’s time to get the full experience and book a Salon Live show with one of the industry’s most iconic hair teams. Take your seat and enjoy the spectacle and potential of professional hairdressing, with immersive learning covering cut, colour, dressing and styling – as well as plenty of inspiration. Salon International takes place at ExCeL London from 8th – 10th October 2022. To purchase a ticket** to the exhibition please visit www.



STEP 3: Continue in the same routine on the whole top.

STEP 4: Use Rough up to accentuate and texturize the hair.

STEP 5: Open the top section and and connect with the back starting at the crown.

STEP 2: Blow dry the hair with paddle brush.

STEP 10: Personalise and texturize the top.

STEP 8: Cut fringe slightly below eyebrow.

Before After Formula: 39

STEP 2: Start on the front using Colour A in a freehand technique.


Colour: STEP 1: Section off the hair as shown.


STEP 3: Take the line to either side in the same angle.

STEP 9: Personalise and soften sides and back either with the clipper or Thinning scissors.

STEP 6: Continue in the same way to the front and connect to the sides.

STEP 2: Start in the back taking a middle section 90° elevation creating your guide line.

Styling: STEP 1: Apply ACT NOW! Moisture Spray on damp hair in sections.


STEP 7: Take horizontal section on the top and personalise using point cut.

STEP 4: Let the colour develop for up to 40 minutes, rinse thoroughly and use Indola Care to finish the process.

STEP 1: Section the hair as shown.

STEP 4: Personalise the contour.

STEP 3: Straighten the ends with a straightening iron.

Colour A: BLONDE EXPERT 100.2 + 9% (1:1)

The legislation is primarily intended to provide a level of sick pay coverage to many private sector workers and those on low pay, that currently receive no sick pay/or are not entitled to illness benefit.

The Tánaiste said: "This is a really important new employment right, that all workers will now have, no matter what their illness or job. Many employers pay sick pay, but the pandemic really highlighted the vulnerability of some workers, especially in the private sector and those on low pay. We’ve also been behind our European counterparts on this, with Ireland being one of the few advanced countries without such a scheme.

All workers to have right to sick pay

An employee must obtain a medical certificate to avail of


Tánaiste’s Sick Leave Law passes all stages of Oireachtas

Building on his work to date to make work pay and improve terms and conditions for workers, the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar, announced on 13th July that all workers will have the right to paid sick leave, as the Sick Leave Bill 2022 completed its passage through both Houses of the Oireachtas.

this process, I’ve been really conscious of the impact this new law will have on employers. The most important workers’ right is the right to work and I know how difficult and disruptive the past couple of years have been on business owners and employers and appreciate fully how hard they’ve had to work to protect jobs and hold onto their staff. That’s why we’re phasing it in as we are and I think we’ve designed it in such a way that is fair and affordable for Theenterprise."newscheme

The number of days will increase incrementally with the goal that employers will eventually cover the cost of 10 sick days per year in year four.

The initial plan is as follows:

• year one – 3 days covered • year two – 5 days covered • year three – 7 days covered • year four – 10 days covered Statutory sick pay will be paid by employers at a rate of 70% of an employee’s wage, subject to a daily threshold of €110.

THE LAW & YOU statutory sick pay, and the entitlement is subject to the employee having worked for their employer for a minimum of 13 weeks. Once entitlement to sick pay from their employer ends, employees who need to take more time off may qualify for illness benefit from the Department of Social Protection subject to PRSI contributions.

Setting a percentage of the gross wage is in line with the calculation method used in the majority of EU Member States that have statutory sick pay schemes, where the percentage used varies from 25% to 100% of the employee’s gross wage. The rate of 70% is set to ensure excessive costs are not placed on employers, who in certain sectors may also have to deal with the cost of replacing staff who are out sick at short notice.

This 4-year plan takes account of the current economic climate and the existing financial pressures on businesses.

"No worker should feel pressurised to come into work when they are unwell. It’s not good for their own health obviously, but it’s also bad for their colleagues, any customers they deal with and their employer. From later this year, all workers will have the safety net of knowing they will not lose out on payment if they are unwell and can’t come into work.

The daily earnings threshold cut-off point will also ensure that employers do not face excessive costs in relation to employees who are on high salaries.

will start with 3 days' paid sick leave per year, rising to 5 days in year two, 7 days in year three, and employers will eventually cover the cost of 10 days in year Sickfour.

pay will be paid by employers at a rate of 70% of an employee’s wage, subject to a daily maximum of €110. It can be revised over time by ministerial order in line with inflation and changing incomes.

• paternity benefit • parental leave benefit • enhanced maternity benefit • treatment benefit • the extension of social insurance benefits to the selfemployed Notes: Statutory entitlement to sick pay will be phased in as part of a 4-year plan and will initially be for 3 days per year once the Bill is enacted. This will effectively fill the gap in coverage caused by Illness Benefit waiting days. Closing the gap of current waiting days before being able to access Illness Benefit will minimise the numbers of sick employees presenting for work.

"This is a brand-new employment right, 1 of 5 new workers’ rights we’re bringing in this year and is building on our work to date to make work pay and improve terms and conditions for "Throughoutworkers.

The Sick Pay Bill is the latest in a series of actions that have improved social protections for workers and the selfemployed over the last 5 years, including:

This Scheme compares favourably with the Sick Pay Scheme in Northern Ireland which pays only £96.35 per week.

The Hair and Beauty Industry Confederation of Ireland is a non-profit, membership based national organisation committed to representing, supporting, developing and uniting all areas of the Hair and Beauty industry in Ireland, and all those who work within it. MEMBERSHIP Throughout 2022 we will continue to be your voice, and to support you & your business 12 months for €99 JOIN NOW Image: Hair Stylist Bridget Haren, Photographer: KEST ex VAT with extensive suite of BENEFITS

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