Building On Our Strengths: The Campaign for Waynflete

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Building on Our Strengths The Campaign for Waynflete

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Building on Our Strengths:

The Campaign for Waynflete WHEN WE WERE FIRST asked to consider the largest charitable gift of our lives and to co-chair the most ambitious capital campaign in Waynflete history, we were daunted. Yet, in the end, it was an easy decision.

CAMPAIGN LEADERSHIP Sara Crisp, Co-Chair Gregg Lipton, Co-Chair Jane Batzell Greg Boulos Emily Bukowski-Thall Kate Burnham Christi Hissong Anne Jackson Kate Jeton Cinda Joyce Lydia Maier ’90 Michael Murphy ’80 Bob Olney Anne Parker ’61 Delia Pooler Katie Reimann ’03 Rosa Scarcelli ’88 Erica Schair-Cardona ’94 Chris Smith Mary Lou Sprague ’46 Ayres Stockly ’82

There are few institutions that have touched our family as deeply and profoundly as Waynflete. We love this school. We are passionate about its mission and future. And we know philanthropy is critical to building the community that we care about so immensely. At its core, Building on Our Strengths is a campaign for people: our students, our teachers, and the power of their experiences together. Through this campaign, we are working hard to support four critical areas that will ensure Waynflete’s excellence in the years ahead: • increased endowment for financial aid, • increased endowment for faculty resources, • a state-of-the-art new Lower School, and • continued growth of the Waynflete Fund. In the first two years of this campaign, we have secured more than $8.7 million toward our $10 million goal. As we continue with the third and final year of this capital campaign, we are optimistic and excited. Together with our fellow campaign leaders, we invite you to join us!

Bill Torrey Jeff Troiano Kristin Valdmanis

Gregg Lipton and Sara Crisp P ’13, ’19 Co-Chairs, Building on Our Strengths

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At Waynflete, our goal is to ignite a passion for lifelong learning and teach our students how to be part of any team, their local community, and our global society. Waynflete gives students a safe environment in which to be themselves, take risks, work hard, and experience the sheer joy of learning. For Waynflete to remain successful, we must:

Strengthen Financial Aid $2 million

Increase Faculty Support Resources $2 million

Build a New Lower School $4 million

Expand the Waynflete Fund $2 million

Waynflete’s mission is to engage the imagination and intellect of our students, to guide them toward self-governance and self-knowledge, and to encourage their responsible and caring participation in the world. Our aim is to provide a program that combines security with challenge, playful exploration with rigorous expectation, and range of experience with depth of inquiry.

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Excitement is building

a more vibrant community Strengthening our financial aid endowment

Building on Our Strengths

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4 in 10 Waynflete students are receiving more than $4.5 million in financial aid this year alone, a commitment to socioeconomic diversity that profoundly enriches our community

Diversity is essential to academic excellence. Learning alongside students from different backgrounds prepares our children for the world they will inherit. Waynflete’s financial aid program attracts and sustains a strong student body, where students with many different life experiences are intellectually engaged in questioning assumptions, gaining new perspectives, and developing compassion for others. Waynflete is a leader among independent schools in both the percentage of its budget reserved for financial aid and in the proportion of students receiving aid. In order to sustain this commitment long term, however, Waynflete must build up financial aid endowment. Your gift will open doors to deserving students—and keep them open.

Financial Aid Funded by Endowment





Peer Schools

On average, our peer schools have sufficient resources to pull 19% of financial aid dollars from endowment—a stable and dependable source of funding. Waynflete is able to fund only 6% of its financial aid program from endowment resources, with the remainder coming from our operating budget. Increasing our financial aid endowment is imperative and will help us maintain our commitment to qualified students and their families in the years ahead.

“The more time you spend with people who have different experiences, the harder it is to believe that the world is small and that your reality is at its center.” —Isabel Floyd ’16

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Excitement is building

opportunities for our teachers Increasing faculty support resources

Building on Our Strengths

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19 years is the average tenure of Waynflete’s full-time faculty and staff

Our teachers are the heart of the Waynflete experience. Stop in to any Waynflete classroom, and you are sure to witness the unusually deep relationships that exist between teachers and students. It is this relational culture that makes Waynflete such an incredible learning environment for our students. Within the next decade, schools across the country—including Waynflete—will face a shortage of qualified teacher applicants. At the same time, a significant portion of our faculty will retire. With a benefits package that lags behind local public schools in critical ways, we must increase our endowment for faculty in order to better support current teachers and attract top-notch talent. Honoring our teachers with competitive compensation while also investing in their intellectual curiosity, creativity, innovation, and collaboration—qualities that they in turn nurture and inspire in their students—is deeply important to us. Your gift is an investment in the compensation and continued professional growth of our faculty.

“The best way to attract and keep great teachers is to provide them with the resources they need to teach effectively, ensure that they’re being compensated properly, and give them opportunities to be lifelong learners.” —Dan and Beth Kleban, P ’29

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Excitement is building

a new Lower School for our youngest learners and their teachers

Building on Our Strengths

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The new Lower School will open in fall 2018.

Our new Lower School will give us room to soar. Over the past few decades, every teaching and learning space in the Middle and Upper Schools has seen programmatic transformation as a result of necessary capital renovations. Through Building on Our Strengths, we aspire to do the same for our youngest learners and their teachers. With significant input from faculty, our new Lower School has been specially designed to enhance our project-based curriculum. We are thrilled to be moving forward with these exciting plans, as they will truly transform our program. In addition to a floor plan that is more than two times as spacious as our previous Lower School, our new facility will include the following features:

Larger classrooms with flexible, multipurpose areas and improved flow between grade levels

An amphitheater, library and resource center, an after-school classroom, and a larger art studio

An environment that can be accessed and used by all people

Increased energy efficiency and operational savings

Increased security

“One of the most gratifying aspects of this project is knowing that—from day one— Lower School teachers have been intimately involved in the design process. We are really eager to teach in a space that will not only facilitate but also truly enhance the strength of our program.” —Bob Olney, P ’15, P ’18, and 2-3 teacher WFS BOOS.indd 9

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Excitement is building

a culture of philanthropy Expanding the Waynflete Fund A financial foundation we can build on

What do classroom equipment, athletic gear, faculty salaries, facility upkeep, technology, and student support have in common? All are essential to daily life at Waynflete, and all are supported by the Waynflete Fund. As our highest philanthropic priority year-over-year, the Waynflete Fund is a core component of Building on Our Strengths. Aside from tuition, it has the biggest impact on day-today life at Waynflete and represents a significant portion of our operating budget each year. Through this campaign, we seek to expand longterm support of the Waynflete Fund, and celebrate the role it plays in helping our community thrive. Over the course of this campaign, the Waynflete Fund must generate a total of $2 million in operational support for our community.

How the Waynflete Fund is included in the Building on Our Strengths campaign: 2015-2018 Goal












$625K $600K


Building on Our Strengths

Building on Our Strengths

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As you consider supporting Building on Our Strengths, please know that you can: • Direct your gift to a particular area of the campaign or make an unrestricted gift to be used where it is needed most • Make a bigger gift by pledging over as many as five years, or by making recurring monthly gifts • Give or pledge via check, credit card, or securities anytime between now and June 30, 2018, to participate in Building on Our Strengths Make a gift at any level and make a big difference

“I give to Waynflete to honor all the people who gave so much to me. If giving makes it possible for one lucky kid to have an experience even half as special as mine, I know it’s worth it. I’ll give to Waynflete for as long as I’m able. I know each dollar will be well spent.” —Ben Bornstein ’07 WFS BOOS.indd 11

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Building on Our Strengths is poised for success. All we need is you. A comprehensive strategic plan was completed in 2012, a thoughtful board planning process began in 2013, and more than $8.7 million has been raised since the campaign was launched in 2015. Now all we need is you. Please join us and help bring the best education to every young person at Waynflete today and in the years ahead. Thank you!

Geoff Wagg Head of School

Sarah Plimpton Director of Development

207.774.5721, ext. 1201

207.774.5721, ext. 1228

Building on Our Strengths

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