Sunset Hill Elementary PTSA Plant Sale Fundraiser Orders are due Friday,
April 13th, 2012.
3rd,, 11:45 am to 3:30 pm, and 4:05 pm to 6:00 pm at the COURTYARD just inside the main doors. No parking in front of Plant pick-up is Thursday, May 3rd the main doors between 3:30 and 4:05. ☺ THANKS! If I forget to pick up my order? We’ll call with a reminder late afternoon on May 3rd. If we’re unable to reach you, we'll give the plants a good watering and leave them in the courtyard. If you have extenuating circumstances, let us know. Please collect checks with each order. Checks should be written to Sunset Hill PTSA. Half of all the money goes to the Sunset Hill PTSA. The Plant Sale earned about $4,000 profit for the PTSA in 2011. Shop from our extras on the day of the sale, at cost!!! Questions? You can call Plant Sale Chair, Stephanie at cell # 952-412-3778.
Incentives are BACK!!! The top seller from each grade and the next three highest all-school sellers will earn a Lunch-time Limousine Ride with a Dairy Queen stop with Ms. Keffeler! FUN!
Plant Sale Volunteer Form – THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! If you are available to help with the plant sale, please check below and return the bottom half of this page. A “green thumb” is not required.
Wednesday, May 4th, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Help unload, count and sort plants for individual student orders. (Times flexible if needed – volunteers can take their orders at the end of the evening.) Thursday, May 5th, 11:45 am to 6:00 pm. Helping with order pick-up. Times flexible. Parent’s Name Phone number or E-mail address:
Sunset Hill PTSA 2012 Plant Sale Orders are Due Friday, April 13th, 2012
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Student's Name Grade Parent Phone Number (PLEASE provide # for day of pick-up)
Student's Teacher
Page 1 of 2 - Hanging Plants, Color Bowls, Premium Annuals, Vegetables, and Herbs
Total Number of Plants Cost per Plant
$25 Each
$5.25 Each
$4 Each
Total Cost
Plant sale pick-up is Thursday, May 3rd (11:40 to 3:30 and 4:05 to 6:00 pm, at the courtyard) Please collect checks - payable to Sunset Hill PTSA - at time of order. HALF OF ALL SALES GO TO THE SUNSET HILL PTSA. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Please return this order form along with checks by Friday, April 15th to either your student's teacher or to the Sunset Hill office. Additional order forms are in the office.
Page 1 Total Cost
Garden Salsa Hot Pepper
Green Pepper
Cherry Tomato (Sugar Snack)
Tomato (Early Girl)
Basil (Sweet Italain)
Vinca Vine
Bright Pink
4" Herbs and Veggies $4 each
4.25" Premium Annuals, $5.25 each Geraniums
$16 10" Dahlia Bowl - Mixed Colors
Ivy Geranium - PINK
Ivy Geranium - RED
Double Impatiens - PINK
Orders Name, Address, Phone No.
Begonia with Vinca Vine - Mixed Colors
12" Hanging Baskets, $25 each
Sunset Hill PTSA 2012 Plant Sale Orders are Due Friday, April 13th, 2012
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Student's Name
Parent Phone Number (on Day of Pick-up): Page 2 of 2 - Annual pack (4 plants per pack) or flats of 12 packs (4 plants per pack). Please enter flats as 12 individual packs
Name, Address, Phone No.
Total Number of Plants Cost per Plant
$2.50 per pack OR $27.50 per flat of 12 (flats must be all one annual)
Total Cost
Plant sale pick-up is Thursday, May 3rd (11:40 to 3:30 and 4:05 to 6:00 pm, at the courtyard) Please collect checks - payable to Sunset Hill PTSA - at time of order. HALF OF ALL SALES GO TO THE SUNSET HILL PTSA. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Please return this order form along with checks by Friday, April 15th to either your student's teacher or to the Sunset Hill office. Additional order forms are in the office.
Order Total
Order Total
Page 1 Total
Zinnia - Mixed
Snapdragon - Mixed
Petunias - Bright Pink
Petunias - Dark Blue
Marigolds - Dwarf Mixed
Lobelia - Blue
Dianthus (Sweet William) - Pink and White
Coleus - Mixed
Begonia - Green Leaf/Pink
Begonia - Green Leaf/Rd
Alyssum - White
Annuals, $2.50 per pack, 4 plants per pack - OR- $27.50 for flat of 12 all same annual - List a flat as 12 packs