March 2012 Sunliner

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   MARCH 29 No School for Students 30 No School for Students APRIL 2-6 Spring Break 9 School Resumes 11 Gr 2 MN Zoo Field Trip 13 PLANT SALE ORDERS DUE 25 Gr 1 Field Trip-Stages Theater & Ridgedale Library 27 Peter Pan Production Performance at 7:00 p.m. MAY 1 4th Gr. Field Trip-Bakken Museum 7 MN Twins Game-7:10 p.m. 10 Plant Sale Pick-up 11 3rd Gr. Program-9:30 a.m. 15 Open Gym & Tech Night-7:00 p.m. 15 PTSA Meeting-7:00 p.m. 18 2nd Gr. Program-9:30 a.m. 24 1st Gr. Program-3 p.m.

Sunset Hill Elementary 13005 Sunset Trail Plymouth, MN 55441 Office: 763 745-5900 Health Office/Attendance: 763 745-5915 Karen Keffeler, Principal Joanne Doucet, Secretary Internet Address: First name.last

NEWS FROM THE PRINCIPAL April is the month of MCA testing across the state of Minnesota. There are changes in the testing schedule this year. The MCAII Reading tests will be given to all 3rd, 4th and 5th graders on April 17 and 18. The MCAIII Mathematics tests have made the transition to computerized administration, much like our MAP testing. That means they will be taking the test in our Computer Lab at different times from April 11-May 4. Your child’s teacher will notify you as to the date and time of the testing. Students may find some of the items very easy, and others very difficult. We expect all of our students to do their very best on every item so they are able to show what they know. Please be sure your children get ample sleep and eat a good breakfast on the days they are testing. The Mathematics test will be scored automatically, and teachers will know student scores the next day. There may be an opportunity to retake the test if a student just missed the proficiency mark by a few points. Individual students will be notified if they have been chosen to retake the test. The MAP test, Wayzata’s district measurement, will not be given to all students this spring. It was a district decision to test all students in the fall, and spring testing is reserved for those students who received interventions or were invited to attend the summer programs throughout the district. Please join the fifth graders as they perform “Peter Pan” on Friday, April 27, at 7:00pm in the gym. Mr. Eaton is directing a very talented group, and we look forward to the production.

PTSA NEWS The school year is winding down and we have only one more PTSA meeting which will be on Tuesday, May 15th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. We have decided on some changes for next year, such as moving the PTSA meetings to an earlier time of 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Also at our next meeting, Robin VanOss our treasurer will go over the budget for next year and we would like everyone’s approval on it. Robin has done a fantastic job as our PTSA’s treasurer for the past two years and she has informed us that she will extend her duties as treasurer into next year as well. We are all truly grateful to her for her volunteering her time to us all again next year. THANK YOU!!!!! My time as your PTSA president is also winding down. I have truly enjoyed the experience this position has given me. I have learned a lot and have met so many wonderful parents through this experience. My co-chair, Christine Wiener, will take on as your new PTSA president next year and will be TERRIFIC I’m sure of it!!!!!! With that being said, we are in search of someone to fill the co-chair position for next year and to work along side of Christine, Robin and Kristie Ortiz and Karen Keffeler. They are a great bunch of gals and a lot of fun to work with. I would like to send out a BIG THANK YOU to Stefanie Kashuba for all of her time and hard work putting together this year’s carnival. You were very courageous as a new comer to Sunset Hill this year and to take on such a big role in chairing carnival. I also want to thank ALL of the WONDERFUL PARENTS who also gave their time to volunteer and help out with carnival this year. THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! Hope everyone enjoys their spring break and we will see you all in April!!! Lynne Soderberg

5th Graders Singin’ the Blues – With a smile! The past three weeks in music class the 5thgraders have been diving into The Blues! We studied the 12 Bar Blues, the form of Blues lyrics, and discussed why the Blues is such an important part of American music. As a culminating project, the students wrote their own Blues lyrics and recorded them using the computer program Garage Band. From dogs getting hit by cars to fallen ice cream cones these new Blues songs are sure to be big hits! Great job 5th graders!! Sam Eaton

"Alas for those that never sing, but die with all of their music in them!" -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Elementary Space Update In an effort to keep everyone informed, the following is an update about what is happening to address space needs in our elementary schools. Changes for 2012-2013 School Year Due to space limitations and higher than expected enrollment, four sections of ExtendedDay Kindergarten students from Plymouth Creek Elementary have been offered placement at the Family Learning Center, which is located at Central Middle School for the 2012-2013 school year only. In addition, one section of Extended-Day Kindergarten students from Kimberly Lane Elementary will be housed at Gleason Lake Elementary School for the 20122013 school year. Planning Underway for 2013-2014 School Year District administration and the School Board have been working on a long-term plan to address elementary space and program needs. A number of options are currently being explored including: adding new elementary classrooms and space at several of our schools, as well as the possibility of changing boundary/ attendance areas. They are working closely with our architectural firm; however, no final decisions have been made at this time. Any elementary classroom additions would be available by the 2013-2014 school year and any changes to attendance boundaries that are approved would take effect for the 2013-2014 school year.

VOLUNTEER NEWS First and for most I want to thank all the parent and teacher volunteers who helped with Carnival this year. It was a great night and without parent and teacher volunteers the night would not be a success. I especially would like to thank Stef Kashuba who as a Kindergarten and first time carnival parent took on the huge task of being the Carnival chair. The countless hours of work she put in are greatly appreciated. There is also the amazing carnival committee who worked many months to pull off a great night that need to be thanked– Lynne Soderberg, Christine Weiner, Robin Vanoss, Mark Bohlig, Diane Hayden, Connie Helppi, Heather van Krevelen, Leslie Sell, Joy Carpenter, Deb Armel, Colleen Casey, Shari Schraber, Evelena Hillman, Kristen Wolf, Lauren Hoffman, Michelle Moy, Dawn Zouber, Nancy Stillman and our MC of the night Ed Hoffman. I need to say a special mention and thanks to Michelle Westberg – who spent the whole night doing face painting. She starts before 6:00 and ends when the last student in line is done. I am so thankful she volunteers her talents to Sunset Hill! There is also Michelle Moy who takes on the very popular treat walk and runs the whole thing herself all night! We can always use more parent volunteers and ideas at carnival so make sure you sign up to volunteer on the committee or at the carnival next year. As spring arrives and we look to the end of the year there are still events that we need help at, the Plant Sale pick up event and the Family Picnic. If you are interested in volunteering go the volunteer sign up link on the school webpage or contact me at Thank you – Nicole Mareck

Newsnotes from the Naturalist March, 2012

Our week in the nature center proved to be more spring like than the last of week of winter. With temperatures mostly in the 70’s by afternoon we were all running a bit on the warm side. Classes joined me at Barney’s Pond for a session on The Maple Sugar Moon and a close-view of our March phenology. Even though the maple sap run is not good this year due to our unseasonably warm winter, it’s always fun to sample pancakes and real maple syrup around a campfire. The migrating birds coming through such as the wood duck males and pairs of mallards in the open edges of the ponds remind us of how beautiful they are. The bird songs and calling back and forth claiming territories and calling for mates were sometimes almost too loud to talk above. Only a few chorus frogs were heard throughout the week. We wonder about the back marsh area where we walked every month during fall and winter because of the lack of water, the survival rate of the thousands of frogs that were heard the previous years. Did they all migrate to Barney’s Pond? In past years the calling of frogs both western chorus and the wood frog were deafening. The bluebirds were back skimming over the playground and up into the prairie area. Flocks of geese and tundra swans and red-winged blackbirds passed over us in the nature center. The ice was melting fast on the pond, very black in color. With the continued high temperatures it should be ice free within the week if not sooner. By the time I return again the week of April 23rd we should be seeing the turtles surfacing and sunning themselves on all the logs in the pond water. Trees are already budding out, earlier than a lot of years and I’m hopeful that we won’t have a spring freeze. We will be seeing a pale green color in the woods around us as we walk through on the trails. Till next time, enjoy your spring break. Marleane Callaghan, Naturalist

Thank you to all of you who took the bonus point page out of the Sunday paper, stuck on the 5 UPC’s and sent them in! We gained 5600 bonus points from them! M’m M’m Good!

Moo-velous! So far, Sunset Hill families have submitted $95.20 worth of Kemps Milk Caps and Point of Purchase symbols from Kemps products! Keep ‘em flowing! Every Nickel Helps!


Arul Belhe-4th grader at Sunset has been notified by the National Geography Society that he is one of the semifinalists eligible to compete in the 2012 Minnesota National Geography Bee. Bees were held in schools with fourth through eighth grade students. School level winners then took a qualifying test, which were submitted to the National Geographic Society. In each of the 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia , the Department of Defense Dependents Schools and the U.S. territories, the National Geographic Society invited the students with the top 100 scores to compete at the state level. The Geography Bee will be held at St. Cloud University, St. Cloud, MN, on Friday, March 30, 2012.

Good Luck - Arul

MEDIIA CENTER Here at Sunset Hill we have a FUN new way to keep our students reading: TumbleBooks! Tumblebooks are animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they will love. Tumblebooks is a great website where kids can read, listen to stories, read along with books or play games related to reading. TumbleBooks are ebooks (electronic books) which are created by taking existing picture books, adding animation, sound, music and narration to produce an electronic picture book. Here are 3 easy steps to access Tumblebooks from home: Type in the URL Type in the user name of sunsethill Type in the password of books

Hurray for Sunset Hill Against Hunger! A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the Sunset Hill students, staff and families for helping out in the “Sunset Hill Against Hunger� project. Working together, we EXCEEDED our goal of 55,000 meals. We raised a total of $9,814.88 which made 65,433 meals for Haiti! That is 10,433 meals and $1500.00 over our school goal! WOW! On March 21st, our school was full of volunteers who helped students take turns packing food in assembly line fashion in our gym. Cheers exploded as each box was packed

Try it out! Tumblebooks is F-U-N! Laurie Lindquist Sunset Hill media specialist

and sealed. The entire day was filled with excitement and pride. The process of raising money and packing the food was an inspirational experience for all of us. This is a project that takes effort from many people and we are so proud of our Sunset Hill Community!

CARNIVAL It’s a Small World Carnival was a lot of fun for Sunset Hill’s families and friends. The total income from Carnival is $16,754.12!! Our students greatly benefit from this event, as the proceeds allow the PTSA the ability to support many activities throughout the school year. Thank you to all the teachers, staff, Carnival volunteers, and donors who contributed their time and services/donations toward making our school carnival a successful event! This event wouldn’t have been possible without the commitment of people like you, along with the Carnival committee: Lynne Soderberg, Christine Weiner, Nicole Mareck, Robin Vanoss, Joanie Thompson, Mark Bohlig, Diane Hayden, Connie Helppi, Heather van Krevelen, Leslie Sell, Joy Carpenter, Nancy Stillman, Dawn Zouber, Kristen Wolf, Lauren Hoffman, Michele Moy, Evelena Hillman, Colleen Casey, Shari Schraber, and Deb Armel, who organized and ran such a fun event. A special thank you to Mrs. Keffeler, for providing an atmosphere with a strong sense of school community, spirit, and pride. Thank you for all you do for our school and spending your birthday making the Carnival an event to remember! If you have any feedback or advice for next year’s Carnival, or you’d like to be on the committee, please contact me at Stefanie Kashuba Carnival Chair


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