Independent School District #284 – Wayzata Public Schools Community Taskforce on Facilities Draft: May 1, 2013 COST ANALYSIS: FIRST COST (CONSTRUCTION) Budget Concepts: New High School is 36,000 SF larger than the High School addition for this comparison. Per MDE Guidelines a 900 student HS average is 205 SF/St. 1300 student HS average is 190 SF/ST (not including theatres). New building construction cost bid 2014 - $195/SF (assumption). Addition square footage cost is often a bit more expensive than new building (current assumption 22% more at $237.9/ SF ave) New buildings project costs are often higher than additions due to city development/infrastructure costs and fees (multiplier 1.3 vs. 1.25). Option A: High School Addition 900 Students x 165 SF/Student = 148,500 SF Building Construction
148,500 SF x $ 238/SF $ 35.343 mil x 1.25 $ 44.178 mil
(Bid 2014) Construction Cost Project Cost
Site development of 37 additional acres plus redevelopment of 17-22 existing acres (site changes: roads, fields) $ 6.45 mil $ 7.4 mil Additional site purchase: 37 acres Total project cost: $ 58.028 mil Option B1: A Second High School (900 Students) 900 Students x 205 SF/Student = 184,500 SF Building Construction
184,500 SF x $ 195 $ 35.977 mil x 1.3 $ 46.770 mil
(Bid 2014) Construction Cost Project Cost
Incl. New site development of 44-49 acres $ 10.0 mil New site purchase 44-49 acres (useable) Total project cost $ 56.77 mil Option B2: A Second High School (1,300 Students) 1,300 Student x 190 SF/Student = 247,000 SF $ 62.615 mil 247,000 Sqft. x $195 x 1.3 Incl. New site development 47-59 acres $ 10.7 mil New site purchase 47-52 acres (useable) Total project cost $ 73.315 mil Summary: Housing 900 students whether in an addition to your High School or a second High School, will be very similar in first cost. The actual proposed High School addition differs from “Option A” above as it includes some additional needs beyond only student capacity. (Examples: Community Gym Space, 2nd Auditorium, Gymnastics Gym etc.) total potential square footage = 192,226 SF, project cost with land $66.17 mil. KL/ISD_284/102131/community taskforce/cost_analysis
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Commission No. 102131
Independent School District #284 – Wayzata Public Schools Community Taskforce on Facilities Draft: May 1, 2013
COST ANALYSIS ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS (UTILITIES, ETC.) Option A (148,500 SF) Addition to High School Natural Gas Electricity Water/Sewer Garbage Internet Telephone Copiers Insurance
Annual Cost $36,591 $118,617 $15,856 $0 Same $0 $3,660 $14,000
Option B (184,500 SF) Second High School Natural Gas Electricity Water/Sewer Garbage Internet Telephone Copiers Insurance
TOTALS $188,724
Annual Cost $45,461 $147,472 $19,700 $4,500 Same $294 $6,000 $17,500 $240,827
Cost Difference $8,870 $28,755 $3,844 $4,500 $294 $2,340 $3,500 $52,103
Summary: Opening a Second High School has some additional utility costs compared to a high school addition.
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Commission No. 102131
Independent School District #284 – Wayzata Public Schools Community Taskforce on Facilities Draft: May 1, 2013
COST ANALYSIS ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS (STAFFING COSTS) Option A Addition to High School Associate Principal Assoc. Prin. Secretary N/A N/A Additional .5 Para Food Svs. Employee Custodian N/A N/A Additional Salary N/A Activities Coordinator N/A N/A Additional Staff N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Cost $128,880 $40,409 $0 $0 $16,078 $18,452 $47,779 $0 $0
Option B Second High School Principal Head Secretary Office Para Front Door Greeter Health Para Food Svs. Manager Head Custodian Grounds (.5) Maintenance
Cost $151,441 $55,057 $26,451 $30,229 $32,155 $31,549 $54,496 $25,147 $50,294
Cost Difference $22,561 $14,648 $26,451 $30,229 $16,078 $13,097 $6,717 $25,147 $50,294
$2,000 $0 $98,709 $0 $30,970 $5,928 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Department Chairs Auditorium Coord. Activities Director Media Specialist Vision 21 - .5 Lunchroom Supervision Instrumental Director Vocal Director Orchestra Director Equipment Manager Website Editor
$14,000 $4,355 $113,533 $61,941 $30,970 $8,563 $6,700 $6,700 $4,700 $5,000 $3,000
$12,000 $4,355 $14,824 $61,941 $0 $2,635 $6,700 $6,700 $4,700 $5,000 $3,000
Athletics and Activities
$358,962 $1,075,243
$226,653 $553,729.50 Additional Annual Cost for Second High School
Athletics and Activities $132,309 TOTALS $521,514
Notes: No benefits were included in the costing this would typically run another 15-25%. Summary: Opening a Second High School has some additional salary costs compared to a high school addition. Teaching staff would be indirect proportion to students and therefore no difference in costs.
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Commission No. 102131
Independent School District #284 – Wayzata Public Schools Community Taskforce on Facilities Draft: May 1, 2013
COST ANALYSIS ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS (ACTIVITIES COSTS) Option A Addition to High School Additional Teams Non-Staff Costs
Additional Co-curricular Non-Staff Costs
Option B Second High School
Cost Difference
All Teams Non-Staff Costs
Assumed Negligible
Additional Co-curricular Non-Staff Costs
Assumed Negligible
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Commission No. 102131
Independent School District #284 – Wayzata Public Schools Community Taskforce on Facilities Draft: May 1, 2013
COST ANALYSIS ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS (TRANSPORTATION, ETC.) Option A Addition to High School - Additional Transportation 900 Students
Option B Second High School
- Additional Transportation 900 Students
- Shuttle between campuses
TOTALS $10,000
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Cost Difference
Commission No. 102131
Independent School District #284 – Wayzata Public Schools Community Taskforce on Facilities Draft: May 1, 2013
First Cost Summary: Building Land Site Development Furnishings Equipment Project Costs Totals
Option A High School Addition
Option B 900 Student High School
Cost Difference
$35.343 mil $7.4 mil $6.45 mil Included * Included * $8.835 mil $58.028 mil
$35.977 mil $10.0 mil Included Included * Included * $10.793 mil $56.77mil
* Note: Both project cost multipliers include start-up cost for furnishings and equipment. This allowance is 10% of the building construction cost.
Option A High School Addition
Option B 900 Student High School
Cost Difference
Operating Cost (utilities)
Staffing Cost
Activities Cost
Transportation Cost
Food Service Costs
Included above
Included above
Included above
Maintenance Costs
Included above
Included above
Included above
Annual Costs Summary:
Indentified Annual Cost Totals $710,238 Summary:
First Cost: The addition is likely somewhat more expensive. Estimate $1.258 mil. Annual Operating Costs: The 2nd High School is more expensive. Estimate $615,832 Annually Over 20 years: The additional operating costs could exceed $12 million (in today’s $). Operating Costs are often an important differentiator when looking long term.
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Commission No. 102131
Independent School District #284 – Wayzata Public Schools Community Taskforce on Facilities Draft: May 1, 2013 COST ANALYSIS START UP COSTS (ACTIVITIES COSTS) Option A Addition to High School
Option B Second High School Football Track Basketball Tennis Golf Wrestling Volleyball Soccer La Crosse Baseball Softball Band Choir Hockey Swimming Drama SUBTOTALS Media Center Phy Ed Equipment Weight Room Marching Band Science Buildings and Grounds Culinary Computer Lab FACS SUBTOTALS TOTAL Less Allowance in First Cost Construction Unfunded Difference
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Cost $103,830 $50,266 $12,260 $13,020 $3,400 $35,025 $15,675 $41,190 $15,670 $11,700 $4,050 $191,000 $60,500 $33,100 $51,850 $50,000 $692,536 $75,000 $46,000 $125,000 $181,000 $20,000 $150,000 $150,000 $30,000 $5,080 $782,080 $1,474,616 $1,439,000 $35,616
Cost Difference
Commission No. 102131