WAYZATA HIGH SCHOOL 2012-2013 4955 Peony Lane North Plymouth, Minnesota 55446-1600 Telephone: 745-6600 Fax: 745-6692 Administration Mike Trewick ....................................................................................... Principal Jeff Ridlehoover ........................................... Associate Principal, 12th Grade Marian Boyd .................................................. Associate Principal, 11th Grade Ross Downing............................................... Associate Principal, 10th Grade TBA .................................................................. Associate Principal, 9th Grade Alison Nisbet............................................................ Associate Principal, ALC Jaime Sherwood, C.M.A.A. ..................... Director of Athletics and Activities Barb Beise, C.A.A. ......................................... Assistant Director of Activities Caren Porter ....................................................... Special Services Supervisor
Property of: _________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________________ In case of emergency, please notify __________________________________
Table of Contents School Song ..................................................4 Daily Block/Late Start/Advisory Schedules ....4 PROGRAMS AND REQUIREMENTS ..........4 Graduation Requirements ........................5 Registration and Scheduling ....................5 Grading ....................................................6 GPA, Class Rank, Transcripts .................7 Mid-Term ..................................................7 Parent/Teacher Conferences ...................7 Dropping School.......................................7 Students Who Move or Transfer ..............7 Alternative Programs................................7 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................8 College and Career Center ......................8 Counseling Service ..................................8 Health Service ..........................................9 Prescription/Non-Prescription/ OTCounter Medications ...........................9 Student Emergency Procedure ..............10 Wayzata Community Clinic ....................10 MEDIA CENTER .........................................11 Guidelines for the Media Center ............11 Guidelines for Computer Labs ...............11 SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST ........................11 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER ...............12 SOCIAL WORKER ......................................12 FOOD SERVICE Culinary Express Payments ...................12 ACTIVITIES .................................................13 Dances ...................................................13 Homecoming ..........................................13 Heart Week ............................................14 Advisory .................................................14 National Honor Society ..........................14 NCAA Eligibility Requirements ...............14 Senior Awards ........................................15 Student Council ......................................16 Yearbook ................................................16 CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS ................17 ATHLETICS.................................................17 2010-11 WHS Athletic Calendar ............17 Full Athletic Schedule.............................17 District 284 Extracurricular & Co-Curricular Behavior Regulations .......17 Regulations for WHS Students ..............18 WHS BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS ...............................................................20 Access to Student Data..........................21 Alcohol, Drugs, and Drug Paraphernalia21 Announcements .....................................21 Attendance .............................................22 Backpacks/Carryall Bags .......................22 Bullying/Cyberbullying ............................22 Card Playing...........................................22 Cheating and Plagiarism ........................22 Communications ....................................23 Compliance with Directives of School Personnel/ Personal Identification ............................24 Disruptive Behavior ................................24
Displays of Affection .............................. 24 Dress ..................................................... 24 Eighteen-Year Old Students.................. 24 Electronic Communication Devices ....... 24 Elevator Passes .................................... 25 Fighting and Assault .............................. 25 Hall Passes ........................................... 26 Harassment and Violence………….……26 Hazing ................................................... 26 Insubordination ...................................... 26 Language .............................................. 26 Lockers .................................................. 26 Lost or Stolen Items/Lost and Found .... 26 Nuisance Items...................................... 26 Parking Permits and Regulations .......... 26 Pledge of Allegiance.............................. 27 Plymouth City Code............................... 27 Process to Review Classroom Issues ... 28 Recycling ............................................... 28 Respect for Property ............................. 28 Saturday School Detention (SSD) ......... 28 School Bus Safety ................................. 28 Searches ............................................... 29 Snowmobiles on School Property ......... 29 Study Hall ............................................. .29 Tailgating ............................................... 29 Tobacco................................................. 29 Vandalism.............................................. 30 Visitor Policy .......................................... 30 Weapons, Replica Weapons, and Potentially Dangerous Objects .......................... 30 Withdrawal from School ........................ 30 Important Numbers to Remember ........ .31 APPENDIX A - District Board Policies/Web Ethics Policy 403-R Harassment and Violence - Regulations Policy 530-R Tobacco-Free Environment - Regulations Policy 501 Equal Educational Opportunities Policy 501-R Equal Educational Opportunities Regulations Policy 502-R Student Discipline Regulations Policy 503-R Compulsory Attendance Regulations Policy 506-R Student Dress Code Regulations Policy 513 Hazing Prohibition Policy 515-R Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions and Student’s Person Regulations Policy 528-R Bullying/Cyberbullying Regulations Policy 631-R Technology Use Regulations Web 2.0 Code of Ethics (Secondary)
Dear Students, We certainly hope you had a wonderful summer and are ready to make the 2012-2013 school year a great one. While attending Wayzata High School, please get involved in some sort of school activity. There are a variety of clubs, activities, and sports with which to get involved – contact the Athletics/Activities Office for more information. Students who are involved in school activities enjoy high school more and are more academically successful. The staff at Wayzata High School is here to assist you. We place a high value on academics. If you are having problems with academics, or other issues, please let us know – we want to help you be successful. It is important to remember you need 60 credits to graduate. Wayzata High School utilizes a block schedule to create more opportunities for students. Challenge yourself academically while you are a student at WHS. Enjoy the 2012-2013 school year! If you have any questions about classes or this school year, please see your guidance counselors, associate principal or myself. Remember this is your high school experience. Get involved and enjoy the 4 years. Again, we hope that this school year is a great one for you here at Wayzata High School. Sincerely, Mike Trewick Principal
Dear Students, Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year at Wayzata High School! I’m so excited for what this year has in store, and I hope you all are as well! Everything in life is what you make it, and here at WHS we hope that you take advantage of all the opportunities possible and make your high school experience unforgettable. This is the perfect time for you to get involved, whether that be through participating in a sport, acting in our school musicals, volunteering in Y.E.S., or snapping some photos in Photography Club. Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, there’s something for everyone, so get involved and make your high school career even more enjoyable. There are so many people to meet and things to learn at the high school, so make the most of your time here! Trust me; you’ll be graduating before you know it! I hope you are all looking forward to an awesome year. Good luck, Jessie Hermann Student Body President
SCHOOL SONG Let’s give a cheer on high for Blue and Gold ‘Cause our team fights with might for Blue and Gold We’ll lead the Team we love to Victory And when the game is won, we’ll give a mighty cheer C’mon let’s raise our voices loud and strong And give a cheer to boost Wayzata on And we will all unite in victory, victory for Blue and Gold W-A-Y-Z-A-T-A Wayzata, Wayzata Yeah………………..Wayzata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAILY SCHEDULE Block 1.............................................. 7:30 News Break .................. 8:55 Block 2.............................................. 9:12 Block 3.............................................. 10:47 All lunches are scheduled during Block 3 Block 4.............................................. 12:54
8:55 9:03 10:38 12:45
2:20 Late Start Dates
LATE START SCHEDULE Block 1.............................................. 8:10 Block 2.............................................. 9:33 Block 3.............................................. 10:57 All lunches are scheduled during Block 3 Block 4.............................................. 1:05
9:24 10:48 12:56
September 12, 19, 26 October 10, 24, 31 November 14, 28 December 12, 19 January 16, 30 February 13, 20, 27 April 24 March 13, 20 May 8, 15, 22, 29
Block 1.............................................. 7:30 - 8:47 Advisory ........................................... 8:56 - 9:26 Block 2.............................................. 9:35 - 10:52 Block 3.............................................. 11:01 - 12:54 All lunches are scheduled during Block 3 Block 4.............................................. 1:03 - 2:20 The Vo-Tech schedule is as follows: 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 2:10 p.m. No class is to be dismissed from the classroom or gym area before the bell rings at the end of the block.
PROGRAMS AND REQUIREMENTS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The school year at Wayzata High School is divided into four terms each being nine weeks long. A two-term class is the equivalent of a full year’s course. Freshmen and sophomores must be registered for sixteen credits. Juniors and seniors are required to be registered for a minimum of fourteen credits. We encourage juniors and seniors to take the maximum number of credits. Students with fourteen or fifteen credits will have study halls for the one or two class periods for which they do not have a class.
In order to receive a Wayzata High School diploma all students need to meet two types of graduation requirements. First, students need sixty credits as designated by the Board of Education (below). Second, they are required to pass the state math, reading and writing tests. In order for students to participate in Wayzata High School Graduation commencement exercises, they must fulfill all Wayzata High School graduation requirements. This includes attaining the required 60 credits as well as required credits as determined by the Wayzata Board of Education. Note: Exceptions upon special circumstances AND approved by building principal. Following is the list of WHS course requirements for graduation: Graduates of 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 8 in Communications 8 in Social Studies 8 in Math* 8 in Science* 2 in Physical Ed. 1 in Health 2 in Arts 23 Electives *Math and Science requirements can be fulfilled by taking four years of Science and four years of Math or three years of Math and three years of Science with two STEM courses. Students may choose to take more than two STEM courses; however, only a maximum of two STEM courses may be used to fulfill the eight credit requirement.
Total Graduation Credits for all classes = 60 Students may graduate one term early and must meet with their counselor to develop an early graduation plan beforehand. REGISTRATION AND SCHEDULING Wayzata High School Revised Schedule Change Process Students may continue to change schedules as we have in the past, during the annual “Back to Business Days” in August (8/16, 8/17, 8/20, and 8/21), but after the start of the school year, students must submit a form to their guidance counselor requesting a specific schedule change. If the schedule change can be made, the students will receive an updated schedule as soon as the request is processed (usually within 24 hours). If the schedule change could not be accommodated, the students will receive a note indicating that the change could not be accomplished. Forms for schedule changes may be obtained in each of the floor offices. Forms must be filled out completely, including the parental signature and submitted to the Counseling Office. Because a thorough registration process occurred in February that determined section counts and teacher allocations, requests can only be made for the following reasons: • The student does not have the prerequisite(s) for the class listed • The student failed a class • There is an obvious error (two classes scheduled at the same time) • A class that is needed to graduate is not listed or was dropped from the schedule • The schedule is unbalanced Due to the importance of keeping our class size as low as possible, changes cannot be accepted for the following reasons: • To request a specific teacher • To request a specific block • To have a class with a friend • To leave to attend a non-school sanctioned occupational activity • To have a specific lunch period Students register for the following school year in February. Meetings will be held with students and
their advisors as well as their parents to prepare them for registration. When students register, they should carefully select courses as there will be limited opportunity to make changes later. Typically, the changes allowed will relate to schedule conflicts or failing a sequential course and will be on a seats-available basis. NOTE: Students may register for a total of three student assistant credits throughout their junior and senior years. • Ninth and tenth graders are required to be fully scheduled for the entire year. • All students (9-12) are allowed to request a schedule change within the first 5 days of the term. • Juniors and seniors may drop a class for a study hall with in the first 10 days of a term. • Juniors and seniors may register for a study hall, student assistant, or independent study, but may not carry more than one credit from that group in the same term. Students should meet with their counselor before registering for a study hall, student assistant, or independent study. • When a class is dropped, the student will be assigned to a study hall where attendance is mandatory. • Drops occurring after the first five days will result in an “F” grade for the term. Registration for 2013-2014 will again be done on-line. GRADING The grading system is based on an “A” through “F” scale. Advanced Placement courses are weighted an additional 3 points for a C- or above. AP courses taken through independent study are not weighted. Report cards will be mailed to parents at the end of each term unless they sign up to receive them on-line. The grade point system is as follows: Grade A or A+ AB+ B BC+ Grade C CD+ D DF
Normal Points 12 11 10 9 8 7
Weighted Points 15 14 13 12 11 10
Normal Points 6 5 4 3 2 0
Weighted Points 9 8 Not Weighted Not Weighted Not Weighted Not Weighted
Credits taken through the Post-Secondary Options Program will be part of the permanent transcript. Students must take these classes for a letter grade, if that option is available. Incomplete work is due within ten school days following the end of the term. The end of term dates are: term one – November 7, 2012, term two – January 24, 2013, term three – March 27, 2013 and term four, June 5, 2013. Failure to complete this work may result in an incomplete grade turning to an F. Students who repeat a class will have both grades recorded on their transcript but earn only one credit. Students receiving a D+ or lower in math and world languages may repeat a course and earn a second credit. PARTIAL HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULE Students are always welcome to enroll in coursework through entities other than Wayzata High School. If a student wishes to partake in an academic course, in lieu of the coursework provided and approved by the Wayzata Public Schools Board of Education, they should enroll in a partial high school schedule. During the time that student has a partial high school schedule, they are not permitted to enroll in a full load of courses at Wayzata High School (this includes study hall and student aide sections) or be on campus during his/her open block. If, however, a student and/or family wish to accept the financial responsibilities of their non-Wayzata academic work, they are welcome to take a full slate of courses at Wayzata High School and enroll in the alternative academic work as well. Upon approval, some outside coursework may be permitted on the student’s transcript. Examples of this would be accredited on-line classes and the University of Minnesota’s Program for Talented Youth in Mathematics. If you have questions related to this practice, please contact the high school principal in charge of student scheduling (763.745.6611). GPA, CLASS RANK, TRANSCRIPTS The Data Practices Act prevents WHS officials from disclosing GPA, class rank, or transcripts unless requested in writing or in person by the student, parent, or guardian. MID-TERM Parents will receive a grade report at the midpoint of each term. Mid-term dates for the 2012 - 2013 school year are as follows: October 3rd, December 12th, February 27th and May 8th. PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Conferences for parents to meet with their student’s teachers are scheduled this year on the following dates: October 4 3:30 - 8:30 p.m. March 5 3:30 - 8:30 p.m. October 11 3:30 - 8:30 p.m. May 2 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. December 6 3:30 - 8:30 p.m. DROPPING SCHOOL Students who drop out of school after six or more weeks of a term will receive F’s in their classes for that term. To be considered full-time, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of three blocks per term. The exceptions would be ninth and tenth graders who must be enrolled in four blocks per term. STUDENTS WHO MOVE OR TRANSFER Students who move or transfer are required to check out through the counseling office. Students will be asked to take a “yellow sheet” around to their teachers to confirm their grades and to return their materials. ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS WHS houses a variety of alternative programs for students including day, independent study, and extended year. These programs are designed to assist students grades 9-12 who are behind credits or who meet graduation incentive criteria identified by the State of Minnesota. Students interested in an alternative program are encouraged to meet with their guidance counselor to determine eligibility. Students wanting to earn a WHS diploma must meet Wayzata ‘s graduation requirements. The following guidelines apply to WHS students: FOCUS (Grades 9-10) Students are enrolled in a half-day program in communications, social studies and math. Classes are year long allowing for 43-minute periods. In addition to core academics, students
receive supplemental instruction in study skills and career guidance. Students successfully completing the FOCUS program may earn up to eight credits. Students enroll through their guidance counselor on a space availability basis. TAP-Day Program (The Alternative Program, Grades 11-12) Students can enroll in a combination (2, 3, or 4 blocks) of TAP classes and mainstream classes in order to ensure they achieve the credits and academic skills necessary to obtain their high school diploma. Classes are offered in Mathematics, Communications, Social Studies, Science, PE, Health, Art, Business, and Work Experience/OJT. Application and Enrollment Meetings occur approximately every four weeks. Students must see their counselor for a credit update and application prior to enrolling in TAP. Student may NOT accelerate their graduation through an alternative program. INDEPENDENT STUDY (IS) Students need counselor approval before registering for independent study. Students must be sixteen or older to register for independent student. Check with your counselor for course offerings for students younger than sixteen. In most cases students may only carry two independent study credits at one time. Exceptions to this rule will be authorized on a case-by-case basis and by the ALC Associate Principal. Students must meet a minimum of fourteen hours with an independent student teacher before a credit can be earned. Students will be required to complete work outside of their fourteen hour attendance program. New 2012- The independent student program will be transitioning to an online curriculum. New students enrolled will begin taking classes utilizing this online curriculum. All independent study work must be completed by May 29, 2013 to count towards graduation.
COLLEGE AND CAREER CENTER - (763) 745-6639 (ANNE JOHNSON) The College and Career Center (CCC) is your “one-stop-shop” for information and assistance when planning for your post high school years. There is information on schools, careers, test preparation and scholarships. There is a coordinator available in the CCC to help you find information before, during, and after the school day. To supplement the personal services provided, the CCC also supports two online services; Family Connection/Naviance and Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS), both designed especially for students and parents. Family Connection/Naviance is a comprehensive website that can be used to help in making decisions about courses, colleges, and careers. Family Connection/Naviance tracks and analyzes data about colleges and provides up-to-date information that is specific to our school. MCIS combines career and educational information into one comprehensive, easy-to-use career exploration tool. These services are available 24-7; all year long… so even when the CCC is not open, we are helping you find what you need! ** Please call the College and Career Center at (763)745-6639 for username and password.
COUNSELING SERVICE – (763) 745-6630 OR (763) 745-6631
Counselors can be helpful to you in many situations, such as personal problems, questions about school and classes, questions about going to work, getting into college, vocational and business schools, and future career planning. Group guidance sessions, where some of these services are made available to class-size groups, are held three times per year for juniors and seniors and twice per year for sophomores.
Grade 9 counselors are specific to grade 9 and are also divided by alphabet Cynthia McGunnigle………………………...A - Le Royce Kloehn………………………………..Lf – Z Grade 10-12 counselors are divided by student alphabet. Jane Stapleton .......................................... A - C Jennifer Landy ........................................... D - Ha Mark Elias.................................................. He - La Sarah Bennett ........................................... Le - O Brian Gildemeister ..................................... P - Sl John Batalden ........................................... Sm – Z
HEALTH SERVICE (763) 745-6617 MARGARET MURPHY, HEALTH PARAPROFESSIONAL (763) 745-6616 LYNDA LANKFORD, LICENSED SCHOOL NURSE (763) 745-6616 DEB RAHM, LICENSED SCHOOL NURSE Students, who become ill, except in the case of an emergency, should report to their regular class for a pass to the Health Office. Health Office personnel will assess the student before making arrangements with parent(s) for students to go home ill. If a student needs to go home because of illness, the Health Service staff must contact parent/guardian by phone to excuse the student to go home. All student injuries must be reported to Health Services. Parents should notify Health Service staff of any special health conditions, change in health status, or immunizations updated during the school year. Parents and students are encouraged to discuss special needs and health conditions with the High School District Nurse and classroom teachers. Screening There is no routine hearing and vision screening at the high school level, but school health service may be contacted by a parent to request screening for a student. Immunizations In accordance with Minnesota state law, Wayzata High School observes the No Shots, No School policy the first day of school. Any questions regarding a student’s immunization status should be directed to the school’s health office. Medication During School Hours Medication procedures are in accordance with School Board Policy and recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health. PRESCRIPTON AND OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS To give medication during school hours, parents will need to: • Complete medication authorization form including a written physician’s order and a parent signature authorizing staff to dispense medication. • If student needs to carry medication with them (e.g. inhaler, EpiPen), please have the physician identify this in a written order. • Send medication in the original container with a pharmacy label identifying student name, drug, dosage, time medication should be given and physician’s name. Over the counter medications should be carried/sent in the original container. • EXCEPTION: If medication is to be given on a short-term basis (14 days or less) and is non-narcotic (antibiotic), a physician’s order is not needed. Parent permission is still required and the original container with clear administration directions. NON PRESCRIPTION OR OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATION Minnesota state law (statute 121A.222) allows a secondary student to possess and self-administer nonprescription pain relief in the school setting provided that the medication is taken in a manner
consistent with the labeling of the medication. High School Students • The district must have received a written authorization from the parent/guardian and this authorization must be submitted each year that the student will be self-administering (see high school “over-the-counter medication administration form and/or Health Emergency Form). • Non-prescription medications may include only ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). • Medications must be stored in the original container. The district nurse or health paraprofessional may request further information regarding this medication, if needed, prior to administration. • The district reserves the right to revoke this privilege if it has been determined that the student is abusing this right (such as sharing medication with another student). Student Emergency Procedure In case of an emergency situation or illness, the Health Office procedure will be: • To contact a parent or guardian at home or at work, • To contact a relative, neighbor or other responsible adult whose name appears on the emergency referral form. • To call 911. In instances where medical intervention is needed without delay, a parent/guardian will be called after emergency personnel have been notified. The medical provider will be contacted if appropriate. The student’s family will be financially responsible for the care given. • In case of accidental ingestion, the procedure will be to contact Hennepin County Poison Control Center. Wayzata Community Clinic Wayzata Community Clinic, supported by the Park Nicollet Foundation, is open to serve Wayzata High School students at no cost in a confidential, compassionate and respectful manner. Services include immunizations, sports physicals, treatment for flu, infections and other common illnesses, birth control, STD screening and counseling. Parental consent forms, available in the School Health Office or at the clinic, are required for most services. Note: Under Minnesota law, minors may receive treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, chemical dependency, pregnancy and other conditions associated with pregnancy without parental permission. Wayzata Community Clinic Wayzata Medical Building 250 N Central Avenue, Suite 206, Wayzata 952-993-2870 Open Wednesdays from 1 PM to 4:30 PM No appointment necessary Care providers are affiliated with Park Nicollet Health Services
MEDIA CENTER – (763) 745-6650 Jim Peterson – Media Specialist JoAnn Lorenzini – Media Paraprofessional Tina Christopherson – Technology Intgrationist Donna Peterson – Technology Support Norbert Ban – Network Technician Jennfer Houg – Technology Paraprofessional Tom Wallfred – Technology Paraprofessional
STUDENT GUIDELINES FOR THE MEDIA CENTER The Media Center is open to students before and after school. See the Media Center web page or the Media Center doors for the most current schedule. The Trojan Media Center has books,
magazines, newspapers, and multi-media materials that support the curriculum. Computers are available for student use. Multimedia software and equipment are available for projects created in school. Video editing equipment, copy machine, and scanners are available for use in the media center. Video cameras are available for creating class projects. The Media Center is open during the school day between blocks (passing time) and during the lunch periods (No lunches/food in the Media Center). During class blocks students need a pass to come to the Media Center. There is an attendance check in and check out process to follow. The Media Center is closed to students during Advisory unless it is a designated Travel Day. Travel Day passes are required. Media Center resources (ebooks and databases) are always available at Password slips are available in the Media Center. Checkout periods: WHS picture ID is necessary for checkout. Books - 15 school days, renewal of materials is available. Reference materials – can be photo copied but not checked out. Fees will be charged for lost or damaged materials/equipment. Equipment and services: books, magazines, databases, photocopier, printer, scanner, editing equipment, computers, cameras. Color printing is available on a per page charge ($.10). Student Response Devices (clicker) are checked out and maintained through the Media Center (Replacement units are $38.00, batteries are free). ID cards are made for new students and replacement ID cards are available for a $5.00 fee. When you visit the media center, check in at the circulation desk you will need to key in your student assigned login name to check in. Please keep the following in mind: 1. Beverages and food are not allowed in the media center. Leave food and beverages in your backpack. 2. Any books removed from shelves should be returned to the circulation desk or a designated cart for your class, please do not re-shelve. 3. Your school issued log-in and password are needed to use school computers. Please keep this information in a safe, secure place. 4. Save all of your digital files to your school issued Google account or your school issued network space. 5. Printing: there is no charge for printing pages to be turned in for class assignments. There is a per page charge for printing that exceeds 5 pages for research/information gathering – we suggest you save this information to a Google doc and not print paper copies. Multiple copies should be made on the photo-copier. 6. The media center home page provides access to the digital catalog and online databases. Remote access passwords – logins and passwords for home use – are available at the circulation desk. 7. Remember to record source bibliographic information for use in Work Cited listing. 8. While using the media center please respect the learning environment of all students. STUDENT GUIDELINES FOR COMPUTER LABS 1. Food and beverages are not allowed in the labs. 2. Students are expected to follow the Acceptable Use Policy and Web 2.0 Code of Ethics 3. Software should not be installed on any school owned computer equipment. 4. Use websites and media center resource pages approved by WHS staff. 5. Computers and mobile devices are to be used for school-related assignments, projects and work. 6. School workstations are monitored and may be disabled if used inappropriately. 7. When finished, clean work area, turn off computers/mobile devices and monitors and replace chairs.
SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST - (763) 745-6607 (MEAGAN RETTERATH) Meagan Retterath is the School Psychologist and a resource for students and parents regarding psychological testing and special education placement. Her office is B103, which is across from the first floor administrative office.
The School Resource Officers at WHS are Todd Kloss and Chris Hendrickson. Their responsibilities include: 1. Take reports and conduct investigations of alleged criminal conduct which occur on school property or buses 2. Conduct other criminal investigations as assigned 3. Identify and interview witnesses 4. Take statements from suspects, victims and witnesses 5. Identify suspects by conducting both physical and photographic lineups 6. Provide an in-house law enforcement resource for school administrators, teachers, counselors, students and parents 7. Make presentations to students, parents, teachers and administrators 8. Attend school activities as deemed appropriate 9. Be available in the hallways and common areas for informal contacts by students
SOCIAL WORKER (763) 745-6661 (BECKY HALVORSON) (763) 745-6662 (ALEC ALBEE) (763) 745-6712 (ALISON MCKERNAN)
Becky Halvorson, Alison McKernan and Alec Albee are the school social workers. Alison McKernan also works with students in the Choice is Yours Program. They are a resource to parents and/or students when social, emotional, and/or family problems interfere with a student’s ability to succeed in school. They provide information and referrals to community resources. Alec and Becky’s offices are in the first floor administrative office area and Alison is on the third floor.
Culinary Express offers food products for purchase throughout the school day, with the goal of providing students and staff with a variety of choices in a non-traditional dining environment. Our lunch service, Culinary Express, provides dining options focused around the following seven themes: • W.T.’s Grill offering flame-broiled burgers and fry baskets daily. • Checkers offering basket selections such as Chicken Tenders, Corn Dogs, and Hot Pockets. • Lake Street Market is a market place deli serving salads, sandwiches, yogurt, soup, and assorted beverages. • Etcetera offering all of the extras, including bagels, snack items, fresh bakery, ice cream, and specialty beverages. This is the place to also grab breakfast and other snacks. • Mangia offering a selection of food choices which may include pizza, pasta and hot sandwiches. • Uptown Diner offering home-style foods such as turkey, chicken, meatloaf, and potatoes/gravy. • Planet 284 offering a variety of ethnic choices including Mexican, Italian, Greek, Asian, and American foods. Each concept area, with the exception of Etcetera, offers a $2.85 Daily Special meal option. This is the most economical and nutritionally balanced meal option for students and includes an entree choice, fruit, vegetable, bread and milk. The Daily Special is also the meal option that is included in the USDA School Lunch Program. The six Daily Special meal options will be listed within each serving area and on the TV monitors in Culinary Express. You may also find them on the district’s
website under Quick Links.
CULINARY EXPRESS PAYMENTS (PIN ACCOUNT) Payment for Culinary Express is made by a computerized accountability system. Due to the large volume of customers needing to make purchases in a short amount of time, meal tickets and/or cash are replaced by the use of a PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN). Each student has an individual account into which money is deposited and purchases subtracted. In order to access the account when making a purchase, each student enters the PIN and the purchase amount is automatically subtracted from the account balance. It is extremely important for students not to share their PIN with anyone. The unauthorized use of another student’s PIN will be treated as a theft and subject to consequences commensurate with the degree of the violation. In addition, the system provides a security measure of viewing the actual student’s picture when the PIN is entered to verify the identity of the purchaser. Students who received a PIN prior to this year maintain it until they graduate or leave the district. New students receive a PIN when they enroll in the district. If you do not have a PIN, please contact Culinary Express at (763) 745-5154. Deposits into Culinary Express accounts can be made anytime during the day in one of the security deposit boxes located on the first floor near Culinary Express or in any grade level office. Checks should be written to “Culinary Express” with student name and grade included. Cash should be placed in an envelope with student name, grade, and telephone number listed on the envelope. Deposits are collected daily at 8:00 a.m. for entry into accounts. Deposits made after 8:00 AM will not be available to the student until the following day. Credit card payments may be made by calling (888) 994-5100 and following the system prompts. Please have your student identification number and lunch PIN ready. Payment made before 8:30 AM will be available for lunch the same day. No deposits will be accepted in the meal service lines for payment at any time. In order to assist students who may not have made a deposit or are short on funds, a one meal charge policy exists. If insufficient funds exist for desired items, only those items covered by the funds in the account can be purchased. If no funds exist in the account, ONE $2.85 “Daily Special” may be charged to your account. Ala carte items do not qualify for charging and a deposit into the student’s account will be necessary to negate the charge before any further purchases are transacted.
WHS offers a wide variety of extra and co-curricular activities designed to meet the various interests of our students. We invite all of you to join and take an active part in activities that appeal to you. An activities handbook is available in the counselor’s and activities offices. The handbook includes detailed information about activities.
WHS has scheduled three dances for students on the dates listed below. Students are reminded that they are required to have their student ID for admission. Guest registration must be done in advance per the timelines that are announced prior to each dance. All school rules as stated in the Student/Parent Guide are enforced at all dances. October 6, 2012.........................................Homecoming Dance February 9, 2013 .......................................Winter Semi-Formal/ Casino Night May 18, 2013.............................................Prom
WHS Gym, 8:00-11:00 PM WHS Gym, 7:00-11:00 PM Int’l Market Square, 8-Midnight
Homecoming, the week of October 1 through October 6, 2012, is a time for alumni to return to WHS and for WHS students to become involved in the activities planned for the week. The Student Council coordinates the Homecoming events. Any student interested is encouraged to become involved in the plans and activities. For example, students can participate in building grade-level floats for the Homecoming Parade. During Homecoming Week, there will be theme dress-up days, Homecoming Coronation (Wednesday, October 3rd at 7:00PM), pep rally, parade, a semi-formal
dance and many athletic events. Students caught abusing Homecoming or Heart Week nomination procedures will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include out-of-school suspension. Nominations are a matter of public record and will be held for 90 days.
Heart Week, scheduled for February 11 through February 15, is planned and sponsored by members of the National Honor Society (NHS). Each year NHS members choose a charity to receive the profits generated during the week. As a part of Heart Week activities, “moocher” candidates are chosen to collect donations. During Heart Week, students can send a flower or a sucker to a friend, send a sing-o-gram, attend Winter Semi-Formal/Casino Night, or participate in many other fund-raising activities. Student involvement helps to ensure a successful week.
There are many purposes to the Advisory Program, including facilitating many of the organizational functions of the school, such as informing students about each of our annual events (Homecoming, Heart Week), distribution of mid-term reports and registration materials, student council elections, and other items pertinent to the daily lives of WHS students. Another purpose for the Advisory Program is to ensure that each student at WHS is exposed to regular contact with their advisor.
Induction into the National Honor Society this year will be in the fall. The process for juniors and seniors to be considered for membership in the NHS is as follows: 1. Students must attain a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 10.50 (seniors) and 11.0 (juniors). 2. Students considered for membership must be in good standing. Any legal or honor code infractions, flagrant violations of district/school policies, chemical or tobacco use violations during a student’s career at the high school will result in forfeiture of consideration for NHS. 3. WHS faculty members will evaluate academically eligible students in the areas of character and leadership. At least 5 evaluations must be given in order for a student to be given further consideration for membership 4. Students eligible for NHS must complete an information form in order to be given further consideration for membership. 5. A five-member faculty council, appointed by the principal, will determine the membership selection. The selection process is extremely rigorous. 6. Once selected, members must adhere to national standards as well as WHS requirements. A 10.50 grade point average must be maintained in order to continue membership in the NHS. A member whose Grade Point Average falls below 10.50 will be placed on probation for one grading period in order to regain the minimum grade point average. In the event a 10.50 grade point average is not maintained, the student may be removed as a member of the NHS. Additionally, members may be placed on probation or dismissed due to violations of school rules and/or legal statutes as well as failure to meet NHS member expectations. NCAA ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS – WWW.ELIGIBILITYCENTER.ORG Student-athletes interested in becoming eligible for Division I and Division II college athletic programs must meet the NCAA eligibility requirements. Division I Academic Eligibility Requirements (16 Core Courses): 4 years of English 3 years of math (integrated 1 or higher) 2 years of natural/physical science 2 years of social science 1 year of additional English, mathematics, or science 4 years of additional courses (from any area above or world language) A student must complete this core curriculum with a 6.0 GPA (2.0 on a 4-point scale). A student must also earn a sum of scores on the ACT or SAT that satisfies the CORE GPA/TEST SCORE INDEX. We encourage students to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse immediately following
their junior year. Please see your counselor for details. Beginning with the Class of 2015. Student-athletes will need to meet new academic rules in order to receive athletic aid, practice or compete during their first year. Full Qualifier must: 1. Complete 16 core credits - Ten of the sixteen core courses must be completed before the seventh semester (senior year) of high school. - Seven of the ten core courses must be English, Math or Science. 2. Have a minimum core-course GPA of 6.90 (2.300 on a 4-point scale) - Grades earned in the 10 required courses required before the senior year are locked in for purposes of GPA calculation. - A repeat of one of the locked-in courses will not be used to improve the GPA if taken after the seventh semester begins. 3. Meet the new competition sliding scale requirement of GPA and ACT/SAT score. See your counselor for details on the sliding scale. Division II Academic Eligibility Requirements for Classes 2013 and later (16 Core Courses): 3 years of English 2 years of math (integrated 1 or higher) 2 years natural or physical science 2 years social science 3 years additional courses in English, math, or natural/physical science 4 years additional academic courses in above areas or world language A student must have a GPA of 6.00 (2.00 on a 4-point scale) in core courses. A student must also have a combined score on the SAT verbal and Math sections of 820 or a 68 sum score on the ACT.
The Senior Awards ceremony will be held on May 20, 2013. Awards presented include the Top Ten (class rank), Blue and Gold Scholars, Departmental Awards, Athletic Awards, and other local awards and scholarships. Top Ten selection is based on the students’ cumulative grade point average either weighted or unweighted; the determination for Top Ten honors is made at the end of the first semester. The Blue and Gold Scholars distinction is awarded to seniors who have maintained at least an Aaverage (11.00 unweighted) while pursuing the most rigorous academic courses, showing evidence of depth and breadth of course selection across the curriculum, and making a significant contribution to the activities program. The selection committee evaluates the transcript of each eligible student to determine whether he/she took the most rigorous courses available; choosing multiple study halls and/or student assistant opportunities impact selection. Involvement in the activities program is assessed through the information provided by activity advisors and coaches. Departmental Awards are based on academic achievement, success in upper-level coursework, and indication of an interest in pursuing a career in a related field.
The 2012-2013 Student Council officers are: OFFICERS SENIOR President Jessie Hermann Vice-President Mitch Condon Secretary Sophie Zhou PTSO Representative Kate Rath 10th Grade Representative 9th Grade Representative
Tiffany Haas TBD in the fall
Class Representatives
JUNIOR Monika Weimer Kate Carroll Quinn Cullum Alayna Sonnesyn
Paul Davis Sydney Franklin Britta Hageness Alyssa Gaio Abby Jaqua Ben Kelman Mackenzie Merriam Juan Saegner Rober Tessmer Sophomore Hannah Ahrendt Andrew Quirk Camille Smith Soo-Min Song Jenica Zhong
Class Representatives
James Durant Jack Garvey Jack Iverson Jeeva Palanisamy Matthew Prisby
Freshman Connor Aasen Corrie King Eva Pettersen Ellie Rod Kaitlin Schwarze Joe Stinson
YEARBOOK Wayako, our yearbook, is sold to all students, staff, and community. Pre-sale will begin during Back to Business Days and will continue until December 21, 2012. To ensure availability, students must purchase the yearbook at that time either on campus or online. The yearbooks are delivered in early June. Prepared by students, anyone interested in working on the yearbook should contact the Wayako advisor.
Amnesty International Art Club Band Bel Canto (girls 10-12) Business Professionals of America (BPA) Cantori Chamber Orchestra Chamber Singers Chinese Club Close Up Club Y.E.S. Concert Band Concert Choir (mixed 11-12) Creative Writing Club Dance Team, Performance Debate DECA Drama Club French Club Future Problem Solving
German Club Political Issues Discussion Group International Club Quiz Bowl Intramurals R.A.R.E. Jazz Ensemble Robotics Knowledge Master Open Science Olympiad Language Study & Travel Program Skills USA Link Leaders Spanish Club Madrigals Speech Marching Band String Orchestra Math Team Student Council Mock Trial Symphonic Band Musicals/Plays Super Mileage Team National Honor Society Television Production Crew NewsBreak Trap & Skeet Club Ninth Grade Band Trojan Leadership Council Ninth Grade Men’s Choir Trojan Tribune Ninth Grade Orchestra Varsity Mens’ Choir (10-12) Ninth Grade Treble Vive Voce One Act Play Wind Ensemble Pep Band Yearbook Photography Club
ATHLETICS 2012-2013 WHS Athletic Calendar FALL: Girls’ Tennis - Aug. 13 - Oct. 26, 2012 Boys/Girls Soccer - Aug. 13 - Nov. 1, 2012
Boys/Girls Cross Country - Aug. 13 - Nov. 3, 2012 Volleyball - Aug. 13- Nov. 10, 2012 Football - Aug. 13 - Nov. 24, 2012 Girls’ Swim/Dive - Aug. 13 - Nov. 17, 2012 Adapted Soccer (PI & CI) - Aug. 27 - Nov. 17, 2012 WINTER: Alpine Skiing – Boys’ and Girls’ – November 12 – February 13, 2013 Nordic Ski Racing – Boys’ and Girls’ – November 12 – February 14, 2013 Dance Team - Oct. 22, 2012 - Feb. 16, 2013 Girls’ Hockey - Oct. 29, 2012 - Feb. 23, 2013 Gymnastics - Nov. 12, 2012 - Feb. 23, 2013 Swim/Dive - Boys’- Nov. 26, 2012 - March 2, 2013 Wrestling - Nov. 19, 2012 - March 2, 2013 Boys’ Hockey - Nov. 12, 2012 - March 9, 2013 Girls’ Basketball - Nov. 12, 2012 - March 16, 2013 Adapted Floor Hockey (PI & CI) - Nov. 19, 2012 - March 16, 2013 Boys’ Basketball - Nov. 19, 2012 - March 23, 2013 SPRING: Adapted Bowling - March 4 - May 17, 2013 Adapted Softball - March 4 - June 1, 2013 Boys’ Tennis - March 25 - June 7, 2013 Lacrosse – Boys’ and Girls’ - March 25 - June 7, 2013 Softball - March 11 - June 7, 2013 Track & Field - Boys’ and Girls’ - March 11 - June 8, 2013 Synchronized Swim - March 4 – June 8, 2013 Golf - Boys’ and Girls’ - March 18 - June 12, 2013 Baseball - March 18 - June 14, 2013
Boys Cheerleading Cross Country Football Soccer
Boys Basketball Cheerleading Hockey Swimming & Diving Wrestling
Boys Baseball Golf Lacrosse Tennis Track & Field
Girls Cheerleading Cross Country Swimming and Diving Tennis Soccer Volleyball
Girls Basketball Cheerleading Dance Team Gymnastics Hockey
Girls Lacrosse Golf Softball Sync. Swimming Track & Field
Boys/Girls Adapted Soccer
Boys/Girls Alpine Skiing Adapted Floor Hockey Nordic Skiing
Boys/Girls Adapted Bowling Adapted Softball
Students participating in extracurricular and co-curricular activities are held to high standards and
will demonstrate respectful and responsible behavior at all times. Wayzata School District consequences for rule violations are greater than the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) and, therefore, take precedence. Penalties will be assessed for rule violations in extracurricular, co-curricular, and interscholastic activities. Students shall not possess, purchase, sell, distribute, or be under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, or any other illicit drug, including lookalike drugs and drug paraphernalia. Students shall not be involved in any illegal behavior (chargeable offense whether charged or not which may be a violation of civil or criminal law), gross misconduct (insubordination, threats, and/or persistent or flagrant violation of school policy), or racial/religious/sexual harassment/violence and/or hazing. MSHSL guidelines state that students participating in an interscholastic activity must serve a penalty for any rule violation. Students participating in enrichment AND interscholastic activities will serve a penalty in the enrichment AND the interscholastic activity for any rule violation. At the end of one calendar year from the date of rule violation notification, the enrichment activity penalty will expire. There is no “sunset� clause for serving a penalty in interscholastic activities. Middle school students participating in Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) sanctioned activities will be subject to the conditions of these regulations. Violations by middle school students in activities not sanctioned by the MSHSL will be addressed at the building level where a student improvement plan will be devised under the direction of the building principal and appropriate school personnel. A team/group/club, in conjunction with the coach/advisor, may increase the severity of the penalty or suspend a student for the season. The coach/advisor shall clearly communicate any additional consequences to parents and students prior to the season. Penalties are accumulative for violations in all categories; chemical use/possession, sexual/racial/religious harassment, violence, hazing, gross misconduct and illegal behavior.
FIRST OFFENSE CONSEQUENCES INCLUDE: After a first offense: 1. A parent/guardian/student conference will be held with appropriate school personnel, i.e. activities director, coach, advisor, chemical health counselor, or other school personnel. 2. Participants involved in enrichment activities will meet with the instructor regarding alternatives for meeting classroom expectations, evaluations, and grading. 3. Student/parent/guardian conference with the appropriate school resource person (chemical health counselor, social worker, or other staff) to determine a supportive action plan. For chemical violations (which include controlled substances, illicit drugs including look alike drugs, drug paraphernalia, and alcohol) students will participate in chemical health education classes. 4. After confirmation of the first violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next two (2) consecutive activities (performances, contests, events) or two (2) weeks of a season in which the student is a participant, whichever is greater. No exception is permitted for a student who becomes a participant in a treatment program. 5. The student shall make arrangements with the respective coach or advisor to establish a plan for reentry with the team or group. 6. A team/group/club, in conjunction with the coach/advisor, may increase the severity of the penalty or suspend a student for the season. The coach/advisor shall clearly communicate any additional consequences to parents and students prior to the season.
SECOND OFFENSE CONSEQUENCES INCLUDE: After a second offense: 1. A parent/guardian/student conference will be held with appropriate school personnel, i.e. activities director, coach, advisor, chemical health counselor, or other school personnel. 2. The student is ineligible for one calendar year for elected or appointed interscholastic and
enrichment positions and all school-sponsored athletic and activity awards and honors ( i.e. lettering, captain, MVP). Awards, honors, and scholarships not awarded, determined, nor controlled by School District 284 policies are exempt (i.e. All-Conference, All-Metro, All-State). 3. Participants involved in enrichment activities will meet with the instructor regarding alternatives for meeting classroom expectations, evaluations, and grading. 4. Student/parent/guardian conference with the appropriate school resource person (chemical health counselor, social worker, or other staff) to determine a supportive action plan. 5. If a second chemical violation occurs, the student will complete an assessment conducted by an appropriate outside agency (i.e., chemical violation assessment for chemical dependency, and so on); recommendations of the assessment must be followed or the student will complete an appropriate education program conducted or approved by District 284 personnel. 6. After confirmation of the second violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next six (6) consecutive activities (performances, contests, events) or three (3) weeks of a season in which the student is a participant, whichever is greater. No exception is permitted for a student in a treatment program. 7. A team/group/club, in conjunction with the coach/advisor, may increase the severity of the penalty or suspend a student for the season. The coach/advisor shall clearly communicate any additional consequences to parents and students prior to the season. 8. The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee will convene a review board no sooner than four (4) months (of the calendar year) after notification of the violation to consider appeals for second offenses in which a student wishes to be considered for reinstatement for all schoolsponsored athletic and activity awards and honors (i.e., lettering, captain, MVP). During the four (4) month interim period, the student must demonstrate behavior free from further actionable offenses under the above regulations and free from school disciplinary actions. Supportive data shall be provided by the student to the review board from teachers, counselors, school administrators, coach/advisor, or other appropriate resources. Final judgment of the appeal will be made at the conclusion of the MSHSL sanctions. Appeal forms may be picked up in the high school activities office.
THIRD OFFENSE CONSEQUENCES INCLUDE: After a third offense: 1. A parent/guardian/student conference with the activities director and a member of the school administration will be held. 2. From the date of notification, the student will be on permanent suspension from all school athletics and school-sponsored activities. 3. All school-sponsored honors, including academic and athletic honors and awards (i.e. lettering, captain, MVP), will be permanently withheld. Honors, awards, and scholarships not awarded, determined, nor controlled by School District 284 policies are exempt (i.e. All-Conference, AllMetro, All-State). 4. Middle school students who wish to be considered for reinstatement at the high school need to meet with the activities director to formulate a reentry plan. 5. Participants involved in enrichment activities will meet with the instructor regarding alternatives for meeting classroom expectations, evaluations, and grading. 6. The student will complete an assessment conducted by an appropriate outside agency (i.e., chemical violation assessment for chemical dependency, and so on); recommendations of the assessment must be followed or the student will complete an appropriate education program conducted or approved by District 284 personnel. 7. The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee will convene a review board no sooner
than four (4) months (of the calendar year) after notification of the violation to consider appeals for second offenses in which a student wishes to be considered for reinstatement for all schoolsponsored athletic and activity awards and honors (i.e. lettering, captain, MVP). During the four (4) months interim period, the student must demonstrate behavior free from further actionable offenses under the above regulations and free from school disciplinary actions. Supportive data shall be provided by the student to the review board from teachers, counselors, school administrators, coach/advisor, or other appropriate resources. Final judgment of the appeal will be made at the conclusion of the MSHSL sanctions. Appeal forms may be picked up in the high school activities office. The District 284 Extracurricular & Co-curricular Behavior Regulations are enforced during the entire calendar year and throughout the student’s career in the Wayzata school system. In addition to the regulations: 1. Law enforcement agency citations of substance under the 691 Minnesota State Law will be enforced as violations. 2. A student shall not possess, use, or give away any performance enhancing chemicals. 3. District 284 has extended the MSHSL General Rules #20 “Racial/Religious/Sexual Harassment/Violence” to be in effect and enforced during the entire calendar year. This extends the rule to include June, July, and August, as well as the school year.
WHS BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS Wayzata High School building rules and regulations establish expectations for student behavior. The school administration has the responsibility and authority to enforce consequences appropriate with the behavior violations. Students are expected to behave in accordance with federal, state and local laws and rules, as well as, district, athletic and activity policies and school regulations. Corrective action will be taken by staff when a student’s behavior does not fall within the guidelines.
ACCESS TO STUDENT DATA With the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act, schools are required to provide student contact information to military recruiters and other institutes of higher education. Military information is used for providing students with details on military opportunities and is not shared with any other organization or connected to any conscription process. Parents or eligible students may request that student information not be released to the military recruiters by completing a short request form available from the Principal’s Office. Names, addresses and phone numbers for students requesting non-release will be removed from any lists provided to military recruiters from all branches of the armed services. This new requirement is separate from the current process of excluding students from release of “Directory Information” and must be requested annually.
Any staff member who has reason to suspect an illegal act or violation of this policy has occurred, is authorized to search the student, his/her locker, car, or property and confiscate any contraband. Parents will be notified as soon as possible by an administrator and may be requested to come to school immediately to help deal with the issue. Students violating this policy will be subject to any of the following: suspension, expulsion, referral for a chemical assessment by an outside agency, parent conference and a police referral. If a treatment program (in a fully licensed and accredited chemical treatment facility) becomes necessary, a continuing educational program will be provided and students will be expected to attend. Parents/guardians are fully responsible for all treatment care expenses. Failure by the student to seek help in addressing his/her chemical issues may lead to further disciplinary action,
including a recommendation for expulsion. The following are the specific corrective measures students will face with each offense (the school, however, reserves the right to enforce more lengthy suspensions if they believe the situation warrants): First offense: Suspension out-of-school for 3 days, referral to WHS chemical specialist and police, attend educational classes, and all other applicable High School League and district sanctions. Second offense: Suspension out-of-school for 5 days, referral to police and WHS chemical specialist, obtain an evaluation from an outside agency and follow their recommendations, and all other applicable High School League and district sanctions. Third offense: Immediate out-of-school suspension and initiation of expulsion procedures. *Students lose parking privileges until they complete the required chemical health program. [Note: MSHSL violations are cumulative beginning at the time a student signs his/her first High School League participation form.] Under 260B.171 Subd.5, of Minnesota State law, law enforcement agencies are required to report to school districts, any criminal activity to include alcohol/drug violations committed in the community. Each reported student and his/her parents will be referred to the pre-assessment team or Chemical Health Coordinator for recommendations and resource information. In addition to educational classes conducted on or off site by agency personnel, action taken may include one or more of the following for a first time offense: • sharing of community resource information • monitoring by Chemical Health Coordinator • completion of an educational program with parent participation • completion of an assessment by an outside evaluator at family’s expense • outside agency support • out or in-patient treatment/aftercare • participation in self-help programs For repeated offenses, the student will be required, at the parent’s expense, to participate in an outside agency evaluation, if not previously done. Students must follow recommendations of the evaluation with support of the chemical health specialist. An administrative conference may be held to determine if additional action is appropriate.
Daily announcements are presented on Wayzata NewsBreak each morning at the end of first block. All teachers are expected to end class in time for their students to watch NewsBreak each day. All NewsBreak announcements must be brought to room C118 or emailed to the teacher designated between 1:30 PM of the day prior and 7:00 AM of the day you want the announcement made. These messages need to be labeled “NewsBreak announcement.” A teacher or administrator must pre-approve all announcements generated by students in order for them to be included on NewsBreak. Announcements regarding community programs must be approved in advance by one of the Activities Directors. Special announcements and activity changes will be made at the end of the day over the PA system. BULLETIN BOARDS WHS has bulletin boards on each floor for floor-specific or community announcements. All bulletin board announcements need the approval of the floor administrator prior to being posted. CLOSE OF SCHOOL FOR BAD WEATHER Announcements regarding school closing due to inclement weather and/or hazardous conditions will be made on WCCO radio (830 AM). The district will make a decision to close the schools by 6:00 AM., and pass this information on to WCCO at that time. Be sure to listen to WCCO for an announcement on days when the weather threatens to make travel hazardous. Do not call the school for school closing information.
FIRE AND TORNADO EVACUATION Fire evacuation proceedings will be initiated by the alarm system that can be heard throughout the building. Severe weather warnings are issued over the PA system, which signals staff and students to proceed to their designated evacuation areas. All rooms or areas in the building have assigned evacuation routes or shelter areas per the evacuation plan maps posted throughout the building. Students are to remain seated in the shelter areas (weather) or outside (fire) until the all clear is announced.
Students should arrive at school and classes on time. Late arrival constitutes tardiness. Unexcused tardies may lead to consequences. Truancy is an absence without the knowledge and approval of the school, parent/guardian, or teachers.
Students may carry backpacks and carryall bags. However, use of such items may not create a safety or fire exit hazard. Bringing backpacks/carryalls to class is at the discretion of the teacher. The school reserves the right to disallow students from carrying backpacks/carryalls into the building. Students are prohibited from bringing backpacks/carryalls into any school-sponsored sporting or fine arts event, assembly or pep fest and are encouraged to lock them in their locker when in the media center or locker room.
Bullying is an overt act by a student or a group of students directed against another student/s with the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate the other student. The use of electronic devices as a form of bullying including cyberbullying is prohibited at WHS and may result in disciplinary action.
The playing of any card games is not permitted in school during the school day. This includes, but is not limited to classrooms, study hall, the lunchroom, and hallways. CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM (also see Behavior Code) All work submitted for credit in any class at WHS is expected to be produced by and be the original work of the student submitting it. Copying coursework in any form is prohibited and students who allow their work to be copied will receive the same penalties equal to those who do the copying. Copying vs. Collaboration – At times students will work together on assignments. Understanding the distinction between copying another’s work and collaborating on an assignment is important. WHS teachers are responsible for informing their respective students as to the appropriate protocol regarding collaboration. Disclaimer: If a teacher does not clearly state that an assignment is collaborative, all work that the student completes should be independently created and not obtained from any other source including, but not limited to classmates. Definition of Cheating (includes but not limited to the following) • Copying any portion of another students’ homework with or without his/her permission • Copying answers from another student’s test or quiz • Being responsible for or partakes in the transference of confidential information (i.e., test answers or test/quiz copies) from one class to another • Illegally bringing to a testing situation or have open within his/her sight written or electronically stored information that is pertinent to a test, quiz or class activity • Allowing one’s work to be copied by another student • Having someone else do your assignment that was meant to be done alone In addition, teachers may define cheating as any situation where students are obviously looking at other student’s papers during testing. Definition of Plagiarism The borrowing or restating of another’s work or ideas and claiming them as one’s own. The following examples from The Hartford Current may serve as a guide for determining whether a
student has plagiarized a work presented as his/her own: • Have I copied, word for word, all or part of another writer’s work without giving specific credit to that other writer and using quotation marks? • Have I copied the work of another writer, making changes here and there, but retaining the main thought and structure? • In the case of fiction, have I used a plot invented by another writer, even though telling the story in my own words? If the answer is “yes” to any of the above, the manuscript is plagiarized. Those who submit manuscripts found to have been plagiarized will be subject to penalties as prescribed by this policy. Teachers who suspect cheating or plagiarism are expected to: • Confront the student(s) with his/her evidence and confiscate the document/s in question. • Report the situation to the appropriate administrator. • Contact the parent. • File notice of each policy violation, copying the parent, counselor, and grade level administrator Consequences of Cheating/Plagiarism Violation #1: • A letter is written and distributed to the parent, counselor, and grade level administrator detailing the circumstances surrounding the violation. This letter is to be kept in the student’s cumulative file. If the student is not found to have another violation, under rule 11, this one letter will be discarded upon graduation • The student(s) will receive a zero on the assignment/test/quiz/project • If the violation is found to be of a serious nature, student suspension or removal from the class is possible/likely • Many school sponsored (or independent school related) clubs and teams may have consequences that go beyond the above consequences, including suspension or nonparticipation in that particular activity. It is the choice of said club or organization to determine student participation. Examples of this may include National Honor Society (NHS) and any other organization that recognizes high moral character and ethics as a vital part of organizational involvement Violation #2: • A second letter is written and distributed and placed in the student’s cumulative file along with the letter from any previous violations. These letters now become a permanent part of the student’s cumulative file • The student(s) will receive a zero on the assignment/test/quiz/project • If the violation is found to be of a serious nature, student suspension or removal from the class is possible/likely Appeals Process • If a student blatantly violates the above rules, that constitute cheating or plagiarism, no appeal will be heard • If the classroom teacher can demonstrate that they have discussed with his/her students the proper protocol (related to collaboration vs. coping) on classroom work, no appeal will be heard NOTE: If the student can demonstrate that they were unclear regarding the directions of the assignment and did not willingly violate rule 11, they may arrange for an appeal of their violation by contacting the WHS scheduling administrator, in writing, no later than two weeks after the violation was addressed. If the violation is deemed worthy of an appeal, a site based committee will be assigned to review the accusation
STANDARDS OF COMMUNICATION Wayzata High School guidelines of communication prohibit the following types of messages: • Material or language that is obscene to minors
• • • •
Libelous expressions Material or language that is pervasively indecent or vulgar Material or language which promotes any product or service not permitted to minors by law Material or language that violates the school district’s Offensive Behavior policy
Students are expected to comply with all reasonable requests from any school personnel. Requests for a student’s name, to accompany the staff member or report to the office, or directives to cease an activity are always considered reasonable requests. Refusal to comply with a reasonable directive, fleeing, or giving a false name will be treated as insubordination and result in appropriate disciplinary action
Students exhibiting behavior that by its nature creates or has the potential to disrupt the order, safety, and learning environment within the school violate Rule 8 of District Discipline Regulations. Examples include, but are not limited to throwing food in the lunchroom or being involved in activities such as the assassins game, which disrupt the learning environment of the school. Consequences include out-of-school suspension and restitution for damages to the building and personal belongings.
School is not the appropriate place for students to display physical affection. Students are asked to refrain from intimate behavior (kissing, embracing, etc.) during school or at school events. Teachers and staff members are instructed to address students whose displays of affection are not appropriate for school.
Students are expected to come to school and school activities dressed appropriately. A student’s dress or appearance becomes the concern of the school if it has the potential to affect the learning environment, promotes an activity that is prohibited by the school, displays language or images deemed inappropriate by school officials, or is unsafe. Students whose dress is viewed as a violation of this rule will be asked to turn the item inside out, cover it, or be sent home to change their attire. The following are examples of inappropriate dress for students at WHS: • Headgear of any kind (i.e., hats, caps, bandanas, do-rags, scarves, sweatbands, etc.), may not be worn from the time a student enters the building until dismissal. • Sunglasses worn without a doctor’s order. • Undergarments, including girls’ bra straps and boys’ undergarments must remain covered. • Halter, low cut, off-the-shoulder and see-through tops, those with spaghetti straps and muscle (sleeveless) shirts are not considered appropriate wear for school and need to be covered by an outer garment. ALL tank tops straps must be at least two fingers thick (about 1.5 inches). • Tops must be long enough to cover a student’s midriff. • Skirts and shorts must be at or below fingertip length when the student’s arm is placed at her side. • Any clothing displaying an inflammatory slogan, derogatory, suggestive or offensive language, or those promoting illegal activities or products (i.e. tobacco, drugs or alcohol) is prohibited. Parents will be contacted for repeated occurrences or if a student needs to be sent home.
Once a student turns eighteen, s/he legally reaches majority status. WHS recognizes the right of its adult students to inspect their own records. Eighteen-year-old students are required to follow all district policies and school rules and procedures as described in this guide. Adult students may, with the consent of their parents/guardians, have a limited opportunity to write their own notes for all day absences and appointments. A parent permission form must be on file before notes written by students will be accepted. More specific information as to the limits of this opportunity, including the acknowledgement that WHS is a closed campus, is contained in the
permission form. Eighteen-year-old students who file an attendance appeal are still required to have a parent present at their appeal hearing. Misuse of this privilege will lead to its revocation.
Electronic communication devices, PDA’s, MP3 players, etc. are permitted in school, however, cell phones, and PDA’s with telephone or picture taking options, are not allowed to be visible in locker rooms, or lavatories. Please see individual teacher syllabus for classroom rules regarding electronic items. If a student is found to be using his/her electronic devices, during instructional time, the student may have their electronic devices confiscated until the parent or guardian is able to retrieve the item.
Students are prohibited from being on or riding any school elevator unless they have a current elevator pass issued by Health Service. If students need another student to assist them on the elevator, that information will be indicated on their pass.
Fighting, assault, intimidation, or other acts of aggression that threaten the safety of any individual will not be tolerated. Consequences will increase with repeated offenses and include: administrative conference, parent conference, out-of-school suspension, initiation of expulsion procedures and police referral.
Once classes have started, students given permission by a staff member to go to their locker, the Media Center, bathroom, etc. must have a valid pass. Staff members may check students who are in the hall during class and send them back to their classroom if they do not have a pass. Students may be viewed as violating their pass privilege if they are not directly enroute to or back from the destination on their pass. An exception to this will be made when a teacher is escorting a student or a group of students.
Hazing is any act against another student or coercing a student into committing an act that creates a risk of harm to that person. All forms of hazing for any purpose are prohibited; this includes initiations into or to become affiliated with an official or unofficial student organization and applies regardless of the time or place it occurs. Students who violate this rule will be subject to disciplinary action that includes, but is not limited to, parent conference, suspension, police referral, and recommendation for expulsion. Any student who believes s/he has been the victim of hazing shall report the alleged acts to his/her administrator immediately. A complete investigation of the charges will be conducted prior to the meeting out of any corrective measures. School officials will afford reporters all due and necessary protection.
A student is insubordinate when he/she refuses to comply with any reasonable request or directive of teachers, principals, District employees or volunteers.
Use of profane, abusive, or offensive language is unacceptable at WHS and may result in disciplinary action.
Each ninth and tenth grade student will be assigned a locker with his/her new schedule at the start of the year. Juniors and seniors may request a locker through their floor office. Freshmen, and all new students will be assessed a onetime rental fee of $2.00. Combinations should be carefully guarded and not shared with other students to minimize the possibility of property loss. Locker problems should be reported to the floor office. It is strongly recommended students not leave large amounts of money or valuables in lockers. The school will not pay for lost or stolen property. The cost of repairing damage to lockers will be charged to the student.
School lockers are the property of the school district. At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. School authorities may inspect the interior of lockers for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. The personal possessions of students within a school locker may be searched only when school authorities have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or school rules. This policy applies to all lockers issued to students throughout the school year.
The school will make every effort to help find student property that appears lost or stolen. The school is not responsible for such items. Should a student lose property, s/he is encouraged to report this to the School Resource Officer (SRO) on first floor. The SRO will complete and file a theft report, which is oftentimes valuable in filing claims with the homeowner’s insurance. The lost and found is located on the second floor office. If an item is found, it should be brought to that office. Students looking for a lost item should also check with the teachers in that office. If your item is not there, leave your name and a description of the lost item with one of them. Office personnel will then notify you should the item be turned in. Textbooks that are found will be returned to the teacher who issued the book. Check with your teacher if you lose a textbook. The school will charge an appropriate replacement fee for textbooks, workbooks, or library books lost or destroyed by students.
Students found using or in possession of items that have the potential to disrupt the order of the school will be subject to disciplinary action. Included in these items are: any object used to disburse liquids onto other students or school property, cigarette lighters, matches, laser pointers, spray cans containing any substance, glow sticks, etc. Games such as hackey sack and Frisbee are permitted outdoors. Hackey sack may be played in the breezeway west of Culinary Express during lunches whenever students cannot be outside.
During the school year, students will be charged a fee to park on the school campus. Purchasing a parking permit entitles students to park on school grounds in the student parking area designated for the student’s grade and permit type and requires them to comply with these regulations. Parking permits cost $100 for a semester permit and $175 for an annual permit. Because they do not park all day at school, PSEO and Vo-tech students pay $125. Students will no longer be allowed to share a permit with a classmate (new for 2012-2013). Application forms may be accessed on the school’s Website. Students who do not have a semester or annual permit displayed on their vehicle while parked on campus, must purchase a daily permit. All students (regardless of grade) who purchase a daily parking permit are required to park in the area of the back parking lot designated as “daily parking.” Students may purchase a daily permit for $3 beginning at 7:00 AM at the greeter’s desk in the athletic entrance to the building. Students who drive to school will be held accountable to know and comply with the following parking/driving regulations: 1. Motor vehicles driven on school grounds must be operated in conformance with regulations of the State of Minnesota, the City of Plymouth, and the Wayzata Board of Education. Failure to comply with said regulations or with the directions of any WHS staff member will result in suspension or revocation of the student’s parking permit. 2. Motor vehicles parked on school grounds must be parked in the appropriate parking lot and visibly display a valid semester or annual permit from their rear view mirror. Cars without a visibly displayed permit will be ticketed, wheel locked* or towed at the owner’s expense unless the student purchases a daily permit. 3. Vehicles should be locked at all times. The school is NOT responsible for vehicles or their contents while they are parked on school property.
4. Student vehicles are subject to search if there is reason to believe drugs, alcohol, stolen property, or other illegal items might be present in that vehicle. Anything found in a student’s vehicle is considered to be in his/her possession. 5. Any vehicle parked illegally in fire lanes, handicapped or in an area not designated by its permit type, will be ticketed, wheel locked* or towed. The Plymouth Police will issue fire lane or handicap parking tickets. 6. Students are not allowed to loiter in their vehicles or in the school’s parking lots before, during, or after school. 7. Revocation of permits may occur for the following: • speeding (over the posted) and/or careless driving • violating the school’s tobacco or chemical use policy • excessive tardiness, absences, neglect of Saturday school or other offenses as determined by the administration • failing to return school-issued athletic equipment following the season of play • other behavioral and/or driving violations as determined by the administration. 8. Lost permits may be replaced at a cost of $10. Permits sold to a student are for use by that student only. All students involved in the purchase and subsequent resale of a permit or using a permit that does not belong to them will be disciplined. Forgery of permits may result in a police citation, loss of parking privileges, suspension and/or community service. 9. Any student who receives a chemical possession/use violation (on or off campus): a. May not drive to school for a period of at least five weeks. b. In addition any student who receives a chemical possession/use violation (on or off campus) may not drive to school until he/she has complete the chemical health class or follow has followed the recommendations of the Chemical Health Specialist, parent, or chemical health agency. No exceptions will be made for students who are open enrolled or for students who are required to leave the building during the day as part of their academic program. 10. Students may exit the campus via either the main exit (south side of the building) or the north exit. Students exiting on the north side must wait until the buses depart the campus before they can exit. At the end of the school day, students may not enter the north perimeter driveway of the school until all buses have exited onto Peony Lane. *A wheel lock may be used for parking violations. Students must pay a $10 fine to have a wheel lock removed from their vehicle. Students will not be permitted to drive to school until their fine has been paid.
Anyone who does not wish to participate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance for any personal reason may elect not to do so. Students must respect another person’s right to make that choice.
In addition to the policies of Wayzata High School set forth in this guide, students are also subject to Section 2015 of the Plymouth City Code, which governs the conduct of students on or near our campus.
2015.01 - Trespassing Prohibited. No person shall trespass in or upon any Public School by remaining upon the school premises after being ordered to leave by a school official. 2015.03 - Permission Required for Reentry. No person, having been ordered by a School Official to leave a Public School and having left the premises, shall reenter the Public school without the written permission of the School Official who gave the order to leave the Public School. 2015.05 - Defacement of School Building. No person shall mark with ink, paint, chalk or other substance, or post hand bills on, or in any other manner deface or injure fences, trees, lawns, or fixtures, appurtenant to or located on the Public School, or post hand bills on such fences, trees or fixtures. No signs shall be placed or posted anywhere on a Public School without the express
permission of a School Official. • Breach of Peace on School Grounds. No person shall make or assist in making any noise, disturbance, diversion or activity which peace, quiet and good order of the Public school are disturbed. 2015.09 - Fighting and Brawling on School Grounds. No person shall engage in, threaten to engage in, or assist in engaging in any riot, fight, brawl, tumultuous conduct or act of violence in a Public School. 2015.11 - Indecent Language on School Grounds. No person shall use foul, offensive, obscene or indecent language in a Public School.
Students who believe they have been treated unfairly by virtue of the action or decision of a staff member are encouraged to follow the process below to redress their issue: 1. Arrange to meet privately with the staff member to discuss the situation. In a calm, matter of fact manner, present your side of the issue. Respectfully allow the staff member to present his/her view on the issue and try to reach a mutually agreeable solution to the problem. 2. If resolution does not occur in the first step, appeal the issue to your grade-level administrator. Allow the administrator reasonable time to collect facts, review them, reach a conclusion, and get back to you regarding the issue. 3. If you are dissatisfied with your administrator’s response, ask the head principal to review the issue. 4. If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved at this step, you may appeal to the Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction. 5. If the issue is still not satisfactorily resolved, you may then appeal to the superintendent.
WHS actively participates in a recycling program. Containers specifically marked for paper, cans and bottles are found conveniently placed throughout the building and classrooms. Students are reminded to recycle whenever they are throwing recyclable items away. As a matter of civic pride and personal responsibility, students are expected to properly dispose of their trash at all times.
Each student is expected to do his/her part to maintain the cleanliness and condition of the building. Properly recycling or discarding of personal waste paper and trash whether in the hallway, classroom, lunchroom or outside, is part of this responsibility.
Detention assigned to students is served in Culinary Express on Saturday morning from 8:00-11:00 AM Students must enter the building through the athletic entrance at the west-end of the school and be on time or they will not be admitted. Students who arrive late, should nonetheless report to the Saturday school supervisor in order to avoid being assigned penalty hours. SSD is a consequence for students who violate school rules, are truant or tardy to class or are involved in other inappropriate behaviors as determined by school staff. Students will be assigned to either a one and one-half-hour session from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM or a three-hour session from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM. All 1.5 hour sessions must be served from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM. Students need to provide their own transportation and bring schoolwork or something to read. Headsets and sleeping are not permitted during detention. Failure to attend an assigned detention, without being excused by a parent or grade-level administrator, may result in an additional one and one-half-hour session of SSD, suspension of driving privileges, or both. Parents may call 745-6703 before 7:00 AM. Monday or send a note with their student to explain his/her absence from detention. Notes must be brought to the student’s floor office. Missing SSD twice in succession is grounds for suspension. In some cases students are permitted to use community service in place of detention. All alternatives to SSD must be pre-approved by the student’s grade-level administrator and completed by the deadline s/he assigns.
SCHOOL BUS SAFETY State law requires school bus safety training for students in grades K-10. Freshmen and sophomores will be required to demonstrate that they know the following six concepts regarding student transportation: 1. Transportation by school bus is a privilege not a right. 2. Student conduct and school bus safety is governed by school district policy. a. Expectations for bus conduct are the same as for the classroom. b. Students will receive literature regarding school bus safety (bus rider ship policies) during the first two weeks of school. 3. The bus danger zone is any point located within ten (10) feet surrounding the bus. 4. Procedures for safely boarding and leaving the bus. 5. Procedures for safe vehicle lane crossing. 6. School bus evacuation and other emergency procedures. Consequences for bus referrals include SSD, parent conference, suspension from school, or suspension or revocation of bus privileges.
From time to time, school officials must conduct searches. If reasonable suspicion exists that a student is in possession of any item that violates the law or the rules of the school, a search may be conducted of the student, as well as his/her locker, automobile, or other appropriate areas. The student may be present, but it is not a requirement. Under some circumstances, generalized searches of large groups of students may be conducted. Possession is defined as any item found on one’s person, personal affects, or any vehicle parked on our campus.
Riding snowmobiles to and from Wayzata High School is prohibited by Section 1325 of the City Ordinance. Violators will be cited for this violation as well as being subject to school consequences.
Study hall is designed to be a quiet study environment. Students with a study hall on their schedule are required to attend each day as assigned. Structured study hall (no pass privileges) is required for any student dropped from class for academic or behavior reasons. Students with unverified absences from study hall will be assigned SSD as they would for any class. Those with excessive absences of any type may face additional consequences including loss of their parking permit. Students who wish to sign out of study hall must have a pass from a teacher prior to arriving. Pass privileges will not be honored for students with an unverified tardy. Unless otherwise directed, students who leave with a pass must return before the end of the period. Students who violate the integrity of their pass may have their pass privileges revoked. If a student has taken a study hall in grade 11 and engaged in behavior that could be classified as disruptive, may not be allowed to take a study hall in grade 12.
Tailgating by students is prohibited at any school-sponsored event, regardless of its location. It is also prohibited before, during or after the school day.
Possession and/or use of any tobacco product (lighters, papers, etc) by students, (even those 18 years or older), in or on school property and at school-sponsored events, is illegal under State Law 609.685, school district policy, and High School League rules. The Wayzata School Board’s policy applies to both students and adults at all time in school buildings, at all school-sponsored events, and on any school property. This rule also applies to those meeting the above criteria who are in their own vehicles anytime they are on the school campus. High School League sanctions may be found in the Extra Curricular Policy section. Students violating this policy will face the following building consequences: First offense:
The option of 7 hours of pre-approved (by the student’s administrator) community or school service, or a $21 contribution, which will be forwarded
to the American Cancer Society. Two days out-of-school suspension and a police citation, which may result in an appearance in Hennepin County Court. Third offense: Four days out-of-school suspension and a police citation, which may lead to another County Court appearance. Fourth offense: Immediate out-of-school suspension pending referral to the Board of Education for expulsion proceedings. The Pupil Fair Dismissal Act procedures will be followed to insure due process. Smoking along or in the vicinity of the section of Peony Lane parallel to the campus is prohibited. Students caught smoking in this area will be subject to the consequences listed above. Tobacco violations are cumulative for a student’s entire school career. Parents will be contacted as violations occur. Students wishing to quit smoking will be assisted in using community resources including cessation programs. The evidence standard will be possession (cigarette in hand, lit or unlit) and/or use (visible sign i.e., observed exhaling smoke or presence of other evidence suggesting, that you are in violation). Second offense:
Vandalism is a violation of the law and will not be tolerated. Student actions that cause damage to school equipment, property, or any property belonging to staff may result in suspension from school, payment for damages, restitution for the school’s expenses or a recommendation for expulsion.
Persons other than WHS students or staff are regarded as visitors and need to report to, and sign in with, the building greeter at the main entrance. WHS recognizes will only allow student visitors for the following situation: students who are considering a transfer to our school. Their visit must be arranged by their parent or guardian at least two days in advance and must also include an appointment with a representative from our guidance department. Student visits for any other reason will not be permitted. WEAPONS, REPLICA WEAPONS, POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS OBJECTS (also see Behavior Code) District 284 prohibits the possession of the weapons, replica weapons, and/or potentially dangerous objects in school or at school events. 1. Weapons: A weapon includes but is not limited to firearms (whether loaded or not loaded), pellet guns, stun guns, num-chucks, metal knuckles, or knives. 2. Replica Weapons: “Replica” weapon means a device or object that is not defined as a dangerous weapon and that is a facsimile or toy version of, and appears to be, a pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, or any other weapon. Any violation may be reported to the local police authority for possible criminal prosecution. 3. Potentially Dangerous Objects: Include, but not limited to: fireworks, explosives, smoke bombs, ammunition, clubs, slingshots, laser pointers, and similar objects or components which are potentially dangerous to people, or property, or are disruptive to the learning environment. Squirt guns or similar items may be considered potentially dangerous objects. Potentially dangerous objects include any item used to threaten, or commit assault, or bodily harm, or any objects used in a manner which may create the fear of bodily harm. The building administrator will determine whether an item is a potentially dangerous object. Any violation may be reported to the local police authority for possible criminal prosecution. Expulsion may be recommended. In addition to the regulations stated in the previous section, the following conditions apply to students suspended from Wayzata High School. • Absences due to suspension from school are classified as “Authorized” and do not apply to a student’s total absence count. All schoolwork may be made up for full credit.
Students whose offenses violate criminal or City of Plymouth codes (see Plymouth City Code), may also be cited for their violations.
A student who wishes to withdraw from school must report to the guidance office with written authorization or a personal phone call from his/her parents or guardian. A withdrawal form will be issued that must be signed by all teachers, librarian, counselor, and activities director, and returned to the guidance office. Records will be held until all fines and obligations have been cleared.
IMPORTANT NUMBERS TO REMEMBER Activities Office ......................................................................................................................... 745-6620 Attendance Office ..................................................................................................................... 745-6655 Counseling Office...................................................................................................................... 745-6630 Grade 9 Associate Principal, TBD ............................................................................................ 745-6613 Grade 10 Associate Principal, Ross Downing .......................................................................... 745-6614 Grade 11 Associate Principal, Marian Boyd ............................................................................. 745-6612 Grade 12 Associate Principal, Jeff Ridlehoover........................................................................ 745-6611 ALC Associate Principal, Alison Nesbit..................................................................................... 745-6638 Main Office-Receptionist, Karen Schwendeman ...................................................................... 745-6600 Principal’s Office, Kathy Beatty ................................................................................................. 745-6601 Scheduling Office, Sharon Peterson ......................................................................................... 745-6704 Police Liaison, Todd Kloss ........................................................................................................ 745-6725 Police Liaison, Chris Hendrickson ............................................................................................ 745-6726 District Transportation ............................................................................................................... 745-5197
BOARD POLICIES HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE REGULATIONS CODE: 403-R To implement the School Board policy prohibiting harassment & violence, the District will utilize the following definitions, reporting procedures, District action and training regulations: I. DEFINITIONS: A. “Assault” is; 1. an act done with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death; 2. the intentional infliction of or attempt to bodily harm upon another; 3. or the threat to do bodily harm to another with present ability to carry out the threat. B. “Harassment” prohibited by this policy consists of physical or verbal conduct, including, but not limited to, electronic communications, relating to an individual’s or group of individuals’ race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability when the conduct; 1. has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or academic environment; 2. has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work or academic performance; or 3. otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment or academic opportunities. C. “Immediately” means as soon as possible but in no event longer than 24 hours. D. Protected Classifications; Definitions 1. “Age” means the person is over the age of 25 years. 2. “Disability” means any condition or characteristic that renders a person a disabled person. A disabled person is any person who a. has a physical, sensory, or mental impairment which materially limits one or more major life activities: a. has a record of such an impairment; b. is regarded as having such an impairment; 3. “Familial status” means the condition of one or more minors being domiciled with: a. their parent or parents or the minor’s legal guardian; or b. the designee of the parent or parents or guardian with the written permission of the parent or parents or guardian. The protections afforded against harassment on the basis of family status apply to any person who is pregnant or is in the process of securing legal custody of an individual who has not attained the age of majority. 4. “Marital status” means whether a person is single, married, remarried, divorced, separated, or a surviving spouse and, in employment cases, includes protection against harassment on the basis of the identity, situation, actions, or beliefs of a spouse or former spouse. 5. “National origin” means the place of birth of an individual or of any of the individual’s lineal ancestors. 6. “Sex” includes, but is not limited to, pregnancy, childbirth, and disabilities related to pregnancy or childbirth. 7. “Sexual orientation” means having or being perceived as having an emotional, physical, or sexual attachment to another person without regard to the sex of that person or having or being perceived as having an orientation for such attachment, or having or being perceived as having a self-image or identity not traditionally associated with one’s biological maleness or femaleness. “Sexual orientation “does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult. 8. “Status with regard to public assistance” means the condition Of being a recipient of federal, state, or local assistance, including medical assistance, or of being a tenant receiving federal, state, or local subsidies, including rental assistance or rent supplements.
E. Sexual Harassment; Definition 1. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when: a. submission to that conduct or communication is made a term or condition, either explicitly or implicitly, of obtaining employment, or an education; or b. submission to or rejection of that conduct or communication by an individual is used as a factor in decisions affecting that individual’s employment or education; or c. that conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual’s employment or education, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment or educational environment. 2. Sexual harassment may include but is not limited to: a. unwelcome verbal harassment or abuse; b. unwelcome pressure for sexual activity; c. unwelcome, sexually motivated or inappropriate patting, pinching or physical contact, other than necessary restraint of pupil(s) by teachers, administrators or other school personnel to avoid physical harm to persons or property; d. unwelcome sexual behavior or words, including demands for sexual favors, accompanied by implied or overt promises of preferential treatment with regard to an individual’s employment or educational status; or e. unwelcome behavior or words directed at an individual because of gender. F. Racial Harassment; Definition Racial harassment consists of physical or verbal conduct relating to an individual’s race when the conduct: 1. has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or academic environment 2. has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance; or 3. otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment or academic opportunities. G. Religious Harassment; Definition Religious harassment consists of physical or verbal conduct which is related to an individual’s religion when the conduct 1. has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or academic environment 2. has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance; o 3. otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment or academic opportunities. H. Violence; Definition Violence prohibited by this policy is a physical act of aggression or assault upon another or group of individuals because of, or in a manner reasonably related to, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability. II. REPORTING PROCEDURES A. Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of harassment or violence on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation or disability by a pupil, teacher, administrator or other school personnel of the District, or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute harassment or violence prohibited by this policy toward a pupil, teacher, administrator or other school personnel or group of pupils, teachers, administrators, or other school personnel should report the alleged acts immediately to an appropriate District official designated by this policy. The District encourages the reporting party or complainant(s) to use the report form available from the principal of each building or available from the District
office, but oral reports shall be considered complaints as well. Nothing in this policy shall prevent any person from reporting harassment or violence directly to a District Human Rights Officer or to the Superintendent. B. In Each School Building. The building principal or the principal’s designee or the building supervisor (hereinafter building report taker) is the person responsible for receiving oral or written reports harassment or violence prohibited by this policy at the building level. Any adult District personnel who receives a report of harassment or violence prohibited by this policy shall inform the building report taker immediately. The building report taker will take appropriate action to investigate student-to-student complaints and resolve the matter in a timely fashion. C. If the complaint involves an adult, the building report taker must notify the District Human Rights Officer immediately, without screening or investigating the report. The building report taker may request, but may not insist upon a written complaint. A written statement of the facts alleged will be forwarded as soon as practical by the building report taker to the Human Rights Officer. If the report was given verbally, the building report taker shall personally reduce it to written form within 24 hours and forward it to the Human Rights Officer. Failure to forward any harassment or violence report or complaint as provided herein may result in disciplinary action against the building report taker. If the complaint involves the building report taker, the complaint shall be made or filed directly with the Executive Director of Human Resource Services by the reporting party or complainant. D. The School Board hereby designates the Executive Director of Human Resource Services as the District Human Rights Officer to receive reports or complaints of harassment or violence prohibited by this policy. If the complaint involves the Human Rights Officer or if the complainant would be more comfortable, the complaint shall be filed directly with the Superintendent. E. The District shall conspicuously post the name of the Human Rights Officer, F. Submission of a good faith complaint or report of harassment or violence prohibited by this policy will not affect the complainant or reporter’s future employment, grades or work assignments. G. Use of formal reporting forms is not mandatory. H. Reports of harassment or violence prohibited by this policy are classified as private educational and/or personnel data and/or confidential investigative data and will not be disclosed except as permitted by law. The District will respect the privacy of the complainant(s), the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and the witnesses as much as possible, consistent with the District’s legal obligations to investigate, to take appropriate action, and to comply with any discovery or disclosure obligations III. INVESTIGATION A. By authority of the District, the Human Rights Officer, upon receipt of a report or complaint alleging harassment or violence prohibited by this policy, shall immediately undertake or authorize an investigation. The investigation may be conducted by District officials or by a third party designated by the District. B. The investigation may consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and others who may have knowledge of the alleged incident(s) or circumstances giving rise to the complaint. The investigation may also consist of any other methods and documents deemed pertinent by the investigator. C. In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes a violation of this policy, the District should consider the surrounding circumstances, the nature of the behavior, past incidents or past or continuing patterns of behavior, the relationships between the parties involved and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred. Whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of this policy requires a determination based on all the facts and surrounding circumstances.
D. In addition, the District may take immediate steps, at its discretion, to protect the complainant, pupils, teachers, administrators or other school personnel pending completion of an investigation of alleged harassment or violence prohibited by this policy. E. The investigation will be completed as soon as practical. The District Human Rights Officer shall make a written report to the Superintendent upon completion of the investigation. If the complaint involves the Superintendent, the report may be filed directly with the School Board. The report shall include a determination of whether the allegations have been substantiated as factual and whether they appear to be violations of this policy. IV. SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION A. Upon completion of the investigation, the District will take appropriate action. Such action may include, but is not limited to, warning, suspension, exclusion, expulsion, transfer, remediation, termination or discharge. District action taken for violation of this policy will be consistent with requirements of applicable collective bargaining agreements, Minnesota and federal law and District policies. B. The result of the District’s investigation of each complaint filed under these procedures will be reported in writing to the complainant by the District in accordance with state and federal law regarding data or records privacy. V. REPRISAL The District will discipline or take appropriate action against any pupil, teacher, administrator or other school personnel who retaliates against any person who makes a good faith report of alleged harassment or violence prohibited by this policy or any person who testifies, assists or participates in an investigation, or who testifies, assists or participates in a proceeding or hearing relating to such harassment or violence. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal or harassment, or intentional disparate treatment. VI. RIGHT TO ALTERNATIVE COMPLAINT PROCEDURES These procedures do not deny the right of any individual to pursue other avenues of recourse which may include filing charges with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, initiating civil action or seeking redress under state criminal statutes and/or federal law. VII. HARASSMENT OR VIOLENCE AS ABUSE A. Under certain circumstances, alleged harassment or violence may also be possible abuse under Minnesota law. If so, the duties of mandatory reporting under Minnesota Statutes may be applicable. B. Nothing in this policy will prohibit the District from taking immediate action to protect victims of alleged harassment, violence or abuse. VIII. DISSEMINATION OF POLICY AND TRAINING A. This policy shall be conspicuously posted throughout each school building in areas accessible to pupils and staff members. B. This policy shall be given to each District employee and independent contractor at the time of entering into the person’s employment contract. C. This policy shall appear in the student handbook. D. The District will develop a method of discussing this policy with students and employees. E. This policy shall be reviewed at least annually for compliance with state and federal law. EFFECTIVE: March 10, 1986 MODIFIED: July 22, 1992 MODIFIED: April 30, 2001 MODIFIED: October 9, 2006 REVIEWED: October 12, 2009
MODIFIED: September 16, 1991 MODIFIED: November 23, 1992 MODIFIED: July 12, 2004 MODIFIED: September 10, 2007 REVIEWED: October 11, 2010
MODIFIED March 13, 1992 MODIFIED: September 13, 1993 REVIEWED: October 10, 2005 REVIEWED: October 13, 2008 MODIFIED: November 14, 2011
TOBACCO-FREE ENVIRONMENT REGULATIONS CODE: 530-R In accordance with Policy 407, Tobacco-Free Environment, the following regulation will be adhered to:
I. DEFINITIONS A. “Tobacco product” means any products containing, made or derived from tobacco that are intended for human consumption, whether chewed, smoked, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, or any component, part, or accessory of a tobacco product; including but not limited to, cigarettes; cigars; little cigars, cheroots; stogies; perique; granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco; snuff, snuff flour; cavendish; plug and twist tobacco; fine cut and other chewing tobacco; shorts; refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings, and sweepings of tobacco; and other kinds and forms of tobacco. Tobacco products exclude any tobacco products that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product, as a tobacco dependence product, or for other medical purposes, and is being marketed and sold solely for such an approved purpose. B. “Electric cigarette” means any oral device that provides a vapor of liquid nicotine, lobelia, and/or other substance and the use or inhalation of which simulates smoking. The term shall include any such devices, whether they are manufactured, distributed, marketed or sold as ecigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, or under any other product name or descriptor. C. “School property” means all facilities and property, including land, whether owned, rented, or leased by ISD 284, and all vehicles owned, rented, leased, contracted for, or controlled by ISD 284 used for transporting students, staff, or visitors. II. ENFORCEMENTS A. Students who violate this tobacco-free policy shall be subject to School District discipline procedures. B. Employees who violate this tobacco-free policy shall be subject to School District discipline procedures. C. All individuals on school premises shall adhere to this policy. D. School District action taken for violation of this policy will be consistent with requirements of applicable collective bargaining agreements, Minnesota or federal law and School District policies. E. Persons who violate this tobacco-free policy may be referred to the building administration or other School District supervisory personnel responsible for the area or program at which the violation occurred. F. School Administrators may call the local law enforcement agency to assist with enforcement of this policy. Smoking or use of any tobacco product in a public school is a violation of the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act and is a petty misdemeanor. A court injunction may be instituted against a repeated violator. III. DISSEMINATION OF POLICY A. Appropriate signage shall be posted throughout the district at building entrances and other highly visible locations on all school buildings, building entrances, vehicles, vehicular entrances to school grounds, and all indoor and outdoor athletic facilities that ISD 284 requires a tobacco-free environment. B. This policy shall appear in the student and faculty handbook. C. As appropriate, the school district shall make tobacco-free reminder announcements at school events. IV. EXCEPTIONS A. It shall not be a violation of this policy for an adult Native American to use tobacco as part of a traditional Native American spiritual or cultural ceremony. A Native American is a person who is a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe. B. It shall not be a violation of this policy for tobacco products, tobacco-related devices, imitation tobacco products, lighters, or electronic cigarettes to be included in instructional activities or work related activities in ISD 284 school buildings if the activity is conducted by a staff member or an approved visitor and the activity does not include smoking, chewing, or otherwise ingesting the product.
EFFECTIVE: August 15, 1987
MODIFIED: July 12, 2004
MODIFIED: February 14, 2011
EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICY: 501 It shall be the policy of the District to comply with current state and federal statutes and regulations and to recognize its obligation to provide equal opportunity for the education of all persons within its jurisdiction. It affirms that it will not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, creed, color, national origin, parental status, marital status, economic status or disability in the following educational areas: • Access to course offerings • Curricular materials • Counseling practices • Co-extracurricular activities • Athletics • Use of school facilities This policy statement shall be distributed or otherwise made available to all employees of the District and to students and parents. In all their educational practices and activities, administrators, teachers, counselors, media specialists, athletic coaches and extracurricular advisors will make their best efforts to provide whatever learning materials, facilities, activities, and experiences as are needed to overcome the limitations imposed by the traditionally stereotyped roles of protected classes as defined above. It is the responsibility of every school district employee to follow this policy. ADOPTED: June 4, 1976 REVIEWED: December 12, 2005
AMENDED: December 8, 1986 AMENDED: October 13, 2008
AMENDED: May 10, 2004
EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES REGULATIONS CODE: 501-R REPORTING PROCEDURE This grievance procedure is established for use by parents, guardians, students and employees, as an orderly means of resolving disputes within the District about alleged discriminatory acts. These are acts reflecting a bias against a given sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, creed, color, parental status, marital status, national origin, age, economic status, or disability. This procedure may be used by any person who has a complaint against an individual within the District or against the District for alleged discriminatory acts in violation of state or federal statutes or District policy prohibiting discrimination. Nothing herein provided shall abridge or in any way limit the right of any individual to seek enforcement of state and federal laws by immediate appeal to any appropriate state or federal agency. Any complaints filed by outside agencies must, under the law, be filed against the District. I. REPORTING GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES A. Any student who believes he or she has been the victim of unlawful discrimination by a teacher, administrator or other school district personnel, or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute unlawful discrimination toward a student should report the alleged acts immediately to an appropriate school district official designated by this policy or may file a grievance. The School District encourages the reporting party or complainant to complete a written report, but oral reports shall be considered complaints as well. Nothing in this policy shall prevent any person from reporting unlawful discrimination toward a student directly to a school district human rights officer or to the Superintendent. B. In each school building the building principal is the person responsible for receiving oral or written reports or grievances of unlawful discrimination toward a student at the building level. Any adult school district personnel who receives a report of unlawful discrimination toward a student shall inform the building principal immediately. C. Upon receipt of a report or grievance, the principal must notify the school district human rights officer immediately, without screening or investigating the report. The principal may request, but may not insist upon a written complaint. A written statement of the facts alleged will be forwarded to the human rights officer. Failure to forward any report or complaint of unlawful
discrimination toward a student as provided herein may result in disciplinary action against the principal. If the complaint involves the building principal, the complaint shall be made or filed directly with the Superintendent or the school district human rights officer by the reporting party or complainant. The Executive Director of Human Resource Services is designated as the school district human rights officer to receive reports, complaints or grievances of unlawful sex discrimination toward a student. D. The School District will respect the privacy of the complainant, the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and the witnesses as much as possible, consistent with the school district’s legal obligations to investigate, to take appropriate action, and to conform with any discovery or disclosure obligations. II. INVESTIGATION A. The human rights officer, upon receipt of a report, complaint or grievance alleging unlawful discrimination toward a student shall promptly undertake or authorize an investigation. The investigation may be conducted by school district officials or by a third party designated by the School District. B. In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes a violation of this policy, the human rights officer will consider the surrounding circumstances, the nature of the behavior, past incidents, or continuing patterns of behavior, the relationships between the parties involved and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred. Whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of this policy requires a determination based on all the facts and surrounding circumstances. C. The investigation will be completed as soon as practicable. The school district human rights officer shall make a written report to the Superintendent upon completion of the investigation. The report shall include a determination of whether the allegations have been substantiated as factual and whether they appear to be violations of this policy. III. SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION A. Upon conclusion of the investigation and receipt of a report, the School District will take appropriate action. B. The result of the School District’s investigation of each complaint filed under these procedures will be reported in writing to the complainant by the school district in accordance with state and federal law regarding data or records privacy. IV. REPRISAL The School District will discipline or take appropriate action against any pupil, teacher, administrator or other school personnel who retaliates against any person who reports alleged unlawful discrimination toward a student or any person who testifies, assists or participates in an investigation, or who testifies, assists or participates in a proceeding or hearing relating to such unlawful discrimination. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal or harassment. EFFECTIVE: December 8, 1986 MODIFIED: October 13, 2008
MODIFIED: May 10, 2004
REVIEWED: December 12, 2005
STUDENT DISCIPLINE REGULATIONS CODE: 502-R I. REGULATIONS FOR STUDENT BEHAVIOR Rule 1: ATTENDANCE Students should arrive at school and classes on time. Late arrival constitutes tardiness. Unexcused tardies may lead to consequences. Truancy is an absence without the knowledge and approval of the school, parent/guardian, or teachers. (See Compulsory Attendance Policies 503.) Rule 2: ACTIVITIES/ EVENT BEHAVIOR Students must comply with all school and Minnesota State High School League and conference rules when attending school activities and events. Rule 3: RESPECT FOR PROPERTY
Students shall respect property belonging to the School District, school employees, and other students. Vandalism, accidental damage to property, theft or use of property without permission of the owner, extortion, or trespassing shall constitute a violation of this rule. Rule 4: RESPECT FOR PEOPLE Students will show respect for other students, and all School District employees and volunteers. Disrespectful behavior including abusive language is a violation of this rule. This policy incorporates by reference the District’s Racial, Religious, Offensive Behavior, Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy. (See Policy Racial, Religious, Offensive Behavior/Sexual Harassment and Violence – 403) Although not inclusive, the following list describes behaviors that are not permitted. A. Insubordination: A student is insubordinate when he/she refuses to comply with any reasonable request or directive of teachers, principals, District employees or volunteers. B. Personal Identification: Students shall identify themselves upon request by any school employee. Failure to identify oneself to school authorities is a violation of this rule. Falsifying signatures is also a violation of this rule. C. Assault: Assault includes actual physical harm to another or an act with intent to cause fear or bodily harm to a person. D. Fighting: Fighting is mutual combat in which both parties have contributed to the situation. E. Racial, Religious, Offensive Behavior/Sexual Harassment and Violence: It is the policy of Independent School District 284 that no student or employee of the District shall be subjected to offensive behavior. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate remarks or conduct related to a person's race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, or status with regard to public assistance. Offensive behavior also includes violent or threatening behavior and sexual harassment. (See Board Policy 403-R) F. Threats: No student will threaten any individual person or property. G. Hazing: See Board Policy 513 on Hazing. H. Bullying: Bullying is an overt act by a student or a group of students directed against another student/s with the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate the other student. Rule 5: WEAPONS, REPLICA WEAPONS, POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS OBJECTS District 284 prohibits the possession of the following in school or at school events: A. Weapons: A weapon includes but is not limited to firearms (whether loaded or not loaded), pellet guns, stun guns, num-chucks, metal knuckles, or knives. Any violation may be reported to the local police authority for possible criminal prosecution. A recommendation for at least a 12 month expulsion, an expulsion not to exceed 12 months, shall be made to the School Board if a student possesses a weapon on school property or at a school activity. The Superintendent may modify such expulsion/exclusion requirements on a case-by-case basis. B. Replica Weapons: Possession of a replica weapon by a student may result in disciplinary action by the school, including expulsion. "Replica" weapon means a device or object that is not defined as a dangerous weapon and that is a facsimile or toy version of, and appears to be, a pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, or any other weapon. Any violation may be reported to the local police authority for possible criminal prosecution. C. Potentially Dangerous Objects: No student will transport on a bus or bring on to school grounds, into the school building, or to school activities, fireworks, explosives, smoke bombs, ammunition, clubs, slingshots, laser pointers, and similar objects or components which are potentially dangerous to people, or property, or are disruptive to the learning environment. Squirt guns or similar items may be considered potentially dangerous objects. Potentially dangerous objects include any item used to threaten, or commit assault, or bodily harm, or any objects used in a manner which may create the fear of bodily harm. The building administrator will determine whether an item is a potentially dangerous object. Any violation may be reported to the local police authority for possible criminal prosecution. Expulsion may be recommended.
Rule 6: SMOKING AND USE OF TOBACCO Tobacco use and/or possession by students shall be prohibited in school buildings, on school property, on school buses, and at all school-sponsored activities. Rule 7: ALCOHOL AND ILLEGAL DRUGS Students will not possess, purchase, or sell alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, consume any amount of alcohol, or illegal drugs while on school property, including buses, or while attending school-sponsored functions. Rule 8: DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR Students shall behave in a manner which neither disrupts the learning environment nor is hazardous to the health and safety of persons in any area. A. Disrespectful Language: The use of disrespectful language which may includes the use of profanity and/or obscenity, is a violation of this rule. B. Unauthorized Distribution of Literature: Unauthorized distribution of literature on school property either electronically or in hard copy of an inflammatory, libelous, or slanderous nature is also a violation of this rule. C. Disturbances and Disruptions: Disturbances, disruptions, or threats to normal school operations or school activities, such as the reporting of dangerous or hazardous situations that do not exist, are violations of this rule (i.e. terroristic threats). The possession or use of articles that are illegal or declared by a school official to be nuisances is also a violation of this rule. D. Nuisance Items: A nuisance item is anything that is used to disrupt the safety, order or control of the school, such as, but not limited to, pagers, radios, headsets, cell phones, universal remote controls, laser pointers, or other electronic devices. If safety or learning is disrupted, consequences will occur. Rule 9: CLOTHING AND WEARING APPAREL Students shall dress in such a manner that their wearing apparel is not disruptive to the learning environment and does not constitute a health or safety hazard. (See Board Policy 506 – Student Dress Code.) Rule 10: PARKING/ PARKING LOT/DRIVING VIOLATIONS Students are expected to honor and obey all parking and driving rules as described in the Wayzata High School student handbook. Rule 11: CHEATING/PLAGIARISM/FALSIFICATION OF RECORDS Cheating, plagiarism and/or falsification of records are violations. Cheating or plagiarism is misleading an instructor in some way so as to receive a grade for work that the student did not originate. Rule 12: BUS VIOLATIONS All school rules, policies, and regulations apply to behavior on buses to and from school or while on any school-related activity. In addition, state law specifically prohibits the following behaviors on a school bus: A. Standing or walking in a bus while it is in motion. B. Transporting any potentially dangerous objects including weapons or explosives. C. Obstructing the aisle. D. Damaging the bus in any manner. (See District 284 School Bus Discipline Policy and Special Education Transportation Regulations.) Rule 13: TECHNOLOGY Students shall use technology in a manner consistent with Board Policy (631 & 631R). II. PREVENTIVE AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES Student violations of one or more rules of student conduct shall be cause for intervention. Such intervention may be preventive, corrective, educational, or disciplinary in nature and must depend upon: • The seriousness of the violation. • The frequency with which the student has violated the rules.
The willingness of the student to correct the behavior and to act in a more positive manner. • The age of the student. A. Preventive Measures - Preventive measures may include the involvement of the parent/guardian and appropriate professional staff in an attempt to plan corrective strategy jointly. In cases of students with an active Individualized Education Program (IEP), preventive or corrective action plans will generally involve the student's case manager. B. Types of Corrective Measures • Student conference. • Parent contact. • Parent conference. • Removal from class. • Contract. • Restitution. • In-school support. • Detention. • Suspension or removal from extracurricular activities. • In-school monitoring. • Community service. • Referral to outside agency therapeutic program. • Suspension. • Assign alternative program. • Police referral. • Petition County Court. • Transfer to another school. • Superintendent-level intervention. • Expulsion/Exclusion. These actions are not listed in any particular order and other actions may be appropriate as well. C. Building Level Measures - The classroom teacher will generally attempt other means to correct undesirable behavior before removal from class is used. 1. Removal from Class: Violation of any rule or policy established by the School Board, administration, or teacher may be grounds for removing a student from a specific class or activity for an amount of time not to exceed five (5) class or activity periods. Students removed from a class or activity shall report to the area that is designated. a. Secondary Schools: A class or activity means the daily instructional time for a given course of study. b. Elementary Schools: A class or activity means a period of time not to exceed one (1) hour, regardless of subject of instruction. 2. Suspension: Suspension is a directive from a school administrator prohibiting a student from attending school. a. Notice: All provisions of the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act will be followed. b. Re-entry: Conference with parent or guardian is required as condition of reinstatement. (Per Pupil Fair Dismissal Act). The requirement for a Re-entry Conference cannot delay the delivery of special education services if a student has an IEP. c. Violation of Suspension: If a student returns to school or a school- sponsored activity without permission during a suspension, the action may be considered a violation of the suspension and may be cause for further action. D. Superintendent Level Disciplinary Process •
The principal may refer a student to the Superintendent/designee for further action. The referral will be in writing and will be accompanied by a complete and up-to-date record of the facts of the incident(s) and all corrective measures attempted. 1. Informal Hearing: The Superintendent/designee will conduct an informal hearing. The student and parent/guardian will be notified of the hearing and will receive a copy of the referral letter. At the hearing the student may choose to be accompanied by any person. The principal and other school personnel may be present. 2. Actions: The Superintendent/designee will take one or more of the following actions: a. Defer action pending further investigation. b. Place the student on Superintendent's probation. c. Transfer the student to a different school. d. Place the student on home instruction. e. Place the student in a modified or alternative program. f. Attempt to seek placement in a school outside the District with parental/guardian agreement. g. Recommend expulsion or exclusion. The Superintendent may modify such expulsion/exclusion requests on a case by case basis. E. Expulsion/Exclusion 1. Expulsion Expulsion is a School Board action to prohibit an enrolled student from further attendance for up to twelve (12) months from the date the student is expelled. The procedures for notice and hearing under the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act regulations will be followed. 2. Exclusion Exclusion means a Board action to prevent enrollment or re-enrollment of a student for a period that shall not extend beyond the school year. The procedures of the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act will be followed. F. Alternative Placement Alternative placement to another in or out-of-District school site may be made at the recommendation of the administration. III. NOTIFICATION OF BOARD POLICY/REGULATIONS AND BUILDING PROCEDURES A. High school and middle school students will be given a copy of the Student Discipline Regulations and any building-level procedures. Receipt of the written policy and procedures will be construed as having knowledge of the contents. Elementary students will receive an oral explanation. B. Copies of the Board Policy on Student Discipline and Regulations will be available to students and parents/guardians in the office of each school building. IV. IMPLEMENTATION The building level procedures for implementing this policy will be determined by each site. The building principal and licensed employees shall confer annually to review the discipline policy and to assess whether the policy has been enforced. A District committee will review the policy and regulations annually. POLICY / REGULATION TITLE REGULATIONS: 502-R REGULATIONS PAGE 8 EFFECTIVE: December 8, 1986 MODIFIED: March 30, 1993 MODIFIED: December 14, 1994 REVIEWED: December 12, 2005
MODIFIED: July 24, 1989 MODIFIED: July 15, 1993 MODIFIED: July 9, 2001 MODIFIED: October 13, 2008
MODIFIED: October 12, 1992 MODIFIED: August 3, 1994 MODIFIED: May 10, 2004 MODIFIED: November 14, 2011
Regular attendance is consistent with the provisions of the compulsory school attendance law. It is expected that students and their parents will abide by the provisions of that law. Parents/guardians are to call the school on the day of absence. Parents need to be aware that if students are absent 15 or more consecutive days, students must be withdrawn from school. Excused absences are: 1. Illness 2. Serious illness in the student’s immediate family 3. Funerals 4. Religious instruction not to exceed three hours a week 5. Catastrophes, such as fire 6. Official school field trip or other school-sponsored outing 7. Pre-approved vacations or family trips 8. Medical or dental appointments 9. Religious holidays 10. Suspensions Unexcused Absences: An unexcused absence is an absence that is not acceptable to school authorities. These absences may occur with or without the knowledge of the student’s parent or guardian. Truancy: Any student who is absent from school without the knowledge or permission of his/her parents/guardians is truant. Habitual truants may be referred for intervention. Elementary Parent-approved absences that are excessive and/or interfere with the student's educational program may be interpreted as truancy and follow-up procedures will be implemented. Habitual tardiness may also be considered as truancy. A student is tardy if he/she is not at school at the official start time. If a student arrives by mid-day he/she will be considered tardy. Five (5) unexcused tardies constitute one unexcused absence. After three (3) unexcused absences parent/guardian will be notified. After five (5) unexcused absences a conference with the parent shall be held to formulate a plan to improve attendance. After eight (8) unexcused absences or truancies the principal shall initiate a truancy referral to the court system. Secondary Absences can be excused/verified or unexcused/unverified. Students are allowed to make up work when the absence is excused or verified. Students may not be able to receive credit for class work if the absence is unexcused or unverified. Tardies: Students are expected to be in their assigned area at designated times. Failure to do so constitutes tardiness. Tardies may be excused or unexcused. An unexcused tardy is the failure to be in an assigned area at the designated time without a valid excuse. If the tardy is excused, students are allowed to make up assignments/tests. EFFECTIVE: October 11, 1994 REVIEWED: October 13, 2008
MODIFIED: August 16, 2004
REVIEWED: December 12, 2005
STUDENT DRESS CODE REGULATIONS CODE: 506-R Appropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Clothing appropriate for the weather. 2. Clothing does not create a health or safety hazard. 3. Clothing appropriate for the activity (i.e. physical education) Inappropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Short shorts and skirts 2. Tank tops with spaghetti straps, tube tops, tops that expose bare midriffs and tops that expose cleavage 3. Clothing that show undergarments 4. Apparel promoting products or activities that are illegal for use by minors
5. Objectionable emblems, badges, symbols, signs, words, objects or pictures on clothing or jewelry communicating a message that is racist, sexist or otherwise derogatory to a protected minority group, evidences gang membership or affiliation, or approves, advances or provokes any form of religious, racial or sexual harassment and/or violence against other individuals. 6. Head gear of any kind (i.e. hats, bandanas, etc) (except for medical or religious reasons) It is not the intention of this policy to abridge the rights of students to express political, religious, philosophical, or similar opinions by wearing apparel on which messages are stated. Such messages are acceptable as long as they are not lewd, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, profane or do not advocate violence or harassment against others.
EFFECTIVE: November 11, 2008
HAZING PROHIBITION POLICY CODE: 513 It is the policy of the School Board to maintain a safe learning environment for students and staff that is free from hazing. Hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational goals of the School District and are prohibited at all times. A. No student, teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the School District shall plan, direct, encourage, aid, or engage in hazing. B. No teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the School District shall permit, condone, or tolerate hazing. C. Apparent permission or consent by a person being hazed does not lessen the prohibitions contained in this policy. D. This policy applies to behavior that occurs on or off school property and during and after school hours. E. A person who engages in an act that violates school policy or law in order to be initiated into or affiliated with a student organization shall be subject to discipline for that act. F. The School District will act to investigate all complaints of hazing and will discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the School District who is found to have violated this policy. It is also the policy of the School Board that the School District will discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the School District who retaliates against any person who makes a good faith report of alleged hazing, or against any person who testifies, assists or participates in an investigation, or against any person who testifies, assists or participates in a proceeding or hearing relating to such hazing. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment. The Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed to establish regulations which will include definitions, reporting procedures, and School District action. This policy shall appear in each school’s student handbook and in each school’s building and staff handbooks. ADOPTED: December 8, 1997 REVIEWED: December 12, 2005
AMENDED: April 16, 2001 REVIEWED: October 13, 2008
AMENDED: August 16, 2004
SEARCH OF STUDENT LOCKERS, DESKS, PERSONAL POSSESSIONS AND STUDENT’S PERSON REGULATIONS CODE: 515-R Procedures 1. School officials may inspect the interiors of lockers and desks for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. 2. School officials may inspect the personal possessions of a student and/or a student’s person based on a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover a violation of law or school rules. A search of personal possessions of a student and/or a student’s person will be reasonable in its scope and intrusiveness. 3. As soon as practicable after the search of a student’s personal possessions or lockers, the school officials must provide notice of the search to students whose lockers were searched unless disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation by police or school officials.
4. Whenever feasible, a search of a person shall be conducted in private by a school official of the same sex. A second school official of the same sex shall be present as an observer during the search of a person whenever feasible. 5. A school official conducting any other search may determine when it is appropriate to have a second official present as an observer. 6. A copy of this policy will be printed in the student handbook or disseminated in any other way which school officials deem appropriate. The school district shall provide a copy of this policy to a student when the student is given use of a locker. Guidelines for care of lockers School administration may establish reasonable directives and guidelines which address specific needs of the school district, such as use of tape in lockers, standards of cleanliness and care, posting of pin-ups and posters which may constitute sexual harassment, etc. EFFECTIVE: August 16, 2004
MODIFIED: December 12, 2005
REVIEWED: October 13, 2008
BULLYING/CYBERBULLYING REGULATIONS CODE: 528-R To implement the School Board policy prohibiting bullying, the School District will utilize the following definitions, reporting procedures, School District action and training regulations. I. GENERAL A. No teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the school district shall permit, condone, or tolerate bullying. B. Apparent permission or consent by a student being bullied does not lessen the prohibitions contained in this policy. C. Retaliation against a victim, good faith reporter, or a witness of bullying is prohibited. D. False accusations or reports of bullying against another individual are prohibited. E. The misuse of technology including, but not limited to, teasing, intimidating, defaming, humiliating, threatening, or terrorizing another student, teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the school district by sending or posting e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings, including blogs, also may constitute an act of bullying regardless of whether such acts are committed on or off School district property and/or with or without the use of School District resources. F. A person who engages in an act of bullying, reprisal, or false reporting of bullying or permits, condones, or tolerates bullying of another(s) shall be subject to discipline for that act in accordance with School District’s policies and procedures. The School District may take into account the following factors: 1. The developmental and maturity levels of the parties involved; 2. The levels of harm, surrounding circumstances, and nature of the behavior; 3. Past incidences or past or continuing patterns of behavior; 4. The relationship between the parties involved; and 5. The context in which the alleged incidents occurred. Consequences for students who commit prohibited acts of bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension and/or expulsion. Consequences for employees who perform, permit, condone, or tolerate bullying or engage in an act of reprisal or intentional false reporting of bullying may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or discharge. Consequences for other individuals engaging in prohibited acts of bullying may include, but not be limited to, exclusion from School District property and events and/or termination of services and/or contracts. G. The School District will act to investigate all complaints of bullying and will discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the School District who is found to have violated this policy. II. DEFINITIONS
A. Bullying means any written or verbal expression, physical act or gesture, electronic communication, or pattern thereof, by a student that is intended to cause or is perceived as causing distress to one or more individuals and which substantially interferes with educational benefits, opportunities, or performance. Bullying includes, but is not limited to, conduct by an individual against a student that a reasonable person under the circumstances knows or should know has the effect of: 1. harming a student or a group of students; 2. damaging a student’s or a group of students’ property; 3. placing a student or a group of students in reasonable fear of harm to person or property; 4. creating a hostile educational environment for a student or a group of students; or 5. intimidating a student or group of students. B. “Immediately” means as soon as possible but in no event longer than 24 hours. C. “On School District property or at school-related functions” means all School District buildings, school grounds, and school property or property immediately adjacent to school grounds, school bus stops, school buses, school vehicles, school contracted vehicles, or any other vehicles approved for School District purposes, the area of entrance or departure from school grounds, premises, or events, and all school-related functions, school-sponsored activities, events, or trips. School District property also may mean a student’s walking route to or from school for purposes of attending school or school-related functions, activities, or events. While prohibiting bullying at these locations and events, the School District does not represent that it will provide supervision or assume liability at these locations and events. III. REPORTING PROCEDURE A. Any person who believes he or she has been victim of bullying or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct that may constitute bullying shall report the alleged acts immediately to an appropriate School District official designated by this policy. A student may report bullying anonymously. However, the School District’s ability to take action against an alleged perpetrator based solely on an anonymous report may be limited. B. The School District encourages the reporting party or complainant to make a written report but oral reports shall be considered complaints as well. C. The building principal or the principal’s designee or the building supervisor (hereinafter referred to as the building report taker) is the person responsible for receiving reports of bullying at the building level. Any person may report bullying directly to a school district human rights officer or to the superintendent. If the complaint involves the building report taker, the complaint shall be made or filed directly with the superintendent or the school district human rights officer by the reporting party or complainant. D. A teacher, school administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other school employee shall be particularly alert to possible situations, circumstances, or events that might include bullying. Any such person who receives a report of, observes, or has other knowledge or belief of conduct that may constitute bullying shall inform the building principal immediately. School district personnel who fail to inform the building report taker in a timely manner of conduct that may constitute bullying may be subject to disciplinary action. E. Reports of bullying are classified as private educational and/or personnel data and/or confidential investigative data and will not be disclosed except as permitted by law. F. Submission of a good faith complaint or report of bullying will not affect the complainant’s or reporter’s future employment, grades, or work assignments, or educational or work environment. G. The School District will respect the privacy of the complainant(s), the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and the witnesses as much as possible, consistent with the School District’s obligation to investigate, take appropriate action, and comply with any legal disclosure obligations. IV. SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTION
A. Upon receipt of a complaint or report of bullying, the School District shall undertake or authorize an investigation by School District officials or a third party designated by the School District. B. The School District may take immediate steps, at its discretion, to protect the complainant, reporter, students, or others pending completion of an investigation of bullying, consistent with applicable law. C. Upon completion of the investigation, the school district will take appropriate action. Such action may include, but is not limited to, warning, suspension, exclusion, expulsion, transfer, remediation, termination, or discharge. Disciplinary consequences will be sufficiently severe to try to deter violations and to appropriately discipline prohibited behavior. School District action taken for violation of this policy will be consistent with the requirements of applicable collective bargaining agreements; applicable statutory authority, including the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act; and School District policies and regulations. D. The School District is not authorized to disclose to a victim private educational or personnel data regarding an alleged perpetrator who is a student or employee of the School District. School officials will notify the parent(s) or guardian(s) of students involved in a bullying incident and the remedial action taken, to the extent permitted by law, based on a confirmed report V. REPRISAL The School District will discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the School District who retaliates against any person who makes a good faith report of alleged bullying against any person who testifies, assists, or participates in an investigation, or against any person who testifies, assists, or participates in a proceeding or hearing relating to such bullying. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, harassment, or intentional disparate treatment. VI. TRAINING AND EDUCATION A. The School District annually will provide information and any applicable training to School District staff regarding this policy. B. The School District annually will provide education and information to students regarding bullying, including information regarding this School District policy prohibiting bullying, the harmful effects of bullying, and other applicable initiatives to prevent bullying. C. The Administration of the School District is directed to implement programs and other initiatives, which may include character development education, to prevent and reduce bullying and bullying policy violations, to respond to bullying in a manner that does not stigmatize the victim, and to make resources or referrals to resources available to victims of bullying. VII. NOTICE The School District will give annual notice of this policy to students, parents or guardians, and staff, and this policy shall appear in the student handbook. EFFECTIVE: January 9, 2006
MODIFIED: November 11, 2008
MODIFIED: February 13, 2012
TECHNOLOGY USE REGULATIONS CODE: 631-R 1. Definitions The following definitions shall be used in implementing the Technology Use Regulations. District System The “District System” includes all of the District’s computers and communications equipment, including but not limited to all computers, Internet access, electronic mail systems, software, including any school affiliated web based tools, voice mail systems, databases, network storage devices (i.e., hard drives), facsimile machines, copy machines, cable television system, and all other audio and video systems.
Web-based Tools Web-based Tools are defined as tools that are accessed via the Internet. Often these tools involve interactivity between students and others. They are generally viewable by the public and open to comments from the public. Examples include, but are not limited to, blogs, wikis, Google docs, and Voicethread. 2. Responsibilities A. Superintendent The Superintendent or designee shall serve as the coordinator to oversee the District System and to work with other state, regional, or federal organizations as necessary to continue to provide or improve the District System. In addition, the Superintendent may appoint a Director of Technology or other staff members, who shall: 1. Provide students and staff access to the District System as appropriate; 2. Protect the District System and data stored on the District System from unauthorized access, distribution, or manipulation; 3. To the extent practicable, filter, block, or otherwise prevent the use of the District System for the transmission of any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other communication which: a. Is obscene, indecent, or sexually explicit; or b. Is intended to promote or incite violence towards persons or property; or c. Violates the District's policies or regulations or state or federal law regarding harassment or discrimination. 4. Prevent the unauthorized disclosure of data stored on the District System. 5. Establish procedures to audit the District System for compliance with District policies and regulations, state and federal law, and vendor contracts; 6. Develop processes for creating electronic mail (“e-mail”) accounts for students and staff; 7. Establish limits for file storage on the District System; 8. Establish routine procedures to make backup copies of data stored on file servers on the District System; 9. Establish virus protection procedures; 10. Establish “firewalls” and other security measures to maintain the security of the data stored on the District System; 11. Establish procedures and policies governing access to the District System from computers outside the District System; 12. Establish procedures and policies for student, staff, and classroom Web pages and other web-based tools; and 13. Provide information for parent(s)/guardian(s) and students regarding District Technology Use Policy and Regulations in student handbooks and District Web site. B. Building Principals School building principals or their designees shall serve as the building level coordinators for the District System in conjunction with the Director of Technology. They shall have the authority to approve building-level activities using the District System, subject to review by the Superintendent and the Board of Education. Principals or their designees will also oversee training of students and staff regarding the use of the District System. C. District’s Educational Staff The District’s educational staff shall: 1. Educate themselves about technology and how it may be used in the classroom setting to educate students; 2. Use the District System appropriately in the classroom, including previewing resources that will be used as part of classroom instruction; 3. Supervise student’s use of technology resources in the classroom to help them learn, identify information appropriate to their age and educational levels, and evaluate and use information to meet their educational goals;
4. All educational staff shall use only District approved web-based tools. For blogs or wikis, users must contact the tech office. Due to rapid changes in the access to these tools, staff members must check with the district technology integration department before using any interactive web-based tools. Educational staff members using any web-based tool must read and follow the Web 2.0 Code of Ethics; 5. Monitor and teach students the acceptable use when accessing the District System to ensure they are abiding by the District’s policies and regulations; and staff are responsible for copyright responsibilities – teaching and monitoring copyright ethics. 6. Prevent the unauthorized disclosure of data stored on the District System. D. Staff Staff members, including all employees, independent contractors and volunteers, may be provided access to the District System. If such access is obtained, staff members must abide by all District policies and regulations, state and federal law, and vendor contracts. If staff members obtain access to the District System from their homes or other remote locations, such use shall also be controlled by these regulations. Any data or other information downloaded or copied to a staff member’s home computer from the District System shall remain the property of the District. Staff members obtaining such access shall also take the required steps to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of data stored on the District System. E. Students Students using the District system shall read (or have read and explained to them) and abide by the District’s Technology Use Policy and Regulations. Students in elementary and middle school shall not receive individual electronic mail accounts unless a teacher has established a valid educational need for an exception to be made to this regulation. The Director of Technology shall have the authority to implement this regulation and to make exceptions where appropriate. All students shall use only District approved web-based tools. These tools shall only be used with the explicit knowledge and approval of their supervising teacher. Students using any webbased tool must read and follow the Web 2.0 Code of Ethics, found in the student handbook and district webpage. F. Parents/Guardians There is a wide range of material available on the Internet, some of which may not comport with the moral standards or values of the families of students. It is not economically nor technologically feasible for the District to prevent students from encountering certain information when they use the Internet. It also is not possible to prevent students from disclosing information about themselves to others via the Internet. The District permits students to use the Internet at school as part of classroom activities. Parent(s)/guardian(s) must notify the Director of Technology in writing if permission is not granted. (Notification form available through school principal or Technology Department.) Parents or guardians who permit a student to use the Internet at school: (a) recognize the risks of allowing students to access the Internet; (b) are responsible for reviewing the Technology Use Policy and Regulations with the student; and (c) are responsible for teaching the student how to make wise choices regarding the use of the Internet, including understanding what material is acceptable for them to review on the Internet. 3. Services Available on District System The District may make any of the following services available to students and staff for use in a manner which is consistent with the limited educational purposes of the District System, District policies and regulations, state and federal law, vendor contracts, and available resources. The services to be made available may include: A. Internet access; B. Creation of student, staff, or classroom Web pages content, including multimedia; C. Electronic mail communications; and D. Network Folder. Other services may be made available at the discretion of the Superintendent with the advice and consultation of the Director of Technology, based upon the service’s ability to meet the
educational goals of the District, compliance with District policies and regulations, state and federal law, vendor contracts, and available resources. 4. Use of the District System A. Compliance With Other District Policies and Regulations Use of the District System must not violate the District’s other policies and regulations, including but not limited to the District’s policies on Nondiscrimination (510), Racial, Religious, Offensive Behavior/Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence (403), and Hazing Prohibition (513). Users are prohibited from using the District System to transmit (send), or receive messages, pictures, or computer files which are fraudulent, illegal, pornographic, obscene, indecent, sexually explicit, discriminatory, harassing, defamatory, or which are intended to promote or incite violence against persons or property. In addition, users are prohibited from: (i) violating copyright laws; (ii) using other user’s passwords; (iii) trespassing in other folders, works or files; (iv) intentionally wasting limited District System resources. B. Student Safety and Privacy Students shall not disclose information via the District System such as last names, home addresses, or telephone numbers or other information that may identify themselves or other students. Students shall notify their teacher, parent, or guardian when they encounter material or messages on the District System that are inappropriate or that make them feel uncomfortable. C. Political and Commercial Activity Because all electronic mail messages or other forms of communication sent using the District System will be identifiable as originating from the District, the District System shall not be used for political lobbying, unless the lobbying effort directly supports the School Board’s legislative platform. The District system may not be used to endorse political candidate. The District System shall not be used for personal commercial activity, including selling, purchasing, advertising, or soliciting goods or services. The District will not be responsible for any financial obligations arising from a user’s activities on the District System. D. Publication of Material on the Internet The Director of Technology or his or her designee shall establish a process and criteria for the creation and posting of material on the District’s Web servers. All student, staff, or classroom Web pages based-tools shall adhere to these criteria: 1. Student, School, and Classroom Web based-tools Schools and classes may create and publish Web content that present information about the school or their classroom activities. Students may be permitted, but shall not be required to publish their school projects on a Web page. Links to commercial sites without a clear educational connection and/or sites supported by advertising are discouraged. 2. Extracurricular and Community Support Organizations With the approval of their school building principal or designee, school-sponsored extracurricular organizations and community groups that exist to support school programs and activities may be permitted to create and publish Web pages on the District’s Web servers, provided that the material is consistent with the District’s policies and regulations and relates to the activities of the organization. In the interest of providing for smooth transitions from year to year and in order to ensure continued support and maintenance and protecting the name and logos of District 284 and the Wayzata Public Schools, Web sites relating to and/or supporting school activities must be hosted on the District’s servers with the support and guidance of Director of Technology or his or her designee and under the supervision of the activity advisor or designee. 3. Staff Web Pages Staff members are encouraged to create and publish material on the District’s Web site. Published material must be consistent with the limited educational purposes of the District System, the District’s policies and regulations, state and federal law, and available resources. Staff who wish to purchase commercial web services for school use will check with the Director of Technology or his or her designee prior to purchase. The use of Free Web
services supported by advertising is discouraged. Outside Web services used by staff and students must be accompanied by the following disclaimer: “This Web site is not part of the official Wayzata Public Schools Web site. Independent District 284 is not responsible for accuracy or content of this page or external links to this site.” 4. Links to Community and Community Organization Web Sites Wayzata Public Schools may provide links to community organization Web sites where appropriate. Examples include community Web sites, community youth organizations, community youth athletic organizations, park and recreational organizations, etc. Such links are provided at the complete discretion of Wayzata Public Schools. Organizations may request that their Web site be linked to or removed from Wayzata Public Schools Web pages by contacting the Director of Technology or his or her designee. Wayzata Public Schools declines any responsibility for the content or accuracy of such sites. 5. Web Based Tools in General All web-based tools that allow public comments must abide by the following regulations: a Comment moderation must be enabled. b. Teachers must read and approve each comment individually. c. Comments must be set to require a login or the disclosure of the user’s name and email address. 6. Classroom Web-Based Tools Web-based tools have many appropriate uses for learning purposes. Student contributions must be supervised by the teacher and must be appropriately identified adhering to all student behavior policies in the student handbook and applicable district policies and, specifically, policies regarding technology use and offensive behaviors. Students should not use last names. No anonymous contributions from the general public will be permitted. Participation in a web-based tool will require parental permission. 7. Professional Use of Web-Based Tools Departments or curriculum teams may use web-based tools for professional communication if they wish. Groups or individuals wishing to use a web-based tool must adhere to the above regulations. 8. Online Learning Environments Wayzata Public Schools may provide access to online learning environments.. Students may participate in online environments and have access to other online educational services provided that all interactions are moderated by the teacher. E. Employee Use Employees may use the District technology system for reasonable personal use, except for activities denied or prohibited in these regulations. Reasonable use is defined as use that does not interfere with your professional responsibilities. If there is a question regarding reasonable personal use, please contact your supervisor or principal. 5. System Security A. Passwords Users will be assigned or will create passwords that enable them toaccess certain computer or communication equipment. Users are responsible for protecting the security of these passwords. B. Software Copyrighted or licensed software shall only be used in accordance with its license or purchase agreement. Users are prohibited from copying any unlicensed computer software onto the District System. Users are prohibited from using the District System to make copies of unlicensed or copyrighted software. Users are prohibited from using software that is designed to destroy data, provide unauthorized access to computer or communication equipment, or which would disrupt the District System in any way. This includes, by way of example only, using any software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other invasive software. C. Virus Protection
The District shall install software on all computer equipment which is designed to detect and destroy computer viruses or other software which could damage the computers or violate the integrity of information stored on the computers. Users are required to use this software and are prohibited from tampering with it, turning it off, or disabling it. D. Firewalls The District shall install software and/or hardware (a “firewall”) that limits access to the District’s computers. Users are prohibited from using software or hardware that is designed to circumvent these firewalls or to allow unauthorized access to the District’s computers. E. Personal Computers Computers that are not owned by the District must not be connected to the District’s network unless the user has first obtained permission from the Technology Department. Permission to connect such a computer will not be granted unless the computer contains current virus software and has an operating system that is compatible with the District’s systems. F. Performance of District System Users are prohibited from doing anything which would degrade the performance of the District’s computers or communication equipment, including but not limited to deliberately crashing a computer or the computer network. 6. Privacy A. The District System is to be used only for educational purposes. The District reserves the right to read, listen to, or otherwise access files and information stored on the District System. Users should therefore have no expectation of privacy in any message or file created, sent, stored, or received using the District System. Users are prohibited from forging, altering, or otherwise concealing the identity of the person sending messages or other forms of communication with the District System. All electronic communications must be drafted in the same manner and with the same care as any communication in printed form on District letterhead. All communications, whether electronic, voice, or printed, must be in accordance with the District’s policies and procedures, as well as local, state, and federal laws. B. Many District publications may be electronically distributed. If a parent/guardian chooses to provide the District with a family e-mail address, the District cannot guarantee that the address will be encrypted in mass electronic mailings. Family e-mail addresses may be provided to agencies with educational interests. 7. Intellectual Property Rights Users will respect the rights of others in their intellectual property, including copyrights and trademarks. Users shall not make unauthorized copies of nor plagiarize the works of others. Users shall not copy nor post on the Internet the works of others without the owner’s written permission. If a user desires to make copies of material found on the Internet, such copies shall be made only in accordance with the principles of “fair use” as that term is defined in the federal Copyright Act. Works created by students are the property of the student. Works created by staff members in the course of their duties and using the District System are the property of the District as works made for hire. For educational purpose, the District may publish or exhibit examples of student projects and activities, including photographs of students and/or video of students, on the District Web site or on the District cable station. Parent(s)/guardian(s) must notify the Director of Technology in writing if permission is not granted. (Notification form available through school principal or Technology Department.) 8. Investigation of Violations The District will investigate any alleged violations of the Technology Use Policy or Regulations, and any rules or policies promulgated in accordance with these Regulations. As a part of any such investigation, the District may access (read or listen to) computer files or messages stored on the District System. Because the l District is obligated to ensure the District System is used in compliance with the District’s policies and regulations; state, local, and federal laws; and contracts with vendors; the District reserves the right to monitor the equipment and all information stored on
it or transmitted with it. Accordingly, users should not have any expectation that messages or files they send, receive, or create using the District’s computer and communication equipment will be kept private. 9. Enforcement of the School District’s Technology Use Policy and Regulations A. Students Violations of the District’s Technology Use Policy and Regulations and any rules or policies promulgated in accordance with these regulations may be grounds for discipline, including required training or education or penalties including but not limited to revocation of the privilege to use the District System and other disciplinary actions as outlined in the Student Discipline Policy (502) and its regulations and the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act and other state and federal laws. A Student or employee engaging in unacceptable uses of the Internet when off district premises and without the use of the District system also may be in violation of this policy as well as other District policies. In situations when the District receives a report of an unacceptable use originating from a non-school computer or resource, the District shall investigate such report to the best of its ability. Students or employees may be subject to disciplinary action for such conduct including, but not limited to, suspension or cancellation of the use or access to the District computer system and the Internet and discipline under other appropriate District policies, including suspension, expulsion, exclusion, or termination of employment. B. Staff Violations of the District’s Technology Use Policy and Regulations, and any rules or policies promulgated in accordance with these Regulations, by staff may be grounds for discipline in accordance with District policies, regulations, practices, contracts, and state and federal law. 10. No Warranty Regarding the District System The District makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that the function of the services provided by or through the District System will be error free or without defect. The District will not be held responsible for any damage users may suffer, including but not limited to loss of data or interruptions of service. The District does not guarantee that students using the District System will not encounter inappropriate material. The District is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the District System. 11. Acknowledgment Forms Users are provided access to the District System in accordance with the District Technology Use Policy and Regulations. If a user (or their parent(s)/guardian(s) on behalf of a user) does not agree with the terms of this policy, written notice of such disagreement must be provided to the Director of Technology or its designee, at which time that user’s access to the District System shall be terminated. (Notification form available through school principal or Technology Department.) EFFECTIVE: May 11, 1998 MODIFIED: March 13, 2006 MODIFIED: October 12, 2009
2. 3. 4.
MODIFIED: May 28, 2002 MODIFIED: May 14, 2007
MODIFIED: July 12, 2004 MODIFIED: August 22, 2007
Web 2.0 Code of Ethics (Secondary) Students accessing or using Weblogs, Wikis and Podcasts per student assignment are required to keep personal information out of their postings. Students will not post or give out photographs of themselves or others, their family name, password, user name, email address, home address, school name, city, country or other information that could help someone locate or contact them in person. Students using Moodle will not share their user name or password with anyone other than their teachers and parents. Students will not log in as another classmate. Students using Weblogs, Wikis, Podcasts and/or Moodle will treat these tools as a classroom space. Speech that is inappropriate for class is not appropriate on Weblogs, Wikis, Podcasts or Moodle. Students are expected to treat others and their ideas on line with respect.
6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Assignments on Weblogs, Wikis, Podcasts and/or Moodle are like any other assignment in school. Students, in the course of completing the assignment, are expected to abide by policies and procedures in the Student Handbook, including those policies regarding plagiarism and acceptable use of technology. Student Blogs are to be a forum for student expression. However, they are first and foremost a tool for learning. The district may restrict speech for valid educational reasons. Students shall not use the Internet, in connection with the teacher assignments, to harass, discriminate or threaten the safety of others. If students receive a comment on a Blog or other Web 2.0 tool used in school that makes them feel uncomfortable or is not respectful, they must report this to a teacher, and must not respond to the comment. Students accessing Blogs, Wikis, or Podcasts from school using school equipment shall not download or install any software without permission, and not click on ads or competitions. Students should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, interpreting and expressing information for the benefit of others. Always identify sources and test the accuracy of information from all sources. Students will treat information, sources, subjects, colleagues and information consumers as human beings deserving of respect. Gathering and expressing information should never cause harm or threaten to be harmful to any person or group of people. Students are accountable to their readers, listeners, and viewers as well as to each other. Admit mistakes and correct them promptly. Expose unethical information and practices of others. School Board policies concerning acceptable use of technology include the use of these Web 2.0 tools for school activities; Board policy 631 and Regulation 631R, and Board Policy 628 on Copyright. Failure to follow this Code of Ethics will result in academic sanctions and/or disciplinary action.
INDEX A Activities, 13 Administration, 1 Advisory, 14 Alcohol, Drugs, And Drug Paraphernalia, 20 Alternative Programs, 7 Announcements, 21 Athletic Calendar, 17 Athletics, 17 Attendance, 22 B Back To Business Days, 5 Backpacks, 22 Bullying, 22 C Card Playing, 22 Cheating And Plagiarism, 22 Clubs And Organizations, 17 College And Career Center, 8 Communications, 25 Compliance With Directives Of School Personnel/Personal, 25 Conduct In Or Near School Buildings Or Grounds, 29 Counseling Service, 8 Culinary Express, 12 Culinary Express Payments, 12 Cyberbullying, 22 D Dances, 13 Displays Of Affection, 24 Disruptive Behavior, 24 District 284 Extracurricular & Co-Curricular Behavior Regulations, 17 Dress, 24 Dropping School, 7 E Eighteen-Year Old Students, 24 Electronic Communication Devices, 24 Elevator Passes, 24 F Fighting And Assault, 25 Food Services, 12 G GPA, Class Rank, Transcripts, 7 Grading, 6 Graduation Requirements, 4 H Hall Passes, 25 Harassment And Violence, 25 Hazing, 25 Health Service, 9 Heart Week, 14 Homecoming, 13 I Immunizations, 9 Insubordination, 25
L Language, 25 Lockers, 25 Lost Or Stolen Items, 26 M Media Center, 11 Mid-Term, 7 N National Honor Society, 14 NCAA Eligibility Requirements, 14 Non Prescription Or Over-The-Counter Medication, 9 Nuisance Items, 26 P Parent/Teacher Conferences, 7 Parking Permits And Regulations, 26 Pledge Of Allegiance, 27 Plymouth City Code, 27 Potentially Dangerous Objects, 30 Prescripton And Over-The-Counter Medications, 9 R Recycling, 28 Registration And Scheduling, 5 Replica Weapons, 30 Respect For Property, 28 S Saturday School Detention, 28 Schedule, 4 School Bus Safety, 28 School Psychologist, 11 School Resource Officer, 12 School Song, 4 Searches, 29 Senior Awards, 15 Snowmobiles On School Property, 29 Social Worker, 12 Student Council, 16 Student Emergency Procedure, 10 Student Guidelines For Computer Labs, 11 Student Support Services, 8 Students Who Move Or Transfer, 7 Study Hall, 29 T Tailgating, 29 Tobacco, 29 V Vandalism, 30 Visitor Policy, 30 W Wayzata Community Clinic, 10 Weapons, 30 Whs Building Rules And Regulations, 20 Withdrawal From School, 30 Y Yearbook, 16