Yearbook Order Form

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Order your Yearbook Today! Order your copy of Sunset Hill’s full-color 2011-12 Yearbook today. The full-color yearbook includes school portraits, candid photographs of school events & group activities, class photos, and a copy of “Year in Review” (published by LifeTouch).

Return this form by Wednesday, March 28, 2012 & receive a BONUS Class Photo FREE! (Please do not count on purchasing a yearbook at the end of the year. Pre-orders are the only way to guarantee that you will receive a copy.) Student Name






Each Yearbook (“Year in Review” & Class Photo included if ordered by March 28) costs $16.00. Please make your checks payable to Sunset Hill Elementary PTSA. Total your order below: _____ YES, I would like to order _____ Yearbook(s) @ $16.00 each (includes FREE Class photo)



_____ Please Add Personalization @ $ 4.50 each (includes School Portrait & Name on Glossy cover)



_____ NO, I am not purchasing a yearbook, but would like to claim my FREE Class photo.






Cash or Check#___________ (please circle)

We have included a $________ donation to help a child/family who would like to purchase a Yearbook but cannot do so at this time. Books purchased with donations are distributed through the school social worker. If you are in need of a partial or full Scholarship, please contact the School Social Worker.

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